#pls don't crucify me
mllkymash · 2 days
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mllkymash likes other ships??????????
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eyesxxyou · 3 months
Y'all imma be real...I'm tired of writing smut. I JUST WANT HOBIE FLUFF AND ANGST PLS :(((
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inactiveobeymeblog · 6 months
⚠️NSFW Ahead⚠️
Another random thought but, what if MC has a thing for Lucifer's thighs and/or legs in general?
I like to imagine that MC would just casually walk up to Lucifer in private and just slap or squeeze a thigh and Lucifer would look at MC like "🤨" but he hides the fact that he actually enjoys it
And he definitely enjoys it when MC pulls him into their lap and just holds him close. But of course that's not all they're going to do
MC would also run their hands up and down his thighs, sometimes getting adventurous and straying towards the inner thighs and Lucifer can't help but be so flustered
And when it comes closer to midnight, MC will worship Lucifer's legs
They'll start kissing up and down his bare skin, watching and enjoying the looks and sounds coming from the demon under them. The way his face gets flushed over time and the way Lucifer get more excited sends MC into a frenzy
Then they would start leaving their marks on him. Biting, sucking, licking, nibbling, you name it. You can bet that Lucifer's legs are going to be littered with bite marks and hickeys after MC's done with him
And when morning comes, Lucifer's thighs are chewed to shit, he's extremely sore, and he's exhausted. But he couldn't be any more happy when he see's MC sleeping so soundly right next to him
Perhaps he might just call for a day off...
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emerdoodls · 11 months
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u can't convince me young justice didn't buy tim one of these sweaters (also if u can't read it, it says "I got my spleen removed at claires)
(ft the sweater on pinterest that inspired it)
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zylphiacrowley · 4 months
🎲 kiss roulette!
I want you to understand the journey I went through when I got this ask...
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Aaaaaaaanyway, under the cut for extra spice.
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this is just an inner thigh kiss... and nothing else. JUST a thigh kiss.
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daughterofhecata · 5 months
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joanjettenthusiast · 1 year
pray 🙏 dirty house 🏚️
educated 📚 hoe 🚂
employed 💰 broke ☹️
clean pussy 🤤 stank pussy 🤢
loyal 💍 5 kids 🤰
faithful 👼 cheater 😈
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metr0retr0 · 2 months
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tfw you remake your old mc OC after not drawing them for 2 years
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Like . One thing about What Taylor was Going Through when she felt compelled to write "judgemental creeps" and "vipers in empaths clothing" (I'm not going to diagnose her I'm just going off her own words. "It was a mutual manic phase. It was self harm.") is that when someone is experiencing something like that they don't know it's happening while it's happening, so they think they're Right while it's happening, so they think everyone around them is Wrong. People on the outside see things more clearly. People who really care about you will try to help you. To the person who thinks they don't need help, someone offering help is trying to Change them or is judging them or could never understand etc etc. It's not personal. And it doesn't last forever.
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AU where Mei gets the Stone and becomes Empress, à la Wu Zetian.
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frankensteinmutual · 6 months
I just don't get the mash hype I'm sorry like there's good stuff in there sure but how do you look past all that racism and sexism and homophobia and...the everything of it all ahsndnd it's literally propaganda idk 😭😭 I keep trying to get into it but it just makes me feel so weird and uncomfortable
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perexcri · 2 years
there’s nothing more cruel than to be loved by everybody but you - [byler week - day 5]
yeah so i thought this fit the secret identities thing until i wrote it and realized it uhh. isn’t quite that. so enjoy whatever this is i guess - lots of miscommunication and a fun set-up for potential enemies to lovers
also it’s my personal headcanon that Will is a music snob, so if you don’t like that then uh,,,,i guess skip this one idk
title from: wilson (expensive mistakes) by fall out boy
dedicated to: the listening party for fall out boy’s new album that i went to last week in a city an hour away from me; i came up with this stupid idea on the drive there! indie record store in [city redacted], you were very nice, and thank you for having a decent selection of poetry i could pick from :]
Don’t ask Will how this ended up being his job, because he honestly doesn’t know. One day, they had a meeting for the university’s queer artists’ zine where he was complaining about everyone’s responses to the new U2 album (yes, it sounds different from other U2 albums, but obviously if you look at the lyrical and metatextual themes of Achtung Baby, it’s still very much U2), and then BAM–suddenly he’s in charge of doing the cover art for the zine and writing music reviews.
Sure, he could probably turn it down, but nobody else will take the job.
Also, he’s pretty sure they wouldn’t do it right, because, as much as he loves this group, their music tastes are…well…not everybody has an older brother like Jonathan Byers who makes sure they grow up with proper music opinions.
So, if anything, Will does this to keep the spirit of reviewing and recommending underground artists in New York City alive for the zine, and also because he doesn’t think anybody else could do it justice, no offense to them.
But Will is loathing this job for their upcoming edition. He’s sitting in that weird liminal time between class periods where people are in the chaotic throes of rushing around or throwing their notebooks open to prepare for the lecture; his elbows are pressed into the desk that’s just a little too small, and his head is in his hands. He’s staring down at the one submission he’s been putting off for precisely three semesters, because the president of the zine said it needed to be done before they moved on to new submissions, so could you please just lower your standards for one night and go listen to them play so you can write the damn review?
The Fellowship of the Ring, the submission card reads in faded pencil. Scratched under it in the slightly-fresher ink of the zine’s president’s pen, it reads: Thursday - The Purple Hall - 8 PM.
And, God, Will wishes this show was just gonna be a live reading of the Tolkein book. It would be so much better than what he knows it actually is.
The Fellowship of the Ring is a local, up-and-coming act in the underground venues of the greater New York City area that everybody loves because they sound like Nirvana and, you guessed it, throw out Tolkein references like they’re Led Zeppelin. They’re huge on college campuses, where students pass around live-recorded tapes of their supposedly-legendary performances all the time, gushing about how even the bass sounds, the peeling shrieks of guitars, the way the vocalist wavers between grumbles and ethereal, falsetto howls. They even gush about the lyrics and how they truly capture the experiences of Western youth in these first few years of the new decade: malaise, boredom, this sense that there is no great struggle for the future left for them, only an endless drowning in comfortable excess.
Will had even seen a girl with the band’s logo tattooed on her shoulder.
Which is…fine. He guesses.
If you like shitty music, that is.
See, that’s the fundamental problem here: Will likes doing these silly little reviews for live music around New York because half the time, the music is passably decent, and even if that doesn’t work, the lyrics can make up for it. There’s so much creativity in the air, and people are doing so much with it.
Not The Fellowship of the Ring, though.
Where everybody else sees innovation, Will sees reductivity; where everybody screams about the charm of the lyrics and the pop culture references they sneak in, Will sees a demeaning pandering to an audience. Every single time he has been subjected to the squawks and out-of-tune guitars of The Fellowship, he’s spent his time thinking he would be better off to save himself the time and just listen to Nirvana’s Nevermind for the millionth time, because that’s all The Fellowship’s trying to do, anyway, and at least then Will could listen to something good.
Yeah, Will hates The Fellowship of the Ring, and now he’s squeezing his temples so hard that the letters on the submission card are beginning to swim in his vision.
Thankfully, Will is saved by his very friendly, incredibly good-looking neighbor in History of the American Constitution, Mike Wheeler.
“Hey!” he says, trying to gain back the energy that seeing The Fellowship’s submission card had unwittingly drained out of him.
And honestly, seeing that flash of Mike’s smile and how the fluorescents dance in his eyes, Will feels like he has enough energy to power the sun now, even if they are going to have to sit through yet another lecture about Article II–whatever the hell that means.
“What’s got you so down?” Mike asks, head tilted to the side, some of his hair tumbling into his eyes, and all Will wants to do is push it away–
But, no, he has to have a coherent conversation right now, so he shakes his head and tries his best to return Mike’s smile. “Oh, nothing…Just something for that zine I work on.”
“Oh, yeah!” Mike snaps his fingers, causing some of the buttons on his jacket to rattle together. He always wears a leather jacket no matter the weather or the rest of his attire, and today, paired with plaid pajama bottoms, held-together-by-duct-tape converse, and a baggy Care Bears shirt, it shouldn’t work, but in Will’s eyes, it does. “I think I saw one of those around! I wanted to grab a copy, but somebody else did before I could get to it.”
“I can bring you a copy of the next issue,” Will says, then, remembering the task at hand, groans and puts his head back in his hands. “That is, if I even survive it.”
“What, are they making you skip classes for it?”
“No, worse: they’re making me listen to a band I hate.”
Mike winces. “Yikes.”
“That sucks.”
“Can’t you just, like…push it off?”
“I did. For three semesters.” The professor wanders in with a mumbled greeting and a steaming cup of coffee in hand, and Will lowers his voice in anticipation of the lecture beginning. “That’s why I have to do it now.”
“Maybe it would help if somebody went with you?”
Despite having flirted with each other mercilessly all semester during this one shared class of theirs, they haven’t hung out much outside of it, so to be faced with the possibility of something that could potentially be labeled as a date between them is shocking. For a moment, Will can forget about the future torment awaiting him Thursday evening at The Purple Hall’s listening stage, and he thinks that maybe, just maybe, having somebody to talk to over the drone of the lazily-played guitars could make the evening slightly more bearable.
“Yeah,” Will finally says, a grin stretching across his face. “Of course. Yeah, that’d be awesome!”
Mike returns the look twofold, and one of his legs begins to bounce. “Awesome! When is it?”
As the lecture begins, Will resorts to a torn piece of notebook paper, like he’s a kid passing notes in class again to survive the boredom. He scribbles The Purple Hall - Thursday 7 PM, then hands it to Mike, who responds with a quizzical look at the paper, scratches something out, and hands it back to Will.
The Purple Hall - Thursday 7 PM 6?
Will shoots him a thumbs up, prays it wasn’t too awkward, and then folds the sheet of paper up and sticks it in his pocket.
And if he carries it around there for the rest of the week, then that’s his business alone.
The pros: this is one of Will’s favorite music venues, there’s several bands to look forward to tonight, and Mike seems wholly invested in the idea of this being a date, if him leaning closer and the playful hand on Will’s knee mean anything.
The cons: Will has to listen to the fucking Fellowship of the Ring in approximately ten minutes.
He’s able to put the thoughts off for the first hour. After all, The Fellowship isn’t set to perform until 8–he and Mike had met at 6 as planned, and Will has spent the first hour and a half trying to be blissfully unaware of the torturous fate awaiting him.
Even as his skin begins to crawl at the thought of having to hear those plucky, out-of-tune guitars and the lead singer screeching about the Gulf War under the guise of Star Wars references, he does feel a little settled. Mike’s fingers are surprisingly warm, and the alcohol they’ve been nursing makes his chest glow with warmth. It’s easier to laugh, to be focused solely on Mike and these wonderful, looping conversations they’ve found themselves ensnared in.
“This one’s good!” Mike half-shouts over the drum solo of the current act, consisting of just a drummer and a bassist crooning over their heady rhythms. They’re called the Jazz Squares, or something like that. Whatever.
At least they’re not The Fellowship.
“The drink or the band?” Will queries. His own head’s spinning with the beer he’s been sipping on for the better part of an hour, and he already feels lightheaded, because he’s a lightweight, and Mike’s got something to do with these pulses of courage thumping in his chest, right?
“Both!” Mike takes another long sip from his Jolly-Rancher-blue mixer. Will had asked him what was in it earlier, and all Mike had responded with was Coconut-something and a whole lot of rum!
They’ve talked about so much already–their families, their majors, their hobbies. Mike comes here a lot, he reveals, and he mentions that he plays guitar, too. He keeps it a playful secret when Will asks for more information, though: how long have you played? Do you write, too? Are you in a band, because I could put you in the zine if you wanted–
It’s a surpriseee, Mike had drawled in response, a stupid grin twisting his mouth as his fingers had vacated Will’s knee momentarily just to ruffle through Will’s hair.
As the Jazz Squares’ set finally dies down to some spotty applause (this is more of an alternative scene, after all, but a gig is a gig), Will lets out a groan, melodramatically knocking his forehead into the table, and finally drags out his notebook.
“What’s that for?” Mike asks, eyebrows high on his forehead.
“For that review I have to do,” Will grumbles.
“But isn’t that act on in, like, two hours?”
Will blinks a couple of times. He supposes he hadn’t actually told Mike which group he was here for, but he thought the fact that he originally proposed a meet-up time of 7 would have communicated enough that it was somewhere around then. “Um, no? I didn’t say anything, I guess, but I think they’re up next.”
Mike’s fingers begin to nervously tap on what remains of his electric blue potion. As his and Will’s gazes snag together for several heady seconds, he purses his lips, then throws back the rest of his drink, swallowing the last of it in just a couple of gulps.
Will slowly draws his notebook out, flipping to the page he had specifically marked The Fellowship of the Ring with a disheartened, frighteningly life-like frowny face scrawled next to it. “Is something wrong?”
Mike drags his wrist across his mouth, smearing any remaining drops of blue onto his leather jacket’s sleeve. “So this band you hate that you have to review…It’s The Fellowship of the Ring?”
“Yeah.” Will taps the top of his paper. “I didn’t say anything, but…Yeah.”
Will quirks an eyebrow up. “I mean, do you like them? That’s fine, of course, I mean–people have different tastes and what-not. I’d just have to seriously question your judgment in all matters music-related, I guess.”
“Um,” Mike repeats, fingers now tapping a dangerously fast staccato against their bartop table. It makes the remaining beer in Will’s bottle slosh around. “Um…This is bad.”
“What? Are you a super fan or something?” Thanks to the alcohol, Will feels bold enough to scrunch his nose up with disgust. “I mean, fine, whatever. But seriously, if you want a second date, I’m gonna take you to a record store so you can hear some actually decent music. If you’re impressed by that fucking band’s reductive bullshit, you’ll be positively amazed by a group like The Clash or Smashing Pumpkins or–hell, even fucking U2–”
“Excuse me!” the MC calls over the mic; when the feedback whines, he takes a second to tap at the mic, then announces: “Calling everyone’s favorite up-and-coming group, The Fellowship of the Ring, for soundcheck–their set starts in five!”
The club erupts into raucous cheers. Will has to hide the involuntary groan of annoyance he lets out behind his hand.
Mike casts a nervous glance at Will, then pushes his chair out and looks like he’s going to walk away, the buttons on his jacket clicking together. He nearly trips over the saggy laces of his converse, and through the tears in his jeans, he almost looks like he’s shaking.
“Hey, wait!” Will says, reaching forward and grasping Mike’s wrist. It makes the other guy stop, a blush creeping up into his cheeks, and Will tries to push down his distaste for the band and lets out a sigh. “Listen, I’m sorry–I was being stupid. It’s just a band, after all. If you like them, that’s fine, and I will…” he swallows here, and it hurts, taking on this insurmountable task of trying to push his music-snob’s pride down. “I won’t make fun of you for it. I promise.”
Mike blinks a couple of times before a reassuring grin overtakes his features. “Uh…Nope. That’s okay, Will. It’s not for everyone. I wasn’t like…trying to run out on you or anything.”
“Yeah. I’m still gonna be here.”
“Then why are you getting up?”
Mike points at the stage, where a drummer and bassist are setting up their instruments, their eyes scanning the room in search of their infamous guitarist and singer. “Didn’t you hear? We have soundcheck. The set starts in five.”
Will slowly nods. “Yeah. Then the next act starts, and I have to scratch down whatever notes I can think of for them, and then we can get back to our date.”
Mike stares at him for several seconds.
And then it all catches up with Will.
“Oh, shit–”
Mike’s grin turns into something playful, his eyebrows shooting up beneath his bangs. “Can’t wait to read your official review of my fucking band’s reductive bullshit!” he says with a two-fingered salute, then spins around to make his way to the stage. He’s bathed in the dim lighting of the stage, hunching over his guitar the second he straps it around his chest, and Will wonders how somebody who was brave enough to wander around in a leather jacket and a fucking Care Bears shirt and look that good could be involved in a band that’s just–
This bad, Will finishes for himself as Mike strums his first cord, its electricity shaking the walls of the club, and he begins yet another signature Fellowship song that’s nothing more than various John Hughes and horror movie quotes juxtaposed over warring drums and guitars.
Of course Will would be stupid enough to fall for the lead singer of his most-hated band in the greater New York City area.
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readgi · 1 year
I can't really blame everything on Naï/Million Knives cause I see where he's coming from. I certainly don't agree with him, but I see where he's coming from
I mean, it sure really pisses me off that he does things the way he does and hurts his own brother and just simply refuses to listen and try to understand
But I still understand where he's coming from and I think that's what makes him such a great villain/antagonist
I can appreciate good character building and their way of thinking without agreeing with them
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dp-clarkjkent · 3 months
Have you watched Hamilton? You have the vibes of someone that really would like Helpless alot
Are you kidding? I love it! It's one of my favorites of all time!
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maxdurden · 1 year
WIP Whenever
i was tagged by the wonderful and talented @johaerys-writes
tagging the usual gang, no pressure as always @dearestaeneas @deadchannelradio @sarcasticbeanie and!! anyone else that sees this and wants to share something go for it
(bernie sanders voice) i am once again putting the writing behind a read more.
it's more oc stuff i swear one day i'll start writing and thinking about something other than ocs but,,, that day is not today
“Dick said you lost your tooth?” Jason stood in the doorway, still dressed in his body armor, sounding disappointed. He had already missed the first time they lost a tooth with the family. He had promised to help them out the second time. I know a trick, he had promised with a wink. 
“Yeah.” Wes said, baring their teeth so Jason could see the gap where a tooth had been when he’d left last week. With the top incisor still coming in and a new gaping hole, their smile looked like it had been haphazardly thrown together by someone who wasn’t quite sure what they were trying to emulate. Jason knelt down next to them to get a better look. 
“Damn. I’m sorry, kid.” He had promised to be there. But things were complicated. Surely he had meant to. And Wes couldn’t really get a grasp on any anger they might have felt after overhearing the muffled yelling from a room over. 
He didn’t make any promises about next time.
“Your uncle’s pretty set on taking you back to Blüdhaven with him.” He looked down at his gloved hands and sighed. 
At 22, Wes could try and imagine what it would be like to suddenly have a seven year old to take care of. It only truly made sense then that their father had practically been a kid himself at the time. But when they were younger, Jason had looked so old and so exhausted at times like these. It was hard to think of him as anything but the adult in the room. 
“You’d better go. Roy and I will come and visit.” He hated visiting Blüdhaven. Almost as much as he hated visiting Gotham. He never said as much to Wes, but it wasn’t like it was hard to tell. “Cross my heart.” 
Wes just wrapped their arms around him and tried to promise themself they wouldn’t be upset if he didn’t visit. They also promised themself they wouldn't cry. They were tired and overwhelmed and the yelling hadn't helped, but there was a constant pressure to be brave that no one had directly laid at their feet, but Wes had picked up regardless. 
There was an awkward silence for a beat after the hug, before something caught Jason's eye. “The tooth fairy gave you these?” He asked, reaching over towards Wes' suitcase and the shuriken neatly stacked next to it. He picked one up gently, inspecting it and obviously fighting back some kind of smile. 
“Yes.” Wes said. “I got one to stick in the wall.” They offered up, hoping for some kind of praise. Maybe Uncle Dick would even let them show Jason before they left. They hadn't packed the weapons yet because they were debating whether to hide them. Something told them Dick wouldn't be enthused by the tooth fairy's gift. 
Jason stifled a chuckle. He was never any good at playing the part of the stern parent. “Things like these are really dangerous, Wes.” He sighed, reaching over to grab the rest of the shuriken. They were almost the size of Wes' entire hand, but they fit much better in Jason's grasp. They were his, after all. 
“But, the tooth fairy—”
“The tooth fairy gave me this to give to you.” Jason shoved the shuriken in one pocket of his jacket while rummaging around in another with his free hand. Finally, he produced a relatively impressive wad of cash. It was no Gotham tooth fairy payout, but it was more than generous. “Sometimes, when the tooth fairy knows a kid is going to lose a tooth, she gives their parents the money a little early. Like an advance. Since, ya know, the tooth fairy is so busy. And, uh, I guess since I wasn't here there was a mix up. Sorry about that, kid.” Jason was never particularly good with things like the tooth fairy or Santa, either. 
“Oh,” Wes tried their best not to sound disappointed. They swallowed the urge to insist that he should at least see how far they could stand from the wall while still sticking the shuriken into it—though, the holes in the gym wall would speak for themselves. “Thank you.” They almost blurted as they took the cash, suddenly remembering their manners. 
Jason’s expression was stuck somewhere bittersweet. He looked almost guilty when he opened his mouth to speak, but a voice from the doorway interrupted. “Ready to go, little bird?” 
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gaybichon · 2 years
bonus points if you specify which part you wanna sing! don't worry, i'm prepared to play either role
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