#please god dont ask me what mods exactly i have here because i cannot tell you for the life of me what every single one is
j-l-kepler · 5 months
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eckhart and emerleigh finally got to moonrise towers and got Extremely Necessary Evil Disguises for the infiltration. no, neither of them remember how easily they were able to infiltrate the goblin camp without said disguises.
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lae'zel just doesn't appreciate good fashion sense. gods.
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yomiurinikei · 4 years
every day i think about u saying "word of god from unreliable sources shouldn’t be used to ignore canon?????? hello????????????????" and ever since have wanted you to pop off about that in more detail
its 2:26 am rn but this has been sitting in my inbox for a while and i feel vv bad anon, so! (Note: Please if you disagree with anything said here, message me to discuss it, or send an ask telling me the canon material which proves me as wrong (or just say u disagree but b nice and dont tell me im wrong, like back urself up if ur gonna say that) but dont just. vague me/repost my stuff) also under a keep reading because it got long
“word of god from unreliable sources shouldn’t be used to ignore canon” = linuj giving a chart which puts the CoU as younger than the Kisaragi foundation, which was given out by the Eng dub server which has consciously spread misinfo before (see: the rumor about sora being confirmed as straight) while saying it was from linuj, shouldnt be used as a reason to ignore the line in chapter 6 which confirms that the CoU were high schoolers. (a note from later in the post: whenever i say kisaragi foundation, i mean rei teruya and tsurugi)
to break that down some: no one in sdra2 has a confirmed age. we can try to use the knowledge we have from dra translations, and then use math and estimates, but even then, we cant confirm the dra cast as being born in a certain year, which is relevant i promise. the closest we have is a drawing of setsuka in her 30s, but it’s not stated if that’s how old she is - in fact, if it were, then why not call it a drawing of adult setsuka? i also think shinji states his age in yuukis ideal fantasy but knowing he’s the oldest just gives us a max limit for how old the others can be. So we know, based off the chart, that the CoU are “around the same age as, but slightly younger than” the kisa foundation. i think specificially, it’s that they’re in the same general age range, which in my post i said was >5 years of difference, iirc, but please check that post for precise info on that.
but moving on to the next bit: the engdub server hasn’t been reliable (and i mean this with no hate or discontent towards anyone there, though i do have issue with some of the morals of mods there + how that situation was handled) when it comes to giving information released “from linuj” while the western fandom was going through some bit of mass drama. i don’t believe i was really involved/aware of/around when the rumors about sora being straight were going around, however; while i know the age twist was more dramatic than that whole situation, wouldn’t that be more incentive to release placating information to calm down the fandom? people were discussing leaving/losing interest in sdra2 after the age twist/chapter 6 in general, which gives a nice carryover to our next thing
Linuj consistently releases information that does nothing for canon except contradict it, and he does this on his site, not adding it into the game itself. If something cannot be determined from ingame material, then it is considered word of god. this is different from a creator confirming something implied, this is when a creator adds in something entirely new, with the most well known example i can thing of being JK Rowling calling Dumbledore gay after the series completion. it’s something not explicitly shown in canon, it is something not hinted at or implied in canon, it’s something stated after canon was finished - and even worse, it directly conflicts canon. Linuj has added things into the game to pander into fans jokes and desires, and is aware of what happens in the western fandom when it comes to major things. He’d know about the panic and discontent with the age twist, so assuming the chart was real, it’s still word of god that contradicts canon and was likely created to pacify fans who were upset and planned on ditching sdra2
my final main point: about how it conflicts with canon. i cant recall exactly when, and i’d have to go back through the ch 6 streams to find out (which i will do if necessary, but its now 2:56 am and im hoping people will just respectfully disagree + streams so long...) but it is stated, in chapter 6, as a relevant piece of information, that the children of utsuro were high schoolers while the game happened. additionally, we know that linuj gives the DRA cast different designs compared to when they were high schoolers and how old they are in sdra2, so considering that the CoU have the same design out of simulation, should show that they’re high schoolers, at a similar age, but still younger than, the kisa foundation trio, who are at an unknown age. i wrote out a bit about how the chart can coexist with canon but im making it the tl;dr instead
and none of this is to say you have to denounce any concept where the CoU are adults! you can have your aus, you can have old theories which you follow more than canon (*cough cough* rip mastermind kinjo*)! the reason i made that comment is because i was tired of people using unreliable word of god to discourage others who followed explicit canon material. we know from the main canon games, and it is not contradicted or disproven by any canon material (the series is complete) that the CoU are high schoolers. so yeah use the age chart for who you think is older than who, make content of the CoU where they’re adults, whatever. but acknowledge all of the flaws and inconsistencies with something not canon to the game, which contradicts the game, and don’t use it to attack people who follow the game
TL;DR the unreliable chart which was released post-canon from someone known for playing into fans wants, can even coexist with the canon knowledge that they’re high schoolers, but it shouldn’t be used to say that they’re adults when it doesn’t say that.
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