#my rwby analysis
tumblingxelian · 3 months
A Necessary Post - Yang, Taiyang & Seeing Red
I debated this being a message or a note or a reblog, but ultimately this warranted an essay. Because a hatred of nuance is not even remotely the reason why Tai is critiqued as a teacher or father.
With that fact in mind, let's begin:
During RWBY Volume 4, Episode 9: Two Steps Forward, Two Steps Back Taiyang has a great deal of critical feedback for Yang regarding her fighting style, personality & Semblance.
The issue is that Tai's words and advice when compared to what we saw on screen before & afterwards demonstrate he does not understand how it works or how she used it.
So here for your reading pleasure if a more or less line by line breakdown of Tai's advice and why I don't feel it holds up & more to the point, why I don't believe Yang utilized it.
Taiyang: Do you realize that you used your Semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers?
Yang rightfully points out that her using Burn is no different than anyone else using their Semblances. I would add that Yang's Semblance only serves to enhance her already present abilities with damage taken in a fight. So her not using it would be stupidly holding back extra energy for no reason.
Tai's critique also fails to register that when using her Semblance to take out FNKI, Yang specifically disrupted the ground so Neon could not skate effectively & used the boost in power to turn Flynt's own weapon against him.
I will be addressing Mercury further down but she used it effectively and intellectually here and to great effect.
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What's more, every other fights fighting style, weapons or both were literally built around their Semblances. Yang's threat level remains fairly consistent without her Semblance, all three of these other characters take a huge dip.
Taiyang: Because not everyone else's is basically a temper tantrum.
Ignoring that calling the manifestation of Yang's soul a temper tantrum is another in a long line if dickish things Tai says to Yang. Her Semblance literally does not work that way.
Her anger has jack and shit to do with it, this has been explained & demonstrated time and time again. Yang only gets a power boost when she's been injured, the fact she tends to be angry when using it is because being hurt sucks and she's usually in an intense fight. When the fight is going well and she still gets to use it she's not angry, as seen with a pleased smirk here:
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So as before, Tai's critique is bereft of any merit, Yang's Semblance does not work that way.
Taiyang: I'm serious! Once you take damage, you can dish it back twice as hard, but that doesn't make you invincible!
Cite a time Yang thought she was invincible, cite it provably that Yang thought, said or indicated that she felt she was invincible. You can't because Yang never indicated as such this is something Tai is assuming about her at best.
& no her jumping in the Nevermore's mouth is not an example because she was not using her Semblance, did not take damage, it was a very effective strategy & seemingly either part of the plan, or was so easily understood that it could be safely and reliably worked into the plan. She wasn't using her Semblance here but finding evidence of risky behavior was hard, especially with her Semblance, go figure.
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In fact every time Yang used her Semblance she did so only because someone landed a blow, which just happens in fights sometimes.
Taiyang: It's great when you're in a bind, but what happens if you miss? What happens if they're stronger? What then? Now you're just weak and tired!
We know what happens when Yang misses, she can swing again!
After the first blow on the Paladin she missed & needed help to catch it, her missing had zero impact on her Semblances.
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As to what happens if they are stronger, um, she loses, that sometimes happens in fights. Its not something Yang can do anything about by holding back on extra strength. Not to quote Qrow but sometimes bad things happen. Other characters losing to stronger opponents don't get given this kind of diatribe's because its pointedly obvious that there was nothing to be done about it.
& on the final piece, she was very pointedly not weak and tired after using it. The only times she has been shown to be is when she was extremely low on Aura regardless in which cases not using her Semblance is a death sentence.
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So again, we've established Tai's critique comes from nowhere & his understanding of her Semblance is nonexistent.
Taiyang: But you gotta keep your emotions in check. Keep a level head, and think before you act. Your Semblance is a great fallback, but you can't let yourself rely on it.
This is so painfully unfair it hurts.
No other character gets this kind of shit for expressing emotions in combat. In fact we see characters expressing emotions in battle all the time. Nor has she stopped displaying emotions in combat:
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I already outlined how in all two of the Yang fights Tai actually witnessed she used strategy and retained excellent combat form. So again, baseless claims from Tai.
What's more, Yang primarily does use her Semblance as a fallback rather than rely on it in these fights. She only whipped it out against Mercury when he'd unleashed his seeming kill move on her and was confident he'd won.
Not using it here would be dumb and make no sense.
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Yang doesn't rely on it to save her, she deploys it when it makes sense to & she has the energy or the need. This is more than we see from many characters.
Taiyang: It won't always save you. Obviously.
So now he is critiquing her for a fight he didn't even witness & knows jack shit about. So let's break this down once again:
Yang has spent the last 24 hours questions her sanity.
Yang's new home (Her words) is burning down.
Yang's sister is missing in all this chaos.
Then Yang's partner gets fucking stabbed, and the guy who did it is standing between them with a sword & gun, with fire all over Grimm all around.
Anything Yang can do he can counter, she tries to go around he only has to pivot. If she tries to fire from long range she might hit Blake. She tries an earth shock wave, she launches Blake into the fire.
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She quite literally had no others options & zero time to try anything else because he can just shoot or stab Blake whenever he wants.
Taiyang: You definitely have your mom's stubbornness.
This, this right here is where all this is actually coming from. Tai is once again projecting Raven onto Yang despite them frankly having almost nothing in common.
With most of Yang's visible personality tells being inherited from Summer, such as the mother daughter shoulder check of V9. Thanks to chittychittyyangyang for the GIFs
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Or as outlined in some songs with Yang's side of the lyrics explicitly citing how she is trying to fill the Summer shaped void in their lives.
Like the smell of a rose on a summer's day, I will be there to take all your fears away.
Taiyang: Your mother was... a complicated woman. Like everybody, she had her faults, but those faults are what tore our team apart. And, it did a real number on our family.
Tai blames Raven for tearing their team apart. Save that by all accounts, barring her absence things seemed to be going fine. Qrow seemed to be present in their lives, Tai looked happy, the girls were happy & Summer at least seemed happy though we know she was covering up a lot of dread.
Keep in mind Tai is projecting Raven, the woman he blames for destroying the team and damaging the family onto his daughter who literally kept the family together after Summer died. Yang's established this, Ruby has established this, its canon.
Yang: I had to pick up the pieces. I had to keep things together. Alone. (pause) Weiss, if you have something to say, then say it. Ruby: If you thought we wouldn’t come for you, then you must’ve forgotten who raised me.
Tai was not the one holding that home or family together. Unless you think the writers are gonna randomly swerve & say both Yang & Ruby are big whiny liars for some utterly nonsensical reasons. So no, I don't take him seriously as a narrator or critique of Yang, I have no reason to.
But let's push on, because I'm not done.
Taiyang: You both act like the easiest way to tackle an obstacle is through it. (pointing at Zwei) That strength is all that matters in a fight.
Ah yes, Raven, the woman famously known for thinking the easiest way to deal with an obstacles is to tackle it head on. That's why she spent years adorning herself in a Grimm helmet that hid her eyes & raised a False Maiden to serve as her body double.
A woman so inclined to rely on her own raw strength that when she was ambushed by Salem's forces she decided to trick them into an ambush.
Then when fighting Cinder and was at a disadvantage she freezes her in place while making Cinder think she is going on the offensive leaving her to be crushed by Stalactites & also utilized mind games to distract her & deal the finishing blow... Cos she only relies on strength.
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As to his final piece of advice I already address it up above, there was no way around Adam, the situation was fucked from the start.
Saying it was Yang's fault she was dismembered is no more than victim blaming, I stood by that in Volume 3 to to this day & beyond.
Taiyang: But if you just take a second look, then maybe you see... (walking toward her, stepping around Zwei) there's a way around as well.
But let's actually look at Seeing Red & if Yang listened to Tai's advice or if she not only ignored it but did the opposite of what he ordered.
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Let's see she goes in with open aggression & emotions, and also takes many blows rather than going 'around' them somehow.
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Yang, as if she were 'indestructible' outright tanks a massively charged up Aura beam for the purpose of increasing her strength.
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Then burns through all of her Aura & Semblance energies delivering one direct blow, relying on it to save her & leaving her weak & tired.
Or in other words, she:
Yang didn't miss, but we know that isn't a real issue anyway.
Yang used her Semblance to 'win' the fight & very much did rely on it to save her.
Yang expressed anger & many other emotions in the battle & still continues to does so.
Yang willingly took huge risks that involved her being able to take tons of damage rather than go "Around" the problem.
Yang knew Adam was likely stronger given it was 2 V1 but relied on her Semblance to get her out of that bind and she was in fact left weak and tired.
This is also the first time she has done several of these things, or otherwise demonstrated these traits, such as being left weak and tired or willingly tanking big attacks rather than just being hit by surprise or due to being overwhelmed.
I don't take Tai's advice seriously because none of it was accurate or aligned with the Semblance we saw in action or had described to us.
I don't trust Tai's opinion on Yang because his take on her is explicitly informed by Raven & not the Yang we spent four & then five more volumes getting to know.
I don't take Tai's words over Yang's, Ruby's or what we see on screen because Tai is at best a secondary or minor character & a recurring theme in RWBY is the failure of older generations.
These failures are not just in the past but how they have been consistently failing the next generation as the story is being told. There is zero reason to think Tai is some magic exception to this narrative trend when much more well explored characters like Maria, Qrow, Ozpin, Ironwood, Raven, and hell, Summer Rose are not.
& that is my stance on that, thanks for tuning in!
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hiraganasakura · 8 months
I'm rewatching RWBY and I just finished V3 and like. I'm having so many thoughts about Ruby
She was an eager student, yearning to follow in her mother's footsteps and help others, who got accepted into Beacon Academy two years early. But she felt worried that she'd be singled out; she wants to be normal among her peers, not anything special. "I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees," she says to Yang.
Then she's thrown into the position of leadership despite her young age and relative inexperience, and while she takes it in stride she's incredibly hard on herself in the process. "We need to put our teammates first, and ourselves second," she says to Jaune.
And just when she grows comfortable in her skills and her position as team leader, everything falls apart. Beacon falls. Penny and Pyrrha die horrifically right before her eyes and she's left behind to blame herself. Yang loses her arm — and a part of herself. Weiss is snatched away by her father, Blake runs away. Ozpin has vanished, his lieutenants left to pick up the pieces of the broken, ruined Vale. Most of the ppl that Ruby has come to count on, just... gone. And then immediately after she wakes up from all that, Qrow dumps on her that, congratulations kid, you have silver eyes which basically means you're destined to save the world, have fun! "Then what can I do? If I'm so special, I can help, right?" she says to Qrow.
It's no wonder she got such a martyr complex, no wonder she threw herself so heavily into the identity of a hero, no wonder she fell to pieces and grew consumed by guilt and grief and self-loathing later in the show. She just wanted to go to school and learn how to protect ppl. And then she couldn't even protect the ppl who mattered most to her, not out of some failing on her own part, but bcus she is a child, a child with way too much on her shoulders. And it's just gotten worse. Now she's expected to save the whole world, all bcus she inherited her mother's eyes.
The weight of the entire world upon the shoulders of a grieving teen girl.
How would that not be too much for anyone to bear?
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throrn2048 · 1 month
Why I don't like the scene of Pyrrha's statue
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I decided to analyze and give my opinion about a scene from RWBY. I'm talking about a scene that made a lot of fans and reactors cry but not me. Of course i'm talking about the scene where Jaune founds out the statue of Pyrrha. I don't like this scene for several reasons that I'll be glad to share with you:
1. I think it makes little sense that they made her an statue. I get that she was famous but the last thing the world saw from her was how she ripped apart another student. I don't think anyone but the main cast knows that she died fighting Cinder since she was turned into literal dust. Besides I think it's a little bit disrespectful that she gets an statue while the other students doesn't get any recognition.
2. It kind of goes against the character of Pyrrha. She didn't liked how the people put her on a pedestal so I don't think she would have liked this.
3. I don't get the unknown red haired woman's purpose. Who is she? Her mother? Sister? Her spirit watching over Jaune? We don't know since the writters didn't give us any name. What was the intention of the writters by doing that? Give mysticism to the scene? I think it makes it funny since we see a random woman talking to Jaune.
4. This scene proves that sometimes Jaune "steals screen time" from other characters. This episode should have been focused on Oscar who just found that soon or later his soul is going to be merged with the soul of Ozpin. Do we see how he faces it? No. He develops off-screen and gets a new outfit, great.
The only things I liked about this scene was the music and how Ren and Nora confronted Jaune about his self destructive nature. Once again I wanna make clear this is just my opinion. Don't forget to leave your thoughts about this.
Have a nice day.
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howlingday · 5 months
I think Jaune might a Breaking Base Character. I have seen people really like and really dislike him. At this point I don't know if I can find a source that fairly tells me the fandoms overall opinion on him. I mean shippers just do what ever and harem. Why does Jaune have a Bully Arc? I feel like that's kinda dumb and focus should have been else were.
Okay, so...
A Base-Breaking Character is "a character in a series that is loved by one section of the fanbase and hated by the other."
By this logic, I deduce the FNDM is divided into the two sides of people who hate Jaune and people who love him. People who love him are then divided into the two sides of people who write him as a soggy piece of wet toast and the side who write Jaune as a gigachad harem god. On the other side, we have people who hate Jaune because they see him as a self-insert of his voice-actor, Miles Luna, or because he "takes too much screentime" in a show that's supposed to be about girls. This is the best I can figure out from FNDM descriptions, and to be honest, I think the people who cry about Jaune being a self-insert are just as bad as the people who make Jaune into a gigachad harem god.
Jaune having a bully arc sets us up to Jaune's past, present, and future in the show. Monty Oum clearly had a plan for him, though I can't exactly ask him what his plan was for having these episodes in Volume 1 because, well, he's kinda been dead for the past ten years. Jaune's past is explained when he explains how he got into Beacon, with his present shown through his constant bullying by Cardin and by his standing up to him to help Velvet, and his future is presented in two-fold by his aura protecting him from Cardin's attack and by his assisted decapitation of the large Ursa. The point of Jaunedice was to help us better understand Jaune's role as a protagonist, main character, deuteragonist, and or other role in the show.
If Jaune didn't have these episodes, his character would probably been flanderized to being... Steve Urkel, Milhouse Van Houten, and or some other character that serves no other purpose than to be the comedic relief whipping boy. Instead, we have Jaune Arc as the John Everyman character who helps us with the human element of the situation, kind of like... Sokka, Krillin, and or Commissioner Gordon.
I'm just one guy, though, so these are obviously my opinions and everything I say should be dismissed. Because I am an idiot. Thank you and good night.
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set-wingedwarrior · 2 years
I should have known that people would have acted annoying about the Team's reunion and, after the dumb takes I saw, here I am to make a breakdown of their reactions in relation to the context because that's defenitely how my psychology majoring is supposed to be used apparently
Before I dig specifically to each character I'd like to remind people that, like Weiss herself said, everything happened so fast. It's not just that the time itself wasn't that much. In between the fight and them trying to find each other in the Ever After it would have been, what? An hour?
It's been 2 years for us guys, for them it isn't that much time to justify the super touchy and hugs reunion like we got in V5, or V6 in Argus, or V8 when they meet back (except for Blake, but I'll get there). You all need to remember that media in general for stories like this aren't your fluffy fanfic full of feelings and hugs and kisses all the time.
Now, welcome to my psychology class! First on our list, our one and only traumatized team leader child, Ruby Rose.
"Why didn't ruby rush to hug her sister?"
Well, let's see it from her point of view; actually, we litterally saw it at the start of the episode! We saw how fast everything went from her eyes!
She had to go in fight mode in a fucking instant because, differently from Blake (who was trying to jump after Yang) and Weiss (who was busy stopping her), Ruby has been attacked immediately by Neo after her firt attempt at her life failed. She didn't even have the time to process what happened because she was already fighting for dear life!
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Our brains are very resourceful machines that always try to save energy (it's why stereotypes exist, it's our brains identifying stuff by one thing to not think about it too hard), and considering how complex and crippling the feeling of loss is, and how much it takes to process, in a life or death situation our brains would just shut it down.
Because we're all different people it might not work the same for everyone, but Ruby is a trained fighter, she's a huntress, her body and mind falling in fighting mode is actually the most logical reaction in the given situation because it falls both on habit and instinct.
And given that she didn't even have the time to process the the thought that Yang might have been dead (even during the fucking fall she had to fight Neo still, give my girl a break!!), it's very reasonable that despite the frustration and stress of everything else in the Ever After, she wasn't too worried about Yan'g safety. Because she never got time to even think "I lost her" that she got in the very same situation. So, "If I fell and I'm here and I'm okay, then Yang is too, she must be fine".
Besides, Ruby did run towards her after fighting the thing!
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Yang just interrupted her with her "Dammitt! You're not supposed to be here!" before Ruby settled to get near her and "If you thought we wouldn't come for you then you must have forgotten who raised me", so any argument about them not caring is just really dumb.
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In conclusion, considering that she found out that her sister was probably okay before her brain could have even processed the concept of her loss, and all happening in a very short spawn of time, it makes 100% sense that Ruby wouldn't need to jump in her arms and cry or whatever. They're in a weird place but they are okay and that's all that matters (before Ruby will discover the horrors of what happened after she fell and the horrors of her quickly approaching breakdown, but that's for another time!)
Blake on the other hand.
Blake is the one that speed into action the moment she saw Yang fall. When chaos wa around nobody went to attack her, she saw Yang disappear in the void. Now, she got to feel the loss, the pain, the weight of failure because she failed to save her!
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And her first reaction was to fucking jump after her. Because she couldn't fail, she couldn't lose her, she must save her! And Weiss had to drag her up the platform herself to stop her from doing so because they had a job to do and Blake was blinded by pain!
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Then, she got blinded by rage. It wasn't her fault, it was Neo! And Cinder! And I think that in that moment of emotional disregulation it's reasonable to think that Blake wasn't acting for the good of Mantle, of the plan, or anything else. We all saw it in her eyes, it was pure rage, she wanted revenge! And that's completely reasonable in that given moment. She saw the love of her life DIE because of them, OF FUCKING COURSE SHE'S BLINDED BY SUCH POWERFUL EMOTION.
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As you can probably already tell, Ruby and Blake's actions are dictated by very different feelings! Even if the action itself, fighting, is the same, the mindset and motivations differ completely!
So, what happens when she meets Yang again? That after the danger is over (because it's not like she dropped everything, they fought the thing and waited for the situation to calm down and be safe. She also waited for Ruby to say her things first tbf) she fucking runs to tackle her!
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Because Blake actually got to see and feel the loss! She thought she had lost her! She thought that she died because she wasn't fast enough! So, even regardless of the romantic feelings (that obviously play a part because come on, they've been inseparable for volumes now, it's obvious that she would have felt it all that harder), it makes sense that Blake's the one to feel pure utter relief in seeing Yang still alive! And she'd need to go to her, feel that she's there with her!
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Now, probably the most complex one to explain: Weiss.
In a way, she's middle ground between Ruby and Blake. Weiss wasn't attacked right away either, but she had to jump in action to stop Blake. That means that she stopped to see what was happening and at Yang's "death" she just assumed what Blake was about to do or else she wouldn't have ad the time to stop her (we saw how fast Blake was)
That means that, in some way, she got to take in what was going on before going in fight mode, but she still didn't get to process it herself because she needed to act on the others' behalf. Where Ruby was litterally just hanging in there and Blake was blinded by her pain, both of them against Neo, Weiss saw what happened and told to herself "I must keep going with the plan, I must protect who's left, I can't let Yang''s sacrifice go to waste" and went to fight Cinder alone (until Penny arrives).
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Weiss during the fight is the one more "emotionally stable" (more like she efficiently locked them to be functional in the fight), she's well aware of what is going on and doing her best. In this mindset, she got to fight but also to see more clearly everything that is happening.
She's also the one who stayed there the longest. She's the one who saw the worst because she's been there long enough to witness more horrors, but despite the awareness she didn't get the time to really feel them. When does she though?
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After she saw all of her teammates, her family, die. When she's almost completely alone. Only her Penny and Jaune left, Cinder towering them while she's using Gambol Shroud, everything she has left of her family, to try keep fighting. Because at that point there's less chaos, less things to prioritize her focus on, the evacuation is done, she just has to not let Cinder get Penny's powers.
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We didn't see Weiss and Blake finding each other, but my guess is that either there was a hug off screen or, more likely, she kept it together because they logically needed their weapons and teammates back first. She then chooses to stay focused (and cheer for Blake, bless her), and work, and shuts down every question about what happened because she knows that talking about it would break her down and be a distraction from their objective.
Which is why she doesn't speak until they're all together: withouth a distraction, she's crying before she even got to start.
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The pain added up and got to her, and I'm pretty sure that Ruby's big reaction wasn't just because of the news on their own, but also the feelings Weiss was letting out while telling them (you know when you feel someone is feeling bad even when they don't tell you nor openly act up on it? And you still feel deeply bad/uncmofortable?).
I got overboarded here, but in short Weiss didn't act too clingy in the reunion either because she was busy staying focused first and then dealing with EVERYTHING that happened earlier and that she needed to tell them. Like, after getting both to Blake and Ruby, Yang's safety was basically 100% sure anyway, so. And, again, everything happened so fast.
It's been 2 long years for us. Not for them. So, to the people who have been complaining, you're just projecting your own personal feelings on them and then calling it bad writing when they're not acting like you feel right now.
Class dismissed.
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uncaught-coolfish · 6 months
Something about how, after Sienna calls him a hero for killing the supremacist & basically saving Ghira, we see probably the most interesting bit of emotion we’ve gotten (and will ever get) from Adam ever— his demeanor shifts instantly, from staring at the ground as he’s reprimanded to looking up and… looking quietly shocked. This small moment clearly indicates that, at least to interpretation, Sienna means something to Adam.
And it’s after this scene that we get Sienna and Ghira having a Trapped in the Drive-Thru moment, where as other WF members walk past, all facing the direction they’re walking, we get Ilia looking at something offscreen, likely Adam himself. This is the only possible time they’ll ever even notice each other in the whole show, outside of them fighting together in the same short, which they basically do separately. One who was able to hide her identity to pass by, the other whose very identity bound him to slavery. But both damaged by the same entity, the SDC, in different ways. “In all sorts of ways.” Still hate that fucking line but whatever. And in this shot she’s got that same expression he had moments prior—
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quietly shocked.
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I truly believe ladybug and freezerburn make more sense than bumblebee and whiterose. I multiship a lot but these two are my favourite pairings.
Ruby is perfect for Blake because of her unwavering loyalty. Even when Blake leaves or is unsure, Ruby’s overbearing affection can always reassure her. Yang is good at this too, though she’s a little more subtle with it, she can be what Blake needs, but Blake isn’t what Yang needs. Ruby isn’t as bothered by her come and go style. She’s the one who immediately understands Blake and why her books are so important to her. She can help her become less passive, open up and become more determined, all the things Blake said she admires her for.
Weiss is perfect for Yang because she’s so far the only person to get her to open up. She can put aside her stubbornness for Yang, as seen when they’re mysteriously offscreen for a while and after, she’ willing to reconsider her views on a war which has shaped her life and family. She knows how to push Yang and help her out of her comfort zone. Meanwhile Yang and Blake don’t push each other. They don’t talk about Adam much, or any of their problems or separations. It’s hard to believe with Yang’s glaring abandonment issues Blake’s distant nature wouldn’t set that off.
Meanwhile Blake is perfect for Ruby because she’s a calming presence. She can help Ruby to be tactical and cautious, to control her impulsivities. She can remain patient and calm, and won’t get as frustrated as Weiss. Instead, Blake likes her for her insistency and positivity. She’s so gentle with Ruby and trusts her unconditionally, but she can help her see a more nuanced view of the world.
Yang is perfect for Weiss because she can neutralise her intensity. They have that fire and ice dynamic that works so well for them. In volume two (I think) they manage to plan the dance together, which is just impressive. They’re the two most hotheaded and stubborn characters, but they can put that aside for each other. Yang is impulsive like Ruby, but unlike her, she can be incredibly patient with the people she loves. She could wait for Weiss to figure out her feelings about things and support her, where Ruby would likely jump to help without thinking, like she did in Ice Queendom.
Whiterose and bumblebee are two of my favourite ships in anything ever, but I truly think ladybug and freezerburn would provide more stable long term relationships and could help each other improve and grow even more. The silliieeeeees
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leonardalphachurch · 3 months
there’s a lot of problems with the rvb fandom but i will always so so thankful for how it treats criticism. where in other fandoms you have to section off critique into its own little hate tag, in the rvb fandom not only can you main tag it but you’ll get hundreds of notes from people who have dedicated their lives to loving the show reblogging it and going #SO TRUE OP
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lovingdabeessss · 1 year
I love Rwby it’s all immediately that deep with the character- like- LISTEN they take intentional simple good/bad characters fair tales which are THE simplest because it’s being told to children and then they make them complicated!!! They make them multiple things
Blake- everyone knows Blake’s everyone loves Blake’s I mean it’s wonderful beauty and the beast where she’s both of them already good already great but then!!! But then it also!!! makes a DIFFERENT CHARACTER also both beauty and the beast which also goes into their other dynamic of yin and Yang and transformation into the other and the constant switching and it makes it like symbolically Yang is a part of her it’s so good she’s the only one who’s a love story she’s defined by the people she loves it’s great
Weiss, she’s always great never disappoints she’s a knight and a princess she’s Snow White which Rwby recognizes as less of a love story and more of a story about parental abuse and overcoming it and never once is it Snow Whites fault the evil queen is acting like that she just is too pretty which Weiss is so it’s perfect for her i truly love “what if Snow White was a middle child” never stop Rwby
Then RUBY I love her she’s red riding hood and the HUNTSMAN makes the “are you a huntress” a little funnier to me cause it’s the core of her character just a little girl trying to do a sweet thing until she is TRICKED AND EATEN BY THE BAD GUY
she’s never not devoured in the story she goes to see her grandmother and they are both eaten and then saved because the huntsman cuts the wolf up it’s truly horrible she never gets saved beforehand and this I think is very well shown in volume 9 where she has to be totally destroyed by the wolf which in this specific instance was just her own grief and guilt (and the cat the cat was also wolf) and then she cut herself out of the stomach of the beast (and attacked the cat that too)
And finally in no particular order YANG my beloved she’s so great
Yangs particularly interesting because she’s the only one of them to be both the hero and the villain of the story and in Goldilocks that villain changes often the villain is the little girl for breaking into the bears house and other times it’s the bears
In some versions when they catch her the bears attempt to burn her (which doesn’t work quite right) drown her (not right either) and then finally MAIM HER BY STABBING HER WITH A CHURCH CHAPLE!??!?!?
She is also the only character in her story it’s Goldilocks and the three bears, she is the only one in this story and all the story is that she will destroy herself
And it’s so interesting that the child is the villain of the story it reminds me of when she was talking about Alice saying she was a bad person when she was just a kid trying to survive
And being the only character and her self destruction in her loneliness like when she lost her arm and no one was around and she just deteriorated
She’s destroying herself she’s so desperate to protect people she’s determined to go out saving someone Yang is a huntress who watched her entire family be destroyed by the job she went into this expecting it to kill her she went into this hoping it would kill her not Ruby
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daladae · 1 year
i love the way rwby twists the chosen one trope so much. it did so with pyrrha and her entire idea of her destiny being The Hero To Save The World. then it went to penny and her being created just so she can be The Hero To Save The World. and now it’s down to ruby, who’s trying to be The Hero To Save The World by following in her mother’s footsteps. because she’s been appointed to the role by ozpin, the way pyrrha was. because she has silver eyes and was therefore touched by magic, the way penny was. because she’ll need to face down salem, the way summer did.
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strqyr · 6 months
love your analysis, but you give crwby writing way too much credit then they truely deserve. half of your analysis are things the writers would never bother thinking of in a million years. i wish you and a couple other rwby analysist were the writers for rwby, you guys actually care about the characters and their place in the story.
maybe. i wouldn't know, unfortunately i'm not a fly on the wall listening to the writers' thought processes behind every story and character choice. what i do know is that all my analysis is based on what i'm seeing on the screen, or reading from the books, etc. does it always match what the writers intended? most likely not, i'm not them and they're not me, and different life experiences affect how you view and interpret certain things, and the chances of those lining up perfectly are rather minimal in grand scheme of things.
but, simply for my own sanity's and enjoyment's sake, that's not really my goal either; i'm not expecting the best, but neither am i expecting the worst, i'm just vibing and having fun with a show that i like :)
and while i appreciate the sentiment, trust me, you do not want me writing for this show, no one should lmao bc no words would actually find their place on any paper or text file. i'd be holding mini talk show interviews with me, myself, and i, talking about my thought process behind how each character carries themselves in the emerald forest during the initiation and what that says about them, how they contrast with each other, and so on, while y'all would be like "that sounds nice, would love to see it one day!" 😂
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tumblingxelian · 1 month
Hello again!
Sorry it took me so long to cover these but they are here now, my reviews and analysis for RWBY Beyond!
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the-goat-carnival · 2 years
It’s kinda nice that Blake and Yang’s relationship has gotten so much better since Volume 6 to the point that they can make jokes about the prosthetic. Yang lost that arm trying to protect Blake, so it was a naturally touchy subject for them. It’s really sweet that they’ve grown past that.
By the way, I’m not ignoring that others have joked about Yang’s one arm in the past, Yang herself included. I’m just acknowledging that after everything they went through in and since Volume 3, their relationship was strained to the point that I don’t think Volumes 4-6 Yang would have been comfortable with Blake joking about the lost arm. Now that they’ve more than reconciled, and are far more comfortable with each other (a little too comfortable in some ways…), Blake can safely joke with Yang about something that is tied to their shared trauma. When you can joke about your trauma, I think that’s when you know you’re healing.
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throrn2048 · 2 months
About Tukson's murder and Emerald's redemption...
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It's kind of funny seeing Emerald's fans use this scene to make Emerald look more sympathetic than Mercury because she wasn't the one who killed him. Well, as a Mercury fan I feel like I must defend my boy. She is as guilty as Mercury for two simply reasons.
She was the one who had the idea of killing him. How do I know that? She knew where to find him and she's the one who wants to please Cinder at any cost so it makes sense that she cames up with an idea like that.
She was acting as indifferent as Mercury. While Mercury was reading a comic Emerald was streching like she just got out of the gym instead of being acomplice on someone's murder.
In conclussion, this scene doesn't help to make Emerald look like better person than Mercury as I've seen some people say. It's mosty the opposite. Please tell me your thoughts about this.
Have a nice day.
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howlingday · 5 months
Have you ever feel that Jaune got to much focus? I mean he's called a main charater (for better or worse) in a show called RWBY. About Team RWBY. It's just looking at both sides as much as I like Jaune maybe their was or still is to much focus on him.
Tell me something. Did Sasuke get too much focus in a show called Naruto? Did Knuckles get too much attention in the show Sonic X? What about Harry Potter? One Punch Man? Hey Arnold?
The Jaune "getting too much focus because the show is called RWBY" is the saddest, weakest excuse ever uttered. Jaune is a main character, along with Ren and Nora, who, need I remind you all, got plenty of love and attention despite not being "Team RWBY"?
Now, does the FNDM give him too much attention? My second favorite tag on this hiellsite is "jaune arc," AFTER "rwby," agrees with this statement, and to be honest, I don't think that's a problem with the show's writing as much as it is with the audience's reception of him.
There being "too much focus" on Jaune is only in comparison to the weaker writing for the "main characters" because the show puts more effort into the action and the plot than into the development of the core cast of Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang.
Ruby has silver eyes and is supposed to be the hero who saves the world, but it wasn't until Volume 9 that she really got a solid win for her character.
Weiss comes back home in Volume 7 and her biggest character moment is when she's stopping her father's escape. Then... nothing.
Blake and Yang are by far the worst because their characters are now wholly reliant on each other. And before that, Yang's character was reliant on Ruby while Blake's character relied on the White Fang plot, which ended in Volume 5, and Adam, who died in Volume 6.
But what about Jaune's character? Well, let's see; Jaune was the loser everyman character who acted as the foil to the prodigal child of destiny that was Ruby Rose. His partner, Pyrrha "Invincible Girl" Nikos, takes him under her wing and trains him as her mentor. She then dies, leaving him to train and grow on his own despite his team being there, whereas Ruby loses her entire team and gets their help to accomplish reaching Mistral.
...Typing this out, yeah, I would say Jaune got more thought and effort put into his story and character development, but I don't think it's "too much". If anything, I'd say the issue is RWBY didn't get enough. All we got for them were flashy moves and kicks and bruises, but it's all shallow, surface-level development. Looking back, I see RWBY as the same people as they were at Beacon, while Jaune has completely changed since his initial appearance.
And again, that's not Jaune getting too much attention. It's just RWBY never really grew up right.
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blakesyang · 2 years
in every piece of media, there is always a part in the story that ends with the protagonist losing their innocence, and i think that this whole entire scene just cements that for ruby. here she is, kneeling in front of her past self. kneeling is a symbol for submission, for succumbing. ruby has finally accepted that she is not the innocent, hopeful kid she once was. it may not have occurred to her over time, but now she’s come to realize that her innocence is gone. she’s accepted it. she does not know who she is anymore and she’s lost her path, and her faith in herself. this may just be ruby’s most pivotal moment, having to look at herself and tell her that she’s wrong — that she doesn’t know what she’s doing at all.
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