#plus me weeping over whatever tragedy was happening
clownhonkbonk · 2 months
originally was gonna have grizzop in a sketch w sasha and then decided not to because she looked too upset to have him there
but like damn how designs change.
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is0gild · 4 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Bonus Chapter 3
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 7,838
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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"Are you sure we're allowed to do this?"
Lea tossed me a grin over his shoulder, giving my hand a small, reassuring squeeze as he pushed through the door and led me inside. "Course! Trust me, I've done it dozens of times. It's called auditing a class," he whispered.
"Oh," I breathed softly, taking a second to glance around the theater we'd just stepped into, which was slightly bigger and nicer than the Sunset Hill Auditorium. Class was already in session it seemed, with the teacher (who luckily hadn't appeared to notice us sneaking in) up on the stage and currently mid-lecture to the smattering of students dotted across the audience seating. I felt Lea tugging my hand again and I followed him as we ducked into the back row, gingerly slipping by in front of a couple people occupying the end chairs.
I'd of course heard of auditing a class, but had never actually done it before, so I didn't really know what it entailed. Still, I at least had a guess at an idea of how it was supposed to work. "...so you contacted the professor and got his okay for us to be here then?"
"Nah," he chose a pair of empty seats towards the middle, plopping down into one. "Don't need to, ya just show up."
My lips pursed to one side as I lowered myself into the one next to him. "...now that doesn't sound right," I muttered as my fingers absently fidgeted with the zipper on the sleeve of his leather jacket that I was wearing.
With a snerk, he settled his elbow on the armrest between us and propped his chin on his knuckles as he eyed me. "Look, did you or did you not say how much ya'd like it if you could get a sneak peak at Twilight U's Intro to Acting course before deciding if you were gonna enroll?"
"Well yes I did, but-"
"Then don't look a gift audit in the mouth, dollface," his fingers tweaked my nose. Still, I frowned uncertainly. With a chuckle, he slung an arm around my shoulders, hugging me into his side and smoothing a hand up and down my arm as he pressed a kiss to my temple. "Relax, we're fine. Just remember, this guy? Right here?" he jabbed a thumb into his collarbone. "Done it hundreds o' times, so I know my shit."
I squinted up at him, whispering, "...you said dozens of times a second ago."
"Nu-uh, maybe it's 'bout time ya had your ears checked. Ah, for the hearing to already be going in one so young such as yourself. Such a tragedy," he sighed, still keeping his voice low as he clasped a hand to his chest, fingers splayed. "My heart, it weeps for you, lil one."
"Whatever," I gave a quiet scoff, rolling my eyes.
Right then and there, I should've stopped talking and paid attention to the lecture.
And I tried. Believe me, I really did try. I needed to be listening to whatever it was the professor was saying. That was the whole point of being here after all, wasn't it?
And yet-
" ...pretty sure you needed to ask the professor first," I mumbled out of the corner of my mouth.
"Shh," Lea held a finger up to his smirking lips, his eyes glued to the lecturer as he slouched down into his seat now. "Some of us are trying to learn here."
I narrowed my gaze over at him. "...what are you doing?"
He turned his head towards me, giving me a flat look. "Didja not hear what I just said? Wow, maybe we really do gotta look into getting you a hearing aid, grannie."
My hand lightly shoved his shoulder. "No, I mean it looks like you're slouching."
"Seems your vision's still twenty-twenty. Sweet, least ya got that going for ya."
My eyelids drooped, "It would almost seem as if you don't want to be seen. One might even go so far as to say you look like you're trying to hide."
"An astute observation," was all he said with a noncommittal little shrug.
Leaning away from him slightly, I crossed my arms. "If it's okay for us to be here, why oh why then, pray tell, would you be worried about being spotted?"
Slumping down even deeper into his chair, he gave a lazy, dismissive wave of his hand, "We don't want to draw attention to ourselves and interrupt the class. It's a matter of course auditing etiquette, El. I'd know," he grinned and winked at me, "done it thousands of times."
"And the number keeps growing," I shook my head with a derisive snort. "What, are you auditing all these classes even as we speak?"
"Why yes, yes I am. Wait for it…" he held up a finger and paused for a couple beats. Then, "Bam. Just audited another one."
I facepalmed, "You're ridiculous."
"Bam, bam. Two more down. Lookit me go, I'm a course auditing wiz!"
"I'm rethinking taking this class," I grumbled under my breath.
Lea jolted, sitting up straighter, "Wha-? Aw c'mon, we were gonna take it together though!"
I shot him a rueful grin. "That's why I'm rethinking it. You're too distracting."
Smiling, he ducked down next to my ear and whispered, "You mispronounced the word delightful. Don't worry, babe, it happens to the best of us."
I was this close to smacking his arm when a throat cleared loudly in front of us. We both stiffened and froze before slowly turning our gazes towards the source.
A tall, lanky man eccentrically dressed in purples and yellows who hadn't been there a second ago was now in the row before us, knees perched on his seat cushion with him backwards in the chair so he could face us. Elbows propped on the backrest, his shoulder-length black hair framed his smirking face as he rested his goateed chin in his palms and simply watched the two of us.
And it was just suddenly coming to my attention that all eyes in the theater were on us now and the whole place had fallen eerily quiet.
Maybe because the professor was no longer talking on stage.
Maybe because he was the man now directly in front of us with a bright grin and predatory gleam in his eye.
"Oh, I'm so sorry," he batted his eyelashes at us, his toothy smile stretching even bigger. "How rude of me to interrupt you while you're talking. Please, do go on!"
"We're done!" Lea chirped back, mirroring the man's expression. "Don't mind us back here, we're just auditing the course."
"Ah! Auditing the course, I see, I see! Well that explains it!" he perked up with a chuckle. "Just if you could then, my dear boy, answer me one simple lil question… who am I?"
I sensed a trap.
One that I might be able to sneak my way out of, given the lecturer's full attention seemed to be on Lea at the moment.
I discreetly moved over one chair.
"Pop quizzing me already, eh Teach? Pft," Lea waved a dismissive hand. "That one's a no brainer. You're the professor!"
"No, no," he hummed a small laugh and waggled his index finger. "Who am I?"
"Oh, I see." Lea squinted at him with a frown, "...well, that's a rather deep and complex question. Did we wander into a Psych class by mistake?"
We? What is this "we" business? Oh-ho no, you're on your own, bucko.
I quietly slipped over into the next seat.
A tiny, amused huff escaped the man's nose. "No, silly boy. My name. What is it?"
One corner of his lips quirking, Lea gave a small shrug, "Well if even you don't know, I'm not sure how you expect me to help ya with that one."
He shook his head and tsked several times. But then his face immediately lit back up once more as he placed a hand over his breast and slowly enunciated, "Clopin Trouillefou."
Lea's eyes widened. "Shit, you having a stroke there, buddy?"
"...it's my name."
To Lea's credit, while "Clopin" deceptively reads like it only has two syllables, the professor had said it in a way that somehow stretched it out to four and-
...and why am I wasting valuable seat moving time by explaining this right now?
I made up for it by pulling the rather slick maneuver (if I do say so myself) of shifting over two chairs.
"Something you'd know if you'd audited correctly and contacted me first," Professor Trouillefou tacked on in a lightly chiding singsong.
Ha! I knew it!
My chair scooching became a tad smug as I crept over to the next.
"Ya know what, I actually did? Was just testing ya." Lea shot him a double thumbs up, "Well done, my dude. A-plus!"
He laughed, "Nice try, my dear boy, but I'm pretty sure I'd remember you if we'd spoken previously."
Lea heaved a dramatic sigh, "Woulda thought so too and to be perfectly honest, Clarabelle, I-"
"Clopin," he corrected dryly.
"Right. To be perfectly honest, Clip-Clop, I'm a lil hurt that ya didn't. But ya know what?" he flashed a huge blinding smile. "I'mma let ya slide on this one, bygones and whatnot. Just don't let it happen again!"
One more seat over and I was as far as I could go. I was now sitting next to the pair of students at the end of the row that we'd passed on the way in. Aka my new pals. That redheaded nutjob over there? The one who seemed to be taking perverse pleasure in pushing the professor's buttons and was probably nano seconds away from getting kicked out? Yeah, no, zero clue who that was. Never seen him before in my life, and I certainly hadn't shown up with him. No, I'd come here with my two friends here, Chet and um… Karen.
...yeah, they looked like they could be a Chet and a Karen, so that's what I'm going with.
"You're too kind," the professor deadpanned before his lips took on a wicked upward curve. "Well then, since I'm clearly mistaken here and you obviously did in fact contact me, I've no doubt in my mind that you've also paid to audit my course?"
Both eyebrows shot up Lea's forehead. "Crap, we hafta pay?! What the hell then is even the point of auditing?!"
His sinister grin twitched wider and he said in a sickeningly sweet tone, "Get. Out. Now." He then pointed a finger directly at me, "You too."
I stiffened.
"What? No, I-" my voice broke in a squeak. Clearing my throat and plastering on my sincerest teacher's pet smile, I tried again, "No, I don't know him. He just sat next to me and started bothering me."
"Traitor," Lea hissed at me.
I ignored him, still addressing the professor. "I'm actually here with my friends," I leaned slightly towards said friends. "Isn't that right, Chet?"
Ah, Chet... my ol' chum, my ol' buddy, mi amigo, my-
"Er… my name's not Chet."
...you're dead to me, Chet.
"Alright, let's go, you two," Professor Trouillefou put one hand on the backrest of his chair and vaulted himself over it into our row. He then yanked Lea up out of his seat and started dragging him by the scruff of his shirt towards the aisle. As they passed where I was sitting, he pulled me up to my feet as well and kept going, towing me by the wrist.
Lea staggered along, trying to dig in his heels, "Aw, c'mon, man! Throw me out if ya gotta, but can't you give her a pass at least? She's totally innocent!"
"Which is the worst crime of all!" the lecturer shot back gleefully, not breaking stride.
We were almost to the doors leading back outside. Heart thudding and desperate not to be forcibly removed from the class, I blurted out, "We're planning to take the course next semester!"
At that, the professor slowed, glancing back at me with one eyebrow cocked. "Pardon?"
...wow, that actually worked?!
Swallowing hard, I gave a small, hesitant nod. "We only… we stopped by today just for a quick peek. We, um… wanted to know what we would be getting ourselves into, if… if that's okay? That is, uh… p-please?"
He didn't answer at first, his gaze just darting back and forth between Lea and me several times, eyes calculating. Then he beamed so big and so abruptly, it startled a small jump out of me. "Well, why didn't you just say so?!" Before I even knew what was happening, he'd shifted his hold on the both of us to instead grab Lea's hand in one of his and my hand in the other before he happily skipped - yes, friggin' skipped - off towards the front of the theater with us stumbling behind him. "Come one, come all, class!" he gave a boisterous trill. "Up on the stage for warm-ups, everyone!"
Oh dear, what had I just gotten myself into?
Maybe just getting kicked out would have been the better call.
As he led us onto the stage, my feet tripping over the steps the whole way, I stammered out, "Th-thank you, I really ah… appreciate this opportunity, b-but I was thinking we could maybe more just, hrm… observe?"
The teacher gave a booming scoff as he pulled us to a stop, the rest of the students in the theater filing up the stairs as well to join us. "Don't be silly, you don't observe an acting class!" He paused before declaring with dramatic emphasis, "You act an acting class!"
Well then… my mistake.
"Gather 'round, boys and girls, we've got ourselves some fresh meat to play with today!" Professor Trouillefou cackled as he finally released Lea and me with a small shove towards the center of the ring of students grouped up with us now. Producing (from where, I know not) what looked to be some sort of theater prop in the form of a long scepter with round jingle bells dangling from the top end, he tapped it to his shoulder pensively as he asked, "Now, what lil drama exercise should we use to break in our sweet, young, starry-eyed would-be thespians here with, hm?"
One undergrad's hand shot up as she called out, "Topsy Turvy?"
"Court of Miracles?" came another suggestion from somewhere else in the small crowd.
"Hush, let's not throw them in the deep end right out the gate! There's no need to upstage each other for the toughest game, we wouldn't want it to be curtains for the newbies so soon! Heh… lil theater humor for you there," the professor chuckled with a wink. "No, I was thinking we could warm up with something a lil easier, something like… ah, yes! How 'bout a rousing game of Stroking the Animal?"
Lea snerked beside me, crossing his arms, "Dirty. Didn't realize we were in that kind of class."
That earned him a bonk to the skull from the jingly scepter.
Flashing his pearly whites, the teacher went on as if he hadn't been interrupted, "Stroking the Animal is an excellent lil game for drama beginners! Each of you are going to pair up and choose some sort of beastie - secretly, mind you, don't tell your partner! Then you'll each take turns acting out holding your critter, petting it, caring for it - not saying a word, just purely miming - until your partner correctly guesses what it's supposed to be."
"So… it's kind of like charades?" I asked slowly.
With a triumphant point of the jingly scepter in my direction, he proclaimed, "Precisely, my dear, precisely! Now everyone, take a minute to decide on an animal while you find your partners! Hop to it, chop chop!"
"Dibs on my acting buddy!" Lea snagged my hand and raised it high, showing he'd staked claim.
As the rest of the students began pairing off around us, I scrunched up my nose and muttered, "I'm terrible at charades."
"What?!" his brow furrowed. "But charades is just kinda, sorta acting, isn't it? And you love acting!"
"Yes, acting. Musicals, plays, scripts," I emphasized, my hands twisting at my braid momentarily before restlessly shifting back to fiddling with the sleeve zipper once more. "You know, lines and directions I can memorize and follow. Charades is more like improv's distant cousin twice removed. I hate improv… whenever I'm put on the spot like that, I just sort of freeze up and draw a complete blank. So yeah, I'm not exactly the biggest fan of charades. It's a game that just makes me feel silly and-"
"Time's up!" A ringing filled the air, coming from the dreaded jingly scepter. I was really beginning to hate that noisy little stick. Once Professor Trouillefou had everyone's attention back on him, he called out, "Begin!"
Crud, I hadn't even picked an animal yet!
Alright, brain, go time! Think, think, think! Conjure me up a creature! Go on, spit out the first thing you can think of! Just give me something! Anything!
Naked mole-rat!
...okay, maybe not that one.
We're looking for something nice, simple and obvious here, something that'll only take seconds to guess, something like a… a cat! Yes! Perfect!
Hey, don't judge me! It's not like I was trying to earn points for creativity here, I just wanted to get this ridiculous game over and done with quickly!
The other students had already begun. Not wanting to fall behind, I hastily struck up a finger to Lea to indicate I was ready. Then I looked away with a frown, my hands hovering in uncertainty for a few seconds. Okay, a cat… how do I show that I have a cat? Grimacing, I awkwardly scooped one arm in front of me like I was cradling something close to my belly and used my other hand to start petting the air where its imaginary head would be.
Eh, good enough, right?
Lea's face brightened, "Oh, a puppy!"
Alright, close! Come on, you got this. Not a dog, but a…
He squinted. "...bunny?"
...sorry, not the answer we were looking for here. Would the contestant care to venture another guess? Third times a charm, after all! Surely he'll get it this-
Wait, what?
For the love of… in what possible universe could the make-believe thing in my arms ever be a friggin' snake?!
"Turtle? Penguin! Oo-oo, this has to be it… hyena! No? Armadillo? Puffin! Skunk! Capybara!"
Okay, now the jerk was just doing this on purpose to mess with me.
"Naked mole-rat!"
Are you kidding me?! Shoot, I should have gone with my first instinct!
Narrowing my eyes at him, I made a growling little huff in my throat and started petting at the pretend feline's head more aggressively.
As if that would actually help.
Did I mention how completely bad at charades I was?
"El, ya gotta give me something to work with here," Lea groaned, rubbing at the nape of his neck. "I mean c'mon, you're just petting air there, that doesn't tell me any-" he cut himself off, blinking a couple times. Then he snapped his fingers with a victorious smile, "Ah-ha! Got it!"
My whole body froze.
Wait, did he really?
"Air elemental! No, no, air spirit!"
Gah, that's not even a real animal, you dork!
I scowled at him, my hands moving to strangle the air in his direction as I pictured his throat between my fingers.
He looked horrified. "Don't do that to the poor creature! That's animal abuse!"
I give up! I puffed out a loud sigh, tossing my hands in defeat.
"Well now ya just dropped the critter." He gave a soft tsk. "Worst. Pet owner. Ever. Well… I mean, unless of course it's a cat, then that's fine cuz it'd just land on its-"
"Ah!" My heart leapt in delight. "Yes! That's it!" I laughed, barreling into his chest and hugging him around the waist.
He grunted softly from the impact, then quirked an eyebrow down at me. "Are you serious? Ya couldn't get me to guess cat? Well shit, babe, you really do suck at this game! If we ever play charades in the future, Anna will be the one who gets stuck with your undeniably cute but useless butt on her team."
Face pinching, I poked him where he was ticklish just below the rib cage.
"Hey, no fair!" he squirmed, jumping away from me. Then clearing his throat, he straightened up with a dignified sniff and grinned, "Alright, my turn now!"
...oh yeah. He gets a turn too.
I completely forgot that part.
Well fudge, I should have simply let him go first and saved myself the mini panic attack.
Lea closed his eyes and bowed his head, his hands rising and falling with a deep inhale and slow exhale. He was clearly and quite visibly honing, as if preparing to act out some great Shakespearean monologue. Finally, he snapped into action. He flourished his arms to one side, as if proudly presenting something standing next to him. Then his hand moved to start stroking empty space somewhere at about his eye-level.
Okay... so the mystery animal was tall.
I tipped my head to one side. "...a horse? A camel?"
He raised his hand up higher so it was above his head, still petting away.
Even bigger, huh?
"Ostrich?" I wrinkled my nose. "Moose? Giraffe?"
Lea went up onto his tippy-toes, his arm stretched as far as he could reach and fingers now… possibly giving under-chin scritches? Maybe?
Jeez, just how huge was this thing?
I shook my head with a tiny, unsure, "...whale?"
He lowered back down onto his heels, resuming the stroking at a height not quite as far up there, but still above his head.
Alright, so… what was smaller than a whale, but bigger than a giraffe?
"...a really, really big giraffe?"
Elsa, Queen of Thinking Outside The Box.
His eyelids drooped. But seemingly undeterred, he set about moving over to where I'd roughly guess would be the side of this ginormous creature. He mimed climbing up it and slinging his leg over its back.
Big and rideable, huh?
"Ah! A… A… An elephant!" I stammered to get out past my sudden excitement.
Lea was still going, bending forward to give his mount a couple pats on the shoulder (I guess?) before pointing up. Then he stretched his arms out wide to either side of him like he was… soaring?
"A flying elephant!"
Wait, no, that'd just be silly.
We were looking for a real animal here. A large animal that could apparently fly. It had to be some kind of bird, right? But… pretty sure there weren't any elephant-sized birds out there in the world… were there?
Note to self: google "elephant-sized bird" later.
Tuning back into reality, I realized Lea had moved onto showing me something else now. It seemed he'd dismounted and returned to petting the thing's… head, maybe? But then he elicited a tiny, pained tch and retracted his finger like he'd been burned. But no, that couldn't be right… no animals in actual existence burned people, so what could it… oh! It must have just bitten him… yes, that'd make more sense!
Now he was looking at the ground and rubbing his hands together before turning his palms forward, holding them there for a few seconds. Then he balled both hands, stacking one on top of the other and lifting the top one up in a long, straight line. With one hand still fisted, he then cupped the other upward and arced it over until it was upside down a few feet over his fist. Finally, he stretched his fist out in front of him while using his other hand to occasionally poke and pinch at the air above said fist.
I stared blankly at him. "...yeah, no, you've lost me."
The jingly scepter rang out loudly as the professor shook it high above his head, announcing, "Game over, boys and girls!"
Lea snorted and sighed, "Clearly I was roasting marshmallows there."
"...clearly." Not. "But why?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.
"Well what else am I gonna do with the fire that my good, big dragon boi here breathed for me?" he asked, once again gesturing to the vacant spot next to him.
"A dragon?" I huffed, marching over to him to glare down (or rather up I suppose) my nose at him. "You were supposed to pick a real animal."
He grinned and folded his arms beneath his chest. "Teach never said it hadta be real."
I blinked, then glanced towards Professor Trouillefou, who shrugged and echoed, "Never said it had to be real."
"Told ya!" Lea razzed his tongue at me.
In retaliation, my hand shot out to tickle him again, but he caught it. "Ha! Too slow!" he crowed, smirking as he shifted his hold to lace our fingers together.
So instead I just tickled him with my other hand.
He spasmed, hissing swear words under in breath before scrambling to get out of my reach. I crossed my arms and - in peak maturity, mind you - razzed my tongue back at him before looking away with a small harrumph.
The professor clapped his hands together, "Alright, well done, class! Gold star for everyone!" From his pocket, he pulled out a small, glittery star sticker that he slapped to the forehead of the nearest student. Pointing a finger to it, he tacked on, "That's the only one I have, so you'll all have to share! In any case, now that we've had a chance to flex and loosen our acting muscles a bit, onto a slightly more challenging game…"
Wonderful! Now I could put this horrible improv portion of the class behind me. I wondered what would be next… monologues or scene work or script readings or-
"Alphabet Improv!"
...or more improv.
You know what? Maybe acting class just simply wasn't for me. Since, you know, it seemed to be nothing but improv, a thing that I was terrible at.
...to be fair, one might argue that acting class would be the way to help me get better at it.
On the other hand, one might also argue to hell with acting class!
Not going to lie, I felt that the latter argument made a very compelling and well thought out rebuttal.
"We'll be doing this in groups of four," Professor Trouillefou went on, a wicked grin slowly stretching across his face. "And just for funsies, I'll be the one picking the groups. Now, who will start us off…"
Not me, not me, oh dear god, not me!
He pointed that cursed jingly stick directly at - you guessed it - me. I paled, my heart plummeting into my stomach as he decreed, "Congratulations, my dear, you are our first lucky winner!"
Gulping, I stuttered out in a tiny voice, "No, b-but I… I can't-"
"Oh, but you can and you will! Next up, your partners will be�� hmm…" he pursed his lips to one side as he scrutinized everyone else.
Lea's hand shot up high over his head as he bounced on the balls of his feet.
"Kuzco!" the lecturer jabbed his scepter towards the opposite end of the line of students from us.
A guy with long black hair jumped forward with a cocky laugh, "Boom, baby!"
Right. Guess that'd make him Kuzco.
The teacher slowly swung the jingly scepter past the students one by one, preparing to select his next victi- erm, participant. Lea kept jumping in front of it like an eager puppy, saying, "Oo! Oo! Me!"
Jerking the prop to Lea's immediate left, it landed on a short girl in a white sundress trimmed in black lace, her red hair tied back into a pair of pigtails that fell past her waist. "Strelitzia!" he cried, seemingly taking great joy in rolling the R as he did so.
She merely smiled sweetly at her name being called and stepped forward.
"And last but not least…" Professor Trouillefou squinted as he gave his students another once over. Lea bounced up in front of him yet again, both index fingers pointing up at his own face as he favored the teacher with a big, ear-to-ear smile. Rolling his eyes with a small huff, the teacher grumbled, "Fine. You, I guess."
Oh, thank goodness!
Don't get me wrong, this game was still going to absolutely murder me.
But with Lea's help, maybe it'd be just a tad less murdery.
As my boyfriend moved to stand beside me, taking my hand with a squeeze and a grin, the professor made a sweeping gesture with his prop, "Everyone else step aside and give our stars center stage! Now, Alphabet Improv is quite simple really. I'll give you four a scene prompt and a letter. Then one of you will begin with a line that starts with that letter. The next person will continue the scene by saying something that starts with the next letter of the alphabet. You will each take turns working your way through the alphabet until you're back around to the first letter, then work your way backwards through the alphabet."
I think he had more to say, but his words began to fade to the point where I couldn't hear them anymore. No, all I could hear now was the hammering in my ribcage and hiss of my rapid, shallow breathing through my nostrils. My mouth was dry and my hands were clammy. Yup. No doubt about it. This was anxiety. And not the good kind like I usually felt before a show. This was just plain bad. All bad. Nothing but bad, bad, bad. So bad that-
I gave a start as that soft voice broke through my thoughts, my head whipping towards it to discover the girl from earlier - Strelitzia, I believe - now standing next to me. She tilted her head to one side, grinning warmly at me.
A scoff from Kuzco had me jolting in surprise yet again. "Psh, like she has reason to be! Not with me in the group! Just simply bask in the awesomeness and perfection that is me and be at ease!" he smirked, puffing out his chest and stretching his arms out wide, curling and uncurling his fingers a couple times. "Go on, bask. You know you want to."
Lea snerked. "Check out the ego on this guy."
Heh… look who's talking.
"Just ignore him, that's what the rest of us do," Strelitzia giggled softly before turning her kind eyes on me once more. "And don't worry, I was nervous too when I first started taking this class. I still am, actually… but I've gotten better. Some day, I hope to be as good as my brother!"
Lea blinked. "Brother? Wait a minute…" he squinted down at her, rubbing a curled finger over his chin. Then he snapped his fingers. "You're Bubble Yum's baby sis!"
Her eyes widened at that, then she laughed, "Oh dear, don't let Marluxia hear you calling him that."
"Too late," Lea shrugged.
"But yes, he's my big brother. He's majoring in Theater Arts here, while I'm just taking this class because I want to be a little more like him. He's so confident and brave…" she trailed off shyly into a thoughtful pause. Then her face brightened, "I just wish I had a little more courage so I can make him proud of me! I think this class has helped me a lot with that, and it could help you too."
I think this girl was about to give me diabetes from sweetness overload here. It was almost enough to lure me into a false sense of security. Almost. But then-
Ugh, those damn little bells were going to be the death of me! Immediately, my pulse spiked and I inhaled sharply.
"Now that you've all had a lil time to get acquainted, let's move this along, shall we?" Professor Trouillefou beamed from where he'd taken a seat at the edge of the stage to watch us. The rest of the class had done the same, giving the four of us plenty of room to work with. Oh gosh, so many eyes on me, about to witness my epic failure at improv. Was it getting harder to breathe in here? "The letter you'll be beginning with: Q!"
I started desperately tugging at Lea's hand and he glanced down at me. "I can't do this," I told him in a whisper, the loudest I could muster through my constricting throat. "I can't… I just can't!"
"The scene," the lecturer went on, "...Kuzco here has just been transformed into a talking llama!"
Lea stepped in front of me, taking both my hands in his and drawing light circles along their backs with his thumbs. The sensation sent a soothing warmth up my arms and into my chest where it clashed with the icy panic pumping out of my heart. Ducking down to my eye-level, he said, "It'll be okay, El. I'll be right here with ya the whole time. You got this, trust me! Don't think, just say the first thing that pops outta your head. Simple as that!"
"Annnnnnd action!" Professor Trouillefou roared.
Kuzco wasted no time, turning to the three of us. "Quick question guys…" he held his hands up and waved them back and forth in front of him with a chipper, "Why do I suddenly have hooves?" That earned him a few tiny chuckles from the students watching.
Fighting a smile herself, Strelitzia gasped, "Randy! You're a llama!"
"Sweet! New pet!" Lea went over to start patting Kuzco on the head. "Think I'm gonna name him Cheez Whiz." A few more snorts from onlookers.
Then there was dead silence.
...that was my cue, wasn't it? Crud, what comes after S again?! How do you alphabet?! I couldn't remember! So instead I just stood there, stock-still and rooted to the spot, hyperventilating and my eyes round as I stared out into our small audience.
What was it Lea had just told me? Don't think, er...
Don't think, just… uh…
Well I'll say this much for me - I had the 'don't think' part down pat. I was totally not thinking like a pro! Nothing was going on in my brain right now. Nope, not a goddamn single thing. Not even so much as a tumbleweed rolling through the barren wasteland that was my thoughts at this very second.
"This has ruined my face! My beautiful, beautiful face!" Kuzco suddenly burst out, covering for me.
Ah! T! That's what comes after S!
Dang it, I knew that!
Strelitzia hesitated for only a split second before coming up with, "Um... your face was never really all that beautiful to begin with…" There were a couple snickers from our audience at that.
"Veronica!" Lea suddenly grabbed me by the shoulders, forcing me to look at him instead of the people watching us. "Tell us, what should we do?!" His thumbs were stroking up and down my arms as he gave me a single, encouraging nod.
I tucked in my bottom lip, listening to a couple pounding beats of my heart before giving him a tiny, almost imperceptible shake of my head.
Still nothing going on up in the ol' noggin except for crickets and paralyzing, soul-crushing fear. Sorry, bud.
Then I realized his lips were silently moving… was he mouthing something to me? Looked suspiciously like… W...?
Oh! Right! The next letter!
Now I just needed to think of a word that started with W! Simple, right?
"W…" I began shakily sounding it out, hoping the rest of some word would just magically follow. "W…" Mm-hm, yup. "W…" Got nothing here. "W…" Absolute zilch.
Apparently that was deemed acceptable. "Xavier, can't you see she's petrified cuz I'm an ugly, stinky llama?!" Kuzco wailed as he fell to his knees.
"You have a point there!" Strelitzia chimed in, struggling to keep a straight face now at his overdramatic antics.
Lea smacked himself in the forehead, "Zounds, can't believe I forgot about her crippling llama-phobia!" …llama-phobia? At that, a tiny snerk managed to break through the all but suffocating anxiety and escape through my nose. Then he was grabbing my face with both hands, "But it's okay, you'll get through this! ...you'll get through this." The last part was repeated more softly as he gave me a small reassuring smile.
Something in his touch, his voice, his steady gaze… actually had me calming down a bit. With a tiny gulp, I closed my eyes, breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly, letting some of the tension go with it. Alright, after Z came… ha! Yes! So easy, even my useless, panic-scattered brain could do it!
"A…" I began weakly, but then hesitated.
Don't think, just say the first thing that pops outta your head.
"Alpacas!" suddenly exploded from my lips as my eyes snapped open again. Lea's head rocked back slightly at my little outburst, a bemused grin tugging at his lips. Gaze shifting, I scrambled to expand on it. "Don't, um… don't forget I'm... d-deathly afraid of those too..."
Kuzco was quick on the draw, snarling, "Both of you shut up and help me fix this already!"
"Can it!" Strelitzia snapped, planting her fists on her hips and narrowing her eyes on him. "We're not taking orders from you!"
Lea stamped a foot down and raised his fist at him, "Damn right, you demon llama!"
That statement had me hiding a smile behind my fingers. And with that, a little bit more of the anxiety was banished. I could do this… especially now that I'd regained the power of the alphabet! Especially with Lea's hand finding mine once again, sending more warm tingles straight to my heart.
Don't think, just say the first thing that...
"Everyone, let's…" Okay, good strong start. Now, where are we taking this? "...exorcise?" Sure, let's go with that. "...the, uh... the demon llama?"
"Fiends!" Kuzco yelled, pointing an accusing finger at us. "Traitors! Evil criminal masterminds! This was your plot all along, wasn't it?!"
Turning to look up at Lea, Strelitzia told him, "Go on, say the words that'll expel the evil spirit!"
Not missing a beat, Lea joined Strelitzia's hand with mine before taking my other back in his once again. Then he led us into a skipping daisy-chain that circled Kuzco a couple times, all the while happily chanting, "Hocus pocus! Shazam! Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo! Nutella! Benedict Cumberbatch!"
This was all just so... utterly… ridiculous.
I spluttered, then erupted into full blown laughter.
Oh gosh, how did Lea always do it? How did he always know how to get a laugh out of me, no matter what? How did he always manage to calm me down and help me feel safe?
As he slowed our skipping to a stop, his eyes crinkled down at me as he prompted, "That oughta do it! Whatcha think?"
Ah. Right. I was supposed to be doing something… or saying something… something to do with the letter I. But I couldn't quite remember what. I was too distracted by his gaze on me, causing all sorts of warm fuzzies to flutter throughout my chest and an extremely silly smile to pull at my mouth. Alright, letter I… letter I… my lips parted...
Don't think, just…
"I love you."
The words had barely left my mouth when my whole body locked up and I swear my heart skipped two full beats as Lea's wide-eyed stare landed on me.
That… had not been part of the game.
I knew it.
He knew it.
Everyone in the whole goddamn theater seemed to know it too.
That is, if the awkward, deafening hush now permeating the air as no one said or did anything was an indicator. Several eyes just slowly shifted back and forth between Lea and me, probably curious to see what either of us would do next.
Lea was the first to recover, snagging my hand in his. "Excuse us for a quick sec," he struck up a finger to the others, flashing a polite smile. Then he walked off backstage, gently tugging me along behind him. My knees had gone numb, causing me to stumble a couple times as I followed. I frowned at his back, feeling my insides shrivel with dread.
...oh gosh, he was about to break up with me, wasn't he?
Neither of us had ever said… said… gah, the L-word to each other before! And I'd been okay with that! I'd been just fine! I didn't even know whether I was in L-word with him or not!
Or rather… I hadn't known...
...but I guess I did now?
Not that that mattered any more! Not now that my stupid mouth had gone and screwed everything up! Lea wasn't the L-word type! He was the one-night stand type. This thing he'd been doing with me this whole time had been a one-off. A fluke. A wonderful fluke. An amazing fluke. A fluke that I had just totally and completely ruined.
It seemed he'd found a spot he deemed quiet and private enough, for we abruptly came to a stop. As he turned to face me now, I swallowed hard. This was it. He was about to tell me it was all over. My vision blurred slightly and I squeezed my eyes shut against it.
Maybe if I couldn't see him, he couldn't break up with me. Ha! Take that!
...okay, that sounded a bit desperate, even for-
My thoughts were silenced as I suddenly felt his arms wrapping around my waist, hugging me tightly up against him. Then there was the familiar scent of cinnamon before I felt his warm lips on mine, causing my eyes to fly open and my hands to unconsciously grip at the front of his shirt.
...oh. Wait, no I get it. He was trying to let me down easy. This was a goodbye kiss. One final kiss for the road. The kiss of relationship death.
Yup. This sealed it. He was definitely breaking up with me.
All too soon, his lips were pulling away from mine, although he didn't release his hold on me. I couldn't look him in the eye. I was too scared. So I just stared hard at his collarbone instead and waited for him to say it. It's over between us. Just go on and get it over with already. Put me out of my misery. It won't be hard. Just four little words. Just-
"I love you too."
I blinked.
Okay… not the four words I'd been expecting...
I slowly dragged my gaze up to meet his, giving him a blank look. "...this has to be the most confusing breakup ever."
I felt his body tense against mine as both his eyebrows shot up his forehead. "Break up?" he repeated incredulously. Then a laugh burst out of him and he shook his head, "How did you even-? No, El, this isn't a break up! I mean, I certainly hope not anyway."
"Oh." Well that was a relief! But then my brow furrowed. "Wait…"
...back up… had he really just said he-
My heart flip-flopped and face glowed red hot.
"...you…" Dear lord, it was so hard to even say it. The struggle was real. "...love me?"
"Mm-hm!" he hummed, squeezing me closer and nuzzling his nose into my neck. "Known for a while too."
His breath tickled against my skin and I squirmed, my arms inadvertently wrapping around his neck now. "You did? Why didn't you say anything?" The question came out almost somewhat indignant.
Raising his head so he could once more look me in the eye, Lea gave a sheepish chuckle. "Didn't wanna spook ya or make you feel pressured into saying it back if you weren't ready."
"Well that's…" I paused, my mouth clicking shut as I looked down to mull it over for a second. Then my gaze shyly lifted once more and I mumbled, "...a fair point. And actually kind of thoughtful… thank you…"
His expression softened and he pressed his forehead to mine. "...say it again."
This time, my heart skipped three full beats. He wanted me to say… that again?! What, once hadn't been enough? I didn't even know if I could say it again. I didn't even know how I'd said it in the first place! "I…" Oh gosh, how did couples tell each other this all the time? There had to be some trick to it. What was the magic secret? "I… I'm not like you, Lea. I'm not sappy and mushy and… and I know how to do corny stuff like giving romantic speeches about lantern festivals or walking into lampposts or-"
"I don't want a speech. I just want to hear you say it again...please..." he coaxed in a low murmur against my ear, turning my legs to jelly.
Well when he put it that way…
As our eyes locked once more, my pulse raced and I opened my mouth. Then immediately shut it. Nope. Alright, take two. Again, my lips parted. And again, they snapped shut. Gah, this was impossible! Was almost surprised I couldn't smell smoke at this point, considering how badly my cheeks were burning. Finally, I turned my head to one side, gripping at the collar of his leather jacket and pulling it up to hide my face in it as I at last muffled out a quick, "I love you."
He bit back a grin, tugging the collar back down so he could hook a finger under my chin and tilt my gaze up towards his again. "One more time? Couldn't quite hear you."
I wrinkled my nose at him. I couldn't do it. Not with the way those beautiful green eyes of his were watching me with such intensity.
So I did the only thing I could think of.
I clamped my hand over them, blinding him and blurting out before I could stop myself, "I love you!"
He stiffened. Then snerked, letting my hand stay put over his eyes as a huge, dopey grin spread across his face, "Love you too. And eagerly awaiting the day when I can look at you while you say that."
Despite feeling flustered, one corner of my lips lifted. "...yeah, well... you might be waiting a while there."
Now he removed my hand from his face, weaving our fingers together and pressing a kiss to my palm before clasping it to his chest just over his heart as he smiled down at me.
"Take all the time ya need. I know it'll be worth the wait."
...maybe acting class wasn't so bad after all.
I mean, if only one session had helped me get this far...
...just imagine what I might be able to accomplish after completing the entire course!
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Author's Note: Relationship milestone, woooo! Achievement unlocked! xD Not sure if ya'll even realized that these 2 dorks had yet to say those three lil words each other :P Like Lea said, he's known for a while - the goob might've even fancied himself in love back while they were fake dating - maybe it was still just really strong infatuation back then, but eh... does it really matter? xD As for Elsa, she's been in love for a while now too, she just didn't KNOW that's what it was until her mouth did what it does best, took the reins and blurted out her feelings for her XD On another note, yay for Elsa exploring theater further and pursuing acting classes! Hehe, these bonus chapters are quickly turning into an excuse to squeeze as many cameos in as I can. The professor was originally supposed to be a smaller, faceless part but then I came to the conclusion that I should have more fun with it and tried to figure out who would be good fit for a drama teacher - I think I made the right call with Clopin xD In case anyone didn't recognize him even with all the lil hints I dropped, he's the jester guy from "Hunchback of Notre Dame" which I wouldn't blame you if you read the name and went "uh…who?" - the guy only says his name once in the whole movie and it does legit sound like it has 4 syllables when he says it! My whole life (right up until I looked it up for this chapter) I've thought his name was something like "Cleopelle" haha oops xD And I'm glad I found a place to squeeze in Strelitzia at long last! Not to mention Kuzco - fun fact, he was originally gonna be Selphie, but this was before I came up with the scene prompt for the Alphabet Improv bit. I was looking up acting class prompt suggestions on the internet before I was like "screw it, I should just pick the plot of a Disney movie or something", started scrolling through the long list of Disney movies until I landed on "Emperor's New Groove", stared at it blankly for few seconds, then DING! Off went the lightbulb, Selphie was yeeted out of the scene, and Kuzco bounced in to take her place x'D Also, yes, both Stroking the Animal and Alphabet Improv are real drama class exercises - I know this from WAY more time than I care to admit spent on the internet trying to figure out what I wanted to happen this chapter xD Stroking the Animal is also sometimes called Ironing the Animal, but (1) I don't even understand that title and (2) Lea couldn't have made his dumb innuendo if I'd called it that xD
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
Be back for next week's bonus chapter, which is a for funsies one-shot! Your hint this time for what's to come will be *drum roll*... blindfold ;D Ooooo, the intrigue is real! Stay tuned!
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oh-aliens · 4 years
nanowrimo day 5 down! it was pretty good, hit my word count pretty easily but i mostly focused on my villain today. i wrote a bit of her origin story so that’ll be under the cut if anyone’s interested!
Augur of the Seelie Courte held herself to a higher esteem than her fellow faeries. She was a Seer faerie and one of the strongest the fae had seen in generations. All fae were prideful, but none more so than Augur. From the day she sprouted, she had the Clear Sight and she wasn’t going to let anyone forget it.
Augur could see the branching patterns of the past and the future. She could see what had been, what could’ve been and what it could be. Those blessed with the Clear Sight couldn’t be influenced by a royal faeries power. They could withstand a direct order and Augur proved just what a tragedy that could be.
She had tried to reason with the royals. Pleaded with them that she saw them withering away to dust if they stayed underground much longer, but the royals dismissed her. They had found order in their Courte and were more than content to keeping it as it was. Augur was turned away from the palace, she was stripped of her rank as the Royal Seer and they ordered her to not even think about possibly opening the door.
It was a symbolic gesture, more than anything. For a fae, there was no greater offense then taking away their title. Augur saw this act of disrespect as a declaration of war and she began plotting.
She first had to find the source of the so-called ‘cursed’ magic of Állaterrum. It was rumored that it took magic circles of the human world and warped them to work with faerie magic that came naturally. It was only with the blood of a fae that the circle would work at all and Augur made her first kill in the underwater Courte so that she could open the portal.
Her first kill was the hardest, she’d say if pressed, but it was also the most meaningful. She had been raised in the second rung with others of her same talent. Other Seers and Healers surrounded her until her Becoming Ceremony at 20, where she was officially given her title and she moved to the Royal circle.
Augur left behind a fellow Seer by the name of Ambrose. A talented and powerful fae in his own right, but he was not gifted with the Clear Sight and so Augur was given title of the Royal Seer. Ambrose held no ill will for Augur and lived a life of quiet prosperity until Augur’s transgressions suddenly landed him with a promotion.
When he had heard of the situation, his heart went out to Augur and he did not want to accept her position. Ambrose was given little choice in the matter and he attempted to smooth things over with Augur by reaching out to her.
Unfortunately, Augur only saw this as an act of aggression and pity over how far she had fallen. She had never felt so humiliated as when she received the summons to the Royal circle at the behest of Ambrose, the new Royal Seer. Her inferior replacement. She burned with rage and jealousy and worked tirelessly on finding her way out of the underground Seelie Courte before she was forced to meet with her failure.
She blocked herself from Ambrose’s sight and only allowed him to see her weeping should he try to look for her. But Augur was planning. She was digging up any book on human magic she could find. There were only three tomes in total she was able to find and it was in the third one that she finally found her answer.
The first tome spoke of a time that faerie magic had been used to open the gate to the human realm. With enough concentrated power, they could open the gate and leave it open, but that before they’d focused their power, one could slip through the barrier if they paid the price. The book didn’t mention what the cost was, just that it was typically more than anyone should be willing to spend.
Inside, it detailed how to make the magic circle in which the key would be forged to open the gate, but that was of no use to Augur now. They hadn’t had the key for centuries and she had no hope of crafting one alone. The doorway to the Naiad Sea was also different from the gateway to Earth, Augur knew, and the price would be different.
The second book detailed more about the Nymphs power, specifically the naiads. The naiads helped the fae escape back in the early times. Augur had spent years of her life trying to find the answer to why the naiads helped them and could never come up with anything more than a guess. And Augur did not acknowledge guesses in her sight.
So, she moved on to the third tome. In its pages, it detailed an old magic. One born in darkness alongside the faerie magic. A power so deep, it rivaled their own. Blood magic. Augur never thought to shy away from the feelings she had as she read the book. The terrible things is outlined and what you had to do to get them, only excited her.
Augur saw her freedom written on the blood soaked pages. It showed her which magic circles she’d have to create and what she had to draw them with. The lower magic she found, she could use her own blood for, but the results were… not up to her standards. Blood magic was unpredictable and the book warned her thoroughly. She decided she wouldn’t try to use her own blood for her escape. The spell called for fresh lifeblood and Augur already had her perfect candidate. She needn’t soil herself with her own messy bloodletting, she’d simply take from the fae that had taken everything from her.
Augur found her future and she was going to do whatever she had to in order to make it happen. Any future that did not serve her plan was either ignored completely or handled soundly. And she was ready to set her plan into motion. The time of her summons came and she gave Ambrose his sight so he could meet her at the gate.
Ambrose met with Augur, not having foreseen his own death and Augur wasted no time in revealing her betrayal. She speared him through the stomach and propped him up, letting him bleed out into a bowl she’d placed under him. Ambrose coughed blood and pleaded with Augur, only to be met with her lecherous smile and incessant gloating.
Augur was high on the blood of her first kill and relished in the fear on her victims face. “You took everything from me,” she’d said. “Now you’re going to watch as I drown everyone you ever loved, using your own blood.” Augur had laughed into the dead, stagnant air.
She felt the crushing weight of what she was about to do, what she had already started to do, and Augur no longer had the will to doubt the pull of her fate. She took Ambrose’s blood and drew the magic circle onto the sealed doorway. Energy cracked around them as she neared the completion. She had never used another’s blood before that very moment and she felt the power coursing through her with a vengeance. The power boiled so hot, it threatened to burn her from the inside out.
Instead, she channeled the power into the circle and in a sudden flash of all consuming darkness, the door opened. Augur slipped through, fighting the torrents of water rushing inwards. Augur had more than enough power boiling inside her from her kill to evaporate the water around her, but she left the door open long enough to nearly flood the underground Courte. Only the strongest water faeries could hope to prevent their entire race from drowning.
Augur saw the possibility that her brethren could drown and die, but she saw it as the consequence for their cowardice. Because the fae chose to run away instead of fight the humans head on, they were forced to hide. Forced to scavenge for scraps in their homely little city. Augur always found it dank and rancid. She could hardly find the will to take a deep breath in the years she was trapped under the sea.
~ So that’s a little about Augur! let me know what you think of her! i’m trying to make her incredibly ruthless before the blood magic even begins to taint her. i know i should make sympathetic villains but i already have King Tyramon and in order for him to be sympathetic i kinda need Augur to not be. at least that’s how it feels. plus as i was writing Augur, her nasty narcissistic side just flowed out of me and onto the page. i really didn’t seem to have much choice in that matter lmao 
anyways that’s enough out of me. today felt like a 6.5/10 if i’m honest. pretty good, but overall i still feel like i’m making very slow progress. thank you for reading this farrrrrr :> 
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tinybibmpreg · 6 years
Day 72 // ft. Seleno and Elijah
#8 / Daniel
“Just pretend to be my date,” the Angel told him, fingers threading through the human’s red hair. Before he could ask why, the Angel answered, “Because my brethren can be quite unruly when a human is brought to one of our gatherings.”
He smiled. “How’d you know I was going to ask?”
“I always know what you’re going to say to me next, precious.”
“Is that something all Angels can do?”
“Of course! We just can’t do it to each other.”
He hugged the Angel, and four arms wrapped around him. “You’re so cool, Seleno.”
“Thank you, Daniel. It’s so rare to find a human that appreciates our power.”
One arm loosened so Seleno could touch his hair again. Daniel pulled his head away, a wide grin on his face. A cluster of eyes stared down at him, all different colors. “You really like my hair, huh?”
“It’s very soft. I think I like black hair more than red, though. At least, for myself.” The Angel always chose to have black hair when he had it at all. Daniel thought it was a strange color for creature known for their purity, but he also knew that different cultures viewed colors in a different way. Perhaps Seleno believed black was a fitting color. Before he could ask about it, Seleno replied, “Black is all of the colors mixed together, a rainbow the human eye only comprehends as a void. It’s beautiful. Besides, Angels are usually associated with white, though my brethren and I find it a simply dreadful color.”
“It’s the color of death! Bones are all white, and when drained of blood, does the flesh of pale humans not turn a ghastly shade? Spectres are often depicted as white figures. Plus, milk is pretty gross too.”
“Milk?” Daniel laughed, and Seleno hummed in content. “You’re so funny! We were having a serious conversation.”
Seleno pulled him onto his lap, nuzzling his hair. “And when have you known me to be serious, precious?”
“You’re a big goof. Are all your family members like you?”
“I hadn’t thought of calling them that before, but in a manner of speaking, we could be, and we are similar. Of course, the gathering will sadly be a serious matter. It’s a funeral.”
“Oh no, did one of the other Angels die?”
Seleno sighed. “No, no… Angels can’t die. But going with your family analogy… My niece passed away a few days ago, quite tragically. Her mother, a human woman, drowned her, and then committed suicide by slitting her wrists.”
“That’s terrible… Your brother must be so upset.”
“Yes, he is. So the rest will be happy to see a new human entering the family.”
“But we’re not really dating.”
“Just play pretend. We could use a little happiness. Oh, I’m so happy you agreed! We’ll have a wonderful time!” Daniel didn’t really like that Seleno hadn’t let him say his agreement out loud, but since he was going to anyways, he supposed it didn’t really matter.
Seleno wrapped a blindfold over his eyes before they entered a large, empty cathedral, saying that he’d likely go blind from the pain of looking at too many Angels at once. Daniel found that odd, since he didn’t feel much pain from looking at Seleno anymore, but didn’t protest. He let Seleno lead him into the building, and once inside, he heard slow music and quiet murmuring and laughter. There was a burning smell in the air, and it felt just a tad too warm.
A few different voices spoke to Seleno in a language Daniel didn’t understand, as the Angel would speak in response. A few times, there would be touches on his arms and chest, just light enough that he wondered if he’d imagined it.
“Are you hungry, precious?”
“A little.”
“Someone actually brought food. Here, I think it was my niece's favorite.”
“What is it?”
“A little pastry of some kind.” Seleno tapped his lips with a claw, and he opened his mouth. A small bite of food was placed in his mouth. It tasted like a small, homemade donut of some kind, slightly burnt, with a bitter undertone. It had too sweet frosting on it, with some sort of berries on top of it. Daniel heard someone say something, and Seleno added, “My brother made these. They’re grapefruit donuts with pomegranate seeds.”
“His daughter liked these?”
“Oh, does it taste bad?”
“It’s not something I would choose to eat, that’s for sure.”
“The Nephilim do tend to be quite different from full-blooded humans.”
“Half Angels?”
A hand squeezed around his wrist, and he couldn’t tell whether or not it was Seleno’s. “Yes, my brothers and sisters’ darling children. I haven’t ever had any myself, but we’ve been trying very hard to raise our children to adulthood in this cruel human world. None of us have succeeded.”
“That’s very sad.”
Claws tangled roughly in his hair, and he heard laughter behind him. Seleno whispered into his ear, “Don’t worry, I know we’ll succeed soon.”
There was a sound like someone clinking a glass, and silence washed over the room. The hands in his hair and around his wrist released, and Seleno tugged him. They walked a few feet, and then stopped.
A voice, very different from Seleno’s, began to speak, starting off with, “Greetings, my brethren. I am grateful that we have all decided to gather today to discuss the latest failures of the Nephilim.” Daniel had been expecting to hear a eulogy, not whatever this was. “Our efforts to expand our Holy Army has once again ended in tragedy. My beautiful child, who cried for our Heaven for just three years and seven months, was slaughtered by the human woman I selected as her mother. In my arrogance, I had left them alone for too long a time. The Nephilim require frequent monitoring, even in the quietest and most remote areas. A non-native human will adjust poorly to the move if you do not force them to admit whether or not they still love the child.”
Seleno was humming. Daniel felt sick to his stomach, and he didn’t know why.
“My beautiful Mary, from a congested human city, could not adapt to the lonely wilderness I whisked her and our daughter to, though she wanted for nothing. I brought them money, food, whatever materials she asked for. Humans require socialization, even if we have determined that access to outsiders increases the chance of execution by persecutors.”
A murmur went through the crowd.
“The human could not tolerate loneliness, and I did not notice. I arrived to find them beyond human help, my daughter already dead. I suggest that Nephilim and their parents not be allowed near water, and for the house to be routinely checked for anything unnecessary that could be used to harm.” There was a pause, and he continued, “I have failed my Nephilim once more, and beg our Lord and Master to f-forgive me. Oh, my Lord, forgive me for what I have allowed to happen to my daughter!”
There was a piercing sound, like a distorted bird’s screech, and hands covered Daniel’s ears as the sound grew too loud to bear.
Eventually, Seleno removed his hands. The sound was gone, though Daniel could hear a man weeping. “Oh, Lord, my beautiful little daughter…! How shall I ever have a child again? This misery of fatherhood, my beautiful little sons and daughters… Lord, please, I have failed again.”
“Come, precious. I want to introduce you to some of my family. They could use some joy.”
The sound of crying grew closer, until Daniel was certain that they were standing right in front of the Angel who was grieving. He could hear murmuring, like a few others were trying to comfort him.
“Seleno, you’ve brought a human?”
“Yes, my precious companion, who may someday comprehend.”
Hands touched his unruly red hair once more, and an ice cold and slightly sticky hand caressed his face. “I am pleased to see one of us carrying out our Lord and Master’s will.”
“Of course.”
“What is his name?”
“His name is Elijah,” Seleno answered.
Daniel had a feeling he wasn’t supposed to speak, but he corrected, “That’s not my name. It’s Daniel.”
The other Angels just laughed.
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