#(I might have gotten a little carried away with the intro here lol)
@poetryofcorpses sent in a starter:
❣ (any of your choice 🥰) (was waiting for the correct time for them to interact)
My muse has been in a fight (and not fared very well) - send ❣ for them to react to your muse offering to patch them up.
Picking fights when he was feeling reckless was something Errol still hadn't learned not to do. It was like he was punishing himself for something. It was an impulse to bring himself physical pain to distract himself from emotional pain. And what better way to do that than to pick a fight with someone he couldn't possibly hope to win against.
At least not if he was fighting fair.
He'd gotten a couple dirty shots in at the last minute. It's probably what saved him from a worse fate in the end. He very easily could have wound up six feet under if he hadn't ended the fight when he did. Technically he'd won, since the other man gave up before he did.
But Errol didn't feel like a winner. He felt like shit. His lip was split, he had a black eye and a bloody nose, and he was fairly certain he had a few broken ribs. At the very least they were bruised pretty bad. His knuckles were bloody and bruised too, but not all of that blood was his own.
Worse than all of that was the concussion though. His ears were ringing and the world felt like it was spinning. The vertigo was causing him to feel nauseous and made him stumble as he tried to find his way back home. Errol wasn't even sure he was going the right way. He was just walking to keep from blacking out. Well... Walking might be too flattering a word to describe the way he stumbled around and had to hold on to the walls around him to keep from falling on his face.
He wasn't sure where he was anymore. Nothing looked familiar, and his vision was swimming enough that it made it difficult to tell if he was indoors or outside. There were lights, but they were too bright to look at for long, so he couldn't tell if they were indoor fixtures or city lights.
Finally his footing faltered more than he could correct it and Errol was sent tripping forward. Grabbing onto the first thing he could reach to try and stop himself from planting his face in the dirt, he ended up grasping at some sort of dark blob shaped thing to try and regain his balance.
Upon closer inspection it was a person.
"Fuck, m'sorry," he mumbled, hands on their shoulders as his knees gave out beneath him and he started to swerve to the side. His fingers slipped off of them and with another soft curse, he fell to the ground rather roughly.
"Damn it..." Shaky arms held him up, but only barely as he reached one hand up to wipe some of his own blood away from his face. Unable to hold himself up much longer after that, he laid down at the stranger's feet and looked up at them, seeing the lights spin around their head like stars on a dizzy cartoon character. Except he was the one that was dizzy.
He needed help. Opening his mouth to ask for it, something went haywire in his brain and instead of saying 'can you call an ambulance' or even just 'help me', he said something completely unrelated instead. "You're pretty."
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dramaphan · 3 years
Fuck it live reaction
•the little Dan pop ups while I wait for it to start are annoying but I did giggle at “not much longer before I ruin what’s left of my career by exposing what really goes on in my head” buddy what are you talking about
• the intro is… uh.
• oh we’re on the floor suddenly alright okay coolcoolcool
• oh my god
• actually fuck it I’m gonna do a count every time he tries to act single: 6
• god I hate that jacket
•Dan you’ve been out for two years genius
• oh fcuk alright is this the cry part
• commitment issues counter: 1
• I was gonna make a comment about the straight people shoutout but then he blew a kiss and it broke me STOP IT
• Dan it’s pride month can we lighten up a little
• so we’re in his brain and each door is a moment he didn’t feel proud okay we guessed this
• I have some fucking feelings about Dan always telling stories about himself and saying shit like “this will traumatize me but it might help you lol” like can we cut that the fuck out maybe
• “I’m just the subject of some sad charity advert” then leave
• door 1 door 1 door 1 fear I’m afraid fear fear
• oh fuck it’s him there he is!!! My favourite white boy!!!
• I hate the acting. All around hate it
• I’m not sure how I’m supposed to react to what’s happening right now
• Phil entered the brain through door 1 and exited through a different door is this going to be significant
• like should I be looking for symbolism in this thing
•a pop star what???
• we’re backstage on tour now. Which tour who knows
• why am I anxious
• who are theeeyyyy?????
• are these real phannies or paid actors
• the redhead telling Dan off yes queen get his ass
• through the help of Tumblr??? Which one of you is a tattletale
• oh man what fucked up thing has Dan tweeted lately that I can blame on this
• I’m in love with this redhead ma’am hand in marriage???
• this is kinda fun
• name them! Shame them!
• it was granny wasn’t it
• we’ve heard about this girl a couple times now I wonder if they still talk
• I love these guys I still can’t tell if they’re actual fans or not but fuck what a bunch
• oh
• oh???? Return of the dil head???? I didn’t think I’d be right about that
• new door pride parade outfit let’s goooo
• oh there’s an upstairs to this door go up there dan shh stop yapping go up the stairs
• this thing actually is way more Dan centric than I was expecting it to be
• where are we going now I wanted to go upstairs 😠
• sing break
• I’m skipping over the musical number sorry will
• I think I’m blacking out this whole conversation I just cannot pay attention can we go upstairs yet
• Dan looks like he’s gonna burst into tears dude are you good
• we’re really not gonna go upstairs are you kiDDING ME
• now we’re opening the door Phil left through time to find out if that meant something or if I’m a phannie freak
• couldn’t afford a llama we could see? That’s just floating eyes
• turns out I was a phannie freak
• last door lights weird fear
• now we’re going back in the tour door??
• we’re in. Hollywood.
• wait is Tyler Oakley the guy we like but want to stay away from nice
• realizing I have not laid eyes on Tyler in a long time who is this guy
• I’ve always really liked Dan and Tyler’s dynamic this is fun I’m having fun
• “it wasn’t a secret that I had a secret” is probably the best way to wrap all of that up in a neat little package
• “people see you liking a tweet from somebody and they think there must be something there” looking directly at you, phannies
• Dan came out a completely different door??? Am I the only one keeping track of the doors???
• final door final door fuck hell fuck
• oh fuck OFF
• fuck off fuck off fuck off
• thank god we left I’m not ready for that either
• oh the brain is gone we’re just on the floor now
• oh god there’s a ghost in the room
• “you’re a woman” “all the sensible people are” YES BITCH
• Dan’s fairy godmother is the smartest person in this video so far
• Dan… getting strapped by his fairy ghost. Alright
• I’m so uncomfortable with the aura coming off teenage Dan as played by grown up Dan this guy smells
• are we ending it here???? Please say something funny you can’t leave me with THAT
• looking for Phil owowowoowoOW
• I’m nervous I’m shitting nervous shitting
• Phil sent him back through the llama door
• there’s a guitar and a baseball bat on the table when he’s talking about doing things he wants to do??? Carrie Underwood era???
• there’s something funny about him destroying things like the piano and the all black wardrobe as if we don’t know that he’s going to continue to make those things his personality
Alright it’s over final review: it was way better than I was expecting actually. Still wouldn’t consider it a “””Dan video””” but it’s at least content which is more than we’ve gotten in over 3 years so beggars can’t be choosers I guess. Not bad. Decent use of an hour of my time.
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ikenbar · 4 years
Mr. Love: Ike’s Choice Ch3 Prologue & Pt 1
Author’s note (wait don’t go it’s important lol):
Alright!! Time for Chapter three!! I’ve already gone into what this story is and what to expect in chapter one part one so I won’t explain anything here, but this chapter will be introducing a new side to Ikamara. Also sassy Victor, soft Lucien, and angsty bois!! Also I will be taking lines directly from the game in this chapter. Don’t worry, I will be sure to add credit and the source when I do so they get their rightful credit :D I will be posting Wednesdays/Thursdays so stay tuned!! This chapter has themes that are meant for more teenage audiences so be wary with your young eyes. Nothing too bad but there are some adult themes and suggestive scenes so keep an open mind and prepare for a good story :D
(p.s. I’m mashing the prologue and the part one together because I feel like it :P)
Warnings: Nothing. Honest to goodness soft times with family and adorable cheesy mishaps. The best kind when dealing with a corny intro to a new chapter :3... ah Oh but there is a cliffhanger to throw off the soft mood~
(Chapter One (intro to characters) parts one, two, three, four, five, six, and seven here :))
(Chapter Two (Gavin) prologue and parts one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, and eleven here :D)
(Ikamara One Shots: St. Richards, Mp3, more coming soon :D)
 Chapter Three:
Dinner had been like all the others before it. With a small prayer from Maria, the kids talk about their day, then Bart would try to get the newest little addition to the family to talk. Their efforts had been fruitless thus far from the past month that she had spent at their foster home, but Bart and Maria thought they were getting through to her. “So, Ikie!" Bart began cheerily, “Ikemilike. Ikeamelon… Ike, how was your day? Do anything worthwhile?” Ike stayed silent, picking at the stake left on her plate. After some awkward silence, Sam stood on his chair.
“Yeah she did!” Sam said happily, “She totally schooled some bullies for me! Isn’t that right, Ike?” 
Still nothing.
“All she did was look at them and they ran off like scared little school girls! It was hilarious!”
“That sounds pretty fun!” Bart chuckled and looked over to Ike, “It sounded like you really had Sam’s back, back there!" Ike took a cup up to her lips and avoided eye contact with Bart.
“Of course she did!"” Sam chimed, “We are connected by a brother and sister bond! I can tell you exactly what she is thinking right now!” Ike halted her movements.
“Oh?” Bart laughed, “Well then go ahead! Tell me, what is she thinking right now?” Sam puffed his cheeks and stared intently at Ike from across the table. Ike placed down her cup and stared back, unphased. Silence washed over the room as Sam and Ike held their eye contact. Bart watched the girl intently. He wanted to have a go at reading her as well. Ike’s eyes portrayed a strong emotion that was indistinguishable to Bart. She looked like she wanted to say something, to scream it to the world. What did she want to say? And why wouldn’t she just say it?
“Got it!” Sam broke the silence harshly, causing everyone, except Ike, to jump, “She is thinking that she loves and cares about each of us! And when she is ready, she will be sure to tell us herself!” Ike’s usual poker face broke. Her mouth fell open and her eyes grew wide. Sam got it right. 
Sam proudly smiled at Ike, “I got it right, didn’t I?? I told you we are connected!” Ike stared at him for a little longer with the same awestruck look from before. Bart opened his mouth too. He wanted to say something. To encourage her to speak and tell them what she was thinking. To trust that they will do anything to make her happy, but he didn't get the chance to. All at once, Ike regained her original poker face and stood from her seat. She bowed then took her plate up.
“You’re done already?” Bart asked, quickly standing with Ike, “You haven’t finished your food yet!” Ike turned without acknowledging his words and left the room.
“Are you going to the gym?” Maria called back to Ike, after her as she walked to the front door, “Would you like a ride?” Bart got up and followed his wife. Ike shook her head and grabbed the gym bag she always kept by the door.
“Oh so you’re walking again.” Maria wrung her hands nervously, “Well, be careful, Ike. Text me when you have gotten to the gym, Ok?” Ike nodded and slung the bag over her arm. She moved to open the door.
“Wait!” Sam sped out of the dining room and to Ike. She halted her movements and turned to face Sam as he stopped in front of her, panting slightly. He smiled and held out his hands, “I have something for you!” Bart and Maria craned their necks to look at the contents in Sam’s hands. Right in the middle of his palms was an old, small mp3 player with earbuds wrapped neatly next to it. 
“It’s my old mp3 player!” Sam’s voice was so sweet that he could cause cavities, “I have all of my music on my phone now so I figure you can have it! Look,” Sam flipped the player over, “There is a clip-on it’s back so you can use it while working out! I put all the songs you like on there! Plus some songs I think you might enjoy!” Ike stared at Sam’s hands. She held that same look that she had in her eye from dinner but she showed no sign of taking the mp3 player. “I-I read somewhere that working out with music makes the exercise easier.” Sam hesitated slightly. “I know how you gave your mp3 player to Ashton so I’m giving you mine! I wanted to make sure you enjoy every second you spend at the gym… and,” Sam lowered his head slightly, “I… I want you to be happy. I can understand if you wanted to be happy away from us, but I want you to remind you that you can be happy with us as well! So, I hope this mp3 player will remind you of your new family! And how much we care about you!” Sam extended his hands a little further, “If you’ll let us… if you’ll let me, I’d love to show you how much I care! Then maybe, just maybe, you can tell me yourself!”
Ike's eyes were trained on the player but they weren’t focused on them. She seemed to be thinking about something else entirely. Sam noticed this and, looking defeated, he started lowering his hands. Swiftly, Ike’s hand darted out from her side and grabbed the player from Sam. He looked taken aback but soon recovered and he smiled widely as Ike took the earbuds and unwrapped them, draping them around her neck. She looked up, eyeing Sam. Sam opened his mouth to say something but an unfamiliar voice interrupted him.
“Thank you.”
Part One:
My eyes flew open. The alarm on my phone buzzed obsessively but I didn’t turn it off. I didn’t remember falling asleep that night. Nor did I remember doing it at my desk over the paperwork I had out for my meeting with Victor later that day. What was strange to me though was that dream. The woman in front of me. Something about her seemed familiar. Something at the back of my head ached to reveal why but, for some reason, kept itself in the dark. Why? What was so special about her? I finally slid my hand over my phone, pressing the button to silence it. She can’t have been someone from my past. Everyone from my past made me feel weak. That woman’s silhouette… I felt strong. I felt like I needed to be. For her. Who was she?! 
In a white room, one person stood in front of me. Facing away from me. A small woman with shoulder length brown hair, a striped blue dress, and a petite body. I had no memory of her but, somehow, I felt drawn to her. Felt strongly towards her. Protective of her. The woman slowly turned around…
A small ping came from my phone, snapping me to my senses.
The bottom of the old dresser drawer dung uncomfortably into my fingers as Bart and I carried it up the stairs. Bart had texted me and asked if I could help him move some new furniture into the vacant bedroom in their house. I had already been awake from spending that whole night preparing for Victor’s meeting that day so I accepted. When I had come over they had greeted me with the news that Maria had gotten a call from the foster care center and was asked if she could take in another kid. She gladly accepted and had splurged on items to fill the room with to make it homey. She refused to tell us anything about the new kid but, from the items she chose to decorate the room, it was going to be another girl.
“Why did we need to get a new dresser?” Bart grunted as he adjusted his grip, “We still have Evie’s old dresser upstairs.”
“This new kid doesn’t deserve any hand me downs!” Maria stood at the top of the stairs and looked down at us with worry and excitement in her eyes, “They deserve to be greeted and welcomed home with things just as new as they are! Besides, Evie’s old dresser is in the guest room. And I am not going to try to move that one again.”
“Bart, you can give me more weight,” I reassured as he struggled to lift the dresser, “I can take it.”
“Nope!” He huffed through his cheerful smile, “You were asked to help, not to hold the team.”
“It’s nothing. I normally take this time to exercise anyway. I could use a challenge.”
“No need to show me up in front of my wife, Ikamara.”
I rolled my eyes as Bart continued to struggle. The dresser weighed nothing to me thanks to my Evol, but waiting for Bart to take the next step on the stairs caused the weight of the dressers to ding into my skin uncomfortably. It was then that I was once again thankful for the nerve damage in my left arm. “So, Maria.” I casually made conversation as Bart murmured to himself angrily, “Tell me more about this kid. How old are they?”
“It’s a surprise!” Maria giggled and bounced in place slightly.
“Really? Are we still on that?” I rolled my eyes, “Can’t we just skip the stage of playful teasing and to the point where you break and tell me everything anyway?”
“No way! I’m going to hold off on this one!” Maria had played this game far too often. Luckily for me, I knew just the right buttons to press to get her to talk.
“Whatever, I’m just excited for another girl.” I said this casually. Casually enough to send Maria spiraling.
“AH! ME TOO! I FINALLY HAVE A GIRL IN THIS HOUSE WHO IS OLD ENOUGH TO-” Maria caught the sight of my arched eyebrow and the smirk rising the corner of my lips, “... That was a cheap shot.”
“It was inevitable.” I redirected my attention to Bart, who was trying to find a different grip on the dresser. I sighed and repositioned my hands on the dresser so that I could support more of the weight. I raised the dresser slightly. 
“Hah!” Bart exclaimed, finally finding a good spot to hold on the dresser, “I’ve got it now! Ok, Evie, start making your way up the stairs.”
“Finally.” I sighed, moving slowly up the stairs, “Ok, Maria, You can continue telling me about your new daughter.”
“Ok!” Maria clapped her hands and leaned on the railing as she giggled like a teenager talking about their new crush, “Her name is Adrienne. She is seventeen, really loves to listen to music, is super good in school and is exceptional with kids-”
“But...” I egged.
“You only use such over the top adjectives when there is a ‘but’ coming. What’s wrong with her?”
Maria scoffed but, after catching my eye, she sighed, “... She is a flight risk. And I was warned she likes to talk back and rebel a lot. She hates being a foster child and often runs away to try to get back to her parents, who have been called out to a business trip for a few years in The States. So Evie, I know I’ve asked a lot of you lately, but,” I had finally hit the top stair and placed the dresser on the ground when Maria rested a hand on my shoulder, making me face her, “I need you to come over tomorrow for dinner. She’ll have moved in by that evening. I want you to show her this place isn’t as bad as she may think. I want her to stay here until her parents come back. I know you know how it feels to stay here for a long time so… maybe-”
“I’ll be there.” I interrupted Maria. Her eyes brimmed with excitement and her smile widened. She jumped into my stomach, pulling me into a tight hug. 
“Thank you!” She bounced slightly, nudging her head under my chin.
“Yeah, yeah.” I patted her awkwardly on the back, “First we’ve got to move her in. Bart,” I looked over to Bart, who had sprawled himself out on the floor, “You ready?”
“Gimme… a… second.” Bart panted, raising a limp finger. He took a deep breath and slowly raised himself off of the floor. He cursed under his breath as he stretched his back.
“Swear jar.” Ashton pushed Bart out of the way as he came from the bathroom behind him.
“Jeez, dad. You’ve seen better days.” Sam teased as he followed Ashton out of the bathroom and prodded Bart’s side.
“Don’t make me ground you, mister.” Bart teased back, glaring playfully at the boy beside him.
“You’d have to find it first.” Sam laughed and rolled his eyes. They fell on me and his snarky expression changed to a happy one, “Ike! When did you get here??” I checked my watch as Sam made his way over to me. 
“A little over an hour ago.” I accepted Sam’s hug with a couple of pats, “And we have only moved one piece of furniture.”
“It was the heaviest one!” Bart pouted, “You don’t have to be so rude about it!”
I rolled my eyes, “I’ll have to leave soon to head to work”
“Oh yeah!” Bart’s tone changed dramatically as he smiled proudly at me, “Don’t you have that meeting with Victor today?”
“Don’t remind me.” I rubbed the tiredness from my eyes, “I've also got that new assistant that I need to train.”
“Oh yeah! What did you say his name was?” Bart tapped his chin in thought, “Michael?”
“Minor.” I corrected Bart as I nudged Sam off of me. He complied and I repositioned myself in front of the dresser, “Let’s get this done so I can get going. Ready?” Bart grumbled but positioned himself across from the dresser as well, “One… two…”
“Isn’t your date with Lucien today as well?” Sam sweetly asked from next to me.
I froze. After the events of the past week with Gavin and the warehouse, I had completely forgotten about my da-... meeting with Lucien. Whether that was because I was distracted or because I was suppressing the thought, I didn’t know. What I did know was that it was that night.
... And I had completely forgotten to tell Maria.
“DATE?!” Maria nearly exploded. I shook my head and focused on the dresser again
“Three.” I moved to lift it but Bart stood from his spot on the dresser.
“You got a date with Lucien?!” Bart smiled widely at me.
“I guess we are talking about this now,” I sighed, letting go of the dresser and standing as I spoke, “It’s not a date. It’s a meeting to talk about the psychology of our show. He is only there to give me tips.”
“Oh really?” Maria teased, “When will this meeting be?”
“After my meeting with Victor.”
“So after the hours you are working?” Bart chimed in, giving his wife a knowing look.
“That was the only time he was available.”
“Is he going to be the one picking you up?” Now Sam was asking questions.
“I don’t know!” My voice became an octave higher than normal, “When did this become a game of twenty questions?! I-” A small ping came from my pocket. I grumbled as I pulled out my phone. Someone had sent me a message. My heart skipped I read the recipient’s name. That man had impeccable timing.
“Speak of the devil!” Maria had peered over my shoulder and read the notification on my screen. Bart and Sam soon found their way next to me to look at the screen as well.
“Well?!” Sam cheered, craning his neck slightly, “Open it!” I hesitated for a moment, then opened the message.
I am looking forward to our date tonight.
“Ha!” Everyone around me exclaimed haughtily. Maria, Bart, and Sam exchanged high fives. I sighed and rubbed my temples. These people were going to be the death of me. Another text from Lucien appeared on screen.
I have a wonderful place in mind for dinner. Do you have any allergies?
I quickly texted back.
I don’t remember agreeing that this would be a date.
I didn’t wait long for a response.
I’m sorry but I assumed that was what you intended.
“What are you doing?!” Maria pulled the phone from my hand and read the last texts, “You’re going to blow it!”
“Maybe that’s my intention.” I reached to take back the phone but Maria pulled it away from my reach.
“Ike, this is your first date! Are you sure you want to call it off?!” begged Maria.
“I didn’t even know it was a date! Give me my phone!” I moved to take it again but Sam pushed on my stomach. I looked down annoyed at him but my face melted when our eyes met. His eyes were big and his bottom lip was puffed out.
“He said he was looking forward to it.” Sam’s voice was higher pitched and whiny. As much as I hated to admit it, Sam's puppy eyes always got to me.
“Oh don’t give me that.” I whined rubbing my eyes to avoid meeting Sam’s, “I’m not ready to date anyone! Let alone someone like Lucien!”
“When will you ever be ready?” Sam’s question made me stop my movements. I finally met his gaze. He hadn’t dropped his puppy dog eyes. “Come on, Evie,” Sam continued to beg, “Give him a chance? For me?” Words jumbled themselves inside of my head as I tried looking for an excuse to say no… Ugh, how could he be so good at those eyes? A small ping came from my phone.
“He sent another message!” Maria gasped. I held back the urge to tackle her as I held out my hand. Maria looked hesitant, but after one raise of my eyebrow, she sighed and placed the phone in my palm. I looked at the message.
Would you prefer it to be purely professional?
My thumb hung over the keyboard, my stomach turning with anxiety. I should have known that was his intention… Still, this would be my first date with anyone. Ever. Was I willing to have Lucien become someone that I dated? Do I really feel comfortable with dating in general? 
I looked back down at Sam. His puppy dog eyes were gone. He looked at me with genuine determination and hope. I sighed and looked back at my phone. I quickly typed a reply before I could talk myself out of it.
 No. Where are we meeting?
Sam pulled down my arm to look at the screen. His expression changed as a huge smile rose across his cheeks. He cheered and replaced his arms around my stomach.
“Yeah, yeah.” I mumbled, patting his back, “But that is the last time I am letting those stupid eyes get to me.” Maria and Bart had found their way behind me and had read the text as well.
“This will be good for you, Evie.” Bart assured me, patting me on the back, “It’ll get you out of your head and into the world for a change.”
“Not to mention Lucien is a really good guy.” Maria beamed as I tucked my phone in my pocket, “He’ll be a good first date!”
“Right.” I disregarded their words and checked my watch,
“Not to mention good looking-”
“I need to go. Maria, could you help Bart with the rest of the furniture or do you need me?”
“No,” Maria shook her head and rolled up her sleeves, “We’ve got it from here. Have a great day, sweetie! Don't forget to come by tomorrow for dinner!” I nodded and started heading down the stairs. Bart and Maria assumed their positions by the dresser and Sam walked to his room, but another ping from my phone caused everyone to stop in their tracks. “What did he say!?” Maria bounced in place.
“Good bye!” I called behind me, continuing my walk down the stairs slightly faster this time. It wasn’t until I was outside the front door did I check the unread message.
No need to worry about that. I’ll come to pick you up. Where will you be after your meeting?
My stomach turned once again.
I can drive myself.
Lucien replied almost immediately.
I insist.
There was no winning with this guy...
...LFG. 6:00. Don’t be late.
I put my phone back in my pocket and closed my eyes, sucking in a deep breath of the morning air. Six o’clock was twelve hours away. That is just enough time to mentally prepare myself to open up to a person… after years of shutting people out… it took me three months just to talk to my foster family… oh boy.
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TGF Thoughts: 3x10--The One About the End of the World
I did it, I wrote recaps for all of season 3. 
Oooh, this ep starts off with the credits.
This is the season 3 finale, but it’s not written by the Kings. Maybe they were busy with Evil at this point? As I’ve mentioned before, Evil is very good. I am NOT a fan of horror, but Evil works for me for several reasons. If you haven’t seen it, you might be imagining it’s full of jumpscares and gore. It certainly has its fair share of jumpscares and gore, but they’re not the point. The show’s definition of evil isn’t just demons… it’s radicalized misogyny and slavery and racial inequalities. And, as you might expect from a show written by the Kings, evil manifests itself in misuses of technology quite frequently. 
Honestly, I think I laugh more than I cover my eyes while watching. And, to be clear, I laugh because the show is funny. It’s quirky and bizarre, serious enough to be dramatic but light enough to be watchable.
It’s also got a central myth-arc (way more serialized and puzzlebox-y than TGW/TGF/Braindead) that’s as complicated as you want it to be. If you want to look for the hidden puzzle pieces (literal puzzle pieces!) you can. If you want to be an attentive but univested viewer, you’ll be able to follow the arc just fine. The arc itself is pretty simple and the Kings use recurring guest stars to build a web that pays off over the course of the season. So if you’re used to following a TV show with lots of guest stars-- and you all are, since you’re viewers of TGF-- the mytharc isn’t going to demand a lot of effort to follow. 
Speaking of guest stars, you WILL recognize at least one familiar face per episode. And if you pay attention to the credits, you’ll recognize the names behind the scenes, too. I love it when showrunners collaborate with the same people over and over-- it makes me think they’re good to work with and look out for their friends. 
Just finishing up the most recent season of Younger before I jump into writing this and there was a Liza/Charles scene giving me MAJOR Alicia/Peter in Death of a Client vibes, mostly because of her hairdo. Then I realized: both scenes were DEFINITELY filmed in the same place. I love it. 
Confession: I don’t actually remember anything about this ep, except for the very end.
Kurt was working from home! He was prepping for 2020.
Oh we saw Julius leave the firm to become a judge? And here I thought it was a spoiler he was in a robe in the s4 trailer.
There is talk of making Lucca a partner! Yes! There’s also discussion of someone named Rosalyn, who I’m sure is great but also, have you met Lucca Quinn? But in all seriousness, if the writers want me to truly believe there’s another associate who can rival Lucca, they have to show it to me.
I do believe the partner who says Rosalyn would be better for the culture of the firm than Lucca, though. Lucca hasn’t shown herself to be that invested in getting to know her colleagues (aside from the two white girls), and I think (not sure though) Rosalyn is the one we’ve seen speaking up the last several episodes. 
Jay is going to dig into Book Club more, and I cannot wait until this is gone.
Cookies shouldn’t have photorealistic faces on them. 
Did they REALLY hire white guys for the mailroom because that consultant said to?
There is a very angry former client of RBL asking for more money from Julius. Blum put him up to it. Go away, Blum! 
Now there’s a lawsuit to make it seem like RBL is exploiting all the police brutality victims they’re represented. This is part of Blum’s plot.
Diane accidentally answers a call from Marissa, so Marissa gets to hear all the gossip about salaries and partnerships.
Now there’s weird lightning. Not in the clear yet! 
Oh RIGHT, there was that FaceTime defect. I forgot about it. 
Lucca doesn’t want to know what Marissa heard, but she’s happy to hear more once Marissa’s started the conversation. 
Is it possible for a man to say “ladies, we’ll get to you” in a work setting without sounding sexist? I don’t think it is.
Casually sexist judge likes Blum. 
Oh hello Maia. Blum says Maia became “disgusted and quit” after seeing RBL’s methods. Well, that’s a lie. You’d know it was a lie even if we hadn’t seen Maia get fired, because in order for Maia to know the firm’s methods she would have to do work. (OKAY I WILL STOP BUT THIS IS THE LAST EPISODE WHERE I CAN MAKE JOKES AND I’M GONNA MISS MY PUNCHING BAG A LITTLE BIT)
Maia is using her mom’s name and carrying the portfolio Diane gave her, just to throw Diane off.  
Diane confronts her about it and asks if this is retribution. Maia says it’s just “lawyering.”  Maia could have gone to any other firm-- like, even Canning’s firm-- and I would’ve thought she had a point. I would say trying to throw Diane off is mean but no worse than what others have done. But Blum is so hateful and malicious Maia has no ground to stand on. 
Maia says she’s coming after RBL because they’ve done wrong. She sounds like she’s convinced herself-- or maybe she’s gotten that good at lying. (It is telling that so many former clients would be willing to join this suit, though-- Maia isn’t wrong about that)
Show title spoken alert!
I am pretty sure the Diane/Maia scene right there is one I would have ripped Diane to shreds for if it had been her vs Alicia, and Blum wasn’t involved, because Maia’s being very practical (Blum is out to screw you; I am here for the clients) and Diane is on her high horse. Hell, maybe I’d even take Maia’s side if we got Blum out of the picture. But I hate him. And Maia’s on this case because Blum said so. She’s running his firm and working with all his clients; this one just happens to have a way to spin as doing good. 
Kurt has to intro 45 and is drafting a speech. Diane doesn’t know yet, so she thinks his scribbled “the last two years have been amazing/brought me a new optimism” are about her. She finds out the real meaning for the scribbles and leaves the room.
Blum’s here again. I hate him. 
Also RBL may have caught Blum and turned him in to the ACDB but Blum got disbarred all on his own by doing disbarrable shit repeatedly and knowingly. 
Lightning balls. Weird. 
Lucca asks Jay how she’s thought of. I feel like if you have to ask that question you’re probably not thought of as an integral part of the culture. This is a smart thing to show as Lucca’s weak spot. She’s never liked making friends. Lucca also worries she’s “not black enough” for the firm.
“Everyone likes you. Just, a lot of the associates think you never hang out,” Jay says. “So it’s high school? I don’t care about being popular. Who has time to hang out?” Lucca responds. That’s the problem, right there! Maybe this isn’t such a thing at RBL, but where I work, the partners always make a point of greeting everyone, sticking around at happy hours, etc. Part of their job is to create the culture. RBL doesn’t seem to have that culture, but I absolutely understand why some of the partners want it to. 
And the “not black enough” comment is coming at least in part from Lucca’s tendency to surround herself with all the white characters when she does socialize. 
“I do not have to prove myself to anyone, or perform what they think black should look like. This is 2019. I’m not playing this stupid fucking game,” Lucca responds. She’s right, I think, but I would also be curious to hear other perspectives. This situation feels pretty nuanced to me in that I think it can simultaneously be true that Lucca can act however she wants and shouldn’t be judged or typed for it AND that there’s a somewhat strong case against Lucca as a partner because of her engagement with her coworkers.
Does the fact that I like Evil!Maia so much mean I secretly liked Maia all this time??? 
Jay asks Marissa to help him create more diverse happy hours. And then it’s time for them to confront Book Club. Jay’s got some intel on Rochelle, who’s legit enough to have done polling for Eli. Overcharging a client 30% for a focus group seems like maybe not a big enough deal to blackmail someone with, but Jay tries!
Rochelle isn’t having it and tells Jay and Marissa, basically, that she’s going to escalate things. 
Oh there are very many guns in Diane and Kurt’s bedroom suite thing. 
Diane winds up writing Kurt’s speech for him by bullshiting. Kurt knows it’s bullshit. Diane’s writing a parody but it’s also not parody at all. “A parody but it’s also not parody at all’ is also true of the mindfuck that’s been the last four years. 
Jay ends up doing drawings of cartoon animals to be used in court because the judge can’t understand anything complicated. One cartoon is Judy Giraffe, who may share a name with the toy Andrew Wiley’s kids had in late season 6 (but I’m too lazy to look it up and see if I’m right about that).
This also may just be Zootopia. 
LOL there’s ASMR happening now. I could explain why but it’s more fun if I don’t. 
This scene is hilariously over the top. 
Maia was 12 in 2000. I feel like that’s inconsistent with other timelines we’ve been given but whatever. 
Lucca awkwardly tries to socialize. Lucca immediately misspeaks by saying she thinks Obama probably wished that for one day he didn’t have to be “the black president” and her colleagues freeze up and push back.
Marissa then shows up and the scene ends. Awkward. 
Now Blum’s hired actors to be disruptive in court. Ridiculous. I hate Blum. That said, this isn’t really any lower than Diane’s ASMR shenanigans. 
Blum is singing now, goodbye. 
So much COTW in this ep. Remember how it used to have meaning when the regulars got called to the stand? Like, I know this is technically character driven drama but it’s nowhere near as engaging as last episode’s internal investigations.
Rosalyn comes into Lucca’s office: she knows they’re up for the same partnership, and understands that’s why Lucca came to drinks. Rosalyn was informed by one of the partners, and as much as I like Lucca, Rosalyn is making quite a good case for herself by handling herself so professionally here. She comes to Lucca once she realizes the partners are pitting them against each other, “because that’s what people do to the black girls.” I want to hear more of what Rosalyn is about to say, but she’s cut off by BALL LIGHTNING. What the fuck? Now the power is out. 
Rosalyn thinks it’s the end times. The red skies do suggest that. Lucca is unconvinced. 
Diane pays Maia a visit. “So, you got what you wanted. A corner office,” Diane says. Had Maia expressed this wish? Or is Diane mocking her?
Maia says she knows what she’s getting with Blum, and “sometimes that’s better.” She isn’t wrong. But it’s BLUM. 
Diane offers Maia her job back. No, PARTNERSHIP at RBL. HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It’s hilarious enough in isolation, but the thought of Maia getting partnership over Lucca or Rosalyn (who both seem very deserving) makes it even worse. I think half of their staff would quit if Maia was made partner. 
It’s more money and Maia is skeptical. She (wisely) guesses that she’d be forced out after six months, but Diane (has she talked to any of the other partners about this?) says that wouldn’t happen. “You’re trying to buy me out of my case,” Maia FINALLY realizes. Well, I guess it makes sense she’d believe she was actually deserving of a partnership after two years of half working. 
Diane says it’s also because she impressed Adrian. Lol, okay. If that’s what it takes to make the suit go away.
Maia says she’ll think about it and asks Diane if it’s weird that they’ve ended up in this spot. Diane says yes and smiles.
Blum overheard the whole thing, naturally. He tells Diane that Maia won’t go with her. Now he is singing. Why is he singing. Why won’t he stop singing.
Liz does not like that Adrian and Corrupt Judge are friends. Why is Corrupt Judge here?
Diane watches Kurt awkwardly avoid clapping while standing directly behind 45. It is very funny and Diane enjoys it. Kurt is then removed from the audience, which leads Diane to say “Kurt, my God, I love you.” The incident makes the news almost instantly.
This Good Fight short has the characters in it. I imagine there’s a non-zero chance we get an animated, musical S4 wrap up given that they had to halt production. 
It’s weird there’s a short that says the season is over, followed by another scene.
Lucca and Marissa discuss how Maia got the partnership offer. Why would Diane or any of the partners let that slip?! “Two black girls are up for the job and they give it to the white girl,” Lucca says. Marissa’s surprised she’s not angry, but Lucca explains-- she knows Maia’s not going to take it. Marissa thinks Maia will, but Lucca understands that Maia’s moved on. 
Lucca no longer cares about the partnership because she’s realized “the best thing is to not care.” It’s almost like she was friends with Season 7 Alicia, who said this like twice an episode. 
Then Marissa and Lucca drop acid in the office because the world is ending, I guess. 
Didn’t the s1 finale also do this end of the world thing? A less apocalyptic version.
I think this Diane and Adrian scene may be a callback to that finale.
Diane posits that love and hope will get us through the endtimes.
Aaaah the case is still happening but I’m SO CLOSE to being done with season 3. I still love what TGF is doing, but its central devices and plots for season 2 worked so much better.
RBL wins! Diane notes that Maia hasn’t responded to their offer. Does that mean someone is still considering giving Maia a fucking partnership even though the case is closed? HA. 
Maia points this out and Diane insists they really want Maia home. This is probably the worst judgment I’ve ever seen Diane have? She wants to bring her goddaughter who is three years out of law school on as a partner at her firm, OVER two extremely qualified black women? Even if Maia were truly the best lawyer ever, the optics alone are bad enough to make Maia a terrible choice.
Maia decides, instead, to head for D.C. with Blum. She gets in an elevator and sucks on a fentanyl lollipop, which, sure, why not? I think they offer her partnership purely so we the viewers can see she’s choosing to emulate Blum and she likes it. 
BYE BLUM!!!!!!!!!! BYE MAIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I won’t really miss either of you, but also, what am I going to write about when I can’t complain about Maia? 
And we’re back in the opening moments of the premiere, which, as it turns out, were a flashforward to this moment in which Kurt and Diane get SWATted seconds after Diane announces she’s happy and Kurt asks what could go wrong. I hope they’re both ok because I won’t be able to deal if they do anything to Kurt. (Or Diane but I’m less concerned about them killing her off lol.)
That’s a wrap! 
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murasaki-murasame · 5 years
Thoughts on Fruits Basket 2019 Episode 12: “You Look Like You’re Having Fun”
My brain’s still kinda fried from the Sarazanmai finale, so my thoughts might not be super coherent or detailed this week, but I still wanna write up my thoughts on this new Fruits Basket episode, especially since it was even better than I expected it to be.
Thoughts under the cut. [Spoiler warning for the whole manga]
I think I’ve said before that by this point we’re in the midst of a fairly good stretch of episodes where the reboot is going to be very similar to the 2001 anime in what material it covers in each episode, and that continues in this one, as I figured.
This episode covers chapters 19 and 20 of the manga, which is the same as what episode 13 of the 2001 anime covered, and from what I remember of that version, the two versions are pretty identical in how they just adapt the manga 1:1, so there’s nothing particularly noteworthy there. I think episode 13 of the 2001 anime was one of the relatively few times where I think they actually did a good job of preserving the emotional depth and darkness of the manga, but I still think this episode did an even better job.
I’m kinda meh about the whole first half [since I’ve never really been the biggest fan of the part of the manga to begin with, which I’ll get into in a minute], but the whole second half with Akito was fantastic. It had been heavily teased at in some of the PVs we’ve gotten, but it still managed to be even more disturbing than I was expecting. It’s not like they added in anything that wasn’t in the manga [aside from a short flashback to that one time Akito had a mental breakdown and painted Yuki’s room black, which I don’t think had been hinted at this early in the manga], but it just executed the material really perfectly. [Though I think the bit at the start of the episode with Tohru seeing Akito’s car pull up at the school might have been a new scene]
The improved voice acting and animation really help drive home the extent of Yuki’s trauma in particular. Even though this is like the billionth time I’ve seen this scene in some form or another, it still kinda shook me, lol.
This whole part also really goes to show how important Tohru is as a person to Yuki, and also to all the other zodiac members in general. She’s someone that’s willing to stand up for him, and to give him happy memories to help outweigh his bad ones. Especially with his whole monologue near the end, I think the badminton scene is probably where he first becomes at least subconsciously aware of how he’s seeking out a mother’s love from her.
Come to think of it, it’s kinda funny how recently we’ve been in a bit of a pattern of going from a fun episode to a more dark one, and so on. It’s not a complaint or anything. I think it does a nice job of not spending too much time in a row on a particular emotional tone. And that sorta pattern should hold up with how the next episode is gonna be Ayame’s introduction, and after that we should get Momiji’s backstory and the grave visit.
And on the note of Ayame’s intro being the focus of the next episode, I’m still curious to see if they incorporate the part where Tohru and Yuki visit his shop in chapter 36 into it, or if they’ll just stick to adapting chapters 21-22 alone, and leave that other chapter for later. I don’t think it’d change much one way or another, but still.
Anyway I guess I gotta address the elephant in the room and say that I’m just not really a big fan of the material covered in the first half of this episode. I don’t hate it, but I just don’t like it as much as like 99% of the fandom seems to.
For one thing, that one Tohru-Kyo scene has always stuck out to me as being a little too . . . generic shojo romance-y for my tastes. It’s one of those few moments where the series unironically indulges in Kyo’s Bad Boy Aesthetic [tm] and it just doesn’t work for me. But I obviously get why lots of people love it.
The part that I’m more annoyed at is the whole sequence with Haru and Momiji’s outfits, and I feel like it’s something that I need to add a whole list of disclaimers to so that people don’t misunderstand me, lol. I just feel like it’s a really good example of how Takaya’s heart is genuinely in the right place when it comes to some of the more progressive sentiments in the series, but the specific angle she approaches certain things at leaves a really bad taste in my mouth, especially when you think about the story as a whole and how things end up.
Specifically I just have issues with how Momiji’s cross-dressing is handled. The part with Haru is fine and I definitely appreciate the whole point of how whether or not someone wears jewelry and piercings and stuff has no inherent bearing on their personality, though the whole bit with him dragging Makoto off to the bathroom, uh . . . maybe hasn’t aged well, lmao. But anyway, I feel like the whole thing with Momiji seems perfectly fine on the surface, but the more you think about it in the context of the whole story, the more it feels uncomfortable.
The message that he should wear whatever he feels comfortable wearing is completely valid, but I just dislike how the story goes about it by saying that ‘it’s fine because he looks good in it, and he’s going to dress normally when he grows up anyway’. There’s a lot going on between the lines here, but I just think it’s really shitty and deceptively regressive that they justify it by pretty much saying ‘don’t worry, it’s just a phase, he’ll grow out of it and dress like a “normal man” later on anyway’. Which is bad enough on it’s own, but then we actually get to see him grow up later in the manga and he definitely does seem to unceremoniously switch to more conventionally masculine fashion because . . . it’s what’s expected of him, I guess? It’s not like he ever seemed to lose interest in wearing feminine clothing, he just stops wearing it after he hits his growth spurt, and it’s framed as something natural and inevitable.
Even the sentiment of ‘he looks good in it, though :)’, in the context of the series as a whole, carries this uncomfortable undertone of ‘it’s fine because for the moment he’s short and looks sort of “like a girl” but once he gets taller and looks more “like a man” he’ll obviously start dressing like one’. It’s the sort of thing that seems like a genuinely progressive and accepting message about how we shouldn’t judge people for the clothes they like to wear, but if you look closely there’s an asterisk and a whole paragraph of fine text at the bottom of the page about how it’s actually only acceptable to cross-dress as a man if your body type, height, etc, make you look ‘like a girl’ in the first place, and that once you hit puberty you should dress like a man because feminine clothing ‘doesn’t fit you anymore’.
In general this series has some weird recurring hang-ups about the specific idea of ‘men wearing girl’s clothing’, to the point where it comes up in different ways with at least three different characters. I know it’s something that a lot of people in the fandom don’t like hearing negativity and complaints about, but I’m not gonna shut up about this, lmao. Y’all just have to deal with the fact that this series isn’t perfect and that I’m allowed to criticize it while also really liking other parts of it.
And on the general note of how the series kinda drops the ball when it comes to pretty much everything to do with gender presentation, this episode brings us another round of the fun game known as ‘the Fruits Basket fandom is in shocked-pikachu.jpg mode at the fact that pretty much every new fan immediately “““figures out”““ that Akito’s a woman’. I wonder what gave it away? Was it that unavoidably female voice? The feminine/androgynous character design that’s explicitly compared to Yuki who’s already meant to look like a girl [apparently]? The fact that we’ve only ever seen Akito wearing either the sort of kimono that at least from a Western perspective would seem very feminine, or this tight-fitting turtleneck sweater? The fact that she’s had romantically/sexually charged moments with at least one or two dudes, which for better or worse ends up making most people view her as being feminine? The fact that like 90% of the dialogue referencing Akito ends up not even using gendered pronouns in the first place? I wonder what could have possibly lead to people naturally assuming that Akito’s a girl and glossing over the, like, five lines of dialogue thus far that even use he/him pronouns toward her, lmao.
One way or another, Akito being a girl has always been the biggest non-twist of the entire series, and the fact that it’s so obvious and that the only reaction new fans have to it is pretty much just ‘oh ok I didn’t really think it was meant to be some kind of shocking surprise or anything’ really just spells out how it’s not even meaningful or interesting as a twist anyway, and that knowing about it from the start does absolutely nothing to hinder anyone’s enjoyment of the series. It’s honestly hard to even tell for new fans that we’re even meant to feel convinced that Akito’s a man, with how little effort the series ever puts into ‘hiding’ her true gender.
I probably sound angrier about this than I am, but mostly I’m just baffled that even though the manga’s been over for like 15 years, people still don’t realize how incredibly lame and shallow this whole plot point is. Like seriously, y’all, what could the reboot have even DONE to actually lead to it not being super obvious that Akito’s a woman? Unless they outright changed her character design to be a lot more masculine, the only thing they could have done would have been to give her a male voice actor, which was almost certainly never going to happen for obvious reasons. I guess what I’m saying is that it’s not like it’s the reboot’s fault that things turned out this way. There’s only so much they reasonably could have done. And even though I haven’t heard much of Akito’s new dub voice, I think Maaya Sakamoto actually does a very good job at sounding androgynous/masculine, and in general her voice work in this episode was really effective and disturbing. I think she’s one of the most masculine-sounding female VAs they could have gone for [aside from maybe someone like Romi Park or Megumi Ogata, but I don’t know if they would have fit Akito very well]. I guess it mostly just bugs me that people are blaming the reboot for something that’s 90% just them following the manga.
Anyway, in spite of my gripes [which are more about the fandom and the series as a whole], this episode was still super good in and of itself, and had some of the most effective voice acting and music that the entire reboot’s had thus far. It’s very obvious why new fans in particular would really really like this one, and for the most part, I do too.
Also, Haru t-posing when he sees Yuki and running over to tug on his shirt is still the most Iconic [tm] thing ever, don’t @ me.
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“Starring Opposite You” recap, aka a monster-length post
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This is really long, and it’s me just rambling a bunch of dumb stuff about the night with video links to the songs, so I’m being courteous and inserting a readmore link, because I have no idea how the formatting is gonna come out by the time I’m done. XD
But guys. I got to see Ashley and Jeremy in concert together and it was incredible, and I got to see them afterward too. ^_^
Ok, far as venues go, Sony Hall is gorgeous. It was cramped seating, but the venue itself was amazing. I got exactly two pictures of it and then my battery died. XD
Before the concert started, @hisloveconsumesme (my amazing traveling buddy who somehow managed to keep this ragamuffin in line) and I were sitting at these long tables that stretched out from the stage toward the back of the venue, so we had to turn sideways for the show.
So. Directly across the room from us was a little round table near the wall, and lo and behold seated there was none other than Melissa Benoist, Jeremy’s costar and the lead from Supergirl, who is on Broadway herself for a limited engagement in Beautiful and came to support her friend for a night of fun. She wasn’t exactly hiding and people kept coming up to get pictures with her and she was very sweet to all of them.
We kept watching that side of the room and by the end of the night almost the whole Squad had shown up so that it was Melissa, Kara Lindsay (JJ’s costar from Newsies) and her husband Kevin Massey, and Corey Cott (Bandstand, and JJ’s replacement in Newsies) and his wife Meg, and the queen herself: Laura Osnes (Bandstand, Cinderella, JJ’s costar in Bonnie and Clyde, and Ashley’s competition/friend from Grease Live). It was so fun not only seeing two of my faves on stage as a fan, but seeing my other faves there enjoying and reacting to everything as friends.
Ok but the songs:
Ashley and Jeremy came out and with zero introduction, they just stood on opposite sides of the stage facing one another, never giving the audience a bit of notice, unlit at the corners of the stage, and sang Castro’s “Automatic” 
They stepped closer to each other through the whole song until they were right in front of each other, and then they danced together, and then they spun around and faced the audience for the first time. It may have been my favorite song of the night and this is the only clip I think any one snagged of it, but it was so cute the way they staged it, I love them.
Melissa waved at Ashley from the audience and Ashley smiled so big and waved excitedly back, like how cute.
Then they introduced themselves (”in case you all came to the wrong place” Jeremy joked to the packed room) and gave a little background of what they’ve been in and how the night was their own little celebration of all they’ve done on stage and together and got to talking about how they will get the other person’s showtunes stuck in their head for days. Ashley burned JJ on having to listen to Newsies and Smash back-to-back and honestly they just roasted each other for a bit.
They talked so long about wanting to be in something together, they got tired of waiting so that’s why they did the concert: “Starring Opposite You.”
They had a script. They woefully went off script. They would do 'impromptu' jokes and then be like “this is in the script” and “now it’s your line” and honestly I can’t with these dorks.
Ben Rauhala was shaking his head at them from his keyboard 90% of the entire night, especially when Jeremy said “We didn’t rehearse!” and Ben was 100% done with Mom and Dad.
And then they started singing a medley of all their standards, except that Ashley was singing JJ’s songs and Jeremy was singing her’s ohmygosh
ASHLEY SLAYED “Moving Too Fast” and “Raise A Little Hell” and “Broadway Here I Come” and “Santa Fe.” Like, don’t think this is anything less than a compliment, but I’ve pretty much come to expect phenomenal performances by Jeremy at this point, but there is not nearly enough content for Ashley AND SHE’S SO GOOD, I CAN’T STOP GEEKING OUT ABOUT IT. I need a cast album with her yesterday.
Jeremy was ‘offended’ that Ashley was doing choreography while he was singing so during “When You Got, Flaunt It” he shouted “Now for the dance!” and started to go for it and Ashley immediately went “No!” and stopped him. XD XD Heaven bless her.
Everybody screamed so loud for Bonnie and Clyde, these are my people.
Please please please, the part at the end where she’s singing “Santa Fe” in Jack Kelly’s accent. I don’t know if that was planned or not because Jeremy was dying on stage and had to fight so hard to get control back for his next bit, send help. XD XD XD
And yeah Jeremy sang “Harden My Heart” and “Hopelessly Devoted” so. um. heck.
He was such a huge dork the whole time, I don’t even know what to say, except to point out that at one point early on - I don’t remember exactly which of his antics got this reaction but does it honestly matter - I looked over and Corey’s wife Meg was doubled over with laughter while simultaneously covering her face with her hands in shame like “please. I don’t know this man. I swear.”
They did a scene from Rock of Ages and sang “High Enough” because they were both in it but not at the same time, so they played their characters opposite each other and it was great. XD
Featuring! Jeremy explaining to the audience he was holding a cassette tape, and Ashley then throwing it on the ground. XD
How did she fall in love with him when he was doing this role, I don’t know, but maybe it’s a good thing because at least she knew what she was in for.
Those harmonies though.
Then JJ grabbed a guitar and talked about old songs he wrote growing up and the whole bit cracked the entire room up
and this video has slightly better audio but without the intro.
Let me just tell you, as someone who taught guitar to middleschoolers for four years: that Green Day song is somehow always the one boys teach themselves on their own and I don’t get it.
ok ok ok ok ok Jeremy Jordan asdfghjkl singing the love song he wrote to Ashley and their future family, aka “Memories of Loving You”, aka “Ashley’s Song” - THE ACTUAL TITLE, aka my most favorite thing he maybe has ever done alkjfshldfijksdfjhleiudzfknv,fhslidvdxkvnd *broke*
They talked about Riley a lot. Like a lot a lot.
They joked that every time Riley was mentioned, everyone had to take a shot, but Ashley added that you needed to get someone to carry/drive you home. XD
There was a slideshow presentation of all of Riley’s nicknames and I honestly don’t remember most of them (kicking myself over that, because they were wild) but it was everything from like “Ri-ri” and “Riley Bear” to completely different names to long complicated made-up words that didn’t even make any sense - and there were like 30 of these. Most of them were dubbed by Ashley.
I could see Jeremy’s eyebrows doing The Thing while he sang from where I sat. XD
Jeremy was such a Dad because he kept getting distracted by the fact that the slideshow wasn’t keeping up.
I don’t remember which song it was around but Ashley had videos of her as like a three year old toddling around and singing, and this girl already had it from that age, and it was adorable.
The whole night felt like a chance for them to not only star opposite each other, but to swap places. Ashley was showcasing in every performance and song, being silly, but also very much bringing her a-game. Incredible. Jeremy on the other hand, was so incredibly laidback and goofy the whole night, this was the performance from a guy who knows he has nothing to prove and was just enjoying the moment and probably enjoying showing off Ashley for a bit because he never shuts up about how gorgeous and talented she is anyway, and he’s RIGHT.
Ashley talked about how much she was grateful for all the roles she’s gotten to do, but they’ve mostly been pop rock musicals and not anything classical, and so she sang “Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man” from Showboat
Someone cast her in something quick
And give us a cast recording
I’m begging you.
The Waitress medley. (!!!!!!!!!!)
I can’t.
@hisloveconsumesme kept grabbing me excitedly and if I had been behind her I would have been doing the same thing but basically I couldn’t take my attention off the stage long enough. We were living. Cast them in Waitress too. ;) ;) ;)
Ashley’s so perfect.
I have no words.
Except! Watch Jeremy stand back and be completely enthralled while Ashley is singing “What Baking Can Do.” You could feel the waves of admiration coming off that stage mixing with that coming from the audience.
Now go back and watch it again just to listen to her.
The part during “Bad Idea” where they go “you have a wife / you have a husband” and just shrug and laugh at each other like “yeah: you.” XD XD XD
He did “Run Away With Me”
probably the best he’s ever done it
especially after making a whole point about never doing it because of always messing it up lol.
Also the bit about the pie at the beginning might be what was embarrassing poor Meg Cott.
He did not share the pie.
Ashley singing “Embraceable You” was so precious??
ohmyword listen to her
I’m so uPSET I didn’t get to see her play Polly. *flops*
Literally everything they did was love songs, even when the other person wasn’t on stage for it. Jeremy kept popping back onstage saying things like “aw, you mean me?!” and Ashley just rolled her eyes at him.
These dorks. The 90′s Medley story is great, but what are they doing though, what...what are they.
90s kid me was having flashbacks
EVERYONE CLAPPED AT THE PART and it made Ashley so happy. XD
While Ramin will forever and always be my favorite Jean Valjean, Jeremy came out of freaking left field and sang “Bring Him Home” ????! for us as his final song, complete with a little story intro for his experience with the song.
I was seriously concerned by the fact that he wasn’t taking nearly enough breaths for this piece and I don’t know how he did it skjdflhajdfa
also he can go play that role any time he wants even though I never would have said I wanted it before the concert.
Oh, and when he finished, I glanced over at where Kara Lindsay was sitting and she was crryyyyyyyyyinngg AND I HAD BEEN FINE UP TO THAT POINT BUT HECK. SAME GIRL. SAME.
This is from the second night
Enjoy it all over again.
Ashley’s final song was “Stranger to the Rain” from Children of Eden, and gosh I need to stop forgetting how much I adore Schwartz’ music, so yeah, basically just listen to this and weep.
She is so pretty and talented, I’m sorry I’ll stop saying that.
They forgot to introduce the band until the last song lol. Jeremy kept making jokes about how we should all come back the second night because they would get it right then. XD
The final medley of the night was from a bunch of classic musicals, favorites of the Jordans, and wOW.
Medley featuring: “Our Children” from Ragtime, “Follow Your Heart" from Urinetown, “As Long As You’re Mine” from Wicked, “Come What May” from Moulin Rouge, and “Suddenly Seymour” from Little Shop of Horrors.
I think Corey (and Melissa) laughed at every single dumb thing Jeremy did - the “Agony” video sums up their entire relationship I’m pretty sure -except when they went into “As Long As You’re Mine” and Corey’s little Wicked fanboy heart could hardly contain himself.
The whole night I couldn’t decide who I should be watching or when, because when Jeremy was singing, Ashley was still in full performance mode and being brilliant and hysterical and occasionally reverting to expressions of “you utter nerd what are you doing.” On the other hand, whenever Ashley was singing, Jeremy literally stepped back and just watched her like there was no one else in the room and not only like he was watching his favorite singer, but like she was the entirety of his universe and askjflhdjfdf - I can’t with them. Seriously, when you watch the youtube clips, watch the other person during the duets and you’ll see what I mean.
He kept reaching for Ashley’s hand the whole night.
Like, seriously, they held hands so much and it was so cute.
Ashley is such a good dancer. Jeremy used all five of his moves. XD She kept throwing him off by dancing and also giving him A Look if he tried to follow suit.
They came back for an encore and sang “You’re All I Need to Get By”
If I remember correctly they said this was the song they danced to at their wedding, and there was a full slide show of pictures of them (I feel like the slideshow was earlier in the night but if it was, I don’t remember which song, so unless I can see the screens from someone else’s youtube videos lol)
AND JEREMY FORGOT THE LYRICS. “ready for you” he says - NO YOU WEREN’T, JJ. Ashley and Ben kept trying to get him on track and he was so lost. XD
He was embarrassed and did the little double-over-giggling-to-hide-his-face thing I did a gifset of months ago.
Ashley held up her hand with her wedding band while singing “dedicate my life to you.”
I love them.
Standing Ovation.
At the end of the night:
After we applauded as loud as we could and laughed and cried.
We went and stood in line, because we had VIP tickets, and we waited for forever and chatted about the show and how incredible it was.
And then we get into this little green room in the back of the venue, and Ashley and Jeremy were taking pictures and saying hi to everyone one at a time. So I go in first, and someone before me had accidentally left their bag on the floor just inside, so JJ and Ashley were very concerned about getting it returned. Person, if you’re reading this, I hope you got your stuff back, but like, I also have a small bone to pick with you, and not actually because I totally tripped upon walking in. Jeremy and Ashley were both all “oh! careful!” (a direct quote from both of them), and very sweet about it lol. Thankfully it was only a little trip and I just laughed it off. XD So we got in and we took each other’s pictures getting a Jordan sandwich hug, and yes Jeremy really is that short, and I’m ashamed to say my brain was thinking “ohmygosh he’s so short” at the very minute I tripped over the bag.
Ashley kind of took over the little meet and greet, because naturally JJ had reverted to his shy off-stage self, and I was actually really okay with that because a) I was slightly concerned people would be all over Jeremy and ignore her and that wasn’t the case at all and b) it was much easier to focus on her and not be an awkward fangirl lol.
We told them “thank you, for everything” (at least, I think so, I was totally not focused at all at that point), and both of them were just so kind and actually thanked us for coming, and hisloveconsumesme got to chat with Ashley for a minute too as the next people where coming in and talking to JJ.
And then that was that. We left. We almost stopped to talk to Ben, but he was talking with a bunch of other people, and we were tiiiiiired. XD
So yeah. I’m sure I’ve forgotten half the night.
But this post is huge anyway. XD
It was a very good night.
@youtube user ren598, idk if you have a tumblr but I owe you for getting all these videos. There are some videos from other people there and from the second night, but these are my favorites, bless you.
Bless Ben Rauhala as well. Idk what the Broadway community would be without him, the King Medley Maker. I love him.
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pennyfynotes · 6 years
I absolutely love your blog! I was wondering if you had any tips for the SAT? I’m having mine tomorrow and I’m struggling 😩
hi! first of all, i’m so sorry your SAT is tomorrow, that’s quite unfortunate :( also, i’m a bit of a dinosaur so i actually took the old version of the SAT and i’m not sure how much of my advice will be applicable but i’ll try my best!
1. the essay: take at least a little bit of time to plan out what you’re going to say. there were so many times where i’d find myself wasting time because i just wrote the same point in 3 slightly rephrased ways because i hadn’t thought things through. that’s generally how i write if i’m writing an essay (i just put down whatever comes to mind and go back and edit later), but when you’re in a time crunch, you’ll just be wasting time. if you need a little bit of writing to get yourself started, go ahead and start trying to write an intro. however, once you’ve gotten a better grasp on what you’d like to say, make a brief outline.
2. the grammar/writing portion: find patterns. at least back when i took the exam, there were certain things that they always tested for. here are a couple i can still remember lol:
- subject/verb agreement. if your subject is plural, your verb should be plural. (ex: they *were* walking, not they *was* walking)
-comparisons: they like to do this thing where they’ll write “anna’s book was bigger than rachel”. the sentence should be “anna’s book was bigger than that of rachel/rachel’s book”.
*also* you might think that these things are obvious, but college board likes to hide them by adding a bunch of extra descriptors/clauses to their sentences.  cover up/take out any unnecessary words and then just look at the main parts of the sentence (subject and verb) and things become clearer.
3. the reading: there aren’t a lot of tricks to this part in my opinion. i personally read the questions first so i know what to look for. if you’re really stuck, my SAT tutor once told me that the college board doesn’t like extremes, so the answer will never be “extreme”. stay away from extreme adjectives/emotions. this actually helped me once or twice lol
4. the math: i know the math is supposed to be harder now and, just to be up front -- not to brag or anything, math has always been a strong suit of mine. i can’t offer you much help except the standard tips. do the questions you know how to do first and, now there’s no guessing penalty (not salty at all), guess on the ones you can’t get.
best of luck! make sure to breathe and stay calm. since the SAT is broken into sections, use them to reset yourself. maybe you ran out of time on a section and got frazzled. don’t let this carry into the next section. take some deep breaths and get your head back in the game. you can do it! xoxo, m
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omgxiaoch · 7 years
Tumblr media
- - characters: [y/n] x monsta x
- - genre: romance(?), drama(??), angst(???), au
- - word count: 1,748
- - summary: a frail young daughter of the King who wishes to see the outside world after being locked inside her room. bets on something that she might regret after meeting seven young princes of different kingdoms, each trying to capture the princess’ heart with their own charms.
- - a/n: i actually don’t know what i’m dong huhu lol anyways, this is an intro or something, so yeah. i hope you guys enjoy this very first fanfic of mine and i do not own the gif. 
- - masterlist
intro - part one - part two - part three - part four - part five -.....
You have always been the center of attention for your father. The mansion was filled with voices that you’ve once yearned to mingle with. However, due to your condition, you weren’t allowed to meet the people from the outside nor stepping on the carpet outside of your room. Locked in a secluded room that was filled with things that are usually in a bedroom, you had no one else but yourself.
Usually, in the morning, your personal nurse would do the usual check-up from time to time and you’d be left all alone without anything to enlighten you from the boredom that was creeping right at the corner. The morning rays would illuminate the whole room, giving emphasis on every single object there is. Every now and then, the only thing that would capture your interests was the unfamiliar faces at the field with their horses.
They had an elegant vibe to them and just from one glance, you already knew that they were royalty. Observing every action they’ve made had you green with envy, wishing that one day you’ll be able to see the world just like normal daughters could see. However, there was that one day in every year that your father would allow you go out of your room.
And it was during your birthday.
A grand ball was always held inside the mansion where you were able to meet different faces. It was euphoria. A blissful dream that allowed you to finally see the real world. Know a lot of things that you’ve never heard of. And every birthday of yours, there was always this young lad who’d always be there. Snatching the heats of different beauties from different classes. He was always the first person to dance with you, always the first person to approach you with a dazzling smile despite how much you’ve avoided him before the party could even start.
The sound of the large doors opening with a loud thud startled you. You snapped your head towards the other side, only to be greeted by your loving father. “How are you, my dear?” As usual, your father has always carried off an elegant and respectable aura. In just one look, he’d have people come over to his side. But despite being someone who’s got people looking up to him, you weren’t quite happy with his order of having you locked in the room.
It has always been the reason of you being so sickly, that you couldn’t even comprehend why you had to be locked in a room with a window to support you enough vitamin D. “Fantastic, shall I say,” you sarcastically remarked and looked away, back to the young lads racing through the vast fields. “[y/n], you know that I’m just doing this for your own good.”
“I know but can you just enlighten me, Father, on why should a sickly person stay at such lonesome room with no one to talk to? I, myself, am surprised that I still know how to speak.” You blabbered as you walked around your room. Your father has settled himself on your bed, sitting on the edge as his eyes followed your every movement.
Shouldn’t be a sickly person embrace all that Mother Nature’s got to offer to them? Shouldn’t they be outside, enjoying every single particle there is? “It is done in order to keep you away from all the diseases—“
“No, Father, it does not. It only builds up the chances of me getting sicker and sicker. Not only physically but also, mentally.” You barked but had control of your emotions. Taking a deep breath and sorting all your thoughts out, you choose wisely of your words in order to not displease His Majesty.
“I apologize if I’ve said such rude remarks, Father, but I am just stating some facts that I’ve read throughout the years of being stuck here in this room. Nothing will ever save me if I am kept longer in seclusion, Father. I need to go out and see the world in order for my body to become immune to the illnesses that I might get.”
His Majesty was in deep thought. Eyes dark as orbs that you could be able to see your own reflection from it. Never have you seen nor witness your father left speechless from anyone’s words. He was put in a trance by his own thoughts that it startled you when he looked up to meet your gaze. “I’ll let you out of this room for two weeks in order for you to prove all those things that you’ve just said to me.”
You knew right from the start that it was dangerous to make any bets or challenges with your father but this was your only chance to be able to finally see what the world looks like after being locked in for almost half of your miserable life. “However,” this has caught your attention. There was always a condition after a good announcement. “If you are unable to prove me wrong, I would have to double the security in this room. And you wouldn’t be able to interact with other people for the next months.”
Neither of you broke the eye contact. “Alright, then. When do I get to leave this stuffy room of mine?” you query with your hopes slowly rising deep inside your heart.
“You’ll be given permission to leave this room on your birthday. You can have the whole day for yourself but you need to be at the party before the sun sets at the West.” And that was it. Your father left the room without any more words. Glancing at the calendar placed on top of the vanity, your birthday was only a few days away.
Feeling the burning passion inside of you, you couldn’t help but smirk at the slightly opened door and mutter, “I’m going to prove you wrong, Father, and I’ll be out of this room whether you like it or not.”
 Days slowly passed and you’ve already jotted down on your journal the things you were going to do. Your footsteps have gotten a little bounce into it, enthusiasm slowly seeping throughout your body. Even your nurse have noticed it.
You were in the middle of writing in your journal when your father came in with seven young lads trailing behind him. All of them had some title hanging around their necks, and you already knew who they were. They were the sons of the Kings your father has gotten an alliance with. Glancing up from the cream paper of your journal, you met the gaze of your father, who was patiently waiting for you to notice his mighty presence.
“Good afternoon, Father. What brings you here to this room of mine?” you asked upon standing up from your own seat. You step away from your seat and approached them with grace. “Dear, I would like you to meet these young men who’d be with you during the two weeks of your small adventure.” His Majesty flashed you a gentle smile as you just stared at him in disbelief.
“This was not in our negotiation, Father.” you gnashed your teeth and could feel your blood pressure rising up. Taking deep breaths here and there, you decided to avoid your father's gaze. “My, my, deary, with these young lads you’ll learn a lot of things rather than being on your own.”
His Majesty did have a point. How could you just go off on your own without background knowledge what the real world looks like? Heaving a sigh, you look up to your father and questioned, “Who might these young princes be?” Taken aback on how easy you got their titles right, your father glanced towards the boys and gave them a nod.
Each one of them stepped forward and did a bow. Your eyes roamed and observed each and one of them was awfully beautiful for a lad. The on the right, who seemed to be the eldest, introduced himself first then was followed by the other six. You didn’t have any trouble in memorizing their names. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet each and every one of you. I hope you guys enjoy your stay here at the mansion but... I don’t think that I could spend the whole two weeks with everyone though.” 
You sheepishly shook their hands and transferred your gaze to your father, you only flashed you a smile before patting the shoulders of the eldest. “I’ll leave everything to you, Hyunwoo. I’ll be going now since your Fathers and I have some important issues to take care.” 
Before you could even protest, your father has left the room, leaving you alone with the seven boys right in front of you. It was utterly awkward for you as you’ve never really been alone with another guy before, except for your father. 
“Well, princess, who do you want to spend your first day of adventure with?” Hyungwon, the Prince from the North, asked with such grace that even his gaze was breathtakingly beautiful. You could feel your cheeks heat up at such intent gaze yet you didn’t think twice but to keep your gaze at him, showing no signs of you losing to this staring contest.
The question has replayed over and over your ears that you couldn’t help but bring yourself into a trance with your own thoughts. Who would you want to go with on that special day? You never really thought about it due to the fact that you assumed you were alone with your own grand adventure.
“I really do not know who to choose from the seven of you, but, if you can persuade me with words, then I can pick someone right on the spot, making him the very first person to spend day one with me.”
Having those words come out of your mouth was something that you might’ve regret. The spark of competitiveness and amusement was present in their eyes as they looked and gave each other a knowing smile as if they’ve known each other for how long God knows.
“I hope you’re ready, princess, because neither one of us going to go easy on each other when it comes to this.” The Prince of the South, Minhyuk, warned before gesturing Hyunwoo, the Prince of the East, to start. 
And that was when you knew something was gonna blossom into something that you’ve never ever had experience before.
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xpwewarchive · 4 years
XPWEW Friday Night Pyro (5-1-2020)
Friday Night Pyro #424 May 1st, 2020
Xtreme Rumble Recap video
Show Intro
Fireworks and Kaitlyn Khaos informs us tonight Golden Bryce will speak 1 on 1 with the 2020 Xtreme Rumble winner Ruckus PLUS: Big main event! Leonard McGraw will team for the first time ever with Jake Awesome as they take on the I-N champion Slayer and Garrett Thompson
Opening Segment:
Golden Bryce enters
Golden Bryce: For the 2nd year in a row I’ll be going into Lockdown as the world heavyweight champion but this time I’ll be defending it against someone very very deserving and that’s why I’d like to respectfully introduce him right now. Ladies and Gentlemen Ruckus
Ruckus with The Set enters
Golden Bryce congratulates Ruckus Bryce: In three weeks me and you have the ultimate privilege of making history. The first time a black champion defends against a black challenger for the richest prize in this industry-.... Ruckus: pfffft What? Bryce: confused Uh Ruckus: I don’t want that....I don’t care about it. History. Will history pay me? Will history feed my kids? I don’t care if I’m black and you are purple. I know that the world champion makes the most money. I won the rumble. 29 others didn’t. So that means yes I have a shot but understand up front right now so we ain’t got no confusion later. I DO NOT LIKE YOU. Ruckus: I don’t like how people even be talking about you? Like you’ve actually done something..People talk about this Golden Bryce nigga like he done something. I walk into XPWEW Headquarters and they’ve replaced posters and walls of Jake Awesome and put you up. How many titles have you won 4? I’ve won the tag team titles here 7 times. And twice I’ve been an international champion so somebody tell me how you getting put up on the wall? Golden Bryce: I didn’t pay anybody. I didn’t ask. I come in, I clock into my job. I entertain this people. Some cheer me. Some boo me. But those who boo me can live with that and that’s fine. Cheer me, great I’ll fight for those people until I can’t anymore Ruckus: Nah nah homie that ain’t my point. See this company from within us rotted out. If they think they tryna replace Jake Awesome they are dead wrong. You are not Jake Awesome and don’t act like you ain’t tweet a year back, I’m the new Jake. You look up to that man, you can’t stand the fact that that man hates your guts. Your childhood hero. But you fooled impressionable losers like Shane McCoy and Troy Clausen and Micheal Bradford. You must be doing under the table work round here cause you really getting a lot handed to you. So now every week for a year you either happy to finally get the title or you all bummed out, ass dragging, sad ass McGee and shit bout you ain’t get this, you ain’t got that. Then you carry yourself like you just doing you nah. Jake Awesome carried his own weight. Jake Awesome is a man. Jake Awesome earned that. You and maybe no fault of you own shit I don’t know but you ain’t even the best in that locker room as a matter of fact you one of the sloppiest and basic cats they got in there. So no I don’t like this confidence you got. We got an elite locker room and you the face of it. That the biggest pile of bullshit I’ve ever seen. You ain’t even top 80 thus industry ever seen. Me? Hey I’ve never been world champion but I’ve never lost a Lockdown. That’s right pimp 3-0. You lost to Jake last year and yet your ass on the y’all building in Bassett. I understand they don’t wanna see me win but you ain’t got no self awareness and that’s why I wanna smack the shit out you right now Golden: Why don’t you try it I’ll drop you where you stand Ruckus: Haha I know you got a baby on the way but don’t be surprised when it’s dark skinned.... (ooooooh) Bryce: Gets up close to Ruckus’ forehead Ruckus: slaps Bryce The Set starts attacking Bryce at the back of his knees (((Bryce and Ruckus start brawling)) Eventually Ruckus gets the upper hand The Set joins in and now a 5 on 1 attack as The Set attack Bryce relentlessly Ruckus then takes off his sock and then Jordan hands him a “pool balls” Yes the debut of billiards balls. Ruckus shoves 2 in a sock and starts mercifully beating down Bryce with it Myron and Kotto drag Bryce to the corner they pull his legs between the turnbuckle and all jump off the top rope mule kicking the back of his head At the end of the assault Ruckus pulls off Bryce’s Jordan 2’s and utters “Oh we gon’ sell these junts on eBay” Bryce is left in the ring by himself and he slowly gets himself up like this Incredible Hulk transformation on his face as this match just got took to the next level. Bryce grabs his title and slowly limps back to the locker room without any shoes on because The Set stole them
M1: XPWEW Women’s World Championship Prisiclla Kelly (c) defeats All Woman w/ All Man
After the match Brian Lee comes down and Prisiclla fights Lee off with a kendo stick that typically is Kiera’s weapon of choice Kiera comes down with THE MOST OBVIOUS WIG OF ALL TIME to hide her newly bald hair Kiera cuts promo at ramp: Rematch clause bitch! Re clap Match You and me! LD!
Doxy Deity runs right past her and snatched the weave from the back of Kiera’s head as it snatches her bald and Kiera explodes fuming in anger as she tries to hide her scalp with her hands
“You bitch”
Doxy then runs in the ring and goes forehead to forehead with Priscilla and oh shit this rivalry runs deep remember the barbed wire massacre at Anarchy Rules 2019 Doxy points at the Lockdown sign and Prisiclla just punches her and we got an all out brawl Prisiclla and Doxy trade punches Until Brian Lee recovers and hits both of them with 9-1-1 Kiera runs in and grabs her weave and then laughs maniacally grabbing Prisiclla’s title “Mine!!!!! This is mine!”
Joe Gacy enters
Audrey Carbine enters
M2: DeathMatch (Very very bloody) ((((Match of the night))) Audrey Carbine defeats Joe Gacy
After the match the both have a middle finger pointed right at the other but Gacy says you’ve earned my respect and now we have the team of “Death Machines” formed right before our eyes after beating the hell out of each other Gacy has now agreed to teaming with Audrey Carbine and man what a unit
Promo: Mandy Leon cuts promo hyping up Gotch as a killer with no emotions Champagne responds to which Troy comes down with a contract for Lockdown and Champagne shakes it off and ignored him at ringside the whole match
1 on 1 M3: Simon Gotch w/ Mandy Leon defeats Champagne Clausen
Troy Clausen runs in and presses the pen to Champagne’s chest. Champagne grabs the pen and then starts poking Troy in his eyes with it. Ultimately after stabbing Troy multiple times in the face with the pen it sparks blood and Champagne gruesomely signs the contract in his father’s blood then gets a new pen and signs his name and just like that it’s official Champagne vs Troy Clausen Father vs Son in a No Holds Barred
Champagne: No more talk, No more games. I’m gonna Murder you on the 23rd slams mic
Backstage: All Man tells All Woman All Man: Well maybe he’s not gonna get that 2nd world title reign And maybe you just are going to get your first women’s title reign. But after watching them it makes me think Why not us! All Woman: Why not who? All Man: Us? Why not us? Look at Carbine and Gacy absolutely brutalized each other just to BE partners. We are peanut butter and jelly, were milk milk lemonade All Woman: I think that second one is wrong but you mean it? Me and you. tag team champions. All Man: Why not? All Woman: We gotta get a tag win under our belt tonight and I’m not wasting any more time being and after thought let’s go tell Romeo
1 on 1 M3: Jacques Dudley defeats Dragon Kid
Romeo Roselli: announcement: Alveno La Flare cuts a promo and says if Jacques can beat him next week the winner will challenge Jordan Oliver for the juniorweight title at lockdown
Alveno La Flare shakes his mentor’s Jacques hand at ringside
Jake Awesome enters in street clothes (first appearance on Pyro in 7 months)
Jake Awesome addresses Lotus Jake: If I knew I was gonna get eliminated by a girl in the Rumble I probably wouldn’t have came back but sadly guys I got news that New Line Cinema dropped the Captain Falcon project and I worked hard on it and maybe some day that film will see the light of day
Slayer enters Slayer: And the Oscar for biggest Hollywood failure is......Joseph Alfonso While you were gone in Hollywood drinking boxed water and injecting steroids into your jawline I was here and I was the XPWEW International Champion the whole time You nearly faded away into obscurity but you left on a loss, you left like a chump. I’ve always been here. The distinction between us was always neck and neck and deep down I always knew you were the weaker link despite any article you read or any opinion that wants to spout out the mouth. To me you’ve always been jealous To me you’ve done less but always gotten all the glory. It’s never what Slayer did for this promotion it’s always what “Jake” did oh Jake did this, Jake accomplished that. I’ve proved I WILL DIE to win in this ring You will leave it You’ll leave this industry and hope your little brother Casey might be able to do it well he’s been in developmental for a year and absolutely nothing Lotus on the other hand, My own daughter eliminated you from the rumble on Sunday. However I didn’t win I won’t the next best thing But in my mind my plan was to leave you broken When you left it was the larvae who derailed you not Hollywood, please don’t mislead the fans here I put you out on your ass and you came back and Lotus ended it for ya Lotus even wanted me to ask she wants you 1 on 1 next week Jake: And she’s got it Jake: All my career I’ve had to brush no pun intended there didn’t mean to press a “thorn” into your side. Slayer: shakes his head Jake: The Starven Family continues to haunt my career lol Lotus has a lot to say a little odd for you to be speaking for her, She’s an outspoken woman. She’s tough she wants to go toe to toe with the men here I respect that and I’ll grant her that but Joey me and you go back and you know better than else I can’t win in any circumstance and after I beat her Friday I wanna let you be on notice. I’m coming for you. Me and you we’ve never had that classic Lockdown match ever and I wanna do just that. But not really for your appeasement I want that points at International Championship I’ve never been the International Champion and online I see the posts, I see the memes that I’ll never be a Grand Slam champion well guess what I’m gonna do that I’m gonna chase that title and only that title So that’s a reminder that all the mind games you wanna trap in my way mean nothing and I will leave Lockdown 7 the XPWEW International Champion. Slayer: Times past bud, You don’t make the decisions around here. It’s over. They took down your murals, they took down Jake Awesome we don’t look to you as the leader anymore so ship up and shape up and get with the program you aren’t the captain anymore. And you’ve been gone so long you forgot the hierarchy that I make the decisions and I decide that you just go back home and let me do what I do. Just go home. Never come back. We were all so close to forgetting you anyway......
Tag Team Match M4: Jake Awesome & Leonard McGraw defeat Garrett Thompson and Slayer
Jake pins Slayer clean with the awesome bomb, buckshot combo assist from McGraw
After the match Lotus and Rosemary come down and Rosemary sprays mist in Jake’s eyes then Lotus puts him in a Helm Sharpshooter but McGraw grabs her off and nearly strikes her but doesn’t
Backstage: Siaka Lexoni talks to Robbie Williams “remember our old team, consider you an honorary member of The Set tonight” *Robbie smiles puts outs the shirt on
Robbie Williams enters
Golden Bryce enters
1 on 1 M5: Golden Bryce defeats Robbie Williams
Interference from Myron Reed as he hits Bryce with his own title belt immediately after the match. Ruckus who’s smoking a blunt inhales and exhales on Bryce’s face Ruckus sets up smoking his bleezy in the corner Myron sets up a table
And Myron, Kotto, Jordan and Lexoni all pick a leg or arm of Bryce and hoist him up collectively in the air and Bryce crashes through the table
Ruckus just watches as he smokes his blunt against the turnbuckle
Ruckus ashes out the blunt on Bryce’s chest and then hits a cocky pin on him as The Set pose around him and Jordan Oliver takes photos for Instagram
Show Ends
0 notes
todokori-kun · 7 years
(OH NO I’m gonna miss you Queen ;-; hope you’ll have a good week, though! And looking forward to talking again when you get your laptop back <3)
I’m totally over my Hamilton obsession. It’s a fandom of the past for me now. I’m not going to finish those lyrics. You can’t tempt me with something as simple as that. I’ve actually forgotten the next lines-
(so in case you couldn’t tell, me having left the Hamilton fandom was a blatant lie and my tongue is now turning black)
The Queen couldn’t possibly have been a brat. I bet you were the sweetest kid ever :D
See, the thing is, when my sister gets whiny she can be really irritating.
Like, insisting that she’s only played a ‘tiny bit’ when she’s been at the playground for at least three hours now and it’s time to go home and have a late dinner, then continuing to complain about it the whole car ride home (“Evans is mean. Mom is mean. Daddy is mean…”) then refuses to get out of the car when there are other cars behind us (then she whines about how everybody was ‘dragging’ her out of the car when she was trying to put her shoes on), drags her feet as we go into the apartment, says she’s not going to eat dinner…like, not anything too big (most of the time, at least) but really annoying stuff.
And then sometimes it’s like the whole 'I’m not touching you *finger hovers centimeters away from other person’s skin*’ thing. When she’s really mad at me she’ll make motions like she’s going to punch/slap/pinch me and then when I ask her to stop (“hitting people isn’t nice!”) she’s like “I didn’t hit you though! Evans is being mean” and sometimes she starts to cry…OTL )
Evans + smol children:
Kid 1: “PLAY WITH US EVANS” *clings to my hand*
Evans: “-um-”
Kid 2: “Please?” *grabs my leg*
Evans: “I really need to-”
Kid 3: “Pretty please? You’re the best at tag and Monster games!” *hugs and refuses to let go* *puppy dog face*
Evans: “…how can I say no to this…”
*five minutes later*
Evans: “I know I shouldn’t back out of this but please hear me out I’m DESPERATE*
oh dear XD people don’t really bother to close their mouths over here, I think, since if you don’t think it’s rude then it IS more comfortable. It is considered more polite to cover your mouth with your hand when there’s too much food in there, though.
My parents really want to know why I love manga so much, but they don’t usually have time to watch/read anything with me (and besides, my dad doen't like violent stories so…).
Well, she doesn’t like the Rising Sun Flag at all (like I said, over here it’s a really bad symbol. Many people who were hurt by Japan during WW2 are still alive today, like the old ladies who were once sex slaves for Japanese soldiers, and for everyone involved that pain is never going to fade) but she’s still going to try it out just for the story :) she’d probably really have a problem with it if the flag was used in more serious situations, but since it usually appears in comedic moments in the manga I think she’s accepting it as ignorance(?) from the creator.
Yeah, I don’t really like Kissanime ^^;; I’ll try to find Re:Zero on the Korean site where I usually watch things. Or maybe a manga/light novel version, if there’s anything like that? Since the Manhwa Cafe might have a light novel or a manga.
LOL Fairytail is too intimidating. And you know me, I’m too angsty for that series XD True though, HxH is super long…
Killua isn’t QUITE a cinnamon roll (he was still raised by the Zoldycks and trained by Illumi) but he comes close. I mean, even after going through a hellish Zoldyck childhood he STILL doesn’t want to be an assassin and is capable of kindness and emotion towards people who aren’t members of his family. The MC Gon is probably the ultimate cinnamon roll though.
Illumi has issues. The fact that he willingly hangs out with Hisoka should prove that.
The Zoldycks are a BRUTAL family, ok, I feel sorry for all their children. Like, come on. The emotional abuse is just as bad, if not worse, than the physical abuse.
Idk if this was ever addressed in canon, though, but I wonder if Illumi also resents Killua in a way? Since Illumi is the oldest child and was trained since birth to become a perfect Zoldyck assassin, but when Killua was born it quickly became obvious that he was a prodigy and then he was chosen as the heir. Kilua doesn’t even WANT to be the heir, he stabbed his mother and one of his other brothers just to run away from home, and yet he’s still being chosen over Illumi, who was trained for a similar role since birth and just had to silently, obediently step side the moment this tiny baby brother was born.
True, I guess it’s like me shipping Queen Luna with so many characters LOL. Evans/Kimblee is still one of the weirder ships though, like what do we even have in common (answer: ruining lives. And we both….appreciate….art?). At least Scar/Evans had the potential to be awkwardly cute XD
(TYSM though Queen, you’re too kind to me <3)
What have we done now I’m imagining that fight between Kimblee and Ed, where Ed thought he won but Kimblee revealed he had another Philosopher’s Stone- but instead of the stone, it’s
Kimblee: *pulls ball out of pocket* PRIDE! I CHOOSE YOU!
(Imagine Pride making the Pokemon noises though)
I relate to that too. Probably going to relate to it even more when college starts in September(?)…;-;
BUT WHAT IF WE END UP TRIPLE-JINXING IT (idk what I’m even saying now)
I guess it’s just me and my fondness for mix-and-matching colors XD I get bored looking at something with too much of just one color so I like throwing in other colors too…I might get carried away with it sometimes though lol.
I’m really glad you liked the Olivier one though ^^
…wow. That was an amazing dream XD Weirdly enough I’ve never had a dream about a celebrity even with all of my fandoms (I did once have a dream involving a few K-pop idols but I can’t clearly remember if they were actually real idols or just characters created in my mind lol).
Don’t worry, Loki will distract you from the lack of long blonde hair with his fabulousness (once again, idek what I’m saying)
Hope you had a good time watching it :D (I’m personally not into Sherlock anymore, though ^^;; the sexist/homophobic stuff was just too much so I dropped it)
IF YOMO DIES- I CAN’T EVEN. He’ll be dying at the hands of the chacter I just don’t care about anymore (Mutsuki) for one of my not-so-favorite characters (Touka). NO.
And I watched S1 of One Punch Man on a react channel. I’m obsessed and now I’ve got to read the manga HELP ME
And I finally found real watercolor paper, I can’t wait to paint on it :D
Also, sorry for not sending any asks ;-; i got discouraged because asks get eaten so easily (plus I had so much to say lol)
FINALLY PLAYING CP! I didn’t get Steam though (after reading about it and thinking it through I just don’t think it’s for me ^^;;) so I ended up downloading it. I’ve played all the routes except for Waltz’s, but I’ve only gotten the Good Endings so far. (There’s actually a reason for this: Firstly, I was actively trying to get a good ending because I get weirdly obsessed when playing dating games…since it’s a romance, it feels like a major fail if I don’t get a good ending XD (I know, I’m really weird). And as for the second reason…you usually have to act like a jerk to other characters to get the bad endings and I didn’t want to do that ;-; (seriously, I know they’re just fictional characters and that it’s silly, but I HATE it every time I choose to do something mean and they look at me like they’re so disappointed ugh OTL)).
My thoughts so far:
-Art is amazing! It does look a little off at some points during the game but it’s not very noticeable and other than that, it’s great. The intro looks the best, I think, and the sketchy, simple style used during flashbacks really adds to the ‘fairy tale’ feel. It actually reminds me a bit of Kuro’s art.
-Idk about music, my family’s always around and having my earbuds in for so long hurts my ears so I just turned off the sound while playing ^^;; I did hear a bit of the intro though and it sounded nice.
-I like the history with the Great War and the crystals :)
-The whole concept of Fairytale Curses is really interesting! It was fun to try and guess how the curses worked for certain characters and how they could be broken.
-Rod’s route was probably the most boring because it was too predictable. I guessed that Alcaster(? is that his name? I’m talking about Fritz’s father) wasn’t the real villain, that Mythros was the witch, that MC’s mom was probably a witch, that Rod was in love with Viorica and that Viorica had something to do with his curse, that falling in love with MC would break his curse…yeah. The only thing I didn’t see coming was that MC’s mom was not just a normal witch but the Tenebrarum bearer. However, it was still interesting enough to make me want to play the rest of the game, the romance was cute, and I liked how they handled the whole ‘step-siblings’ thing.
-Rod himself was a bit boring. I don’t think he was badly written, but his personality was a mix of the typical 'stoic’ and 'tsundere’ types so yeah. I do have to give the writers kudos for not turning him into an annoying tsundere, though. I mean, Rod can be a jerk but he didn’t irritate me and I didn’t dislike him.
-Karma/Klaude’s route threw me off because of the whole rose motif. I thought that by 'Beauty’ he meant 'Sleeping Beauty Curse’ XD it didn’t help that he kept talking about being tired and not having had enough sleep.
-I liked his habit of calling people 'darling’; idk why but it’s cute. I also like that he’s the only character so far to actually address MC’s relationship with her mother and what it must have done to her (even if it was just a brief moment). Karma’s personality in general was charming ^^
-I also really, really liked his character design! Even though my favorite color is blue I think characters with a 'Red’ theme (like Grell from Kuro) always look good. It makes them pop and stand out from the rest of the cast.
-But I’m sad we didn’t get to meet his father. The glorious man who calls his children 'Karma’ and 'Llama’.
-I was also a little bit disappointed with Karma at first. From the art I saw before the game I thought he was this cool, powerful swordsman who liked to wear dresses and didn’t care what people had to say about that…turns out he just had to do it because of the curse ;-;
-(Karma’s curse was also a bit confusing to me. Idk, I just think they could have explained a little better why dressing as a woman helps…)
-Rumpel (or rather, Chevalier…but I’m never going to get used to that name. It reminds me of 'Chivalry’ or 'Chandelier’). People don’t seem to like him a lot but I was looking forward to playing his route…he just seemed like a fun guy.
-He turned out to be a very interesting character that I wanted to see fleshed out more. I mean, he started as a 'Shallow, Childish Flirt’ type character, then we found out he’s actually a nice guy, then we found out he’s a DOCTOR (I got spoiled for that before I played his route but still), then there’s the thing with him being too selfless for his own good…I like that they didn’t just turn him into a 'Playboy’ character.
-Tbh I thought he was sweet? *prepares for the hate*
-Also think the whole thing with Bria was handled well. I’m glad that neither she nor Rumpel was made out to be the only victim.
-I wish we got to see more of how Mythros’ death affected Rumpel, though.
-Fritz is a cinnamon roll :) a total sweetheart.
-His route might have been a bit boring, though, because MC spent so much time locked up in the castle..but it got a lot better towards the end, after MC got back to the Marchen.
-I also found Varg really interesting and felt a bit sorry for him. Wish we got to see more of him- especially since it was mentioned that he was created from some part of Fritz’s personality. We never really got to see the 'Varg’ side of Fritz :(
-(wonder if there’s more Varg in the Bad Ending?)
-Also I’m sorry but Fritz’s curse reminds me more of Jekyll and Hyde than Little Red Riding Hood XD
-(didn’t really care for the mother-daughter relationship with Delora and MC, though, because their interactions didn’t feel that way?)
-MC. I haaaated her at first and I hated her even more because I sensed she was going to get an angsty backstory that would justify her behavior. But she was actually really well written and I ended up liking her a lot!
-Emelaigne and Parfait are sweethearts. (also I like that detail with the shadows around Parfait’s eyes)
-wish there was some more diversity in the cast
-Also female love interests! With a little tweaking we could have Delora! Parfait! Jurien! And if we can date Rod, THEN THERE’S NO HECKING REASON WHY WE CAN’T DATE EMELAIGNE TOO
-It would have been nice if the love interests called MC out on her behavior at some point. I mean, we know why she acts that way but they don’t.
-And if they’d talked about her childhood with her…Hildyr was a terrible mother.
-Speaking of Hildyr, wow. Just, wow. I like that she’s not a flat, 100% evil character and that she does genuinely love her daughter (in her own twisted way), but…yeah.
-Mythros is a slimy rat who was probably aiming for Magnificent Bastard status and failed. (I do feel sorry for him, though. And his design looks good. It sorta reminds me of Vincent Phantomhive)
-Also, random: I renamed MC ever time I played the game. I love naming characters so in any game, if you can rename the MC, I always have to change the original name ^^;; I ended up naming her Theodosia once (sorry Burr, I’m sure your daughter’s nicer than the MC), and then Eliza just for how funny it was (because now I associate the name Eliza with Cinnamon Roll Queens and the MC is anything but).
-Delora, MC and Emelaigne are probably my favs. However…
-The Ultimate Fav is the one and only Mr. Broom. Such development. Much complexity. 10/10. Best character ever.
-And now, the characters I ship Queen Luna with (yes, I absolutely HAVE to do this with every one of our shared fandoms): Fritz and Karma :D it would be so cuuute
-I’ll add my opinions on Waltz once I get the time to play his route :)
-TYSM for introducing me to this game, Queen Luna! I had a lot of fun playing it <3
I AM BACK!!  And I’m emotionally drained again XD Too much human interaction for 1 week. I had some friends over, so I was supposed to be the polite host (even though it was actually my mom’s idea to invite them, so I can ‘be more outgoing’.) 
Right, right, and I totally didn’t force my friends to listen to the whole Hamilton soundtrack and then totally didn’t get this close to singing along to everything. Both of us are over it
Same, same. I just have to think a thought that is also a lyric in the musical and I’m back in hell.
Nope, trust me, I was a little shit. Whenever someone tells me stories of baby Luna, I wanna curl up into a ball and die from embarrassment. I’m not even joking when my parents wanted to take me to get tested for ADHD. And then, suddenly, I found the magic of books and you will not get me to move my ass unless my life’s on the line (and even then I’ll reconsider XD)
Ouch… well, most little kids are like that? I mean, I don’t interact with them a lot (we have a mutual dislike for each other :P), but there’s a reason why I don’t like them. They can be adorable and all, but I just don’t have the patience ^^;;;
I think I’d cry of cuteness if I ever saw Evans with little kids, because that sounds absolutely adorable!!! 
Tbh, the thing I have most problems with is the sound of it, because it gets on my nerves so much ;-; 
Still, it’s really nice they make an effort to understand you ^^ I finally told my mom about my idol obsession today,  and I was so happy when she wasn’t weirded out T^T The thing is, I’m so used to people giving me weird look when i so much as mention anime, and idols are a whole new level of that, that I just don’t wanna tell anyone about it. Hell, it took me 2 months to offhandedly mention it to my parents. 
I think Re:Zero has a light novel? I’m not sure, honestly ^^;;;
Dude, you would not like fairy tail AT ALL. It is 98% tasteless fan service, and I was able to tolerate it for the sake of plot, but in the recent chapters, the plot itself has also become really stupid. Like, if a character dies, no one is worried any more, cause we know they’ll be revived 3 pages later. It became really stupid near the end. But, hey, it’s over now.
In summary: HxH is messed up XD I’m still debating watching it… maybe a bit later, or maybe I’ll pick the manga up ^^ 
Art is a very wide term, so I guess you could say both you and Kimblee do have it in common? It’s just up for discussion which form of art XD I must say, I do like you and Scar better though, because I don’t really think Scar would potentially blow you up if you did anything wrong…
Pride, pride! Pika pride!
All enemies would be terrified of him.
IDK LETS JINX IT AS MUCH AS WE CAN SO HOPEFULLY WE END UP IN A JINX THAT KEEPS HIM ALIVE! And omg I honestly don’t remember anymore if it was a fan comic or an actual manga panel, but it makes me wanna cry every time I think of it (I think it was a comic…) But then again, I don’t wanna spoil anything for you (again ;-;). So, have you read what happened to Bertl last?
Seriously, it was so weird ;-; I usually remember all my dreams, so but I usually dream of anime and other fictional characters (help) and things I thought about a lot during the day. Most of my dreams are crazily bizarre. 
Well, I mean, Loki finally had the decency to wash his hair (I’ve waited 3 movies for that), so I’m more than happy about his part XD
Tbh, I’m not into it too much either, but I do enjoy detective/mystery shows, so why not.
I have one thing to say.
Tumblr media
Seriously, I brought the series with me on an USB to rewatch it during the summer XD
Oh, I hope you have fun with it! And don’t worry about not sending asks ^^
GUESS WHO ALMOST CRIED WHEN SHE HEARD YOU WERE PLAYING CP??? ((If you need more than one guess, I’ll be disappointed XD))
I can’t wait for you to play Watlz’s route. That guy is still my favorite, and I still wanna cry when I think of him XD Trust me, there are FEEELS. HE’s also one of my favorite tropes T^T
Don’t worry, I also always get good endings first and then the bad ones (tbh I do the bad ones for the CGs and achievements. I wouldn’t do them otherwise XD)
The art is honestly one of my favorite parts, especially the character designs! Some of the CG is a bit inconsistent, but it’s still admirable, especially for a free game! 
Trust me, the music is absolutely amazing! If you ever want to hear it, there’s a small sound room or something in the settings and you can always listen to it there ^^
I know the history of the whole world s so creative! I honestly never expected MC’s mom to be the witch crystal (forgot the name lol) bearer, but it was a nice twist!
Yep, Rod is a bit predictable, but it’s still a fun route ^^ He’s my 4th favorite, tho…  Or 5th, I honestly can’t decide…
Karma, my darling ;-; Tbh, I’ve always doubted that he was Beauty and the Beast (because it’s my favorite fairytale If i’m gonna be honest :P), but the whole ‘not now’ and ‘running out of time’ (haaaaamilton) thing gave it away.  The ‘Character calls MC a pet name (darling, love, LITTLE STAR (T^T)) is definitely one of my favorite things ever ^^ But I knew Karma was, well, Karma (aka Beautiful Lady) the second he appeared in the alleyway in the prologue. the hair gave it away tbh I think we should meet Llama in the fan disk coming out soon? I really wanna buy that disk XD
Rump is so much more than he seems. I mean, from what I saw in the prologue, he was my lest favourite, but I think he might be 4th? Still not sure if it’s him or Rod… ((also, don’t get me wrong, just because they’re last doesn’t mean I dislike them! It’s just that I like them the least (sounds equally horrible)))
I love Fritz, but I love Varg more, which is why Fritz’s bad end is the worst for me, personally (vaaaaaaaarg). And I was so sad when he erased himself ;-; Why you do that my dear wolf. 
I KNOW I ALMOST SCREAMED WHEN DELORA DIED WHYYYYYYYYY. Idk, in some routes it does feel like mom-daughter somewhat, but then again, i some routes, Delora is more of that sassy friend.
Yep, i mentioned it before, i really like MC’s growth ^^ It’s nice to see her go from total bitch to just slightly bitch XD 
A whole bunch of extra routes were considered, from what I heard, but they simply didn’t have the time or funds to include them…
Mythros is that guy i wanted to feel sorry for, but simply couldn’t. Especially not after waLTZ’S ROUTE. Fuck you, Mythros.
Oh, wow! Poor Eliza and Theodosia hahah Tbh, I always use Luna in otogames because it’s not my real name (so no embarrassment from the characters calling me by my actual name), but since i always, always use Luna on the net, I’ve kinda adopted it as a second name XD
Mr. Broom best boy 1000/10. I want a route for him.
Awe, thanks a lot!  My faves list looks like this: 1. Waltz (still crying) 2. Karma/Varg 3. Fritz (that’s right, Varg is above Fritz, despite being Fritz) 4. Rumpel, actually 5. Rod.
So I am very very happy to be shipped with (technically) both 2nd best hahah
Honestly, I see you with Fritz, bc cinnamon roll and cinnamon roll! He’d always be the one to makee sure you’re not uncomfortable with something and would melt when he saw you with little kids (despite the fact that you were pleading for someone to help you at the moment XD). Also, you can bet this guy will dedicate so much of his free time to watching you pain. HE’d also try to learn how to paint himself, so he could feel closer to you! Also, time to drown Evans in pastries, it doesn’t matter if she likes them or not, Fritz will buy more or less the whole shop so you can try it. He messes up so badly if you come watch his practice. He is dead. He can’t handle the pressure of you watching (even tho I doubt you’d give a flying fuck if he messed up a step or something) and will just turn red, turn around and call for a break.  Also, you can bet this guy is all about head pats. You learn to have a comb with you at all times XD
Enjoy Waltz’s route and the feels! 
Oh, and I also made Aesthetics for some characters, I’ll post them separately, cause they’re on my phone ^^))
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