#pls enjoy them :'> anon i hope i delivered
hinamie · 1 month
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god, i wish i knew you back when i was a kid / but when you stare into me now, it feels like i did
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because-of-a-friend · 2 years
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Hi guys, I’m back! Sorry I was gone for so long, I got so busy this past year, I thought I might have to retire this blog for good. But I’m going to try and make time for it, let’s hope it works out this time!
Disclaimer: It has been a LONG time since I’ve written ~anything~ so I am plenty rusty lol.
Thanks for the request anon! This is such a cute prompt! Hope I delivered! After this I’ll have four drafts left and then I can answer the requests in my inbox!
Warnings: Mentions injuries/illnesses, blood, let me know if I missed anything!
Word Count: 1k
Remember that gifs aren’t mine! If you like them, pls click through to show their OPs some love!
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You have to laugh as Seungcheol loudly announces to Jeonghan that his head is hurting
You two have been going through this cycle since you were first hired a few months ago
At the beginning, Coups had an excuse to talk to you all the time
Since you were new to the team, he took point on explaining important info to you
What allergies the boys had
Previous injuries you needed to be aware of
Where they generally kept their first-aid supplies
But once you had it all down, there was no reason for him to talk to you on a daily basis
But by this point, Cheol had realized that he very much liked speaking to you
He felt that you two had connected well and wanted to get to know you more
But since you were on the med team, you were often quite busy seeing as there were thirteen members that were in constant need of check-ups, aid with different levels of injuries, and general everyday care to combat the strain they put on their bodies
You hardly ever had time to just speak to him
The only time you really could 
Was when you were treating him
So Seungcheol had started to come up with any excuse under the sun to come and talk to you
First he was constantly complaining that he must have sprained his wrist, or twisted his ankle or pulled a muscle
Then he was constantly getting stomache aches
After that he was getting rashes or little scratches
Now he was in a phase of faking headaches to come and talk to you about it
You knew all of his injuries were fake from the very beginning
He stopped cradling his first “sprained wrist” to tell Seungkwan off for being too loud
He ate full meals that the other boys ordered even when he had his “stomach aches”
You had started carrying around makeup wipes to clean off his supposed “scratches and rashes”
Someone complaining of a headache was a little harder to disprove though
But you were sure you’d catch him somehow
You had begun to enjoy playing this little game with him
As well as the time you got to spend with him because of it
“Well you don’t have a fever,” you tucked your thermometer back into your medical bag
Seungcheol sat in front of you with a pout on his face
“Are there any other symptoms?” you ask
Seungcheol dutifully shakes his head
“Well do you want a pain reliever? Or maybe I should tell them to send you home and rest?” you feel his forehead once more for good measure
“Oh...” he hesitates, “I don’t think it’s serious enough for either of those...”
You smile to yourself
It was quite cute to watch him fumble with trying to feign sickness without  exposing himself
“Well should we schedule an appointment with a neurologist to make sure this isn’t a problem?” you push him further
“No, you take care of me well enough” Seungcheol beams
“Well we have to find a solution eventually,” you sigh. “How’s your water intake? Or did you add anything new to your diet? Increase your screentime?”
“No, they just started out of nowhere,” Seungcheol shrugs innocently
“Well I suppose I can let you go for today but, if it happens again, I’m sending you to the doctor”
“[Y/N]!” one of the managers calls for you. “We need your help prepping supplies for the next concert.”
You give Cheol a bit of a smug look, knowing you’ve backed him into a corner with his latest fake sickness and then
You rush off to help
Seungcheol sighs as he watches you leave
He just lost another excuse to spend time with you
Later that evening Joshua watches with pure amusement as Seungcheol paces back and forth in the dorm 
“Should I say I think I have a sinus infection? Or maybe I could claim of frequent muscle spasms... I feel like constipation has to be my last move.”
“I feel like constipation is a never move,” Joshua interrupted. “Just tell [Y/N] that you like them.”
“I can’t do that, what if they don’t even like me?” Seungcheol complains
“Well then you have an answer and you can stop wasting both of your time,” Josh shrugs
“Wasting time,” Seungcheol repeats. “What if they really don’t like me and I’ve just been annoying [Y/N] this whole time?” 
He hates the feeling settling in the pit of his stomach
He begins to remember all the times you would shut him down as quick as possible 
Or when you would rush off to help someone else as soon as you were done exposing a fake injury of his
How you would sigh and roll your eyes before walking away
Apparently he failed to notice the playful look on your face as you did so
“What? I don’t think [Y/N] would put up with it if you were truly wasting their time,” Joshua protests
“No, I really should stop. It’s [Y/N]’s job and I should leave them alone to do it. Let’s just start getting ready for the concert tomorrow”
Seungcheol’s mood is noticably down for rehearsals the next day
The other boys are off because of it and they’re trying all they can to cheer him up
You notice as well and begin to wonder if Seungcheol is genuinely sick for once 
And then you feel really worried because he usually would use any excuse to come speak to you but he’s not even trying to mention what’s obviously bothering him
“Are you feeling alright?” you corner him, once again pressing a hand to his forehead
“I am, just worried about this performance,” Cheol reaches up to grab your hand, his thumb pressing into your palm as he pulls it away from his head
Then he just walks off
You feel really uneasy about the concert
Everyone else does too
Seungcheol may not be exhibiting any symptoms of sickness but it’s obvious he’s distracted and not ready to perform
Anxieties rise throughout the day but quickly stave off as the concert begins
As usual, Seventeen pulls through and the concert goes well
Even with Cheol somewhat distracted 
But the good feelings end as quickly as they begin
When Cheol falls during a song 
At first it looks like just a simple stumble
But as your watching the big screen, you see the horrified expression form on Seungkwan’s face as he looks down at his leader
You rush to the side of the stage as the other members help him off
They set him down on a chair in front of you and run back off to do crowd control
You quickly see why Seungkwan had seemed so disturbed
When Cheol had tripped, he had fallen against one of the stage props and scraped up his shin
The wound didn’t seem deep but it was large and producing plenty of blood
Coups feels terrible
Not even 24 hours after he decided to leave you alone
And here is a situation where you have to be with him
He can’t even think of his injury
He can only think of how he’s going to apologize and get out of your hair
He’s tested ten different apologies in his head before he actually looks at you
Your hands are gentle as you clean the blood and sanitize the wound
Cheol notices how you hesitate everytime you rub the disinfectant over his leg, seeing if it’ll cause him pain or not 
There is a time where it does sting and he sucks in his breath
You look up at him and Cheol’s heart clenches
You look so worried
Your eyebrows are furrowed and there’s sweat on your forehead 
“Does it hurt a lot? I promise I’m almost done” you say 
Your voice is so genuine and kind
Cheol has to stop himself from grinning at how sweet and caring you’re being
“I’m ok, do what you need to do”
You wrap the bandages carefully once the wound is clean, even going back over where you feel you didn’t do a good enough job
“Does that feel ok?” you stand and put a hand on his shoulder, indicating with your other hand that he should move his leg and test the wrappings
He nods, “Thank you”
Then he gets up and heads towards the stage
“Woah,” you stop him with a hand on his chest, “where are you going?”
 He grabs your hand the same way, a thumb pressed to your palm, but he doesn’t move it away from him this time
“Back out,” he gives you the smile he uses when he wants something
“You can’t go back out there,” you insist, hoping he can’t feel how warm you’re getting while he holds your hand
“It would be best for the fans to see that I’m ok,” Cheol says more seriously this time
You think it over
“...You’ll have to sit in a chair for the rest of the performance,” you insist
“I’ll accept that with my own condition,” Cheol is beaming at you again
“And what would that be?” you laugh
“I take you to dinner after”
Before you can respond, he pulls you towards him, kisses your cheek, and runs off onto the stage with a chair
And your hand flies to your own forehead to check your tempertature
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dwindlinghaze · 2 years
Hey! I loved your Andrew fic and I was wondering if I could request an Andrew fic where both him and the reader are costars, they've already acted together before in a movie and have had this great friendship and there's been a spark ever since they first met, like they know there's something more than friendship between them but they're scared to try it out. But when they're working together for their second movie, which is a romance once, they end up dating? Thank you <33
the sweetener you are
(andrew garfield x co-star reader)
hi anon!! tysm for requesting! i hope this is what u want! <3 pls don't be afraid to ask more, i love it when u guys talk to me ☁️
contents : friends to lovers, fluff, idk just rlly sweet <3 (sorry for any typos or incorrect grammars !)
  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆
as an actress who works in the film industry, it is a strict rule for co-stars to not fall in love with each other. mostly because it's all an act. if one thing goes wrong, then everything will probably come tumbling down.
it all started when the two of you worked together. you met the andrew garfield for a project and you two instantly clicked together.
you have always admired him. the dedication and passion he puts onto his works are incredible. so working with him is so exciting for you. he also loved your last movie. andrew told you how talented you are as an actress and he's ecstatic to finally work with you.
ever since you met, he always does small but yet sweet things for you. like he will pull out your chair, offers you his scarf if you're cold during filming, give you flowers after a tiring week of shooting, bring you your favourite drink and snacks.
you thought of it as a best friend and gentleman kind of thing because you don't want to jump into conclusions but you know there's something in there since you don't see him doing these things to other people.
he greets you with a "good morning" every day and brings you breakfast too. you told him that none of that was necessary but you accepted anyway.
andrew calls you in his free time even after the movie was finished and done. you two had grown a sweet little friendship and he enjoys talking and spending time with you, like today when you're in your dressing room, taking all of your make up off. "hello? [y/n] are you there?" his voice came from the other line. you put him on speaker so you could continue taking those make up off.
"yes, hi! do you need something, andy?" you spoke.
"why do you immediately think i'm calling you because i'm in need of something?" he joked.
"no, s'not like that," you paused to let out a laugh, "just a habit, i guess, i don't know. but do you need something though?"
"what are you doing now? hope i'm not interrupting something,"
"in my dressing room- getting ready for bed,"
"it's five in the evening,"
"and what about it!"
"i was wondering if you'd like to come to mine for a movie night, but if you need your beauty sleep then we can forget i ever said that,"
you let out a laugh, smiling in the mirror to yourself. "do i need to wear a versace dress or is a shirt fine?"
"as much as i love seeing you in a fancy dress looking like a million dollar pay-check, you in normal clothes are beautiful to me too,"
you blushed profusely, disliking the way he makes you feel but enjoying it at the same time. "i'll meet you there, is six good?"
"sure, six is fine. i'll pick you up by the way, walking alone in the streets is not worth it as much as i hate to say it. also i'm grabbing dinner for us so don't tell me that i don't have to do it,"
you smiled for the millionth time because of this man. you sometimes wonder if he's just really that nice to everyone or is it just to you. he is a kind man so it shouldn't really be a question.
"alright, see you soon!" you said before he returned the greet and ended the call. a few minutes passed and your phone lit up, andrew's message had delivered to you and he said he's outside the building.
"hello stranger, why are you in my property?" you squinted your eyes to him, biting back a smile.
"hello to you too, i'm here to pick someone named [y/n] [l/n]. do you happen to know where she is?" he played along as he opened the door of his car.
"hmm... i think she's sitting in your car," said you, getting inside his car.
"silly me, i should get my eyes checked," he said smiling before he went back to the driver's seat. "i bought us dinner by the way," his thumb pointing behind him.
you looked over to the back seat to see a pack of uncooked meal and frozen fruits. you almost laugh at how ridiculous it looks. "oh absolutely! i'm eating raw chicken, frozen lemons, and raw eggs for dinner. so amazing! i give the andrew garfield restaurant a five-star review and a five-star service!"
"now don't make fun of me! that chinese restaurant closed right before i arrived and the pizza place across the street was so packed. i was thinking we can cook together, you know i really really love your cooking," he peered over at the rearview mirror to look at your face as he emphasised the word 'love'.
"okay, fine," you agreed. the drive was short and calm, you two talked about how much the two of you had grown.
just a year ago, you met him for the first time in a movie screen test and he was a stuttering and awkward mess. he tripped over your leg when you got up from your chair, but you laughed about it now. "i was so nervous to meet you because you're like so professional and i'm just- stood there watching you say all the words in your script-" he laughed, his eyes crinkling at the ends.
when you arrived at his place, he opened the door for you to walk in and brought the grocery bag to the kitchen, setting it down. you made dinner for the both of you before settling down on the sofa to watch a movie together.
he laid beside you on the sofa, wrapping an arm around you protectively as he pulled you closer to him. you thought of this as a friendly gesture because his flat is freezing cold. he knows you're cold, so he's sharing his warmth with you, but you can't deny the fact that there's something in your stomach, like a kaleidoscope of butterflies.
the thing is, you didn't know that he's purposely making his apartment cold so he can have you close like this. he loves it when you press your cheek to his shoulder.
as the movie ended, he looked down only to see you fast asleep. he smiled down at your peaceful state, wishing the two of you have more than just a friendship (though he is grateful either way). he knew exactly what his feeling is towards you and maybe by chance he knew you felt the same way too, but the friendship you had going on was too important to him to be ruined.
he didn't realise that he's lost in his trance until he felt your head turned to the other side, your eyelids fluttering because you're dreaming so he tuck you in his bed, and turn the night light on. that night he slept on the sofa; he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable.
as that routine goes on and on, the feelings between you two were sparking more and more.
one tuesday morning, you woke up to a call from liz, your manager, she told you that you got in this role for a romance movie and filming will start in two weeks. you were beyond happy to get this role because you loved how sweet and dreamy the storyline is and you're also excited to fly across the globe to film it.
it was until then that you realised your co-star is once again, andrew garfield, your best friend. you're going to be his love interest in this film. you're going to be kissing him, you're going to-
"[y/n] you're here!" the director greeted you. she smiled and waved at you, "it's really nice to see you. i'm honoured to be working with someone as brilliant as you are. i trust you in this role, i know you and andrew will have awesome chemistry to bring this to life."
"thank you! i will not disappoint i promise," you let out a small laugh. a few seconds later, andrew walked in, his presence sweet and his aura bright.
you talked together in depth about what the director wants to see in this film and how the characters are supposed to be. she's very specific so it's quite easy for you to hop on her boat and went along with her sail.
the filming went smoothly, you and andrew were so good together that sometimes the director really thought that you both are in love. well, maybe she's not entirely wrong... ?
"oh my god i'm going to kiss you in less than 45 minutes," andrew said out of the blue when the crew were taking a break for lunch. he was sitting on the floor across from you. reading the script as he casually took a large bite of his burger.
you almost choked at what he said. he said it so normally that you almost didn't catch up on what he's actually saying. "don't eat garlic or any of those sorts please," you replied, biting back a smile as you ignored the butterflies at the thought of it.
"oh i will never!" he chuckled, feeling the blood rushed into his cheeks, so scarlet it was maroon. he's excited to kiss you actually. he has been dreaming on how's it like feeling your lips against his. he knew it will be the best feeling in the world. he knows he will not regret this.
the break is over and it's time for them to... kiss?
"one, two, three, action!"
andrew placed his hand on your face, tugging it closer to him. you felt your breath hitched, the smell of him covering your nostrils. you were lost and long gone in his scent until you came back to reality when andrew pressed his lips to yours.
his tongue made its way inside your mouth and you almost broke out of character when you noticed the peppermint flavour. prior to this, he brushed his teeth profusely and ate packs of mint leaves.
his lips were incredibly soft, they moved ever so slowly with yours, you could melt. your hands went up to his hair as his went down your waist. the feeling was just like the movies. everything went in slow motion, everything is spinning around.
"cut!" the director yelled, seemingly satisfied by the shot. "awesome, [y/n], andrew!" she gave the two of you a thumbs up.
now you moved along with the script, trying to ignore the sparks in your stomach. when the scenes for the day were all finished, andrew walked you back to your dressing room. by the looks of it, he seemed like he wanted to say something.
"okay well hello," he started, clearing his throat.
"hi?" you knitted your brows as you smile at him.
"i want to tell you something actually, something i've been hiding for a while now," he said it in a low whisper, taking baby steps over your carpet.
"okay, c'mere sit with me,"
"you know the kiss? i really enjoyed it," he cringed at his words, wishing it had come out better.
you smiled, crimson creeping up your cheeks. "me too," you nodded.
"yes, well- i know this sounds truly crazy," he shook his head, closing his eyes. "but i really have to tell you that i have- feelings that i feel for you... and by this i mean like in a romantic way. i can ruin our friendship and make my comfort person despise me but i'm giving it a shot anyway."
since we've met i can't stop thinking about you. how your day is or- or how you are feeling that day. i feel like i can be myself around you, and the thing is, i'm rarely being myself. i come to you in by best days and talk to you in my worst days because i trust you. i hope you know that you can trust me too."
you stayed silent, processing what you just heard. you never thought he will confess to you, but he just did. "um [y/n]? please answer me right now because i'm freaking out."
"i feel feels too to you," now it's your turn to cringe on what you just said. "i mean- i feel the same way, i really like you. wholeheartedly."
"okay," a genuine smile spread across his face as he leaned forward to bump his nose on yours. "can we kiss now? is this the right time to kiss like in the movies?"
"sure," you laughed but your voice were quickly shut up by his lips. this time you weren't acting. you two were actually kissing off screen with real feelings behind them. this time, it was much better. he kissed you with more passion and tenderness than earlier.
he didn't want to pull apart but he did anyway as for breathing is a need to keep on living. "i never thought your lips would be so soft. not gonna lie, i'm pretty sure your lips were dry," you said jokingly, rubbing his knuckles that sat on your cheekbone.
"i use lip balm before i go to bed religiously after i found out that we're gonna kiss," he admitted. "for good impressions.."
you laughed at him, your heart practically melting underneath your ribs. "i will still like you if you have crocodile skin lips anyway," you shrugged.
"stop that," he laughed. before you know it, his lips were on yours for the third time that day, and you wouldn't want to have it in any other way.
since then, the two of you have been the happiest creatures on the planet. you always woke up to him by your side or him on top of you, completely covering you like a blanket. he will greet you with small kisses on your forehead and hold your hand whenever he can. he is the definition of a gentleman and the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for.
"morning, lovie! it's premiere day!" andrew whispered to you one morning in his apartment. you were in his arms, face hiding in his neck.
"don't wanna wake up," you mumbled. "i slept at four am yesterday, so sleepy."
"i know, love," he smiled, kissing your nose. you love those nicknames he gave you. when he calls you using pet names, your heart is like a field of blossoming flowers. "once we came back, you can be a bear hibernating throughout winter and i will stay by your side for the whole season, but now we have to get up."
"fine," you rolled over, grabbing the blanket with you so andrew is left with nothing but his pj's and the cold air around the room.
"hey you're evil!" he quickly rolled himself to a ball next to you. "i don't know why i'm dating you."
"you date me because i'm your favourite person and you're in love with me."
he chuckled, nuzzling his head to the crook of your neck. "i love you, so can you please share the blanket with me? how dare you leave your loving boyfriend shaking from the cold."
"you should really install a heater in here to avoid situations like these," you dodged him nonchalantly.
"you should really consider sharing our blanket to avoid situations like these."
"the blanket is all yours, i'm taking a shower!" you jumped up from the bed and ran to the bathroom but your steps were stopped midway when andrew pulled you back.
"i'm not letting you go from me without a kiss."
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nevernonline · 10 months
hihi! its the anon that requested the 14th member in another gg and performing a sexy concept!! i loved the ones u wrote recently and i was hoping (pls dont feel pressured to do it!!) of u could continue with the rest of the members. ur writing is so nice btw🫶
bubu, hi!! yes, ofc!! it's sort of long bc im insane, but thank u sm. ily. (srry this took so long lmao?) 🖤☘️
svt reactions to member and their gg and their sexy debut concept (cont.):
Wonwoo was always somewhat of a protector for you. He took it upon himself to shield you from the bad side of being an idol. Comments, questions, people trying to get in your pants. It’s common for a female idol to be burned in the spotlight, especially when they’re around 13 guys a lot of the time. Between dating rumors, fans' assumptions that you HAD to be hooking up with at least one of them, he always shut it down even before you or the company had the opportunity to do so. The night of your debut showcase the company threw a small album release party, family only which included a lot of the members from various groups between pledis and hybe. Your group's videos and concept were plastered playing on the large LED display, which was catching the eyes of some male company staffers and idols. Wonwoo was sitting across the room from you, watching as people praised your hard work and talent. He didn’t think much of it until someone asked him if they thought you’d give them your cell phone number so they could ask you on a date. He wanted to tell them no for you, but figured you should be able to fight that battle yourself so instead he beat him to it. A text pinged in your phone from Wonwoo telling you to meet him outside on the patio just so he can congratulate you, instead of just asking you out himself. Not just as friends, but much more.
When your team manager and the ceo sat jihoon down for a conversation, he definitely did not expect to be asked to help produce a song you wrote for your new group's debut ep. He would have done it in a heartbeat even without the company’s executives praising him and ready to bed for his music expertise. He was always willing to work and help out a friend. When the day came and you stepped into his sacred studio space, he was nowhere to be found, you’ve been in the light colored room often, but never alone. You took your time getting comfortable on his couch, playing with your phone while you awaited the arrival of your close friend. When the door alarm buzzed and unlocked, revealing Jihoon and his arms full of snacks and sodas for you both to enjoy.  “Sorry I'm late, I tried to text you but I left my phone in here before stepping out.”  “No worries, Hoonie. Is it just us then?”  “Yeah, everyone’s a little busy today. That’s cool?”  “Obviously. So before we get started should I tell you the concept?”  “That would be helpful, y/n.”  Jihoon was always a jokester especially with you, it was easy to play around with him.  “So, well, okay. It’s basically a song about seducing someone, we’re trying a sexy siren concept.”  Taken a back slightly, Jihoon couldn’t recall ever having to be sexy or seductive in a concept before, even as trainee’s when the company had you do battle of the sexes.  “Do you have some lyrics?”  “Yeah, here.”  ‘Fear not my temptation, but deliver me from the thoughts in my own head. Using my voice, I’ll promise to make these boys wind up dead.’ “So you’re basically using boys as playthings and then killing them, praying mantis style?”  “Basically, yes.”  “Want to hop into the booth and try some stuff?”  Hopping up from his couch and placing the heavy black headphones on your ears, a sultry piano and bass riff played. You sang the lyrics both you and Jihoon were coming up with on the spot, not realizing the way you were swaying under the pink lighting of his booth. Touching your body slightly, getting into the groove of the song.  “Uh, y/n?”  “Yeah?”  “Can you stop moving like that? I mean I like it, but it’s a little distracting.”  “Oh my god, sorry I didn’t even know I was doing that.”  “You’re lucky you’re cute.”  “So the seduction of the song is working, is what you’re saying though?”  “A little too well.” 
Seokmin was the most supportive friend you could ever ask for. He wasn’t shy to tell you how amazing you did while performing or how beautiful you looked in and out of your stage costumes. When he took his seat next to the rest of the boys in the glass box of the arena for your debut showcase. He wore the merchandise and clung onto the picket with your face on it out of anticipation to actually get the opportunity to watch you perform without him. As soon as the lights went down on the stage, the crowd began cheering your fan chant, he studied their words and joined in himself, forcing the rest of your team to do the same. The pitch black room filled with screams made his heart pound fast. Why was he so nervous? You came into his view, the bright stage lights bouncing off of your glowing frame, he noticed your smile as the song began to play. He couldn’t take his eyes off of you, he watched your interactions with the rest of the girls, the fans, and even the sneaky look up to him. He truly felt like your fan girl, singing along with you, dancing the choreography, and shouting your name louder than anybody in the room. The rest of the members tried to get his attention, but he was so intoxicated by watching you that he didn’t hear them. His fixated gaze on you had others watching him watch you. When it was all finally over, Seokmin couldn’t leave his seat for a good five minutes, his heart was beating faster than it should. The guys pulled him backstage to congratulate you. His hands were sweating now, pulling up to your door. Seeing you open it, now in a matching gray sweatsuit, halfway done with taking your makeup off. You hugged the various members and saved Seokmin for last. Whispering in his ear how grateful you were for him. The rest of the guys sat around teasing your biggest fan, laughing at the videos they took as he watched you. You caught a glimpse of his face, a pretend smile clearly embarrassed for the things they were saying.  “Okay, guys I’ll meet you at the restaurant. I’m going to take a shower and I’ll be there soon.”  With various goodbyes and see you laters you tugged Seokmin back into the room.  “Wait. Hold on, mister. You okay?”  “Yes, I’m good. I’ll see you at the restaurant, y/n. Good job.”  “Stop it. I could tell you were embarrassed by them. Why?”  “Not exactly, I guess I should’ve been more careful how I was reacting out there with all your fans. If they have those videos then someone else does too. I’m sorry.”  “Why are you sorry? Those are the sweetest videos ever. You looked so happy, Seok.”  “I feel like I embarrassed you or something.”  “You? You could never embarrass me. I love you. Wait here? Come to the restaurant with me.”  “ I’ll wait for you always.”  “Good. Let’s keep it that way.”  And with a peck on Seokmin cheek, you both spent the night reading all the comments about how sweet his support for you was. 
Mingyu got the opportunity to be a special MC for the week of your group's new debut, meaning he would get many opportunities to see you and your friends in action on stage and interview you during the broadcast. When the time finally came and you were waiting for your interview he was prompted by the producer to take the side of the interview stage next to you, simply because fans would love it. Watching you parade onto the stage in your small denim shorts and corset top adorned with black ribbons and lace, made Mingyu’s heart swell. The way your newly blonde hair cascaded down your exploded back was distracting him from his duties as host, just up until the slate came into his view.  “Hello, everyone, welcome back we’re here celebrating a new debut today, please welcome Spice. Hello hello.”  Claps rung through the studio as your eyes linger on Mingyu’s exposed fangs.  “Mingyu, what is it like seeing y/n up here with a group other than Seventeen? Jealousy? Happiness?”  Jungwoo’s comments made the rest of your team giggle, watching the over six foot man still tower over you while you stood on the riser next to him.  “Jealousy, for sure”  “And y/n or the rest of spice how do you girls feel having a self proclaimed kpop fossil in your midst, how are you dealing with her ex-members? Are they in your business all the time? Do they offer advice?”  “Well, I know Mingyu’s lying when he says he’s jealous. He actually texted me last night and told me he was proud of me and excited I’m out of his hair now.”  Your members agreed with you, stating they saw the text too while you were all preparing for your showcase.  “That’s not true. The pride was, but we miss having y/n around to keep us in check.”  “Okay, Spice members, we wanted a sneak peak of your debut stage for your song ‘Red Lips’ which one of you would like to give us a little tutorial on the choreography and an intro to the song?”  Unanimously your members chose their leader, you to give the two boys a sneak preview of your new track.  “Spice’s famous leader y/n, let’s go. Music Queue.”  You began the point dance by squatting, tracking your movements with your hands up your body, before spinning your frame around so your back was facing the camera with your hurt in full display. When the clip ended Mingyu put his large frame in front of you so the camera couldn’t hold the shot too long, protecting the last of the innocence you once had when he met you.  When your interview was finally over you and Mingyu ended it with a tight hug where he picked you up off your feet  that was caught on camera.  Safe to say the internet shippers went wild for a long time after that.
Minghao was doing an interview for a fashion magazine alongside the other 97’ members where they were being asked about some of their favorite things. Mingyu brought up your group's new song ‘Pure’ and Seokmin brought up how beautiful the music video was, both of them talking over each other about how fun the song is, and how it makes them feel excited when they work out. Minghao was just sitting nodding along, non-verbally agreeing that your group had some of the best new music in the industry and that you’ll be the next breakout idol group. The interviewer then asked other than the newest song by you, which song was their favorite, just keeping the conversation going. Mingyu still answered ‘Pure,’ Seokmin said it was the ballad of your album called ‘Skeletons.’ And Minghao said your first title track, ‘All Over.’ Which was actually banned in many schools for being too addictive, mainly due to the content of the video or maybe the explicit lyrics. When he was asked to elaborate he just simply said that he loves when people feel confident enough in themselves to do whatever they want. The clip was circling the internet, making silly jokes about how maybe Minghao sits around, watching you do scandalous moments for his own pleasure. Which was far from the truth, but he didn’t mind. Getting the opportunity to perform at the same time as you on a music show meant he would get to see the song live for the first time. He watched your group parade around the stage in small skirts and button down tops, imagining himself doing the partner choreography with you instead of the dancer you got assigned. When it was finished you came off the stage, right into his view.  “Better in person?”  “Maybe. I don’t think you're very into your dance partner though, no chemistry.”  “Really? He’s cool and not bad on the eyes, but yeah he’s not very interesting. Kind of a wet blanket actually.”  “A wet blanket?”  “Yeah, you know no substance. Soggy, whatever.”  “Maybe you should ask to swap to someone else?”  “No, it’s alright. He did try to ask me out at practice the other day though, literally in the exact moment we were doing that wild floor part, not really the best moment to ask someone out when they’re on top of you. But, go off.”  “He asked you out?”  “Yes..”  “Why? What the hell. That’s unprofessional.”  “It’s okay, Hao. I told him no.”  “You really should get a new partner.”  “Like who?”  “Me. I can think of lots of other stuff to ask you if you’re on top of me.”  “Oh my god.”  “Wait, that came out so wrong. Not what I meant.”  “Are you sure? I was a little excited.”  “Oh. Well in that case, meet me later in the practice studio. Let’s try it out.”  “You’ve got yourself a deal, partner.” 
After watching your debut, Seungkwan was wildly proud and supportive. He’s watched your confidence grow an exceptional amount alongside him. The praise from the fans felt like it was for him a little bit too, not in a selfish way but just because you blossomed into adults together. A few of the idols from your company got asked to be a part of a reality show about a day in the life of an idol, you and seungkwan both agreed knowing it would be fun to do together, especially since you haven’t had many opportunities to interact due to your busy schedules. For promotions of the new season you were paired together for interviews with various magazines and online programs. In the interview with Marie Claire the journalist had you play a game of truth or drink where you sat facing each other and the table between you had stacks of questions. You both were doing well, laughing, getting slightly buzzed on the shots of tequila that were provided until Seungkwan pulled a truth question, trying to buy himself a chance to skip a drinking turn. “What would you do if another idol was making a pass at the other player in front of you? How would you react?”  “What kind of question is that? Drink, Kwan” “Can I pick another one?”  You and Seungkwan were giggling and laughing over the prospect of someone making a pass at one of you in front of the other, the PA prompted him to either answer or move on, he wasn’t able to pick another option.  “Ok, I’m going to drink.”  “Ah, come on. Now I’m curious.”  “I’ll tell you later.”  Seungkwan and you finished up the last of your interviews and headed into the black suv parked outside of the studio.  “So tell me now about that question.”  “It’s just weird to think about anybody asking you out, I mean I know some have tried, but you’ve always turned it down. If someone did it in front of me? Damn. I’d probably laugh in their face first of all, which is rude I know. After that I’d probably yell at them how disinterested you would be.”  “But, what if it’s someone I’m interested in?”  “Please, who are you interested in, you've never said anything before?”  “You.”  “No way. Stop fucking around, y/n.”  “I’m serious. Deadly actually. I’ve always had a crush on you, why would any sane single person turn down half of these guys that are asking me out unless they’re interested in someone else.”  “You’re sane?”  “Shut up. I’m being serious. Stop being an ass, I’ll cry.”  “Then if I send your manager a card asking for permission to date you, will you accept it?”  “Why not just ask me yourself?”  “I’m a traditionalist.”  “Then you’ll just have to see what she says when you do.” 
Naturally Vernon wasn’t a jealous guy, he was just some dude that couldn't care less what other people were up to. He was so excited when he heard that you’d be debuting with new girls at the company, proud that they chose you to lead them with all of your experiences alongside him and the other members of your group. You and Vernon always had a special bond being the same age, having similar stories of how you became an idol, he appreciated having someone around who could understand him only through body language as did you. He came to surprise you and your new team on the day of your debut, carrying coffees, helping the staffers with luggage’s, bandaids, holding the hair and makeup team's bags. He really just wanted to show you he cared and was excited that you were moving on to bigger and better experiences in this industry. Vernon was never one to ask too many in depth questions about concepts and costumes, he knew the company would take care of you and he didn’t want to spoil the surprise for himself. As you were getting ready to take the stage, your manager asked him if he wanted to take a seat with them backstage and watch the view from the side. He told them no, mainly because he didn’t want to be a distraction and also everybody knows the side view is never exciting to see for the first time. As the team filtered out of your holding room Vernon took his place on the leather couch, watching your unit get into their positions. He never noticed your outfit until now, a black leather jacket, tight white tank top, and a pair of tight leather shorts with garters attached running the length of your bare legs all the way down to your chunky loafers. It’s not that he never thought you were beautiful before, but something changed now. He decided to open his Twitter app, seeing what people were saying about your group as you continued your performance. Vernon wished he hadn’t seen the comments about you made by men over half your age about what they’d like to do to you after seeing your bare legs. Suddenly he realized he wasn’t the only one gunning to be with you, but he was the only one who stood a chance. 
Chan always made you feel special, when he heard your group's new song it gave him an idea to beg your production team for a cut so he could create a Danceology as a surprise. Something big and dramatic to make you feel good and maybe a little to impress you. He enlisted the help of his friends Yeonjun and Changbin to make it extra fun for his fans to see three well liked idols performing a sexy girl group choreography made by him. The day came where it was about to be uploaded, so he arranged a small get together with the two of you to watch it’s release on YouTube, you weren’t sure why he asked you to come hangout with his friends and do a weverse live with him, but you never missed a chance to see him especially now with your busy schedules.  “Hello guys. So we’re doing this very special live for y/n actually. I have a surprise.” “A surprise? It’s not my birthday, channie.”  “Doesn’t matter. I may or may not have made a very special danceology episode for you.”  “What the fuck, oh sorry. What? Why did you do that?”  “Because I wanted to, the reason we’re here on live with everyone is to watch it before it goes up and you can see it before they do. Sorry everyone.”  “Okay, yes. Thank you, show me, show me, show me.”  “Alright, y/n may I present to you a special danceology to Spice’s ‘Pitch Black.”  The pair of you both clapped your hands as your manager pressed play revealing Chan, Changbin, and Yeonjun wearing black tank tops and different shades of ripped jeans, a match from the music video your group had just released.  “Oh my god. This is insane.”  Chan didn’t say anything back, but just kept watching you watching his gift for you, until he noticed your eyes click to one of the other three in the trio. A gut feeling had him knowing that your attention wasn’t only on him, but he shoved it down until the fade out of the song came on.  “Wow. You guys killed that shit. Yeonjun and Changbin thank you guys too, it was amazing. Thank you.”  “You liked?”  “Chan, it was so good. That part where Yeonjun came into the front and did the hip swivel thing? Iconic.”  “What about me?”  You ruffled his hair, laughing confused why he was so serious after you made the comment about his tall friend.  “You looked very cute.”  “Cute? That’s it.”  Aware you were still broadcasting live, you pulled your phone out to text Chan and remind him of it, he told the fans that you guys will come back after going out for some dinner to talk more and reminding them to watch the video before you go live again before saying goodbye.  “What was that, y/n?”  “What? It was amazing, I told you? Did I say something wrong?”  “It’s nothing, just nevermind. Let’s go get some food.”  “No come on, no angry eating. What’s wrong?”  “Just, I guess I’m jealous. I did all of that for you and you were stuck watching my friend. I’m sorry.”  “Because I complimented him on one part over you? That doesn’t mean anything, you were so good. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you the entire time aside from that. You were amazing.”  “Yeah, emphasis on cute huh?”  “If I tell you how sexy you look, will you stop pouting and buy me dinner?”  His award winning smile crept onto his lips.  “Only if you tell me ten more times.” 
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yuurivoice · 9 months
Hi yv! I just wanted to send a message saying how much I love your content and I have for years. It's been amazing to see your channel grow and I'm one of your biggest fans!! I used to sub to the patreon but life goes hard and I haven't been able to for a while. The latest auron video has been practically on repeat for me and I really just wanted to say I hope you have a wonderful day and happy holidays!!! Give all the kitties a kiss on the forehead for me pls!
Thank you for the kind words! No worries about whether or not you're a Patreon sub, I certainly appreciate the support but always want people to put themselves first so don't sweat that and I hope you kick life's ass! Also, sending me a kind message is a pretty great way to support in its own right, so I'm genuinely appreciative!
The cats will most definitely be smooched, and I'll pass along a note that it's from a kind Anon!
It's been a wild few years, huh? Making the leap from the Tumblr days to the YouTube era was a big one, but the past 4 years were where I really started to find my footing and I think there's been a lot of growth creatively and personally.
Things have been moving in the right direction despite some personal road bumps and detours. Looking back, there's a lot of things I wish I could have accomplished and kept afloat while working through everything. Still dealing with the guilt of BitterSweet and Shattered not being a thing this year, particularly for all the ride or die Alphonse and Seth fans who have been starving for content while I've been hesitant to push out content for them because the big series wasn't coming.
Thankfully, most people have been supportive, kind, and understanding. That being said, I'm not ignorant to the nature of my content (growing roster of characters = someone's fave isn't getting posted for a while) and I'm doubly thankful to those who have been chill as other characters get established and have their time in the sun.
I'm really hopeful that in the coming year, balance and scheduling and planning are all finely tuned and help me avoid content traffic jams like we've run into such as the recent Charlie Era (lol) which wasn't exactly the plan, but with October AU series + Plushie + Lost & Found all aligning it sorta just worked out that way. Also, it bears mentioning that it's not every day that a side character who was not guaranteed to catch on as A Thing (TM) actually finds an audience and has significant demand. Sometimes you gotta roll with how things play out, and that's just the nature of creating content on social media.
I'm optimistic that things will be at least a LITTLE bit more balanced thanks to ADHD treatment and seeing huge improvements with my mental health. Which can't be understated, because holy shit, the amount of things I'm just able to do without feeling like I'm holding myself at gunpoint or making a million deals with myself to convince myself to do a single task is amazing.
Not only is it easier to get to work, it's easier to do more of the work. That Auron audio you referenced is a great example. I was worried with the script I had and the premise, I wouldn't be able to get much more than 9/10 minutes out of it. The length of my general audios is something I've been conscious of forever, so I was shocked and thrilled when I finished up with the recording and it was 24 minutes of some of my favorite Auron content ever. I'm getting more comfortable improvising, or creating more as I go vs. write, record, post. I'm able to do a little more, add things that I would normally omit or not bother with, and just try harder without feeling like I'm trying harder and purely because I'm enjoying it and I want to.
I am SO sorry that this turned into a rant in response to what was a fairly straightforward question, you caught me while I was feeling introspective.
tldr: Thanks for fuckin' with me. Folks like you make me want to work hard and deliver the goods. The kindness goes a long way, and I don't take that for granted!
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fr3akingtf0utrn · 1 year
Hi! I'm the ghaseball uniform anon. To be completely transparent I completely forgot I made the request! But now that I've read it I can say you delivered exactly as I expected
It was scarily accurate to what I had imagined lol. Copia's desperation and general horniness was so hot. And you always managed to capture the small details that really add to the hotness. This quality is really apparent in Smother Me, which was another great read.
Now, I've come to make more requests. I'm familiar with all of the Fandoms you brought up, but right now I'm solely focused on Ghost and Copia. So that is all I can offer.
Here are some of my requests:
M!Reader impressing and intimidating Copia with his strength. Basically just a lot of strength kink, I want that twink obliterated. Make him throw Copia around like a ragdoll, both of them will love it. Preferably ends with Copia being held down and railed
Aether x Copia size kink shenanigans. I'm so insane for their size difference it drives me crazy. I love when fic authors point out how Copia is smaller than Aether, delicious. I imagine both of them getting riled up after a show and rushing back to Copia's dressing room to bang, and that's where the kink comes in
Last one (for now)
M!Reader is attending a ritual, watching Copia perform. However he made Copia put in a vibrating butt plug before the show, and he is holding the remote. Imagine copia trying to hold it together on stage like that, like omggg
That's the end. It should go without saying but please don't do any of these if they aren't your cup of tea! And don't worry about taking a while or anything, I understand.
Apologies for the long ass ask, I had a lot to say I guess.
I hope you're doing well and enjoying life, Goodbye for now :]
Holy fuck. I love. I will TRY MY ABSOLUTE FUCKING BEST to give you what you want. BUT I’m a slow ass lazy bitch who forgets easily so yuh. I think I’m gonna try and start with shirt simple ones like the copia on stage one.
So let’s organize,
1. Copia x M! Reader- reader is Papas ghoul. You are extremely possessive of him and would do anything to for him. Papa knows his ghoul is incredibly strong and big and wants to make use of his bigness🤭(I’ve already thought of this one and started it AWHILE ago but it’s like 40% done so yay)
2. Copia x M! Reader - reader is Popias assistant/idk whatever you want and makes copia put in a vibrating and watched from behind the curtains,enjoying him shaking and giving longing looks at each other.
AND ngl I don’t ship ghouls and papas all that much but I have been thinking..THINKING. Of doing a size difference maybe including you aether anddd Copia…
I already have half one done so beware and remember I take time with these since I’m a slow motherfucker. 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♂️ also pls continue putting in more requests ilysm.
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likesunsetorange · 3 months
omg don't be sorry for rambling pls i love hearing about what you have to say!! the fact that levi and mikasa's dynamic reminds you of you and your brother is so sweet stoppp 😭
i don't have twitter so i didn't know DOL was pretty personal to you as a writer but i love that. i can tell it's something created out of love! <3
i'm glad to hear we'll get to hear more eruri's lore in DOL omg hhahdjs, i didn't know you like them so much that makes me so happy to hear haha, i'm just so obsessed with ackermans and their men idk isayama cooked peak romance with that i think. but hey, if you ever do decide to write a full on eruri fic i will be your number 1 supporter hahdjdh 🫡
haha i’m glad someone enjoys my rambles then!!
but idk how much of the dol lore i’ve shared on tumblr, mostly because i feel like i don’t talk about dol as much on here? so i guess here’s a bit of a dol lore dump if you must!!! and just some other stuff about the fic too!
but forgive me if i have LOL but for those of y’all that maybe don’t follow me on twitter, dol was actually inspired by something that happened to me!
i mention it in the first chapter of the fic, but the whole package scenario actually happened to me with my neighbor! i used to actually kind of have a tiny crush on my neighbor (nothing crazy i just thought he was cute lol) and my package got delivered to him!! but he lived directly across from me lol so i didn’t bother knocking or letting him know when i got my package but he saw me on the ring and then came knocking on my door a few hours later asking about the package lmfao 😭 it was super awkward in my case bc my dad answered the door and i had just gotten out the shower and i looked so bad LOL it was very embarrassing and i avoided him until he moved out a month later lolbut yea i like to think of it as a little butterfly effect in my life! bc it brought me to the fandom and stuff! so dol is really special to me in that aspect, i turned an embarrassing moment in my life into something special haha
and then in actual dol, hitch annie and sasha are really a big combination of all of my female besties (i have several lol), but i have a friend group of four, and their dynamic reminds me a lot of the of the four of us!! there’s so many convos and tidbits of their friendship lore, i’ve kinda stolen from my friends and i and our stupid escapades 😭 if you read the one shot i did of mikasa’s college days, there’s a few little tidbits that are actually just about me i slipped in! i really love writing their scenes bc i think about my friends and our friendship and what they mean to me! one of my fav scenes i have planned is from a really pivotal moment i think of often between one of my friends and i!
this is me actually really exposing the fuck out of myself too LOL but for eren’s character too, i’ve honestly put some traits of all my past romantic conquests 💀 i won’t say much more than that but yea LOL
and i’ve also expressed my experiences with grief a lot while writing dol too! my own personal experiences and just in the last few years seeing how those around me have handled it as well!
i think that’s why i just love dol so much bc it’s like little pieces of my life broken into the story, i like to say dol is a love letter to those around me and the people i love! it’s from the heart truly lol it’s not perfect but the love really is there and dol at its core (or at least i hope it’s being conveyed) is about love!!! platonic familial and romantic!! but that’ll make more sense later i think haha
but i am also obsessed with all the ackerman relationships!! i’m obsessed w kenuri too!!! i think they’re all peak tbh isayama went off w them he cooked i fear. BUT THANKS SM ABOUT THE ERURI 😭🤍 YOURE TOO KIND ANON! in glad i have a shooter!!! maybe i will write a little drabble about it bc dol eruri is kinda peak to me they make me emo i won’t lie 😭🩵
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butterfly-winx · 2 years
Hi moya I would like to know what happened to Varanda in your Au
*cracks knuckles* Anon, I have been thinking about her lately and come up with a few thoughts:
Varanda gets introduced as Stella's penpal, whose resignation letter she was supposed to deliver to Alfea, and she is done away with making room for Bloom. Kind of like a throwaway thought, a throwaway character.
Varanda however desesrves to become a person of her own might and her textual story reflects this metatextual thought.
Varanda Fiona de Numor is the elder princess of Callisto, the south neighbour of Eraklyon on Manubra 47. Callisto, in contrast to Eraklyon is ruled by magic using royalty, and theirs is a country of bountiful beaches, grottos and parades; military might hidden under colourful uniforms and feathered hats. They are no less strict and traditional than their northern neighbour: despite being the older sibling, Varanda is not set on inheriting the throne, instead her younger brother is.
Until Mika was born however, Varanda was the only heir and she spent her early childhood off planet for her protection (the war on Manubra 47 and the danger of heir assassinations explained in another post on Eraklyon, pls check masterpost.)
Her paternal aunt took Varanda to another planet, very similar to their own: full of beaches, rocky coastlines and tiny islands. Hopping from boat to boat enjoying the colourful garments of the people in this new place, Varanda almost felt at home. Her aunt took her to a palace here too, but not to live locked up like she would have on Callisto, but to dance. Varanda made friends with the only student of her aunt's who was similar to her in age, but was forbidden from sharing any information about herself. When Varanda turned 7, she received the news of her brother's birth with much heartbreak. She had to say goodbye to the islands, goodbye to sunsets at the beach and to the girl with dark skin and mischievous smile.
From then on, she was barely permitted to leave the palace grounds anymore. Only long pleading and begging could get her free passes to the boat parades and annual masquerade balls (which she attended disguised of course). She took great pleasure in pretty things and fashion and spent her time on the UWW (universe wide web) so much that her parents started to worry for her.
When her powers as a fairy manifested, marking her as Fairy of Glass (which she then expanded to Spun Sands), they set her up with a pen pal partner: another princess from a faraway planet. Why she couldn't talk to any of the other Princes and Princesses of Manubra 47 was beyond her, but she acquiesced. Despite also being 12, the other princess hasn't shown any powers yet and her mother had asked them a favour, if maybe talking to a peer would help her daughter's magical development.
So Varanda and Stella, the princess of Solaria, began their slow exchange of letters. Rarely at first, only making a show for the sake of their parents, like "look I tried". Stella discovered her magic powers over the entire night sky feels like and Varanda had to deal with jealousy and feelings of inadequacy for the first time on her life. Being the Fairy of Glass, a trade associated aspect, wasn't what her parents have hoped for. It was still a good aspect. Varanda took pleasure in creating beautiful glass structures, and they also projected her to be able to use her power offencively should the need arise.
Varanda didn't want the need to arise. She had grown accustomed to the protected gardens of her home, every shaded corner a familiar fold on a cherished map she knew like her own palm. She no longer wanted to scale the walls. The more Stella told her about her wild life, roaming free in the world, the less Varanda felt like she wanted to do the same. She felt like she couldn't, like if she had to talk to a stranger she might fail and faint. How could Stella come up with all those quirky responses in her (sometimes unbeknownst to her, embellished) stories? Varanda felt a stone form in her throat if she even thought about it!
Eventually she confided this fear to Stella and her penpal wrote her an essay length letter, with pages upon pages trying to entice her to leave the country. Slowly, Varanda let herself be convinced, that this is a good idea. Stella revealed that even the Prince of Eraklyon would be attending a school on Magics, so it couldn't be that dangerous, could it?
And maybe exactly because of that information, or completely independent from it, her parents spoke their final word. There were plenty good teachers and schools in Callisto anyway. She could get to Enchantix here if she wanted to.
So much was true, but still, Varanda had just missed her chance to go to school with Stella, a friend as support. Stella kept updating her about her adventures dutifully, about meeting prince Sky and other fancy members of high society. Then, towards the middle of her second semester, Stella's letters have stopped. King Radius and Queen Luna announced their divorce. Varanda could put two and two together.
The next letter arrived from Queen Luna instead: Stella would be attending Alfea next year again (heed no mind to the rumour of her expulsion). There was no request, or implication. Just a simple statement.
This time Varanda tried, she really tried. She had her application accepted by the time she told her parents about her plans. She talked to Stella at length, read up about Magics. But then the Duke of Callisto, her cousin had been the target of an attempted assassination while on holiday off planet and Nishi increased their border patrols. Her parents had to respond in retaliation. Sending her away now would only invite trouble and harm to her.
Varanda understood. Heavy-hearted, she composed a letter of resignation she entrusted Stella with, since she couldn't leave the planet to deliver it herself. Despite it all, the control, the isolation, the social anxiety, Varanda was a pragmatic girl. She understood when sacrifices were necessary, and kept herself dutifully blank, but ready for when her time would come.
The world would change, and how it did. Mostly thanks to Stella and her school friends. For the longest time all Varanda had heard was that Stella had used Varanda's name to smuggle a girl to Alfea from Earth of all places who was badly in need of magic education but had zero means to get it where she was from. From Earth? Go figure. All of this, she received notice of in post. The more Stella spent in her second year with a better set of friends, the less she wrote to Varanda, and Varanda herself also felt less and less inclined to pick up the pen.
She studied magic in Callisto and trained as a home defense guard behind her parents back.
Magic returned to Earth.
Mika started his magic training and Varanda tutored him after his official classes. If they were confined together, they might make the best of it.
Calamities came and went, then one day everyone woke up with a fragment of their memories fundamentally altered. Or restored? Old books became legible again the knowledge that nymphs existed in near past and the possibility of an ascension into nymphhood shook the world.
Varanda was finally allowed outside into this renewed changing world, to celebrate the restoration of Domino, a kingdom everyone thought just as gone as the nymphs. She met Stella in person and the Princess of Domino, one of Stella's many school friends who remarked there to be no similarity between them at all. How could there? The princess of Domino, while also red haired, was pale as powder! Varanda was mixed but she inherited a good heap of melanin from her father thank you very much!
Then the Trix happened to... pretty much every country and planet of the inner universe and people were forced to introspect about their treatment of witchcraft users. Varanda had an encounter with the rescued ex-exiled Lady of Isis of Eraklyon, who was in many aspect more her equal than Stella had been. Diasprom in the shadow of her two brothers, disgraced as the fiance of Prince Sky, had not many avenues left in life, especially not now, confined to only being able to use witchcraft for a good while. Yet she clung to her homeland, to making an honest life there.
"At least we don't shackle our magic users over here."- Varanda had said, carelessly cold thinking about the magicless hegemony of Erakyon.
"I'll take the shackle and honest work over a gilded cage any day."- was her response and the fire in Diaspro's eyes sparked a longer and truer friendship than Varanda ever had in her entire life.
As some general notes, Varanda is shy and naive when brought outside of her comfort zone, but her nature is naturally reserved and level headed. Even while in contact with Stella and absorbed in fashion, Varanda was never as surfacially frivolous as her friend. Deep down she does love all sort of gaudy knicknack tho is the thing. She just doesn't say it out loud. Her love language is definitely receiving gifts.
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wonijinjin · 8 months
okay first of all. bRO ILYSM YOIRE THE BEST LIKE ACTUALLY. TYSM FOR ALL YOUR CONTENT AND JUST KNOW (even if you have no idea who i am) YOU HAVE SOMEONE WHOD RIDE OR DIE FOR YOU!!!!! okay and uh i have a req (?) Im sorry if your reqs are closed ignore me but uh svt w a s/o who doesnt really initiate physical touch and is usually lost in her own world kinda quiet but one sleepy morning she just wakes up and feels really happy and just like presses kisses everywhere on svts face and hugs them really tight and doesnt let them go and svts reaction to that?? Like they could melt or be like omg you okay?? Or just cuddle the crap out of each other idk but Like id die for this fic like actually. AND AS ALWAYS PLS DONT FORCE YOURSELF DONT WRITE IF YOURE UNINSPIRED OR DONT FEEL LIKE WRITING!!!!!! YOU COME FIRST ALWAYS. and if svt feels too challenging then maybe coups or my bias line? (Coups 98 line wonu and jun) (also i was socially exhausted anon but now im claiming 🌱 )
hi lovely 🌱 anon!<3 thank you for the kind words you are just the sweetest angel! i am so happy to hear that you like my work and really grateful for you taking the time to read them!:) i hope i can continue. to deliver works you like, thank you for being here and stopping by the inbox! take care<3
thank you for requesting, your fic can be found here :) enjoy!:)
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hyungseos-cafe · 2 years
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Pairing: Ateez Mingi x GN!Reader 
Genre: Fluff 
Warning: None :3
Word count: 664 
Pov: A few years after Mingi had finished promoting with Ateez, he decided to fully push forward with his clothing brand, Minkiway, but of course he couldn’t have done it without you (: 
A/N: Hi anon, I am so sorry this took me months to write 🙃 pls enjoy 🥺
Order for: forgetful anon
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“Welcome to the official launch of the fall Minkiway collection” Mingi rehearsed out loud, he had been preparing and curating a line for his official fall launch for the past 2 years.  
“For this fall collection, we will be featuring both neutral and warm tones to accentuate the warm feeling of fall” 
“Our goal with this launch is…. The goal of this launch is… God this is so stupid!”
You watched from the hallway as Mingi threw his drafts in the trash, his shoulders tense and his voice hoarse. To help ease his worries, you snuck behind him to wrap your arms around his shoulders and press gentle kisses to the back of his neck 
“Hey, you’re doing great”
“Baby, I’m not. Look at me, I’m a mess” Mingi stood up, visible bags under his eyes growing darker and his disheveled hair sticking up in all directions 
A small tear fell from his face as he slowly lowered his head to rest in between your shoulder and neck, slowly taking in your scent. 
“I don’t know if I can do this”
“You can”
Mingi lifted his head from your shoulders and looked down intently at your eyes, his eyes red from the tears that once fell from them 
“Well, you’re Song Mingi aren’t you?”
“Yes, bu-“
“No but’s! This is your dream, right?”
Mingi nodded slowly, using the back of his hand to rub his residual tears 
“Well, I can help you write this speech and you deliver it, okay? You’re going to do great” 
Mingi nodded again, his heart swelled with love and joy as he stared at you, the absolute love of his life. 
A few hours later and 3 cups of coffee, a moving and encouraging speech had been written. 
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen, 
Thank you for coming to the official fall launch of Minkiway. As many of you may know, Minkiway was originally the name of a brief Youtube series I had produced along with my company while I was active with Ateez. The name Minki is a little nickname I was given, by our fans we called Atiny, it was quite adorable. That aside, before I unveil the pieces I curated for this fall collection, I want to share why I wanted to create my own clothing line” 
Mingi stood tall, straightening out his suit as he held onto his paper, stared out to the distance to find your eyes before he continued 
“I created this clothing line to well, indulge on my love for fashion and dressing up. My company gave me the wonderful opportunity to start my show on our channel which would then manifest itself to me later on opening my own brand. However, this could not have been done alone. I had the help of my wonderful partner, Y/n who helped me write this speech along with giving me the confidence to continue what I love. 
This fall collection features a mix of textures, materials and neutral warm and cool tones. This fall collection is one of my favorites as it is quite versatile and can be worn year round. Many of these pieces in this collection are part of my personal time capsule. I hope as you all browse through this collection, that you can learn more about me and my personal style. 
It is my main goal to help you find your own personal style. So, think of these pieces as the foundation to be built upon and layered. Explore, refine, define and most importantly, discover who you are through fashion. 
Thank you”
As the crowd stood to applaud him, Mingi turned around to cut the ribbon to his store. The crowd eventually dispersed into the store to walk around the beautiful layout Mingi had painstakingly drafted out years before.  
“See, I knew you could do it” You winked as you hugged him from the side 
“Not without you though” Mingi leaned down to press a soft kiss to your forehead. 
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sneezydarliing · 11 months
OH GOSH OKAY seeing hypmic in a fandom list is wild to me. I mean this in the best way possible ofc. So im gonna swallow up my embarrassment and request maybe a ramuda thing, if youd like!! I did see somewhere (while maniacally scouring through your blog for scraps like a starved animal) that you dont like fp that much so feel free to ignore this if youre not up to it!! I do have specific scenarios in mind but i didnt wanna make a super long ask that would also maybe like, pressure you in any way if you werent comfy making anything so feel free to just do whatever >:3c
Either way i hope you have a lovely rest of your day!! :DD
OMG HI ANON!!!!!!! confession I haven't made much for HYP/MIC bcuz I didn't think anybody would like it..... I would love to though if there's anything else u wanna send by or chat abt !!!!!
I would never feel pressured, pls feel free to send whatever scenario by and I might Actually be able to write for ramu lolll I don't dislike F/P I've just never had much interest in them 😔
I hope ur OK with a headcanon list!!! I don't know enough abt Ram/uda to write a fic sorryyyyy anyways enjoy
Ra/muda get these terrible fits that can render him useless for several minutes. Hitching, false starts, nose twitching, fanning his face, the works.
His natural sneeze leads some of his natural voice to come out, so he tends to stifle to keep that at bay lmao. Usually pinch stifles, but can do it hands free if needed
Stifled- "hih... hIh-ngt! hNDT-iew!"
Natural- "heH'tSCHh-iew! tSCH'iuh!"
Doesn't get sick much, surprisingly, but he tends to hide away when he is. He doesn't like not being in control of things, and he always gets sore throats that tend to make keeping his higher voice going difficult.
Illnesses for him tend to manifest as a sore throat, awful headaches, and general exhaustion. He sleeps them off usually.
While he doesn't get sick much, he does have a super sensitive nose. Perfumes, touch, even cooking spices can set him off.
Gen/taro likes to use this to his advantage, spraying perfume and touching Ramu on his nose to set him off lmao
Allergic to certain types of flowers. His customers and fans like to deliver them, and he's nice enough to keep them, but he's left sneezing for days.
When he does naturally sneeze, it's usually into his hands.
Does that thing where he blesses other like how they sneeze to tease them. Refuses to bless people he dislikes (jaku/rai)
Is not opposed to inducing. Take what you will from that.
He's a surprisingly good caretaker!! Makes a good soup when ur sick
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atherix · 2 years
Atherix im wlwdkkekdk
The update dear god its making feel all warm and fuzzy and soft. I cannot put it to words how awesome this was.
AND OFC U SPRINKLE SOME CRYPTIC PART THERE JWDJSKKD just,,, so much thought about that particular part with white haired scar. LIKE I HAVE A FEELING THAT WILL COME HAUNTING US AGAIN.
And can we just talk about how mumbo talks to tubbo there??? I just wjdjejdjdjd ITS LIKE HE'S TALKING TO HIS OWN SON AND IM SO SOFT FOR IT PLS AAAAAAA
AND THE FAE LORE. THE FAE LOREEEEEEE. I LOVE IT SO MUCH AAAAAAAA. Since im doing my own au with fae lore as the big part of it, i am LOVING with how amazing it is wjdjdj.
Its just making me feel so much more inspired to write and finally share what i have so i can scream about it with someone other than my lads irl wjdjekd
I just have so many thoughts, its enough to distract me from the heat of the day at where i am rn. (its super hot i feel like im melting with how sweaty i am)
I am scared what will happened in the future seeing how all of this has been fluff so far. But im excited bc GRIAN WATCHER LORE WOOO
Anyway i think i have screamed in ur inbox enough wkdkksdk
- purp anon
ghfsdhjghjdf <3
Thank you so much~! <3 I'm so glad you enjoyed it hehe <3
YES. LITTOL SCAR. Back when he was happy and angst free and didn't really understand death at all <3 Also we got to see a memory of Lorelai hehe, I'm looking forward to Lorelai.
YESSSS I LOVE THEM BEING SO DOMESTIC AND IN LOVE I AM SO HJFSJKKJFS <3<3 Just little things like casual contact, wing hugs and leaning on each other and Mumbo doing that thing again where he holds them both and just hjghjfhjdf <3<3<3
Who am I if not cryptic :) Can you really have Atherix Fluff without either Angst or Crypticness with it :) Hehe. Noooo no it totally won't come back....... <3
Mumbo is his other dad and no one has realized it yet LMAO <3 God I'm loving writing the dadification of Mumbo and Grian lmao
LOOK I LOVE MY FAE LORE MAYBE A LITTLE TOO MUCH I get way too into it, I have like. So much of it figured out and I am buzzing and trying not to overshare it all, especially considering the Fae's story being delivered in pieces is gonna be SUPER important for Grian realizing some stuff later on and I can't say more but hhgfdjkk-
ooooo when you do write and share it be sure to let me know, I definitely wanna see it 👀 I believe in you!!
Haha it's 51 Fahrenheit/10 Celsius and 11 PM where I am so cannot relate, but I hope you get out of the heat soon <3
Oh yeah. Um. This is, uh, the last of the fluff. So. I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted :) WATCHER LOOOOORE. So fun fact, but Midnight is gonna give us so much more than Watcher Lore..... :) Grian is gonna discover some things but what those things are, hmm. Well. We'll see :)
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fandomfantasyy · 7 months
Oh okay I'm screaming finally someone who writes for Cookie Run Kingdom
Could you do a Alchemist Cookie x Reader (gender neutral) oneshot where they go out on a date? To me she's severely underrated
𝜗୧ ,, alchemist cookie x gn!reader !!
꒰꒰ type ;; oneshot ,, ꒰꒰ pov ;; 2nd person ,, ꒰꒰ cw ;; n/a ,, ꒰꒰ characters ;; gn!reader, alchemist cookie, unnamed waitress ,, ꒰꒰ fandom ;; cookie run kingdom ,, ꒰꒰ note ;; happy to have you as my first requester, anon!! i completely forgot to specify in my rules that i also ask for pov, which is completely on me, so i hope 2nd person is okay!! pls lmk if not and ill repost with the pov of your choosing <3 (i also went with grammatically correct typing so i rlly hope thats okay, it bugs me when its all lowercase 😭) ,,
⌒ 𓈒 fanfic under the cut !! ꒱
ㅤIt took awhile to convince Alchemist to break away from her, well, alchemy, but you convinced her in the end. The smell of the café hit you as soon as you walked in the door, scents of coffee and oddly enough cinnamon, not a usual smell for this café, filling your sensors.
ㅤWas a café cliché? Well, yeah. But it was the only place you thought that would fit her restless behavior while also bringing her to an easy date. (Listen, elaborate dates are hard to plan and surprise her with due to how quick she thinks of… well, everything.)
ㅤYou and Alchemist sat down after taking your orders- including the new cinnamon themed desserts- and you smiled as you listened to her latest little ideas for new experiments, inventions, and formulas. You wanted to stop her, tell her she shouldn't be paying attention to work, but… honestly, seeing her get all excited over it was sweet. If it wasn't a stressful thing for her and she enjoyed it, that was all that mattered.
ㅤYour food was delivered shortly, with a quiet, "I hope you enjoy your food" from the waitress. You nodded and paid early, sipping your drink of choice as you stared and listened to Alchemist speak.
ㅤEncouraging her to continue, you answered quickly with a small, "What are you working on right now?" Her eyes lit up.
ㅤ"Oh! Well, uh, right now, I'm working on a new experiment! If I do it right, it could be revolutionary! Basically, it starts with…" She just continued on, stammering through her idea here and there when she had to stop and remember where in her experiment she was. She even doodled a few quick sketches to better help you understand.
ㅤAll you could think of was how sweet it was seeing her light up in excitement anytime someone cued her to talk about her theories or experiments or, well, anything. Even when experiments failed, you loved talking to her about them, or better yet, helping her with them so you could see her excitedly watch as anything she did slowly came together.
ㅤJust going to a café for a date, no matter how cliché someone could make it out to be, was the perfect day with her as the sun set on the other side of the glass windows. ♡
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ahundredtimesover · 1 year
words cant even explain how much i love ur works 😭 ive read ur stories over and over again bc its just so good and so real and im always looking forward to every story u write. You’re just so emotionally intelligent and the way you write your characters show that. Nothing more satisfying than finding an author who knows how to write human emotions well so thank u for sharing ur stories with us 🥹 i hope u never stop writing bc no matter how big the audience is, wether big or small, i hope u know that your words and your stories will be a great comfort to someone else (that someone is me 😭)
p.s i honestly can’t wait for the new yoon fic to be finished bc i cant wait to read rhe whole thing and i just know its gonna be amazing again and let me not even talk about the new PLM drabble cause what else is there to say??? u always deliver 🫡 its always 10/10!!
Hi 🥹 pls accept my hug. This was lovely and emotional to read.
And well, I am emotional. I think the early-teen years of journaling helped. I wasn’t always good at handling my feelings but I’ve come to see writing as a way of doing that and expressing them in different ways. And so 30-year old me can now put them into words after I’m able to rein in my emotions and try to understand and process and share them. And hope they can give others comfort so it means a lot to know that it’s the case with you. So thank you for encouragement bc it rly rly means a lot. 🥹😊
Yoon fic is halfway done! Looking forward to what you’ll think about it 🤞🏽🤞🏽glad you enjoyed PLM as well. Sending you love, anon 💕
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kybabi · 3 years
aaaa I'm so happy your requests are open!! ☺️ last time i checked it was closed. can i request a part 4 of forgetting their s/o's birthday for kita, bokuto, and tsukki!! thank uu sm, super love your blog !! 🥰
forgetting their s/o’s birthday
w/ kita, akaashi, and tsukishima!
part 4!
series masterlist here!
(a/n: here is the fourth part of my birthday series !! this one was a lil difficult to make for some reason but i hope y’all enjoy it !!
all three scenarios are set in the timeskip :)) happy reading everyone!
EDIT: ANON idk why i mixed up bokuto and akaashi PLS IM SORRY)
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every year, kita always made sure that your birthday was perfect
he’d plan out an entire day for you ahead of time and surprise you
even so, kita had become swamped with work
it was a lot, even for him
you knew that he took his work very seriously, and you wanted more than anything for him to succeed
but a lot of the time, that meant sacrificing your time together, and you missed it a lot
however, you knew that, just like every year, he’d set aside a day to spend with you
you yawn, stretching a hand out to the other side of the bed. it comes up empty, and you look over to shinsuke’s side of the bed. his side is completely made, blanket folded over itself neatly, and he’s nowhere in sight.
you sigh. maybe he’s just up early? you think, hopeful.
but when you search the rest of the house, calling for him, the only response you get is the sound of your own voice, echoing.
he could just be at the store or something, you tell yourself, and pull your phone out.
it rings for about half a minute before you’re met with his voicemail. you exhale, sending him a text instead.
hi baby :) where r u ? come home soon!!
you shut your phone off and look around. honestly, you’d expected your boyfriend to have taken care of everything today, as per usual. but with him gone, you’re quite bored.
you decide that today might be a good day to reorganize your clothing and do a little decorating while you wait. you’ve been meaning to do it, and now that you have a day off, you figure today is the best time.
you’re halfway through your dresser when you stop to check your phone. the delivered sits there awkwardly, and you sigh. you send him another text.
shin, are you gonna be home soon?
you put your phone down and take out your shirts, going through them next.
it’s already almost dinnertime when you stop again, staring at the mess around you. you pick up your phone for the nth time and check to see if he’s replied. you brighten at seeing the notification, but droop after reading its contents.
no, sorry. have to stay a couple hours later today.
disappointed, you sigh. there’s no way he forgot, right? maybe he’s planning to surprise you?
you decide to stay up and wait for him to come home, starting on the living room cabinets.
you perk up at hearing the lock opening, and stand up. kita walks into the room and looks around.
he narrows his eyes at the mess you’ve made and sighs.
“what is this?”
you look around. “was just doing a bit of reorganizing, that’s all!” he stares at you.
“i stayed late at work. i wasn’t planning on coming home to this,” he mutters, passive aggressiveness evident in his voice. your heart sinks.
“i was just trying to—”
“just leave it. i’ll take care of it,” he murmurs, opening the cabinets. behind him, you stand there helplessly. that’s when it dawns on you; he did forget.
“you forgot about my birthday?” you whisper, barely audible.
“what are you talking about?” he asks, still turned away from you, and you shake your head, though he doesn’t see.
“never mind.”
kita scoffs, grabbing a movie case from off the ground. that’s impossible, he thinks. he’s never forgotten your birthday.
but all of a sudden, the dots connect, and he freezes. he remembers how he checked the date on his phone just this morning, paying it no mind the entire day.
he completely forgot about it this year. he can’t even comprehend how he missed your birthday, but somehow he did, and he doesn’t know what to do.
he turns around slowly to see you on the floor, head bowed, putting the rest of the cases into the cabinets. his heart sinks. how could he have forgotten?
shinsuke kneels down next to you. “hey,” he coaxes, voice quiet and guilty. “you don’t have to—”
“‘s fine. i spent the entire day doing it; i should finish the job, right?” you mumble, and he feels even worse.
he doesn’t know what to say, so instead he helps you put everything in its rightful place. you won’t look at him.
you stand up and leave without saying anything.
“i’m gonna get ready for bed now, ‘kay?” you tell him, false cheer tainting your voice, and he hates it.
and then you’re gone, and shinsuke wants to kick himself for disappointing you.
but he knows that simply sitting here and feeling guilty is not enough. so, he grabs his keys and heads out.
you rub your eyes tiredly, the sunlight bright, and sit up. you turn to your right only to see that your boyfriend’s side of the bed is empty, again. you sigh in disappointment.
you’re about to get up when you hear three knocks on the door, and your heart leaps. “shin?”
his head pops into the doorway, and he smiles at you softly.
the rest of his body follows, along with a tray of your favorite breakfast foods and your favorite flowers. you gasp softly, and he lays it on the bed in front of you before sitting on the opposite side.
“you did this for me?” your voice breaks, and he nods.
“i’m sorry about yesterday. i should’ve remembered,” he says, and you shrug. “please let me use this day to make it up to you.”
teary-eyed, you nod, and let him kiss you.
“you better help me finish all this food first.”
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you and akaashi had a very sweet, familiar relationship
you always understood each other well
but lately, it was difficult for the two of you to find moments to be alone together
and the rare moments it happened, you’d end up arguing about stupid things like work
but both of you knew that it was only coming out of a place of love and missing one another
still, you were excited for your birthday
not as your own holiday, but as a day for the two of you to just relax in each other’s company :)
the first thing you do when you wake up is call keiji.
the phone rings a couple times before the voicemail sounds, and you sigh. he must be busy at work.
so, you send him a text instead.
keijiiii don’t forget about dinner tonight :)
you’d opted to order in for the night, wanting to relax in the comfort of your own home. your boyfriend’s been so busy lately; he’s probably tired.
the rest of the day is spent with you lounging around the house. you watch some movies and eat snacks, decked out on the couch.
you wish keiji were here to enjoy your day off with you, but you know his schedule can get busy. still, it’d be nice to have him around.
you check your phone. he hasn’t responded.
you decide to order at around 5 pm, hoping that keiji will be home by 6. you order from your favorite takeout place that he knows you love and wait some more.
the food comes at 5:48, and you thank the delivery person before setting it on the table.
you begin another movie at 6:12.
you check your phone at 9:22. there’s still no response.
you finally decide to call him at 11:47. he doesn’t pick up, and you groan, irritated.
the door finally opens at 12:39, and you scoff.
“hi,” he mumbles, setting his things down on the couch. you glare at him. “what?”
“where have you been?”
he stares at you blankly. “work..?”
you huff. “did you forget about dinner, or did you just decide not to come?” you say pointedly, crossing your arms over your chest.
he looks at you for a minute before his eyes widen. “shit. i’m sorry, baby. i totally forgot.”
you shake your head. “keiji, you’re not trying hard enough.” he tilts his head at you, brows furrowed.
“look, i know i messed up, but you have no idea how hard i’m working, okay?”
your heart sinks. he doesn’t even know it’s your birthday.
“i miss my boyfriend! i miss you so much, and you don’t even care,” you say sadly, and he huffs.
“it’s not my problem, okay? i don’t have time—” he pauses, sighing.
“you don’t have time... for me.”
he shakes his head. “that’s not what i meant,” he tries, but you’re already standing up and leaving, shutting the bedroom door behind you.
akaashi puts his head in his hands and sighs. you’re completely right, and he knows it. he hasn’t been trying hard enough.
but his current period of reflection is interrupted by a loud knocking on the door, and he stands up to open it. he blinks in surprise.
the grey-haired man beams, waving at his friend happily.
“it’s nice to see you. what are you doing here?” he asks, and bokuto holds out a small bag. it’s pink and blue, and there’s a little tuft of tissue paper sticking out of it. akaashi blinks.
“it’s for y/n! i know it’s their birthday today, and i couldn’t get anything super fancy or anything, but i figured this was the least i could do for a friend!” he explains, taking keiji’s palm and putting the gift in it. “anyways, tell em i came by!” he grins, taking off before akaashi can even say anything.
he stands in the doorway for a good minute, pulse completely still.
oh god. fuck.
and then he’s running into the kitchen and flipping the calendar open, hastily searching for the date. and there it is: your birthday. guilt crashes into him like a wave, and he finds it hard to breathe.
you walk out of the bedroom sniffling, and pause at seeing him. he looks at you guiltily, and you push past him to fill your glass with water. he tries to find the words to say to you that will make everything better, but nothing comes up. but when you move past him again, panic surges through his veins, and he reaches for your wrist.
“wait! please,” he stops you, and you refuse to look at him. “i... i didn’t know...” he trails off, and you huff.
“i know you didn’t. that doesn’t change anything.”
“i know! i just... fuck. you were so right. about everything,” he says, head bowed in shame. “i haven’t been trying hard enough to be the partner that you deserve.”
at that, you look up at him, and his heart breaks again. your eyes are filled with tears, and he hates himself for making them that way.
“all i wanted was for you to show up,” you mumble, voice shaky, and keiji sighs.
“i know. i’m so sorry, baby. i never wanted to make you feel like you weren’t important to me.” reluctantly, you nod, and let him pull you into his chest. “do you think i could have another chance?” he asks nervously, swallowing when you hesitate.
but then you’re looking up at him, a hint of a smile on your lips. “maybe,” you murmur, and he laughs. “but don’t mess it up this time, or else.”
he kisses your nose. “you got it.”
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tsukishima never liked to admit it, but he cared for you more than anything in the world
he wasn’t keen on big gestures, but he loved to do little things for you, hoping you wouldn’t catch him in the act
every year on your birthday, he tried to make it the best day he possibly could for you
and while he wasn’t the best at showing it, you knew he cared, and that was enough
sometimes he pulled away from you, getting swept up in his own life and becoming too busy to pay any mind to your relationship
you knew that it was just a part of your relationship that you had to accept, but you still missed his presence terribly
but with your birthday coming up, you knew he wouldn’t miss it
he refused to make a big deal about it, but you knew he could never forget
you smile brightly, arms stretching out in front of you.
you check the time. 9:33. you sigh happily, well rested and ready for the day. you get up and get dressed, putting on your favorite pair of comfy pants and an oversized tee.
you look for your boyfriend around the house, but it appears that he isn’t home.
“kei?” you call. no answer.
you shrug. you figure you’ll be fine without him, free to do your own thing while he’s gone.
you decide to do some shopping. you go out to the grocery store first, picking up some extra snacks and drinks, and then to the mall. you pick out some new clothes for yourself and walk around.
you sigh, checking your phone for any sign of a text. you feel great having some time to yourself, but part of you wishes he was here with you.
you pass by a vintage record shop on the way out, gasping at all the artifacts and vinyls they offer. you spot a polished wooden record player and you swear your heart stops upon seeing it. you take a picture and send it to kei, along with a look what i found at the mall!
you come home in the afternoon, setting your bags on the counter and putting your snacks away. you decide to check your phone again, frowning upon seeing your empty inbox.
let’s have dinner !! you send, hoping he’ll see it.
you groan, laying yourself out on the couch. you’d kind of hoped your birthday would be more eventful.
still, you grab some blankets and turn on the tv, scrolling through your options. you end up settling on rewatching one of your favorite shows, settling in and starting the episode.
you’re halfway through the fourth episode when you look at the clock, huffing. 8:02.
two hours later, you give up any hope that you had for dinner. you’re hurt, not only that he probably forgot, but that he hasn’t even bothered to talk to you at all today.
it’s around midnight when he finally shows up. he sits down on the couch next to you. you scoff, and he stares at you, buried under a pile of blankets with wrappers everywhere.
“what’s with... all of this?” he asks, gesturing to the mess. you sneer, and he tilts his head. “what?”
“like you care,” you mumble, and he scoffs.
“what’s your problem? i literally just got home, and now you’re picking a fight with me for no reason?”
you gape at him incredulously, hurt and anger bubbling up in your chest. “seriously? i can’t believe you.”
he glares at you. “i didn’t even fucking do anything. can you stop scolding me for two seconds?” then he’s turning away from you, shaking his head disbelievingly.
“maybe if my own boyfriend hadn’t forgotten about my birthday, i wouldn’t be so upset,” you mutter, voice eerily calm and a little shaky. he turns to look at you slowly, blood turning to ice.
you’re not looking at him, eyes glued to the television screen. it’s then that he sees them filling up with angry tears, lip wobbling.
panic starts to rise in his gut, and his mind races as he tries to remember what day it is. when he does, his heart stops.
he tries to find the words to say that will make everything better, but like always, he comes up blank.
“are you gonna say anything?” you sneer, gaze still averted.
tsukishima sits there in silence, swallowing shamefully. he knows he should apologize. he knows he should tell you how much he loves you and he knows he should beg you to forgive him. but nothing comes out.
the ending credits roll around, and you stand up, shutting the tv off and walking past him.
he starts to panic. “wait. wait, we can talk about this, okay? don’t—”
the door slams, and he mentally curses at himself.
he knows that you have every right to be upset with him. he’s been treating you terrible lately, and he knows it.
fuck. if he had just spoken up, maybe you wouldn’t have shut him out. he’s never been good with words, and he wishes he could just show you instead.
a new idea forms in his head, and he takes his phone out, determined to make things right.
for once, you’re not woken up by the sun. instead, you’re woken up by the steady rhythm of your favorite song. the melody, already engraved into your memory, plays softly, and you smile softly. you open your eyes and sit up.
but... you think. where is it coming from?
you venture out into the living room, the music getting louder, and then into the kitchen. and then, you’re pretty sure you’ve stopped breathing.
there, sitting on the counter, is the vintage wooden record player you’d awed over just yesterday. you run your fingers over the polished wood, inspecting it carefully, eyes wide.
you stare at the record it’s playing. you laugh. it’s your favorite song, one you think you’ll never grow tired of.
and beside the new record player is a tray full of your favorite foods, the aroma making your stomach growl. below the plate is a yellow sticky note.
i love you. i’m sorry.
your chest aches, and hot tears prick at the back of your eyes. you squeeze them shut, clutching the note to your chest.
“i wasn’t sure if this was the one you wanted, or...” kei mumbles from behind you, and you turn around sharply. “i just wanted to show you that... shit,” he whispers, eyes widening at the sight of your tears. “did i—” but you don’t let him finish, throwing your arms around his neck.
you feel his hands hesitating at your waist, and squeeze him tight until he gets the hint.
“i forgive you,” you whisper, and he nods, relieved. he pulls away and looks at you.
“i know i don’t tell you enough, but i love you. so much. and what i did was shitty, so... yeah. i’m sorry,” he mumbles, obviously uncomfortable, and you huff, reaching up to flick his cheek. he catches your hand before you can, kissing the tips of your fingers tenderly. you giggle.
“words are overrated anyway.”
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taglist! (bold = cannot be tagged)
@bellesowl @yukae-rin @heyatsumu @haji-kn @heartpopper @usamikii @triniteaaa @lovinnoya @kamg89 @134340-cm @sunsets02 @unabashednightmarepizza @jovialnoise @hajkyyuu @error-cant-function @sullen-angel24 @arrogantsonofabiscuit @fallingw-angel @plsimsuchasimp @cookies-for-life-08 @sciencekidkuroo @ifyouneedmee @6mattsun9 @borpcorp @tsukkisbisexual @peteunderoos @aghashiii @queerjaguar @jessie9008 @kameko-ko @um-soybean @ibareitsotheydonthaveto @paulapxr @thegreatikigai @keijisbunny @daddyjackfrost @tsukkikawa @your-morning-star @satoris-uwu-mouth @ihaveajuicebox @candyyrushh @aonenthusiast @nikiniki743 @kawaiiisis @coach-ukais-piercings @iluvyou-xoxo @kashxyou @xedspirits @rinyagi @thepurewhore @catrawithshorterhair @cyphertooru @akadrea
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4dtk · 3 years
hiii can i pls request for jaehyun based on the song he recommended last year Don't Tempt Me by MiC Lowry with the ff prompts: touching 3, touching 44 and kisses 13? :) established relationship + date nights + drinking sounds so perfect for jaehyun 🖤 thank you!!!
thank u for waiting anon rip 😭 hope u enjoy!!
kisses, 13: frustrated kisses
touching, 3 & 44: hiding face in neck, sitting on the other’s lap
jaehyun’s wandering hands distract you from the conversation with your friends, but you’ve known them so long that they know what he’s like. from wedding dinners to hangouts, he manages to get you onto his lap one way or another, under the influence of alcohol that turns his ears red. you like it, a lot, even more when he’s trying desperately to place kisses on your neck.
“i’m- i’m sorry guys,” you chuckle, and the resigned tone of your voice only earns laughter around the table. some are more intoxicated than your lover, others less, but they start to see how possessive jaehyun starts to get with his arms around your waist and the shameless whines he delivers into your skin.
they shoot you sympathetic smiles which you don’t exactly understand, because all you do after you send them off at the door is go right back to jaehyun’s lap. the party lights that shine across the room becomes kind of blinding and disorienting, but your boyfriend’s arms around you distract you enough for you to be able to focus on the screen of his phone.
he’s chosen the song he recommended in an interview the other day, and the familiar melody floods your ears quicker than the whiskey to your system. the arms around you tighten more and more until you’re full on leaning back on him, legs carefully balancing yours like he would do to a little kid.
“your friends were being a little intrusive, don’t ya think?” you know anything that comes out of drunk jaehyun didn’t mean much, ears red and words slurred beyond the point of coherence.
“nah, i just think you’re being extra possessive tonight, love.” you can feel jaehyun frowning into your neck and he agrees without missing a beat, saying something about just wanting you for yourself or a word that always sends chills up your spine.
“mine. you’re mine, you know that, right?” jaehyun mumbles, turning you around to meet him halfway on his lap. jaehyun bounces you like a baby playfully to the beat, and when you don’t answer, he just pouts, unconsciously swaying to the beat of the song that decorates the room. “are you not gonna answer that?”
the other doesn’t give you any chance to answer, leaning right forward for his lips to collide with yours. you can feel his jealously through the kiss, at having to accept another friend invite to what was supposed to be an initial date night. he’s reluctantly given in with a grunt, but now that they’re gone, jaehyun can show how frustrated he really was. jerking the chair forward, he presses you against the edge of the table, leaving you no place to go as he slips his tongue in.
bit by bit he gains back his sobriety, intoxicated mind coming back clearer and better when he tastes Laphroaig on your lips. mainly, because he hates whiskey, but more so that he can finally has your lips after suffering through four hours of board games and inside jokes. it was torturous. jaehyun’s brows furrow more when you pull away, and you look stunning, seemingly enhanced by the guitar of the tune.
your lips are swollen, red not just from party lights that dance across your face. “what’s gotten into you?”
jaehyun knows you’re only poking fun at him, but he feels suddenly embarrassed by the onslaught of affection that he goes straight for cover, hiding in the safety of your neck until he feels the familiarity of your laugh and the warmness of your kisses. he guessed a reschedule of your date night was fine after all.
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