#please have a wonderful upcoming weekend n stay safe! <3
inkyajax · 2 months
you saying thoma on that post… (ur right)
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EHEHEHE RIGHT THO?????? RIGHT!!!!!!!??????? it’s so him?????? like the can’t believe you’re letting me do this to you! whined out as he’s ruthlessly pounding into you, body covered in a sheen layer of sweat, his skin flushed and heated from exertion and embarrassment—because he finally worked up the courage to tell you about his ‘weird’ kink (which, truthfully, isn’t all that weird at all), the confession a tangled mess on his tongue. 
but now you’re here, beneath him, allowing him to do whatever the fuck he wants to you (and enjoying it! not reprimanding him or calling him a freak like he had feared), and it feels fucking surreal; it feels positively dreamy. and he sounds so genuine as he mewls out his wonderment, as if he truly cannot believe his luck, sentiments fragmented by heavy panting. he looks so gorgeous as he stares down at you with wide-eyed awe, filling his palms with your flesh as he kneads and gropes, fingertips dimpling your thighs and your waist, nails bitting crescents into soft skin. 
he needs to collect you in his touch, needs to feel every edge and curve, every bump and ridge, jade gaze belated as it follows his hands while they traverse your body, confirming that you’re here, you’re real, you’re his. slim fingers cuff your neck, the pressure a pleasant weight, a moan spilling from his lips when he feels your own vibrating against his palm—sounds of pleasure that he’s procuring!—his hand flexing when you arch into it.
i also just think thoma has sex fiend potential. you know, one of those guys who just fucks you and fucks you and fucks you until he can’t move a single muscle, until he’s pumped his whole soul into you, until ripples of overstimulation are shuddering through his flesh/form with every slow, stuttered drag of his aching n abused cock—and he still wants more. it’ll never be enough >.< 
also hi reese ehehe i hope you are doing swell my friend!!! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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starrystellars · 5 years
hey moon (please forget to fall down) 1/9
a/n: hello, beautiful people! i’m finally back from my long ass hiatus with this new piece that i’m almost done writing!! this time i tried to stick with my gender neutral theme, not giving the reader any specific pronouns nor features. want all of yall to feel included uwu <3
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synopsis: steve just wants to move on after the great battle, and to retire in peace. he moves back to his old block in brooklyn, trying to get a grip of life after losing most of his best friends for the world. all he wants to do is to read a lot of books and catch up on the list he wrote before going nomad. what happens when he finds out that falling in love wasn’t such a bad retirement plan after all?
genre: friends to lovers. fluff, slow burn (no, srly this candle has a burning time of a 900 hours)
warnings: suffocating fluff. some occasional cursing and dirty humour.
word count: 2430
Steve Rogers was a simple man. After the Great Battle, as the world would soon name their fight with Thanos, the super soldier just wanted to retire in peace. It was almost impossible to get back to the point where he used to be with his former team mates, especially since many of them lost their lives for the greater good, but at least he wanted to try. Returning the stones had been his own little conquest of trying to come clean with his aching heart, but even then, he felt bad while putting on his quantum realm-suit that had literally cost him a life of his bestest friends. Avenging was his rise and doom, and he wanted to get rid of it as the world was being rebuilt. All he wanted was a normal life.
So, with a little help from Sam and Bucky, he had packed his bags and moved out of the Avengers facility. With a quick Google search and a couple of calls later, Steve had found himself a cozy apartment from the very heart of Brooklyn, pretty close to his shabby, old street corner. New York never changed; even though for him it still smelled like home. The concrete walls and tarmac streets were familiar, a memory, and it was exactly what he needed after so many years of misery. Yes, it was hard to say good-bye to his best friends, who couldn’t stop bickering over which one of them could come over the next weekend, and which one would have to stay to overlook the new recruits, but Steve couldn’t help but to feel comfortable at leaving them into each other’s care. Those two had somehow bonded after the whole fiasco, and Steve was more than happy to pass on his legacy into their hands.
Leaving Captain America behind, he once again became Steve Grant Rogers. Maybe he wasn’t as sickly and broken as he was before the war, but he hadn’t lost the curious and gentle character, even after all the years. The flat he rented was a tiny two bedroom apartment, easily fitting the only things he had found from the Avengers facility’s ruins. The other one of the bedrooms was turned into a study, with lots of books stacked in the shelfs, left collecting dust for months until their owner would finally pick them up again. When he used to live in D.C, he had put up the shield on a ’parade place’, in the middle of the largest wall of the room, so this time he felt quite empty without it reminding him of the good ol’ days. With a sigh, he had given up, and hung up a small memoir art piece, in the memory of his passed friend Tony Stark, feeling the burn of fresh tears as they were trying to escape on his pale cheeks. It took him exactly a half a day to drag most of the stuff inside of his apartment and get everything in their place. The only box that he had left lying untouched outside of his apartment door was an old, light brown package, that had clearly taken a hit over the years. Most of his memories were stacked in there, and Steve wasn’t sure was he capable of bringing it over his doorstep just yet. It was like the box could curse his new and upcoming life, dragging him back to where he had started from. After juggling the thought in his head, he had finally peeled himself off the dark couch in his incredibly small living room situation, and marched through the door, that he had left cracked open for the moving-in-day. The apartment complex had been unusually safe enough to keep a door unlocked, since the area was surrounded by mostly families, and in Steve’s case, he wouldn’t have mind an intruder—he knew for sure he had the upper hand anyway. Being a former soldier, with enhanced abilities really prepped his ego. Without really thinking about it, Steve pushed his front door slightly open, looking down at the packaging like it was the heaviest thing in the universe. Carrying all the old memories from his previous life, into this new chapter of his journey, made him feel uneasy and nostalgic. He wasn’t sure was it a good idea to take things he saved from the ruins, to mess up with the clean slate he was headed towards to, but the package couldn’t wait for any longer. Even when it was New York, a city where not enough people cared about their neighbors, Steve was a proper gentleman with his own belongings. No one probably cared, but to the tall soldier, he wanted to give a proper impression of himself as a good citizen; or maybe it had something to do with the fact that he was still a bit unsure about how people would picture a previous criminal living across the hallway. He was a nomad, after all, even when the government forgave all of the supers right after the blip happened. Still, Steve didn’t seem to feel so comfortable about how people would view him after so many years of judgement. Oh well. With all the questions playing in his head, Steve bent down to pick up the box he was literally having a staring contest with, trying his best not to damage the worn-out sides of the cardboard. It had seen better days, almost falling apart from all the tossing and turning, which had caused a couple of items escape as Steve had been moving other things around it, bumping into it. With a sigh, the tall man took the items into his hands, starting to pack them back on top of the other things, before getting distracted by footsteps coming along the long hallway. The green wallpaper and dim lighting didn’t really help out, when Steve turned his head to see whoever was living with him in the same building, since the man couldn’t figure up a face in the creepy space. It didn’t leave Steve wondering for a long time, as the man turned his interest back to whatever he was doing, finally getting all of the things secured. To be completely honest, he really didn’t need to see so much work for just the box alone, but he couldn’t help himself. After the horrifying things he had to go through with losing one of his best friends, and some of his team mates, Steve had picked up a habit of perfecting every single thing he came across. It made it feel like he had some kind of a control over his life, as he didn’t have anything else left.   His inner monologue took a turn to something else, as the person passed him by with long steps. The only thing Steve got to see were the white sneakers passing by, and something that hit the floor with a slight clinging sound. With a blonde lock slipping away from the perfectly combed hair, it covered his eyesight enough for Steve to completely miss the person who literally almost flew past him. The door to the apartment across his own was opened and closed as fast as one could work a door, which was a lot. That’s how, with a sigh, the taller man took a gaze at the item that had fallen on the floor, while trying to resist the urge to pick it up; which ended up miserably. Steve ended up picking the item, reaching for it like a kid in a candy store, as he took a closer look at whatever he was holding. A keychain. Steve took a deep breath, as he tried to evaluate, should he get up and take the item to its original owner; or to just leave it there and pretend like nothing ever happened. He just couldn’t resist being the ‘oh-so-righteous’-man out of his time, as he always pretended to be, getting up on his feet to get to the door that was closed right in front of his eyes without a warning. Maybe he could’ve just forgot the whole thing, but his big heart told a completely different story. There was no way in hell, he would’ve let it all slide just like that. That’s why Steve indeed found himself behind the person’s door, ringing the bell that was hanging right next to the wooded door, that clearly had seen way better days. A silence fell over the corridor, as Steve waited for someone to pick up, trying to perk his ears to hear what the person on the other side of the door was up to. He could easily hear some muffled-up sounds from the apartment, mixed with some curse words, as he could finally hear clear footsteps nearing the door. Soon, the super soldier found himself being face-to-face with the person in question – and oh boy. The person standing in front of him was something that Steve hadn’t seen before. Previously as a fairly religious man, he had heard about angels before, but he never thought seeing one in person. Yes, he had gone to space, seen other countries, been to the most extravagant places as his time as an Avenger, but he had never seen something, someone, so beautiful and ethereal, before. Trying not to choke on his own words, the man finally opened up his mouth, while a fairly confused-looking person in front of him was eyeing the man up and down. The heavy pressure of the other person’s gaze made Steve feel almost uncomfortable, but he managed to clear his throat to cut the tension to pieces. “I’m sorry, but you seemed to drop something,” Steve said with a collected voice, putting up the keychain, that had a cute little mascot hanging off of it. The clear owner of the item seemed to blush ever so slightly, as they noticed the child-like item as their own, while looking a bit out of it; clearly confused about the whole situation. Steve could tell the bright redness creeping up on his neighbors cheeks, and he couldn’t help but to crack a slight smile at the adorable gesture. “You were in such a rush that I didn’t think you noticed it. Was I somewhat right?” “Yeah… I was in bit of a hurry, since I’m going to be late from work soon if I don’t run,” the person said with a frustrated, tone, and Steve knew he really intruded at the wrong time. However, the tension on the shorter person’s lips melted away, as they couldn’t stay mad at the thoughtful gesture. “But thank you. Seriously. I would’ve had to search for it the whole night if you hadn’t picked it up. Not that my boss would ever let me get off before midnight anyway.” “No worries, it was my pleasure,” the tall man let a slight smile creep up on his lips, feeling the unknown form of a nice gesture on his face. All those weeks, he had spent time frowning and trying to rebuild anything that was left of him, but somehow, he couldn’t resist the genuine smirk this specific time. The man handed the keychain back to its real owner, making the other person smile wide from ear to ear, and Steve couldn’t help but to feel the everlasting ice on his heart slowly starting to melt. The person he had known less than a minute, was so genuine and radiating, and it had been such a long time since Steve had witnessed such an empathetic person, that it almost left him confused. “I can’t really repay you this all, but if you ever need anything, just knock on my door, okay?” With a nod, Steve agreed to do so if ever needed, which almost made him hesitate a bit. Wasn’t it weird to intrude into someone else’s life like that? He really wasn’t sure. To be honest, he never even thought getting into too much details with the people who lived right across the hall from him, but life was full of surprises. In his life, Steve had seen a lot of those, especially after getting back from the ice, but somehow people still managed to amaze him time after time. “Sure. You can count on that,” Steve finally agreed, shaking his head ever so slightly, as he took a one step back from the door that was left wide open. “But weren’t you supposed to be in a hurry?” “Oh, yes, oh my God, I forgot!” The person yelped, almost jumping up from the sudden mood change, hurrying back inside, while leaving Steve standing on the corridor, looking like a complete fool with his awkward position, not trying to peek inside of the apartment like a creep. If Sam would’ve seen him like that, the blonde man was sure he’d make fun of him like no tomorrow; not knowing how to act around beautiful people really wasn’t in Steve’s repertoire, as the Falcon had once put in words. It never helped that Bucky was loyally backing him up, and sometimes the Captain had thought about finding a new best friend- Bucky wasn’t living up to his name. It was sheer luck that Steve didn’t had to stand there, waiting for World War Three to start, as the neighbor hurried out of the apartment with a bag on their shoulder. The Golden Boy had to take a step back, so he wouldn’t be on the other person’s way like a brick wall, which spared a smile from his newfound ‘friend’. As the door closed with a bang, Steve’s eyes met with their own, as the nameless neighbor slowed down their speed to stop to say final words to the taller man. “I’ll see you around, neighbor?” Without a word, Steve just nodded, a sheepish grin on his red lips, watching as his neighbor took off with a slight giggle escaping between their lips. Something about the aura they gave was more than enough for him to feel at ease; like he had finally found something that was missing from his life. As the man was going back to his apartment, he picked up the roughed-up box on the way, taking a mental note to finally throw the remains of the chaos to the trash. He really didn’t need to be reminded of the horrible things that had happened in the past, nor he wanted to remember them any longer. Future had shown him that there were good things about life; he just needed to find them with time.  
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7wanderingpaws · 6 years
Korean Dalmatians Part 1 (Jinyoung) AU
Hello, dear readers!
This was a pretty cool request that I got a little while ago (and just finalized the first part, sorry for the wait). I was so excited to write this, I hope it came out well.  The second part will be up soon! 
Please let me know what you think? And thank you to the creative anon! <3
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- - - Jinyoung x reader - - -  101 Dalmatians AU (request)
It was a late night flight that you took that day with Jewel. Actually, the first flight of the new day. Exactly at 00:45 you were boarding the plane hoping your beautiful dalmatian Jewel was all safe and taken care of. You had a long journey ahead and when you sat down at the window seat, the weather in London was cold and it was just about to rain. You had to smile to yourself. It all looked like in some modern Sherlock Holmes film.
The flight was too long for your legs and your entire being. You never travelled to South Korea before but you knew this was the best thing to do in order to escape this utterly horrible witch that was chasing you and your pups.
Although you were sad, this was for the best.
~ 2 weeks later ~
"Jewel! C'mon, we are going out to the park!" you shouted and heard heavy taps of your big doggo. She was excited, tong out, tail wiggling. You chuckled as you put on the leash and you were all set to go.
Living on the 5th floor had its ups and downs and since you preferred taking the stairs, it had its downs this time. Jewel, being an energetic dog, was literally dragging you, you barely managing not to fall down and break your poor self. "Jewel, slow down a bit. You're so out of control today," you mumbled as Jewel looked behind her at you with a cheeky expression. "Huh, how dare you. I feed you, I wash you," you complained silently but it was all just jokes. And Jewel knew it.
The Boramae park was not far away from your apartment building. It was a busy park surrounded with tall buildings (owned by Samsung, of course). You heard the park was famous because of some old war aircrafts standing there, so you wanted to check those out during the walk. You were sure Jewel knew this information too.
"I think it's fascinating," you told her, feeling a little bit lonely at the fact that you had zero friends in this huge, gigantic city. "A park where old aircrafts are..." And soon they appeared. There was a helicopter that was occupied with amazed children.
"Wow, Jewel, look at that! Isn't it awes-" Jewel suddenly pushed you really hard, making you fall down on your fours. Ouch. Jewel's leash escaped your bloody hand and before you could collect yourself she was sprinting to a place you didn't see at first . "Jewel!" you screamed, getting up. But your leg gave out and you fell again. Oh my god. This is so embarrassing.
"Miss, are you okay?" you heard. And then heavy taps. And then something was licking your face. Someone. Jewel was back. But wait. There were two dog tongs?
You looked up and was met with a rather handsome face. The stranger was reaching out with his hand to you.
"Is this your dog?" he asked, not caring that you were speechless and breathless.
You accepted the hand and with some strong swing, you were standing on your twos again. "Thank you," you said and took Jewel's leash from his hand. You noticed another dalmatian dog. "Is this your dog?"
The stranger was looking at you, somehow dazed and then his face softened and he smiled, giving a gentle laugh. "Yes that is my dog. So she is yours I suppose."
You nodded and made sure to give an ugly face to Jewel. It was to no avail though. She was busy flirting with this guy's dog. "Wow. I guess they like each other," you said.
You checked your hands that were on fire. Scratches that were bleeding made you sharply take in the air.
"Oh, let me see that," he said and made one step towards you, taking your hand. Then he stopped and looked at you. "May I?"
You couldn't stop looking at him. He was Korean and he had this cute English, giving off such gentleman vibes. Damn. So, of course, you just silently nodded.
Since the dogs kept playing with each other, you decided that there is no need to keep them under strong, eagle's eye. You and this stranger decided to sit down to a nearby bench.
"My name is Jinyoung by the way," he said. "And that hand of yours will be just fine. Make sure to clean it once you're home."
"I'm Y/N. Thank you. Are you a doctor?"
He laughed happily. "No. At the moment I'm still a student in my last year. I'm volunteering at the Boramae academy, that's why I'm here."
"With your dog?"
He nodded, looking at his pup. He was treating Jewel so nicely, you caught yourself longing for some relationship as well. But you knew the priority was to protect Jewel at all costs. “There are some poor children, so Marty and me go there usually to help out and make the kids happy.”
Could you be stunned any more with this guy? And he had these soft gestures, tender body language: his body just slightly turned towards yours... 
“What about you? May I ask what brings you all the way to Korea?”
“Erm.” You never really thought about lying to people because you never anticipated that anyone would be interested in what you are doing in Korea or with your life whatsoever. “Well, I came to visi-”
“Excuse me.”
Both you and Jinyoung looked at a young girl who interrupted your talk. She looked so cute and innocent. You offered a smile.
“I was wondering where did you get these beautiful dogs? May I pet them?” she asked but didn't really wait for an answer and proceeded to pet them.
Although Jewel and Marty looked at her sceptically, they just continued on with looking at each other with heart eyes. It was rather shocking for you.
“I got mine as a present from auntie,” answered honestly Jinyoung, looking at the dogs with loving eyes. “I suppose Y/N's Jewel is also pure breed?”
You nodded. “Certainly.”
“They are beautiful. And you too!” she exclaimed, looking at you suddenly. 
“Oh, no,” you said kindly shaking your head and felt Jinyoung's stare on you with even a brighter smile.
“Oh yes! Your eyes are so big and your face has perfect proportions.”
“Thank you,” you bowed your head hastily, pushing a stray of hair behind your ear. 
“Do you live somewhere around?” the girl kept on asking.
“I live just around the park,” you said truthfully, amazed that this girl was so interested in you. But secretely, you knew it was because of Jinyoung. She kept giving him side glances but he had eyes only for you to be honest. He found you also pretty, your smile catchy and your own self magical. He wouldn't mind reading a book next to you while you play with his hair in this park, while both dogs are running happily around.
“So hopefully I will see you around?” said the girl.
You ended up exchanging numbers. The only thing that was left is for you to hope you will not lose this friend, whose name was Miso. 
“Found a new friend!” said Jinyoung as you both stood up. “Actually, two.”
You looked up at him questioningly. 
“Obviously, the first one was me,” he added with a laugh. You also laughed for no particular reason. You became a bit nervous. 
“I think me and Jewel will take our leave,” your voice was a bit off. There was something you desparately wanted to ask him but did not have the proper courage to do so.
He nodded. He didn't move an inch.
“So...” you turned to your dog. “Jewel! Come, we are going home.”
Jewel looked at you. She didn't move an inch.
“Jewel, come. You will get delicious food.”
She turned her head back to Marty and started to lick his face. Your heart dropped. Oh. Of course she is not going to move unless Marty does.
“Do you want to come over for dinner maybe?” you heard yourself ask, looking boldly into Jinyoung's eyes, but he was already nodding.
“Yes, I'd love that.” Was he breathless?
It was 22:32 exactly, when you took another sip of your wine. Sweet and red, a combination you could not resist. And right now Jinyoung's lips were painted red. You did not doubt they tasted sweet as well. He was laughing at something you said (you already forgot what it was) and the dogs disappeared somewhere in the other room. Probably asleep as well.
“Your apartment is quite nice,” Jinyoung commented. “You have a good taste.”
“Thanks. Although I was lucky to buy it with everything in it already. Seoul is pretty darn expensive, Jinyoungssi.”
“Oh, tell me about it. Living as a student in this big city is sometimes quite inconvenient. Especially the transportation, but oh well. What can you do?”
You nodded, dazed.
“I am so sorry, Jinyoungssi,” you said. Your head was slightly spinning and you felt like on cloud nine. He was perfect and you kind of wanted to... “Can I give you a kiss?”
Jinyoung stared at you, a little bit taken aback. No doubt, he wanted to kiss you now for many hours but he himself didn't have the balls to do so and here you were, doing all the job he was supposed to do. He didn't respond. He leaned in straight away, connecting your lips in a sweet, touchy kiss. Once you both tasted each other, the upcoming kiss was definitely more passionate. 
While still kissing, you both put your empty wine glasses down and his hands were on the small of your back while yours were in his hair (it was softer than it seemed). You let out a loud breath as you moved to his neck while he bit your ear playfully.
One smacky kiss after another, you found yourself in your bedroom. Both of you peacefully tucked in and sound asleep just like two doggos in the other room, one head resting on the top of the other.
5 months later
Jinyoung had your hand intertwined in his as you made your way home from a theatre play. Miso texted you that the puppies were all okay at home, playing around. You couldn't wait to see them. They were quite the number but nonetheless living now with Jinyoung, for you everything was possible. He was mostly busy with school and still stayed at the dorms during the week but the weekends were all yours, yay!
“Come up to at least say bye to them,” you pouted as you were just about to say bye. “They love you much more than they do me.”
Jinyoung laughed and squeezed your cheeks. “God, you're so cute I think I will just have to listen to you.” He pressed his lips to yours. “But just for a little bit,” he whispered into your lips.
“You sure?” you breathed, giving him another kiss.
“Damn yes,” he said and deepened the kiss. But you still ended up laughing into it. “Let's go, you kiss ruiner.” 
Once in your apartment, you were met with dead silence. You weren't sure how that was possible with so many pups and two adult dogs.
“Miso?” you called, throwing your keys on the table. Jinyoung already looked suspicious but for what reason though? “Miso? Where are you?”
You looked at Jinyoung, a little bit alarmed now. “Jewel?”
“We are home, pups, come out!”
Oh no. Why? 
Both of you started to look into each room, opening wardrobes and doors and anything that was basically removable was removed. Even the carpets. No dogs were found though. Where were they?!
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New Year, Old Us
Summary: there’s nothing like being in the same room as your ex on new years but kissing another when the clock strikes midnight.
Warnings: mentions of attempted rape
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The thing about being in the same industry as your significant other is that if--or when--the breakup happens, you're seeking comfort from the same circle of friends. The news will travel faster than your mouths can speak, concerned messages assaulting your phones in endless streams of so I heard what happened…want to talk about it?  In the months that follow, your friends will do everything in their power to make sure the two of you don't cross paths. Someone's got a birthday? Might as well throw two parties instead of one, where things could quickly go south if the ex-lovers make a scene. You used to work in concept design for his group? You’re now swamped with the upcoming trainees’ debut.
But a lot of things can't be avoided. Company gatherings, for one, are an attend-at-all-costs type of thing. This year, the event is taking place on the rooftop, a throwback to older days when the company only consisted of a small, close-knit group. Nowadays, just the makeup and hair department gets its own floor. But despite the distance, everyone knows one another, staff meetings often times ending with trips to the restaurants and bars nearby.
An hour into the party and drinks are flowing smoothly, projects and deadlines pushed aside as everyone rejoices on the past year, accomplishments and awards brought up in conversation with wide smiles and encouragements for an even better year to come. You're feeling the buzz yourself after being roped into downing some liquor when your coworkers started taking shots at the bar.
Not a dancer most of the time, you can't find it in yourself to refuse tonight when your coworkers are dragging you to the makeshift dance floor. In this time of night, it's hard to make out who's who. The only thing you're sure of is that you're going to get blisters from the way your heels are rubbing against the back of your feet, and you chastise yourself for wearing the shoes you purchased last weekend. Who were you trying to impress, anyway?
And maybe the answer comes in a tap to your shoulder.
It's the new hire, Kim Sungmin, accepted on the spot with a masters in marketing and a charming personality. He's got an eye on you, so you've been told, and with the way the night was structured, you figured you'd be talking to him tonight.
"Noona," he begins. "How's it going?"
"Pretty good," you reply, quickly noting that your coworkers have suddenly disappeared from your side.
"Can I get you a drink?" Sungmin tilts his head toward the bar.
You pretend to look surprised and say, "Are you finally repaying me for all the times I helped you out?"
He plays along. "And to pay it forward, because I'll need your help in the future, I’m sure."
"Well then," you say. "You better hurry along. The drinks aren't going to walk here themselves."
Sungmin flashes you a smile before heading to the bar, and you scan the crowd for any sign of your coworkers. The search proves futile, but before you can be disappointed, Sungmin returns and hands you a glass.
"Just beer tonight?" you ask after taking the drink from his hands.
He shakes his head. "S'got whiskey."
"Hm," you hum. "My favourite. How'd you know?"
He hides a smug grin behind his glass. "You looked like someone who'd enjoy a good drink."
You smile, and bring your glass to his. "Here's to a wonderful year."
"A wonderful year," he echoes.
As the night drags on, you find yourself dancing with Sungmin for most of the songs. He's been telling you stories about his previous workplace, where he was in charge of creating ads for toothbrushes that doubled as hair combs.
"At one point, I was sure that if the company didn't go under, I was going to sabotage the sales myself," he confesses. "I mean, how was that supposed to sell? If someone wanted to brush their teeth, the toothpaste ran down to the comb, and if someone did their hair, there'd be hair in the toothbrush!"
You're having a hard time standing upright with how hard you're laughing. It's been a while since you've laughed so hard, and just when you're about to tell him that, the DJ stops the music.
"Alright, alright, everybody. Don't worry, we'll be back real soon. But it's 11:59pm and we've got 20 seconds until the new year. Who's ready?"
The crowd cheers. Sungmin wraps an arm around your shoulders.
You take a moment to look around, seeing the excited looks on everyone's faces. Correction: everyone's faces except one. You recognize his eyes almost immediately, dark orbs behind hooded lids.
With five drinks in your system as you stand in the arms of another man, there's nothing like seeing your ex at a New Year's party.
The clock will soon strike twelve and all the couples in the room will be sucking each other's faces.
And it's like he knows exactly what you're thinking because the look he sends you then is the devil himself, criminal and finding its way straight to your loins.
You turn to face Sungmin, and when the cheering begins, you're tugging him to your lips.
The sky is still dark outside, but it must be morning given the traffic you can already hear down below. You reach for your phone, but stop when your hands come up empty. There's no nightstand there. A wave of panic washes over you right before you hear the duvet crinkle behind you.
You let out the breath you've been holding. Memories of last night, of Sungmin, come back to you and you turn around to find him still under the covers, tips of his hair peeking out. Reaching over, you card your fingers through his hair, and he hums in response. The blond strands bend stiffly under your touch, brittle fibers bearing the mark of bleach and chemicals.
Wait. You swear Sungmin's hair was brown last night.
"Don't stop," he protests, and this time, you hear the drawl in his voice that points you to a certain someone. Just to confirm, you lift your head and sure enough, you're met with the designs of a familiar curtain.
A hand shoots out from under the covers and pulls your wrist back to his scalp. "I said don't stop," he grumbled.
"Yoon--what the fu--" you jerk your hand away from him, using the other to prop yourself up.
"We'll talk later, just come lay down for now."
"What? No, no we're not talking about this. I can't bel--this can't be happe--fuck." You rub your temples, your hangover catching up to you.
"There's Advil and water on the floor beside you."
You mutter a thanks, grateful for anything that will relieve the pounding in your head.
"Lie down, Y/N," Yoongi pats the bed where you were before. "Come on, I've seen you naked before. I've got nothing to gain from this."
You send him a skeptical look (which he probably can't see anyway) but relent nonetheless.
Five minutes go by in silence.
"Yoongi?" You begin, knowing he was too quiet to be asleep. "Can we talk?"
He sighs. "Thought you weren't talking about it."
He brings the duvet down from his face and rubs his eyes, a small yawn leaving his lips and you unconsciously study his features. When he opens his eyes, he begins. "We didn't fuck."
"Hey, I know you'd want to know that so don't pretend like you don't."
You purse your lips, unhappy that he still knows you so well. "Well then, why am I here? All I remember is that I was with Sungmin the whole night."
It's his turn to look displeased. "Why don't you ask him then? I'm sure that boy toy of yours has got plenty to say for himself."
The dark tone of his words take you by surprise. "Wait, Yoongi. I didn't mean that, sorry. But … what happened last night?"
He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs again. "Promise me, Y/N, that you'll listen to what I say, and only that. Just listen, don't start thinking about other things, don't go blaming yourself. Okay?"
Warily, you nod.
"He tried to drug you," Yoongi pauses when he hears you gasp, and grabs your hand, running his thumb over your knuckles. He waits until you give him the go-ahead to continue. "It was around 1 A.M. and getting pretty loud. I was about to leave because we had a busy day and I was tired, so I went around to say bye to some people. As I made my way around, I noticed you two weren't dancing anymore, and it looked like you guys were getting ready to head out too."
You nod along, flashbacks of last night returning with what Yoongi was telling you.
"But for some reason he left you and was walking to the bar by himself. I found it weird so I stayed behind in case he was up to something. I couldn't see clearly but he got two glasses of something with vodka, and came back to give it to you. I would have just left if it ended there, but I guess you gave him a look or something because all of a sudden he was telling you that it was water, and that was when I knew he was up to no good."
You let out a shaky breath, and Yoongi squeezes your hand. It's not until you see the drops on the duvet that you notice you're crying. He takes his hand out of yours and reaches around to pull you towards him.
"I'm sorry, Y/N." Yoongi gently kisses the side of your head.
When he snatched the drink out of your hand last night, you were furious with him. Even though you were already drunk at that point, words slurring together meaninglessly, he had to put up with you knocking your fist against him as he dragged you out of the party. In the car, it had been a test of a lifetime to drive safely while you were screaming in the passenger seat. Your apartment was on the other side of the city and he didn't trust you to yourself, so Yoongi decided that one night with him wouldn't kill either of you.
By the time he reached his apartment, you had fallen asleep, looking so cute and peaceful that Yoongi couldn't help but smile. Hauling you up to his unit was by no means a piece of cake, but with the way you pouted and grabbed at him, Yoongi wondered not for the first time if things had truly been bad enough to warrant the breakup. It was only when he laid you down onto his bed that he noticed your tear-stained cheeks, and if Yoongi was mad at himself whenever he used to make you cry, his fury was multiplied hundredfold last night. Gritting his teeth, he sent very stern, carefully-worded emails to the company, repeating over and over again that it had not been your fault and that you were not to suffer from the consequences.
"Yoongi?" your sniffling interrupts his train of thought.
"Thank you."
He says nothing, but pulls you closer. With your back flush against his chest, you let out a deep breath, letting everything sink in.
"You know, we never spent a New Year's together," you point out.
He winces. It's true. This year was the first year they'd been given a day off on this day, whereas usually they'd be rehearsing for some show tonight.
"Do you have a New Year's resolution?" you ask.
He knows what you're doing: distracting yourself so it doesn't hurt so much, and he goes along with it. "Yeah. I'm going to grow taller." The chuckle it brings you is worth the kick he receives. "How 'bout you?"
"I wanted to be more daring, to try new things and," he sees your lips quiver. "And…to meet new people."
"Hm," Yoongi pretends to ponder. "Statistically speaking, you should have better luck with the next few."
You laugh at this, but Yoongi notices the light tone in your voice slowly leaves and the laugh transitions into something else. You're crying, he realizes.
Yoongi had never been good at comforting people, and even when the two of you were dating he was still unsure of what to do when he was faced with your tears. So imagine his surprise when you pause to say, “Just … stay like this, Yoongs." He quietly lets you know that he's heard you, voice choked in his throat and he's not sure if it's because that you still know him so well, or that the old nickname just slipped past your lips and it's been so long since you’ve called him that.
It's still dark when you wake for the second time. This time, however, you're not surprised when you find an arm wrapped around you, soft snores landing on the back of your neck. It's comforting, actually, and note that you haven't slept this well in a long time.
Yoongi wakes to the sound of the door closing, and he’s out of the bedroom in a flash. To his relief, it was only the delivery guy, and you were carrying the bags to the kitchen when arms came behind you and Yoongi, in the quietest of voices, whispered stay the night, too, okay?
You object at first, telling him that you've got nothing to wear and it's going to be weird to wear his clothing, but he stops you when he pulls out a drawer full of your belongings.
You raise a brow, and Yoongi scratches the back of his head. "I never threw these out."
The implication behind his words makes you blush, too, but you agree.
It’s not the last time you spend the night at his place, either. The two of you find yourselves settling into familiar routine, the comfort of each other’s company drawing you closer and it’s not long before you find yourselves spending almost every night together. Of course, eventually that leads to an awkward conversation about what exactly is going on. The question that hangs in the air is a walk on the tightrope between forgiveness and second chances. The answer, thankfully, tips the scale.
"So," Namjoon begins as the maknaes finally sit down at the table. "Are you and Yoongi hyung back together?"
"Hyung!" Jungkook exclaims. Jin knocks Namjoon on the head.
"It's an important question," the leader defends himself, rubbing the side of his head.
"Show some tact, will you?" Jin scolds. "But he's right, Yoongi. Are you and Y/N…"
The entire table turns to look at you both.
"Well if not, why the fuck would she be here?"
The room erupts in cheer, with hugs given all around.
"About time, actually. Hyung was terrible to be around when he was moping." Jungkook offered helpfully, only to be met with his hyung's middle finger.
Yoongi tries to keep up an indifferent expression for the rest of the night, but fails miserably when the rest of them don’t let up their teasing, and he ends up hiding his red-tinted cheeks behind you.
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