#plus I loved the gift system and postcards/stickers
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I am not a game designer or programmer so take this all with a grain of salt, but due to a huge change in the way the player and NPC models look as well as a small but noticeable shift in the look of the gyms and overworld, paired with the whole Unity fiasco, I've suspected for a while now that Pokemon Go quietly moved over to a new, possibly worse game engine(iirc part of the anger about what happened was that Unity was a really good engine and I know TONS of mobile games used it) or at least one their devs were far less familiar with, and just hoped if they didn't say anything no one would notice, and tbh while the game was a little buggy for me prior to this, now it seems to be much more of a mess(I stopped playing because I couldn't stand the new player/ NPC models, they give me weird uncanny valley vibes, but loaded it up the other day to check something and I could barely use the app) because it was probably a rush job and sadly Nintendo/The Pokemon Company don't seem particularly interested in giving their devs, especially ones they contract with for side games, the time and resources they need to actually make their games function, so it's just all been downhill from there.
As sad as it is unless this changes I'm probably gonna try to move as many pokemon as I can out of it and into Home just in case it gets to an oops all crashes state for me too(if I haven't reached that point already, judging by my last attempt to use it I'm not optimistic), but I'm genuinely pissed that they didn't alert players to the change because if they had I absolutely would have done that sooner, at least just with the ones I cared about the most, on the off chance something exactly like this happened. Engine shifts are really hard, you basically have to re-code the entire game from the ground up, and it seems like the only things they brought over were 2D assets/skins and the music as well as the models for the pokemon themselves since those have been used in like every game since X/Y so I assume they're easier to move from game to game than everything else, and again with TPC's recent history of fucking up their games in the time/money department, including games made by studios other than Game Freak, it's not hard to predict this going south. We really deserved a heads up.
Whatever the problem is though I really hope they get it fixed because I was also a daily player and used Pokemon Go as motivation to get out of the house, it was the one mobile game I allowed myself to spend a bit of money on occasionally because there wasn't really a lootbox/gatcha system I could risk getting caught up in, it never really felt pay to win, I could get access to almost every meaningful aspect for free just by playing a lot, and despite it's small glitches and some rare annoying mechanical changes I genuinely miss playing it. This really fucking sucks, the game might not have been as popular as it was around launch but it has a really dedicated player base with events all over the world and it even has it's own category at the Pokemon World Championships, so it falling completely apart like this really sucks and tbh makes me have even less faith in TPC as a company.
bro I'm so frustrated with pokemon go rn 😭
I took a break of over a month from the game after being a daily player for YEARS because it has gotten to the point where it was crashing every few minutes and was just utterly unplayable. I figured maybe there has been a buggy update and if I just took some time away, it would get resolved.
well this morning I'm feeling like it might be nice to go for an early morning walk, so I open the game back up for the first time in weeks, I install all the updates, I'm excited to see the halloween art on the loading screen and by all the new research tasks that are waiting for me
and then I try to click here
and the app immediately crashes :/ and does so every subsequent time I try it :/
so I can play the game but I'm screwed if I want to change my appearance, open gifts from friends or send any, check my progress on leveling up or badges or anything, etc.
what the fuck man this genuinely makes me so sad
#sorry for the essay I just feel very strongly about this#pokemon go isnt perfect but it was the one mobile game that felt like the f2p experience#almsot entirely matched the expirience you'd have if you dropped a lot of money on it#I never felt pressured to pay for stuff#the gameplay itself was the main point rather than gambling#plus I loved the gift system and postcards/stickers#I stayed connected with a lot of friends just sending them gifts and I adored seeing what stuff#existed where my friends lived and worked#made the world feel smaller in a good way#I hope they fix it I really miss playing
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Turning Pages - Chapter 6
Intrulogical bookshop au! Read the whole thing on ao3 here.
“Roman, that’s no fair! I called dibs on the car days ago!” Remus argued, chasing his brother down the hall.
“And I told you! Virgil and I are going to the mall, so I need it!” Roman replied, dodging Remus’ attempted swing when the other got too close.
“Well it’s your fault for breaking your own dumb car!”
Remus had been waiting for this day since he had somehow miraculously gotten Logan to agree to go on a date with him. Logan, the uptight nerd from the bookshop with a jawline that could cut glass and eyes Remus wanted to be waterboarded in. He had texted the number on the back of the receipt immediately upon getting it. A simple ‘hey itz Remus ;-3’ to which Logan replied with perfect grammar and punctuation. Gah, he could be in love. They had gone back and forth about their plans for the aquarium and Remus had promised to pick Logan up. Then the conversation turned to other things and Remus got to know more about Logan other than the fact that he was gorgeous. He liked astronomy (which is different from astrology apparently), he drank his coffee black, and he had been working at the bookshop since he was sixteen. Remus had never committed to anything that long, that was insane. For every question he answered he asked one in return and Remus couldn’t remember the last time he’d held someone’s attention that long in a positive way that wasn’t Janus or Roman.
Roman, who was currently trying to sabotage their date it would seem by putting his own first. Remus had to resolve this quickly or he’d risk being late to pick Logan up.
“Roman, you know how pumped I’ve been for this. I’m taking the car,” Remus argued, watching Roman pluck the car keys off the hook and fully getting ready to pounce on his brother.
“Take your bike! You have options, I don’t!” Roman replied, holding the keys away from Remus.
“Fine! Fine. But you so owe me a big one.”
Roman cheered at winning the argument as Remus plucked the keys to his motorcycle off the hook and headed out to the garage, grabbing his jacket on the way. It might have been hot as hell outside but the aquarium could be chilly plus he never rode without his jacket. He shoved the helmet on his noggin and grabbed a spare for Logan before zooming off to the address his date had given him. It was an easy enough to find building, balconies lining the outer walls and large brass numbers over the front door. Remus parked his bike and pulled his helmet off, finding L. Berry on the doorbell system and pushing the appropriate button.
“Hello?” Logan’s voice answered after a while.
“Your noble steed awaits, Specs. You ready?”
“Ah, yes. I’ll be down in just a moment, Remus.”
Remus went to go lean against his bike, resting his helmet on the ground so it didn’t get knocked off. It really was just a moment before Logan emerged from the building’s front door causing a smile to break out on his face. The nerd walked over and Remus opened his arms for a hug to be met with a hand extended for a handshake. He laughed and went for that instead.
“We aren’t going on that...are we?” Logan asked, eyeing the bike warily.
“Ro totally hijacked the car this morning,” Remus explained. “You’ve never ridden one before?”
“No. Motorcycles are highly impractical and-” “Lemme stop you there,” Remus said, handing Logan the spare helmet. “It’s not as dangerous as you think it is. All you gotta do is hold onto me nice and tight and before you know it, we’ll be at the aquarium making kissy faces as the fishies.”
“That’s not generally how I spend my time at the aquarium...is that how you spend your time at the aquarium?” Logan questioned, taking the helmet hesitantly.
“Sometimes, yeah,” Remus laughed, sticking his own helmet on and getting onto the bike, motioning for Logan to do the same.
Once Logan was on and he felt long arms secure themselves around his waist Remus headed off to the aquarium. He looked in the mirrors every once in a while to check if Logan was okay and after about a mile of panic the other seemed to relax a little bit and almost looked like he was enjoying the ride. The only thing Remus didn’t like about this was that he didn’t get the chance to converse with Logan, but there was plenty of time for that once they got to the aquarium itself. Besides...silence was a pretty good payoff for having Logan hugging him from behind. It wasn’t a terribly far ride to the aquarium and they were there quite quickly.
“See? That wasn’t so bad was it?” Remus asked, getting off first and holding out a hand to help Logan do the same. “And now you can check that off your bucket list.” “No...it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be,” Logan admitted, accepting the hand offered to him for help. “Though I do not have a bucket list, I don’t think riding a motorcycle would be on it. I never had any desire to do that before...but it was rather exhilarating…”
“You use a whole lotta fancy words, Specs. I like it.”
Remus held out a hand for Logan’s helmet to secure it on the bike with his own. He thought he almost saw the hint of blushing on the other’s cheeks but that could have been the summer sun beating down on them. Logan didn’t have sunglasses like he did, just his regular ol’ glasses.
“I got a membership to this place so I’ll get the tickets, they’re free with it,” Remus said as they walked into the large building, the lighting inside much darker and slightly blue tinted.
“I’m a member as well, actually,” Logan replied. “I’m a member of all educational facilities in the tristate area.”
“Oh be still my beating heart...cute and a member at the aquarium? You’re really turning out to be the whole package here, Logie.”
Logan opened his mouth like perhaps he wanted to protest the new nickname or that he wasn’t any sort of package, but the duo was called up to the ticket booth before he could. Remus went ahead and asked for two tickets anyway, flashing his membership card and getting two stickers to show they had been cleared for admission. He stuck his own on his chest before sticking Logan’s on his tie and moving them off the line and towards the first set of tanks.
“So...you wore a tie to a date to an aquarium, huh?” Remus asked, starting up conversation as they looked at the colorful fish swimming around.
“Oh- yes,” Logan said, looking down at his now stickered tie. “Admittedly, I did have to research how to dress for a date and the articles I read mentioned ties. I wear them often so I thought it was the best route. Was I not supposed to wear a tie to the aquarium?”
“No, no. You can wear whatever you want, Lo. I was just curious,” Remus assured, pausing a moment. “You had a look up what to wear for a date?”
“Well, yes. I, ah...don’t go on very many. Or...any...”
“Aw…” Remus cooed, gently nudging Logan’s shoulder with his own. “Then we’ll make this a good one.”
The two of them walked around, pausing to look into the different tanks. Remus coulda sworn he almost saw a smile on the other’s face at some of his enthusiastic bouncing. Turns out Logan had a whole lot of fish facts to share and Remus eagerly listened, sharing a few of his own though they weren’t as cool as the ones Logan shared. When they got to the archway tank a shark swam right overhead of them and Re excitedly pointed it out, the pair stopping to watch the shark swim around for a while. Shockingly the aquarium wasn’t too busy on a Thursday afternoon, only a few groups of camp kids in brightly colored matching shirts. Finally they got to Remus’ favorite exhibit.
“Look!” he said, grabbing Logan’s hand and pulling him over to the octopus tanks. “God- aren’t they fuckin’ awesome…”
“You’re quite fond of octopuses, aren't you?” Logan questioned, nodding to the tattoo on display on Remus’ arm since the other had cut the sleeves off of his shirt at some point.
“I really couldn’t tell ya why...I just think they’re neat,” Remus explained, smiling when Logan pointed out his tattoo. “This octopus is actually here! He’s somewhere in this tank but y’know, camouflage and all.”
“You got a tattoo of one of the octopuses from this aquarium?” Logan asked for clarification, his eyes going from Remus to the tank in an attempt to find the creature in question.
“Yeah, Duke. When I was like twelve or somethin’ I won a raffle to name their newest octopus. I made the poor nanny drive me here like every day so I could see him.”
“That’s actually...quite nice.”
“Oh! There he is,” Remus said, pointing out a small bit of movement in the sand at the bottom of the tank. Now that they knew where to look it was easy to spot the octopus. “Did you know octopi have three hearts? Oh! And blue blood.”
“I did know that, but it’s very interesting,” Logan nodded. “They also lack bones and are quite intelligent.”
“They’re just so cool!”
They stood and watched Duke the octopus for a long time, swapping facts about cephalopods. The octopus eventually did move and Remus was able to show off the similarities between the creature in the tank and the tattoo on his arm. The resemblance was striking. Eventually they moved on, continuing to talk about they fish they passed until they ended up in the gift shop.
“I always loved the gift shop of museums,” Remus said, moving over to browse a rack of postcards. “It was almost like a reward for making it through the boring stuff.”
“You didn’t seem to find the aquarium boring,” Logan stated.
“Oh, yeah. Aquariums don’t count. I just...don’t like museums as much. They’re cool and all - especially the art museum that has all the medieval armor and weaponry - but no one will go with me because apparently I’m too loud for museum culture.”
“I quite enjoy that museum actually,” Logan said. “Perhaps we can go there together. I do have a membership.”
Remus thought he was gonna vibrate from excitement. Logan had just asked him on a second date, right? That’s what had happened? He gave an enthusiastic nod, his eyes catching on something along the wall. Ties!
“Oh! Oh, wait here,” he said, running over to the display.
Sure enough they had a few different designs. Remus immediately fell in love with a navy blue tie that had a green octopus towards the bottom. He pulled it off the rack, not bothering to check the price and moved back to show Logan.
“I’m gonna get this for you,” he said, holding the tie up.
“Wha- Remus, no. You don’t have to do that,” Logan replied. “It’s a very lovely tie, but you don’t need to buy me a gift.”
“I know I don’t need to. I want to...so I am.”
“I’m not going to be able to convince you to put that back, am I?”
“Very well,” Logan nodded. “Your turn to wait here.”
Remus did as he was told, looking over the rack of postcards again. He found one with an eel on it and picked one up to give to Janus. Eels were like water snakes, right? Janus did love his snakes. Not too long after he walked off Logan came back with a small stuffed octopus in his hands.
“I’m going to buy this for you,” Logan said. “Is that- is this something you’d like?”
“Lo, I will literally cherish that for the rest of my life,” Remus grinned, bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement. “Hell, I’ll be buried with it.”
Logan’s shoulders seemed to relax a little bit at Remus’ approval. Remus moved over to the register, flashing his membership card again for that wonderful 10% off he got as a perk. Once he was done Logan got rung up, showing his own card.
“For you,” Logan said, holding out the stuffed octopus.
“And for you,” Remus replied, exchanging the tie for the toy. “Y’know...all this walking around the aquarium has me heavily craving some coffee. You game?”
“I- yes. I would also appreciate some caffeine right now,” Logan nodded.
“It’s no Remy’s place, but there’s a cafe like a block away, c’mon,” Remus said, grabbing Logan’s hand again to lead him away from the aquarium and towards the sidewalk.
The coffee shop was much busier than the aquarium but the smell of roasting beans was pretty much divine as soon as they walked in. The seats inside were all full but there were a few spare seats outside that hopefully wouldn’t be snagged before they got their orders in. The two of them continued to chat during the walk and while waiting on line. Remus placed their order, getting a black coffee for Logan and his own personal drink which he liked to call the Gamble With Death.
“Surely that cannot be good for your heart,” Logan stated after hearing Remus say eight shots of espresso.
“It hasn’t killed me yet,” Remus shrugged. “If it ever does I promise to let you know.”
“How would you let me know? You’d be dead?”
Before Remus could think up an answer for that his name was called out and he went to go grab the two cups, handing Logan his. They grabbed a table outside and Remus stuck his new octopus in the middle of the table.
“He needs a name,” he said, gesturing to the stuffed toy.
“It does?” Logan questioned, sipping his coffee.
“Of course he does!”
“You could perhaps go with a nod to H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu and name him that,” Logan suggested.
“Hm...I like that, I like that,” Remus nodded, getting an idea. “Cthuwu. Y’know, like ‘uwu’?”
“Tell me if I use this wrong but, ah...cursed.”
Remus broke into laughter at that, assuring Logan that was the right context but it was more the delivery that caught him off guard. Apparently Virgil works with Logan to get the adorable nerd up to date with modern slang. The guy had flashcards which Remus absolutely needed to see now. They stayed at that cafe table long after their coffee cups had been drained, until suddenly the sky was a mass of pinks and oranges.
“Ah, shit. I totally kept you out longer than I had promised,” Remus said, stretching in his chair.
“Oh,” Logan looked up, blinking like he had just been pulled out of their little personal bubble. “Yes. I should probably get home. I do have work tomorrow and I have my nightly routine to keep up with.”
“So...organized,” Remus grinned, standing up and tossing his empty cup into the trash bin. “Then home we go, Logie.”
Logan stood up as well, discarding his cup and following Remus back to his motorcycle. Remus was able to fill any void of silence by running his mouth. He was currently telling Logan about the first time he took Janus on the bike. He hadn’t been too fond of it. Remus handed Logan his helmet and stuck their purchases in his side bag, before long they were back off towards Logan’s apartment.
“Y’know, Lo...I had a lot of fun today,” Remus said once the engine was killed and they were parked by Logan’s front door.
“I...actually did too. You were certainly a wonderful companion for the aquarium,” Logan replied, handing back his borrowed helmet. “Thank you for not letting me die on the back of the motorcycle.”
“Nah, Specs...I would never let someone as cute and clever as you die,” Remus winked, pulling the tie out of the side bag and sticking the helmet in there with Cthuwu. “I’ll see you around, yeah? I’m almost done with that book you recommended.”
“Oh? I’m so glad you’re liking it,” Logan grinned, books seeming to be a topic he rather enjoyed talking about. “Well...I’ll start building a list of recommendations for you.”
“Absolutely cannot wait,” Remus returned the other’s smile, pausing for a moment before taking a step closer and kissing Logan on the cheek. “Bye, Specs.”
He shoved the helmet on his head and sped back home after making sure Logan made it inside alright. He looked a little dazed after that kiss on the cheek which was just so damn adorable. Remus was absolutely on cloud nine. Now he got to go home and gush about it all to Janus over the phone.
#alex-writes-everything#turning pages#intrulogical#prinxiety#moceit#remus sanders#logan sanders#roman sanders#virgil sanders#patton sanders#janus sanders#sanders sides#thomas sanders
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