#poasts from midnight
crabs-but-better · 1 year
realizing being on my phone is what’s making me nauseous, shouting ‘you dumb fuck’ at myself in my head, closing the app, then reopening it to make this post
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westmeath · 5 years
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This is so fucking funny this is really what it’s like to watch midnight cowboy
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onewomancitadel · 3 years
This isn’t really a formal poast, but The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas is a beautiful short piece by Ursula K. Le Guin. Stealing from Wikipedia:
With deliberately both vague and vivid descriptions, the narrator depicts a summer festival in the utopian city of Omelas, whose prosperity depends on the perpetual misery of a single child.
It’s only about a two or three page long read. I recommend it. Anyway, the placename, Omelas, comes from the author seeing a roadsign through a car mirror for Salem, Oregon. You can see where I’m going with this since this is about RWBY, lol.
I guess I’m wondering if it does relate to anything in the story... like Cinder, for instance. The rite of passage in the story is going in to view the child and then leaving. The ones who leave Omelas are ones who cannot stand the city who relies upon the suffering of the child. But er, I mean, you would want to end the suffering of the child, the scapegoat, right? But you would have to destroy the prosperity of Omelas.
I wonder if this relates to Rhodes’ treatment of Cinder - the prosperity of Atlas relies on the suffering of a symbolic child, and Rhodes comes in and finds the child and witnesses her suffering, comes and goes, but never attempts to thwart the system. Cinder also continues this cycle as scapegoat under Salem, as she eternally lives out that moment at midnight. Salem’s plans hinge on Cinder as the Maiden vessel for all the powers.
It also makes me think of ancient Greek pharmakos, the ritual offering of a scapegoat. (Maybe that’s why Rhodes is also called... well... Rhodes, a Greek island). Anyhow, there could be something powerful if - if - based on my previous writing about Cinder and Prometheus - if the scapegoated child also becomes the powerful fire-giver who is part of saving the world.
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whereivegonne · 6 years
So i feel i should make this poast
Even tho its for no one the joke in the title is funny haha bc like toast and post lmao
So actuakly went out tonight to a friend's who i really like. Made some new firends who i will probably actually see again and ended walking home straight after midnight. Kinda half how i expected it to go. Im now currently re-heating some chinese food from today. Dont know if its bettet than last years but it coukd have been worse. There are worse ways to celebrate a passing of secinds to a new year that will mean nithing in the long run. But that is for my other post. This on is more positive and the next one will be more negative. Bc i know thats what you guys (aka the people who discovered this blog through my will after i have died, are after and all you reallt care about) :DX
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crabs-but-better · 2 years
do u ever pop into a daydream in the middle of it and your brain has to do a little previously on so you know what’s happening
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crabs-but-better · 2 years
the thing about being polyam is well. you get to collect crushes like pokémon cards
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crabs-but-better · 2 years
i cannae sleep
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crabs-but-better · 2 years
tfw your brain automatically translates tfw as both tfw and tfw
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