#pls ask me about this plsplsplsplspls
rachiecrown · 16 days
Rachie cannot stop making up AUs
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This is my 20//80 AU!! Yap sesh + closeups under the cut
(Takes the mlb ddvau love square and reverses it)
What led me to making this AU was coming up with a Cute Guy design and wanting to use it so so badly -> Coming up with a matching Hot Guy design -> Getting a funny idea and reversing the love square that Double Hearted AU has going on -> Actually building a story onto it
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Pretty proud with how they turned out!! My first design on HG for the AU and my second of CG (who originally had a popped collar which I didn't like)
My main inspiration for the designs was the desert duo coffeehero au by @/enka-antix, which I then realized also has the reverse love square.. oops lol
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Here's the full sketches for CG+HG and Grian+Scar
Two main details I want to point out that is outside of the outfit changes themselves is the fact Grian parts his hair differently than CG, and Scar wears makeup while HG doesn't.
I struggled a bit with what bird I wanted Grian to be, and decided he's a black capped finch, however he uses a bit of powder on his wings to give them a pink hue for when he's Cute Guy.
And yes I decided to be self indulgent and give Grian tailfeathers and Scar a long tail
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^ Wheelchair users does this look comfortable
Genuinely this is my first time drawing a wheelchair ever I think, unless I did once and completely forgot. But yeah! Cue transformer bot stuff cause I don't know what I'm doing
A lot of the tracks that the parts travel along to turn into the legs or the wheelchair aren't actually drawn I've realized, but if you're not colorblind (/lhj) you can see I've colored where all the bits and bobs go
Btw that point at the top is rounded and padded off so it doesn't dig into Scar's back It was an artistic mistake whoopsieee
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Some of their thoughts on each other and why Grian thinks Scar and HG can't POSSIBLY be the same person and why Scar thinks Grian is SO much better than CG.
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And my most favorite drawing from the sheet (^_^) It's the introduction to the AU where Hot Guy saves Grian from the fourth floor of a burning building! Grian's a little cooked but he's fine.
Also I didn't draw his sweater burnt up cause I didn't feel like it so I slapped some texture on there and called it a day.
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Finally, their logos :D
If you couldn't tell, I put the notes on this one in Hot Guy's point of view
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sunrisevariant · 4 days
y’all want me to drop the link to my ryokira playlist or
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okkalo · 1 year
Good day~ Thank you for your crush headcanons! I like it so so much! Can I ask you please for part 2 about Reo, Hiori and Karasu? Have a great day~
hi again anon! i’m glad u enjoyed the first crush headcanons :) and thank you for the request! i hope you enjoy these and have a good day as well 🫶 (i can’t thank you enough for requesting karasu i love him so much)
first part here with: chigiri, nagi, and rin
characters: reo, hiori, karasu
this is my first time writing for reo or hiori(kinda) omg im kinda nervous
you have stolen my heart!
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- i feel like it’s obvious when he has a crush tbh
- you can tell because he’s ALWAYS buying you something. didn’t ask for it? he still got it.
- he’s also always giving you lingering touches. oh, your arms are touching? he doesn’t mind one bit.
- if he sees you while talking to his group of friends he will ditch them!! he would much rather be talking to you.
- he also visits you before every practice!
- it could be mistaken for him just being rich and nice though.
- random thought but i bet he calls nagi his wingman? nagi doesn’t do anything to be it but reo still have him the name.
- so whether you catch on or you don’t he decides to confess pretty early.
- so you remember how nagi deemed reo’s confession ideas cringe? reo would be the guy to do a semi-public confession.
- he would do it before classes start. you could tell he RAN to catch you before they started.
- it was kinda cute though because he brought flowers for you. his eyes scanned your classroom before they locked onto you. he was about to say something but you immediately signaled him not to, rushing to meet him outside the classroom instead.
- that didn’t stop the whispers of your classmates, everyone picking up on what was happening.
- you pulled him out of sight of your peers, then encouraging him to go on. “y/n…” you could tell he got nervous all of a sudden, his eyes avoiding yours as he tried to find his earlier courage.
- pls be patient. if you confess before him he will be so disappointed in himself so pls just wait for him. kind and patient eyes will encourage him more too.
- “i love you, please date me,” he finally gets out, breathless as he speaks it. he holds the flowers out for you too.
- please say yes omg.
- he will kiss you if you say yes too—it’s quick considering the time limit but still breathtakingly good. he’s a good kisser, convince me otherwise.
- pls say ur a gamer so u can be a gamer couple plsplsplsplspls
- i just know he finds so much comfort in you
- you’ve known each other for awhile now, his feelings for you just recently developing.
- i can see you guys hanging out pretty often. kinda like chigiri, he likes going out with you
- prefers going to your house though
- LOVES gaming with you (if you do)
- he probably doesn’t confess until he knows you feel the same way tbh (he’s super good at telling if you do though)
- it’s also basically impossible for you to catch onto his feelings before his confession? he’s super good at hiding it
- he would confess in private, no doubt. so he’s probably at your house when he does.
- he probably aims it to be the last thing he does before he leaves (he’s nervous leave him be)
- he makes sure to meet your eyes once he says it too
- “i really like ya,” he starts, eyes unwavering, “please go out with me.”
- say yes.
- would probably give you a kiss on your cheek? pls he’s so cute i love him
- sorry but we’re already dating
- im so weak for him help me
- he flirts with you so much
- it started out as play flirting (he did it to tease/embarrass you) but now it’s real
- he hangs out with you so much (actually not as much as nagi or chigiri though)
- you both are regulars at this small restaurant you guys like to go to. it’s probably a dumpling place (he either likes dumplings or im just hungry for them rn)
- he will always visit you in your class, before they start, your break, and after they end. he’s also a regular in your class.
- i headcanon you guys watch those hawks hunting videos on tiktok when you hang out too
- it wouldn’t be hard to tell he has a crush on you, but it’s not super easy either (a good 6.5/10 imo [10 being the easiest to tell])
- i can imagine him randomly showing up at your place after practice and confessing to your at your doorstep?
- like it’s so random??
- as soon as you open the door and give a small greeting he’s going ahead and saying the confession
- “i love ya,” also breathless? he probably ran to your house tbh even though he was in no rush??
- eyes are piercing into yours, you can tell he means every word
- “go out with me?”
- play it cool and say “are free dumplings involved?”
- yes. free dumplings were involved.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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wonkylandbot · 3 months
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this is a monumental moment in wonkylandbot nation trust (pls ask me about my ocs plsplsplsplspls)
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ubestudies · 7 years
Any tips for an upcoming freshman? Thanks
aaah of course i wish you luck on your first year! i didnt think i wrote that much yikes
it’s very important to start the year off strong 
it sets a mold for the rest of your year, so start some good habits ( and keep them pls) make a study schedule or smth
In addition, the first grading period is usually the easiest, so take advantage of that and learn what you need to spend more time studying on.
i feel like a broken record saying this but freshman year does count! so many people tell me this so i just thought i’d share that
also it’s that time of the year where you should try and make friends (in each of your classes)! literally anything say anything to a person near you so that it makes you seem more approachable later on when you have to do a parter/group project (i usually just like ask a question about the class or in school in general)
i ride the bus so this naturally happens to me, but on the first day show up a LITTLE bit early. this can allow you to pinpoint your first period class without the panicking part.
also just a room reading tip but say you have room numbers such as a123, b224 and c334
the letter indicates what building you’re in, the first number indicates the floor, and the last few numbers indicate the room number.*
please always eat something for breakfast (it’s unhealthy to skip :()
don’t be afraid to make friends with upperclassmen they’re actually rlly nice
but dont get attached bc they will leave and its life :(
also dont date upperclassmen because lots of slithering snakes may b rdy to take advantage of you (as i’ve heard)
maybe just avoid dating-- but im not the boss of you, just make sure they are genuine and parent-approved wink wonk
that leads me to my next point of don’t let anyone take advantage of you.
whether it’s those slithering snakes or those girls who want the answers to an assignment, just kinDly say no because class>trash.
wow call me the Segway queen because the next advice is to avoid getting into drama
it’s only fun to watch drama, not be in it okay
kind of an obvious but be kind
to your teachers
to your peers
to your parents
none of them are paid enough to get treated poorly :(
plsplsplsplspls��use your resources
no one is going to drag you for going to the library or asking your teachers for help (also my library is really nice and 100%  underrATED)
uh make sure you’re comfortable (in all ways really)
have a nice supporting backpack (no bags >:9 crazy)
wear comfortable clothes 
its easier to focus when you’re comfortable
never jeopardize your education
i dont rlly need to explain this one but balance is key and if being in long after-school practices causes you to not have enough time to do your homework then maybe you should reconsider (thts what happened to me cry)
dont stress if you’re with a group of friends that may not make you happy at the time; high school is a small pool in the ocean of life winkw onk and you just have to wait to expand your pool
experience football games, dances, pep rallies,  (i dont like them personally but  i went just to experience it ig) 
we are finally to the end wowooww im sorry for rambling a lot but high school is just another set of grades so as long as you stay disciplined and prioritize, i think you’ll be fine; ily and good luck
also i didnt proofread this AT ALL so yikes
also feel free to add advice 
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