#plz ill pay you
grimalkinmessor · 1 year
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Hi welcome to my very tired rant
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yallmakemyassitch · 1 year
Weakness with a Kiss ૮ ྀི ◞ ◟ ა~♡⠀
Summary: Evelin had a hard day at work and was quite sore after all the labor. Adam, her boyfriend, offers to help with the pain but discovers something else whilst in the midst of his work.
Word count: 1849
Characters: 10334
Tobi talks (aka author's note): Take this quick fic I wrote in two days, was craving some fluffy content with TMC and realized there's nothing about Adam and Evelin, so I came to change that (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ! Anyways enjoy!
Evelin sighed as she finally made her way to her car, groaning when her back made contact with the driver’s seat. The nearly dead establishment had no mercy on her and her manager didn’t hold back either.
The tasks felt like actual labor with the disposing of heavy boxes filled with old VHS films. It somehow took the entire shift, despite Mr. Lee’s insistence that ‘It won’t take long.’
She grumbled in annoyance after she saw the mustached man wave to her one more time as she pulled away from the store. One of these days, Eve would get the anticipated call that she’d been let go.
Not that Evelin would be shocked, Dave had already informed her of her soon retirement to his shop, which she accepted long ago. VHS and film were practically taboo at this point, banned by the government to stunt the invasion long announced years ago.
But even with her poor shift, Evelin had someone to look forward to; Adam, her boyfriend. Eve smiled to herself as she could imagine hearing his smooth voice greet her as she opened the door to their apartment. Home wasn’t far so the ride was brief but weirdly enough on this late night, the road was nearly deserted. The noirette only saw a few cars as she journeyed home.
Sooner than later, she was home. Grabbing her keys and items, the young woman made her way into their complex and climbed the stairs to the second floor. Eve walked down the hall to her designated room and twisted the key into the keyhole.
“Adam, you home?” she called out, closing the door behind her and kicking off her sneakers.
Her feet were sore as all hell and she hissed through her teeth as she stepped down onto the wooden floor.
Adam, with ocean blue eyes, stared at her softly, thick curls of blonde hair hiding underneath his hood.
“How was work today?” he asked.
“It was grueling honestly, I’m really tired,” she said with a weak chuckle.
Adam gazed at her sympathetically, “That’s unfortunate, at least you’re home.”
“Yeah but, I’ll be okay, I just want to relax now.” Evelin accompanied this with a yawn and stretch. The blonde smiled at her, “Yeah, sounds like you need a break.”
Evelin made her way to the corridor, trying not to make it so obvious she was in pain. Even with her shift, she didn’t want to worry Adam.
“You’re limping.”
The ravenette should’ve expected this, Adam had acute observational skills, something she both dreaded and admired about him. Her guess was that her walk was slightly off.
Eve turned around, awkwardly smiling as she now stood in front of a more concerned Adam. “I can help with that if you want.”
She put her hands up in protest. “I’m okay. I’ll just sleep it off-”
Adam shook his head. “Sleep won’t fix all your problems, y’know,” he exclaimed, stepping closer to get a better look at her. With long streaks of black hair, deep brown eyes and skin smooth to the touch made Adam realize how lucky he was to be dating such a cute girl. He nearly wanted to kiss her right there.
“Fine, you’re right.” Eve sighed. It didn’t take much pressure for her to crack.
“I’ll be in the living room.”
Eve walked down the hall to the bathroom.
10 minutes later, the ravenette was finished. Freshly showered and wearing more comfortable clothing soothed her tense back and shoulders, but the same couldn’t be said for her feet.
Wearing the arguably more comfortable, fluffy socks did nothing for the stinging she felt. “Adam, I’m done.”
The blonde glanced back at her before putting down his pencil and closing his notebook, which she could briefly see was filled with nonsensical writing and strangely accurate illustrations of…something. He never told her what he wrote and she didn’t prod, so whatever it was remains a mystery.
Adam sat down on the plush sofa and patted the space next to him. Eve obliged, placing her hands into the pocket of her sweatshirt, and sat down.
“Alright, let’s get this over with.”
He grabbed at her ankles and lifted them to place onto his lap. She gasped in shock and tugged at her legs, “Adam, h-hold on!”
“What’s wrong?” Despite the squirming, he had a firm grip, making her even more nervous.
“Before you start… could you be gentle please,” she said meekly, already feeling heat crawl up her face.
Adam smiled. “Sure.”
The blonde waited a few seconds before patting her knee to get her attention. “Can I start now?”
Evelin paused and nodded her head. Before he could begin, she placed the hoodie of her sweatshirt over her head.
Adam cracked his knuckles and Eve braced; an embarrassing secret of hers could be exposed at this very moment if she didn’t keep it together. She nearly mewled when she felt fingers vibrate into the flesh of her ankles, biting back a smile as Adam started to massage. He made his way to the balls of her feet, still socked and he rubbed them thoroughly.
While the noirette expected the massage to be unbearable, it felt much nicer than expected and she could finally breathe knowing such a childish thing about her won’t be discovered.
“Is this good?” he asked, chuckling at his girlfriend now seeing her relaxed demeanor.
“Mhm…” she nodded, fluttering her eyes closed.
Evelin breathed deeply through her nose and had already settled onto the armrest of the sofa. She never struck Adam as a masseur but he clearly knew what he was doing, able to find each knot and knead it until it was soft as dough.
A smile crossed the woman’s lips, she loved her boyfriend for treating her like this. Out in public, he wasn’t a fan of PDA but behind closed doors was where that faded away. He would give her hugs and give small pecks on the small of her forehead. That was where the thrill all came from, to know all that affection was being saved for her when they were alone.
Adam sighed and moved up to her arches, he was surprised that this spot was the tensest, being practically stiff, ‘Yeah, that won’t work.’ he thought to himself. His hand traveled to her ankle and he quickly slid his fingers under the sock, his nail making contact with the skin as it traveled up her foot.
Eve didn’t expect this and her eyes bulged out of her skull, with a noise she hoped would never escape her lips.
She giggled, nice and soft.
Adam noticed this, Eve heard this. The room went quiet.
“Sorry, i-ignore that.”
He looked at her, totally expressionless. “Fine.”
Adam continued, focusing on what he was doing. Eve took this as a sign to try to go back to sleep. That was until she felt the same thing again. She wretches up with a sharp breath, trying to bite back the smile curling up her lips. “Adam!”
He turned to her, slowly this time. “You’re doing it again!”
“Doing what?” he turned his head like a curious dog, a common gimmick he’d often do. When Evelin looked again, there was something different about his eyes. They had a glint, something foxy and scheming.
“What you’re doing.” she pointed at his hands at her feet as if that would help.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Glancing back at him, Eve could see that his straight lips twitched up before going monotone again.
“I…ugh…” Maybe the stress was just making her delusional, her boyfriend was just trying to help. Eve felt guilty, Adam had never done anything wrong to her.
“Sorry, you can keep going.” Evelin looked down at her hands, feeling her lover’s hands touch her yet again.
“Hey, Evelin?”
“Yes, Adam?”
“Are you ticklish?”
Her heart jumped out of her chest, so he did notice…
Eve looked back up at him again, this time, he made his smirk known. “Well, are you?”
She was so stunned, she didn’t know how to respond. Either way, her silence gave her away.
“Adam. Don’t.”
“Don’t what? This?” he grazed his finger teasingly up her sole, making her jump and jitter.
“Ahadam, I swear to gohod if you-!” Eve giggled as Adam wiggled his fingers at her teasingly.
“Or what, Eve?” she went red.
With her feet in his lap, this made it an easy spot to target. And target he did. He lifted his leg to cross it over with the other, her ankles pinned in the middle. Evelin immediately began to thrash and buck but it was no use, her feet were stuck firmly and there was nothing she could do about it.
The petite woman began to panic, her pleads filled with giggles and soon, laughter as Adam began to dance his fingertips all across the socked skin.
“Ahahahahadam stahahap!” Eve cried, grabbing at his arms.
“Nope.” he was just as blunt and straightforward as ever but with his grin, he didn’t stop, “Ihihihihit tihihickles!” this time, she hiccuped in between her fits of laughter. Evelin’s pale skin was now an endearing shade of pink. The girl didn’t smile much despite her kind and polite nature, so witnessing this was a real treat.
“You don’t say~?” Adam crooned, his smile widening as Evelin clung to his arm for dear life, her blush deepening.
“Plehehehease stohohop, plehehehease stahaAHAHAP!” her laughter increased as Adam slipped his trigger-happy fingers beneath her socks and started to skitter much faster now touching the raw skin. He traced, pinched, and wiggled in every crevice, making his dear girlfriend holler.
“AHAHADAM! OH MY GOHOHOD!” Evelin couldn’t take it, it tickled so badly! She threw her head back and cried for the remainder Adam decided to keep her there, taking his sweet time with the delicate skin.
After a few tickles for some moments, he removed his hands from under the socks and released her legs. Eve instantly gathered her legs in her arms and kept them far away from Adam.
Her once straight hair was in shambles, her hood no longer over her head with all the thrashing.
She giggled as the ghost sensations lingered on her soles, cheeks bright red.
Adam gave her a genuine smile. Evelin couldn’t believe that he’d done that and glared.
“Don’t look so upset, you barely even fought back.”
She swiftly threw a cushion at her face. He caught it with ease. “At least I helped your soreness, right?”
Eve grimaced but couldn’t help but agree; the stinging in her feet had disappeared. She appreciated it but hoped it would never happen again.
“Thank you,” she said softly.
“Anytime,” he said with a wink, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. They stayed like this for a while, Evelin leaning her head on his chest, hearing his slow heartbeat. Adam wasn’t looking at her, staring off with those gorgeous blue eyes. Eve couldn’t pass up this chance, she swiftly leaned in and gave him a tender kiss on the cheek.
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suiana · 6 months
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(yandere! influencer x gn! reader) (do i get money for writing this)
"so like i was saying-"
cockandbawlsteehee: is bro kinky wtf, even gagged them
suiana: tis but a everyday occurrence, do NAWT panic fellas
the influencer pans his camera away from him face and to the figure laying on his bed, dressed in nothing but a rabbit costume. he has a smug aura around him as he chuckles, not caring that he literally has someone dressed in a bunny costume, tied to his bed with silk. oh, have i mentioned that they were also gagged? gagged and tied up?
and just who is that person that's tied to his bed, dressed in just a bunny costume, gagged against their will?
that's right, you.
"ah... them? yeah! that's just my darling!"
he smiles, exposing his devious acts on live camera. he doesn't even seem to care about how your face was clearly uncomfortable or how you were in the verge of tears.
"ah... don't worry, it's just some cosplay thingy we're doing... ain't that right babe?"
you shake your head vehemently, resisting the urge to scream at him as you whimper against the restraints. god, you just thought you'd be taking a few pictures with your friend... who would've known that he'd tie you to his bed and gag you?! you have never felt more violated by him.
well, apart from that time when he showed up in your bedroom at 3am. stealing your underwear.
yeah, you really don't wanna remember.
"mn... guess they're still in the act. haha! don't worry guys, we're just cosplaying... the tears? my baby is silly like that!"
he laughs merrily, chatting with his thousands of followers as he continues to have you in the frame of his camera. and despite your clear grunts of discomfort and tears, your influencer friend has made zero effort to get the camera away from you. oh well, at least he angled it away from your face.
"oh? their face? mn... nah, their face is only for me. you guys won't be seeing them anytime soon."
he comments, finally getting you out of frame before giggling softly.
"ah ah, be nice you guys. they're my darling. and you won't be stealing them away from me."
his tone is lighthearted and he has a smile on his attractive face. but you know better than to believe that he's happy. after all, just behind the camera, his grip on the bedsheets have significantly tightened tenfold.
"i guess I'll go for now fellas. see you tomorrow when I'm visiting the haunted house!"
he abruptly ends the livestream, chucking his phone to one side of the room before looking at you with an unreadable expression.
you shudder at the sight, gulping nervously before he mumbles softly, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck.
"i wish it was just us in the world... i hate everyone. they all want to take you away from me."
he wraps his arms around your shaking figure, sighing melancholically before suddenly smirking.
"hey, wanna film another type of live?"
you freeze in place, staring at his ':3' face before sighing. he's not gonna give you a choice anyways. might as well give in willingly. it's not like you don't like it...
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cdragons · 4 months
can we please have more headcanons on being friends with rob, jon and theon plz!!!
A/N: There are no words to describe how sorry I am for how long this took. I had so many incomplete fics on the backburner and finals are the WORST. But I hope this makes up for it!
This takes place in the same universe where the reader is Luwin's apprentice and grew up with the boys!
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-> It was a well-known fact to the smallfolk residents of Winter Town that one of their own had managed to rise to the station of being an apprentice for THE Starks' one and only maester. Since then, you became a very popular figure for them.
-> If you weren't at the Winterfell Library or studying with Maester Luwin, you could often be found wandering around WInter Town and getting to know the townsfolk on a more personal level than the Starks. You were especially popular with mothers and children. You took special care to teach them how to gather special herbs for simple home remedies instead of medicine they cannot afford.
-> For the smallfolk children, you were used to them after years of being around the Starks when they were young, so you knew exactly how to handle them. As you became more competent and reliable, Luwin gave you more responsibilities and much more free time than when you first began. As a result, when a child would scrape their knee or get a cold, you were the first person people looked for help.
-> You soon became known as the 'Winter Fairy' to the smallfolk because you were always willing to help them with their troubles.
-> You even got money for your services to the Winter Town brothel. The girls adored you. You had herbs and remedies that made their lives so much easier: herbs to prevent pregnancies, remedies to quickly heal bruises and dark spots from a rough patron, poultices and ointments for rashes and sores, teas to reduce fevers and flush out illness - you were a gem!
-> Luwin didn't love that you were getting money for your help, but he supposed that since you were still just an apprentice, you needed to find a way to get money for more personal reasons. The Starks would pay you a fair wage when you became a full-time healer, and Luwin offered you a few coins as an allowance - but you refused to take his money. THis seemed like a much better manner of business to you.
-> The only ones who didn't seem to know of your services were the Stark Children and Theon. And you preferred it that way. Robb, Jon, and Theon were your best friends, but they could be so possessive of your time.
-> It seemed that the older you all grew, the more they expected that your time and your life be readily available for them and only them.
-> Theon was easily the worst of the three. He would find you wandering Winter Town on your own and would outright demand to know what you were skipping your duties - as if he wasn't doing the same thing. He would grab your arm and drag you all the way back. You could have been screaming, kicking, and throwing the worst tantrum a child could imagine - he would still put you in your place.
-> It was really bad when he found you at the brothel after he had spent some well-spent money on Ros, only to find you at the entrance in a thick cloak. He barked out your name, and you quickly tried to leave with your things before he could catch you. But you were much too slow, and he all-to-easily wrapped his hand around your wrist and led you out of the establishment.
"How can you be so stupid," he barked while dragging you. "You're a girl, alone, walking into a brothel like that? What would've happened if I wasn't there?" You struggled against him. "It's not like I was doin' anything bad or illegal," you snarled. "I was just selling herbs and teas for them! Maester Luwin said I could!" But Theon didn't hear any of it. "What if a man thought you were a new girl, huh? He would've paid for you and took you while you were cryin' and screaming without a care for your tears." "Nothing would've happened," you protested. "The madam of the place likes me! So do the girls - they wouldn't let anything happen to me!" "Stupid girl," Theon muttered while shaking his head. "From now on, you're not allowed to leave without me, Robb, or Jon with you. Gods know you can't be trusted on your own."
-> Robb was almost as bad as Theon. He would've been much, much worse if he hadn't been so busy with his duties as the first son and heir. He does place a great deal of trust in you. After all, you were approved by his father AND Luwin, and you were the smartest person he'd ever met, so he knows he can trust you on your own.
-> That is until when you become more lovely and beautiful as you grow older, and more men begin to notice you. Specifically, men who were allowed to flirt and court you because they were of similar stations to you. Knights, stableboys, stewards, and valets would come to you for the most minor things as an excuse to be near you, and it infuriated Robb to the point where he asked his father to order Luwin to order you to exclusively treat women and children.
-> To say you were furious was an understatement.
"How dare you?!" you demanded. You had returned from treating one of the sick children in Winter Town when you were ordered to meet with your mentor. "You had no right!" "Love," Robb sighed while pinching the bridge between his eyes. "What exactly d'you think I did?" "Do not take me for a fool, Robb Stark!" you snarled. "Asking Lord Stark to tell Luwin that I can only treat women and children is a gross insult to me and my skills!" "You're not qualified to treat knights and men!" Robb protested. "I'm saving you more trouble in the end!" Robb knew what he was saying wasn't true. You were more qualified - years after treating him, Jon, and Theon for their mishaps in the courtyard proved that. But what mattered was him convincing you to think you weren't qualified. It was of the utmost importance that you not be near anyone who could flirt and woo you. It was petty and childish, but Robb didn't care. "How can you be so mean?" you whimpered. You wanted to cry. "I know I'm good enough! You're lucky that Lord Stark laughed it off as a joke when I came to him!" "He what?!" Robb balked. "That's right," you nodded. "And if you ever pull something like this again, I won't ever help you if you get hurt in the courtyard again!"
-> Jon was a different beast altogether. Like the other two, he got unreasonably jealous when men would flirt with you - even if it wasn't serious. But he knew better than to insult your character or question your skills and professionalism. He understood that it was your job to care for those men, but that didn't mean he had to like it. Especially when he sees how oblivious you are to how much those men stare and long for you the same way he does.
-> He hated it because it reminded him how his status as a bastard meant he had nothing to offer you. Those men weren't good enough for you - none of them were. But they could provide for you, unlike him. But instead of pissing you off by getting angry with you, he'd just distance and brood to himself. He wouldn't be near you and instead would order Ghost to follow you around in his stead - which, if anything, pissed you off even more.
"Well?" Jon looked up from his sword to see you standing before him with your hands placed on your hips. You looked absolutely enraged at him, and Jon had a slight inkling why. "Umm," he cleared his throat. "I dunno what you mean, my lady." He stood and tried to walk away. "I think I hear Robb callin' for me, so I best be off." "I didn't hear Robb call your name," you growled. You shifted from your spot to block his path. "I don't hear anyone - everyone's in the Great Hall." "Yes, the Great Hall," Jon murmured. "Which is where I believe you're supposed to be as well." You stomped down your foot in frustration. "Don't act smart with me, Lord Jon," you ordered. "I can see you trying to avoid me. Every time I try to talk to you, you pretend you have something to do, or someone's calling for you when I know you didn't have chores or duties to do at any of those times." Jon looked down at his feet. "I dunno what you're on about," he muttered. "I've been busy, that's all. Even if I'm just a bastard, I still have duties to this house." "UGH! You're so infuriating!" you groaned. "I don't care that you're a bastard, y'hear me? You're my best friend, and that's all that matters to me! Who the fuck cares what anyone else thinks?!" When Jon tried to respond, you cut him off. "And before you try any of that 'it's not good for you to be seen with me' sheep dung, may I remind you that I was a smallfolk girl who ran away from home? If anything, I'm lower than you, and you don't see me caring." You walked closer to him. "And neither should you." Jon couldn't do anything but dumbly nod. His silent response made you smile. "Good," you held out your hand. "C'mon now, I'm starving, and I know you are too. And you should really reward Ghost better. He's been putting in an awful lot of work following me around and scaring my patients - 'specially my male ones." "Attaboy, Ghost," Jon thought to himself.
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Let me know what you think in the comments and if you wanna be tagged for more GOT, HOTD, and/or ASOIAF content! If you have any ideas or suggestions, please drop an ask in my ask box!
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halflife2dotnet · 1 year
DO NOT. tag as anything. for my safety.
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(JUL 3, 2023) i hate to ask again already but we're going to lose our h‌e‌a‌l‌t‌h i‌n‌s‌u‌r‌a‌n‌c‌e very soon. if you can see this at all ‌p‌l‌z ‌h‌e‌l‌p i dont want to be u‌n‌i‌n‌s‌u‌r‌e‌d again
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(id: photo of our insurance status reading "status: Suspended. You are at severe risk of losing your coverage. Make your payment today.")
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(id: photo of our bill reading "Pay your premium. Your total balance is $134.24. Your monthly premium is due at the end of the month.")
end id's
im not any closer to finding out why im so sick. im trying to get treated for disabling mental illness, and theres so much other shit going on right now, i absolutely cant afford to be uninsured genuinely this fucking sucks. ‌a‌n‌y‌t‌h‌i‌n‌g‌ h‌e‌l‌p‌s PLZ
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mommahughes19-23 · 4 months
lil fun fresh outing - J.H
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@jordan.zegras : lil boys weekend ft me
tagged : @jackhughes @trevorzegras @colecaufield
location : a car
jackhughes : my babygirl , thank you for putting up with usss ❤️😘🥰
↪ jordan.zegras: @jackhughes youre very lucky youre cute 🥴😘
lhughes_06 : wtf where is my invite? 🙀
↪ jordan.zegras : idk where was mine and jacks invite to worlds? @lhughes_06
↪ jackhughes : @lhughes_06 ill invite u when u invite me
nicohischier : I feel like every time you post there's a new tattoo to find its like where's Waldo👀👀
↪ jordan.zegras : I like to keep u on your toes cappy, also how do u know who Waldo is
dawson1417 : ouch they messed up jacks portrait tattoo 🫦
↪ jordan.zegras : ill punch youre other tooth out sir
pally_18 : awww they matched
↪ jordan.zegras I was forced.... u know how I feel about matching w my brother🤮
john.marino97 : she SERVED us a look
jesperbratt : what do I have to do to get u to hang out with me
↪ jordan.zegras : idk be nice ?
tmeier96 : something about these pics bothers me
↪ jordan.zegras : something about you being in my comments bother me
bssmith2 : if I say please can I come next time ?
↪ jordan.zegras : for asking so nicely...... its a no from me
ehaula : how much did Trev pay you to take that pic on the stairs
↪ jessiebby : a lot
↪ ehaula : classic
tofff73 : hi I miss u
↪ jordan.zegras : awwwww Tyler that's so sweet I miss u too
curtislazar95 : read a book
↪ jordan.zegras : no
akiraschmid93 : vroom vroom
holtz_10 : youre super aesthetic
siegenthaler34 : did they let u drive
↪ jordan.zegras : no, but u knew this
dougieham : 🙈
naterbastia : this gives me mom vibes
jesperboqvist : "trevor im going to tell mom youre being rude if you dont take my picture" - Jordan
A.N :
ok ok ok ok, tell me this isn't the perf pic omg that sweater matches their lil outfits and I just had to. anywhooooooo send in requests plz and thanks and enjoy this :)
tags : @skylershines @quinnylouhughesx43 @noahkahansorangejuice
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altocat · 3 months
‘Ello!! Hope it’s been a lovely weekend!! 💕
I don’t know if I’ve ever asked you this before but shshhshshshhs Can we get some Zack & Seph bonding over Angeal angst/comfort plz?? :3ccc
Yesssssssss of course !
Sephiroth and Zack don't really talk much after the incident in Modeoheim. There's a lot of bitter feelings there. Zack blames Sephiroth for making him have to deal with that heartache. It should have been Sephiroth, not him. Sephiroth could have stopped it. It's not fair! Angeal would still be alive!
Sephiroth is aware of Zack's ill feelings, mostly mourning quietly alone, his nightmares getting worse than ever, barely eating or sleeping. Most of the time, he's mindlessly performing tasks thanks to the cocktail of drugs Hojo is pumping into him.
Despite this, thanks to the dwindling ranks in SOLDIER, both are assigned a mission together investigating some rogue rebel activity in the mountains. It's cold and rainy and miserable. And Sephiroth and Zack can't even bear to look at each other.
They tail the rebels all the way to the peaks, cornering them on the fragile remains of a bridge, now halfway frozen over from the chill.
Zack moodily thinks that now's the part where Sephiroth coldly murders everyone. That's what soldiers do, right? That's what HE had to do to Angeal. Just mindless killing. Callous slaying of anyone who doesn't fit. Ruining lives. Just like Angeal.
Zack isn't paying attention, too agitated to notice the enemy creeping up from behind. He has mere seconds to react before the gunshot rings out, followed by the frantic rush of air as Sephiroth shoves him out of the way to take the hit.
He watched in horror as Sephiroth falls nearly twenty feet, crashing hard into a jutting snowy cliff side below.
He's an absolute mess when the helicopter comes in to retrieve them, Sephiroth's battered body being taken away to Medical the second they land.
Zack's a shaking, helpless wreck, reliving Angeal's death over and over. Oh gods it's happening again. And it's all his fault. And now he's going to lose someone else too. And he was so cold to Seph beforehand. He blamed him for everything when really it was NO ONE'S fault. And now Sephiroth is going to die and he's going to have to bury another friend and and and...
Days pass. Zack endures sleepless nights letting his inner demons eat at him. He is a trembling mess by the time he's finally able to step out onto the main SOLDIER floor again, freezing at the sight of Sephiroth standing near the doorway, alive and well, his arm carefully wrapped up in a sling.
"You're... you're okay."
"Mm? Oh. Yes. It was a bad fall. But my healing capabilities proved to be amply useful for such an occasion. I received clearance this morning to return to my duties, though I've been instructed not to strain myself."
Zack miserably hangs his head, relief and guilt intermingling in his belly, his face hot, eyes red and watery.
"Listen, Sephiroth? I... about earlier..."
Sephiroth tilts his head, seemingly confused, watching as the young First dithers and balks.
"I...you saved me."
"Think nothing of it. It was instinct. A team leader's responsibility is to protect his men."
"I thought you'd died. I mean...gods, this is such a mess. I was so mad at you. I shouldn't have been. But I was. I blamed you for Angeal when I should've just talked it out. I just let it get to me. And... and... and you still..."
He forces himself not to cry, not even when Sephiroth's free hand gently, if not awkwardly, reaches over to pat his shoulder.
"...I was not keen on losing you as well."
And the tears are coming now, his efforts fruitless. He feels like a child, pawing at his eyes, shaky laugh as he shakes his head. "G-guess we have that feeling in common, huh?" He just wishes he understood it sooner.
He spends the rest of the afternoon at Sephiroth's side, holding his tablet up for him to make it easier for him to write. They don't speak much. But it feels different this time, awkward smiles exchanged, a kind of fragile reluctance when it's finally time to part ways for the evening.
But afterwards, Zack makes it mandatory to keep in contact at all times, sending Sephiroth text reminders so they can meet up to unwind together after a long hard day.
This goes on for a long while, an unspoken trust building, both parties emotionally relying on each other without ever saying a word. A pure bond; burgeoning, unexpected, but genuine. Real.
Until Nibelheim.
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cas-skz · 1 year
im boutta sound real desperate with this request because thats how down BAD i am: i am begging on my knees cas please write anything that includes jongho having you against a wall whispering the sweetest things in your ear about being his pretty girl and just saying super cute things but his fingers down your pants are the complete opposite and just completely ruining you i dont care what the plot is or the location or what led to this very moment i just NEEEEEDDDD to see this in writing bc my thoughts alone arent good enough to just imagine this 😭😭😭😭😭 pls and thank u ill pay you in kisses
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Jongho x Fem! Reader
| non-idol au | smut | established relationship
18+!!! MDNI plz&thnx
[requests - closed]
A quiet sigh escaped your lips as you closed the lap top in front of you. Another week of work in the books.
You swore you could fall asleep right there from how exhausted you felt, but your boyfriend wanted to take you out to dinner so sleep wasn’t an option.
You had almost gathered all your things when Jongho appeared in the foot way of your office, his soft smile immediately making you melt.
“Hi Beautiful.” Jongho greeted,
You quickly walked from behind your desk and into his arms, resting your head in his chest as his arms embraced you. “Hi Handsome. I missed you”
His head rested on top of yours as a low chuckle shook through his core, “I missed you too, silly goose.”
Jongho took a small step back, tilting your head up with his hand before kissing you deeply.
You couldn’t help but smile into the kiss.
“How was your day?” Jongho asked, pressing another kiss into your forehead before you returned to gathering your thing.
“It wasn’t too bad. Next week is going to be hell, so I’m trying not to stress to much about it.”
“I don’t like when you get stressed.” Jongho pouted, but you caught the devilish look he had in his eyes.
“I’m almost ready.” You swallowed, feeling a slight tension in the air.
The door clicked closed, and you felt your cheeks start to burn red. When you rose, Jongho had moved closer and his jacket was tossed aside.
“Come here.”
You instantly went to him, placing yourself between his legs as he sat on the armrest of a chair. “Yes?”
Jongho’s arms snaked around your waist, his finger tips brushing against your skin. “Kiss.”
You pressed your lips deeply into his, and Jongho’s hands slid quickly up your shirt, pulling you into him as he slid his tongue between your lips.
You moaned softly into the kiss, swirling your tongue with his as his hands ran slowly along your spine, kisses becoming more and more intense.
“Baby” You said softly, pulling away the tiniest bit, “We can’t do this here.”
“Why not? No one’s around.”
You paused for a moment before pulling away, quickly going towards the door and taking a quick glance around the office. It was empty.
You closed the door again, turning to see Jongho closing in, his lips were on yours before you could say another word.
Jongho backed you into the door as his lips worked quickly against yours before moving to your jaw and up to your neck, sucking gently in your sweet spot.
His fingers worked to unbutton your pants before his hand slid towards your clit, gently rubbing through your panties.
“My sweet girl.” He whispered in your ear, his teeth gently nipping at cartilage.
You were already putty in his hands, moaning softly as he slid his fingers under the fabric of your panties. The smallest gasp left your lips as his skin came in contact with yours.
“I don’t want my pretty girl to be stressed.” Jongho muttered as his fingers slid towards your entrance, already soaking wet with excitement.
“Just be my good girl and relax.”
His fingers slowly slid back and forth between your folds as your body unconsciously reacted to his touch, your hands gripped onto whatever body part of his you could find.
“You’re so beautiful. I’m so lucky you’re mine. My sweet, smart and sexy forever.”
His breath was hot in your ear as you pushed towards your peak, sweat starting to tickle for forehead.
Your back arched away from the door as your breathing picked up, “Jongho…”
“Y/N, not yet.” He whispered, his lips pecking soft kisses along your neck. His fingers slowed, keeping you on edge.
Jongho’s lips pulled back to yours, roughly and deeply kissing you as his fingers dipped towards your entrance.
“I’m going to make sure you’re always happy.” He slowly slid two fingers inside you, letting his thumb find your clit.
“Going to make sure you have everything you want.” His words were slow between kisses, but his fingers started to pick up speed, causing you to shake in his hold.
“C-can’t hold much..longer.” You gasped out, feeling your walls start to clench.
“I’m going to make sure you’re satisfied.” Jongho’s lips moved to your neck again, sucking sweetly at the spot he knew drove your crazy. “Are you satisfied baby girl?” He whispered.
“Ye-yes babe..” You moaned, your body starting to jerk along with his movements. “So go-good.”
“Then cum for me.”
Your orgasm hit with his command, sending shock waves of pleasure through your body, your loud moans of release filled the room.
Jongho’s lips quickly found yours, chuckling against them as his fingers slowed, and his thumb was brushed gently against your clit. “Good girl.”
You whined quietly against his lips as your peak slowed, your wetness dripping onto his hand and your panties.
His hand slowly came out of your pants, resting on your stomach as you tried to control your breathing.
Jongho kissed your cheek as his hand worked to fix your pants, “You have no idea how bad I want you right now.” You smirked at him, running one hand up to cup his cheek as the other gently grasped as his firm cock, pressed tight against his pants. “Well, maybe we should skip dinner and head home?”
His hand slid to your butt, giving it a hard slap and squeeze. “I’m not sure we’ll make it home.”
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yuken-gf · 2 years
spending a day with sword leaders ♡
amamiya kyōdai here
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are we even going to elaborate this, it's obvious
Harleys in Hawaii😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨
he would half-planned it
he knew the big picture of where he wants to go with you
but if you request any destination, that's okay too! he would be more than happy to grant your wish
meals at some local diner (because we love the vibe)
would be something that start with the beach and ended on the hills to see the sunset‼️
he always make sure you hug him tight while riding his motorbike
((shit bro i'm going to die))
loves it if you vlog about the whole day
you wouldn't even ask it
always helps you put on your helmet
randomly stares at you while you're at the beach and/or hills
and when you asked him what's wrong
he just said "nothing"
of course you want revenge
you stare at him until he asked "what's wrong"
you answered with something like "just admiring my boyfriend"
watch him FLEW
he would be so flustered, you caught him off guard😝
when you parted ways because you need to go home
he would kiss your forehead
"see you tomorrow, my love"
he loves it when you say "text me when you arrived"
he feels loved
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this is so basic but
breakfast, lunch, dinner in 5 stars restaurant
shopping in between
he would be mad if you don't want to buy anything
"please spend my money or i will buy everything for you"
"no buts"
you buy little things that are pretty cheap
and he would be so done like
"fine, i'll choose for you"
walk out from every store with a big shopping bag
"rocky, it's enough"
he wouldn't listen because you didn't listen to him too
get that bag sis🤑🤑🤑🤑
"fine, ill pay you back later"
"go ahead and i'll spoil you more"
he would ask for your opinion when he wants to buy something for himself
"do you think this suits me?"
"which one do you like most for me?"
he knows that you always know the best
your small and shy thank you would make him sigh
"i'd give you the whole planet and it would be still not enough to appreciate your precious presence"
bye he has all 5 love languages
((remind me to make rocky fic))
the dinner would be extraordinary
3 course meal and in the vip seat
he would go for the best seat for city viewing sunset omsgsiahshsu ((blushing))
he holds your hand and thank you for the day and how he's so thankful that he has you by his side
he would also reminds you that he makes money FOR YOU
you would be "isn't that wife privilege"
"we're getting married anytime soon, what's your point"
goofy ahh argument about the money he spent on you again
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café and resto hunting
i assume you ran out of place to date like
murayama gets bored easily
so you have an idea
and he's excited!
you two would look like some food critics because you bring your notes
would be so funny when the café give you some bonuses because they thought you're a food critics😭😭😭😭😭
he's judgyyyy
murayama ramsay
"write down broken aircon babe"
"also the fries are bland as hell, add that to the list"
"the coffee is a joke. i'm way better"
so unserious
you go to the arcade to wait for the next meal time
killing time by competing with your boyfriend
he's pouty but proud at you whenever he loses
so freaking cute
he would consider to take food critics as a job seriously because he feels like he's doing good at it
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all i can think about is dog/cat café date
((bury me in red casket plz))
he will melt when you play with the puppies
bro is smiley and cute
got you blushing over nothing😭😭😭
im not sorry, because me too😭😭😭😔
cute pics‼️
anti PDA does not exist for a day
he would be so touchy with you
reason: you're adorable and make him want to die so he feels like he need to be clingy
waiting for your snack and drink?
he grabs you by the waist and pull you to his chest so he can lean his head on your shoulders
you would be 😧🤨
"what's wrong, baby?"
he would just hums and snuggle into your neck
shit bro im going to faint don't do that
enjoying the foods while watching puppies n kittens😻😻😻
he would feed you cause he can
so lovey dovey bye
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sleeping all day
and then a night ride with one of his vintage cars
you can choose your favorite color
both of you don't know where to go, but you just spend the night driving
just enjoying each other's company
some accidently deep talks along the way
late night meals at some random restaurant
y'all joking around so cute
he's in his smiley mood <3
stops somewhere to watch the stars😮‍💨‼️
but you know
watching the stars in your eyes make him feels something
like he would burn the world for you
drive back home at around 4a.m.
if you fell asleep when you arrived at home. he'll carry you to the bedroom😮‍💨😢
kiss your whole face before he joined you to sleep
"i love you"
if you're fake sleeping and said "i love you too"
he would be so flustered
"why are you tricking me?"
he's a big spoon
and he loves give your nape a kiss before he really dozes off
only you know this side of daruma ikka's leader
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dozyrogue · 7 months
Hey I'm an old tubbling (dsmp days) that hasn't been really keeping up with the qsmp but knows some of tubbo's lore. What's all this about a revived tubbo? If you don't mind explaining of course.
Hiii anon!! As you hopefully remember tubbo does a lot of subtle lore so the only way to understand the revival is if u get some conext before that. Sorry if it gets just a little bit rambley
I will do my best to explain but for some background ever since maybe purgatory 1 qtubbo has been spiraling. Then he got sunny and genuinely tried to be good for her. And he was!! Hes a great dad to sunny but qtubbo is very mentally ill.
Then he got kidnapped for purgatory 2 and came back significantly worse. He became very passively suicidal, like he didn't outwardly say he wanted out, but from his actions you wouldn't know any better. At least from chats pov. Like he would jump off the top of tubchunk and get downed and sunny would be forced to revive him. "Accidentally" falling off the wall when hanging with phil. Going against the eye workers and just not caring how many times he died. It was pretty bad.
He started feeling like all his friends didn't really care for him and only wanted to use him for the factories he made and the supplies he had created. Then fit and pac got together and again he got significantly worse. So because the relationship that is morning crew changed even tho they claimed it wouldn't. Tubbo started actively pushing people away. Like he would purposely be suppppper fucking annoying and loud and abrasive. It was like he was testing who would stay with him even if he was being a dick. And basically no one passed really. Like even sunny would constantly go to fit or pac or bagi. Saying she doesnt know how to help her dad, he needs help, plz help him. And they would all respond in some variation of "aaahhh its just tubbo!!! Hes fine. Hes just being dramatic." Or assume its about fred.
On top of that because of tubbos mental stability. He couldn't really help Sunny's with her feelings and mental stability.
And I wanna mention all the eggs could see him rotting away and they would mention it too their parents, but they were like "well keep an eye on him" but didn't exactly do much. At least from tubbos pov
But moving on to the new island/spawn point.
For the most part he didn't really interact with morning crew at first. He was with foolish and the town of fobo and he was so fucking happy!!!! It was awesome!! Like even sunny was so excited that tubbo was happy again. Foolish and town of fobo was a new start for him and he felt appreciated. But everything changed when create was put behind a pay wall (I love atla lmao)
So foolish got to get to work on town of fobo projects but tubbo was feeling extremely useless. He couldn't participate in the only way he knew how. create.
He felt useless without a purpose, and was trying hard to get the money for create. He had his high with the beginning of town of fobo but this new create playwall would be the star of a new low. He was once again actively rotting in front of his friends especially his daughter and only she and a few eggs really noticed. His friends would laugh and giggle that hes being dramatic. He was rotting away again in real time. Faster than before really. Tubbo was lacking purpose, he was useless in his eyes and started looking for a purpose, a reason to keep living.
How did he find that you're wondering??? By getting two lives. So one day we had a bunch of the eggos with him. One being empanada and he brought up the fact she's the only egg with one life. How that sucks and if he could he would give a life up for her. Empanada of course refuses. But he keeps going and was like "oh you know what would be really cool..... Only having 2 lives and if I die I don't come back for good." *stares at chayanne*
Empanada is refusing and hes like "naaahh it would be really fun and cool tho." She even tries to get him to stop by bringing up sunny. And he stops for a millisecond and says something like "sure she wouldn't like that too much but I'll be fine" so now he's on two lives.
The thing is tubbo was not hiding this information, like he brought it up all the time. "I have to be careful I only have 2 lives" then he lost one. "I only got one life then I'm dead dead." Feb 13 he almost lost it due to radiation (he will never escape the nuke aesthetic lol) and the next day valentines day he dies.
And I have to make it very clear tubbo keeps telling everyone hes working on one life. He only has one life. Hes doing hardcore. Everyone thought he was joking. So on valentines he went out with a group consisting of sunny, fit, ramon, phil, chayanne, chunsik, and richarlyson. They wanted to compete a dungeon together and tubbo was down for it.
Tubbo ended up making a beat with richarlyson that he ended up losing. Richas killed him, qtubbo ended up dying begging for fit to help him but he died anyway. But it wasn't like last time he didn't come back. Fit basically left immediately sunny was left just standing over her dads body in shock. Chayanne also thought he was joking this whole time but unfortunately learned that he was being serious. And phil was there to just laughing saying tubbos being dramatic lol. No one took his death seriously, like they were all joking and laughing in front of his daughter saying he was having a tantrum and would be back when create is back. The only other person who understood sunny was chayanne.
People only started takeing his death kinda seriously was after creation showed up. The eggs did at least
Now creation is a robot that a ~version of~ qtubbo made to protect the eggs. More importantly protect sunny. Especially in the event that "primary protector" aka tubbo is gone. So late during the valentines stream on phils end, creation shows up confirming that qtubbo is dead dead and hes not coming back unless creation has the proper data. His purpose. The only way to get tubbo back is to bring him back with his purpose
And now I can finally talk about this weeks streams. Creation comes and we are shown the message that was left for sunny. Saying he doesn't know how he got himself into this, and how sunny shouldnt have to hear this message. How he expects any of the adults there to care for her. He knows he hasn't been a good example of self care. But he explains that he will have no idea that he left the message, he will have no idea that the message will even exist. There's only 2 people that can show u this message, and he promises that he will make sure she will never see either of their faces. He apologizes and explains that he never expected to have to take care of anyone else. Goes on to say if he had known he was going to care for someone else he would have never signed up for this kind of "scheme" or "operation." We don't exactly know what hes talking about tho.
He again emphasizes that the friends that we have will take care of her. And how he refuses to believe that they would let anything happen to her. And tells her to keep going and have fun in life because she's just a kid. Then we were cut back to creation who finds sunny saying he needs to find people to help bring him back. They end up with a group consisting of bagi, sunny, empanada, and chayanne and they work together to get what creation needs to bring back tubbo. Its old smooth stone, form a mod, thats before the rest of the islands time. The old order creation stated. And eventually find a secret room in town of fobo, that bagi decodes a book to get the data needed to bring tubbo back. Builds a contraption and creation dies but tubbo is alive again!!!
Then we have the next stream and tubbo is back,,, but he's different-
he comes out of lava and only remembers dying and he thinks he's been gone a day at best. He learns that only fit helped sunny. He doesn't want to believe, but its mostly true. But oddly enough he plans to murder people cuz how dare people not take care of her. Hes more aggressive, he keeps making threats of murder and only sunny is safe it seems. Hes massively holding grudges as well.
they woke chayanne up and hes basically jumping on him and yelling lmao. Claims chay doesnt care cuz he didn't wake up immediately and isn't happy hes back. And like chatters know chay was genually fuck up after losing tubbo. But dude is s c r e a m i n g at sleeping chay.
Chay wakes up, they go outside and end up talking, learned he was gone a week but hes very loud not understanding the vibes of 2 depressed children who missed him very much. He keeps trying to speak but the windchimes are pissing him the fuck off to the point he rips them down. Noises in general is really pissing him off, like things that normally would be really quiet like fire places and the motor boats he gets really angry cuz he claims its really loud.
Just overall being a Menace. Like Chayanne apologized for hitting him and Tubbo was like "oh it's okay it's okay I understand but I will simply take note of that and you'll never know when I'll Strike Back." So he's threatening even the eggs even If he is joking. Qtubbo never use to do that, some.of the eggs ruined his farm and it sent him into a tirade of just talking about how things build up and up and up how they turn into large cracks in the wall and eventually the wall will break. But as he's doing this he practically yelling but aggressively. Also threatened chat saying he can prove how scary he can be lmao.
And was constantly asking people who they think the worse parent of the island is. Sunny and chay were just tryna see where he is mentally. But hes like cornering chay "DONT I LOOK FINE, IM ALL GOOD, WHATS WRONG???"
In other words hes very angry???
Fit was just existing and man's dogged on him "what you think you're so much better than me with your spit shine bald head of yours" and anytime any of the group would try and talk away from him hes just "ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT ME???" "WHATS HAPPENING, IS THIS ABOUT ME"
Oh and he keeps mentioning the little time people have left.
Like I said some of the eggs ruined Sunny and Leo's farm and he starts off calmish??? But just gets angrier or aggressive is a better term?. Planning to just stand over richas's bed and stare at him. Hes giving arg kinda need to draw that ngl.
He gets mad that the lil group of fit, chay, Sunny, and ramon for fixing the farm that the other eggs destroyed. And fit is trying to like convince him that it's okay like they're just kids it's a mistake. And fit is like it isnt your house so it's okay and tubbo is like "fit I think you're undermining my feelings how is that okay." And fit is just like "oh but it's just like a little thing so it's no worries." And this is how tubbo goes on his "chips and cracks in the walls monologue" that sums up his character perfectly.
Soooo yeeeaaaahhh revived tubbo something else
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horrorjunki3 · 1 year
Can you do the sawyer brothers when their S/O falls to the ground and starts having a seizure? (Plz include Drayton because I'm a simp)
Sawyers reacting to they're S/O falling and having a Seizure
An: lmao don't worry im such a simp for Drayton -> choptops mentioned in all of these lmao sorry
Warnings: sad boys, seizures, mentions of war training -> dissociation and mental illness
Drayton Sawyer
Parental instics activated - he'll jump striaght into action while everyone's panicking -> at first he just things your fainting bc of the heat so hell catch you and lay you down ready to bark orders at his younger siblings until you start shaking then he freezes -> he doesn't really know what to do till he gets yelled intrustctions (curiosity of choptop)
He'll make sure you don't bite your tounge and keep your head in his lap until it's stopped -> his so worried the whole time
The whole house kinda go silent no one dares annoy Drayton whole his sweethearts hurtin'
Infact all the boys kinda stick close to you afterwards always ready to catch you and help ya -> pays to be they're "other parent" you've got a mino army of crazies to help at the touch of a button
Afterwards Drayton will lecture you and ask if this is common -> he'll ask what he should do and like this man's is taking notes!!
He'll make you food -> fully believes a hardy soup can sure anything!
Choptop Sawyer
"Fallin' for me sugar?"
At first he assumes you've just tripped until he doesn't hear your giggle to his flirting then his worried
Whips his head around and is striaght inro action -> again his training in the army kicks in he kinda shuts all his emotions off and just goes on autopilot -> he can't bear to think about what'll happen if this ends badly
He rolls you into the best position and makes sure you don't bite your tounge, hit or head or anything like that -> he'll stay until the sizeures settled then jump into giving you water and bandaging you up
It's crazy the shift in Chop when your hurt he goes from goofy, crazy hippie to stone cold in seconds ordering Nubbins and Drayton around -> his training really kicks in
He won't lecture you like his older brother but he'll wanna know if it's common and how to avoid it
He won't leave your side for the rest of The day -> keeps his arm around your waist for good measure so you don't fall and harm your head
Nubbins Sawyer
He doesn't pick up on you even falling at first -> his rambling about his Camera and pics of you but once he realises he panics -> drops everything and rushes to you
He knows enough to giuide your head inro his lap to stop from harming your head but his feverishly screaming for Chop -> ( as soon as Chop hears twin screaming he'll be there in seconds ♡ )
Chop will calmly tell Nubbins what to do and sit comforting him until you do -> once you've stopped he just pats your head and walks away
Poor Nubbbins is a stuttering worried mess, his got tears down his cheeks and can hardly even get words out "y-y-you sc-a-a-red m-m-me" :(
His like a dotting puppy for the rest of the day constantly running to chop to ask questions and following you around
"Is my camera bad? I can turn flash of sweet thin'" -> he doenst wanna trigger a seizure
Asks so many questions and is your lil shadow for the rest of the day - you wanna go shower? To bad his following - and besides how could he not follow ya? *click aggressively shakes picture*
He'll have you sit in his lap and pamper you he was so scared!
Bubba Sawyer
As soon as you drop a sea of panic squeals leaves them -> this'll cause a rush of footsteps and the boys bursting in!!
Chop again is the one that jumps into action he'll tell Bubba to put your head on his thighs and encoruage them to softly stroke your hair to calm down while he goes about helping ya' can't have his new sibling dying on him can he?
Bubba silently squeals and whimpers while there's orders being thrown around :(
Once you've come to he'll pull you into they're chest and just hold you
They'll make you chop and Drayton tell them what to do next time and will prepare for it!
Lots of cuddles and checking if your okay from them
They'll kiss you on the head and whimper while you tell them you okay -> he was so scared!!
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rottenpumpkin13 · 1 year
I've been struggling with my mental health a bit lately. can I plz have some messages from each of the boys?
(I'm aware that this is a lot to ask so you don't need to answer this ♡)
Angeal: Be patient with yourself and pay attention to your needs, both physical and mental! It can be so easy to forget that you're just like a plant: You need to be watered and cared for in order to grow and flourish.
Sephiroth: Arson is a valuable coping mechanism.
Zack: Eat tons of yummy food! It helps produce Sarah Tonin in your brain!!1!1!1 And remember: Have dreams and stick to them :D
Sephiroth: Cultivate the hatred in your heart and turn it into violence.
Genesis: Be selfish. Your life is a gift from the goddess, and should be treated as such. Spoil yourself and put your needs above others <3
Sephiroth: Slaughter those who wish you ill.
Cloud: Life is already difficult, don't make it harder by paying attention to things that get you down, especially assholes who think their opinions about your life matter.
Sephiroth: Ascend to the cosmos and become a god.
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hayleythesugarbowl · 1 year
angela giarratana x reader headcanons
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚ masterlist • smosh masterlist ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
a/n: ask and you shall receive, here are full length angela headcanons!! I’ve included the original headcanons from the ‘smosh women headcanons’ in this post as well and I put them at the beginning in italics!! also amanda x reader is coming soon!! tysm for the request 🩰🍒
dating angela would include…
you guys take turns picking movies and shows to watch and get really into them 
she loves your sense of humor so much 
and you guys definitely make each other laugh at inappropriate times 
she lets you borrow anything of hers you want 
so much teasing 
you guys do karaoke together 
she sits in your lap all the time
you guys go to the theater together and she whispers to you throughout the whole thing
you guys get a dog 
she thinks you’re crazy talented and loves listening to you talk about what you’re passionate about
ok so backstory when you became a cast member at smosh 
you and her became friends really quickly 
she found herself falling for you 
she definitely confided in amanda and chanse for advice on what to do 
and she finally decided to ask you out 
and you two started dating 
she gets really close with all of your friends and they love her so much 
makes you gifts 
always playing with your hair 
game nights with her are so fun 
she gets super into it and you two as a team always win 
she loves your smile so much 
kisses your nose 
she definitely tried to cook for you one time 
and almost burned the place down 
but you guys laughed as you ate the burnt meal 
and she pretended like it was totally supposed to be like that all along
‘see, it’s hot like you!’
little spoon 
she calls you babe
she mentions you in smosh videos whenever she possibly can
she definitely danced in the rain with you once 
‘wait how much money would you pay me to stand up on this table and scream that at the top of my lungs right now?’
texts you voice messages more than actual text messages 
when she has something to say to you or just to tell you she loves you 
she just cares about you so much and you couldn’t be happier together <3
ˋ°•*⁀➷ hope you enjoyed this!! like i said amanda headcanons coming soon and let me know if you want any other smosh content! have a lovely day/night !! 💋💌
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nekassvariigs · 2 years
Thunder storms give me so much anxiety can I plz get Zoro comfort during a really bad storm?? Reader tries their best to hide that they’re terribly nervous but my mans can see right through <3 thank you ily
A/n: It's been a long time since i sat down to write something i actually enjoyed. I hope you like it <3
Zoro x reader
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Thunder in the seas with a reminder of his childhood
The sea clouded with darkness, large clouds turned the whole sky nearly pitch black as if it was raining ash that day. No amount of sunlight peeked through them only loud bangs of thunder. The type of thunder that rattled the ship and the seas. The one that made your ears feels as if they were about to experiance a shockwave. You hid in your room trying to avoid the noise, trying to keep busy. Not a journal not a book helped to relieve the stress you were feeling, hands meek from the heightened sense of insecurity you stared out into the window. A thing you shouldn't be doing, however seeing the lightning strike you couldnt help but to await the next bang of thunder.
Nami had warned you that clouds have been forming in the sea for a while, the winds had picked up pace so why was it so surprising that there was actual rain and thunder?
The door clanked behind you, shrouded footsteps made their way behind you, Zoro's hands slid down from your shoulder to your hands.
"Dont stare at the sea." He assured speaking in a calm and low manner like he always did.
"Wasn't staring.. Just thinking." You puff a rather large breath. The anticipation of another strike was a little unnerving. Your eyes glimmered with fear that of a lost animal. You looked up at the familiar man smiling shyly to avoid any suspicion of your fear for the weather.
He smirked, he's not stupid. Youre barley holding his hand and even if you are, its so cold and boneless.
"Im gonna catch a nap, wanna join?" he retorted ignoring the issue just a little. Anything to find a distraction for you.
"I dont think ill be able to sleep Zoro." You watched as he slid off his boots laying in your shared bed, his hands behind his head he watched out of the small window, the sea looked pitch black almost, you couldnt even see the waves Sunny left behind.
"Doesn't matter just come." He waved you over.
You sighed. When hes set on something he'll stick to it.
You sat next to him in bed feeling the shift of his weight dip into the matress as his head landed over your shoulder he spoke lazily, voice a little choaked from the position.
"Youre afraid arent you?"
You stiffened up at the words your toes curling in your boots were the only indication that he saw through you.
"A little. It's only thunder." You laughed it off as a joke and yet the second you heard the sky roaring your eyes darted to the small window. The room shook a little. The new world really had some strangley strong weather.
"I was afraid of thunder as a kid. I remember my teacher telling me i used to cry the whole night if it ever thundered." He admitted calmly his hand reaching around your chest to your other shoulder he pushed you back on the bed.
Your head landed on the side of his torso, his steady breathing unnoticably calming your nerves a little bit.
"He had to start wearing ear muffs during late summer, apparantley i was the loudest crier he had ever heard." He scratched his cheek shrugging his shoulders a little bit.
"Did you grow out of it?" You asked even though the way he relaxed on your shared bed spoke for itself.
"More than id like to admit. Sometimes it still surprises me. Today's is a little harsh." He looks over at you and then out of the window once more. Sky is still dark as ever, The Sunnys creaking under the uneven waves of the sea, the whole floor sways lightly under the shackles of it.
"Thats what we get for going out to the New world, huh?" You steady yourself upwards only to rest your read over his chest.
"It's the price we pay for Luffy's dreams." He smiles to himself arm tracing soothing circles over your back. His hand moves slowly like hes thinking over each swipe of his fingers.
His heart beat is slow and steady, roaring in his chest is only the sound of pure calm. You listen in the steady thumps keep pushing up against your cheek with each beat eliminating the sound of thunder as you lose your sense of hearing anything but his heartbeat.
His eyes close, and yet his hand still draws lazy circles over your back, he shifts a little forward placing an unusual kiss on your hair as he continues.
"I don't think it'll stop anytime soon." He speaks softly the gravel in his tone is unparred.
"We could sleep it off if that's the case." You chuckle, theres no way Luffy wouldnt come barging it at the slightest hint of hard rain exclaiming hes all soaked in the rain.
Zoros free hand moves to take out each katana out of their signature spot, he lays them besides the bed staring up into the celing.
A big yawn echoes in the room causing you to yawn aswell. Whats with that coincidental mimmickery?
"I can't picture you crying over thunder." you speak up resting a hand over his chest just before your face.
"I can. The way my teacher said, it was the most annoying thing hes ever had to hear for hours. I imagine he started telling me that thunders nothing to be afraid soon after i ruined his ears." He chuckled with a puff of breath, stifling another yawn, the circling on your back seemed to pause, coming back for a few seconds and then dissapearing once more.
He was fighting his sleep to make sure you felt alright.
"Sleep mosshead, im alright." You throw a joking nickname watching as his hand rests on the small of your back his brows furrow.
He says nothing only the sound of slow breathing fills the air his brows unfurrow lightly as you pick up your head to check on him.
"Thank you." You whisper drawing lazy circles over his chest, the thunder roars outside but it cant get inside this room anymore. His presence seems to be enough to calm down the fear that tends to set on your skin. A little noise won't do much if he's there with you.
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daddy-issues-99 · 1 year
Repo!Man x Reader Smut
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Nathan is kinda mid but the Repo!Man suit and mask-😫
Plot is very overused "hey don't kill me plz surly there's another payment" but it works.
1.2k words
Afab reader, knife play, unprotected sex, p in v, leather, just the usual smut lol
Everything was going so well. 'Was' being the key word. You didn't think you would ever end up here. Strapped to an upright operating table realizing that a damp, bloodstained wall is the last thing you will ever see.
You were so pissed at yourself. How did you let this happen? It was so simple, get a new liver, pay it off, go on with life. Simple. Or so you thought.
However that (obviously) didn't happen. You ruined your first liver and now you were gonna lose your second. Wonderful.
You jumped at the sound of a nearby door opening. The metal scraping against the floor making you cringe.
You looked to see a very tall man with broad shoulders in a Repo Man suit holding a bag of surgical equipment. He walked slow as if examining every inch of your outer shell before slicing into you.
He placed the bag down on a nearby table and intricately placed every item out on the table so they were perfectly spaced apart. Every item he examined, his gloved hands gently caressing every item to make sure it was perfect.
All you could do was stare, not at the tools but at him. How he examined the tools with such care and precision. How his broad shoulders made him look so intimidating even when just standing their. Not to mention how the suit only eradicated his features.
"See something you like?" He said, drawing you back into reality. "Huh?" "The tools. Beautiful aren't they? Perfect to cut that pretty little tummy of yours." Pretty?
"Please sir, I missed one payment. Surely there's something else that can be done." "No can do. Besides, its not my place to pick and choose who gets the knife." He said raising the scalpel to your stomach. "I'm just the one who makes the cut."
He pressed the scalpel into your flesh letting a droplet of blood fall to the floor. "Please sir! There has to be something you can do?" "No can do madam. As I said, its a thankless job. Unless you can make a payment in the next 30 seconds then its lights out."
Make a payment. "Ill give you my body as payment!" You blurted out. He let out a dry laugh. "Lady I already have your organs." "No! My body. My everything. Anything you desire, anything you crave, anything you ask I can give you!"
"And why would I do that? Your just some tramp from off the streets." "Exactly! I-I'm experienced. Anything you want me to do I can do."
He stood mere inches from you, scalpel still against your skin.
"How 'bout this sweetheart. If you can truly can fulfil anything I desire then I'll give you exactly 24 hours to pay off your debts. If not-" He held the scalpel up to your throat. "I'll see you again soon."
What other option do you have. You obviously didnt have money. Didnt have any power or athourity. Even this is pushing it but you didnt want to die, not yet and especially not like this.
"I'm waiting sweetheart. I suggest you don't make me wait much longer." You took a deep breath "Deal."
He quickly brings the scalpel up to your top and cuts it off, tearing the fabric away from your body leaving you in your bra. He brings his gloved hands up to caress your breasts, the cold leather sending a chill down your spine.
He traces the lace of your bra slowly and unclasps your bra roughly pulling it off of you and puts it in his jacket pocket. "A little memento to remember those beautiful features."
He brings his hands back up to your chest caressing your breasts, running his thumbs over your nipples. His hands trail down your chest to your waist, slowly caressing your flesh until he makes it down to your waistband, tugging on your belt loops. "I'm only gonna ask once." He said sternly, resting his hands on your hips. I give a simple nod in response.
"Good girl."
He quickly undoes your belt and tossing it to the side. He lifts up his scalpel again making me flinch. "Don't worry sweetheart, we had a deal and I'll respect that." He said bringing the scalpel to your shorts, cutting off the thin material and tossing it next to the rest of your tattered clothes, leaving you just in your panties. "Beautiful." He whispers
His knee pushes your legs apart bringing his hand to your clothed cunt, circling your clit through the thin fabric making you throw your head back against the metal slab, holding back a moan.
"Something you wanna say sweetheart?" He asks, circling your clit even faster. "Please~" "Please what sweetheart? Use that pretty mouth of yours." He asks leaning in inches from your face so you could see his eyes through the mask.
"Please-just fuck me already!" You whine. You hear a small chuckle through his mask. "So needy." He quickly undoes his belt letting his cock spring free pumping the shaft letting out a groan.
He quickly moves his hands toward your panties and ripped them clean off you making you yelp in surprise and a little pain.
He pulled your hips forward, positioning the head of his cock between your folds, slowly pushing in, both of you letting out a moan. His pace starts off slow making sure to enjoy every second of being inside you. His pace soon quickens, roughly thrusting up into you. The tip of his cock hitting your cervix with every thrust.
His grip on your hips is tight, the smooth leather cool against your skin. Your head lays against the cold metal of the operating table letting out a breathy moan with every thrust. He brings one of his hands down and begins to quickly massage your clit, moving in quick circles causing you to let out a string of curses.
"Enjoying yourself sweetheart?" He asked pounding into you. "Fuck-yes!" you say, drunk from the pleasure. "Good" He quickly pulls all the way out of you and slams back in harder than before, roughly thrusting up into you, hitting your g-spot with every thrust.
"I'm close." You say, closing your eyes tightly feeling your pleasure steadily building. He circles your clit even faster making you whine in pleasure, continuing to thrust roughly into you listening to you let out moan after moan after each thrust.
"Come on sweetheart, milk my fucking cock." He says watching as your eyes role back in pleasure as your orgasm rips through you, loudly cumming on his cock. He continues thrusting letting you ride out your high and he soon follows, coating your walls in his cum.
He pulls out of your exhausted body, both panting heavily trying to catch your breath. He stands back looking at your body and his cum leaking out of you. "Don't worry, I'm on the pill." You say between breaths. He lets out a sigh of relief, putting himself back together and quickly zipping up his pants.
He quickly moves next to you and uncuff your hands from above you on the operating table, letting your exhausted body fall to the ground.
"Well, we had a deal." He says motioning to the door. "Hope to not see you again." He said walking back over to the table and putting away his supplies. I quickly stand up grabbing my clothes and instantly stop.
"What do I wear to go home? You cut up all my clothes." He lets out a dark chuckle "That wasn't part of the deal sweetheart. Now, run along, that 24 hours is ticking away."
Side note: I am working on the fic from my last poll I'm just slow lol. May take a while
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bloodymiso · 5 months
★ party rockin’!! — a birthday event:3 | 0/12 slots
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so like..what is it? below are some birthday party prompts, send in a character of your choice(within my fandoms), your chosen prompt and ill write some hcs(maybe a drabble) with them in said party!! this is in celebration of my upcoming bday!!(may 24) you may request up to 2 characters per prompt, pls only send in 1 prompt at a time+mention if you want platonic or romantic! you may add some extra info/stuff if you want<3
ex. could i get ___ with the prompt “house party?” it would be cool if ____.
rules keeping my blog sfw, i will not write anything including underage drinking, use of tobacco and of course, the basic weirdo stuff(inc.st, p.dophilia etc). pls check my req rules before sending anything in! in this event, i will not be writing for fem reader. i will keep it to gn reader unless the prompt requires otherwise. there will be 12 slots up for grabs, join while you can!
notes all posts related to this event will be tagged with #꩜ .ᐟ >_< party rockin’!!
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woah!! the prompts!
with the gang!!
stargazing and snacks!! — you and your friends decide to have a picnic in the evening to gaze at the stars, (in your backyard), but looks like your sleepiness took over! backyard olympics — “box ‘em out!!” your friend shouted, grumbling as your opponent shot against you. you decided to have a mini olympics with your friends for your birthday and it wasn’t going that well..(for this one, if you want a specific sport to be featured, plz mention)
house party? — look here, its your average american tv show house party. parents out, random teenagers from your school in!! music was played, gossip was shared, whats next?
slumber gang!! — with a small group of friends, you have a fun night in your house!! pillows being slapped across each other’s faces, makeup which will be soon destroyed, and of course, drawing on the first person to succumb to the temptations of sleep! poor guy.
“dazzling!” — your parents decided to throw you a fancy ball in celebration of your fancy birthday. a big chandelier in the middle, bunch of people(who you presume are family members) giving you sum big ol’ kisses on the cheek, and of course, big fancy steps which lead to nowhere!
pool party!!!! — under the burning heat of summer, you decide to have a lovely little pool party for your birthday! water guns included, of course.
surprise!! — inspired by a party i threw for one of my friends, your friends surprise you with a birthday party in..mcdonalds? oh and there’s a grimace mascot with a really funny host👍(and chicken nuggets)
surgery day — for your birthday, all your friends + your parents contributed to paying for your upper body and/or lower body surgery, they’ve been saving up for years just for you!<3 (this is for trans kiddos, plz do not request if you aren’t under said spectrum!)
goin’ solo!! (or duo idk)
“ma chérie” — you and your beloved went to a tiny little french café for your birthday, greenery all around. you spotted little bees surrounding the flowers, oh how you wished for a garden like that! (i might sneak in a lil’ hc of what your chosen char would buy:3)
cloud gazing! — you always loved cloud gazing, making up silly names for clouds in the sky. “hey, that one looks like you!” “???that one looks like the devil” “exactly, stupid.”
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