sakuramoussy · 11 months
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Rabbits of the World of Death
Father Death created the 4 Archangels; a Dragon, a Sheep, a Rabbit, and a Canine. The Archangels in turn created 6 Angels each, matching their own species, aged 100 years apart.
Archangel - Yue
The soft-natured rabbits of the World of Death were once the backbone of the Angels of Death, but only the Reaper remains. Despite Archangel Yue's outgoing, bubbly personality, all of her Angels turned out to be patient and quiet, the exact opposite of Yue's own personality.
Angel - Reed
When the Archaic War emerged, the eldest became vulnerable, tainted by the magic of the demon race that plagued the land. The varying degrees of obsession among the tainted Angels usually entailed violent bloodlust and dangerous activities, though Reed's gentle-nature was somehow still present even when tainted. Instead of insatiable bloodlust, she had an unfulfilled desire to have large amounts of children, and she would stop at nothing to get those children, even though she herself could not conceive.
Angel - Cyllene
The Angel Cyllene was lost during the Archaic War, presumably with one of her twin daughters being taken with her. Still, her husband, the death investigator Icor, never found her soul, nor the child he never got to raise.
Angel - Livi
The soft-hearted Archangel created a lively drag-queen Angel named Livi in a day and age where 'drag' was not a term, making Livi an atypical personality that delighted the people he met. Livi's fate during the Archaic War is still unknown in the present day.
Angel - Kahlua
The Angel Kahlua was known for being almost entirely silent. As a small child, he was a talkative sort, but his demeanor changed and he seemed somewhat enlightened and wise after being struck by lightning as a teen. Kahlua is presumed deceased during the Archaic War due to journal entries of other Angels, though his soul was never found.
Angel - Jiiraan
The beautiful Jiiraan is now known only for the compassionate, careful son of Life and Death that still lives in this world. When her child was still quite young, some dangerous humans poisoned this loving mother and robbed her son of his only parent.
Reaper - Pluta
As the only surviving Rabbit Angel of Death and one of the Reapers in the World of Death, Pluta has a lot to live for. Pluta was once quiet and reserved, but found herself more lively as she grew older. She's now known for her fierce strength in battle as she slays demonkin on a daily basis to protect Death City.
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jgthirlwell · 4 months
06.04.24 Sam Pluta + Peter Evans Duo at St Peters Church in Chelsea, NYC.
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zef-zef · 11 months
Ingrid Laubrock Sextet - Vision Festival 20, Pt I (2016)
Ingrid Laubrock - tenor sax Craig Taborn - piano Miya Masaoka - koto Dan Peck - tuba Tyshawn Sorey - drums Sam Pluta - electronics
Part II
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Peter Evans Quintet - One to Ninety-Two
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Music Video
Peter Evans Quintet
Peter Evans - Trumpet, piccolo trumpet Carlos Homs - Piano Sam Pluta - Live electronics Tom Blancarte - Bass Jim Black - Drums
March 1 2011
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c-40 · 2 years
A-T-2 445 Portzelky
Reflexionen (Reflection) was the third of the four studio albums recorded by German synth duo Tyndall. Originally on the Sky label it was reissued by Bureau B in 2018 https://bureaub.bandcamp.com/album/reflexionen-2
Pluta Connexion - Data Transfer German synth-pop band that put out this synth prog oddity. It's unlike anything else by them
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elsalupa16 · 9 months
Solarballs planets with boobs and Vagina 😨 😱
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Female Names:
Mercy (Mercury)
Venus/Vanessa (Venus)
Terra/Tierra/Earthina (The Earth)
Mary (Mars)
Juno/Jupi/Jupitere (Jupiter)
Satirna/Sataira/Satere (Saturn)
Uri (Uranus)
Nepta (Neptune)
Pluta (Pluto)
You can draw them >:3
And @ me to see the arts :3
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compneuropapers · 6 months
Interesting Papers for Week 14, 2024
Testing predictive coding theories of autism spectrum disorder using models of active inference. Arthur, T., Vine, S., Buckingham, G., Brosnan, M., Wilson, M., & Harris, D. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(9), e1011473.
Distinct context- and content-dependent population codes in superior colliculus during sensation and action. Ayar, E. C., Heusser, M. R., Bourrelly, C., & Gandhi, N. J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(40), e2303523120.
Unique functional responses differentially map onto genetic subtypes of dopamine neurons. Azcorra, M., Gaertner, Z., Davidson, C., He, Q., Kim, H., Nagappan, S., … Dombeck, D. A. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(10), 1762–1774.
A role for cortical interneurons as adversarial discriminators. Benjamin, A. S., & Kording, K. P. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(9), e1011484.
Bidirectional synaptic changes in deep and superficial hippocampal neurons following in vivo activity. Berndt, M., Trusel, M., Roberts, T. F., Pfeiffer, B. E., & Volk, L. J. (2023). Neuron, 111(19), 2984-2994.e4.
Neural mechanisms for the localization of unexpected external motion. Chinta, S., & Pluta, S. R. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6112.
Balancing true and false detection of intermittent sensory targets by adjusting the inputs to the evidence accumulation process. Geuzebroek, A. C., Craddock, H., O’Connell, R. G., & Kelly, S. P. (2023). eLife, 12, e83025.
Hippocampal activity predicts contextual misattribution of false memories. Herz, N., Bukala, B. R., Kragel, J. E., & Kahana, M. J. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(40), e2305292120.
Prefrontal cortical regulation of REM sleep. Hong, J., Lozano, D. E., Beier, K. T., Chung, S., & Weber, F. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(10), 1820–1832.
Distinct spatial maps and multiple object codes in the lateral entorhinal cortex. Huang, X., Schlesiger, M. I., Barriuso-Ortega, I., Leibold, C., MacLaren, D. A. A., Bieber, N., & Monyer, H. (2023). Neuron, 111(19), 3068-3083.e7.
Visual perceptual learning modulates microsaccade rate and directionality. Hung, S.-C., Barbot, A., & Carrasco, M. (2023). Scientific Reports, 13, 16525.
PET-measured human dopamine synthesis capacity and receptor availability predict trading rewards and time-costs during foraging. Ianni, A. M., Eisenberg, D. P., Boorman, E. D., Constantino, S. M., Hegarty, C. E., Gregory, M. D., … Berman, K. F. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6122.
Mixtures of strategies underlie rodent behavior during reversal learning. Le, N. M., Yildirim, M., Wang, Y., Sugihara, H., Jazayeri, M., & Sur, M. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(9), e1011430.
Dissociating the contributions of sensorimotor striatum to automatic and visually guided motor sequences. Mizes, K. G. C., Lindsey, J., Escola, G. S., & Ölveczky, B. P. (2023). Nature Neuroscience, 26(10), 1791–1804.
Phase information is conserved in sparse, synchronous population-rate-codes via phase-to-rate recoding. Müller-Komorowska, D., Kuru, B., Beck, H., & Braganza, O. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6106.
A computational theory of evaluation processes in apathy. Rigoli, F., & Martinelli, C. (2023). Current Psychology, 42(30), 26163–26172.
Memory-related processing is the primary driver of human hippocampal theta oscillations. Seger, S. E., Kriegel, J. L. S., Lega, B. C., & Ekstrom, A. D. (2023). Neuron, 111(19), 3119-3130.e4.
Human-like scene interpretation by a guided counterstream processing. Ullman, S., Assif, L., Strugatski, A., Vatashsky, B.-Z., Levi, H., Netanyahu, A., & Yaari, A. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(40), e2211179120.
Measuring uncertainty in human visual segmentation. Vacher, J., Launay, C., Mamassian, P., & Coen-Cagli, R. (2023). PLOS Computational Biology, 19(9), e1011483.
Thalamocortical control of cell-type specificity drives circuits for processing whisker-related information in mouse barrel cortex. Young, T. R., Yamamoto, M., Kikuchi, S. S., Yoshida, A. C., Abe, T., Inoue, K., … Shimogori, T. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 6077.
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Heya its me again. I read your "Pluta saves the day" post and I LOVED IT.
Could you maybe do somthing simalier to the episode where Mortimer fakes being a Critic.
I just think it would be really funny to read
If you dont want thats completely fine, its just a suggestion
Have a nice day/night 😊
Hello again :D
I actually wrote something similar to that here:
I hope that you have a nice day/night too 🥰
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dustedmagazine · 1 month
Modney — Ascending Primes (Pyroclastic)
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Ascending Primes is a number game. Violinist, composer and improviser Modney (née Josh Modney) grew its music from his ongoing interest in the intellectual logic and sensate satisfaction imparted by just intonation (hereafter referred to as JI), a tuning system that favors whole number ratios over the book-cooking compromises of the more widely known equal temperament, which has been the world’s tuning standard since that beautiful sound-culture neutralizer, the piano, made its way around the globe.
Modney found in JI a method that made sense of his instrument; it simply sounded better. But he hasn’t kept the pleasure to himself. The performance units he has assembled for this double album advance in steps dictated by the progression of prime numbers — one, three, five, seven and finally 11 players. His violin, sometimes amplified, is the only instrument to appear in every aggregation. As the ensembles expand and change, so does the music. It is never simple, but neither is it cluttered or unnecessarily busy. Playing alone, the sound of each of Modney’s violin string leaps out, illuminated by the overtones that JI enables and coarsened by liberally applied distortion.
The smaller line-ups are non-standard but exemplify the chamber music aesthetic of exposed interaction between players. At different points Sam Pluta’s electronics and Cory Smythe’s JI-tuned piano disrupt the flow. But as the ensemble’s increase in size and diversity of instrumentation, jazz elements creep in. Ben Lamar Gay’s puckering cornet and Charmaine Lee’s swooping voice adopt jazz-informed, solo voices within the septet, poised atop the multi-directional rhythms of Dan Peck’s tuba and Katie Gentile’s drums. The largest ensemble is also the most inclusive, marshalling hackle-raising strings, gut-rumbling horns, rhythm-opposing clusters, angelic/demonic vocal exchanges and straight-up noise into a sequence of events that seem to be pushing against implacable time-keeping.
There’s a lot of JI music, especially that made by string players, that seems to treat tuning system’s sonorities as ends in themselves, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing. But Modney has taken another tack. Like Anna Webber, who appears in the largest ensemble, he puts the sounds to work alongside the genre elements to create music that is stylistically unlimited and viscerally affecting.
Bill Meyer
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vrati-mi-se · 1 year
povremeno se sjetim naših razgovora. i u tim trenucima počnem se prezirati i žaliti jer sam obrisala taj račun koji je ujedno bio zbirka i dokaz svih naših poruka koje smo razmijenili. pravi razlog zašto sam ga obrisala je kako bih lakše zaboravila i na njih i na tebe, ali istina je da se to vjerojatno nikada neće dogoditi. prevelik si dio mog života da bih te tek tako smetnula s uma.
da imam njih, još uvijek bih imala barem jedan mali dio tebe uza se. dok još nismo bili toliko bliski i opušteni jedno s drugim. dok smo još bili na distanci, skoro neznanci, a posebice ja jer tada još nisam znala u što se upuštam. povremeno se sjetim naših razgovora. tako sam se sjetila pjesme koju si mi poslao kada sam te pitala koja ti je najdraža. sjećam se da si rekao da je odlična za ljetne vožnje u kasne sate sa spuštenim prozorima. još uvijek čekam te vruće noći ne bih li se i ja okusila u tom i otkrila što ti je tako posebno u njoj. i onda si jednom prilikom došao k meni. gledao si i proučavao glazbu koju imam spremljenu na laptopu uz povremeno podbadanje kako je tvoj ukus bolji od moga, iako i sada čvrsto tvrdim da nisi u pravu. još uvijek se sjećam da mi je poskočilo srce kada sam shvatila da ćeš među svim tim pjesmama naići na nju. i jesi. pamtim da si nekoliko sekundi zastao. ne znam zašto; ili si pomislio da sam je spremila kao mali znak da mi je stalo i da obraćam pozornost na stvari koje mi s povjerenjem govoriš u pokušajima da mi se otvoriš ili da sam čudna što je imam tu negdje zakopanu među dvije tisuće ostalih pjesama. potajno se nadam da je istina ova prva. nikada mi nije bio jasan taj tvoj đir glazbe koju slušaš, ali rekla sam dati joj priliku. i jesam. nije nešto što bih inače upalila u pozadini dok režem povrće za ručak ili idem u šetnju, ali zbog tebe mi je postala posebna. povremeno je poslušam. i dok sada ovo tipkam, u podsvjesti mi pluta informacija da si mi rekao, uz neke audio-fizičke dokaze, kako je pjesma snimljena s namjerom da umiri i smanji anksioznost što mi ima smisla jer znam da je, nažalost, tebi to bliska tema. i dok je tako pustim da svira, čitavih me deset minuta hvata tolika panika i adrenalin mi poteče venama jer mi je u primisli da svaki tren možeš vidjeti da je slušam. što je kontradiktorno, znam. osjećam se kao da činim kazneno djelo, kao dijete dok potajice jede slatkiše u ostavi kako ga roditelji ne bi vidjeli - uzbuđeno i izazivajuće. vraća me u lijepe trenutke dok smo se još s distance upoznavali. sve kasne sate koje smo proveli razgovarajući, dopisivajući se, ne htjevši si priznati željeni ishod razgovora. i u tih deset minuta, koliko pjesma traje, svi trenuci s tobom mi se odigraju u glavi. ali nažalost, sve ima svoj kraj. kako pjesma, tako i mi.
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sakuramoussy · 1 year
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Pluta.. A spunky Reaper who fights with more fury than most would think was possible for an Angel as petite as she is!
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jgthirlwell · 4 months
06.04.24 Wet Ink Ensemble play Sam Pluta's binary/momentary ii: flow state/joy state (2017) for trumpet, two trombones, piano, and percussion. Featuring Peter Evans on trumpet Alix Tucou on trombone, David Taylor on trombone, Eric Wubbels on piano and Ian Antonio on percussion. Josh Modney, conductor.
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offstage-euthymia · 10 months
To što teče niz rinu.
Kap po kap.
To što pišem.
Nisam pisac.
Možda samo dođe pa prođe.
Kao kiša, noć i dan.
Kao neka tiha rijeka.
Koja siječe tlo.
Možda je to ta tišina.
Ta sreća kad ju zgrabim za dlan.
Kad sjednem uz prozor uz dan za dan.
I pišem stranice koje mi pokvase kiše
Možda je to ta tuga.
Koja čeka svakoga iza ugla.
Kad šetam niz ulicu kao stranac
Kroz maglu kao samac
Možda je to taj čamac koji pluta za bolje sutra
To je taj pramac i padobranac
Koji plače pa skače.
A on bi samo nosio kačket.
Možda je to ta sjeta brige.
Bez igre koja šije snove sive.
Ali tko sam ja nego ruka i penkala
Koja riše i kad je sunce i kad su kiše.
Marko Tivanovac
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mishkakagehishka · 2 years
Slavstars Niki ima Kafanu, Kanata is from Cres, Madara is bosnian, Koga sluša Hladno Pivo, Skoro pa svi u Crazy B-u su gaseri
REAL🙏 Rinne says "ide gas" and Kohaku answers with "Tko je gas, i gdje ide?"
Kanata but instead of puka-puka, pluta-pluta☆
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Victoria's Secret VS2000 Scorpio Body Mouuse
Found on Ebay, user thrifted_thrillz
Idk much about zodiacs, but I'm a a Scorpio Moon, Pluta and MC and this looks like a shimmer lotion I bought at Bath and Body Works around the same time. I was 11 that year, so I knew nothing of zodiacs back then though, only started in the last few months, but I like this!!
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awgesh13 · 2 months
Polar Park
Oh man what a bummer and a shame,That they had to cancel last night’s game!Unsure how many innings they got to play,As it has been postponed for another day. Regardless, it was great to chat with everyone,As your company made my night pleasant and fun!A huge shout out to Pluta for gettting us all together,Hopefully we can get a day with nice weather! With that being said,Did I hit this on the…
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