#please im so tired why are people on the internet so narrow minded im so upset
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youmakethelight · 3 months ago
Vehemently not wanting a ship to be canon so much that you have to comment it on other people's posts is reasonable, but saying anything that suggests you disagree means you're too obsessed with fictional characters?? Please what is the difference? If you're chill about fictional characters, why does their possible romance make you so irate??
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of-tarnished-metal · 5 years ago
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MOM [TEXT:] Hi honey, can I see you in my office? We need to have a little talk. 
A little talk.-- But that can mean so many things! The redhead’s fingers clenched tighter around his Pokegear as he straight up panicked over those words.
Oh crap, oh no... Silver’s eyes were darting wildly as if the walls were closing in on him. A hard lump jumped from the pits of his stomach, to the middle of his throat, proving it hard to feel the sense of breathing well at all. This was it for him, he was gonna get swallowed up whole by a monster and drop dead there on the floor. 
In reality though he was just sitting on his bed, dumbfounded, guilty, nervous-- all the things the redhead would scowl at anyone over if they saw it for themselves in person. But not here--
It really was the uncanny powers of Mom that could strike the fear into Silver’s very soul, wasn’t it? He hates this. 
But at the same time, every minute spent staring at his phone was a second too long for Ariana. 
By now she had already groomed the office back into place after her dealings with Fred. The lady taps her nails a bit on the desk as she waits impatiently for her son to walk in through the doors. 
The monitor no longer displayed the horrific scenes of her son being pinned to the floor by that foolish Agent. Cherry red lips snarled a bit to herself at the thought, how dare someone put their hands on the boy like that! Moron, if he doesn’t make it out of the basement alive, he got what was coming to him in the end.--  
Now her gaze diverted over to the picture frame beside the screen instead, and just like magic her features began to soften. They were pictures of Silver in a few different stages of his life by a certain order. One of when he was a little baby, another when he was a small child, and now an older boy who is much grumpier looking than the last two...But still cute, in his mother’s eyes.~
With her mind drifting off fondly to the days of yesteryear, the sudden vibration by her elbow caused the Executive to jerk her chin off her resting hand. Ah, good... the phone is put back down as she waits. 
Eventually it’s the footsteps that tip her off to his approach first before the door is lightly knocked on. Silver has a very specific sound to Ariana’s ears that’s been well recognized since he first learned to walk. 
“Yes baby, come in,” already the teen feels his skin crawl as he takes cautious and deliberate movements to curl his fingers around the edge of the door, peeking in first. 
“Come in.” 
Silver wanted to wince, hard, but kept himself in check the best he could as the door was left to swing open-- slooowly. The creaks and whines it made only highlighted his own sense of dread within.
It was that...thing that struck fear in the hearts of all who heard the lady open with her greetings sometimes. The Tone. 
The back of Ariana’s chair was bumped into quite hard from Arbok, her snake had long since coiled back up for a few hours after being denied a little blonde snack. Its tongue flicked rapidly as Silver shuffled in an akward gait to sit in the chair in front of the Executive’s desk. 
Same spot, same spot where that other human sat before. The Cobra Pokemon unwound itself, slinking his way over to meet the redhead in the hotseat. 
Silver turned his head sharply away when he could feel the breath of the large snake’s huffing against a cheek. Ugh...this Pokemon wasn’t always the boy’s favorite that Mom owned, but he’d put up with it anyway. Soon his face was brushed by the very tips of the serpent’s tongue. The boy. This is just the boy. 
Maybe it’s a sign of affection for all he knew, he never will, but Silver wasn’t appreciative of Arbok trying to rest his chin on the top of his head at all. 
“Alright, alright....” Ariana waved her hand at the Pokemon to ‘shoo’ over the muffled sounds of her protesting son, this wasn’t the time and place for that right now. 
He wished he could feel the weight and pressure lift off of him once Arbok moved away, but no. Nervously his eyes flitted up to meet Ariana’s now, his suspicions confirmed of something even worse than The Tone-- The Look. 
“So, baby...” she started with a quicker moves than Silver could open his mouth. “It’s been brought to my attention a few different things in the past few days.--”  The teen almost shifted forward in his seat in a tense way, suddenly urged to speak his piece, but--
“Ah-ah, don’t.” 
...He slowly resigns to presssing his back into the chair. 
“I’m not happy,” well that was very obvious to him by now, and Silver felt compelled to avert his gaze while she just ampilfies her own. Whatever she had to say would be more than enough, please for the love of Arceus don’t look her in the eyes when she’s angry.
“Because first of all, it would have been very helpful to know there was someone tearing holes in the fabric of space and visiting your room, yes?” 
“......Yes.”, the boy shifts a bit nervously in his seat.
“So, why didn’t you?”  “Didn’t think it was a big deal, that’s all...” he mumbles like there’s marbles in his mouth, soured, unwilling to admit his shortcomings just above anything of a whisper. 
“Not a big deal, or...?” “--I didn’t think anyone would believe me.” 
There we go. “Yes...I can understand where it would be hard for the others to believe.” Ariana’s eyes narrow more. “But you should have told me, your mother.”
“.......” Another shift in the chair as he can just hear the growl in her voice. 
“We didn’t need to go through that fiasco with the lockdown the other day if you had just told someone beforehand! And don’t tell me this isn’t the first time you’ve ever met this boy, the footage clearly tells a different story.” 
Almost it was like something primal clicked in the redheads brain, his mother’s rising anger only starts to fuel Silver’s own. “But I did tell people! I told them in the chatroom--!” 
“The chatroom, yes, you did. In a not-so-well mannered way, in fact.” 
Impatiently she taps a nail on the surface of the desk even more, for as much as she loves her boy no matter what-- she’s tired. The Executive is not willing to bend and play the runaround, even with him after all she’s had to do today, her aim is for the scruff. Quickly.
“Those same comments warranted Fred to come after you.”
Silvers hands clenched tighter around the arms of the chair, oh shit she knows!?
Maybe the startled look he has gives Ariana just the slightest bit of amusement, trapped.~ But as quickly as it comes, it goes, and falls away into a much darker mood. “Though believe me when I say I wasn’t happy with him either...” 
A small hum. “But that’s alright, I took care of that too already.” 
There’s a sudden flash of horror in the boys grey eyes then while staring squarely, but almost pitifully helpless into her red ones. Took care of...?
“Wh-what happened to Fred?” 
Mom doesn’t answer, which in a lot of ways makes it so much worse. He’s very aware of what that means, she....she doesn’t need to explain it. Though that’s when a very strange and dissociative feeling crept up into his very soul.
Sure Fred was annoying, but...he didn’t wanna think the guy went out like that because of-- him.
“Which is why I think I have to punish you for your behavior as well.” 
A cold chill crept down the boys arms and into his fingertips, but as tense as he was, it didn’t stop Silver from feeling his shoulders start to drop in a limp and defeated way. There was no getting out of this, and he didn’t need a snake to coil him up in that very same spot where the Agent was before to know that. 
“You’re grounded.”
The boy blinked rapidly a few times in his seat as he felt like a puddle that was oozing to the floor. The verdict was like a cold slap to the face which shocked him out the stupor. And, maybe in some dumb and selfish way that felt like a fate worse than death itself.
“Which means no internet, no video games, no phone, when I get up in the morning, you get up in the morning, when I go to work, you’re coming with me.” 
“But when you’re in here your idle hands will be doing work that I give you. Not handhelds, not guitar. Just books and homework until further notice. Do you understand Silver?” 
The Executive leans back in her own chair. Still annoyed, but at least growing more satisfied with his complacency. “Your punishment starts tomorrow. “
“Okay....” Silver’s voice was very soft now, fallen low much in the level of shock Ariana expected him to be. 
“You can go back to your room now, I’ll see you by dinnertime.” 
Numbly, the redhead pushes himself out of the chair after Mom dismisses him, dumbfounded, guilty-- confused. He barely feels the metallic touch of the doorhandle once he turns it and quietly leaves. 
...Ariana let out a soft and troubled sigh once her son closes the door behind him. She hated to be the bad guy sometimes, but if that’s the only way to get headstrong boys to learn the lessons.-- Then so be it. 
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years ago
vampire! Junhui
Anon requested: “ I just saw that you had your requests open I’m so happy!!! Can I request a vampire jun su please? I love your blog!!! “
Genre: fluff
Word Count: 1917
A/N: thx lovely~ gosh im sorry about how late this is, i hope you like this! -seri
to Jun, life could never get boring 
even after couple hundred years, hopping casually from one profession to another
even going to medical school for a week, 
though yuck, he decided he hated that
he still had one love
playing the piano
so when all the members decided to move to a new area
it was perfect timing to get a new job
just to keep himself busy and not sit around the house all day
he’s just sitting on the new couch, on his phone, playing some type of game, when it comes to him
“You know what i’m going to do?” 
“Huh?” sitting across from him, Minghao doesn’t even bother looking up to reply
in a blink of an eye, Jun’s right next to Minghao, resting his head on the latter’s shoulder
“I’m going to be a piano teacher” 
finally looking up, Minghao smirks in amusement
“A piano teacher?” 
“For kids!!” 
“Doesn’t that actually require...qualifications?” 
despite Minghao’s sarcastic tone, Jun grins anyway, patting his friend’s head 
“The internet can make anything these days,” Jun winks, “and a little harmless mind control”
so Jun cheerfully walks into the city music store, fake resume in hand 
“Hi i saw you guys were looking for a piano teacher?” 
Jun smirks when he sees the elderly woman get flustered 
by how good looking he is no doubt ;) 
cocky af
“And your resume?” the woman squints at him in disbelief after getting over her surprise
after handing it to her, he waits for her to finish scanning it and look up
without giving her a chance to speak, Jun leans forward, eyes glowing
“I’m good enough to hire right away?” 
the woman stiffens, but her body relaxes as Jun takes a step back 
“Ah yes..” she smiles dazed at him, “Come in at 3pm tomorrow, you can start then” 
yeah yeah, mind control isn’t the most ethical thing but
no harm was done aha
so he comes in the next day, waiting for the kid whose footsteps he could hear from down the hall 
the boy swings the door open and furrows his brows
“You’re not the old man”
Jun laughs because one, this kid is adorable
and two, he is old
“No I’m not,” he grins slyly, “but i am older than you” 
the boy nods slowly, puffing his cheeks out, promptly sitting himself on the piano’s chair
resisting the urge to completely squish the kid in a hug,
yes he was ecstatic to have little cute students
he starts his lessons
finally it’s his last student of the day, 
she was just finishing up practicing the last few chords he had taught her
he smiles softly as her little fingers stretch across the keyboard while she angrily glares at her hand
trying not to giggle, Jun pokes her shoulder
“I think that’s good for today, you can always practice tomorrow”
she pouts, “b-but my mom will be angry”
Jun hums and pats her head reassuringly, “i’ll tell you what, if she’s angry i’ll talk to her”
in his head, he already knew exactly what kind of mom this poor girl had 
the overbearing control freak
and he hated them
standing up, he holds his hand out for her to hold, “come on , i’ll wait with you”
the scene is adorable really
he holds her hand, letting her swing it back and forth as she jumps around
kids always reminded him of the pure innocence in the world
a car pulls up in front of them
a very nice looking car, 
with a very nice looking person stepping out of it
his eyes follow your figure as you walk up to them
suddenly his heart rate increases, the breeze felt tingly against his skin
he feels the natural flow of blood wanting to rush to his eyes as his fangs threaten to come out 
he lets the tiny hand fall out of his grip as the girl runs up to you
you smile softly at her, patting her head, leading her into the backseat
making eye contact with you as you wave friendly to him
Jun nods stiffly in greeting, not trusting that his sudden urges won’t give him away 
but he manages a glance at you before going to his car 
you’re young and probably his little student’s overbearing mom
but you’re normal, completely average 
so was it you making him like this? 
he shakes his head rapidly
of course it wasn’t, probably just some weird reaction to having not consumed blood in a bit 
he’s lying to himself
the next day he teaches her again
and sees you pick her up again 
no abnormal reactions this time, so he gets a chance to actually say hi 
“hi I’m the new piano teacher,” he smiles holding his hand out 
you nod and smile, “yes i saw you yesterday, nice to meet you” 
your eyes are pretty when you smile he decides
“you too,” he motions to the girl holding your hand, “she’s really good for her age” 
you laugh, “nothing for me to be proud of, i’m just her babysitter” 
“ah,” Jun says flustered, “i wasn’t saying you looked old or anything i swear-”
smiling knowingly, you pat it arm, “don’t worry i know”
you spin around after a wave goodbye, walking off to your car 
he replays his stuttering moment again in his head and groans
“not cool at all” he mutters under his breathe
he didn’t understand why he got such weird reactions around you 
he hadn’t gotten nervous around people in years
it made no sense
Jun widens his eyes in realization
you on the other hand couldn’t keep the smirk off your face for the rest of the day 
the piano teacher was adorable enough to kill you
to bad you were already dead 
ah, the young vampire probably just realized
you having at least a hundred years on him, realized the second you pulled into the lot 
and you definitely noticed the veins starting to rise from his eyes 
but he wouldn’t react like that for no reason
you’re positive you weren’t wearing blood perfume or anything 
so... what was it? 
you couldn’t get his face out of your head 
“i saw another vampire today” Jun says suddenly 
being right next to him, Joshua sits up on his bed surprised, his eyebrows furrowed 
he shrugs,”some girl i saw while teaching” 
Joshua notices something odd about his friend and smirks
“is that a smile i see? she pretty? your eyes are practically sparkling” 
“h-hey!” he jumps up flustered, “i don’t know what you’re talking about” 
“Wen Junhui, self declared most handsome man in the world, have you finally fallen in love?” 
Joshua falls back into the couch cackling
“i’m going out for a snack”
he shuffles out the house, becoming shy as he can hear the sound of laughter of the others, surely using their enhanced hearing to eavesdrop
running into the forest, he takes a moment to lean against a tree
closing his eyes, he clears his mind, clearing all the surrounds out of his mind
“i just remembered, you never mentioned your name” 
he let his guard down
in less a second your back is hitting the tree
Jun has your arms pinned down roughly, glaring at you with his veined eyes and fangs out 
once he recognized you, he huffs
“you never did either” 
you smirk closing your eyes 
and with a flip, Jun’s back hits the tree with a thud
he’s a good bit taller than you, you realize when you meet his veined eyes with your own
all you could hear is the sound of his breathing 
needless to say he was surprised 
you start to giggle, putting a hand over your mouth to hide the smile and releasing him from your grip
he’s surprised to hear such a joyful sound
his fangs retract, his eyes go back to normal, a grin begins to rise on his face 
and now it’s just two people standing in the forest smiling at each other
“I’m Junhui, but Jun is fine” 
he holds his hand out to you, almost shyly? 
you really want to introduce yourself
like really really bad
you want to know more about Junhui, more than you would ever admit
but you also really want to play 
you shake his hand delicately, holding it while you meet his eyes
“I’ll see you next time I have to pick your student up?” you say cheerily
even though inside you’re absolutely melting at his adorable expression
you’re already walking away when he can get a word out
“h-hey! you aren’t going to give me your name?” 
you can’t help but look back, just to flash one last teasing look before speeding off
Jun smiles to himself as he watches your blur disappear 
he’s going to get your name no matter what
suddenly, it feels as if he was blushing as another thought passes through his mind
he’s going to win your heart also
how was he going to do that when he hasn’t seen your face for a whole week  
“hey um,” Jun asks his student sheepishly, “I haven’t seen your babysitter in a while right?” 
narrowing her cute little eyes, she pouts 
“why do you wanna know, are you trying to steal her from me” 
he resists the urge to face palm as he reassures his student
“no no I was just curious” 
“ookay,” she says, relaxing a tiny bit, “well she’s taking care of my little brother since he’s still a baby” 
ah so you weren’t avoiding him
just knowing that, he immediately gets happier
“but aren’t you a baby?” Jun teases her playfully
he decides he’s done waiting, he was going to find you
you were tired 
after taking care of 6 month old all day you just wanted to relax 
so you drive out to the park
parking your car and jumping on the roof, you just lay back staring at the moon
you’ve learned to appreciate the little things like the moon
because after years of living, it was of the only things that stayed the same 
you were grateful for that
“my last name means Moon you know” 
your body jolts up in shock
but Jun chuckles, wrap his arm around your shoulder, clinging to you
“what were you thinking of to lower your guard like that? me?” 
you sigh, half in relief and half with excitement
“don’t you think you’re too cocky?” 
with his arm still around you, he adjusts himself on the roof of your car laying down also
and your head is resting on his shoulder, your body is leaning against his as to actually fit on the small space 
“maybe, i’ll admit you make me nervous” 
your vampire hearing lets you hear his deep voice clearly
you hum, staring at the sky, comfortably in his hold
“my name’s Y/n” you whisper 
he laughs quietly, holding you to his chest closer 
you smile as you stare at the moon, the sound of his laughter becoming your personal BGM
you pull up your hand and rest it on your chest 
“why are you clutching your heart as if it’s still beating” Jun says, laughing at his own joke 
you tilt your head up, smiling as you watch as his eyes disappear in his laughter 
your heart may not have been beating anymore
but there was something inside of you that was beating a thousand times a minute 
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The Seventeen Vampire AU Series:
| Mingyu | Junhui | Seungcheol | Joshua |
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