#pls oscar isaac.... just one chance.......
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booplesnootbunny · 3 months ago
I'm on some steven grant bs rn, my bad guys
Not my best work but I'm about to go to sleep so 🚶🚶
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joe-spookyy · 8 months ago
guitar reveal as requested by @st4rdust-th0ughts cause i’ll take any chance i can to show off my babies.
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so here’s the first guitar i got - it’s a squire bullet. i love it lots and it’s got a great tone quality, ran for a super reasonable price, and has held up great since i got it like. seven years ago? i used it a lot for my time in a jazz band and it does great with pretty much any genre i’ve tried playing on it.
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here is my second and favorite guitar. i feel bad picking favs but i mean look at it. it’s an iyv ILS-300 that i got for like 50 bucks at some sketchy warehouse sale. and it plays like a DREAM. i love the les paul look and this guitar rules even though it’s totally an off brand ripoff. it’s my go to for shows (when i’m not playing bass like i usually do.) prized possession tbh.
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and of course!!! my bass!!! here’s me at a gig with my band one strange dog (find us on instagram and spotify pls teehee) cooking on my lean mean purple glitter machine. i love it. it’s an ibanez mezzo SRMD200, and i am just obsessed with the color. it has solid tone and works for anything from jazz to metal (in my humble opinion). it’s got a bit of an issue with fret buzz but i love it anyways.
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and then there’s this sweet acoustic electric i share with my sister. it’s a bit. massive. and def harder to play than an electric but it sounds gorgeous and has a warmer tone to it. i have no clue what the model is anymore but i like it cause it reminds me of the guitar oscar isaac plays in inside llewyn davis. someone just kind of gave it to us for free, so i have no clue of its origins.
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honorable mention this ancient rusty dusty banjo i bought at an antique mall like a month ago. i’m so excited to figure out how to play it properly.
the end hope you enjoyed 🙏
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castlevader · 3 years ago
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welcome everyone !! i just reached a milestone and i wanted to do something to celebrate <3
first of all, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH ♡ it might sound stupid or whatever, but posting my stuff on there helped me a lot during the past year and i’m so so grateful for the people who appreciated what i’ve posted. this is amazing for me and i hope to reach more and more people ( even tho i’m not one of the best out there hehe ) because i really love writing. okay i promise i’m done, let’s see what i got in store for this event !!
!! NOTE !! the celebration ends next sunday, 5 june. enjoy !!
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ⵌ rules & info :
▸ you can send a request for max three characters
▸ be sure to include the hashtag #leia1kceleb in the request
▸ i write for female, male & gender neutral readers, so be specific about reader’s gender ( for example, “character x fem!reader pls” )
▸ i write both sfw & nsfw ( fluff, angst, smut, hurt, comfort )
▸ i won’t include dark content, such as rape, suicide, etc.
▸ be patient pls ♡
ⵌ characters :
★ marvel
▸ steven grant / marc spector
▸ layla el-faouly
▸ frank castle
▸ billy russo
▸ peter parker ( mainly andrew’s )
▸ natasha romanoff
▸ bucky barnes
▸ valkyrie
▸ eddie brock
★ star wars
▸ anakin skywalker / darth vader
▸ obi-wan kenobi
▸ padmé amidala
▸ the clones
▸ din djarin
▸ boba fett
▸ bo-katan kryze
▸ han solo
▸ luke skywalker
▸ rey
▸ poe dameron
▸ darth maul
★ stranger things
▸ steve harrington
▸ nancy wheeler
▸ billy hargrove
▸ robin buckley
★ misc
▸ francisco “catfish” morales ( pedro pascal )
▸ javier peña ( pedro pascal )
▸ jonathan levy ( oscar isaac )
▸ duke leto ( oscar isaac )
ⵌ before you send a request :
▸ you can include a prompt, a quote, or anything you prefer
▸ if you want a one shot or headcanon pls be specific, otherwise i’ll decide hehe
▸ that’s all, have fun !!
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i’m sure this will flop, but my thanks for 1k followers stay and again i’m truly grateful <3 ( this could be a chance to try & get closer to ppl on there idk, i’m open to make new friends btw )
i’m gonna tag a bunch of moots & ppl from my taglists, reblog and boosts are highly appreciated <3 thank you !!
🏷 : @laserbrains @itzizumi @sabersandsnipers @p-spidey @frankenhookersmonster @ohcaptains @fic-appointment @serrendiipty @anon1412 @eichenhouseproperty @ladyrebel25 @evilcr0ne @atlas-nex @luvxginger @transias @florqlness @powerpuffluuvv @xbeauxny @sunwardsss @baby-shy
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dailyreverie · 4 years ago
Poe Dameron and 65 pls. 😁
A/N: Hi! Thank you so much for your request 💖 The prompt said car but I'm taking this to space because of obvious reasons.
#65: Packing a pillow for long car rides because you know they’re going to fall asleep and they’ll hurt their neck otherwise
Oscar Isaac character week ✨ Request a prompt!
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader
Word count: 560
Warnings: one slur, sleepy Poe, stupid amounts of fluff.
Stars fly at each side of the ship, passing through the windows at high speed as you course through the galaxy. At least 5 hours had gone by, Rey’s turn to pilot marking the half point of the flight to reach the destination for the mission.
You appreciate long flights, you were never one to sleep much on them. Long flights are the best place to finish reports that were due a few days back and catch on with the new ones, with little to no distractions as the light conversation on the ship flies above your head, eyes glued to the pad in front of you in an attempt to completely ignore Poe beginning to drift off in the seat next to you. His eyes are already heavy and his voice has made less and less appearances over time, head pressed against the side of the seat while trying to stay awake.
He is fighting sleep, you give him that. He beats it for a few minutes more, and you ignore him as much as you can because you warned him about it. “You could fall asleep on a pile of rocks.” Were your exact words as he discarded the pillow to the side. You could already hear the complaints on his sore neck later that night,
His head lolls to the side, bouncing against his shoulder as sleep completely takes over his body. You can’t ignore him anymore, the exhaustion of the entire Resistance lies above his shoulders, sleep is something that comes at him at the slightest open window of relaxation; he can’t control it much anymore, his body would just demand it whenever it finds a chance. Still, he could have heard your advice.
The mop of curls bounces again. “Ah, for fuck’s-.” You whisper in frustration, closing the pad and heading into the shelves of the ship where each of you packed your stuff for the trip. With your own neck pillow, you return to the cockpit and crouch in front of the tired pilot. You can’t help the smile of his already parted lips, his neck desperately trying to hold his head in place as it keeps moving side to side. Poe is exhausted, every muscle of his body is.
With a soft kiss pressed to his forehead he flutters his eyes open. “Hey, sleepyhead.” You speak tenderly. “Want to consider that pillow now?” You ask with furrowed eyebrows.
“‘S alright, just a quick nap.” Poe stretches on the seat before closing his eyes again. He can’t admit the obvious exhaustion, that’s not what Commanders do.
“Poe, love,” You call him. Another sigh finds its way to your lips when he doesn’t move. You carefully lift his head and place the pillow around his neck. His heavy, tired head finds comfort there, a sweet little smile drawing on his lips as he feels the cushioned surface against his tense neck. His eyes open up slightly when your hand cups his cheek. “Try to get a good sleep.” It is almost a plea as you speak into his sleepy eyes; those don’t come to him as much as they should anymore.
Finn and Rey keep talking in the front seats, and besides their presence, the quick kiss you give Poe and the smile that comes from him after is as intimate as it can get.
Thanks for reading! Reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
taglist: @spacecadet-66@mishkatelwarriorgoddess@castleamc
Join the taglist!
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cuntrotation · 3 years ago
oscar isaac in scenes from a marriage… pls just give me one chance
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gtfogerard · 7 years ago
 what is uuuuuuuppppp valdez tumblr rp im your hoooooost kiiiiilllllleeeeerrrr meeeeemeeeestaaaaaar leeeeeeet’s get rooooooiiiiiiight into the intro!!
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wow that was possibly the most obnoxious intro i’ve ever done and i apologize tbh. but at least there was a cute gif?? so anyway hi! im jules (they/them pls & thx) and as u can tell i write a beautiful oscar isaac fc whose name is gerard! his bio is here (i basically wrote his life story so don’t feel like u have to read it all l m a o) but here’s the quick lo-down;
born in the guatemalan civil war
2 older brothers, 1 younger sister
militaristic parenting
bullied/borderline beaten by older brothers
pa was too busy fighting the government to be around
ma had to oversee the farm & sales, didn’t rly pay attention to the kids unless she needed some help
as a result grew up p bitter, quick to get angry at most ppl
except! his lil sister
rebelled hardcore
drank/smoke/broke both house rules & regular laws
would’ve even supported the gov in the war if they weren’t literally killing his neighbors
civil war ended when he was 16, decided to try and give his family another chance
brothers (21 & 19) still pushed him around and pa clearly favored them over him bc they were old enough to fight in the war w/him
decided to get mixed up in gang shit, but realized they were all gov supporters
instead of quitting, he tried to expose them in order to impress his family
didn’t work bc he was young and dumb
tried to just fuck everything up from the inside instead
that did work, but it wasn’t long before they discovered who was the cause
they killed his 1st born brother Juan, named after one of the major freedom fighters in the civil war, in retaliation
parents exiled him, shunned by other brother, lil sis was told she’d be kicked out too if she reached out
bummed around guatemala doing various odd jobs, usually illegal in nature
eventually scrounged enough money to forge his way into the US
hated the idea of being there bc they supported his government in the war, but he didn’t want to live in latin america anymore
drifted around some more until he landed in valdez, where he discovered the gang
wasnt rly interested in joining at first, but once he realized there weren’t any other options he gave in, demonstrated his driving skills, and was given his current position
all of his past bitterness and quickness to anger was gradually replaced by numbness, finding that he worked better when not distracted by emotions
driving style is rubber-peeling and full of sharp turns. passengers often complain of whiplash afterwards
has these tattoos
has a doggo named pozo
sooo yeah! that’s my boy. he keeps most ppl at armslength so tbh he wouldn’t have a lot of friends, but chances are the longer your chara has been around, the better they get along. im open to plot p much anything within ger’s capabilities so hmu! or just say hi c:
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voicenotesrp · 3 years ago
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YOUR CHARACTER: Andy Perez ( @andyxperez) CONNECTION TYPE: Cousins ( 0 / 5 ) WC NAME:  UTP but if you wanted to use her dad’s surname it’d be Perez, and her mom’s maiden name is Ruiz WC AGE RANGE: 25 – 45
Dad’s ( Carlos Perez aka Tio Carlos )  (  side should be partially Puerto Rican unless adopted into the family ( Aubrey Plaza, Victoria Justice, Anthony Ramos, Auli’i Cravalho, Brandon Larracuente, David Lambert, Diego Boneta )
Mom’s ( Rosa Perez aka Tia Rosa, aka Titi Rosa )  side should be half Guatemalan unless adopted into the family ( Oscar Isaac, Chance Perdomo )
CONNECTION DETAILS: There are two sides of Andy’s family. Her father, Carlos’ side from NYC who are Guatemalan and then her mother, Rosa’s side who are Puerto Rican and based in CA. She spent her formative years in NYC with her dad’s family despite the fact that he passed when she was two. Even when they moved to CA, she stayed close and visited in the summers. She also grew closer to her mom’s side of the family in CA when they moved there.
Their family is quite big ( though her dad’s side doesn’t really know her mom’s and vice versa ) and I’d be okay with cousins adopted into the family ( as long as they are Spanish-speaking Latine pls! ) because I think either side would have adopted tbh! This is super open-ended, just a point of contact and open to creative liberties. They all love Andy, she’s kind of the heart and soul of the family, so do with that what you will – the type of cousin you can talk to about anything all the time. More like a sister really.
That’s one of the non-negotiable: each side of cousins treat each other like siblings ( even if they’re older / younger ) and have that healthy dynamic ( even if I’m sure there’s family drama etc, it’s never catastrophic / never causes long term damage to their love for each other ). Everything else is open for discussion!
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orthographewrites · 5 years ago
send me a ❤️ and I’ll tell you the FC’s I love!
Oscar Isaac: This man is a myth, a legend, a champion of the unjust and I love him a lot. He just seems like a chill dude to talk to and hang out with, more of that pls! 
Taraji P. Henson: This lady is legit GOALS in capitals because I love every movie she’s in and I’d die for a chance to either play as her or against her. 
Chris Hemsworth: He’s one of those fcs I’ve had for a long time and he, much like Oscar Isaac, seems like a chill and fun guy. I appreciate that. I also really love Thor so... ahem. 
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