#pls he loves piñon so much
leclercskiesahead · 6 days
Carlos answers fan questions on DAZN for the Spanish Grand Prix:
Legend: fan question Carlos’ answer [interviewer input]
Who will win the Euros?
A: Spain……or France
What shampoo do you use to get that hair? What an amazing hair!
[Let’s see him show his hair!] (he was wearing the cap and the interviewer was trying to get him to take it off for the qn)
A: People are going to kill me because…well first of all, I don’t want to advertise any shampoo. Let’s see if any shampoo wants to sponsor me/my hair…the hair that everyone in F1 wants/loves…[they (the shampoo brands)] are welcome. But I'm a disaster, I don’t have a hair routine. There are times I use the shampoos in hotels. The only thing I try is I only shampoo once a day. I shower 3 to 4 times a day but I don’t wash [my hair] 3 or 4 times because it’s too loose(/free/detatched) and I don’t like it.
[Everyone has their secret, that’s your secret. Okay. Get your hair wet but without shampoo.]
Sí, correcto.
What are three things you would take with you to a desert island?
A: Does food count as an object? Lots of food - a hamburger, company - a dog counts as an object no? Can’t you bring a bit of company?
[Well you choose]
And a phone so they can rescue me.
[So a phone, hamburgers, and your dog.]
So I’m on the island for a while, eating with my dog alone, then I call someone to look for me.
[a phone with coverage]
Yes yes of course. Please.
If you could add a circuit to the calendar, which would it be?
A: Macao, where I competed in F3…oof it’s difficult eh? I don’t know if like…Laguna Seca…some strange circuit. You know, a circuit…
[And then stay a while in California]
Something like that
[I like this next one because I didn’t know what a smashburger was…I’ve already been told I’m old.]
Normal hamburger or smashburger?
A: Smash has become very fashionable. I tried one the other day in New York and it won me over. I have a restaurant called Boogie Burgers, we are trying to do it, ours is not very good. But the one I tried in New York surprised me. I used to be less of a smash [fan] and it converted me more to smash.
[With smashburger it’s more crushed]
Crushed, and more [crusty].
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f1-stuff · 3 months
hi mal, hope ur having a great day!!
little mermaid au pls ❤️
also sorry about this, i rmbr you posting something about a bi charles au and a mechanic au last year and i was just wondering if ur planning to still write them 👀 absolutely no pressure though, im sorry if it comes off that way
have a great rest of your day 💛
Hi! I hopefully will pick up those two wips again, but I've already shared as much as I can of those and haven't added anything since last time 😭 so I couldn't include them this time...
BUT I can share a little more of the little mermaid one for sure ❤️
Charles pulls uncomfortably at the collar of his shirt, eventually just unfastening some of the ties so it hangs loose across his chest. He isn’t used to being clothed, therefore everything feels tight and abrasive against his skin.
He’d almost immediately tugged off the boots he’d been given once he was alone, much preferring to accustom himself to walking barefoot and feeling the ground against the pads of his feet. What was the point of finally having feet to run and jump and dance if he imprisoned them in those leather cages they called shoes?
He’d been cleaned and clothed and checked over by a doctor, all of which had been a rather intrusive experience. He’d been scrubbed and brushed and prodded and maneuvered about, then deemed healthy enough, although there was some mild concern over his difficulty walking and lack of voice. But the doctor had seemed to attribute the walking problem to sore legs from swimming ashore, as he must’ve done to survive the shipwreck, and his missing voice to shock, which he believed would return in time. 
Charles had then been shown to his quarters, which constituted a lovely, large bed and a window overlooking the sea, until such a time that they could determine who he was, exactly. Charles had almost immediately collapsed into the bed, something he’d dreamed of after discovering humans slept in nests of soft, cushy feathers, and fallen into a deep, dreamless sleep. When he awoke, he had a growling belly and a thousand questions.
What all had happened in that witch’s cave? What had he agreed to? What was it he gave in exchange for legs? Just his voice? Or something else, as well? How long would he be like this? Forever? Or was he on borrowed time?
He’d decided to deal with the hunger first. And somehow, he’d found what he believed was the palace’s place for preparing food. Which brings him to now, standing in the doorway as he watches people dressed in all white, running about, food strewn across surfaces, all kinds of utensils in their hands as they slice and stir and taste.
He feels frozen to the spot, unsure if he’s supposed to be here, but unable to ask anyone where else he can find something to eat. And no one has looked his way, all of them absorbed in their tasks.
Charles is about to venture inside, when he hears a strange sort of roar-like shout, repeated over and over and getting closer. Then, he spots a hairy four-legged creature running toward him at full speed. Charles thinks he’s under attack (he would probably scream if he were able) so that when the creature jumps toward him, Charles trips backward, protecting his face as he’s clawed at.
But after a moment of expecting pain only to be met with a wet, slobbery tongue licking repeatedly over his hands and face, he realizes maybe he’s not under attack. He peeks out from behind his hands to look at the beast, whose hot breath puffs against his chin, and suddenly recognizes it as the creature the man on the ship had nearly died staying to save - the creature Charles had helped onto the boat.
The beast barks again, and Charles startles, but he doesn’t get clawed at or bitten. So he reaches out a tentative hand and scratches behind its ear. The beast leans heavily into the contact with a look of utter satisfaction on its face.
Charles smiles, warmth filling him up with the urge to laugh. He gets a lick to the face that almost knocks him onto his back.
“Piñon!” a voice calls out, and Charles looks up to see a man come around the corner.
Not just a man - him.
WIP Wednesday
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beabnormal24 · 1 month
I think I’m gonna cry. I woke up, hoping and praying that there is a new carcar fic, and God has decided to bless me today. AND WHEN I READ the summary, I recognize it’s your story, I was giggling and kicking my feet so hard.
I love your carcar fic so much 😭, it was really good on how their relationship progressed. Was getting kinda nervous cause yknow I have a tingling and I know there is smth that’s going to happen, and I WAS RIGHT. It’s really sad reading thru Oscar’s POV after what happened, the way that Carlos is not there.
AND i adore the kids so much 😭 at first I really thought like there’s a past relationship or smth, but it was really sweet on how they became a family. And how Oscar gradually became part of that family. And them calling Oscar, “dad”. AND IM guessing the dog is piñon? pls pls pls
I love love your story so much and love carcar, the way they just work together. Never thought that Oscar is the parent who will panic over the tickets, but happy for his self-control to be ah practiced haha.
Picturing Oscar as a dad was a bit hard, but then I sat and thought wait- he’s definitely the kind of guy who would lose his shit if he forgets something for his kids but doesn’t even care about his own stuff.
I’m glad for blessing you with a new fic, hahahha, I do look for new carcar ones as well and I’m happy to see that the fandom is finally thriving, so I sincerely hope that my new publication will make people realise how good their dynamic is!
Yes, I do always have to make something happen, I’m sorry… (not really). But be sure that there will always be an happy ending! I love those.
Thank you so much for commenting, it means a lot to me ❤️🥹
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f1-stuff · 8 months
Okay I loved the update, as always! However it made me curious.
Do Rupert and Andrea talk about them? Is Carlos as sure as Charles? I know you said they don’t really label what They Are, but, do they say “I love you” often?
Now other misc questions you can ignore but I’m a SLUT for context and behind the scenes.
Which of them is more likely to leave the toilet paper roll empty and not grab a new one? Do they ever switch sides of the bed or is it always the same? Does Carlos nag about having to clean up his dirty socks on the floor and toothpaste on the vanity? Does charles ever pretend to like Carlos’ cooking? Idk if Christmas stockings are a thing in Europe but let’s pretend they are - what would they each put in the other’s stocking?
Again pls feel free to completely ignore this if you want to I just. I love your universe so much and I want to know as much as I can :)
Ahh this is so cute!! I won’t answer all the questions hehe, but I’d say Rupert and Andrea Definitely gossip about those two 😂 and that the two of them probably don’t say I love you that often, but when they do, it means a lot.
Also, Carlos for the tp roll (bc he spaces out while he washes his hands then totally forgets), and they each have their side of the bed they like when they’re at home, but that it doesn’t matter as much to them in a hotel room. I have a feeling Charles would be brutally honest if he didn’t like something, even if it’s Carlos’ cooking 😅 but that Carlos rarely misses bc the only things he cooks are his tried and true recipes. For the stockings, Carlos would get Charles bracelets, little chocolates, cozy socks… Charles would get Carlos grooming things (aftershave, hair mask, shaving soap, etc.), chapstick lol, a toy or treats for piñon…
Except the truth is that they’d never do stockings bc they always forget to get each other gifts for holidays/birthdays lmao but that’s just bc they buy each other things randomly whenever they see something and it makes them think of the other 😌
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