pyrokineticwarrior · 1 year
"My love, you know you can tell me anything, right? We're confidants, and… friends, first and foremost, so I was wondering if— well, if there was something you wanted to tell me or get off your chest…"
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Devlin sighed, his gaze shifting away from Arabella's earnest eyes. He appreciated her concern and the depth of their connection, but the weight of his unspoken burden held him back. He knew he couldn't fully open up about the haunting memories that plagued him, fearing that they would tarnish their relationship. Devlin wanted to protect her from the darkness that lurked within him, even if it meant keeping her in the dark about his own battles.
"My love, you're right," Devlin said, his voice tinged with a touch of sadness. "I agree we are confidants and friends, and I cherish that bond between us. But there are certain things... things that I struggle to put into words."
He paused, gathering his thoughts, before continuing. "But don't misunderstand me- it's not that I don't trust you or value your support. It's just that some memories from the war still haunt me, and sharing them might burden you as well. I don't want to bring that darkness into our lives."
Devlin's gaze returned to Arabella with a desire to shield her from the pain he carried. He decided to redirect the conversation, hoping to shift the focus away from his own struggles.
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"Speaking of misunderstandings, let me tell you about Killian," Devlin said, his tone lightening slightly. "I was wrong to assume he was suspicious-looking. It turns out he's a genuinely caring brother, and I misjudged him. I think it's safe to say, we can't always trust our initial impressions?"
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darkhearthorns · 1 year
"I'm sorry to... to interrupt you, husband, I know you are busy in your royals duties but, there is—there is something I need to know... Is there any reason why I'm not allowed to go to the enchanted forest anymore? I tried to go now but, Calico—he stopped me, he told me I can't go there... anymore."
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"The enchanted forest holds great beauty and allure, but it is also a place of mystery and potential danger. The decision to restrict access to the forest was made out of concern for your safety, as well as the well-being of our realm."
Hopefully she will understand where he was coming from. He noted it was the first time his newlywed had approached him with a concern, and it felt like a pivotal moment. Before she rarely conversed, and he even started thinking she might resent him. This was a relief beyond words.
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"Calico, as our trusted councilman and advisor, acts in accordance with my instructions to ensure the safety of our people, including you. However, it seems that there has been a lack of communication, and I apologize for any confusion or frustration this may have caused."
He tried to look into her eyes and have them meet gazes- but she wasn't looking for some reason. He then continued, conveying his sincerity and commitment to resolving the matter. Taking steps to resolve this should be his utmost concern.
"I will personally address this situation with Calico and give it the attention it deserves. We will discuss the reasons behind the restriction and explore possible alternatives to ensure your safety while allowing you the freedom you seek. Perhaps, if you go with me, it might not be such an issue. I'll protect you against the lurking dangers, Arabella."
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mutatedangels-a · 1 year
@poetryofcorpses // soap x arabella
Soap leaned back against the chair, making sure that his wounded left ear was visible and accessible to the girl. If he was dealing with any other medic he wouldn't bother to be so considerate, but he knew that he wouldn't hear the end of it from Arabella if he wasn't a compliant patient.
Munching on a bag of chips, he kept his eyes fixed on the Squad outside of the medic tent, their shadows waxing and waning in the buzzing of their camp at night. Around them, maybe a hundred, if even, other soldiers worked like an army of bees. He wanted so badly to be part of the action—to know the next move once the sun rose in the sky.
Instead, he'd been ordered to stay back for at least a day or two to let his ear (and a few other things on him that had been gashed and at risk for infection) heal. Worse, he was under the charge of the bossiest nurse he'd ever met.
He took another bite of chips and looked over at the woman. Not for long, though. He didn't want her to think that he was being chummy with her. "Let's make this quick, doc." His neck felt wet with blood from his ear; it'd been grazed by a near-miss bullet, but he wasn't feeling any pain.
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@poetryofcorpses sent in a starter:
❣ (any of your choice 🥰) (was waiting for the correct time for them to interact)
My muse has been in a fight (and not fared very well) - send ❣ for them to react to your muse offering to patch them up.
Picking fights when he was feeling reckless was something Errol still hadn't learned not to do. It was like he was punishing himself for something. It was an impulse to bring himself physical pain to distract himself from emotional pain. And what better way to do that than to pick a fight with someone he couldn't possibly hope to win against.
At least not if he was fighting fair.
He'd gotten a couple dirty shots in at the last minute. It's probably what saved him from a worse fate in the end. He very easily could have wound up six feet under if he hadn't ended the fight when he did. Technically he'd won, since the other man gave up before he did.
But Errol didn't feel like a winner. He felt like shit. His lip was split, he had a black eye and a bloody nose, and he was fairly certain he had a few broken ribs. At the very least they were bruised pretty bad. His knuckles were bloody and bruised too, but not all of that blood was his own.
Worse than all of that was the concussion though. His ears were ringing and the world felt like it was spinning. The vertigo was causing him to feel nauseous and made him stumble as he tried to find his way back home. Errol wasn't even sure he was going the right way. He was just walking to keep from blacking out. Well... Walking might be too flattering a word to describe the way he stumbled around and had to hold on to the walls around him to keep from falling on his face.
He wasn't sure where he was anymore. Nothing looked familiar, and his vision was swimming enough that it made it difficult to tell if he was indoors or outside. There were lights, but they were too bright to look at for long, so he couldn't tell if they were indoor fixtures or city lights.
Finally his footing faltered more than he could correct it and Errol was sent tripping forward. Grabbing onto the first thing he could reach to try and stop himself from planting his face in the dirt, he ended up grasping at some sort of dark blob shaped thing to try and regain his balance.
Upon closer inspection it was a person.
"Fuck, m'sorry," he mumbled, hands on their shoulders as his knees gave out beneath him and he started to swerve to the side. His fingers slipped off of them and with another soft curse, he fell to the ground rather roughly.
"Damn it..." Shaky arms held him up, but only barely as he reached one hand up to wipe some of his own blood away from his face. Unable to hold himself up much longer after that, he laid down at the stranger's feet and looked up at them, seeing the lights spin around their head like stars on a dizzy cartoon character. Except he was the one that was dizzy.
He needed help. Opening his mouth to ask for it, something went haywire in his brain and instead of saying 'can you call an ambulance' or even just 'help me', he said something completely unrelated instead. "You're pretty."
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shadowoflegacy · 1 year
"Councilman Calico, I don't mean... to intrude with my question, and I— I apologize in advance for the interruption but, uh... I was wondering where I could find the books of the palace healers? I want to familiarize myself with the medical practices of the kingdom and…. I can't find any information anywhere, do you know why?"
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The Princess Arabella, over here? She did not belong here, he thought. Nevertheless, he approached caution as he replied to her.
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"Your highness, may I say- your desire to familiarize yourself with the medical practices of the kingdom is commendable. However, the absence of information on the palace healers was intentional. Such knowledge was closely guarded and shared only with those who had proven themselves trustworthy and dedicated to the well-being of the realm," he replied, hoping he can explain the significance and secrecy surrounding the palace healers' knowledge.
Calico then continued when it seemed as though she might be disappointed with his answer, so his voice softened slightly, "If you were genuinely interested in delving into this subject, I suggested you seek an audience with the esteemed Head Healer. She possesses the wisdom and authority to grant you insights into our healing traditions and practices."
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whenweopenwerered · 1 year
🎥 ( THEATER ) (Soap) (maybe during a date with the squad? Idk to make it more dangerous /fun)
@poetryofcorpses //
For as well as the Reaper Squad got along and worked together, they only had a few common interests, and one of them was catching the next newest and biggest action movie as soon as it came out. Not everyone could fly into town for every single movie, though, so once in a while it had to just be a few members while the others caught their local showings internationally or just in another state. Soap had the pleasure (or pain?) of living close enough to Nancy and Eli that they could tag along whenever they felt like it, which usually Soap would love—but not tonight, when he was on a date with his new girlfriend, Bella.
“Leave them alone!” Nancy whisper-yelled at Eli, who’d been heckling the new couple from a few seats away during the previews. Thankfully she was there, Soap thought, to make sure the new couple was given some space to enjoy their date—especially since she and Eli sort of infiltrated it. On purpose, he figured.
Soap flicked a playful middle finger toward their way before they broke out in giggles. He rolled his eyes, then shot a somewhat apologetic look to Bella. “We can’t have any peace, it seems.” But it looked as if he didn’t need to apologize at all; she seemed to be in a good mood as she reached over and placed her hand atop his, likely in attempt to soothe him. He gave her a warm, grateful smile—that turned into an expression of slight panic, then surprised pleasure, when he felt her hand travel upward.
“Here. Are you cold?” He stopped her only for a brief moment, long enough for him to take his jacket off and drape it over her, giving them enough cover to do what they wanted.
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iincantatorum · 1 year
what chess piece represents you?
for delia:
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Black Knight
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You are a Black Knight, the black sheep, the underdog. As the only piece that can jump over others, you can easily get yourself in and out of situations - always catching people off guard with your charisma and cunning. You move in the shadows, trading information with shady people, getting the upper hand through not always good methods. How far do you think this road can take you? For all your charisma or cunning, lies can only get you so far. One day, that mask you've put on will slip, and you'll be left defenseless. But until then, oh black knight, live like there's no tomorrow - because there might not be.
for apollymi:
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White Pawn
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You are a white pawn. Don't let pawn be misleading, this means you're full of potential. Being the white piece and a pawn means you can have the first move on the board. Will you make a good first impression? For all the spotlight is on you, watching you go across the board on your long journey. Will you rely on those around you for support? For a pawn, for all its love and hope, can do little by itself. Not until it reaches the other side of the board and has its full potential realized. Who will you be at the end of your journey? Only time will tell.
Tagged by: @poetryofcorpses (she tagged apollymi) & @gretaphasmatosmartin (she tagged delia)
Tagging: you!
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pyrokineticwarrior · 1 year
[ 𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐬 ] : sender plants kisses on undressed receiver's scar/s.
"Baby Bella... you don't have to..."
Devlin stood there, vulnerable and exposed, as Arabella tenderly planted kisses on his undressed scars. Each time those soft, careful lips touched his scars, Devlin felt a deep connection with her. To him, it felt as though each soul-touching kiss carried a message of understanding and compassion, a silent acknowledgement of the battles he had fought both physically and emotionally.
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Emotion welled up within Devlin as he closed his eyes, allowing himself to fully experience the tenderness of the moment. For too long, he held them back- out of fear of being judged or being unable to return to his normal self. He felt a sense of release, as if a weight he had been carrying for so long was being lifted, as he felt pressure in his once-broken nose too. Arabella's actions reassured him that he didn't have to hide his scars or bury his pain. Nor did he have to hide his tears- she was allowed to see them.
Gently, he reached out and cupped Arabella's face, his touch filled with tenderness and gratitude. His voice, laced with a raw vulnerability, trembled as he spoke, "thank you, Arabella. Thank you for taking me back, for seeing beyond the surface. Your acceptance and understanding mean more to me than words can express. I won't leave you... again."
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darkhearthorns · 1 year
💋 (btw i tied Sirena on a chair to be able to do this and Bella doesn't want to admit it this, but as their mother i should!)
send ‘💋’ if your muse thinks mine is kissable.
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Arabella, supposedly found him kissable? He couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment and frustration, knowing that their relationship was far from the affectionate connection he had hoped for. Hmm. The fact that the information came through rumors of unknown origin only added to his suspicion.
He muttered under his breath, Rumors, always circulating like a wildfire. But what truth do they hold?
He pondered the situation, realizing that Arabella had been distant and seemingly resentful towards him. Their communication had been limited, leaving him with a sense of unease and uncertainty about their marriage.
Maverick was resolute, declaring, "I must seek the truth directly from Arabella herself. No more relying on whispers and hearsay."
With a determined stride, Maverick made his way to find Arabella, determined to address the growing distance between them and confront the rumors head-on. He found her in their shared chambers, her expression seeming guarded when noticing his presence.
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"Arabella, we need to talk," he began to speak, keeping his tone gentle yet firm. "I heard rumors about your perception of me, but I want to hear it from you directly. Is it true? Do you find me kissable?"
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pyrokineticwarrior · 1 year
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[Text:] i found these and wanted to share it with you. I know you like silly things just as i do!
Devlin smiles as he receives the text from Arabella, appreciating the lightheartedness of the funny memes. He quickly types out his response, aiming to maintain the playful and friendly tone they've been cultivating:
[text] Hey Arabella! These memes are hilarious! 😄 Made me laugh out loud before bed. Thanks for brightening up my evening. Looking forward to more adventures and laughs with you.
Devlin presses send, hoping his response conveys his genuine enjoyment of the memes and his excitement to continue building their rekindled friendship. He sets his phone aside, feeling grateful for the connection they're reestablishing and eagerly anticipating what their future holds. He should sleep, but he was going to be lying if he didn't admit he was waiting for his phone to buzz, for a response back.
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pyrokineticwarrior · 1 year
@poetryofcorpses || Climbing High {devlin & arabella}
Devlin had just clocked into his shift when he heard that there was a climber who was stuck. The person who was staffed before him, and in charge of the climbing wall had left early without telling anyone, so, she has been there for probably five to ten minutes. Devlin sighed in annoyance and went to the area to latch on the rope to his belt, all while thinking of how the poor girl was scared for that long. When one was stuck, each minute of peril felt like it lasted much longer, and he knew from experience. Memories of his experience overseas in the army returned whenever he would be climbing on the wall, and he cannot push those back. He saved countless soldier's lives even in extreme conditions. In comparison, they were in a rather illustrious gym. This was an indoors climbing wall and quite air-conditioned. They should be fine.
Everything went well, until he was getting closer to the girl. From the angle below, something about her seemed familiar. Her frame? The texture of her hair? It reminded him of a different lifetime, where he was so young and filled with spirit, until he felt he was a broken shell of his former self.
"Arabella," he spoke her name, now face-to-face with the girl with the soft features and sharp words. His old high school girlfriend, before he left her as soon as he was enlisted about more than a decade ago.
Still, this was still a client, so he wrapped his arms around her and looked down, trying to get her to balance with him, but he was met with some resistence.
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"Hey, it's just me, I got you. What, you're scared Bella? I'm not gonna let you fall," he spoke to her in the same cadence from all those years back, while the informality was feeling like he stepped back into his own home, finally.
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pyrokineticwarrior · 1 year
"Can you tell me... why is it, so difficult for you to believe that I have a brother??"
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"There's just... so much that doesn't add up. I've never met the guy before, Arabella, and I know so many people try to scam others. I had to test him and see if he's genuine, for your sake."
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@poetryofcorpses @monsterxlayer
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pyrokineticwarrior · 1 year
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"Oh uhm-" He blushed when noticing Arabella's rare and persistent gaze on him. "My shirt is in the laundry, I'll just get it. Yeah."
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pyrokineticwarrior · 1 year
@poetryofcorpses a lighthearted thread!
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“So, what’s the prognosis, Doc? Am I gonna live?”
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pyrokineticwarrior · 1 year
"Was Hercules your favorite animated movie growing up? I can't remember..."
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"You remembered correctly. I loved watching Hercules, and my favorite were the muses who sang and narrated the tales. And Megara- you kind of remind me of her. Clever, pretty..."
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pyrokineticwarrior · 1 year
Hey Dev, if you are not going to hit that (Bella), let others feast, dont be greedy.
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"I don't like your tone. Feast? She's not something to be consumed. Whatever Arabella does is up to her and I don't control anything. Nor is it any of your business what I do, either. You got that?"
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