#please marry me RIGHT NOWWWWW
ashchoo · 3 months
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I need this man so badly chat…
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(Edit! Extra doodles)
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inuykago · 4 years
chance, part 1
ahhh... day 12 of quarantine.... my desire (and time) to write fiction has returned. lemme just say I missed you guys and though not many of you may not remember me -- or still follow me lmfao -- that’s okay cus i’ma be chillin right here so come back and talk to me anytime 🥺
this one goes to @kago-mae <3 but pls excuse me, I'm pretty rusty now T___T 
{high school au. inukag. 1,335 words. suggest a prompt. ff.net, ao3.}
“Why don’t you take a picture? It’ll last longer.”
“W-What?” Kagome snapped back into reality. “I-I wasn’t… doing…--” she fiddled with her hair, nervously laughing -- “anything…”
“You were staring at Inuyasha again,” Sango motioned, but Kagome tried to ignore it. “When are you going to tell him?” 
The girl shook her head, continuing her gaze. Sango sighed, and Kagome was in denial. 
This all started during first year.
The weather was hot, but Kagome’s hands were cold and clammy. She was so nervous. It was a new year with new people and the next chapter in her life: high school.
Thank God Miroku is here with me, Kagome thought to herself. Over a hundred of her new soon-to-be classmates were lined up in the gymnasium. Kagome and Miroku stood next to each other -- both eager and uneasy at the same time.
The two met in middle school. She always thought Miroku was conceited with his pierced ears and little ponytail, and Miroku always thought she was an annoying crybaby. But, turns out, their opposite personalities attract and they became best friends, though people always thought they were more than that (which always made them want to throw up, even to this day).
“Psst,” Miroku whispered to his side. “Kagome-”
“Hm?” She answered, leaning to her right.
“See any cute guys?” He nudged her.
Kagome looked left and then right, then left again. “Ehhhh,” she shrugged. “I guess not…,” she put her head down, facing the shiny, waxed floor. “Jeez… what a bust.”
“Well,” Miroku laughed, “I see a cute girl.”
Kagome laughed, shaking her head, “Miroku, should I even be surprised?”
“Now, now, let’s not be feisty,” he grabbed her head, forcing it towards a few feet to the right. “HER.”
It was a girl not much taller than Kagome. Her hair was thick, brown and held tight in a ponytail with her bangs and side pieces of hair left dangling. She wore mascara and black eyeliner with pink eyeshadow topping it all off.
“Now, I see that makeup on any other girl, it’s awful,” Miroku snickered. “But, with her, it’s perfect.”
The way he was staring at her, he might as well have gone up and asked her to marry him.
“Miroku,” the boy looked at Kagome. “You’re drooling.”
Miroku fumbled, trying to wipe the saliva with his tan cardigan -- which he thought was a terrible color for school uniforms -- as he reached to scratch his face to play it off. Sango heard the ruckus and shifted her gaze slightly to the left, which made Miroku panic.
“Ahahahha, oh Kagome!” he was fake laughing, horribly. “You and your wittiness,” he pretended to wipe tears from his eyes.
“Young man!”
“E-Eh...y-yes?” Miroku cleared his throat.
“It is 8 in the morning,” the man said, gesturing with papers in his hands. “Do you think we want to hear your laugh?”
“N-No sir.”
“Good,” the class chuckled, including Kagome.
Miroku lightly shoved her, “Yeah, alright, Ms. Kagome,” he blew up towards his bangs. “I’d like to see how you react to a guy you think is cute.”
“Listen, pretty boy-”
“Homeroom 2-2,” the man announced; his piercing red eyes didn’t help with the two’s uneasiness. “Line up and make your way to your homeroom,” he brushed his long, black hair and gave a mischievous grin, “Quietly!”
Miroku and Kagome looked at the piece of paper they were both handed, on the top right it read:
ROOM 305
With a sigh of relief they were in the same class, Kagome gripped the strap of her yellow backpack and made her way to the stairwell. She gripped Miroku’s sleeve, trying to stop him from attacking the cute girl.
“Not yet, you weirdo!!!” she shook her head as he laughed nervously.
She sighed, how did I survive all these years with this guy?
And that’s when she saw him.
His hair was long, white and seemed so perfectly groomed. His fingernails were longer than most guys, but Kagome didn’t mind that at all. Her eyes scanned the side of his face, captivated by his glistening yellow eyes. Woah, she mumbled. Why does everything feel slow motion?
“Uhhhhhh, Kagome?” Miroku’s face now blocked that face of an angel; he was snapping loudly, trying to bring her back to reality. “You’re drooling.”
“Eh?!” she swung her arm towards her mouth, wiping it off with her white long sleeve. She moved her head a few inches to the left, trying to take in one more look.
The boy was already glaring at her.
She shuddered, but her face was flustered. “Ahhhhhh, see,” Miroku teased, taking in a baby voice. “Who’s the weirdo nowwwww?”
“Shut up!” she punched her friend. “I-I wasn’t doing anything.”
Miroku rubbed his arm, laughing, “Whatever you say!”
I hope he’s in our homeroom.
“Kagome-chan, I don’t understand,” Sango plopped her chin onto her hand. “You and Inuyasha are so close. Though you two butt heads sometimes and he can be so cocky-- ” he really is cocky, Kagome thought “-- it’s obvious he cares for you.”
“Ehhhh?!” she was in denial again.
Kagome pouted, unsure of what to do. She never knew how to read the guy. One moment, they’re laughing and joking and the next they’re arguing over something so small, making her want to shave off all of his “luscious” hair.
“Sango-chan, he doesn’t see me like that!” she moved her hand up-and-down, in “shoo” type of motion, trying to dismiss the assumption.
“But you see him like that!” Kagome jumped up to cover her mouth. “S-Say it louder why don’t you?!”
“Yo!” Miroku and Inuyasha walked up from their desks across the room, Kagome’s hand still on Sango’s mouth.
The two reverted back to normal, trying to dissipate any suspicion, “Morning, Inuyasha, houshisama.”
Miroku gripped his chest, keeping his heart in check, “M-Morning!”
“Hey, Kagome,” Inuyasha said.
Kagome felt her hands get cold and clammy again, “Morning, Inuyasha, Miroku!” She smiled it off.
“Say Kagome,” Inuyasha sat in the empty seat beside her, slumping in the chair. “Wanna do my math homework for me??”
“E-Excuse me?!” she looked at him like he had three heads. “Why me??”
“‘Cause!” he leaned in. “You’re the best chance I got,” he looked at the other two as they tried to interject. “Am I wrong??”
“You’re right.”
“Keh,” he brushed his hair back, making Kagome’s heart explode. “So, whaddya say?” he looked back at her, “Uhhhh… I’ll make you a deal.” He rubbed his neck, looking up into her chocolate brown eyes, “I won’t bother you for a whole day!”
Kagome whispered into Sango’s ear, seeing if that was a good trade-off -- plus the possibility of being “alone” with him, even though that’s not what I’m thinking! She tried to erase the thought. The two nodded their heads in agreement.
“Okay, deal,” she shook his hands; his soft, firm hands. She snapped out of her daydream. “Sango-chan, will you be coming too?”
She shook her head, swaying her thick ponytail, “Can’t today, gotta help my little brother with his homework.” Sango winked and Kagome twitched -- liar! She thought silently.
“H-How ‘bout you, Miroku?” she batted her eyes (basically saying please don’t leave me with him). “I can’t either, I have to help,” he glanced at Sango. “M-My niece!”
Kagome widened her eyes, mentally punching him in the face, “You don’t even have-”
“Riiinnngg!” the bell rang.
“Well, ‘gome, guess it’s just you and me,” he nudged her before leaving for his first class. “See ya.”
Kagome dropped her head to her desk in defeat. Yeah, her and Inuyasha butt heads a lot and joke around a lot, but on the inside she is d y i n g, trying to keep her cool. She laughs so much around him so he -- and others -- don’t see how nervous she is around him. And the fights? She kind of loves it. It’s their thing.
“Atta girl!” Miroku patted her back (though it felt like an aggressive you better tell him).
Sango bent her knees to her friend’s level, holding onto her bag strap, “Today’s your chance.”
My chance?
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nursabrinahassan · 5 years
after moooonnthsss...
This gonna be a very super long post! Cus ive not been updating for so many months!
Its been so long. So so so long since last I updated my Tumblr!
Pardon me, I’ve been so busy in life and I couldn’t find a single second to update my blog!
So many things happened for that last few months! Wait.. my last proper update is in the February!
And that’s when Ozil is still 2 months old! But nowwwww….he’s 7 months old already! He’s half of a year now and how I wish I could stop him from growing! Tehee!😝🥰
Many things happened lately. No, I mean for the past few monthszzy….
On the March, while I was busy planning for Mama’s Fabulous 50th Birthday. I felt something wasn’t right with myself. Myself kept telling me to check a Pregancy Kit. It last for 2 weeks I felt that way, I have tried to brushed it off as it is impossible for me to be pregnant again when Ozil is only 3 months old during that time. So after 2 weeks of having that feeling. One night, while Ozil is sleeping and the husband was in the room playing PS4, I decided to take the balance of my pregnancy kit that I still had during Ozil’s time. So I went to the toilet, urined on it, waited and waited and tada! The result is out! It was a clear 2 lines!!
I was so shocked, super shocked to the point I check the packaging whether it’s a expire kit! Haha. But no… I paused for a second in the toilet. I open the toilet door, stand infront of the toilet door for 5 seconds, the husband turned at me and asked why im standing there stonely. With my voice, softly I told him “B, I pregnant lagi…” while showing him the kit from far. His face was shocked, he paused a second and then “Merepek lah b.” He thought I was playing around like how I always do to him haha. But no, this time serious sia! Haha. Dengan cepat, I went up to him, showed him the kit and he smiled…”Alhamdullilah b…” And I was like… “Serious uh?” HAHAHA. So I asked him “B nak check lagi tak? Impossible ni.” So he said yes and I took another 5 more kits to try! haha
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After done urined on all the kits, yes all result is the same as the picture above!!! ITS A POSITIVE RESULT!!! Alhamdulillahhhh....
5 kits with 2 clear lines on it! I was shocked again! IT WAS SO UNBELIVEABLE!
I went out the toilet, went to husband and showed him all the kits! He smiled again and continue main game. Serious uh? Gitu je? Then I said… “B I have to go through the labour againnnn….” Hahaha. And that period of time, I couldn’t believe there’s a heartbeat in me! Ya Allah!
So I scheduled to meet my gynae few days after that. Did the scan etc, and was told , my pregnancy was already 2 months old! Another shocking part! So Ozil was 3 months during that time, and my 2nd baby is already 2 months old! Haha. Alhamdullilah, afterall, I’m truly blessed. Right after everything, I still kept this secret from mama! Thought of surprising her during her birthday party, but nope. She gonna be damn shock infront every single one! So I surprised her before her birthday party!
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Mama's exact reaction after I told her! She was shocked, in a total shocked!😅 Papa kat sebelah dengan tangan cakap "Alhamdullilahhhhh.." hahaha
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This is what i wrapped and gave her for present. Dengan gambar scan terus bagi mama!😅hehe
And then… here comes her birthday party on the 24 March.
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Planned was successful! I managed to call everyone in mama’s families to join the fun! Alhamdullilah mama is in so much happiness!
And right after mama’s birthday celebration, Ozil got caught with diarrhea! Diarrhea for 2 weeks straight! It was super super tiring. Changing his diapers every 1 - 2 hours because he been pooping nonstop and it’s a watery poppy! After the 2 weeks straight, he got caught with high fever! And then the husb got caught with high fever. After the high fever, Ozil got caught with Flu & Cough. Non stop I tell you. Ozil been falling sick and sick and sick, and then husband pulak jangkit Ozil, and then my turn, and then back to Ozil. The cycle kept running. Honestly, my maternity leave ends on February and was supposed to start work middle of the March. But i’ve been coming and not coming from March till June! Yes, I just started my working days properly starting this week! Since March I’ve not been coming for the whole week, or either coming to work 2 or 3 days in the week.
I was really tired, and what’s more during Ozil having diarrhea, high fever etcetc, I was on my 1st trimester. And honestly, I wasn’t pay much attention with my pregnancy during that time. I put my full attention to Ozil. Alhamdullilah, everything’s getting better now.
And now.. I’m on my 2nd Trimester and will be ending soon next week. But I still had migraines, muscle cramps.
My 2nd pregnancy was super different to be compared during Ozil’s time.
When I was pregnant with Ozil. I was super super exhausted ONLY during the 1st trimester and that was normal lah eh. Then I entered 2nd trimester, I was super active. Super active that I can still travel from Johor-Singapore-Johor every single weekends when I had to work. I remembered how my husband followed me in the morning took train from Johor to Singapore, then he went home to sleep and then in the afternoon when I finished my work, we will meet up at Woodlands checkpoint and trained back to Johor. Every single weekends we will do that. Sampai dah tahu timing2 nak book train macam mana haha. Also I remember, when the trains is out, we had no choice but to take bus to Johor. The Q was super long and we stand nearly 2-3 hours at the JB custom. I can still happily doing it haha
And then during my last Trimester at 7+months, Alhamdullilah, we received our house key. And then during that period of time, we was super busy. Renovation etcetc. We went up and down for our housing renovation. We went to and fro Jurong-Bukit Batok-Jurong every single day with my yes, 8 months tummy haha. I was still strong to go through it everyday without feeling tired! Imagine how heavy it was carrying the 8-9 months tummy to and fro! Till the day I gave birth!
But my current pregnancy was super different. I’m only at 6 months now and I already felt so so heavy, felt super lazy. Ya Allah, part malas ni jangan cakap uh. Malas semalas malasnyaaaaa… Even my colleague Makcik Siti tegur me “Sabrina… Cik tengok kali ni Sabrina mengandung lain sikit. Cik tengok takde seri langsung. Masa Sabrina mengandung anak 1st, Sabrina selalu datang kerja hari2 pakai eyeshadow. Tapi kali ni, 1 makeup pun takde.” Haha. Seriously, I myself don’t believe im out without makeup! Not even a single face powder! Super bare face to work everyday. Im always out atleast ada eyeliner, but no, not a single eyeliner too! Yes, I assumed it’s the pregnancy homones! Confirm2 pregnancy hormones uh! Mana aku pernah keluar takde celak atau bedak pun! That was so not me eh takde makeup! Hahaha. So yes, this makcik was so so true! She even said “Masa 1st anak, badan Sabrina Nampak kosong. Kali ni punggung Sabrina naik.” Hmmmm…. What else should I say? Even mama told me I was super selekeh this pregnancy haha.
Please bear with me for awhile people! After this pregnancy, I will be back to myself ok! Hahahha
Well.. I was super blessed. Blessed with what Allah has gifted me nonstop. One after another of rezeki I received! But through it all, I know everything that happened ada hikmanya. Truthfully, this wasn’t a plan pregnancy. It was superb unplanned! So so unexpected! But that doesn’t mean unwanted or unloved, It just means Allah knew what I needed before even I did. Alhamdullilah for every single thing.
After I got to know I was pregnant, the first thing first I wanna know is whether it’s a single baby or a twins or triplets! Haha. Because me & my husband born with a family genes of twinny & triplets! So that was the very 1st thing I concern was! Kalau kembar ke triplets, ya allah, another blessing but another thing….pengsan kitaaaa hahaha. But still.. kalau Allah nak beri rezeki, siapa kita nak tolak kan? But alhamdullilah, there’s only 1 in me. AND! THE NEXT THING I WANNA KNOW IS! YES! THE GENDER! Gender is the main thing me, husband and my family wanna know! But still… it doesn’t matter if it was a girl or boy. Truthfully, I don’t mind if it was a boy again, because Ozil ada friend to play with! And if it was a girl, I ada friend to play makeup makeup with! Hahaha. So both is totally fine for me. Also husband is super supportive. Either boy or girl, both he is super fine. Yang penting…. Ive to go through 9 months again ehhhh! Haha.
Alhamdullilah… everything is getting better. Ozil is 7 months old now, and we as his parents already know how to manage in taking care of a baby haha. But still, there’s more for us to learn lah kan. Futhermore, now Ozil is 6 months where foods is starting to play apart. So besides milk, I have to be ready to feed him foods. I’m so excited to explore more in him! Can’t wait to see him walk especially! Haha.
As of now… I’m in the midst of planning for Ozil’s 1st year birthday! Kiasu gile kan! I know! Haha. But I wanna make a big birthday party for him! 5 more months to plan, and I already got sooo many ideas for his birthday! Definitely making a happening birthday party for him! And what’s more we will be having adik with us also during Ozil’s birthday! Hehe. Couldn’t believe Ozil and his adik is 11 months apart haha.
I guess that’s all for now.. Don’t know when will be my next post after this. Haha. Been super busy with life. But as usual, ive been updating my daily life through Ig stories.
But before I end this post…
I wanna congratulate my sissy who just got married last 2 months during Puasa month!
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I was super happy seeing you finally married!
After all that you have been through over the past years, you definitely deserve this happiness! More and more happiness! Allah listened. So here it is.. He gave you the happiness you have been craving for, wanted for, wishing for and has been prayed for.
“Bercinta selepas bernikah..” That’s what you ever told me it would be beautiful if you ended up that way. And tada! Allah has make you ended up that way! See.. Allah plan is always the best. Always always the best. Cuma kita je yang tak nampak dan tak faham kenapa Allah uji kita. Allah uji kita sekarang, tapi pengakhirannya nanti akan jadi indah. Insya’Allah.
Aku doa semoga kau selalu diberikan kebahgiaan. Insya’Allah.😘🥰
That’s all for today’s post! 🌸
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz/dbo 23.05.17 lb
day 2! please god, let this be a better episode than whatever yesterday was. 😕😕😕
plain text version here. 
oufffff shivaaaay, such screamy. 😣😣😣
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ohhhhhhh shit. i thought this was part of the "plan" he made with anika, but nope. BIG BROTHER KNOWS. AND HE IS NOT HAPPY. 😬😬😬
haaaaye, look at this innocent praani. “mujhe kuchhhh samajh mein nahi aa raha haiiiii.” pffft. 🙄🙄🙄
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i'm totally relating with shivaay's teeth-grinding waala gussa. kyunki is nikkame ne kaam hi aisa kiya hai. 😠😠😠
before anyone accuses shivaay of being a hypocrite considering how he himself got married, lemme jump to his defense real quick: shivaay's always seen himself as the big bad wolf who does all the dirty work to protect the fam. he does the things he does SO THAT omRu can maintain their innocence and go through life as "the good ones" who never have the bear the weight of such actions on their consciences. i imagine he's very disappointed and angry that om too, fucked up at the start of his marriage in almost the exact same way he did (which is something he still hasn't forgiven himself for, even if anika has.) 😔😔😔
... suddenly subha's nose looks... not that different???? or have i just gotten used to it? 🤔🤔🤔
pffffffft, shut it buamaa. at this rate, shareef toh bas rudra bacha hai. warne baaki sab ke sab... khair chodo. 😒😒😒
"hum teeno ne kuch decide kiya tha, ki ek dusre se kuch chupaayenge nahi"
says the guy who JUST THIS MORNING was avoiding rudra's calls so that he didn't find out sahil had been kidnapped. lmfao, ok NOW you guys can go ahead and call him a hypocrite. 😊😊😊
ouff shivaay, i know this is 45 min ka episode and tujhe lamba kheenchna hai, but JUST SPIT IT OUT ALREADY. 😒😒😒
lol om and jhanvi's “oh shit oh shit oh shit oh shit” faces. 😆😆😆
yup, the chairman of Organization for Upliftment of Oberoi Bahus is carrying out his duties much seriously. 😊😊😊
lmao pinky's face be like "ab yeh nayi gareeb kaun hai???" 😂😂����
lmaoooooooo, way to drop a bomb on dadi, billu. socha bhi nahi ki woh buzurg hai, and the last time you pulled this shit nearly killed her???? she had to go on like, 4 theerth yatras to get over it.  🙃🙃🙃
lollllll rudra-anika arguing terminology. 😂😂😂
shivaay's pulling a real anjali from IPKKND on finding out about baby bro's secret wedding. 😗😗😗
no for real he looks so hurt tho. someone give my boy a hug. 😞😞😞
all i want to know is this: does shivaay know that this bulbul is the current maarta hua chulbul???? 😆😆😆
ohhhhhh boy. buamaa ne bhaanda phod diya. 😬😬😬
and pinky, tum toh chup hi raho. badi aayi bataane waali. 😤😤😤
oh shit, NOW WHAT???? 😧😧😧
how did she escape the cops alreadyyyy??? 😯😯😯
OMG WHAAAAAAAAAAAT. i thought shivaay would be the one to face offfff with fauxlana, but IT'S JETHANI JI JR. TO THE RESCUEEEEEE. 
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lol ok, too dramaticccc anika. tone it down a little. 😗😗😗
wah. devarji gets in on it too! 😊😊😊
all i want in life is a devar like rudra. 😘😘😘
lmao, though we've never seen you use this body rudra???? your brothers are always having to do the haathapai themselves. 😕😕😕
lo, bade bhaiyya bhi utar gaye maidan mein. ab toh haar maan lo, behenji! 😂😂😂
lol, how much older than SHIVAAY is svetlana supp to be???? 🤔🤔🤔
also hello, what happened to that fast approaching birthday of shivaay's? did we miss it? 😐😐😐
again, no one is bothering to ask her WHY SHE WANTS TO DESTROY THEM. they're just like “yeah, everyone wants to kill us, we're used to it now. 🙄🙄🙄”
bua maaaaa, you're just adding flame to fire. kyun bechaare shivaay ko aise jalaaa rahi ho? 😟😟😟
aw. billuuuuuu. *pats his floofy hair* 😔😔😔
"O bhi bareilly jaake SSO pt. 2 ho gaya."
and therein lies the root of all the problems. and awwwww, poor rudy boy was feeling left out. 😪😪😪
ok this “one for all bs” i did not miss. 😒😒😒
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mystery solved: shivRu didn't know chulbul = bulbul. 😅😅😅
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ok, i guess everyone's just glad om didn't threaten rape/kidnap anyone to coerce gauri into marrying him that they're all like YAAAAY WEDDING TIME HAPPY TIME. 😕😕😕
dadi doesn't have naseeb to watch any of her kids' weddings. ab bas prinku ek aakhri umeed ka chiraag bachi hai. 😌😌😌
shivaay toh chun chun ke badla le raha hai. if he had to go through all that, he's gonna make damn sure that om suffers through it all too. 🙃🙃🙃
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lolololol om's face. so enthused. 😐😐😐
ok shivaay has a lot of opinions on ladkiyaan and their shaadi ke sapne and armaan. 😕😕😕
you guys, don't come for my boy like thisssss. HE'S TRYING OK?????? 😖😖😖
shaadi ke 6 mahine BAAAD pre-wedding functions. this fam is fucking bonkers. chalo, mainu kiiii. maine toh bas dekhna hai. 🙄🙄🙄
i was just thinking where this tikiya chotiiiii was. 😑😑😑
anika ne toh matlab, full on adopted gauri. she's the rudra to gauri's anika. 😊😊😊
which bhaabi you talking to? use their names, kid. 😐😐😐
aaaaaand her nose is back to looking f'd up. 😕😕😕
lmaooooo i missssed rudra's taaang adaaana so much. 😂😂😂
"MAIN jaa raha hoon" 
*firmly grasps HER hand and quickly pulls her along* 😏😏😏
snorttttttt, rudra. ek hi dialogue kitni jagaon pe maaroge? 😆😆😆
lol all the big brothers taking their wives and leaving poor rudy boy alone. 😂😂😂
pleaseeeeeeeeeee god, let all this love ka magiccc shit be referring to SAUMYA. 💗💗💗
siiiiiiiigh, i guess this is our new girl. *moodily stares at her* 😕😕😕😒😒😒
... what about the super serious conversation om took gauri to have tho???? 🤔🤔🤔
omfg pinkyyyyyy i hate youuuuuu. please die, thanks. 👿👿👿
hee hee hee, rudra getting his two grumpy older brothers ready. 😂😂😂
lmaoooo om's frustration with his jackettttt. what a child. 😆😆😆
"UNCLE" omfg. 😂😂😂
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the uncles do not look amused. 🙈🙈🙈
let's all take a moment to appreciate shivaay in black tho. haaaaaaye. i am truly blessed today.  😻😻😻😻😻😻
"apne bhaiyya saade dus se pehle so jaate hai. o saade dus ke baad hi dikhta hai, aur mera kya hai, main toh dikhta hi nahi hoon!"
lolololol dude, i love these meta jokes ok. they never get old to me. 😂😂😂
yeah, how many times have you idiots made this promise to each other? fuck it, just give up now. 🙄🙄🙄
my man rudra spitting the truth about how fucked up this house is. WE DIDN'T EVEN GET TO THE GIRL IN THE FREEZER. 😫😫😫
"ek ghante ka episode hai. mahasangam." 
snort. 😂😂😂
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looking gooooooood, 3rd generation oberois. i love prinku's earrings. 😍😍😍
waaaah, synchronized entry by the girls. 😌😌😌
look at the contrast in faces of the boys tho. 😂😂😂
meme time! your crush looking at you when you enter a room.
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hey guys??? where's tej? did 🐊🐊🐊 jango 🐊🐊🐊 eat him when no one was looking? 😶😶😶
ok that was a realllllllllll contrived fall. BUT I'M NOT COMPLAINING, BECAUSE HAAAAAYE LOOK HOW BOOTIFUL MY BABIES LOOK. 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
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excuse me for a bit, i need to pause and admire his expression for 5 minutes. 😍😍😍
"thande thande paani se nahaana chahiye, shivaay bhaiyya ko anika bhabi ko pakadne ka bahaana chahiye." 
btw, does om not do shayari anymore? ghatiya as it was, i miss it. 😢😢😢
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"isse zyaada pyaar se toh police chor ko pakadti hai" 
pfffft, i'm sure fauxlana would disagree with you, dadi. 😝😝😝
ugh ommmmmmmmmmm. you're such an asshole these days. you need another talking to from bhaiyya and jethani ji, methinks. 😒😒😒
rudra, please be the checks and balances that the messed up riKara relationship needs right now. 🙁🙁🙁
he's trying to tell you that you look hotttt, girl. let him. 😏😏😏
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haaaaaaaaye, theirrrrr smilessssssss. my babiesssssssssssss. 💖💖💖💖💖💖
PINKY GTFO WITH YOUR BURI NAZAR. *waves nimbu mirchi around my children's head* 😠😠😠
ugh whyyyyyyyy is pinkyyyyy even here i hate her so much she's ruining everythinggggg I JUST WANT MY GIRL TO BE HAPPYYYYYYYY 😩😩😩
goddamn, nakuul just looks too fucking handsome today. they shoulda chipkaofied disclaimer at start of episode so i could have mentally prepared myself. 😣😣😣
"warning: show ka hero aaj full black pehne hue BEHADH AMAZEBALLS lagta hai, aur pyaaaar bhari aankhon se heroine ko ek ghate ke liye lagataar dekhta hai. kripya show saavdhaani se dekhein." 
competition: whose zeher bhari kaatil nazrein are worse, pinky's or om's???? 😬😬😬
i guess this is the remarriage plot we've all been waiting forrrr. look how happy my girllll looooooks. she deservesssss it, my queeeeen. 😌😌😌
poor gauri. *pats her extremely beautiful head* 😞😞😞
awwwwwwwwwww, bade bhaiyya and bhaujaiiii are here for moral support. 😊😊😊
honestly, i don't care if this show doesn't have a plot anymore, i just wanna see shivaay and anika's loving and supportive relationships with everyone else in the fam. and a sesky scene with them in every episode. 🙃🙃🙃
ok don't like this weird tinkly happy "saathiya". it's weird. 😕😕😕
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"normal log jo hote hai... tumhari tarah nahi, NORMAL..." 
pffffffffft. hello kettle, this is pot. YOU'RE BLACK. 🙄🙄🙄
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omfg their little finger wrigglesssss at each other. I AM FUCKING DYING FROM THE CUTE. I AM I AM I AM. 😍😍😍😍😍😍
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i honestly need to fucking pause and lie down for a bit, coz jesus christ this is just getting too much for me. ☠☠☠
"sanki singh oberoi kabhi bhi sweet singh oberoi ban sakta hai." 
pedantic singh oberoi can't let go of the "happy birthday" thing, can he? 🙃🙃🙃
awwwwwwwwww. new kangannnnnn. 😊😊😊
pehle se her haath are so full, kangan pehnaayega kaise? 🤔🤔🤔
men, so easily freaked out by tears. pffffft, babies. 🙄🙄🙄
yes, get the cheapdi outttttt already. while you're at it, throw mummeh out toooo!😤😤😤
and bring mahi ve in!!!!!! 😊😊😊
ouffffffff oh, again with the 20 year old songs. whyyyyyy can't this show afford newer songs???????? honestly. 😑😑😑
who these random ppl who justttt showed up to dance? 🤔🤔🤔
also, you ppl know my sentiments to naach gaana... so fwding. ⏩⏩⏩
lmao, om certainly got persuaded pretty easily to dance. 😂😂😂
whereeee was buamaaa allll this timeee? 😐😐😐
shivaay's happiness since discovering gauri is fucking amazing. i love it. may it become x1000 once he discovers devrani = saali. 😇😇😇
ok are the last 10 min just slo mo dancing? 😒😒😒
guess we have to settle for NT ka cheapdapan. 😒😒😒
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lol dadi and buamaa's faces = mine. 😒😒😒
lmaooooooooo sahil escaped his confinement to come jam with everyone. 😂😂😂
nazarrrrrrrrr toh ghar ke andarrrr ke logg hi laga rahe hai, hmph. 😤😤😤
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haaaye my babies. such beautifullll. 😍😍😍😍😍😍
lol sharmaaa kyun raha hai billuuu? remember when you brought a buffalo into the house to get her to throw gobar at you???? 😆😆😆
lol shivaay be like 😂😂😂:  
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also, bitch please, she already told you she loves you. no need to get all oooooooh pyaaaaar. you’re the one who hasn’t told her yet! 😒😒😒
lmao, everyone ELSE is feeling awkward, but yeh bhaisaab toh is too high on pyaaar to notice. 😂😂😂
tum aur tumhara pati kisi aur ko bolne de toh woh bolein. 😑😑😑
lol shivaay helpfully translating "gaiyyaaan" for everyone. 😂😂😂
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lmao anika's impressed face + shivaay's slightly intimidated face @ "dabanggg gauri" 😂😂😂😂😂
"jaise electronics ke saath manual aata hai, in bhaabiyon ke saath dictionary aani chahiye" 😂😂😂😂
of course shivaay thinks "jhaap" is a high five. 🙄🙄🙄
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Microweddings, Elopement, Drive-thru weddings and Your Atlanta Photographer
Well things have changed over the last couple of months! As a Atlanta wedding photographer I never say “I have seen it all”. No one could have predicted a world wide shut down and social distancing measures implemented so quickly. We went from hugging family and friends in December and 4 months later we cant even be within 6 feet of a person in public.
With all these challenges for a wedding comes ingenuity. If you have followed this Atlanta wedding photographers blog through the years you have heard me say over and over “this is your wedding”. I still mean that. You don’t always have to have a large wedding. You can have a small wedding or elopement and still be just as married as if you had a large wedding. You don’t have to have a big wedding ring, or expensive wedding dress the only thing you need to have to get married is to be in love!
So nowwwww you are in love and you want to get married! What will that look like? Well there are many options out there. You can have a micro-wedding! A micro wedding is like it’s name suggests it is a small wedding from 5 to 50 guests. Usually it is immediate family and really close friends. You can have them at your home, or wedding venue. We have seen some micro weddings where it is just family and then you can have a reception later on when the sanctions have been lifted. These micro weddings will save you lots of money! You can start out your marriage with little or no debt and have a great honeymoon!
There is the other option of a elopements. Yes elopements have been around for a long time for the main reason they work! I have seen many more elopements over the last couple of years and they are a lot of fun! If wedding photography is important to you the elopement can be a lot of fun. You can get some very romantic wedding photography at exotic locations and it will not be very expensive compared to a wedding. I have seen a lot of great elopement wedding photography around Georgia from the getting married in the Blue Ridge Mountains to romantic photography in front of the water falls at Nantahala Falls.
Now there are also drive thru weddings! Drive Thru weddings have been around for a while and they are not just for Las Vegas! The team at Nayor Hall in Roswell have introduced drive thru weddings at there wedding venue. You can get married in front of one the most beautiful historic mansions in Georgia at the fraction of the cost of a large wedding! They have options of beer and food catered to you! One of the most important things to know is that the team at Naylor Hall believe in love and want to help you in any way that they can!
Please don’t take this Atlanta wedding photographers as the final word on weddings or what is right for you. There are so many options out there right now and you should research the best option for you. Once you have made that decision and decided that you want wedding photography please contact me and let me help you!
Thank you so much for visiting AtlantaArtisticWeddings! I hope you have enjoyed this Atlanta wedding photographer’s blog. I would love to hear from you. Please drop me a line and I will promise that I will get back to you. If you got anything out of this blog it should be that this is your wedding!!! and that I am here to help in anyway that I can!
Thanks again!
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