#plz i dont know how syllables work but
stockcarbaby24 · 2 months
William's racing
Give us what we want
Release Logan's Helmet
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pseudofaux · 3 years
hi!! plz if you dont mind could you do some doctor play with kyle from ikerev?
I COULD AND I WILL! 😍 The good doctor is always in on this blog.
Thanks so much for requesting! 🩺 I wanted to make this sexy for the doctor play but definitely keep it playful, because I really like that part of the Alice/Kyle dynamic. I hope you will see and enjoy this!
(Requests are closed, readers, but there are a lot to be filled in May and likely June, too! Feel free to follow along or just check in and enjoy as many as you like. A masterlist will go up when they are all completed.)
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“You’re really compromising my professional integrity here,” he drawls.
“Good thing you aren’t held to a professional standard after ten at night. In my room.” She gives his hand a squeeze for good measure.
“...point taken.”
He still sounds strained, so she pauses and looks at his face.
“It’s okay,” Kyle assures her. “This is just... weird, outside of the clinic.”
“Is it too weird?”
“Did I say it was?”
She rolls her eyes and gives his hand a yank for good measure. “Don’t make fun of me. You said we could try.”
“I did. So,” he begins loudly, taking back his hand and using it to tap a folder she nicked from the clinic for just this reason, “I believe you mentioned some ‘enhanced sensitivities that are making everyday life more difficult’. What can you tell me about what’s going on?”
He has the exact lazy, gentle, warm tone she loves to listen to when he’s actually working. He looks so normal there in the chair beside her bed, a little lazy but not inattentive, and his hair is mussed from a long day and he’s one one leg over the other. He looks so good her feet start swinging, hanging off the edge of her mattress.
“Well, Kyle, I—”
“It’s Dr. Ash, actually,” he chimes in. He sounds bored but since he never actually corrects people he must be doing this because he’s committed to the play she asked for. She pulls her lips into her mouth so she doesn’t laugh.
“Dr. Ash,” she amends respectfully.
“I went to medical college,” he points out. “You’re not seeing a quack, here.”
“Can we get to the point?” she hisses. He does not pull his lips into his mouth, he laughs openly at her and waves her on.
“Doctor Ash,” she stresses, “I’m having a very hard time lately because— well, this is embarrassing...” and even though it was her idea, it is embarrassing. She’s not comfortable saying what she was thinking. It seemed like a really good idea all week when she was working up her nerve, but now that they are actually here, her nerve seems to have left her to do this on her own.
“Don’t worry,” Kyle drawls. “I’ve seen it all before.”
“...have you.” She can’t help glaring at him.
“Oh, right, sorry. Uh... just be honest, I’m here to help.”
“Well, it’s my chest, you see.”
Kyle cocks an eyebrow at her, more curious than seductive. If she’s honest with herself, even his curious expression is very appealing. “Are you experiencing any pain?” he asks. “How long has this been going on?”
“Ages,” she says, leaning into the drama of their little play. “And it’s not pain, exactly. More like... sensitivity, like I reported.”
He taps his chin thoughtfully with the folder. “Can you show me where on your chest, exactly?”
She nods, takes a deep breath, and cups her breasts. The way his eyes widen and shoot to hers is extremely satisfying.
“Didn’t realize you meant this,” he says under his breath.
“Well, I did,” she shoots back under hers. “This, specifically,” she says in her normal voice, and thumbs her nipples. She can’t remember the last time she was so bold, but his interest is evident so she sticks with her plan. Now they are getting somewhere!
They go back and forth a bit more, and eventually he asks her to remove her shirt. Victory bubbles like fresh fizzy lemonade in every one of her fingers as she undoes the ribbon she wears under her collar, then all the buttons. By that point her nipples actually do ache, needing his touch, used to his mouth by this point in the night. They feel vulnerable but not in a way that desires hiding. Not that she could, when each peak is so obvious through her chemise.
“I see why you’d be concerned,” Kyle says drily. She shoots him a look and he holds up his hands, one still clutching the empty folder. “Sorry,” he mouths.
“No you’re not,” she hisses.
“You want to stop, or...?”
“I want you to do it right!”
He holds up the folder again and clears his throat.
Kyle touches the stethoscope he wore into her room, slung behind his neck. “I’m going to listen to your heartbeat,” he tells her. She nods.
“You’re going to feel me touch,” he says quietly, and she’s heard those words a hundred times but never said in such a way. It makes her heartbeat start to skip, trip, run inside her ribs. Now they’re getting somewhere.
The little disc presses into her just above the lace that edges her chemise, and it is so cold she flinches. His hand comes to her arm to hold her in place. “Sorry about that,” he murmurs. He opens his mouth and expels warm air onto the spot the stethoscope chilled. “Better?”
“Yes,” she says, maybe a little too enthusiastically.
He hums quietly (that means good, she recognizes that sound as well as she knows his snores), and then presses the disc to her again, following the edge of the lace. It’s a slow, careful progression.
“Good, good, can hear your heartbeat,” he says, voice thick.
“No you can’t,” she hisses.
“Did you go to medical college?”
“You don’t even have it in your ears!”
“What? Oh— aww, to hell with this thing,” he says, chucking the stethoscope over his shoulder. It thumps forlornly against the carpet of her room, but she can’t spare it any thought because two green-gold eyes are looking right at her as he slides the right strap of her chemise off her shoulder and fishes out her breast.
“Medicine is about careful observation,” he tells her, in a voice some men use to tell their lovers significantly more romantic things. She doesn’t mention his careful stethoscope use, but he tweaks her nipple anyway. The pull immediately registers between her legs and her breathing becomes something more like panting.
He hums, frees the other breast, and tweaks that nipple, too. Her naked shoulders hunch forward in a protective measure but he doesn’t let go, so the pull becomes a sweet, sharp pain, and her whimper is plain in the air between them.
“Oh, good,” he murmurs. “I know you expressed concern, but this all seems like normal sensitivity to me.”
She’s trying to play along, but her voice is very pleading when she asks “Does it?”
Kyle nods and frowns in concentration as he gets a wider grasp, then gently pinches. “Feel that?”
It’s a good thing they are in her bedroom, because her noise of assent would definitely echo off the tiles of the clinic and is generally inappropriate in any professional setting.
He’s massaging her now, moving the captive flesh between his thumb and finger, and honestly the gentle pull feels like milking and she has to squeeze her comforter below her hands so she doesn’t swoon. “What... are you doing?” she manages to ask. Her voice is complete lust, it feels like all of her is complete lust.
“Carefully examining my patient,” he says quietly, and indeed he is looking at the tip of her breast very carefully. “Please stop distracting me, my work is very important.”
That’s what he says, but there’s some red high on his cheeks, and she’s never seen him wet his lips so often while giving a patient an exam. Nor ever massage them like this. Thank goodness.
When he starts working her other breast at the same time, she struggles to keep up the act. He’s never touched her like this before, and being half clothed while he’s all buttoned up and leaning in to slowly milk her or whatever he’s doing while she sits less and less primly on her bed... maybe they’re close enough to breaking character? That was the whole point. Should she just give it up and pull him into bed?
“You’re going to feel me touch,” he whispers, and it’s said gently but it is a declaration, not a warning. Even half-dazed, he puts the stress on just the right word to make the meaning clear: he’s going to touch her and she will feel it.
Kyle turns his hands so he can cup her breasts with his fingers. There’s another of his warm breaths, so warm it makes her nipple feel as dewy as her slit, and then he takes it in his mouth without letting go of his grip on her. His suck is so strong— or maybe she’s so sensitized— that she shrieks, the sound tiny but alarmed. He shoots her a lazy glare, then closes his eyes and says “Quiet, please,” around a mouthful of her breast before he does it again.
“Kyle,” she says in a small voice. “I—”
He sighs through his nose, the huff of his breath blowing onto her like a cloud. She feels him everywhere. “As I said, it’s ‘Doctor Ash’, actually,” he corrects as he moves to her other breast.
She repeats it with a shaky voice but the last syllable becomes a wail she keeps in at the very last minute by clamping her mouth shut as he sucks even harder on the other nipple.
He lets her fall from his mouth but doesn’t move back. Gravely, he tells her “That reaction makes me think this is a very extreme case.”
“Oh no,” she says. She wishes she could play up her concern for the sake of this game, but the words just fall out of her with even less grace than her wet nipple tumbled out of his mouth when he let her go. Only with his mouth, of course. His hands are still on her, still working her. She tells herself that’s why she can’t stop squeezing her thighs together. “What do you recommend, doctor?”
“Bed rest,” he whispers. He’s rubbing her nipple with his nose and he is so attractive she is going to die if he doesn’t touch her more.
“Oh thank goodness,” she sighs, throwing her arms around him. She can hear his muffled laugh as he lets go to slip his arms around her and use the embrace to push her back to the comforter.
“Don’t worry,” he murmurs before he puts his hands right back where they were and begins to kiss her throat. “I have a very specific treatment plan in mind.”
She moans when he finds the spot she likes, high on the left side. “Tell me more,” she begs.
But he doesn’t. He shows her instead. Thankfully, the treatment plan is very thorough.
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