#please please please engage with the text it is right there and remarkably transparent
transkholins · 2 years
re: that last reblog, there is a broader discussion to be had about the disco elysium “fandom” as a whole just woobifying the shit out of the source material. defanging it until it’s no longer recognizable.
because, like it or not, the game has some pretty clear things to say about the world the characters occupy, AND, by proxy, our real actual world that we live in. we can wax poetic all day about how disco elysium is a game about communism and revolution, about being a better person and creating a better world, and it is about those things, but a lot of how it does what it does is by showing you the most cruel and heartless and miserable people imaginable.
like, there is a pretty clear message in the game about how cops are terrible people who have dedicated their lives to downright fucking evil institutions that preserve the status quo and brutalize the most vulnerable people in their communities. like, one of the more glaring examples is that you as the player can threaten to shoot a child -- it’s not even a failed check, you can just do that. you play as a bastard cop who spends much of his time with other bastard cops. you as the player have to sit with that. sit with the fact that being a cop impacts your character and all of the relationships he has with the people around him. sit with the fact that not going back to being a cop is a “bad” ending.
but one thing i see in a lot of spaces is a complete unwillingness to engage with the hard parts of the game, the uncomfortable parts of the game, the ugly parts of the game. and, to an extent, i get it. it is hard and uncomfortable and ugly. i don’t like talking about it or acknowledging it, because, like many people, i’d rather we lived in a world where everything was good and happy all the time. but we live in a complex world with everpresent issues. and it’s necessary to think about these things and take them into account, because if you don’t, then what we get is apologia (for cops, for racism, for misogyny, for ableism, et cetera) at best.
this is more a personal and artistic gripe than anything, but the most interesting fanworks i’ve ever seen (not just for disco elysium) are the ones that actively engage with the text and what it’s trying to say -- the ones that don’t shy away from depth and complexity for the sake of making something comfortable and appetizing. 
i’m not saying that every fic or fanart has to come with a five-part disclaimer about how these characters suck. i’m not saying that fans should only produce gritty thinkpieces about how the characters suck. i am certainly not saying that we should only engage with works that are beyond reproach. what i am saying is that the characters are terrible, the systems that they’re part of are terrible, the game makes that super fucking clear, and ignoring that does a disservice to everyone.
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ouyangzizhensdad · 4 years
what’s ur opinion on the whole ancestral hall thing because I’ve seen many takes on how wangxian were in the wrong and how jc was right to be mad but I always thought that his anger during that situation stemmed from a place different to that of what everyone seems to think 😶
Hi anon,
I do not hold all the cultural knowledge to be able to be a definite resource wrt how wangxian’s behaviour would have been perceived “in-universe”. So take my thoughts on the topic with a grain of salt, and please do not mind that I will focus more on what can be found explicitly in the text itself. 
My understanding from what others have explained is that bringing to the ancestral hall someone who’s not from the “family”, in this case LWJ, is generally disrespectful. Considering WWX’s inner thoughts, where he’s literally asking JFM and Yu-furen to witness their bows, I think that perhaps WWX was so caught up in the fantasy/idea of LWJ as his future spouse that he might not have registered as much how, in the current situation, LWJ was not family. 
It does however make me pause a little that, until JC’s appearance, the narrative does not seem to present the situation in such a manner that we might think that it was extremely presumptuous of LWJ to kneel alongside WWX, and accompany him in burning incense. Considering that LWJ is known to be someone who is very proper, and that WWX is not unaware of the rules of propriety (even if he does not always follow them), I do find it interesting that there is no hesitation from either of them. 
To make up for his thoughtless words, he lit up three more sticks of incense. Just as he raised them above his head, still apologizing in his mind, it suddenly got darker beside him. He turned to find that Lan Wangji had also kneeled down beside him.
Now that they were in the ancestral hall, for the sake of courtesy, of course he had to show his respect as well. Lan Wangji also took three sticks of incense and, sweeping his sleeve to the side, and ignited them using one of the red candles. His movements were proper, and his expression was grave. Wei Wuxian tilted his head to look at him, his lips curving upward almost uncontrollably. Lan Wangji glanced at him and reminded, “The ashes.”
The three sticks of incense that Wei Wuxian held had been burning for quite a while. A bit of ashes had already accumulated at the top, close to falling off. However, he still refused to insert them into the tripod, instead saying, “Let’s do it together.”
Lan Wangji didn’t object. And so, each with three sticks of incense, the two of them kneeled among rows of tablets and bowed down to Jiang Fengmian and Yu ZiYuan’s names together.
Once. Twice. The movements were exactly the same. Wei Wuxian, “That’s it.” He finally placed the incense into the tripod.
In the end. Wei Wuxian glanced at Lan Wangji, who’s kneeling as properly as ever beside him. He put his hands together and uttered in his heart, ‘Jiang-shushu, Yu-furen, it’s me again. I’m here to disturb you two again. But I really did want to bring him here and show him to you. Let the two prostrates we just did count as prostrating* to the Heavens and the Earth, and to the Father and the Mother. Please help me reserve the person beside me for now. I’ll owe you the last prostrate for now, and find some chance to make up for it in the future…’
I am not certain as well how WWX having left the Jiang sect affects his “right”  to be there. JC does seem to suggest that, as an “outsider” who was, still according to JC, “kicked out of the sect,” WWX doesn’t a have right to be there. I cannot tell whether that is an entirely fair assessment due to my lack of cultural knowledge, since JC demonstrates that he is not above bending the truth to fit his own narrative (ie when he says that WWX was kicked out of the sect when we already know at this point in the narrative that this is not what transpired). 
However, it is also important to keep in mind that a character’s anger, just like real people’s, is not always motivated by rational concerns or that these rational concerns might become entangled with other grievances, some of which might not be as motivated. JC’s initial reproaches directly indicate that he considers it a faux-pas at best and an insult at worst that WWX decided to come and take LWJ with him.
“Wei Wuxian, you really don’t take yourself as an outsider, do you? You come and leave whenever you want. You take with you whomever you want. Do you perhaps still remember whose sect this is? Who’s the owner?”
This is reinstated a little bit later:
Wei Wuxian threw him a sideways glance, speaking in a calm voice, “I’m only here to burn some incense. That’s enough, isn’t it?”
Jiang Cheng, “Burn some incense? Wei Wuxian, are you really that dense? It’s been so long since you were kicked out of our sect, and here you are taking unwelcomed people with you to burn incense for my parents?”
That being said, it is interesting to note that WWX calls these remarks “vulgar“ and “obliviously malicious”. Now, the question is, is it because he’s fiercely protective of LWJ that he takes these words so badly or because in this case it is transparent that JC is intentionally overly spiteful? 
Oher reproaches levelled against WWX, or the two of them, also have nothing to do with them burning incense in the ancestral hall. Indeed, JC brings up grievances he still hold against them, some of which we know are not exactly fair. As well, his own insecurities and issues fuel his anger, something directly acknowledged in the text.
Jiang Cheng mocked, “Look how forgetful you are. What does unwelcome people mean? Then let me remind you. It was because you played the hero and saved Lan-er-gongzi, who’s standing beside you right now, that the entire Lotus Pier and my parents went down with you. And that wasn’t enough. With the first time, soon comes the second. You even had to save Wen-gaos and drag my sister down with you. What a person you are! What’s more, you’re even so generous as to take the two to Lotus Pier. The Wen-gao’s strolling in front of my sect’s gates; Lan-er-gongzi came here to burn incense. You’re here on purpose to remind me, to remind them.” He continued, “Wei Wuxian, who do you think you are? Who gave you the face to take whomever you want into our sect’s ancestral hall?”
Wei Wuxian knew that Jiang Cheng had to settle this with him no matter what.
For Lotus Pier’s destruction, Jiang Cheng thought not only that Wei Wuxian responsible, but also that Wen Ning and Lan Wangji were responsible too. He wouldn’t give a friendly look to either of the three, let alone when they were walking right in front of his face at the same time inside Lotus Pier. He was probably infuriated.
“Jiang Cheng, just listen to yourself. What are you saying? Is it appropriate? Don’t forget who you are. After all, you’re a sect leader. Insulting a renowned cultivator in front of Jiang-shushu and Yu-furen’s spirits—where is your discipline?”  
 His original intention was to remind Jiang Cheng to at least hold some respect for Lan Wangji. However, Jiang Cheng was the most sensitive. From those words, he managed to make out the notion that he was not fit to be a sect leader.
Of import to the context of the scene, JC suggests also that WWX insulted the memory of his parents by “fooling around” with LWJ in Lotus Pier, suggesting that their hug (and romantic feelings) “dirtied their eyes and contaminated their peace”. He spells it out once more, a little bit later. 
Jiang Cheng pointed outside, “Mess around outside however you want, whether under a tree or on a boat, hugging or otherwise! Get out of my sect, get out of anywhere my eyes can see!”
Especially so because we get the contextualisation from the narration (one of the few times we are told things that WWX cannot be privy to) that JC had been following them for a while, stewing, until he exploded.
At once, he was almost certain that the two really were in that kind of relationship. He could not turn around and leave, yet he did not want to say a single word to the two, so he continued to hide himself as he followed them. Every single look and movement that passed between them seemed different in his eyes. For a while, the shock, absurdity, and slight disgust that he felt combined to overpower his hatred. It was only after Wei Wuxian brought Lan Wangji into the ancestral hall that the long-suppressed hatred was awakened again, devouring his courtesy and rationality.
I’m too tired to go check the original chinese to see whether the translation conveys well the connotations of the text, but like... “absurdity”, “disgust”, “hatred”, “devouring his courtesy and rationality”: as a writer, if I wanted to show that a character was engaging in a bout of rightful anger, that’s certainly not how I would present their emotional and mental state before they lashed out. 
Now, WWX is not blameless for the situation, as he is quick to react both because of his over-protectiveness of LWJ and his own insecurities regarding his feelings toward him, which make him loose his cool and start the escalation that JC is too happy to continue 
Wei Wuxian raged, “Hanguang-Jun is only my friend—what do you think we are?! I warn you. Apologize right now—don’t make me beat you up!”
Hearing this, Lan Wangji’s expression froze for an instant. Jiang Cheng laughed, “Well, then I’ve never seen ‘friends’ like that before? You warn me? Warn me against what? If you two had the slightest trace of integrity left, you shouldn’t have come here and…”
Seeing the change in Lan Wangji’s expression, Wei Wuxian thought he felt insulted by Jiang Cheng’s words. He was so angry that his entire body was shaking. He did not dare think about what Lan Wangji would think after being shamed like this. The rage from his heart rushed to his head as he threw out a talisman, “Have you had enough yet?”
The talisman was both fast and powerful. It exploded at Jiang Cheng’s right shoulder, causing him to stagger. Jiang Cheng didn’t expect Wei Wuxian to attack so suddenly. His spiritual powers hadn’t recovered completely yet, either, and so the talisman hit its target. Blood seeped from his shoulder as disbelief flashed across his face. Zidian immediately unravelled from his fingers, lashing out with sizzling light. Lan Wangji unsheathed Bichen to block the attack. The three began to fight inside the ancestral hall.
To me the text seems to suggest, as you did, that JC’s anger and lashing out is not actually about the incense burning in the ancestral hall in itself--that he let his hatred overpower any sense of courtesy and rationality, as the narration suggests. It is easy to ponder whether JC would have been that upset if, when he had gone to look for WWX, he had not found him being happy in LP with an ‘outsider’ like LWJ, but on top of it all, acting like he is in love with a man. Would his reaction have been the same if he had just happened upon them kneeling in the ancestral hall? Would his reaction have been the same if he still did not blame WWX, and so many others, for all the misfortunes that ever befell him and his family? As well, one could also easily wonder how in a similar situation a character who is not as prone to anger and flying off the handle like JC would have reacted to the same actions.
TLDR: I do not have the have the cultural knowledge to tell how much “in the wrong” the characters were, however I think it would be disingenuous to suggest based on what we are presented with in the text that JC’s reaction was 100% motivated and rational, particularly since the text literally includes the line “the long-suppressed hatred was awakened again, devouring his courtesy and rationality.”
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harrisjv · 6 years
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Ways to schedule instagram blog posts (for business accounts)
Instagram announced at the beginning of 2018 that single images can currently be scheduled to upload straight to Instagram. Finally, say goodbye to dropping every little thing to click via on that reminder notice.
This is fabulous information for those of us made use of to setting 3 a.m. alarm systems to hit the early morning commute in another time zone.
That stated, this feature is for service profiles only, so if you haven't currently converted, now is the time.
Step 1: Convert your account to an organisation account.
In addition to direct publishing, service accounts on Instagram could access some helpful sophisticated functions.
For example, Instagram Insights will certainly reveal you when your followers are on-line, what city they remain in, as well as their age and gender. You'll additionally obtain a get in touch with button in your account, the ability to promote messages, as well as the capability to include links to your Instagram Stories.
Converting your Instagram account to a service account is quite easy:
Tap the ellipsis switch on your Instagram account.
Faucet Switch to Company Account.
Select your company' Facebook Page (ensure you're an admin on your Facebook Page, otherwise it will not show up on the listing).
Ensure your Instagram account is readied to public.
Guarantee all your contact details (address, e-mail, telephone number) is precise.
Faucet done!
Action 2: Include your Instagram business account to your social networks administration system.
We're prejudiced, so we're mosting likely to reveal you the best ways to schedule Instagram messages utilizing Hootsuite. Including your Instagram account to the Hootsuite control panel is basic:. Touch your profile icon as well as choose 'Add Social media.'.
Select your Instagram service profile.
Faucet 'Connect with Instagram' as well as input your credentials.
If you've just converted to an organisation account, you'll have to re-authorize the link:.
Touch your account symbol.
Select 'Handle social media networks.'.
Select your Instagram organisation account.
Tap 'Get In Touch With Instagram' and also comply with the triggers.
Step 3: Craft your blog post.
In the Hootsuite control panel, faucet New Blog post as well as select your Instagram account from the dropdown menu.
Submit your picture and tap Edit with Imaginative Cloud to fine-tune it with advanced picture editing and enhancing tools like cropping, overlays, or filter impacts.
Inscriptions drive involvement, so pay close attention to the message box. Excellent copy can add context, blink your brand name's winning character, as well as influence your followers to act (say, participate in a contest or follow a web link). Make use of these tips, suggestions as well as methods for stellar Instagram captions to ideal your copywriting Viraleze Review.
The text box is likewise where you could add user takes care of and also hashtags (practically you could use up to 30 hashtags, but research study reveals involvement only enhances approximately about 11).
You could also get in a web link. To utilize a web link shortener like Ow.ly, pick Edit Web link Settings, then Tailor.
As for editing and enhancing (arguably one of the most crucial step of all), Hootsuite Organisation as well as Business individuals can utilize the Authorization feature to get several eyes on a post prior to it goes public.
Step 4: Arrange your message.
In the dropdown menu at the end of the screen, pick Publish on Schedule Day to mark time the message for later. According to Hootsuite data, the best time to publish on Instagram tends to be in between 12 and 1 p.m. on weekdays, yet our scheduler will automatically select the ideal time for your followers.
You could also personalize the time as well as day if you have something particular in mind.
As soon as you've settled the details, tap heaven Schedule button.
Tip 5: Await your article to be published to Instagram.
That's right, no more hovering over your phone at 2:59 a.m. waiting for that press notification!
Sadly, if you're releasing a cd of photos or video, you'll still need to by hand complete the publishing procedure when the moment comes.
Video clip wrap-up: How to set up Instagram posts with Hootsuite.
Below's a quick, easy introduction of all these steps in activity:.
Ways to schedule Instagram posts (if you do not have a company profile).
Basically, Instagram scheduling refers to blog posts, while Instagram automation refers to likes, adheres to, as well as comments.
Initially look one must be as easy as the other, however it ends up the human touch isn't that simple to fake. Automation services will certainly monitor hashtags and also customers for you, and also automatically like, follow and also comment inning accordance with your specifications.
We examined out some prominent Instagram automation solutions on a team member's personal account. While the bots did indeed locate followers, they didn't precisely construct an involved community.
Enabling robots to compose remarks for you could cause uncomfortable, crazy, weird or just ordinary phony "communications." As well as Instagram users are canny: also likes as well as complies with can be transparently phony when they appear of the blue. Why take the chance of estranging the people you want to engage with?
Viraleze Review - Summary
Maker: Chris Jenkins et al
Item: Viraleze
Launch Day: 2018-Sep-23
Release Time: 11:00 EDT
Front-End Cost: $27
Sales Page: Visit This Site
Niche: Software program
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Glance Of What This Training course Covers
Basic points what people underestimate yet similarly essential to produce a great Instagram account to ensure that even more site visitors will certainly follow your profile.
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The ideal strategy to earn your article viral as well as boost the possibility of getting thousands of followers.
The video game of "Hashtags" and also exactly what type of hashtags you should use that it will certainly enhance the reach of your Instagram audience.
Detailed assistance, how you could obtain countless likes on every article.
Exactly how you can get benefit from the viral web content.
What are the monetisation methods in Instagram.
Ways to secure free Traffic from Instagram.
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