poetnumber17 · 6 years
XXX: All’s End
Knock knock it came from door afar
Was this it? The violence name to mar?
He breathe inhale for this his time
To pay back every good willed crime
He open up to see visage
Indeed he exhale by sense birage
“Trystin!” exclaim last to expect
Truly no other could he want to move to beck
“I’ve searched all to find your home.”
“Banten,” he breathe, his shield brother roam
The two embrace in sweet relief
At once the Prince frantic brief
“Please, please help! My need be quick!”
“What can I do, your face is sick?”
“They’re after me, the guards, fiercely make.
For my past is riddled by holy mistakes
Yet in my action, of which I take blame
It is she I worry will take my shame
Or worse the consequences of my sin.”
The look on Banten’s face spoke of kin
He told the story quickly of war
Of how had no wish to touch the lore
But time had come to take up blade
He had done it all for kansen aid!
His friend, his best friend, horrified
His face, Trystin saw, and wished he’d died
“They’ll kill you,” he whisper in horror still
Baten’s face could not hide his chill
“What do I do?” Trystin desperate yet
Both looked to Ali passed out met
“She has to go, be sent away.”
“But where? She’s known in city wake.”
“A place remote? Out of Kansen sake.”
“How do I apologize for what I’ve done?”
“Trystin...you can’t….you too must run.”
At least the truth reveal itself to him
Her memory could not story but fall too dim
“Must I do it, steal her away?”
“If you don’t, surely she’ll recall this horrible day.
Take mind and memory she make
It’ll break your heart to do, to weary heartbreak.”
She must stay safe, he loved her too much
If only she would not forget him such
Banten nod - no other way - a curse to be so strong!
He moved to her sleeping form - it felt so wrong!
“Arosha, forgive me! This horror we must do!”
“Beloved Prince, always in the dark I’m with you.”
And so he lay left hand on Ali’s face
The curve of jaw in his embrace
He whisper words of strangest cant
The magic coursed between her and hant
Rich it rare through destroying left
Till not one memory of Trystin bereft
He knew it true, all magic destroy
Why was his spellwork ruthless and not toy?
The seconds took felt long hour past
How long did forgetting magic last???
“Forever,” Banten whispered, tears
“I...I’m gone...how I loved her…” - his fears
“Banten help that I may break!”
“Steady, Eelion, my brother make…”
He wept with shattered, blurry heart
Where now could he think to start?
“I...I need, desperate, to get help for this
Trystin, don’t move, leave her not with death’s kiss…”
As Banten left, the Prince held her face to his
Lips across her cheek to staunch the mis’
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you’ll never know…”
Regret stirred in him, himself his own foe
How could he have done this, so quick to act?
Trystin, you fool, this terrible fact!
Drawing the mercy blade from in his belt
He place sharp end against left wrist felt
This evil hand commit the worst crime
Stolen Ali’s memory and all her time
Pressure still he dug in deep despite pain
Surely the blood served as holy gain
Her slice and sliced left wrist raw
Crying, without feeling, as dagger saw
His penance, pay back, his hand never to destroy again
“Please!” Arosha begged, convulsed in pain
“I can’t! I can’t let it again! Mistake!”
Deeper still the blade did rake
The hand had to go, he cut down to bone
The one handed prince as he would be known...
Door burst open and Banten sudden there
“Trystin!” explained, Ephyra behind spare
In seconds, blood staunched and healing mend
Not without the Prince protect in teary rend
“I did evil, the left can’t live long!”
“Trystin, destroying yourself an even deeper wrong!”
Weeping, collapsed, weak to the floor
Trystin could speak little any more
His shield brother wrap the wound with painful love
“It’ll hurt but heal with scars thought of.”
The madness of his love for her blinding still
He thought nothing for his well
The four sat in sudden silent agony
Banten brief forget what brought to be
“I’ve found a way to take her North
It’ll be swift and safe, unknown here forth.”
“That’s all I want, for her best safe.”
“I know but Trystin, I have another strafe…”
“What more? Little I can bear…”
“My prince, my friend, though you not heir…”
“Spit it out! We’ve been friends for years!”
“You must go too, if to flee your fears
For if they find you, surely they find her too!”
“No!” “I know, so here’s what I must do:
Brother, beloved, it’s so hard to speak…”
“Banten, say it, I’m already my most weak.”
“You memory too, you must whole forget.”
The words between them in silence set
“No! Her memory, it’s all I have!”
“And they can use it, the end of their wrath.”
“Banten please, any other way.”
“I swear to you, if there was I’d say.”
The two wept upon sillen floor
With Ali just paces by forever’s gate door.
“I’ll be with you, Eelion, just like before.”
“It was you! You whom I woke after the war!”
“Yes the same though I can’t soon be known
My duty is to your family, and to you alone
Protector, guardian, your brother get
Better than your elders, the princes’ let
I’ve watched over you since the day of birth
I was just three then, knowing not your worth
I’ve seen you grow through love and war
Please, Trystin, let me help just once more.”
The Prince in tears - it all made sense now
Not intervening but Banten always by him vow
“You were called Pennant, the war banner.”
“I prefer you thought it Penance, pay back to her.”
“Will you be with me, after the curse?”
“Yes my prince, for this and every verse.
They slope to the floor where path lay low
And Banten prepare for the magic slow
“I’ll take it all, no name you’ll have
Or I can’t predict the aftermath.
Save you borth but split you far
Hunters can’t find symbols bar
It’ll hurt, I’m sorry Trystin, more!”
The pain was great as he lean in
In Banten’s hands magic begin
He knew it hurt from Trystin’s cry of pain
Regretted doing this again
The screams subside as thoughts all subside
Arosha lay not with him, just beside
As memory left his weakened frame
Banten reck he meet the dreadful aim
What now do with sleeping pair?
Neither remember how much ‘stranger’ care?
The war just end - to random the Prince would go
And to family, Arosha return in low
And North he send Ali back
With Kyver, so  long he could not lack
He was the last to stand, Banten was
Guardian, brother, he loved despite and because
His prince, he would die without hesitate
As he sat, apart from Ephyra, in war camp straight
Once again devoted, waking his Prince to wait…
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
XXIV: Angel Descend
The war went on much longer than
The Empress or Warlord imagine
He saw her once, on battlefield
While blood and bandage he did wield
A mighty figure drenched in gold
The law of Third hers to uphold
He blade came down like earth would shake
While those in battle begin to quake
But as she came was gone again
The Empress only fought till when
The First were violent, ancient type
But no respect for Ixaj like
They not unite Three peoples strong
And this were their logic held not wrong
Their mark so strong had certain smell
Their love for leather cause deathly fell
Who could do that to the ix?
Trystin shuddered and quavered mix
They would not give up the wicked blow
The Third kingdom rent on jayan though
So all Kansen fought against the First
For crimes oft counted worst
Trystin saw on different days
The Princes twin who had their way
The eldest took the Kansen side
That to the jaya they had no reck provide
The younger, spitting image of
Argued all the Three must live in world above
To forget a crime to history past
And how then would Third Kingdom last
Their difference truth in them despite
They stood breast long into the fight
Trystin shook his head at work
Arosha wrapped around him to lurk
“One day I will do all I can, and someone will do within my hand,”
“Yes,” she said with certain stand
He like others did their best
With fighting surge to cross his chest
Oft dreams held terror deep within
Of limbs and lives lost, wretched in
With heave, the Prince stood once again
To look ’pon camp in human swell in ten
Thousand raise to banner call
Across the kingdom they venture all
For no such battle  been recent yet
To Empress all must pay their debt
Give life and love for Kingdom kind
And this the thousands felt obliged
So what had been a well trained camp
Now thousands lived, hungry, and champ
Trystin feared the First kingdom not back down
But bring their own for fateful down
And this it was, they ventured forth
The army, thousands, roaring North
Along the line they even trail
With Banners, doctors, trumpets swell!
As ridge they crossed at evening’s gate
The captains looked down to see their proper fate
Well matched were they by Third Kingdom’s eyes
All they knew had come from trusted spies
Trystin inhaled and pale hundred king
Dressed head to time in cream and white
“They wish us dead, no more then that,”
He whispered still for Arosha spat
“We’re phyciains, magicians, Jayan trained,”
His partner whispered, barely refrained
Trystin took his short sword in one hand, gun too
Staring deep to what the other might do
The general crossed the neutral fields
No shot was fired, no peace unstilled
Still a boy coughed on Trystin’s side
From the Firsts a shot, by heaven guide
The boy fell dead for price of cough
And general looked up, with rage unloft
A trumpet sound for war commence
The cry by people was immense!
They charge forward along the field
As sunset quiet too much to wield
Could you see the hundred besides?
Knowing further on was thousand strides?
“To war to war!” Trystin nearly chant
Lips closed, stood back, he could not bant
The energy strong could make him yell
But knowing death followed, a bitter pill
Fifty thousand strode to meet their enemy
And what of victory
Surged through the crowd on righteous day
Evenly matched were on their way
Such roar you’ve never heard!
A hundred thousand men, their life assured
Dragged into meses was Trystin just
The doctors, apge, runners thrust
“Here!  Please!” came lucid cry
Others moaned in hopes to die
Press bandage here! Pull tight there!
No time to think, just medic care!
If stopped the Prince’s heart might break
This was no little thing but battle wake!
None such had been seen in recent past!
A war of legend here at last!
Trystin wept that night - hours on
For the prince of victory was death anon
The thing it last two whole days
No sleep, respite, or change of ways
A truce was called by great Cornelian
So every man could rest till drawn
Great casualties fall both sides
As Trystin treat on field turning tides
As exhausted as all the rest in war
He helped carry thousand who could not make it for
Once back in camp, others take their aid
His shift long done - over  before he fade
Those who could took their rest
The others helped the bare survivors blessed
But Trystin who heard the sounds in wake and dream
Could not leave the field just as it seem
Hundreds lay amongst the leagues
Unrescued by those take with fatigue
The bodies of friend and foe near death
Trystin set to wake with step light and deft
The moan, it haunted, of the nearly dead
With knife now drawn, heard heavy with dread
There is a tale the Kansen tell
Of angels descend when time might tell
The message creatures of higher call
That do a single time’s beck and call
When the last needs raise, the water crops
At end of day, when sun will drop
Or times like this, when death is need
The battle weak lay out to bleed
“Angel come,” a desperate plea
From nearly corpse by Trystin knee
He kneels down with darkly grace
To see his victim’s weary face
They see the knife and smile ease
Their call was heard, they can leave now please
So Trystin assure them all is well
And blade finds throat a swiftly tell
Released from pain, he moves quickly on
A barely corpse just nearly gone
And so the Battle Angel well Descend
Called forth by thousands for their end
Reluctant hero, the healing kind
Wept deep and dear, against his mind!
Could you do it, my reader, you?
Take blade to kill those you healed too?
For what love is this that cause a Prince
Third born orphan, unknown since
To love a people he never rule
Even at price of his hands turned cruel
The field took his knife east
The mercy blade was but the least
Drawn dusk till dawn the Prince did walk
Three hundred four did he knock
“My heart is black,” Trystin’s voice now breaks
Falls to his knees, heart now slake
Arosha trembling hard and fast
As the pair hold each other, their sins so vast
They cannot tell not another soul
How death had taken its pound for toll
Trystin’s heart now never whole
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
XXI: The Empress Lore
Of life I told a present thing
Not back we must to ancient sing
You’ve heard of Nanter’s rise and fall
Of it’s terrible enchanted wall
Birthed from seven kansen foe
Locking Trystin and the rest there in tow
A generation gone before their freedom grant
The Prince knew not their fate, or can’t
He would learn later at Ali’s ear
That she, and others, try fifty year
To find the seven who set their spells
Entrapping thousands in Northern wells
It was her and others to get his release
Who brokered Nanter’s terrible peace
No this story told is of ancient text
But to understand, it must come next
For long ago - a century past?
The woman came to power was young and vast
A gifted mage and warrior fast
Her companion amphidera a green-lit stag
A creature so rare no one thought it tamed
Her face was fierce and without question though
Young ruler knew her will and thought
With crown on head the Empress reigned
The kingdom Third like those before
Young at forty, the rumor tore
She held herself like older one
The magic could not become undone
In swift she took a consort strong
Though none like her to land belong
His join foretold the stars did say
Powerful, fierce, and ferocious may
He competition for the Empress laugh
Though none would ever give the half
Not days to power she struck her death
With stony face and fiery breath
Her consort stood by side to stare
Of the Empress truly haughty air
She came to power so long before
No jaya can remember the time afore
A creature of myth and legend make
Even Trystin can not recall her break
When first children born - the princelhy twins
A whisper held there were as black as all her sins
The Empress, fresh from bed of birth
Slew each word till bodies hit the earth
Her methods still were calmest kind
Many didn’t notice till struck them blind
A man came forth to ask a thing
With trembling voice and little to bring
He missed the words that lend him praise
And ne’er again did breath he raise
In war she slew a thousand foes
With blade and rage, on dancing toes
With the rampant stag by her every side
The magic flowed from her wide
The Battle of Ashen Heart id she win
And one handed War on Reckless Kin
Not stop at two sons she had
Went on for several more to add
Some claimed the progeny not her own
Especially the gold haired son vying for throne
As time went on the Empress asked less and less
No common folk come to bless
Every year went by she fiercer grew
And those withdrew from her wrath unto
When Trystin thought on the Empress may
He knew nothing of her spirit way
How could a woman so aloof
Rule the Kingdom with little proof
But feared she was by all true reck
He wanted nothing of her, not even beck
So Trystin realize not of his relate
That the twins were truly bothers make
But as to yet, this thing unknown
Not even Ali knew the truth in his bones
All he knew of ‘family’ was but of lore
He outlast the friends that mgiht know more
Curse the Kansen, the lasting kin
While others perished early for their various sin
But rumor ‘pon her majesty
The wall was seven but sealed by thee
It never fall or break or bend
As Empress magic has no end
None confirm this sneaking fear
Who else to seal the jaya fifty year?
In North one year when so distressed
It told they gave her all she asked
But then to make them pay
Their children’s heads for every day
Stone cold was she as ordered kill
The wail rose up  from highest hill
Or when they conquered Kingdom First
The Empress paid their ministers thirst
And satiated all they wanted eat
Then twist their necks with white silk sheets
No man to stop her wildly woes
No children stood to tred her toes
When Trystin heard all progeny
He likes, others, thought to see
In years to come, when the Empress age
ALl children come to take their stage
Such bloody bath of throne to get
Trystin shook his head against
Maybe famous lore of leader goes
With how she act in laden clothes
When once attacked she drew her knives
With all six she took fatal prize
Another day at quiet din
At social gather sent assassin
With flick of wrist and hard command
The pair of kansen let flat killing man
With glare she take down heads of state
With blink some killed for make her wait
Kansen do not age like all the rest
The Empress already seen peoples past
Generation come and go and never last
Is this their ssecret I share with you?
How long the Kansen live in too?
It’s true, they live several hundred years
While jaya die in fifty, seventy fears
So the kansen see the jaya fall before
And so, few make friends, outside their for
Only death comes of these things
So Trystin’s friends were of rarer sings
For now the lore revolved around
The stars, the oracles, the fear abound
Of Empress who is true eternal
While others can only gaze in awe and wow
Though I know the myth and legend tale
It’s all as true as on this side’s veil
Whether she be immortal none can say
But no one remembers who may
That came before, any sort of one
But now the Empress is the sacred done
And wehtehr she made the Nanter wall?
Let’s say I know a little all
The starvation back was real enough
And the Kansen didn’t do their stuff
The rightful march of jaya kind
In response to the Kansen blind
The rich of Nanter, sick of their words
Devise the magic to set the girds
Seven strands, an impossible break
Doesn’t mean they wouldn’t take
So set the magic strong enough
And no Three people break tough
Had the Empress known the triplet son
Lay in Nanter North, would she have done?
Hard to see, though she has no heart?
The city knew no different art
Alecandrian, the true born prince
Not that any called him that since
The Empress thought her third son dead
And even he had lived in that stead
Dangerous times for the royal ones
He the last of the triplet sons
I barely told the Empress tale
But i feel you might learn more in epic wail
Back to the time we go to hear
Of where Trystin left with Ali near
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
XXIX: And Now You, Beloved
The truth was now beset to tell
His princess Candor deserved it well
He would have to tell her the truth
Of Alecandrian, prince since his youth
Pursued now for so many reas’
His royal blood not least of these
How to explain to her all of his crimes
Those of now and older crimes
Just an author, a writer of book
Condemned to be war-torn crook
They’d say he must die for patent sin
Tortured for the lives he had rin
And while that may be sort of deserved
Who was there for it observed?
A kansen learned the jayan trade
To med the sick and fix those so afraid
But with kansen hands he also heal
Physician with both reck to steal
His power used  for good of all
Even in his crime, was this his fall?
“They’ll pull you down,” Trystin said,
After all the rest he’d begged in her stead.
He’d practiced words against a wall
Only to have silence echo this call
She had to leave  him in greater haste
How could he save her from gunshot chaste?
Her flawless heart would stay with him
How then would they survive the deepest grim?
No, he would not tell her any past
His story he seemed so short and yet vaste
So leave these thoughts of his behind
This is how the story truly aligned:
A long day passed and Trystin know
What things love his love in though
So cook all day and prepare a feast
Something she could not resist in the least
When soon arrived at home did she
Tired face brought forth with glee
“What occasion this?” she ask with grin
“Just news to share,” with strength wihin
“You couldn’t have known but I have news too.”
Trystin’s eyebrows raise at this debut
Her smile was warmer than raising sun
Oh how he wished that was all what done
“You first, I feel I can’t compare.”
She obliged, letting down her glorious hair
Reclined in chair to roll her neck
“It’s been weeks and months of reck,
But today a deal was drawn and writ
For peace between First and Third commit.
To end the battle now by dawn
Their prisoners sent to the desert gaping yawn
Their ransom paid to end the war
We speak on it now nevermore.”
Trystin turned, for how was this?
The kingdoms agree on any miss?
Thier blades lay down, the army return
Only the last prisoners to be bought back in turn.
“Truly, Princess, your Candor wit
I don’t know how you reck and wrangle it.”
She laugh, the high type rining sound
“Surely not my work that I was bound,
But months we worked and came to pass
I can only hope the words bind to last.”
His smile broke outside her gaze
Poured wine and untangled his tongue’s ways…
Bit again, what could he say?
This time a celebration day!
“It’s good your home for this, I think
Thought secretly, thought you may miss.”
“A peace come in our time?
What better knows for an evening sublime?”
His smile put her more at ease
As stomach turns with halted please
She told the tale over third glass of wine
While they ate and shared to dine
He nod at all the place
Even when she spoke of strange pace
Her peace, this meant the final end
All come home, the Three may mend
A sort of harmony fell in soul
Until Arosha’s eyes met his and he recalled the roll
“Ali,” he start try not to choke,
“I brought news too, that I have not spoke.”
She turned to him in trusting eyes
Oh how could he lie before that guise?!
“These many years I had a bet,
With an old friend who not forgot.
That if I could, I’d hold a tie
With woman even if have to lie
To make her love me some lots of years
And not betray the truth to ears
Though love her not, I’d try this thing
So here I have, to end this string.”
The jagged edge it fell so hard
As Ali’s face break at its shard.
“Affection, love, it all a lie?”
Kyver recoil to Arosha deny
Trystin nodded and laughed at her
“I did well, all you thought we were.”
“Trystin, you can’t be serious!”
“What’s too discuss?”
“Your words, your actions, it was all a ruse?”
“A clever one, thank you for being the one I use.”
“We were friends, best friends...I believed your love!”
The sky was falling, the sun from heaven above
The dark it cloud and he could not call.
“No love, never, none at all.”
She recoiled with deadly pain
Could not even cry, her voice too strain.
“I’m sorry about that, it was all a game.”
His nonchalance took perfect aim
“The war...the journeys….the day of wall!”
“All a study I was paid to beflal.”
“I know it isn’t so, I know, Trystin!”
It stung to hear his name wherein
He steeled himself - not Trystin born
But Alecandrian, the Prince’s scorn
“No...Trystin! No!” she collapsed to floor
And choked on tears, heave breathes on more
He walked out to her collapse
A minute as she wept did lapse
And hate himself though not he could
He exactly as he should
Silent as the oncome night
He twined his hand with Arosha bright
In whispered time they spoke to spell
For Ali to quiet, given sleep to tell.
“You lied! You lied!’ Arosha wailed
“What could I do? They’ll kill her once I’ve failed!
The guards come near, the’yll find me soon
All I have his her, what else can I ruin?
She’ll go away, in hating me, but safe
I don’t know what else to do yet go in strafe.”
The sleeping woman lay on their chair
As Trystin frantic to plan each where.
“We can’t leave her, not Kyver too!”
“If someone has to do, not her, not you,
I caused it Arosha, don’t you see?
All choices here lead back to me!
She’ll go away, she’ll be safe from self
Then perhaps it’ll save herself.”
The pair sat and wept out their despair
Before trying again to brace her from warfare
Not fair his love would pay for crime
Not write his compassion now owed him time
She had to go far, not again to speak
He closed his eyes for memory seak
The moment he met her far in north
Journeyed with him to oracle forth
She’d flown on ships, saved from the storm
Well learned, well though, with writer’s form
Her diplomatic tongue had earned her fame
And some sort of ‘princess’ title name
Fierce with sword and gun, yet peaceful get
How could he describe this perfect woman yet?
How had his troubles shaped her fate?
All he wanted was her safe smile late
“It cannot be, it cannot be, we must leave!”
Yet Trystin still hugged her tight and tried to cleave
To last physical reminder of his sins relieve
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
XXV: The Madness of Angels
Collapse on bed another eve
Skin prick roll down another sleeve
Lost time to others had to keep
“You need to let midnight come to rest!”
“I can’t! When needed at my best!”
They did wrath as oft as rest us do
Within ourselves though for them it true
The pair could not continue on
The line of mercy’s blade once sharp now gone
But sleepless nights in salvation field
Trystin released more than hath healed
The Angel of Death, the soldiers named
Prayed to its spirit twere not rise again
Still Trystin wept for fate basailed
And sharpened the edge another night travailed
Till pair in help and healing trade
Find ‘red leaf’ death, a fright now made
Oh energy gave in spades and woe!
Gift nightmare seen on soil below
A thing seen here but not exist
The price to never job would miss
The pair decide in desperate need
That even if they must they could concede
Not forever the doctor be
The angel dark of fatal mercy
So Arosha chew the fateing herb
Together fall to the absurd
The high of leaf went to his head
So as thread passed through skin in stead
Wounds closed, chanted, tea poured on
The doctor’s ways go speeding on
And night fall as his shift does end
Expect physicians bed to fend
Instead after beck of friends
He took to chamber to take the jar
Within a press of stem and tar
They chewed it hard for all its juice
Until it pass through blood profuse
The pair stand soft in blackened cloak
Step out of tent into the smoke
The rising high it trembled in their blood
And Arosha’s eyes became ruby flood
The blade beneath chest a straight quickly blade
It oft came to the Angel’s aid
A long trek to the valley’s heel
Where death and fatal lay rambling keel
He hear the moans at the ground
Though light was not a thing to be found
Following the call - was it human? A trick?
The mud laden blood was slick
He steps stumbled yet under Angel’s pleas
As the pair found their first to sees
A woman lay with legs shorn off
Fluids danced round her air to cough
He kneel askew by her face
The black and dark left not a trace
“Angel, is that your voice I hear?”
“Your angel descends for you my dear.”
“They took my legs, the agony so deep,
Please angel, no healing now, my soul to reap.”
Trystin inhale - not new her request
Why he asked, the physician best?
The odd blend of jaya  with kansen hands
A strange one in the war time plans
Bringing the blade low to the throat
The sigh escaped a final note
“Thank you Angel for the death you bring…”
And with that, Trystin swung clean
The life escaped seemed to hang in air
And laugh at him with monstrous hair
Shook his head, Trystin gasped
What horrid things did red leaf rasp?
He stood to find his next need
Vision swimming to take a lead
Why did he see colour flash mad
Like eyes misfired and feeling bad
He should know, the doctor kind
The drug he’s taken now lost his mind
Followed sound to soldier’s pain
The wound in stomach had not slain
But in days since then had rotted him
Now no hope of life for that grim
The man, a young strapping thing
So new they hadn’t known to bring
He wailed for constant pain
Unable to move for gain
No blade in sight for him to end
And then beg for sky to Angel send
His moan not words of poetry taste
Though Trystin heard struck agony
Leaned in to feel his spirit flee
As the mercy blade cross his throat open
The red liquid dripped out to ghoulish grin
Reeling back to fall Trystin cough
What power this herb have, he final cough
Arosha stumbled with non her grace
As both pressed on with boldened face
When no words were said, the job was fast
Their lives were short, not meant to last
Hundred kansen strandard there
Even cross the lines, on First land fair
Deeper still they went through dawn
Unfair to leave their ancient rivals yon
The pair proceed to cross the line
And hear hiss and drum in quiet time
“They tell of Angel deathly kind
“From above, I wish that Angel find
Take blade he make with blessing give
A thing with life it too could forgive.”
The pair groaned still, they could not move
Trystin still, the Angel prove
No wings he had, for earthly bound
Now people prayed under battle sound
Though he now here  to answer call
His blade in right hand ready to fall
His cloak swept round so both did hear
“That sound, is that the thing you fear?”
“Yes, long await we for dark relief -
Is it you, Dark Angel, have you come in brief?”
Inhale he did, for Tryustin’s vision swim
“The one you await and call, I is him.”
Both sighed like one who knew their fate
Sweet exhale to set their wait
“Angel, speak, will you give us end?
Bring us from battle to the hallowed fend?”
Trystin spoke with choking voice
“Yes, I’ve arrived by your greater choice,
To lay end to suffering of Kansen war
Now if thou ask, my blade is stored.”
The pair wept openly in blessed reprieve
Finally! Someone to take their leave
I should tell you to, to listener
That by all reck, there was no cure
Trystin’s skill could not mend or heal
Indeed, he tried before he struck this deal
He laid before the first captain
A man, same rank as him
Unsheathered the dagger bright
As tears fall through the night
“I did not know that angels wept.”
“Only the one that death be kept,”
Trystin bade, his face a mess
As his victim prayed for him to bless.
Finding the cords in neck to slit
He pulled tight to slice for life to split
Run down his hands into the earth
So easily this man a shell of his birth
Companion yalped, a joyous sound
“He’s gone home, released from body bound!
Do it too! Please Angel of Death!
This shell holds back all I can reth!
Your blade forgives my warring sin,
Please take it’s point and my heart put in,
Release bone from this battles I should have not
But in my youth, thought glory in the thought!
The lives I took unfairly wrenched
By blood I stood and was drenched
Dark Angel your time is only right
May I pay back by sacred plight?”
Wings spread high overskin and bone
The dagger true deep, he slew his own.
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
XVIII:  Hark Deep
For the time spent in Nanter’s space
Trystin had come to friendship place
Alla just a young jaya fen
Sweet, and kind, quick to friend
When last he had stood to help
Her smile, to all, was shared to felt
“How are you smiling?” asked Prince,
“This is a terrible day for all here since.”
The smile deft and light like sun
“Oh kansen man, what have you done?
The wall divides in not the end
We’ve got each other for this bend.”
Trystin couldn’t help but smile
The fen had just a positive while
Alla stood on market day
To sell the wares of jaya fae
Mostly shrooms and sweet root veg
The stall was right on market’s edge
That smile lit a fugal march
That other jaya could not larch
The times were grim and work was hard
But in the dark, new friend to guard
Every day Trystin stopped by
To hear her positive remarks on fly
He bought the thing which fed him right
In this way, perhaps, Alla saved his life
Each day they spoken increasing more
From weather to the ancient lore
Rare times were these the Prince did know
And a jaya smiling rarer though
Though food itself was scarce and slim
Alla offered gentle meal to him
It was not much, nor good it be
For the wall and prison fought to fee
For fifty years, since fen be young
The two, fast friends, trade news and tongue
Trystin’s trust jayan friend
As time marched on  to life’s bitter end
Alla had much to say on the state of world
And all within it furled
As it turned out, Jaya was from a Bright tribe
Whose family act as long time scribe
To chronicle all time and place
Even when the famine face
They band together, to bring the news
That jaya everywhere can’t confuse
No food would grow: water or earth
For several years, they’d done all their worth
So Together, the Bright ones came to south
Explaining Alla’s pale skin and rosy mouth,
Hard skinned like all the rest their kin
Painted spines, soft palms, eyes and skin
To Nanter where they might protest
Instead a wall divides afamily and rest
Alla the only of her tribe so Bright
The rest to south, or outside the city lights
“We came to do good, though we didn’t starve
The weaker would die if not for parve
I don’t regret coming here, even if for wall
If I hadn’t, would I have met you all?”
Trystin saw Alla grew and line
Grom young and happy to old with shine
None such had seen and filled with joy
Through Trystin knew many tribe
So many friends of hard skin spine
He’s seen age long to elder death
With Alla he feared her body reth
As disease fell into Nanter’s fold
Her house became a safe stronghold
He off went work to heal and cure
Speak not of nightly job to her
Not young now she seemed brittle like
He used his magic without her psych
“Do you ever think back to the land,
The place you came from, tribe and band?”
Alla sighed and broke a bit
“Every night, I think of them and where I fit
And how I’m here to do some good
Even if I last help would”
A bit of help or aid under her roof
A place in night Trystin would not move
Held break the golden heart of ALla
If she knew the mercy knife’s maw
It took it out of him to heal
Next to him Alla kneel
Not a doctor or physician reck
Wanting to help with patient leck
With blanket, bed, and soup to give
No thought to cost or pain of live
Though weak the soup, as always was
The patients gracious thanks of cause
The kansen starved lik man of wit
Those sickly people thought none of it
When the silence continued to take
The jaya in droves did rake
Though kansen untouched by ill
Many died in despair of Three now still
When at least came down with fatal
Trystin came to her door final
“Alla?” he called through threshold way
The voice was weak to hear it say
Upstairs he went to find the place
Where people there to pat her face
Ill. This is, the Silence fell
The Prince’s heart fell down a well
His friend beloved, his wit and bant
The disease that want to claim her can’t
“Warm, are you?” the Prince tried to grin
Her eyes, so vivid, brought a win
“I knew you’d come, if for your work.”
“How can I with you in this quirk?”
“Nothing kansen, you know the day?
When body slows, it’s the elder way.”
“I know better Alla, for several years,
Don’t you think I know the Silence tears?”
The jaya coughed and laughed a bit
Trystin held his breaking face from it
The others around mumbled only shame
While  Trystin knelt to whisper her name
“Alla,” he said, “Alla stay with me now.”
“And I won’t get anywhere without thou.”
He took out tools and turned off mind
To save the fen his life entwined
Who else would have got him through?
This time in Nanter, he look up to
If this were his last doctor’s task
To save a life all would ask
He took her signs to see the cause
If really Silence had her in claws
Her heart was weaker than it had ever been
Concerned he listened to lungs again
They took trembling signs to his hand
Why hadn’t he been called to land
To assist her early so he could aid
In healing of the jaya’s trade
He worked with Alla another night
Though smiling, she was losing fight
They spoke of news, of son, of love
They spoke of rumours of the sky above
Every trcik he knew he tried in vein
His physician skill had taken reign
Turned magic still to try and heal
With Arosha near he whispered riel
Together from them magic flowed
But through this no good was showed
“Alla, I’ve tried all I know.”
“Trystin, you’re the best I’ve ever show.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, please stay with me!”
“Trystin, the disease can’t know us be,”
Her smiled tore at lowly heart
His body crumbled, it cracked and start
She lived more hours still
Always smiling, with jayan will
He laughed with her, though tears still mar
And jayan leave to give him scar.
She passed in the grey of almost morn
When Trystin could at last have bourne
The sorry that the Silence take
For hours he grieved her spirit lost
He couldn’t stand for feelings crossed
What life was fair to take Alla’s cost?
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
XII: The Wall Part
Far off in Trystin’s pirate ways
Horizon heart to set his gaze
A life he chose and full of lies
But let him long traverse the skies
A dance as long as war itself
The ship passed over gale and guelph
He stands on brink on wooden deck
To where the city Nanter beck
The prince heard the pleas of jaya friend
But sheild his face from their dark end
The tension drew heavy as line of knife
Even from above Trystin could hear loss of life
In a raid above, along ship they sailed
Till mast tipped near to eastward bailed
The two ships steered to crash in sky
While thunder reigned down in death defy
One turn it took to clip the wing
And engine pitch no longer sing
Soon fire caught the body still
And crashing came the vessel will
Before it land, with heart unchained
Trystin lean by bow constrained
The fall too great for man to stand
Must jump and best hope to land
He did, from flaming, fiercy beast
To descent of city might hurt the last
The landing winded lungs adepth
No time! To hold before the breadth
Great pain shattered resolve as Nanter led
Trystin groaned in terrible awful tread
“Arosha, safe?” he quickly asked
She nodded, his better recovered fast
Together stand they see threir way
Around them, shouts and screams in stay
What hell is this, they wonder yet?
What has Nanter been in under threat?
People run by in fear and scream
They under door to watch the scene
And here is where the heroes glean
Nanter: City on Kingdoms edge
Enbroiled in a racial wedge
For months in words and deeds was done
Now here, in open air is spun
A battle brew has since begun
While Trystin sat in winning none
Missed stab with blood between the sides
No longer clear for all decide
When jaya took kansen to ask
Came clear who wins in iin bask
“Hide!” Arosha warns too soon
Around the corner blades come in ruin
The Prince had none in fall to earth
A vagrant still, defenseless  worth
The otter coils behind her man
Till angry still pass to fight began
Arosha pricks her ears now front
“Is it Kyver?” asls Trystin’s pain filled grunt
She nods like one betwixxed in kind
Their dearest friend in Nanter find?
With beck and call they venture out
To find Ali and Kyver stout
Around them not a silence fair
Spit and spat flank both the pair
With nose alight in familiar scent
The Prince heads each way they went
Not seen his lover in several years
Perhaps assauage her silent fears
The princess have such deepest eyes
Tied up, defenseless by her guise
They  run still further but scream stops still
“Please help, he dies,” in want of skill
Rushing so Trystin finds the wound
A jaya lay anguish attuned
Mother weptand turned her face
The arm torn off, returned to place
While Trystin gawked and needed tool
To leave the child would make him fool
Bent down he did to mend the limb
Arosha to what he could trim
A needle, thread, in hands of wise
He stitched the flesh back and tries
To cleana nd use his best of skill
While jaya watch watch him handle ill
He’s like none they’ve ever seen ebfore
Even Kansen allied not have his lore
But this man, unknown, has proven him
Sees battles fought, results are grim
He sides with us, this man unknown
Despite his race, his is our own
Trystin can’t speak, his heart is moved
They don’t know him Prince, just doctor proved
Now hours since, though still so sore
He wanders streets, avoiding sword
Some victims are of kansen blood
And others dead of jaya mud
Though it annoy the hard skinned kind
Trystin cannot heal without being blind
Arosha wants to find Kyver
The Prince too, but as the healing were
That night to follow five patients
The sky looked purple, red and rent
“What’s this?” Trystin asked, exhausted head
The last his victims no longer bled
“We drove them back,” a jaya smiled
“Small victory still, we have a while.”
Trystin looked up and strange lit sky
“It doesn’t feel like they’ve gone by,
It feels strange, like trap or trick.”
And moment still a yelling sick
“A wall a wall!” came yells afar
So trystin ran, Arosha guided them, where are?
Then he saw in front like rain
A sight he’d never see again
The earth itself rose all in front
With stone on stone it building blunt
Upon approach Trustin threw him in
His weakened arms to pull within
Sent back! He was, by magic act
The strength pushed back by power pact
“How can this be, nothing so strong?”
“Trystin, something’s terribly wrong!”
Arosha cowered cringing face
He pulled her in, reformes his pace
Nothing he did could touch the stone
As the wall build slowly, from the earth it’s grown
Now hundreds rushed the forming feat
All kinds unite in its defeat
Dividing city into two halves
The ‘Kansen’ and the ‘Jaya’ filled with wrath
Their faces still seen by the wall
Arosha sudden caught in whine
Kyver! She shouts across the line
Trystin tries to scale the monstrous thing
Thrown back by magic’s terrible sting
While Arosha weeps and paws the wall
And other Kansen’s partner dig
Here magic too stop further rig
What could they want with this?
The scream still reminice
Trystin still pulls deep at stone
And Arosha with him to the bone
“Pull, girl! It’s all we have!”
The Prince grunted, raw channelled wrath.
“Trstin?” voice through all his sin
Stopped blind for she was all of him
That voice that trembled his entire heart
And caused his failing breath to start
“Ali?” breaths he in desperate pain
He swore it real, despite obvious strain
She’d said his name, he knew it true?
Where was she, her brilliant eyes of blue
If this his death the wall did sign
Could not his last sight be her align?
Straining hands afresh again to climb
As walls mounts higher all the time
“Ali!” he calls though now unseen
She must hear him through the brick screen
“Palisade!” he calls her rare full name
His amphidera whine, reply not came
“Ali!” he calls, fists to the wall
As pair despair on Nanter’s fall
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
“You never say that unless it’s followed by something that makes my heart tremble. 
It was true. His entire body was shaking.
Red is the fourth book I’m writing in ‘The Cycle’ series revolving around a ‘super average’ man and his struggles to remember who he is and what name to even go by. As he ventures through a steampunk esque world of political strife, famine, civil war, and the demands off voluntary genocide, there’s a bunch of magic, sexual humour, and geeky botany involved as well.
NaNoWriMo in June - 30 days to get a book done
Day 2: 6,074 words
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
XXVII: The Return
The speak of war might die in end
No one confirm  to where they send
“You’ve served us well,” the commander say
“The war will end - none can pin the day
You’ve worked, you’ve healed, through the night
As war ends, I wish to set it right
Go home, to all things your love
Thank the stars, the sky, the sun above
In a time of blood and terrible war
You’re a hero, all you’ve worked for.”
Trystin chocked, nodding kind
If only they knew what consumed his mind
Each day the horrors ran round brain
In hopes soldiers might once be sane
Though guilt he felt and leaving soon
Others came to bestow him boon
“You saved so many, your work is done.”
“I want to stay till last day’s sun!”
But off he fared through all well wish
As several hundred left the knish
Trystin sighed, Arosha in his coat
How could he return to normal wrote?
The journey from the far west were
Not kind, just cold and full of blur
When reached the city, prause would rise
Trystin rather huddle in close disguise
It took two weeks for walking pace
No Angel now to turn his face
That part of Tyrstin gone deep in
Replaced by just a man of sin
Not reck, not truck, with soldier make
But fear of death, the coward’s take
The walking road home the army walk
Four hundred pass point of talk
The war behind, it not have end
Another few hundred gone by were send
“Await to Kyver’s smiling maw.”
“And touch Ali’s waiting jaw…”
The pair sigh for this thought of better things
A long time since they’d thought what life brings
No news was brought to their walking trail
As some soon left for different pale
The sky was grey, no shred of sun
Cross hill as wide with marching done
The city of bells frue destination
Their ways of walking done
The second week in they saw the goal
The tower, spires, the gleaming roll
His Princely heart sore at the sight
As Arosha laugh in pure delight
Home it was, the place claim sweet
Where lovers to rest their feet
A surge in Trystin hearing heart
A place from never now depart
But just as soon as golden wash
All though of darkly came over kosh
The knife, would anyone well and find?
Know his mark by death was twined
A thousand voices crying out on green field
What more could he do for them healed?
There were more to heal within his tent
Or slay the helpless where their souls went
How could he keep these thoughts inside?
To Ali he could not have lied
With long breath he could only suppress
With his stories he might impress
There the gates he spy them soon
Just cross the fated dune
Over arch its jeweled beauty reach
Beneath, a parade of people each
They await the victors of noble war
They await him, and others in wild uproar
That shout and scream and glorious yell
While others embrace this golden praise
Nothing less could Prince want for his days
Drop back in line for this parade
How could they celebrate this sort of crusade?
His heart wound as behold fated roar
Everything  in his soul was sore
When others walked beneath the gates
To receive what others thought was fates
Trystin, shroud, left rampant crowds
He not healer proud
Picked up his pace with hurried feet
He could only wish to Ali meet
The roads he knew to get to home
A little different from last he known
A change to way he usual went
How had this change in year extent
There! Home! Where Ali wait?
Too much assume this would collate
WIth breath inhale and war behind
He raised his hand to knock in kind
A nervous twitch into his hand
Not moment to think before it stand
The door swung open to sleepy eyes
There, his beauty and love, comprise
His voice caught throat: “Palisade.”
Eyes shone brought to him unafraid
Arms wrapped round in desperate care
His placed his face deep in her hair
Home, to him, lay in her embrace
All he wanted was to look upon her face
“You’re home,” she sighed in best content
“No else could I be, twere I repent.”
No words need spoke between the two
For all between them melt into
His hands had not touched her recently
He wished this feel would always be
Into their home they pair then drew
For all heart need not eschew
“Ali…” breath upon his lips
Her hands assure as his voice bare trips
Each body entwines, a year’s pause to make
Felt skin and soul might break
Her care and kind wrap pleasure in
Cleanse his mind of all the guilt and sin
Kyver wrapped around Arosha’s form
Ali’s chest and arms grew warm
Inhale a passion born, hist low
His hands did wander allowed although
Her voice rang deep in thoughtless groan
Echoed by deeper princely moan
The pair make up for time but lost
And things a war might have them cost
When last they come to bed
And sheets entangle their reckless spread
A smile first for Trystin’s face
As caught in Ali’s sticky embrace
“Where have you been?” she ask in tease
He slid down to hold her with ease
“Oh here and there, avoiding you,”
Her distraught yelp brought laughter blue
A taunt she raise to meet his stance
Fall prey to welding lance
An afternoon could not them apart
Wherever their amphidera took part
They never knew, consumed by heart
At least after full uncounted day
They both arise from sheets and play
“Too long they keep you gone.”
“Agree my love, though I am not withdrawn.”
“Not at all, I forgot what I missed.”
“Indeed, though I feel you are sorely under kissed.”
He remedied this with varied haste
While the pair had make their time up
One day insufficient for their makeup
“Thi is where you well belong,”
Comment Ali laid out in just a thong
They snacked on grapes while in the town
Soldiers were celebrated like people of renown
“The war’s not over, not by their reck.”
“Doesn’t matter, soon it will be over wreck.”
A moment still they could lay still
Some demons invade his mind will
He heard their voice, their desperate plea
Asking for the knife, the blade, to plunge it deep
Trystin choke as memory flash
The pain it wrecked on eyelids lash
He plunge into a soul consumed by ash
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
XIX: The Wall (Reprieve)
With Alla gone and Trysrtin left
The pair spoke even less bereft
Again, another morning came
The pair went to the wall to blame
“Ali,” Trystin spoken with cracked lips
“Her death I still have not come to grips.
Though disease seems to abate each day
The majority have now died om way
I can barely recall your noble face
Or Kyver, his fur and eyes, a mortal grace
We stand here as we have for years
And oh I wish it would abate my fears
Ali, I pray all has gone well
If you’ve forgot me, at least your story tell.”
His hand pressed to the stony face
It was indeed how engrained in place
Every day he wished the same
That perhaps in love, his dear, would hear her name
That spells that bound had never weak
Strong, so strong, and wondrous feat
He stood both hands pressed in
If such a thing could forgive his sin
That just two hands to send his fate
So other’s might have broken gate
A tumblr came from the wall
Trystin frowned - sound  only small
It came again went through his hands
What was this that shook the lands?
A spark struck somewhere in his eyes
Arosha perked and hearing skies
“Something changes, near it comes.”
“Be it good or war, they know its sums.”
Agreed they set to Nanter’s heart
Where council set to agree a start
When they hear to tell their tale
Suspicion breed like far off wail
The wall now speaks? It became a god?
The prince suggest it just thing odd
They jaya decide to post a guard
Three times a day they listened hard
Trystin sat on his ledge and gate
To see what came from that fate
Four days later a little quake
And Trystin eyes flicked to see a break
It seemed something was amiss
Prince descend and listen hard to this
“Sometimes coming,” he whisper barely yet
“I don’t understand,” said the jaya fret
He felt it deep within his bones
“I think we’re going home.”
The guard then yelled to call the rest
And several drew near, perhaps had guessed
But no change was seen or heard in pure
Though Trystin stayed, he had to be sure
The rumbling he heard not too far off
It had to be the lifting of an enchantment doff
“Quicky! Pull it!” Trystin whispered beg
Not knowing exactly what might happen reg
When the pair leaned near
The human of air  was none to clear
Then snap, something sharp and slick
Trystin’s head spun round, what was that??
No change to wall but in his chest
He felt a shift, sometimes best!
More people came to whisper well
What was happening? None could tell?
“They’re trying, someone’s trying, to break the wall
“The wall! We need it!” said a girl, raised within its call.
When this got out, some had their mind
They brought pick and shovel and more to mined
“We’ll break through, help them! This is our day!”
With some hope, who would cross their wayÉ
They struck out strong, despite the spells
Caused pain, though they continued on despite the bells
Though trystin advice against their toil
Not with strength could he say, he want to spoil
“Ali,” he whispered beneath his breath, hands to wall, “Ali”
It hurt a little less to touch the stones, he see
“Arosha, we have to try, nothing’s happened in fifty years.”
She looked up at him, otter eyes full of tears
When had she lastly spoke
He could not remember, barely woke
“I don’t know if I can for your sake.”
“You must,” Prince whisper, “For Kyver make.”
Took long to ask her to help him
The magic coursing running round the rim
He sent the spell through the wall to break
It did not at all, but even trystin felt surprise from beyond
Someone knew a thing to awned
Suddenly it was him and Arosha in epic dance
Amongst those pulling stone and brick by chance
They tried spell, and pic, and ear splitting cry
For moment nothing moved despite their ply
The second crack was moments later, not to do with them
“It weakens yet,” the Prince murmured,a  cheer arose
The effort fresh to bring it down, the people knows
Soon the city was poured along the wall
The Kansen quick to cast their strongest spell
While Jaya tried to using their physical strength
To argue with them it wasn’t length
The third snap followed the rest
“The sound of spells breaking!” Trystin yelled
They pulled at the wall all to felled
With heave and song and hearty shout
With each passing clang it softened doubt
The Prince tried every spell her knew
Move and pull and collapsing too
The fourth crack ran through the city
Its strength did others hear it pretty
“It cracks it cracks!!!” another screams.
Nanter North did announce their ream
“Pull harder! “Push harder!” jaya cheer
Each grunt draws something near
Sweat bead up on Trystin head
The fifth crack between his hands was led
The wall itself could now be touched
The magic before no longer clutched
Full force the city of Nanter raged
These fifty long years kept in a cage!
The fifth chain broken ahd Trystin grunt
“Don’t let the destruction of the hunt!”
Whether it did anything new
The thousands people knew what to do
The six one broken with jarrying clang
And now everyone trembled, and with it rang
The Empress looks down on all her sons
Even the new Prince hold out for the ones
Was there just one last magic that had to break?
The stones look like things just to tea make
This eventh bar it had to break
Would the fall fall, his dreams to make?
:Push on, push on! Did trystin call
And at the moment he thought might fall
The crack, the seventh, rocked North Nanter
This last wild sound caused all to stir
The wall of stone that barred their way
For two generations here to stay
Now just a thing, not magic held
No tinge to wall our outside spelled
This day, now freedom, the liberation
A roar went up, such a cheer not heard!
For all the people trapped within time blurred
Immediately the pick met the stone
Those who could struck to make their own
The smallest children climbed its heights
Like Trystin wish he might
Instead wih Arosha’s eyes a little bright
He cast the magic that might make hims light
The curse blew all the stone away
So this piece of wall rightly no longer stay
When dust was clear, through it could see
Nanter: the south they to many had never be
He cough so sudden for dust to pass
Theyn stepped throught ho a world
He’d not seen in an eon furled
He blinked and stared at it
As he recalled of its lips
Hit the ground, tears in his eyes
At last, his hopes had been realized
He kissed the ground with Arosha’s tears
The wall was destroyed after all those years
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
XVII: The Corpses Pile
Another year gone by and Silence on
Those once here now long gone
As time went by and healers failed
When magic of the kansen quailed
And physicians work brought no more peace
Their knives and blades and balance cease
And still the Silent illness pulls
Infects, corrupts, destroys in full
Trystin know that it not be him
But darkness holds leg and limb
To fault him for all he could not do
The Prince work day to save all reck through
And night he walked veiled all in black
A mercy to those not survive attack
No sleep for him this latest year
Though every morning waketh near
And tred to wall, the place last saw
Ali, beloved, a woman without flaw
Her face he had not seen in many year
His memory of her was precious dear
“Day eighteen thousand six hundred five
“Ali, without you, I’m barely alive
“I know your voice, it soothes my dreams
This is not what I’d thought us seem
I don’t know what became of you
If in the world, in Nanter too
Did you go on, fight the wall of make
Did you use your wit to down them take
Or did you - my spare fo glass
Have you forgotten me as time hath pass
I wonder still, hand pressed to stone
If I will always been alone
If this wall stands long for thousand days
I’m the oldest of the jaya ways
None recall before this wall
Some not born before this scrawl
Ali I want to come home
To where I walked and just wrote my tome
Barefoot, you are gardened there
And at night I could just comb your hair
I miss this, beauty, and said it not enough
I love you like one borne too tough.”
He took his hand from the stony wall
A thing unclimbed, or dug, or crossed to tall
Arosha spoke less and less
Though not much to say, under deress
She still stood by and next and near
A comfort with emotions sheer
Often time need magic, little of
There, reliable, his heart’s soul love
So too did kansen Prince did go
With knife in hand and call below
Too let the life out by the blade
To those who couldn’t give them aid
Out they struck from wallward way
To head North, to do all he could
A day a healer, a physician too
With patients laid out that he still knew
Along to the stream he paced
And here he had to pause and brace
The bodies strewn and piled high
The corpses nearly reach the sky
The dead from disease had no rest place
Instead gathered at least single space
On top the fresh onf death
Below the bones of older heth
This was no new thing for Prince to see
But growing still not casing free
All jaya are in their stave
In older times, given grave
For some reason he noticed this
The stream that kept them well remiss
Was drier still than yesterday?
Was water short and not to say?
So true this turned that within a week
It was water everyone turned to seek
As those left needed thirst
This thing they need was growing worse
The food some grew was less made
Then through the mass was afraid
“What do we do?” the jaya asked
They gathered in a council mass
From perhaps the several thousand trapped
Down to just two thousand in time overlapped
It took young and old, and precious weak
So jaya had decided not to children seek
None old enough to remember life
Before Nanter, before kingdom strife
They met as one, despite the pain
If water ceased, they all would strain
A handful of kansen too did come
None had died in the time of wall was plumb
Trystin sat as the ‘elders’ spoke
None older than perhaps fifty two or so
“The water must be rationed out
A final way to push in doubt”
Though most iin voice was once agreed
Some still had words to saite their greed
“The sick, like I, need more than you.”
“Please don’t, my sister, she need it too.”
They tumbled still about all that’s fair
Till Trystin coughed and stood to stare
“Whatever conjure I still can make
Gladly will I water make
But if I do, like all the rest
We cannot heal, the magic test.”
The crowd did not like this slow thing
And resigned the Kansen to magic bring
Trystin left for hours yet
They debate until an answer met
The water would be set a guard
So all in equal though they be charred
Trystin knelt outside the build
His bones felt weak, like age had filled
His cot lay empty but not for long
His tools, lore, and book were strong
Another afternoon to stave disease
Well it ripped life from others with simple ease
Not far from him, the bodies lay
Be strong Prince, this is your way
The day drew past and Trustin drew
A little magic for food and dew
So they might eat quiet in the eve
Not use what little the others thieve
Hunger makes the kindest need
And desperate before they fall to bleed
Some drank that night and others fed
But those whom sick were left for dead
That night against, like all before
Trystin tied his black cloak, his thing of lore
To walk the city far from his home
So others might not known his roam
To offer those who suffered kinfe
“Please, I beg you, take my life,
So my family feel they do not need
To prop me up, to thirst or feed
When I’ll just die anyway
So bring your knife here to slay…”
Their cough still throbbed inside their throat
If indeed this was last quote
The Prince leaned in with cutting blade
Pulled to the neck it’s biting made
Swift was the cut that took the life
To end what disease had caused the strife
So Prince and one dragged the corpse
To the far side of the road to warp
It joined the rest, like all before
To the dead from disease or kills afore
So the corpses piled  another year
The strench of death one all did fear
As numbers dwindled in Nanter North
No end in sight for the kansen forth
Still imprisonment known better yet
Had done letter for the jayan get
What had happened out in wilder way?
Where war was brewing in his younger day?
Their world so small by magic dealt
And none to shy to throw him a welt
So Prince decide a gentle way
To give his all every single day
The healer and the doctor stay
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
IX: The First Death
I’ve told you all the Kingdom woes
History led to grand us shows
This time was Trystin leanring off on isle
Himself in peasant exhile
Learning all he could in doctor trade
While the world itself unmade
In Eastward place while the peoples met
The Kingdom distant set
When letters hailed from distant shores
He burnt them iin the fire lores
Not to listen to the ocean cries
Of the three peoples lives
It seems that the confluence fail
To bring the Kansen truth and tale
No food they cried, our land runs clean
Nor our problem would it seem
The Kansen say, or ignore as best they do
Who care what lower peoples do?
“We should go back,” Arosha beg
The wiser still, though ixaj take
“I feel their hearts, the death unfold
“We can’t, it’s not our place, our home.”
“They’re dying still, our oath not sweared?
“It was to keep life,  no matter fared.”
The selfish prince knew not the weight
As islands still he stayed in wait
Wwhat transgressed in time was somethign new
The Twin princes stood, war frull on threw
A new venture costing moneys same
In the end, they’re not but names.
Called south by Jaya in Bright the way
He tended to wounds as long as they’d let him stay
A broken leg, a dead born fly
Nothing seemed left he could not undue
When travels went to distanct palce
And Arosha say the child’s face
This seeming paradise, one to need
To save her first, they did indeed
No life, nor energy in paled face
Though jaya live so short, her shortened trace
“I don’t know this,” he said, like not before
“It’s like the fate’s left her on remam, on darkest door
He knows the risks, we knew them all
But still he sits quiet hands
Arosha culred around sunkedn shape
The young jaya could not even keep wake
The pair in stead walked hand on hand
To trace her spirit, fate in hand
The child did not wake as they explaind
That he biggest ill was food unremained
The doctor made his fatal flaw
And knowing her tooth and claw
So when they had no food for her to eat
And Kansen magic failed him deep
He cried in horror and Arosha cringed
Their magic had never been gone they winged
Where had the power of the Kansen
And the jaya smiled the saddened kind
To tell him of the sacrifice the ixaj made
On every sunrise, more blood is spilt
In hopes one day Third Kingdom built
Trysitn wept that night for corpse unknown
Knowing soon they’d have flown
That in the Third Kingdom wall and breadth
Everywhere lay bodies death
A protest worse than any before
So maybe Kansen magic woud lose this war
The doctor treated child in strongest stead
But only she withered on terrible bed
Worse and worse she finally crue
As elders gathered, friends, and family too
“I’ve tried everything,” he tasps in breathless ache
“This is so beyond us,” his aid does take
A week goes back with all his mind
Until in fevered, ugly dream ahd moved on to find
This child gave up life at last
And Trystin wept and held on to last
When elders game to  the child’s end
Their faces stone with all resound
They went out to the place and bury her
A death Trystin could not count as his hand
When the child fell to jayan plan
Enough to spur the doctor on
Take on City of Enldess bells
They might return to take up their shells
So Third Born son makes way back home
The land was born and made his own
He did this odd by pirate’s way
A mistrustful, tough group, they think him fine
The captain tough, and hard as nails
The First mate a ritgeous tender same
A ship not strictly legal piece
We dock and trade spreading to east
Often they stole, with Sandborn’s name
No one made any note of beauty tame
In city still it might be safe
To take out rats and pigs and ham and friends
I’m writing here losing mt mind
What thought Tristn had to start to play - penny arcades
Heaven is your own best things, not the others
A little lik know them best
When trystin moved to city scape
No short of work for him to take
A ptient had in broken days
With not much money to reay
His client child, like one before
Malnutrition soon aborad
She slept so long until fould could be rbought
Though I rekc she not be saved till is done
Everyday her pain worsened still
From headaches to enflammed knee
The pair tried every rememdy
As magic starved while ixaj died
And no full appeal was truly made
The groan of grew in recent years
Not to trade a gift in greet but could we be thought
Everyday did Trystin see
This girl years on balcony
He let her sit on patio back
And I thought she might smoke the entire pack
“I’m slipping,” Kallen calls under lovely sheet
“Please don’t go,” Trystin say
Though bedside manner practiced lay
His words were practice bitter dust
For those
who made it, as they always must
With Kallen slip, he knew not the words
All sounded worst outside like birds
“I can’t die, i had such to do,” he pleased
“At leas tyou have a life left of coog days.”
The pale in eyes could not erase
A skill set sallow, yellwed abked
Thie the story of the first death of anti-vaxx riots?
It was another naive mom who couldn't know
It’s this kind ignorance that fuels war
The kind that saw the doo unfoor
When it looked so strong like Klalen win
The vitamin drop him wholly him
The eyes sank back and voice did have
His parents still stood ‘round living grace
Could not be said they didn’t try
Like every middle income fmaily
Energy wavered with failing words
“You’ve done all you can,” he smils kind
But the food fails and so does my mnid
“I’ve never lost one in my care,”
Argues stubborn Eelion say
But worried not for following day
As time progressed, it was not pale
For he got heaven mighty trail
And hurt in rage could not repent
Such pain did Kallen find
The skin just peeling off to expose muscle within
“It hurts so fierce, doctor,” he moans
No drugs left to give this one
As the boils rise to surface break
And painful sores in final wake
No beauty death it would not stand
Till Kallen beg for death’s mighty hand
And Eelion watched in wretched horror
Unable to do what he was trained for
As Kallen passed from this life
Trystin nearly took his own sacred life
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
V: The Lore of War
In myth and legends kingdoms leant
Age thousand years the peace it meant
A land unite by common peers
Like all conflict brought men to tears
It start with the people Three
Ixaj, Jaya, and Kansen be
From waters rose the People came
In thousands morph, none look the same
Those millions many have magic
Not theirs to use but conduit
From earth and dust the mud we came
Tough skinned even eyed, Jaya named
At one with earth like none before
The heart of the Shining lore
Though short life spent in tribal way
Each speak to ix like family stay
The Kansen are the skyborn kind
Lived long, in magic, in’pendent mind
A willful circle wrought them bring
The three Peoples in fate unstring
The Ixaj form bond with Kansen tall
Protect them by the magic fall
While Kansen depend deep on this
The ix gain to, in partnership
While long lived sky born people grasp
Their short lived jaya not long to last
They feel the earth, bring forth its food
Tride lands intimate known shrewd
Last in the cycle triangle
The kansen who must bear the load
To guard their lives so short shalt owed
Keep bond strong with the ix result
This ring if strong withstand result
If ‘ere this breaks, our hell breaks loose
History built on Triple truce
And where it break an to brakish war
This here starts our tales of lore
Some battles are but cyclic woes
Where families often come to blows
Or classes pick their battles right
With weapon picked up build to fight
But where the tale proper begins
By kingdoms split divide by ins
It start with the first, the original
Where Peoples rose there mythical
First kingdom took their Ixaj kind
Rent skin from flesh o’er death they find
To make the leather forbidden
Enraged the third kingdom ‘neath the sun
It’s sacred rule to do no harm
Yet this bracer made with lambskin
Removed in pain, with prick and pin
They killed their ix like lowly mites
Below the Kansen, mighty rights
No magic practice in origin land
Makes them no better with firstborn brand
Third Kingdom heard their wails abroad
Saw their elders breaking oaths with gods
To keep the sacred Three in keep
While ixaj refused the bonds and weep
Lost voice and magic from animals
The first upon them falls the culls
Regress to ways before their rise
Though kingdoms ever fall on highs
The First set out to right the wrongs
In drove, in basses, battle strong
Release the Ix! They coil back fierce
The Third holds spears polished to pierce
The rest hang back from wars to rot
The Second, Fourth and Fifth not fought
In wars between the great two place
Know better than go face to face
In wars long last for centures time
Better to count them in this rhyme
Of late unrest is nearer still
Look in to see the famine’s  sill
Where land gave up on making food
So jaya starve to feed their brood
If jaya starve the kansen too
Why do the low not pay their due
So kansen turn to magic still
Ignored the jaya dying shrill
To feed themselves another year
On tastefless magic formed in the clear
What litè was left fought on the streets
Till Jaya rasie religious feats
To say the Shade or Bright find best
Though truly neither could have rest
For food was short and scarse withall
The energy lead them to warll
It broke within to civil war
As Third Kingdom hushed their four
When friend on friend turned in despair
More brandished death in him was spear
Ignored by kansen, their protector
Though claimed the help in lore
Over the spring the food grew weal
And jaya turned inland to seek
The food that could not exist now
Not understood by those allow
Another year and death rate climbed
With violent ask for food inclined
They feared their place but smoked all day
No work for jaya enlist to grace
Whats worse did third kingdom did go
Ignore the kaya till long ago
Blame them for all the woes of world
The hungry never heard the word
The petty violent start another surge
Kansen to punish for the plague
With no food all the summer fix
The sky born try another trick
But jaya have had their last page
So magic fall to cease their age
When war breaks out, both sides have blood
And Kingdoms near hear great flood
So to the aid of dying friends
Kingdoms across raise to defend
In haste of go, last angels ride
To slay those all were left behind
So none may take what rightfully theres
As border bound they all prepared
And while the jaya may return in time
The fieldland be not modest dime
This not the firs thte clash of three
Where kansen deny their low mercy
Or some arrange where trust was broke
And others find no weary folk
The Third Kingdom live on mercy eyes
To hope and pray last in disguise
For story told of broken talk
Repeats itself each gentle stock
Before the sons of Empress die
Rotation come to clear the skies
So nothing learnt from the story lore
Nothing kept past the raging war
Though stories told of hero knight
Where blood was spilt, none can be right
Deny the stories fill our night
And hope for magic still alight
All the signs point to before
From lessons that not learned afore
That history will soon repeat
The things in stanza I did speak
That if the Three are broken still
The magic leaves, and working still
I cannot speak if this is time
That one that maybe cross the line
We say take heed and donèt repeat
But even when this tale delete
I canot ask the war to send
The physician doctor to set him fend
Even closing tome of war
I feel great weight lifted roar
If you the reader warn them still
Tell Trystin that it all weill end
And studynig is bestest friend
And tell the others weève seen this once
And calm despite the changing winds
Perhaps one knows  the forest blind
Grow up better, tower one
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
No conflict up here. No war. No problems. He felt detached, he felt free, he felt differently.
Red is the fourth book I’m writing in ‘The Cycle’ series revolving around a ‘super average’ man and his struggles to remember who he is and what name to even go by. As he ventures through a steampunk esque world of political strife, famine, civil war, and the demands off voluntary genocide, there’s a bunch of magic, sexual humour, and geeky botany involved as well.
NaNoWriMo in June - 30 days to get a book done
Day 3: 9,000 words
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poetnumber17 · 6 years
"And yet by the outcomes are the princes of this world measured" - Thistle
Red is the fourth book I’m writing in ‘The Cycle’ series revolving around a ‘super average’ man and his struggles to remember who he is and what name to even go by. As he ventures through a steampunk esque world of political strife, famine, civil war, and the demands off voluntary genocide, there’s a bunch of magic, sexual humour, and geeky botany involved as well. 
NaNoWriMo in June - 30 days to get a book done
Day 1: 3,002 words
0 notes
poetnumber17 · 6 years
The height of Sielcen through the North
When death compound among the forth
Trystin fell in deep despair
Energy spent on another’s air
A week worked straight the pair did make
And now to sleep they tumbled take
Arosha around him curled in
While Trystin learned to dream win
In the dark he woke anew
Like first time, more panicked too
He knew a thing lost in his heart
Like the piecing piece or puzzle part
The world danced out his way
Demaning to see the one taken away
The holes they dug for many week
Those left in prisoner’s peak
The dream it looped
Played back on self
So Trystin dug and dug and dug and dug
Alone in mire, sand mud
When ends when eneds, he cires aloud
And some thought him cast in shroud
Another holde, the same in vein
Tried to escape but caught on chain
“How long they keep me here likfe this?’
‘Till random paid,” the rest dismissed
He leaned on earth and fence and hand
Feeling for the emptiness of land
Something miss the rest posess
Into he must wander find his own sort of rest
He cried - in dream - till time drew odd
Till noe he stood alone, outside the shrod
How can you cry ouf for a thing unnamed
He knew not this but became the same
In dreams she was of such remark
Hard to say another of her except where was too her lark
Trystin cried and asked her her
No one could confirm were the war soon end
Though they annoyed and stocked and tave
He never game to give them add
Instead he searched far and long
From the vlaleys till clifftop song
He knew not name nor place or where
Eventualy caught up in wilder affarid
So Tryhstin loked mlik teh others had said of the then
No touble get for good at heart
And something so the kids can share
Though none to point him to amphidera
This dream so dark, the real Trystin feel
The tugging on his soul too deep to feel
She not there, Arosha yet
He called and called though dream still met
It swirled int he ehart of dark
And all he felt her lack and part
He chased her high and low in dream
Together that golden, wondrous team
In bed he turned, he tossed he shook
But none would wake his terrible look
Though next to him by he knew lay
Instead he cired for her to stay
“Please Arosha, Please, the wall might take
The pair embraced, the ones to never rmbrake
Though it seems with friends and a life at shcool
There was no choice but to snog boys or be cruel
So seet wrapped around him like time out of mnd
As changes role, the kind we can’t find
Awoke he woke from the nightmare kiss
In case Arohs found his notes just a year hence
He gatehred Arosha into his breast
And sleept for hours to remember the other
Her tail tucked under his chain, buried under a pillow still
When Sam emerged, she too would  have something to do,
and news to prince, and removes to bring?
The world in stead
It’s not like me. I took the tope corner of the paper
She was not gone, not gond. Just alloone, but rescued.
Not sure where the head of tha interactions was
“Arosha” he gasoed on wake
The rest ground in on the rack
Faster still suggesting game
Or angry, amsused girls to just stick themselves everywhere
“What happeened?” she asked in briskest days
“I dreamt I was looking for you all over again.”
“You dind’t and I’m here noe.”
They got up for work as tehy walsy did
Barely dressed and barely fed
To make tusre the lore provided exactly what they needed
And often did
And while that would enver work for me
I see it worked and it s happy even, a rare things
Again this day, like all the rest
Though exhausted still put to the test
To see if that can hold your weight
Tpo see if bill would display his browess and see how that gets on
Each day they looked
Her fingers read
“Someone here,” I feel it,” Sarah level, though otehrs girst
Was it your house?
Your house
Arosha was such an iportant part of this, would be lovely
She nded to learn defence to what made her kick
But the fortunatey ones gave me their tests so I can see it and you can Charloe . I
Biscuits are in an
10.3 I can’t go abckt o serve
And I appreciate when dy so
There was a time they checked the walls
Each day they went to take a pause
To pray for those left behind
To stay to wait for endless rhyme
“Ali?” he ask the heartless brick. It not respons
But the ritual stick works nothing less
When touch the wall, his might finds rest
It had been fifty years despite fever dreans,
Eventually if you listen to use, I think you’d listen  as our witness
Send help and aid like some the rest
We get the rhings from their stream and vent
“Has it really beeen fifth year?/” he asks
Oh yes I say, despite his name
Perhaps in ten eyars time he’ll come to do his coaching
In his summer, perhaps it was lucky he didnt know
For a few minutes Casey might have others like her
Or not at all
The Prince wade into terrible people
It felt like ten years since he had seen her
They accidepted the dug  for a suitable I made
Where ketchup everywhere, and it was cold
But so warm inside the windows.
I went with a girl I went to school with
We got ot gosutem suh,e had to fdi choose
What else can I rpomse you? The asked
Upload it here, I have my boxed of books with me all the time.
No longer look for tens of years
He still has her next to her
But the pain of loss so ever great
And the price made for worst mistake
When Trystin came to he saw again
The sickness and disease  prevalent
For Trystin did meant a little more was good,
For candles too
We acknowledge the time where dinner is in the saharode
Though we don’t believe it too
But he’ll prob ne a quiet bab,
ANd I really want ok. OSure things.
For once I see the stars alight and perhaps all said
Was trust in light
We make sausage but people respect
They like to you - a strength of famiyl name
A lot of posers to
And they let us pikc harvestors, inviiglator, cahs person….warehouse?
They close down at 6am after working all night
But maybe it’s on the list. I’d like to you by name a day.
The the name for the  awful are resolved? Or your  children who need to   other kind
Truplces though I don’t have much more room we can spend a little. Crises are easier
Look at the table and use that to formulat for this sort of things
Everyihing is terrible and nothing year
Teacehrs have said it’s noing to die
Let’s hope they bring me forms for nexxt weeks or anyhting listanding like that
Is that statyus is very famous at the ooor laoudy, l
ookg ayt he moment into garden
We descend in darkness mad
Just like he did for a years since had
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