#plus i have OTHER FIRST LEVEL SPELLS i wanna cast and it’s limited by being a reaction
lunarblazes · 2 years
silvery barbs haters simply cannot touch us because we already inflicted them with disadvantage. i love first level spells
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yourfavsinbg3 · 9 months
YOUR FAVS IN BG3: Link and Zelda from ToTK!
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Link, the half-elf folk hero Ranger, and Zelda, the half-elf noble Wizard.
Reasoning and builds under the cut!
These are specifically from Tears of the Kingdom/Breath of the Wild because there is so much variety in the Links and Zeldas of the series as a whole! I've also only played BotW and ToTK so I'm most familiar with these incarnations. I do plan to attempt making other incarnations, but I'd want to get more familiar with those games first before jumping in. (I do know that OoT Zelda would be a monk, for obvious reasons, but beyond that I don't know much.)
Both Link and Zelda are half elves here because I feel that fits the Hylian aesthetic the best.
First up: why is Link a ranger and not a fighter? I decided on ranger because of their focus on wilderness survival. Plus, they've got the "ranger knight" subclass which implies service to a noble house; in my mind, that fits Link being the Champion of Hyrule and Zelda's chosen protector. Ranger's limited spellcasting ability is also a nice nod to the runes and abilities he's able to use in both Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom.
His background being "folk hero" feels kind of self explanatory; he's one of the most famous warriors in all of Hyrule, even if no one recognizes him when they first meet him.
Link is a wood half elf, for that movement speed buff. Boy's gotta zip around all day, he's gotta be quick about it.
Despite him being a ranger from the start, the best class to describe Link would be the Eldritch Knight fighter subclass. However, having played that subclass, it can feel kind of underwhelming. I believe a Ranger/Fighter multiclass allows for a similar vibe while being more effective in combat.
For level one stats, he has 16 strength, 16 dexterity, 14 constitution, 8 intelligence, 10 wisdom, and 10 charisma (all pictured below).
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I've chosen for wisdom to be kind of a dump stat because he's the Hero of Courage, not the Hero of Wisdom. Man's is a little bit stupid and that's okay. Also, in my experience, the most useful ranger spells are either passive buffs (like Hunter's Mark), or damaging spells that rely on your attack roll to hit (like Ensnaring Strike).
Once Link levels up, he'll be taking an immediate level in fighter. It's important to get second wind and action surge as soon as possible, just because of how useful they are in combat. Also, it's a good analog for flurry rushes and going absolutely ham with the apples to heal during combat.
Beyond level 2, there are a couple different paths that make a ranger/fighter build good. These are just what I've personally experimented with, so if you wanna do something else, go nuts!
One is to go three levels ranger and nine levels fighter. This lets you pick up the "Hunter" subclass and the Horde Breaker ability, which is very good. (Honestly all the Hunter's Prey options are great, it really depends on personal preference.) Fighter subclasses are between Battle Master and Champion; either are fantastic, but I've found Battle Master to be a little overwhelming. If you just want to whack stuff, go with Champion. If you're okay with strategy, Battle Master fits with the "lore" of BotW/ToTK Link better.
Another option is to just do one or two levels of ranger, and slam the rest into fighter. If you do a 1 Ranger/11 Fighter split, you get access to 3 attacks per turn, which is very very nice. A 2 Ranger/10 Fighter split is pretty much the same, but this time you get two spells. Whoopie! These builds definitely offer more raw damage, but I personally don't see the point in having this small of a split. It kind of makes Ranger redundant, so I personally wouldn't go this route. If you're hungering for extra attacks, Hyena ears let you make haste potions, but Wizards can cast it as soon as they get access to level 3 spell slots. (The Darkfire Shortbow also lets you cast it on yourself once per long rest. You got options if you wanna get extra attacks and actions!)
The inverse of this (10 Ranger/2 Fighter) gives you access to action surge, second wind, and you get access to much more spells and more interesting class abilities. This is my personal favorite combination, because I'm a filthy ranger defender. Even so, I can recognize it needs the little extra oomph fighter can offer.
Zelda was actually a lot harder to decide on a starting class for. She's definitely a spellcaster, and an argument can be made that she's a divine spellcaster and therefore should be a Knowledge domain cleric. (Also, her holding the Triforce of Wisdom? That's cleric shit if I've ever heard it.) I can also see an argument for her being a sorcerer, as her powers come from being a reincarnation of the Goddess Hylia.
If there was a divine soul sorcerer class in BG3, it'd be that, hands down. However, there's not, so I personally discount sorcerer as an option here. (Would love to see a Zelda build using this in pen and paper, though.)
(ToTK Spoilers in this paragraph) There's also a very convincing argument that it'd be most fitting to make her a dragon soul sorcerer, because gestures at ToTK. However, I don't think it fits beyond that, though the comparison makes me laugh. Figured I'd mention it for that reason alone.
I ended up with Wizard because most of her work, in both ToTk and BoTW, is scholarly in nature. Zelda is most driven by knowledge and her desire to do better by her people, as opposed to devotion to a god.
Zelda's level one stats are 8 strength, 8 dexterity, 12 constitution, 16 intelligence, 16 wisdom, and 14 charisma (as pictured below). Her starting spells are Mage Armor, Shield, Protection from Good and Evil, Sleep, Magic Missile, and Feather Fall. Her cantrips are Mage Hand, Blade Ward, and Friends. As a high half elf, I gave her the Light cantrip as another nod to her divine power manifesting. (All in the picture below, but it might be hard to see.)
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In terms of leveling up, I think an argument can be made that a cleric multiclass might not be a bad idea. However, builds like that are Multi Attribute Dependent (MAD), so they can be a bit difficult to level properly to feel effective. I've never personally experimented with it, and have been advised by friends who are better at this game to avoid MAD builds. I just think it'd be neat, which is why I mention it as an option.
Overall, Zelda has a pretty simple level up scheme: level up into Divination Wizard, get her hands on as many scrolls as possible, and keep learning spells till she drops. Wizards are a versatile and powerful class already, so while multiclassing is tempting, I personally avoid it here.
There is, however, a very very compelling argument for getting three levels in sorcerer, subclass of your choice. Using sorcerery points to get more spell slots, quickened spell and twinned spell... All extremely fun things to play around with. Plus, I love Wild Magic dearly. I don't think this multiclass fits Zelda very well, but it's such a good combo that I had to mention it.
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #124: Hassan of the Serenity
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re making the most adorable of the Hassans, Hassan of the Serenity! Lookit her! I just wanna pinch her little cheeks!
But I won’t.
For this build we need poison skin, poison daggers, and the ability to shapeshift into other people which literally never gets brought up. Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: Rice is nice, but twice the rice is thrice as nice.
Race and Background
Like a couple characters, you’re really a human, but those idiots don’t get poison skin. Fortunately, WotC came up with a solution! It skirts the edge of officialness, but the Grung do exist in a Wizards of the Coast rulebook, so you can play as them! (Just not in Adventurer’s League games.) Being a grung increases your Dexterity by 2 and Constitution by 1. You gain proficiency in Perception, get a walking and climbing speed of 25 feet, are Amphibious, and get Poisonous Skin. Any creature that directly touches you must make a DC 12 Constitution save or be poisoned for a minute, with additional saves each turn they aren’t touching you. You can also poison your piercing weapons as you attack, forcing another constitution save that deals poison damage on a failure. Finally, your Standing Leap lets you jump 25′ across and 15′ straight up, even without a running start, for those anime-style rooftop battles. All this does come with a drawback, though. Your Water Dependency means if you don’t submerge yourself in water for an hour each day, you suffer exhaustion that can’t be taken away without either magic or another long bath. Good luck dealing with that in the desert!
Like the other Hassans, you’re an Acolyte, giving you proficiency in Insight and Religion. Why rock the boat?
Ability Scores
Like many assassins, you’ll want to focus on Dexterity for this build. Your schtick is more about social manipulation, but being able to duck out when you need to is pretty important too. After that is Charisma, so you can sucker your mark into bed with you. After that is Wisdom- being able to charm a person is good, but you have to be perceptive enough to figure out how to do it in the first place. Your Constitution isn’t that great, but people should be giving you a wide berth anyway. We don’t need Intelligence, but you’re not dumb, so we’re dumping Strength. Straight-up brawls are not your thing.
Class Levels
1. Monk 1: We’ll get into your assassin skills in a bit, but I think your poison needs a bit of buffing first. That’ll take a while, but right now you get proficiency in Strength and Dexterity saves, as well as two monk skills- Stealth and Acrobatics will serve you well.
You also get Unarmored Defense, making your AC based on your dexterity and wisdom instead of just the former. That’s good, because you can’t use your Martial Arts in armor. This lets you use dexterity instead of strength for your monk attacks, and you do a minimum of 1d4 damage with unarmed attacks and monk weapons that’ll increase as you level. Finally, you can make an unarmed attack as a bonus action if you make the attack action with monk weapons.
2. Monk 2: Second level monks can use Ki Points to make two attacks, dodge, disengage, or dash as a bonus action. It should be mentioned that doing either of the latter two doubles your already considerable jump distance, in case your DM thinks a 50 foot chasm is enough to stop you. To help with that, your Unarmored Movement helps make up for your reduced speed, adding 10 to your movement speed.
3. Monk 3: As a Way of Mercy monk, your paws get just a bit more poisonous thanks to your Hands of Harm. You can spend a ki point once per turn when you hit a creature with an unarmed attack to deal extra necrotic damage to them. You also get some Hands of Healing that use ki once per turn to heal a creature, but that’s less in character. And also a really bad idea, what with that poisonous skin and all.
You can also deflect missiles, reducing damage from ranged weapons and possibly even spending ki to throw it back as part of the reaction.
4. Monk 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to grab some Squat Nimbleness. This feat increases your movement speed by 5′ to negate being small, gives you +1 Dexterity, proficiency in Athletics, and advantage on your checks to break free from grapples. I feel like that last bit probably won’t be much of an issue for you, but you never know.
You can also Slow Fall as a reaction, to help with the inevitable side effect of all that jumping you can do.
5. Monk 5: Fifth level monks get an Extra Attack, and can spend ki to make a Stunning Strike, forcing a constitution save (DC 8 plus your proficiency plus your wisdom modifier) or they become stunned for a round. You can also use Focused Aim to turn ki points into extra points on your attack roll, to avoid wasting all that poison.
6. Monk 6: Your Ki-Empowered Strikes make your unarmed attacks magical to overcome resistance, and your Physician’s Touch empowers your hands of healing and harming. The former can end one instance of blinding, deafening, paralyzing, poisoning, or being stunned (or I guess replace those with another instance of being poisoned), and the latter makes the target poisoned with no save for a round. Hey, you get what you pay for.
7. Rogue 1: Now that your poison is up to snuff, we can focus on your assassin skills. Multiclassing into rogue nets you a Deception proficiency and the ability to speak Thieves’ Cant. Grungs don’t get common as a racial language, so this might actually help when you try to communicate with the rest of the party. You also get a Sneak Attack for extra damage with finesse weapons. You also get Expertise in two skills, doubling your proficiency with those skills. Your Deception and Insight game are on point now.
8. Rogue 2: Second level rogues can make a Cunning Action on their bonus action. They can use this to dash, disengage, or hide. Hey, that’s most of what monks have to spend stuff to do!
9. Rogue 3: Third level rogues get their subclass, and as your class name would suggest you’re an Assassin! As an assassin, you can Assassinate targets, giving you free advantage on creatures who haven’t taken a turn yet and giving you free critical hits on surprised creatures. Your poisonous skin doesn’t actually kill people in this universe, but a knife to the back can be pretty good too.
10. Bard 1: We need spellcasting for a feat we’re grabbing later, so sorry for the third class. I promise we were trying to make something simple this time. As far as justification goes, you’re the embodiment of a fictional story, the “Poison Damsel”.
You can cast Spells using your Charisma, and you can hand out Bardic Inspiration to your allies (thankfully not by touch), giving them an extra d6 to use on one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. You can inspire people a number of times per long rest equal to your charisma modifier. You also get another skill proficiency. Sleight of Hand is pretty useful, especially when your hands kill people.
For spells, grab Friends and Charm Person to string your enemies along, Longstrider and Feather Fall to make up for all the monk levels we’re missing out on, and Minor Illusion and Disguise Self to perfect your disguises. Not that being a frog isn’t still and issue for you- your size will seriously limit how many people you can pretend to be.
11. Rogue 4: Use this ASI to become a Poisoner, allowing you to ignore resistance to poison damage, apply non-grung poisons to weapons as a bonus action, and create powerful poisons with a poisoner’s kit. More powerful than your skin, at least.
12. Rogue 5: Fifth level rogues can use their Uncanny Dodge as a reaction, halving damage from an incoming attack. Smart enemies will be using reach weapons, which tend to hurt a bit. Try not to touch the pointy bits.
13. Rogue 6: You get another round of Expertise, doubling your proficiency for Stealth and Sleight of Hand for the perfect getaway.
14. Rogue 7: Seventh level rogues get the powerful Evasion technique, turning your failed dexterity saves into successes for avoiding damage, and successes negate all damage entirely! Also, your sneak attack grows to 4d6. We’re not going to bring it up every time, just know it grows on odd levels.
15. Rogue 8: Having to rely on spell slots for shapeshifting is for nerds! Use this ASI to become an Eldritch Adept, allowing you to get the invocation Mask of Many Faces, which lets you cast Disguise Self at will! Now you can save all those spell slots for more useful things.
16. Rogue 9: Ninth level Assassins get Infiltration Expertise, allowing you to spend a week making a new identity that lasts until others are given obvious reasons to call you sus. Looking the part can only get you so far- nobody mistrusts paperwork.
17. Rogue 10: Now that we have your feats down, we can finally start boosting your abilities! Use this ASI to round up your Constitution and Wisdom scores for more survivability. 
18. Rogue 11: Eleventh level rogues have Reliable Talent, meaning all your d20s will always roll at least a 10 when making checks you’re proficient in. You’re not bad at the things you’re good at, surprising I know.
19. Rogue 12: Use your last ASI to bump up your Charisma for stronger disguises. Wait, we’re done already?
20. Rogue 13: Our capstone level nets you the Imposter ability, allowing you to copy another creature perfectly if you spend three hours studying their speech, handwriting, and mannerisms. You also get advantage on deception checks to maintain the charade. Then it’s just a matter of time before you sink a poisoned sneak attack in their neck and vent out of electric.
Rogues with sneak attacks are scary. Rogues with guaranteed crits on their sneak attacks are even scarier. Rogues that can reliably poison their guaranteed critical hit sneak attacks are seriously bad news. You can do some serious damage if you get the drop on someone, is what I’m trying to say here.
Like all Hassans, this build is pretty mobile, with 45 feet of running and climbing speed, ridiculous hops, and a smaller size to squeeze into places other races can’t follow.
When you’re not dealing absurd damage, you can deal plenty of status effects too. Poison, stun, charm, it’s all yours to deal out as you wish!
Poisoning things isn’t good. Even ignoring the fact that you’re eating up a bonus action to add some damage to one attack (even rangers get a better deal than that) plenty of creatures in the monster manual are immune to poison anyway. Thankfully you’re not completely defenseless, since your sneak attack doesn’t care what kind of damage it deals. All the coolest poisons are hidden in the dungeon master’s guide anyway.
Grung are a lot of things, but masters of disguise is not one of them. Your size means your ability to use Disguise Self is severely limited, and any nonmagical disguises will have their work cut out for them. Disguising yourself as a different grung won’t help much, they’ll still track you down because you’re probably the only other grung they’ve seen in town.
Just going to come out and say it- your magic isn’t nearly as powerful as it needs to be to be reliably used for disguises. Fortunately very few people bother investing in Investigation, but it can still be a serious issue when your spell save dc is around 14 for most of the game.
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im-a-mint · 3 years
Y’know what? Fuck it, OC dumping time: So you guys remember Atreus? Yeah we’re gonna go deep into this bitch
Let’s get the basics set. Atreus is not human.
Atreus is from a pretty much extinct race of people that once inhabited the 16th realm: The Change Realm. This realm was a pretty abnormal place, as it was an endless void of random pieces of land suddenly appearing around them and the people would find their ways to connect those other pieces to their already stablished one to keep reinforcing it.
These people are the morphers. Changeglings are another thing, but a morpher is basically a being with the ability to not only change every aspect of themselves but they also have the ability to change every aspect of other beings and objects even if they aren’t a morpher. They are first born as what they call creatures of the void: basically a blob with no specific characteristic other than it’s glowing white eyes(?) and the fact that they are very clearly conscious of what surrounds them. A morpher is also born without a sense of identity that’s only given to them if their given a name and even sometimes a designated appearance.
Now, there are different levels for a morpher and their abilities.
Shapeshifting: They can basically copy any appearance of any being they want. This is one of the first ones that a morpher learns, but this doesn’t give them a feeling of identity as they are only stealing this appearance. What comes along shapeshifting is also voice imitating, something I just felt like clarifying.
Form Making: Now here’s when it gets more original. Basically, this is the stage where a morpher can create an appearance of their own from scratch and the stage where they also develop an identity as this one happens when a morpher is encouraged to do it or told to do it thus why being given a designated appearance gives them a feeling of who they are along with having a name.
Power Copying: A more limited practice but still an existing one, and it’s only possible if the morpher is copying the appearance of a being with such like as an Elemental Master, Oni, Dragon, and anything alike, but after they do this the first time they don’t necessarily need to keep that limit afterwards. The reason this one is much difficult is because a morpher needs physical training to even handle the powers they’re trying to copy, otherwise it would be dangerous for them to do so as the power could attack them back.
Appearance Fusion: Brother of Shapeshifting and Form Making, Appearance Fusion is when a morpher takes two of their already acquired appearances and characteristics and fuses them to make a new one. This has its minimums, as for it to be considered Appearance Fusion it needs to have at least one characteristic of each appearance to be fused together. Examples of these are taking the appearance of a being without powers and using Power Copying to give this new appearance said powers or adding extra limbs of a different appearance to a new one.
Transformation: The most difficult of the bunch but it’s basically the ability to change and transform a being or object from one thing of another with just touching them and focusing on what a morpher wants to change it to. The reason why this is so difficult is because meditation is needed to both unlock it and reinforce it, and since the rest need more physical training than not it becomes a challenge to unlock the power of Transformation.
Now, the reason why I said earlier that Atreus was from a race of extinct people is because morphers have been pretty much extinct for ages now. Before the First Spinjitzu Master was even born, what is called the Realm War happened about a couple of thousands years later after the creation of the Change Realm. Basically, what has went on was a war caused by certain realms forming alliances with each other and it becoming known that some realms wanted to take over other realms. This obviously led to war and the Change Realm quickly became a menace to any enemy realm that tried conquering them, as morphers had not only an extremely powerful ability, but they also had a very well-trained army with a mastery in at least 3 out of 5 morpher power levels. Then add to the pot that their weakness was unknown to most and you have an extremely powerful and dangerous enemy.
Nevertheless, morphers never seemed to attack and only ever fought back. If any of their spies infiltrated in other realms gave them information about a realm planning on attacking them, the morphers would immediately start preparing to attack and fight against by using everything they knew about the enemy to attack and win. And soon enough they were painted as aggressive, cold blooded villains who only wanted to win and conquer every single realm in existence.
And so comes the Magic Realm with their morally grey wizard, Bone.
The Magic Realm wasn’t happy at all with this rumor, and so as a mean of protecting themselves from being conquered, they paid a good sum of money to Bone for them to do the job. Bone was once a powerful, talented wizard who only cared about their own safety, and upon being told “Hey, these morphers wanna conquer us” they immediately got to work by creating a potion strong enough to help them pass as a morpher in the Change Realm to find a way to take them down and protect their home. This was when they discovered the metal of Inrita and when the only weakness of a morpher was finally brought to light. Inrita is like- a more intense version of vengestone that can cancel any power. For most, this just means that they have to fight without any powers. For morphers, this means death.
Since Inrita could successfully murder a morpher, Bone decided to use it to completely massacre every single morpher on sight, leaving a path of statues made out of Inrita that were once actual beings who, may I remember you, were only protecting themselves from being attacked. But Bone wasn’t over with their punishment to those who allegedly threatened to conquer every other realm, because when the last morpher pleaded for mercy, they gave it to them but not before cursing the whole future of the society of morphers with a spell which specified that yes, a morpher would be born, but only once in a lifetime. This meant that only if a morpher died, it would mean another would be born, and since there was only one morpher left alive, only one morpher would ever be born every lifetime plus with the fact that in every realm but the Change Realm.
And so, the last morpher decided to write scrolls detailing everything about a morpher. Their powers, culture, and everything surrounding it and sending them to every other realm, one for each of them that would at first appear to just be any other scroll, but the moment a morpher would touch it, it would reveal what it actually is about.
Due to this, there have been many legends about many morphers across the realms. Take the legend of The Protector as an example. A legend about a woman who could change everything about anything all to protect those who she thought were worth protecting, dying after someone who had found a spear of Inrita from the Realm War decided to test it on her. She was the morpher before Atreus, and now Atreus is the morpher of this lifetime.
He was born in Jamanakai Village and was quickly casted out for not being human and causing havoc, traveling around as a creature of the void until being found by who is only known as Master, who upon seeing how the morpher would transform into anything he wanted, the Master decided to take him and train him to be his loyal servant, thus being given the appearance I showed in a past post.
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This one to be more exact even though that isn’t his full and actual appearance. Once he’s captured by the ninja and is basically told about how his master was only using him, Atreus decides to join them and basically creates his more human appearance basing off of characteristics he likes of the ninja (these events happen in like- a breach between s14 and s15 bc I want Nya there) such as Jay’s freckles, Nya’s bangs, Kai’s scars plus some other characteristics he steals from people like Ronin and a voice sounding alike to his.
But uh yeah this is all I have- maybe I’ll make a drawing of Atreus’ human form idk
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osmw1 · 6 years
Poison-Wielding Fugitive   Chapter 54
After numerous battles on the way and dropping by villages between those fights, we finally managed to reach a village close to the mine. Though we did encounter quite a few powerful monsters, we managed to come out ahead and quickly defeat them all thanks to Celes’ vanguard and Arleaf’s spells. I’ve even gained four levels because of them.
Those four levels granted me a few powers too. The time needed to condense Mollifying Poison has been shortened and I’m now able to create normal Paralysis Poison without the “Weak” modifier. I wonder exactly how strong those monsters we fought were. By the way, it seems that the mine is recommended level for people with base jobs is 45 or higher.
Gee, that really is something… That would mean you’d need to be even stronger if you wanna head deep into the mine. Sounds rough.
‘I have asked the lass about it and she said swamp thou hadst been visiting daily had a recommended level of 35.’
… maybe it’s easier than I thought then?
‘Consider abnormal status effects too. Surely, thou seest thy progress as well. The monsters in the area are but dense with quintessence.’
Oh, so this area isn’t dense with miasma but with quintessence?
‘Aye. Forget not the fact that thanks to the lass’ Poison Cooking, thou art able to gain much more experience. It is only natural to easily level up here.’
I see… I might be pushing my limits here, but the monsters here aren’t that strong either.
“Let’s make haste.”
There’s a village before the mine, so I’m guessing it’s like a place for lodging. Merchants likely come here to purchase ores from adventurers and so there’s constantly a bustle.
“We could have made our purchases here and then head home… but we ought to press on and level up.” “Yes.”
Maybe we’d be more effective with better equipment, but since we’ve got Celes, it shouldn’t be a problem. Not to mention, we have the weapons Wayne lent us too. We hurry out of the village to challenge the dungeon in the mine.
Since this is a mine, I was wondering if we’re in a volcanic belt. This mountain is mostly covered with rock and barely are there any trees.
‘It is true that there are mines near volcanoes, but we are not in such an area.’
Well, guess not. On our way up the hill, a seemingly unending number of ore-like monsters popped out. There are the rock-type Wistaria Rocks and what could only be described as giants made of stone, the Boulder Rock Golems. All of them were quickly dispatched by Celes and Arleaf, almost as if they were none of our business. Just in case, I have my crossbow trained at the enemies, but they pretty much didn’t need me. It was nice and easy. This EXP is totally awesome.
‘Thou art easily excitable.’
But Veno, you’re originally super high leveled so it might not seem like it’s much to you. To me, though, it really is awesome.
An adventurer being carried on a stretcher comes into view.
“What happened to him?” Celes quietly walks up and asks.
“Ah, we were unlucky and got into a pocket of gas. Some managed to get away, but then there’re the ones who were hit bad…”
Gas poisoning, eh? That’s rough. I mean, I probably don’t have to worry about it since I have Poison Absorption, but still… Plus, Veno can probably sense it before it’s even a problem.
‘Aye.’ “Umm…”
Lemme check if I can’t help the guy.
“What is it? I’d like to rush this guy off to the village to get some help if I could. None of the magic we know could heal him.” “We know a thing or two about healing magic. Would you mind if I took a look?” “Not at all! Please do.”
The adventurers carrying the stretcher showed me their ally. Veno taught me a bunch of things, so I’ll put my knowledge to good use. From what I can see… the guy’s condition seems to be exactly as they claimed. His breathing is shallow; perhaps a symptom? I can tell this could be caused by volcanic gases, but this is just a regular rocky mountain, right? Carbon dioxide poisoning would be odd. It’s probably some type of gas unique to this alternate world. But since Veno taught me this before already…
“It’s Basiluta poisoning. Get him some fresh air and heal him with wind elemental restorative magic. If you want something more instant, have him take some Windkasse mixed with Bluelive Aqua. That should heal him quick.”
The poisoning is affecting his bronchial tubes, making it hard to breathe for him. Veno was just showing me the dangers of volcanic gases in my vision, so it’s still fresh in my mind.
‘Aye, that is correct. Thou art a quick learner.’
Well, you know, whenever a peaceful moment comes, this annoying dragon always starts grumbling in my head. I can’t help but to have learned a thing or two.
“Windkasse? Do we have any of that?” “Is it this?”
Arleaf takes out some dried Windkasse and Bluelive Aqua from her pouch.
“Thank you.”
I take the herbs from Arleaf and compound the medicine as directed by Veno. Meanwhile, Arleaf and the rest are just finishing up a conversation about taking their money. I stick some of the medicine I made into the collapsed adventurer’s mouth. The effects are immediate. His face is quickly becoming less and less pale.
“Muu!” “Yes, Muu-Muu, please lend me a hand. Aroma Heal.”
Arleaf uses Muu as a catalyst to cast Aroma Heal. The adventurer begins to rapidly recover and regains his senses.
“Where…” “It seems like he’s awake.” “Wow! That’s amazing! I can’t believe how quickly you fixed him up!” “Thank you!”
His buddies gather together and shower me with their thanks.
“I’ve performed some first-aid on him, but it would be best to bring him somewhere safe. Though it doesn’t seem like there are any other symptoms, there’s still an inherent danger to poisoning.”
The adventurers listened and nodded at what I said.
“Thank you. We’ll do as you say and bring him back to the village for some proper treatment.” “Mm, and remember to get him some fresh air. It will help him naturally recover.” “Gotcha! See you around!”
With that, we finished healing the adventurer.
“Hmpf… you truly live up to your reputation as a healer, Cohgray. Now then, let us continue. Do be careful to not succumb to the same fate as he.” “Don’t worry, I’ll be aware.” “You sure are knowledgeable, sir. Having someone like you around is extremely helpful.”
Hey, if you stroke my ego that much, I’ll start blushing. Well, since it’s really Veno’s knowledge, I can’t be boasting. I quickly come back down to Earth. I felt like I was useful though. But still… there are some problems you can’t fix with antidote magic.
‘I can but say it depends on the circumstance. In his case, the poison was not of magic, but of minerals. It cannot be cured without a lengthy application of some mid-level magic. And if one had that much time, thou mayst as well concoct some medicine.’
I guess so. Anyway, let’s save the banter for later and start trekking.
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(check out this side story to The Rising of the Shield Hero! or perhaps a bit of teenage romance?)
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