#please...excuse my wonky anatomy
wetvett · 2 years
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(repost, the first post got hidden, lets hope this one doesn’t) 
this drawing is kind of old so please excuse any wonky anatomy. the character is supposed to be far/kas from sky/rim but kinda like my own spinoff version that i use in my drago/nborn’s story. my drago/nborn is married to him and she loves making him hold… :)
uncensored ver if you want it https://twitter.com/nsfvet/status/1579337264278433792
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citruya · 2 years
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Nanami by @kuru.pudding in academy 💜 ...and in my own style (not trying to be kuboesque). Please excuse the wonky anatomy as somehow I was foolish enough to draw without references.
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rohadefunctblog · 2 years
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Eomer and Gimli have an unusual score to settle.
Or maybe they’re just diehard fanboys. 
Part 1 of a little comic i’m doing about that scene in rotk where eomer and gimli discuss their love for different hair colors. Part 2 should be up in a couple weeks!
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xieliancore · 3 years
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this dtiys appeared on my twitter tl and it wouldn't leave my brain so i sketched something quick
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crybabybrando · 4 years
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finally finished up my claims for @valor-selfships‘s fankid exchange discord
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Deviantartober – The "Hey, you’ve been too long on DeviantArt" shitpost challenge
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These prompts are supposed to be shitposts, so drawing them should not take longer than 15 minutes each day. Picture them as a fast warm up doodles you can do every day.
Bonus points for extra crappy art or for using software like MS Paint or very poor grade traditional materials.
THIS IS NOT SUPPOSED TO LOOK GOOD. We just want to have fun and loosen up about art, like our 14-year-old selves on DA used to. Don’t be a perfectionist – have fun creating something really bad and unwind!
About the badly tracing prompts: Don't get me wrong: These are shitposts, so please don't actually steal some artist's work and claim it as your own. Credit the company you took it from!
Feel free to share your results via #deviantartober
Most important of all: have fun!
Draw either yourself, your sona or your OC in MS Paint style (if you are a traditional artist, use low quality crayons or something like that).
Draw a traditional piece of either yourself, your sona or your OC and share it by taking a low quality, out of focus picture of your drawing.
Create a Sonic OC. Explain their powers.
Now use the Sonic Dollmaker to make a better Sonic OC, cuz drawing is hard: Male character dollmaker Female character dollmaker
Draw either yourself, your sona or your OC as either a wolf, lion, dragon, cat or horse. You may badly trace over Disney art.
Make that wolf/lion/dragon/cat/horse look even sparklier.
Write an excuse about why you couldn’t post today.
Take some official and well-known cover art, trace over it badly, color it with the bucket tool and claim it as your OCs. (for traditional artists: just lazily trace over it and take a pic)
Draw a character from a cartoon and add some obvious erotic undertone.
Draw an animal, paste it a few times and color them differently. Congratulations, you are an adopt artist now.
Combine an animal with a piece of food and create your own original adopt species.
Take an out of focus picture of your pet or some random merch. It is art now.
Draw something with wonky anatomy and claim it as a STYLE.
Draw either yourself, your sona or your OC overly cute and put 90% of the work into making the eyes look sparkly.
Draw an OC with uncomfortable sexy undertones. Wonky anatomy, like gazillion abs or balloon boobies are welcomed.
Ship yourself, your sona or your OC with a canon character and make them seem madly in love. You may draw your character into a screenshot, cuz again – drawing is hard.
Come up with some overly random ship (Like Mordetwi, etc.) and create a shipping name for it.
Create a DA stamp for one of these ships. (These are stamp shaped gifs, that show support of your amazing ship.)
Draw a weird DA fetish of your choice. The weirder, the better. (Honestly just browse “Newest Deviations” for a few minutes if you need inspiration)
Go on hiatus and leave a hiatus post.
Post a screenshot of a random game you are playing and pretend it’s 3d art.
Draw some edgy cats fighting – don’t use any reference!
Post some overly dramatic vent art. You may be vague about the issue and make it sound worse than it actually is. Sympathy fishing is welcomed.
Add some Linkin Park or Evanescence lyrics to a piece of art.
Create a fursona, but it’s actually just a Pokémon with different colored eyes.
Make either a My Little Pony, Homestuck, Creepypasta, Undertale, Lion King, Warriors or Balto OC. You may use free bases or lazily altered screenshots, cuz drawing is hard.
Make a new OC by copy pasting an existing OC and changing their colors into a gothic look.
Take a stock photo of a person/animal resembling that OC and badly paint over it, to make it look like your OC. Lazily altered Twilight screenshots are not forbidden.
Create some art using any sort of FREE base art.
Take some of your artwork, you did during this challenge and turn it into a blingee -> https://de.blingee.com/
It’s the final day and it’s Halloween and you don’t feel like drawing and you are artblocked, so fuck this. (You may also draw your OC being sad about being art blocked – or you may return to your normal life, because I definitely will do so)
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agnusatanae · 4 years
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Two versions of this ridiculously self indulgent piece✨🙆🏻‍♀️🍂❄️💜
I uh often struggle with liking my art and even though I’m not very good at traditional art (specifically alcohol markers) it’s my ‘safe’ medium so I’ve been doodling a lot lately. Please excuse the shitty anatomy and wonky facial features this is a comfort piece i decided to share cos I haven’t posted in a while 😭
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ask-the-dweets · 3 years
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✨ 🍕 Welcome to the blog! 🍕 ✨
Go ahead and ask the Dweets some questions! Either all of them or choose which one you’d like to talk to. You can send the mod, Drako, questions too!
I will do my best to answer most questions but I may not answer them all. (And I’ll be slow to answer them too) I may not continue RP chains.
Interested in talking to mod? Their name is Drako, they are available for questions too! (checkout more of their art here on their Twitter too.)
Ask-the-Dweets was started May, 10th 2021
I’ve always loved scrolling through all of the amazing DbD ask and art blogs here on Tumblr that I decided to finally make my own after years! I am still relatively new to drawing humans and have only been more comfortable with it for about a year, so as much as I love my boys it is still definitely a struggle to draw them. Please excuse the poor anatomy and wonky faces XD I’m trying here.
This blog will be for the Dweets as well as a spot to post any other DbD fanart I may make in the future.
Send an ask!
Meet the Dweets
100 follower celebration pic
Goggles steve & Elf Dwight RP [1][2][3]
Smooch a Dweet
hehe funnies [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
Pizza Dweet | Fancy Dweet | Elf Dweet
(Some above links may not work on mobile)
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yfere · 5 years
Shipping Calculus! Live Updates from C2E57
In which the M9  have the most intense non-combat episode. Light, save me from this madness. Masterpost here. This week, we have
+5 to Matt/Mispronunciation “Siggel” returns! YES!!!!
+18 to Caleb/Caduceus as Caduceus is the first to very emphatically endorse Caleb’s choice with the dodecahedron, saying “I am proud of you” and “You made the right call.” Caduceus also getting very pumped about Caleb’s “Let’s Stop The War” idea, all “Destiny? Destiny? Is this your destiny??? That’s so wonderful!!!!” How for some reason Caduceus thinks Caleb is the person he’s supposed to convince that keeping the favors from the Bright Queen in the Bag of Holding is a good idea. Like, that can be a group conversation Caduceus, you don’t just need Caleb’s approval.
+2 to Jester/Essik “I think that you’re very handsome and we should be friends” says Jester, and Essik is very flattered and pleased.
+2 to Caduceus/Essik “You seem like a man of taste,” Caduceus says, doing that Grinning Thing He Does because Caduceus is a Big Flirt. “I like him,” he says. I think I know what that means, but unfortunately this flirting, while more sincere than Jester’s seemed to fly a little bit more over Essik’s head.
+10 to Caduceus/Pissing In the Wind which gets a little racy when you consider that Caduceus worships nature. This a golden showers thing?
-5 to Yeza/Food—in which his gorging makes actual boning unfeasible.
+25 to Beau/Jester as Beau makes sure Jester knows that if the circumstances were different, the harness thing might have been enjoyable. Also, having Jester’s feet on her back was a little funny. Jester saying “You look so pretty though” about Beau--in the harness? That’s what the notes say. Holy shit. Beau going out of her way to acquire the BEST ROOM for her and Jester in the inn, and stanning Jester’s detective skills to Fjord. And lest we forget, Beau and Jester learning that maybe Jester doesn’t exactly have the most accurate idea of love, but Jester turning to Beau as someone she can talk to (and maybe learn from?) about it. Beau. Beau. Teach her. 
+30 to Fjord/Caleb as despite Fjord’s unease with their situation and reluctance to Dive Headfirst Into The War like Caleb, he still finds himself Beyond Charmed by Caleb’s awkward stanning of Nott to Yeza, Nott’s #1 fan. Caleb supporting Fjord’s bid for free food, saying “Fjord, I believe the words used were ‘Heroes of the Dynasty.’” Caleb sneakily finagling his way into getting them to room together with a ridiculous excuse about Caduceus being So Tall he needs to share a room with the Second Tallest Person, meaning Caleb just Has To Room With Fjord, This Is Entirely A Practical Matter It’s Not Like I’ve Ever Tried To Make This Happen Before. Caleb attempting a little callback, letting Fjord know he ~~~appreciates~~~ Fjord and is inspired by all the crazy risktaking that Fjord represents. And somehow, not realizing that saying “Sometimes you have to get a little crazy” while you’re in bed, in a room alone with someone has very specific implications. Fjord saying “What, right now??” in response, like he’s Surprised but Not Against it, and sticking his face in his hands in Peak Embarrassment when he finds out Caleb did not mean what he thought he meant. Fjord thanking Caleb, which gains an extra point because Fjord did it by referring to Caleb’s balls. Points taken away because Caleb did not set up the Alarm in their shared room while naked, even though everyone else at the table really wanted him to.
+3 to Caleb/Hopebringer It turns out Caleb actually super duper likes being called a big fat hero. The last time he was this pleased with himself was after he and the crew just murdered a slavers’ den—here, Caleb channels his inner bard by screeching about how they’re all “Heroes of the Dynasty” and “Heroes of the Empire (soon)” to everyone who will listen. Beau also solidifies (albeit with sarcasm) that Caleb has a cool Hero Name now as “Hopebringer,” which sounds like a badass sword. Please keep the title.
+5 to Beau/Leylas as Beau’s arguments against mass murder to the Bright Queen are met with a “coy grin,” followed by Beau apologizing for being “too forward” followed by the Bright Queen saying she’s very “surprising” My…..my god the subtext.
+1 to Jester/Leylas as Jester joins the Caduceus Clay School of excessively admiring a person’s armor when what you really mean is that you find the person underneath the armor super attractive
+8 to Caleb/Jester as in the face of Jester’s ire Caleb reassures her that he will bring her back to her mother should she ever want it, and Jester believing him (and Caleb perfecting the spell to do just that that very evening). Caleb smiling when Jester ribs him about his sour face while he talks about being hopeful. Caleb supporting Jester’s quest for desserts and pastries, asking for the “local special” for her and apparently joining the Caduceus Clay School of showing love by making sure people are well fed.
+8 to Jester/Fjord as Jester is the first to notice Fjord’s quiet unhappiness and encourages him to talk about it when it looks like he won’t to keep the peace. Defending Fjord from Nott’s barbs, saying “Don’t make Fjord cry!” Fjord’s playfulness and shrugging off his concerns when he says “I’m just suspicious” but Jester reassuring him his feelings are valid and make sense, even though she personally likes and is inclined to trust the Bright Queen.
+4 to Caduceus/Fjord as Fjord is thrown by Caduceus’ extremely dark and very cheerfully delivered humor. Caduceus reassuring Fjord that they have more chances to learn the things Fjord wants to know now than before, and also reprimanding Nott for making fun of Fjord—”You’re making fun of his tennis wrist, come on.” As a guy with a wonky knee he can probably relate to Fjord’s struggles.
+3 to Caleb/Leadership as whatever Caduceus says about not there not being leaders in the Mighty Nein, he still treats Caleb as if he were in charge. Caleb continuing his pattern where he tells everyone who is going to be roommates with who—why he’s so interested in directing the M9 sleeping arrangements is, uh, an interesting thing to consider.
-5 to Caleb/Plot Relevant Magic. Despite Caleb’s wide eyed wonder “That’s fascinating” at dunamancy, when Nott tries to get him spells he immediately derails the conversation to talk about WE MUST SAVE THE CITIZENS OF THE EMPIRE FROM NEEDLESS WAR, and when Beau is like “so don’t you want this time magic stuff” he immediately starts going off about WOULDN’T IT BE GREAT TO JUST MURDER THE CERBERUS ASSEMBLY AND SAVE THE EMPIRE FROM THEM. Mind not too focused on the magic now, huh?
+1 to Jester/Tattoos She………gets to tattoo? The quality though………….
+2 to Fjord/Detective Work as he asks the most relevant Ljore Questions about what the Krynn are and believe, earning some brownie points with the Bright Queen in the process. Also following up on the Ghostlands question and emphatically deciding Not To Go There, though we all know that the next job they take is going to be in that exact location.
+100 to yfere/The Luxon because I personally want to convert to this religion, warts and all
-50 to Sam Riegel/Anatomy So the reason this shipping calculus was delayed was because I did, in fact, destroy my laptop to protect my eyes from the return of the Goblin Boob Miming. NOT ONLY THAT, but miming putting on the perfume in Certain Locations……NOT ONLY THAT but the “square peg in a round hole” comment………….I hate him. I hate him.
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ask-joeydrewstudios · 6 years
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((soo since June 1st is the blog’s anniversary, I thought I’d post some “concept art” in celebration? :o please excuse the wonky anatomy and errors (GLARES AT THE SAMMY AND SUSIE PAGE), i didn’t think I was ever gonna post these. buuut i personally really like seeing stuff like this from other artists, and I’m sure there’s other people that do too, so I’ll post ‘em since it’s a special occasion. it’s really cool seeing how both the characters and my art style have evolved in the past year tbh xD
some of the characters i knew what they looked like immediately, some of them i sat on for... a while. joey took me a week or two i think, and i don’t know where the drawing went but on my first-ever henry, he had joey’s hairstyle almost?? it was like joey’s hairstyle with sideburns :’D it was horrid. the second henry and all henries after had roughly the same hairstyle he has now. thank god. also that second henry sketch, the fullbody? still one of my favorite henries i’ve ever drawn for some reason...
sammy and susie were easily the easiest out of everyone, i knew what they looked like immediately. soo... they don’t really have any real concept art, they just suddenly Existed xD and long-time followers should remember norman wasn’t with the blog when i started because i was struggling with him, i had a lot of ideas for him and none would really stick but the stuff you see here is when i was finally starting to get a grasp on it.
aaand at the end there is the original sketch of the blog header ; w ; i guess it got smeared on the other page so it lightened out a lot, but it’s still kinda recognizable. i changed some things not including adding new characters over time lol but that’s what it looked like on paper.
...BTW, you can see some of my even earlier henries over here, and my first lacie over here!))
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post-it-note-pony · 6 years
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Day 20: Breakable
Sorry about posting this one a little late tonight guys! With all this overtime my weekends are packed to the brim sunup to sundown trying to get everything done I can't do during the week.
Oh look my hand slipped, and what do you know? ANOTHER PRINCESS TUTU FANART!!! No apologizing for this. For this prompt I was inspired by Fakir and the knight's scar. Please excuse the wonky anatomy though, didn't use a reference, and it shows!
Check out inktober playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLUHlaXDJyRA7CsMsadLVnMnf5bM2f95vp
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f-nodragonart · 7 years
I was wondering what you thought about heavily stylized/cartoon dragons that are done well. Are there any in particular that you applaud? Cartoons are meant to be a little loose with anatomy so I was wondering which dragons caught your eye.
in general, I fuckin ADORE stylized dragons done well! despite what y’all may think, I actually prefer well-executed stylization over strict realism– I’m just strict w/ anatomy on here b/c that’s kinda my job, haha. I’m a lot more lenient when it comes to things I’m just enjoying in my personal time
now lemme think, specific examples….
I think Toothless specifically from HTTYD is a rly good example. I know I’m biased for him, but I rly do think he’s an excellent, unique design. I also say Toothless specifically and not HTTYD dragons in general b/c he differs from a lot of the other designs in certain respects that make him a lot more realistic/reasonable and generally more aesthetically pleasing to me. for example, his eyes are set solidly in his skull rather than sticking out like in the Monstrous Nightmare, and his teeth are reasonably pointed for a fish-eating creature rather than curved in all sorts of absurd directions like in the Deadly Nadder. also, since his claws are rly small and don’t seem to be used for much in the way of prey capture or climbing, it’s easy for me to just read them as stubby claws, unlike w/ other dragons’ longer “claw-toes” that obnoxiously bend on their own. beyond Toothless, I think the next-best design in HTTYD is Cloudjumper (as far as I can remember w/o looking up a whole list of all the canon species anyways, lmao)
Jake Long’s dragon forms in American Dragon always struck me as decently well-executed. I gave some deeper thoughts on them here, but basically they could be improved in terms of mass distribution and some slight consideration for underlying anatomy (hips specifically), but I still like the designs a lot
I absolutely ADORE that one style featured in Dragonology– y’know, this one. something abt the gangly bodies, loose-skin decorative frills, swoopy-swirly designs, hatch-work shading approach– it’s all so appealing! I’ve still got my gripes abt the anatomy, but I can’t help but love the designs anyways
the Wings of Fire dragons were always very pretty to me, tho I still have yet to read the books aha. that solid/sharp linework, and those vibrant palettes?? to die for honestly. while they do have some problems, something abt their designs makes it easy for me to miss their mistakes at first glance
despite how wonky the designs are, I kinda love the Dragon Booster designs. again, nostalgic bias may be at work here, but I rly do think they’ve got some fun, unique designs
scrolling thru some of my past reviews, I’m reminded that these dragons from BOTW are fuckin excellent, I’m still in love. this dragon from DOTA is also super pretty. the Dragonadopter designs were, to quote myself, surprisingly decent, and rather cute. THESE GUYS FROM WALLYKAZAM ARE ADORABLE I WOULD DIE FOR THEM. Mushu from Mulan is also p well-executed, though he doesn’t totally fit the style of the rest of the movie..
I think that’s abt all I can think of rn. other mods have any thoughts?
sidenote: before anyone asks me why Flight Rising wasn’t included, I actually don’t think I can put FR on this list in good conscience? yes, I absolutely love the FR designs, despite all their faults, but in terms of well-executed stylization? I rly can’t give them that. I think part of it is the fact that they’re stylized in a “realistic” manner– it’s easy to excuse anatomical mistakes/warping in a flat/cartoony design, but it’s a lot harder to ignore anatomy mistakes when the dragon in question has detailed muscular definition.. not only that, but even putting aside comparisons to real-world anatomy, FR just isn’t consistent in its own setting? some dragons have wings above their front leg shoulders while some don’t, some dragons have improper foreshortening while some don’t, etc. etc. thus, I can’t even rly judge it based on its own arbitrary anatomical rules
-Mod Spiral
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post-it-note-pony · 7 years
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Day 25: Ship
You all didn’t think I was gonna draw a boat did ya?  Please enjoy my one of my favorite ships of all time Zutara. Which I will sail to the ends of the earth. These two should have been cannon!!! Whyyyyy Bryke??? TT_TT
I’m not really too great with drawing fluff scenes so please excuse the wonky anatomy.
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