#pls this is what happens when someone asks about buddie/911
jeysbvck 2 years
Shan Shan, babes, my beloved, my cherished, my sun moon and stars, WHAT IS THE TEA ON MY GAY BOYFRIENDS EDDIE AND BUCK (WHOM ARE DEF TOTALLY IN LOVE BTW) the gifs look bad I need reassurance lol
so, 6x10 on monday, my baby boy got struck by lightning (and right now is dead). eddie got struck BY THE SAME LIGHTNING STRIKE, yeeted off the bottom of the ladder (after he hooked buck to his ropes and his last words to buck were "go get em cowboy" !!!!) got right back up, saw buck was in his gwen stacy era and eddie RAN UP THE LADDER SCREAMING BUCKS NAME. he shouted "can u hear me???" (no he's dead), tried to PULL HIM UP TOWARDS HIM before lowering him to the ground where he was collected by his adopted dad馃槶
THEN...eddie sprinted towards the ambulance were bucks brother in law was doing CPR on buck, pushed adopted dad/captain out the way to get to buck. ("buck talk to me" bc buck never shuts up but now hes silent馃槶馃槶) adopted dad/captain then told eddie "youre driving, get off" bc he knows he can't let eddie see his soul mate and partner dead!!!
then the 30 second promo for next weeks ep aired, and it showed eddie doing cpr on buck as they wheel him into the hospital, then showed us coma dream buck, and different shots of everyone at his bedside BAR CHRIS AND EDDIE!!!!
THEN TODAY...this still got leaked
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and now the fandom is in a meltdown bc this episode is called "new sensations" and eddie is supposed to be going on dates that dont work out and this SCREAMS undercover fake dating (that's a whole other storyline with adopted dad/captain; his friend died in a suspicious way and he's investigating it) and u cannot tell me that this is either fake dating, or eddie will realise hes having way more fun here with buck than any of the dates he went on and thus begins buddie canon!! this is happening in 6x13, but we have to wait till the 10th april for it!!! (also my birthday ep the week after will deal with the ramifications of feelings realised and i will walk into the dam that's round the corner from me if that happens!!!)
so in conclusion; we all asked for coma buck, then got it, it was way worse than we realised but YAY BUDDIE CANON!!! 馃き馃き馃き
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I accidentally had sex with one of my friends and didnt realize he was blackout during it. We were both REALLY drunk, and we hook up a lot both drunk and not, but I didnt realize he was more drunk than usual. The next morning he said it was totally fine and we even had more sex, but I cant stop worrying about it and feeling really horrible. I dont know what to do, he just keeps saying it's fine and I shouldn't worry, but the more I think about it the worse I feel.
I think you're overreacting here. Are there consent concerns that come along with an issue like this? Yes, obviously. But this is where the lines that people say aren't grey become grey mighty fast.
Can you consent when you're blackout drunk? No.
No. That's not how this works.
The reality is people get drunk and have sex all the time. You literally state in your own message that you frequently get drunk and smash people. Either that means you like getting drunk or having sex, or you've been sexually assaulted multiple times against your will. I'll let you decide which answer is more reasonable. The fact of the matter is, when folks get drunk, we're going to make decisions that may not always be in our best interest. That may not mean those decisions are bad, but it can mean so. We're not in our right mind.
As such, we have to come to terms with our decisions while we we were drunk when we were sober. It seems your friend here has no real concern about what happened last night. This is effectively him consenting to what he could not consent for, the same with which you could not consent for in your drunken stupor. He was so fine with what happened, that he was even willing to have sex again, this time fully sober. It clearly doesn't bother him.
A question to be asked here is whether any of this bothered you? It's clear that YOU feel like you've done something bad. But again, to rephrase the question: this guy HAD SEX WITH YOU while you were BLACKOUT DRUNK. You COULD NOT CONSENT. This is a violation. But... do you care? Do you feel like your consent was taken away from you? Do you feel like you were violated in any way, or assaulted in any way? You're sober now, so you can come to that decision quite easily I hope. I'm assuming the answer is no, you understand that you were drunk, and were having a good time, and don't regret anything that happened. If that is how you feel, then hey, problem solved, because you don't actually have a concern to be concerned about. That there is a very loose consent; it's not ideal, but humans are not ideal.
What does this mean in terms of a larger conversation about consent in general? Well first, hey, maybe don't get drunk and have sex if these issues concern you. Of course, you can do whatever you want; I'm not your dad. I'm particularly a fan of drunk sex, myself - it's a lot of fun. But for those who are reading this, if these issues trouble you, or you tend to drink a lot to the point where you can't consent, make sure that you're aware of this. Make sure you take preventative measures during situations like this, if you feel like you might be predisposed to having sex. Talk about sex with people you might hook up with before you get alcohol in your system; let them know your sexual boundaries. You might cross those boundaries by accident while you're not in the right state of mind, and you might not even mind it in those times. But making clear what those boundaries are to people beforehand is the foundation of good rules of consent. You can figure out on your own whether that consent was violated.
Another thing to take into account is the larger reason why we have these discussions about consent. Two drunk people getting laid is sketchy in terms of consent, but as long as nobody is unhappy, there isn't an issue. The larger issue is when one person is drunk, and the other person is not; the situation enters a predatory stage, where one person may either mistakenly consent, or is otherwise in no right state of mind to be able to consent. This falls upon the person who is sober to make the right decisions and hopefully take care of the drunk person, waiting until the proper time and place to potentially take that next step.
Obviously, you can't just magically communicate to a predatory person, "Hey, maybe don't violate my consent pls k thnx." People who would be actively willing to sexually assault or rape someone else don't care about these things; they are just ugly people. This is why you need to be concerned and vigilant. If you're going to get drunk, maybe tone it down a little so you don't get so wasted that you are completely unaware (honestly, it's unhealthy to drink that much anyway). If you're at a party where alcohol is involved, make sure you have a buddy system in place where someone can take care of you in the event you get completely plastered. Make sure the important people in your life know your limits, and know what you're about when you're drunk; if you don't want random people hooking up with you, tell your friends to keep an eye out for strangers who may be hitting on you. Then obvious normal safety protocols, like don't go somewhere that you don't know, don't be afraid to scream for help if you need it, don't be afraid to call 911, and various other anti-sexual assault tips that you can easily find around the internet.
The final point is this though: we're all human. We don't do things that make sense - we're not perfectly rational creatures. As such, if two people get wasted and have passionate sex, that doesn't inherently mean everyone was violated. Again, this situation isn't ideal consent-wise. But if we've made a mistake and lapsed on our rules around consent, then we have to make the decision about what happened to us, and then decide what we should do about the aftermath of what has occurred. I can't speak on behalf of those who have experienced sexual abuse or rape, but I believe I can express the reality that, people who actually feel they have had something happen to them WILL KNOW, and they will most certainly not want to casually hook up afterwards. Believe victims when they speak.
In the future, do your best to follow people's consent, but understand that things do happen, and it takes a sober and understanding mind to try to piece everything together in the most mature and responsible way possible. Your friend knows his boundaries, and you know your own. If he's okay, then he's okay. If you're okay, then you're okay. If one of those things are not true for either of you, then it's time for a more diligent conversation about what that means.
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squaaash 7 years
this is really long buckle in I had this idea and it won't leave me alone, also it turned out angstier than expected If anyone wants to write this pls do and lmk cause I can't do much beyond bullet points I just want Whizzer to have more family -So after Marvin and Whizzer break up, Whizzer needs to find an apartment, so he finds this tiny shoebox apartment in Brooklyn -He moves his stuff inside, and crashes on the couch to wallow w a bottle of wine -BUT -his new neighbor knocks on his door -Whizzer is so ready to snarl at them and solidify his reputation as the neighborhood asshole to deter future attempts at friendship -he's just not in a good place -but then this nice old lady comes is at the door w a plate of cookies -and like -Whizzer hasn't had home made cookies in a long time, he's weak okay -but like being gay in the late 70s/early 80s Whizzer is super weary of people, especially older people -and they start talking and like, she's not crazy conservative?? she's super hip and funny?? -he find out that she lives next door w her little granddaughter -and by the end of their interaction they're on a first name basis -but eventually she's gotta go back home cause her granddaughter was napping and she's gotta take care of her -Whizzer's shocked about the whole thing -he was friendly w someone?? For real??? -so over time, Whizzer and lady are good buddies -One day lady's sitter falls through -she's still a working lady -and Whizzer covers and he actually likes this kid? He likes a child other than Jason?? -and so Whizzer babysitting becomes a regular thing -they're like a little family -idk maybe Stacie that's a fun name for the lady -OH but at this point, she's like "oh my granddaughter calls me like Mimi or Mams something cute like that and you're practically family so you'll call me that too" -and Whizzer's heart is so warm?? -he hardly remembers his grandparents and this is so much better than anything he could've imagined -and honestly the little girl I'm picturing is like Trixie from lucifer she's cute as a button -and she loves puzzles and drawing and is more than happy to dress up and do fashion shows for Whizzer while he take pictures on his Polaroid -they totally have a killer scrapbook -and so what if a photo of Whizzer in a feather boa and tiara find their way in there, it was Trixie's idea -so one day -Whizzer's still been having men over to his house he's still human and he has needs -and one morning he's saying goodbye to that last nights lodger -and Mimi/Mams idk is on her way into her apartment from getting her paper -and she's like "ooh who's your friend" -and Whizzer's all nervous -like he's not exactly subtle but they haven't really discussed his preferences so to speak -so he's a stuttering mess -and Mimi's like "is he your boyfriend?" But she's smirking and chuckling -Whizzer's still speechless tho -Mimi tells him that her daughter was like him -but she's tried to force herself to be something she wasn't, and just thought that if she found the right man she could be "normal" -so she would go out, and drink until she could imagine that she actually could fall in with the men she was with -until she got pregnant -and she had Trixie and she loved her but she just couldn't deal -she dropped Trixie off one day and left -Mimi heard in a few days that she had passed -she loved her but she just wishes she could done more -so she takes Whizzer's hand and says that she'll do anything for him, he's like family -and that no matter who he love she's welcome in her house -Whizzer has something in his eye -probably dust -and for a while everything's so good -they had their own little tight knit family, everything that Whizzer wanted -one night Whizzer has another man over -let's call him joe -Whizzer's never had joe over before -his eyes are sunken, and he's pale and weak but he's handsome in a broken way, and Whizzer just thinks that he needs a good time -they're chatting and drinking and they're planning to move into the bedroom -when there's a knock on the door -Whizzer expects Mimi with a batch of tea to share, or to see if Trixie left one of her toy dinosaurs over -but it's just Trixie -and her eyes are wide and she says that Mimi was acting weird and now she won't wake up -and Whizzer is over there in two seconds -he tells his friend that he'd better go home -and Whizzer calls 911 and does all the right things -but it's still not enough and Mimi's gone -and his heart is broken all over again -and he realizes that Trixie has no one left, no where to go -the social worker says she'll go into foster care -but there's no way in hell that Whizzer will let that happen -but first he wants to see what Trixie wants, he asks her if she'd like to come live with him -and she says something like "who else would I want to take care of me?" And Whizzer's heart just melts -they stick together through all the funeral arrangements, their own little dynamic duo, for a five year old, she's much wiser than her years -Whizzer never thought he'd be a parent but here he is -and Trixie is his whole world -soon he hears of a disease spreading from man to man -he heard that the latest victim was man he knew called joe -Whizzer resolves that he has to be careful with anyone he's with -to honor those who didn't get a warning -and to be there for Trixie -anyway things are going dandy -the dynamic duo loves to go for walks in the park -they'll play catch and they use chalk on the sidewalk -one day Whizzer sees a kid trying to practice throwing a baseball -but he's by himself and every time he throws it he has to go fetch it -it's kind of pitiful -so he goes to offer his and trixies services even just to throw it back -and huh -guess what -it's JASON -they all meet and they're buddies -Jason invites them to his baseball game I want to come up w more for when the duo meets back up w tight knit fam but my brain is fried
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