k3tsub4n · 1 year
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tatooka · 4 years
Playing "Neon" by lucatron on pico-8.
Cart BBS link: https://www.lexaloffle.com/bbs/?tid=37278#playing
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gaspanic · 5 years
It Runs ̶D̶O̶O̶M̶ SIGIL! #SIGIL #DOOM #pocketchip #wad #romero #idsoftware #iddqd #idkfa #retrogame #retrogaming #videogames #Doomforever #msdosneverdie #billgateswithshotgun https://www.instagram.com/p/ByV-gHwiMRy/?igshid=4wc5svqyqvly
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dw-817-blog · 5 years
🎮dw817′s Favorite Pico-8 Games (sorted by stars)
Works in Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Opera internet browsers
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oldguydoesstuff · 6 years
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The Pocket C.H.I.P handheld system.  This was one of the original kickstarter attempts at a hackable handheld that could play games and be used for handheld game development.  
Large touch-screen
Full keyboard
Breakout I/O and easily swappable parts
Runs Pico-8 out of the box
Cute hole you put a pencil thru to stand it up
No speaker
Keyboard is pretty crappy
Nonstandard OS and HW
Short battery life
Does not run the latest Pico-8
No RetroArch support
Company went out of business
I wanted to like this little platform but the cons just outweigh the pros.  Not being able to easily install new SW or upgrade Pico-8 is a deal breaker.
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tinycartridge · 6 years
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Let’s catch up with PICO-8 and feed some ducks 🦆
Though we haven’t talked about the PICO-8 platform for making, sharing, and playing tiny games (all built into the cute PocketCHIP handheld), the community continues to put out curious releases for the “fantasy console.”
If you want to dive right into what’s been going on in the PICO-8 scene and its standout releases, our friend and Club Tiny member Tony just brought Pico Chat out of hiatus, an appropriately brief podcast dedicated to the platform. Listen to it here or check it out on Anchor for links to the games discussed:
This episode introduced me to the wonderfully silly Feed the Ducks, which I won’t spoil but will tell you to stick through its seemingly simple screens in the first few minutes. Being a PICO-8 game, you can play it for free in your browser.
THE NEW CLUB TINY IS HERE Support Tiny Cartridge!
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radiumsoftware · 7 years
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t=0::l::cls() for i=12,2,-1 do a=128/(i-t%1) b=flr(t)+i circ(64+sin(b/9)*a/3,64+sin(b/19)*a/3,a,7-flr(i/5)) end flip() t+=0.3 goto l
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chivampir · 7 years
How to install Cave Story on your PocketCHIP
Before we begin
This guide may contain errors, so please tell me if you can't get it to work.
The game is unfortunately a bit unstable on the Pocket CHIP right now, so you might experience some crashes.
We are not deleting anything in this guide, so you might want to clean up in your files afterwards. This also means that I am not responsible if you break your Pocket CHIP in any way.
The files in this guide are downloaded from: - NXEngine by Caitlin Shaw - Port of NxEngine to the libretro API by twinaphex
So let's start!
First open the terminal.
And just to be sure that we are in the home folder write
Install some dependencies that we need to run Cave Story
sudo apt-get install libsdl-ttf2.0-dev build-essential
Download NXEngine
wget http://nxengine.sourceforge.net/dl/nx-src-1006.tar.bz2
Download Cave Story files from GitHub
wget https://github.com/libretro/nxengine-libretro/archive/master.zip
Unpack NXEnginge
tar xf nx-src-1006.tar.bz2
Unpack Cave Story files
unzip master.zip
Move the Cave Story files to the NXEngine folder
mv ./nxengine-libretro-master/datafiles/Doukutsu.exe ./nx/ mv ./nxengine-libretro-master/datafiles/data ./nx/
Now we need to go into the nx folder and do some changes to the code before we make our files
cd ./nx/
Now comes the difficult part so try to stay focused (and remember if you do a mistake just delete the unpacked files, unpack again and try again :) )
We now open the settings.cpp file to edit the screen resolution so it will fit our small cute screens:
nano settings.cpp
Now change the line that says:
setfile->resolution = 2;
setfile->resolution = 1;
Now we need to change our input file so the buttons do as we like. The most important buttons to change are the F1-12 buttons as Pocket CHIP’s F1-12 buttons are not recognised properly:
nano input.cpp
Now change the buttons so they suit your preferences. This guide might be of help: SDL_Keycode.
My changes to the input.cpp file looks like this:
mappings[SDLK_LEFT] = LEFTKEY; mappings[SDLK_RIGHT] = RIGHTKEY; mappings[SDLK_UP] = UPKEY; mappings[SDLK_DOWN] = DOWNKEY; mappings[SDLK_KP_MINUS] = JUMPKEY; mappings[SDLK_0] = FIREKEY; mappings[SDLK_9] = PREVWPNKEY; mappings[SDLK_8] = NEXTWPNKEY; mappings[SDLK_BACKSPACE] = INVENTORYKEY; mappings[SDLK_EQUALS] = MAPSYSTEMKEY; mappings[SDLK_ESCAPE] = ESCKEY; mappings[SDLK_q] = F1KEY; mappings[SDLK_w] = F2KEY; mappings[SDLK_e] = F3KEY; mappings[SDLK_r] = F4KEY; mappings[SDLK_t] = F5KEY; mappings[SDLK_y] = F6KEY; mappings[SDLK_u] = F7KEY; mappings[SDLK_i] = F8KEY; mappings[SDLK_o] = F9KEY; mappings[SDLK_p] = F10KEY; mappings[SDLK_a] = F11KEY; mappings[SDLK_s] = F12KEY; mappings[SDLK_SPACE] = FREEZE_FRAME_KEY; mappings[SDLK_c] = FRAME_ADVANCE_KEY; mappings[SDLK_v] = DEBUG_FLY_KEY;
Now that we have changed and saved our files we write this into the terminal:
This will take a while, so go and make a good cup of tea, coffee or whatever you want :)
Now comes the fun part :D
Type this into the terminal:
The first time you run nx/NXEngine it will need to extract some game data from the Cave Story files we put into our nx folder, but when it is finished we can do what we set out to do: Play Cave Story!
When you have finished this guide you unfortunately have to go into the folder ( cd ./nx) and then run the file (). For me personally this is to many keystrokes. So lets write a bash script
Open your favourite text editor on the CHIP and write this:
#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash cd #Going to home folder (not needed if you save it in the home folder) cd ./nx #Opening nx folder ./nx #Starting Cave Story
Then save the file as cavestory.sh (or whatever you want).
Open the terminal, if it is not open and go to the folder where you saved the bash script (cd)
We now have to give all user permissions to execute the bash script:
chmod a+x cavestory.sh
That was it, you can now just type ./cavestory.sh in the terminal when you want to play cavestory. Or use your script to make a home screen icon to launch Cave Story :)
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kernuac · 5 years
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#pocketchip running #gba roms too ;) #handheld #portablelinux #debian #metroidzeromission https://www.instagram.com/p/BxqftajnkVl/?igshid=p5z5jrsc5pfm
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k3tsub4n · 4 years
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cyanidedansen · 7 years
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#pico8 #pocketchip #killerwhale #orca #penguin #woooooo (à Paris, France)
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chip-fan-j · 7 years
PocketC.H.I.P.でBluetooth Speakerをお手軽に利用する
Connecting Bluetooth Speaker to PocketChip - PocketC.H.I.P. - Next Thing Co. - Bulletin Board System
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install -y bluez-tools pulseaudio-module-bluetooth
$ wget https://bogdziewicz.xyz/files/pchip/pocket-home
$ killall pocket-home $ sudo cp -p /usr/bin/pocket-home /usr/bin/pocket-home.org $ sudo cp pocket-home /usr/bin/pocket-home $ pocket-home
$ wget https://bogdziewicz.xyz/files/pchip/bt.py
Bluetooth SpeakerのMACアドレスを調べる
Bluetooth Speakerが起動した状態で行う. 以下の例では00:00:00:00:01:70がMACアドレス. 表示されたらCtrl+Cで終了する
$ bt-adapter -d Searching... [00:00:00:00:01:70] Name: SPTR01 Alias: SPTR01 Address: 00:00:00:00:01:70 Icon: audio-card Class: 0x240404 LegacyPairing: 0 Paired: 0 RSSI: -48 ^C
3行目のmac = 'PASTE_HERE_MAC'のPASTE_HERE_MACを上で調べたMACアドレスに書き換えて保存する.
$ vi bt.py
mac = '00:00:00:00:01:70'
$ python ./bt.py (bluetoothctl:2181): GLib-CRITICAL **: Source ID 26 was not found when attempting to remove it Success 100%
これで接続されて利用できる. 次回からは$ python ./bt.pyだけでOK.
ただ,手元の機器では遅延が気になるのでゲームには向かない.映像も同様.音楽やPodcastなどに良さそう. (PCやスマホとの組み合わせでも遅延は起こるのでスピーカー側の問題だと思う)
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Music production. (Sunvox, Akai MPKmini, Pocketchip, PO-20)
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scannz · 7 years
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What got me into scannography was Panicrun’s post of using the PocketChip to do scannography.  I don’t know why, but I found the idea exhilarating.
After months of waiting I finally got a PocketChip and can start doing scans this way.  First preliminary runs are... meh.  I’ve already had a tonne of fun modifying and customizing the PocketChip, so it’s been a worthwhile purchase, but I’ll probably see if I can get my scanner working on my phone instead
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tinycartridge · 7 years
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The only thing keeping me from playing Celeste is more, tiny Celeste ⊟ 
If you’ve somehow made it this far without a dozen people recommending Celeste to you, I am telling you now that the platformer is worth the $20 to buy it on Switch’s eShop and play it a lot. Celeste is very good and also worth picking up for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, or PC too if that’s all you have.
One of the neatest things about Celeste is this easter egg allowing you to play Matt Thorson and Noel Berry’s prototype originally created (during a game jam!) for the Pico-8 fantasy video game console. Celeste Classic is still available to play for free online here or on the very cute PocketCHIP portable! 
I dabbled with the prototype on a PocketCHIP last year, but after rediscovering it in the Switch release, I’ve refused to return to the main game until I master Celeste Classic. One thing you should know about this site: the only thing we love more than “tiny games” is “tiny games with more tiny games in them”.
BUY eShop digital codes on Amazon
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samkeene · 7 years
PocketCHIP! Play games and make games on PocketCHIP!
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