#plutonian ambassador
plutonian-ambassador · 3 months
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[2005. pluto's planethood is about to be in jeopardy. a man, neigh, alien from four million years in the future- who also happens to be pluto's ambassador- crash lands his ship in the middle of the woods in ann arbor, michigan with one goal. keep. pluto's. planethood.]
hello! my name is bora. i was born at the age of zero in soyuz colles of the tombaugh regio on pluto, but to you that doesnt exist for another 20 years.
no... hm.
hello! my name is bora. i was born at the age of zero in detroit, michigan in a hospital that no longer exists.
thats better.
i enjoy writing avant-garde music, and comedy shorts! (my parents would rather me focus on my studies, though.)
i love ethnic food, especially when i cook it. my right inner ear rings at a high b flat. i'd know, being a musician and all.
being the ambassador of a whole planet of people is hard, i've got no say in the matter though. i have a secret band. the greatest on all of pluto. my dad might kill me if he figures out that i, the ambassador, the son and grandson and great grandson of the ambassadors that came before me, the quiet child, the rocket scientist, is the front man of the planets most popular avant-garde jazz metal math rock band. the whole planet's gonna be shocked to find out it's me, im supposed to be their poster child.
it doesn't matter now. im revealing myself at our last show and im bringing it to earth. when i get to earth, and sign the peace treaties and beg for pluto's planethood- its practically a suicide mission. theres no way for me to get back home. my old life and my loved ones lives are in jeopardy if these treaties and pluto's planethood dont stay in place.
what i know about earth, especially america's history- im scared. i hope those weird government agents can help me look more earthling-like and assimilate into their every day culture, wherever in michigan i end up.
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transcendentalpisces · 6 months
Scorpio ascendant
Scorpio on the ascendant gives an aura of someone who knows more than they appear to. The sun sign of this individual reveals the persona that they readily present to whoever they are connecting with.
Scorpio is a water sign, traditionally ruled by mars and modernly ruled by Pluto. I will focus on Pluto for this brief analysis.
Pluto is the planet associated with the underworld so being that Scorpio ascendants, whether they have Pluto within the 1H or not, are ambassadors for the planet of the underworld this means that there is an energy surrounding them that is mysterious, penetrating, and even paranoid. As if they are peering into the secrets of another, watching to see if they can be trusted.
Scorpio ascendants have an energy behind their eyes that can communicate the opposite of what they are radiating (usually this is the case for fire and air suns). I’ve also noticed that Scorpio in the 12H (Sagittarius ascendant) is very similar regarding their visceral analysis of others.
Scorpio ascendants want to know the deeper parts of people. They want to know if you are who you appear (sun) to be, or if you’re shallow. They have first class tickets to hell and want to book you a flight there too, especially if you’re someone who lacks Scorpio or Pluto energy aurically. When I think of the saying “turning someone out,” I think of Scorpios.
They psychically know what pushes you to the edge, what you secretly desire and they wonder if you’ll confirm it to them before they have to manipulate it out of you (manipulation purely depends on if there are any other significant water placements within the natal chart, and of course the individual themselves).
On the other hand, Scorpio ascendants and 12H can feel as though others are peering into their secrets and are manipulating them (this is the paranoid part, but ofc is not always the case). They are defenders/protectors of their aura and as a Pisces ascendant myself, I’ve noticed that Scorpio ascendants/12H have strong energetic boundaries. In their eyes Ive seen the 7 of wands mixed with the moon.
They are fascinatingly haunting, with Gemini, the sign of thinking, information, and communication in the 8H (Whole signs) of secrets, sex, death, intimacy. They have a lot of information and facts about intimacy, and other topics that are deemed as inappropriate. They know how to talk themselves into intimacy 😉
The words they use when talking to people is purposeful and they collect data about their lovers, peers, friends, strangers, etc through their reactions to their words. Their reaction to them spilling their own secrets, in crisis, during major changes life, etc.
Overall, To see beyond what the average person sees of them requires a level of skill that only Pluto grants herself. If you have been to hell and back, opened yourself up to the dark parts of yourself, your desires, take ownership of your sex(uality) just to name a few, then it will be easy to recognize other plutonians. It is when we decide to channel our own Pluto magick from within, that Pluto reveals herself on the outside.
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spacetimesally · 1 year
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Things are getting hot in Space Vegas when Sally takes on a Plutonian ambassador acting as a conduit between a crime lord and a political faction looking to make waves - of blood - in "All Bets Are Off"
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solisaureus · 3 years
Rating the books of PJO, HOO, and TOA by how important Nico di Angelo is in them
The Lightning Thief: No Nico, but the gang does visit the Lotus Hotel and could have conceivably run into him there. The establishment of this setting is critically important for Nico's introduction later on. 2/10 despite Nico not existing yet
The Sea of Monsters: Our boy is still stuck in a time warp. 0/10
The Titan's Curse: Dawn breaks in the universe. Nico di Angelo arrives. He is pure, untraumatized, hydrated, flourishing. This will be the foundation by which the rest of his character arc is contrasted, and our hearts are shattered into a million pieces. However this book is more about Bianca, so 7/10.
The Battle of the Labyrinth: Arguably the most Nico-centric installment of the first series. One of the angstiest Nicos, oh god somebody please help him. 8/10
The Last Olympian: Percy would've ate shit and died in this book if not for Nico, and he is present for a solid third of it. He bullies Hades into lending him a ghost army and shows up at the last minute like goddamn Aragorn to save the day. Impossible not to be proud of him, we love to see it 9/10
The Lost Hero: No Nico appearances but at least we know he exists now, and he’s mentioned in passing at least once, so 3/10
The Son of Neptune: Nico gets a fancy new Plutonian ambassador role and trolls Percy but he is absent for the majority of this book. 5/10
The Mark of Athena: Nico spends some time in Tartarus, sees unspeakable horrors, is kidnapped by giants and held hostage in a suffocating jar, has to enter a death trance to survive, and then is helpless as he watches Percy fall into Tartarus with Annabeth. Lots of Nico, but god, at what cost? 6/10
The House of Hades: Nico is important to the quest again! He gets character development! He is turned into corn at one point! We learn about his gay yearning! He gets a cool scepter! Excellent Nico content. It's his world and we're all just living in it. 9/10
The Blood of Olympus: The only book with a Nico POV, so objectively the most Nico-centric installment. Nico has an important quest role, meets his future boyfriend, decides to put his tumultuous past behind him, and makes progress on healing and recovering. i am crying as i type this 10/10
The Hidden Oracle: Nico is a minor character and only present for about 20% of this book, but the scarcity is offset by how much he is flourishing. Definitely the happiest we have seen him since The Titan's Curse. He has a boyfriend who takes care of him, sits at the Apollo table instead of by himself, and has friends who support him. You absolutely love to see it. 8/10
The Dark Prophecy: Nico does not make any appearances in this book and the only time he is mentioned is when Apollo saw an enemy that reminded him of Nico because he was creepy looking. Not very nice, let my boy live. 1/10
The Burning Maze: The first book with zero mentions of Nico since The Sea of Monsters. Despite how good this book is, it is a desert wasteland for Nico content. 0/10
The Tyrant's Tomb: We get a whole line of dialogue and a paragraph about Nico halfway through this book! My cup floweth over. 3/10
The Tower of Nero: Nico is decidedly Not flourishing by the final book of this series and it is heartbreaking. He is present and important though, with a whole line of prophecy about him. He gets to make weird noises and wear silly hats and turn people into skeletons and his boyfriend is there to protect him and make him smile. Plus this book has the setup for his and Will's own solo adventure so I'm giving it a 10/10
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countessofbiscuit · 3 years
Fine before Eleven
Foxiyo, Teen, 1100 words | Ao3
Senator Riyo Chuchi is anxious. Tomorrow will see the very public installation of Sujimis’s Junior Delegation. It’s a night that calls for dry heat and a dry run, if only her lover will cooperate. . . .
“You have to mean it,” Riyo declared, her voice stern against the blanket of heat.
“But I don’t want to mean it.”
Stood over her was Fox, holding a broom of birch, junipine, and linden cuttings. He’d been largely initiated into the ways of the sauna; entered into its rituals with relish, even if Riyo sensed its physic properties bemused him still. Her lacquered nakedness. The plush, everclean towels. The sibilance of oil and water upon hot stones, a sound like the anticipation of an outdoor exercise. The fine scarves of steam. He visibly joyed in these things.
One custom remained. And on the eventide of a momentous cultural occasion — something of a personal triumph — a traditional branching seemed appropriate. A hearty flagellation to excite her blood, before Riyo introduced the Plutonian Talz to the Senate.
But Fox was struggling to get into the spirit of things; the feathering he’d just given her wouldn’t scare a snipebug.
“My love, ápu are not for decoration,” Riyo told him. Gathered from groves around the summer house, the branches had been manicured and bundled into bunches of varying lengths and character for her Coruscant home. Fox had selected the smallest, enervated it further in water, and now wielded it limply.
“This is very rough,” he observed, worriedly. Disregarding the effort gone into making it anything but.
“I am not for decoration, either.”
“I command the Guard. I’m honor and duty and everything-bound to prevent harm upon you. Not a scratch on my watch.”
Prone on the bench, Riyo bristled. “If you don’t want me in high dudgeon, you will smack me, Fox. And before the caf goes cold, if you please.”
“Can’t I just give you a massage, sweetheart?”
“And press all my pores down? No. I wish to be whisked — need to be, if I am to look my best tomorrow.”
“You’re always glowing.”
“Such sweet kark. Grandmama will thrash you, and then you’ll see what Pantoran affection looks like. And she won’t spare your tender bits.”
Any mention of Grandmama usually sent Fox complying. She represented a profound authority.
Fox thwacked her. His wrist directed the motion, but Riyo was soon alive to childhood sensations and present contentment. Eventually she turned over to expose her front, feeling pleasantly rotisseried.
“Much better.” She rewarded Fox with a fondle and dragged him outside. There they crowded into the new plunge bath. Riyo settled herself upon Fox’s lap, swilling water crisp as snowmelt over stones that did not breathe, and helped herself to both bowls of kudinai because Fox balked at real cheese, even if it wasn’t bantha-based. Then they returned to the sauna, so she could frisk her Fox instead. Demonstrably.
The exertion had its effects.
“Did you just — ”
“Yes,” Riyo clipped, purpling. “I’m allowed to toot in my own company.”
“Maybe if you people didn’t torture your cheesestuffs, it wouldn’t seek vengeance.”
“You people.” She hit him, hard. “Uncouth man!”
Chortling, Fox rolled up. “I’m not the savage here,” he said, stealing her and her apú away. He loped into the house with her across his shoulders, now and then whacking her bottom playfully, until Riyo was most exhilarated. Pink and ripe and ready.
Fox applied himself in bed with no encouragement at all. Riyo lost her breath in a wet cry of bliss.
But find her voice again she must. Thi-Sen’s delegation was en route; Prime Ambassador Sessi was old, and never made speeches now except when in his brandy; and her dress was steamed like she, its sash ruched and fastened with an immense, pearl-studded narglatch broach. The ceremony and everything it signified existed in all but historical fact. There was even an OpenNet article on the One-Day War, a name popularized by a sensational headline in The Peito Gazette.
Riyo reminded herself of Speaker Cherkou’s goodwill and was heartened. Her confidence, too, had plumed over the ratification of the Cold Spear Peace. She snuggled against Fox’s chest and tuned herself with a recital many minutes long.
“... and forge a genuinely shared system for generations to come. And that it might be said the magnificent narglatch looks at the moon not in despair, but in hope and kinship.”
Riyo finally dropped her datapad, sighing deep, pleased that it hadn’t been much needed. “How was that?”
Behind her, Fox set aside a burl bowl emptied of Eazy Shells and dressing. He had to be coaxed into making domestic decisions for himself; the results were sometimes extremely individual. Her parents would be spared the anecdote.
“I don’t get it,” he said.
“Oh dear.”
“No, just the last line. It’s very pretty” — here, a kiss upon her neck for emphasis — “but is it a reference to something?”
“Yes. To the Talz tradition about the moon. Thi-Sen is to perform the tale ceremonially. But I’ll make the allusion less obscure, in case the program changes unexpectedly. It often does.” Riyo highlighted the text, already chewing over the phrasing in her mind. How tired she was of speech-writing! The medium of interpretive dance was beginning to hold great appeal.
“What’s the tale?”
“It’s much better told by Thi-Sen.”
“I can’t understand Thi-Sen.”
“It shall be translated by Padmé’s protocol droid.”
Fox groaned. “Even worse. I can’t stand his voice.” He hugged her tighter. “I’d like to hear it from you, first.”
“Very well,” Riyo began. “Plutonia has its own native species of vulptex. Very white, fluffier than ours on the tundra. The Talz say that long ago, the Great Narglatch was locked in a ceaseless pursuit of Vulptex the Cunning. One night — Fox, you really must behave if I’m to remember this right.”
His wonderful wandering hands stilled. “Sorry.”
“One night, tired of cutting canyons around the planet, Vulptex stopped on a frozen lake to parley with Narglatch. She pointed to the pink orb under the ice and convinced him it was a block of meat — the reflection of Pantora, of course, and much tastier than she. Narglatch was famished, and so he clawed and clawed and gnawed and gnawed at the ice, gobbling up so much that he burst. Thus his spiked mane, and why the Talz say the narglatch roars unhappily at the moon.”
“What happened to Vulptex?”
“She ran far beyond Narglatch’s reach, burrowed deep, and is rarely seen to this day. Medcha Wanto — Thi-Sen’s deputy, you know — he promised to bag one for me. I told him that wasn’t necessary.”
“Mmm,” rumbled Fox, nibbling her ear ungently. “You already have a fox.”
Riyo grinned. “I do, indeed.” And she stuffed the ‘pad safely beneath the pillows, to be forgotten until morning.
. . . . . 
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kimblewrites · 4 years
WIP INTRO: Space Academia [NaNo 2020]
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Title: Space Academia (Working Title)
POV: third person limited
Stage: Planning/First Draft
Genre: Mudrer Mystery, Science Fiction, Academia, 
Themes: Space, War [crimes], Murder, Science, Dark Academia, Politics, Found Family, Familial Pressure, Royalty, Conspiracy, Mystery, Coming of Age, duty vs. morality, expectations, overcoming prejudice 
Setting: Kyriakos Academy [Space Station orbiting a Jupiterian Moon]
Nala Foyef’s behavior is far from becoming of her status. Her father is the Venusian Ambassador to the United Celestials, and he’s far too occupied with the raging war in the Outer Ring to worry about his daughter’s conduct. In order to quell her rebellion, he sends Nala off to Kyriakos; an elite preparatory school in Jupiter’s orbit where heirs like her are sent to be educated, disciplined, or hidden. 
As soon as she arrives, however, a student is found dead under murky circumstances. It becomes suddenly clear that something dangerous is in orbit with them, and it is up to Nala and her band of affluent misfits to uncover the truth, lest their heads be the next to roll
Nala Foyef
lesbian / 15 / wears red lipstick and eyeliner to cover up her daddy issues. Wild, dangerous, and the daughter of a Venusian Ambassador.She’s been sent to Kyriakos Academy to learn discipline.Obsessed with old art and literature. Kind and loyal till the end.
Lukas Vaughn
asexual / 15 He’s been at Kyriakos since he was 7, as his father - a prominent Terran engineer and CEO - wanted to keep his bastard son hidden from the public eye. Lukas is social and knows everything and everyone at the academy. He’s on his way to becoming an aerospace engineer. 
Aelan Nicalti
pansexual / 16 / Prince of Pluto. He was born 19th in the line of succession, but convinencetly, he is now 7th. He was sent to Kyriakos at 7 years old and has not returned home. Cold. calculating. Ambitious. He will become the King of Pluto, and god help anyone who stands in the way of that. 
Imogen Kodirovia 
lesbian / 15 / blind / she is the dutiful daughter of one of the Judges on the High Court of Eris. She was sent to Kyriakos for her own protection and education. She’s every bit as ambitious as Aelan, and will stop at nothing to bring down the Plutonian Royal Family. She will become a High Judge one day, just you watch. 
Ophelia Al-Pritam
heterosexual / 15 / her mother is a Mercurian governor, and has sent Ophelia to Kyriakos for status and education. She’s absolutely brilliant and on her way to revolutionziing Artificial Intelligence. Nala’s Roommate. These kidds would not survive without her common sense. 
Vio Samedi 
trans man / homosexual / 16. Imogen’s bodyguard. Ceresian. Junior Officer of the Erisian Secret Police. Naturally suspcious of others, will do anything to protect Imogen. A chronic dumbass, but he’s the only one of the kids who isn’t an heir, and therefore he’s really the only one who understands how the world works. 
Character intros coming soon <3
Ask to be added to the taglist!
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haveievermentioned · 5 years
Imagine: Sci fi downton abbey.
The cast is just robots, aliens, and humans. The history and manners are treated the same way. The gossip is around one daughter marrying the plutonian earth ambassador's driver with the plutonian- saturnian treaty getting a brief mention.
Just.. imagine it.
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miz-blue · 6 years
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Yes, I will be submitting something! It's more sci-fi writing, taking place in the same universe as the Justice Vanguard Missions but featuring different characters—who will totally make cameo appearances in the JVMs at some point.
Agent Irene Magnus, a human in the Intergalactic Police, has been forced into early retirement after a major field injury permanently damaged her right leg. Post-retirement party, she's miserable and getting shitfaced at a bar when Ambassador-Scholar Trishell shows up.
Trishell is an alien from the icy planet Pluto. The Plutonians are a fiercely academic race of intellectuals (and some mad scientists) who have a(n often deserved) reputation for favoring progress and innovation over silly things like morals. They look like short little bird people—think creepy harpies with a whole bunch of teeth and claws.
While Irene has had positive dealings with Trishell in the past, their last encounter ended very messily after Trishell was trying to illegally acquire a rare form of uranium.
The short story I'm writing will be from Irene's perspective, first person POV, and will cover her and Trishell's reunion.
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transcendentalpisces · 6 months
Pisces ascendant
Pisces on the ascendant gives an aura of someone who is a shaman.
Pisces is a water sign, traditionally ruled by Jupiter and modernly ruled by Neptune. I will focus on Neptune for this brief analysis.
Neptune is the planet of euphoria, so being that Pisces ascendants, whether they have Neptune in the 1H or not, are ambassadors of the planet of euphoria. This means that there is an energy surrounding them that is imaginative, unconditionally loving, and ethereal. As if they are in an induced state of consciousness, watching the world from different angles and points of view.
Pisces ascendants have an energy behind their eyes that is intoxicating, and what they are verbally communicating may be muddled because of this. People may not listen to what Pisces ascendant is saying, pay attention to what they are doing, etc., instead they are captivated by their aura. This leaves people confused about Pisces’ actions about them when they finally do pay attention, because they never truly got to know them (this is also the case for 12H stelliums). Think of it as, when people are around Pisces, they speak to pisces from the perspective of being under the influence.
Pisces ascendants are traversing this world and the astral realm, emotional realm, and all the other realms and want to meet you there. Because Neptune is so enrapturing, their other planets (if not in water signs), might not receive much attention (of course depending on aspects and where it is within the chart), as Neptune tends to hallucinate whatever is in it (whether or not this person has planets in the 1H or not), and when people step into Pisces’ bubble, they are stepping into a cloud of hallucination. Pisces ascendants are in a constant mode of daydreaming, creation, and imagination. They are daydreaming as they talk and walk. They are essentially living on Neptune, with their bodies physically being present on the 3D plane.
They are not interested in your physical body, but instead are interested in who you are spiritually, who you are even beyond the goddess/god level. They are trusting of others because they choose to interact with the aspects of people that are unconditioned and loving, not realizing that some people have not deconstructed, or for example are Plutonians and reside in the underworld.
Pisces ascendants tend to not have strong energetic boundaries because Neptune is boundless. These individuals connect with everyone on a spiritual level, coming into spaces remembering that we are truly one; regardless of our age, sex, race, and class.
They are fascinatingly unique, with Aquarius, the sign of innovation, technology and humanity in the 12H (whole signs) of hidden worlds, dreams, and the subconscious. They have an eccentric relationship to their subconscious and claircognizance, and humanity as a whole. They can feel like they are learning about humanity from an outsider's perspective even when they are amongst a group of people.
Overall, to truly see a Neptunian, you must dissolve your idea of reality altogether and prepare to see their many shape-shifting faces as they tend to morph into different entities. It is only when one has looked into the mirror of their own many faces that Neptune grants you into her world to see her, to experience her in all facets; slipping in and out for your own pleasure.
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