#po x tilly
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discotreque · 6 years ago
The new episode drops in less than two hours, but I couldn’t wait.
There’s only one person it could be. Literally only one person in the galaxy has access to diplomatic channels and would use them for something as mundane as talking to Sylvia Tilly. Oh my god, Tilly thinks. It’s Po.
This fic is rated Explicit. Please read at your own discretion.
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terapsina · 6 years ago
My favourite moments in the newest Discovery episode in no particular order.
Michael seeing Amanda and Sarek arrive on board Discovery and the look on her face.
The utterly emotional scene between them which made me cry.
Amanda referring to her husband as impossible.
“I will accept improbable.”
The new signal bringing them to Xahea and the absolute excitement on Tilly’s face at realizing she’s gonna see Po again.
The looks on everyone else’s faces at Tilly apparently knowing a Queen.
The realization that she really never actually told anyone they had been harbouring a runaway monarch.
Captain Pike trying to be political and being utterly ignored in favor of Tilly and ice-cream.
Former Emperor Georgiou suggesting they just blow up a star.
Everyone’s (but especially Michael’s) Faces!
Michael actually IS the Red Angel.
Everyone declaring they wouldn’t let Michael go into the future alone.
Po writing complex time travel equations in thin air with an ice-cream spoon.
“I like you.”
“I like you too.”
Culber finally going to find and talk to Stamets, clearly trying to act on Reno’s advice from before and instead getting cold feet because Stamets is ‘moving forward’.
“I’m going to leave Discovery because being around you but not being with you hurts.”
“I’m going to join Enterprise and this is totally what I came here to say and not at all a reaction to you moving on.”
Translation necessary because these husbands are idiots and need help.
Michael’s face when Po said she looked taller in her photo.
The brief moment of bonding where Michael and Po mentioned their moms.
Georgiou rolling her eyes.
Georgiou trying to talk Michael out of being a martyr.
Georgiou ‘ugh-ing’ at the orange.
“I’m a Terran from your mirror universe.”
“What mirror universe?”
The wink.
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burnhamandtilly · 6 years ago
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discoverysource · 6 years ago
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So, um, your parents died and your brother... so that means that you...
Tomorrow is my coronation, I ran away because I wasn't ready, I'm supposed to become...
The Queen.
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theromanticrationalist · 5 years ago
Short Treks: My Thoughts
Now that I’ve finally caught up on Short Treks, I thought I would share my thoughts on the series and the future of Star Trek. 
Short Version: It’s a bizarrely mixed bag.
Now for the long version. (SPOILERS)
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Short Treks: Runaway
I love Sylvia Tilly (who doesn’t?), and this new era of Star Trek has certainly given us some interesting and lovely characterizations. This was a pretty solid short story, and I loved that we got to spend more time with Tilly. I also enjoyed how they tied this story into season 2 of Discovery, which added more depth to her character. Yes, Tilly just makes friends with random alien queens. It’s just what she does.
I also appreciated Po’s dilemma in her fears and struggles with her people about the coming changes of them becoming a warp-capable society. Thanks to Po’s ingenuity and talent, she has given her people a way to stabilize Dilithium crystals, but Po has done this out of a love of science and creativity. She fears the exploitation of her discovery and inventions for selfish gain. As a creative myself, I could relate to Po’s anguish as she desires the purity of her creation’s purpose, the soul, to be preserved above all else. #TheStruggleIsReal
In the end, though, both Tilly and Po mature and grow a little, which was satisfying to see. I look forward to seeing Tilly’s continued trajectory to her inevitable captaincy! 
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Short Treks: Calypso
Another really solid story, but the only thing was that it didn’t feel like Star Trek to me. It just seemed like a beautiful and haunting science fiction story, maybe something that would be on Amazon’s Electric Dreams (love that series!). It certainly has some interesting implications for Discovery’s future, but overall it felt out of place in the lore. Despite that, this is probably the strongest of the Short Treks in writing, pacing, and emotional impact. Give me a love story with an AI/robot any day of the week.
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Short Treks: Brightest Star
This was the one episode of the first batch of Treks that I was most excited about seeing. I think the strongest character and ideas of this new era of Star Trek is the character of Saru and his people, the Kelpiens and their predatory “overlords”, the Ba’ul. The planet dynamics of these species and how they’ve evolved together, and the mystery of how they are inexplicably linked is absolutely fascinating to me. Unfortunately, I feel like the writers really squandered the full potential of the ideas, which disappointed me greatly. 😞However, despite my disappointment, I did enjoy this story, albeit it was much to short. I think it needed to be 20 or 30 mins to really give the full impact of Saru’s struggle as an unusual Kelpien who looks up at the stars and speaks to them. But we don’t really get an explanation of how Saru is able to understand technology at all. We just have to accept that “he’s different”, so he just has the ingenuity to figure things out. I would have loved to have seen him when he was younger giving us examples of how his unorthodox thinking manifested in other ways in order for us to believe that he would be smart and capable enough to tinker and use technology beyond his people’s understanding. It would have also given us a chance to really immerse ourselves in the culture and mindset of the Kelpiens, to understand the psychology that shapes Saru’s very identity. In short, WE NEEDED MOAR KELPIENS AND SARU.
Overall, though, this episode was one of the very few that felt the most like Star Trek, as it exemplifies themes of questioning, seeking, searching, and asking and how that curiosity can lead us to worlds and realms beyond - that we are made for so much more than we could possibly imagine. 
This story also gave me Isaac Asimov vibes, which was cool.
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Short Treks: The Escape Artist
This one was really disappointing and, frankly, very dull. Don’t get me wrong, Rainn Wilson does a fabulous Harry Mudd. He really adds nuance and cleverness to a character that originally was pretty one dimensional and campy. However, this was the one episode that NEEDED to be shorter, as it went on for far too long, and the pay off wasn’t worth it. It also left me feeling like, what was even the point? Why did they make this short story about Harry Mudd without telling us anything new about him? Yeah, we know he is conniving con man, we get it. It also doesn’t make sense continuity wise in Star Trek because I thought Doctor Noonien Soong was the leading roboticist/android expert, and Data wasn’t anywhere near to looking as life-like as Mudd’s replicas. Somehow Mudd is able to create perfect hosts-from-Westworld androids that sweat, bleed, bruise, and otherwise act like organic matter, able to express the full nuanced range of human emotion as to be clone-like duplicates of himself. Um. Okay??? I guess this lone con man fugitive has made these ingenious and world-shattering discoveries and inventions in robotics and technology. Yep.
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Short Treks: Q&A
The absolute best of the Short Treks, IMLTHO. (Yeah, I may be biased...) You can read my thoughts on this episode here: X. 
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Short Treks: The Trouble With Edward
Yeah. So this one is W-E-I-R-D, even by Star Trek’s standards. I also didn’t get it. I didn’t understand why it was made or why it took the tone that it did. It was funny, yeah, uncomfortably amusing, like we were watching The Office: Star Trek Edition, but WHY. Did someone ask for this? What is going on? WHY DID THEY HAVE THAT PARODY CHILDREN’S CEREAL COMMERCIAL AT THE END ABOUT EATING TRIBBLES WHAT IS EVEN HAPPENING RIGHT NOW
It also doesn’t fit continuity-wise in the timeline. If someone at Starfleet was responsible for making tribbles the way that they are, then how come Kirk and the Enterprise weren’t notified as such? McCoy was the one who examined and discovered why they were breeding so much, but he could have just looked up Starfleet’s records apparently and got all the answers he needed. 
I’m not one of those fans who gets upset about continuity errors in world building, but really, there are just some things you should obviously know better not to do. 
Personally, I think the writer’s room was on Stamet’s mushrooms when they wrote this one, tbh. 😉
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Short Treks: Ask Not
This was one was just ridiculous. The scenario wasn’t plausible, it was predictable, and the implications were kind of disturbing. For one, we all knew Captain Pike hadn’t turned. Yes, this perfect, plush, teddy bear of a man who is THE NUMBER ONE Space Dad of All TimeᔀáŽč who has absolute, unwavering integrity and honor is someone we are supposed to buy as having committed mutiny, or at least convince us that Cadet Thira Sidhu buys this obvious load of malarky. 
Uh, I don’t think so.
Also...THIS IS SO MESSED UP WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO YOUR CADETS. Why would you put them through this manipulative farce just to test their devotion, commitment, and integrity?! If I were this cadet I would be seriously angry and upset that I was tricked and made to go through the emotional turmoil, trauma, and distress of standing up against your commanding officer in a life endangering scenario! What the heck?? What sick, perverted, twisted mind thought of this cruel -
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Haha, okay so I think it is kind of hilarious just how merciless Number One is that she would actually come up with this kind of test. This episode was TOTALLY worth the little Spock and Number One Mutual Appreciation Society moment, as Spock, with stars in his eyes, admires Number One’s cutthroat tactics. I mean in AOS, Spock did come up with the Kobayashi Maru so it is all making sense. However, at least in the Kobayashi Maru the cadets knew they were taking a test. Cadet Thira Sidhu did not. The lighthearted and warm fuzzy ending to this episode did not at all jive with what had just happened. It would have been much more interesting to have dealt with the implications of Number One’s test on the cadets, while expanding on her character as well as telling us why Pike would even partake of and allow this to happen, but oh well. 
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Short Treks: Ephraim and Dot
The idea? Creative. The characters? Cute. The animation? Really nice with an old school flair. And yet I was once again left feeling like what was the point? I mean I’m sure 3-5 year olds would enjoy watching this little short, like something akin to Looney Tunes IN SPACE, but really there wasn’t much substance here. Frankly, it just seemed like it was a nostalgia trip and Easter egg dump. 
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Short Treks: The Girl Who Made The Stars
This is another very creative idea with excellent animation and an interesting look into Michael’s childhood and the ideas that shaped her. I suppose it accomplishes what it sets out to do, and is pretty effective, but personally it didn’t do much for me. It was sweet and inspirational and that’s about it. 
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Short Treks: Children of Mars
This was a prologue of sorts before Picard begins, and so it was interesting to have our first look into what we will come to expect from that series. It was, undoubtedly, emotionally effecting, as it actually brought tears to my eyes. However, I did have an issue with it and I was trying to figure out what that was. I then realized - it felt like a commercial. Like one of those long commercials that tells a poignant little story in order to sell an idea or product, whatever it may be. It was too glossy, stylized, and seemed like it could be used as a kind of propoganda-esque promotion of Starfleet and its ideals. I know that is a kind of cynical way of viewing it, but that is how it felt to me in the way it chose to tell its story. I think if the girls had been allowed to be real characters we could have immersed ourselves in their story and what the both of them ended up having to face together in the end. It would have felt much more real and earnest, instead of just tugging at our heartstrings in a syrupy kind of way. 
Also, it kind of gave me The Expanse vibes. Just an observation. 
These Short Treks, and subsequently the CBS era of the Star Trek franchise, are a really weird mix bag for me. On one hand, I do admire their creative risks as they decide to try new ways of telling Star Trek stories, which I know not all those in the fandom appreciate or desire. Yet on the other hand, most of the time the writing is just poorly done and generic, so it all seems to just cancel itself out. 😕
Creating memorable, enjoyable, and original characters: 100%
The level of FeelzᔀáŽč felt from the storytelling and acting: 1000%
Creativity through set, costumes, and stylistic approaches and ideas: 100%
Writing: Subpar, 20%
Science: Not Even Science
In the end it seems like those running this new era of Star Trek have a lot of heart, but not enough analytical thinking or patience to take the time to build the necessary character and plot logic that makes for much more satisfying storytelling. Just saying “Space, the final frontier” a thousand times doesn’t make this Star Trek, and making us feel things through excellently composed music and acting isn’t good writing. (Also, people saying that they love science all the time doesn’t mean they are actually doing science!) So, I don’t expect much from this CBS era, but I’ll be watching it and enjoying it anyway. I’m Star Trek trash. What can I say?  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Source for images: X
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fuckyeahsylviatilly · 6 years ago
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im sorry what did I just witness
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6797968625078 · 3 years ago
13 fabienne delsol lilac time young fresh fellows young marble giants bla axolotes mexicanos angelou slipslide arrogants pete astor loft astronaut anthony atkinson mabels simpletons guild league astrobrite masters of the hemisphere essex green automatics las aventuras de kirlian vacaciones avo-8 14 bad dream fancy dress airport girl single corazon alvvays mousefolk little red schoolhouse emotionals kennedy pill northside corn dollies postal blue divine comedy cinerama pocketbooks help stamp out loneliness afternoon naps bart & friends bats jumprope nerdy girl colin clary wimp factor ethnobabes beanpole casino ashtrays bulldozer crash bedroom eyes stick insect room bible bitter springs time lodgers blissful a shrine fosca billy bragg 15 almanacs po baby lemonade auteurs milky wimpshake shrag bearsuit shy nobleman bazooka cain tables benny profane emotional violence my favorite secret history boolteens yeah jazz mayfields aprons keren ann brian cud rhythm sisters la buena vida emilys sassy lime busch camping candy skins material issue neds atomic dustbin dbs captain cocoa what gives boys with the perpetual nervousness cath carroll virna lindt catchers cleaners from venus 16 mumbly autocollants ballboy spook school colour me wednesday dream nails happy accidents charmpit joanna gruesome martha betty & the werewolves blanche hudson weekend hari & aino ballet deirdres mammoth penguins shining hour receptionists bis x-ray spex blochin 81 bouquet chromatics au revoir simone caretaker race motorists carousel cessna chalk giants accrington stanley charlottes web charming kissing book club hoy 17 parallelograms burning hearts hidden cameras poly styrene release party call & response care remember fun umbrellas chime school cindy ducks ltd le coupe chin-chin melodie group pinkie vehicle flips coastal cody go-betweens peach kelli cowboy & spin girl popinjays voice of the beehive sarah cracknell crayon cuckooland daily planet darcy dead famous people deep season delicious monster simpatico from bubblegum to sky sprites galactic heroes salteens california oranges swandive a sunny day in glasgow charlottes fuzzbox 18 blind bats los punsetes best friends group edwyn collins julian cope legendary pink dots jane wiedlin look blue go purple julee speedboat fonda wolfie sushi cooper mirafiori serpentina desert wolves times microdisney dog faced hermans rezillos jazzateers wee cherubs motorcycle boy thanes bachelor pad prayers submarines church grims jack drag dubious brothers dubstar earwig easter & the totem echobelly happy losers christina rosenvinge 19 chocolate barry churchbuilder sunny intervals jane & barton april march denim presidents men easy river pipe ana laan universal circus bombones eggplant ego stereo total supercoze emily ephemera evergreen exhibit b exit 13 five or six fish john west reject swansea sound catenary wires piroshka robert forster songs for the young at heart throwing muses frank & walters la monja enana white town jenifer jackson vitesse toothpaste 2000 fugu sleepy township ashley park 20 driscolls dylans edwin moses schwarz electronic fat & frantic fire engines jetstream pony massage world of fox feat amelia fletcher felt tip free design ditty bops pipettes tilly & the wall los fresones rebeldes friends of sound pop shalini matt bruno un viernes pop transparent blue extravagance stroppies crayon fields mates of state mosquitos dennis driscoll minders lunchbox darren hanlon pas/cal louis philippe heart throbs inspiral carpets
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uneminuteparseconde · 8 years ago
Des concerts Ă  Paris et autour
Mars 28. Alan Courtis + Frgttn + La Petite Paire des peuples + P1g3on – Les Nautes 29. Spectres – Supersonic (gratuit) 29. Marnie (Ladytron) + Soldout (fest. Les femmes s'en mĂȘlent off) – Batofar 30. Jay-Jay Johanson joue "Whiskey" – Centre Pompidou ||COMPLET|| 30. Krikor + Tolouse Low Trax + Discipline & Michel Wisniewski + 67Yarc – Salo 31. Emmanuelle Gibello & Diemo Schwarz (Semaine Ă©lectronique) – amphithĂ©Ăątre Jean-Moulin|Sciences-Po (gratuit) 31. Sick Llama – L'Époque 31. Austra + Barbi(e)turix + Rebeka Warrior (dj) (fest. Les femmes s'en mĂȘlent) – Le Trianon 31. Monarch! + Birushanah + Extreme Precautions + [Chaos EchƓs : ANNULÉ] + Chaos ET Sexual (fest. Frisson acidulĂ©) – Centre Barbara-FGO 31. John Zorn : The Hermetic Organ – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 31. Karenn + O. Xander + D Pete – Concrete
Avril 01. Terminal Cheesecake + Reproach + Paddy Steer + In Zaire + Rat's Blood + X-Or + Le Renard + Noyades + Syndrome 81 + Futuroscope + Mhonos + Cheap Wine + Bras mort + Danc Music RhĂŽne Alpes + Rozita Ouech-Ouech (fest. Frisson acidulĂ©) – Cirque Ă©lectrique 01. John Zorn : The Interpretation of Dreams – CitĂ© de la musique|Philharmonie 01. John Zorn – musĂ©e du Louvre 01. Rubin Steiner + Night Riders + dDamage + B.I.M. + La Mverte – Centre Barbara-FGO 01. Shinjuku Ni-Chome + Klaus Kombat + Haine – Treize 01. Is a Fich + Franq de Quengo... (Forum Famille, autisme et fraternitĂ©) – Les Chapiteaux turbulents 01. Superpitcher B2B Joakim + Joakim + Clara 3000 + Apollo noir + Full Circle – Salo 01. Mark Archer + Myako + Ed Isar + Aprile – Batofar 01. Ben Klock + Rrose + Antigone + Blndr + kas:st – Concrete 02. Arlt + Pascal Bouaziz – La ScĂšne du canal|Jemmapes 02. Slowdive + Dead Sea – Trabendo ||COMPLET|| 02. John Zorn : Bagatelles Marathon – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 02. Jessica93 : cinĂ©concert sur “Haxan” de B. Christensen + Ashtoreth + La Cabine + Orval Carlos Sibelius + HĂ©ron cendrĂ© + Dr Snuggle & MC Jacqueline + Arno de Cea & The Clockwork Wizards (fest. Frisson acidulĂ©) – Cirque Ă©lectrique 04. December + Voiron + Morzig – Point FMR (gratuit avant 20h) 05. NLF3 + Foudre & Christine Ott – Petit Bain 05. Les Filles de Illighadad + Guilhem Lacroux – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 06. King Dude + Dune Massiah – Batofar 06. Tristesse contemporaine – Badaboum 06. Grandaddy + Jamie Lee + Mourn + The Black Lips (Arte concerts fest.) – GaĂźtĂ© lyrique ||COMPLET|| 07. Fusiller + Ewa Justka + Ghost Milkers + Felon – Ourcq blanc 07. Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales + Peter Broderick + Sarah McCoy (Arte concerts fest.) – GaĂźtĂ© lyrique ||COMPLET|| 07. Function + Shifted + Lucy + SNTS + Anetha – Dock Eiffel 08. Cachette Ă  branlette + Wizaeroid & Sinead O'Connick Jr + Hustle White + Piste noire – Espace B 08. Miss Kittin + Clark + Danny Daze + Factory Floor + Noga Erez (Arte concerts fest.) – GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 10. Beth Ditto – Flow 11. Vivu + Clusters + Ravi Shardja + GNG – Olympic cafĂ© 11. Broken Lights + HĂ€nder Som VĂ„rdar + Milos Olympus – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 12. :Of the Wand and the Moon: + Jo Qail – Petit Bain 13. Vashti Bunyan + Steve Gunn – Le Carreau du Temple 13. Glorias Navales + Sun Stabbed – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 14. David Behrman + Ivo Malec + Thomas Ankersmit + Kara-Lis Coverdale + Cannibal (Cameon Jamie, Cary Loren & Denis Tyfus) (PrĂ©sences Ă©lectronique) – Le 104 14. Trans Am – Point FMR 14. Varg + Will Bankhead b2b Low Jack + Coni – Rex Club 15. Thomas Tilly + Felicia Atkinson + L'Ocelle Mare + Jana Winderen + François Bayle + Stephan Mathieu joue "Earle Brown December 52" + Hild Sofie Tafjord + Demdike Stare (PrĂ©sences Ă©lectronique) – Le 104 15. Hologram_ + Chrysalide + Meta Meat + NĂ€o + Horskh + Moaan Exis + DJ K.Oz + Nine Flesh (dj) – Petit Bain 15. Gnod + Common Eider, King Eider + Me donner – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 16. Meryll Ampe & Leafcutter John + Mazen Kebra & Roland Kayn + James Tenney + Andrew Pekler + Deathprod + Akira Rabelais (PrĂ©sences Ă©lectronique) – Le 104 18. Bleib Modern – Espace B 18. Horse Lords + Clouds Become your Hands – Olympic cafĂ© 19. Winter Family + Jambinai – Centre Barbara FGO 19. Xeno & Oaklander + Nova Materia – Badaboum 19. Zu + Bologna Violenta – Petit Bain 20. Pharmakon + Descendeur – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 21. Croatian Amor + Andrea Belfi – Ă©glise Saint-Merri 21. Les HĂŽpitaux + Mamiedaragon + Ero Babaa + Zaraz Wam Zagram – tba 21. Fils de VĂ©nus + Balladur + Tommy Genesis – Badaboum 21. Grand Blanc + Marietta + Robbing Millions +  The Parrots + Johnny Mafia + Halo Maud (Mofo fest.) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 21. Dave Clark – Nuits fauves 21. Blush Response + Surgeon + Pfirter + Parfait – Dock Eiffel 22. Fujiya & Miyagi + Black Devil Disco Club + Buvette + Il esty vilaine + Faire + Oko Ebombo (Mofo fest.) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 22. Komplikations + Taulard + Pour X raisons – Cirque Ă©lectrique 23. Arnaud Rebotini + Jacques & Gain + Aquaserge +  Rendez-Vous + Onze onze + The Luyas + Julien Barbagello + Human Theorema (Mofo fest.) – Mains d'oeuvre (Saint-Ouen) 24. Author & Punisher – Espace B 26. Éliane Radigue par H. Breschand & L.-M. Marion + "Solo" de Jakob Ullmann + BenoĂźt Burello : "Asphodel & the Island Sun" – CollĂšge des Bernardins 26. Tim Olive, Anne-F. Jacques & Pascal Battus + Ritual Extra + Vincent Malassis + Paul Gremare – tba 26. True Widow + King Woman – Espace B 26. Aluk Todolo + Oranssi Pazuzu – Petit Bain 26. Kas Product – Batofar 26. Rodolphe Burger + Sylvain Vanot – Le 104 ||COMPLET|| 27. The Jesus & Mary Chain – ElysĂ©e Montmartre 27. GaĂ«tan Boudy & ClĂ©ment Hauvrette : cinĂ©concert sur "M le maudit" de F. Lang – Le Cirque Ă©lectrique 27. Jean-SĂ©bastien Mariage & Olivier LĂ©tĂ© avec Vincent Fortemps (fest. OW-AO) – Le GĂ©nĂ©rateur (Gentilly) 28. Oxbow + Celeste + Sumac + Inter Arma (Old Town Bicycle fest.) – Le Gibus 28. Michel Deltruc & Patricia Dallio avec Maki Watanabe (fest. OW-AO) – Le GĂ©nĂ©rateur (Gentilly) 28/29. GaĂ«tan Boudy & ClĂ©ment Hauvrette : cinĂ©concert sur "M le maudit" de F. Lang – Le Cirque Ă©lectrique 29. DĂ€lek + Ovtrenoir + Jaye Jayle + Emma Ruth Rundle (Old Town Bicycle fest.) – Le Gibus 29. SĂ©bastien Roux – Le Bal 29. Frustration + Cheveu + JC Satan + La Femme + UsĂ© + Violence conujugale + Cannibale + Marietta (dj) + Topper Harley (dj) – La Machine 29. Unglee Izi + Mesa of The Lost Women + Videophage + Trous aux rats + MoliĂšre + Cuntre + Evil Moisture + DJ France-86 (fest. Premier sang) – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 29. ErikM & Louise Leverd avec Clara Cornil (fest. OW-AO) – Le GĂ©nĂ©rateur (Gentilly) 30. Nadja + Matt Jencik + Ensemble Ă©conomique – Supersonic (gratuit) 30. Seefeel + BLN – Batofar 30. Jean-LĂ©on Pallandre & Isabelle Duthoit avec Skallistan (fest. OW-AO) – Le GĂ©nĂ©rateur (Gentilly)
Mai 01. Jean-François Pauvros avec Ludor Citrik & Joan (fest. OW-AO) – Le GĂ©nĂ©rateur (Gentilly) 01. Black Marble – Batofar ||REPORTÉ|| 02. Antoine Schmitt, Violaine Lochu & Garth Knox (fest. OW-AO) – Le GĂ©nĂ©rateur (Gentilly) 03. Meat Wave – La mĂ©canique ondulatoire 04. Group A + NMO – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 04. Qual – Espace B 05. La Novia & Yann Gourdon : “In C” de Terry Riley – Centre Pompidou 06. Esmerine – Espace B 09. Blanck Mass – Point FMR 10. Zombie Zombie + Tomaga + None + Tristesse contemporaine (dj) (Zombie Jamboree fest./10 ans de Julie Tipex) – La Machine 11. Oiseaux-TempĂȘte – Trabendo 11. Laetitia Sadier + Solo Astra + Beat Mark (Le Beau fest.) – Espace B 11. Ambassador 21 – Bus Palladium 12. Wire + Blackmail – La Maroquinerie 12. Étienne Jaumet + Gilb'r + Tolouse Low Trax (Zombie Jamboree fest./10 ans de Julie Tipex) – La Machine 12. Manu le Malin + AZF + 14anger + Sinus 0 – La Machine 13. Collection d'Arnell Andrea – Batofar 15. Chameleons Vox + Blue Mountain Expansion – Supersonic 15. James Ferraro + Ducktails + Typhonian Highlife – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 17. Xiu Xiu + Le Prince Harry + Delacave – Petit Bain 23. Sleaford Mods + Mark Wynn – GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 24. Death in Vegas – GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 24. God is an Astronaut – Flow 25. Collectif_Sin (Villette sonique) – Wip 25. Keiji Haino, Merzbow & Balasz Pandi + Afrirampo + Puce Mary (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 26. Soviet Soviet + Empereur – Supersonic (gratuit) 26. Royal Trux + Groupe Doueh & Cheveu + Uranium Club + Bernardino Femminielli (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 27. Annette Peacock + OOIOO (Villette sonique) – CitĂ© de la musique|Philharmonie 27/28. Princess Nokia + Randomer + Marie Davidson + Doomsday Student + Mandolin Sister + The Goon Sax + Pizza Noise Mafia + Deena Abdelwahed + Volition Immanent + Mdou Moctar (Villette sonique) – Parc de La Villette (gratuit) 28. EinstĂŒrzende Neubauten + Jenny Hval – Grande Halle de La Villette 29. Ruins + Akaten + Zubi Zuva X + Acid Mother Temple SWR + Acid Mother Kirisute Gomen + Psyche Bugyo + Makoto Kawabata + Zoffy + Atsushi Tsuyama + Emiko Ota (Japanese New Music) – GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 29. MSHR + Max Eilbacher & Duncan Moore + Acqua Dentata + Meryll Ampe & Romain Arnette – tba 29. Psychic TV 3 + Aikula – Petit Bain 30. Broken Social Scene – L'Alhambra 31. The Make Up + The Blind Shake (Villette sonique) – Cabaret sauvage
Juin 04. Karima Walker + Mikko Savela – tba 06. John Russell – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 08. Primal Scream – GaĂźtĂ© lyrique 08. Soror Dolorosa + Schonwald – Bus Palladium 08. Sida + Cellular Chaos – Instants chavirĂ©s (Montreuil) 09. Skinny Puppy + Carpenter Brut (fest. Download) –  Base aĂ©rienne 217 (BrĂ©tigny/Orge) 10/11. Richie Hawtin + Flying Lotus + Jon Hopkins (dj) + Parcels + Jessy Lanza + Action Bronson + Anderson Paak + Abra... (We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 11. Amanda Palmer & Edward Ka Spel – La Cigale 30. GeneviĂšve Pasquier + Position parallĂšle + Black Light Ascension – Le ZĂšbre de Belleville 30>10.07. Air + Metronomy + Jarvis Cocker & Chilly Gonzales + Savages + Devendra Banhart + Michael Kiwanuka + Tindesticks prĂ©sentent "Minute Bodies" + James Vincent McMorrow + Lady Sir (Rachida Brakni & GaĂ«tan Roussel) + Kate Tempest + Calypso Valois + The Color Bars Experience joue Nick Drake (fest. Days Off) – Philharmonie
Juillet 01. Ke/Hil + Kommando + Tunnels of Āh + AntiVallium – Le Zùbre de Belleville 05. Group Doueh & Cheveu – Institut des Cultures d'Islam 15. Blawan – Rex Club 21. Hocico + Shañrghot – Petit Bain
AoĂ»t 25>27. PJ Harvey + The XX + At the Drive In+ Franz Ferdinand + Cypress Hill + Ty Segall + Rone + The Kills... (Rock en Seine) – Parc de Saint-Cloud
Septembre 22. She Past Away – Petit Bain 27. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex ||COMPLET|| 28/29. Sigur Ros – Grand Rex
Octobre 03/04. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – ZĂ©nith 23. Mogwai – Grand Rex 28. Peter Hook & The Light – Le Trianon
en gras : les derniers ajouts / in bold: the last news
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captaintilly · 6 years ago
Tilly flopped down in her chair with a posture that would make her mother flinch, sighing despondently at her tablet. She *could* possibly send a message to Po, but what would she even say? And, now that the coronation was passed, there would probably be security measures in place to limit outside networks.
Tilly wondered: what kind of security measures would they use? Would they be secure enough to prevent hackers from trying to assault the system in search of information on the dilithium crystals? It wouldn’t hurt to check the system... just to be sure... she wouldn’t want there to be any security loop holes that Po’s staff missed.
Tilly set up a secure channel on a subspace frequency and repatched her signal through several subspace proxy servers before beginning the elegant task of impregnating the first encounter with Po’s firewall.
 I’m nobody
 just a brilliant beautiful stowaway who HAPPENS TO BE QUEEN!”
Tilly mutterred to herself as she organized her desk alone in her room.
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captaintilly · 6 years ago
It only took a few moments before the security came alive, viciously snuffing out Tilly’s initial attempts at getting past Xahea’s defenses. She straighten in her chair, took a sip of espresso, and quickly typed away. Trying to throw the security system off its protocols, she acted spontaneously and three days stream after data stream at it, trying to distract from the encoding system she was working on through the back door.
 I’m nobody
 just a brilliant beautiful stowaway who HAPPENS TO BE QUEEN!”
Tilly mutterred to herself as she organized her desk alone in her room.
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captaintilly · 6 years ago
No computer alone could be this savvy. That’s when Tilly realized: it must be her!
She dropped her tablet on her desk, all hacking attempts stopping all at once.
She felt the blush creep up her neck as she sat back, staring at the screen. A screen. That’s all that separated them. A screen and some lines of code.
For once in her life, Tilly was speechless.
 I’m nobody
 just a brilliant beautiful stowaway who HAPPENS TO BE QUEEN!”
Tilly mutterred to herself as she organized her desk alone in her room.
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