#plsy pretend
oddsconvert · 9 months
I will live in the delusion that play pretend actually won the poll and live in the fantasy of Josh finally submitting to Felix and them being "happy" (play pretend is my fav series of yours can u tell)
I mean...I can't promise happiness for them but I can promise whumpy-ness 😌🥰 (Felix is happy. The shit. He's loving life.)
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I honestly would not invite me to speak about her because there's some Weird Shit going on. My taste in media is absolutely horrible horrific. Plus the last time I looked up the lore was like. Long enough ago that I can't guess probably meaning it was 2021 because I was kinda dissociated during that entire year lmao- Take all of this with a grain of salt due to that
A long story short? Her dad is Slenderman with a, human? Mother? Who was locked in a cage?? And should be dead with the rest of her family outside of her own parents??? Maybe???? If you know the "Granny" series of mobile games, those would be her human-side grandparents who are pissed about their daughter's situation in one way or another
Slendrina gets a Vampire Husband and has a Spider Infant Baby Who Murders The Player and the player usually is trapped in a location trying to get out with one exception for being in the woods doing stuff? Slendrina is probably the most consistent person with her just sticking to "murders the player via shoving her face into their face" to be quite honest. Unless it's a granny game she is Always there and Always a threat if she's active, and I don't remember any gimmicks with her unless you count healing?
I don't think Slenderman ever shows up outside of pictures but do Not quote me on that
Now, again, despite Slendrina being half human she is NOT human in the fucking slightest. Red eyes, black mouth, OPEN RIBCAGE?, murdering anyone who looked too closely at her just by Looking not even a "oh I get mad the longer you look" nah that's just what she does via her aura. Not to mention the fact her having a kid with a Vampire ended up with Violent Spider Baby who's able to kill someone who should be an adult logically!
Again I haven't looked into it for awhile but like. The original Slendrina games were my favorite creepypasta and then I looked into the entire lore (at the time) and shoved myself in Minecraft roleplays + FNAF.
Oh yeahhh I remember Granny, kids in my class were playing it, but I was never good at video games (that assuming if at the time I had a phone with big enough memory to have anything outside of essentials- which didn't really happen up until the phone I currently have) so I. Couldn't really try it or if I did I wasn't good lol
I think I remember some Slendrina information from my best friend, but I never knew it waa related to Granny
All the other lore
Other than being related to Slenderman which is kinda obvious from the name
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pinkadork · 1 year
I wasnt just tired from the game or being up late. I was tired. I could feel everything getting worse and i kept trying to cling to them. I wanted to show i cared i felt like an ass after the night before id thought on shit and thought i could make it better. I made it worse and then wanted to be hurt about it and i was just an ass. Ive been an ass. But that day i became everything i swore i wouldnt. I cemented everything negative ever said about me. I fucked up. I had been fucking up yeah but i fucked it. I couldnt get past myself and see the bigger picture. I was so caught up in being alone that i didnt even stop once to think. Nigga i hate myself. And i should tbh. I keep being like i miss them i wanns be with them but is also like.
I cant man. Not rn. And maybe mot ever. But certainly not now. I need to find out how fix myself, i gotta be able to not let peoples coping skills that they have intact, be a thing that i feel like plsys into my insecurities. I dont want the insecurities. I love them. And i feel like i always will but like. How do i even show that at this point? And even if i do show that, why does it have to be that i want ti get back with them? I should be okay with just being friends and accept thats what we need to be. I can't pretend i dont have issues, and in the same light i can't act like my heart longs for them. I hate that im like this. I feel like im always gonna be a parsite as long as breathe. People only stay around me and talk to me or wanns do things with or for me because they care right?
But its like base level, dont die, and thats my fault. I'm not trying to gain sympathy but when i talk sbout i feel like i am. I end up feeling like all im doing is seeking attention and validation. I constantly want to know shit like, do you love me, are we good, are we okay, because i always felt like i was fucking up. When shit would get to a certain point and i mean for the worse, it feel like the same thing everytime, i hurt you, you hurt me, we apologize, we press forward but no one really forgives or forgets, we held it and went back and forth and when times were "good" I'd think, man we're gonna be okay, and inevitably something would happen. Sometimes us, sometimes work. Sometimes life . Either way I've felt like i failed you the entire time anyways and then I'd get bitter when you'd confirm it honestly. I'd feel like i kept trying to make thing better and go forward to do what i can to make you happy while we were here despite everything but i didnt fucking just accept that the reason you werent happy was because you were here. It always felt like it was me you wanted to leave not here. To the point i stopped listening even when you clearly werent.
I cant go back to therapy until august, when i do theyre supposed to check me see how im doing on meds and what not. My family doesnt want me to talk to you either. I wanna talk to you, sometimes i feel like too much. But in general i love having you my life. Its weird, its probably gonna be. I wanna try if you wanna try. I wanna show i can listen. I wanna show i care. I wanna show i support you and your choices. It doesn't have to lead to what ive been wanting. I just miss talking to my favorite person. I get my ranking fell. Its fine.
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
i. the. the makinf me do it then blaming me so he can. yeahthats so fuxkinf bad bye 😭😭😭😭 kg my god i’d love that sofuckinf much 😭😭😭😭😭😭 i’m. butlike i said he doesn’t. plsy computer games so be wouldnt Do that 😭😭😭😭😭 🐶
But that’s exactly why i said he would pretend to play them 😋 the screen is on and the gameplay is in motion but erics character is dying every five seconds bc he cant play nor does he care. Not that you can see 🤲🏼
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