#please to hear i use mods. also pleased to hear that men can wear underwear and dresses in battle.
landlordevil · 10 months
Me: "well one of the actors from [bg3] won an award for best performance which I'm happy about. He totally deserved to win"
My dad calling upon his limited knowledge on voice actors: "oh so billy zane*?"
Me: "..... sure yeah"
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‘Roughing It!’ Shuichi x Fem!Reader
A mini fic where Rantaro, Ouma and Shuichi with fem s/o going out camping? (They all hang out and chill like good buddies do but shuichi spends most of the trip with his s/o ;^0
Got you covered! I really hope you like it  -Mod Korekiyo 
“Ah, Nature!” Rantarou breathed, stretching out his back as he faced the river. Ouma rolled his eyes, kicking a pine cone for no reason and you and Shuichi had just finished setting up the tents. “This is where we become men!” “No thanks.” Ouma said playfully. “I’m not going to wrestle a bear or anything okay? I’m going to eat cheap junk food and bother squirrels.” “Also, I’m not a man.” You commented, making Shuichi giggle. “It’s okay, S/O, “ Ouma started. “Neither is your boyfriend-” “Guys hush!” Rantarou said playfully, “Do you hear it?” “You talking?” “No. Nature!” “All I hear is you talking.” Ouma said, patting Amami’s shoulder.”Well, I’m going to bother wildlife. Don’t wait up.” “Oh.. Okay... Hey, Shuichi,” Rantarou started. “Do you want to go fishing?” “Of course, That sounds nice. S/o, care to join us?” “I’d love to.”
You sat in Shuichi lap, helping him reel in what you called the worlds tiniest fish. You liked them. keeping them in a plastic container and blowing bubbles with a reed so that they stayed alive in the still water. Rantarou smiled, casting out again and Shuichi just stopped fishing, seeing all he was getting were guppies. “I want to name this one, Ouma.” “Please don’t.” He begged. “Just throw them back. You can’t blow in that water all weekend.” “But they’re so cute and tiny!” You said happily, as Rantarou reeled in a nice sizable fish. Shuichi blushed a bit, looking off to the side. “Don’t remind me.” “It’s not the size of the fish,” Rantaro started, taking a selfie with the floppy fish near his face. “It’s what you cook it into.” Suddenly the fish smacked him, falling to the floor of the boat. You reached for him, unhooking him and releasing him back into the water. “There you go little guy.” You sighed, and decided to release Shuichi’s small fish too. “By Ouma!” “Did you name them all Ouma?” Shuichi asked, a little jealous “Probably cause they’re all little shits.” Rantarou commented.”By the way, where is Ouma-” “SURPRISE!” You screamed hearing the shorter boy behind you, jumping out of the water and grabbing the edge of the boat. Shuichi instinctively grabbed you and Rantarou stood up, throwing is phone as far as he could towards shore so it didn’t fall into the water. The boat completely flipped over seconds later.
“I said I was sorry.” Ouma whined, tied to a tree with a small sign that said Gay baby jail above him. “I cracked my phone you little prick.” Rantarou said, raking his hands through his hair. “Oh great, this sucks.” “At least it’s not broken completely!” “No thanks to you!” As they continued to bicker you shivered, wearing some nice big comfort clothes you packed and sitting by the camp fire. Nothing like oversized shirts to make you feel all fuzzy. Shuichi sat down beside you. “You alright, Sweetie?” “I’m a little cold.” He kissed your cheek wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer. “I know what will warm you up.How about,” His voice lowered to a whisper. “when the boys go to sleep, you and I slink off and go for a swim.” “This is a camping trip,” You reminded him. “No one brought anything to swim in.” “You don’t need to wear anything to swim in.” He said shyly. He kissed your cheek again and you giggled excitedly at the idea
The moment Rantarou’s snoring kicked in, you and Shuichi snuck out of the tents, making your way further down the river where the water entered the lake. The moon shone brilliantly off the surface of the water, making for a romantic atmosphere. You both undressed, walking into the water hand in hand . You couldn’t even make it too deep in the water, falling onto one another and roughly making out in a shallow part of the shore that just barely covered you both. It wasn’t too long before the night was fill with moans and grunts. When everything was done you stayed in the water for a bit longer, just holding each other in the cool mountain air. You were sure one or both of you would get sick but it was worth it. 
The next day started off promising, with Rantarou teaching you how to catch a rabbit. His intent was to cook it but you grew so attached to it he just couldn’t do it. You had brought plenty of food anyway. No need to get too outdoorsy. You ran to camp to show Shuichi your new rabbit only to find him vigorously rubbing his eyes and sniffling. “Aww,” You started. “You’re sick.” “Yeah,” He said simply, his nose clearly back up. “But, No regrets. Last night was amazing-” He cut himself off, Sneezing into his arm. Ouma happened to be walking by as he sneezed, noting the pose. “Nice dab, Saihara-” “I Was not dabbing!” “Ignore him, Check out mister fluffers!” You said happily, shoving the bunny in his face. The creature ‘merped’ making him smile. “He’s cute. I-Is that his name?” “Well, it’s not permanent. Can I keep him?” “Well,” “Hey, Saihara!” Ouma said, “Can I borrow this shirt?” He held up a blue t shirt, wiggling it around. “...Why do you want to-” “thanks buddy.” He said quickly, taking the shirt and running off into the woods. “....What the hell was that about?”
You sat by the camp fire in the early evening, making smores and telling stories. You leaned against your boyfriend, which made Rantarou feel a little like a 3rd wheel. Before he could question it though, Ouma finally did appear. “Guys!” “there you are,”Amami started. “You’ve been gone all day!” “I was training. Shuichi!” He said, walking to a nearby tree and pulling a raccoon from behind it. You cracked up, seeing it wearing Shuichi’s blue shirt and a pair of his underwear. “Those are mine?!” “Well, Shuichi is using them,” Ouma said smugly. “He looks adorable-” “You put a wild animal in my underwear?!” “I’m putting this online.” Rantarou said, snapping a few pictures of the confused critter. “This is gold-” “Don't upload thaaaa-” Saihara ended up sneezing, which scared the raccoon and forced it Out of Ouma’s hands. The creature ran away, wearing shuichi’s clothes. “N-No! Get back here!” “Wait Shuichi come back!” “You leave my Raccoon Alone.” “I’ll just stay here.” Amami said, putting a marshmallow on a stick “You guys have fun.
Rantarou turned his signal on, pulling onto the highway and driving away from this fun little excursion. You all sat in the back seat, arms folded for one reason or another and Ouma’s face was scratched up. “....Why did you just take his clothes off him?” Ouma whined. “He looked cute.” “Why’d you put my clothes on a raccoon?” “Why’d you throw a rock at him while I was holding him!” “Why were you holding him!” “Why’d you fuck your girlfriend in the lake-” “Stop arguing,” Rantarou warned. “Don’t make me turn this car around.” “Please don’t,” You begged, scratching the little rabbits ears. “I’ve had enough excitement for one weekend.” “Wait, you were watching us tht night?” “No I heard you. I was smart enough to keep my distance.” “What were you doing in the woods that late?” “You tied me to a tree!” “No yelling.” Amami reminded them. “or I won’t stop for breakfast when we get back into town.” There was a sudden chorus of protests and Amami smirked. “I’m glad we went camping.” You said sweetly. “We should do it more often.” “Fine with me.” Shuichi said weakly, still battling his cold. “We’re leaving Ouma at home next time.”
-Mod Korekiyo
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exo-smut · 8 years
 Author: exo-smut
Characters: Reader x Kyungsoo
Rating: NC-17, Mafia AU, daddy kink
Author Note: This is for the anon who requested for a daddy kyungsoo ;) plus he’s my ultimate bias and there’s not enough Mafia au of him that I can find so enjoy, and my requests are open, I’d like to see what you guys would like me to write.
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“The taste of your lips I’m on a ride, you’re toxic I’m slipping under, taste of your poison paradise I’m addicted to you don’t you know that you’re toxic”
You were the wife of one of the members in the most dangerous mafia family known to your city. Your love story was different than the usual one, you met your husband 4 years ago when you encountered him pummeling someone to death . 
That night you decided to take the alley as a shortcut towards your apartment, what you weren’t expecting was the scene before you of a man beating someone to death and you began screaming when you had seen the receiver of his blows, no one could have survived those injuries. He had stopped what he was doing the moment he heard you scream, he turned towards you and the look you saw on his face that night sent a shiver of fear down your spine, so you quickly made a run for it. 
You didn’t make it far, he had caught up to you and smothered a rag of chloroform on your nose and mouth causing you to breath it in. You had tried escaping his hold but too no avail you fell unconscious in his arms. 
Later that night you had woken up tied to a chair and everything came back to you. You began struggling in your chair trying to find a way as you began sobbing in fear of what could happen to you if you didn’t leave. You were so entranced in the ropes tied around you that you didn’t hear someone come into the room you were locked in. 
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you”
Jumping in surprise you turned towards the source of that voice, only to lock eyes with the man you saw in the alley. 
“please don’t hurt me” you pleaded softly towards him, you felt your body shaking in fear. He only stared at you, but he slowly he began moving towards you, You saw him kneel down in front of your quivering body. You didn’t dare look at him, too afraid to do so until you felt his fingers under your chin, he lifted up your face towards his. Both your eyes met and you felt a shiver run down your spine, his eyes didn’t seem to show any sort of emotion and it scared the hell out of you because you weren’t sure what this man could be capable of. 
“What’s your name ?” he asked you
“y/n” you whispered
“well y/n , I can either kill you right now..” You began sobbing cutting him off, his emotionless face seemed to flash to annoyance before he gripped your chin harder making you quiet down.
“or I’ll let you live on the condition that you start working for me” he finished
You only nodded frantically jumping at the chance at living, oblivious to the type of work this man did. 
It shocked you to find out what exactly he did and who he was, when he told you his name you couldn’t believe what you’ve gotten into.
Now you were in your shared home and his lifestyle of work didn’t bother you as much as it did before. He eased you into his ways and here you were celebrating your 4th year anniversary , you were patiently waiting for him to return home, as you decided what lingerie to wear. You couldn’t choose between the one he first saw you with when you two got intimate or the new piece you wanted to show off. The first one held a precious memory to you that started everything.
You never believed he would bring you at a strip club.
Not that it surprised you, the work he gave you was to seduce his targets until they were vulnerable enough for him to kill right away.
yes kill.
He was Do Kyungsoo , the hit man of the famous EXO mafia that everyone was afraid of, you were the unlucky girl that got trapped in their life. Well, not really unlucky the pay was better than your old job and much more funner. No, the work wasn’t fun, teasing Kyungsoo was fun, that was probably the only other reason you loved this job. 
Until now at least, the jerk decided that you would be a stripper for the night because his target was here, but you know he did it on purpose because you being the tease you are, decided that it was okay to distract him while he was working. It wasn’t your fault his target got away because he decided to stare at you as you lifted your dress up to your waist giving him a clear view of your ass. That day he wasn’t giving in to your antics so you did that as a last try that ended up working perfectly.
Now here you were stripping down to your underwear in front of men you didn’t give two fucks about, except the one across the room staring at you intently with his dark eyes. That man was the target that Kyungsoo let get away last time, and here you were again trying to seduce him. Kyungsoo was next to him so you moved your attention to him, you noticed that he was staring at you with great intensity you almost slipped off the pole. He’s never looked at you in that way before.
Finally, your set ended and you were able to run off the stage , but not before you were stopped by one of the staff.
“The guy over there is requesting a private dance from you” informed the staff member, you looked towards who she was speaking about and noticed it was Kyungsoo’s target. You simply modded and headed towards the guest private room, you waited until he finally showed up and took a seat on the couch in front of you.
“show me what you got beautiful” he told you and you had to hold back from rolling your eyes, so instead you began dancing. The man in front of you was so entranced with your movements he didn’t notice that Kyungsoo was sneaking up behind him. You twirled away from them at the same moment Kyungsoo had his target in a choke hold. You heard the man struggle to breath behind you, you were never used to the killing it always scared you to see what he was capable of. A minute later it was silent, you were about to turn towards Kyungsoo when you heard quick footsteps and felt his hand gripping your arm dragging you out of the room. 
“Whoa ! What the fuck Kyungsoo !?” you yelled at him when you almost tripped as he dragged you into another room. He pushed you inside, you noticed that this room had a bed and you turned to look back at him only to have his lips crash onto yours. You feel your heart start beating faster than before, his lips against yours makes you feel at bless and you react quickly by kissing him back. You’ve been wanting this for such a long time and it’s finally happening.
“I cant hold back anymore” you hear him say against your lips.
“Then don’t” you reply back, loving the way his body pressed against you.
You felt his hands secure at your hips before you felt him  lift you up against him, immediately  you wrapped your legs around his waist. He began trailing kisses down your jaw and your neck as he walked towards the bed. You were thrown on top of the bed, slightly bouncing. You watched as he quickly crawled on top of you, the expression on his face making you shiver in excitement at what was to come.
His face dipped towards your neck, giving you love bites, “your mine” he remarked. You moaned when he went lower towards your breasts.
“Show me I’m yours Kyungsoo” you begged at him, and he did. 
As much as you preferred to wear the one he first took off you that night, the  new piece of lingerie was more alluring and you wanted to see his reaction. After shuffling into the new piece of lingerie, you put on your silk robe slightly tying it but not enough so he could see what you were wearing under. Not only after you did that you heard the front door open,you began feeling slightly nervous, he had that affect on you, but in a good way. You began walking out of your bedroom and started walking downstairs towards the front door.
You gasped when you reached the bottom of the stairs, kyungsoo was standing there in a bloody mess, most likely not his but still you couldn’t help but worry about him. You also noticed the bouquet of flowers he was holding, it made your heart flutter.
“What happened to you ?!” you demanded, in which he didn’t respond but rather started moving towards you,but you stopped him by putting a finger to his forehead. He looked you over, his dark eyes hungrily scanning your body, then he locked eyes with you slightly glaring at you for stopping his advancements towards you.
“This is new, and you have blood all over you and I’m not getting this piece get dirty, especially since it’s difficult to get raid of stains, so go shower and then daddy can have his treat” you teased, he licked his lips and you noticed the strain in his pants growing, making you grow wet in anticipation. 
He gave you one last look before leaning down to peck your lips, you tensed not expecting that from him, “Happy Anniversary baby” he whispered near your lips, he then handed you the bloodied flowers and headed upstairs towards the bathroom. You smiled to yourself, the small gesture giving you butterflies, you immediately put the flowers in a vase, bloodied up and all. after that you headed upstairs, once reaching your bedroom you heard the shower running in the bathroom you both shared. Walking towards the bed you lay on top of it, settling yourself comfortably while you waited for him to finish with his shower. 
Almost 10 minutes later, you heard the shower turn off, you smiled and moved to a more seductive position, you undid your robe giving a full view of your lingerie. Finally, he came out with just a towel around his waist, his toned body in full display, you stared hungrily wanting to touch, and taste all of him. You also noticed that he had new cuts on his body, they weren’t deep they were more like scratches and you found it extremely hot.
“how was your day love” he asked you, ripping your eyes away from his body and towards his face, he began moving towards the bed and sat beside your laid down figure. You were about to respond when his hand started to slowly move your robe away from your body. 
“J-Just went shopping, got myself something new as you can tell” you responded, he hummed in agreement. You moved your hand towards the towel covering him but he put his hand on top of yours stopping your advancements. Instead his face dipped down towards yours, biting your lip softly, you wrapped your arms around his neck pulling him closer against your body, his lips pressing harder against yours and he began to ravish your lips, you opened your mouth slightly allowing him access, he pushed his tongue inside your mouth and you moaned out, your hips grinding on his, wanting more. 
He pulled away, moving down your jaw “You never asked how my day went” he said as he moved down towards your neck, you couldn’t think straight, what made him think you could make out a sentence, but you asked either way.
“well baby girl,” he kissed under your ear, “today’s target was being difficult” he murmured as he kissed the side of your neck, “The usual approach didn’t work, and he thought he could get away with his attempts at stabbing me” he went on as he kissed down to your collarbone,that explained the new cuts on his chest. You believed the guy had it worse, “What did you do to him baby” you practically moaned out, his kisses getting to you and making you extremely wet for him. You felt him smirk against your skin, he moved towards your breast placing his heart shaped lips on top of the area where your heart is, “I shot him through the heart, after I repeatedly stabbed him here” he said then he kissed your abdomen indicating where he hurt his target. You moaned as he kissed lower leaving love bites all over you.
“what does my baby girl want” he whispered on top of your sensitive skin, making you shiver all over.
“She wants Daddy to stop teasing and to fuck her already” you demanded, he tensed and looked towards you a dark look passing through his face, “Impatient aren’t we” he replied, he then flipped your body over and you felt an immediate sting on your ass, he had spanked you and now you were turned on even more. You felt him move on top of you, and felt his lips on your shoulder, “I don’t think I told you how tempting you look dressed like that” he said he then roughly pulled down your panties exposing your ass to him. You lifted your ass towards him and he ran his hand across it, “that was the point, now stop talking and give me what I want” you demanded once again. He simply chuckled and you felt a finger poking at your entrance, you had enough of his teasing, turning around you pushed him down and sat on top of him, surprisingly he still had the towel wrapped around his torso, you gave him a knowing look which he returned with a warning look . You quickly removed the towel before he could stop you, his length popping out, bouncing against his stomach. You lick your lips at the sight and before he could say anything you grab a hold of his cock, sliding it into your mouth. You hear him groan in response, his hips lifting off the bed trying to push his length all the way down your throat,closing your lips over his length and slowly you began to bob your head from his cock, you feel his hand sliding on top of your head, he then bundles your hair together and gives it a rough tug when you start licking the tip of his length, the rough pull making you groan sending the vibration straight to his cock. “fuck !” he yells out, you began focusing on the slit of his tip, causing him to roughly push his cock into your mouth, you gladly take it all in, you then pick up speed bobbing your head faster, he pulls your hair harder but that doesn’t stop you, “I suggest you stop if you want me to fuck you baby girl” he practically groaned out, you deep throat him once more before releasing his cock with  a pop.  You licked the taste of him from your lips, smirking at the fact that you can make him feel like this,he sat up and pulled your roughly on top of him, you straddled his torso grinding your naked core against his length, the feeling making you moan in pleasure, “Please Daddy, make your baby girl feel good” you begged as you kept grinding against him. He crashed his lips against yours, his hands working to unstrap your bra, once your breast were freed he pushed you upwards and slammed his cock inside you, you screamed out at the sudden intrusion, kyungsoo begins to thrust into you, your walls tightening around him, “Fuck baby you’re so damn tight” he says as he bites your neck,” Ah Fuck yes ! harder daddy, oh just like that” you moaned out as he roughly thrusted inside you hitting your spot over and over again. He gropes your ass and pushes you on top of the bed, not once stopping, the new position caused him to go deeper inside you making you gasp in pleasure, he forces his tongue inside your mouth, swallowing your noises as he quicken his paces both of you nearing your end. He removes his mouth from yours, and lays his forehead against yours, “Come for me baby girl” he grunts out and you unravel beneath him “Kyungsoo !” you cried out in pleasure, circling your arms around his shoulders, erratic breaths leaving you as you reach your orgasm. Kyungsoo lets out a low grunt, his fingers digging into your waist , your walls tightening around him brought him over the edge, making him spill his cum deep inside you. He falls against you, breathing heavily on your neck , you keep your arms wrapped around him and push him off of you so he could cuddle you. “How can you be this intoxicating, love” he whispers once he’s finally calmed down from his high. You smile at his words and give him a peck on his chest, he wraps his arms around you, and at that moment you’re at your happiest, having the man beside you is complete bless. 
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