#plus the sunset part adds significance to time
madwheelerz · 2 years
What if we haven't been to the west where the silver cat feeds yet? What if that west is meant to symbolize the Upside-down because according to @dinitride-art 's Venus theory; Venus appears in the West after sunset.
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gemsofgreece · 3 years
History of the Greek Cuisine
Part 2: Byzantine Greece
The Byzantine cuisine is characterized by its similarities to Ancient Greek cuisine, the use of the same ingredients, its enrichment with elements from other local cuisines since the empire was multi-cultural and the differences between a lord's and a peasant's meal. Even though the Greeks were the majority of the population, the cuisine was influenced also by other of its inhabitants such as Arabs, Syrians, Jews, Latins, Armenians and Slavs.
There were three main meals in a day plus two smaller ones: the βουκκάκρατο (vukkákrato), bread dipped in wine before the breakfast and δειλινό (thilinó), which means sunset in Greek, and it was something like an afternoon / evening snack before the proper dinner. Dinner has always been by far the most significant meal throughout Greece's history.
A lord's dinner
While the Byzantines initially ate in recliners like the Ancient Greeks and Romans, they had fully dropped this habit by the 10th Century. They were gathered around a round table instead with wooden chairs with intricate carvings, a clean embroidered tablecloth, dishes and utensils, which were not used yet in the west. The dining room was always lavishly decorated with paintings and mosaics and golden or bronze chandeliers.
The starters were a basket with warm bread and some sauces, the most common of them being the γάρος (gharos), a mix of wine, olive oil, vinegar and water, which was poured over the fish or the meat to add more flavour. Byzantines loved adding salt and pepper, cinammon, mint, caper, clove, nutmeg and, of course, oregano in their food. All of these preferences have been preserved intact in the Modern Greek cuisine and in traditional Greek taverns the starters are going to be bread served in a braided or wooden basket and olive oil and vinegar for you to dress your fish or salad, now offered separately in case you don´t like the mix of gharos.
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A traditional Greek meal. Bread in a basket on the left, vinegar and olive oil on the right, integral parts of the meal. Photo by Nikos Pomonis.
The Byzantine aristocrats also loved black caviar and eggs in various forms as starters.
The most popular main meals were fried fish, roasted pork, goat with garlic and onions, various hunts (birds, boars, hares and sometimes deer) cooked with cheese, vegetables and fruits (mostly apples, grapes, figs, melons and pears). A popular delicacy was also kokoretsi, a dish of intestines that is nowadays served on Easter.
The meal was complete with the dessert, which usually consisted of biscuits covered with cream and dressed with honey, fruit and nuts.
A peasant's dinner
The peasants' houses differed a lot during the empire's eras of peak or decline. In the good times, there were less impressive yet beautiful dining rooms while in times of hardship, the houses were smaller and the families would gather in the kitchen, the warmest room. The table was usually rectangular, the plates were ceramic and they mostly ate without utensils.
While a peasant's meal was certainly less extravagant, it was actually pretty varied. Not only that but times of poverty and famine would very often lead the peasants to violent revolts against the emperors, hence most emperors tried to keep the commonwealth well fed.
The base of the diet was the bread made of wheat or barley. It was common since ancient times to sprinke the bread with sesame.
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Traditional Greek bread with sesame.
Vegetables were mostly food for the poor, however the poor enjoyed a great variety of vegetables (cauliflower, beets, zucchini, eggplants, wild greens and many more) and beans (lentils, fava, chickpeas, black-eyed peas etc), often cooked together. The Byzantines also loved salats and soups.
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The wild greens salad has its roots in Byzantium, although back then it wasn't served with lemons.
Nevertheless, a Byzantine peasant wouldn't limit themselves to just vegetables. On the contrary, they tried to include meat in their meals as much as possible. The peasants enjoyed lavish meals during the feasts of the Orthodox Church, like nowadays, but they also fasted strictly. From cheapest to most expensive, the meats eaten were lamb, goat, beef and pork. A very popular dish was pork stew with lettuce, a predecessor of today's φρικασέ (Greek style frikassé) except today is also done with other types of meat. Just like the ancients (and the moderns), the Byzantines ate pork in skewers while they preferred their beef boiled. They also enjoyed sausages and meatballs with spices such as pepper and cinnamon (this sounded wrong). In the villages, they also kept farms with birds like chickens, ducks, goose, pheasants, quail and partridge.
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Greek style pork frikasse.
Byzantine Greeks preserved the big love for cheese and their favourites were the Cretan and the Vlach cheese. Other very popular kinds of cheese was the Anthotyros (which we also discussed in the Ancient Greece part) and Myzithra, both being loved types of cheese to this day. They usually ate their cheese with olives.
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A Cretan Dakos rusk with myzithra cheese, olives and capers. And tomato which wasn't known to the Byzantines yet. What must life have been like without tomatoes and lemons?!
Those who couldn't afford meat were free to fish and cook their own fish. In the shops, salted fish was kept for the poor while fresh caught fish was meant for the rich. Byzantines enjoyed fish and seafood fried, grilled or boiled - it depended on the type of the fish or seafood. They even made fish pies and fish soups, such as the Greek κακκαβιά (kakkaviá) which has ancient origins and it is actually the inspiration of the French bouillabaisse.
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Greek kakkavia.
The desserts were very similar with everything already described in the Ancient Greece part. The vast majority of desserts were based on the use of honey, pies and nuts. A popular recipe that survives intact in the regions of the Peloponnese and Sterea Hellas is the λαλάγγια (lalángia). In the late Byzantine Period, we have the first occurings of the ρυζόγαλο (rizóghalo), the Greek rice pudding, at the time when the Greeks were interacting more with Asian nations (i.e the Turks), through whom they got access to rice.
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Rice pudding, ideally served with cinnamon.
Greeks loved and will always love wine. No matter how much they enjoy it though, drunk behaviour has never been well tolerated in the society and even today drunk people get mocked and criticised. Alcohol is to be enjoyed freely but never to get you hammered. In the Byzantine period, even emperors couldn't escape the ridicule of the commoners if they ever showed up anywhere tipsy. Byzantines drank white, red and black wine and they also drank the ancient retsina, although the aristocrats frowned upon it. Wine was made by other fruits except grapes, such as apples, pears and quinces. Heavy drinkers would eat almonds with their wine in order to not get drunk. For some weird reason, sometimes they added tar and plaster in their wine (you read this correctly). And this post was going so normal.
Byzantines also drank some types of beer made of barley, wheat or oats. They were making cocktails, mixing wine with honey, or pear juice and they also made other drinks using the new gamechanging sugar, citrons, rose petals and of course mastic, which is produced only in Chios island and the Anatolian coast opposite to it. The Byzantines also drank υδρομέλι (hydroméli), which was a mix of honey with rainwater. Back then it was okay to drink rainwater. The Orthodox Church was very strict about fasting and monks and priests had to have a very modest diet. It was often a joke between the people, that most priests evidently didn´t follow the rules. This is just as evident with modern priests. People don´t change...! Attendants in funerals were offered customary treats very similar to the ones given today, rusks, cookies and the κόλλυβα (kóllyva), although back then they also added lentils and nuts.
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The tragedy of Kollyva is that it is addictively delicious but you can´t eat it any other time except in a funeral without freaking people out.
Now to the weirder stuff, the Byzantines ate the αιματίας (haematias), intestines filled with congealed blood. However, the Church had banned this dish and would even punish disobedient eaters with whipping, taking their fortunes etc And you know what? THE CHURCH WAS RIGHT. This is stuff from hell for real. Byzantines also believed in aphrodisiac food, such were for them small rodents, hares cooked in wine and apples. There are books found with recipes for love potions too.
Part 1
Part 3
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bluesylveon2 · 3 years
Do You Remember When? (Epilogue)
Written for @levihanweek Day 6: Memory and Day 7: Free Space. This is a continuation of the other fic I wrote which you can find here!
Part 1
Levi and Hange are 24 when they meet again and 29 when they get married
Thank you @levihanweek for hosting Levihan Week and @immagoudaboi for beta reading!
Levi believed, with all his heart, that he was in some cheesy romantic movie or a shitty fanfic. Like the ones where there are 2 childhood friends, they separate, meet again, and fall in love after all those years.
Well, now that movie/book had ended and opened up to the sequel: the marriage.
Levi stared at himself while he adjusted the tie in the mirror. He was currently getting ready for his big day, and he also wanted to be alone for a few minutes. Here he was at a stage in life he never expected. Marrying his childhood crush, Hange.
The couple decided to keep their marriage small. Only close friends and families were allowed to witness the event. Luckily they found a small botanical garden that was perfect for the venue, reception, and sunset photoshoots. Plus, the garden had a section dedicated to sunflowers, a flower that makes Levi smile every time he sees it. Overall, it was perfect for the couple.
Levi still remembered the day they reunited. It was only 5 years ago when Hange was with Erwin, and Levi swore Erwin would introduce her as his lover. Boy, was he wrong.
Levi made a mental note to thank whoever above for not including that.
(Np Levi)
His relationship with Hange developed smoothly for the most part. Sure there were rough patches along the way, but the two always overcame it. Thus their love grew stronger as the years progressed.
Their first date started as a simple fancy homemade dinner. It was quiet and peaceful. The couple had even sung some karaoke and ended the night waltzing to jazz music.
The second date was a whole 180. This date included Levi's 2021 Ducati XDiavel Black Star
motorcycle. It was a gift given to him by his uncle and all the gambling money he earned. The bike alone took Hange's breath away.
Hange let out a loud whistle as she eyed the Ducati. The motorcycle was very sleek, black, gray, and had a few hints of red. Overall, it screamed Levi.
"Levi! I didn't know you owned a Ducati! Do you know how much they are? Over 20k!" Hange exclaimed with stars in her eyes. Levi smirked before walking up to her side. He wrapped an arm around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder.
"Actually, this bike was a gift from Kenny. He won enough at the casino and bought it for me for my 24th birthday."
Hange fondly smiled at the thought. She knew Kenny always had a soft spot for Levi since he is his only nephew.
"You know what we should do now, Levi?" Hange's smile turned into a full grin. "Let's take it for a spin!"
Levi took his head off of Hanges shoulder and looked at her with shock. "Just like 10 years ago?"
"Yes! But…." Her voice trailed off, and she stared down at her feet. "Can I drive it this time?"
Levi's jaw dropped, and he just stared at her. Hange waved a hand in front of his face.
"Levi? Are you there?"
"I heard you. It's just….are you sure?" He asked with worry, and Hange chuckled at how cute he looked.
"No need to worry about me, Levi. Mike used to let me drive his motorcycle around, so I know what to do."
"He let you do what?!" Levi became horrified. Why didn't Mike ever mention this to him?
Hange waved a hand nonchalantly. "I only had minor scrapes when I first started, but I managed to pick it up quickly. Just like you!"
"So, where do you want to go?" Hange asked Levi, who wrapped his arms around her waist. The motorcycle purred with life, and the two had their helmets secured on their heads. The only thing left to do was actually leave Levi's garage.
"I'm okay with going anywhere. Just as long as I’m with you."
"Really? You don't mind driving us off the cliff?" Hange teased and laughed at her own suggestion.
Levi rolled his eyes but smirked along with Hange. "No, and nowhere reckless, Four-Eyes. Got it?"
Hange did a mini salute before facing forward and positioning herself to take off. "Yes, sir! Besides, I know the perfect place to go."
Levi decided to not question where Hange wanted to bring him. He trusted her enough to know that wherever she brought him will hold significance to the both of them.
Levi rested his head against Hange's back as she took off. He watched the city pass by in a blur while listening to Hange's merry laugh. It was like music to his ears despite the other sounds in the background. He kept his focus on Hange only.
Hange zoomed and zigzagged through the city. What felt like seconds, was actually hours when they arrived at their destination. Levi's eyes widened in recognition.
"Is this?" Levi asked Hange, and she nodded.
In front of Levi was the same park he took her to several years ago. The park itself had been updated in the past 10 years since the time he and Hange last snuck out. There were multiple colorful flowers and trees planted all over to provide more natural shade. Additionally, the city added more benches so people could sit down and enjoy the scenery.
Hange parked the motorcycle so she and Levi could get off. She extended her hand out to Levi (which he gladly accepted) and led him to the hill, where they shared their first kiss.
This time, there was a giant ginkgo tree with bright yellow leaves on the branches. The autumn breeze blew some of the leaves off to float in the air as if they were dancing. Hange let go of Levi to run up ahead and go under the tree.
It was an amazing sight for Levi to witness: from below the tree, Hange watched the leaves fall. She spread her arms out and laughed as the leaves began dancing around her body like it was people worshiping a goddess.
Boy was Levi in love.
"Levi! Come join me." Hange called out to him as the ginkgo leaves started decorating her brown hair.
Levi strode over to Hange and reached up to her head when he was close enough. He plucked a yellow leaf out of Hange's hair and brought it close to examine it.
"Did you know that the ginkgo leaf is considered a living fossil, and it symbolizes hope and peace in China? Additionally, it also survived the Hiroshima bombing, so it also symbolizes endurance and vitality."
Suddenly, Hange's face became serious, and she clasped her hands over Levi's. The yellow ginkgo leaf remained in Levi's grasp.
"Levi, I'm sorry about our falling out in the past."
"Hange, you don't need to apologize-"
Hange shut Levi up by pressing a finger to his lips.
"Let me finish." She added and retracted her finger. "I want this relationship-" she gestured between the two of them. "To be like the ginkgo leaf. Do you want to know why?" She quietly added.
Levi remained quiet but nodded his head, so Hange could continue.
"I want us to endure through every challenge we face together. Until we die. I want us to someday live together, have kids, and keep making happy memories. I know this is our second date, but I have always loved you, Levi. I want you to know that, but I don't expect you to--"
Hange never finished her rambling when Levi swiftly grabbed Hange by the back of her head and brought his lips to hers. She dropped her hands down and brought Levi close to her.
Levi didn't need to vocalize anything, but Hange already knew. It was like telepathy between the two of them; Levi loved her too.
The couple was preoccupied with their embrace to notice the yellow ginkgo leaf flutter down and land softly on the grass.
Levi smiled at the declaration of love under the ginkgo tree. The leaf Levi held was now pressed in a frame that sat in the couple's living room. It was a constant reminder of a new start in their lives. It symbolized turning a new leaf for the two.
Levi moved on to add the boutonniere to his suit. The item itself was made up of fake (because it saves money and lasts longer. Hange’s words, not his) sunflowers. Levi smiled after he finally pinned the boutonniere.
Boy, was he in love with Hange.
The door rattling interrupted Levi's thoughts of his fiance, and he clicked his tongue in annoyance.
"Mike! Erwin! I told you to knock before coming in-" Levi complained and turned around to glare at the intruder, only to be greeted by his fiance instead.
"Here. Hange?!" He exclaimed, and Hange chuckled.
"Oh, Levi. You know I don't knock when I enter the room. Especially the bedroom. I always catch you at the perfect times." She chuckled and wiggled her eyebrows. Levi blushed and looked away out of embarrassment.
"Why are you here? What about the whole 'seeing the bride before the wedding thing?'" Levi added, and Hange rolled her eyes.
"I could care less about that whole superstition shit, Levi. You know that."
Levi looked at Hange with concern. "What are you doing here anyway? Is something wrong?"
Hange fake gasped and widened her eyes. "Is it wrong for me to see my future husband on our wedding day?" She slumped her shoulders and strode over to stand next to Levi. Levi, noticing Hange’s distress, led her to sit down on a nearby sofa.
"Levi, to be honest, I'm nervous, and I just wanted to see you.”She admitted, wrapped her arms around Levi, and buried her face in the crook of his neck. She was careful enough to not ruin her makeup and hair.
Levi hugged Hange back and rubbed her back. "Your bridesmaids must be worried about you right now. Did you go ‘bridezilla’ on them?"
Hange laughed and looked up at Levi. He looked down at her in return. "Worse, but you don't need to know that."
Levi chuckled, and silence enveloped the two. It was nice, just sitting alone together in tranquility. This was their time to share before the ceremony. Sure, there might be chaos outside the room, but Levi and Hange were together. They endured every challenge like the ginkgo tree. The couple was also like a sunflower and the sun: facing each other until the end of the day.
©: This is where I insert all rights reserved stuff. This story belongs to me. Do not modify or republish.
I wrote 3 different wedding au's so far and I find that hilarious!
Thank you @cat for the suggestion! This is late but I was inspired to write more 😁
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dates101 · 5 years
The Disposable Camera Date
The College semester is finally over! Which means the days are longer, the weather is warmer, and summer is just around the corner. What better time to write about some super fun outdoor date ideas! And I’m going to start things off with a great, (and cheap, yay!) date you and your significant other can do in the gorgeous outside weather. So get ready to unleash your inner shutterbug.
The Date
Cameras are super expensive. Like, $1000+ expensive. I don't know about you, but I don't have money like that to spend. And unfortunately, this date idea is going to involve both of you needing cameras. But fear not, because a quick search on amazon has informed me that you can get 2 disposable cameras for around $20-$30! And you’re not going to need crazy good quality anyway, so an expensive camera is definitely not needed. In fact, even if you do have one I suggest you go the disposable route anyway. But wait I hear you say.... We live in a technological world where an amazing camera is always in our pockets. Why would we need disposable cameras? Yes, hypothetically you could use your smart phone camera. But let me ask you this....it that as fun? Is using something you use everyday, something everyone else uses as fun as using something as ancient as a disposable camera? In my opinion the answer is no. I feel that using an actual camera for this date idea will make the memory a lot more, well memorable. It’s a lot harder to get a good shot, which makes it more challenging and a lot more exciting! Plus you only get around 25 shots per camera, so you have to make every shot count! I mean, of course you can use whatever you want, but I’ll be using a disposable camera just to make it more authentic.
So what are you going to do with these cameras? The short answer is you're going to use them! Pick a day where both of you have a lot of free time. Go to your city’s downtown, the beach, the forest, or anywhere that strikes your fancy and take photos of yourselves and your surrounding area! And yes that means flipping the camera over to take a selfie, not even knowing if you're in frame. I love the old school ways. You can totally make a day out of it! Visit some tourist locations (even if you're a local), get some food (shots), and try capturing photos during different times of day, especially sunset. After you're finished, you'll need to get the photos developed. This is the best part in my opinion, because you have no idea how they're going to turn out. If you're really awesome you could try developing them yourself. I personally don't know how to do that, but 10 points to you guys if you can figure it out. Later, after everything is done I want you to make a collage of all your good photos. No, not one for instagram, this one is physical, one you can display or frame. It’s a call back to simpler times, and a wonderful reminder of the memories you had on that date. But if that seems too tame for you, do not worry. This is Dates101 of course. 
The Dates101 Photo Challenge 
Of course you can shoot whatever you want, however you want it. In fact, I encourage you to do so. It’s really fun to unleash your inner creative photographer. However if you're looking for a little more, I have just the thing. For simplicity, let’s say each camera has 25 shots in it. I am going to present to you, loyal reader, 25 challenges you and your significant other have to do for each photo. Later, you’ll decide who took the best photo for each challenge. You might even have to separate location wise for some of them, to get a unique image. Or even challenge another couple and team up to see what couple can win! It's all for fun of course, but adds a little spice to the date. Feel free to swap challenge ideas for some of your own, or even all of them for that matter. Whatever you decide to do, I rooting for you to win. Yes, you. Now here's the challenges. 
*Remember, you cant photograph 1 thing for multiple challenges. They all have to be different. 
#1- capture a moment of love
#2- capture something red
#3- capture a landmark 
#4- capture something with wings
#5- capture someone moving
#6- capture something frightening
#7- capture something on wheels
#8- capture something with water
#9- capture something expensive
#10- capture something written
#11- capture something strange 
#12- capture something that gets you excited
#13- capture something still
#14- capture something with a pattern
#15- capture something fluffy 
#16- capture something old
#17- capture something that makes you angry 
#18- capture something hilarious 
#19- capture something noisy 
#20- capture a moment of hunger 
#21- capture something athletic
#22- capture your reflection
#23- capture something in nature 
#24- capture something metal
#25- capture something real
Wrap Up
And that’s my take on the very first outside date idea. I think you're really going to enjoy this one. And the best part about it is that you can do this idea multiple times in different locations or with different rules. If you think of some unique challenge ideas I would love to hear them. Maybe even show me that collage of yours. 
Remember, make every date a story.
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vapormaison · 5 years
Best of 2019 Future Funk Release 1/4: Toyama’s Love Island by Skule Toyama
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A common argument I get into on audiophile and vinyl forums — that by virtue of interest and venue tend to skew boomer (who isn’t on discord now? Answer: Your grandpa.) — often revolves around the raison d’être of pressing future funk. In an earlier piece, I gave my opinion on the subject — but I didn’t really evidence the critique by many opposing audiophiles. As far as they’re concerned, I might as well be collecting Funko Pops — that is to say that these presses aren’t worthy of serious hi-fi consideration and are merely collector’s items. To their credit, when posting about my experiences with the genre, most of these aged audiophiles scratch their head not at the anime art on the box nor at the picture disks (usually reviled by the old-heads)— but at the oft-digital source itself.  These guys are the ostensibly cool uncles with the dope music collection, after all.
While they often are a wealth of information on the analog format, and voracious consumers of early City Pop — a genre beloved by audiophiles, — forums like this tend to create feedback loops of retrograde understanding. Their enjoyment of all things analog turns them into intense luddites, often to the point where I question why they are interfacing with a computer in the first place, that dreaded source for the perceived decline of their hi-fi culture.
I’ve more or less given up on the prospect of turning them around on the subject of future funk. However, this summer, on a thread where we review recent vinyl purchases and upload lossless rips, I made a rather pedestrian post about how much I enjoyed Skule Toyama’s latest release — Toyama’s Love Island. And to my complete and utter surprise, my vinyl-to-digital rip of “Sunset Hasn’t Come Yet” brought all the boys to the yard. While I got my usual peanut gallery of “lol future funk, lol vaporwave, buy jazz” posts, its turns out more than a few Joe Boomers with vintage, $10k-valued Sansui stereo sets could vibe with this too. You know, the purely purists of the pure.
This caused me to consider for a time precisely why Toyama Love Island whispered to these boomers I share a particular corner of internet space with. What about it warmed the heart of these old men so cold to cold media? It obviously had to be something more than the mastering or the press itself. Most of these guys had been engaged in serious listening to absolute titans in their craft for forty plus years now. Many had studio experience themselves. Even now, I don’t have a really good answer. The best one I can supply is this: the warmth that emanates from Toyama Love Island can melt even the iciest heart. Cliche? No doubt. Apropos? Of course.
Intro warms us up with a minute-long evergreen bit. By whom and what from— I genuinely don’t know (perhaps that’s the appeal for me personally, the mystery but also the universality)— but the punch line certainly feels nostalgic, and the horns do too.
Have a Good Time fronts the funk after a minute-long intro track. It’s an absolutely fantastic true open because of its principal horn loop that absolutely claws into your cerebral cortex and takes root there. Between listens, I found myself humming it while brewing a pot of coffee. While it’s not my favorite of the tracks on the album, its pure energy and catchiness is a master class on how future funk albums should inject you with an uncut hit of unapologetic brass funk within the first couple minutes.
Electricity takes the initial energy of Have a Good Time and subtly ratchets up the vibe with clever layering and a sweet progression. While my initial take on my first listen was that the bass was too muted (a slight boost from the hi-fi set of your choice can obviously erase that distinction quickly!) — I warmed to the mix after hearing how well it meshed with the following track.
Love Island serves as a sort of kinetic climax to the first quarter of the album and a great midpoint for the A-side, but the treble feels just slightly compressed and off-balance on the wax here. After fiddling with EQ and my pre-amp settings on the second listen, the track came through vastly better. My suggestion is to subtract here and there if you have a Japanese-built set that tends to run bright. After doing so on the 2nd listen, Love Island began to shine — and the distorted loops that seemed discordant on my initial listen were brought back into a more complimentary role with the rest of the piece.
Midnight Mall is my absolute favorite of the album because it just unabashedly brings the boogie with a pure, slap-worthy bass, crisp midrange from the intermittent horn flares, and absolutely atmospheric vocal compliments. Although Love Island is a strong title track, so to speak — I really do think Midnight Mall is the true baby-maker banger of 2019. For peak enjoyment, boost the bass a little on your stereo, add mood lighting and engage in the wholesome romantic activity (impassioned stares, hand-holding) of your choice.
Sunset Hasn’t Come Yet is the boomer whisperer. My guess regarding what makes this track appeal so authentically to the boomer crowd is the strength of its arrangement. You get a comfy arrangement throughout, a bass twang that sounds like its straight outta Miami Vice coupled with very moody Japanese vocals. For a future funk record, this feels like the track most in sync with its roots, creating a very authentic, fun sound.
Marsala’s effortless sonic transition from Sunset Hasn’t Come Yet’s stage is definitely a highlight of this album’s pretty flawless composition and arrangement. It feels very much like a palette cleanser for the album’s first half, and is perfect for an LP format — as you feel this transition writ large by the very nature of the format. The blaring synths feel like they would meld into place effortlessly with a Michael Mann-directed denouement to a period action-psych drama.
Flying Star is a soft reset to the album from a vibe standpoint, and is competent at what it does in the overall scope of the album. My only significant criticism of Skule Toyama’s output — which is somewhat present here — is that they don’t really let the vocals carry enough water. While exquisitely layered in relation to the rest of the piece, I want to hear the vocals take up a sort of primary mantle in the soundstage in a track like this. We get it in Flying Star’s middle third, but it does feel like a sort of pointless delay in gratification. A track like this has a chance to capture the listener and bring them into the sonic space. It comes just short of doing that.
Sailor Moon Rock manages to decimate that previous criticism by running at me and grabbing the tempo by the collar with an absolutely fire set of loops and immediately accelerate. I love it for that, and is definitely the B-side’s strongest composition. We get some no-doubt nasty guitar riffs and some iconic SFX that really bring this track together and make a B-side banger exemplar, reason enough to flip the wax.
Keep On Going brings us closest to a synth-wave composition that we get in the entire album on the track’s first third, but finds its funk at the ideal moment. It definitely succeeds in fleshing out of the B-side, and creates its niche on the project subtly but at the same time, at the risk of seeming hyperbolic — brilliantly.
Do Me definitely feels the most “Nu-Disco” of both the side and the overall album. It’s definitely one of those tracks that you can both happily wait for in the queue and then just revel in — knowing that while the record nears its conclusion, you get a track that just would not at all be out of place in a Shibuya nightclub circa 1979 or weave its way into a Haruki Murakami novel.
Outro is a perfect closing for the album, but I question the utility of making it the penultimate track instead with the inclusion of the bonus track. That said, it’s impossible not to vibe with the arrangement and layering of this piece. My hope is that when I die and arrive at the pearly gates (admission pending), St. Peter (recently taking up a hobby in DJing to pass eternity) will have a special edition pressing of that will have this as the final track on the wax.
Live Now! is definitely the track I feel coolest about. A good piece on the whole, just feels a bit out of step with the rest of the project. But I’m never going to look the gift horse in the mouth when it comes to the prospect of additional music, so a welcome addition nonetheless.
I really like the Toyama Love Island purple wax. This seemingly benign statement is no doubt going to incur a chorus of audiophiles in that forum criticizing me for this. Vinyl is not designed — as much as some will tell you, to be a perfectly neutral hi-res medium. There is natural warmth, scratchiness, minor distortion — et cetera. It also features natural imperfections that develop over time — like any piece of physical media. What’s more, some perceived hiccups on the overall master might actually be caused by a slight offset or error in the press, a common and natural occurrence when dealing with physical media like this. That’s why graphic equalizers were so prominent in vinyl hi-fi set in its late 1970s/early 1980s heyday. This is just an aspect of the vinyl experience.
Toyama’s Love Island features, in my view, a few of these imperfections. But these imperfections are nothing major — a quick re-equalization (oxymoronic, but I’m sure you know what I’m getting at here) a little fiddling around with the pre-amp here and there — these are natural to any experience and remind me why I became fascinated with the hobby in the first place — to maximize an audio experience. If every indie press gave that to me out of the box, well, what’s the point of the system that I own? It exists to provide a platform for a rich, diverse, and vibrant sonic experience. But the platter is just decorative without real warmth coming from the music, and Toyama’s Love Island brings that in droves.
My Pet Flamingo has a long (in vaporwave measurements, obviously) history of putting out quality physicals. Toyama’s Love Island builds upon this with a big’ol brick and a heaping slab of mortar. I’m also a big fan of MFP’s visuals. I’m not sure who they use to make the sleeves, but I think they’re generally constructed well, and the cover images that grace them never feel compressed or feature much in the way of artifacts. When you become deeply intimate with a vinyl sleeve, you start to notice these things — and I’ve never had this inkling when fingering a Flamingo release, so kudos to the label’s curation.
The mix feels exceptionally bright on my current system, and that has been a consistent point of curiosity with My Pet Flamingo releases. My guess is whatever they test their masters on is engineered by a British/American company not named “KEF” — think Cambridge, Wharfedale, McIntosh, etc — or a damper sounding Japanese unit like Technics or Yamaha. Again — I don’t see this as a problem, just a note to those running more traditional Japanese (80s Harman, Sansui, TEAC) or Nordic systems (B&O, Blaupunkt) that tend towards that end of the spectrum.
With obvious digital and analog appeal, Toyama’s Love Island is the closest thing to a “holistic” future funk release that I can think of — which makes me wonder why Skule Toyama’s hasn’t blown up yet. Only a matter of time, I’d guess — especially after earning a nod from this little outfit, I’d hope.
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nikki-reuclife · 6 years
chains and necklace men use
Nonetheless baseball jewelry, in the present day it's normally the spies and celebrities who are carrying hats because they don't wish to be recognized by anyone. Moreover you'll be able to require the factory to customize distinctive fashion hats that you want. The double link provides strength and style. You do not should be a pro to dress like one. Whereas nobody will seemingly be utilizing them to make new customized jewellery, these gems are distinctive and have fascinating histories. A technique a man can look his most interesting is by sporting cufflinks. It is a novel means for males to accessorize with out the heaviness of jewellery that can get in the best way or is uncomfortable. A classic men's diamond tennis bracelet is a great way so as to add an elegant, but masculine shine to any look. From the office to the golf course to a night out on the town, this assertion piece can add a classy, fashion ahead accent. It's an extended standing tradition in many families so as to add a charm to a bracelet over time as a holiday or birthday reward.
You additionally get to see these pictures each time you placed on the jewelry. The most thrilling truth about fashion jewellery is that it all the time keeps changing. But let's remind you that even a small ring you put on comes into the category of the jewellery. In fact, perhaps a quick dialog about these New York Yankees, Oakland Raiders or even a bit little bit of Alabama Crimson in your wrists will result in a extra in depth dialog which may inevitably lead to enterprise deals. Like a Baseball Mother bangle bracelet worn by the complete workforce will encourage them to do higher, show cooperation and even embolden the workforce members to play properly. There is the play and costume jewelry. Diamond jewelry is particular in that it conveys emotions with out saying words. The pinnacle secures the diamond. Like may be a pitcher participant allowed to put on a males's marriage ceremony ring within the on the mound?
You possibly can order personalized golf balls, cookies made to appear like footballs, baseballs, or soccer balls, or any number of different sports or workforce oriented gifts. The team spirit and cooperation might be increased by designing the identical jewelry item for the group. Jewellery market veterans in China say cadmium has been utilised in domestic items there for years. Take a fast look at different types of Pet Cremation Urns and different memorials available in the market. Worker Recognition Awards - Staff take great delight in carrying lapel pins that present their achievements, and they're going to treasure employee recognition awards that they will frequently present to others. Wish to take a wild guess at what keyphrase theyre targeting? Typically a ring or necklace can have a particular, personal which means as a result of it was a reward. For the fan that enjoys the physique piercing trend a pink or blue Biobplasts Blazing Baseball Belly Ring will do the trick.
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The inexpensiveness of some fashionable rhinestones has allowed them to be used in each form of software, from dog collars to baseball caps. A few of essentially the most unique enjoyable baseball products are baseball slippers for girls sold on amazon, baseball purses and totes or baseball cuff hyperlink, money clip, and tie tack for males. At probably the most primary, you won't go incorrect with knee-size or longer skirts for women and fits or costume shirts and pants for men. Second, tucking shirts in and wearing belts are ok for the holidays, but they certain aren't the cool hip look we're jewelry and accessories used in baseball going for. The place the place you're going to is n determining factor for the accessories. This implies earrings; bracelets, rings and necklaces are all no-no's. Moms and boys proceed to complain that COOL boys clothes are non-existent. These are some nice wedding ceremony ideas for sports activities lovers. Maybe you might be taken with sports activities cufflinks that exhibit your hobbies. %22sequence%22:2}]" width="337" /> This French hybrid grape produces a dry purple wine that is bold, wealthy, and full bodied. For white wine followers, attempt the LaCrosse, a semi sweet gem with aromas of melon and pear. Different sizzling picks embody a diamond bracelet or perhaps a diamond and sapphire heart locket. One of the most easy, however traditional, items of jewellery is a high quality bracelet. There may be the inexpensive option of style jewellery. Wholesale style jewellery is the idea assigned to organizations that manufacture type jewellery. A common misconception is that vogue jewellery is just too faux trying. Fashion jewellery is available in all differing types. A photo of just a little girl at her first dance recital or a little boy in his first baseball game placed on photo jewelry might make wonderful keepsake reward. The usual of Gold present great pliability along with ductility as properly as the man views and his superior ability to generate fantastic along with sophisticated patterns offers full Gold Jewelry the infatuation associated with loveliness. From a 3-stone ring that sparkles with the previous, current and future, or a classic eternity ring, diamonds are a hands-down sentimental favourite. There are several seems that needs to be pulled together in 2006. If you are going for a look, go all the best way and baseball jewelry.
For the sports fan in you, there is a large choice of sports activities cufflinks available together with a wide number of sports team cufflinks. Folks do not realize that in the event that they can't afford the real deal, there are extra options. Mouth - choose a cute pair of lips, smile, giggle, frown or even a tongue sticking out plus extra. Gifts for Collectors Practically any object might be collected: baseball playing cards, spoons, vintage brooches, and even vintage blenders. The Boston Red Sox might be the most famous baseball team to associate with Phiten titanium necklaces. Do you love your team nearly as a lot as the person you intend to marry? If you're a baseball fan or even a football fan, you can rotate your staff all through the seasons so you are always on high of the game. Boys' clothes are getting cooler and cooler all of the time. That is great for people who find themselves up in age who have issues reminiscent of osteoporosis, arthritis, or something that has triggered their legs to change into weakened. Nonetheless, lots of people say it has really helped them; they even mentioned they have been also skeptical to start with.
Or is the deck stacked against her and she'll lose a lot of money? It is obvious that much less money is required for a flea market than for a retail retailer, however what's not so apparent? In other words, focus on how much money you've already made on that order that got here in, rather than specializing in the objects which might be left over and have not offered. Besides giving the video games their structure, rules are meant to give all contributors a (supposedly) even taking part in discipline. These seats embody a button that allows the seated individual to get up with ease, every time they're prepared. Are you able to simply get to numerous spots to buy? Get a second opinion. Males also hit a home run with the woman in their lives by marking a major (or not so significant) anniversary with the diamond anniversary ring. I think this may very well be an incredible reward for a special occasion similar to graduation or marriage ceremony or an anniversary.
I made a necklace with a favourite photograph of a sunset right here. Add earrings and a necklace to finish your look. When using the search terms, you must also add your city or city title to the search in an effort to uncover sources near you. Sure, yow will discover replica Series bands along together utilizing organized stones and in addition diamonds, nonetheless these could be the exception, not the particular rule. Diamonds dazzle like nothing else can. Dazzle her with a diamond. These collars also include some form of identification on them, very similar to we use on our canine tags at this time. Such an exquisite paradise that is like a slice of Heaven on Earth. Even in case you don’t have experience in any respect, it'll simply take a couple weeks of messing round with packages as Photoshop and Illustrator. Nonetheless, in today’s world the place mummification is just not doable, pet homeowners still have the choice to honor their furry pals with the assistance of pet memorials.
After i lived at house, I all the time tried to help make adjustments for the better, quite than simply letting unhealthy politics determine for me. These actually exhibit the pursuits of any sharp dressed man all whereas catering to his interior sports lover. When you ask a man what he really wants, he is likely to say a brand new automobile, some sports gear or model new instruments. Missing baseball jewelry, which often shelving up wards repeated flyer a great distance in arms and, joints, fingers, legs and, in addition to earlobes. Many rabid baseball fanatics put on further the everyday investing credit score charge taking part in greeting handmade homemade enterprise notes, signed objects, banners and ads, paint footplate, as well as bubblehead dolls. The first Pizza Hut opened in 1958, which is about 500 years closer. It at all times has a recent simply cleaned regarded that seems to fade shortly with yellow gold. Judy is considering selling earrings on the local swapmeet with baseball jewelry.
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jewishshadowhunters · 6 years
Hanukkah/Chanukkah, is the Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the festival of lights. It is an eight day festival, beginning on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev (the ninth month of the Jewish year, occurring in November/December.)
It is probably one of the best known Jewish holidays, not because of any great religious significance, but because of its proximity to Christmas.
Many non-Jews, or secular Jews, think of this holiday as the Jewish Christmas and adopt many of the Christmas customs.
It is bitterly ironic that this holiday, which has its roots in a revolution against assimilation and the suppression of Jewish religion, has become the most assimilated holiday in our calendar.
The Story of Hanukkah
It begins with the reign of Alexander the Great. Alexander conquered Syria, Egypt and Palestine, but allowed the lands under his control to continue observing their own religion and retain a certain degree of autonomy.
Under this relatively benevolent rule, many Jews assimilated much of Hellenistic culture. They adopted the language, customs and dress of Greeks in the same way that today, Jews in America blend into the secular American society.
More than a century later, a successor of Alexander, Antiochus IV was in control of the region. He began to oppress Jews severely. He place a Hellenistic priest in the Temple, massacred Jews, prohibited the practice of the Jewish religion, desecrated the Temple by requiring the sacrifice of pigs (a non-kosher animal) on the altar.
Two groups opposed Antiochus: a nationalistic group led by Mattathias the Hasmonean and his son Judah Maccabee, and a religious traditionalist group known as Hasidim, the forerunners of the Pharisees (no direct connection to the modern movement known as Hasidim).
They joined forces in a revolt against the assimilation of the hellenistic Jews and the oppression by the Seleucid Greek government. The revolution succeeded and the Temple was rededicated.
As recorded in the Talmud, at the time of the rededication, there was very little oil left that had not been tainted by the Greeks. Oil was needed for the menorah (candelabrum) in the Temple. It was supposed to burn through the night, every night. There was only enough oil to burn for one day, yet, miraculously, it burned for eight days, the time needed to prepare a fresh supply of oil for the menorah.
An eight day festival was declared to commemorate this miracle.
It is not the military victory, that we remember during Hanukkah, it is the miracle of the oil. Jews do not glorify war.
Hanukkah is not a very important religious holiday. It is far less important than Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Pessah/Passover, and Shavu’ot. It is not mentioned in the Jewish scripture, the story is related in the book of Maccabees, which Jews do not accept as scripture.
The only religious observance related to the holiday is the lighting of candles. They are arranged in a candelabrum we call a menorah (or sometimes hanukkiah), that holds nine candles. One for each night, plus a shammus (servant; candle used to light the others) at a different height.
On the first night, one candle is placed at the far right. The shammus candle is lit and three berakhot (blessings) are recited: l’hadlik neir (a general prayer over candles), she-asah nisim (a prayer thanking G-d for performing miracles for our ancestors at this time) and she-hekhianu (a general prayer thanking G-d for allowing us to reach this time of year). The third blessing is only recited on the first night of Hanukkah.
Here is a link to the text of the blessings.
Then, the first candle is lit using the shammus candle, and the shammus is placed back in its holder. Candles are lit any time after dark but before midnight. They are allowed to burn out on their own after a minimum of ½ hour, but if necessary they can be blown out at any time after that ½ hour.
On Shabbat, we light the Hanukkah candles before the Shabbat candles, before the candle lighting time (18 minutes before sunset). They cannot be blown out on Shabbat.
Each night, another candle is added from right to left (like the Hebrew language, read from right to left). Candles are lit from left ro right, to pay honor to the newer thing first.
The shammus candle is needed to keep ourselves from using the Hanukkah candles for something useful. The Hanukkah candles are for pleasure only, they should not be used for any productive purpose.
It is traditional to eat fried foods on Hanukkah because of the significance of oil to the holiday. For Ashkenazi Jews (like Simon), this usually includes latkes.
Gift-giving is not a traditional part of the holiday but was added in places where Jews had a lot of contact with Christians, as a way to deal with children’s jealousy of their Christian friends. It’s extremely unusual for Jews to give Hanukkah gifts to anyone other than their own young children.
The only traditional gift of the holiday is “gelt’, small amounts of money.
In Ashkenazic homes, playing dreidel, a gambling game played with a square top is tradition. Most people play for matchsticks, pennies, M&Ms or chocolate coins. It is explained as: in the time of Antiochus’ oppression, those who wanted to study Torah (an illegal activity) would conceal it  by playing gambling games with a top, whenever an inspector or official was in sight.
A dreidel is marked with four Hebrew letters, Nun, Gimel, Hei and Shin.They stand for the Hebrew phrase ‘Nes Gadol Hayah Sham” which means “A great miracle happened there”.
They also stand for the Yiddish words nit (nothing), gantz (all), halb (half) and shtell (put), the rules of the dreidel game.
Everyone puts in one coin. A person spins the dreidel. It it lands on Nun, nothing happens, On Gimel, you get the whole pot, on Hei, you get half of the por, and on SHin you put one in. hen the pot is empty, everyone adds one in. We then keep playing until one has everything. Then, we redivide it, because nobody likes a poor winner.
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saenvs3000 · 3 years
we are a mosaic
I like to think that each person is a mosaic. We are tiny reflections of the people around us, influenced by different experiences or memories that affect us most, conversations that changed us, or even subconsciously affected us. This is one the reasons why I believe we are all so unique. Our individual life experiences affect our opinions, thoughts and morals. This mosaic affects our problem-solving skills, how we approach an issue, or how responsive we are to a crisis. This is an example of our ethics. Personally, I think our ethic is more than just the black and white, the obvious good and the bad. There is a lot of grey area. How do we justify our actions in the grey? Because of this mosaic, our individual moral judgement is something that is cultivated, we can’t be taught. We can be taught what is right and wrong, but in the real world it is our decision to act on these principles. So as we continue to form relationships, go through life experience and learn, our ethics and our mosaic grows and changes, bending and shaping to these factors.
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Personal Photo: A lot of my beliefs and values come from the teachings my grandparents sewed into me. They are the biggest influence and motivator I have. As you can tell, they also love nature! And they have taught me to embrace the moments I have outside. (July, 2020).
I think humans have this greedy mindset. We are never happy with what we have, and when we finally get the next big thing, we just can’t wait for the next one. I used to live a lot of my life just waiting for something to happen. A countdown. And once the time hit zero, I would reset the clock and wait for the next thing to come along. But I realized that I was wasting the time I have right now, I was so focused on the finish line that I forgot that it didn’t have to be a race. One thing I love about nature is that it slows you down. Sure, everything is always changing, the leaves turn colours, the pond dries up, the sun rises earlier, and the birds fly back home. But these are changes you can expect. These are changes that are constant. There is so much in this world that we can’t control. But nature reminds me that sometimes change doesn’t have to be a bad thing. Nature reminds me that I can wait in the grey. 
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Personal photo: (Tuesday, March 30, 2021). The light from the sunset always fills up the main floor of my house. I like to close my laptop and enjoy the changing colours from the big window for a moment. 
My relationship with nature has changed me for the better. Our busy urban lives burden us. We feel a constant pressure to keep up with these dynamics. We forget that life doesn’t need to be so complicated. I feel like I have a certain responsibility to share the wonders of nature with others. My previous experience with nature interpretation plus the principles I learned for this class makes me think that I would be suitable to do so. My approach to nature interpretation is similar to these teachings, and the lessons encouraged from the textbook. I want my presentation or my story-telling to be audience driven. One major lesson I learned from this course is the idea of the Invisible Backpack. We each carry subtle or not-so-subtle differences. This may affect our receptiveness to nature interpretation or even our ability to partake in those types of activities. I will strive to be highly inclusive of all people, to accommodate and embrace the differences in their backpack and recognize that there are predetermined privileges that people have and not to assume this privilege can be extended to all people. Making sure that everyone is equal means accommodating for the parts of the whole, not just the whole all together. 
I want people to strive to have a relationship with nature. To think that nature should be experienced, not just observed. To recognize that nature can open up our eyes. I believe that it is important to lead by example. How do I expect people to accept what I’m teaching or sharing if I don’t believe in it myself? So like we learned in the later part of the course, I think it’s important to reflect. To take time to debrief and question the significance of our thoughts and actions. Was this the right way to present this material? Was this an appropriate way to think about nature? How would I do things differently? How can I make my ideas more clear? Recognizing that there is always room for improvement or tweaks that can make us better is important for self-growth. We can use reflection to actively change our mosaic. Another way of contributing to my mosaic is being open to other people who can introduce new skills to me. When I was working at a nature centre, I learned how to present the same program in new ways every time I shadowed someone. This let me figure out which way I wanted to adapt or what worked well for groups and what didn’t.Than I can take these pieces of other people’s presentations and make my own. 
I also think it is important to be receptive to criticism, which is something I struggle with. But environmental teaching is meant to be adaptive, not one thing or way can work for each audience in each circumstance. We must learn to adapt, just like how nature does. 
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Personal Photo: (February 18, 2021).  My best friend and I love to visit conservation areas and explore the natural area around our homes.I get to tell her cool things like the geology of the rocks behind her in this photo, and she gets to listen haha. 
In terms of approach, (I have said it before and I’ll say it again!) I think story-telling is such a powerful tool to explain a message. You can add humour to make it more engaging, analogies to make it memorable, characters to make it personal or shifting tone of voices to emphasize important details. Educating people about nature has to be not just about the information being told, but the way that information is being presented. Engaging and inclusive. One of my beliefs is that everyone should have the same opportunities to experience nature and so my presentation should also be accessible to all people. To recognize that there may be things in this backpack that I can’t see but I should expect and plan for. 
I believe that nature is a form of art. One we can never replicate, it can never be forged or bought. I hope that I am able to share its beauty and its importance with the people around me and they in turn will feel inspired to share it with others. And maybe then one day, we’ll all see nature through an interpreter’s eyes. 
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ideaztech · 4 years
How To Become A Wedding Videographer – A Quick Step by Step Guide On 2021
Odds are, this has occurred: somebody finds out that you simply do movie, and they request you to picture their marriage. When it is a whole Catholic service, a traditional Hindu Vivaha, or even Druids amassing in the forests, a marriage is the 1 opportunity which the majority of men and women get to get a movie made about these! If you do video, then individuals may want to employ you for it.
But in the event that you made your wedding movie and you lived, you could be asking your self should I do wedding videography? In an business of spec jobs and hope-someone-pays-for-my film fact. Plus it may teach you. A lot.
No Film School achieved to a couple of filmmakers that have generated some of the best wedding movies on earth.
To do it, you'll have to find out your fashion for weddings.
A life threatening filmmaker and also a classically trained studio painter, Alex and Whitney Douglas have created a exceptional style that's landed them among the planet's most renowned traveling wedding videographers. They almost completely shoot destination weddings. Jetting involving nations such as Italy, Indonesia, or India, the filmmakers create a point to catch the location of their wedding because a third part to the groom and bride.
"We love visiting these areas and going out and investigating the landscapes," explained Alex Douglas into NFS. "we would like to challenge ourselves. Our business model is not about efficiency. We prefer to invest more time on jobs to have the ability to find creative satisfaction...that's worked well for us since it has gotten us into a location where we've got a very different style or aesthetic."
Magbanua's design is called Cinematic Journalism: he's got a knack for being in the ideal place at the ideal time to catch the candid feelings of this day. Sleek and enchanting like a Primetime TV series, Magbanua has created his design for almost 20 decades. Magbanua introduced the world a new benchmark of wedding movie: the same-day-edit. Over the previous two decades, he's mastered the mad craft of introducing an edit in the Reception of exactly what occurred earlier in the afternoon!
"The question we always attempt to answer is how do we CAPTURE and interpret all of the feelings, all of the party, the pomp, or maybe the familiarity of the wedding to our moderate -- movie?" Magbanua clarified to NFS. "Wedding Videos have located a significant mass approval locally. And it is a gorgeous thing...I really like it.
Check out the employment of Jason Magbanua:
Matt Johnson is unique and down to ground, and his personality for a wedding videographer reflects this. You can also recognize him from his pleasure Youtube tutorials at which he moves over anything from each bit of audio equipment he possesses to the way to edit a marriage movie.
Similar to every other videographers beginning, there is a focus on just documenting the afternoon," explained Johnson into NFS. "You are a glorified tripod in there." However, as he describes, your personality evolves over the years and it develops from verbatim documentation into some creative voice. "You will find wedding filmmakers which produce hot videos in slow motion the entire time. We are like, it is not likely to be alluring, romantic the entire time! Occasionally it is going to be somewhat goofy, kind of bizarre. Where we turn something on its mind and do the polar opposite of everything you would ordinarily see."
Check out the employment of Film Strong Weddings:
Sarah and Rick Pendergraft owe their district storytelling fashion to their roots in the information, as terrorists, anchors, manufacturers. They then understood this was something that they can do -- and also something to which they'd deliver their journalistic style.
"A great deal of it goes back into our journalism and reporting history of enjoying storytelling and people's stories," explained Sarah Pendergraft into NFS. "Our movies are extremely narrative-driven, really sound driven. Admittedly, it is not like we awakened in with this glorious storytelling...but when we actually began going that path and found our pace, we discovered what we adored together with all the story."
Check out the employment of Pen Weddings:
Like what in filmmaking, the further pre-production, the greater creation. If you are attempting to earn a wedding videography shot list, you have got a few primary scenes to find out. You could have the ability to acquire a complete manufacturing deadline in the wedding planner which will provide you special times and areas for all these scenes. While this will vary Based upon the culture and customs of this bunch, this is a sketch of what many weddings split down into:
All of the excitement of the wedding is bubbly beneath the outside while the wedding party, close family and friends prepare. Concerning the most essential candid moments of this day, this is it. This is frequently a time when photographs are taken of the wedding celebration.
Outside, inside, casual, sanctified; this is the kingdom of tripods & extended lenses
The bunch goes into a luminous sunset for portraits with each other, or period the dreaded group photographs, while guests frequently get beverages, games, along with yummy tidbits
Food. Toasts. Cakes. Dances. Goodbyes. Why? It may be dark. It may be crowded. A whole lot of people can start impromptu addresses, and a few people today drink a lot of. Great luck!
How can the best-of-the-best handle the components of a marriage? What applications do they work? Following is a profile of just how four entirely different filmmaking teams produce their own award winning videos.
Just take a deep breath, equipment heads. For weddings, newer and bigger is NOT better.
The most precious advantage of your camera to the wedding day? You understand how to utilize it. Intimately. Whereas on a commercial or storyline, you may score cred by bringing a fresh launch of a lens or camera, to a wedding day there isn't any room for mistakes. The experts know that the most essential piece of equipment you may bring is that the one which you know like the back of your hands.
"I've ALL the toys but in the close of the afternoon - it is 1 person, 1 camera," stated Jason Magbanua.
"We must carry as hardly any pieces of gear with us as you can on our excursions because we are traveling to distant nations occasionally and it can find a little tricky," explained Alex Douglas.
"Anything that is documenting the afternoon at which we are running around rather than in a static place, I am on a Movi M10 using a 1DX2. In a civilization of continuously changing cameras, that does not really fit that storyline."
"I dedicate myself to particular rules. I'd like the lowest footprint potential. So I will shoot handheld with a strap a great deal of time and using a 24-70mm lens. I have that lens range versatility. In a universe with one-handed gimbals and very tiny gimbals, I prefer using this MoVi M10, since I will do lots of telephoto gimbal work. I discover that it is exceptional, as much as having the ability to control. I have rules such as that, but I'm definitely prepared to split them for gear if it actually adds something to our capacity to tell tales."
FILMSTRONG shoots the Sony a7S II.
Especially cause I've a YouTube station where I discuss equipment," explained Matt Johnson. "So people are like, why have not you updated?"
In a wedding, you don't have complete control over the light. While many lights as I bring as many items as I attempt to restrain. It is never ideal."
My favourite is 50mm. Rachel resides on the 135mm daily and it is wonderful. "
"The IBIS is a TREMENDOUS slice of technology to need to assist with our run and gun design and that cinema verite look we constantly aim for," comprehensive Magbanua.
Bridal preps I will completely cover together with all the 25mm Voigtlanders (equal 50mm on MFT). And then we proceed longer throughout the service. And I've an older 50mm Planar Zeiss on a Metabones that I can not seem not to use. "
"We've got several Sigma artwork lenses along with a lot of Canon lenses since we had been Canon previously, and we're using adapters," explained Sarah Pendergraft. After we reach a service, it is typically a great deal of 70-200mm unless it is a little setting. We divide up just like for Preps. Then whether it is a first appearance or a service at the stage, we come together and we are normally together the remainder of the day"
"We do have particular parts where I am setting up sound for the service while he is getting folks coming. I am setting up sound and receiving particulars of this reception while he is performing cocktail hour and possibly getting some aerials if it is light enough and there is an outside setting.
We, through time, have only honed in on our particular roles."
Each filmmaker expressed the significance of audio. Jason Magbanua says he's anal and utilizes Deity D3PROs on most of the cameras, Instamics, Deity Lavs, Zoom H6s, and older Tascam recorders as copies. Matt Johnson has an entire wedding videography tutorial on each bit of audio equipment he owns) Here is how it works for Sarah Pendergraft, whose design of"sound inspired storytelling" takes five to seven sound sources for every scene in her marriage movies:
They've inner micro SD recorders, which means you are not going via the camera preamps. You are recording directly into the mike. On occasion you're able to send the mics throughout the room [through Preps] while we are doing"narrative time" to get better sound of those folks around the area. Occasionally they ask questions want that sound also. When we do sit down with the wedding couple to get [tales ] we utilize Countrymen lavs with little Tascam recorders. We've got black, tan and white lavs and also do our very best to conceal them. We microphone up for initial appearance or for the service. Nearly every bride ours for the previous five or six decades is sporting a hidden mic beneath her dress. In terms of backup, typically, you're obtaining a feed in the band or the DJ.
Then we have among those shotgun mics pointed at one of the speakers as a true last resort setup. Then we place an Instamic, a small little recorder on the microphone that they are using for toasts. We also have a few nearby recorders round the area for choosing up laughter, applause, along with the audience noise separate from another sound. And we do exactly the exact same thing in the service. Mic that the officiant, the bunch. When there's a reader, then mic whatever podium they are likely to. And the exact same thing with nearby recorders for audience noise, or when there is a string quartet. We strive our very best to have something scattered on each major sound. "
And just how IBIS has changed the game to get a sensible handheld feel that could currently be smooth and nice.
Here is how Jason Magbanua explains his philosophy towards motion:
"I need that natural, floating appearance. Shaky camera into a lesser level. I really like that doc feel. Of being at the present time. It permits us to install shots quicker during mad moments (where you can find a lot). We nearly always use manual focus also. Sticks through the service and a camera onto a Zhiyun Crane and for variety. I'd almost always prefer hand-held camera sessions also. I've a Mavic Guru 2 too when we are permitted to use them.
Many filmmakers agreed when the place is really a highlight, a drone may be a fantastic tool.
"I adore drones. Notably for the destinations we all take, it truly provides a feeling of landscape or space. . .If these folks are deciding to get married in such far-off areas, then that place is significant to them. Additionally, it always only adds something else...
The cutting edge stuff that is being performed at weddings is since you've got more creative freedom than you would on stains, or in your corporate shoots or anything. This is similar to a golden era of wedding movies because the technologies has allowed for folks to inform cinematic, inventive stories. And customers are now getting educated about the value of this and it becoming as precious as the wedding pictures. The pub is set higher but they are also excited by a few of those creative storytelling which makes it possible for filmmakers to further research those languages and aesthetics. I believe that it's a fairly exciting time for the genre"
However, the sun sets, and you may want some help.
Getting ready
Filmmakers, for the large part, will attempt to promote the wedding party to perform crucial things alongside a window with lovely light, but maybe not more than that.
Indoor places often will not allow lighting, however if they do and it is needed, a few filmmakers will up something. Jason Magbanua will utilize Aputure lights to get a dim ceremony when he receives permission. He'll utilize an Aputure MC lighting as a wonderful match for portrait sessions and bride shots. Pen Weddings will do exactly the exact same for the service.
In the reception, the most peculiar aspect of this wedding, Pen Weddings will attempt to find a backlight and a secret constantly LED Dedolights. They prefer to place up lights unobtrusively around in which the DJ speakers are and utilize one mild as a backlight pointed so it is not unpleasant but adds feel. "We enjoy the Dedolights due to the dimmers on these," explained Sarah Pendergraft. "Some dance flooring have layouts that are odd, therefore we still put up all 3 lights, however we pick, fine, if I am shooting from this way, this one has turned away. That way we are not blasting them in the specific same way I am shooting"
Crucial point? Do not be obtrusive. As Matt Johnson describes it:
"Lights are excellent but do not make it too a lot of production. You need lights which aren't likely to blind men and women. Nobody enjoys it if grandma's off to the face of the dancing floor and you are beating some 300 Watt monster on her. I generally attract two lights. I've one spotlight I utilize to your dance floor to light the dance. And I have another headed panel I bring together to help light the toast every time individuals are talking. That gives us with just a bit of depth"
The majority of the filmmakers consisted of two-person teams, together with occasional added shooters. Jason Magbanua is the exclusion, who frequently applies four camera operators, two supporters for lighting and sound, and yet another Day editor. Hats off to his group!
If you get booked for a marriage you have to travel to, then here are three major points to think about, based on Sculpting with Time Productions.
Some states you can just say you are a hobbyist, although some such as the Bahamas have rigorous work licenses.
Contemplate ATA Carnet. It may cost a pretty penny, but it ensures that you are not hassled by the habits of every country about why it is you're bringing all this equipment (and if you want to get charged customs fees or possess is confiscated right once you need it the most)
Obtain a LiPo safe tote to continue all of your batteries and allow it to via TSA without hassle.
Make copies of your footage and keep it in the hotel safe. If you are doing a fantastic job at entering the nooks and crannies of this wonderful location you're seeing, you do not wish to risk having footage becoming stolen or go missing in the event that you happen upon some untoward scenarios!
Wedding videography strategies for beginners!
I understand you do movie. Would you wish to picture it?' However, with the caveat, I don't have any clue what I am doing. Nothing was appropriate whatsoever, but I only tried to make it operate. The couple ends up enjoying it and that I did not despise it. I've got a good deal of room for improvement however.'"
The takeaway? Snacks, water bottles, a dim ensemble, and allowing the few know beforehand which you're early in your career. And be certain that you split the video in the future to your cringe-worthy variable, as Matt termed it. He shared with the edit of the very first wedding movie:
When it's your wedding movie, you might be only 1 individual. But shooting with a single camera is tough for certain moments particularly, where it may be well worth it for a unmanned instant installment.
"You definitely can. But strategy it out, map a program. Temper expectations. You'll be using the bride the majority of the time schedule the groom around that. At least possess an unmanned camera to the service so that you may edit at least two angles. "
Creating a wedding video to your customers typically starts in the start with their pick of edit. Along with the filmmakers offer you many spans. Do not hesitate to edit the entire damned day together! Bear in mind that less is more, particularly when it has to do with your sanity and just how much you're charging
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bownhoepb852-blog · 5 years
What The Oxford English Dictionary Doesn't Tell You About Nh Bowmen Shoot Scores
Is there any high school of Bow skipped to get shown right here? You should use the subsequent backlink to let us know and we might be prompt to assessment it.
Posted March 13, 2017 Submitted by a mum or dad Bow is a small town, thus, teacher to pupil ratio will likely be very low and finally the school will have a higher ranking as a result of dimension. To match this school with schools like Concord is not even appropriate!
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This is certainly The share of 12th graders who graduated. Due to the fact states determine graduation rates differently, use warning when comparing this information to facts from A different point out.
An officer was despatched to Hannaford Supermarket on Fort Eddy Road for an individual using an Lively warrant. Laporte also experienced two warrants from Merrimack County for default of kid help payments plus the sheriff's office designed programs to pick him up on Those people charges. Laporte was unveiled on $two,000 personal recognizance bail and was arraigned on Feb. 25.
As the main supplier of care, not only do you should have the occasional crack that respite treatment provides, but respite treatment is critical so that you can recharge your physical, spiritual and emotional batteries. It’s significant that you make the effort to care for yourself — health care provider’s appointments, typical Actual physical examinations, counseling periods or aid group conferences — to ensure you’re not obtaining rundown and which you’ll be up into the challenges of the overwhelming responsibility.
Vacationers are unlikely to go to Bow in November. Individuals ready to visit at these moments will possible locate it the minimum highly-priced thirty day period.
HOA charges are month to month or annual costs that deal with The prices of protecting and improving shared Areas. HOA expenses are frequent in condos and a few solitary-relatives property neighborhoods.
I couldn't have questioned for a better high school knowledge at Bow High School. Even from its conception a lot less than thirty decades ago, Bow High School has become dwelling to exemplary staff members and lecturers, a number of which skilled to teach at the collegiate degree. Bow is likewise household to many possibilities not ordinarily accessible to the average high school university student, mostly partly due to the school system's progressive method of training.
The time frame once the Solar is among twelve and eighteen degrees underneath the horizon at both sunrise or sunset. The sun doesn't add into the illumination from the sky before this time in the morning, or after this time inside the evening.
There a recently mounted locked mailbox inside the front foyer with the Police Department.  It really is online video monitored and is offered 24 hrs daily for paperwork fall off. Goods recognized in this mailbox include: Parking tickets with actual cost
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A probability of snow before 10am, then a prospect of rain and snow among 10am and 11am, then a probability of rain right after 11am. Cloudy, using a high in the vicinity of 43. Chance of precipitation is 40%.
The town was granted from the authorities of latest Hampshire, to Jonathan Wiggin and Other folks, in 1727, and was at first nine miles (14 km) sq., and included almost all the territory granted to Ebenezer Eastman and Other folks, via the authorities of Massachusetts, two yrs earlier, beneath the title of Pennacook (now Concord). Massachusetts claimed to hold authority more than a large part of the territory of recent Hampshire for a few years, till the ultimate boundary line was set up, in 1741, offering New Hampshire far more territory than it experienced ever claimed. These sophisticated strains of The 2 towns coming from two different authorities, weren't settled decisively till once the ultimate separation of The 2 colonial provinces.
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arianakcurry · 6 years
Blink XT vs Arlo Pro 2 – Full Comparison
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With the growing age, humans have advanced themselves exponentially in every aspect of their life. We have upgraded everything from the food we eat to the cars we drive and simultaneously our security is another top priority that we have upgraded and evolved. Nowadays no matter how safe your surroundings are you can never be too sure or safe. With the growing and advancements in technology, crime also has advanced and can be seen in an abundance.
This is why security systems like the Blink XT and Arlo pro are manufactured to meet the growing security needs of all individuals who are constantly seeking a solution to their security problems. Both these devices have state of the art motion sensor and detection systems that only have a 3 sec time lag. In addition to the extraordinary detection, they also have impeccable video quality of 1080p HD and offer night vision which is extremely crucial.
Now a day’s one of the most vital parts of our life is our security and how we opt to maintain that security. Because regardless of how secure your compound is and no matter how secure your surrounding is, you can never really take any chances when it comes to the wellbeing of your loved ones and your home.
Arlo pro 2
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The Arlo pro 2 came out a year after the Arlo pro and as expected is an upgraded version that proves to eliminate the minor shortcomings of the Arlo pro. To start in terms of design, the Arlo pro 2 comes in metallic lettering and has a white bevel around its front area and is superb in terms of aesthetics.
In terms of resolution, the Arlo pro 2 has a resolution of 1080 HD making it significantly clear and give you super quality videos.  The Arlo pro 2 like its predecessor comes with geofencing technology thus points your location regardless of which part of the world you’re likely to be in using Wi-Fi and GPS.
A significant feature of the Arlo pro 2 is that it can be powered by not only solar and batteries but also with an AC adapter. The AC power source is an extreme advantage for the Arlo pro two because it is a continuous source of power and so the device can run all the functions all the time and does not need to maneuver selectively to save battery.
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An essential feature for any security system should be night vision, and it is not disregarded in the Arlo pro 2. Like the Arlo pro, it also enjoys night vision and has eight infrared lenses to give a fairly clear and a good picture. But because sensors need photons to capture images, they require an ambient light or a background light like a street light. For the Arlo pro 2’s night vision, it has been upgraded as the facial features of the intruders are better defined.
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Arlo pro 2 night vision. Image from LifeHackster youtube channel
The Arlo pro 2 gives a continuous recording where the surrounding video is recorded throughout the day and night. The recorded video is then stored in the cloud for you to view it anytime. And for this function, the Arlo pro has to be on a monthly plan and have an AC power source. Also, the time lag for the Arlo pro 2 to capture the video after a motion is detected is shorter, only about 3 secs in total before recording thus leaving less space to miss an integral moment.
Battery life for the Arlo pro2 only lasts for three months which means that it has to be replaced more times in a year. But apart from battery time, there was a slight disadvantage in the previous device which was the passive infrared sensor and users had no control over the area that was monitored by the previous device because zooming in wasn’t an option. The Arlo pro 2 overcomes this limitation.
Highlighted features
Works with Alexa and Google assistant
100% wireless
1080 HD quality
Flexible powering options
Weather resistant
AC power source
Blink XT
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The Blink XT is an incredible security device which as adapts, durable and most importantly it delivers. To start of the Blink XT at the first and most important phase of operation is its setup. And that starts with downloading the Blink XT mobile app that’s called Blink XT home monitor. After downloading the app, an account can be created with id and email verification. Then comes the syncing part which is very simple. After logging in you need to press the sync module button, on clicking it the user would be asked to scan the QR code on the product box. Then plug in your device and after seeing the green light and a Blink XTing blue light connect to the Wi-Fi and create a password. The last step to complete setup is to connect the cameras and your all set to be connected and your house secure.
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Blink XT has an amazing design that is aesthetically appealing plus simple and very minimalistic. It has a rectangular box with a lens in the front and is black which looks majestic. The dimensions of the camera are 3.23 x 8.98 x 9.06 inches and weigh only around 2 pounds making it very lightweight and easy to place. Also, it would fit perfectly anywhere that the user should choose.
The Blink XT is a 100% wire-free, so it is very flexible to place it anywhere without a second thought or hindrance. What makes it all the lighter as a design or a product feature is how it has no data storage. It has a hundred meters range from the hub. It comes with cameras, and ten cameras can be armed on the same sync module. The Blink XT is integrated with Amazons Alexa.
It comes with an infrared night vision for after sunset security which is a vital part of homeland security. The Blink XT is compatible with the IFTT and provides a good quality 1080HD video also it sends out instant alerts on detection. It is waterproof for all weather conditions and climate types, so where ever you may reside it is not a problem to install and arm your security system with Blink XT. What sets BLINK XT apart is that it works in low light lamination.
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Blink xt night vision. Image from LifeHackster youtube channel
It has a 110-degree field vision and views to capture the movements around the location of the camera. It has an operating temperature of a hundred and thirteen degrees Fahrenheit. Another feature of the Blink XT is that it has an amazing battery life of two years and can be used up to five years without changing. It provides restricted audio access. Though the Blink XT records for sixty seconds after motion is detected, it allows you to store up a video for 2 hours, but it does not have a special feature like zooming in. The Blink XT can also be remotely armed and disarmed remotely. The positive point about the Blink XT is that sync mode ensures that security cameras can work even when the internet is down or in any case of a power outage.
Highlighted features:
Weatherproof for indoor and outdoor use
Motion detection
Battery powered security system
Smart home video security with HD video
Free cloud storage
Blink XT vs Arlo pro 2 comparison
To compare both the Blink XT and Arlo pro 2 we have to view both of them side by side in their own technical right. First looking at the Blink XT, there are no additional fees because no data storage or subscription is required. Blink XT has a 100 feet range from the hub. Also, ten cameras can be connected to the same sync module. The Blink XT has a wireless design for superior flexibility. The Blink XT is very easy to set up and has an infrared night vision and can be integrated with Alexa integration. But with all its positives the Blink XT does have its limitations like it records motion only for 60 seconds and on-demand recording is not available plus it streams only 30-second increments. The Blink XT also does not has a zoom in option or tilt. Only two hours of storage is allowed.
Blink XT vs Arlo Pro 2 Comparison Table
Blink XT Arlo pro 2 Up to 1080Up to 1280×720 110° FOV130° FOVFree Cloud Recording 7 days Free Cloud Recording Motion recording only for 60 secondsMotion recording 24/7No zoomZoomNo tilt Tilt PIR detection PIR or software detection 1-way audio 2-way audio WeatherproofIP 65 water resistanceNight vision up to 20 ft. Night vision up to 25 ft. 100 ft. range from the hub300 feet range from the hub 100% wire-freeWire-Free or Plugged In2 AA lithium batteriesRechargeable batteries2-years battery lifeUp to 6 months battery life Price ~$190 2-pack Price ~$340 2-pack
With the Arlo pro 2 starting with its positives it has a display quality of 1080p HD for the best resolution and clarity. With the Arlo pro 2 recharging is easy as you can plug it in an electric socket. Also, the Arlo pro 2 has two-way audio to talk and listen, and it is its biggest selling point which separates it from the Blink XT. The Arlo pro 2 also like the Blink XT has an excellent night vision, and another positive that sets it apart from the Blink XT is that you can set activity zones and you can pan the camera and zoom in. Although the Arlo pro is an amazing security device system it also has its limitations like the advanced features like continuous recording and continuous video are only available when you plug the Arlo in an electric socket, and they cannot be activated on battery. Also, another downside that goes in favor of the Blink XT is that the Arlo pro has a very little battery life compared to the Blink XT of only three months and then it needs to be changed which makes it some times per year.
Buyers guide
Can the Arlo pro and Blink XT be plugged in?
Yes, the Arlo pro 2 can be plugged because it has an AC adapter and it is important to plug it in to avail its advanced features like continuous video. But for the Blink XT, it is not possible as it runs on battery and it does not have a plug-in option.
Can you add Arlo pro to Arlo system?
 Yes, you can.
How long do Arlo batteries last?
The Arlo pro’s batteries last up to 6 months or 3 months, and then they require change, plus you need an AC power source to avail the endless video options.
Are Arlo pro 2 wireless cameras waterproof?
Yes, the Arlo wireless cameras are waterproof and are fit to be used as seen fit and can work under any weather conditions and climate.
How far can Arlo camera be from the base station?
They can be placed 300 feet or 90 meters from base depending on the obstructions in its pathway.
How many can Arlo cameras run on one?
The maximum number of Arlo cameras that can be placed on Arlo system in 15 but above five cameras you need an elite subscription plan.
How do you speak with the Arlo camera?
You take out the app on your phone then take out the microphone symbol and press it to talk and then release it to listen from the camera.
To conclude both the Blink XT and Arlo pro are amazing security systems and both have their positives and limitations. A small summary of which would be how the Blink XT has a greater battery life than the Arlo pro 2 of up to 3 to 5 years whereas the Arlo pro 2 only amounts up to 3 to 6 months. But then the Arlo pro 2 gives a video 24/7 when plugged into an electric power source, unlike the Blink XT which only gives at 60-second intervals.
Then another aspect would be how you can select zones with Arlo, and you have a zoom option unlike in the Blink XT. And even though both have a resolution of 1080p and have night vision, after viewing both of them panned against each other it is clear that the Arlo pro 2 is the clear winner of the two if you have secured a power outlet and aren’t phased by numerous battery changes and if you are and you want to go for long lasting battery life and only that then the Blink XT could be the winner for you.
from https://www.securitysaint.com/blink-xt-vs-arlo-pro-2/ from SECURITYSAINT.COM https://securitysaintcom.tumblr.com/post/183213174014
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securitysaintcom · 6 years
Blink XT vs Arlo Pro 2 – Full Comparison
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With the growing age, humans have advanced themselves exponentially in every aspect of their life. We have upgraded everything from the food we eat to the cars we drive and simultaneously our security is another top priority that we have upgraded and evolved. Nowadays no matter how safe your surroundings are you can never be too sure or safe. With the growing and advancements in technology, crime also has advanced and can be seen in an abundance.
This is why security systems like the Blink XT and Arlo pro are manufactured to meet the growing security needs of all individuals who are constantly seeking a solution to their security problems. Both these devices have state of the art motion sensor and detection systems that only have a 3 sec time lag. In addition to the extraordinary detection, they also have impeccable video quality of 1080p HD and offer night vision which is extremely crucial.
Now a day’s one of the most vital parts of our life is our security and how we opt to maintain that security. Because regardless of how secure your compound is and no matter how secure your surrounding is, you can never really take any chances when it comes to the wellbeing of your loved ones and your home.
Arlo pro 2
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The Arlo pro 2 came out a year after the Arlo pro and as expected is an upgraded version that proves to eliminate the minor shortcomings of the Arlo pro. To start in terms of design, the Arlo pro 2 comes in metallic lettering and has a white bevel around its front area and is superb in terms of aesthetics.
In terms of resolution, the Arlo pro 2 has a resolution of 1080 HD making it significantly clear and give you super quality videos.  The Arlo pro 2 like its predecessor comes with geofencing technology thus points your location regardless of which part of the world you’re likely to be in using Wi-Fi and GPS.
A significant feature of the Arlo pro 2 is that it can be powered by not only solar and batteries but also with an AC adapter. The AC power source is an extreme advantage for the Arlo pro two because it is a continuous source of power and so the device can run all the functions all the time and does not need to maneuver selectively to save battery.
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An essential feature for any security system should be night vision, and it is not disregarded in the Arlo pro 2. Like the Arlo pro, it also enjoys night vision and has eight infrared lenses to give a fairly clear and a good picture. But because sensors need photons to capture images, they require an ambient light or a background light like a street light. For the Arlo pro 2’s night vision, it has been upgraded as the facial features of the intruders are better defined.
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Arlo pro 2 night vision. Image from LifeHackster youtube channel
The Arlo pro 2 gives a continuous recording where the surrounding video is recorded throughout the day and night. The recorded video is then stored in the cloud for you to view it anytime. And for this function, the Arlo pro has to be on a monthly plan and have an AC power source. Also, the time lag for the Arlo pro 2 to capture the video after a motion is detected is shorter, only about 3 secs in total before recording thus leaving less space to miss an integral moment.
Battery life for the Arlo pro2 only lasts for three months which means that it has to be replaced more times in a year. But apart from battery time, there was a slight disadvantage in the previous device which was the passive infrared sensor and users had no control over the area that was monitored by the previous device because zooming in wasn’t an option. The Arlo pro 2 overcomes this limitation.
Highlighted features
Works with Alexa and Google assistant
100% wireless
1080 HD quality
Flexible powering options
Weather resistant
AC power source
Blink XT
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The Blink XT is an incredible security device which as adapts, durable and most importantly it delivers. To start of the Blink XT at the first and most important phase of operation is its setup. And that starts with downloading the Blink XT mobile app that’s called Blink XT home monitor. After downloading the app, an account can be created with id and email verification. Then comes the syncing part which is very simple. After logging in you need to press the sync module button, on clicking it the user would be asked to scan the QR code on the product box. Then plug in your device and after seeing the green light and a Blink XTing blue light connect to the Wi-Fi and create a password. The last step to complete setup is to connect the cameras and your all set to be connected and your house secure.
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Blink XT has an amazing design that is aesthetically appealing plus simple and very minimalistic. It has a rectangular box with a lens in the front and is black which looks majestic. The dimensions of the camera are 3.23 x 8.98 x 9.06 inches and weigh only around 2 pounds making it very lightweight and easy to place. Also, it would fit perfectly anywhere that the user should choose.
The Blink XT is a 100% wire-free, so it is very flexible to place it anywhere without a second thought or hindrance. What makes it all the lighter as a design or a product feature is how it has no data storage. It has a hundred meters range from the hub. It comes with cameras, and ten cameras can be armed on the same sync module. The Blink XT is integrated with Amazons Alexa.
It comes with an infrared night vision for after sunset security which is a vital part of homeland security. The Blink XT is compatible with the IFTT and provides a good quality 1080HD video also it sends out instant alerts on detection. It is waterproof for all weather conditions and climate types, so where ever you may reside it is not a problem to install and arm your security system with Blink XT. What sets BLINK XT apart is that it works in low light lamination.
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Blink xt night vision. Image from LifeHackster youtube channel
It has a 110-degree field vision and views to capture the movements around the location of the camera. It has an operating temperature of a hundred and thirteen degrees Fahrenheit. Another feature of the Blink XT is that it has an amazing battery life of two years and can be used up to five years without changing. It provides restricted audio access. Though the Blink XT records for sixty seconds after motion is detected, it allows you to store up a video for 2 hours, but it does not have a special feature like zooming in. The Blink XT can also be remotely armed and disarmed remotely. The positive point about the Blink XT is that sync mode ensures that security cameras can work even when the internet is down or in any case of a power outage.
Highlighted features:
Weatherproof for indoor and outdoor use
Motion detection
Battery powered security system
Smart home video security with HD video
Free cloud storage
Blink XT vs Arlo pro 2 comparison
To compare both the Blink XT and Arlo pro 2 we have to view both of them side by side in their own technical right. First looking at the Blink XT, there are no additional fees because no data storage or subscription is required. Blink XT has a 100 feet range from the hub. Also, ten cameras can be connected to the same sync module. The Blink XT has a wireless design for superior flexibility. The Blink XT is very easy to set up and has an infrared night vision and can be integrated with Alexa integration. But with all its positives the Blink XT does have its limitations like it records motion only for 60 seconds and on-demand recording is not available plus it streams only 30-second increments. The Blink XT also does not has a zoom in option or tilt. Only two hours of storage is allowed.
Blink XT vs Arlo Pro 2 Comparison Table
Blink XT Arlo pro 2 Up to 1080Up to 1280×720 110° FOV130° FOVFree Cloud Recording 7 days Free Cloud Recording Motion recording only for 60 secondsMotion recording 24/7No zoomZoomNo tilt Tilt PIR detection PIR or software detection 1-way audio 2-way audio WeatherproofIP 65 water resistanceNight vision up to 20 ft. Night vision up to 25 ft. 100 ft. range from the hub300 feet range from the hub 100% wire-freeWire-Free or Plugged In2 AA lithium batteriesRechargeable batteries2-years battery lifeUp to 6 months battery life Price ~$190 2-pack Price ~$340 2-pack
With the Arlo pro 2 starting with its positives it has a display quality of 1080p HD for the best resolution and clarity. With the Arlo pro 2 recharging is easy as you can plug it in an electric socket. Also, the Arlo pro 2 has two-way audio to talk and listen, and it is its biggest selling point which separates it from the Blink XT. The Arlo pro 2 also like the Blink XT has an excellent night vision, and another positive that sets it apart from the Blink XT is that you can set activity zones and you can pan the camera and zoom in. Although the Arlo pro is an amazing security device system it also has its limitations like the advanced features like continuous recording and continuous video are only available when you plug the Arlo in an electric socket, and they cannot be activated on battery. Also, another downside that goes in favor of the Blink XT is that the Arlo pro has a very little battery life compared to the Blink XT of only three months and then it needs to be changed which makes it some times per year.
Buyers guide
Can the Arlo pro and Blink XT be plugged in?
Yes, the Arlo pro 2 can be plugged because it has an AC adapter and it is important to plug it in to avail its advanced features like continuous video. But for the Blink XT, it is not possible as it runs on battery and it does not have a plug-in option.
Can you add Arlo pro to Arlo system?
 Yes, you can.
How long do Arlo batteries last?
The Arlo pro’s batteries last up to 6 months or 3 months, and then they require change, plus you need an AC power source to avail the endless video options.
Are Arlo pro 2 wireless cameras waterproof?
Yes, the Arlo wireless cameras are waterproof and are fit to be used as seen fit and can work under any weather conditions and climate.
How far can Arlo camera be from the base station?
They can be placed 300 feet or 90 meters from base depending on the obstructions in its pathway.
How many can Arlo cameras run on one?
The maximum number of Arlo cameras that can be placed on Arlo system in 15 but above five cameras you need an elite subscription plan.
How do you speak with the Arlo camera?
You take out the app on your phone then take out the microphone symbol and press it to talk and then release it to listen from the camera.
To conclude both the Blink XT and Arlo pro are amazing security systems and both have their positives and limitations. A small summary of which would be how the Blink XT has a greater battery life than the Arlo pro 2 of up to 3 to 5 years whereas the Arlo pro 2 only amounts up to 3 to 6 months. But then the Arlo pro 2 gives a video 24/7 when plugged into an electric power source, unlike the Blink XT which only gives at 60-second intervals.
Then another aspect would be how you can select zones with Arlo, and you have a zoom option unlike in the Blink XT. And even though both have a resolution of 1080p and have night vision, after viewing both of them panned against each other it is clear that the Arlo pro 2 is the clear winner of the two if you have secured a power outlet and aren’t phased by numerous battery changes and if you are and you want to go for long lasting battery life and only that then the Blink XT could be the winner for you.
from https://www.securitysaint.com/blink-xt-vs-arlo-pro-2/
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pipbabi · 6 years
sport necklaces
However baseball jewelry, at this time it's normally the spies and celebrities who are carrying hats as a result of they do not wish to be acknowledged by anybody. Moreover you can require the manufacturing facility to customise distinctive type hats that you want. The double link adds energy and style. You do not have to be a pro to dress like one. Whereas no one will possible be utilizing them to make new customized jewellery, these gems are unique and have fascinating histories. A method a man can look his finest is by wearing cufflinks. It is a unique approach for men to accessorize with out the heaviness of jewelry that can get in the way or is uncomfortable. A basic men's diamond tennis bracelet is an effective way to add an elegant, but masculine shine to any look. From the office to the golf course to a evening out on the city, this statement piece can add a complicated, trend ahead accent. It is a protracted standing tradition in lots of households to add a jewelry and accessories used in baseball charm to a bracelet over time as a vacation or birthday gift.
You also get to see those photographs every time you placed on the jewellery. Probably the most thrilling truth about vogue jewellery is that it at all times keeps changing. However let's remind you that even a small ring you put on comes into the category of the jewellery. In fact, possibly a quick dialog about these New York Yankees, Oakland Raiders and even somewhat bit of Alabama Crimson in your wrists will lead to a more in depth dialog which might inevitably lead to enterprise deals. Like a Baseball Mother bangle bracelet worn by the complete team will encourage them to do higher, show cooperation and even embolden the staff members to play properly. There's the play and costume jewellery. Diamond jewelry is special in that it conveys feelings with out saying words. The head secures the diamond. Like may be a pitcher player allowed to wear a males's wedding ring in the on the mound?
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You'll be able to order customized golf balls, cookies made to look like footballs, baseballs, or soccer balls, or any number of different sports activities or workforce oriented gifts. The team spirit and cooperation might be increased by designing the same jewelry item for the team. Jewelry market veterans in China say cadmium has been utilised in domestic objects there for years. Take a quick take a look at different types of Pet Cremation Urns and other memorials available in the market. Worker Recognition Awards - Staff take great pride in sporting lapel pins that show their achievements, and they'll treasure employee recognition awards that they can regularly show to others. Want to take a wild guess at what keyphrase theyre concentrating on? Sometimes a ring or necklace can have a special, private which means as a result of it was a reward. For the fan that enjoys the body piercing pattern a pink or blue Biobplasts Blazing Baseball Stomach Ring will do the trick.
The inexpensiveness of some fashionable rhinestones has allowed them to be utilized in each sort of software, from dog collars to baseball caps. A few of essentially the most unique enjoyable baseball products are baseball slippers for girls offered on amazon, baseball purses and totes or baseball cuff hyperlink, cash clip, and tie tack for men. At the most fundamental, you won't go mistaken with knee-size or longer skirts for ladies and fits or dress shirts and pants for men. Second, tucking shirts in and sporting belts are okay for the holidays, but they certain aren't the cool hip look we are going for. The place the place you will is n figuring out factor for the equipment. This implies earrings; bracelets, rings and necklaces are all no-no's. Moms and boys proceed to complain that COOL boys clothes are non-existent. These are some great wedding ceremony concepts for sports lovers. Maybe you might be all for sports cufflinks that showcase your hobbies.
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This French hybrid grape produces a dry pink wine that's daring, wealthy, and full bodied. For white wine followers, attempt the LaCrosse, a semi candy gem with aromas of melon and pear. Other scorching picks embody a diamond bracelet or perhaps a diamond and sapphire coronary heart locket. Some of the simple, but classic, items of jewelry is a high quality bracelet. There is the cheaper choice of fashion jewelry. Wholesale fashion jewellery is the idea assigned to organizations that manufacture type jewellery. A typical false impression is that style jewelry is too pretend wanting. Vogue jewellery comes in all different types. A photo of a bit of woman at her first dance recital or a bit boy in his first baseball sport placed on photograph jewelry could make fantastic keepsake gift. The standard of Gold present great pliability together with ductility as effectively because the man views and his awesome skill to generate fantastic along with sophisticated patterns provides full Gold Jewelry the infatuation associated with loveliness. From a 3-stone ring that sparkles with the past, current and future, or a basic eternity ring, diamonds are a hands-down sentimental favorite. There are a number of seems that ought to be pulled together in 2006. If you are going for a glance, go all the best way and baseball jewelry.
For the sports activities fan in you, there may be a wide collection of sports cufflinks available together with a large number of sports activities team cufflinks. Individuals do not notice that in the event that they can not afford the true deal, there are extra options. Mouth - choose a cute pair of lips, smile, giggle, frown or perhaps a tongue sticking out plus more. Gifts for Collectors Almost any object might be collected: baseball playing cards, spoons, vintage brooches, or even vintage blenders. The Boston Purple Sox is probably probably the most famous baseball staff to affiliate with Phiten titanium necklaces. Do you love your group nearly as a lot because the individual you intend to marry? If you're a baseball fan or even a football fan, you possibly can rotate your workforce all through the seasons so you are always on prime of the sport. Boys' clothes are getting cooler and cooler the entire time. This is nice for people who are up in age who've points such as osteoporosis, arthritis, or something that has induced their legs to develop into weakened. Nevertheless, lots of people say it has really helped them; they even talked about they had been also skeptical to begin with.
Or is the deck stacked towards her and she'll lose some huge cash? It is obvious that less cash is needed for a flea market than for a retail retailer, however what's not so apparent? In different words, give attention to how a lot cash you've got already made on that order that came in, quite than specializing in the objects which are left over and haven't bought. Moreover giving the video games their structure, rules are meant to offer all individuals a (supposedly) even playing area. These seats embody a button that permits the seated person to rise up with ease, whenever they are prepared. Are you able to simply get to various spots to buy? Get a second opinion. Males additionally hit a home run with the lady of their lives by marking a major (or not so significant) anniversary with the diamond anniversary ring. I think this may very well be an excellent present for a special occasion corresponding to graduation or wedding or an anniversary.
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I made a necklace with a favorite picture of a sunset here. Add earrings and a necklace to complete your look. When utilizing the search phrases, you also needs to add your metropolis or town title to the search in order to uncover sources close to you. Sure, you can find replica Sequence bands alongside collectively utilizing organized stones and also diamonds, nevertheless these would be the exception, not the particular rule. Diamonds dazzle like nothing else can. Dazzle her with a diamond. These collars additionally comprise some type of identification on them, very like we use on our canine tags right this moment. Such an attractive paradise that is sort of a slice of Heaven on Earth. Even if you happen to don’t have expertise at all, it is going to just take a couple weeks of messing round with programs as Photoshop and Illustrator. Nevertheless, in today’s world the place mummification is just not doable, pet homeowners still have the choice to honor their furry pals with the help of pet memorials.
When i lived at dwelling, I at all times tried to help make modifications for the higher, reasonably than simply letting bad politics decide for me. These truly show off the interests of any sharp dressed man all whereas catering to his inner sports activities lover. If you happen to ask a man what he actually needs, he's prone to say a brand new car, some sports gear or brand new tools. Missing baseball jewelry, which often shelving up wards repeated flyer a good distance in arms and, joints, fingers, legs and, as well as earlobes. Many rabid baseball lovers placed on extra the typical investing credit score cost taking part in greeting handmade homemade business notes, signed items, banners and ads, paint footplate, as well as bubblehead dolls. The first Pizza Hut opened in 1958, which is about 500 years closer. It all the time has a contemporary just cleaned seemed that appears to fade quickly with yellow gold. Judy is contemplating promoting earrings on the native swapmeet with baseball jewelry.
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janicecpitts · 5 years
Mr Build Co Best Small Bathroom Remodel Contractors Near Me Irvine 92602
Remodeling a bathroom can be an exciting and fun experience, particularly if your bathroom has outdated baby blue or pink tile covering the walls. Planning and estimating bathroom remodeling costs prior to starting the project, however, is critical for ensuring a completely positive experience.
https://mr-build-construction.business.site – Mr Build Co Contractors for Bathroom Remodeling Average Cost Near Me Irvine
Today many new bathroom remodeling jobs include Jacuzzi tubs or whirlpool baths, along with separate showers. In addition, there is a multitude of toilet, vanity, countertop and sink styles to choose from. Costs for these items vary widely.
If planned properly a bathroom remodeling project can be accomplished on a shoestring budget and still look like you’ve completely transformed the room. It depends only on your creativity and level of sweat equity. All new bathroom fixtures are not critical in remodeling a bathroom. Many fixtures can be restored to a brand new appearance with just a little time and sweat equity. In some cases, such as with toilets, it is frequently the preferred route. Older toilets use more water per flush than the new models. Though the new ones are environmentally friendlier, they have a reputation for clogging and thus many people choose to preserve their older toilets in a bathroom remodeling project.
The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house. It is usually where you start and end your day. Thus the return on investment for remodeling a bathroom is fairly high. Consequently it makes a great deal of sense to spend some money and remodel a bathroom, even if you do not plan on being in the house for a long time.
A bathroom remodeling project, however, can be a messy and annoying home improvement project. Frequently bathrooms are right off bedrooms or in the master bedroom. Consequently, they can cause significant disruptions and cleanliness issues with your home. And the length of the disruption can take as long as a month or more, even when well planned out.
Best Small Bathroom Remodel Contractors Near Me in Irvine California 92657
cdbfzSGT To mitigate the disruption of a bathroom remodeling project, planning is absolutely essential. The first item to consider is whether you will do it yourself, or hire a general contractor. Regardless of what route, a homeowner needs to first sketch out some bathroom remodeling ideas to ensure the bathroom design and cost estimates will meet their targeted functional requirements and budget. If a general contractor is to be hired these initial sketches will be helpful in communicating your bathroom remodeling plans and ideas.
During the planning phase, you should identify the main objectives of the future bathroom. Is a Jacuzzi or whirlpool tub desired? Is a pedestal sink preferred over a traditional vanity? You should research the latest products on the market including cabinets/vanities, countertops, toilets, shower/tubs, and flooring. Also, homeowners are now more frequently using tile in bathrooms, both on the floors and walls. Tile adds a look of elegance to a bathroom that is not captured with vinyl or Linoleum flooring materials.
It is also important to consider any structural changes to the existing bathroom area. In particular, if a Jacuzzi or whirlpool tub is to be installed a deck area will probably need to be framed in. In addition, if overhead lighting is desired then soffits may need to be framed in.
The initial sketches of your bathroom remodeling plan should include the basic layout of the bathroom with the toilet, shower/tub and vanity locations identified. In addition, dimensions should be included in the sketches. Also, if there are already known preferred manufacturers for the various bathroom utilities then they should also be included on the sketches. Once the sketches have been completed it is time to contact a remodeling general contractor. They should be able to work from your sketches to develop a firmly fixed quotation on the bathroom remodeling project.
For more help on remodeling your bathroom, see Bathroom Remodeling Bid Sheet. The Bathroom Remodeling Bid Sheet will help ensure that your bathroom remodeling project goes smoothly and you get the finished bathroom you are looking for. In addition, it will help to ensure that your remodeled bathroom will be accomplished on time and on budget.
What is the average cost of a master bathroom remodel?
The average cost of a bathroom remodeling project is approximately $10,000, although this includes minor, partial, and small bathroom remodeling costs. A comprehensive bathroom remodel is likely to cost $15,000 or more; a large master bath remodel can easily go over $50,000.
Does a master bathroom need a bathtub?
Although fewer American adults use tubs for regular bathing today, many master bathrooms still have tubs as part of their design. However, that may not be for long. As long as there’s at least one tub in the house, eliminating the one in the master bathroom generally doesn’t affect the home’s value negatively.
How long does it take to remodel a small bathroom?
The full-scale tear out and rebuild a small bathroom should not take long. When all working parts mesh correctly, you can expect a bathroom to be fully remodeled in a total of 23 days. Assuming that no work is done on weekends, this translates to 4.5 weeks.
Reviews About Our Service
We have used other contractors for previous projects, and Mr. Build was the best experience we have had. When we encountered a few unexpected issues, Ami resolved them to our satisfaction… And true to his word, there were no additional charges.
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Things to Do in Irvine CA
Crystal Cove State Park Beach, hiking trails, coves & tide pools. Park has 3.2-mile beach with sandy coves & tide pools, plus 2,400 acres of land for hiking & biking.
Balboa Pier Iconic landmark with fishing & an eatery. Built in 1906, this pier offers a retro-themed diner & is popular for fishing & watching the sunset.
Orange County Great Park Tethered helium balloon for aerial views. Helium balloon tethered to the ground in Great Park offers visitors aerial views from 400 feet up.
Pretend City Children’s Museum Imaginary town & exhibits for kids. Set up as a pretend city, this kids’ museum has a post office, cafe, farm & other interactive areas.
via Mr Build Co Best Small Bathroom Remodel Contractors Near Me Irvine 92602 April 09, 2019 at 01:47PM More Resources
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Mr Build Co Best Small Bathroom Remodel Contractors Near Me Irvine 92602
Remodeling a bathroom can be an exciting and fun experience, particularly if your bathroom has outdated baby blue or pink tile covering the walls. Planning and estimating bathroom remodeling costs prior to starting the project, however, is critical for ensuring a completely positive experience.
https://mr-build-construction.business.site – Mr Build Co Contractors for Bathroom Remodeling Average Cost Near Me Irvine
Today many new bathroom remodeling jobs include Jacuzzi tubs or whirlpool baths, along with separate showers. In addition, there is a multitude of toilet, vanity, countertop and sink styles to choose from. Costs for these items vary widely.
If planned properly a bathroom remodeling project can be accomplished on a shoestring budget and still look like you’ve completely transformed the room. It depends only on your creativity and level of sweat equity. All new bathroom fixtures are not critical in remodeling a bathroom. Many fixtures can be restored to a brand new appearance with just a little time and sweat equity. In some cases, such as with toilets, it is frequently the preferred route. Older toilets use more water per flush than the new models. Though the new ones are environmentally friendlier, they have a reputation for clogging and thus many people choose to preserve their older toilets in a bathroom remodeling project.
The bathroom is one of the most important rooms in the house. It is usually where you start and end your day. Thus the return on investment for remodeling a bathroom is fairly high. Consequently it makes a great deal of sense to spend some money and remodel a bathroom, even if you do not plan on being in the house for a long time.
A bathroom remodeling project, however, can be a messy and annoying home improvement project. Frequently bathrooms are right off bedrooms or in the master bedroom. Consequently, they can cause significant disruptions and cleanliness issues with your home. And the length of the disruption can take as long as a month or more, even when well planned out.
Best Small Bathroom Remodel Contractors Near Me in Irvine California 92657
cdbfzSGT To mitigate the disruption of a bathroom remodeling project, planning is absolutely essential. The first item to consider is whether you will do it yourself, or hire a general contractor. Regardless of what route, a homeowner needs to first sketch out some bathroom remodeling ideas to ensure the bathroom design and cost estimates will meet their targeted functional requirements and budget. If a general contractor is to be hired these initial sketches will be helpful in communicating your bathroom remodeling plans and ideas.
During the planning phase, you should identify the main objectives of the future bathroom. Is a Jacuzzi or whirlpool tub desired? Is a pedestal sink preferred over a traditional vanity? You should research the latest products on the market including cabinets/vanities, countertops, toilets, shower/tubs, and flooring. Also, homeowners are now more frequently using tile in bathrooms, both on the floors and walls. Tile adds a look of elegance to a bathroom that is not captured with vinyl or Linoleum flooring materials.
It is also important to consider any structural changes to the existing bathroom area. In particular, if a Jacuzzi or whirlpool tub is to be installed a deck area will probably need to be framed in. In addition, if overhead lighting is desired then soffits may need to be framed in.
The initial sketches of your bathroom remodeling plan should include the basic layout of the bathroom with the toilet, shower/tub and vanity locations identified. In addition, dimensions should be included in the sketches. Also, if there are already known preferred manufacturers for the various bathroom utilities then they should also be included on the sketches. Once the sketches have been completed it is time to contact a remodeling general contractor. They should be able to work from your sketches to develop a firmly fixed quotation on the bathroom remodeling project.
For more help on remodeling your bathroom, see Bathroom Remodeling Bid Sheet. The Bathroom Remodeling Bid Sheet will help ensure that your bathroom remodeling project goes smoothly and you get the finished bathroom you are looking for. In addition, it will help to ensure that your remodeled bathroom will be accomplished on time and on budget.
What is the average cost of a master bathroom remodel?
The average cost of a bathroom remodeling project is approximately $10,000, although this includes minor, partial, and small bathroom remodeling costs. A comprehensive bathroom remodel is likely to cost $15,000 or more; a large master bath remodel can easily go over $50,000.
Does a master bathroom need a bathtub?
Although fewer American adults use tubs for regular bathing today, many master bathrooms still have tubs as part of their design. However, that may not be for long. As long as there’s at least one tub in the house, eliminating the one in the master bathroom generally doesn’t affect the home’s value negatively.
How long does it take to remodel a small bathroom?
The full-scale tear out and rebuild a small bathroom should not take long. When all working parts mesh correctly, you can expect a bathroom to be fully remodeled in a total of 23 days. Assuming that no work is done on weekends, this translates to 4.5 weeks.
Reviews About Our Service
We have used other contractors for previous projects, and Mr. Build was the best experience we have had. When we encountered a few unexpected issues, Ami resolved them to our satisfaction… And true to his word, there were no additional charges.
Read More Reviews
Things to Do in Irvine CA
Crystal Cove State Park Beach, hiking trails, coves & tide pools. Park has 3.2-mile beach with sandy coves & tide pools, plus 2,400 acres of land for hiking & biking.
Balboa Pier Iconic landmark with fishing & an eatery. Built in 1906, this pier offers a retro-themed diner & is popular for fishing & watching the sunset.
Orange County Great Park Tethered helium balloon for aerial views. Helium balloon tethered to the ground in Great Park offers visitors aerial views from 400 feet up.
Pretend City Children’s Museum Imaginary town & exhibits for kids. Set up as a pretend city, this kids’ museum has a post office, cafe, farm & other interactive areas.
via Mr Build Co Best Small Bathroom Remodel Contractors Near Me Irvine 92602 April 09, 2019 at 01:47PM
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Time is dangerously running out for Canada’s unhealthy, uncaring health-care system
This May Hurt a Bit: Reinventing Canada’s Health Care System, a new book from Ontario political consultant Stephen Skyvington, will be released on Feb. 2nd. The following excerpt looks at how politicians have used and misused the Canada Health Act in ways that makes the system less caring — and Canadians less healthy. It has been edited for space. 
With all the noise and chatter about the Canada Health Act over the years, it’s easy to forget the act only deals with how Canada’s health-care system is funded, not how each individual province sets up its system and delivers care. It’s also instructive to remember that as a result of the way our country’s constitutional powers are divided, adherence to the conditions set out in the Canada Health Act is completely voluntary. In other words, no province or territory is obligated to embrace the act or follow it to the letter. However, the federal government made sure the legislation contained enough disincentives that every province would eventually find it to their benefit to fall in line and adhere to the criteria and conditions of the Canada Health Act.
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Should any province decide not to comply, something that has happened from time to time over the past three-decades-plus since the act became the law of the land, the federal government had the right to withhold all or part of a transfer payment, depending upon how egregious the offence. For instance, Section 20 states quite clearly that should a province violate the prohibition on extra-billing or user fees, an amount equal to that collected would be deducted, dollar for dollar, from that province’s transfer payment.
In 1993, the federal government reduced British Columbia’s transfer payments by more than $2 million after it was discovered the province had allowed roughly 40 doctors to extra-bill patients over a four-year period. Three years later, it was Alberta’s turn. The province had its transfer payments reduced by more than $3 million because it turned a blind eye when private clinics started charging patients user fees. Newfoundland and Manitoba also suffered government clawbacks during the late 1990s, for much the same reason as Alberta. Nova Scotia was similarly dinged for allowing user fees in private clinics. It’s important to note, though, that to date all issues regarding non-compliance have been, for the most part, settled through negotiation or discussions between ministers.
Those are some of the conditions and administrative details. Let’s take a closer look at the five principles of the Canada Health Act:
Public Administration
Section 8 of the act says that in order to be eligible for health-transfer payments from the federal government, all provincial health plans must be administered and operated on a non-profit basis by a public authority appointed or designated by the government of the province; the public authority must be responsible to the provincial government for that administration and operation; and the public authority must be subject to audit of its accounts and financial transactions by such authority as is charged by law with the audit of the accounts of the province. Again, it’s important to note that we’re talking here about the funding of health care, not the delivery of services. Nowhere does it say that health-care services can’t be privately delivered, or even, I would argue, privately funded.
Section 9 says that provincial plans must cover all insured health services provided by hospitals, medical practitioners or dentists, and where the law of the province also permits, similar or additional services rendered by other health-care practitioners. While the act makes clear in Section 2 what is meant by insured services, there’s been a significant amount of debate over what should or should not be covered today in the 21st century. As has been pointed out, the Canada Health Act almost exclusively defines insured services as those delivered either in hospitals or by physicians. But with the shifting of care from hospitals to the community over the past 20 years, along with a growing dependence on home care, there undoubtedly is a need to re-examine these definitions and modernize them so that they better reflect the world as it exists today, not as it was back in the mid-1980s.
Section 10 states that all insured persons must be covered for insured health services provided for by the plan on uniform terms and conditions. Strangely, the act’s definition of insured persons doesn’t include those who may be covered by other provincial or federal legislation, such as active members of the Canadian Armed Forces or RCMP, inmates of federal penitentiaries, those covered by provincial workers’ compensation plans, and some Indigenous Peoples. It also doesn’t include permanent residents or Canadians returning to Canada after having resided in other countries, the latter of whom are subject to a waiting period not to exceed three months before being classified as insured persons.
According to Section 11 of the Canada Health Act, provinces must not impose any minimum period or residence, or waiting period, in excess of three months, before residents of the province are eligible for, or entitled to, insured health services. After the waiting period, the new province or territory of residence assumes health-care coverage. It’s worth noting that portability provisions are subject to interprovincial agreements, as there can be variations from province to province vis-à-vis what is considered an emergency and whether or not the care received is to be paid at “home” province or “host” province rates, which can also vary from one part of the country to another.
Of the many criteria and conditions of the Canada Health Act, perhaps none have caused as much controversy over the years as this one. Section 12 states that each province’s insurance plan must provide for insured services on uniform terms and conditions and on a basis that does not impede or preclude, either directly or indirectly whether by charges made to insured persons or otherwise, reasonable access to those services by insured persons. Further, principle five allows for reasonable compensation for all insured services rendered by medical practitioners or dentists, as well as payments to hospitals to cover the cost of providing care to patients. And yet nowhere in the Canada Health Act is either “reasonable access” or “reasonable compensation” defined.
To understand the inherent weaknesses of the Canada Health Act, and why our country’s health-care system is failing to live up to any of the principles set out in the act, it might be instructive to stop for a moment and examine some of the crucial differences affecting health-care spending between today and 1961, when the Hall Commission was first struck (setting the stage for medicare).
Since the early 1960s, Canada’s population has more than doubled, rising from 18.2 million in 1961 to 36.6 million in 2017. Meanwhile, per capita spending on health care during that same period has increased more than sixty times — it was less than $100 per person in the early 1960s while it is a whopping $6,604 per person in 2017. In 1961, 57 per cent of health care in Canada was privately funded, while the rest was covered by government. Today, roughly 70 per cent of health care is funded by the government, leaving approximately 30 per cent to be covered by the private sector. At the same time that government coverage of health costs has been increasing, Canadian life expectancy has also increased, from 68 (males) and 79 (females) in 1961 to 80 (males) and 84 (females) today. With the rise in life expectancy, there has been an out-of-control growth in chronic disease in the last few years; today, it eats up more than 70 per cent of health-care costs in Canada.
Obviously, given the spiralling costs of Canada’s health-care system, the status quo simply can’t continue to be an option. Whether we amend the Canada Health Act, add some sunset clauses, or just plain scrap it, the time is fast approaching where doing nothing will be the worst course of action possible.
Even with all the money being poured into our health-care system, there’s still not enough to fund patient demand. As a result, wait times are getting longer and longer, putting lives at risk and leading to an unconscionable amount of suffering by forcing people to wait mind-boggling amounts of time in order to access care. Our elected officials and civil servants have made a mockery of the principles of the health-care system that they proclaim they will fight to the end to preserve.
As one of the judges in the 2004 Chaoulli case said “Access to a wait list is not the same as access to care.”
And yet, there are still those who think there’s nothing wrong with using the Canada Health Act as a sort of protective shield against the sick and infirm. In British Columbia, for example, Dr. Brian Day, medical director of Cambie Surgery Centre, and some patients have been trying to convince a judge their Charter rights have been violated by the B.C. government. Dr. Day’s Charter challenge asks the following fundamental question: Why should Canada, in contrast to every other country on earth, refuse to allow its citizens to purchase private insurance to cover physician and hospital services?
During the first six months of the trial, Dr. Day and his group burned through the $2 million they’d raised by asking those who care about health care and our country to donate to the cause, all because the government had deep pockets and endless resources designed to distract the judge from the real issue and tie up proceedings for months on end. Shamefully, the British Columbia government assigned 20 lawyers to the case and spent $20 million in the first six months in hopes that Dr. Day and his patients would run out of money and have to abandon their Charter challenge.
What are they fighting about? “Privatization.” Privatization involves governments shifting responsibilities to the private sector. It’s important to remember that privatization of financing is not the same as privatization of delivery. Privatization of financing occurs when the government does things like delist services, or cut programs, or reduce fees in such a way as to make it unprofitable for medical practitioners or institutions to continue to offer a particular service.
Privatizing the delivery of health-care services is different. There are plenty of examples of this. In many cases, provincial and territorial governments have entered into agreements with the private sector to provide services in non-traditional, noninstitutional settings that are paid for by the government out of public money — typically with an eye toward reducing wait-lists for a politically sensitive constituency, such as seniors (hence the special attention paid to things like cataract surgery and hip and joint replacement).
But the privatization of delivery outside the medicare system … well now, for some reason, that’s different. At least it is in the minds of our elected officials and pro-medicare types. “We must not allow two-tier medicine to gain a foothold here in Canada,” they say. “It’s against everything we believe in as Canadians.” What our leaders and those defenders of the status quo — particularly unions — are really concerned about is that the private sector just might deliver a better product at a cheaper price, all because of a little competition.
Excerpted from This May Hurt a Bit by Stephen Skyvington, copyright 2019. All rights reserved. Published by Dundurn Press.
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