#please let her 3rd death be temporary i dont think i can take it if she disappears
cacklingstranger · 3 months
Watched the latest Firefly trailer and Firefly x Trailblazer is so canon wtf
I'm rooting for them fr fr
23 notes · View notes
In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner’s permit?
"In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner's permit?
In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner's permit?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeautoinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Will a reduced 1 point Defective Headlamps ticket affect my auto insurance?
I was pulled over for turning onto a one way street the wrong way, which is a 3 point ticket in Denver. If I pay within the first 20 days the ticket is reduced to a 1 point Defective Headlamps ticket. My parents have state farm insurance. Will they be notified of this ticket through the insurance and will my insurance rates increase? I'd rather them not know, and the cop said my insurance wouldn't be affected because of the reduced ticket. I just wanted to follow up. Thanks!""
""Car insurance dilemma - named as main driver but not, what should I do?""
I recently agreed to be a named driver on my au pair's car insurance to lower her premiums & as I may indeed drive the car on occasions. Now I discover that I am named as the main driver which is definitely not the case. As she has made this statement, am I right in thinking that this couldn't be held to be a lie on my part (unless I then signed a statement to say this was true or similar?) I have provided my license details for the insurance company but haven't made any statement. are there any possible repercussions for me? How do insurance companies check such things?""
My car insurance has been cancelled?
i need to know if i have to pay more or is the same amount in my billing if i pay for it this is for a car insurance the insurance company is aig
I let my car insurance lapse....will i get in trouble?
my car insurance is lapsed right now. i know when you sign up for insurance they always ask its been lapsed. when i say yes, which i ll tell the truth cuz they ll find out anyways, what will they do? will i be in trouble?""
How much will an average full coverage insurance for a BMW motorcycle cost. Type k1200r.?
I have no traffic violation and perfect credit record. I am 56 years old.
Can i claim it on my insurance if i damage my car under third party fire and theft rules?
I accidently damaged my own car slightly, but i wish to get it repaired, im thinking it will cost alot to put right, can i claim it from the insurance i have third party fire and theft??""
I'm 17 my car is in the garage how much would I be looking at on insurance for a weeks cover on a 106 1.4?
I need to get to work and back so I need to use a car, how much would this roughly cost? THANKS""
Is purchsing second car make your car insurance cheaper?
Is purchsing second car make your car insurance cheaper?
I pay more for auto insurance than medical insurance?
And no, im not a bad driver. Will Obama have some sort of auto insurance reform next to help us out? Look at how many Americans dont have car insurance but drive anyways.""
Can I drive my mom's car without having insurance?
So I am 16 and don't have a learner's permit. My friend who is 19 has his license and has been using his mom's car for years. He keeps telling me to get my permit. My mom says it will double her insurance bill but he says his mom doesn't pay anything extra. Or he doesn't even have insurance. I don't know anything about this and legalities of everything so...lamest terms please.
Are there extensions of unemployment insurance in CA?
Does the claim automatically end once your remaining amount is gone, or can the claim be extended if you are still unemployed?""
Can you apply for health insurance with a work permit?
United States only. people with the differed action, that obama passed a few months ago are planning to apply for health insurance. Are they able to ? and if they are how will it work""
CT Insurance for small business?
Hi everyone, My father and I own a small company and we now both work full time for our company and we would like to get health insurance. My father indicated in the past he read some information that you can get a discount with state insurance if your company makes less than X amount of dollars per year...We can't seem to find this information. Who should we call in CT to get some answers or maybe someone already has information. Any help is greatly appreciated. Many thanks!""
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
What is the difference between term insurance and whole life insurance?
Is this a proper plan for term insurance?
Just trying to see if I am able to understand and apply knowledge of insurance. Please give your opinion. Here is a hypothetical example: X(35yrs) and Y(30yrs) are married and employed and they got joint home loan for Rs 30 lakh. They will be in service till 60yrs of age. Their current annual incomes are about Rs 5 lakh and Rs 3.8 lakh respectively. X and Y are willing to buy term insurances with sum assured of Rs 50 lakh with 25yrs and 30yrs terms respectively. (First doubt, given their income level, are they eligible for such high sum assured?) They both want to get critical illness rider of same sum assured (Rs50 lakh) amount since critical illness is kind of death of earning capability. Also they want to take same accidental permanent disability benefit rider of same sum assured(Rs 50 lakh) for same reason. They also want to have separate mediclaims though that is different kind of insurance and we won't consider here. Do you think that they are on right track for planning term insurance with riders?""
Car insurance help plz?
Hi. I am under 25yrs old every insurance company i have spoken to quoted me a very high price for a 1.4litre. does anyone know any cheap insurers for under 25's. had no accidents, no claims, clean license also what price range is reasonable for fully comp/3rd party F&T. (United Kingdom) Thankyou very Much.""
Can any body give me the defination of national health insurance?
I want the defination of national health insurance, benefit, coverage and objectives of national health insurance. plz quick.""
Ca insurance help with a dispute with another driver?
I've just had a minor accident,there were no witnesses but a van just pulled out of a parking space on the side of the road and hit me as I was driving up the road,I was going real slow as I was looking for a space to park myself,in fact I was driving right in the middle of the road as there was a massive lorry parked before the van and he took up so much of the road,you had no choice but to drive over the middle white line (just to point out there were no cars in the other lane).My car is fine but his van has smashed,mirror,lights,dents etc...He went mad saying it's his brand new works van and his boss will go mad and make him pay for the damage and he was stationary but I know he wasn't and there are no witnesses,the only vehicle around was the lorry and the driver was in the shop.How do I stand with this as I've never had anything like this happen before,also I did agree to swap insurance details and gave him mine first as soon as he had mine,he jumped in his van and sped off,luckily the company he works for was written on the van,as it's evening now I can't get hold of anyone but will telephone tomorrow morning to get his/their insurance details.""
What is the absolute cheapest classic insurance broker in the uk?
cars 1960-1991
Insurance quote for a vehicle?
hey i just want to know the 5 important factors they consider when giving an insurance quote and an example of an insurance quote?
Around how much is it for insurance for a 16 yr old male in MO?
im 16 now and i was wondering what is a good estimate for how much insurance is for me and yes i know the car and provider affects the amount.
Should I change Insurance carriers?
Located in Ontario, Canada. Currently with The Personal Insurance Company. My friend got in an at fault accident while she was driving my car. Her husband said he would take of it on his insurance. He never did, they are now divorced and there is no way he is taking responsiblity for it. Result, my insurance went up $80.00 per month. This was five years ago. Recently, I moved to a new location and I have to park on the street, because of this my insurance will go up $30.00 a month. So now I have to pay $230/month. I have been driving and with the same company for over 25 years but they won't give me a break. Should I change companies, any suggestions? Thanks""
What is the cheapest insurance company for a inexperienced 18yr old driver?
I'm looking ti out insurance on my soon to be new used car? I'm just now getting a license and I don't know where to begin looking for insurance.
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
Im a 16 year old male who lives in new orleans. I have a 3.8 GPA and no one in my immediate family has been in a wreck in the previous 5 years. Where can i get affordable insurance?
Insurance when buying a used car?
I'm going to buy a used car next week from a private seller and I am concerned about the insurance. I've heard that you need to have insurance to drive it but what should I do? I am 20 years old and I've looked up temporary insurance and most of them you have to be 21 years or older and some are around 200 for 1 day cover but you have to have a Full UK Driving Licence for at least 6 months when in my case, I've only had it since yesterday as I passed my test yesterday. So what should I do? Get the full insurance and tell them this cars registration number or not get insurance at all and assume I get 7 days free insurance when buying this used car from the private seller?""
In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner's permit?
In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner's permit?
Auto insurance premium higher than what was quoted to me?
I just received my auto insurance policy in the mail and the premium is almost $200/year more than what the agent quoted me! My husband's premium for his vehicle was exactly the same as what was quoted. Is this normal and what should I do? I've already emailed the agent asking why the huge difference but am still waiting on a response.
How can you make insurance for your car cheaper?
Young driver and cannot find any reasonable insurance companies at all!
Should I drop collision from my auto insurance this renewal?
I have a ten year old Honda Civic, just over 40,000 miles, has a crack in the driver's side rear bumper that I ignore. I have an excellent driving record, no points, am the only driver, am at that age where I'm not young enough or old enough to be considered a threat, but I live in a high rate state and money is more than tight and they just shot my house insurance through the roof, even though I never put in a claim, because, get this, there is a chance that someday we may have a hurricane! Am I being pennywise and pound foolish, or am I paying for something that won't pay off even if I need it? Thank you!""
Getting Car Insurance for an American?
I'm trying to get car insurance for my wife who only recently passed her UK test. She has held a US license for many years (about 6 I think) and drove during that time with insurance and made no claims. However, it seems that some UK insurance companies don't recognise an American license or insurance history which is making the quotes extremely expensive. Up to 1500 for full comp on a basic family car (2003 Vauxhall Omega). Is anyone aware of any UK companies that would recognise her US license and quote accordingly for her driving history rather than treating her like a 17yr old? Thanks in advance.""
How much is it to add a new driver to your insurance on AAA?
I just got my license and my dads making me pay for my insurance. How much is that? He said he's just putting me on the insurance and I have to pay whatever the price that is added because of me. How much would it be? We already have two people. My mom and dad. We have and SUV, a big van, and a small sports car. How much is the insurance gunna go up? Give me a range. Please and thank you:)""
Is this good fuel consumption & cheap insurance group?
I have found a car and the specs sa the following fuel consumption and I wanna know if it is good or not as im looking for something more economical. Fuel consumption (urban) 43.5 mpg Fuel consumption (extra urban) 65.7 mpg Fuel consumption (combined) 55.4 mpg Also it says the insurance group is 7, is this going to be quite cheap?""
How much for car insurance i need the cheapest price?
i need the insurance the requier for the law
How much MORE can you expect to pay on insurance for this car?
I know every person will have there own prices, but if i purchase a g35 coupe rather than a sedan, will the insurance skyrocket? I'm 20 yrs old, like 2 tickets, you think i should just go with the sedan?""
Should I change insurance companies? How to change insurance?
If I don't pay insurance, company will cancel insurance, right? I don't link an insurance company to my bank, so I think stop paying, insurance will be cancel. Should I change insurance companies? Someone told me insurance company will increase fee every year, changing company may save money. In my case, I paid $650 for home insurance last year. However, I have to pay $800 this year.""
How much would Car Insurance cost?
I've been given a Ford Focus 1.6, 5 Door Zetec 03 Plate.. First of all it has a year Insurance can that just be transfered into my name? & also how much would Insurance cost for a new 19 year old Male driver?""
""What insurance companies will insure a Lamborghini gallardo, bently, Mclaren, or any other expensive cars?""
I do not own any... my freind has a mclaren, but im curious which companies like that insure cars like that
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
Is financial indemnity a good insurance carrier?
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
Does auto insurance cost more in Las Vegas than los Angeles?
How much would a person pay for car insurance?
Let's say I buy a BMW M5 made from the year 2006, how much would I pay for the insurance? Also, let's say it's a new car, too... If you just buy a brand new car, how much do you pay every month? (I'm doing a research... so, please help me)""
Asking all female drivers under 25- Whats a cheap car insurer?
Asking all female drivers under 25!! Does anyone know of or have been with any cheap car insurance companies? Ive already checked quite a few but they seem really expensive...Please help!
It is regarding SR 22 Insurance.?
I know am totally doomed. But I need little help here, 1. I hold a California Driver's License and Got convicted for DUI in New Jersey. 2. New Jersey did not suspend my Driver's License it just gave me a ticket and transferred the case to California. California Ordered me to have a SR 22 submit to them. 3. I do not live in California any more. So when I take SR 22 for which state should I take it for California or for the State am living in? 4. California still holds my suspension. And how do I get rid of that ? I know it is a complicated case. All ready went through a lot. So please help me out of this.""
Do you need insurance on a motorcycle in Florida?
I read online that if you own and have the title of the motorcycle you do not need insurance . But i never believe what i read on random websites so I'm asking here. The insurance companies are giving me insane premiums even though i have a clean driving record. My question is,is that accurate that i dont need insurance to ride in Florida.?Thank you everyone in advance.""
How do I find cheap and decent health insurance in Vermont?
I'm looking for health insurance that will be affordable (read under $100 a month) and have fairly decent coverage. Also I would very much like coverage that will start very soon after applying, the sooner the better. Any one have any suggestions?""
18 year old and car insurance...help please?
I've been saving up the past 3 years to buy myself a car. I've saved about 18K for a new car, so my price range is from about 18-24K for a car, new or used. Some cars that I'm interested in are: In Order: 1. 2004 BMW 530i 2. 2004 Infiniti G35 3. 2005 Mercedes C230 4. 2004 Acura TL or RSX 5. 2005 BMW 325i My problem isn't whether I can afford the car and the maintenance fees, its the insurance. I would be under my fathers insurance. He's 55, no accidents or tickets, been driving since 16. He would be the primary and I would be the secondary. I go to college, have a 3.8 GPA, work part-time, have been driving since 16, no accidents or tickets, and the car would be parked in a garage. I also wouldn't be driving much, just to and from school (less than 7500 miles a year). How much would basic insurance be? I hate getting online quotes because its time consuming and I hate getting spam emails and phone calls. I'm thinking of buying the car soon, so please help. THANKS!""
How much for infinity g35 or nissan 350z insurance?
Well ive had my license since I was 16 and im currently 18. I have a jeep and after working on it and driving it so much ive decided to get rid of it for something new. Im pretty set on getting either a g35,350z or 330xi, however, i wanted to know how much insurance might cost for either the infinity or the 350z. For the people who want to judge and say i dont deserve any of these cars,please refrain from commenting that on this post.1)I do not car and 2) Im a very good driver and i drive a lot and have a lot of experience on the road sees that I'm always driving around to and from practice,work,and each parents house because they are divorced. thank you""
""Car insurance, i am confused ?""
basically i think i will be driving around around 20 miles a day possibly 24 miles a day depending on traffic. If i times this by 5 it will be 100 miles a week or 120. if i times this by 52 for the whole year it will be 6240 miles driven a whole year. So why the fucccckkkkkkk when i type i am driving 100 miles week in the insurance calculator they estimate i will be driving 26,000 miles a year ???? Who is correct? i am confused, this is important because i got quote for 1700 a year for around 6000 miles.""
What is the california vehicle code for insurance?
What is the california vehicle code for insurance?
Recovery/treatment dates for disability insurance?
If someone was never treated for borderline hypertension, they just controlled it with diet without any input from a doctor, what can be used as recovery and last treatment dates? Could it be when the patient's current physician first had their blood pressure measured and it was normal?""
Car insurance for a learner...?
im 17 now and want to start learning to drive. But what i want to do is buy a car, then get insured on it as a learner and have my dad take me out driving to teach me. i want a car like a peugeot 206, renault clio, vauxhall corsa, a ford KA or something small like that. does anybody know how much insurance will be for me as a learner? also im female if that helps!?""
Anchor general insurance?
ive made a claim on my car 2 weeks ago. an adjuster came out to take pictures of my car last week on wednesday. i havnt heard from them since everytime i call my insurance and they transfer me to claims i end up waiting 30 mins plus just so they can drop my line. im wonderinf if they are even gonna get back at me? should i keep calling them has anyone had any problems with anchor general before?
In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner's permit?
In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner's permit?
Periodontal Insurance in Iowa?
I have major gum resession and I need a transplant, which means I need to visit a peridontist. Problem is, I can't find one in Iowa that takes my insurance. (Hawk-i) I really need the surgery and I've been searching for months and haven't had any luck. Please, someone help me out, please.""
Why not lower heath care insurance than universal health care?
I pay $450 a month for my health insurance, why dont they just cut the cost in half? Then people could afford it. Its alot for me but worth it, i had spinal meningitis at 18 and without id be dead.""
How do I get an Insurance licens for California ?
I was wondering how can i get and insurance license in califronia ? Is their a web site where i can take a course to get one?
How will Hillary Clinton give heatlh insurance to homeless people?
My other question is how will she provide health insurance to families that can't afford the most affordable plans?
Resolved Question Show me another  In what ways does buying a car affect auto insurance premiums?
I'm looking at buying or leasing a new car and am wondering how that'll affect my auto insurance premium. Also, which features in a new car affect the premium. I've heard about red paint and sports cars causing higher premiums, but are there any other factors?""
Insurance type help A-Z?
Hello, If there is no accident will occur or occured, but lost your eyesight naturaly, what type of insurance policy you should buy to cover your permanent disablement because of that, which will give you payout like personal accident insurance does?""
Insurance deductibles -- when to pay? (and other insurance questions)?
So I am no long part of an california HMO plan, so now I have to get insurance on my own. Problem is that I am making about $800 / month (part time work) while going to school full time. Both my parents are on government low-income plans, so I cant put them as primary policy holders while I get student rates. One question I have about deductibles is when to pay it? For example, a plan that has $1,500 deductible / $0 doctor visits, do I have to pay the full value of that office visit to the doctor? Or will I have to pay $1,500 straight out to the insurance company and then funds will be used accordingly? What about $1500 deductible / $30 co-pay doctor visits? If I pay $30 to the doctor, will this credit towards the deductible? Or will this plan only hit me with the deductible for $1500 when I go to the hospital? Or will the insurance company want it upfront? Final question is: for a 21 year old student that is about 5'7, 230 lbs, non smoker, rarely drinks, what do you think would be the correct rate? So far I am getting estimates of $60-300, depending how big of a deductible I want to put down. Actually, one quick question: opinions on Kaiser Permanente anyone? I know most people i've talked to complained about slow waits and etc, but i'm leaning towards it because of good coverage for the cost -- but is it really worth it? I know this is quite a lot to ask, so if you don't feel like answering, at least point me to an informative web site?""
New car insurance when to get it?
Bought a 2010 Toyota corolla s at rusty Eck ford my grandpa consigned for me and they took a copy of he's insurance to let me drive the car home on 60 day tag plates. Am I supposed to put the insurance right away or after the 60 day tags are over ? I'm in Wichita ks
How to get cheaper insurance with an impaired driving/hit and run charges?
I currently have impaired driving/hit and run charges on my drivers license as of august 2010. How can I possibly get cheaper insurance. The cheapest quote I got was 9 grand.. How long is my insurance going to be this bad for??? Help!!!
How much is car insurance?
I'm 17 years old male and i have a 2001 ford mustang in great shape I live in Nashua Nh. and I just got my liscence. can anyone tell me how much my insurance would probley be?
How much car insurance do I need?
I have a 2007 Honda Element and live in an area where people drive really expensive cars on a regular basis (i.e. Tesla's, custom Mercedes', Porsche's, Lotus'...). Also, Elements tend to need windshield replacements a lot. I will be driving children around as well so I need sufficient coverage for that. I was basically just curious about how much coverage I need because I'm getting the feeling that I have too much coverage therefore am paying too much. Currently my coverage is: -Bodily Injury: 100,000/300,000 -Medical Payments: No Coverage -Uninsured Motorists: 100,000/300,000 -Property Damage: 100,000 -Comprehensive: 100 -Collision: 500 -Auto Death Benefits: 15,000""
How can I get car insurance?
Let me give some more information. I'm 20 years old, female, live in NJ and need to buy my own car and insurance soon. I've never had my own policy before and I was wondering how I would go about getting one. Also, what are some companies to use? Thanks!""
Car and home insurance together...?
I recently purchased a new car and will close on a home in 2 weeks. I am looking for auto and home insurance in NJ. I called Geico today - got a decent quote. But they dont have home insurance in the area. All State gave me a quote for their platinum one and told me they'll give me the other packages in a minute - put me on hold for 25 mins and I hung up (again they dont have home insurance in my area). Anyone has any experience with TWG insurance? My car dealer gave me their info. I searched for reviews in NJ - nothing, They're TX based and have both home and auto...not sure if it is good for NJ. This is my first car and home. Any advise on what to look for esp for my car. What are the grey areas that they can con you? What are the most important points to look for? Any suggestions on good plans in NJ?""
(for people in america) how much does the average 17-18 year old pay for insurance?
im from ireland and was just wondering approx
What can happen if you don't list all of your tickets on an online insurance quote and buy the policy?
For instance I have a spectator to racing ticket when a friend of mine attempted to outspeed a car that sped by him on the highway, he got pulled over and charged with street racing, and I received a citation for being a passenger in the car. (ridiculous I know) Now since I was not the driver, nor was my vehicle involved, should I still have to list this when filling out an online insurance quote? and if I don't what can happen if they find out later? Will they raise my rates immediately? Drop my policy? Or is there anything more serious they can do than that?""
What effect will Obamacare have on U.S. per capita health insurance costs? . [SEE BELOW]?
What effect will Obamacare have on U.S. per capita health insurance costs? Note that my question is per capita -- If you take the total payments toward health insurance in the U.S., and divide by the total number of people covered by health insurance... How has that average per capita cost of health insurance changed in the past five or ten years, and how is it likely to change over the next 5 or 10 years? thanks for your answers""
What company has the lowest auto insurance rates?
My insurance rates just went up $100 a month because of speeding tickets I got last year. I took an improvement class right after I got the ticket and am also getting ready to turn 25. I was hoping my rates would go down and nit up to $250 a month. Anyone know any companies?
How much does it cost to insure a provisional driver?
On top of somebody elses insurance?
Anyone know of affordable health insurance that is not a scam?
im in florida - sunrise
""Just got my drivers license, what's next? how do I get insurance? where do I go?
I'm 19 and I finally got my drivers license :P but I don't have a car. but I need insurance 1. How do I get insurance? 2. Where do I go for Insurance? 3.What do I have to take with me? I need to get a car so... 4. How much down payment do you think is good? like would 1000 do it ? I dont have money. :| 5.can I get loans? or should I get loans? Thanks 4 helping ;)
Will the car insurance know?
I am a single parent, unemployed and I care for my eighteen month baby while my other child is at f/t school. I have recently passed my driving test and found the car that I want. The only problem is that the f/t course I applied for at college is full and the insurance premium is more for unemployed people and less for students!(which I can't understand). I can't tell them I am a housewife as I am not married, If I tell them that I am a f/t student will they need proof when I pay for the car insurance.""
I scraped the bumper of a parked car. Is it cheaper to pay it off or send it to my insurance?
I have a clean driving record, but i accidentally scraped a car parked next to me. There was a dinnerplate sized scrape, and the guy sent me a estimate for $400. Will it be cheaper for me to send it to my insurance, or pay it out of pocket?""
How can one state offer more affordable insurance than another?
If Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield can compete nationwide as many others do it is not as though national insurance companies lack competition. So my question is; if every major insurance provider who could provider the greatest value due to economy of scale(greatest risk pool) in this nation how could a small company out bid a large one when faced with risk pools without cherry picking? How could insurance from one state be cheaper than another unless to bypass quality regulations and sell crap insurance?
What is the least expensive auto insurance company?
Currently have geico...
Boyfriend got into accident with my car..he has insurance/SR-22. Whose insurance will be responsible?
My boyfriend has had an insurance policy with an SR-22 on it for almost a year. It expires in 6 days. He was driving my car to work and got into an accident that was his fault. My car has barely any damage and I don't think the other car was severely damaged. My mom has an insurance policy on my car ( I live with her) But since my boyfriend was driving and he has insurance with the SR-22 doesn't that mean that it will go on his insurance? Isn't that the exact reason he had to have the SR-22 in the first place? So in case he screwed up (which he did) than it would be covered in any car he drives? Thanks.
In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner's permit?
In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner's permit?
Insurance: Can one person be a primary driver for more than one car?
Basically, I'm in need of a car, but cannot afford to pay my own insurance. I am considering putting it under a friend's name and have her as a primary driver and myself as a secondary driver, which would be cheaper. My concern is that she already has her own car under which she is a primary driver. So my question is: is she able to insure another car as herself being the primary driver?""
How come my insurance is going up?
My mom just told me that the insurance company is raising my insurance by like 168$(6 month pay day) and I dont know why. I havent gotten a ticket, pulled over or anything. I mean at school I get parking infractions and stuff and it says ' your license plate has been reported to the police department' but ive gotten multiples of those and have friends that have gotten way more and nothing happens. So I want to know a reason on why the insurance would be going up. Thanks""
""Just had a car crash, but worried insurance won't pay out..?""
Just had a car crash on the 02/03/2014 at 8:20am crashing into a central reservoir fence accidentally, judging by the aftermath of the accident it's definitely an insurance write off. A week before this incident I had recently got my rear windows tinted (only light smoke) plus got alloy wheels put on but i didn't let my insurance aware of this (i planned on letting them know eventually but i didn't know i was going to crash so soon) Apart from this everything else is legit.. I am currently insured with Zurich just wondering will Zurich insurance still pay me out the value of my car or will I not get a penny ?""
What is the best insurance?
Okay. Need the cheapest insurance for my boyfriend. He is 20, only three speeding tickets within a three years time, and wants a newer car.""
How much is car insurance?
I know it depends on a lot of things, but whenever I mention me getting my license, they have the same excuse over and over... So what's an idealistic amount for a young teen w/ 3.0+gpa and a sports car be? In california.""
Insurance on lancer oz rally?
i was looking and found a nice 2003 lancer oz rally i want to buy. I am 17 years old and i was wondering how much it would probably cost on insurance. Currently i am on my parents plan and am a primary on our van but we are selling it to buy a car. Also is the oz rally a good car? I am into the kind of rally style car and i love the lancer look.
Short Term health care insurance plan in California?
I am looking to get insurance for a short period of time - 2 months. Which plan and provider be appropriate ?
""What is a reasonable auto insurance liability amount, i don't believe the current legal limits are enough?
Florida State Required auto insurance limits are not nearly enough insurance to carry especially if you live in a larger city in florida. What is a good acceptable liability limit to carry on my vehicles?
""How much does insurance cost, for a trail blazer??
thats the car i have but the insurance exspired
Temporary car insurance for one day for 17 year old?
it's for a holiday, I believe it would be good driving experience, obviously I would have a qualified driver with me......""
How much is car insurance typically for a 19 year old in Burlington/Montpelier Vermont?
This would be on an independent coverage, not part of parents plan. It would be a Jetta (if that matters at all).""
Cheapest car insurance for young new drivers?
Please help! I am sitting my test on the 21st of November and would really like to buy and insure a car if i pass asap. So far the cheapest ive found is 3700 using comparison sites on a Daewood 0.8Litre engine. Third party cover only. I was hoping to get a policy under 2,500. I will be the only name on the policy (none of my parents drive) and Ive heard about pass pluss etc. All I want to know is the best car insurance companys for new young male drivers and what are the best cars (I have looked at punto's corsa's and clio's but seen that the smaller engine size (like a daewood at 0.8) the cheaper) Thank you!""
What is the cheapest car insurance ?
for a ford mondeo 1998. Thank you.
Insurance needed to instruct/run archery?
Hi, If I want to run an archery activity for a school at an outdoor adventurous activity site, what insurance do I need? Cheers""
How can I find my neighbors home insurance company?
My neighbors have a pit bull which is completely untrained and escapes from their yard on a regular basis. I have tried to talk to my neighbor telling him he needs to keep his dog in his fenced yard but he does not speak English very well and I don't believe he understands me. I do know that he owns his house. I am concerned that if his dog attacks someone that his home owners insurance won't cover it. My home insurance company told me that they would not cover a pit bull if I had one. How can I find out what insurance agency my neighbor is using so that I can find out if he has coverage for his dog (or blow him in for having a dog his insurance won't cover).
Car accident when driving other's car?
hi, I was wondering if I lend my car to a friend and will I be responsible for any damage if he got into a car accident? A friend of mine asked me to lend him my spare car for a week and I want to make sure if I would be sue by other party if he ever got into a car accident because my car and insurance is under my name. Thanks""
What would be the average insurance per annum for a kawasaki zxr400?
if you could specify sites and types of insurance that would be awesome cheers
I need help choosing a health insurance?
I live in Southern California (If that matters). I'm young and healthy but I have been without health insurance for the last year. I was wondering who is your health insurance provider and if you would recommend it. I don't have much money since I just graduated from SDSU and without a teaching job:( But I am willing to pay the little money I have for health insurance. Thanks! I will need one that will cover dental and vision the big ones for me since I need to take my wisdom teeth out (giving me big headaches) and I wear glasses which need to be replaced soon. Thanks in advance.
Which occupation would be best for car insurance purposes?
I can honestly say Retired , Investor , Private Investor Or Self Employed . Considering the fact that I don't drive very much anyway, less than 3000-3500 miles per year would one have a better risk classification and therefore lower rates than the other ? Oh, and Im 47 by the way so not your typical retired type person. (Don't really have a life but that wasn't the question) My liability insurance is pretty cheap but Im the kind of guy that likes to check every 6 months just to make sure Im getting the best price for the same coverage. Thanks ! PS, on a sort of related note, is it a problem if my credit report might not say the exact same thing ? I suspect it may say Self Employed and my former business.""
""How many billions will obamcare cost to insure the poor ,the crack heads the people who can't afford it?
how much is the fine if you can't afford to buy obamacare
""I am going to study in Ontario but I am a US citizen, how much is it to register my car and get car insurance?""
I live in Texas and i'm an 18 yr old female. I will be studying in Canada but I need to take my car to get from place to place. Does anyone know how much it costs to register the car, get car insurance, plates, License and whatever else needed? Thank you (:""
Insurance questions?
I have an illness, which insurance companies refuse to cover... I had BXBS, with my former employer, but retired and dropped the insurance. My question is, does anyone know of an insurance company that covers all medical conditions, no matter what it is? It's important, since we want kids""
Usaa car insurance rates?
Hey guys! I was wondering if you could answer my question about the usaa car insurance rate for a 2011 Hyundai Genesis Coupe for a 18 female driver. Thank you! :)
If i cahnge car insurance after 7 days of getting it due i have to pay the full amount??
Heres the deal i got a car and put safe auto on it. i then wrote the postdated check for 7 days from then. well today (5 days after getting my car) i found a lot cheaper insurance. CAn i canel the saufe auto and not have to pay the full amounnt??? or do iahve to essentially pay 2 full months of car insurance????
Why can auto insurance co legally discriminate?
Like gender, age, seems like everything (When you run tests through their quote systems) How can they legally discriminate like that? like 50% of the variables are user's preference determines the problem (Like having a classic, red sportscar, that's not my personality type but it raises rates)""
In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner's permit?
In Pennsylvania do you need motorcycle insurance with just a learner's permit?
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