#plus my music taste just generally leans toward what i like. picture for them anyway yk what i mean
railway-lands · 2 months
songs that are trc characters to me
downhill by lincoln - ronan. "and if i meant every word that i ever said you'd probably think i was an evil, broken person, and you would be right." THATS HIM. THATS SO HIM. and the "i was born into the world on a silken cloud and i got bored of the world before i hit the ground" is ronan and dreaming. he was born into the world through niall and mor, got the gift (and curse) of being a dreamer, which results in him finding the world too- small, too mundane for someone like him. also "i have never spent a moment loving anyone but you" is pynch coded
i bet on losing dogs by mitski - pynch. this one brings the scene where ronan beats adam's dad up in trb. and also just. each other. theyre each other's losing dogs. you get what i mean? (this could also be jordeclan as well but it leans more pynch in my mind.)
father by the front bottoms - adam and declan. they both have very complicated relationships with their fathers - adam hates his, declan resents and loves his in equal measures, and tries to hate him (and fails). the "part native american" part reminds me of niall's dreaming. idk why. and the "fall asleep at the wheel and crash my car" is declan to me. it runs in a similar vein to his thoughts about diving into the ocean and never returning.
little moth by chloe moriondo - declan. okay listen. GREYWAREN. THE MOTH. GRHEJFSKRH ITS SELF EXPLANATORY TO ME OKAY. RAUGHGHGH
alligator skin boots by mccafferty - adam. ok listen i know i've talked a bunch abt this song and trc before but hear me out. "i aint sorry with broken wrists" is him sacrificing himself to cabeswater to me. "twinkle twinkle little star, alcoholics don't get far" is his dad. "i climb from these walls" is leaving it all behind, his trailer and his old self and henrietta in the dreamer trilogy.
bottom by mccafferty - pynch. just has those vibes yk
bug like an angel by mitski - the lynches. also has those vibes.
the entirety of stick season by noah kahan - adam.
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ellewords · 3 years
hey elle! i saw your answers for the questions i sent—i love coffee and cookie dough ice cream too! i’ve found that i like a lot of coffee-flavored stuff like ice cream, cake, and candy lol. i also really love cookies and cream! i’d say that’d be my favorite with coffee and cookie dough being VERY CLOSE seconds
BABY DON’T STOP IS ICONIC WHEW but may i propose....haikyuu boys dancing to it.......
anyways today i’ve got some headcanons for a past written on the margins question! first it was a karaoke party with the seijoh 4, and now it’s a road trip! aka you and iwaizumi are the only ones with any braincells in this godforsaken car (they make you handle the gps stuff since you’re the best with it). i can imagine each of them rotating and driving for a set number of hours or at least until they reach a rest stop, especially on long trips. whoever’s sitting shotgun (they rotate between this seat too) has control over the radio and aux cord and oikawa jokes that it’s the best part of going on road trips (but is he really joking though...)
makki and mattsun pretend to groan when you sit shotgun, but in actuality they don’t mind and will probably sing along to some of the songs you play (if there’s a rap part in the song currently playing everyone makes mattsun rap along i feel like his voice just fits it) while oikawa would be like UGH FINALLY SOMEONE WITH SOME MUSIC TASTE just to get a rise out of the other boys (but he really does think those kpop songs you blast lowkey slap he’s been listening to some of them while he works out or goes on his morning runs). iwa generally doesn’t have much of a preference but i can see him being partial to more upbeat songs to keep him or whoever’s driving awake, but even during slow songs the rest of you guys sing loud enough and chaotic enough to prevent anyone from getting any shut-eye (oikawa, makki, and mattsun dramatically act out a whole SAGA)
when you guys reach any rest stop makki is the first one out of the car and he makes a beeline towards the bathroom because he drank a lot of water during you guys’ impromptu karaoke session (gotta keep those vocal chords taken care of!). oikawa and mattsun are usually the ones in charge of getting snacks, they always end up getting a lot but they make sure to get everyone’s favorites! the amount of snacks they buy seems overkill but they’re athletic boys with voracious appetites and getting this many snacks ensures that the car is never short on food. if this is during or post-timeskip iwa is probably a little more strict on the snacks everyone eats (especially with regards to oikawa, being a professional athlete and all) but eventually decides to let up a bit—it’s not everyday he gets to go on a trip with his close friends, plus all those calories are gonna get burned right away once you guys reach your destination and go from place to place.
god help anyone who actually falls asleep in the car because oikawa and makki are taking photos of whoever’s sleeping with their phones AND with the polarioid camera you brought. despite this, though, everyone makes a conscious effort to be quieter when someone’s napping, and the volume of the radio is turned a bit lower. one of your favorite pictures on your phone is a selfie you took of everyone while you were sitting in the passenger seat: mattsun was driving at the time and though he wasn’t looking at the camera, a smile is on his face as he makes a peace sign with one hand; oikawa, iwa, and makki are sleeping in the back seats with oikawa and makki leaning on iwa’s shoulders (he lost a few rounds of rock paper scissors and had to sit in the middle). this also extends to when you’re asleep in the car as well—oikawa jokingly made his phone background a selfie of you leaning on his shoulder while napping (featuring a blurry iwaizumi at the side) but he actually finds it quite cute and doesn’t want to change it to his usually background quite yet.
it’s evening when you guys finally reach your hotel and everyone’s a bit tired from being cooped up in the car all day but surprisingly enough no one’s really sleepy because everyone at one point had the opportunity to nap on the way there. if you’re dating one of the boys the others DEFINITELY make you two take one room while the other three take the room adjacent to it. after everyone’s gotten ready for bed you’re all gathered in one of the hotel rolls just vibing on your phones and you and oikawa decide it’s the perfect time to bring out The Sheet Masks™️ that you kept in the cooler in the car during the trip so they’d remain cold. many more goofy photos of everyone with the masks on their faces are taken.
by this point it’s late at night and eventually you guys fall into having some nice, genuine heart-to-heart conversations. if this is during or post-timeskip everyone’s sharing what they’ve been up to ever since graduation or ever since you guys last saw/talked to each other. it’s just such a nice and comforting environment to be in because everyone’s a little tired from the day’s events and so it’s not as loud and boisterous, but at the same time this tiredness and it being nighttime means everyone’s filters are a little looser than usual and you could ask for advice on just about anything and everyone else would chime in with both lighthearted and actual suggestions. the boys are just SOFTER during this time like you could bring up how you’ve been getting back into something you did during high school (like playing piano or guitar or something) and they’d want you to show them videos or pictures of what you’ve been up to! maybe one boy brings up something that’s been worrying them for a while and you and the others are giving him words of encouragement while also cracking jokes. it’s just really chill and nice and everyone likes these late night talks because they bring you all a little closer.
everyone ends up sleeping in the same hotel room. you wake up sandwiched between oikawa and mattsun (oikawa’s got an arm thrown around you and mattsun’s long leggies are literally on top of yours and you wonder how you managed to sleep soundly last night) and iwa and makki are on the pull out sofa bed and you’re like Hey Guys. What The Heck (makki takes this opportunity to snap a photo of the three of you wrapped up in the bedcovers) and when you guys go to get breakfast at the hotel buffet it’s strangely quiet because almost everyone is still sleepy lol.
after getting some food in your system and getting ready for the day you’re all back to your usual energetic selves! you snap a mirror selfie of everyone gathered around the sink in one of the hotel rooms because oikawa was finishing getting ready (he takes the longest i just know it) and the other boys were just hanging around him talking about what’s planned for the day. the schedule you guys have isn’t super specific but there’s a few choice locations that you guys looked into in advance and try to visit no matter what! a day out with them is definitely filled with photos. you’ve got a lot of them in which they’re trying to recreate some funny pose in a picture oikawa saw online (like the one of nct in the ask i sent you earlier!!) and they either turn out really great or really horrible (funny) because you have a knack for taking photos where everything looks normal but someone’s face would be really blurry. but they would also try and take some really nice photos too—they’ll all even help you if you want to take some solo shots! oikawa and makki know the best angles for aesthetically pleasing photos, mattsun has a knack for taking panorama photos that look perfect, and iwaizumi’s really good at taking those types of photos of you guys jumping in the air without them looking weird. you’ve basically got four tall hypemen it’s great!!
overall i think it’d be so fun to go on a trip with them because it’s the perfect balance!! they’re chaotic clowns but they also won’t hesitate to give you a piggyback ride if your feet really hurt or if your shoes are giving you blisters (oikawa will try and make iwa give him a piggyback ride too, though). you guys end up getting a lot closer and having a TON of photos and inside jokes at the end of the trip, and though you’re all reluctant to go back, you also all know that this is only the beginning of a lot more outings together! if you take little clips of various events throughout the trip and compile them all together into a little vlog they’ll all probably watch it together through zoom or discord screenshare or something loool
THIS IS SO LONG take a shot (of water) every time i say one of the guys’ names or if i say “everyone” or some variation of it FJDJSNS seijoh 4 brainrot things am i right.....i hope you enjoyed reading this as much as i enjoyed writing and thinking of this! i think in the future i might think of stuff for if you go on a trip with the miya twins (and maybe suna too?).....hmmm hmmm hmmm!!! —🌸
— from elle ! i love this so so much >_< like literally what do i have to do to go on a road trip with the seijoh four??? it would be so much fun and chaotic and i want that for me,, i love them and their friendship so much it's insane ;-; anyways, thoughts + additions under the cut <33 thank you for this !!
everyone who isn't driving makes it their mission to annoy the one who is; whether it's through repeatedly poking their cheek, asking how long of the drive they have left, etc. the person who can last the longest in driver's seat would probably be iwaizumi, all his years playing volleyball with them as prepared him for this moment — but also looked up breathing exercises to avoid getting angry.
the best person to have riding shotgun would most be mattsun, especially when it's really late or super early ; keeps the conversation going and doesn't fall asleep, even when everyone in the backseat is. he shotguns energy drinks every hour or so.
i love the idea of oikawa, makki, and mattsun acting out a whole saga in the backseat omg !! in my head it's a song like taylor swift's love story wherein makki is the love interest, oikawa is taylor, and mattsun is like the dad who doesn't want them together. they really go all out on the acting — oikawa might have let out a couple of tears — and even iwa cracks a lil smile from the driver's seat.
awe timeskip!iwa watching out for everyone's diets ;-; but i do agree that he's gonna let up a bit considering that everyone doesn't see each other all the time. but i feel like he gives everyone the look™ every now and then despite this.
aw cmon don't hit me with oikawa making his background me leaning on his shoulder as i sleep that's so adorable i might cry :<< but other photos taken during naps include : iwa leaning on oikawa’s shoulder, makki sleeping with his eyes halfway-open ??? mattsun’s face covered in stickers that you impulse-bought at a random stopover.
sheet masks with the boys ??? yes pls !! though iwa would definitely be the type to almost wash his face after and oikawa screeched just before he was able to splash water on his face.
but late in the night heart to hearts ??? ugh, peak softness from the boys — everyone cries at some point because woah all of you really grew so much since high school and it made everyone feel all warm and tender.
but at some point, without thinking, and also bec it’s late and what does he have to lose, iwa just goes “you know, i had a crush on you when we were in high school” at yn and everyone just goes ?!?!?!?!?
yn : what the hell i had a crush on you ????
and oikawa’s just cackling in the background like, “i knew it !!!! both of you kept saying i was crazy for pushing it i feel so vindicated rn” 
meanwhile makki hands mattsun some money because they bet on it years ago and they were finally getting answers — makki thought you would confess first and mattsun thought it would be iwa ; several years too late but at least ;//
also i would just love to fall asleep in between oikawa and mattsun,,, please how do i get that
also on mattsun’s panoramas: everyone likes moving around a lot when he takes those photos and it’s the perfect mix of weird and cool because yeah there are like five makki’s but one of them looks like he has a third arm and a triangular head
and the vlog and we all get to watch it together over discord ???? that’s it, that’s what i want ;-;
tldr; I would give anything to go on a road trip with the seijoh four ;((
᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
a question: what are the hq characters like on a road trip?  |  written on the margins masterlist
taglist : @haikyuutothetop​​​​ @crystal-lilac​ @tobioespresso​ @sushijimawakatoshi​​ @itsmeaudrieee​​ @pantherhappy @jesssobs​ @mysticstrawberryballoon​ @cloudedsky_29 @sakusasimpbot​ @aoirohi @kokogxddess​ @tooru--o​ @meiankolia​
join my hq taglist here. <3
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shikastemari · 5 years
░ practice, kamijirou.
↪ words: 1895
↪ no warnings
↪ a/n: welcome to my first fic for my mha ship! hopefully i hope i’ll start to be able to write more about them and others ships and animes too. 
↪ masterlist can be found on my profile!
↪ also a big thank you for the best beta reader there is in this world, who is also my cowriter, even tho if he will scream no about this. thank you for helping me @trubwlsum. go check his amazing page, you guys won’t regret this.
“Have you never heard of knocking?”
Jirou put her bass down onto the bed beside her and folded her arms across her chest, watching Kaminari stroll into her room as if it belonged to him. He carried with him a guitar with both hands while he looked around for a place to sit.
“I heard the music from outside, so I thought now would be a good time for you to help me perfect my guitar notes,” he explained. He made himself comfortable on the chair across from her. “Plus, knocking would give you the possibility of saying no. How could I risk it?”
“And you assumed I had nothing better to do than teach you how to play guitar?” She raised an eyebrow.
“Bakugo will kill me if I don’t rock this,” he passed his hand over the guitar resting on his lap, “and I don’t think you’ll live comfortably knowing you could’ve saved me from a terrible faith.”
“I’m seriously considering to help Bakugo on this.”
Kaminari opened his mouth in dramatic agape. “What kind of hero are you? You can’t let me die!”
“The kind that likes her privacy,” Jirou shot back, narrowing her eyes, and earning a sigh from Kaminari in response.
Suddenly, he stood up and walked towards her door. She tried to ignore the bad taste it left on her mouth seeing him leave, but still, she refused to say anything. She had a reputation to uphold and not even Kaminari Denki would—
The door shut with a loud thud. She didn’t even have the time to feel guilty when she heard three knocks on her door immediately follow, and she did her best to restrain her smile.
She sighed in defeat. “Fineeeee,” she yelled, loud enough for him to hear.
It didn’t take him too long to be sitting on the chair across her again. “I knew you didn’t want me getting killed.”
She rolled her eyes at him. “Okay, so show me what you got.”
Kaminari positioned the guitar on his legs and wiped his sweaty palms on his jeans and finally, he let his fingers move. The sound was rusty and at times he would get a note completely off, but, Jirou had to admit, he had potential.
Once done, he looked up with a satisfied grin on his face. “So? Not bad, huh?”
“Not good either,” she replied, quickly wiping it off. “Your tempo isn’t right because you’re doing it too softly. It’s a guitar. Put some pressure on the strings, like this.”
Jirou pulled her bass to her lap and did a simple note, trying her best to be as instructive as she could.
Kaminari analyzed her fingers moving and tried to imitate her. His attempt wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t what she was aiming for either. “Try again.”
He did it again and Jirou was sure the resulting sound was worse than before. She didn’t know how he managed to do it.
“Kaminari, are you trying to become a villain? That almost murdered my ears.”
“Hey, it isn’t that easy, smartass.”
Jirou got up from her bed and kneeled in front of Kaminari. Without giving too much thought, she reached out for his hand and gently repositioned it, showing him the right way to go about it. She did it again another three times.
“See? It’s not that hard, dumbass,” she said, moving her glance from the guitar on his lap up to his eyes. He saw staring at something, and pretty attentively at that. She did her best to follow his line of sight and realized she hadn’t let go of his hand yet.
“Hm,” Jirou said, dropping his hand abruptly as if he’d sent an electric bolt into her system. “So, try it.”
Kaminari blinked a few times, before looking down at his guitar and imitated the movement Jirou did before. He did it flawlessly this time, and she couldn’t help but shoot him a big grin.
They spent the next hour like that. Kaminari would do something wrong, Jirou would guide his hand, show him what he was supposed to be doing. He’d pout and frown at his fingers and then do it again until he nailed it. Rinse and repeat.
Jirou was pretty happy with his development and she realized this whole thing was a lot easier than she initially expected. But that excitement was quickly replaced by nervousness when she heard a request come out of her new student’s mouth.
“Sing something.”
Jirou could feel her cheeks getting red and she had to fight the strong urge to hide her face behind her covers, or the closest thing to her.
Mostly because the closest thing happened to be Kaminari.
“Bu-but why?” she asked, already shaking her head and leaning back instinctively.
“You mentioned my tempo was off, right? I wanna see if I can get it right with your voice now. I mean, that’s the whole point we’re doing this, right?” He shrugged. “To put on a show.”
It was as if the right words to argue against it had escaped from her. So Jirou stared at him one last time, before turning her head in another direction and closing her eyes.
She didn’t know what she was supposed to be singing; she just let her mind form the words and sang them. After just a few seconds of adlibbing, she noticed there wasn’t a guitar following her lead.
Jirou opened her eyes, frowning to Kaminari. He conspicuously turned his head and she wondered why he even bothered at all.
Jirou said, “Why aren’t—“
“I was trying to—well, you know how it works,” he stumbled on his own words, “I had to get a feeling of the music, you know? Of course, you know, because of you—“
“Okay,” Jirou interrupted, trying to redeem his dignity for him. “Another shot?”
“Yes,” he promptly answered. He hesitantly coughed into his fist and kept all his focus onto his guitar this time. “Let’s do it.”
Jirou inhaled once. She began to sing again, but this time with no closed eyes and no head turning. She kept her stare at Kaminari and watched how his fingers moved almost naturally against the strings. There was something that put her at ease every time a note would fade away. She was surprised by how much he had learned in so little time, but she wasn’t about to stroke his ego right now.
Once the music was over, neither said anything. The room was filled with a good atmosphere, his last notes still hovering around them. They just stared at each other and smiled. Shy, yet genuine smiles.
Kaminari cleared his throat, “Thank you for not letting me die.”
“I did this for the concert, not you,” she quickly added.
“Right,” he said, getting up and offering his hand to help her do the same.
Jirou ignored his offer anyway and got up by herself.
“Can we do it again?” he asked, already walking towards the door.
“To keep you from murdering people with your off-notes? I’ll do it. It’s a public service.”
His pout was totally worth the jab.
She followed him towards the door and watched him carry his guitar on his back. Just as she prepared to close the door, she saw Asui and Tokoyami conversing in the hallway. The two approached her as they watched Kaminari walk in the opposite direction.
“He’s really good with the guitar now, ribbet,” Tsu assured with a finger pressed against her chin. They must have heard through the walls.
“His online classes have been proven beneficial,” Tokoyami followed.
Jirou frowned. Online classes?
“Since when did he start taking classes?” Jirou asked, both her hands raised to her hips as she jutted her chin forward to interrogate. He didn’t mention anything about these “online classes.” Hell, knowing him, it was likely just a couple of YouTube tutorials.
“Two weeks,” Tokoyami replied. “Soon after the two of us had been selected as participants. I had joined him initially to further my own abilities, but...” He dramatically lowered his head down with a visibly troubled expression, staring intently at both his hands. “...I had fallen victim to the F chord yet again, and could no longer commit to the classes. He continued on, however.”
This managed to throw her off course more than she already had been. None of this was adding up, and the only person that probably could make sense of it, was...
She forced her way through the small gap between Tsu and Tokoyami and headed straight for the door, peaking her head out and taking generous glances in both directions of the hallway.
The idiot had already made his escape, and reaffirming it with her own eyes really didn’t help the twinge of disappointment she felt. She did a double take at the thought, projected a dumbstruck expression, internally slapped herself and recognized she probably had enough human interaction for one day.
She ushered the last two uninvited guests out the door, reassuring Tokoyami that she’d help out with his ‘laborious training to conquer the F chord,’ whatever that meant, on the way out.
She closed the door shut, slow to minimize creaks, and waited for the click, before quickly spinning on her heels to press her back against the door. She let go of whatever was willing her to stand upright and underwent a prolonged fall to the floor, then began rhythmically tapping the back of her head against the door once down there.
And only he could answer that lone-word question. Jirou had two options: wait until the next time they bumped into each other to question him, or text him about it right now. It all depended on her level of curiosity to know what the hell was going on.
Her hand reached down to her pocket, grabbing her phone and unlocking it effortlessly. She opened up her messenger app and scrolled down to his number. It was a while since they last texted, but it was pretty easy locating the glorious picture of him in his short-circuited state, with a single strand of drool that refuse to be contained in his mouth and a lazy eye needing employment.
She absent-mindedly stared at their last conversation and considered her options on how she’d maybe bring it up. Would she play it cool to see how he goes about it first? Or throw the truth about the classes directly at him without warning? Or maybe the subtle hint route would be the right way to go about this? What if telling him about it backfires and ends up canceling their next practice?
Just then, “online” appeared under his name.
Startled, the phone slipped from her grasp and she juggled with it to keep it from falling to the floor before finally getting a good grip on it, immediately closing the app and putting her phone down onto her lap.
Okay, maybe it could wait for another time.
Just then, her phone lit up. She picked it back up again, and was presented with a picture of said short-circuited idiot with a message beneath it: when r we doin our next seshion?
She was done restraining her snicker and threw her head back, reclining the back of it against the door. What an idiot.
Guess I found another time.
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wroteasongabouther · 5 years
the one when y/n and harry’s relationship is exposed
authors note: basically i saw this random post that an anon sent to @harryfeatgaga and then i just kinda felt like writing it, so here’s this :)
masterlist // send me some concepts???
“Close friends list only, I swear,” Nick Grimshaw says with a wide smile as he shows Y/N the selfie they just took together.
“Okay, fine,” she sighs, but she too is smiling because his was always so contagious.
She excused herself to go use the washroom quick as Nick’s attention is grasped by another one of his many guests. What he had told Y/N would be a small gathering had quickly turned into a small party. Wine was being poured into her glass every few moments, she swore it was never once empty this entire night. Suppose she had both Nick and Harry to thank for that, one being a good host and the other being a great boyfriend. She knew she deserved to let loose and have a good buzzed night after all the work she had been doing to promote her newest album.
After doing her business, Y/N flushes the toilet and zips her light washed jeans back up. As she walks to the sink she does the button up and pulls them up just slightly, knowing her behind looked incredible in these Levi’s. Her black boots bumped into each other as she nearly stumbles over her own foot before washing her hands. She lets out a small sigh, drying her hands with the towel then finally adjusting her white silky top. It had a built in bra type of ordeal, wires under her breasts to keep them in place while the shirt was tight all around anyways.
“There you are,” Harry says, voice as smooth as honey, as she walk up to him.
“I wasn’t gone too long,” she smiles.
“Definitely was too long,”
Y/N rolls her eyes and places a hand on his shoulder as she grabs her wine glass off the table behind him. The two of them hadn’t shown too much PDA as the night had gone on. Their relationship wasn’t public quite yet - although a few fans had their speculations. But Y/N and Harry tried their hardest to keep what they had to themselves.
Nick had swore that everyone he had invited over was “cool”, as in they wouldn’t be snapping any pictures of them or yapping about whatever they say to any media outlet. And the two of them believed their friend, so tonight they had been a little more handsy than usual. Y/N was enjoying it to say the least. How Harry’s hand was ghost over her lower back when they stood by one another, or how he had planted a soft kiss to her temple a few times. Every touch so sweet and so delicate, it made her heart melt each and every time.
Harry snaked his arm around Y/N’s lower back, pulling her towards him. She smiled and stepped over so she had one leg between his that were spread apart as she turned to face him. Harry leaned further back in his chair, bringing Y/N with him. She rests her forearms on his shoulders and places her wine glasses back behind him before she spills it on either of them.
“You’re buzzing,” Y/N whispers in Harry’s ear. The party around them faded to nothing as they focused on each other.
“You’re hot,” Harry states.
Y/N throws her head back with laughter, still grinning as she sits herself down on his thigh. She recalls the time she was in this position just last week. Completely and utterly horny, Y/N got off by rubbing herself against his thigh. Harry claimed it was one of the hottest things he’d ever seen. Y/N’s cheek become warm at the memories. She cards her fingers through the hair at the nape of Harry’s neck.
“And that’s how I know you’re drunk,” Y/N states with a giggle.
Harry brushes his fingertips against the strip of skin that was exposed between her top and her jeans. The soft touch made goosebumps rise all over her, it’s always been like that with any little touch. Harry and Y/N were clearly still in the honeymoon phase of their relationship even nearly six months into it. She hoped that it’d last forever.
“M’just happy,” he mumbles with a smile.
She roll your eyes at him. He was at least tipsy, been sipping on some mixed drink Nick was making for about half the people here. While Y/N’s glass was never empty, so she was a bit more than tipsy. Speaking of, she thinks while reaching for her glass again. Harry hand falls to the back of her thigh as she stands, grabbing her glass and taking a generous sip while sitting back down on Harry’s thigh. His hand goes back to her hip and he tightens his grip, almost as though he’s being careful she doesn’t lean back and fall.
“Well,” Y/N pauses to lick her lips as wine had been on them, “I’m feeling the buzz, for sure,” she admits with a devilish smile.
Harry mirrors her smile before he’s gently guiding her forward again. This time to place a kiss to her lips. Y/N savours the feeling of his lips on hers, knowing they wouldn’t really take it much further than a simple kiss in front of so many people. As much as she’d love to open her lips enough for his tongue to slide into her mouth, she loved when he’d kiss her with such an urgency - like she was the best thing he ever tasted.
After the kiss, the two of them continue to talk and sip on their drinks. Y/N switches her position so she’s sitting on his lap now, her back to his chest, in order to look around the room and engage in conversation with others. People ask about her new album, and are praising her for her newest single. Each good word makes her stomach fill with butterflies.
“Album of the year,” Harry whispers into her ear, pinching her hips gently.
“Maybe,” she sighs, wiggling back into him some more as she gets comfortable.
“I know you’ll get it,” Harry states confidently. She turns her head to the side and kisses his cheek quick.
All of a sudden Harry’s phone is vibrating. Y/N sits up so he can reach into his pocket for it. She sees his managers name across the screen before he slides his finger across to accept the call. After a quick hello, Y/N knows it’s more important than some little reminder or something. She sits up and stands now, finishing off her glass - but of course Nick is there right away to fill it back up.
“Thanks,” she smiles to Nick.
“Nick, where’s your phone?” Harry questions, his voice no longer smooth and slow. He sounds too serious.
Nick reaches into his pocket and his eyes widen at the amount of notifications on his screen. Y/N furrows her brows at the two of them.
“What?” Y/N ask, taking another sip of wine.
“Nick just made our relationship public,” Harry states, now hanging up his phone call with his manager. Y/N chokes on the wine she just swallowed, coughing a few times as Harry stands and places a hand on her back. Y/N raises up a hand to say she’s alright. Harry rubs her back before his eyes are back on Nick.
“Shit,” he mutters.
Turning his screen towards Y/N and Harry, he shows the video he had posted to his Instagram story. It’s in selfie mode, as Nick and a couple of his friends are taking shots and dancing along to the music. But it’s crystal clear in the background. Y/N straddling Harry thigh, his hand on the back of her thigh as she stands up to grab her wine, then she’s sipping her wine before leaning forward only inches away from kissing Harry. And then it loops over again.
“I, I meant to only send it to my close friends list,” Nick exclaims, “I’m so sorry guys,” he says.
“It’s okay,” you nod.
“Just delete it now, it’s only been about fifteen minutes since it was posted,” Harry states.
“I’m sure people have screen recorded it by now,” Y/N mutters, she didn’t even realize she had been biting her fingernails while watching the video.
“I swear I didn’t realize you guys were even in the background either,” Nick continues to plead, looking more so at Harry. “I’m sorry, Harry,” he says.
Y/N knew it was more on Harry’s end of keeping the relationship as private as could be. She had done the whole dating someone out in public before. Nick Jonas, three years ago now. They didn’t look around for paparazzi while out and about, didn’t hide any PDA from anyone, walked red carpets together, posted Instagram photos of one another - all the ways to show of how in love they were were used in that relationship. And it didn’t end well, obviously, so Y/N knew when she started seeing Harry that she completely respected and loved the idea of keeping their relationship so private.
And up until now, it was so freaking private.
“It’s alright, man,” Harry nods and slaps a hand on Nick’s shoulder.
Suddenly someone is tapping on Y/N’s shoulder. A short girl, with a crazy cool haircut - cut to her ears, pin straight, with those short bangs that most people would look stupid with but this girl pulled it off, Y/N thought. She turns around to see one of Nick’s friends holding out her purse, Y/N eyes her suspiciously.
“Sorry, your phone was just ringing a lot, thought you might want to see why,” she explains.
“Oh,” Y/N pauses as she grabs her purse from the girl, “thank you,” she adds with a smile.
Pulling out her phone she sees nearly twenty missed calls from her manager. She swear nearly fifty unread text messages from multiple people and she can’t even imagine trying to open any of her social media apps right now.
“I’ve gotta call back my manager quick,” Y/N mumbles before she’s walking off to the back patio which some people were previously using to smoke.
Y/N doesn’t even realize it right away that Harry’s right behind her, stepping out into the cold dark night - the only light on the patio by those light bulbs hanging along string crossing back and forth above them. Y/N’s manager answers before the first ring is even done. A million questions are asked before she can answer one of them.
“Woah, just breathe for a second,” Y/N pauses, which her manager finally shuts up now too. “Nick Grimshaw invited Harry and I over for some drinks, music got turned up higher and more people came but Nick said they were all cool or whatever. Plus you know that Harry and I aren’t crazy about PDA anyways. But anyways, Nick meant to hit his close friends list, and he didn’t see us in the background either, it was just an honest accident,” she explains.
Harry’s standing behind her, as she turns around after rambling out to her manager she sees Harry has his Twitter open. Crap, he was checking what the media and fans had gotten ahold of. 
Y/N takes a step towards him and glances at the screen of his phone. He had searched their names, and the video was in fact the top tweet - followed by many different opinions.
“I’m getting call after call about this, so you need to decide what path you’re going forward with this relationship now,” her manager says.
“We’ll just ignore it and continue living as we were,” she sighs, placing a hand on Harry’s shoulder and gently bringing it to the nape of his neck. Harry looks up from his phone to meet her eyes.
“So no comment, no speaking of it to anyone? You’re just going to steer off from any questions about Harry during your promo tour?”
“What do you think all those media lessons were for? I’ll be fine,”
After some short goodbyes, Y/N hangs up the phone and slides it into her jean pocket before bringing her other hand to Harry’s cheek. He’s staring at her, eyes flickering as he seems to be searching her face for any emotions of the situation at hand. So, she smiles.
“It’s fine,” she repeats, “everything will be fine, we’re more than prepared for any questions asked. We know how to keep this private, Harry,”
“I know,” he nods, “I just an upset the video got out there,”
“I know,” she says this time.
“And you know I’m upset because I like my private life private, not because people know that we’re seeing each other. Cause I’m not at all ashamed or-“
“Harry,” Y/N cuts off his rambling. He really was drunk. “I understand, babe, but there’s nothing we can do about it now. I’m not ashamed of our relationship either, it is just upsetting how a private moment is no longer private,”
Harry nods again. Y/N gives him another smile before she’s puckering her lips and standing taller in order for Harry to capture her lips with his.
“Do you want to leave, head back to your place?” Harry asks.
“Did you want to leave?” Y/N throws the question back to him. Because honestly before all this being exposed thing, Y/N was having a really good time with all Nick’s friends and drinking some wine. She knew her next few months were going to be crazy busy leading to her album dropping and she liked having a night out like this with Harry. But she also loved Harry, so if he was no longer in the mood to be around people than she would leave with him.
Harry shrugs, “we could stay, Nick will feel guilty enough to make my drinks doubles now,”
“He’d always make them doubles,” Y/N chuckles, “he loves getting you wasted,” she adds.
Harry shrugs a shoulder and gives her a sly smile. 
“Also, just so you know,” Y/N pauses as a smirk curls at her lips, “I totally saw you check out my ass in that video,” 
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jadedjxsung · 4 years
written ship
“If ur ok w it can I request a romantic ship bc idk I’m just genuinely curious HHAHAHA,,, Idk how to explain how I look BUT I have long brown hair w bangs, light skin medj big eyes, I have lips leaning towards the plumper side and am 5’3 and a half HHAHAHA. (( if you want I can send a picture if that doesn’t help you !!! ))    As for my personality I’m rlly friendly and understanding !!! I’ve been told I am rlly good at listening and understanding both sides when there’s an argument, and I’m quite outgoing depending on my mood,,, mostly outgoing though !!! I’m quite hot tempered but I can control it. I am the type of person to think a lot and I need to rant to someone about it,,, and I also want to be able to be like a some sort of emotional pillar for some people bc a lot of ppl tell em I’m good at like listening, giving advice and empathizing w problems and such,,, but I care a lot,,, to the point where I get affected by every little thing,,, basically I’m hella sensitive but I’m trying to work on it hehehe.    Idk if this is true or false but I’ll add it in anyway bc it MUGHT be helpful,,, im told I’m like a white puppy ???? Like I’m told I’m like rlly pure and naive and somewhat energetic HHAHAHA,,, bc I always manage to make my friends soft for me or make em talk to me about their struggles naturally. I would say I’m open minded, and bro I literally can’t get mad at anyone ???? Bc I’m scared they’ll get hurt but when something gets too far I’ll try to tell em as nice as possible and to try to not make it look like it’s completely their fault, bc I think that in most situations there’s usually two part of the story so yeah HHAHAHA,,, like I just rlly try to find what the person did good yk hHAHAH,,, my mom has also told me I’m too nice and I try too hard to find the good in ppl to the point where I kinda forget about myself but rlly im working on that.    Tbh im the sort of person to think A LOT A LOT and get myself into stupid things bc I think it’ll be fun and I do it w good intention in mind but then I just end up getting myself into some small drama and I get stressed and ofc I know it’s my fault bc I got myself into it but after that I’ve gotten sooo so paranoid I always think I’m doing something wrong but like I know I didn’t like at the back of my head but I still apologize first.      As for my interests I rlly like dancing, sports in general,,, drawing, music, and working out for some reason HHAHAHA,,, one of my favorite things to do is to just go out for a drive and listen to chill music bc like idk o just find it soooo relaxing !!!! And I like going on walks like on a beach especially when it’s cold and windy Bc it’s rlly refreshing !!! Like I just like staying on a balcony w a nice view w wind just BLOWING yk. Tbh if I were in a relationship o would want it to be like walking in beaches and filming each other’s memories yk bc I just find that so so so fun esp when you compile it and look back at it I’m the future !!!!     I would also love to have like a dog in the future of adopt one or own one w my future s/o bc one, Ive never had a dog but always wanted one and two, it just seems like soooo much fun 🥰. Like I would also LOVE to binge watch a drama w my future s/o or just w friends and family yk bc NGL binge watching a drama is soooo much fun especially when you have people around. I also as I’ve said rlly enjoy singing dancing and drawing,,, especially drawing !!!     At times I can be a big crackhead bc I randomly think of weird questions at random times of the day HHAHAHA and when I ask someone they kinda ask if I’m okay But rlly it just COMES to me ya know. Like one time I thought,,, “would I rather eat curry that tastes like poop or poop that tastes like curry” KSBAJA,,,    I rlly like hugging ppl ??? Idk why ???? I also have a tendency to brush ppls hair JSBSJA,,, I really I’m a big softie w a lot and of crackgead energy HHAHAHA,,, I also rlly like to bake and cook bc it’s therapeutic sometimes and at times I just feel so PROFESSIONAL IABJA wow ok HHAHAHA,,, ok this is LONG but I hope you found it helpful !!!”
wow! this is very long haha, but indeed very helpful!
i ship you with…
Tumblr media
okayokayokay so
hyunjin has said that his ideal type is someone who can “listen to my worries well and can empathize to them as if it’s their own worries.”
so you would get along very well!
also you both like dancing so that’s a big plus. bonus points if you already know a lot of skz’s choreography and if hyunjin’s practicing by himself you sometimes join in for funsies and end up dancing like crackheads lmao
next point: kkami.
like you’ll just be looking after kkami for the day, and you were taking a nap with kkami on your couch
and hyunjin enters your house quietly because he wanted to surprise you
and he looks into the living room to see you asleep on the couch, kkami curled up beside you.
by this point you wake up, but continue to pretend sleeping. you hear hyunjin whisper shout “kkami!”
kkami stays beside you, not moving at all. this occurs for about two minutes before you open your eyes and just watch as hyunjin literally is doing his best to get kkami to go to him. he stands up and pouts, then sees you’re awake and goes over to where you’re lying down on the couch.
“kkami loves you more than he loves me” [cue more pouting]
“aww come here baby, it’s okay because i love you and i know he does too. he just doesn’t show it.” you move over and then all three of you end up napping on your couch for a few hours while you run your hands through his quite excellent hair (especially the hair he has now aajkhfskd) :’) w h o l e s o m e 
i think you’d be really good in arguments - you sound like a good mediator and i think being able to see his perspective will help you in sorting out the issue and coming to an agreement/solution. he’s so soft for you though so he can’t be mad at your for long, especially when you never get mad at him. i think that it’s good but also being too empathetic is definitely going to be your downfall sometimes.
tbh i think most of your arguments would probably be based around whatever dramas you’re watching - though these are more of the joking kind of arguments rather than like a fight argument. like whether x character’s redemption arc was actually good or not, or even just little things like what happens in each episode, or oddly specific things like whether x character’s favourite coffee is an americano or a latte. (my friends and i do this with sherlock lmao we argue about it a lot, anyway i digress)
you guys will have drama marathons at least once a month. lots of snacks, blankets, pillows, and cuddles. 
your random questions always make him laugh, you know the one where his eyes crinkle and stuff :)
thank you for requesting @hyungenes​ i hope you are well and stay safe! :)
(also the alternate endings to heather are taking so long because i’ve written about half of each and kinda didn’t know where they were going. i’ll finish them soon though, hopefully!)
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davidcarner · 7 years
Sarah vs The Life Unexpected Ch 22, Yippie Ki Yay
A/N: I'm sorry. I'm not saying some of you are standing there like Molly, hands on hips, more than a little upset that I've posted two straight Uprising chapters and no Molly…but I'm not saying you're not either. I apologize. I've learned my lesson.
A/N 2: It is cold here. There is snow, and a sheet of ice, and people are trying to drive 900 mph on it. Welcome to the "south". (It's Kentucky but we consider ourselves the south). Did you really think Jack's going to jail? Come on. It's me.
A/N 3: Serious fluff broke out in this chapter that I wasn't expecting but it kinda wrote itself. You have been warned. Shout out to Sound of Music by Quistie64 for Call of Duty making it in to this chapter. If you love fluff and haven't read that, I can't help you.
Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck, or Die Hard…but they are both great at Christmas.
Last time on Sarah vs The Life Unexpected
"General, I owe some men, some very bad men, two million dollars, and my daughter believes she has a plan to capture said men. General, for far too long I've put my family in harms way, and today that ends. I am surrendering. I am turning myself in." Sarah's jaw dropped and she turned to stare at her father. Chuck turned to Casey.
"I didn't see that coming," Chuck said. Casey just grunted.
And now Ch 22, Yippie Ki Yay
"Wait, what?" Sarah yelled. Jack turned to her.
"Darlin', I can't do it to you. Do you know what they'll do to me for two million, to my family?" Jack asked. Chuck put his hand on Jack's shoulder.
"Jack, I appreciate the sacrifice," Chuck said. Casey stared at Chuck. Chuck turned to the monitor. "General, I guess you'll need to send someone down to pick him up." The general looked confused.
"Wait, who was the sheik that you owe money to?" she asked. Chuck happened to be looking directly at Bryce when Jack answered.
"Sheik Ahmad," Jack answered. Bryce flashed, and Chuck saw it. As he watched Bryce's face, it was like he was looking at many pictures at once, and it reminded him something of his past.
"Professor Fleming," Chuck said softly. No one heard him, but Bryce saw his mouth say the word. He shook his head, and Chuck kept his mouth shut. Bryce told the general everything Ahmad was involved in. "It's obviously much too dangerous for my family, and Jack," Chuck said. Sarah stared at Chuck. She knew he had become very withdrawn, but this was weird. This wasn't Chuck.
"Charlie's right," Jack agreed. "I can't take a chance of my family getting hurt."
"Give me a moment," Beckman said and the monitor went off. Jack smirked at Chuck, and tapped his finger on the side of his nose. Sarah's mouth dropped.
"You…," she said to her father, and then turned to Chuck. "And you…" Her mouth was wide open in shock.
"Charlie, I didn't think you had it in you," Jack said softly. Chuck shrugged.
"I don't want to see my family hurt, what have I said that's untrue?" he asked. Sarah just shook her head.
"And he's family," she said softly.
"Five bucks says she does him right here in the next ten minutes," Carina whispered to Casey.
"I might take that just because I think she's about to drag him to the supply closet right now," Casey countered.
"How?" Sarah asked to her father. Jack shrugged.
"Lichtenstein," he answered. Sarah rolled her eyes.
"Really? That's what you want to go with?" she asked.
"Some one really wants to buy a building and rename it," Jack said, grinning. "The sheik really wants to buy the Fox Plaza building and rename it to something more appropriate."
"Nakatomi Plaza?" Chuck asked in a hushed tone. Jack nodded. Sarah looked confused. Chuck caught Bryce's eye.
"Yippie Ki Yay Mother-" Bryce began as the screen flipped back on.
"Father," Chuck finished looking at Bryce. "I know, it's weird calling someone a mother-father, but that's what they do so who are we to tell them they're wrong?" Beckman's eyebrow was raised, and Sarah was biting the inside of the cheek to keep from laughing.
"I mean who are we to tell someone what sounds weird or not, right?" Bryce agreed.
"If you'll excuse the interruption," Beckman said. Everyone turned toward the screen. "I have an offer. If you can get the Sheik's accounts, we can make…some deal." The last part was made as if there was a bad taste in her mouth. "First, Jack, your record will be cleared." Jack stuck his bottom lip out as he nodded. "Second, we can make sure that the adoptions are done within a week." She held up her hand before Chuck could cut in. "By not participating we will still do all we have previously agreed. Third, there are some new weapons we can provide for you, plus give special NSA status, you wouldn't be active agents, but it would help you get around some…things…shall we say should you need something working for Carmichael."
"Well, I don't know, what about Charlie's family?" Jack asked. Sarah glanced at Chuck. Chuck winked at her.
"State of the art security at his home, plus the two duplexes the other employees are looking to purchase," Beckman offered. Jack looked at Chuck.
"Come on, Bartowski, we could use the weapons," Casey said.
"Dear, this is your call," Chuck said looking at Sarah. She gave him a level look and extended it to her father when he looked over at her.
"Are you staying?" she asked. Jack looked her in the eye.
"I can't just stay here with your Mom here with someone else," Jack admitted. "It would kill me. But, I'll go clean, when I'm here I'll even work here, if you'll have me."
"That may be the most honest thing you've ever told me," Sarah said. She looked up at Beckman. "We're in, plus we keep any of the money actually get out of the Sheik." Beckman nodded. "The rest of the team is back later today, we'll gameplan tomorrow and call you tomorrow afternoon with our plans." Beckman nodded, and cut the feed. She turned to her father. "You could have let me in on it." Jack grinned.
"Nope, after what the schnook has been through the past few days with all of you, I figured he was perfect for the job," Jack said. Chuck grinned. Sarah shook her head and left.
The three met at Lou's. They sat in the back, trying not to draw attention, but who are we kidding, three of the most gorgeous spies that ever lived were sitting at a table and talking in hushed tones, men and women stared at them.
"I may have to pay you three to come in more often, I can't ever remember a time we were more busy," Lou said with a grin to Sarah, Carina, and Zondra. "Sarah, I want to apologize." Sarah waved it off.
"I'm aware most of that was Bryce's doing, what I really don't get is how no one put together Burton Industries and Jack Burton," Sarah replied. Lou shrugged.
"At one point Morgan mentioned it," Lou said. She took a deep breath. "And, to be honest, I kept noticing how good looking your dad is, and may have gotten distracted." Sarah had an amused smile on her face.
"Total hottie, right?" Carina said. Sarah shook her head.
"Please, continue telling me how good looking my dad is, Carina," Sarah said. Carina looked at her. "You're going to do what you want anyway, I might as well tell you to. Wanna join us Lou?" Lou shrugged and sat down.
"Okay, what are you three up to?" she asked.
"We took Jill away to Vegas to try to get the low down on her and Bryce," Zondra said.
"We're hoping if we get Bryce and her together, she'll lay off blondie," Carina explained.
"So, spill," Lou said grinning.
"Well, Jill thinks he's good looking," Zondra began.
"He is pretty," Lou said. Sarah nodded.
"Worse, he knows it," Sarah added. Carina snickered
"Who took longer to get ready, you or him?" Carina asked.
"Oh, him," Sarah said, shocked Carina would even asked. "That man would primp, and put product in his hair for hours." Zondra and Lou were rolling. "The thing is, I would catch him doing stuff like Chuck does, watching sci-fi shows, looking at a comic book in a store, or something nerdy like that, and he'd hide it, and act like I was wrong. Or he would say he was just getting info in case he ever had to go undercover in that scene again." Sarah shook her head. "He denied himself everything he really wanted, including Jill."
"Do you think if he were himself you two wouldn't have broke up?" Lou asked. Sarah thought for a second.
"Well, we wouldn't be together, but I wonder," Sarah began. The three looked interested so she plowed ahead. "What we had was convenient."
"Ain't nothing wrong with that," Carina said. Sarah rolled her eyes.
"What I'm saying is, we were both looking for something else, and neither of us was truly honest with the other, or ourselves. IF Bryce had opened up to me, then maybe I would have been more honest with him, and then we would have realized, we're friends. Great friends, and colleagues, but that was all," Sarah explained.
"You think he wanted Jill even when he was with you?" Zondra asked. Sarah nodded.
"So we're back to him being pretty," Lou said, grinning. "How does she feel about him?"
"She doesn't know, it's been a while, and frankly, she's beating herself up for losing Chuck," Carina said, glancing at Sarah. Sarah shrugged.
"She should be," she said, smirking. The other three laughed. "But what did they really have, her and Bryce I mean? What Jill thought they should be, or was there something really there?"
"That's what Jill is wondering," Zondra replied. "Spy life is not conducive for relationships." The three spies nodded. Lou just gave all three of them a look, and rolled her head.
"Oh wah," she said. The three dropped their jaws. "I get to be beautiful and go to glorious places, and have excitement, and danger, and good looking men buy me drinks. Try sitting here, waiting on some of the guys I wait on."
"You do know that some of the criminals we have to get close to aren't that attractive," Sarah said grinning. "And some of the good-looking men, are absolute disgusting pigs." Lou leaned forward.
"Okay, I have to know, when you do these missions, do you ever have to seduce a man?" Lou asked. All three grinned.
"Who said they're all men?" Carina asked. Lou's eyebrows went up.
"How far do you go?" Lou asked. Sarah sighed.
"There are missions, typically long term, get close to a mark or even get the mark to fall in love with you, where that is required," Sarah said. "But, an agent is never required to do them. Those are volunteer. The best seduction is flirting, teasing, and promising more. That's all I ever have done, others…" she said, looking at Carina, who shrugged. "Believe why waste the good time that is available."
"Hey, I'm a one guy woman now," Carina said, and then paused as she thought about that. "Walker, you ruined me."
"I think it was Casey that ruined you," Zondra said, batting her eyes at Carina. Sarah burst out laughing and Lou wondered if a fight was about to break out. Carina stared at Zondra for a minute and then shrugged.
"He gives me lady feelings," she said grinning. Everyone groaned and Sarah tossed a napkin at her.
"And my lunch is ruined," Sarah said. "Although I'm shocked I could ever eat again after catching you two in the supply closet."
"TMI!" Lou said. The door opened and they all noticed Chuck walk in. "Someone misses you." Sarah turned and saw him. He noticed all four women at the table, and got a strange look on his face. He waved, then reached in his pocket for his phone, he said something, waved again and left. Sarah raised an eyebrow, pulled out her phone, and called him, all while watching him through the window. He had already put the phone in his pocket, and pulled it back out.
"There is no way I am coming in there with the four of you having lunch," Chuck said. Sarah burst out laughing.
"Would you like me to bring you a sandwich later?" she asked.
"Nah, I'll find something, just tell me, did I do anything wrong?" he asked.
"No, you're good," she said. "Love you."
"Love you," he said and disconnected.
"Well, we cost you one sale," Sarah said, grinning.
"I mean do you blame him?" Lou asked.
"I'm shocked he works with all of us," Carina replied. "Back on topic, Jill and Bryce."
"So Bryce brought flowers, and they talked last night," Zondra said. "She said she wants to take it slow and figure out how she really feels about him."
"How are you with working with Bryce?" Carina asked.
"I'm fine with it," she replied. "I'm about out of my contract," she said, looking down and then back up at Sarah. Sarah reached over and put her hand on Zondra's.
"There's always a place here for you," Sarah said. The door opened back up and there was Chuck, looking defeated.
"Your man must love that sandwich," Lou said, and got up to go make him one. In a minute he walked over to them.
"I'm not trying to horn in on your conversation so I'll gladly go sit by myself on the far side of the room," Chuck said, hoping they'd let him go. Zondra patted the seat right beside her.
"Sit, Chuckles," she said, grinning. He sat and saw the grins of the other two.
"I should have gone fast food," he muttered.
"Pretty brave today, Chuck," Carina said. "Pulling that con on the general and not letting your wife know." Chuck shrugged.
"I just played along," Chuck said. "Can I ask you guys a question?" They all nodded. "You know that class that Bryce planted those tests in?" They nodded again. "Why is that class so important for the CIA?"
"Recall would be extremely useful as an analyst," Sarah replied. Chuck gave her a look. "Really, do you think you could do some of the things we did?" Chuck grinned. "I've seen you trap a spider and carry it outside." Chuck dropped his head. She reached across and put her hand on his. "It's one of the things I love about you."
"I thought it was my girlish screams," Chuck said.
"We're going to need you to quit insulting girls like that," Zondra said, shoulder bumping him.
"Watch it, Zondra," Sarah said. "That's my move," she said smiling, but a little serious. "Why the questions about Stanford, is this about Bryce?" Chuck bobbed his head around and glanced over at Zondra. "She's one of us."
"Today during the meeting with Beckman, when your dad mentioned the sheik, Bryce's eyes did something and then he started spouting of information," Chuck said. "It's like he saw a bunch of stuff really fast, it kinda reminded me of Professor Fleming's class at Stanford."
"What are you saying, Chuck?" Zondra asked.
"I'm saying, I think there is a reason Beckman keeps giving me those weird looks, I think there is a reason Bryce wanted me out of Stanford, I think there is more going on than we realize," he replied. "Think about it, we're civilians, yes, former agents, but civilians. When have you ever heard of one agent being partnered with all these civilians?" He turned to Zondra. "Before you came along of course, and I'm glad you're here." Zondra smiled at him. Sarah studied Chuck for a minute.
"She's hiding an agent," Sarah said. "Bryce is a good spy, but not that good, so why?" Chuck nodded.
"It's got to be something else," Chuck said, taking a bite of his sandwich.
"So, you think it's got something to do with the recall?" she asked.
"That's the thing," Chuck said. "Bryce wasn't anywhere as good as me on recall."
"You think whatever's going on, it was supposed to be you instead of him?" Sarah asked. Chuck shrugged.
"You said it yourself," he said to Sarah. "I couldn't do what you do. Why create something like we're talking about for an analyst?" Chuck studied her for a bit and grinned. "Is this what you were like in the field, figuring out the next move?" She bounced a shoulder with a grin.
"Easy, Walker, you don't want your nerd overheating," Carina said.
"It's Bartowski," she corrected. "And you're wrong. I like it when my nerd overheats," she said giving Chuck a wink.
"I bet you'd be a mastermind as a tactician in Call of Duty," he said.
"The three of us would wipe the floor with you, Bryce, and Morgan," she said, grinning.
"Oh, of course you would," Chuck said. "Bryce would go off and play hero, and destroy our gameplan." Sarah glanced over at Carina.
"Someone on our side does tend to go off by herself a lot," Sarah said, grinning. Carina shrugged.
"So me and Morgan against you and Zondra," Chuck said. "We wouldn't last a minute." Sarah grinned at him.
"We need to get back and figure out what we're going to do," Sarah said. Chuck nodded.
"I figure you'll just tell me to stay in the car," Chuck said grinning. Sarah had a twinkle in her eye.
"I'm thinking I might keep you nearby," she said.
"Zondara and Casey are obviously our security," Sarah said. Jack nodded. "You're the point man," she said pointing at her father. "Bryce is Lichtenstein, I am his business manager, and Chuck is my personal assistant."
"I don't know about Charlie," Jack said. "No offense, Charlie."
"None taken," he said. "I figured I'd stay in the car with Morgan and Alex."
"They're overwatch, I need you there in case we run into any problems with the money tracking," Sarah explained. "Bryce is the main guy, but I'm the one that gets everything done, so I need an assistant. It's not that uncommon, plus an assistant should be very good with computers."
"It does make a lot of sense," Chuck said. Jack turned to him.
"Whose side are you on?" Jack asked.
"Oh, no one's," Chuck replied. "I'm just as shocked as you that she wants me there, but she does make a lot of good points."
"What do you expect, she's my girl," Jack said. Chuck smiled.
"You raised a good one," Chuck replied.
"Okay, you both did great, one donated sperm, the other-" Carina began.
"STOP!" Sarah said, scared where that was going. Chuck and Jack both looked a little uncomfortable standing beside each other. "Chuck plants the tracer, we find the accounts, we're in and out, any questions?" Chuck raised his hand. Sarah grinned. "Yes."
"Will I have on a vest?" he asked.
"Why will you need a vest?" Sarah replied.
"In case there are bullets," Chuck responded. "These things always seem to go bad."
"It's not a bad idea," Casey said. Sarah nodded. She turned to Bryce.
"Can you speak German?" she asked. Bryce looked insulted. "You couldn't when we worked together."
"He can now," Chuck said, eyeing him. Bryce gave him a look. Chuck barely cocked his head to the side. "Vay' vIghel stanford nIS maH." (We need to talk about Stanford-Klingon)
"QaSpu'DI' Qu'," (After the mission-Klingon) Bryce replied. Carina turned to Sarah.
"Spałeś z nimi i poślubiłeś jednego z nich," (You slept with both of them and married one of them-Polish) Carina said.
"Czy to czyni mnie Królową Nerdów?" (Does that make me Queen of the Nerds-Polish) Sarah said, rolling her eyes.
"While I don't know exactly what you two are saying there, Carina," Chuck began. "Let me remind you that your boytoy mostly communicates by grunts." Carina gave Chuck a look and then looked over at Casey and winked. Casey grinned and grunted.
"Johnny, I told you don't grunt at me like that in front of others," Carina said. Sarah rolled her eyes.
"So we have the plan, we'll give it to Beckman, and go from there," Sarah said. "Any questions?" Everyone shook their heads and left the conference room except Chuck and Sarah. She walked over to him. "Chaq polish vaj ghojmoH SoH jIH?" (Maybe I should teach you Polish-Klingon) Chuck grabbed her hand and led her out of the conference room. "Where are we going?" She asked with a coy grin on her face.
"Supply pa'Hom Samta'meH," (To find a supply closet-Klingon) Chuck answered as Sarah laughed and happily came along.
A/N: Sorry about the different languages
Until next time
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sumigakure · 8 years
Fanfiction, A03, Original Post
Rating: T, maybe teen plus? Is that a thing?  Words: 2700  Summary:  Halloween party prompt fill. In which Gai dresses as Kakahi and gets all the girls while Genma sulks (but not for too long). Genma/Kakashi pairing implied  Pairing: Genma/Kakashi   Warning: Mild language, Genma warning, implied adult situations  Author’s Note: This is a prompt fill for Sumigakure’s Halloween Event on tumblr. Prompt 10: Halloween Party. It’s not what I planned at all but Genma and Sukea stole the show, so sorry not sorry?
“You can not go as a ninja,” Genma grumbled. “The whole point of Halloween is to be someone different.”
“I’m not just going as any ninja,” Gai said dramatically, spinning in a circle to present his former teammate with a characteristic thumbs up. “I’m a copy of the Copy Ninja.”
For once, Gai had forgone his green jumpsuit in favor of the standard issue jonin blues and green flak vest. The leg weights or leg warmers, Genma was never quite sure which, were missing as well. A matching blue headband slanted over Gai’s left eye while his face hid behind a half mask. Somehow, the jonin had managed to frost his dark hair to silver, and copious amounts of hairspray held it upright. In poor lighting, and with enough alcohol, he might possibly pass for Kakashi. At least, until he opened his mouth.
While Genma had opted for a more tradition costume, he’d gone overboard as usual. Anko had showed him a contouring trick that paled his skin, made his cheekbones more prominent, and drew attention to his hazel eyes. While, make-up wasn’t normally his thing, Genma decided Halloween could be an exception. Both iconic bandana and senbon were missing, which almost never happened, and Genma’s brown hair had been slicked back from his face.
The tokujo toyed with the buttons of his shirt, undoing two, then redoing the lowest. The white fabric hugged his muscles, and the open collar provided a peek at the black choker around his throat. His black pants were tight enough that Genma practically had to shimmy into them, and he wasn’t entirely sure that he could get them back off. But if the night went the way he was planning, that wouldn’t be his problem anyway.
“Kakashi is going to flip when he sees you,” Genma said as he pulled on a deep crimson vest, then a high collared cape. He’d selected one that was short enough to show off his most valuable asset. There would be no point in tight pants if he hid behind a cape. Pearly fangs peeked through Genma’s wine colored lips, and he clicked them together, grinning. These were almost as good as senbon.
Gai paused in the middle of one-legged squats when Genma’s words finally sank home. “You think my eternal rival will challenge me to a contest of flips? We haven’t done that one yet.”
Genma shook his head, not bothering to explain the idiom to the other man. “We’re already late, let’s just go.”
Music reached Genma’s ears long before he found the place the Halloween Party was supposed to be held. Since it had taken him longer to get ready than he’d planned, the room was already full of people. A civilian in an ANBU costume greeted Genma and Gai as soon as they stepped through the door. Genma could tell by the muscle tone of her bared arms that she wasn’t shinobi, but the tightness of her shirt more than made up for that. Perhaps the most surprising thing about her, however, was that she flirted with Gai, rather than Genma. Her hand rested on his arm, and she trilled with laughter over something that Genma was ninety-five percent sure wasn’t funny.
Oh Kami, she really believes it’s Kakashi, Genma realized with a start. He wasn’t about to try and explain the woman’s mistake.
A cursory glance around the room revealed several familiar faces. The hulking mass of werewolf leaning against the wall next to a petite mummy had to be Asuma and Kurenai. Their bodies were far too close for friendship, no matter what they claimed. Anko stood by the drinks, skin green with makeup and red with fake wounds to make her look like a ghoul. At least, Genma thought they were fake; shinobi lead difficult lives, the scars might have been her own. Her outfit, some kind of wrappings that looked like cobwebs, managed to be more revealing than her normal attire.
Extracting Gai from the “ANBU” temporarily, Genma dragged him deeper into the room. As he navigated through the sea of disguised yet recognizable faces, he found himself looking for Kakashi. It wasn’t that Genma had spent extra time getting ready because he thought Kakashi might be here. It definitely wasn’t that Genma wanting the man to see him in something other than his uniform. He just wanted to see the Copy Nin’s face-well his eye-when he saw Gai’s costume. That was all.
Anko grinned at Genma as she handed him a red plastic cup of some sugar laced concoction that was supposed to pass for punch. Her eyes swept over the vampire from head to toe. “You’re almost pretty enough to taste my blood instead of the other way around.”
“Almost,” Genma returned with a chuckle. Though he was rougher than average in the bedroom, he had never understood the woman’s fascination with blood.
Gai huffed in annoyance as he looked at the cup in his hand. “How does my eternal rival manage to drink things?”
“Carefully,” Genma responded absently. His attention was focused on two pretty women who were watching he and Gai from across the room. One was dressed in a skintight, black bodysuit with cat ears nestled in her raven hair, and the other wore a nurse’s outfit like nothing he’d ever seen on a medical nin. If they instituted that uniform, Genma would have allowed himself be injured far more often. “Do you have a preference of the two?” He nodded his chin toward the women while sipping his drink.
Gai’s visible eye moved to the women, then he seemed to realize what Genma was asking. “It’s unfair to pick a favorite. Surely each flower has its own uniqueness.”
To halt the laughter threatening to spill out, Genma drained his cup. Gai certainly didn’t mean flowers in the sense Genma was thinking, but maybe after tonight, he would. The tokujo refilled his cup before leading his friend over to the women. When their eyes drifted past him to Gai, Genma felt a sinking feeling in his gut. Not again.
“You’re the Copy Ninja aren’t you?” Cat giggled as Nurse moved closer to Gai, touching his chest. Gai mumbled some kind of response that sounded vaguely Kakashi-like and the girls laughed again.
“You’re so pretty you don’t even need a costume, do you?” Nurse asked and Genma almost threw up in his mouth.
After ten minutes, he realized that neither woman knew he existed and excused himself to get another drink.
“Aw, are you feeling left out?” Anko purred, moving closer to Genma’s side. “Look at Gai though,” she nodded to where a third woman had joined his harem.
Genma snorted. “How can they really believe he’s Kakashi?” He finished another glass of the fruity, fizzy nonsense Anko was serving.
After sipping her own drink, the woman shrugged. “Because Kakashi isn’t here, and I doubt he would bother with dressing up if he were.”
Anko rolled her eyes, and pointed out some of the better costumes. A painfully pretty “Madara” stood beside a geisha, chatting easily. Near one of the walls, an unfamiliar boy was dressed entirely in brown with his long hair dyed green. Flowers and branches had been worked through it. The best thing Genma could figure was that he was supposed to be a tree. A shock of silver-white hair caught Genma’s attention, and temporarily stopped his heart, but it was only someone pretending to Tobirama, red marks and all.
“Who’s that?” Genma nodded toward a stranger in jeans, a long grey jacket, and a blue scarf wrapped around his neck.
Anko shrugged. “Some kind of photographer, I think. He said something about capturing memories for future generation when he came to get a drink.”
The pair watched the man move around the room, easily snapping pictures of couples and individuals. A few men and women paused and struck up a conversation with him, but he gracefully slid away from mos. Even the damn photographer, who hadn’t bothered with a costume, was getting more attention than Genma.
“I want some consideration too. Dammit, I worked hard on this makeup,” Genma sulked. Anko flashed an amused smiled, but wisely didn’t say anything.
The later it got, the rowdier the party became. Kakashi-Gai had half a dozen women around him and the cute photographer was talking with Tree Boy, and it looked an awful lot like flirting to Genma. They stood nearly as close as Asuma and Kurenai has been earlier. Speaking of that, the werewolf and mummy were slumped together in a corner of the room, making out in clear view of everyone. So much for secrets, Genma thought. In fact, several couples were doing the same thing around the room. That seemed a bad idea, but Genma couldn’t remember why and was too busy pouting to bother with it anyway. The man who always had a lover on his arm didn’t even have a prospective, and Kakashi still hadn’t shown up.
For some reason, probably jealousy, Genma’s hazel eyes kept being drawn back to the photographer. He’d moved away from Tree Boy and was leaning against the wall by himself now. Surprisingly, nobody moved in to exploit his time, though he’d hardly been alone all evening.
“Why don’t you just go talk to him. If you stare any harder-” Anko’s face scrunched up as she tried to figure out what she wanted to say, then she giggled.
Genma’s mouth fell open, and he nearly lost his fangs in shock. Anko was capable of a wide range of sounds, from menacing laughter to the edge of insanity chuckle, but giggles weren’t in her arsenal. “What’s gotten into you?” He was terrified of the answer.
Anko stumbled two steps toward the table and refilled her glass. “I may have spiked the punch, just a little bit.”
“How much is a little bit?” Genma glanced at the massive cauldron sized bowl they’d been filling their glasses from.
Anko giggled again, and Genma felt his stomach drop. “A bottle, or two. Maybe three. No more than four.”
That would explain the behavior happening around the room from the frantic making out and the number of couples stumbling out together. The Madara and Tobirama he’d seen earlier were dancing in way that looked more suited to the bedroom than the dance floor. Genma’s eyes widened as far as they would go when he found his former teammate. Gai and Cat girl were making out against a wall and there was far too much enthusiastic hand movements happening. Genma felt his stomach heave, but maybe that was the effects of the alcohol, he’d certainly drank too much.
Since he’d had enough of being alone with Anko and her poisonous drinks, Genma wandered off after throwing his cup away. The photographer stood alone still, surveying the scene around him with a calm demeanor. He probably hadn’t drank as much as everyone else since he was working. As he walked toward the man, Genma put on his most endearing smile. “Do I know you?” That was terrible as far as pickup lines went, but Genma couldn’t bring himself to care.
“Maybe, maybe not.” Amusement filled the man’s unfamiliar voice. In a rush of overconfidence that was typical of Genma, he pressed closer to the photographer. Close enough for the faint scent of cologne to make his head spin, and to feel the tight muscles in the man’s forearm. “My name’s Sukea, by the way. Can I help you?”
“Do you want to go home with me?” Somehow, the normally smooth lines that were life to Genma fled, and he said the first thing that popped into his mind.
The man laughed, and his dark eyes appraised Genma’s body. While it was slightly uncomfortable, Genma wasn’t intimidated. He hadn’t been cursed with false modesty; he knew he looked good in his costume. “You’re quite forward with someone you’ve just met. You haven’t even offered me a drink yet.”
“Anko spiked the punch,” Genma confided a couple octaves louder than he meant to.
Sukea laughed. “I know, but I think I might need a drink before I let you take me home.”
Genma frowned. Sukea was pretty enough to be tempting, and it didn’t look like Kakashi was going to show up. Why not, whispered the voice that got him in trouble far more often than it helped him. Genma didn’t want all of his hard work on the costume and makeup to be for nothing, after all.
As they turned back toward the table and the drinks, Genma felt a hand ghost across his back then slide lower. Sukea leaned closer to whisper by his ear. “Do you have a pretty boyfriend I need to be worried about? Or girlfriend?”
“Would you be dissuaded if I said yes?” Genma turned back to the man and clicked his fangs together. They weren’t as good as his senbon, but they were fun in a different way. Heat entered the man’s gaze as he followed the movement with dark eyes.
“No,” Sukea chuckled, and it almost sounded familiar. Before Genma could figure out why, the man snaked an arm around his waist and pulled Genma close, pressing their lips together.
Breathlessly, Genma returned the kiss and leaned into Sukea. The hard muscles of the man’s chest met Genma’s, and he groaned in surprise. Another vague thought formed in the back of his mind, something about the fact that this man must work out harder than most shinobi, but Sukea’s skilled fingers caressing Genma’s back chased the thought away.
“I thought you needed a drink,” Genma breathed as they broke apart, his voice trembling slightly. He had been completely unprepared for the kiss, or for the electricity it sparked through his entire body.
“You kiss better than I thought you would,” Sukea growled softly, desire obvious in his voice as he trapped Genma from moving too far away.
Genma chuckled. “Wait until I get you home and show you what else I can do.”
Tugging his hand, Genma led the man from the room. Kakashi doesn’t know what he missed out on, Genma thought as he and Sukea stumbled into his apartment a few minutes later.
The next morning, Genma woke to an empty bed and a pounding headache. Groaning, he tried to recall the previous night, but it came in disconnected snippets. He’d definitely brought Sukea back to his apartment. He vaguely recalled that his fangs had left the man whimpering for more. The pants had been as difficult to get off as Genma feared, but Sukea solved that problem with a kunai. Genma could still see the tatters of black fabric on the floor by the bed, along with the buttons where the man had been impatient to get Genma’s shirt off.
There had been a moment, when they were wrapped around each other that Sukea whispered Genma’s name and he felt a flicker of something inside his chest. There had been multiple times during the night that Genma thought he was figuring something out, but Sukea was a distraction of the best kind and the alcohol made it too difficult for him to remember. Instead, Genma tugged the blankets back around him and fell back to sleep.
It wouldn’t be for another couple of years that Genma saw Sukea again. He, along with Kakashi’s genin, were in trouble for trying to break into the records room. Standing guard outside the Hokage’s office, he saw the man and felt the way that Sukea’s eyes lingered on him.
The hazy memories fit themselves back together like perfect puzzle pieces. The laughter could have only been Kakashi’s, the desperate caress as he whispered Genma’s name now sounded familiar. How it had taken him this long to put two and two together, Genma had no idea. Dark eyes met his, and “Sukea” smiled. Against all odds, Genma blushed and held his silence.
When Genma went back to his apartment later that evening, there was a envelop shoved under the door. A single picture of Genma nestled inside. He was lying in bed, brown hair falling over his eyes, with the sheets tangled around his legs. Though he was obviously undressed beneath the blankets, the photo only exposed his back and arms. It had been captured with just enough light to soften Genma’s features even more than the makeup had. Holding the photograph loosely, the man couldn’t help but laugh. Apparently Kakashi was as good at photography as he was in bed.
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