ectoplasmer · 9 months
thinking about those pokémon teams i made the boys forever ago….. still think bakura deserves an alcremie
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ectoplasmer · 2 years
aaand onto ghost boy!! who actually only has two ghost types… oops
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(left to right, up to down: Mimikyu, Espurr (M), Gogoat, Noivern, Mawile, Banette)
I feel like Mimikyu should be pretty self explanatory ^^ It’s a ghost/fairy type, which I can’t not see Ryou being ecstatic over. While it’s Pikachu disguise does come off as creepy to other people + pokémon alike, I think he would actually find it rather charming and cute!! The little thing is a little creepy but that just makes Ryou like it more ^^ also… it’s Z-Move being called “Let’s Snuggle Forever” would probably be really funny to him lol
Just look at Espurr’s blank stare and tell me that isn’t a pokémon Ryou would have. You can’t ):( in multiple pokédex entries this specific species is described as constantly holding back very powerful psychic powers and being upset over the fact it can’t control it. Ryou would probably identify with it a little (cough millennium ring cough) and try to befriend one.
Gogoat is described as being one of the first pokémon to live in harmony with humans, and it has an overall calm demeanor and empathetic behavior. Apparently it can sense the feelings of people who grip it’s horns, and that allows it and it’s trainer to move as one when being used for transportation. Think like… Mountain Banshees in Avatar lol. I think Ryou would find these buddies to be really neat, and probably appreciate how calm they are.
Noivern. Bat. What else is needed to be said?? the pokédex makes this species out to be edgy as hell but Ryou deserves a cool + edgy pokémon I think.
I chose Mawile mainly because I wanted him to have a few fairy types on his team, and also because I think it’s stance as the deceiver pokémon would be interesting in combination with roo. It appears harmless but it’s actually pretty dangerous, with the jaws being able to “…turn a boulder into dust” with one gnash. Ryou would get an absolute kick out of that.
Lastly but not least… Banette!! I felt like I needed to add at least one more ghost type, so I went with Banette. It’s pokédex entries talk about how it used to be an abandoned doll before malice took it over and made it sentient, and that reminds me a ton of the Cursed Twin Dolls. It’s just another pokémon I think Ryou would find creepy and therefore cool, and I think it matches his vibes pretty well.
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ectoplasmer · 2 years
Pokémon team for Otogi lmfao
!!! this was literally sooo fun to make; I thought about maybe making a fighting centered team, but I overestimated how many would give off Ryuji vibes. So I ended up with this mess!!!
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(from left to right, up to down: Scolipede, Corviknight, Scrafty, Blacephalon, Golurk and Flygon)
When I got this ask, the first pokémon to pop into my head was Scolipede, so… take that as you will. I wanna say it was the color palette, but it’s probably more the sass factor than anything >_< Corviknight and Flygon are on here simply because they looked like ‘mons I think Ryuji would have on his team; Scrafty was based on ~vibes~ and was the only fighting type to stick (oopsies).
Blacephalon is purely because it’s pokédex entries in combination with it’s appearance reminded me of his dad… (this thing randomly explodes?? literally the “Fireworks Pokémon”??? idk Mr Clown vibes if I’ve ever felt them). also just. look at how funky it is. yet another Why Not pokémon because everyone deserves one U_U and lastly Golurk was the pokémon closest to Orgoth the Relentless that I could think of!! It also has a decent amount of fighting moves that it can learn, while also being a Ground/Ghost type. Seems fitting enough, I think >~<
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ectoplasmer · 2 years
I completely forgot to show you guys a rough idea of what I had in mind for Ghostie’s team!! I made it while half awake so it’s obviously subject to change…
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(from left to right, up to down: Cinccino, Mareep, Indeedee-f, Polteageist, Diancie and Silvally)
I won’t give as long as an explanation as I did with the boys for this one; I started out trying to make this team primarily normal type, since I thought it’d be funny in combination with Ghostie’s not normal-ness. However, most of the picks here were based on general vibes rather than pokédex entries and relatability this time around. I wanted her team to come off as a bit uptight/neat, but still strong and having some character to it (cuteness factor >:3). She only has one ghost type because I don’t think she’d exactly want more ghosts involved with her life… but maybe a certain someone will convince her that ghost types aren’t as bad as real ghosts :) yes mareep is only on here because it reminded me of ryou. no i have no apologies
Pokémon most subject to change in this team… probably Indeedee. Maybe Diancie… still up in the air >_< think the latter fits in well here with polteageist though….
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ectoplasmer · 2 years
okay so melvin’s team is like the roughest idea out of everyone so it’ll probably undergo the most drastic change if I decide to stick with this idea ><
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(left to right, up to down: Porygon, Houndoom, Dragonite, Bewear, Gengar, Ditto)
Porygon and Ditto are on here purely because I think Yamima would find them Funky (tm). Porygon is made up of coding and is completely man made, which he’d probably find interesting. It’s just a little three dimensional friend shaped creature and I think Melvin would appreciate that ÙwÚ (aka, rainy only chose this one because it’s a funny lil guy)
Houndoom… doggy :(( no but apparently this species has toxins stored in it’s belly, so whenever it creates fire it’s usually mixed with poisons that cause it to be very deadly, and most wounds and/or burns sustained from it will never heal. It’s howl has been referred to as the call of the Grim Reaper in some pokédex entries. I thought that Melvin deserved a fire type of some sort, due to the whole association with Ra, and I thought Houndoom would be a good choice due to the design and how it’s described. and, again: doggy :3
Dragonite is referred to in it’s pokédex entries as being kind hearted and collected, usually saving ship wrecked individuals or guiding people traveling by ocean through storms. It’s known as the “Sea Incarnate” and has intelligence similar to that of a human. Under that same umbrella, if angered, Dragonite won’t hesitate to become hostile and destructive, and is actually a very powerful specimen. I also thought it’d only be fair if I gave Melv a (pseudo) legendary pokémon, since Marik has Ho-oh >-<
In most descriptions of it, Bewear is described to be genuinely dangerous and overly powerful despite it’s soft looks. In some pokédex entries it’s even said that there’s been a few cases where a Bewear has hugged it’s trainer too hard and uh… accidentally killed them. Personal opinion, but I think Yamima would find this absolutely delightful. Whether or not this choice was influenced by YGOTAS… is up to you ;) (i say as if I don’t refer to this character as Melvin already lol)
I knew one of these characters was gonna get Gengar, but I decided I wanted to put it on Melvin’s team because I thought it’d fit in a bit easier there. Maybe partially because I saw some parallels between these two… it’s Mega Evolution reminds me a bit of his hair and there’s also that whole tongue thing going on (gross). A Gengar will tend to enjoy pulling practical pranks (like copying a person’s shadow) and casting curses, and enjoys whatever terror it invokes in it’s victims. If you’ve ever watched the Battle City tournament… ^^; I think this is a perfect match for Melvin’s energy lol
Ditto is infamous for being able to transform into “perfect” copies of it’s opponents to confuse them. As described above, I think this is a pokémon Melvin would find to be endearing, and he’d probably keep it because… it’s just a little blob. why not?? also… slime… o_o
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ectoplasmer · 2 years
next team is bakura’s!! this one is a little all over the place but stick with me
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(left to right, up to down: Sableye, Absol, Milotic, Alcremie, Haxorus, Basculegion)
Sableye is quite literally known as the darkness pokémon, and with influence from some dub lines… I think it’d be fitting (mr “don’t you realize that i am the darkness” or whatever). It’s also described in some pokédex entries that they’re feared because it’s believed they can steal the spirits of people who look at them, which reminds me of yet another line Bakura says ^^ And they eat rocks and gems!! I’m not sure why this is important in my choosing explanation. but it is OuO
Absol is known as the disaster pokémon due to it’s ability to sense the changes in the sky and the land. It tends to live a life of solitude in mountains, and only ever leaves said solitude to warn humans of on coming danger. Because of this, Absol is feared and referred to as a doom-bringer. Along with that, in the pokédex entries for it’s mega evolution, it’s described that Absol doesn’t like being in this form because it doesn’t like fighting. This particular species is actually very tranquil and caring, but is just really misunderstood. I think Bakura would admire that about them, maybe even identify with it a bit.
Milotic… was only chosen because of appearance ^^; it just looks like a pokémon he’d have if that makes sense?? And it apparently has the ability to soothe conflicts and bickering!! It’s considered the “…most beautiful pokémon of all” and, similarly to our next companion on this team… I think he’d get a kick out of demolishing other trainers with it lol ^^
okay okay, I know Alcremie is a weird choice out of all the pokémon I could’ve chosen but!! Hear me out… similarly to how I think Ryou deserves an edgy looking companion, I think Bakura deserves a cute fairy type on his team!! I specifically chose Alcremie though because it reminded me of his hair lol. I think he’d find it really funny to battle against unsuspecting trainers who underestimate it because of it’s soft appearance, especially when he breaks out it’s Gigantamax form (98 foot cake…). I don’t think you could get Bakura to spin around in a circle and strike a pose for more than five seconds though, so he’d probably just have the vanilla cream form. Personally think he’d adore having an overpowered dessert pastry as a partner pokémon, but maybe I’m just being self indulgent ^^
Mainly chose Haxorus because I thought Bakura with an Axew would be cute, but on a more serious reasoning: apparently Haxorus’ tusks can cut through steel really easily?? Which is. horrifying. It’s also pretty friendly but just really territorial, and most of it’s body is covered in armor!! Probably just another pokémon I think would look cool with him >_<
Water/ghost pokémon. Must I say more?? Apparently Basculegion is formed when a Basculin is possessed by the spirits of other Basculin who didn’t survive the journey swimming upstream. They have a will of their own but provide the Basculegion with the energy to keep swimming without tiring, and they attack along with it. This all reminds me of a whole scene from Millennium World when the spirits of Kul Elna are protecting Thief King, and I think this is a pretty fitting species for Bakura ^^
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ectoplasmer · 2 years
I’m just gonna post these as I finish them because I’m impatient >_< going alphabetically so we’re starting with the card game mafia leader himself…
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(left to right, up to down: Cubone, Ho-oh, Lycanroc, Zoroark, Meganium, Toxtricity)
Initially I was planning on making him a ground/rock themed team, but then I stumbled onto other pokémon and gave up on keeping a consecutive motif ^^; which is partially why Cubone and Lycanroc are on here!! Cubone particularly is a pokémon I associate with Marik already, partially because of it’s depressing backstory, partially because of the overall vibes. Since it is infamously known as the “lonely pokémon”… I think Marik would keep it company and get along well with it, so they’d make a good team :) keep it safe from Mandibuzzes or whatever.
Being 100% honest… Ho-oh is only on here because I liked the idea of him having something similar to Ra on his team ^^
Lycanroc is mostly on here because of Rockruff; they’re good for beginners but happen to get more aggressive as they grow, therefore often getting abandoned, even though they’re quite companionable if raised correctly. Just another pokémon I think he could bond with and relate with to a certain extent. Also have you seen the Midnight and Dusk forms??
Zoroarks are infamous for conjuring up illusions and morphing into other beings, such as humans, so much so that they can fool hundreds into a hallucination. They usually only tend to do this when they sense a human is getting near the rest of their pack or another Zoroark they care about. When I was reading Pokédex entries to find pokémon that would match Marik, the first point reminded me of the whole Ghouls situation and the second reminded me of the emphasis on family throughout his character (+ how all of Battle City was indirectly caused by Marik’s driving force being the Tomb Keepers, but that’s another ramble ^^), so I think this particular species would fit in nicely with his team.
Meganium… soothing + plant abilities are cool >-< plus look at that face!! you think he would turn down a chikorita?? with that stereotypical sassy nature?? no!! i think he deserves one cute-and-somewhat-chill pokémon on his team.
Toxtricity is only on here because of it’s spikes reminding me of his hair lol >-< specifically the amped form. I also think he’d really like the idea of an electric/poison type and the whole music theme going on with this species. and. Gigantamax Toxtricity. he would absolutely dig that horrifying 79 foot lizard prove me wrong >:3
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