#plus my legs were Insane in hs
martyr0l0gy · 7 months
why are wrap-ankle ballet flats more expensive than the cost of actual damn en pointe ballet slippers 😭🎀
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mirkwoodshewolf · 4 years
Graduation surprise; BoRhap cast x reader
*Author’s note*
Hey ya’ll well I promised this fic when I posted the Queen prom fic so here it is. Now I know it’s not as long as the last one is but I felt like this didn’t need to be super long. Also as another special little fact for ya’ll I was gonna make this a Queen fic as well but then I decided to change it to a BoRhap CAST fic since I hadn’t done one of just them in awhile. 
So to all seniors whether HS or college, the class of 2020 CONGRATULATIONS I know it’s not what you hoped it would be but still try to find celebration in this pandemic, you all achieved probably the greatest milestones in your life. So stay safe, stay healthy, stay sane, and be happy :) Lot’s of love from me my darlings!
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Goddamn this year! Just when we think the new decade would be worth our wild, now we’ve got all this shit going on! First there was the threat of WW3, then the next month we’re dealing with wildfires in Australia, and finally to top it off why not add a global pandemic?!
The Coronavirus has literally been all over the news for months, and the fact that our government knew about it since late last year and didn’t warn us about it!? Then when they told us to be on lockdown, everyone starts hording toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and food that no one can buy said items for weeks on end.
But of course my main problem is the fact that I, along with so many other kids and adults around the world can’t participate in their own graduation ceremony.  As a college student, I was just longing to finally participate in my final graduation ceremony ever.  This was supposed to be my final chapter in school life and now because of this damn virus, that’s gone.
I mean yeah my diploma will be coming in the mail but I wanted my family to all be there to see me reach the end of my school life before I finally begin a new chapter.  Plus my cousin’s friends said that they would come and see me and I’ve missed seeing those guys, I hadn’t seen them all since the Bohemian Rhapsody premiere.
I sat there in my old room of my house (cause since the University closed down back in March, all students had to leave the college campus and go home so that way we could reduce the spread of the virus. So I ended up moving back in with my parents) just finishing up my final paper for class.
That’s when my Zoom video chat blew up with my cousin’s profile pic.  I grinned and clicked on the answer button and soon enough my cousin’s face took over my screen.
“Hey poppet.”
“Hey Gwil, how you holding up?” he let out a sigh.
“As best as I can. Though I should be asking you that, you are the one really dealing with this whole Coronavirus adjustment than I am. How’d you do on your classes?”
“For those that have said online classes are easier, they’re dirty rotten liars and completely incompetent.” He softly chuckled. “But thankfully I finished my last exam paper and submitted it just now.”
“Your dad look over it for you? Cause I know you’re a terrible editor.”
“Oi not all the time. Just when I’m lazy.” He hummed as he raised his brow at me. “But yes I did have dad review it for me. Cause before we got to submit the rough draft and my professor said I needed more analysis to my quotes on why I quoted that specific source. God I don’t know why I took that class to begin with?”
“Because you’re a criminology nut and you have been since you turned 16. God and I thought my horror movie tastes were bad.”
“Hey it’s good to be aware of shit like that!”
“Language missy!”
“Okay Cap.” I teased.  He gave me his stern look which made me laugh as I fell to my side on the bed. “Oh by the way I saw that little dating app video you did.”
“And what did you think?”
“I liked it. Kinda makes me wish an app like that did exist in real life.”
“You not just pulling my leg on this?”
“No. Honest and swear to god you had me moved by your performance. Well next to you being Brian May of course.” He grinned. “I swear I still can’t get over when I first saw you in the full hair and makeup, I literally almost had a freakin panic attack.”
“And the fact that Brian was also there to witness that.”
“Oh god don’t even go there!” I groaned as I hid my face in embarrassment.
“So—now that you’re all done with school, what’s next for you?”
“Well any plans I had are put on hold till this whole crisis goes away. And I really thought 2020 was gonna be my year. This sucks!”
“I know poppet, I know. But believe me that it’s not just you whose affected by this. Everyone in the whole world is suffering exactly the same way you are.” I sighed solemnly.
“I know. I mean I should be feeling for you and the guys right now, I mean all of you are out of work till further notice. And all the restaurants that I love going to. Did you know that the little ice cream parlor you and I used to go to when we were kids shut down?”
“Yeah, the owner couldn’t keep up the payments because hardly anyone was ordering from them anymore, even with online delivery. So she closed it down.”
“Damn, that sucks. I really loved going to that place with you. That was always our special little time together without the grownups around.” I nodded remembering all the fun times we had together in that little shop.
It was then someone suddenly popped into our conversation.  The extra person now on my screen was none other than Joe Mazzello.
“Hey Gwil, mini-Lee!”
“Hello Joe.” Answered Gwil.
“Hey Joe been a long time.”
“How you two holding up?” he asked us.
“As best as we can, how about you? I’ve seen those Youtube videos you’ve been doing on your page.” Gwil said.
“You know those were jokes, especially that last one. I just wanted to get a laugh out of everyone, or have them hate me.”
“No one could hate you Joey.” I said with a smile.
“Aww thanks mini-Lee. How’s classes been?” I let out a groan as I once again flopped on my bed which made Joe laugh.
“I am just thankful that this is all over. At first I thought online classes would be easy but one of my professors was technology challenged. Another one would sometimes forget to do a lesson, and then of course blackboard could barely operate long enough for me to submit an assignment which caused some of them to be late.”
“Well like you said it’s over now.” Joe assured me.
“Oh hey I saw that Jurassic Park livestream you did.”
“Oh did you? How come I didn’t see you submit a question or just say hello? I’ve seen your Youtube page so I know your username by heart.”
“Cause I may or may not have also been working on a project. But chose the livestream over the project.”
“Nice going Joe, you’ve turned my cousin into a procrastinator.” Gwil complained.
“Hey at least she has Jurassic Park unlike you Gwilym Lee! Serious shame on you for not owning it! This is why mini-Lee is the coolest out of the two of you.” I snarked out a mock laugh as I stuck my tongue out.
“Ganging up against me okay I see how it is you two.”
“Oh come now cousin dear, we’re just messing around.”
“Messing around? If we’re messing with Gwil then I want a part of it.” Soon another picture came up and there lying on his side was Ben Hardy.
“Benjamin!” Joe screamed joyously.
“Hi Ben.” I sung out.
“Hey (y/n).” he waved at me with a wink. “Now going back to teasing Gwilym.”
“You guys are officially gonna be blocked right after this.” My cousin groaned.  We all laughed when I told him.
“Again cousin, we’re teasing you. So Ben, what brings you here?”
“What can’t I pop in and say hello?” I giggled.
“I see nothing wrong with it. Oh hey get this; I finally got around to watching 6 Underground.”
“And what did you think of it?”
“The first 10 minutes were insane! And truthfully I never really understood Michael Bay films, but this one—definitely my favorite. I loved it Ben, really.”
“Well thank you (n/n). Thank you.”
“Never did I think I needed to see both you and Ryan Reynolds on screen together….”
“Whoa okay easy there (n/n)!” Joe interrupted me.
“Oi you get your mind out of the gutters! And you say it’s the fans that make what you say to the extreme.” I scowled him.
“Trust me, I’ve known him for over 10 years and he still doesn’t grow up.” Another voice stated and soon two more familiar faces popped up on screen, stuck in quarantine together in LA were Rami and Lucy. And then a split second later another face came on the screen, it was none other than Alan Leech.
“Hey, Rami, Lu-lu, Alan!” I cheered.
“Hey (y/n)!” the three of them said as they waved.
“God I feel like I’m getting spoiled, got the entire BoRhap family together for the first time in like—forever.”
“It’s crazy.” Alan said.
“Definitely.” Agreed Rami.
“Maybe when this whole thing blows over we should all get together some time in New York.” Offered Joe.
“I’m down with it.” Ben said.
“Me too.” Lucy agreed with a nod.
“Yeah, (n/n), Ben and I could fly out together.” Said Gwil.
“I’m down with that. Now that I’m done with school, I can do what I want now.”
“So guys now that we’re all here shall we begin?” Lucy said.
“Begin what? Gwil what’s going on?” I asked.
“Well (n/n), when this whole quarantine shutdown and school cancellations started affecting the class of 2020 we all felt bad that you couldn’t graduate the way you hoped you would.” Gwil said before Joe continued.
“So Gwil called all of us up via the Whatsapp chat, as well as our daily zoom calls. To gather us all together on your ‘last day’ of college.”
“To celebrate your own Virtual college graduation party!” Rami cheered.  At that point everyone either threw confetti, blew on graduation blowers, or holding up signs that said CONGRATS 2020 GRADUATE!!!
I covered my mouth with my hands speechless and tried to hold back the tears.
“Ohh you guys.”
“Since you couldn’t have a college graduation party, we figure we’d bring the party to you. See not even this pandemic can stop us from celebrating our Mini-Lee’s ultimate milestone.” Ben said as he set down his congrats sign.
“And also expect some gifts within the next few weeks, depending on how the mailing services do with overseas gifts.” Alan said.
“Aww thanks you guys, you didn’t have to.”
“We know, but we wanted to. Let us spoil you even through this pandemic.” Said Joe.
“Thanks guys, this—really means a lot to me.” I wiped a hidden tear that strayed down the corner of my eye.  They all awed at me that’s when Gwil lifted up a small graduation cake.
“I know, I know this’ll be ridiculous but just humor me will yah?” I smiled and nodded.  He lit up the 2020 candles and held it just high enough for me to see the top part of the candles.
“CONGRATS (Y/N) LEE! CLASS OF 2020!!!” everyone proclaimed at once which made me smile and I blew out towards the screen.  Gwil then blew out the candles for me as everyone else cheered and clapped.
“Thanks so much you guys. Really, you have no idea how much this means to me.”
“We’re happy to do it (y/n). If it makes your day a little bit brighter in these dark times.” Rami said.
“It did Rami, it really did.”
“Well hope we can make this even better cause I’ve also got a part 2 to this little surprise. But in order for that to happen, everyone else has got to go otherwise you won’t really be able to see it as clearly.” Gwil said.
“Aww man.” I whined.
“No worries mini-Lee, your cousin added you to our BoRhap Whatsapp chat and I’ll send you a link to our zoom channel if you ever wanna chat with us again.” Joe said with a wink.
“Thanks Joe. And thanks everyone take care and stay safe.” They all waved and bid me goodbye with waves or blowing kisses at me and one by one they signed off till it was once again just Gwil and I.
All I could see across his bearded face was that cheeky grin he does whenever he’s trying to hide something.
“What are you grinning about?”
“Just the fact that I’ll be the best cousin once you see part 2 of your special surprise.”
“What did you do?”
“If I told you it won’t be a surprise now would it? Now let’s see, god I hope they get it.” He muttered the last part to himself. It took a few minutes till finally another screen popped up and standing there in his room was Adam Lambert.  I fangirled in my seat and covered my mouth trying to contain my squeals.
“Hey girlfriend!” he greeted with a wave.
“Adam oh my god!”
“How’s it going?”
“It’s been going. Finally submitted my last paper. So I’m officially done with school forever.”
“Yaas Queen!” he snapped. “So how’s it feel to be a college graduate?”
“Well it’d be better if we weren’t in the middle of a pandemic.”
“Understandable, but hey you’ve worked hard for this so be proud of yourself no matter what’s going on in the world right now.” I nodded with a shrug. “And to celebrate your graduation, your cousin whipped up another little surprise for you.”
“Oh my god Gwil you didn’t!” I gasped.  He merely raised a brow at me cheekily as he bit his lip back from a smile.
“Hey guys you there?!” Adam called out and soon enough two more screens came on and the picture revealed to be both Brian May and Roger Taylor.  Brian sitting on his couch while Roger looked to be in his basement with his drumkit.
At this point, I had lost my shit.  I was fangirling to the max at this rate but tried to calm down.
“Hi (y/n), congratulations of graduating.” Brian greeted me.
“Major achievement there love. Congrats.” Roger added.
“Oh my god…..Gwil this is—how……”
“I knew you’d love it (n/n). Plus I knew this would cheer you up after our last conversation we had last week. You really needed some cheering up.”
“So guys are we ready to do this?” asked Adam.
“I’m ready to go if you both are.” Said Brian as he took his Red Special and set it on his lap and Roger twirled his drumstick.
“(Y/n), this is for you love. Hopefully when this whole mess is over, you can finally go out there and reach your dream job. Till then we hope you enjoy this.” Roger said.
It was then both Roger and Brian began playing the tune for ‘we are the champions’ but as Adam began singing the song, it turns out that they were actually singing their new song, ‘You are the champions’ dedicated to the first responders worldwide.
But now they were playing it in my honor as a college graduate.  As they continued to play the song, I allowed the tears to flow down my face as I laced my hand over my heart.
God—never did I think that through this pandemic would I be happy.  From having to never see any of my friends I made in college again, to not having my whole family come to the house to celebrate, or going out to party with some of my friends.  But this—right here and now, my cousin made it all up to me all the way from London.
At this point, I knew that I was officially the luckiest person in the world.  All thanks to my favorite cousin, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.
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justsasuke · 4 years
Headcanons about Sasuke in modern times? I love your posts ♡
I am glad you asked because I literally keep a document full of all sorts of headcanons specifically on this topic. (be prepared bc here it comes.  Also thank you so much, I’m glad you like them ☺) Obligatory note of clarification; A lot of my modern-times headcanons are AU specific (it turns out a lot of the AU’s I create are set in modern times...) but I do have a lot of general headcanons that I keep in the back of my mind when creating said AU’s and that serve as a reference point and help me keep things consistent across the Sasuke-verse...and those are the ones I listed below. Also some of these may involve Juugo or other members of Team Taka so yeah.
here’s my not-so-complete list of all my modern AU headcanons:
For AU’s set in America Sasuke is Japanese-American.  Both parents have family in Japan but Fugaku’s mother lives in San Francisco In those AU’s Sasuke does speak Japanese but not as well as Itachi
Sasuke doesn’t have a middle name.  It’s not a thing in Japan and his parents are traditional like that (obv. in AU’s set in Japan he still won’t have a middle name)
He’s on the smaller side...at least until he hits his early twenties.  Itachi was the one who grew to full height in high school, while Sasuke spent most of his teenage years barely above 5 ft. 8 inches (1.72 meters).  
His body type is Ecto-Meso, and he’s quite bony
His eyes are insanely dark and look black
instead of the classic duck-butt his hair looks more like this but is parted in the front because he hates it in his face
He doesn’t hate all sweets, just chocolate
prefers salty to sweet any day
When he was six years old he broke his leg (while running from Itachi’s friends--they were playing a game)
He has a small scar above his right elbow where he skinned it super bad as a child
He was a little haphazard as a child and always getting into scrapes
He wears black ripped jeans a lot
the signature dark Blue Hoodie (plus all the other hoodies he’ll steal from Juugo)
He’s gay
Played sports in HS (Lacrosse and/or Track and Field)
Preferred shoe is converse or vans -- Lowtops and in dark blues, black, or gray
has been known to eat a whole lasagna in one sitting
He has a dark grey iphone and if he has a case it’s dark blue
He likes listening to music and prefers more chill vibe music (Like ‘Hypnotized’ by Coldplay which rn is his and Juugo’s song imo)
His secret skill is dirty dancing (don’t ask where he learned it, but it was from hanging out with Itachi’s friends and Juugo appreciates it)
100% incapable of sitting in chairs like a normal person
He’s an introvert but a fun, party introvert
He was a Dinosaur Nerd™ when he was little  
That’s all I have time to write today, I have at least a hundred more (no exaggeration I swear) so if you’re interested let me know because I’m thinking of making this a series! have a swell week
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prqltothesql · 5 years
Think I’m gonna start keeping a diary/journal just to track my day-to-day - Entry 000000
I’m going to at some point do one of these as exposition so if anyone is insane enough to read these and you don’t know me, you’ll know who I am. 
About 3 months ago, my dad had a stroke. As strokes go, this was a mild one that has had many short-lasting effects but nothing serious. The initial hit was mild facial paralysis on his left side as well as slurred speech due to tongue deviation. He’s been working hard and his face is getting a little tighter, his speech is 1000% improved from after his stroke. He’s noticed other issues, like his left arm and leg were bothering him and definitely not as strong as they once were. The underlying cause of his stroke was his diabetes. He aggressively does not go to the doctor and is not good at taking care of himself or paying attention to his own needs. So his A1C sugar was off the charts. When it’s a 7, doctors are like, hey that’s getting high, you should knock it down. He was a 12.7. The doctors were stunned that his stroke was so minor. So he’s started on diabetes medication as well as blood pressure medication. No insulin shots, no needles, he’s pretty healthy other than that. But as far as his blood pressure goes, he’s super stressed about everything. Prior to his stroke, he was a nightmare. He’s recently gotten into this funk because he noticed his ex-wife, who was our stepmom, who walked out on us 8 years ago and divorced him 5 years ago, is in a band and is playing out. He’s a musician and prior to me going to college, he was always playing out. Then I went to college and got a job and had a life and he had to give all of that up to raise my sister, who is 19 now. Figures as soon as she gets out of school and gets taken care of, he has a stroke. But anyways, he stressed about everything. Our house is almost 80 years old and has a thousand things wrong with it. We have 3 dogs that are good but still need taken care of. He stressed about everything. He was always mad, he was always planning projects that needed to be done, and then while I was at work, would do these projects and then yell because he was doing them on his own when I literally could not help because I work a 9-5. The two weeks prior to him having his stroke, my sister had wisdom teeth surgery and he was incredibly stressed out about that. I even stayed home to help and he still was stressed and all freaking out. The day he had his stroke, he was going on a trip to the mountains by himself, and his truck has no AC. So he wore jeans, a long sleeved shirt, ate nothing, did not hydrate. He drove through DC in the middle of the day and he said he was hot. Then he got to the mountains and as soon as he got there, he began gathering firewood without giving himself a minute. As soon as he started, he noticed something was wrong. He was way way overheated and did not eat, did not hydrate, his blood sugar was super low. He said he stopped in Front Royal and got a soda and a bag of cheese puffs or something. Not water, not a meal. And he could barely talk. Even now if he says too many “B’s” his mouth gets caught up on itself and he starts mumbling a little. 
So anyways, my life prior to this: I work a 9-5 job as a web developer. They’re flexible on hours which is great and they understand family which is great. But I’m gone 9-5 Monday-Friday. There was one time I had to stay till 9 or 10pm but that was another issue. lol. I also taught band. I had been with one school, MHS for 5 years. In the last year, I had also joined up with CSW and was going to make a transition from one school to another because I was getting burnt out and needed something new. Unfortunately that meant 2-3 nights a week, I left right from work and went to band. Most of the time without a second thought as to what was going on at home. And then mostly every Saturday I was gone all day. So two days I had to help him and get caught up around here, I was unable to do one of them. So I was very very little help and I was gone a lot. When I was home, I just wanted to relax. Plus it’s not like I was off having fun, it was like a second job to me. The time and stress I put into it was crazy. The miles driving back and forth on my car. 
My sister is a complicated situation. She hasn’t been tested in years but I’m sure she has a learning disability that may even be autism. She graduated HS where she was an integration B student and I think she was such a handful that they just were done with her and gave her a diploma to get her out the door. She has no future or hope for a future. She’s not going to school, she’s not working. She mostly just stays at home. He claims he has to babysit her which is a stretch, she’s self-sufficient, she’s just like a plant. She’s not gonna go anywhere or do anything bad. She’s not gonna cook with a flame, she’s not gonna make coffee or go swimming or go anywhere. She’s gonna sit around on her phone or play video games. That’s it. But she’s little help. Not good with motor skills, not good with following directions. Her mind is the proverbial steel trap. Once something gets in, it’s hard to get it out. If she has a certain way of doing things that she has decided on, you can’t get her to change easily. she’s incredibly routine oriented. Couple that with the general teenage “I think I know everything and I don’t listen to anyone” and she can be a handful sometimes. She also can’t reason with the things she does. She’ll do something stupid and if she can explain her thought process, I could reason and say, “Well that was dumb, but here’s why.” Otherwise she shrugs or says, “I don’t know,” and that annoys the hell out of me. 
So two days after his stroke, I quit band. He had a nervous breakdown that carried over into the next day and started yelling at me about band so I just up and emailed both schools and quit on the spot. I’m pretty sure I ruined several friendships and my own reputation, but that’s the way things go. I had to do it. Since then, I’ve done a handful of things on my own, but I’ve mostly been here. I go to work, I come home, I cook or help cook or get dinner, and then we eat and I hang out and then go to bed and do it all over again. I ha.ve no girlfriend, I have no friends, most of my friends do band anyways. On the weekends, I’ve been doing chores, praying that he can hold off and not force himself to do them and nearly kill himself (which he’s done) and I can get to them. One day a few weeks ago, he went outside and vacuumed the pool and was out there for an hour in the sun without eating anything and he nearly passed out and took a 3 hour nap on the couch. Then he woke up and was snapping on everything and everyone. It was crazy. So I’ve been trying to make sure he doesn’t do that... doing things in the evenings or waking up and doing them before work. 
Also I mentioned our pets. We have 3 American Eskimo dogs, Angel, Wolfie and Ty. They are white and fluffy and also shed everywhere. They say dogs take on their owners. Well Wolfie is kind of my sister’s dog. He’s stubborn, hyper, doesn’t listen, is annoying. But he LOVES me to death. I’m his playfriend and buddy. And he can be the absolute sweetest dog but he likes to fight with the other male dog Ty. Angel is my dog. She’s exactly like me. We’re both kind of fat. She’s very smart, she keeps an eye on everyone, she always wants to know what’s going on. She’s very sweet, she’s well trained, she’s in a great routine with me. She’s very chill and relaxed. My dad’s dog Ty, he’s gone insane. He used to be calm and nice, at my dad’s side no matter what. But something happened, we don’t know what, and he’s not the same dog. His front feet splay out wide and he can barely walk now. He’s going blind so he can barely see sometimes, especially if it’s bright out. He’s stubborn and annoying. Won’t listen, always fighting with everyone. Just like my dad. lol. We also have a cat named Butter who is old but is a little sweetheart. She used to be neurotic and anti-social but now she’s a social butterfly and is really lovey with everyone. Me and Rachel mostly take care of her. She likes my dad and he likes her but it’s a tenuous relationship. lol. 
There’s some exposition, so now I’ll journal yesterday and a bit of this morning. 
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