#poi year in review
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Yellowjackets + Twilight
Resume: I don't know...I like Twilight and I like Yellowjackets....do I need to explain anything else???
Tw: Brief descriptions of violence (nothing too deep), hybrids, mentions of bullying and not belonging or fitting into a social group; I think that's all, It hasn't been reviewed either and probably won't be, I'm too lazy
(English is not my first language)
Shuana Shipman---- Ok, let's start with our dear Shauna, I think it's public knowledge that this girl would DEFINITELY be a wolf, like... are there any doubts about that? Just look at this girl, she exudes puppy energy, that being said...wolf (or werewolf, whatever) Shauna!!! I can imagine her starting to show signs of transformation really early, as if she was a little precocious with it, maybe between 10/11 years old, but as she was really very young the transformation never happened, but like I said , signs, lots of signs, like she became excessively more temperamental, getting irritated by the smallest thing and she even punched another child at school because he tried to steal one of her crayons (this girl's parents went through difficult times at that time), also her body temperature was crazy, she was so, so hot that sometimes her mother told her to stay at home, since if any teacher felt this they would probably call the doctors for this girl, she was like a pot of tea steamy, also hair, this girl started having a body hair outbreak and that's okay, body hair is completely normal, but in her case? I'm really talking about an outbreak of body hair, as if it grew so quickly and so suddenly in the most random places, as if this poor baby had to constantly shave a single, isolated, very dense tuft of hair that had grown on his elbow during the night, it was literally from one day to the next 😭😭 I think she probably had this headache for a long time until the symptoms finally calmed her down and then suddenly disappeared, it worried her parents because it happened for a solid year and then all of a sudden it just stopped. , until she was 14 years old, when suddenly, without any previous symptoms, She was at home when she felt a mind-boggling pain in her spine that soon spread to every bone in her body and poor thing, she destroyed her own room, as if she was struggling and bumping into things, knocking everything over while literally screaming in pain and no one warned her that the first time could be so painful (in fact it varies completely from person to person 😀). Anyway, when she finally manages to transform, I personally see her being big, like...really really big, I know that in Twilight the wolves are already huge, but as we saw in the case of Seth Clearwater, character played by Booboo Stewart, young wolves tend to be smaller than adults (obviously), so here's the thing, I can see her being a lot bigger than most other young wolves, but still smaller than an adult, I also think she would be the most feisty among the young people and also the one with the most brute strength and may or may not end up accidentally hurting others sometimes... poor thing, she's just a very big dog who sometimes has no idea of her own strength and size😫 She is also a beautiful and proud wolf with brown fur, as if she has a dark brown fur with a beautiful transition to a lighter brown, almost camel in the belly area, she also has a lighter pattern in the fur in the center of her face. and near the muzzle.
Jekie Taylor----Ok...agora Jackie foi quem realmente me deixou pensando, pois eu estava muito em conflito entre a humana Jackie que já era a melhor amiga de Shuana e descobriu seu segredo e isso a levou a cair de cabeça nesse mundo maluco de lobisomens e vampiros, basicamente o que aconteceu com Belle e Edward... mas neste caso seria mais Belle e Jacob... ou melhor, Jackie e Shauna. Mas também gosto muito da ideia da Vampire Jackie e que o que levou a sua transformação foi o mesmo motivo que levou a sua morte na série, mas neste caso todo o cenário do acidente não existe, mas ainda existe todo o problema com Shauna, talvez Toda essa briga tenha acontecido durante uma festa do pijama na casa de Shauna e ela saiu com muita raiva durante o inverno gelado lá fora, e ela sabia que não deveria fazer isso, mas ela estava com muita raiva, e Shauna sabia que não deveria deixe ela. para fazer isso, mas ela também estava com muita raiva e os dois estavam sendo tão mesquinhos com isso, eu só sei que estava frio e ficando tarde e muito escuro, ela estava desesperada, tão exausta e sentiu seus pés queimando em toda aquela neve porque depois Depois de caminhar tanto tempo foi como se aquelas botas grossas de frio não estivessem mais adiantando, ela desmaiou de tanto frio em algum momento e felizmente (ou não, dependendo do seu ponto de vista), foi encontrada por um vampiro, não outra pessoa. cruel como Victoria, mas alguém bom e gentil como Carlisle Cullen, que a salva levando-a para casa e embrulhando-a da melhor maneira que pode e tentando fazer com que sua temperatura corporal volte ao normal, mas ela já está muito fraca e parece irreparável, então ele sabe que se não fizer alguma coisa essa menina vai morrer e então ela toma essa decisão, a decisão de salvá-la, ele a transforma. Sobre Jackie como uma vampira e recém-criada, acho que todo mundo que assistiu Crepúsculo sabe que os recém-criados podem ser muito perigosos e instáveis, então assim que Jackie acorda o vampiro que a transformou assume um ótimo trabalho de reeducá-la. , para que ela aprenda a se controlar, além de ensiná-la a caçar se alimentando apenas de sangue de animais, o que sinceramente acho que seria super difícil, como se ela fosse mesmo teimosa e instável, ela não quer faz isso, se alimenta de humanos, mas o lado vampiro e faminto dela quer, quer muito 😈😈😈; No meio de tudo isso temos não só Shauna, mas também toda a polícia da cidade procurando pela jovem desaparecida Jeckie Taylor, pois ela não voltou para casa após a briga com Shuana, falando em Shuana, a pobre menina se sente tão culpada e ela está TÃO DESESPERADA, porque em circunstâncias normais ela simplesmente sentiria o cheiro de Jackie, mas agora ela simplesmente não consegue sentir o cheiro dele em lugar nenhum, para ela é como se Jackie tivesse simplesmente desaparecido do mapa, porque mesmo que fosse apenas o cadáver dela ela Eu ainda seria capaz de sentir aquele odor estranho e desagradável, mas agora que Jackie é uma vampira, seu cheiro mudou completamente,não de um jeito ruim, mas não é mais a mesma coisa e nossa pobre Shuana não tem ideia porque ela NÃO SABE que Jackie agora é uma vampira. Em relação à aparência de Jackie, ela permanece basicamente a mesma, os olhos do vampiro são algo que só aparecem realmente durante a alimentação, então não há preocupações em tentar escondê-los, quanto aos olhos dela...inicialmente, durante sua menstruação como recém-nascida, eles foram criados. eram de um vermelho carmesim profundo, mas depois de um tempo, quando ela começou a se alimentar de sangue de animais e aprendeu a se controlar, seus olhos adquiriram um tom âmbar vibrante, mas ela ainda precisa usar lentes de contato, quanto à pele. ela. trabalho em peles pretas e 2. o próprio filme nos mostrou que isso não é realmente uma regra, pois vimos vampiros indígenas não-brancos, cuja pele permaneceu em seu tom original;
Lottie Matthews---- I'll be brief about Lottie actually, I don't know if I have much to say... Her whole family is made up of vampires, but as the Twilight movie itself shows us, vampire children are a danger, uncontrollable and hated by other vampires, so I imagine Lottie's family being like Edward's family, for example, except the "step-siblings" part staying with each other, but more like a small group of vampires who were coming together and forming a family in their own way, This leads me to conclude that in this case Lottie would be adopted, probably on one of the luxurious trips...maybe to a big city like Vegas or something...Lottie was young, hungry and desperate, so she tried to steal a purse to get some money, turns out fate made her decide steal the purse of the beautiful woman who happened to be a vampire and they were even tempted to suck her blood as a tasty drink...but for some reason, something clicked inside them and what was supposed to become a tasty snack became a daughter (??). Lottie was a very well looked after and educated child, she also received all the necessary psychological support, but when she reached a certain age her parents decided to turn her into a vampire, hoping that somehow this could help her with schizophrenia, as many other people were cured of other things by being turned, unfortunately for them psychological conditions. are not included in this, but the transformation made her much more stable than she would be as a human, in fact the medicines no longer work ☹️, she has some delusions from time to time, but nothing that makes her dangerous to anyone or herself; Speaking of which, I see her ability being something like mind control, which would be a great irony of fate due to the fact that she often has no control over her own mind but is capable of controlling those of others, so she can create illusions in her mind. people's minds and make them susceptible to her wishes, as if she told someone to jump off a cliff and the person actually jumped. 😁 I also think that she has already fed on human blood, because her parents feed on human blood, but at some point she simply realized that she actually likes animal blood more, in fact, the main reason her parents are never at home is because , as I said, they feed on human blood, but the treaty with wolves prohibits vampires in the city from killing and feeding on humans, as well as transforming them, so her parents combine the need for food and the taste they have for expensive trips, also all the staff in Lottie's house are human and she likes them all very much and treats them like family too since they are the ones who spend most of their time with her ☺️ (Wow... this should be brief, but anyway lol)
Laura Lee---- Sorry to my Laura Lee lovers but our beautiful girl is not even a Werewolf and certainly not a Vampire, she is a beautiful human, in fact I think her family would abhor vampires, as demonic dark beings created by Satan to bring destruction to the world...that being said, I see Laura Lee's family as fervent believers and also one of the oldest and most respected families in the small town, also one of the few groups of humans who know about the existence of vampires, who just don't try to expose them because of an agreement that was sealed a long time ago by Laura's ancestors, this agreement prohibits Laura Lee's family from trying to expose them and guarantees them a certain protection, yet her family hates them and their parents They had always taught her never to trust a vampire. This Poor Baby Was So Terrified During Her Childhood That She's Scared To Death Of "Big, Bad" Vampires 😱😱, but that of course changes when she meets a beautiful vampire, Lottie Matthews...cough-cough gays...Anyway, I honestly see her pulling out a wooden cross and pointing it in Lottie's direction and when she prays in the name of God... and poor Lottie looks like: 🤨🤨❓️
Lottie: “I don’t want to drink your blood, I don’t eat trash😒🙄”
Laura Lee: "Phew... she doesn't eat garbage😊😊.... She doesn't eat garbage?🤨🧐😥"
In the end our beautiful girls become super friends, Lottie would love to throw Laura Lee over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes and take her for walks, as if Lottie would just take her to the most unusual places and once took Laura Lee to a dog house that is literally TWO towns away just because she could 🫠🤗 (also a possible relationship because it would be super cute)
Natalie Scatorccio---- NOW WE HAVE ARRIVED AT THE PART I WAS MOST ANXIOUS FOR!!!! I have a crush on her🫠🫠🫠. I was super excited to get to Natalie, because in my eyes she wouldn't be a werewolf or a vampire, just, she would be BOTH, I see her as being a hybrid of both species; now, listen, LISTEN because to me this makes perfect sense and not because of favoritism or anything like that, BUT I see how her mother being a werewolf and her father a vampire, their relationship has always been toxic since adolescence and completely repudiated by their respective families, until Natalie's mother got pregnant, her father hated the news and disowned her the moment he found out about it, he wanted Natalie's mother to find a way to take away this child, but she couldn't courage...and as I said, they were both extremely toxic for each other and even though he hated this baby, he also never left, as if the two were constantly coming and going, they weren't good for each other but They didn't end things either, and with the birth of baby Natalie and both having been disowned by their families, they ended up settling into this horrible, dysfunctional and totally toxic "family". That said, Natalie is a hybrid, just like Bella when she was pregnant with Renesmee, I think Natalie's mother suffered a lot during her pregnancy, she was afraid that her daughter would be an aberration, like a vampire child or something, but when Natalie was born she seemed...normal(??) she didn't present anything of either species, which was a shock since inside her belly she was literally sucking the life out of her mother little by little (her mother was only able to survive because she was a werewolf, since if she had been an ordinary human she would certainly have died), anyway, Natalie was a very healthy and normal little baby, unlike Renesmee, Natalie didn't have accelerated growth or anything like that, she grew up like an ordinary child and her vampire side only came to manifest itself together with her werewolf side during her 14 years of age; she never even showed antecedent symptoms or that showed that at some point she could transform, in fact her first transformation into a werewolf happened while she was high and the few and only symptoms she felt before that, she thought were because of drugs😭😭 poor baby really thought that the unbearable pain in each of his bones was because of the drugs lol, anyway she transformed while smoking in the forest, it was crazy, she knew about her own parents, but as far as she knew she was normal, so she was so scared when it happened, coupled with the fact that she was high it was even more intense, I think she walked a bit like a wolf and then slept near a tree😫, After that day her vampire side also blossomed, she didn't feel the desire for human blood as a newly created vampire, but she felt a LOT of animal blood desire, as if her two origins collided and generated this, as for her eyes, luckily the werewolf genes they were stronger in this case, causing no change in their color, another thing is that she can easily feed on both human food and hunting, she can hunt both as a wolf and as a vampire, but regardless of which form she takes. do that her snack is the same, some poor animal... in fact she doesn't have a vampire ability, since her wolf transformation is already equivalent to that☺️ In wolf form, she would have a beautiful and soft light coat, which mixes shades of white and cream, she also has blue eyes and she is so majestic, also thanks to her vampire genes she is much faster and more agile than a common werewolf would be.
In fact, Natalie's case is very complicated, the constant feeling of not fully belonging to either world made her prefer human company much more, it's also not like she could actively interact with other wolves or vampires, since she would be considered a mistake, an outcast, an abomination and several other horrible things, so she is basically a lonelier person in that sense, she also had to learn everything about being a vampire and a wolf on her own, as she never had her parents to teach her.
Misty Quigley---- Ahhhh our beautiful unbalanced baby Misty, she is definitely a werewolf, look at her...she is literally a puppy...that being said a wolf, from a large family of proud wolves, she would also have a beautiful cream coat, it would be so soft and I think it's even a little curly in some places, like near the paws, length of the tail and on the chest; Werewolf Misty would also be a great silly cub, she tries to fit in with the other young wolves, but she is so clumsy, like she has two left paws and every time the other youngsters let her participate in races or games she always finished her off. tripping over your own paws or a branch, falling and knocking someone down in the process😭😭😭 One time the poor thing was having so much fun and thinking she was doing really well and she really was, for the first time she was fitting in and everything with the others, until she tripped over a tree root during the run, she was a little further behind the others but the fall was so bad that she skidded and "ran over" two other young wolves with her own body, this was generally a "mass pile-up" since those she knocked over bumped into others, so they all ended up knocking them down each other, this ended with some sore limbs and filthy dirt and mud☹️ After that, no one allowed the baby to participate anymore and she became more excluded.
Taissa Turner and De Palmer---- Both would be wolves, a proud and powerful couple I would say, they also both had a imprinting and since then they have been inseparable, their families don't exactly support it, but they also can't do anything about it since imprinting is something almost sacred among wolves, even this kind of thing between wolves of the same sex is not something very common, not because It doesn't happen often, but because it's usually not very exposed (sorry, but I imagine the wolves being a bit sexist and homophobic). Speaking of their coat, I see Van as having a dark gray coat with a mixture of light gray and Taissa with a completely black coat, black as night, Tai would also be much larger than Van, this makes her physically more strong, but Van's size makes her more agile, they would also play a lot of fights while transformed, but they are not really aggressive, although I think that sometimes they can accidentally take the game a little seriously, that ends with Taissa whimpering like a puppy in the corner while Van lies down next to her, licking the back of her ears as an apology for biting Tai's tail.☹️☹️ (my poor babies)
© 2024 theprismyyy — please do not copy, translate or repost any of my works without my permission.
#yellow jackets#yellowjackets x leitor#twillight#natalie scatorccio x reader#shauna shipman x reader#lottie mathews x reader#misty quigley x reader#laura lee x reader#van palmer x reader#taissa turner x reader#jackie taylor x reader#wlw#theprismyyy#✩‧₊˚
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shoot, that was meant to be 3, 10 and 30 XD oh well... answer whatever you feel like answering!
Vids, instead of fics! for the 2024 in review meme :)
3. What piece of media inspired you the most? (This can be the fandom you wrote the most for, the one that spawned the most ideas, the one you thought about the most, etc.)
This year, I have been in full-on Kendrick Lamar space. The musical arrangements tickle my brain and the lyrics have, in some cases, been down-right inspirational. I do know that any vids or other work I've produced since this summer has been influenced by Kendrick's model of artistic integrity. 😭
10.What vid was the most satisfying to finish? OMG - "From The Air" | Person Of Interest! I finished this vid in 2020 and it was the most ambitious thing I'd done to that point. But I was also fairly new to vidding overall and was not confident in the work. I asked someone to beta it for me and that was a mistake. It took a few more years and vids for me to really embrace my vidding ethos: I vid for myself. I vid media I enjoy to music I enjoy, arranged in edits that make my brain tingle. It's awesome if other people enjoy my stuff as well, but ultimately, I am my best customer. So, in the spirit of 2024 being the year that I finish up as many WIPs as possible, I pulled this timeline out again, tweaked it with everything I've learned since 2020 and sent it out into the world. I did not expect this vid to get the love that it did. The feedback was validating and satisfying. I'm very proud of this little vid that could! *Yeah, yeah, there is still that other WIP (2 WIPs...) Still on the "finish this before you die" list. 30. What would you like to vid next year? I'm pulling sources now for possibly the most self-indulgent vid I've ever cut. I have to be a little cagey about it, for reasons, but I'm really looking forward to getting into edit with this next year. For Pros, I completed by Blu Ray disk collection. Next year, I'm hoping to upgrade all of my source footage and really lean into making the shiniest vids I can for the Lads. For POI - I'm due for a rewatch anyway. No that I've got From the Air out of my system, I'd love to work on the next vid. I kinda' want to make a Taskmaster vid at some point. This show got me through the lockdown, it's visually interesting and chock-full of themes!
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Review -After many a postponement, for the first time since his debut world tour in 2017, Grammy award winning artist Harry Styles touched down at Mt Smart Stadium, bringing Harry Styles: Love on Tour to Tāmaki Makaurau.
Released in 2022 and recently awarded Album of the Year at the 2023 Grammys, Harry's House, built in London by way of Hollywood, Malibu, and Wilshire, and engineered by the likes of Kid Harpoon, Tyler Johnson, and Samuel Witte has seen almost every major city of the world. It's only fitting that, at long last, Aotearoa finally got a taste of the artist's highest acclaimed album.
Decorated from head to toe in sequins, sparkles, cowboy hats and the coveted feather boas, punters, who had been lining up as early as two days before the concert itself, descended on Mt. Smart Stadium bright eyed and bushy tailed, eager to get as close to Styles as they possibly could. His charm, wit and general crowd interaction is a major selling point of the tour itself - something all 47,000 attendees were eager to get a taste of.
Aotearoa's own Ny Oh and Isle of Wight-based band Wet Leg opened the show, to a crowd that, although mixed in demographic, got behind every single beat. Seeing Wet Leg at Mt Smart was a bit of a big deal; the last time they were here, they performed to a sold-out Tuning Fork - a venue which can hold up to 300 people. Fast forward eight months, playing to a sold-out stadium, comprising a crowd who, for the most part, know every word to every song, is something to marvel at.
I always admire an artist who has an impeccable pre-show playlist - it shows that not only do they know their crowd well, but when done right, the right selection can show that they know the city, or in this case, country, well too. Classic tracks such as 'Best Song Ever' by One Direction and 'Bohemian Rhapsody' by Queen had the crowd doing vocal somersaults over one another, singing as loud as they could.
What took me by surprise was the addition of Poi E by Pātea Māori Club - released in 1983, sung entirely in te reo, now playing to a crowded stadium before Harry Styles of all people graced the stage. He knew his crowd, and where he was in the world, extremely well.
Styles is known for his on-stage outfits. Some are understated, some are extremely overstated, and most, if not all of them, end up being one of the main focal points of every performance. The last time he was in Aotearoa, he wore an all-black suit, assumingly paying homage to the All Blacks. Last night, he wore a short sleeve raglan tee with a bejewelled whale's tail adorning it, with a pair of purple dress pants. Not the most spectacular outfit compared to his recent Australia tour, but we'll take what we can get.
After all, fashion comes second when you're stood mere metres from One Direction's Golden Child.
It's always special when an artist comes to any given country and does more than just plays their show and jump on the next flight home. On his recent Australian tour, Styles immersed himself in the culture of the Aboriginal peoples of Australia, and his stop in Aotearoa was no exception.
At his first break in the show, Styles, who, earlier in the day, had spent time with Te Matatini finalists, Angitū, sang the start of 'Tūtira Mai Ngā Iwi' - written by Canon Wiremu Te Tau Huata in the 1950s.
The crowd, clearly stunned, sung the rest of the waiata back to him without hesitation while he danced around the stage. He continued to do this multiple times throughout the night, which kept the crowd on their toes. I was almost waiting for it to happen every time he got the chance to speak. At one point in the concert, he picked a Tino Rangatiratanga flag from the crowd, and put it on his mic stand - the flag found itself to be a permanent fixture on the stage for the rest of the night.
The moments of the concert I remember the most vividly seem to be the same at almost every one I go to; the times when the whole crowd is still, flashlights up, yelling the lyrics of the saddest songs back at the person singing them - and last night was no exception. At the end of the catwalk which spanned what felt like ten trillion miles, Styles performed 'Matilda', 'Little Freak', and 'Satellite' one after the other, and for all three songs, I've never heard a crowd with so much gusto.
Harry performed songs from across all three released bodies of work, such as 'Woman', to 'Golden', and even far back as a new rendition of One Direction's seminal hit, 'What Makes You Beautiful'. He even snuck in crowd-favourite unreleased weapon, 'Medicine' which went viral during the tour for his last album, Fine Line. During every song, the crowd didn't hold back. So much energy in one space - it was amazing to bear witness to.
It's crazy to think that, from Harry's end, there are 47,000 people in the same space as you are singing the words to the music you wrote back at you. Those moments stick with an artist - I feel as though they stick with the crowd for eternity.
Crowd interaction is paramount for an artist as big as Styles. Throughout his time as a solo performer, he's always placed a large emphasis on connecting with his crowds, and as he's grown, the interactions have only evolved to be more intense.
Last night was no exception. From pointing out a fan who had been throwing fruit at him (which then proceeded to him singing a two-minute-long song about people dressed as bananas, eggs, aubergines, so on and so forth), the singer, who encourages fans to bring signs with him to his shows, went back and forth with two fans. One, who allegedly sold their cats leg to be at the show, and the other, who was with her best friend going through a breakup. After finding out the now ex-boyfriend wasn't prioritising them, hence the breakup, he told the crowd to "not be a Michael, be a Romy!"
Styles also asked the crowd about the census, telling everyone that he too had filled it out prior to the show.
Finishing with crowd favourite, and aptly named, 'Kiwi', Styles had made the nights of 12-year-olds with their parents and mid-40-year-olds alike, as well as everyone in between. Harry Styles is truly an artist who transcends all levels of musical talent and incomparable wit, with a hint of charm that can't be matched.
The remnants of the 47,000 plus feather boas will live on the field of Mt Smart Stadium until Harry Styles makes his triumphant return to Aotearoa.
Admittedly, he doesn't actually know when that will be. All he knows is that he hopes it won't be too long.
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Hi Luta,
I hope that you are doing fine. This is regarding Build's situation. Answer only if you are comfortable.
I find it ironic that most of the people who talked about justice and victims so loudly are now extremely quiet. Like now that Build filed a criminal lawsuit and it seems that Poi hasn't even filed a lawsuit against him...all those who wanted justice are ignoring it.
People who called this issue extremely important are now ignoring it. I find it extremely hypocritical that these people who so vehemently wanted justice now don't even care about it. It all seems so fake now.
This is nothing but performative activism .
Thanks for reading Luta .
Hey nonnie,
I think there are several things to consider here. Those of us that have never sinned against another, should cast the first stone. I am not perfect. I never claim to be. I can say that I strive to be a good person and to not go out of my way to hurt others. I think that's all we can ask of people. Didn't Build forgive the 17-year-old that spread assault allegations against him? Why? Because he knew that he wasn't perfect and had made mistakes, and here was his opportunity to forgive his younger self. Which leads me to the next thing to consider.
The age and maturity level of a lot of these fans. So let's talk developmental thinking skills. Please keep in mind, the chart below varies due to environmental factors by about three years. Meaning, due to those factor, a person could mature faster or slower depending.
So around 20 is when people start understanding that life isn't black or white. We start developing the ability to understand that there are layers and when we should truly be developing critical thinking skills. A majority of the fans are under the age of 24.
Even if they were at an age where they should have paused and thought things over. Where were they emotionally? Do you know that only 6% of those who commit sexual assault will see jail time. Even then, only 3% will see more than a year. Can you imagine being a victim with no justice? How angry that makes you? As I explain in my TharnType reviews, that kind of hate can blind you. Right or wrong, is this crime so bad that we can't offer compassion?
Now, don't get me wrong. I am not particularly happy with how the haters behaved. While not at the same level as Build, I was attacked as well. The funny thing being that I wasn't even a Build fan until all this shit went down. I'm pretty damn impressed with how he has handled himself. Anyway, I think it's pretty clear that these people were full of anger and hate. And now they don't know where to go from there. I've been there. I get it. I just hope that we all learned something from this because there were lessons to be learned.
Don't come at me, peeps, I have a right to my opinion. Don't like it, there is a block button. I'm tired of people thinking that they can tell me what I can and can't say on my page. Like I should censor myself. I'm not living that way.💜💜💜
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So I did read Review Anon's review on this arc, and I do think there were somethings that were say but I think they still take issue with why Masa, Mayumi and Estu (and even to parents of Class 77-B) are there which well... I won't say it was force or anything but let's say the reason they are there it's going to be brought up in DM Arc but a few reasons;
1 - A theme that season 2 has is 'our protagonist won't always be in the right' and DM arc is where I think this theme will be there fully and even pointing out the double standard we have for our heroes and those that are neutral/people we aren't exactly fond of/bad guys do the same thing are seen as evil or stupid but to others it's pretty normal/understandable if we take a step back and look at how all of them are reacting.
2 - I think a big thing about PoF arc is that it wasn't about killing Takehara but instead the unaddressed trauma that Hajime and Nikei have. Trauma that hasn't been address well or hasn't been talk about properly at all and honestly given what Keiko did about sending Hajime and Hibiki to therapy was the right call.
3 - Given the fact our heroes are teenagers thus kids, despite being Ultimates they aren't super human and have a lot of issues they haven't talk about and I even say that going on these constant missions, had nearly been killed or were killed if Hajime didn't reset and not communicating well leads to a lot of issues and not being honest and the only adult they could go to was discover to have compassion fatigue - it becomes no wonder they start having issues now.
So I think that's all I'll say in regards to DM arc, I personally do think that if you look at everyone from an outsider's POV - it becomes clear what the issue is, so hope you all enjoy this arc we've work on for years. 8P - Mod Poi
//Yep, pretty much : P
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[Review] Sin and Punishment: Successor of the Skies (Wii)
A cool and hip sequel.
With my TV setup all repaired, it was time to revisit this mini-series of Treasure rail shooters. Released nine years and two console generations after the first game, the visual and technical prowess on display have had a huge boost and there's more control options, but the plot doesn't make any more sense!
The year: irrelevant. In fact the only link back to the original seems to be that the star is Isa, the son of Airon and Saki, who can also transform into a kaiju thanks to the cursed blood inherited from his father. Since I have a proper translated manual this time I was able to get some background... oh wait, nothing in the story blurb really comes up in the game... in fact, I would say it just raises further questions! The plot of the game itself starts in medias res and never really slows down to explain what's going on. Suffice it to say you play as a pair of anime tween supersoldiers who are on the run from various interdimensional factions of superpowered biomonsters and have to blast everything in sight. That's all you really need to know.
Accompanying Isa is Kachi, a defected alien double agent hard light hologram in human form... or something. You can choose to play as either of them; Kachi has a sort of auto-lock on aim assist and a multi-lock charge shot, while Isa has an explosive charge shot. I opted for Kachi and had a grand time on Easy mode, finding it plenty challenging enough (very nice to have the option!). You spend the entire time in Japan but with sci-fi trappings, fighting through ruined cities, deserts, underwater tunnels, a yokai dreamscape, a militarised volcanic Mt Fuji, and finally a cosmic boss rush where each boss gets new forms.
Much like the first game, it's a genre-hybrid rail shooter/gallery shooter/platformer, only the platforming is much reduced. You can still technically run along the ground but the pathetic jump might as well not exist, and both characters can at any time float anywhere on screen (Isa has a back-mounted hover sphere, Kachi a hoverboard), and their mobility is further augmented by a dodge move. Staying on the ground does get you a point bonus for whatever that's worth; the game is always prompting you to upload your scores to the now-defunct online leaderboards. But despite allowing for hardcore score-chasing and high-difficulty challenges I like that it remains accessible: there's still a stage select, and lives have been abolished as you can now freely retry from checkpoints at the cost of a score reset.
The stages are always full of action, the 16:9 widescreen display flooded with enemies to blast at, your multiplier filling up as you prioritise between chunkier mechs, vehicles, or creatures or the floods of creatures and soldiers, in every moment deciding between rapid fire, charging your lock on, or the melee attack for up-close big damage or reflecting projectiles. I rarely felt overwhelmed though as the action is communicated and paced well, and the game's solid and consistent 60fps framerate both helps keep things clear and is impressive on a technical level. Each level is long, with multiple miniboss fight setpieces strung through them with the shifting perspective keeping things fresh. If there's one criticism I have it's the occasional use of bullet hell-like patterns during boss fights because in these moments where it's most important, I wasn't clear on what my character's precise hitbox was. But the melee attack and dodge can help to get you through these waves of projectiles so you don't have to be a total movement wizard.
Multiple control schemes are on offer: the Wii pointer style works well for a shooter like this and all the functions are bound sensibly. I preferred using this for the level of control you have over your cursor, although it's hard on the wrist in long sessions. When my cat happened to be sleeping on my lap and I couldn't use cushions to help prop up my pointer hand, I switched over to Classic Controller mode which worked fine too. It's certainly a more straightforward scheme than the N64 controls of the first game even despite having new functions, thanks to dual-analogue being the new standard.
I'm very pleased with how much this game built on the foundation of its predecessor. The brief seems to have been to constantly have something cool happening, and it certainly succeeds at that. The battles that you get in the middle of make the world feel alive and dangerous, and the shapeshifting boss characters give a nice sci-fi feel. The character models don't have the distinctive pinched marionette look of the first game; rather, there's an attempt at realism mixed with large anime eyes and prepubescent proportions for the protagonists that I don't think works as well, despite the upgrade to voice acting and mocap. Still, it's a brilliant sequel in most ways, an exciting action thrill ride with good options and an amusingly careless approach to coherent story.
#sin and punishment#sin and punishment successor of the skies#sin and punishment star successor#treasure#wii#review
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Girl, you are "30-ish" and you are choosing to support a person who has insulted, disrespected, and made homophobic and racist remarks about his employer, co-workers, and co-partner as a grown ass adult man. Not to mention the sexist/antifeminist remarks he's made about his fans...
Miss me with that bullshit.
"Under the influence" of Poi? Seriously? He could kill a person in broad daylight and you brainwashed delulus wouldn't find blame in him.
Regardless of whether those "private messages" were leaked or not, he was talking absolute vile shit about the people who treated him, if not like family, then as a friend and nong, all along. Does that knowledge not unsettle you?
Can you even imagine the type of pain Bible is going through right now knowing that Build said all that condescending shit about him that after trusting and confiding in him?
Defending a shitty "friend" and co-worker is really the hill you want to die on?
Don't give me that crap about being "under the influence" when this man gave as good as he got. He said it himself. Or are you also choosing to close your eyes to that as well?
Grow the fuck up and stop being an apologist to a shitty ass person. How would you like it if someone you trusted as a friend was talking such utter crap as early as this year?
But of course, people like you are more concerned over the feelings of a snake you don't even know instead of everyone in the company he has interacted with and has been hurt and betrayed with those nasty ass comments.
Seriously, review your morals.
Ask yourself if you would like to be around a person like him if you were in their shoes. I bet you you wouldn't. He's a grown adult man who can be held accountable for his own shitty actions, being in a toxic relationship is not an excuse to being shitty to other people who have never treated you maliciously. I really got to tell you that?
Okay, I think the fact that I read through all of that gotta mean I'm really bored as hell.
Anyway. Bad news for you, but my morals are shit. I'm not a perfect angel and Im don't expect other people to be perfect.
I have "disrespected my employer" a million times. I have cursed my boss to hell and back in PRIVATE CONVERSATIONS WITH FRIENDS. I bitched about my fave coworker who I sincerely loved being able to work from home whenever her kid was sick while they couldn't find a way for me to do so for a few days when I fucked up my back and could barely move. I loved her, but I still bitched because I was fucking frustrated. And I bitched about smaller, completely insignificant things.
And guess what. I BITCH ABOUT MY FRIENDS TOO! Even though I love them, I do bitch about them when they do something that makes me angry. And hey. This is the best thing. I fully expect them to bitch about me too! Would I want to read their texts where they bitch about me? Nah. But if someone came to me and showed me those texts? I would be SO MAD... at the bitch who showed me. Not my friends.
(Shocking news, it's been less than twelve hours since I last bitched about my friend for the mere fact that she caused us to be late to a concert at a festival. I will burn in hell.)
Yes, anyway, I forgot most of the rest of your wall of text, so thank you for your ask, it really warmed my heart this morning, and congratulations to you for never having been a victim of a toxic, hateful person so you don't know how much effort it takes to protect yourself from the vile shit they spew about other people and stop yourself from accepting their shitty opinions as yours without even realizing you're doing it. I'll lend you my mother if you want. And one of my friends.
A bitch that will rather burn in hell with Build than spend the eternity in heaven with all you perfect assholes 💙
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Review #1
Taylor Swift - Folklore
This so-called review is the my first ever written review about literally anything, and I’m very sure it will definitely be so far away from an acclaimed critic’s review, but since I would like to express my opinions better and more understandable both in English and in my native language, I guess it can be said as a very fresh start, I shall say.
The reason that this is the first album I review is that it is the first ever CD I have bought for my collection! (which doesn’t exist just yet)
So, what can I mention of this album from my head only?
It is Taylor Swift’s eighth studio album, which was released on July 24th, 2020, in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, and the finest work of hers until this day. But why am I saying this, so bluntly, without proving any points based on my own notes and vision? Well, it is just my own gut feeling that speaks from me now, but if I had to actually support this gut feeling with valid objections, then I’m really sure I would say the same.
This album reached the general public really unexpectedly, and so had the fans.
Swift announced her new studio album without any early signs and just posted the cover of the album with the news that folklore is coming next day, midnight EST, with a new music video for the song called cardigan.
Before I’ll go into the detailed analysis, I would like to talk about the album itself, after hearing it in a whole.
(Disclaimer: the review was written after 3 years of the release and many thorough listens of the whole album, so the opinion was not formed by a first impression)
Folklore as a whole is a very cohesive record, to say the least. Every song stands its place in itself but harmonises so much with the other tracks as well. Swift always knew how to create an aesthetic, a vibe, a harmonical piece within an album. Since her sophomore album, it is quite noticeable, but sometimes stood off from this route (let’s say reputation or Red - these two are very diverse records from her). With the more acoustic production, she left behind the electronical way, which mostly defined her previous 3 records, and that made her really good. She broke through the pop girl image, which she carefully built throughout her career, and really showcased the writing, composing skills she previously had as well.
Besides all this, and without getting into her career analysis, let’s go back to the record itself.
The main focus of the album is as simple as the title: storytelling, in a detailed, descriptive way she had not done before for a whole record long. (of course, there are exceptions - yes it’s All Too Well and also Dear John)
She tells not only biographical, but mainly fictive stories for 67 minutes. We can find many perspectives in a song, and some of them are actually connected (which is a very very smart way to get people engaged in your record, if they even care that much)
The vocals on the record are very clean and simple, and the acoustic instrumentation even helps to it. The whole album fits into a kind of melancholia and sadness feeling, and from the first seconds of the first song, it does not leave until the lakes end (yes, I’m counting that into my review as well)
the 1 starts with a statement that “she’s doing good” but the song’s theme builds around a relationship that did not end as she would have wanted to. That song is a solid opener, as it is not that much of an acoustic style she plays with for the whole length of folklore, but the sense of the new style can be noticed there.
The cardigan-august-betty trinity is the three that are definitely connected. These are telling the same story but from different perspectives. The story is about a love triangle, and each character tells their own side of the events.
The third and the fourth tracks are the complete opposite (for me!!)
While I’m not not liking, but the least enjoying the great american dynasty, I’m always moved by exile, which is one of Swift’s best craft until this point.
The story and the lyrics in itself do not bring me in for tlgad, as much as exile does. Maybe this opposition gives the third track a weaker chance to get success by me.
There is a very solid track run from 5-9 (from my tears ricochet to this is me trying), and I am simply cannot skip any of them. The hauntiness, the emotional overload, the instruments - especially for august!! - are all peaking here in each of these.
This streak breaks with illicit affair and invisible string, but not entirely. These are a bit laid-back songs, with still touching narratives. It all comes back with mad woman and betty (and even in peace, in its own special way). epiphany is an odd one out, as it is a very deep and personal story. However, the length of it is a bit of a lack; don’t matter, how beautifully composed it is and how deep the lyricism is, I do not feel the same attachment and interest through the whole song as I did with the previous ones.
hoax and the lakes are the perfect closers for the standard and the deluxe versions, respectively. Both are underrated in most ears, but they achieve the matching feeling that the album gave since the beginning, and did not get flat in this case.
I might seem like a biased bitch according to this, but if considering her music, I can seem critical. But to my taste, my personal preference in lyrical style and production, and most importantly, album-wise, this is a near perfect record.
It surely will not be one of the best album ever in most people’s top lists, but as of now, Swift had not done a better album in my eyes. And I really like all of her records.
It is equally honest, creative, beautiful, ethereal, but also melancholic, hopeful, and clean.
This album is really a great starter if you are into indie genres or folk-acoustic genres, and also if you are skeptical about her and her popularity. Because this might just break the top of the iceberg enough to get a little interested about Swift.
The highlights for me: exile, seven, august, hoax
My least favourite: the last great american dynasty, epiphany
#music#music review#music recs#taylor swift#folklore#review#swifties#music recommendation#blog#album of the day#album#album cover#taylor swift folklore#what am i even doing#covert narcissism#beginner blogger#blogger#music enthusiast#music tag#music blog#songs#hobby#writing#listen to this#idk how to tag this
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What is ASOOT?
ASOOT stands for A Student Out of Time and its a Askblog run by Mod Bubbles. The plot is that Hajime Hinata travels back in time from the end of Danganronpa 3 to back before everything that goes wrong occurs. Having all his future knowledge, he decides to avert history so the Tragedy never happens.
He is joined by other time travellers who also want to avert history and gains many allies some from the canon series, some from the Another series and some from NWPM/DTFA made by Mod Poi.
I love this askblog and the main reason I made my identity the way I do is to write reviews for it and its numerous arcs. I've been for the past 4 years writing reviews for it, but only recently has this blog been a thing due to Tumblr being Tumblr.
Currently I'm behind on its arcs so don't spoil anything from Dianthus Memory onwards.
#review anon talks#danganronpa#dr#a student out of time#asoot#think this is the first time i had a ask like this#asoot is very popular#it has about around 1.1k followers#lots of people like it#plus karma houdanis aren't escaping anymore
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🍕 PIZZERIA DA FRANCESCO. LUCCA Ieri sera pizza La Pizzeria Lucchese e come sempre metto una mia “recensione” del passato che dopo 35 anni vale sempre di più. (Da leggere tutta in un fiato) Pizzeria Storica economica caotica confusionaria anni 80 sempre piena lucchesi italiani tedeschi americani pompieri carabinieri politici partite in tv passa il treno giovani compleanni calcetto amiche a mezzanotte forno a legna bassa croccante. Giocatori attori io. Foto maglie trofei calcio basket. E poi lui Francesco. Tutti hanno provato almeno una volta la Pizza di Francesco. Istituzione e Monumento Lucchese. 🇬🇧 A review from the past that holds even more true after 35 years. (To be read in one breath): A historic, affordable, chaotic, and bustling pizzeria straight out of the 80s. Always packed with locals, Italians, Germans, Americans, firefighters, police officers, politicians, people watching games on TV, young people, birthday parties, friends at midnight, wood-fired oven, thin and crispy crust. Players, actors, and myself. Photos, jerseys, soccer and basketball trophies. And then there’s Francesco. Everyone has tried Francesco’s pizza at least once. A Lucchese institution and monument. 👉 Pizzeria, Ristorante "Da Francesco" 🎯 Pizzeria 💶 10 - 12,€ 🚗 Via Camillo Benso Cavour 191c Lucca ☎️ 0583 955350 🍕
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How Much Does Surrogacy Cost in Delhi?
The surrogacy cost in Delhi ranges from INR 15,00,000 to INR 25,00,000. The surrogacy price in Delhi is influenced by variables, including the intended parent`s fertility problems, healthcare expenses, birth and legal requirements, and surrogacy agency fees.
A couple can get a low cost surrogacy in Delhi compared to other cities and countries and has achieved great success. Patients can treat their infertility at the best surrogacy centers in Delhi.
In other developed countries, the cost of surrogacy can be as high as USD 110,000, which is nearly INR 90,00,000. The fees and costs at a Delhi surrogacy clinic might differ due to variables, including the clinic's location, the cost of pre- and post-embryo transfer medications, blood and ultrasound examinations, insurance costs, and more. What therefore influences the total surrogacy price in Delhi?
To speed up the surrogacy procedure, a surrogacy center in Delhi plays a crucial role by providing support and guidance to both surrogate mothers and intended parents. The best surrogacy centers in Delhi may charge more than newer centers due to their established reputation and positive patient experiences. However, couples often find low cost surrogacy in Delhi at the newly based fertility centers, which can lead to bad experiences for both the surrogate mother and the intended parents.
When looking for a surrogacy center in Delhi, it’s important to do thorough research and create a list of centers with good track records, strong reputations, and positive reviews. Scheduling consultations with each center on your list can help you find the best surrogacy center in Delhi. Don't hesitate to ask questions about their policies, medical insurance, procedures, and the services they offer. Keep in mind that the surrogacy cost in Delhi can vary depending on the center you choose.
Medical expenses also contribute to the overall surrogacy price in Delhi. These include fetal care, delivery costs, and fertility treatments. IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) can increase the surrogacy cost because it involves using the intended parents' gametes to create embryos that are then transferred to the surrogate's uterus. This entire process can raise the budget for intended parents seeking an affordable surrogacy procedure in Delhi.
Additionally, legal requirements between the intended parents and the surrogate, such as agreements and documentation, can increase the surrogacy cost. These legal steps help ensure that all parties understand and agree to the terms, eliminating any rights issues during the surrogacy process in Delhi NCR.
What Are the Legal Implications of Surrogacy in Delhi NCR?
Yes, surrogacy in Delhi NCR is legal, but there are specific rules to be aware of before starting the surrogacy procedure. Only Indian married couples who have been married for at least five years can opt for surrogacy. Additionally, only Indian citizens can participate in the surrogacy process in Delhi NCR. If you are an OCI (Overseas Citizen of India) or POI (Person of Indian Origin), you are also eligible for surrogacy in Delhi NCR. The state government has the authority to decide whether a couple can proceed with surrogacy in Delhi NCR.
For women, the age rules are between 23 and 50 years old. For men, it's between 26 and 55 years old. Surrogate mothers must be between 25 and 35 years old. Single mothers who are divorced or widowed should be between 23 and 50 years old.
Gestational or altruistic surrogacy is allowed, but paying a surrogate mother for her services is not allowed by law. In Delhi NCR, surrogacy can only use the couple's own eggs and sperm or donor eggs and sperm. Couples who have experienced failures with ART methods can opt for surrogacy in Delhi. Intended parents must not have any biological children, including through fostering or adoption, and should have experienced previous miscarriages or failed pregnancies.
What is surrogacy and how does it work?
Surrogacy is when a woman carries a baby in her womb for another person or couple who cannot conceive naturally due to infertility. This procedure increases the chances of a successful pregnancy for the intended parents. Couples facing severe infertility issues can find a suitable surrogate through a surrogacy center in Delhi. This allows the intended parents to fulfill their dream of becoming parents through the surrogacy procedure in Delhi.
India's laws support gestational surrogacy, making it an ideal destination for those considering surrogacy in Delhi NCR. Patients receive excellent care at top hospitals and surrogacy centers equipped with advanced technology, doctors, and medical staff, ensuring high-quality results. The surrogacy process involves various procedures, including medical tests for both the intended parents and the surrogate mother. After thorough examinations, experts confirm the surrogate mother's health and fertility status.
The surrogacy center in Delhi provides counseling sessions to guide every step and support the surrogate mother's well-being for better pregnancy outcomes. The next important step involves a legal agreement signed by both parties to prevent any potential legal issues after the baby is born. The surrogacy cost in Delhi increases due to the implementation of counseling sessions and health check-ups. Once the agreement is signed, an embryologist expert administers fertility medications, which may continue for over 12 days.
Fertility medications are given to the female partner to produce healthy and high-quality eggs in her ovaries. When the eggs are mature, the expert uses a hormonal injection to release them into the uterus. An embryologist collects the mature eggs using a catheter inserted into the uterus. The eggs are retrieved from the female's follicles. Meanwhile, the male partner's sperm is collected, and the expert places the sperm and eggs together in a dish for close observation.
The embryologist uses a technique called ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection) to improve fertilization chances by injecting a single sperm directly into each egg. This results in healthy fertilized eggs. The best-developed embryos are then transferred into the surrogate's uterus. Pregnancy is confirmed about two weeks later. Intended parents are advised to provide emotional support and proper care to the surrogate throughout the pregnancy for a healthy delivery. Finally, the surrogate gives birth and the baby is handed over to the intended parents.
Understanding the Cost of Surrogate Mothers in Delhi
The cost of a surrogate mother in Delhi includes legal fees, insurance, and medical expenses. It's important to note that paying a surrogate mother for surrogacy in Delhi NCR is illegal, meaning couples cannot hire a surrogate in exchange for money.
Only gestational surrogacy or altruistic surrogacy is legal in India. In altruistic surrogacy, the surrogate carries the embryo created from the eggs and sperm of the intended parents, avoiding any legal or emotional complexities since she isn't genetically related to the child.
Altruistic surrogacy is considered the best option because it involves helping someone without receiving any compensation. Since there are no charges for surrogate mothers in Delhi, the overall surrogacy cost in Delhi becomes more affordable for couples seeking this life-changing process. Intended parents can start by seeking recommendations from family and friends to find a suitable surrogate mother.
Why choose Surrogacy in Delhi NCR?
Delhi is the capital of India and is famous for its medical tourism. Many patients all over the world choose Delhi for treatment as it has the best methods with affordable charges. Delhi has world-class medical facilities with the best centers, clinics, and hospitals with various advanced methods for various treatments. Even the surrogacy cost in Delhi is much more affordable than in other developed countries. The best surrogacy centre in Delhi
The best surrogacy center in Delhi provides top results as the doctors and medical staff give the best treatment with a vast variety of advanced medical equipment. Surrogacy in Delhi is the best option for the intended couples, as it offers great outcomes. Those who have faced multiple failures in
Delhi is also known for its gestational surrogacy legality, as the surrogate mother cannot conceive the baby for compensation. A surrogate mother will carry the baby just for a good cause, and only the required insurance and medical expenditures will be covered. After the pregnancy, the surrogate mother will hand over the baby to the intended parents, as she has no genetic relationship with the baby.
Surrogacy is the optimal choice for couples struggling with infertility. The surrogacy cost in Delhi varies depending on factors like medical procedures, legal formalities, the cause of infertility, and the location of the surrogacy center. On average, the surrogacy price in Delhi is between INR 15,00,000 and INR 25,00,000. It's advisable to research and compare prices among different surrogacy centers to ensure a successful and safe pregnancy experience.
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Naples Italy Part 1
Episode Naples, Italy Part 1
In this episode, the FAQ is: How do I get to and from the airport? I am an inexperienced flyer and need to know how to get there and back if I don’t take a taxi or Uber/Lyft, which can be very expensive.
Today’s Destination is Naples, Italy Part 1
Today’s Misstep- I took the Subway in the wrong direction.
Travel Advice: Use Chat GPT for travel ideas, but verify the results
Today’s destination: Naples, Italy Part 1
Naples, Napoli is about an hour from Rome by train.
It’s an Under-rated city. Some rough edges may exist, but give it a chance.
It’s a city not to be missed. It’s a Step 5 trip because you need to be experienced as a traveler to be here solo.
My new Servas friend Rossana has lived in the Vomero neighborhood for 20 years.
Here’s some more background. The third-largest city in Italy is full of history, art, architecture, and delicious food, yet it gets a bad rap for its crime and grime. While these blemishes are a reality for residents, they're far from ubiquitous, especially where tourism concerns them. Find higher ground at places like Certosa e Museo di San Martino, and you'll be rewarded with spectacular views. Stroll the Via Caracciolo e Lungomare di Napoli as I did for a full day, or chat with friendly locals like Rossana, and you'll experience some of the magic this port city holds. And, of course, you can't forget the joy that comes from that first bite of Neapolitan pizza (in the city credited with inventing the pizza), nor that perfect gelato.
The Art Stations, distributed along Metro lines 1 and 6, include more than 180 pieces of art created by 90 international authors and local architects, allowing them to combine different architectural styles. I often used the Quattro Giordano metro stop. If you don’t ride the subway, you miss all of these.
Mappatella Beach is where I went swimming along the coast.
Via Chiaia (Vee-ya, Kaya heeya) district is a high-end and strolling area.
Art Museum with Toledo.
Beautiful old and pop art.
Rossana is retired, volunteers with kids, and lives with two cats.
Today’s Misstep: I took the Subway in the wrong direction because I did not realize there were three levels instead of two. Don’t make my mistake. Ask if there’s another level before you board the wrong train. And if you are wrong, you can always go back the other direction.
Today’s Travel Advice- Use Chat GPT for travel ideas, but verify the results
In previous podcasts, I mentioned how to use Chat GPT for travel. If you’re not using it, you could miss out on some great hidden gems for your travel. I bet your tour guides use this tool to learn some secrets and factoids for their upcoming tours. So why keep yourself in the dark? Use Perplexity or whatever AI program you like best, and explore before you leave home. However, do check the responses for hallucinations.
I want to bring meaning to your future travels. Sign up for the Dr. Travelbest newsletter. We can connect on my websites, Facebook page, group, or Instagram. Find the 5 Steps to Solo Travel series on Amazon. The show notes have more details for you to connect. Please support this podcast with a review. We need your help to help others.
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First, happy new year! I'm actually really excited for 2024 and hope you all are too! I'm just gonna share some moments of the year with you all (some are sad and there are trigger warnings just a psa but most of them are happy.)
tw : mentions of s****de and depression. animal death, surgery and weightloss, nsfw implications and mentions of smut. this is so long that i've just kind of scrapped this other idea i had...
My 23 for 23!
This is kind of a joint December 2022 - February 2023 effort but I wrote 'Just Say It'. It's my favourite smau I've ever written and like, the absolute love I got from it and love I had while writing it too.. Will never forget the feeling.
I also underwent surgery for the first time ever. I don't exactly hide from the fact that I've had it and I can't really anyway. i had weight loss surgery at the beginning of the year and my surgeon and everyone has been brilliant in the recovery process. It's also left me feeling a lot more confident and happy and just- I actually love it.
I wrote smut for the first time, like ever and the reviews were so positive about it. In all honestly there's quite a bit of terms that I feel gross about but too be honest, there's no better alternative. I'm learning and it still makes me kind of nervous BUT yeah.
I made a post about it, but in August we had to put down my cat, Quincy. He's been with me since I was 5 and I'm 23 so aging without him has been hard. He'll always be my best friend and my through thick and thin guy. I miss you so much, Senor Quincy. I miss those nicknames and you in general. Love you. Forever.
In saying that, my mum ended up getting two little kittens. One of which looks exactly like Quincy. His name is Pai (pronounced 'pie' - I first named him 'Percy' but he responded too well to Pai to not change the name) and the other 'Nala' (named after the Lion King). Pai is this social little guy who is too curious and nosy about the world and people around him whereas Nala is this loving and cuddly pretty soul who has the softest fur coat ever. Love them both very much. We also ended up getting a dog called 'Poi' who has completely opened our family up in a way that is different and interesting. Welcome to the family our babies. Your older fur brother would absolutely hate you but we love you enough for him.
I visited Rarotonga/Cook Islands during our Winter (June/July) for my cousin's birthday. We had beautiful food, I fell in love with 5 different guys and just, such a cool time. I started planning a girls trip after that. But, so fun. It was so fucking hot too my body was so confused.
I got a new laptop! After being able to stop using a laptop that relies on a constant state of charging and basically life support, it feels amazing.
On the flip side, my phone is going through it. I've had it for about 5 or 6 years now and it's now reached it's T-Minus days, for sure. The screen is barely holding on by a thread (not joking) Fun fact, but me and my brother got new phones at the same time and he's already gone through about 9 to my 1.
My friends!! I've made some new friends and new connections and stuff this year. I'm finally a part of a GC where my friends know each other (irl two of my friends absolutely fucking hate each other) and I talk in it! But I love it and them and just everyone.
I've started watching The Sidemen on Youtube regularly. I love their humour and I know they're not for everyone but I really enjoy watching them. They're who I watch when I take a break from Kpop and just..they're great.
I went back onto SSRIs and I did partake in therapy for awhile because I was really down in the dumps. i cut a part of my hair at the back and if that isn't a cry for help. Like, my state of health...my neglect of haircare and the disinterest in life and all in it, it scared me. But I'm doing a lot better and I hope you are too.
Girl groups have this chokehold on me lately. Like, the amount of fondness I have for them right now is insane. Discographies, songs etc. They're tearing up the music industry at the moment for me right now. Women in general. Like yess.
I rewatched some of my favourite shows/movies and I loved it all the same. The Empress is an amazing German show, I've loved it as much as when I watched it the first time. Enola Holmes has some of my favourite aesthetics and she's so pretty and smart and Tewksbury is a wonderful 'boy boy'. Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade is my fave out of the movie series. Again...such a cool aesthetic. Harry Potter was a needed rewatch this year and I loved it. Brooklyn...Just amazing. Love this.
My favourite in-New Zealand trips of the year... I went to Auckland and to a casino for the first time (randomly picking up my cousin who was hungover and going through it) I won over 1k that day. I went to Wellington to watch NCT Nation and told the whole cinema who my man was. I went to the yearly trip to my cousin's bach and even though it fucking pissed down until the last day. It was an amazing holiday as per usual.
My favourite books of 2023 that I read this year was; The Song Of Achilles - Madeline Miller (finally read it and it was amazing). Binding 13 - Chloe Walsh (The angst was so good). Book Of Days - Patti Smith (the inspiration awakening). Magnolia Parks - Jessa Hastings (some good stuff). Once Upon A Broken Heart - Stephanie Garber (that cliffhanger had me by the balls) and The High Mountain Court - A.K. Mulford (Perfection.)
I got the opportunity to do paid research for my iwi and for my people and to learn and enrich our knowledge and community. It's hard to explain by vague explanations but I don't want to go too much into detail.
My favourite Kpop songs were - 'I Don't Understand But I Luv U' by Seventeen, 'Eve, Psyche & The Bluebeard's Wife' by LE SSerafim, 'Ditto' by New Jeans, 'S-Class' by Stray Kids and 'Down (Juicy Juicy)' - Jo Yuri. I just realised it's a Hybe/JYP fest in here. But they were so addictive.
My favourite songs that weren't Kpop were - 'Collide' by Justin Skye, 'Agora Hills' by Doja Cat, 'Utua' by Maimoa, 'Greedy' by Tate McRae and 'Be Your Light' by Victor Ma. So pretty.
My favourite albums of the year were - 'GOT THE BEAT' by GOT THE BEAT. Rose was my favourite of the album. 'Dark Blood' by ENHYPEN. Woke my love up for them and the dance is fucking amazing. Background dancers and without. Chaconne is my favourite. 'Playgirl' by Lolo Zouai. Such a pretty voice. My favourite is a choice between 'Picking Berries', 'Open The Door' 'VHS' and 'Crazy Sexy Dream Girl'. 'The World Ep. FIN' by ATEEZ. My BOYS. Started the year with them and finished the year with them. Favourite song off the album is still undecided but Crazy Form is part of my daily. 'Unlock My World' by Fromis_9. Love the album. My Night Routine. Attitude. Prom Night. Beautiful voices. Insane. '3 Of Us' by FLO. New addition to my favourite Western groups but holy shit welcome to my heart.
My favourite movies; Howls Moving Castle (bully me about it - why didn't you watch it earlier?), All Quiet On The Western Front (so fucking sad and heartbreaking), Coco Reo Maori (good movie and the fact it's in Te Reo Maori? Fucking AMAZING. The Black Phone (not a horror movie girly, but such a good movie and I'm obsessed). It (again, not a horror movie girly but Loser Squad <3)
My favourite shows (not Asian); Ginny and Georgia, Grown-Ish, The Time Traveller's Wife, The Summer I Turned Pretty and Love 101.
My favourite Asian dramas; Love In The Air (the hottest show I've ever seen), Twinkling Watermelon, Hidden Love, When I Fly Towards You and Himitsu No Ai Chan, Dangerous Romance. They're fucking masterpieces.
I'm sorry to end this on a sad note but Christmas Eve, my cousin committed su***de and it was hard to climb over the wall grief had built about it. His older sister told me all these lovely things and it was the first kind of cry I had over him. I'm a little angry but also sad. It's hard because then I got COVID.
Welcome, 2024!
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Points of Interest (March - May)
Hey friends! It's been a while but rest assured I still want to keep this series going! Due to how the year is nearly over, I'm going to be double posting this and the next POI so you've got more to read!
(I should note with each topic I wanted to talk about there were supposed to be sketches accompanying them, however they've ended up taking longer than expected so for now both POI entries will have no pictures, but at some point they will be updated with the sketches, I'll be sure to leave an update notice when that happens)
With all that said...
April Fools Day
Honestly I don’t recall much happening for April Fools Day this year, and personally I’ve not released an April Fools video in over 4 years because I never manage to get any ideas (even the video I did release in 2019 isn’t up anymore since it was on my old YouTube channel and I’ve never reuploaded it). Sometimes April Fools events are memorable, such as in 2015 when YouTube included a button that when clicked played a sample of Darude - Sandstorm and any searches done in the YouTube site would suggest “did you mean Darude – Sandstorm by Darude?”
Alternatively on a smaller scale you have a specific person making something that’s memorable on said day, for example the YouTuber Jim Gisriel did an April Fools video where he “reviewed” the shows from Butch Hartman’s Oaxis streaming service, in the video Jim Gisriel talks about shows from the year 2032 that don’t actually exist which often parody other existing shows from Nickelodeon or even shows that you'd never expect to get mentioned like Attack on Titan. If you don't know much about Nick or Butch Hartman then the video won't really be noticeable to you as it's one of those cases where it's only funny if you know the context, but if you know the context of what's being referenced then that combine with how Jim is clearly trying not to break out laughing at several points in the video makes this one of my favourite April Fools videos ever.
I also like to give a shoutout to my friend Fupaboychris who updated his old cover of The Swamps Theme from The Smurfs NES game into a certain famous song used in bait and switches, it's a short and simple video but if you're like me who has knowledge of chiptune, high quality rips and the composer Alberto Gonzalez then you'll love this silly April Fools video for what it is.
London Trip
Okay so this is going to be a bit weird because I’m going to have to remove a lot of details for privacy reasons but it’s such a big event to happen I can’t not talk about it.
So for a long time I was involved in this expedition which involved a lot of activities relating to exercise, camping and teamwork which eventually ends with you getting your award for doing so, now what makes getting the award interesting is you have the choice to go to a ceremony as well and in my case, the ceremony was at Buckingham Palace! So the weekend was spent in London and when the day came I was sure to take pictures since being invited to Buckingham Palace is a once in a lifetime opportunity that I’m not sure I’ll ever get again. There was music, food and drink and event stalls where both other participants and noticeable presenters (like radio hosts) gave speeches relating to confidence, pushing yourself, etc.
I did do other things in London after the event but this one without a doubt is the main attraction for obvious reasons and honestly I still can’t believe that it actually happened, it’s funny because the expedition itself lasted about 8 years with there being an additional 2 year wait due to the amount of people that participated (and also due to lockdown), being invited to a grand place is always the end result of finishing the final part of the award so I wasn't too surprised but actually being in such a famous place is again, something that may never to me again and the day itself went by in flash. It’s one I’ll never forget for sure.
Washing Machine door seal repair- wait what?
Okay so this requires some backstory: When I was growing up, washing machines were my life (well I had other interests of course, but those took a backseat compared to this one up until I became a teenager), in fact my first exposure to YouTube was from the washing community (yes that’s a thing) around 2008 and because I watched so many videos about washing machines as a pre-teen it's resulted in many of those videos bringing a great sense of nostalgia to me as weird as that may sound (I could go into detail about individual channels I watched during that time but that would derail what this point is actually about so I’ll cover it another occasion, maybe).
I think around 2012 was when I started to lose interest in domestic appliances and started branch into more types of content (for example I remember this period of time was when I really starting getting into video game reviewers) which resulted with me not really paying attention to my old interest with domestic appliances anymore since I was now attracted by new types of content on a site that was rapidly growing and changing with each year (in fact in hindsight I think I spent too much time on YouTube but again that's a topic for another time), nowadays my “interest�� relating to washing machines is less about them on their own and more so the fact I have an interest in electromechanical engineering which means sometimes domestic appliances are attached to it.
So imagine my surprise when not only did I start seeing washing machine content pop up on YouTube again (mainly as a result of memes e.g. the end jingle some appliances would play at the end of the cycle) but how I finally was in a position where my knowledge would pay off because the door seal on our washing machine had a tear, meaning water would leak out which lead me to look up information on washing machines that I haven’t done in a long time.
I admit, it was harder than I thought, despite using a video tutorial as a reference guide what I intended to take 2 hours actually took around 6 (I did have lunch during that time but it took way longer than I planned) however despite this the repair was a success! Honestly it feels so weird that after all these years that my knowledge would in fact be useful, albeit in a tricky way because I’ve had little experience working on domestic appliances and it's one of those cases where theory and practice can make a lot of difference in how good you are.
Topic End: Epilogue
So we've gone through a holiday event, a holiday I've been on and also something I did which I never expected to happen in my current life, this part of 2023 was certainly memorable!
Like I said at the start there's one more Points of Interest post I have after this so be sure to catch that one as well!
See you there!
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Reading this and I get the feeling that likely Estu was the one that wanted the investigation on the simulation since she'd find it weird how there is so many PvP events and that was how the Flashback lights were discovered. - Mod poi
While its a good theory, my logic is that there was a lot of OOC events that occurred. While you expect this to be the case in a Hunger Games, the disproportionate amount of events where Hajime ended up killing people, Nikei killed Marin, Kotoko went apeshit and killed the Cuddle Puddle, all this was very suspicious indeed.
I think after everyone has calmed down from yelling at Review Anon, those in the Winners Longue, so not just Estu but also Kanata and Umeko, pointed out how this Hunger Game was way different then the ones they won, and then they pointed out that some dodgy business was involved. This got Review Anon to look into it and then she discovered the Flashback lights were used by Tsumugi Shirogane.
Tsumugi's motive was most likely to make the games more "interesting" as by removing or editing behaviour of the characters, they would be more willing to kill and kill their loved ones. It could explain why the characters got so pissed at Review Anon, as their behaviour could be edited, so maybe Tsumugi was seeking to usurp Review Anon as the gamemaster of the Hunger Games. And if the Flashback lights were discovered by someone, Review Anon would be the ideal scapegoat.
However as soon as Review Anon found the Flashback lights, especially as she didn't authorise their use, she decided to hit Tsumugi with the banhammer and forbid her for the next two years from the Hunger Games. It would be one thing if Tsumugi went up to Review Anon and asked if the Flashback lights could be used, but she did it behind her back, which got our ghostly gamemaster quite mad indeed.
#review anon talks#mod poi#asoot hunger games#i'm not saying the others didn't have a reason to be mad#nikei and mikan's anger was quite justified at the time#but tsumugi is such a shallow controlling bitch that this would be in character for her#i think so as i still haven't read dianthus memory#fortunately soon i will work on the valentine's day review and then i can actually read the arc
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