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iriscasefiles · 6 years ago
quick roundup of resources and tips if you’re in high school (or college, really) and you want to make a fiction podcast
free audio production stuff
Audacity is an open-source audio editing program. I think it’s what Griffin McElroy of My Brother My Brother and Me uses? Here’s a guide if you get stumped.
Here’s a few collections of sound effects.
As long as you credit, you can use any of this music for free.
audio production tips
How to make a pop filter (it will stop your audio from popping on B and P sounds) from common household objects
They say that munching a Granny Smith apple between takes will reduce unwanted mouth sounds
Getting better sound without a recording studio
Getting better sound, pt 2 
Make sure that dialogue can be heard over music, sound effects, etc. When in doubt, listen to your current mix with your eyes closed and see what stands out.
a relatively cheap mic, if you’re okay investing a little bit
This is the microphone the leads use for Starship Iris. It’s got a USB cable that plugs straight into your computer, and it’s under $40.
I’d recommend working in Google docs. It lets you share files quickly with others for easy editing, it saves automatically, and you won’t have a trillion different versions of your episodes floating around your computer.
Outline your whole season before you start writing. Write your whole season before you start production. I know, it will feel a little labor intensive. Trust me, though--I started production before finishing the season scripts and it kneecapped the show for months and months.
Consider keeping things simple for your first effort. We all have gigantic, sprawling narratives in our heads featuring casts of hundreds (we do, right?) but you’re gonna be learning so much in this process, it’s way less overwhelming if you can scale down. Maybe find a way to tell one aspect of the story, featuring a handful of characters, but to tell it in a compelling way.
Think realistically about the voices that will be at your disposal. If you want to just use your friends and all your friends are female, keep that in mind when creating characters. (See “if you don’t want to act” below for advice finding actors.) 
Read everything out loud. If anything feels clunky, change it until you can say it naturally.
When you think you’re done, invite over a bunch of friends for pizza (or other foods! I don’t know your life, dude) and have an informal table read. Don’t take a role. Sit back and listen carefully. You may find stuff you want to fix. Ask your friends for feedback. They may give you valuable perspective.
A good way to stay motivated is to find a friend who also wants to write a script, and then keep pushing each other and reading each other’s stuff.
Approach your writer friend(s). Tell them that if they write you a script, you will produce it into a radio play. It’s worth a shot.
Approach your creative writing teacher, if your school has one. Tell them that you want to produce a script, and ask them to tell their students to submit scripts to you. (Set up a gmail account for this purpose.) It’s worth a shot.
If all else fails, honestly, I’d say go through your lit textbook (or short story anthologies) and find a poem or short story you like (or say, an act of a Shakespeare play), then record/produce that. Then show it to your lit teacher. They will be confused. But maybe also happy? If it’s something they covered in class, they’ll probably feel like they Got Through To You and Made A Difference, and adults love that shit.
The obvious go-to is to ask your friends. If you do table reads (see writing section above) you will get a sense of who is suited to what role.
Approach your school’s drama teacher, or the teacher who directs the school play, or the forensics coach. Let them read a copy of your script so they know you’re not, like, using it to promote meth or anything. Ask them to tell their students about the opportunity, and/or ask them if you can hang fliers (first, make fliers).
As a former drama kid, I can promise you that we are always hungry for available roles.
The school paper might be looking for things to write about.
Local bands might let you feature their original music in your intro/outro, in exchange for plugging their website, etc, in your credits.
If you’re having sound engineering problems, consider asking the computer lab teacher, or the video production teacher.
If you have multiple friends who want to make podcasts, consider forming a network! There’s strength in numbers.
Just generally, if you think of someone in your life with relevant skills, don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Ugh, it’s so scary, right?
My honest advice is to get really good at baking something relatively simple, like brownies. Now you’re not asking for favors, you’re conducting a transaction!
Also, even if they’re not available to help, like, 9 times out of 10, people will be flattered you thought of them.
Not because I don’t care (I am seriously rooting for you) but because I probably won’t be able to give much advice. All my advice is right here. Hell, I even asked for help putting this together.
Not all of this may be relevant to you, but definitely worth checking out
“So You Wanna Start A Podcast?” by Wolf 359’s Zach Valenti
Multitude Productions has some great resources on podcasting.
Audio Drama Thoughts by Brian Martinez Oldham
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livethefuel · 5 years ago
Get intimate with your podcasting, well said @ginnimedia @theginnishow Make sure to go back and listen to our podcast episode 247: Media & Podcasting Concierge Lifestyle Repost @ginnimedia ・・・ Podcasting is a medium that is so intimate; remember, you're literally in someones ear. This is one of the reasons why it has the ability to really impact your audience.⁠ ⁠ @livethefuel⁠ #podcast #passioninpodcasting #podcastinspiration #podcastingwomen #podcastingtips #podcastingwisdom #podcastinglife #podcastquotes #podcasttips #podtips #womeninbiz #creativewomen #creativewomen #womeninpodcasting #mompodcasters (at Starbucks) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3XZaE5Fyq7/?igshid=6end6znxkcn1
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useless-sloveniafacts · 6 years ago
Bi mi lahko, prosim, navedel slovenske ustreznice teh izrazov: karmadharaya, tatpurusa, bahuvrihi, dvigu, avyayibhava? Ne najdem razlage na internetu, oziroma jo najdem samo v angleščini, pa mi ni čisto jasno.
Slovenskih ustreznic ne poznam – mislim, da jih ni, pri sanskrtu smo vedno navajali kar te izraze, ker je sistem pač neizbežno povezan s sanskrtsko sintakso.
Če sta člena v zloženki enakovredna, je to dvandva (XY v smislu X in Y: črnobel = črn in bel)
Če sta člena v zloženki neenakovredna, je to lahko:
tatpuruṣa (tatpuruša), ki je determinativna (odvisnostna) zloženka, kjer sta člena v nekem sklonskem razmerju (XY v smislu Y od/za/pri/... X: zobozdravnik = zdravnik zob)
karmadhāraya, ki je deskriptivna (opisna) zloženka oz. pravzaprav podtip tatpuruše, kjer je sklonsko razmerje nominativno (XY v smislu Y kot X: lev-človek = človek, ki je kot lev (ima značilnosti leva))
Če je prvi del tatpuruše ali karmadharaye števnik, je to dvigu (XY kot X količina Y; v sln. takšnih zloženk ni, sam “dvigu” recimo pomeni pač “dve govedi”)
Omenjene zloženke so praviloma(! ampak ne nujno) endocentrične, kar pomeni, da se nanašajo same nase (oz. en del zloženke na drugega – znotraj zloženke), medtem ko so zloženke tipa bahuvrīhi navadno eksocentrični pridevniki (torej se nanašajo na nekaj izven zloženke same) s posesivnim (svojilnim) pomenom. Prim. tatpurušo rāja-pútra- “kralja sin (= kraljevi sin)” in bahuvrihi rājá-putra- “tak, ki ima (za) sina kralja” (razlika je le v naglasu). Bahuvrihiji so pogosto karmadharaye in tatpuruše (in dviguji) v pridevniški vlogi.
Āmreḍita je iterativni (ponavljalni) tip zloženke, ki tako z dvakrat ponovljeno besedo izraža neko ponavljanje (“divé-dive” dobes. “dan-dan” pomeni “dan za dnem, vsakodnevno”)
Avyayībhāva je pa tip zloženke, ki ga ne poznam prav dobro zares, vem samo, da je nesklonljiva, kaj več pa se ne spomnim ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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cgvijesti · 3 years ago
Aktuelan ptičji grip: Evo kolika je opasnost da se prenese na ljude
Aktuelan ptičji grip: Evo kolika je opasnost da se prenese na ljude
Foto: Hotel Pelikan Virpazar Facebook screenshot Zbog pojave ptičjeg gripa kod divljih ptica u Crnoj Gori nadležni pozvaju na oprez zbog mogućeg širenja zaraze na domaće ptice a što bi bila potencijalna opasnost i za stanovništvo. Koloniji pelikana, ptice koja je zaštitni znak Skadarskog jezera, nadomak Podgorice, zbog pojave ptičjeg gripa – podtip H5N1(virus) prijeti nestanak. Kudravi pelikan…
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qualitydisposablepods · 3 years ago
10 Tips for Buying Quality Disposable Pods
The most popular models of e-cigarettes these days are the Juul and the JUUL compatible pods. These disposable pods can be used with any e-cigarette model, but they’re more popular with the Juul because of its compact size. If you want to buy a pack of Juul compatible pods, it can be hard to know which ones are worth your money and which ones will break in your pocket. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 10 tips to help you make the right decision when buying disposable pods
 Disposable Pods and Juul
If you’re new to vaping and want to buy disposable pods, you might be wondering where to start. There are a lot of different models of disposable pods out there, and it can be hard to decide which ones are worth your money.
The most popular type of quality disposable pods is the Juul compatible pods. These pods can be used with any e-cigarette model, but they’re more popular with the Juul because of its compact size.
The Juul is great for new vapers because it doesn’t produce a lot of vapor and has a smooth draw. If you want to buy a pack of Juul compatible pods, it can be hard to know which ones are worth your money and which ones will break in your pocket. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of 10 tips to help you make the right decision when buying disposable pods.
1. Buy from a reputable manufacturer
2. Make sure the pod is compatible with your device
3. Choose the right flavor
4. Review online reviews before buying
5. Choose a pod with a high milligram count
6. Choose a pod that has more than one flavor
7. Make sure the pod doesn
 How to Choose the Right Disposable Pod
First, know your budget. If you have a budget of $0.25 per pod, you’ll have to look for a cheaper pod. However, if you have a higher budget, you’ll have a lot more options.
Next, know what you’ll be vaping. If you want to vape nicotine salt e-liquid, look for pods that are designed for nicotine salts. You can also look at the nicotine strength of the pods to make sure they match up with your needs.
Finally, know the pod’s quality. The quality of pods can vary, so make sure you know what you’re getting into before you spend any money. Some disposable pods may be difficult to refill or require a lot of power to vape. Make sure the disposable pod you choose is within your comfort zone and has qualities that meet your expectations.
 The Quality of the Pod
Tip #1: Pods are not created equally. The quality of the pod is what will determine how long it will last. A good pod should have a strong flavor profile, be consistent with every use, have a deep pull, have a consistent throat hit, and have a tight seal.
Tip #2: The only way to know if the pod is worth buying is to test it out. You can get a free pod from the Juul website and try it out to see if it’s right for you.
Tip #3: The best pods are manufactured by Juul because they are the only company that makes their pods in-house.
Tip #4: You can find pods that are compatible with the Juul on Amazon or at select convenience stores.
Tip #5: You should buy pods in bulk to ensure you don’t run out.
Tip #6: If you want to save money, you can buy pods online in bulk and get them delivered straight to your door.
Tip #7: Pods are not refillable; they’re throwaway accessories that need to be replaced when they run out of juice.
Tip #8: If you plan on switching between
 Keep Your Pods Safe
In order to keep your pods safe, it’s important to know how to store them. It’s not a good idea to leave them in your car, for instance. Your car may get warm, which could ruin the pod’s flavor and make it break open. This is a common mistake, so make sure you know the right way to store your pods before you buy a pack.
Another thing to consider is how many flavors you’ll need. Most packs come with two pods, but if you plan on using more than one flavor at a time, it may be worth buying packs that come with three pods. This way, you can keep one pod in your Juul and two in your bag. If you’re not sure what’s best for you, take the time to look at the reviews!
 What is HQD PODS?
HQD PODS is a company that manufactures electronic cigarettes, also known as e-cigarettes. HQD PODS most popular models are the Juul and the JUUL compatible pods. These disposable pods can be used with any e-cigarette model, but they’re more popular with the Juul because of its compact size.
HQD PODS is considered to be one of the leading brands of e-cigarettes. The company is based in Shenzen, China and was established in 2007 by a group of engineers. Since then, they’ve had many successful years of sales and have produced more than 100 models.
10 Tips for Buying Quality Disposable Pods
1) Make sure you buy quality disposable pods with quality ingredients. The ingredients should be natural and not contain any artificial flavors.
2) Make sure the nicotine content matches your preferences. Nicotine comes in different levels of strength, so make sure you choose the level that matches your needs.
3) Ensure the disposable pods are up to date on US regulations concerning nicotine content. Make sure they are compliant with US regulations before you purchase them
4) Check for expiration dates on the disposable pods. You don’t want to buy something that
Just because a pack of disposable pods costs more doesn’t mean it’s better. Some pod brands will charge more for the same pods because they make their pods in-house. But, this doesn’t always mean the pods are better.
You should also consider the material the pods are made from. Some pods come with a plastic wrap to keep them dry. These pods will break much quicker than those that don’t.
Finally, you should buy your pods from a reputable supplier. The quality of the pods can drastically change because of where they were manufactured and how they were handled. Make sure you buy your pods from a reputable supplier and you’ll be happy with your purchase!
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hilmaafclit · 6 years ago
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glömt vad man gör på bloggar så d får väl ba bli ngt mys där jag lägger upp saker jag ej vill glömma. Mitt mål e o göra mkt gifs på mina kompisar för mkt roligare o ha kvar när man e gammal väl? Anyways har denna veckan börjat veckopendla till gbg så jag kan bli klar med min kandidat. Har bott hos matilda och matilde som har världens kitschigaste lägenhet, vilket jag matchade med min kitschigaste prinsessklänning. Spelade usb igår på klubb o d va skoj men längtade mkt till soffan (=min säng) hemma hos matilda. Hanna o erika va posiga och snygga, mkt härligt o hänga med gbg-gänget. I morse fick jag smset ovan från röv-flixbuss vilket jag tyckte var komiskt för vem e “100 minuter sen” låter som ett barns lögn. Peace kamrater kommentera om du har ett podtips som inte e true crime eller tråkig på annat sätt. tvek iofs om jag kommer länka bloggis till nån
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throughnatslens · 5 years ago
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prijedor24 · 6 years ago
Raste broj oboljelih od gripe
Zavod za javno zdravstvo Federacije BiH potvrdio je 21 slučaj gripa virusa tipa A i registrovao trend daljeg rasta oboljelih.
Iz Zavoda su naveli da je od ukupnog broja oboljelih kod 13 slučajeva potvrđen podtip H3N2, a osam podtip H1N1.
U BiH je od gripa preminula jedna osoba, hiljade je oboljelih, domovi zdravlja su puni, a situacija se stalno prati, piše “Večernji list” izdanje za BiH.
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dailybesthealthtips-blog · 7 years ago
Nove zaloge cepiva proti gripi
Na Nacionalnem inštitutu za javno zdravje so danes prejeli 7000 odmerkov cepiva proti gripi. V ponedeljek ga bodo distribuirali zdravstvenim zavodom, ki so ga naročili. Trenutno krožita A in B tipa virusa gripe, nekoliko je več tipa B. Sezona pa za zdaj poteka laže kot na zahodu Evrope, kjer kroži podtip A(H3N2) in je težji za prebolevanje. V Sloveniji krožita A in B tipa virusa gripe. Na…
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rvonpost · 7 years ago
5 podtips om IT-säkerhet
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När man vill hålla sig à jour med IT-säkerhetsvärlden är det väldigt smidigt att få kommentarer på den senaste tidens nyheter i örat - som Podcast, när man tar sig till jobbet/står o diskar eller annat…
Dessa poddar lyssnar jag på och brukar rekommendera till de som vill vara “on top”:
1) SANS Internet Storm Center Daily Network/Cyber Security and Information Security Podcast
https://itunes.apple.com/se/podcast/sans-internet-storm-center-daily-network-cyber-security/id304863991?mt=2_ _
A brief daily summary of what is important in cyber security. The podcast is published every weekday and designed to get you ready for the day with a brief, usually about 5 minute long, summary of current network security related events. The content is late breaking, educational and based on listener input as well as on input received by the SANS Internet Storm Center.
[Johannes Ullrich - kort, koncis, o lite speciell stil (men man vänjer sig)]
2) Risky Business
Risky Business is a** weekly information **security podcast featuring news and in-depth interviews with industry luminaries. Launched in February 2007, Risky Business is a must-listen digest for information security pros. With a running time of approximately 50-60 minutes, Risky Business is pacy; a security podcast without the waffle.
[Framförallt är det första delen med nyhetsgenomgång som Patrick Gray gör tillsammans med Adam Boileau (oftast) som är mest intressant]
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3) Smashing Security
Join computer security industry veterans Graham Cluley and Carole Theriault as they chat about cybercrime, hacking and online privacy. Follow the podcast on Twitter at @SmashinSecurity. New episodes released every Thursday.
[Lättlyssnat med en portion humor och ofta en gäst]
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4) Säkerhetspodcasten
Säkerhetspodcasten är Sveriges första podcast om IT-Säkerhet.
[Cirka varannan måndag kommer ett avsnitt på svenska där den (oftast) femhövdade panelen på ett insatt och avslappnat sätt kommenterar den senaste tidens IT-nyheter]
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5) Säkerhetssnack
En pod om IT-säkerhet. Christoffer och Olle pratar högt och lågt, med kärlek för det tekniska, om säkerhetsläget. Nyheter, utmaningar samt tips och råd. Så lyssna in och vässa dina kunskaper om säkerhet i cyberrymden.
[Relativt nystartade på svenska med temanummer inklusive lite reflektioner över senaste tidens IT-säkerhetshändelser. Kommer cirka två ggr i månaden]
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Bubblare) Unsupervised Learning with Daniel Miessler
A succinct and analytical summary of the week’s most interesting stories in infosec, technology, and humans. Each episode includes: InfoSec News, Technology News, Human News, Ideas, Recommendations, and the **weekly **Aphorism. It’s five hours of my research and curation condensed into 30 minutes so that you can be ready for Monday.
[Jag började lyssna denna vecka - Lovande - får se om den håller]
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jedimolivolicom · 8 years ago
Na području Prijedora, gdje je u petak potvrđeno prisustvo ptičije gripe, odnosno visokopatogene influence ptica, podtip "H5", danas će biti nastavljene analize i sprečavanje širenja zaraze na ljude. Ministar vanjske trgovine i ekonomskih odnosa Bosne i Hercegovine Mirko Šarović za Klix.ba je kazao da je riječ o prekograničnom utjecaju, jer u Hrvatskoj ima više žarišta ptičije gripe.
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mndzdr · 8 years ago
Grip popušta - sve manje obolelih
Broj obolelih od gripa u Srbiji je u opadanju, a od početka sezone prijavljena su 23 smrtna slučaja, saopštio je Institut za javno zdravlje Srbije. Foto: Guliver/Getty/Thinkstock   U toku prošle nedelje, Institutu za javno zdravlje prijavljeno je 6.011 slučajeva oboljenja sličnih gripu, što je u odnosu na nedelju ranije 1,3 puta manje. Prijavljene su epidemije gripa na teritoriji Zlatiborskog, Pomoravskog, Pirotskog, Jablaničkog, Nišavskog i Topličkog okruga, a epidemija je odjavljena na teritoriji Mačvanskog, Moravičkog, Braničevskog i Kolubarskog okruga i Grada Beograda. Zabeležen je nizak intenzitet aktivnosti virusa gripa i široka geografska rasprostranjenost oboljenja u populaciji. Najviše obolelih i dalje je registrovano u uzrastu do četiri godine, a potom u uzrasnoj grupi od pet do 14 godina. Od početka sezone Institutu Dr Milan Jovanović Batut prijavljeno je 138.883 obolelih od oboljenja sličnih gripu, što predstavlja veći broj obolelih u odnosu na isti period prošle sezone. Do sad su potvrđena 2 tipa virusa influence: A(H3) i influenca tip B, a među laboratorijski potvrđenim slučajevima je najčešće zastupljen podtip virusa gripa A (H3). S obzirom na karakteristike prenosa virusa gripa, pored preporuka za jačanje imuniteta, preporučuju se opšte mere prevencije- izbegavanje bliskih kontakata sa obolelim osobama, redovno pranje ruku i izbegavanje dodirivanja očiju, nosa i usta prljavim rukama. Takođe, treba posvetiti pažnju higijeni disajnih puteva - pokrivanje nosa i usta prilikom kašljanja i kijanja, često provetravanje prostorija, izbegavanje boravka u zatvorenim prostorima gde se nalazi veliki broj ljudi, održavanje higijene prostora u kom se radi. Iz Batuta navode da posebnu pažnju treba obratiti na posete pacijentima u bolnicama, kao i osobama smeštenim u gerontološkim centrima i da u posetu treba "ići "samo ako smo sigurni da nemamo neku respiratornu infekciju i izbegavati blizak kontakt". Let's block ads! (Why?)
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mikumaria · 8 years ago
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Lyssningstips om odling och trädgård. Massor av inspiration, kunskap och smarta tips. Klickbar länk i bion ovan. #podtips #odling #trädgård (på/i Soltäppan)
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jakobwiborg · 9 years ago
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Igår kom nytt avsnitt! #podcast om #sång #röst och #retorik . #podtips
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jedimolivolicom · 8 years ago
Na području Prijedora, gdje je u petak potvrđeno prisustvo ptičije gripe, odnosno visokopatogene influence ptica, podtip "H5", danas će biti nastavljene analize i sprečavanje širenja zaraze na ljude. Ministar vanjske trgovine i ekonomskih odnosa Bosne i Hercegovine Mirko Šarović za Klix.ba je kazao da je riječ o prekograničnom utjecaju, jer u Hrvatskoj ima više žarišta ptičije gripe.
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prijedor24 · 8 years ago
Potvrđeno prisustvo ptičije gripe na području Prijedora
Potvrđeno prisustvo ptičije gripe na području Prijedora
Nakon postavljanja sumnje na prisutstvo influence ptica u u naselju Tukovi na području grada Prijedora, jučer u kasnim popodnevnim satima od strane nadležne laboratorije potvrđeno je da se radi o visoko patogenoj influenci ptica podtip N5.
Bolest je utvrđena kod domaćih ornamentalnih koka koje se drže kao ukrasna perad.
Odmah po potvrđivenju bolesti održan je sastanak kojem su prisustvovali…
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