#please take care of yourselves yall your brain is b e g g i n g you
caffeinatedrascal · 2 years
Working on my cognitive neuroscience final rn and learning about emotional regulation and how burnout is a real thing that cognitively happens to your brain. You only have so many neural resources that can be expended to handle decision-making and executive function and this frontal activity can be taken up by other things like stress and emotion, maxing out your prefrontal cortex's ability to deal with shit. Ever wonder why you do worse work while you're stressed/can't seem to handle a day's work on a tough morning like you normally can? You literally, biologically, don't have the brain power to do so. "Just working through it" isn't a valid way of dealing with stress, it just produces worse work quality. This is yet another reason why taking time to decompress and healthily deal with stress going on in your life before you work is important!!!
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