#please ignore these tags for the love of god 😭😭😭 its late and im going a little unhinged
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 2 years ago
hiki and geki matching post
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hiki and geki matching post
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neowinestainedress · 2 years ago
hey im back again as a functioning individual and im here to unpack my thoughts on shattered glasses
first off, i love how this fic got dark with all the stalking and yandere behaviors like it can be so fun to read, though i know that it is just to show what a horrible person jeno is but i want more it (im sorry theres something wrong with my head 😭). and wow, their relationship is not exactly the same as the first part because in this, y/n can actually dare to ignore jeno or his calls and texts, and she lied about things too (like im sorry im just so shocked because idk if im dumb or just forgetful but how long was the jump from rose-colored glasses to shattered glasses???) because why do i feel like she is a different person even tho she is still the same naive and manipulated girl like uGHHHH!!! jeno too, i know it was in the tags but i was also surprised to him being a teeny tiny bit romantic to y/n?!?!?? with his “how lucky am i to have you” or “you truly are the best thing that happened to me” even tho we all truly know why he said that :/ it just amazes me how fast jeno can turn the tables around when the both of them are fighting and how y/n quickly apologizes like when she told him that her friends know about their relationship!?! like girl, y/n stand up please why the hell are you afraid of him leaving you. but i guess i can understand her cause a bit(?) of her childhood and her relationship with her parents has been revealed. and god her father infuriates me so much 😪 (istg the psych major in me is about to unleash and make a wholeass case study on her and jeno :3) i know she doesnt have a good relationship with her brother but like jaemin infuriates me too like i was scoffing and rolling my eyes the whole time i reading through their interaction with y/n like its great he’s concerned, also cause jeno is his best friend so he knows how horrible he is but !!! at least y/n was able to wake tf up on how toxic her relationship with jeno really is. and the ending too !!! idk why i find it hard to believe everything that came out of jeno’s mouth in that scene because really, he was envious of y/n?!??!? what kinda bs is he making her believe now :/// but then again, there’s probably an explanation or theory on why the both of them turned out that way (nnghh im sorry again 😭) apparently there’s something wrong with y/n’s head too because in that scene where jeno admitted to stalking her and beating jaehyun up, she stayed and didnt leave him like that is actually so SOOO scary irl omg please what the fuck is the spell jeno put on her. i am intrigued curious looking forward on what happens next and i cant wait for the day y/n actually breaks free from jeno’s chains just as much as he is free from his demons >< tho i just read your answer to my previous ask and i respect your decision on not writing a third part for this series. i just wanna say that i enjoyed this fic and series very very very much like i actually passed an activity late because as i said i couldnt function after reading this last night. i literally was huffing and puffing unconsciously thinking of y/n’s life choices and a huge part of my day was spent zoning out trying to think of the events in this fic or like what will it take for her to actually have the guts to leave him.
ANYWAY!!! im sorry this got too long, it just seriously affected me 🥹 but yeah, have a good day and i hope you never lose your passion for writing 🫶🏽 i will probably be going through your masterlist and try to forget that i have a life outside of my bedroom. -♏️
ps: can i be ♏️ anon if its okay with you?!?
first off, i love how this fic got dark with all the stalking and yandere behaviors like it can be so fun to read, though i know that it is just to show what a horrible person jeno is but i want more it (im sorry theres something wrong with my head 😭)
no i agree, i think it's interesting to dig deep into these things. morally grey characters will never bore me and also it's kinda therapeutic, idk, it gives me the illusion i'd be able to point out similar behaviours irl and don't fall in the trap.
it has been 6 months since the end of rose-colored glasses. i think it feels different because in the first part they weren't dating until more than half of the story. like she was the worst hopeless romantic on earth and he was (still is) the biggest asshole so their relationship was less serious, unlike this part. also in the first part, she was the only one that seemed in love so maybe now it looks like she's less blindly in love just because jeno is the one that lost his mind. in my mind she is a bit stronger though, for example when they fight after coming back from the club, she snaps back and tries to leave and she is also quite firm about it but jeno's manipulative skills are just too strong. surely you know it better than me since you studied psychology (my high school years are not enough, sorry) but he switches from attacking her to loving her (love bombing her or telling her she is the one that doesn't know how to love) as soon as he realizes he's losing control, and it works because on the other hand, as soon as she gets a bit of love everything else disappears (we will blame her father for that). the only thing that seems like a red flag for her is the bet, though, she realizes he's maybe lying to her only when that thought crosses her mind and it sucks because she seriously cannot see anything else. the same thing happens in the end, she's terrified he's the cause of everything but when he confesses she stays anyway and comforts him. also she thinks he's lying but then she's like 'oh, but he finally opened up with me so all the lies he fed me with don't matter anymore,' i want to hug her and drag her out of there.
and god her father infuriates me so much 😪 (istg the psych major in me is about to unleash and make a wholeass case study on her and jeno :3)
PLEASE DO IT i might need it if i'll write more
jaemin is... jaemin. i mean i don't want to defend jeno but let's be honest, it might be true that he also just wants to come between her apparent happiness, until ningning brought it up he was like ??? my sister??? is she here??? is she at home??? idc *shrugs* so yes, he's becoming more protective but i truly think that the only people she can trust are ning and yeri. also the 'funny' thing is that jaemin doesn't truly know how terrible jeno is. nobody, except her now, knows it so jaemin wants to protect her from things that aren't as problematic as the reality.
idk why i find it hard to believe everything that came out of jeno’s mouth in that scene because really, he was envious of y/n?!??!? what kinda bs is he making her believe now :/// but then again, there’s probably an explanation or theory on why the both of them turned out that way (nnghh im sorry again 😭) apparently there’s something wrong with y/n’s head too because in that scene where jeno admitted to stalking her and beating jaehyun up, she stayed and didnt leave him like that is actually so SOOO scary irl omg please what the fuck is the spell jeno put on her.
jeno is genuine in this one, as genuine as a person with manipulation as a love language can be lmao. but the last part of their fight was truly a confession. i don't want to spoil in case i might actually write another part but yes, he has something that's clinically wrong, and she has something too. they both clearly have unresolved traumas to work with. it is scary that she didn't leave, but for me is actually sad because she craves love so much that she'd rather stay there, even if jeno 'gave her'* an opportunity to leave than find healthy love. * we all know he would've started stalking her again but at least the illusion of freedom and than she could've always sued him.
i am intrigued curious looking forward on what happens next and i cant wait for the day y/n actually breaks free from jeno’s chains just as much as he is free from his demons >< tho i just read your answer to my previous ask and i respect your decision on not writing a third part for this series. i just wanna say that i enjoyed this fic and series very very very much like i actually passed an activity late because as i said i couldnt function after reading this last night. i literally was huffing and puffing unconsciously thinking of y/n’s life choices and a huge part of my day was spent zoning out trying to think of the events in this fic or like what will it take for her to actually have the guts to leave him.
i am too actually, i'm just a bit sad because it really underperformed (is this even the term? idk, i'm tired sorry) and i'm a bit meh :/ since i was really proud of it and i seriously enjoyed writing it. i'll write another part just for the two of us okay??? /j (or am i??) no but seriously i have the plot ready so maybe i'll write it taking more time and then i'll post it anyway. btw i'm very happy to know you liked it so much, i'm sorry i broke you, i'll make it up in some other ways. so thank you so much for unpacking your thoughts, i loved reading them! i also hope i won't lose it but life is putting me through a hard test lately. i hope you will read something that won't 'traumatize' you like this one, i promise i have lighter stories. have an amazing day! ♡♡
and yes you can be ♏️ anon ♡
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sohyuki · 3 years ago
kith for u too mint <333 !!! (/p)
AND YES OMG it's been AGESSS and im so happy ur online aHHH :DDDD
ALSO. YOUR LATEST FIC. can we Please talk abt it bc it deserves all the attention in the world and a million reblogs and likes and comments and just yes it is perfect and i will literally give a more detailed explanation on why i love it tmrw (its late and my brain is tired now HWJJDJA)
DOUBLE ALSO i just noticed that your header pic in your mobile theme is LITERALLY KAWORU AND SHINJI ⁉️ if it's not just ignore this but omfg what are your thoughts on evangelion ??? im so happy i finally know someone else who's watched it 😭
wait wait this ask is getting SO long but i have like a million things to tell u oml and we need to start talking more again so so sooooo i will most definitely dm u on discord tmrw when i can (if thats okay w you HWJJDKAJD)
tldr; i missed u tons & i love u mWAHHHH <3 a billion hugs for you hehe >:)
JFHKJADHD :(((( thank you so, so much for liking my latest drabble *cries, sobs into pillow* your tags were so lovely i've read them like a dozen times now /srs and please don't worry about a detailed explanation (though that would literally give me a heart attack /pos) what you've said so far is just AAAA thank youuu :(( ilu
first off, YES MY HEADER IS SHINJI AND KAWORU!! i have a lot of Thoughts about evangelion but also nothing at the same time because sometimes i was like "what the fuck is going on, am i dumb or am i dumb" and sometimes i was like "i am god. i am a genius. my brain is working at 1000% i can see every equation." IT WAS A RIDE.
i honestly didn't understand episode 25 and 26 AT ALL. i had to search up an explanation for it because i was so confused and i did read that you would be confused with these eps specifically. and then i watched end of evangelion and it made a little more sense? it still goes over my head (because im dumb af) but i enjoyed evangelion a lot tbh!! also, the 90s anime retro aesthetic is like my soul so i was having a blast.
I ALSO THINK THAT ITS SO STINKY THAT THEY MADE KAWORU, THE PERFECT BOY, SHINJI'S BISEXUAL AWAKENING, AND THEN just,,,,killed him in the same episode. like that's insane. why would you do that. i wasn't attached to kaworu in his episode but it was like the side effects ?????? like it only hit me after he died that i liked him as a character sm (or this could just be the shinji kinnie in me screaming) >:( absolutely insane that they killed him
i liked misato and ritsuko a lot too!! i liked that evangelion didn't filter their creative vision. like they didn't shy away from a lot of mature themes and i enjoy shows that do that. i like it when they expose every facet of the characters, which is something you don't get a lot nowadays (the same goes for writing tbh) because everything is so rigid (imo) and that was also why i knew this was one of the reasons evangelion is a classic.
JADJSDJAHD OKAY THAT WAS LONGER THAN I EXPECTED. but yes!! omg if you are free, i would love to talk more on discord!! that is completely okay with me!! i didn't want to disturb you which is why i haven't messaged you in a while but i hope you're taking care of yourself >:(
tdlr; evangelion was a ride and i love you and miss you and mwah!! <333
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