#pls asagiri let my man fyodor win
tenjikyu · 6 months
I feel like the only way the gang will be able to defeat Fyodor is by literally blinking him outta existance w the book thingy.
Even then mf will probably duplicate or leave a resonant of his blood that’ll keep him here 💀💀
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filo-academia · 4 years
bsd on terrorism and self-immolation
now such a fancy title for something i didnt go in-depth into. i just have these momentary neat thoughts popped up in my head while i was looking up irl-based terrorism for an essay for one of my subjects (i'm a lit major, not polsci but i needed to cite some examples on something so yeah) but enough of why i came to this point. i just realize that some of their methods, ways, and motives are so so resembling that of doa and fyodor (well, i mean, it's terrorism so ofc the patterns would align)
but what i am realizing more is about dazai's intention on why he is in the same prison as fyodor. (someone might have tackled abt this topic and more in-depth than mine but pls i'm just having fun ;;;) but yes, anyway, the more obvious reasons why he's there is to watch his moves and move according to his observations so they can foil fyodor's plans but during their time in there, they also argue, right??? example of which is dazai rebuking fyodor's ideologies of the god he worships and the plans he call perfect and harmonious and the holiness of his mission, and i also took note that dazai might also be trying to tear down fyodor's ideologies bit by bit. you know, idk how dazai does it and honestly i can only brush the surface bcs he's a character smarter than me, but in a creative-writing way of explaining it, dazai might be sizing up the threads in fyodor's ideologies, following their trail so he can piece the bigger picture, then find the root of it, rip it out, disentangle it, and throw it back to fyodor in a messy and unconnected threadpool - of course, that is, presuming he would win against fyodor. and well knowing dazai, he isnt the type who teaches others lessons by talking and talking and talking...he wants to show it to them, and of course, if things don't go to worse, he might be able to pick up that threadpool of fyodor's ideologies when all his plans are effective against his and throw it back to his face and watch him try to make it make sense again
and that's where self-immolation comes in. by definition, immolation is an act of sacrifice by giving up or giving into destruction. self-immolation is just equals to self-destruction. (i could have just said self-destruction, i know, but self-immolation sounds fancier. let me indulge ;;;) now of course if you have these ideologies you've been holding onto your whole fucking life that they're basically your life guide, your anchor, your north star, your lifeline, having it crushed and disentangled into a bunch of balderdash that aren't coherent anymore because there's an argument that can slap you right across the face and prove you wrong, you would be salvaging the pieces left or worse, you would go into a total meltdown while trying to salvage the scraps that can't even materialize or form into a familiar picture in front of you anymore. and idk,,,,in my head, i picture fyodor being just so lost and confused at the threadpool dazai tosses back to him. he tries to knit back the things he believe in but no he wouldnt be able to anymore, bcs the threads dont match, they got tangled up to others, and others are lost in the mist. and knowing fyodor, who probably have spent his entire life pursuing That Specific Goal, that he probably have sacrificed a lot for it, holding unto pride for life's worth, as an act of sacrifice to himself, his pride, and his ideologies, i just can't help but imagine him....giving into destruction, giving into death as a message to the world that they might not have heard his plea but such a thing as himself and his mission exists and that's enough to convey to everyone else what he believes in, even if it at the end it pathetically becomes a one-man show...
asagiri doesn't squander deaths unless the effects of it would matter in the narrative but i don't really think that explanation i laid out would matter to the narrative when there's the option of redemption that can fit with his backstory
and also personally, i really don't want him to die (bcs well, you know, just don't. i love him, just don't.)
but it was fun thinking how that can be a possible turn of events in the series just based on my meager research. now none of what i said can or should be taken as a truth. i'm just really having fun here because finally, the things i love doing and my interests finally align to what i am doing in university so yeah
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