#plus the usual style ones just cause i have no self control
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oneluckydragon · 2 years ago
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Got terminal dusknoir brainrot atm so have some sketches I finished while trying out a new brush.
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wolfoftheblackflames · 10 months ago
Heya Misfits! I've decided to write a quickie for ya. It just clicked in my mind, and I'm recovering from a cold, so what better way to get my creative juices flowing than with some fluffy cuteness.
Body Swap, Chaggie Style:
Charlie and Vaggie have a massive fight, Lucifer wanted the girls to stop fighting, so he shoots them with magic like a kid yelling at his friends and yelling, "Stop fighting!"
It was the start of a sad morning. A huge fight between Charlie and Vaggie caused the two to sleep in different rooms, making the others worried. Lucifer, being the sweet dad he is, decided to do some magic to ‘help’ the girls make up.
“Hmm?” Charlie awoke feeling heavier than normal. She dragged her figure out of bed only to go face first into the carpet. “Ow!” She groaned, rubbing her nose, but blinked, feeling a more angular nose than her usual black button nose. The princess started to panic and went to the bathroom mirror. “WHAT IN SATAN?!”
On the other end, Vaggie grumbled, sitting up rubbing her eyes, but when she opened them, she blinked. “What?” She could see out of both. However, that wasn't the only thing. She felt heat surging through her body, plus she felt something weird with her feet. “Aye meirda?!” She gasped once she moved the covers and saw red hooves.
Both girls stared at the mirrors, each seeing the other, Charlie saw Vaggie looking tired, as she saw the dark circles under her girl's lone eye. While Vaggie saw those beautiful ruby eyes puffy and swollen with the latter not bothering with switching to her red pajamas.
The fight played on in their minds, Vaggie had spiraled again with her self worth issues as yesterday had been particularly bad, and Charlie was too busy planning for the new hotel to recognize her girlfriend needed her.
Charlie felt the phantom pains act up and blinked wincing. “Fuck…” Her body trembled. “Oh Vaggie, why did I ignore you when you were in this much pain? Then again you always did know how to hide it..” She sighed lightly stroking the old scarring where Vaggie's eye used to be.
Vaggie in Charlie's body felt the stress and massive flux of emotions the princess had to deal with, plus the ever present demonic form that ached to come out, which red horns and a tail did peek through. “Charlie..” Vaggie sighed though blinked seeing the massive scribble pile on Charlie's desk. Carefully as to not burn any she peered over and stared. Surely enough it was so many apology notes with tear stains, drawn in many colors. Vaggie smiled a little, however her eyes widened seeing something under the notes, a small box labeled ‘For Vaggie, with love Charlie.’
“Better not, I can't seem to control what I set on fire..” Vaggie sighed with another fire coming onto the couch this time. “Shit!”
However when she was extinguishing said fire, she saw her own body come into view. “Oh uh hi..” Vaggie blinked, looking a little messy.
What happened next was Charlie tackling Vaggie and hugging her tight, and sure enough she looked like a cute crying mess. “I'm so sorry!” It was weird hearing her own voice as Vaggie blinked realizing how small she must look to Charlie.
It felt weird, yet Vaggie couldn't stop a demonic purr from escaping. “I'm sorry too hon..” She had to bend down to hold Charlie close.
The two stayed close to one another until another fire occurred on the carpet which made Charlie giggle. “Can't handle my pyrokinesis yet huh?” She asked as Vaggie grumbled. “Deep breaths, like this.” She smiled, showing Vaggie how to control the magic and the demon.
After a couple of deep breaths, Vaggie managed to stop setting things on fire for now. “And uh, how do you put these away?” She asked, pointing to the horns and tail.
“Hmm?” Charlie blinked though her wings popped out seeing the form. “Huh?!”
This got a flustered groan from Vaggie as she hid her face. Though this made Charlie give a devilish smirk. “Before you say anything babe, yes I do think your demon form is hot okay?”
“It is weird to see myself like this, but I will say, I do look pretty hot.” Charlie giggled again. “But since you're in my body Vaggie, can you see how I view you?” She asked though she struggled to fold in the wings.
Vaggie blinked but smiled softly. “I do hermosa..” She replied feeling the rampant emotions grow calmer. Though her expression grew sad, she was about to speak when Charlie placed a finger on her lips.
“Don't be sorry ok? If anything, this little experience has helped me understand you a little more even though I thought I knew everything.” Charlie grinned despite the trembling.
Vaggie looked at her hand and flexed her fingers. “I see what you mean sweetie, but here let me help you with my wings.” She smiled moving behind Charlie who blinked curiously. “Give them a stretch. Like imagine another set of arms on your back.”
Charlie nodded and did so, she smiled, able to move them a bit better, though couldn't help but flap. “These feel so weird but also very strong..” She grinned, turning around and wrapping both her and Vaggie in a cute wing cocoon.
Vaggie felt that black tail with a red heart in the middle of its tip slink over and wrap around Charlie. “Shit, your tail has a mind of its own!”
“Sorry about that, it's just you're like my rock Vaggie, you keep me grounded when I often get swept up in my own little world..” Charlie admitted though smirked as she lightly traced the tail. “I can see why you do this, it's fun seeing me get flustered huh?” She added being cheeky.
Vaggie grumbled feeling the shiver and blush. “I'll admit yes it is, but hon you haven't told me what you see from my view.” She answered changing the subject.
“Oh right, sorry.” Charlie giggled but blew at the bangs in her face. Getting the ok, Charlie closed her eyes in deep thought, she saw the darker thoughts of the self-hate, the guilt, and the need to be useful to Charlie. It hurt seeing this but Charlie opened the lone eye and looked at Vaggie with a loving gaze.
“You ain't alone in the self hate Vaggie.” She took hold of those hands. “But you're more than what you were back then, what I see now love, is someone who gets giddy over new weapons, loves tacos, can bark orders like a sexy drill sergeant, and most of all, I see someone who cares deeply for me and for everyone in the hotel, a kind yet stern person. Seriously meeting you was the best thing that's happened in my life.” She grinned though blinked, feeling teary eyed again.
Vaggie just stared but couldn't help it and grabbed Charlie holding her close in a big hug, nuzzling deep into her neck. “Oh Charlie…” Her voice came out cracking as she just sniffled.
However magic surged as the two switched back, making both let go and blink. “Huh..”
However the girls giggled and cuddled again enjoying the new found appreciation for one another. Vaggie felt those loving hands gently massage her back when the wings were tucked back in. “Hey, I know you're strong, but whenever these flare up, please don't hide it from me..” Charlie spoke softly, her natural tone being music to Vaggie's ears.
“If that's the case, please don't try and do everything alone hon, I'm the hotel manager for a reason you know.” The smaller woman replied, moving back to look up at those ruby eyes. “I support you with everything you do, but I can't help you if I don't know what's going on babe.”
“I know. Also sorry about your nose, I uh fell onto the carpet..” Charlie gave a sheepish grin though left a gentle peck on said nose.
Vaggie smiled softly. “Well I'm sorry about setting fire to our room, and… Seeing that little box.” She replied as Charlie gasped. “No, I didn't look inside.” The angel added, making Charlie sigh in relief.
“Good cause, it is a surprise..”
“Well can I see it now?”
Charlie beamed and nodded, poofing the box into her hands. “I took up a little hobby kinda like dad did, but I'm not very good, so..” She rambled, blushing.
Vaggie blinked but opened the box. To her surprise, it was the cutest little dark grey leather pouch with wings carved into the flap. The stitches looked a little crude, but it added a handmade charm to it. “You made this..?” She looked surprised, holding it.
“Yeah… It started out as a way to keep my hands busy since I kept digging my nails into my palm..” Charlie started to ramble as she giggled. “Next thing I know, I was having fun and making things. To which my dad kept snatching up for himself because he's weird like that.”
Vaggie planted a soft kiss on those lips to show her appreciation. “It's beautiful, hon, thank you..” The kiss made Charlie flutter, and she gave a love struck gaze.
The princess smirked and started to spoil Vaggie some more as things started to lead to the two getting hot and heavy. The hotel was fine. Sure, they can get in a fun love making session, right? After all, make-up sex is the best part of making up with your lover. Plus, Charlie wanted nothing more than to get her hands on her gorgeous girlfriend, and Vaggie couldn't help but indulge her since she craved that loving touch.
Thus the day went by in the new hotel, love was in the air once more as downstairs, Lucifer looked quite pleased with himself even if the spell was kinda a spur of the moment to get the girls to stop fighting. Though in his room, when he went to his closet, all the cute little leather objects Charlie made had come piling out, burying his royal ass alongside his massive rubber duck collection.
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acceleracers-baby · 1 year ago
Acceleracers HCs! What Element Would They Bend?
I just finished the Avatar Live Action and now I have brain rot about these movies AND the original ATLA show.
(Nolo Pasaro, Vert Wheeler, Shirako Takamoto, Kurt Wylde, Karma Eiss)
Metal Maniacs
(Taro Kitano, Tork Maddox, Monkey McClurg, Porkchop RIggs, Markie Wylde)
+Bonus Round
(Brian Kadeem & Banjee Castillo)
Nolo Pasaro - Okay, when I rewatched the Acelleracers recently, I literally had to look up the voice actor for Nolo because I genuinely thought it was Dante Basco (Zuko) for a second. They sound so similar. Plus Nolo’s firey personality and his pride really make me think he’d be a Firebender. “Tork! I challenge you to an Agni Kai!”
Vert Wheeler - I feel like I don't need to say it, but I’m gonna… Vert’s a Waterbender! Water is the element of change and Vert is all about adapting to the different tracks. He’s also a surfer- so… yeah I feel like this one is pretty self-explanatory. I swear this dude would become one with the ocean if it was possible. I can’t get the image of him making a surf board out of ice and just using the full moon to make the biggest waves possible for himself.
Shirako Takamoto - Shirako is so chill all the time I can’t help but see him as an Airbender. I also feel like he’d use his bending in the most creative and chaotic ways possible like manipulating the air around his speakers to make them sound louder or clearer. Not to mention that he’d use his bending to mildly annoy the Metal Maniacs. Think blowing their tools just slightly out of reach or speeding by them on an air scooter.
Kurt Wylde - Kurt has such strong Firebending vibes that it literally inspired this post lol. He just seems like such a hothead. He’s got the sass and air of superiority that comes with most Firebenders. It doesn't help that he and Mark have a sibling rivalry that reminds me of Zuko & Azula. Kurt also seems like he’d be able to manipulate lightning, and I’m not just saying that cause he looks like Mako.
Karma Eiss - Karma also gives off Firebending vibes. Her drive for perfection fits the precision a Firebender needs in order to safely manipulate their element. One wrong move and it could mean trouble. Karma would have her element fully mastered. She would have the wisdom to take skills from other bending disciplines and apply them to her own style. She can bend both fire and lightning, and I feel like she’d be skilled enough to turn up the heat for those blue flames!
Metal Maniacs
Taro Kitano - Oh, look at that. Another Firebender. I mean come on! He’s the leader of the Scorchers in World Race. His car has a classic flame paint job!! The Fire Nation was literally modeled after Imperial Japan!! There are so many connections I could make here, but what really convinces me is his overall attitude. He follows a strict honor code, and just like Karma, he’s got the control a Firebender needs to be successful. I feel like he’d make a great Lavabender too.
Tork Maddox - I’m getting strong Earthbender vibes from Tork. He’s built as sturdy as a rock, and his personality is just as solid. He stands his ground a lot in the Acceleracer movies, and although he’s got some fire behind his eyes, it’s usually only in response to being antagonized by one of the other racers. He’s the very foundation of the Metal Maniacs and like any good Earthbender, he seems to listen before he reacts. I also love the idea of Tork being a Metalbender.
Monkey McClurg - Monkey strikes me as a Nonbender, but if I had to give him an element, he would be an Earthbender. Mainly because I feel like he could make a great Metalbender. That being said, at my core, I really think he would end up not being able to bend, but he would make up for it by being an extremely creative inventor. He just reminds me of Sokka so much with how resourceful he is.
Porkchop Riggs - Porkchop is a full on Earthbender, baby! In fact, If Monkey ended up not being able to bend, he’d be who Monkey goes to for all of his Metalbending needs. He is one with the dirt. Especially since he's terrified of water.
Markie Wylde - Markie is 100% a Firebender as well. Like his older brother, he’s hot-headed and cocky. He gives off those Book One Zuko vibes in most of the Acceleracer movies. I don’t think he’d have the precision to be able to produce blue flames, but I do feel like he could pick up combustion. Could you imagine Markie with combustion tattoos up his arm instead of the stuff he's got now?
Bonus Round
Brian Kadeem - Okay, I wanted to put Kadeem in the Earthbender category due to Sandbending, but Kadeem’s personality SCREAMS Airbender. He’s got too many pacifistic tendencies and is just so damn loveable I can’t not associate him with Aang. Not only that but due to the scenes in World Race where his mentor comes to him in visions, I feel like he would be able to connect to the Spirit World quite easily.
Banjee Castillo - Surprisingly, I feel like Banjee would be an Airbender too. If not an Airbender, then probably an Earthbender. He’s just so quick-witted and has such a lighthearted view on life that I can't help but stick him with the Airbenders. Also, the way he teases people (like when he waves at Kurt as he passes him in World Race) reminds me of when Aang is being mischievous.
——— Thanks for Reading ———
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mainprotagonist · 11 months ago
ok ill bite, tell me about your ocs!
YES PERFECT... IVE GOT MANY!!!! You can see all of them on my toyhouse!!! A lot of them are WIP until I get their basics down but theres a lot of them that have icons so at least you can see what they look like
I do fandom ocs but since these stretch from fandom to fandom i wont go all over them but my Big OCs I talk about the most are Kelsey (one piece oc) or Prince (osomatsu san oc).... and i love oc/canon pairs sooo much and the biggest reason I make fandom ocs.... But look out for me making a dungeon meshi oc bc its def gonna happen.
as for my other ocs, I've currently have uhhh (checks hand) 8 'verses' I talk about which is basically just different worlds with different settings and stories that I jump around with working on.. EXPIER, Danger, OI!, Kingdom, Rampage, Red Wire Burn (RWB), V•RSE and Virus.....
I'll put descriptions in a read more so i dont spam up the dash <:)
EXPIER - newest verse of mine where all the characters are some sort of glee performer, drag performer so on so forth. all based on a very specific emotion and I'll give them playlists for songs that fit them. these guys help connect my love for music and ocs. Story follows the whole cast.
Danger, OI! - My oldest verse that I havent worked on in years and obvs needs overhauling and planning but its about people called animal whisperers who can command demons and free them from having no self control that cause them to attack civilians. Follows main character, Bibion.
Kingdom - A verse I work on with my bff milo most of the time and a lot of it wouldnt be possible without him. A world divided into multiple kingdoms: Astral, Angel, Dragon, Lava, Shadow, Spirit, Glacier, Flora n Fauna, Underdwelling and Reef.... All separated by lands considered neutral territory that many live outside of influence of the rulers. Story focuses on the aftermath of a long running war against the Shadow Kingdom rebelling against the others, which had left them devastated and leaving the rest to start anew to deal with their scars and rebuilding what was lost.
Rampage - Follows a train hopping, nonbinary shapeshifting duo named Fyle and Garrett!! Very casual loose verse I also havent worked on in a bit. They are thieves and pick up jobs that involve petty thievery in order to make ends meet.
Red Wire Burn - Usually abbreviated to RWB. Focuses on a vampire run bar and the entertainer that performs there and is given room and board, Desta who is an introverted magician; loves people but needs a lot of alone time, especially after his performances
Seasons - A family of huldrekalls living and surviving in a group or separated depending on the season. Huge plant motifs as they are tree creatures. They help local farmers with their fields and other tasks plus protecting them. Focuses heavily on Melian; the middle child of the family who catches the attention of a half giant by the name of Rexus (belongs to @not-amh). Lore related is that their names are chosen by their significant other as they are born n found no need for a name. Formerly simply known as Huldrekall until he meets Rexus and is given his name.
V•RSE - second oldest verse and arguably the more developed with almost all the ocs having their profile finished.... Its my fictional fashion industry, queer led and many of the workers are LGBT.... Creating clothes for all shapes and sizes regardless of gender; only separating the genres of clothing by the style and size rather than gender. Focuses a lot on Kåre who is the newest worker and learning the ropes of working at V•RSE
Virus - My lil scifi horror verse... An exploration team is sent to an inhabited planet as a means to research the lands. Jason, the teams head researcher, wakens a long dead alien virus, becoming infected and killing the rest of the crew and turning them into almost unrecognizable monsters; the only way to tell theyre the original crew is because of distinct physical features. A team is sent to rescue them or to find what happened to them.
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princess-fuckrosa · 4 years ago
Hi. I hope you don't hate sk8 adam. If you one of the unique and awesome people whole love/like Adam can you perhaps wrote a SMUT of him? I'm sad that i can't find and SMUT about him cause everyone hating on him. You can write anything tho i don't have any particular request.
Thank you and sorry for the bad English. English is not my first language
Ahw, don't worry Anon, this blog is a safe place for loving on anyone!
And well, let's be completely honest, everyone who hates on this moron, is actually right about it, the latest episode left me a 3 minute complete silence as I tried to recover from what he did to our dear Cherry.......
But, to be fair, I have a soft spot for all the motherfuckers like Adam, so all of you who love the Matador of Love, don't be afraid to send in your requests, I adore him too! 💖
And don't worry about your English anon, it's perfectly fine! Send me a request anytime I'm open! ❤
*EDIT: Yesterday I forgot to include some stuff, so I added them~
HEAVY smut under the cut, general TW for the innocent vanillas~
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Ainosuke Shindo (Adam) SMUT headcanons
We already have some clues about how the Matador of Love would be like in a relationship, and let me tell you, and I don't think it's a surprise but...
It's not nice. At all.
or it depends on what you call nice I think haha
Ainosuke definitely has a big turn on for tears and fear.
He's a sadist, and I don't think he would be completely against being on the other end of the line, but he would be the top dom most of the time.
He's into both physical and mental abuse, but before we completely bookmark him under the 'heartless psycho' category, he won't do anything non-consensual.
I imagine he would search for his 'Eve' in this way too, and if someone wouldn't willingly submit to him, they are just not the right ones.
So unless you let him do whatever he wants, he wouldn't take you seriously. He might have a one night stand, as he does sometimes, but to be his Eve, that's not enough.
He would expect you to be 100% submissive towards him, but only in the bedroom, and not on the casual side. He would love the contrast between the two: you being bold and confident during the day, but a sobbing, needy mess at night - perfect.
Master/Pet play is a big kink for him.
At first, he would give you a taste - he wouldn't be half as rough as he usually is, but would make you cry during the act, just to show off his style a little
"Do you still want to be my pet?", he asked, his index finger lifting up your head to make your teary eyes meet his seemingly empty, red ones. If you managed to whimper out a yes, his fingers would brush your lips as he leans a little closer. "I'm gonna abuse you, y/n."
You saying yes to him again would make his blood boil in excitement again.
He would absolutely cherish the idea of having a s/o as a pet, someone who would adore and worship him, and he could play with them as much as he would like to. Wouldn't go as far as caging (well, if you really insist, he wouldn't be against it either), but would give you a collar with "Adam" written on the tag.
Ainosuke is the kind that would be gentle and caressing at the start, and as the play session goes he would get more rough and vicious.
He does a lot of foreplay. It's mostly anything that implies that he is in control, and usually it starts rather innocently.
He walks over to you, caressing your cheeks with a brief smile, giving you soft kisses on your neck, hands traveling on your body with gentle touches...
...only until you get completely relaxed. He would lean back a little, his fingers tracing your lips, and for the first time in the last few minutes, he would smile at you.
And the fun begins.
You quickly learn that specific smile, the innocent, kind one that only appears on his lips when he came up with something truly dirty and terrific.
Would totally manhandle and take advantage of you. Grabbing you by the hair or your collar to get you to the bedroom, but sometimes when he feels like it, he could be able to just pick you up in bridal style and carry you to his bed - which is gigantic, by the way.
With Ainosuke, expect a lot of messy blowjobs. He would let you start and show your appreciation for the first few minutes. But after that, he would cup your cheeks, tug into your hair and face fuck you with vigorous speed. Plus points if you wear any makeup, he would ruin it, and almost get off only on the sight of seeing you crying off your eyeshadow. It would be hard to stop him after he starts, and wouldn't really care about your discomfort, the only thing he would avoid is making you vomit, he doesn't like that
He would call you the dirtiest, filthiest names ever, but would praise you and call you sweet, loving names just as much, especially during said face fucks.  
He is not THAT into bondage, Ainosuke prefers using his hand and body only to get you under full control, but if he is in the right mood, he would totally tie you up and abuse the hell out of you.
Doesn't matter if you are a female or a male, he would absolutely torture your nipples. Flicking them roughly, pinching them, tugging on them so hard that your back arches, slapping and biting them.
Getting to the main act with Ainosuke takes a long time, he would make sure to make you come one way or another, at least once.
Sometimes, when he is in a more affectionate mood, or you earned a reward, he would overstimulate you until you're so dizzy and disoriented that you don't even remember your own name, because you screamed his name so many times during your climaxes. He would leave you no rest, once you get your first one, he wouldn't stop, aiming for the next one, and the next one, and the next one...
Finally, when he gets between your legs with his crotch, you're so wet or lubricated that it wouldn't be much of a struggle to slam into you without a warning.
Through the whole foreplay, he is just so aloof and cold, or somewhat loving yet collected, but now that he is in you - he would completely switch into an animalistic, rough beast. Grabbing and bending you, completely getting lost in your moans, whimpers, and screams.
Would enjoy a lot of poses, his favorites are mating press, spreader, v, all variations of doggy, and basically everything where he is in full control over you.
But when he gets close, he would prefer to switch into missionary, leaving no space between your bodies, looking into your eyes as he reaches his high.
Depending on his mood, he would be either very affectionate with aftercare, or just completely ignorant of it, leaving you in the room alone as he goes to clean up himself and return to his day.
If there's no risk of knocking you up, he would usually release his seed into you, as a way of marking you as his, but would love to just cum anywhere on your body for the same reason.
That being said, he is not an abusing asshole all the time. From time to time, he would be more gentle, focusing more on holding your body like it was the most precious thing in the world, keeping it close to him, shower it with kisses, lovebites, and loving gropes.
He would sense your mood often, and if you feel down for some reason, he would cuddle you, placing you into his lap and wrapping his arm around you, and he would offer you some distraction from your problems. If you accept it, he would pay attention to your needs. Sure, if you just want his usual self, he will order you around and give you a rough treatment.
But if you need lovemaking, how would the Matador of Love turn you down? It's just something he won't really go for on a regular basis, so savor these moments every time, but don't be afraid to mention it when you need it, he's bossy and narcissistic but up for negotiations.
The latter is rather rare, he would usually just cuddle up with your messy, hot body for a few minutes before helping with the cleaning up.
Either way, sex is hardly ever predictable with him, he would be able to surprise you every time even after a long, long time of being together.
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potter-imagines · 4 years ago
NSFW Alphabet (Fred Weasley)
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader 
Notes: I will be having more posts coming soon, I’m sorry for the delay !!
Warning: Obviously, as assumed by the title, mature content. NSFW below.
Word Count: 3.9k
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Fred is extremely sweet and caring when it comes to aftercare. He is the first to leave the bed, but only so he can grab a wet towel and clean you. While doing so, he’ll scatter kisses across your skin and along your inner thighs. In terms of cuddling, he is the one to initiate it and refuses to loosen his hold on you. His hands will run through your hair as he holds your head against his chest until you both fall asleep. To George and Lee, it’s more common to wake up and see you sleeping in Fred’s arms, then for them to wake up and see him alone. Fred loved having you spend the night and practically begged you to every night. It wasn’t for the sex- you spent a few months dating before physical affection was even introduced- he just constantly found himself thinking about you and missing you when you weren’t near.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Fred’s favorite body part on you is your neck and ass. During these intimate moments, his lips remain attached to the skin of your neck for the most part. Love bites will scatter the surface, small bruises forming on your neck but the sensation was addicting. Fred will drag his tongue along the marks as he admires his work. He loved fucking you from a position that will always allow him to have a grip on your ass. He prefers you laying flat on your stomach fully at his mercy. It takes Fred a little while to warm up to smack your butt but once he does and hears your aroused reaction, it becomes one of his favorite kinks.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
LOVES to cum on your body- literally anywhere as long as it’s on you. You guys aren’t really up for having him finish inside of you. As amazing as it sounds to the both of you, neither one of you are prepared for children so it’s too big of a risk. He’ll usually pull out right as he’s about to climax and cum on your ass or stomach. Don’t worry, he always helps clean you up. Every once in a while he’ll finish inside your mouth and this is by far his favorite. The warm sensation of your mouth is just too much for him to handle. Not to mention he loves seeing you swallow once he’s finished.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Fred’s dirty secret is that he’ll sneak into your dorm room every once in a while and steal something from your drawers. It’s usually a fancy lace thong or some sort of clothing you own. You typically don’t get to spend all of break together so he likes to brig something to remember you by when he’s busy touching himself. Yes, he has masturbated with your panties multiple times but this is something he will never admit to you and is dead set on taking to his grave. He likes to close his eyes and wrap your clothes/thong around his hand while he thinks back to the last time he saw you in it. This is usually enough to get him off within minutes. 
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
You are both each other’s first but Fred still had a bit of experience. He had reached second base a few times and had a decent grip on what was to come next, but you were the first girl he decided to go all the way with. You knew he had a girlfriend before the two of you got together so you assumed he had already had sex before.
The two of you tip toed the line for weeks on end before you eventually pushed for the next step. While you guys were making out on his bed one night, you’d run your hand across the zipper on his slacks which caused Fred to nearly leap off the mattress. He’d be extremely nervous, which is an odd sight on Fred. It would be in this moment he’d admit to you that he was a virgin. He’s typically confident and a bit arrogant so you were surprised to know he had yet to have sex. Although, it came as a relief in a way. It would make the both of you feel more comfortable knowing there would be no judgement or room for comparison.
Fred would take the lead for the most part your first time. Probably missionary, just so he can have the chance to take all of you in. Plus it gives him a breathtaking view of you. He’d be a bit fidgety and nervous the first time. But don’t doubt Fred- this man is a quick learner and his cocky nature redeems itself the next night.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Fred is a sucker for doggy style and cowgirl style with you facing him. With doggy style, Fred can’t get enough of the view. He can see your perfect face moaning into the bedsheet, and your ass smacking against his hips. He wouldn’t last long fucking you this way. He’d finish hard with a breathy grunt on your back, his cum dripping on your skin. When you were on top, Fred still demanded control. He’d lift his hip so he was still the one fucking you. Your knees would press together at the overwhelming feeling bubbling in your stomach. He loved when you sat fully on his dick and would grin. This was the few times he’d allow you to make the moves. He knew you got yourself off grinding on his dick so he didn’t stop it. Besides the feeling of you cumming on him was far too good to deny. Sometimes he’d force your knees apart so he could have full access. Fred would pin your feet and his sides and thrust up into you until he pulled out and finished on himself.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) Fred most certainly has his moments during these personal, intimate moments. Sometimes he’d accidentally let a random thought slip out like, “You smell like strawberry cake from dinner… it smells really good, love. Did you have some?” You’d just stare up at him in confusion before the both of you started laughing at his random remark. It was sure a mode killer for the seriousness of the situation, but this would lead to the sex with Fred that left you giggiling and smiling the entire time, which wasn’t a terrible alternative at all.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I’d like to think Fred Weasley is a groomed man. Hygiene is important to Fred. He doesn’t like feeling stinky or gross in bed, especially when you always smell like lavender and strawberry, and this goes for his hair down there too.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Honestly, it totally depends on the vibe. It’s never just fucking- there’s always love invovled. But some nights are more intimate than others. Like when you’re sad and Fred takes his time kissing every inch of your body and making you feel like a princess. In these intimate moments, Fred will press his forehead against yours as he thrusts into you sweetly. He’ll hold your hand while his head is buried between your thighs. No matter your position, Fred always finds a way to snake one arm around your frame. He loves to hold you during these sweet moments.  
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Since the two of you began getting intimate, Fred hasn’t had a need to masturbate as much. Of course during break when the two of you are separate for long periods of time, he can’t help but jerk off to the thought of you. He’ll usually do this late at night when everyone is asleep or in the shower. He has a handful of photos in his bedside table of you. Most are innocent, happy photos. Two, on the other hand, are very much R-rate images. It’s a little secret kept between the two of you. The thought of Fred masturbating to you when you were apart during the summer really didn’t bother you much. You’d rather have him touching himself to the image of you rather than some random girl.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Fred Weasley is a man of many kinks, and many unexplored ones as well. He has a lot of little kinks, like light choking, back scratches, hickies, hair pulling, strip tease, high sex, drunk sex, etc. The more, larger kink of Fred’s would be light humiliation. Nothing major, just dirty talk between the two of you. This includes teasing, orgasm denial, and Fred being in full control, and you listening to every command he gives you. He loves being the dominant one. In these demands, he never takes anything over the line. They’re all sexual acts he has gotten approval from you for as to never make you uncomfortable. I think Fred would develop a daddy kink later in your relationship, a while after Hogwarts. Like when the two of you are living together in his apartment and he’s a successful businessman; yes, he will have a daddy kink.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
When the two of you are still at Hogwarts, your go to spot is Fred’s dorm. It is the safest, easiest option and holds the least risk. When you are feeling adventurous, you’ve found your favorite spot is behind the Shrieking Shack. Fred scouted the location out on one of your many trips to Hogsmeade and you found it was perfect. You were free to be as loud as you pleased. Students who did pass by and heard the screams would scurry away blaming it on the ‘ghosts’.
When you were out of school, the two of you found that you quite enjoyed having Fred fuck you over the counter of Weasley Wizard Wheezes. Mornings were a bit risky so you usually found after closing hours to be the best time. Fred would shove you into the wooden counter and turn you around so you were facing the door. With ease his hands unbuckled your jeans and he basically ripped them off, shoving you forward once again so your chest was flat against the wood. Without warning he’d start pounding into you mercilessly, the sound of your hips constantly slapping against the surface. The sound became a warning noise to George that screamed at him not to come downstairs.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
One way to really get Fred going is to play a little innocent game of flirting. Ron and Harry were typically your go to victims. If Fred was busy with friends or not paying attention to you, you knew giving your attention away to a different boy would certainly gain his.
You’d saunter over to the two younger boys and squish between them on the couch, placing one hand on each of their knees. They’d immediately freeze, a bashful blush painting both their cheeks. You’d bat your eyes and squeeze on their legs as you chatted away, waiting patiently for Fred to notice. It would take three minutes top before Fred is standing in front of you interjecting himself into the conversation by dragging you off the couch and up the stairs to his dorm room. Your plan always worked but it came at a large cost. A, not able to walk straight for a week, cost.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
One thing Fred is strongly against is harm or excessive force. You’ve verbally expressed to him that you enjoy when he chokes you but Fred is extremely cautious never to take it too far. He refuses to ever lay a hand on you anywhere but your ass. Slapping you is def something he is not comfortable with. He just doesn’t like feeling as if he’s hurt you- it’s not exactly a turn on to him.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Both. He is basically a god when it comes to giving oral. Fred never leaves you disappointed in this department. He’ll go down on you for twenty minutes at minimum. Although he’s the one pleasuring you, he finds pleasure in the taste of you on his tongue and your body moving at his touch. He’s pretty skilled and will switch between delicately eating your pussy, to roughly fingering you as his mouth sucks on your clit. His hands are either laced with yours, or pinning your hips down to the mattress. It’s unpredictable with him. The only certainty is, he won’t stop until you’ve finished and with Fred, there is no need for faking anything.
When it comes to you giving Fred oral, he’s never once asked. He feels it’s more of a present and never wants to feel like he’s forcing you. When you do go down on him, it’s absolute heaven. Fred only lasts five minutes or so in the warmth of your mouth. He can’t help but lift his hips into your embrace, eager for more. It drives him crazy when you flick your wet tongue against the tip of his cock. Or when you press your tongue against his tip then slowly drag it down to the end of his shaft, leaving a wet trail. Like he will cum in seconds.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
This totally depends. Fred likes to jump between, all in the same night. His time is pretty consistent at thirty minutes, but the pace is spontaneous. One thing Fred lovesss to do is make you squirm and hold control over you. When he can tell you’re about to unravel and orgasm, he’ll abruptly halt his speed and just rock his hips slowly. It was beyond frustrating but the climax was worth it. He also likes to catch you off guard by starting fast and sloppy right off the bat. It’s such a turn on to him when you beg him to go faster and he always grants this wish.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Eh, Fred isn’t huge on quickes. To him, making love to you is still making love, but he would much rather take his time and go at his own pace. Quickes happen about three times a week, maybe four. Some weeks are busier than others, and it can be difficult to spend quality time with Fred during the Quidditch season. When Fred is busy with practice, school, and matches, quickes seem to be the only love making that can fit into his schedule. You two still find time for each other but it’s not always spent fucking.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
In terms of risk, Fred is always up for the thrill of getting caught. Trying new things is his speciality and he loves exploring new sex adventures. The riskiest the two of you have gotten was either in the Gryffindor Common Room on the main sofa, or on the kitchen floor at the Burrow during summer break. Probably in the common room seeing as that was the only time the two of you had gotten caught in public. Of course George and Lee had walked into multiple questionable scenes, you two had only been caught once outside of the bedroom. During your final year at Hogwarts, Fred and George had made the decision to leave early to pursue their dreams of opening their own joke shop. Your boyfriend spent months begging you to leave with them and move into their apartment, but you sweetly refused each time. You promised him that once you finished at Hogwarts you’d move in with him and help the twins with their shop, which he eventually stubbornly agreed to. About a week before Fred and George were planning to ditch Hogwarts, Fred and you ended up making out on the couch in the common room. It was a late Sunday night and most students were asleep so you two figured you could fit a quick love session in. The kissing led to clothes coming off which eventually led to Fred positioned overtop of you and adjusting himself at your entrance. Once he found his way, Fred’s hips began pushing deeply inside of you. Your eyes fell back as a sultry moan escaped your lips. Fred kissed you sloppily in order to mask the sound of him fucking you. Not even five minutes in, George came walking down the steps casually in search of his twin.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Fred can go as long as it takes to make sure you’re fully satisfied. It’s usually like 2-3 rounds on average, but he is never against more. Nothing is ever too fast with Fred, he likes to take his time fucking you. Every once in a while you’ll have a quickie before a Quidditch match or during breakfast. These would usually last five-ten minutes top. It’s enough to keep him settled for a class or two but the second he laid eyes on you walking into his last class, he knew he needed more. Five minutes just wasn’t enough to fully admire your body. Fred would rather have longer rounds where he can make sure he’s made you cum as well. He’ll typically spend thirty-fourty minutes fucking you hard, then an hour or so cuddling you before repeating the cycle.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
While you guys are still at Hogwarts, owning sex toys was nearly impossible and just down right embarrassing to get caught with. Being exposed in front of all your classmates and professors was the last thing either of you wanted. Fred of course would get over it within hours but you knew you’d never live down the awkward shame. Once the you graduated and moved in with the twins above their shop, sex toys were introduced here and there. Fred found more gratification in pleasuring you with his hands, mouth, or dick, so he often neglected the use of toys in the bedroom. If it was something you wanted to try, he was more than willing to participate.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Fred Weasley is the biggest tease you’ll ever meet. He can help himself, it’s in his nature. Especially if you turn him on in public. Wearing any type of skirt, or clothing of his, in public will surely get you in trouble with Fred. He’ll sit beside you in the Great Hall and slowly slide his hand up your thigh. He wouldn’t stop until his fingertips were grazing the material of your underwear. Soon enough his fingers would dig under the barrier and begin rubbing small circles around your clit. He’d have you on edge for most of dinner, trying his best to keep the attention of your friends off the two of you. After sometime of playing with your folds, his lanky fingers would trace your outer lip, then two of them quickly dove into your tight hole. The pace was fast right off the bat making your body squirm in surprise. His eyes never even glanced at your but you knew he was fully paying attention to you, and only you. A small moan would pour from your lips when the pleasure grew to be too much. Every once in a while he’d send you a dangerous glare, silently warning you to be quiet. At the sound of your moans growing more careless, he’ll begin taunting you by slowing the speed of his fingers and leaning closely whispering,
“I know you want to cum, angel, I can feel your legs shaking. But you’re gonna have to wait, I’m not done with you yet.”
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
When Fred is drunk, you’re pretty sure ever the Slytherin students in the dungeons could hear his grunts and groans. He’s extremely verbal while intoxicated and doesn’t give a shit if anyone hears him. He doesn’t care- he wants everyone to know how fucking amazing you are and that you’re all his. When he’s sober, Fred usually gets vocal when he orgasms or when you’re giving him head. He gets especially loud when it’s just the two of you alone. If George and Lee are sleeping, he’ll groan and whisper dirty words in your ear. He really doesn’t want them waking up and catching the two of you- but it wasn’t like it hadn’t happened before.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
During your summer break before your final year at Hogwarts, you spent two months with the Weasley’s. Fred was over the moon to have you. Molly had a bed made in Ginny’s room for you so it was set that sleeping together in his bed would be impossible. Instead, Fred and you spent most of the summer sneaking around finding new spots in the home, and in the grassy land outside to make love. You shared a handful of sweet, delicate moments that summer. Fred made love to you softly in a field about a mile out from his house. He brought a blanket and set a picnic before the two of you began having sex. He pushed the food aside and pulled you down on the blanket so he could sneak in between your knees. Unexpectedly, his wet tongue pressed against the folds of your pussy as he started to fuck you with his tongue. He carried out eating you passionately for another ten minutes then gently took his time making love to you and watching you orgasm under his touch.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Let’s just say, you are very impressed with Fred’s size. You expected him to be on the larger side due to his height, but he’s got width too. You have yet to be able to fit his cock fully in your mouth, but it’s something you’re working on, and something Fred is very pleased with.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Fred Weasley is one horny bastard. He is willing and ready to fuck you whenever, and wherever. Wanting a quickie before class? Fred knows the perfect broom closet! Need some unwinding before bed? Fred is more than willing to drop to his knees and eat you out- something he had done multiple times in the Gryffindor common room after hours. You returned the favor frequently much to Fred’s approval. Whether this was a quick bj behind a tree by the Black Lake, or a handjob under the table during class, you always found a way to blow his mind… and well, other things.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
It typically takes at least two rounds to wear this boy out. Fred runs purely on adrenaline and when he fucks you, this is at a high. Although after cumming twice in a short amount of time, he’ll usually pass out with his arms latched around you within minutes. When Fred falls asleep, he is knocked out. It literally takes yanking him off the bed to wake him.
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seita · 5 years ago
― bnha abc’s: hitoshi shinsou [nsfw edition].
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
∴ since sex is so intense with him, he’s always faithful to aftercare. ∴ he literally never skimps on it. ∴ if you take a while to settle down, he’ll clean you off with a warm washcloth and cuddle with you with soft kisses and caresses until you’re clear headed. ∴ mixes lots of praise in the process, knowing how sensitive you feel emotionally. ∴ then he’ll take a bath with you. ∴ if you come back to earth pretty quickly and easily, he’ll be more relaxed and be more keen on cracking jokes and teasing you. ∴ he’ll run a bath and have a relaxing soak, chatting casually with you about anything that came to mind.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
∴ his: his hands. he knows how to use them and he loves how they look on your body. he knows he has really pretty, lithe fingers. also, the fact you’re always so eager to hold his hand makes him appreciate them more.
∴ yours: he’s a breast man. there’s something about feeling your breasts in his hands, leaving marks on the soft flesh. he loves how you react when he plays with your nipples. he can never resist taking them into his mouth when he fucks you.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
∴ he will cum literally wherever you want him to. ∴ if u want him to pull out, he’ll take pleasure in marking your body with his cum. ∴ if you want him to release inside, then he’s gonna cum even harder giving you a nice creampie. ∴ he maintains a decent enough diet so his cum def doesn’t taste bad -- a little bitter, maybe but something you could handle. ∴ he cums a lot too, several spurts releasing. ∴ his orgasm lasts a good amount too ― he cums really hard lmao.
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
∴ he has...on more than one occasion... ∴ jerked off using ur panties lmao. ∴ he doesn’t exactly keep it a secret but ∴ he’s never going to just admit he did it. ∴ if you call him out on it he’ll probably easily confess. ∴ but until then....where oh where do ur panties keep going lmao
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
∴ he hasn’t had many partners. ∴ but...he has experience in the sense that he has done research and tried such a wide variety of kinks and positions that he’s just...got it down to a science. ∴ he always makes sure his bdsm etiquette is perfect, he never wants to cause you any harm. ∴ he takes the time at the beginning of the relationship to learn your body’s sweet spots and talks to you about what you like and want. ∴ he’s very good at communication so he gains experience purely by learning tbh.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
∴ his usual go to is doggy style or the mating press. ∴ he likes how deep he can get his cock into you. ∴ he can feel you cum so well like that. ∴ very rarely will he let you ride him. ∴ don’t be mistaken tho, he’s always in control even if you’re on top.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
∴ not really a jokey type of guy. ∴ he prefers to be serious to as to not break the scene. ∴ that’s not to say he can’t be goofy. ∴ he will if he’s in the mood. ∴ or if the two of you aren’t doing anything hardcore. ∴ but def don’t expect it.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
∴ carpet matches the drapes, king is a natural.....purplehead???? ∴ he keeps himself well groomed in the sense he trims. ∴ but he doesn’t shave bald. ∴ he doesn’t like the look of his dick hairless. ∴ but his pubes are always pretty short so u don’t gotta worry when suckin his dick u feel?
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
∴ he’s intimate in the sense that the dynamic of your relationship requires a strong emotional connection and trust. ∴ in the moment, he takes on the dominant role teasing and humiliating you. ∴ but he makes sure to mix in praise and the odd sweet touch amid the bruising grips. ∴ he’s not really into romantic sex ∴ like you’ll never get candles and rose petals on the bed. ∴ but he always shows he loves you in his own way.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
∴ he doesn’t jerk off very often. ∴ but he has urges frequently enough. ∴ probably takes like 2 or 3 nights a week to himself if he doesn’t get the chance to fuck you. ∴ he uses his hands, fisting his cock while he watches porn on his phone. ∴ takes a shower afterwards to clean up the mess.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
∴ very heavily into dom/sub dynamics. ∴ he is always the dom. ∴ prefers to be called master most of the time. ∴ you’re his pretty little kitten. ∴ there is lit no chance he will be submissive lmao. ∴ it’s not always hardcore scenes with him, though. ∴ he’s very capable of having vanilla sex without the choking and spanking if you so wish.
∴ dacryphilia. ∴ he gets off on your tears. ∴ when he punishes you by overstimulating you and you sob that it’s too much. ∴ when he’s been teasing you for an hour, edging you before backing off and you have tears in your eyes. ∴ when your throat is wrapped around his cock and there’s tears running down your cheeks. ∴ he finds it so fucking hot lmao.
∴ shibari. ∴ there’s something about the red ropes on your skin that is so beautiful to him. ∴ he loves seeing you tied up and vulnerable to his debauchery. ∴ he thinks you’re prettiest when you’re restrained with the complex patterns of rope.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
∴ prefers the old faithful bedroom. ∴ but he’s not opposed to the living room, bathroom, or kitchen if he so pleases. ∴ it’s just all his toys are easily in reach in the bedroom. ∴ and plus, it makes it easier for you to get comfortable faster if you’re already on the bed when you’re done.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
∴ teasing him. ∴ flash him a view of his favorite panties under your skirt. ∴ “innocently” lay your hand on his thigh, close to his cock under the dinner table with friends. ∴ lick a lollipop suggestively. ∴ if u do literally anything to tease him, you’re in for it lmao. ∴ making him jealous. ∴ seeing you flirt with another guy instantly makes him feel territorial. ∴ he knows when you’re doing it on purpose and easily takes the bait, knowing what you want. ∴ however, it won’t work if there’s some random guy just hitting on u. ∴ he knows u didn’t ask for that and doesn’t see that as something to get jealous over. ∴ he trusts u n shit. ∴ worshipping him. ∴ sit on your knees while he watches tv asking if you can suck his dick. ∴ tell him how nice his hands are and how you love how they feel around your throat. ∴ let it slip that you had a wet dream about him last night. ∴ he’s more than eager to give u more reasons to worship him.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
he’s not into anything that will cause lasting harm to you. he’ll spank you and do some impact play but if you ask for anything really hardcore like burning or cutting you...it’s a no from him. he genuinely couldn’t handle hurting you like that.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
∴ def a giver. ∴ he thrives on pleasuring you. ∴ he thinks you look divine with his mouth attached to your greedy cunt. ∴ he’s damn good at it too. ∴ more than capable of making you cum several times if he so wishes.
∴ when he receives, he’s into some deep throating. ∴ won’t necessarily facefuck you. ∴ but it’s a slow, methodical pace he sets. ∴ he relishes on sinking his cock deep into your throat to feel you choke and gag around him. ∴ watching your eyes tear up as you struggle to swallow him down.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
∴ prefers a fast pace. ∴ he likes the thrill of being rough with you. ∴ sometimes he likes a deep, slow pace that makes you feel him all the way to your cervix. ∴ he can, of course, pull the sensual card if he so chooses. ∴ he def gets into moods where he wants to worship you and indulge in your body to the fullest.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
∴ honestly not his go to. ∴ it’s not that he doesn’t like them, it’s just that he finds them...unfulfilling? ∴ he’s a man who enjoys long, drawn out scenes of you begging and cumming multiple times for him. ∴ a quickie doesn’t allow him that time. ∴ of course, if you want to have sex with him and the only option is a quickie well...he definitely oblige. ∴ it’s just not his preference.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
∴ he’s more than willing to experiment. ∴ he’s always looking for ways to bring something new and exciting into the bedroom. ∴ is all ears when you bring up something that caught your attention. ∴ will always do his best to do as you ask. ∴ isn’t willing to risk your safety or reputation, however.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
∴ one round most of the time. ∴ but it’s one long ass round. ∴ he’s got immense self control and knows exactly how to draw sex out. ∴ he may even indulge in a cock ring to make himself last even longer. ∴ but he has the ability to stave off his own orgasm for a while. ∴ if you want more than one round, you only get it if the sex isn’t intense. ∴ he saves the multiple rounds for the occasional soft, sensual sex/
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
∴ he enjoys toys! ∴ but they’re not brought in too frequently. ∴ more specificially, he uses them for punishment most of the time. ∴ likes to hold a vibrator to your clit until you’re crying. ∴ makes you ride a dildo instead of letting you have his cock. ∴ he’s rather fond of rope tho, if that counts. ∴ doesn’t use them on himself like.....ever. minus an occasional cock ring.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
∴ lmao if u don’t like to be teased ur shit out of luck. ∴ he likes to draw out the sex with you. ∴ so when you two do it, he teases you for a long time. ∴ he is a monster about it. ∴ takes immense pleasure in your begging and crying. ∴ eges u constantly ∴ but he usually follows through with his teasing unless ur bein punished
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
∴ not a moaner. ∴ the most you get is an occasional grunt and a groan when he cums. ∴ HOWEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ∴ he is a constant producer of dirty talk. ∴ he really never shuts up tbh lmao. ∴ but it’s hot as hell. ∴ lit the best dirty talk you could hope to hear. ∴ so it’s not really a loss. ∴ when he’s not callin u a slut and humiliating you, he’s calling you his good girla nd telling u ur pretty.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
∴ he’s got a rlly big anal kink. ∴ i could say he almost loves it more than actual vaginal sex. ∴ he couldn’t tell you why except for the fact it feels dirtier. ∴ it feels more lewd to him and that just gets him off. ∴ especially if you’re shy about it ∴ he uses that as a gateway to humiliate u and make u cry ∴ and that only gets him more turned on ∴ dont let him fuck ur ass too often or he’ll actually go feral lmao
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
∴ hitoshi shinsou’s dick is big. ∴ i just know it is. ∴ more specifically, he’s got girth that makes your mouth water. ∴ he also has no problem reaching your cervix when he goes deep enough. ∴ lowkey cocky about it. ∴ always asks u how much u love his big cock or teasing u about how he’s too big for ur pussy to take. ∴ filthy man.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
∴ well,,,,it’s not high but it’s definitely not low. ∴ like he’s not looking to be balls deep inside you every single night. ∴ and it’s not like he’ll lose his mind if he doesn’t get to fuck u for a while. ∴ but he’ll jerk off to release the built up tension. ∴ and if u want to have sex every night then he’s pretty easy to convince ngl.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
∴ stays up a pretty long time afterwards. ∴ usually it’s because he’s taking care of you. ∴ but also, in general, he doesn’t sleep much. ∴ he’ll usually just lay in bed on his phone while u sleep beside him. ∴ the good news is if u wake up in the middle of the night bc ur thirsty he can get u a glass of water. ∴ or if u wake up horny and wanna suck his dick he’s already awake so hey everybody’s a winner.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧  
© all content belongs to seita 2020. do not modify or repost.
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sebastianshaw · 3 years ago
Since you’re the only Marvel blog I know who seems to know anything about the comics Eternals, who would you pick to fight who in the X-Men? Based off the Sersi vs Emma idea.
HMMM Ok, so since Emma vs Sersi is the basic "fight your counterpart" routine, I'm gonna pick based on that. Even though, if we're being logical, it makes more sense to fight someone who is going to be weak against your particular abilities, than someone who is extremely similar to you. Okay, so Sersi vs Emma is a natural pick in terms of their personalities, if not exactly their abilities. Ajak vs Exodus because they're both the religious extremists of their groups. Ikaris vs Cyclops, because they're very much the classic heroes of their bunches plus eye beams. I mean, all Eternals have eye beams, but Ikaris is kinda iconic with them. Phastos vs Forge, battle of the builders. Thena is a very physical noble warrior type, so I'd send her against Colossus Gilgamesh is too, and he's also so devoted to humanity that he kills his own kind if he feels they've hurt humans enough to deserve it. Whereas Shaw is so selfish he fucks over his own kind and sells them out to humans for his benefit. So between that interesting mirror plus their respective"beat the shit out stuff" combat styles , seems a fun match. Sprite's an illusionist first and foremost, so her natural opponent would be one of the Mastermind fam, maybe all three of them together. Family time! Kingo I'm having a hard time with, since he's one of the few Eternals where I don't know much about his comic version. He is still a movie star in the comics though, just for samurai movies since the comic version has the appearance of an East Asian man, and that theatricality plus the fact he knows how to use a sword makes me say his counterpart is def Nightcrawler. Zuras is the leader of the Eternals most of the time, but also rarely fights himself despite not seeming weak per se. His unique power is that he was originally the only Eternal known to be capable of initiating the creation of the Uni-Mind, causing the consciousness of all Eternals to merge into one being. So, that's a huge psychic power (even though Zuras on his own is only a low-level telepath) and he's the older guy in charge who nonetheless usually hangs back and gives commands, so I'm gonna say he goes up against Xavier with the power of the Uni-Mind backing him. Druig is a manipulative self-serving usurping backstabbing sadistic dickbag who is also an illusionist and a telepath with a special talent for psychically pinpointing someone's greatest fear and then forcing them to experience it mentally as a living nightmare, and he can also take control of people's minds. The "makes people experience their greatest fear" makes me think of Moonstar, being the backstabbing traitor always seeking power makes me think of Fabian Cortez, but I think I'd match him against Sinister. They've got fairly similar powers once you factor in all the other default abilities that every Eternal has (super strength, super durability, etc) and their equally awful and cunning personalities. Makkari is a speedster so I guess the Beaubier twins would be her opponents, as I don't see Pietro showing up to throw down for Krakoa. Legba hangs out at the Green Lagoon and samples the drinks and flirts while all these fools fight, and Cybele just enjoys the Krakoan greenery because she's a nature-lover non-combatant who stays out of everything.
ETA: also there’s loads of other comics-only Eternals besides Legba, Zuras, and Cybele, but I thought I’d mostly go with the most relevant comics ones that the stories tend to be about, which is basically the movie cast plus Zuras, Legba too in Knauf’s run, and then also I threw in Cybele because she’s just my fave.
ETA 2: oh and Vampiro vs Logan entirely because Vampiro has the same mask shape
ETA 3: Pixie vs Pixie for the name
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tiptapricot · 4 years ago
I’ve been having a lot of Evil Robo BnT thoughts recently, so here’s a bunch of them! This ended up pretty long just as a forwarning djjdjd
Post DeNomolos, Evil BnT are forced to do a lot of self exploration and discovery
They’re two robots from the far future, stuck in the past with each other and the two humongously important historical figures they were not only sent back to kill, but also physically made to look and sound exactly like, with no way back to their own time and no further reason to carry out the mission they were created for
It’s a lot to adjust to
(Three uses of the f-slur near the end in a canon compliant/reclaimed usage context, and implied sexual content, but extremely mild)
It still doesn’t have much of an impact on them at first though, besides some anger and annoyance. They don’t feel emotions in the same way or to the same depth that humans do, so they kind of fall back on: this sucks and that guy was a dick, guess we have to live in the stupid past now, and that’s the extent of it
But they’re also AIs, and AIs learn and grow
They hide out in a cheap apartment for the first few months or so back, going out to steal money to pay for rent and to pick up movies and stuff, but it’s exposure to the world, it’s living. And the more they interact with people, the more media they consume, the more the rigid walls of their programming break down and expand
And that’s when things start getting complicated
Because that’s when things like morals, sense of self, purpose in life, and, to their horror, real emotions start coming into play
Their evil edges start corroding, things stop being as straightforward, and they start developing into their own complex people
Being Bill and Ted with a few glorified descriptors stuck on the front starts feeling… weird, especially when they inevitably end up running into them again and being around them more
Because they’re supposed to be Bill and Ted, but they aren’t, and yet they can’t completely deny the parts of themselves that are….. it’s frustrating
As a first step in both asserting and exploring their individuality, they choose their own names
Evil Bill chooses Willis, or Will for short, and Evil Ted goes with Theoneous, Theo for short
It’s different enough to feel like their own thing, while still appeasing the ingrained itch to take BnT’s place
There are gaps like that, a disconnect/mental dissonance between their consciousnesses and the knowledge that they’re robots, circuitboards and wires and code, like a separation between what they feel is them and what they feel is the robot
That’s an experience that continues as they grow, especially as they try and figure out what to do with their lives. It’s tough sometimes, to figure out where the programming ends and where their own wants and drives begin
They’re the only ones familiar enough with future tech to help each other when they experience technical issues or need repairs, and the only ones they feel comfortable being that physically vulnerable with
It leads to them being kind of codependent, but it’s warranted in a lot of ways
They also naturally stick closer to each other, because even though they grow to have emotions and are able to care about people, they aren’t totally mushy
They don’t get as upset about things, or as excited, and while they form their own kind of love for the people they end up caring about (without admitting it), they’re still never able to connect with humans in the same way they connect with each other
It’s this inherent wall, a difference in how they experience the world
Their forms of affection are machine based, just like how humans are human based. They’ll give each other cold packs when it’s hot or they’ve been moving a lot, they’ll do evening maintenance on each other, chatting while one of them has their hand in the other’s chest cavity, and they jump on each other or bang their shoulders together super hard, because they can’t feel a thing and they’re durable enough for it, and that’s fun to them
That doesn’t really carry over to human interaction though, and a lot of times they end up coming across as cold or mean
They generally have a rougher seeming relationship than most humans. There’s a lot of teasing and insults and slapping, which turns most people off from them, but that’s how they show they’re comfortable (it’s also how they show they don’t like people, but there’s a subtle and meaningful difference there, AKA that they won’t purposefully try to harm the former party)
Robots process sound differently too, for them it’s more of a physical experience than just listening
Will’s guilty pleasure is that he likes to listen to piano (secretly), especially Debussy and other classical that sounds similar. Something about it makes his circuitry feel good and fuzzy and calms him down
He doesn’t feel comfortable telling Theo about it, it still feels like a dumb pussweed thing to be into (plus it continues to make him have some most non metal thoughts about kissing and That’s DEFINITELY not something he can share)
They also both really like death metal. Though they were loosely programmed with the knowledge of BnT’s music taste, it’s not quite their style, and they lean towards the more intense stuff
They do that in most fields though, since it usually takes higher energy stuff to get them going/excited/into something
That’s why they roughhouse a lot, and mess things up, and drive recklessly, it forces their mechanics to process more things more quickly, and as a result gives them their own form of dopamine/adrenaline
Sometimes things backfire, they’ve fucked themselves up accidentally on more then one occasion when stuff goes too far or isn’t what they expect, but they’re always there to patch each other up
When their synth skin gets ripped or torn they don’t always bother to repair it, and underneath there’s a layer of see through hard plastic and their bodies look like those clear case electronics that were popular in the 90s (idea cred to @juiceboxfrog !)
They also have inspector gadget-like telescoping stretch arms at their wrist and ankle joints, but they don’t use those much because they’re unsettling to most humans. Definitely a leg up when they want to climb places the shouldn’t, though (idea cred to @showbiz-za !)
Theo is more prone to needing fix ups than Will, since the extra wiring that was installed for the time and space spanning camera DeNomolos gave him made him more susceptible to short circuiting, over heating, and other glitches
After awhile he just takes his left eye out and leaves it like that, keeping his hair in his face to cover it. It doesn’t do anything for the internal parts of it he still has, but it’s not like it’s a loss. The connection port kept sparking, and it was uncomfortable and kept fucking with his vision, so it wasn’t worth it
Plus he didn’t really like that it used to be a camera… or still could be
One of the things Will and Theo both have to get used to is actually valuing their own privacy and autonomy
When DeNomolos was around they were just his tools, tools that he didn’t even like
They honestly grow to resent him pretty fast, both with his treatment of them, and, when their emotions are especially out of control, his creation of them
They don’t talk about it much, or when they do it’s mainly anger, not addressing or showing the more raw parts they do feel, because that’s still foreign to them, and their circuits weren’t designed to process or understand more complex stuff
Complex stuff like how being around Ted more makes Theo develop a certain… insecurity
It’s not like the connections are hard to make: he looks like Ted, he sounds like Ted, he was meant to be Ted, Ted has a dickweed of a dad, and Theo had a dickweed of a creator, Ted has Bill and Theo has Will
But Theo doesn’t have Deacon
And while he doesn’t want to be exactly like Ted, part of him also does (it was made to). Part of him wants to be human, to have those natural connections and someone to watch over
But he doesn’t and it’s weird*
He tries to ignore it, chalks it up to his drive still attempting to put him on his original track of replacing Ted, and therefore making him more aware of the family roles Ted has
For all he knows that is what it is, he’s just a robot after all
Even though they aren’t really ones for mushy love, Will and Theo do love each other
You can’t not when you know the other person inside and out, literally
They joke a lot about that when they’re doing repairs (“Dude you’re holding my heart, pretty faggy of you.”), and though they laugh, there’s an unspoken intimacy to it, something that sits warm in their wires and goes beyond platonic; something (though they would never describe it as such) loving about getting to take care of each other, and getting to get taken care of
The jokes also stop being jokes after awhile and take on a charge, morphing into unofficial flirting
Eventually that charge sparks, and their relationship becomes a different kind of physical. That’s new, too, a type of exploration neither of them are familiar with, but it’s nice, it’s good, and it’s easier to write off as casual and not meaningful than anything else (for the record I do think this works/plays out different for them than it does for humans, but I will nOt get into that here or anywhere lmao)
That arrangement doesn’t last forever, though, because one night Theo has a bad malfunction that cause him to completely power down, and it sends Will into a panic
It takes him almost an hour to fix the problem and for Theo to reboot, and when he comes back Will can’t stop touching him and checking in and it’s weird
“Why are you so worked up dude, this’s happened plenty of times.”
“Yeah I know you just… you fritzed out and went limp and it freaked me out dude.”
“So? You know this is nothing to worry about. I don’t get why you’re kinda acting like such a pussweed dude.”
“I didn’t know what was wrong! That’s plenty of reason to be fucking worried!”
“Not for you! Not for us! Why the hell do you care so much this time?”
“Because I love you, asshole!”
And then there’s silence, and staring, and then Theo cracks a smile
“Heh, fag.”
Kissing after a confession, as it turns out, makes both of them short circuit, and they wake up three days later still tangled up on top of each other, half falling off the apartment couch
“Y’know… I think we’re both fags now dude,” Will whispers, and they chuckle in the space between their mouths. “I did it first though.”
*he does get this later with Billie and Thea, but that’s a whole separate post
(As one last thing wanted to add that Love Came Along by Pansy Division perfectly encapsulates the vibes of Will n Theo’s relationship to me, AKA something casual and almost humorous while still being super intimate and emotional, so def check it out if you’re ok with suuuuper explicitly sexual lyrics bfgjgfdfg)
Headcanons masterpost
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sophlubbwriting · 4 years ago
Shifting to your arms - 02
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Summary: This is a slice-of-life series where you, the reader successfully shifted realities with the goal to spend time with Loki. Nothing too intense.
A/N: I was quite scared to write a fight scene, especially since my knowledge about actual fights was... limited... but here it is! I hope y'all like it!
Feel free to shoot me a request and I'll see what I can do!
Taglist: @gingerspicetalks​ @adoreyou976​
Feedback is always appreciated!
Chapter Summary: Fight training with the god of mischief. There isn’t much else to it.
Chapter warnings: fight training, self doubts, Loki being Loki
Word count: 2016
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Lucky for you, a pair of black sweatpants plus an oversized zip-up hoodie just waited for you in your wardrobe.
You couldn’t waste any more time and felt comfortable with your choice of clothes, so you opened the door and stepped out on the hallway. The whole tower felt more silent than it had been a few hours earlier which might be caused by the time Loki had picked. Everyone was following their respective evening routine, but it isn't too late to be seen in the corridors.
While strutting to the gym, you checked whether you had everything with you. You got a bottle of water, that's it. After all, what else did you need?
Contemplating your choice, you were doubting yourself. Would Loki be a good teacher? What would he teach you? He is a true genius when in regards to all things magic, he was also a master manipulator, but the god of mischief doesn't seem like someone well-versed in hand to hand combat.
However, Loki really seems to love his daggers. Honestly, it's kind of weird how he isn't the god of daggers as well, it would surely be a fitting title. Maybe you can somehow convince him to give you a dagger and show you how to fight with it.
Receiving one of Loki's truly beautiful daggers sounds like a great idea, but it would probably hit too close to home for Loki. Giving someone their dagger, is a huge tradition in Asgard connected with courting someone after all.
So, looks like you won't get a dagger.
As you entered the gym, the smell of new gym mats and sweat flew in your face, but what ended up taking your breath away was the backside of someone's infamous asgardian combat clothing. Why was he standing there? Has he been pacing up and down while waiting for you? You couldn't help but smile at the thought of him waiting for you impatiently.
“Oh look at that, right on time. I didn't expect that  from a midgarian.”
Of course Loki would talk down on you based on your midgarian heritage, that was predictable. It would have been out of character if he didn't, honestly.
He sighed and he finally turned around, a hint of a smirk was still visible on his face.
“But at last you're here, so let's...”
Slowly mustering you, he took a moment to finish his sentence, dropping his smirk.
“...begin. Is that what midgarians deem as 'fashionable'?”
And with it the grin you wore was washed away. His mischievous tone vanished rather quickly, causing you to feel quite self aware. Your confidence from earlier? Gone, just like that.
His words hurt you more than you anticipated, but you tried your best to hide your vulnerability.
In an attempt to defend your choice in clothes, you told him that you valued comfortability over style. “Unlike you, I don't have to dress to impress.” you added. Scrunching his nose the god wanted to drop another sassy comment, but he decided otherwise.
You shook your head. Being still a bit salty after his rude comment, you voiced your doubts.
“Honestly, I don't know anymore if you were the correct choice.”
You both just stood there and looked into each others eyes. For a second you thought Loki's eyes looked... disappointed?
The silence was unbearable, but neither of you knew what to say, until Loki found his voice again.
“Pardon me?” he asked, finally breaking the silence after what felt like hours, but could have been only seconds.
In an effort to do some sort of damage control, you couldn't stop yourself from rambling and explaining yourself.
“You're an awesome sorcerer and I can't even imagine what you're capable of doing with those... those daggers, but... how much do you actually know about hand to hand combat?”
Now, he stopped being disappointed, if he ever was. He chuckled and started acting offended:
“I know my magic abilities are... out of this world, but I can assure you I have earned my fair share of experience in hand to hand combat.”
“But having experience doesn't mean you're good”, you intervened his arrogant praise with a sly smirk. Having seen a glimpse of emotional vulnerability in his eyes, you felt oddly calm around him. Your newly found confidence manifested itself in one sassy comment after another. “If I recall correctly, Valkyrie easily bested you.”
“Why don't you go ask Valkyrie for help then?” Loki asked boldly.
Just like that, you both stepped into the boxing ring.
“I would assume I'd have to explain the basics to you first, now.”, Loki exclaimed whilst spreading his arms. “Everyone has their very own distinct style. Whereas Valkyrie” - he made sure to stress that name derogatorily - “likes to show off and tends to pride herself with... well, everything she possibly can, whereas I personally-”
“You prefer debating, silver-tongue. I get it.” you taunt him with a smirk. He didn't seem touched by your commentary. While you rolled your eyes, the god of mischief continued his speech.
“It's usually easier to complete the missions stealthily or to talk yourself up the ranks. Infiltrating the enemy, that's my speciality. You shouldn't underestimate the power of subtlety.”
You knew he was good, but you couldn't help yourself but to keep teasing him. To see him mildly annoyed filled you with joy, letting him taste his own medicine, although you felt as if you started to understand, why he made the comments he made.
“Is that because you can't-”
Loki requited your comment so quick, you hadn't the opportunity to finish it. The next thing you knew was how your back hit the floor and you saw Loki towering over you.
“First lesson: You shouldn't aggravate your opponent unnecessarily, you might end up with a... disadvantage.” He emphasized the last word with his raspy voice, not imaginable what he was alluding to.
With a slightly hurt pride you stood up again. “You're quick.” you stated the obvious. Acting like you would know more than you did, you put your fists up and in front of your face the way you saw it in movies often. The adrenaline rushed through your veins, you could feel it, and you glared at the god in front of you.
With a quick jab, you aimed for his stomach and were sure to hit, but with a swift step he avoided your punch altogether. Astounded by his quick movement, you weren't able to retrieve your arm quick enough to protect yourself from his counter.
He grabbed your arm and stepped a foot behind your leg. In one fluid motion your legs were kicked up and you were sent flying with an involuntarily backflip. Lucky for you, your forearms were at least quick enough to protect your face.
“Oh dear, you really don't know anything about fighting, do you?”
With an exasperated groan you pushed yourself up, back on your feet. This was way more exhausting than you thought it'd be. With heavy breaths you assessed the situation for the first time.
Loki was way quicker than you, a surprise attack wouldn't work. A feint attack? He'd probably still be quick enough to evade, if not counter. But what if...
“Al...right” you panted demotivated. “I...” and you fell forward and followed through with your plan.
Loki's reflexes forced him to catch you. Predictable. You slithered your arms around his neck, adjusted your position and swung your legs around his waist. Due to the momentum of your legs you were able to make the god stumble, but it wasn't enough to make him fall yet.
In your books, that was a win. Not only have you been able to make contact at will, you have successfully tricked the god of trickery.
Who would've imagined that thinking before doing something would ever turn out to be so efficient?
Of course he was quick to push you off and have you land on the floor again, but that wasn't enough to negate the sense of achievement that was flooding your mind.
You didn't even try to hide the grin.
“I have tricked you” you joyfully retold the event, small giggles escaping your lips.
“I'm still standing” he nonchalantly stated. While he wasn't wrong, you felt like you made progress.
“But I made you stumble.”
After a few more rounds of your attacks and some sparse tries to defend yourself, you didn't have any more energy to focus on fight training. It must have been midnight already, two hours filled with training have passed. Your zip-up hoodie was thrown in a corner, discarded a while ago as you felt like you were sweating too much, and you had revealed the plain t-shirt you wore underneath.
“Alright, my dear, I think this is the time to finalize the conditions of our little deal.” Loki tried to conceal his heavy breathing and knelt down next to you, not bothering helping you up. Reluctantly you sat up and told him to go on.
“Since you want to learn how to fight properly, we'll have to train more often, however I am not going to do so without... compensation.”
This simple sentence rang alarm bells in your head, especially since you are already planning on baking a cake which you intended to be enough. There was no way he had forgotten it already.
“You can't have forgotten it already.” You shot him a quick glance as he followed up with something that lead you to believe he was planning something.
“Lemon cake, I didn't forget, but I'm afraid that won't be enough for all lessons, darling. Let's just say... you owe me. Plus, today I was just assessing your skills. I have yet to show you a few exercises to train for yourself.”
Scrunching your nose at his not very concise proposal, you decided to bluff an told him you were just going to ask someone else to teach you, if he was being serious, but to no avail Loki saw right through it. He proclaimed “If I were you, I wouldn't do that. I figured you would prefer me to keep these interactions a secret, wouldn't you?”
The god of mischief clearly had the upper hand in this negotiations.
Albeit you were visibly displeased by his threat to tell everyone you couldn't fight, you gave him your final reply with a scoff.
“Well, I don't really have much of a choice now, do I?”
There it was. That mischievous twinkle you saw in his eyes earlier, paired with a smirk. You don't know how, but you couldn't stay mad at him. You just couldn't.
You shook your head and smirked again. “It almost feels like I just sold my soul.”
Surprising to you, Loki tried to calm you down. Did he think you were actually afraid of losing your soul to him?
“Don't worry, my dear, even if it would be possible to separate one's body from one's soul, I would never intend to steal yours. Quite frankly, I wouldn't even know, what to do with it!”
He even put his hands up in front of him to show you, he wasn't trying to 'grab your soul' or something. It looked rather adorable and made you laugh, which left Loki staring at you confused.
You were contemplating whether you should explain it to him in full, but ultimately decided against it, it would take too long. Instead, you said the next best thing. “I was kidding, Loki!”
After some more laughing you asked him what has been on your mind since you sealed the deal.
“So, when will we meet again?”
The raven haired god turned to you and thought about it for a second while looking at you. You looked in his eyes for longer than you should have, but the answer he gave you with a smirk was quick to grab your attention.
“Tomorrow, same time. If you want to see me only at the gym, that is.”
You copied his smirk with a quick glance at lips.
“You'll see.”
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marchioness-caprina · 4 years ago
You Like Me Not?
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Pairings : Takami Keigo (Hawks) x Reader
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warnings : Mild Cussing
Word Count 3290
3rd Person's POV
" Hawks. I'll ask you Nicely ok? Can you Please Please keep your distance from That New hero in your agency? That Foxy bimbo bitch what's her name again? " Y/n ranted narrowing her eyes towards Keigo who was casually lounging down on the couch with an amused look on his face.
" Now now Little Dove, I can't avoid her if you don't even know her name. But if I must say it then... Hmm" Keigo's eyes gleamed mischievously at the female in front of him as he uttered a word that made y/n go red with anger .
" Enchantress? "
" Keigo. " Y/n gave him a stern look and he just laughed at her face like it was a joke.
" Listen Kid. Looks like you gotta have another reality check. I can't avoid her because.... " Keigo paused his eyes never leaving y/n's angered face.
" Because? " Y/n growled impatiently as she crossed her arms.
" 1. We're Not even dating but here you are acting like you're MY girlfriend when you're clearly you're.... Not. " Keigo chuckled and y/n who knew that it was a fact flinched; feeling as if a million bricks were dropped on top of her head. The way he said it was like a harsh blow to the gut but she kept her usual strong expression.
" 2. We're working under the same agency so getting paired up with her isn't avoidable... Plus as her hero name states... She is enchanting " Keigo's smirk only grew as y/n's face became flushed with anger. Her eyes burning up dangerously as she gave a venomous glare at Keigo.
" And last but not the least... 3. I'm not interested in a first year kid. So chances of the two of us of ever dating is a Big fat No. Plus I think Enchantress is a lot more prettier than the average and if you ask me... I'd go after adults like her than Kids like you so stop acting like we're---" Although Keigo's Tone was indeed playful and the smirk on his face made it even more clearer. His words stung like hell.
Y/n who was visiting their agency and went straight up to his office to complain had taken in the harsh damages and blows. Yes she may be a first year brat in U.A but was it really terrible to love someone older than her by a few years?.
Apparently she was a little naive in terms of love so when Keigo saved her when she was still in middle school she fell in love. Who wouldn't? He's got undeniable charms, a pretty face , a well sculptured figure but most of all. He made her feel safe and protected, setting she never felt before so when she finally began studying in U.A she decided to pursue Hawks so it was very common for her to come by the agency. Almost everyone knows who she is by now.
So this was the usual; but it was the first time she walked out on Keigo who was still Talking.
Because it was honestly too much. After she confessed to him and started pursuing him, Keigo decided to be a Jerk and gave her a very hard time. When she'd come over to give him lunch he'd purposely fly away and call her to deliver it to a specific place but when she gets there he calls her again to either say that she was taking too long and left or he had 'accidentally' gave the wrong address and he needs her to send it on this one instead.
And he keeps doing that everytime. He even went as far as to go to another town to have her chasing him like a madman. Yet her determination never faltered. Something Hawks had came to acknowledge her for.
He sends her on wild goose chases and one time he gave her 3 wrong addresses even though he was only sitting in his office the whole time.
And if people think his wings are sharp then his words are sharper. He may be sweet to the media or the other people outside but when talking to her, his words are venomous, sarcastic, and over all it's just rude and pretty painful to hear.
How y/n had managed to stand strong until now was a mystery and everyone in the agency had grew to respect her for this but also carrying a little hatred for Hawks who purposely plays with her.
Keigo who was left in his office was speechless, he blinked a few times and even pinched himself to see if he was dreaming and when he found out that he wasn't he gave out a sigh.
It was quiet, far too quiet. His mind drifted off to y/n who had stormed out of his office awhile ago. Yes he was very much aware of the cruel treatment he was giving her but that's only because he wanted to see how persistent this girl was with her love for him, he thought she'd give up within the second time but when she never did he grew even more intrested and began testing her a lot more than intended and when he found out that her affection for him was too strong.
He didn't know what to do and began running away like a coward. It was wrong in so many levels. She was younger than him not to mention she's still studying in U.A, His job isn't necessarily designed to have a normal life and finding love and making a family IS normal, and he might die one day and he didn't want her to carry the burden of losing him so it's better to make her hate him.
But boy was he wrong when she kept coming back stronger than before. She was already forcing her way in his heart that he became distressed with his emotions.
And poof, he suddenly realized that he loved her back.
Something about her allured him to no ends and curse his animalistic instincts when it comes to mates because as much as he hates to admit it, he had already acknowledged her as a Mate. HIS mate. He can't help but be greedy and possessive of her, and the the mighty knows how many nights he had to lock himself in, restrain himself while his self control was being brutally tested on ; because with one wrong move he may have already infiltrated U.A causing a security distress, Crashed inside her dorm room , fucking bred her like a feral animal and claimed her like the pretty little mate she was.
Everytime he sees her, his control weakens and he had to hit himself and punch his face multiple times literally to remind himself that she was still a goddamn minor and he can't have his way with her yet.
She's not making it any easier for him so he developed a bad habit of taking it out on her because if his words can't do the talking then he might as well jump her bones and have her screaming his name.
Keigo groaned as he planted his palm on his forehead.
He was beginning to feel anxious. Like something bad was about to happen; something he didn't like at all.
He turned on the T.V and started reading through a few papers works but he couldn't hold himself back anymore.
He jumped out the window and began feverishly looking for the h/c haired girl.
" Fuck me and my Fucking Hormones... God.... Kid what have you done to me? " He mumbled but it came out as a growl instead. He was agitated, frantic and nervous, he couldn't get her out of his head even if he'd hit his head on a fucking billboard.
His eyes darting to every direction he knew she would take to get here. As creepy as it may sound but he knows every single route she'd take to get to his agency including the transportation she'd take to get there every time.
After some time he finally spotted her after dashing and flying at jet speed throughout the city like a mentally deranged patient he had finally spotted her .
A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he tried to regain his cool.
" Hey Kid" He yelled out once he was near enough and he got no answer.
Y/n had purposely ignored him. His words still rang inside her head and everytime she remembered. It made her heart clench in pain.
And when she heard her name being called out by the said Male . She wanted to turn around. hell she even wanted to run to him like a love sick little puppy but she can't let him see that she was crying.
So she ignored him and began walking at a faster pace.
" Oohh~ playing hard to get now aren't we? You know you gotta try harder. A little silent treatment isn't going to have me falling for you ya know" keigo casually stated with a hint of playfulness but he knew any better; he was desperate to have her attention back to him.
God, what did he do? Did she finally wake up and decided that she was sick of his bullshit treatment? Shit now what?.
After minutes of no answer Keigo began to feel frustrated and without thinking he landed behind her and grabbed her by the shoulder. only to whirl her around to face him.
" Kid---"
Keigo froze after seeing here blood shot eyes and tear stained cheeks.
He did it this time and he felt like a full blown jerk for doing this... For hurting her.
Y/n avoided any form of eye contact and placed her eyes on anywhere but him, lips quivering in a mixture of anger and sadness. She looked like a mess.
But Keigo thought otherwise though, he felt so sick of himself. The face she was making, teary eyes, flushed cheeks, quivering lips. It had disgustingly turned him on even though the situation screamed otherwise. His thoughts began to drift into the dirtiest part of his mind wondering if this face would be the reward he'd get if he'd have her under him, sprawled all over his sheets, sweaty and needy for him while crying-- no begging for him to give her more while he rearranged her guts. Damn he really was Messed up in every possible way.
He wanted to slap himself for thinking that way but a part of him couldn't blame himself because ever since she started coming over he had been so pent up it was a miracle he hadn't fucked her on the spot. And he didn't even have the guts to fuck another woman because he already acknowledged her as a mate; HIS mate.
He swallowed hard before forcing himself to speak.
" What's this? Now you're giving me a Sad and Pity worthy face? If you're making me feel guilty then it's working. I didn't think you'd stoop this low th---"
" Takami leave me alone. I don't want to see you right now, if you came here to insult me even further then just Go. " Y/n cut him off, she was unable to bring herself from listening to another one of his remarkable insults again when the wound was still fresh.
Keigo paused as his once playful stare began to change into a more intimidating and stern look.
' Leave you Alone? After what you've done to me? Oh~ what a naughty baby bird... No Never.... I'll keep this in mind when I finally claim you, I'll punish you for ever thinking of leaving' those thoughts circulated through Keigo's head as he silently stood there. Staring at her.
Y/n who was unable to handle the pressure tried to yank herself away from his hold but he had a grisly grip on her shoulders and his gaze managed to intimidate her enough to stop moving.
" Listen.... Y/n---"
" Senior Hawks! " Keigo was cut off from speaking and to top it all up he was taken by surprise and his reflexes kicked in; pushing y/n away quite harshly.
Their gazes were flung to the left where Enchantress, the new Hero in their agency was running towards them with a devious smile.
Keigo groaned and y/n rolled her eyes after seeing the pink haired female make her way towards them.
" Hey " Keigo muttered but again; he was caught by surprise when Enchantress had wrapped her arms around his while smiling proudly at y/n.
" Who's This Senior? " She asked pointing at y/n but the look on her face made it obvious that she already knew who y/n was.
" She's y/n...a fan" Keigo's persona shifted in a heartbeat and was now wearing his natural and charming smile.
" Oh? She's a Fan? Well nice to meet you. I'm the new Hero Enchantress, Say... You have a pretty face " Enchantress smirked making y/n fight back a scowl.
" Thanks " As much as y/n wanted to drop all the pleasantries and Immediately move to the part where she's ripping of Enchantress's left boob.... She can't.
So she decided to keep it neutral and gave Enchantress a small nod and a smile.
" You have a pretty face... But... Senior if you were given a chance to pick, which one of us would you choose? I wonder" Enchantress cheered innocently but her question got Hawks cornered.
She was doing this on purpose; placing him in a situation where he'd most likely fuck up and judging by the looks the two females were giving him... He can't smooth talk his way outta this. Not this time.
" Of course.... I'd pick you-- " Keigo's eyes we're settled on y/n but he pulled his gaze away from her and towards enchantress. " Enchantress" Keigo finished and The look of triumph on The pink haired female's face was floor-bash worthy.
Y/n stood in place, for a moment there she had her hopes up. Keigo was cruel enough to pull that stunt on her; giving her false hope only to bring her down and rub it in her face.
" Or course you'd pick me, miss y/n is still a kid and she's... Take no Offense in this miss y/n but Senior Hawks is a bit... Hmmm... Out of your league?" Enchantress smirk grew wider and Hawks who was already lying through his teeth was still fighting his Pride for dominance.
With a sharp glare sent towards Enchantress who didn't seem to notice only scooted closer towards him.
" Oh, Really? Ok then "
Keigo blinked at how nonchalant and uncaring y/n's reply was. He was genuinely expecting her to explode like usual but this time it's different.
Y/n was fighting back the new batch of tears, heartbreak was a real pain in the ass. Couldn't he just put her down slowly? Why is he taking pleasure in hurting her this way? Now he's rubbing salt onto the wound.
In which area did she lack in? Her face? Body? Skill? Intelligence? Now that she thought about it, Enchantress tray lived up to her Hero name. She was perfect in every angle.... Perfect for Hawks. Enchantress had a nice body, a seductive face and y/n heard of the achievements done by the Female Hero.
She can't beat her even if she tried. She's mentally, physically and emotionally drained to even give a reaction. She'd just get hurt even more.
Maybe this is a sign.
For her to finally give up, move on, shift her focus and concentration to something more beneficial.
This was hopeless and all she ever got was pain. She's not a masochist who yearns for the continuous and brutal impact of emotional pain. Heck even masochists needs a little love too.
She's tired and y/n knows better than to put herself down with her own insecurities. So she needed to make a move fast because she'll only get hurt again.
It's wise to forget him.
With a deep breath she pulled out a strong front with a genuine smile on her face as she gazed at Keigo and Enchantress.
Keigo wore an anxious look while Enchantress held a surprised expression.
" Well, you two do look compatible and you're right he is out of my league.... That's why I'll look for someone else within my reach. He's not the only fish in the pond.... I'm sure I'm holding you guys back.. Carry on with your hero duties, I'll go back now Bye~" Y/n turned around and gave them a wave before skipping away from the two.
Her tone along with her smile looked far too cheerful that it scared Hawks.
Did she just say she'd look for Someone Else?, she had the guts to say that right in front of him?.
He balled his hand into a fist, and for the first time in his life he had never felt this scared to lose someone. He was breathing heavily while throwing a mental tantrum.
" You know.... I thought you'd finally stop that bad habit of yours Hawks.... I learned from the rumors and wanted to see for myself and probably give you a hand to confess to her but now that I've witnessed it, You really are a Fucktard" Enchantress shook her head as she crossed her arms gazing at Hawks with disappointment.
" Fuck off. This was your fault to Begin with. It's not as easy as you think"
" Really? You're blaming me for all the fuck ups you're responsible for? A girl's heart is fragile Hawks... I didn't live for a hundred years buried in the shelter of naivety. Her love was true and I think you just lost your chances.... If you wanna fix it. Fix it fast because once a girl has enough, she'll leave you like you're worth nothing. "
" I... I know I fucked up but your meddling wasn't necessary "
" Really? I was getting tired of watching you hurt her. I'm a woman too and I don't appreciate seeing other men hurt a woman who clearly loves them.... I did her a favor by giving her the ultimatum to let go... Looks like she took it in the end " Enchantress chuckled while Hawks stood there, his demeanor turning darker by the passing second.
" You're saying it's better that she leave me? " Keigo muttered Darkly , a dangerous look in his eyes began to resurface.
Enchantress kept a calm expression and nodded her head.
" You're Toxic Hawks. And it's better for her to leave you than seeing her get hurt over and over again... I've been in that stage before... And it hurts more than any injury I've suffered... "
" Since you're so knowledgeable about this then why not tell me how to fix it? Before I decide to go rogue and slit your throat" keigo threatened as he plucked out a feather which turned rudged and sharp; pointing it at Enchantress .
" Hmm... You seem to Love her judging by how strongly you reacted ... But you're worst than shit in showing it... But here's a tip . If you wanna fix it then fix yourself first. Learn how to treat a woman you like as if she's greater than a queen and remember that I'm not the one who hurt her...it was you." With those words being uttered Enchantress disappeared in a puff of smoke.
........ To be continued
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shaolin-spin-doctor · 4 years ago
Midnight Terrors
Kung Jin is awoken by someone sneaking past his bedroom. Fearing an enemy attack, he gives chase, but finds out the intruder's identity and motives are completely unexpected.
Kung Jin jolted awake upon hearing the sounds of hurried footsteps outside his room.
They weren't loud at all - in fact, if the Shaolin monk wasn't so well-seasoned by the numerous sneak attacks he and his fellow Special Forces teammates had been subjected to in their visits to Outworld, he might've just missed them entirely. Whoever was out there knew how to move quietly, regardless of the evident panic in their uneven stride.
Someone with such skill sneaking around the temple in the middle of the night couldn't possibly mean anything good.
Kung Jin sprung out of bed, snatching his staff and wasting no time in darting out of the room. He was relatively unprotected, sporting only the plain tank top and shorts he usually slept in, but he couldn't afford to slow down and let the intruder escape; whoever was out there was fast, and there was no telling of what they might do if left unchecked... That is, if they hadn't already finished whatever job they were sent to do.
Shaking his head in an attempt to clear the dark thoughts forming in his mind, the Shaolin warrior continued to run through the moonlit corridor, the feeling of the cold marble tiles beneath his feet dispelling whatever traces of sleepiness still lingered within him. He could hear muted noises right ahead - they resembled voices, but they sounded distorted and out of sync; they had an almost sinister, yet desperate feel to them, and Jin had the disturbing feeling they were somehow familiar.
Slowing down as to avoid detection, the monk tracked the strange sounds to a huge, slightly open wooden door on one side of the hallway. He recognized it as one of the many meditation rooms in the temple - he himself visited it quite often, being the one closest to his own room and in relative isolation from everyone else in the temple. It was the perfect place to lock yourself in if you didn't want to be seen... or caught. Tightening his hold on his staff and channeling his energy until he felt the familiar heat of fire forming inside the metal dragon's maw, Kung Jin drew a deep breath before pushing the door open and stepping inside, ready to confront whoever - or whatever - was on the other side.
What he saw caught him completely off guard, and whatever hostility he had felt died down in a split second.
A man was down on his knees in the middle of the room, pose askew as if he had carelessly - or perhaps, despairingly - thrown himself into the floor; his long, graying hair was a mess, free from the braid it was usually styled in, and his frame shook everytime he attempted to breathe, making it apparent he was struggling to do so. His warped, echoing voice recited a choked prayer, the ominous sound doing little to mask the sheer fright dripping from every word, and the faint glow cast by the pulsating yellow veins stretching throughout his ashen skin revealed trails of blood leaking from nail-shaped wounds in his arms. Kung Jin let out a light, anxious gasp, lowering his staff and staring at the figure in front of him.
"Lao?" He asked softly, failing to stop his voice from trembling at the end. The revenant flinched at the mention of his name and curled further into himself, his voice growing more desperate and desynchronized as he struggled to continue his plea - a chant used to purify one's spirit, Jin noted. The young Shaolin moved to his uncle's side, kneeling next to him to try and get his attention. "Easy there, old man," he murmured, moving his hands in a placating gesture, "It's me, Jin. It's okay."
Kung Lao turned to face the other warrior, blazing eyes wild with dread despite his nephew's reassurance. Whatever words he was trying to say died in his cracked lips as he frantically gasped for air, and Jin, recognizing the older man's struggle, placed a firm hand in his back in an attempt to ground him.
"Breathe with me," Kung Jin instructed, inhaling slowly and exaggerating his motions so they'd be easier to follow. It took a few attempts, but Lao understood soon enough and began following his rhythm, eventually managing to calm down enough to shoot him a grateful look. Jin nodded.
"You did great," he said with a soft smile.
Kung Lao shook his head, looking away. "I'm sorry. I... lost it," he whispered, bitterness lacing his words. The younger Shaolin frowned.
"What are you talking about?" He inquired. Lao drew in a sharp breath, refusing to look back at his nephew.
"I had a nightmare." The revenant stopped for a moment, running a hand down his face. Jin noticed traces of dry blood trickling down his blackened nails and into his palm. "I was beating your team up, really badly. I tried to stop myself, but the more I struggled, the worse it got, and then I..." he shut his eyes tightly. "I killed you, one by one. Cassandra, Jacqueline, Takeda... And you. I ended your lives with my bare hands, and I was laughing, and it felt so real, and I... I panicked. By the elder gods, I was terrified. I thought... I thought I had actually hurt someone."
For a moment, Lao looked down at his hands, studying the dried trails of crimson running down his fingers. He then huffed, his face twisting into a disgusted snarl.
"That doesn't change anything, though. I did hurt people - committed unthinkable atrocities. It doesn't matter how hard I try to hide it..." He drew in a shaky breath and clenched his fists tightly, long nails digging into his skin with enough force to draw fresh blood. "I'm still a monster. Am, and always will be."
The sinister, out of sync echo of the revenant's voice only amplified the vitriolic self-loathing present in his words, and Kung Jin's chest ached at how familiar the whole situation was.
"Is that all you think you are?" he asked quietly, tawny eyes locking with his uncle's fiery ones. Kung Lao was taken aback by the sheer hurt written all over his nephew's face. "You do realize it wasn't your fault... right? You were under Quan Chi's control. You couldn't-"
"I enjoyed it!" Kung Lao growled, interrupting the other warrior. "I tried to stop it, but it felt good. No matter how hard I fought, how much I tried to resist, it felt good, and I couldn't control it. I-"
"It wasn't you," Jin cut him off, a solemn edge to his voice. "It was never you."
The revenant let out a trembling exhale, a pained expression taking ahold of his face. He closed his eyes and curled into himself. "I should've tried harder. I... should've been stronger."
Kung Jin didn't think twice before wrapping his arms around Kung Lao's frame, pulling him into a hug. The older Shaolin was unsure of how to react at first, stunned by the sudden contact - he couldn't remember the last time he had been embraced like this, and the unexpected display of affection seemed almost alien to him. It took a while, but he eventually returned the gesture, allowing himself to give into it completely. Jin sniffled.
Despite Lao's unnaturally cold form, it almost reminded him of the last time they bid each other farewell all those years ago. Before the world came crashing down for both of them.
"No, Lao." The younger warrior said, finally breaking the silence. He felt like a child, clinging desperately to his uncle as if the older man would somehow disappear if he let go. "It wasn't your fault. None of it was." He broke away from the embrace to look at the other warrior in the eye. "Anyone else would've succumbed to the darkness, but you? You made a conscious effort to come back once you broke free. You fought to get your life back, and you did, and you're so, so strong for it."
Kung Lao opened his mouth to protest, but Jin shot him a warning look and raised a finger to silence him before he could say anything. "Don't blame yourself for things you had no control over. What matters is that you're here, now, and you're being true to yourself despite everything. You're not a monster. You..." The young Shaolin looked away for a moment, carefully considering his next words, and when he looked back at his uncle, it was with a fond smile on his face. "You're a hero."
Lao stared at his nephew as he processed his words. The other man's genuine expression filled his chest with an overwhelming feeling of warmth, and he forced himself to rub his eyes with the back of his hand in an attempt to hide the moisture building in them. "Just a hero?" he asked, shooting Jin a knowing look. The archer rolled his eyes in an exaggerated fashion.
"Fine," he huffed dramatically. "My hero."
Kung Lao chuckled. "I thought I was just another thing in your way."
Jin snorted and shoved him jokingly. "The only thing you're in the way of is my sleep schedule. C'mon, I need rest, and so do you." He punched his uncle's shoulder softly and gestured for him to stand up. "Let's get you cleaned up."
"Wait," Lao said , stopping Jin dead in his tracks. "I can't go out like this."
"Didn't stop you from waking me up," the younger warrior shot back, causing his uncle to pout. "Plus, I doubt your spirit can settle down when you're hurt and covered in blood." He shot the other man a devious look when he groaned. "Tough luck, gramps."
Kung Lao sighed dramatically before standing up. "You sure have a way with words."
Kung Jin shrugged as he picked up his staff and followed suit. "It's a Kung thing."
The two men approached the wooden door, and Jin was about to hold it open when Lao spoke up out of the blue. "Jin?"
"... Thank you."
The archer looked back at his uncle, and they locked eyes. Gratitude was written all over the revenant's expression, and, despite his inhuman features, Kung Jin could see the soft smile on his face was genuine. He grinned back.
"You're such a softie. C'mon, old men first."
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hishoukoku · 4 years ago
Heyyyy. I wanted to know how if u know how cql differs from the original story. Which is better? I'm kinda lazy to read and the donghua seemed super rushed to me? The manhua i heard is similar but it doesnt give me the same vibe idk.... maybe it's just me. like even a few pointers about big story changes would help. tyyyyyyy
I wanna start by saying that I do love all adaptations, so I will do my best just to point out the differences without being partial (too much) for certain plot elements.
It's true that the drama is a neat way to experience the story at a slower pace, but it's so because in a TV series scenario it makes perfect sense for everything to be slower and laid out or fed to the viewer. It makes sense to overextend tender and dramatic moments or to take the time and add a bunch of funny hilarious bits.
The donghua however is absolutely amazing and 100% worth watching. The plot advancing quicker than in the drama or the novel actually makes a lot of sense given, well first this is animation. It focuses on what's really important and the way the action scenes are intertwined with the main story elements is absolutely astounding. In an animated medium they did the absolute best to bring this long story to life. Plus the art is absolutely GORGEOUS, down to every frame. I strongly recommend it.
The manhua does follow the novel almost to the letter which is so refreshing to see and it's so rad to read too, plus I like the art style and also no censorship xD
I love them all because they each work in their own way. Bringing the drama slow pace into the donghua wouldn't work at all as well as making CQL shorter and more action packed would look ridiculous.
Personally I think it's rad to watch them all and gain even more knowledge on an amazing story, by consuming the same story in multiple forms of media.I just think it's great to explore all the angles from which the story can be observed.
Onto a few major differences. I believe this list is far from complete, but I tried to jolt down what I could from memory:
-> Basically the main difference would be Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji uncovering the mystery of Nie Mingjue's death:
In CQL, this was changed from the novel plotline: dismembered arm(+ putting back the dismembered body) of his spirit, to a spirit sword. It ultimately leads to the same epic conclusion as it does in the novel. The culprit is unchanged, just the means to get there and the characters motivations along the way are altered.
-> Another major divergence would be the entire Yi Iron arc and the hunt for Yi Iron pieces, which takes a vast majority of the CQL flashbacks. This isn't present in the novel. The Yi Iron is only important because it practically explains the already existent and yet unpracticed demonic cultivation, which brings me to my next point.
-> In CQL Wei Wuxian is not the actual founder of demonic cultivation. Wei Wuxian still uses demonic cultivation and all his inventions are there, including of course the Stygian Tiger Amulet. The reasoning behind this is the Yi Iron plot I mentioned above, which was something that was uncovered and worshipped in the past and it's a tremendous source of dark energy and power. This leads to the fact that demonic cultivation already exists, despite no one actually using it except for Wei Wuxian (after finding the first piece in the Xuanwu shell).
-> To emphasize more on this, a big part of WWX's morality is altered in CQL. The necromancy part is also heavily downplayed in CQL. We see the same choices being made which inadvertently lead to the same conclusions, but he is always shown as more of a victim of circumstance or there's always a bigger plot at stake, pointing all the blame towards him.
Without going into a character analysis in this arc (because I absolutely adore WWX and I would talk about him for hours) I wanted to point out a few more things on this:
- In CQL he's shown to be in wrong place at the wrong time type of situations, which is sort of downgrading what the original intent behind his character was about.
- I feel like the novel has built WWX to be very self-aware and more realistic and human. He knows exactly where his stands and what his moral compass is the entire time. He blames himself even for stuff out of his control and every decision he ever made no mater how it was perceived as, was all rooted in and filtered through his absolute sense of justice and selflessness. He's aware of his mistakes and assumes responsibility. He's very absolute about the decisions he sticks to and he's extremely intelligent and calculated.
Then again, I'm not blaming CQL per say for altering this, I know every divergence to his character was solely due to censorship (as morality usually is in cdramas), I just wish he'd been given a lot more credit where credit is due, like in the novel. Because he deserves a lot more validation and recognition. Absolving him of everything he ever did is actually a disservice to all the pain he endured and all the work he put into the cause he believes in and simply striving to survive and in the unfair, judgemental cultivation world.
-> The structure of the story is different. The novel, donghua and manhua jump from flashbacks to present time back and forth, while in CQL, episode 3 to episode 33(halfway) are all flashbacks presenting the entire past story arc to you, before returning to the present fully. Again, to have everything laid out in order, works well in a TV series environment.
-> The relationship between WangXian evolves differently. The novel has Wei Wuxian mistakenly concluding that Lan Wangji doesn’t like him, driving a wedge between them after the Nightless City events. This of course, has a beautiful natural progression into romantic relationship, later on after he resurrects.
CQL on the other hand shows Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji having a very close relationship from the moment they reunite as Wei Wuxian died knowing Lan Wangji cares deeply about him. I believe this to be a bit utopic as, technically without previous explicit romantic affection - censorship -, Wei Wuxian's actions wouldn't normally lead to such an easy transition into them being extremely close, especially for someone as stoic as Lan Wangji. True, Lan Wangji has always believed in Wei Wuxian's sense of integrity and justice and this was prepared beforehand, however it would make even more sense if this was backed, like in the novel, by love as a powerful incentive.
-> Wei Wuxian's reincarnation in Mo Xuanyu's body doesn't cause him to alter his appearance in CQL. This isn't really explained except for subtle hints that Mo Xuanyu took precautions to ensure Wei Wuxian looked like his original self, but ofc we can tell it was done so due to convenience.
In the novel it's clearly stated how Wei Wuxian takes Mo Xuanyu's appearance which makes complete sense to happen after he used the Sacrifice Summon.
This would be about it as main pointers, if you'd like me to go into details for any of them please let me know. Otherwise I feel like this post is already long enough, heheh.
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antipodeanpineapplelump · 3 years ago
Dear Starshot, I recently saw your latest artwork for #Shisui Uchiha and the Lost Treasure of Asura and I am DYING to learn more about this AU. If you're comfortable sharing, is there anything you can disclose about it?? Is this related to the ItaShi Indiana Jones AU you mentioned before?!!?!?!?!!
Hi Birk, thank you so much for dropping by with this ask! Are you really voluntarily asking me to talk about my current obsession and fanfic baby though? Because I warn you, you may live to regret that!!!
"Shisui Uchiha and the Lost Treasure of Asura" is now the official title of my ItaShi Indiana Jones AU. I realise it’s been over a year since I first mentioned it, and it’s still a WIP! Pretty sure that says absolutely nothing good about the speed of my writing, but a lot about how busy my life outside of fandom is. Anyhow, it’s definitely one of those AUs that’s got away on me. I was planning one story initially, but now it’s kind of turned into three (plus a cracky oneshot), and this is just the first.
I’ve planned nine chapters total so far, but the bane of my life is currently number four. It’s sitting at 16,000 words and counting. Succinct writing? I’ve certainly never heard of it… So anyway, I kind of hit a wall there and decided to take a little break to come back with fresh eyes. That’s how I ended up working on the art instead. But I’d say I’m probably about halfway through the first draft (47,000-ish words).
I recently shared the opening scene and my draft cover artwork here. Ummm… what else can I tell you? Madara is the main bad guy, and he’s definitely a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Shisui is an agent of disaster and chaos. Itachi is really… not. So their initial interactions go about as well as you could expect.
All the main characters have extensive back stories. I’m pretty sure you’re already familiar with my Machiavellian worldbuilding tendencies from reading Red Dawn, so it goes without saying I have just as many notes and plans, and as much fleshed out worldbuilding for this story too. And it will take a long time for all of that to be revealed! But the overarching theme is probably found family, which is different to anything I’ve done before.
At this risk of revealing too much, or boring you to tears, I’ll finish with another sneak peek, this time from Itachi’s POV:
When Itachi wakes, there’s nothing to suggest his day is going to be anything but routine.
He gets up at dawn as per usual, eating breakfast at the dining table alone, legs tucked beneath him on a comfortable zabuton. The solitude at this hour of day is something he prefers. It’s the only time the family home is quiet anymore—lacking the cold disapproval of his father’s increasingly judgemental lectures, the anger of his younger brother’s rebellion, or the resigned acquiescence of his mother.
By now, Fugaku should have left for work, and it’s still too early for Sasuke to be awake, given how late he’s been staying out at night. Either to irritate their father, or just avoid him entirely, he’s taken to frequenting the clubs and bars in Osaka. Mostly, he comes home. Some nights, he doesn’t.
More often than not, even when he is home his door is closed, the thumping bass line of some song or another seeping out from beneath it. Likely because he knows this angers their father even more than the leather jackets and spiked punk-rock hair style he now sports.
Part of Itachi has been glad to discover his brother possesses more of a spine than he ever has. But at the same time, Sasuke’s rejection of every last one of their father’s rules has only brought more unwanted scrutiny to Itachi’s far more minor transgressions. It’s as though, having decided his younger child is a lost cause, Fugaku now wants to be absolutely certain his eldest son and heir to the Uchiha family fortune is beyond reproach. To smother him with expectations until he emerges, a diamond from beneath the pressure.
But unbeknownst to Fugaku, Itachi has one flaw he can’t change. And it means that, no matter what, he’ll always be a failure in his father’s eyes.
Sighing, he swallows a mouthful of rice and fish, washing it down with the sweetened barley tea he favours. Pulling this month’s edition of Modern Archaeology across the table, he inspects its glossy cover and promptly chokes on his drink.
The face that smiles up from the page stokes a knot of hot irritation in his gut. Furiously, he skips to the article, skim-reading the text, despite the fact he knows it will only annoy him further.
"An up-and-coming star in the field of archaeology, particularly specialising in South-American cultures, Shisui Uchiha is an increasingly well-known fixture of the San Diego research scene. Curiously for someone so entrenched in the study of history, he is famously reticent when it comes to his own. ‘I did spend my early years in Japan,’ he confirms when pressed. ‘But I haven’t been back in a long time. The United States is my home now.’ Asked about his connection to the famous Uchiha family, he merely winks enigmatically. ‘Never heard of them,’ he says, before asking if we’d like a one-on-one tour of the dig site.
Equally at home in dusty ruins as surfing the palm-lined SoCal beaches, or scaling the cliffs of his native Joshua Tree National Park, he nonetheless shines in group settings too. At the party we attend that evening, to celebrate the opening of a new Aztec exhibit at the Museo Nacional de Antropología in Mexico City, he easily charms the crowd, finishing the night with at least half a dozen new admirers. It’s not hard to see why they like him. A conversation with Shisui is exercise in passion and obscure historical knowledge. Even so, much like the dig sites he frequents, it’s hard to say just how much of what he presents to the world runs more than surface-deep.
His motto in life? ‘Fall seven times, stand up eight,’ Shisui says with a charismatic smile. Where did he learn it? Chuckling, he brushes us off. ‘The school of hard knocks.’
Love him or hate him, one thing is certain—we haven’t seen the last of Shisui Uchiha’s brand of archaeology.”
Hate him, Itachi thinks, sipping his tea viciously enough to scald his tongue and immediately regretting it. Definitely hate. Hate how he’s reckless, impulsive, irresponsible, and doesn’t seem to take a single thing seriously. Hate that it looks like he’s never had to work hard for anything a day in his life—people only too happy to hand him whatever he wants on a silver platter, charmed by a pretty smile. Hate the fact that, despite their shared family name, he’s free to do whatever he likes. Hate the way people flock to him, falling into his orbit—and by all accounts, bed—like it’s somehow inevitable. And hate, most of all, that there’s a small part of Itachi which understands why.
Because hate or love him—and it’s definitely hate—there’s no denying that Shisui Uchiha is, objectively, a very attractive man.
Coming back to his senses and realising he’s been leaning over the magazine, frowning so hard his forehead hurts, Itachi straightens, closing his eyes and massaging the knot of tension out from between his eyebrows.
The tension sinks in even deeper. He opens his eyes. “Father.”
Fugaku takes in magazine, then his son, and Itachi really hopes his cheeks aren’t as flushed as they feel. It’s stupid, but merely knowing he feels the way he does about the man on the page makes him fear being caught. As though his father might somehow divine his deepest darkest secret, just by looking. Truthfully, Itachi sometimes wonders if he might not already know, or at least suspect. But if he does, it’s clearly a truth he’s chosen not to acknowledge.
“I take it you’re prepared for our meeting this evening?” Fugaku asks, grim as ever.
Attempting a composed sip of his tea, Itachi nods. “Yes. Of course.”
Mouth a hard, unyielding line, Fugaku makes some indiscernible noise of disapproval, sweeping an appraising glance over Itachi. “Well, I suppose it’s too much to hope that anything can be done about your hair between then and now. But they’re a modern family. New money. Perhaps it won’t matter so much.”
Fingers tightening into the flesh of his thigh, Itachi has to remind himself to breathe. “I will do my best to make a good impression,” he says, inclining his head towards his father, penitence for his innumerable shortcomings—not least of all the choice to grow his hair out. It’s a small act of rebellion compared to Sasuke’s effort, but one his father seems determined to curtail as promptly as possible.
Poker face easing ever so slightly, Fugaku’s brows trend downwards, though their slant is still severe. “I know. You are my son, after all. And it is high time you were married with a family of your own. Perhaps then you will see the value in giving up these frivolous academic pursuits, and taking your rightful place at the head of the family business.”
He might as well build a box and stuff Itachi into it. Mold him to fit his own vision of the future. But Itachi has long since learnt that what he wishes he could have from life, and what he can have, are two very different things. So, just like his infrequent clandestine trips to the less desirable areas of Osaka’s nightlife, this too, he realises he will have to sacrifice. Duty before self.
“Yes Father, I’m certain you’re right,” he says, bowing once more as Fugaku leaves for work, closing the front door behind him with a click that reeks of finality.
As his footsteps crunch away on the gravel path outside, Itachi can’t help clenching his fists, until long after his knuckles turn white.
Theoretically, it’s a good match. From a family of good standing, his potential bride is quiet and well spoken—the perfect future housewife and mother. Their marriage would kill two birds with one stone, giving her father the son he never had, and Itachi—and therefore by extension Fugaku—control of their biggest competitor’s business.
All it requires is for Itachi spend the rest of his life pretending to be something he’s not.
The weight of it burns tight in his throat, threatening to break free on a rising tide of bile. He longs to cast off his gilded shackles, take a leaf from Sasuke’s book and do something completely crazy.
With a sigh, he rises from the table, collecting his dishes and depositing them circumspectly into the sink. Another day of work awaits.
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inagetawaycarxo · 5 years ago
NFSW ALPHABET w/ Jay Halstead
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Requested by corebore123
A = Aftercare (What they��re like after sex)
Jay is very attentive and caring after sex. As well as worn out.
Jay likes to know if you are okay after both of you have sex.
So, it is no surprise if he asks, “Are you okay?”, “Are you hurt?”, “Did I hurt you?”, “How are you feeling?”.  While caressing your jawline. Looking intently in your eyes.
Jay will also ask if you are hungry or thirsty.
Taking a shower together. Or a bath.
Once both of you have finished showering. {Well after having another round of sex in the shower/bath. Then cleaning up. You put his shirt on which makes him stare at you in awe.
Jay loves to cuddle after sex. Whether it is spooning, or you are resting your head against his chest.
Absently drawing patterns on his chest. While he either plays with your hair or traces his fingers up and down your arm.
Tender kisses on your forehead. And the top of your head. B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Probably his arms. He likes to work out on them. Gaining muscle on them. Also, likes it when you grab them as well.
Jay’s favourite body part of yours has to be your mouth.
He finds your lips irresistible. The way they feel/press against his lips and body. Plus, down below in that area is blissful.
He often just stares at your lips/mouth going into a daydream. C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I’m a disgusting person)
He will opt to pull out or cum in you depends.
Cumming on your stomach, or in you. Depends on the sex position you are in. if it is from behind then it is on your back and ass.
He comes in your mouth when you give him a blowjob. Looking at him while you swallow his cum.
Jay will swallow your cum when he gives you oral.
When he is fingering you, and you cum on his fingers, he will lick/suck your cum off his fingers. All the while looking at you.
Or making you suck/lick your cum off his fingers. D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He secretly likes it when you are the Dom.
He often fantasies about you dominating him. And well him being the sub.
Mostly your Dom side comes out when you are jealous. E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Jay is experienced. He has been with other women before you. Whether it was one-night stands, flings or girlfriends. He knows how to satisfy you. F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
Mostly missionary. Yes, it is vanilla and old fashioned. But at least he gets to see your facial expressions face to face. The expressions you make as he thrusts into you. Your O face. His and your bodies pressed together.
Doggy style. He likes to grab your hair, and pull your head back, kissing you. Or grab your boobs or ass. Plus slap your ass, as he pounds into you from behind. Pressing your face against the mattress. G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Jay can be goofy and serious in the moment. He likes to surprise you. Usually depends on his mood and the day he had. H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
Jay keeps it tidy down there when he can. I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…) 
Depends on the day he had. If it is a good day then he is really sweet, attentive and caring. Holding your hand, as he fucks you. His thrusts aren’t that rough. Kissing your neck, shoulder, jawline, lips, etc. whispering sweet things into your ear. Treasuring your body. Taking his time.
However, if it is a rough day, he is rough and faster. Leaving bruises on your body. Biting you. J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He rarely jacks off. Unless you are away.
Then he jacks off, sexting you or phone call, as he pleasures himself. K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Hair pulling.
Edging/orgasm control.
Sensation play. L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
In the house, bedroom, kitchen, lounge room, couch, bed, floor, against the wall, against the door, in his truck, the shower, public, outdoors. M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
You wearing his clothes. Wearing tight outfits/revealing outfits.
Teasing him.
Sending him nudes/lingerie selfies.
Surprising him when he comes home, by wearing just lingerie. N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Anything that would hurt you.
He would not call you a whore or slut. He wouldn’t downgrade you like that.
Threesomes as well. You are his and only his. O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
He loves receiving. Loves it when you go in between his legs. Grabbing a hold of the base of his cock. Slowly lower your head down. Licking the base of his cock. Reaching the tip. Then swirling your tongue around his tip.
Jay lets out moans and groans. His fingers threaded in your hair.
He tugs it harder when your whole mouth covers his cock, and you start bobbing your head up and down. His eyes would flutter closed. Head tilting back. Moaning your name.
Jay loves eating you out. He loves the taste of you. The sounds you make as he eats you out are music to his ears.
He loves to watch your facial expressions as he sucks and licks you. P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends, he is somewhere in between. Mostly it is slow and sensual, but when he has a bad day or he is angry or jealous then it is fast and rough. Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Jay doesn’t mind quickies. Though he would much rather take his time with you.
Though he isn’t arguing If both of you are horny at an event or work and decide to have a quickie. R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He likes to experiment and take risks. He will always ask you first before taking risks and experimenting.
Expect for threesomes, cause no one is ever going to touch you or pleasure you other than him. S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
He can last a lot more rounds then you can. And hours. T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He doesn’t mind you having toys. He won’t ever use them on you.
But he knows you use them when he is busy at work. U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Jay loves teasing you.
He loves whispering dirty thoughts unto your ear while nipping at your ear.
Sending you explicit texts. Thought you send him nudes/ lingerie pics.
Teasing your entrance with the tip of his cock.
Teasing every inch of your body. Ignoring the place where you desire his mouth on or touch.
Pulling out of you just as you are close to your orgasm.
Though you do tease him. Giving him a lap dance/ striptease.
Just twirling your tongue around the tip of his cock instead of sucking him,
Rubbing your ass on his clothed crotch.
When you ride him. You grab the base of his cock and tease the tip of his cock on your entrance before sliding it in you. V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Jays grunts, moans, and groans loudly. Sometimes softly.
Occasionally moaning or groaning your name. W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Jay finds it hot when you get jealous. It brings out your Dom side.
When both of you go home, you show him who he belongs to. Satisfying him. Giving him the best sex/blow job, he has ever had.
Though he constantly tells you he loves you, and he has eyes for only you.
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He is a little over average size. The right amount of girth. Thick. Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
It is pretty normal. If you aren’t in the mood, then he won’t pressure you into having sex.
Sometimes he gets a little horny than the usual. Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Jay doesn’t take long to nod off. Especially, when you are snuggled safely in his arms.
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zu-is-here · 4 years ago
6800!! Congratulations Zu! That's great news!
How's everything going for you? It's almost the weekend! Yay!
YAY thanks a million, Gayfish! (๑>◡<๑)☆
Oh great! Thanks again <3 Enjoying some free time at work— the weekend is coming! ♪
How are you doing? ♡
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Same here,,, \(//∇//)\
Oh almost! We don't actually have breaks cause the news happens nonstop. Luckily, there were many of us at the "post" today and I fulfilled my quota much earlier so was able to distract myself from one screen to another XD
Oh my god Gayfish! (ó3ò) How do you feel now?? Does it hurt? You have nothing to be ashamed of: we all fall sometimes or stumble and there's nothing terrible about it unless it harms your health (>_<") Please take care and get better soon! (ówò)♡
Speaking of the event— How was it?? Did you have a good time? (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵) It sounds so cool to be dressed up, I'm sure you looked amazing ☆ I had my hair styled only once, for my high school prom, and was so shy with all the attention but it was worth it <3 Oh wow!! How long is you hair btw? *^* Pfff mouth wash omg xd
Oh YAY!! Congratulations! \(//∇//)\☆ Such a great job, and you're doing amazing, good luck with this! <3
A short comic you say? (゚ω゚) Oh I'm so intrigued!~
YEAH I have big plans for this weekend! (òwó)☆ Tomorrow I go to the dentist to discuss the installation of veneers: as a child, I fell off my bike and broke my teeth, now I wanna finally replace my old fillings with permanent teeth. It'll be beautiful but my wallet is already howling XD And thennn wanna go to the dancing open-air again ♪(๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)
Also, on the night from Saturday to Sunday, my father returns home and Imma go to my parents' house to meet him <3 He doesn't really like all the attention and will probably go to sleep right away after a long journey but he'll be happy I hope, plus he'll want to eat something in the morning sooo (*´꒳`*)
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Yep! Really good, thanks <3 Btw, yesterday at the meeting my boss said they're gonna conduct some experiment— guess who's the guinea pig? :') I have no idea what they'll want from me but it’s scary and exciting (°▽°)
Oh that's so good to hear it! And I'm really glad you had a nice time <3 Also thank youuu! Usually a school prom is a short ceremony and the continuation of the party outside the school so we went to take pictures in the city center and had fun in a restaurant in the evening ♪ What's a prom in your country like? *^*
Woah that's long hair! *0* I really like it like this and I had these but then I cut them to the shoulders and now I am growing them again ☆
Oh let's hope,,, *pray emoji* ♡ Wait you can't ride a bike?? It's nothing wrong but haven't you ever? (・∀・)
Thank you again! <3 Guess all dads are the same at some point xd
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Thank you! (≧∀≦)
Oh I hope the camp-like thing was worth it! *^* You know, we never miss what's destined for us, and vice versa, I believe. Sure we do control our life and make changes but this is what was planned from the very beginning ★ Everything is done for the better!╰(*´︶`*)╯
Amazing (*'▽'*) Isn't it hard to take care of them? I remember having a tangled time XD
Pfff that might be for better as well! :'D I learned to ride when my parents gave me a bicycle for my 7th birthday but the situation quickly got out of hand xd I rided after that and still can do it tho, skills are impossible to lose <3 I remember you told about not giving a chance to roller and ice skating but do you have other skills? *^*
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Oh I'm sorry about that (ó3ò)
Ouch I can literally feel this pain :') XD You've just cut them out of your hair?? (°▽°) So easy,,,
WOW self defense and fighting! *0* How was it?? And aerial hoops and silks, looks so beautiful and elegant ☆ Is it hard? As for me, I used to ski! ٩( ᐛ )و Didn't take part in competitions tho, was just enjoying some adrenaline ☆
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