#please free them & jae from this 'drama' :(
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jedaos · 6 months ago
okay now we've went completely the other way and started belittling jae for feeling erased. it's completely normal for him to feel that way! these songs that are charting have his voice in them, have his name in the credits, have his soul in those lyrics and he will always be a part of day6's history. and he's allowed to mourn that.
but day6, being under jyp, are in this unique position of being pseudo-idols and continuously using pictures / mentions of jae when they're no longer together is counterintuitive and will just makes things worse! a part of day6 will always be jae's and i am so sorry that he feels like that's no longer true. but a clean cut break, as painful as it is, is so immensely more graceful and healing than the opposite—even if day6 weren't under a traditional idol company. it's just so much more humane to go your separate ways instead of having that muddled past hung between two now completely different artists. i hope jae can mourn in peace and i hope he can turn the page and write his own chapter with love and excitement for the future
i feel like a lot of fans are misinterpreting day6's current era being so hard on the four members concept. this is not a slight or callout on jae in any means but just a confirmation of sungkangpilwoon's commitment to each other and to the band. they've went on record on how even of day was, at its core, out of love for sungjin during his enlistment. and the content the other members worked so hard to create for whoever was currently gone. sungjin braved his fears to go back up on stage again. fourever as an album was a classic day6 sound because they didn't know what kind of welcome the future holded for them. none of this is to alienate jae in anyway—it's just the current members closing the door on their uncertainties. they're here. they're four. they're ride or die. as dowoon said, day6 is a place to lay his bones. fourever (and the continuation of the emphasis on 4 in band aid) is just. a promise. a future. it's all love, nothing else
11 notes · View notes
the-conversation-pod · 26 days ago
The Very Important Internet BL (VIIB) Awards 2024
It's time for NiNi's and Ben's favorite annual tradition: our VIIB Awards! Come join us as we hand out awards for Acting, Ships, Immortal Technique, and Top Tings!
Then, stick around as we talk about our special class awards for queer works that don't necessarily qualify as QL.
We will include the Winner's List at the top of the transcript below (so scroll past it if you want to avoid spoilers).
The timestamps will now correspond with chapters on Spotify for easier navigation.
00:00:00 - Welcome 00:00:55 - Introduction: It's Awards Season Once More 00:02:09 - Acting! 00:08:00 - Ships Ahoy! 00:16:31 - Immortal Technique 00:29:05 - Top Tings 00:41:43 - Special Class Awards 00:43:11 - Special Class: Honourable Mentions 00:47:36 - Special Class: Mark Pakin 6th Man Awards 00:51:13 - Special Class: Standout Queer Narratives 01:06:00 - Outro
The Conversation Transcripts!
Thanks to the continued efforts of @lurkingshan as an editor and proofreader, we are able to bring you transcripts of the episodes.
We will endeavor to make the transcripts available when the episodes launch, and it is our goal to make them available for past episodes (Coming soon thanks to @wen-kexing-apologist). When transcripts are available, we will attach them to the episode post (like this one) and put the transcript behind a Read More cut to cut down on scrolling.
Please send our volunteers your thanks!
Winners’ List:
Rising Star: Aungpao Ochiris Suwanacheep (Dynamite, Cooking Crush; Khaopan, My Love Mix Up, TH)
Best Cast: Modi (Wei Qian), Kurt Huang (Wei Zhi Yuan), Tammy Lin (Wei Li Li), Kim Jae Hoon (San Pang) (Unknown, TW)
Best Pair: Tay Tawan Vihokratana (Karan) and New Thitipoom Techa-apaikhun (Achi) (Cherry Magic Thailand, TH)
Best Actor: Lee Tae Vin (Tae Myung Ha, Love for Love’s Sake, KR)
Best Ghost Ship: Mawin/Ton (23.5, TH)
Best Friendship: Three Must-eat-eers: Prem, Dynamite, Samsee (Cooking Crush, TH)
Best Side Ship: Fire/Dynamite (Cooking Crush, TH)
Best Main Ship: Shiba/Haruto (Doku Koi: Doku mo Sugireba Koi to Naru (Love Is A Poison), JP)
Best OST Song: “Camino” - Let Free The Curse Of Taekwondo, KR (performed by Gogang, music and lyrics by Gogang and Jung Mijin)
Best Music: 4Minutes, TH (Banana Sound Studio, composer: Toy Terdsak Janpan, MS: Pimmata Patpibul, Jeerapat Jongkolsongkroh)
Best Production: Love For Love's Sake, KR (AD: Ha Ye Rim)
Best Original Story: Hwang Da Seul (Let Free The Curse Of Taekwondo, KR)
Best Adapted Story: Toyama Erika (I Became the Star of a BL Drama, adapted from BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita by Suzuri Machi, JP)
Best Direction: 25 Ji, Akasaka de (At 25:00 In Akasaka), JP (Dir: Horie Takahiro and Kawasaki Ryo, DP: Hanamura Yasushi, Ed: Kitani Mizuki)
Best GL: Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna (She Loves to Cook and She Loves To Eat) (NHK, JP)
Best Pulp: Knock Knock, Boys! (Kongthup Production/WeTV, TH)
Best Romantic Comedy: Doku Koi: Doku mo Sugireba Koi to Naru (Love Is A Poison) (TBS, JP)
Best Romantic Drama: 25 Ji, Akasaka de (At 25:00 In Akasaka) (TV Tokyo, JP)
Best Genre Romance: Love For Love’s Sake (Wavve Studios, KR)
Show of the Year: Let Free The Curse Of Taekwondo (Studio Him Energetic Company, KR)
Honourable Mentions: 
7 Days Before Valentine (TH) - Experimental
Tadaima Okaeri and Twilight Out of Focus (JP) - Animated
6th Man Awards: 
Dome Jaruwat Cheawaram (Cooking Crush, Jack & Joker)
Title Kirati Puangmalee (We Are, Wandee Goodday, Kidnap)
Standout Queer Narratives: 
Ossan no Pantsu ga Nandatte Ii Janai ka (Don’t Care For An Old Man’s Underwear) (JP) - family drama
Marahuyo Project (PH) - community drama
Love In The Big City (KR) - slice of life drama
Kimi no Tsugu Kaori wa (Fragrance You Inherit) (JP) - family drama
Interview With the Vampire (US) - southern gothic drama
00:00:00 - Welcome
Welcome to The Conversation, the Queer Media And Brown Liquor Podcast.
I'm Ben, the media critic.
I’m NiNi, the VIIBs queen.
And we are your drunk Caribbean uncle and auntie who are sitting on the porch in the rocking chairs.
We’re here to talk queer film and dramas, with a special focus on Asian QL.
So if you like to dive deep into queer stories…
If you like cracked out takes on art and commerce in queer media…
If you just enjoy simping for attractive people…
We believe in simping!
Tune in!
00:00:55 - Introduction: It's Awards Season Once More
*trumpet fanfare*
And we're back. It's time for our favorite annual tradition. It's time for the VIIB Awards.
Yes, we are here to discuss all the best things that we saw in 2024 and that you should watch, as well. We've got five main categories in the VIIB Awards. Acting, ships, immortal technique, top tings, and our special class awards.
For those of you who are new to us, this is the Very Important Internet BL Awards. NiNi and I started our show on this and we will be handing out plates once again to our favorite boys, girls, and otherwise stellar performers.
NiNi got deep into her cups before we started and she was late, so unfortunately I am also deep into my cups already.
So we're just gonna have some fun and try to get through these as quickly as possible before we get blotto.
00:02:09 - Acting!
Let's start with our acting awards.
The great thing about being an actor is that you're invited into people's worlds that you normally would never be invited into. People want to tell their stories, they want to be seen, they want to be understood. As an actor you just get to go on these incredible journeys that most people are never invited to or never have an opportunity to travel.
Mark Ruffalo
And the first award is Rising Star. Our awardee for Rising Star this year is Aungpao Ochiris Suwanacheep, who played Dynamite in Cooking Crush and Khaopan in My Love Mix-Up. 
We love Aungpao on this podcast. We loved Dynamite. It was the first thing we ever saw him do, and we fell immediately in love with the character. And every time I've seen Aungpao since then this year, he has delivered. So I'm really looking forward to seeing what he does next. Very excited about him.
I'm so excited for him. I thought he did a great job in both of his roles despite feelings I have about both shows. Congratulations, sir. We will be sending you a plate.
Did we ever decide what we're putting on these plates? We're going into the third year of the VIIB awards and we don't know what's going on these plates.
It is clearly gonna be like two Caribbean mason jars full of like a fruity drink.
It’s gonna be brown liquor! [laughs] 
Hell yeah.
*xylophone sound*
Our next award is going to the Best Cast of the year, and this award is for the best ensemble performance, including individual performances, chemistry, and interplay.
This is going to go to the cast of Unknown, including Modi–also known as Chris Chiu, Kurt Huang, Tammy Lin, and Kim Jae Hoon. 
This was really a special cast playing off a really complicated dynamic which takes place in-world over the course of years. So we had to watch them play maturing characters in ever-changing dynamics the whole time. Really stellar group performance from them and it resulted in some really standout individual scenes that are easy highlight reel footage.
They were the best cast that we saw this year in terms of the way that they gelled together and the individual performances. So congratulations, plate for you guys from Unknown.
What's our next award, Ben?
Best Pair! Best Pair goes to the best couple performance, including individual performances, chemistry, and interplay between them. This is basically going to, because this is a romance show awards, the best couple that we saw from the acting pair this year.
Best Pair for 2024 is Tay Tawan Vihokratana and New Thitipoom Techaapaikhun playing Karan and Achi in Cherry Magic Thailand.
Cherry Magic Thailand was one of the best things that we saw last year, and Tay Tawan and New Thitipoom have been around for a really long time. They’ve been working together for about eight years, and every time they come back they're better and better and better, and I think that Cherry Magic Thailand was probably the best that I've ever seen them. I have not always been a New fan but he has shut my mouth lately, and I love Tay Tawan.
Best pair of the year.
I was really impressed by them because taking over a work that is so beloved and having to perform characters that already have very strong, memorable performances is a really difficult task to do. And I think these two did a good job balancing our expectations of their dynamic based upon previous outings with meeting the demands of the work that they were adapting. That was an incredibly well done execution by both of them.
*xylophone sound*
Our final award in the acting category is our Best Actor, and that's for the Best Performance of the Year. Ben, who is our Best Actor for 2024?
It's Lee Taevin for his role as Tae Myungha from Love for Love's Sake. 
Lee Taevin really wanted to take on a role like this, and he did such a great job playing the complex layers of darkness and difficulty that his character is carrying in this. It is hard to get too deep into the nuances of his performance without spoiling it for those who have not listened to our previous episode or watched the show. But in a year with some really, really strong performances within BL, the top performance goes to Lee Taevin.
He really stood out this year. I mean, we had a little bit of a hard time picking this one, but we landed up on him because Tae Myungha is such a visceral character. I felt everything that they wanted the character to have us feel. All the confusion, all the despair, I really, really felt the depth of his work.
Lee Taevin the veteran actor amongst the cast here, and he's the type of actor who clearly elevates other actors around them. That's a pretty important skill for him to have developed at his relatively young age. 
So congratulations, sir. Hope to see more of you next year.
00:08:00 - Ships Ahoy!
Moving on to our ships category.
It's time for our SIMPY Awards! Let's go girls!
Hot Priest: Love is awful. It's awful, it's painful, it's frightening. It makes you doubt yourself, judge yourself, distance yourself from the other people in your life. It makes you selfish, makes you creepy, makes you obsessed with your hair, makes you cruel, makes you say and do things you never thought you would do.
Sister: There's something wrong with your priest.
Hot Priest: It's all any of us want and it's hell when we get there so no wonder it's something we don't want to do on our own. I was taught if we're born with love then life is about choosing the right place to put it. People talk about that a lot, it feeling right. When it feels right it's easy. But I'm not sure that's true. It takes strength to know what's right. Love isn't something that weak people do. Being a romantic takes a hell of a lot of hope. I think what they mean is when you find somebody that you love, it feels like hope.
Fleabag, Season 2 Episode 6
I'm going to let Ben take it away with our first award in the ship category, which is the Best Ghost Ship. It should have happened and we should have seen it. So who is our best ghost ship of 2024?
It's Mawin and Ton from 23.5.
This is how Euro can still win. We're gonna give him an award [NiNi laughs] because they should have let him kiss one of the twins in the last goddamn year or so.
He should have let him kiss both of the twins. He had the chance.
We went with this one because there was an interesting narrative reason for them to have leaned into the tension that his character, Mawin, was developing with Ton, particularly because of his crush on a different character. In this case, more than any of them, they should have let them kiss…just a little bit.
Euro, we love you on this podcast. One of these days they will let you kiss a boy. I swear.
*xylophone sound*
Okay, moving on to the greatest of the ships, Best Friendship.
This goes to our best besties of the year. This is not an award for the people who are the best at supporting the romantic outcomes for a couple. It is about the characters whose friendship itself is so critical to the function of these characters' lives that it in some ways challenges or even supersedes any of the romances that occur in the work. 
Our winners for Best Friendship go to the Three Must-eat-ers Prem, Dynamite, and Samsee from Cooking Crush, because without their friendship Cooking Crush does not work at all. It is probably more central to the story than the relationships between Prem and Ten and between Dynamite and Fire. They focus on each other and they care about each other and they're allowed to get angry at each other and when they're angry at each other they apologize for the stupid shit that they did.
We had two veteran actors who I love a lot playing Samsee and Prem with a newcomer in Dynamite. And I think it was really impressive to see the two veterans support the newcomer and create a beloved character as a result. 
This group has a real fight and breakdown in the show that challenges the core friendship itself. I found myself more moved by the resolution of the fight this friend group was having than I was any of the romantic challenges.
Congratulations to the Three Must-eat-ers. We will be sending you a plate.
*xylophone sound*
On to Best Side Ship, NiNi's favorite award every goddamn year! [both laugh]
We decided this year that we were not gonna fight over this award. The best side ship goes to the secondary couple who best reinforce the themes of the primary couple's story.
Ben, you tell the people who has won.
It's going to Fire and Dynamite. You thought I was done awarding Aungpao. [snickers]
We're never done awarding Aungpao.
You had this really interesting dynamic with Ten fighting his dad and Prem dealing with his own anxieties where on the opposite side you had Dynamite presenting himself as really forthright and open about what he is and Fire avoiding his mom. These two balanced out very well with their main couple of their show and it's not a surprise that the best side ship went to also the show with the best friendship because the character and relationship writing on this show was really stand out.
This was one of Neo's, not best known performances, but truly one of my favorites that he's done. I really liked what he did with Fire, especially coming off of playing Boston. That man is an incredibly talented actor and we are very lucky that he shows up so often for us.
Congratulations Fire and Dynamite, we will be sending you a plate.
I just want everybody out there who thinks I hate GMMTV to know that, while I do have beef with them, I am not incapable of applauding good work when I see it.
*xylophone sound*
All right, Best Main Ship. We are in a romance genre. We're here for couples that we believe can make it. This always goes to the couple whose love story we actually buy into and believe. These are the people you return to. These are the ones you show people and they're like, what should I watch? These boys! Sit down!
NiNi, who is our best main ship of the year?
Our Best Main Ship of the year is Shiba and Haruto from Love is a Poison, Japanese title Doku koi: Doku mo sugeriba koi to naru. 
The show was hilarious and had so much heart and Shiba and Haruto's relationship at the center of it all is really what pulled me in. The acting is amazing, the writing is amazing, this is a true battle couple (@lurkingshan). They got together and decided that they were going to stand shoulder to shoulder, back to back and fight off everybody who tried to come for them.
I believe in them. I believe that they'll last.
This show has a fist bump involving rings that legit made me understand what it means to swoon. This show whipped ass! It may seem like an oddity show, ignore that part. Just go fucking watch it (@solitaryandwandering). 
This show understood all of the reservations the audience might have from their initial reaction to them and went out of their way to demolish them. This show was fucking fun and I really loved these two so much. I will be thinking about that man's fake posing during their photo opportunities. I'll be thinking about that towel sequence where he threw it on him in the onsen. Don't think I forgot! [NiNi laughs] These guys were great.
They even got to have a yukata moment.
They sure did! [snickers]
They fell in love so hard and it was delightful to watch.
I just love when a couple fights for each other, especially when one of them can't.
My god. He squared up and then got his ass beat. And it was incredible. [both laugh]
No notes.
00:16:31 - Immortal Technique
It's time to do some more traditional awards. We're moving on to Immortal Technique, where we talk about technical and production related awards.
This is one of my favorite sections every year because this is the one that rewards you for paying attention to details.
This is also the one where we basically talk about the people behind the scenes, the people whose names are in the credits but who don't get a lot of credit, and we always love to give that credit out on our show.
As a director I, I kind of, I, I have quite a good ability at—at the very beginning when we're first starting to write the screenplay—I have quite a good ability to imagine the film in my head. Like you know even the very first page of, of, of the script as we do it I can start to imagine the camera angles, the music, I can start to feel how the film's coming together and I sort of have this imaginary film starting to be put together and that's right back at the beginning. And uh, in this case we started this process about five or six years ago and then what happens during the course of the movie is that this this film that's playing in my head always gets modified because as you design the sets, you know then the sets that we've designed replace the ones that I originally sort of imagined and then as the actors come on board their faces put fit into the characters I imagined. And so my little internal movie is always changing and being updated so that, um, it's, it's you know it always ends up better. Everything, every time my film in my head gets changed it's, it's improving all the time because all these all these other people are coming on board and giving their input into it.
Peter Jackson, interviewed by Charlie Rose, 2002
We're starting with Best OST Song, and this is for the song as recorded. The style or genre, does the song fit the mood of the show, composition and arrangement, production and performance, usage and listenability. Basically, is it a bop and do you think about it a lot? 
So Ben, what is our Best OST Song of the year?
This was actually a pretty extensive discussion we had in the background about this one, but in the end, we are excited to award Camino from Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo, performed by Gogang, music and lyrics by Gogang and Jung Mi Jin.
Man, I love this song. Every time it came on at the beginning of an episode, you just felt yourself sinking into the place that the show wanted you to be. It starts off with this acapella harmonizing that just really got you into your feelings. And then a little bit of piano, a little bit of strings, It was very not flashy, but really effective. 
If you have not watched Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo, I don't know what you're waiting for. Listen to the song in context, then go listen to it out of context. It's a great song.
I'm rewatching it right now with Emily. We just started the first episode and legit, the intro starts and she's like, it's one of those shows.
Exactly, puts you straight into the right place that you need to be in.
*xylophone sound*
Our next award is for the Best Music. This is the use of music overall. Scoring, music supervision, music editing. It's all about where and how music is used throughout the entire production. As usual, we had a lot of feelings about this one. But in the end, NiNi, we decided to award...
4 Minutes. The composer is Toy Terdsak Janpan, music supervisors Pimmata Patpibul and Jeerapat Jongkolsongkroh and done by Banana Sound Studio.
4 Minutes, one thing that it did do well was everything around the production. And the music in particular was very evocative and very effective at setting mood. The show worked very effectively through the soundscape. It was well done. Kudos to them.
*xylophone sound*
On to Best Production! This is kind of a catch-all award goes into production design and art direction, set design and dressing, location choice, costuming and hair, makeup, and a little bit of sound design color grading and editing. This is about shows that do a good job with their world building, their aesthetic, and basically do they really capture the vibe.
Best Production this year goes to Love for Love's Sake, art director Ha Ye Rim.
You've got a person who is essentially isekai'd into another world. Like he passes out in our world, wakes up inside of what feels like a video game. And they have to convey a lot of details about what's going on with the mechanics of the video game and all the ways that the world is behaving around him. None of this is very easy to do, particularly on a very short runtime. And they manage to give us all of the information and details we need without huge exposition dumps. And they do such a great job.
There are some key details, particularly the work they do with Tae Myungha's eyes and his hair in particular. This is one of those shows that really rewarded us as viewers for paying attention to more details than just what was happening in the subtitles or when the boys were at their prettiest smiling at each other. Paying attention was such an important part of really being able to embrace and understand this experience.
It was incredibly impressive, the way that they built up the video game world and all the ways that the video game starts to glitch. It starts so subtly, you almost can't tell and then by the time it builds up you start thinking back to all the little things that showed up in the background that told you that the game was glitching. It is really serious attention to detail that they put into this show and for that we award them a plate.
*xylophone sound*
We're going to move on now to the writing awards, the first one is Best Original Story. So that is for premise, story, screenplay, stage directions, dialogue, character voice, all the things that go into writing an original story.
This year's award goes to Hwang da Seul for Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo. Welcome back, ma'am, and well deserved. 
My goodness gracious me. Good job, ma’am. This was one of the most stunning experiences we got to have this year. Once again, you were determined to make us love some boys and then break them up for a ridiculous amount of time and make us really root for them to get back together. And holy shit, you did a great job this time. This was honestly such an unexpected and really special experience. 
The reason why we award Original Story is a significant amount of BL is adapted. A lot of productions, for a lot of valid reasons, rely on adapting existing work that already has a fan base that's ready to support it again and advocate for it. It's always really impressive when someone does something original that manages to cut through the noise and become one of the most memorable things we may have ever watched in genre.
The writing of that confessional scene where Shin Juyoung takes his cross off and puts his forehead on the wall and confesses through the wall. I mean, I don't know how somebody comes up with that, but I got goosebumps.
There's the bit where Hyunho is going to Dohoe's house to get something. And Shin Juyoung shows up and we just see the three of them staring at each other in a hallway. There is not much dialogue in this sequence, but that is such a charged moment. Incredible stuff.
*xylophone sound*
So from original story, we're moving to the Best Adapted Story. This is for adaptation of a source work from another medium or another culture. 
Ben, who wrote our best adapted story?
Toyama Erika for I Became the Star of a BL Drama, adapted from BL drama no shuen ni narimashita by Suzuri Machi. 
This was the first thing we watched on New Year's Eve into New Year's. This was the show that set the standard of the year for me. This show was legitimately funny. In a really short runtime, they captured the total essence of the story. 
What a solid experience to start the year. And good news, gays, theys, and thems—it’s getting a sequel. [snickers]
[laughs] We are. We are. I'm so excited about that.
Congratulations to Toyama Erika, who wrote, I'm sorry, the best line of the year when the writer of the drama within the drama says, “We will drown the audience in the BL goodness.”
That line stands alongside “Every fujoshi has a dick in her heart.”
Congratulations to our original story and adapted story writers, Hwang da Seul and Toyama Erika. We will be sending you plates.
*xylophone sound*
Our final technical award goes to Best Direction. This award is for overall vision, filmmaking style and visual impact, photography, cinematography, shot selection, and direction of actor movement and expression. This is usually awarded to the directing team, which usually consists of the director, the director of photography or the cinematographer, and the editor. 
Ben, which show had the best direction of 2024?
It's going to 25 Ji, Akasaka de, AKA At 25:00 in Akasaka. Directed by Hori Takahiro and Kawasaki Rio, DP Hanamura Yasushi, and edited by Kitani Mizuki. 
We just awarded I Became the Main Role in a BL Drama. And then this show released and I was like, are we doing this again, but moody? And they said, we sure are! 
And we loved it. I cannot believe we got similar premises in the same year and both were standout productions of the year. I'm a sucker for actors playing actors. And I really loved the work that went into this particular show.
The way that the show plays with the camera, inside the show inside the show, the way the camera kind of zooms in to immerse you in the moment, and then pulls back out to show you how fake the moment is.  They really make an effort to blur that line between real and fake, which is a big theme in the show. So very well done.
My favorite section every year. BL is really silly sometimes and there's a wide range of quality. And I don't think it's always for a lack of effort on people's part. But damn is it really good to have some things that are good enough that you are willing to show it to some of your bougie friends to make them sit down and watch some fucking BL. Thank you to everyone.
Thank you to all of our Immortal Technique winners. You will be getting your plates in the mail if we ever get around to sending out these magical plates. [Ben laughs] But y'all did good and we love you.
00:29:05 - Top Tings
Let's move on to our top tings. All the best things that we saw this year.
Historically we've awarded these on some genre lines, but primarily country lines. With the greater diversification of the genre and also the absence of certain countries for economic and political reasons, we have opted to not award based on countries anymore.
We are going to be awarding on genre-oriented categories only. With that being said, NiNi, take us in.
MC: Gentlemen, pray silence for the President of the Royal Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things.
President: I thank you, gentlemen. The year has been a good one for the society. Our Members have put more things on top of other things than ever before. But I should warn you, this is no time for complacency now. There are still many things that are I cannot emphasize too strongly,  not on top of other things. I myself on my way here this evening saw a thing that was not on top of another thing in any way. Shame indeed. But we must not allow ourselves to become too despondent for we must never forget that if there was not one thing that was not on top of another thing, our society would be nothing more than a meaningless body of men gathered together for no good purpose. 
Monty Python, The Royal Society for Putting Things On Top Of Other Things
We're going to start with the Best GL. Well, there's no competition really in 2024.
It is Tsukuritai Onna to Tabetai Onna, AKA She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat from NHK in Japan. 
NHK really delivered for us and I was so relieved when they actually came back to continue the She Loves to Cook and She Loves to Eat story. Because after the first 10 episodes, we were not finished.
The ongoing exploration of queerness and relationships between women in the modern era was just so excellent in this show. It had adult women of various ages interacting with each other across those age lines and trying to support each other in meaningful ways. And we got really great development on the core relationship.
There was a lot of new GL this year and I'm looking forward to some more projects and I hope we have a wider field to choose from next year. But this is unequivocally our winner of the year. Nobody can compete with the chosen family scene. It's over for everyone else. I'm sorry.
I love the way that they expanded the show, expanded the cast to bring in somebody new moving into the apartment building, to bring in Nomoto's internet friend that she turned into a real friend. Really expanding the world and getting more into the relationships between all of these characters, all of these amazing women. I love it so much. It's the best GL that we watched this year.
*xylophone sound*
Our next award goes to the Best Pulp for shows with a small budget that have a big impact. It's very hard sometimes when you're working on tiny budgets to say big things. And it's really impressive when that show clearly has a strong creative handle on what it wants to do and what it wants to accomplish. It's easy to award the studios that have a lot of money and a big actor pool and can produce a lot of stuff. Something's probably gonna be good if you try often enough. It's always really cool when a small team comes out of nowhere and delivers one of the best things you saw this year. 
With that in mind, NiNi, who is our best pulp of the year?
Surprising absolutely no one, our best pulp of the year is Knock Knock Boys! by Kongthup Production and WeTV from Thailand. 
Knock Knock Boys! was an amazing pulp that used its small budget incredibly well. Some great acting, some sharp writing, just incredible all around. Took what they had and ran with it. I still think about Almond and Latte not having sex at the beach. I think that's one of the best scenes that I've seen this year. A great little show.
This show absolutely fucks. Go watch it!
Nothing more needs to be said.
[laughs] Girl, I am halfway through this bottle. I need to slow down.
I'm so leaving that in. 
*xylophone sound*
Our next award goes to the Best Romantic Comedy. Live, love, laugh. I'm leaving that in as well. 
Ben, What's the funniest and most warmed we felt all year?
This year's winner is Doku koi: Doku mo sugireba koi to naru AKA Love is a Poison. 
The show was just that funny consistently for 12 weeks. It's hard to be funny for 12 weeks. This show earned every single laugh it got. And they use their laughs to tell some really dirty jokes.
I just keep thinking about the succulents. [both laughs] The succulents making all those sighing noises. The succulents were one of the best things about this show and if you want to know what that means you should go watch it. It's an incredible show, incredibly funny. I laughed out loud multiple times. It's a delightful romantic comedy.
*xylophone sound*
Our next award goes to the Best Romantic Drama.
NiNi, who is our awardee for this year?
Once again from Japan, the best romantic drama is 25 Ji, Akasaka de, At 25:00 in Akasaka by TV Tokyo. I am stuck on this show in a way that I did not expect to be when I watched it. Just the emotions involved between Hayama and Shirasaki and how long they've been going on and how tangled up they are because they are working together playing lovers and can't really disentangle real from fake.
I really think about the way Niihara delivers “Asami-san” across the entire show. And I really feel like this show kicked into overdrive. I think it's around the end of episode four when Shirasaki is struggling with delivering the big confession scene in the drama they're recording within the show. The way we arrive at the end point of that, it's really one of the most effective episodes of television we got in BL this year.
I'm not gonna stop thinking about it ever, I think. Congratulations to 25 Ji, Akasaka de. You get a plate.
Moving on to the Best Genre Romance. This is for romance blended with sci-fi, fantasy, horror, action, and or mystery elements.
This year's winner is Love for Love’s Sake from Wavve Studios.
It's really hard to do sci-fi well and give the audience an interesting relationship to sit with. Without spoilers, I really like that the audience has had a wide field of complex reactions to the end of this particular story. I think that that is a really strong indicator of how well the show explored the various things it wanted to do. It's really, really hard in sci-fi to do relationships that are meaningful because in sci-fi, it's more about the human condition and exploring complex ideas. The characters are more stand-ins for societal ideas that the story wants to pick at. 
This was an incredible job with a newcomer, no less, delivering on a really compelling and complex relationship. Man, I'm still thinking about that shoes moment.
My god.
Hold on, I'm in my feelings.
The VIIB awards when Ben gets in his feelings. No, it was really so good.
He shouted that man's name and he said run and then his shoes let off sparks and I screamed in my house. The scream I scrumpt!
This is really a great one. One of the things about genre romances, it's really important for the genre elements to matter, for them to be integrally integrated into the story and the themes. That's one of the things that we look for in a good genre romance. 
When Tae Myungha got the ability to see who Cha Yeowoon dislikes the most and he's going around and surveying the field, that hurt my feelings.
My lord that was a moment to end moments.
This really was an excellent show. This was not an easy decision for us, but this is why this show pushed ahead.
Congratulations to Love for Love's Sake. You get a plate.
*xylophone sound*
All right, Ben.
It's time, baby! Show Of The Year!
We are ready to award the best fucking thing we watched this year in QL.
If you ain't watched fuck-all this year because you're too busy, you got too much else going on. If you only have time for one BL, please go watch our awardee, Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo from Studio Him Energetic Company.
It wasn't even close. I'm sorry to everybody else this year. [both laugh]
It was not. It was not even close.
Look, last year I almost fucking murdered NiNi over La Pluie. [NiNi laughs] 
I do remember. 
We met in person and I almost fucking killed her over the show.
But this year it wasn't even a discussion, really. Obviously we enjoyed some other things, but one show really stood out and this was it. Hwang Da Seul is back. And she's killing the fucking game.
We already spoke extensively about this show in an earlier episode, but we barely scratched the surface of everything we could have talked about in that show. That was a complete viewing experience. Not a moment of our time was wasted on extra bullshit. This was a stellar show and it is hands down head and shoulders above the other things we watched this year.
I just keep thinking about Dohoe asking Juyoung if he dressed up for him while he starts undressing him. Amazing show, incredible show. We can talk about it forever. 
Congratulations, Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo. You will get a plate. That's gonna wrap up our standard class awards.
00:41:43 - Special Class Awards
Now we move into where Ben really gets to enjoy himself. Ben would not do the VIIB Awards if we did not do special class.
Here's the background for the new people. When NiNi first approached me about doing a podcast together, she's like, let's start with an award show. Like it's the end of the year. Let's award the shows we really liked this year. And it was all like super queer cinema type stuff. And NiNi's like, okay, but I want to give BL shows awards. 
So we compromised and we put all of the queer shit whose primary goal was not to tell romantic stories overall into their own special class so we could highlight them. We thought this was a good compromise because BL is a romance genre, and the shows that I typically like to award here are not romances. But these are the shows that I support BL for. The market that enjoys BL has enough crossover with some of these types of queer dramas that it enables them to get made. So, it's time to hand out our special class awards so I can once again talk about all of my favorite things.
00:43:11 - Special Class: Honourable Mentions
Let's begin with our honorable mentions. These go to shows that we think contributed to the genre for any number of various ways.
And I want to say to all of you out there nervously waiting. Remember one thing. No matter what happens tonight, you're all winners. Because as you know, it is an honor just to be *wails* NOMINATED! 
I’m fine, fine, fine. 
Nathan Lane, 1995 Tony Awards
I wanted to highlight in the honorable mentions 7 Days Before Valentine. We talked about this one a little bit in one of our grab bags. This was a highly experimental piece that I really enjoyed and has surprisingly stuck with me. I still keep thinking about it. It's not BL exactly. It's kind of BL-ish. It's not, it's queer, it's not queer. It's very genre, it's also not genre. It's a little bit of everything when I described it in the grab bag, I described it as something that made me feel like I was sitting in a theater watching actors do an experimental play.
It is from the same screenwriter/playwright/director who also gave us 180 Degree Longitude Passes Through Us. We wanted to highlight that Punnasak Sukee is still working.
It's very different kind of work but, I think, really worth watching. Our other honorable mentions come from Japan.
It's time for the Anime Awards. Brother in the booth, play the sound!
*bright sparkle sound*
There were about 10-odd anime projects that were BL or BL-adjacent that came out last year, only some of which were reasonably accessible to Westerners.
I want to highlight Tadaima, Okaeri and Twilight Out of Focus. Tadaima, Okaeri  is the best Omegaverse project that came out in this year. Wild time to be in BL. But Tadaima, Okaeri uses the convention of that genre to tell a story about a married gay couple with kids who are still growing their family, and it's really heartfelt. So many stories we watch are about guys getting together and the uphill challenges they fight to do that and whether or not we believe in them. This story was one hundred percent about that belief we had in them. These guys are together. They've already gone through their BL drama. We're watching them build a home. We're watching them raise their son and then their daughter.
This was a really unexpected and really incredible viewing experience. Omegaverse is not for everyone, but truly this was one of the standout narratives that I got to experience this year. I still think about this family at least once a week.
On the other end of the spectrum, Twilight Out of Focus was about a film club at a high school that allows us to explore three different relationships where in two of them, someone is already a known gay. This was a really special show that was unpacking a lot of BL presumptions. Studio Deen came back this year with Twilight Out of Focus. And it's continuing to ask the question in a context where a lot of people's first experiences with queer storytelling and queer identity is coming through BL, what responsibility does BL have to the boys and girls and other kids who are discovering themselves and BL is informing how they're going to interact with their potential partners? This show does this in a really elegant way without dunking on BL in the process. Also, the animation is gorgeous, truly.
Both of these are available on Crunchyroll. Please give them a chance.
00:47:36 - Special Class: Mark Pakin 6th Man Awards
We are moving on in our special class to the Sixth Man Award, or what we like to call the Mark Pakin Awards, because that's who we originally awarded this award to.
Interviewer: What was your preparation as sixth men? 
Jamal Crawford: You have to warm up different. Got my body…I knew I'd be cooling down, so I'm over…I didn't go to the bike, but I'll go to the hallway 'cause. I was stretching when I was on the bench. I was stretch off and I was mentally, more than anything, I would mentally put myself in the game before I got in the game. Oh, they're playing like this. They playing that pick and roll. He's sitting back right there. Okay, he's going for hands up. Oh, he's going for the left hands, okay. So I'm putting myself in, so I'm playing the game before I actually play the game. I'm like, you got more more. How much you see on my other plan? You like this, okay. You got to stick to it right here because I'm trying to send you left back to your right mother. This guy. That one guy is blitzing because he can get up the other guy. So I'm just watching different things, dude, and so I'm putting myself in the game, but I'm making my own adjustments. Before the play even happened.
Jamal Crawford, 3-time NBA 6th Man of the Year
This award acknowledges the most valuable and versatile supporting actors of the year for on-screen and off-screen contributions. Our sixth man is somebody who can come on to a project, and just fire away, go right in. Basically, it's a gunslinger. It's coming off the bench and doing everything that needs to get done.
We've got two sixth man awards to hand out this year and I'm going to let Ben take the first one.
My award is going to Dome Jaruwat Cheawaram for his acting work in Cooking Crush as Samsee and for his composer work on Jack and Joker. 
Dome has been around BL for a very long time. I still listen to the song he sang for Until We Meet Again. This man has been in the streets with us for a long time. And I think he did a really fantastic job with the Samsee character. This man is always working. He is in the background somewhere doing something to entertain people. And we really wanted to acknowledge that this year.
So congratulations, sir. Thank you for all the work you do. And I really hope that people continue to appreciate your presence.
He is a great actor. He's a great musician, and he is one of our Sixth Men of the Year.
Our second Sixth Man Award this year is going to go to Title Kirati Puangmalee from We Are, Wandee Goodday, and Kidnap. He's been around and he continues to be around. And this year he gave us three very different performances.
He's been with us as early as Love By Chance and he started with GMMTV for us on Be My Favorite, playing a heel there. Once Gunsmile left GMMTV, he stepped into that role to be the dude we hate. Good job, sir. You're doing a great job.
This year he also played people that we liked, so great. He was one of the best parts of Kidnap because his character was entirely unhinged and nobody ever called him on it. Delightful. Every time he shows up, I know I'm going to have a good time. He is a good, solid actor, he can show up and do whatever you need him to do. 
So congratulations to Title Kirati Puangmalee for being one of 2024's sixth men.
00:51:13 - Special Class: Standout Queer Narratives
We are on to our final awards, our Standout Queer Narratives of the Year.
Talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, showstopping, spectacular. Never the same. Totally unique. Completely not ever been done before. Unafraid to reference or not reference. Put It in a blender. Shit on it. Vomit on it. Eat it. Give birth to it. 
Lady Gaga
These awards acknowledge queer drama works that are not primarily romances.
We're going to be talking about five different shows this year. Ossan no pantsu ga nandatte iijanaika!, aka Don't Care for an Old Man's Underwear from Japan, a family drama. We're going to be talking about Marahuyo Project from the Philippines, a community drama. We're going to be discussing Love in the Big City, a very complicated adult coming of age drama,Kimi no tsugu kaori wa, aka Fragrance You Inherit from Japan, a very interesting family drama. And finally, Interview with the Vampire Season 2, a Southern Gothic drama from the United States of all places.
We almost never talk about Western shows in standout queer narratives.
That's how good that show is. That's how good it is.
Let's start there then.
Interview with the Vampire Season 2 continues this narrative. Louie and Claudia are in Europe and we're dealing with the fallout of their attempt to kill Lestat at the end of Season 1. What's so special about Season 2 is honestly, Jacob Anderson. I also want to give some special shout out to Delainey Hayles, who has to take over the role of Claudia in this season. And she does an incredible job. Assad Zaman and Eric Bogosian really step up in this season and play some really stellar stuff, and Emily would kill me if I didn't mention Ben Daniels’ work as Santiago. 
This is fundamentally a gay drama about unwell divorced people. And it remains one of the most compelling watches that I get to look forward to.
I have not watched this one yet. I'm working on cutting down my list this year by actually watching things. So this is on the list, definitely of things that I'm going to watch. It's been making too much noise for me to not watch it.
I will say sincerely, as someone who really swoons for really strong actor chemistry and performances, if you had watched Interview, you would not have awarded Best Pair to Doku Koi.
It's standout queer narrative, they don't go into the BL parts.
You all see why this award show works the way it does! [both laugh]
But sincerely, that's how good the two of them are. they're not really in a proper romance because they're so fucked up. [NiNi laughs] But goddamn, Jacob and Sam are the two men I look the most forward to playing queer characters. And this show has a complex lens on queerness over the course of centuries, which adds an incredible layer to the performance.
It's hard to do sequels to romantic stories. I loved the second season of Interview in many ways more than I loved the first season, but I would not have been able to enjoy the second season without the first season. That is truly what makes a second season really good, when it builds on what the first season did and elevates that to a whole new level; a really special experience this year. It is rare that I go out of my way to recommend Western Queer TV on this podcast. But in this particular case, I highly recommend Interview with the Vampire.
It's on my list and steadily climbing.
The next show on our standout queer narratives list is a show that we actually haven't talked about yet but will be talking about coming up soon. Fragrance You Inherit, Kimi no tsugu kaori wa from Japan, a family drama. 
Without getting too deep into it, which we are going to do on its own episode, Ben, just give the people a little taste of what Fragrance You Inherit is about.
Fragrance You Inherit is about a single mom and her son. And it's about her meeting the son's new girlfriend, who happens to be the daughter of her college crush. The son's girlfriend is the spitting image of her mom, and this is fundamentally a show about really kind people trying to do right by each other as they navigate some unresolved feelings across two different generations. 
This is a show that could have gone a really ugly route, but I really liked that this was fundamentally a show about people trying to take care of each other. And it was a lot of fun watching a show where the primary stress comes from everyone being really polite about some very difficult things. We get to see an older lesbian who knows she's a lesbian but hasn't told her son, navigate the unresolved feelings she had for her closest female friend in college while their children pursue a really meaningful romance between them in a way that I think honors the desires and perspective of all of the characters involved. It's a really special experience and was a real surprise for us at the end of the year.
This is from Ishibashi Yuhuo who also did Our Dining Table, Tokyo in April Is…, I think, and a few other standout Japanese dramas that we've watched in the last few years. 
There were not enough shots of shoes. I would not have known it was her.
[laughs] She does love shoes. 
This comes from a manga by Ogawa Maruni and it really surprised me. It's a GL but not a GL. It's about having built, after disappointment, having built really good, meaningful, happy lives, and then having that rocked a little bit by unresolved things from your past and where that takes you. It's also about parents and children. It's also about being honest with people in your life and how not being honest with them can lead to a lot of stress and anxiety. It is a great show. We will be talking about in a lot more detail coming up in a subsequent episode, but we wanted to award it a Standout Queer Narrative Award.
We already discussed Love in the Big City in an earlier episode, so we will not go on at length about it here. But we are once again stating for the official record of the VIIB Awards, that this is honestly the show not to miss this year. There is so much that went into getting this show even made.
The entire experience we get with Go Young across his 20s and four difficult periods of his life is honestly one of the most meaningful queer experiences I got to have in communion with other people in the last couple of years. Everything about reading Love in the Big City and watching Love in the Big City is one of the most memorable experiences I've had with queer media in a long time. And I cannot overstate how good this show is and how significant the existence of the show is. 
This show for many ways fills the same sort of place as Moonlight in my queer cinema taste in viewing. I can't really chat with a queer cinephile who hasn't watched Moonlight, and Love in the Big City  is very quickly becoming one of those things. If you haven't watched Love in the Big City do not talk to me. 
Watch this one, for fuck's sake! It's that good. You owe it to yourself to get this into your psyche.
We talked about this show for maybe close to an hour and a half of pre-edit time and we barely scratched the surface. Since our episode went out, we have been continuing to talk about this show and finding new things to delve into. We are not going to talk about it forever, but we could. Watch it, it's worth everything, and it is one of our standout queer narratives of the year.
Our next standout queer narrative is Marahuyo Project from the Philippines. Thank god JP Habac came back this year. I was starting to lose hope.
I'm so glad that ANIMA Studios is still in it. And I'm so glad that they came back with a project like this. It felt really special to me in a year where I found myself really struggling to connect with youth queer storytelling, this show said it was LGBTQIA +, and it meant that with its whole fucking heart. And it put its whole ass on the line to tell the stories that it wanted to tell. This was a great viewing experience. And if you care about queer art, this show is available for free on YouTube. Please go give them some support.
I just can't stop thinking about the back of Archie's neck.
Mmhmm. And about Adrian Lindayag and everything that he does for queer activism in the Philippines, and I'm so glad that he got to play King.
Amazing show, amazing music, amazing writing, amazing direction. Oh my god, King's fourth wall breaks. Amazing. It was just such a good show with a lot of heart, a lot of real deep complex feelings to delve into.
The funniest thing about dealing with the VIIB Awards is, like, each one of these shows would have decimated other categories it was in. Like, Marahuyo Project would have decimated Best Music. It would have been no contest. 
It really would have, it really would have won best music.
I almost fought for it. I was like, I don't care. I'm giving it to them anyway. They're like dragging me off stage so I–
[laughs] Shhh, come on, come on, come on. No, shhh, it's time to go to bed, come on.
We would have given Love in the Big City show of the year. Interview, if everybody else had watched it, would have definitely won genre romance, flat out. Like, that's how good all of these shows are.
But ultimately they are not romances.
But that's the point. [snickers]
Our last show is Don't Care For an Old Man's Underwear. We talked about this show at length earlier. This was so spectacular. This was a show where our primary character is an ignorant, misogynist, middle-aged man, and we were rooting for this man very early on in this show. And we loved him by the end of it. This show is so aspirational in a way that even some of our BLs can't really stand up to. Like this show believes that misogynistic old men can do better and have meaningful, loving, supportive, and positive relationships with their families if they just listen to them a little bit more. Good job, everybody. Way to really shoot for the best outcome you could possibly get. 
This show really modeled what relationship rebuilding and healing could look like in a way that I think is really helpful. And I really liked that a very well-known and popular Japanese comedian was in the lead role of this. Dramas like this are often really important because you have people with clout they've earned well outside of the queer narrative space doing really meaningful work in it. And these are the kinds of projects that often reach a lot more people than the BL that we talk about. Like, I feel like more people are gonna have had a gay storytelling experience because of Interview with the Vampire, more than some of these BLs we've talked about on here by a long shot. And I think for the Japanese viewing audience, I think many of them would have probably engaged with Ossan no pantsu far more likely than they would have engaged with any of the BL we highlighted on this list earlier. 
Really important to highlight these kinds of projects because these are the projects that are useful for you to show your friends and family. If you're interested in sharing BL with them, these are very good starting points to get into the rest of the genre because they are not BL, but they do open people's minds up to viewing queer media from places they might not have normally expected to get that.
Well said and I just love Makoto's turns of phrase. I think about them a lot, saying that the idol that his wife likes is the Okita family benefactor.
That is exactly where my head went, too. “So Random is the Okita family's benefactor. I understand.” [laughs]
It's such clever writing, the way that he recasts ideas into a way that he can engage with them in an attempt to understand the things that he doesn't understand. I really enjoy that the writing puts him into the role of doing that work.
All of the shows on these lists, of course, because it's our VIIB Awards, these are really the things that we loved watching. But I think I have a special place in my heart for Oppan.
01:06:00 - Outro
We talk about a lot of shows in this podcast. We highlight a lot of things. These are the things that will be talked about well beyond this year, or at least we hope they will. Please go watch them and be part of that conversation.
I think the other thing that the VIIB Awards forces us to do is even in a year that we're struggling a little bit, it reminds us that, no, actually there was a lot of good stuff, too.
So anyway, there we are. Those are our VIIB Awards. We're gonna put up our final awards listing as part of the transcript for this show. So look out for that when it comes out on Tumblr. But that's gonna be it from us. The 2024 VIIB Awards are over.
I'm currently showing Emily Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo and Love in the Big City at the same time.
My gosh, so you're giving her the exact same experience we had. Good job.
I sure am! [laughs] Can you believe that we got both of these shows at the same time? Like, how did they think we were supposed to process both of these shows simultaneously?
They weren't thinking about us, bestie. They were just like, no, we're just going to put the things out. It's time.
Incredible. I just love the idea that a bunch of new Korean viewers who might've become interested in QL following up on Love in the Big City had Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo right there being advertised at them. Like, that is so stellar.
That was a very good four weeks.
That is going to wrap us up on the 2024 VIIB Awards. Oh my god guys, we're done for another year.
This year, let's see what's gonna happen. Is Ben gonna not watch in the summer so he doesn't get cranky? Stay tuned to find out.
[laughs] No promises, no demands. Love is a battlefield.
Woo. We have drunk too much brown liquor, it is time to go. We out. 
Say bye to the people, Ben.
22 notes · View notes
espresseo-cafe · 1 year ago
life is still beautiful | johnny | ch.8
Tumblr media
genre: cappucino, romance, angst, university!au, dad!au, drama, slice of life
pairing: collegestudent!johnny x fem!reader
bean count: 3.1k+
a/n: this has a crossover with @jae-canikeepyou ‘s series serenity in us 🤭 read that if you like, you’d love it 🤗 so now i’m back from hiatus! enjoy your coffee time 💚 note: this is only a work of fiction, it doesn’t reflect the artists’ personalities in any way.
“how are you coping?” was one of the last messages johnny had sent you. after your breakdown and asthma attack, he didn’t send you any more, just short ones as he was planning his baby thesis together with kun on psychology. he also had to do his paediatric studies on saturdays.
besides, you guys were entering to your final year very soon.
you decided to give him space, you as well needed to catch up with your own (being at the library at the moment)- even though it was stressful enough to have your parents by the ends of your hair strands most of your life. it was habitual, you guessed.
it was also ironic because even though you dislike shoving your face in books and research papers, you found yourself kind of listening to their orders of studying hard.
but you soon realised you were doing this for yourself, not for them.
somehow you wished you never agreed to meet them that day. you just ended up disappointed and hurt like you always had.
your phone rang when you just quickly put it down, receiving mean glares and shushes from the people around the table. taking your stuff and shoving them in your bag, you ran out of the library and called back the person who conveniently decided to embarass you.
“you just love to distract me, do you, johnny?” placing your phone between your ear and shoulder, fixing the heel of your socks.
a soft chuckle heard from the other line, a voice you kinda want to hear. “because i know you will be. want to go for coffee? i finished my project so i can meet you at the atrium.”
“please, i got homework to finish.” you dramatically told him, turning to your left then walking down the stairs.
“hm, interesting.” he hummed, “if you got homework to finish then why did you change your path down the stairs?”
you halted as you almost set foot to the atrium’s entrance. looking up, he was there by the railings.
“i see i got a stalker.”
“the one and only.” johnny smiled and waved at you from the balcony before going down the stairs to meet you.
placing your phone in your pocket when he stood in front of you, you laughed, “dear me, do i need to call the police?”
he wrapped his arms around your shoulder, “please don’t. besides you owe me coffee, it’s been a week.”
you slapped his chest lightly. what’s with him and coffee? “dude that’s what you’ve been wanting to do? don’t you have cash?”
“i spent it on youngmin’s medicine. little dude can’t keep still, always running around until he caught fever. but he does get regular check-ups.” he sighed, “medicine should be free, especially for kids.”
as you walked to the coffee shop at the next street, you concluded that maybe it was why johnny took paediatrics, to monitor youngmin’s health.
johnny was on his final year of his double degree in psychology and paediatric studies, so his schedules were going to be busy. an idea came up to your mind. “say, why don’t i take him to the clinic for his checkup appointments? so you could focus on your studies.”
johnny’s slightly tired face lit up, “really? you can do that?” you nodded as you both entered the coffee shop, “that’s great, it’ll be a huge help.” looking at the drinks menu, he hummed. “you know what, drinks are on me today, i’m suddenly in a good mood.”
you giggled when he took out a five dollar bill on his hand, “so you can treat me coffee on days i take him for appointments, deal?”
“deal-“ johnny flicked his head to you, “-wait!”his hand got freed of cash when you took the bill and jogged to the counter. he stifled a laugh seeing you already pointing at your desired drink, smiling endearingly at you until you turned to him.
“johnny, come on here and choose yours!” gesturing for him to come closer, “they’ve got an offer of buy one get one free.”
little did you two know, you didn’t notice the presence of both rowoon and seungcheol seated at the very end of the coffee shop. rowoon thought that seungcheol’s little crush on you was too obvious. he wondered why after all this time, the guy never seemed to talk to you.
“for a jock like you, you’re someone who’s actually soft for the girl you like.” he munched on the scone he bought, seungcheol then shaking his thoughts off of his mind.
“so what do you want me to do?” the doe eyed asked, taking a sip from his latte.
rowoon smirked, checking a piece of a paper slip before giving it to seungcheol. “nothing actually. you can stay put for now, but hold onto this.”
“if this gets us into trouble, rowoon, you’ll know what you’ll get.” seungcheol warned him, taking the envelope from him as the boy stood up to leave.
“don’t worry, hyung. we got this.”
“no way! how come i just heard of this?” yoohyeon told you through the small screen, while you ate on ramyeon bought from the convenient store. she tutted her lips together, “hey y/n, is that all what you’ve been eating since i was gone for almost three weeks?”
“it’s my cheat day.” you slurped, wiping off excess soup from your cheek. “i’ve been studying my brain off, i need to de-stress somehow.”
yoohyeon whined playfully, “i want to de-stress too! the expectations here in paris is as high as the eiffel tower. but anyway, answer my question. so it’s still on the rocks with your parents?”
you hummed, not sure how to answer that just yet. “yeah definitely, can’t believe i’ve been stood up at the dinner.. well it’s not like it never happened to me.”
“well isn’t that great? there’s progress!” she sarcastically said because she knew how your relationship was with your parents. she then squinted her eyes. “then what about you and johnny? any progress in that?”
you coughed on a piece of noodle. “t-that, i don’t know. i heard he had an argument with his ex after youngmin’s party.”
“minji? after so long?” she questioned. “well, i hope she doesn’t give him a hard time. the guy’s moved on, given that his attention is so focused on you.”
you laughed a little, “who’s to say, it’s a little crush i have for him. there’s a fine line between falling in love and having a crush, you know? maybe it’s just admiration on my part. but him to me? i doubt it.” you felt a shuffle on the side as you placed the ramyeon on the table behind you, making yoohyeon tilt her head in question.
“did you get a puppy, y/n?”
“a cute one, actually.” shifting your phone for her to see clearly, youngmin snuggled next to you.
“oh, my, word.” she said dramatically, “you’re a certified mommy candidate for the little one. i’ve never seen him so close to anyone like that. johnny must love you to the point he trusted his son to you.”
“a: he doesn’t love me, and b: i offered to help him, alright? we’re not even gonna go there.” you shook your head, combing youngmin’s hair as he slept.
yoohyeon took a snap of that, sending it to johnny immediately. “oh isn’t it time for you to bring him to his appointment? it’s almost 1pm.”
“yes and you’ll be late for class.” you reminded her, “make me proud, yoohyeon. i helped you with your thesis, don’t put it waste.”
hearing you say that made her laugh so early in the morning. “it’s 6am here but roger that, momma!~” waving a goodbye before signing off.
you turned your phone off, putting your legs off of the sofa. then youngmin woke up and wiped his eyes, “mama i’m warm.”
you flicked your head to the boy, chuckling and patting his cheek. “it’s auntie y/n, youngmin.” he sat up and yawned, asking for a hug and you carried him, soon taking your leave to the clinic. “you’re going to get better.”
the little toddler was tired the whole time, and that worried you. wearing the carrier, you placed him facing you while he slept once more. the cooling patch on his forehead wasn’t doing any good to put his temperature down. he actually cried quite a bit on the way so you put a dummy on him, and thankfully he didn’t cause too much of a scene on the train.
stepping in the clinic, you suddenly saw your long time friend, jungkook. his eye smile never failed to be so contagious. “ah noona! you’re here again?”
“yeah, i need to be here for this little one. my friend’s son.” you ruffled his hair, and jungkook poked his cheek.
“he’s adorable! oh and guess what? i’m assisting the renowned dr. jung yunho tomorrow, i just finished meeting up with him.” his bunny smile showing.
you gave him a high-five, you were really proud of him. “nice on you sophomore, it’s gonna look good on your resume once you do your residency and fellowship.”
jungkook just scratched his head, blushing red. “it’s still a long ways to go, noona.” checking his watch, he gasped at the time. “and i don’t want to be late. catch up soon?”
you nodded and gave him a wave, “sure.”
the reception was close by and you confirmed youngmin’s booking. the nurse had to double check if you were the parent, and you clarified that you were substituting the child’s father, who couldn’t make it in the scheduled appointments and showed her the documents with johnny’s signature.
“i actually thought you were the mother. because mr. suh comes here alone often, other than the grandparents. so i got my hopes up when i recognised youngmin with a young lady. sorry about that.” she noted, giving you an apologetic smile.
“it’s not a problem, i haven’t met the mother as well so i guess we’re on the same page.” you smiled a bit, and took a pen from your bag, signing the check-in sheet.
“oh excuse me miss, you dropped something.” one intern next to the nurse pointed down while you muttered a thank you.
it was the extra coupon you had from all the coffee breaks you had with johnny. maybe i should use this later. so you placed it back again to use it again. slowly standing up, you removed youngmin from the carrier while the nurse took him in for a little check up before the actual appointment with dr. yunho.
“miss y/n!” you heard a little squeal, and it was one that you recognised so well. “long time no see!”
“hi liam!” you bent down to have a short chat. “are you here for a check up with the doctor?”
the kindergartener nodded quickly like he was so proud of it. “yes, i got a scratch on my face and on my leg because i fell.” you told him to be careful and he just pouted, saying that he would. he turned around to lady who called him, saying that they had to leave.
at the same time, you were called in by dr. yunho. you patted his hair and bid him goodbye. standing up, you were faced with a lady, who was around your age. must be liam’s mother.. you thought. but who were you to judge?
liam jumped as he left the hospital, whining that he was hungry. “can we go to mcdonald’s, auntie minji?”
she held his tiny hand, “of course, you did really well at the checkup.”
“then can you carry me there, please?” he pleaded, making puppy eyes to convince her, only for her to disagree.
“no can do, liam.” she poked his little nose and teased him. “you know auntie isn’t that strong like a superhero.”
after youngmin’s checkup, you were thankful that he didn’t need to be confined in the hospital. on the other hand, you were so dazzled by dr. yunho, how could someone be so handsome and smart at the same time? it was funny how he opened up so quickly, even mentioning that he had brothers who went to the same university as you- currently year one and year four. it didn’t feel like an appointment at all because of how he conversed.
youngmin seemed to have gotten used to being at the doctor’s, after the fact johnny told you that he used to cry a lot about it. and speaking of him, you got a call, just in time.
“hey y/n, i’m on my way there with bosco, we’ll drop him off at mom and dad’s first, then i owe you coffee again, is it the third time this month? anyway see you both in five minutes.”
you lit up, “sure, we’ll wait here.”
it took about five minutes for him to arrive. talk about consistency: another box ticked on your checklist. he came out of the car to help carry youngmin, while you got on after.
the nurses who saw this from the clinic had their hearts swooned in various places. johnny was young but the way he handled everything made him so mature.
“daddy material..” the intern’s eyes twinkled while she clasped her hands together.
“get back to work, rookie.” the nurse sighed.
“what? you were staring at him too, hypocrite.” she pouted.
as youngmin rested at his grandparents’ place, you and johnny made your way to the coffee shop. patters of rain drummed the windows and johnny sighed when he looked above. “i swear this is like the worse summer ever, it’s been raining for days.”
“can’t help it though. it was scorching hot as well. besides, fall is on the way, in a few weeks?” you stretched your neck and your back from side to side. the feeling of cracked bones was such a relief that johnny glimpsed at you back and forth and scrunched his face.
“sorry, you must’ve been tired from bringing youngmin to the clinic for three weeks.” he stopped the vehicle at the red light.
“it’s okay, it’s workout for me to carry him.” you snickered. as you said that, the rain gradually grew a bit stronger. so you looked up as well, and you didn’t like how it reminded you of the past.
it used to be about your parents, it still was, besides text messages you hadn’t heard any apologies from them at all. and that upsetted you.
another thing was the accident, you haven’t even came into terms with it. you still remembered the impact, the screeches from its tires, the way you flew, and the way you thought everything gone in a blink. it felt like it was yesterday.
johnny knew at one look that you were still processing everything that happened. it was something he wanted to help you overcome but he also knew it was a long journey and that it doesn’t just disappear overnight.
so an idea came up to him, he hoped you were up for it, and he hoped he was right. you felt the vehicle turn sharply to a corner. johnny turned the engine off, “y/n, let’s go out right now.”
your raised eyebrow made him want to laugh but he knew you would love this. “um, are you crazy? it’s raining cats and dogs outside, johnny.”
he just grinned at you. “i maybe am. but with a little bit of play in the cold of ‘cat and dog’ rain, you might just be crazy with me.” he got off the car and ran into the rain, hollering and spinning around.
your eyes widened, frantically turning your head around to check if people noticed him. reaching for the handle, you stared at the rain once more, hands shaking anxiously. should you go out once again?
“awooo!” johnny continued to shout and laugh. you stared at him deadpan, this was embarrassing.
you sighed, “johnny!” the secondhand embarassment you got from him was unbelievable. you ran towards him and stopped him from whatever he was doing. “what are you doing?”
“oh? the puppy chased me and stopped me.” he laughed and you just blinked your eyes in confusion. “cats.. dogs.. rain..? you and me? don’t you get it?”
“johnny, cats don’t howl.” you crossed your arms, finally getting what he meant. “let’s go, before we get sick.”
he didn’t say anything and pulled your arm, “i know you hate the rain but…” he trailed off, taking two pairs of airpods. putting one pair to your ears before he put another into his, he played one of coldplay’s biggest hits, and the song that calmed you down- a sky full of stars.
“let’s have some fun.”
the piano melody and the vocals filled the intro, johnny’s head started to follow the beat and sang. and naturally you followed, singing as well. the familiar music slowly building up. when it reached to the one minute and eighteenth mark, as if you and johnny shared the same braincells, started to jump in the rain.
he held your hand and twirled you around, then suddenly doing a crumping move on this medium-paced song, made you laugh. you’d say it out loud that johnny was a good dancer. it even showed when the next song- adventure of a lifetime, was next in queue.
that was where you confirmed he was groovy, pulling a little genre of modern swing. not that you knew how to do that certain dance pairing, but the music and johnny’s energy just made you dance with the flow.
his guided his hands to yours, leading you with his twists and turns. and in parts were the music were on a slight drop, he led you to follow him on certain easy steps.
you also had your share in adding steps and iconic movements, putting a little michael jackson moonwalk in it. johnny pointed at you in surprise, even in earphones, you could hear his laugh.
johnny and yourself probably looked like idiots dancing in the rain on the road towards the highway. but to the both of you, it was special, as you were dealing with heartbreaks in different aspects. music was definitely a de-stresser.
johnny looked at you with admiration. as you danced away in the rain, he felt like he was witnessing something beautiful. though the music was playing, he could hear his heart beating. and his eyes widened when the lyrics mirrored what he was feeling:
“now i feel my heart beating, i feel my heart underneath my skin, oh, you make me feel like i’m alive again.”
he smiled endearingly, he knew he was so attracted to you. he knew you had space in his heart, and he’d gladly give it to you.
you turned around, hair flicking slowly, then your eyes met.
and it was when he realised fully,
that he was starting to fall in love with you.
taglist: @titanmaknae29 @joepomonerof @lovesuhng @studyingthemind @cheyehc @kyeomooniee @geysuuuuh @mrkleelvr
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sweethome-thoughts · 2 years ago
Songs who remind me of Sweet Home characters
(sorry it's almost only Hyun-Su and the Lee siblings bc I'm obsessed)
Keep in mind some stem from my No Monsters AU where Hyun-Su is actually HEALING 😭😭 also sharing music is pretty stressful for me so be kind please !!!!! Or I'll cry
(Some can be a bit hard to understand too but feel free to ask if you're interested IDKK I just love talking about songs linked with my special interests)
Also for the ppl who are too lazy to actually check every song manually here's a Spotify link (or just ask in dms if it doesn't work) :
-Rootless - Marina
-Suffering - Amelie Farren
-Home - Cavetown
-Exile Vilify - Portal 2
-Numb Little Bug - Em Beihold
-Miss Wanna Die - JubyPhonic (I listen to this version for the lyrics at least)
-Happy - Marina
-Bad Apple! - RichaadEB Version (there's another batch of lyrics who fit)
-I Feel Fine - The Ghost Club
-Valley Of The Dolls - Marina
-SAD (Clap your hands) - Young Rising Sons
Lee Siblings :
-The Last Of The Real Ones - Fall Out Boy (Always saw it as familial, not romantic !!)
-Thank You Family - Twice
-I Am Not a Robot - Marina (I put it here bc works for both of them)
Eun-Yoo :
-Primadonna - Marina
-Oh No! - Marina
-Forget - Marina
-Rule #4 - Fish in a birdcage (See it as metaphor she's not really cut out of the world but as an autistic and difficult person to get along with, her brother is the only one who really gets her)
-Yes or Yes - Twice (Honestly the lyrics don't rlly fit anything it just gives me her vibes in her little drama queen princess narrative)
-What You Waiting For - Twice
Eun-Hyeok :
-Numb - Marina
-Hit The Snooze - The Living Tombstone
-Slipping Through My Fingers - ABBA
Bonus because I associate it with every of my favorite dynamics and duos from this godforsaken show :
-Feel Special - Twice
Another bonus ? I'm so kind ! Def a Sang-Wook/Jae-Heon song
-Highly Emotional People - Marina
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netflix-entertainment · 1 year ago
Lie to Me: A Hilarious and Heartwarming Rom-Com with a Twist
Author - NETFLIX
December 08, 20233 minute read
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Korean drama Lie to Me:
Lie to Me: A Hilarious and Heartwarming Rom-Com with a Twist
Lie to Me (also known as Try Lying to Me, Sweet Scandal, or Naege Geotjitmaleul Haebwa) is a 2011 Korean drama that tells the story of a government official who lies about being married to a hotel CEO to save face in front of her friend. The drama stars Yoon Eun-hye, Kang Ji-hwan, Sung Joon, and Jo Yoon-hee in the main roles. It aired on MBC from May 9 to June 28, 2011, for 16 episodes1
Gong Ah-jung (Yoon Eun-hye) is a level 5 Ministry of Culture official who is single and in her thirties. She has a hard time finding love and is often compared to her successful and married friend, Yoo So-ran (Hong Soo-hyun). One day, she runs into So-ran and her husband, Chun Jae-bum (Ryu Seung-soo), who happens to be Ah-jung’s first love. To avoid humiliation, Ah-jung lies that she is also married to a handsome and rich man.
However, her lie soon backfires when she becomes entangled with Hyun Ki-joon (Kang Ji-hwan), the CEO of World Hotel and a well-known bachelor. Due to a series of misunderstandings, everyone starts to believe that Ah-jung and Ki-joon are a married couple. Ki-joon, who is annoyed by the rumors, confronts Ah-jung and demands her to tell the truth. However, Ah-jung is too embarrassed to admit her lie and asks Ki-joon to play along for a while.
As they pretend to be a married couple, they start to develop feelings for each other. But their relationship is complicated by the arrival of Ki-joon’s ex-fiancée, Oh Yoon-joo (Jo Yoon-hee), and his rebellious younger brother, Hyun Sang-hee (Sung Joon), who both have a history with Ah-jung. Will Ah-jung and Ki-joon be able to overcome the obstacles and confess their true feelings?
Lie to Me is a drama that will make you laugh and swoon with its witty and romantic scenes. The drama has a lot of charm and humor that will keep you entertained and engaged. The drama also has a lot of chemistry and tension between the main leads, who are both adorable and charismatic. The drama has some memorable moments, such as the cola kiss, the ice cream kiss, the handcuff scene, and the proposal scene.
The drama’s strength lies in its cast, especially Yoon Eun-hye and Kang Ji-hwan, who deliver a fantastic performance as Gong Ah-jung and Hyun Ki-joon. They portray the characters’ personalities and emotions with skill and flair. They make you root for them and their love story. They also have a great rapport and compatibility with each other, making their scenes believable and enjoyable. The supporting cast, especially Sung Joon and Jo Yoon-hee, also do a good job of adding conflict and interest to the plot.
The drama’s weakness, however, lies in its script, which has some flaws and inconsistencies. Some of the plot developments and character actions are illogical and unreasonable. Some of the conflicts and resolutions are rushed and unsatisfying. Some of the dialogues and scenes are repetitive and draggy. The drama also suffers from a change of writers midway, which affects the tone and direction of the story. The drama’s ending, in particular, is ambiguous and anticlimactic, leaving many questions unanswered and many issues unresolved.
Overall, Lie to Me is a drama that will appeal to fans of rom-coms and fake marriages. It is a drama that will make you experience a roller coaster of emotions. It is a drama that will make you love and hate the characters at the same time. It is a drama that will make you think and feel deeply. It is a drama that is not perfect, but still worth watching. If you are looking for a drama that will entertain you and challenge you, you may want to give Lie to Me a try.
I hope you enjoyed reading my blog article. If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to leave them below. Thank you for your time and attention. 😊.
Lie To Me
Korean Drama Review
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theotakufiles · 2 years ago
Threads of Time Manga
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"Threads of Time" is an epic historical drama series that weaves together the intricate and interconnected stories of individuals across different eras, exploring the unbreakable bonds formed by destiny, love, and the relentless pursuit of truth. Spanning centuries and continents, this captivating saga follows a group of extraordinary characters as they navigate through tumultuous periods in human history – from ancient civilizations to medieval Europe to modern times – their lives entangled in a mysterious tapestry that intertwines past, present, and future.
At the center of our narrative web is Moon-Bin Kang, a young man with a unique gift – he possesses vivid memories from past lives. Determined to unveil the secrets behind his reincarnations and unlock his true purpose in each era, Moon-Bin embarks on an extraordinary quest for self-discovery. Alongside him stand an eclectic ensemble cast: Mina, a courageous warrior princess battling political conspiracies; Jung-Won, an enigmatic scholar seeking forbidden knowledge; Ji-Hyeon, a talented artist struggling against societal shackles; and Min-Jae, an ambitious entrepreneur fighting for justice amidst economic upheaval.
Through exhilarating temporal shifts and breathtaking visual storytelling techniques, "Threads of Time" immerses viewers into awe-inspiring historical settings while delving deep into timeless themes of identity, fate vs. free will, loyalty, sacrifice, and redemption. Faced with wars ravaging nations or personal internal conflicts tearing them apart , these resilient characters must confront their own demons as they grapple with friendship alliances forged across lifetimes.
As celestial forces guide their paths and hidden connections between characters gradually emerge along overarching conspiracy lines that span epochs — "Threads of Time" unfolds into a sweeping tale of intertwined destinies where past actions echo in the present day's consequences . This spellbinding series not only captures the grandeur of history but also invites contemplation on how even seemingly insignifcant choices can shape the course of humanity. Exploring themes of love, written in indelible ink through time, "Threads of Time" is a mesmerizing journey that will resonate with audiences long after the final credits roll.
Please support the talented manga author of 'Threads of Time Manga' by seizing the opportunity to purchase this incredible masterpiece at gekimanga.com. Immerse yourself in the captivating storyline and stunning artwork, transporting you into a world unlike any other. By acquiring this manga, you not only indulge in an exciting adventure but also provide invaluable encouragement to the artist behind it all. Join us now and embark on an unforgettable journey through time with 'Threads of Time.'
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leekimdramas · 2 years ago
Love Playlist 3 Review (Spoiler Free)
Please, please, please let Hyun Seung and Ji Won never see each other again... I don’t want them in the next season.
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The drama is about a few university students, their friendship and specifically ups and downs with relationships or friendships they’re having.
My review on season two: Love Playlist 2 (I’m sorry I don’t have a review for the first season as I didn’t have this tumblr at that point)
I think for me this season was the most exciting one and it’s because they kept focusing on Hyun Seung and Ji Won.
They’re not bad as a couple but I felt annoyed by the on and off relationship they had and I couldn’t really care for them much. They also have pretty similar storyline to the second season and sometimes it felt like I had a deja vu.
I think other couples, should have had more screentime.
I would have loved to see the shy couple Jun Mo and Do Young, they’re very sweet with each other but we only had one episode dedicated for them???
A two set of people were introduced this season, two besties Pu Reum and Ha Neul which I was also excited to see and one of the biggest reasons why I’ll watch the 4th season.
As a friend I think Min Woo is forgotten a lot of times and Jae In also had one episode to her...
I named all of the main characters and I definitely think they deserve more screen time than the on and off couple and their love triangle.
The plot wise this season followed the same pattern, telling one short story from the perspective of that person.
The system is kind of simple but it gets us to have cute episodes with a short quote at the end that might be relatable to some.
Overall, I will continue with the next season but I wish to see other couples having a great time in their lives and less of you know who by now...
It is a cute short drama, so if you want something about love, something that might bring you small happiness this can be for you... Though sometimes, I found it boring, but it’s not like I can relate to any of them.
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oraclekleo · 2 years ago
This list was truly worth to wait for. 😍
I mean, I do have a soft spot for all of them, maybe except G-Dragon. I still have that feeling he would put glitters into my morning scrambled eggs which would infuriate me. 🤣 Don't ask me where this image comes from. I don't know.
This is really hard for me to pick. Aaaaa! Such a dilemma! 🤯
While I genuinelly love all of them, I think I would pick Lee Joon Gi. I love that man to the bits, really. He's such an elven king type for me. And he loves dogs and can cook. Joon Gi is one of my TOP 10 as well so... Yes, I think I would pick him. I mean, we will never meet and I only watched one of his dramas but he's such an admirable person for me. 🥰
I also love Ahn Jae Hyun. When I learned he was married it didn't broke my heart but now he's divorced and free again. 😏
I agree, Lee Soo Hyuk is the best and I have a huge crush on him but I think he might get irritated by me if we ever met. I think he's just not ready for my lifestyle 😂
Funny you mentioned Kihyun. He's my friend's sugar daddy bias and I have often done readings on him but he seem to be putting me through peril whenever I do as he's trying to block me out. 😂 So while his cleaning OCD would nice match mine, I'm not submissive enough to feed his control issues. One of us would end up dead if we ever tried to date. 😂
Satansoo was one of my first biases. That man is super talented. I feel such a respect towards him. His intimidating aura makes him even more attractive for me and once again, he's an excellent cook. 😁
Jaebum is my bias in GOT7 but similarly to Kihyun, I think we would murder each other like 10 seconds after first meeting. 🤣
I don't know that much about Seo In Guk, to be frank. I often here his name from my friends but personally I haven't made an opinion on him, yet. Maybe I should do a reading with him to see. 😂
Ji Chang Wook is just so... soooo... sooooooo.... soooo sexy. Like ridiculously sexy. His smile, his eyes, his lips, his ears, his whole damn self is so irresistible it's making me giggle. 🤭 For some reason many of those I truly like are Cancers. Which is weird because in real life I try to stay away from overly emotional people, I just don't understand them. But clearly from a distance they are super attractive for me 😂
San is similar case like Ji Chang Wook 😂 He's not my Ateez bias but I do notice him first whenever I see a video or a pic of Ateez, I always see him first. He's got that ability to attract my eyes to him 😁 I don't think I would be sensitive enough to actually hang out with him, I might make him cry often but he's surely very pleasing to my eyes. 🤭
I think I have mentioned all of them. 😂
This was really fun! Thank you making this list! It's really interesting to see what other people think, who would they ship with me based on my online persona (which is like 98% my genuine self).
I'm loving it! 💖
Thank you so much, Aurora! You did a great job and even put me in front of a huge dilemma. 😂
Be blessed! ✨
Kleo 🦄
Hello, my darling friend!
I have never tried a ship game before but frankly it really looks like fun the way you put it. 😁
I'm such an indecisive potato, though. I can't pick my bias.
What about this - You ship me with someone you pick. It doesn't matter who it is. Member of Ateez? Member of Monsta X? Seventeen? Astro? An actor? I love them all (each in a certain way) 😂
So! Are you up to this challenge?
If you don't feel like doing this, just ignore this ask. Please, no pressure and no stress at all! If you decide to actually complete this, you don't have to hurry. I'm awfully patient person so use this one good thing about me and feel free to complete your other asks first, take a break, go for vacation... I said I'm very patient 😂
Anyway! Have a great time, always! 💓⭐
Kleo 🦄
Well it took me a while, and was really hard. I made a list of idols and actors that i would shipp with you, for random reasons honestly. Mostly of them, i just got the vibe
Choi San
Ji ChangWook
Lee JongGi
Ahn JaeHyun (love him)
Seo InGuk (fucking love him too)
Im Jaebum
Yoo Kihyun
Do Kyungsoo
Lee Soohyuk
I leave the best for the end bc honestly HE IS THE BEST, would be my choice. Yk i fucking love him, my favorite from all, but I can’t deny that in my mind, you both would work 😂 IM JEALOUS KLEO! (Just kidding)
Now im curious, who you would pick? Let me know!!! Honestly was the hardest for me! But i loved to do it! Thank you so much for your request 💕
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dazz-linglight · 4 years ago
Got7 reaction jealousy
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Mark is not one to openly show jealousy in public, but if looks could kill, that male waiter would be sprawled out on the floor five minutes ago. The guy was ogling you since he came to get your orders and had the audacity to slip his number under your plate.
After both of you were the meal, Mark got up to pay and took the little note with the guy's number, then you walked out holding hands. With the free one, Mark threw the paper in the closest bin on the street.
"Whack ass trying to steal my girl."
"Nobody can steal me from you."
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You left him in the dance floor to go to the bathroom and on your way back you encountered a male friend you met back in school and got distracted talking to him, laughing and telling jokes. JB noticed you were taking too long to come back so he started looking for you and was beyond jealous to see you talking to that guy who dared to take your precious time with him, your boyfriend, your promised one. A little affected by alcohol, he glared and decided he had enough, leaving his glass and stomped over to where you were, starting to hear your conversation.
"Oh please, you couldn't!" you laughed out loud, holding your stomach lightly.
"It's true!" He replied, giving a chuckle. JB was fuming and got closer to grip your hand, causing you to yelp in surprise and look back to see him.
"I'll be taking back my girlfriend back now, thank you." Your eyebrows raise in shock.
"Okay man, chill." The guy muttered and JB dragged you to an empty hallway, pinning you to the wall to kiss your neck and you knew he was jealous, you could read him like a book. The way his eyebrows were furrowed and his chin was out a minute ago.
"Jae, we're in public.." You squirmed when he left a visible mark on your neck.
"Then let's go home."
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You shoot awake from your sleep and sit up trying to shake the thoughts of the dream you had, but the image of Jinyoung leaving you for another girl keeps dancing in your head. You decide to get out of bed when you hear your his raspy sleepy voice.
“Love, what are you doing? Are you alright?” You turn your head slightly to look over your shoulder at him and shake your head no. It only takes seconds for you feel hands on your waist in attempt to pull you in for a hug and you kept stiff for a while.
“Did you have a bad dream?” You sniff on his shoulder and wrap your arms around him, he gets caught off guard feeling a drops on his shirt.
"You were with someone else." You mumble quietly and he could only hear because of the proximity, immediately holding your cheeks to look at him and dried the few tears you let out.
"That's not going to happen, ever. I'm here for you only, okay?"
"Okay.." He patted your hair lovingly and reassured you back to sleep, keeping you closer than before.
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You and Jackson were on the seaside travelling on vacation and staying on the hotel closest to the beach to enjoy the summer well. So it's natural to match the weather and use weightless and short clothes, bad thing is dealing with other people's eyes.
“I don’t like them all looking at you.” Jackson grumbled about the men looking at you as the two of you walked to the hotel pool in bathing suits and pulled you closer to his side. You rest a hand on his sharp jaw and turn him to look at you.
"All they can do is look, you’re the only one who can touch me.” You whisper on his ear and watch his serious expression fading into a mischievous smile.
"Let's give them something to look?" You nod and he brings you to his front, leaning down to give you a long kiss.
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You know you shouldn't get jealous over his romantic scenes on the drama, but you couldn't help but be a little bothered everytime it came up, leading to now that Youngjae came home from his schedules and you were spacing out in the couch while the drama was still going on TV.
"Baby?" You shake your head and turn to look at the direction of his voice in surprise, not having noticed when he entered.
"Oh, you're here." You get up turning off the show and run up to hug him tight, scattering kisses all over his face until his ears were tinted red, finally moving to kiss his lips. A minute pass by and he pulls away first, giggling at your behavior.
"Did you miss me that much?"
"Very much." You felt satisfied having him in your arms and knew you didn't have to worry about others.
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You've been friends with Yugyeom for a long time before you started dating Bambam, so you had a lot of inside jokes and sometimes hang out together and sometimes it made Bambam feel jealousy watching those interactions. Now he got to your apartment after a stressful recording session and you're in the living room a mini dance competition with his best friend.
"Bam! Do you want to join us?!" You stop to invite him with a smile and a little breathless from dancing, but Bambam only shakes his head and storms off to the bedroom with heavy steps. You know he's not usually this way, so it required your girlfriend powers to go and seee what happened.
"Bammie? Are you okay?" He got his back to you while undressing and just sighed.
"I'm fine, I just didn't know we would have visits today when I just wanted time alone with my girl." He stated and you approached him quietly to get a face to face vision.
"I'm sorry, I forgot to tell you.."
"BAMBAM, NOONA, I'M LEAVING~" Yugyeom announced from the living room and you both could hear the door closing seconds later.
"Can I make you company on a bath?" You inquire touching his build up muscles and see the corners ofhis lips twitching up
"Say less, baby girl."
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Yugyeomm took you out for a fancy dinner, both of you dressed up to have a nice night together, so he's surprised to find a random guy in front of your table after the waiter got your orders.
"Hello?" He quizzed thinking the man was mistaken or something and you look up to see your ex.
"Who is this, _____? You already replaced me?" The man asked looking at you and back to your boyfriend with a judgemental look. It made Yugyeom frown, but before he could clap back you speak up.
"Jinwoo, what are you doing? We're over and this is not a place for you to make a scene." You try to keep composed and tone down to not attract unwanted attention.
"It's been a year, I thought it was enough time for you to forgive me but you already have another man in my spot?"
"Yes and she's better with me. We look great together, don't you agree?" Yugyeom spoke, voice and posture filled with passive aggressiveness. "Go back to where you came from, there's no space for you here." He finished and gladly diverted the attention from Jinwoo and back to you.
611 notes · View notes
the-al-chemist · 3 years ago
Artemis Hexley and the Portrait of the Vault
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Chapter 19: Comets
A/N: We’re back, and we’re back with a long one… Artemis receives a surprise for her birthday, and there’s drama on the pitch as the Quidditch season comes to a close. Lizzie Jameson belongs to @lifeofkaze, David Willows belongs to @that-scouse-wizard, and Katriona Cassiopeia (in mention) belongs to @kc-and-co. Warnings: danger and bad decisions on Artemis’ part, several sports-related injuries.
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The Gryffindor-Slytherin Quidditch match had scheduled for the first weekend of May. The Monday before it was Artemis’ birthday, and being May Day, all classes were cancelled, leaving Artemis free to spend the day as she pleased.
She had planned to have breakfast in the Great Hall with her friends, and then spend some time with Barnaby, but all of that changed when she arrived at the Hufflepuff table to see almost everyone she knew - not just her usual friends, but Hagrid and the Quidditch team, too - all gathered around a suspiciously broomstick-shaped parcel, grinning from ear to ear.
“Is that what I think it is?” she asked, placing a hand on the parcel. “Is that a broomstick?”
“No, it’s a book,” said Rowan, completely straight-faced, and everyone laughed. Artemis stuck her tongue out at her best friend, who smiled coyly. “Just open it, Artemis.”
Artemis didn’t need telling twice. She ripped off the wrapping paper to reveal a polished wooden handle and sleek twigs. She rolled the broomstick over and read the gold lettering on the handle: Comet 260.
“But this… This is even better than the one Skye was going to give me,” she frowned. “It’s top of the range! It must have cost loads!”
“Well, we all put in what we could,” Penny explained, beaming at Artemis. “Even Mr Hagrid and Madam Rosmerta helped, and Bill wrote to your Aunt and Uncle to get a bit of money from them, too, and Charlie and Jae managed to get hold of some antiques to sell, so that made up the rest of the cost.”
“Technically, you helped find the antiques, so half of that money did already belong to you,” said Charlie, with a shrug. “I hope you don’t mind that we spent it without asking you.”
“I don’t mind at all. You didn’t spend all of it, though, did you?”
“No, I’ve got enough left to buy some new Quidditch gloves, and a set of dress robes.”
“Good,” Artemis nodded. She couldn’t remember the last time she had smiled so widely. “Thank you. All of you. I… Thank you.”
“Aye, yer welcome, hen,” Skye rolled her eyes. “Let’s not flap about. What’s the point in having a new broomstick if yer not gaun tae take it out for a fly?”
“Oh! That’s a wonderful idea, Skye!” Penny clapped her hands together excitedly. “You should should play a friendly game of Quidditch!”
Artemis looked up at Barnaby. She was meant to be spending the morning with him, not playing Quidditch, but she really did want to try out her new broomstick. There was a flicker of disappointment in Barnaby’s eyes, but he gave her a resigned looking smile and nodded his head.
“We can go for a walk this afternoon instead,” he said, and Artemis wrapped her arm around his waist.
“You can be on my team, if you like?”
The Hufflepuff Quidditch team was separated into two groups, and the rest of the players for the two teams were made up of Artemis’ friends. She ended up having Barnaby as a Beater, Andre as a Keeper, and Tulip as a Chaser, while on the other team Tonks wielded a Beater’s bat, Bill and Penny played as Chasers (despite Penny’s fear of heights), and Charlie played Seeker. Rowan, Ben, and Jae sat behind Murphy in the commentary box, and were later joined by Chiara Lobosca, who took a seat next to Jae and watched the match in silence.
For the first time in her short Quidditch career, Artemis failed to catch the Golden Snitch, but she didn’t care. They weren’t playing to win; they were playing for fun.
She and Barnaby spent the afternoon walking the Crups around the schoolgrounds, and the evening watching the sunset in Hagrid’s garden - although they didn’t get to see much of the sunset - before she returned to the Common Room to play Exploding Snap late into the night with Rowan, Tonks, Penny, and Chiara.
By the time she drifted off to sleep, Fergus purring away on her feet, it was way past midnight, and no longer her birthday at all. It was a shame, really. This really had been the best birthday she’d ever had.
Saturday came around faster than expected. Before the start of the Gryffindor-Slytherin Quidditch match, Artemis met her fellow chaos creators under the Quidditch stands.
“Wotcher, guys,” Tonks rubbed her hands together. “What’s the plan?”
Jae handed out a box to her, Tulip, and Barnaby.
“Once the match ends, we release these into the stands,” he said. “That should cause a bit of mayhem, send people down to the pitch.”
“Where you two” - Tulip pointed to Artemis and Badeea - “will be on hold ready to cast the falling star spell.”
Once the others had left to go to the stands, Artemis turned to Badeea, who was standing quietly at her side, her perfectly mascara’d eyes blinking.
“Thanks for helping us out, Badeea,” she said. Badeea smiled at her, showing her straight white teeth.
“You’re welcome. I’m looking forward to seeing how it turns out.”
“You’ve not tried the spell yet?”
“I have in a painting.” Badeea must have seen the confused look on Artemis’ face, because she added, “I always try my new spells out by painting the scene, then casting the spell on the canvas. Spell creation can be dangerous if you’re not careful.”
“Right,” Artemis nodded. “So, what’s the spell we are meant to be using for the falling stars?”
“The incantation is Cometa Cascadia.”
“Cometa Cascadia, got it. And the wand movement?” Artemis copied the movement Badeea made with her arm. “Do you know how to reverse weather spells?”
Badeea shook her head, the fabric of her scarf brushing her shoulders as she did. Artemis demonstrated, before the two girls returned their attention to the Quidditch game. It was strange watching from the ground rather than the stands, and harder to see what was going on. Luckily, Murphy McNully’s commentary gave them a clear indication of what was happening.
“The Quaffle goes towards the Gryffindor goalposts, good save from Wood there, the score remains ten-nil to Slytherin.”
The game was a low scoring one, with only two goals being scored in almost an hour. Artemis found herself hoping that someone would catch the Snitch quickly, so that the game could finish. It was another twenty minutes - and three further failed attempts to score goals - before she got her wish: Charlie took a steep dive, flying so fast he became blurry, his red hair and Quidditch robes billowing behind him and making him look almost like a comet himself,  and pulled out of it with the Snitch in the palm of his hands. Above them, the stands erupted with applause.
“They should be releasing the boomerangs any second now.”
Badeea was right. The noise overhead grew louder, and suddenly the stands began to shake with the sound of hundreds of feet running down the stairs.
“That’s our cue,” Artemis said, drawing her wand. “Cometa Cascadia!”
The two girls called out the incantation in unison, and the sunny spring sky grew a dark red colour, lightening to a vivid orange. Moments later, jets of bright light descended from the heavens, blazing  as they trailed downwards. Artemis stared at them, transfixed, as they reached the ground, hitting the pitch. At each spot where a comet hit the ground, a billow of smoke rose upwards. The Quidditch players ran off the pitch to find cover under the stands.
“Artemis,” said Badeea, nervously, “there weren’t this many in the painting.”
Her big brown eyes were wide with fear. Another comet hit the grass of the Quidditch pitch, narrowly missing a Slytherin beater as she ran across to the nearest stands. Artemis swallowed. This plan was more dangerous than she had anticipated.
“Well, well,” said a high pitched voice behind her left ear. “Isn’t this fun?”
“Peeves!” Artemis wheeled around to face him. “Look. Absolute chaos. Happy now? Can I have that portrait?”
“Little Hexy wants the portrait, Peevesy has the portrait. What else can Peevesy make Little Hexy do?”
“I’ve done plenty, Peeves. You asked for a mischief masterpiece, I gave you one. Now you need to keep your end of the deal.”
“A deal is a deal, but it isn’t ideal…”
“Peeves! Give me the portrait so we can stop the shooting stars!”
“Not fair,” Peeves sighed, loudly, dramatically. “Peevesy gives up his portrait, and Hexy stops his fun. Hexy gets to keep Peevesy’s portrait forever, but poor Peevesy is left with just memories.”
“I can get you a new portrait, if you like,” Badeea said, still watching the comets with a look of alarm. “I practised the spell on a painting of the Quidditch pitch. There are still shooting stars on that one. You can keep it if you like.”
“Yeah,” Artemis agreed. “A portrait for a portrait. What’s fairer than that?”
Peeves looked thoughtful for a moment, then held his hand out to Artemis. She went to shake it, and he moved his hand away, pulled an egg out of thin air, and cracked it on her head.
“Hexy and her friend are good eggs,” said Peeves. “Yes, Peevesy likes this deal very much, so he does.”
Artemis and Badeea shared relieved glances, before pointing their wands skywards.
“Meteolojinx recanto!”
The stars stopped falling from the sky, which turned yellow, then green, then blue. Students started emerging from the stands, all of them looking a bit shellshocked, and started to mill about, looking at the blackened areas on the pitch where the comets had hit the grass.
“Come on, then,” Artemis said, vanishing the egg from her hair. “Let’s go and exchange these portraits.”
The sound of a throat being cleared made Artemis and Badeea turn around. Standing behind them was Professor Dumbledore. His face was calm, but his blue eyes held a deep, bitter disappointment.
“I can explain, Professor,” she said.
“I think that would be an excellent idea, Miss Hexley. Shall we go to my office?”
Artemis followed Dumbledore to his office in silence. When they reached the top of the stairs and entered the tiered, portrait-lined room, Professor Rakepick was already there waiting for them.
“I hope this meeting will be quick, Dumbledore,” Rakepick said, standing up from the wall she had leaning against. “I have research to attend to.”
“I shall try not to waste too much of your precious time, my dear Patricia,” Dumbledore smiled, but the stern look in his eyes didn’t fade. “However, I do feel the need to address the events of this afternoon. Miss Hexley, the star shower on the Quidditch pitch was your doing, was it not?”
Artemis nodded. There was no point in lying.
“Yeah,” she muttered, looking across at Rakepick, who merely blinked. Artemis frowned; Rakepick had promised to help her avoid getting into trouble. Why wasn’t she saying anything? “I made a deal with Peeves, you see. He had something we need to get into the Cursed Vault, and he wouldn’t give it to me unless I did something to cause utter chaos.”
“I see,” Professor Dumbledore nodded slowly. “Did you authorise this, Patricia?”
Rakepick said nothing. Artemis felt her heart sink. It looked like Rakepick was going to break her promise. Eventually, her mentor spoke.
“I told Artemis to take whatever action she deemed necessary.”
Dumbledore looked up from Artemis, and across at Rakepick, who arched an eyebrow at him and smiled coldly. Dumbledore bowed his head.
“I didn’t realise it would be that dangerous,” said Artemis. “Honest!”
“I have no doubt that your intentions were honourable, Miss Hexley, but your actions placed your peers in danger, and Madam Hooch is quite distressed about the state of the Quidditch pitch,” the headmaster looked at her over the top of his half-moon glasses. “If Professor McGonagall were here, I dare say that she would forbid you from playing in your next match.”
“No, Professor, please-”
“Fortunately, I am not Professor McGonagall, and I shall do no such thing. Personally, I think that playing Quidditch would be beneficial for you.”
“You would?” Artemis couldn’t tell whether she was more confused or relieved.
“I would, indeed,” Professor Dumbledore nodded. “I am concerned that you are becoming far too invested in your search for the Vaults, Miss Hexley.”
“But, sir, you said that I have to find the Vaults.”
“I did, however, you are not the only person that could have negotiated with Peeves,” Dumbledore stared at Rakepick meaningfully. In response, Rakepick pursed her lips and said nothing. “Miss Hexley, the Vaults are an incredibly complicated riddle. They have a way of driving those who attempt to solve the riddle to near obsession. Professor Rakepick here is an experienced Curse-Breaker. Although you may have the necessary natural aptitude to open the Vault itself, it is not wise for you to be engaging in every aspect of the Cursed Vaults. Therefore, instead of banning you from Quidditch, I am banning you from curse-breaking.”
That elicited an immediate response from Professor Rakepick, whose eyes narrowed and back straightened.
“You cannot be serious, Dumbledore,” she said, her voice laced with indignant anger.
“I am entirely serious, Professor Rakepick. Artemis is not a Curse-Breaker. She is a student at this school, and her main focus should be on school life.”
“You know as well as I do that the curses need to be broken, and that-”
“I am fully aware of the pressing nature of our predicament, Patricia,” Dumbledore smiled, and his eyes twinkled. “Be that as it may, we spoke earlier this year about what means are justified by the ends, did we not?”
Artemis’ stomach churned. She could guess what had prompted that discussion between the headmaster and Professor Rakepick. She remembered everything Professor Snape had taught her about Occlumency, and pushed the memory of what had happened in Borgin and Burke’s out of her mind.
“It was most irresponsible of you to suggest to Miss Hexley that she should act without consideration of the consequences those actions may incur,” continued Professor Dumbledore. “I fear that your influence on Artemis in this situation has been detrimental. Therefore, I think that the best thing now would be for her to redirect her energy into something more productive.”
“I hardly think that playing Quidditch is a productive use of time,” Rakepick snapped. Dumbledore smiled.
“Perhaps not, but Miss Hexley has her O.W.L. examinations in a month. She is a student, she should be studying. Especially if she wishes to follow in your footsteps and become a professional Curse-Breaker herself. Therefore, until the exams are over, there will be no more curse-breaking.”
Rakepick looked as if she wanted to protest, but there was a such a strong tone of finality to Dumbledore’s voice that she didn’t. Professor Dumbledore’s eyes travelled from Artemis’ own to the door. She was dismissed.
The final Quidditch game of the year was between Hufflepuff  and Ravenclaw.
“It’s the deciding match of the season,” Murphy McNully told Artemis in Arithmancy class the day before the game. “You see, Ravenclaw lost against Gryffindor, but only by twenty points, and then they smashed Slytherin. We beat both Gryffindor and Slytherin by a fair margin, but nothing like that.”
“So what does that mean?” Artemis asked him, frowning.
“Our two wins have given us a lead of three hundred points overall. Ravenclaw beat Slytherin by two hundred and eighty points, but of course you have to account for the twenty they lost to Gryffindor-”
“Murphy, you’ve lost me. Who is winning?”
“No one yet. But we are in the lead by forty points.”
“So if we win the match, the Cup is ours?”
“Yes, or if we lose by thirty points or less,” Murphy nodded. It sounded like good news to Artemis, but Murphy wasn’t smiling. Seeing the confused look on his face, he explained. “Ravenclaw beat Slytherin by two hundred and eighty points, Artemis.”
“And they lost to Gryffindor, who we beat,” Artemis responded.
“Yes, but both times those matches were decided by the Snitch being caught. Which means that the pressure is going to be on you,” Murphy gave her a very pointed look. “As will their Beaters. And when it comes to Beaters, Ravenclaw is… well, unbeatable.”
“And Erika Rath has it in for you already,” muttered Rowan, who had been listening to the conversation whilst poring over her extensive revision notes. “Penny said that Talbott overheard Andre telling Victor in the owlery, or something like that. I wasn’t really listening that closely, I’m afraid.”
“That’s alright,” Artemis sighed. “I knew already. She thinks I was the one spreading the rumour about Skye’s broomstick. Looks like I’ll be keeping an eye out for Bludgers as well as the Snitch tomorrow.”
Murphy must have shared his doubts with Orion, because as the team got changed into their robes the next morning, he approached Artemis individually.
“The eagle is a swift and powerful predator, and merciless in its pursuit once it has eyes on its prey,” he said to her. Half-understanding what he was talking about, Artemis nodded. “Their eyes are sharp, but the cleverest animals know how to hide themselves in plain sight.”
“What do you mean?”
“Fly amongst the Ravenclaw Chasers. It will make it harder for them to make accurate passes, and the Beaters will find it hard to target you without putting their own players at risk,” he raised his eyebrows. “After all, the safest place for the rabbit to hide is within the twisting tunnels of a warren.”
“I can’t play Quidditch underground,” Artemis replied, and Orion chuckled as he took a position in front of the others, ready for his vivification speech.
“The time has come for us to face our final opponents,” he told them, his hands pressed together, “and although they may be powerful, I truly believe that we can beat them. Our balance is sound, and our bonds are strong. That is what separates us from the others: they may be teams, but we are a family, united by one common passion. There is a fire burning within each of us, and when we fly together, we set the sky ablaze.”
“Let’s nae set the sky ablaze today, Amari,” muttered Skye, grinning at Artemis. “I’ve only just managed tae get the smell of smoke out of ma hair after last weekend.”
“Be that as it may,” Orion continued, ignoring Skye, “I do not wish to talk about victory today. This is not only our final match of the season, but it is my final match at Hogwarts. As your Captain, I wish to use this time to tell you how proud I am of what we, as a team and a family, have achieved this year. I do not know what the stars hold for this match, but I know that regardless of whether we win the Cup or not, it will be an honour to play one more game with you all.”
The others were quiet for a moment, before Skye spoke once more.
“Naw. Sorry, Amari, but we are getting our hands on that Cup. Ye want tae be proud of us, we are gaun tae make ye proud of us.”
There was a murmur of agreement, and Orion bowed his head, smiling to himself. Outside the tent, the noise of hundreds of students could be heard from the stands.
“It’s time.”
On the pitch, they met the Ravenclaw team, all clad in blue. Artemis made eye contact with Andre, who winked at her, and Orion shook Erika Rath’s hand. The Ravenclaw Captain’s grip on Orion’s hand was vice-like, and she glared at Artemis rather than looking at him. Artemis raised her chin and looked straight back at her.
As Madam Hooch blew her whistle and threw the Quaffle into the air, both teams soared into action. Skye immediately took possession of the ball, passing it to Lizzie, who sped off in the direction of the goalposts, two Ravenclaw Chasers in hot pursuit. Artemis weaved in and out of the two of them, not staying still for a single second. Be a moving target, she told herself. Use them as obstacles.
Lizzie passed the Quaffle to Orion as a third Chaser flew towards her. Orion caught the Quaffle, and in the corner of her eye Artemis saw Erika Rath raise the arm holding her Beater’s bat. She flew between the Ravenclaw Chasers once more, and instead of her, Erika sent the Bludger in Orion’s direction. A moment later, David Willows hit the Bludger away from the Hufflepuff Captain, who threw the Quaffle to Skye, who caught it, swerved out of the path of a second Bludger and-
“Parkin shoots, and she scores!” Murphy McNully’s voice echoed across the pitch, over the sounds of cheers from the Hufflepuff stands. “That’s ten points to Hufflepuff already!”
The Quaffle was passed back out into play, and taken up by the Ravenclaw Chasers. Again, Artemis flew among them, attempting to intercept their passes as much as she could, until a black ball came hurtling through the air towards her, sent by the bat of a red-headed Beater in blue robes.
Artemis dodged the Bludger, and flew straight into the Ravenclaw Chaser who was holding the Quaffle. She dropped the ball to grab hold of her broomstick with both hands and swore loudly. Skye picked up the Quaffle, but before she had time to pass it to another player, Madam Hooch blew her whistle, and gestured to Skye, Artemis, and the Chaser who Artemis had inadvertently flown into.
“That was a foul,” she told them, when they flew down to meet her. “Blatching.”
“It was an accident!”
“Aye, she was just trying tae dodge a Bludger.”
“I didn’t mean to-”
“Of course you didn’t,” the Ravenclaw Chaser rolled her eyes. “Just like you didn’t start all those rumours about Erika.”
“I didn’t!”
“Whatever, Hexley.”
“Ye listen tae me, Adler, ye wee-”
Madam Hooch blew her whistle again, and the three girls fell silent.
“Fouls are fouls, I’m afraid,” she told them. Skye made an angry noise and Artemis glowered at the Ravenclaw Chaser as she took back the Quaffle.
“Ravenclaw is awarded a penalty after Hexley flies into Adler,” Murphy announced to the grumbling crowd, as Adler flew towards the Hufflepuff goalposts, Quaffle in hand. “Adler shoots… and Gwithers saves!”
Alex Gwithers caught the Quaffle and tossed it to Orion. Artemis flew back into the midst of the Ravenclaw Chasers, as they followed the Hufflepuff players back across the pitch.
“Amari to Jameson, Jameson to Parkin, Parkin back to Jameson, Jameson to Amari, and… GOAL! Hufflepuff lead twenty to nil!”
Artemis clapped as Skye hi-fived Orion, before setting off in flight again. Hufflepuff were doing well. Another saved goal by Alex Gwithers, one saved by Andre, and another scored by Lizzie, and they were up thirty to nil. The Ravenclaws were looking increasingly frustrated. Given that they needed to win with a decent point margin to take the Cup, things were not looking good for them at all.
“Ravenclaw take possession of the Quaffle, Parkin attempts to intercept a pass there, but no, Ravenclaw still in possession…” Murphy announced. “Adler shoots again, and Gwithers - OUCH!”
As Alex Gwithers reached for the Quaffle, a Bludger soared towards him. It hit him square in the chest, and he plummeted to the ground. A time out was called, and Orion flew down to see how badly the Keeper was hurt.
“He’s okay, but he has broken an arm,” Orion told the rest of the team. “A change in the winds means a change in direction. Skye, you have played Keeper before. I’m trusting you to make sure that we have a decent defence. Artemis, I’ll need you to start looking for that Snitch. Jean, David, keep your eyes on Rath and Cassiopeia.”
Five heads nodded their assent, and five broomsticks flew back into position. Artemis flew high above the action, looking for the Snitch. Below her, she watched as Orion and Lizzie set off in pursuit of the Quaffle, and Skye hovered near the Hufflepuff goalposts, ready to defend them if needed.
Orion was right. The winds had changed. Two Chasers against three wasn’t favourable, and although Skye wasn’t a bad Keeper, it wasn’t her usual position. Over the next hour and a half, Ravenclaw took eleven shots at the Hufflepuff goalposts, and scored eight goals. Meanwhile, Andre saved three of the four goals that Orion and Lizzie aimed at the Ravenclaw goalposts.
“Ravenclaw score again,” Murphy announced, as the Quaffle flew past Skye once more. “The score is now ninety to forty. Hufflepuff’s good start might have been too good to be true!”
It wasn’t just the Chasers that were struggling. The Snitch was nowhere to be seen, and with the Ravenclaw Beaters both determined to take Artemis out of the game, Jean Bean and David Willows were having a hard job keeping the Bludgers away from her. As Ravenclaw scored yet another goal, both Rath and her fellow Beater used the force of their two bats at once to send a Bludger in her direction with more force than Artemis had ever seen before. Both the Hufflepuff Beaters reacted at once, Bean hitting it away from Artemis and Willows taking a second swing at it, sending it off in the direction of the Ravenclaw goalposts, where Andre deftly swooped out of its flight path.
Lizzie and Orion quickly took advantage of Andre ducking away from the goalposts. Lizzie passed the Quaffle to Orion, who zoomed towards the empty hoops. But with both Beaters busy with one Bludger, the other was sent into action unguarded. With a mighty swing of her bat, Erika Rath hit the other Bludger towards the Hufflepuff Chaser, who had just stood up on his broomstick like a surfer.
“Rath’s Bludger heads straight for Amari, who accelerates, and - NO!”
Orion had sped up to avoid the Bludger, and so it missed his body, but instead it caught the tail of his broomstick, causing it to lurch and spin on its own axis. Orion, standing upright, with no hands on the broom, was thrown completely off balance.
There was a loud gasp from the crowd, as Orion fell  out of the air. When his body hit the grass, still blackened in patches after the star shower the week before, a hush fell over the stadium. Then, one by one, voices began to shout across the pitch.
“TIME OUT! We want a time out!”
“Only Captains can call for time out!”
“Our Captain just got knocked off his broomstick, we will call a time out if we want to!”
“Aye, stuff it, Rath!”
The entire Hufflepuff team flew to where Orion lay on the ground. He was heavily bruised and looked a little dazed, but conscious. Madam Pomfrey was already examining him, her face hard.
“Minor concussion, bruised ribs, sprained wrist,” she said. “You’ll be alright.”
“So, I may still play?”
“Not today, boy,” she shook her head. “Not with a concussion.”
Orion protested, but Madam Pomfrey wouldn’t budge. Eventually, Orion bowed his head.
“Naw,” Skye shook her own. “We cannae play with two Chasers and no Keeper! They’ll bloody batter us!”
“Unfortunately, we cannot argue with the fates. The stars have ordained that-”
“Perhaps he’s more concussed than I thought,” muttered Madam Pomfrey, lighting her wand and shining it in Orion’s eyes.
“Naw, he’s always havering like this. He’s nae concussed, he’s just doolally.”
“Parkin,” Orion said, holding one hand out to Skye. “An ocean is made of a multitude of drops. You can take water from the sea, but the crash of the waves will be as powerful as ever. You can still change the tide, even without me.“
“Aye, but how?”
“However you see fit,” Orion removed his Captain’s band from his arm and pressed it into Skye’s palm. The two of them shook hands. “You’re the Captain now.”
Skye nodded, sniffed, and rubbed her eyes with her sleeve, before turning turning back to the rest of the team with a determined expression on her freckled face.
“What are yous standing around for?” she asked them. “We’ve got a Quidditch Cup to win, ken?”
Skye mounted her broom and started to shout out orders to the rest of the team. The players took to the air, the two remaining Chasers flying to the goal posts, ready to defend, the Beaters in the middle of the pitch, bats raised and ready, and Artemis, high above them all.
They may have been two players down, but they fought tooth and nail to prevent the Ravenclaws from scoring. But, Ravenclaw still had the advantage, and playing defence meant that every time they managed to get past Lizzie and Skye, the score racked up further in their favour, and the Hufflepuff Chasers were now tiring. Meanwhile, Artemis had yet to see the Snitch even once.
“And that’s another goal to Ravenclaw,” Murphy announced, “The score is now two hundred points to forty. Hufflepuff are putting on a good show, but they can’t keep this up forever. With a lead of one hundred and sixty points, Ravenclaw will win even if Hexley catches the Snitch!”
Artemis groaned. Why didn’t they just call it quits, then? They’d lost, they might as well-
“But,” Murphy continued, his voice interrupted her thoughts, “Ravenclaw need to win by a margin of forty points or more to take the Cup!”
Of course! They could lose the game and still win the Cup, but Artemis would have to find the Snitch, and find it fast. The problem was, the Beaters knew this, too. She flew higher above the pitch, further out of the way of the action to get a better vantage point.
And then, she saw it.
It was flying fast, flickering in and out of her vision as it flitted between the Ravenclaw Chasers. Orion had been right before; it really did make it harder to be seen.
She thought about what to do next. She was so high up that taking a sudden dive would alert everyone to the Snitch’s whereabouts, and with moving obstacles in her way, she’d struggle to catch it there. She was going to have to flush it out into the open, and subtly, too, Godric help her.
Her eye still of the flickering flash of gold amongst the blue-clad Chasers, she flew back into the fray. Pretending to do what she’d done earlier in the game, she - like the Snitch - started to weave in and out of the Chasers. It was as if the Snitch knew what she was doing, because it sped up, as if to overtake Adler, aiming for the goalposts, and so did she, accidentally blocking the Ravenclaw Chaser as she did.
“Another foul! Penalty to Ravenclaw!”
“What did ye dae that for?” Skye shouted at her, but she wasn’t listening. Her eyes were on the Snitch, which had ducked down below the action.
“Adler shoots, and - Hexley’s seen the Snitch!”
The second the Quaffle passed through the hoop, Artemis zoned in on the Snitch, moving her hands forward, accelerating, and zooming off after it. She knew that the Ravenclaw Seeker was following her, but she didn’t care. Her Comet was faster than Tonks’ Cleansweep, and she had a head start.
“Hexley in pursuit of the Snitch, and she’s gaining! Hufflepuff might just take the Cup, after all!” Murphy’s voice was getting louder with each word. “But, what’s that? Rath swings, and takes aim! Yes, she’s sent  the Bludger straight for the Hufflepuff Seeker!”
Even without Murphy’s commentary, Artemis knew what was happening. Behind her, she could feel the unmistakable rush of air of a Bludger heading straight for her. She could have ducked away, but she was so close. She couldn’t give up, not now. So, instead, she did what Orion did. She sped up.
The Snitch was now within arm’s reach, and she took one hand off her broom to catch it quickly, before the Bludger caught her. She opened her palm, fingers extended, and felt the soft feathery wings tickling her fingertips…
Something hit her at the base of her rib cage, and the impact sent her and her broomstick off towards the edge of the pitch. She hit the soft fabric covers of the stands and tumbled down to the ground, her eyes screwed shut in pain. When she opened them, Madam Pomfrey was standing over her, and Skye stood just behind her.
“Broken ribs,” Madam Pomfrey said. “No more flying today for you either, Miss Hexley.”
Artemis was expecting Skye to put up a fuss, but instead, she just looked resigned, and called the others down.
“We’re forefeiting the game,” she told them. “Hexley’s out. We dinnae have a Seeker, and they’re only two goals away from taking the Cup anyway. There’s no way we can dae it now.”
“But, Skye-”
“Dinnae fash yerself, Hexley. It’s not yer fault.”
“No, Skye,” Artemis shook her head, and held her arm up, an intense pain splitting down her side as she did so. “The game’s over. Look.”
She opened her palm, and Skye’s eyes grew wide.
“Naw,” she murmured, before shouting at the top of her voice. “IT’S THE SNITCH! MADAM HOOCH, WE HAVE THE SNITCH!”
Madam Hooch swept across the pitch, and stopped five metres away. She blew her whistle, and gestured to the five remaining Hufflepuff players, huddled at the base of the stands.
“What are the chances?” Murphy called out. “Hexley has taken a Bludger, but caught the Snitch, and Ravenclaw have taken the game, but lost the Cup! The final score is two hundred and ten to Ravenclaw, one hundred and ninety to Hufflepuff, but Hufflepuff are this year’s overall champions!”
The stadium erupted in a burst of noise and colour, as the Hufflepuff team made their way, limping, staggering, and triumphant, to the centre of the pitch. Madam Hooch handed the Cup to Skye, and Orion helped her lift it into the air, a proud smile on his face.
The spectators were running in, too. Rowan, Penny, and Tonks were all squealing, and Chiara Lobosca was behind them, smiling wider than Artemis had ever seen before. And Barnaby was with them, clearly having watched the match from the Hufflepuff stands, and by the Gryffindor stands she could see Bill, Charlie, Ben, and Jae, all cheering. Even Andre and Tulip were smirking a little.
“I’ve organised a victory party in the Great Hall,” Penny called out across the rabble. “Right now! Everyone is welcome!”
Artemis laughed, despite the pain it caused her to do so. Trust Penny to prioritise a party over broken ribs. Still, she wasn’t complaining. Right now, she couldn’t think of anything in the world to complain about.
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chaoticpuff17 · 4 years ago
Suga We’re Going Down
part 12
Hello, my darlings! I have an update for you!  Please enjoy the drama that will be unfolding in this chapter as well as the chapters to come.--- chaotic puff
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Y/N was grateful for the extra money her new job brought in, but it didn’t make the new found separation with her son any easier.  At least once a weekend she was called away, and it was usually overnight. It was hard on both of them. Eun Jae didn’t understand why his mother was away so much, and she hated seeing him upset. It was why she was taking the time to take him to the park. 
She should have been working on some project or another, but she was much happier watching her son run around the playground with a wide smile on his face. He loved the park, and she couldn’t help but feel guilty that she didn’t get to take him there more often. Today was a perfect day for it though. It was unseasonably warm, and Eun Jae could run around in a lighter jacket instead of his heavier winter coat which gave the little boy more ease of movement as he dashed around the playground. 
Y/N was lost in her thoughts watching her favorite little guy when she noticed the other moms beginning to whisper amongst themselves. She didn’t pay it much mind though as she assumed it was just the latest neighborhood gossip. It wasn’t as though she hadn’t been whispered about before either. She was an unwed mother. It got her plenty of ridicule from the other moms. What was odd was how they had started to gather around, moving closer to where she was. She knew well enough that they weren’t going to suddenly welcome her into the fold, so why were they getting closer? 
She froze knowing who she would see if she turned around and hoping against hope that he would just disappear. He didn’t. 
“What are you doing here?” she hissed running to face him. 
“I just want to see him. Is that so bad?” he asked pasting on the most contrite pair of puppy dog eyes he could manage. 
“Yes!” she cast a quick glance over her shoulder making sure that Eun Jae hadn’t noticed anything yet. He hadn’t. He was blissfully unaware and running around the playground with the other toddlers. “You can’t be here.” 
“I just want to see him. He’s my son.” 
“Kim Taehyung.” she snapped, shooting him a withering glare. “He is not your son, and you need to go.” 
“He’s my kid.” he pleaded, peering around her trying to catch sight of the little boy. “I just want to meet him.” 
“That’s not your decision to make.” she squared her shoulders and did her best to make the same stoic, terrifying face her grandmother made when she was displeased. “You should leave.” 
Taehyung scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared her down. Neither of them was willing to budge, but unlike Taehyung, she had paternal rights. “You can’t make me go.” 
“I can call the cops and say that there’s a strange man harassing me and my child.” her head tilted to the side sassily as she waited for him to back down. 
“Like the cops would believe that the heir to Singularity Enterprises was harassing you. I can promise you they won’t.” he scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I’m not going to hurt him.” 
“Take a look around, Taehyung. You really think you belong here?” she huffed, placing her hands on her hips casting her gaze around her neighborhood. It wasn’t a bad area per say, but it certainly wasn’t what Taehyung was used to, and he stood out like a sore thumb in his designer clothes. They were already attracting the gazes of the other moms. “Eun Jae certainly doesn’t need another parental figure to dip in and out of his life like the utter failure they are. So you want to meet him now? What’s going to happen in a month when you get bored of playing house?” Taehyung stared at her in shock. People didn’t talk to him like this. “Do us all a favor and go.” 
“I’m not going to abandon him.” he protested, recovering himself. “He’s my kid.” 
“Great! Where were you the past three years?” 
“I wasn’t allow…” 
“Don’t.” she scoffed. “You’re a grown man. You could have been here if you wanted to.” 
“I’m here now. I want to meet him.” 
“How is that fair to us?” 
“How is it fair that I don’t get to be a part of his life?” he countered. 
“You signed away your rights before he was even born. He doesn’t know you, and he doesn’t need you.” 
“Every kid needs a father.” 
She sighed pinching the bridge of her nose as she did her best not to yell at the man. “He’s a kid, Taehyung, a baby. He doesn’t need anymore disappointing parental figures. You want to be here now, but what happens when you get a family of your own? Eun Jae is always going to be your teenage indiscretion, but he’s my whole world.” 
“He’s not…” 
Before either of them could continue, a little body smashed into her legs wrapping little arms tightly around them. 
“Swings, eomma!” he demanded staring up at her with a bright smile. 
Both adults were frozen staring down at the little boy. Taehyung was the first to recover, kneeling down to the toddler's height with a bright, boxy grin. 
“Hey, buddy.” he greeted not even phased as Eun Jae retreated hiding behind his mother’s legs as he stared at the stranger with wide eyes. “It’s nice to meet you.” the little boy said nothing, choosing instead to cling to his mother’s legs even tighter than before. “I’m Taehyung.” 
Eun Jae ignored him, pulling on her tunic-like shirt instead. “Swings?” he asked again, staring up at his mother with big pleading eyes. 
“Okay, baby.” she hummed, running a gentle hand through his hair. “Let’s go to the swings.” 
The toddler nodded furiously reaching up to grab her hand, tugging her towards the playground. “Swings, eomma, swings!” 
She followed behind her child praying that Taehyung would get the hint and leave. Eun Jae had in typical fashion for the toddler, rejected the stranger preferring the company of his mother, but Taehyung didn’t seem to care as he followed behind them a soft smile playing on his lips.
“Eomma.” Eun Jae tugged on her hand again. “Who’s the weird man?” 
Y/N did her best to suppress the laugh that bubbled up, but she didn’t quite succeed. Instead a choked chuckle like snort erupted. “He’s just a weird man, baby.” 
“I’m a friend of your eomma’s.” Taehyung interrupted catching up to them and addressing the toddler with a smile that just didn’t seem to get any less bright no matter how many times they both rejected him. 
“No you’re not.” he frowned, glaring up at the adult. “Auntie Nina is eomma’s friend.” he explained, his brows scrunched up in confusion. 
“Eomma can have more than one friend.” The look on the kid’s face told them both that he didn’t think so. It was a blank expression that looked far too similar to Taehyung’s for her comfort, and it didn’t escape Taehyung’s notice either. “He kinda looks like me doesn’t he?” He smirked, staring down at the child proudly. 
“No.” Eun Jae frowned. “I look like Eomma. Halmeoni said so. You’re a weird man.” he pouted, once more clinging to his mother’s legs. 
“You can look like more than one person.” Taehyung explained even though Eun Jae only buried his face into her leg. 
“I don’t want swings.” He whined reaching his arms up in a silent plea to be held, and Y/N complied, swinging the toddler up onto her hip where he promptly buried his face in her neck. “I don’t like him. Wanna go home.” 
Y/N gently bounced him on her hip, hushing him as his little fingers clenched her shirt. “You wanna go home, Jae Jae?” She cooed, rubbing his back with her free hand as he nodded into her neck. “Okay, baby. Let’s go home.” 
“Y/N.” Taehyung called out, reaching for her as she began to walk away.
“I think you’ve done enough for one day.” She hissed, tightening her grip on her child. “Don’t you?” 
She strode away, hyper aware of the stares of both Taehyung and the other mothers as she did. This was going to be the talk of the playground for at least a week or two, and Y/N wasn’t looking forward to the invasive questions she would get asked the next time she and Eun Jae went there. 
Y/N didn’t want to admit it, but she moved more quickly than she would have normally as she took her son home. She was rattled. As much as she hated to admit it, she was rattled. She didn’t like Taehyung showing up in her neighborhood, at her park. She didn’t like the fact that he ignored her wishes and met Eun Jae. 
If she had wanted them to meet, she would have prepared. She would have explained things to the toddler. She would have arranged things so that they were in a safe and comfortable place for both her and Eun Jae. She certainly wouldn’t have suggested he ambush them at the park. 
The fact of the matter was that she  was Eun Jae’s mother, and she was the only one that had parental rights. Ha Jin didn’t, and Taehyung certainly didn’t. He didn’t get to decide what was best for Eun Jae. He didn’t get to show up on a whim. He didn’t get to uproot their lives because he suddenly decided he wanted to be part of the life of a child he couldn’t have given a shit about until he ran into her the week before. 
“Eomma?” Eun Jae asked as she unlocked the door to her apartment. 
“Yeah, baby?” 
“Sure, buddy.” She agreed, kicking off her shoes and shutting the door behind them, before taking off Eu Jae’s shoes as well. 
The toddler was quick to run into the apartment and settle himself in front of her small television as she put on the cartoon for him. It was one of his favorites, and she couldn’t blame him. The penguin was pretty cute. 
“Eomma?” he called as she went to the kitchen to get a snack for him. 
“Yeah, buddy?” 
“Cuddles?” he pleaded, staring at her with big puppy dog eyes. 
She smiled, handing him a little bowl of dried mango slices. “Sure, buddy. Eomma just has to make a quick phone call first. Okay?” 
He nodded, flopping back down with his snack as he turned his attention to the cartoon penguin and his dinosaur friend. 
Y/N moved back to the kitchen pulling out her phone as she considered what she was going to tell Yoongi. She was meant to go to his concert, but she didn’t feel right leaving Eun Jae, not after what had happened at the park. Part of her was terrified that Taehyung was going to show up while she was gone and take him away. 
“Angel?” Yoongi’s raspy voice asked from the other end of the line.
“Hi.” She sighed out shakily. Yoongi was quick to pick up on it. Nothing ever seemed to slip past him.
“Is everything alright?” Concern colored his tone, and she could hear people moving around in the background. 
Part of her felt bad for calling when she knew he was busy preparing for his concert, but Eun Jae had to come first. He always had to come first. “I’m so sorry, but I’m not going to be able to make it to the concert.” 
There was a drawn out pause, and she could practically see the scowl on his face. 
“What’s wrong?” he demanded, voice lowering into a growl. “Are you alright? I can send Jackson…” 
“No!” she was quick to stop him. “No. I’m just not feeling well. I just need to stay home and rest.” 
It was a lie, but what he didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. 
“Are you alright? Do you have a fever? Do you need to go to the doctor?” he demanded, and she was half convinced he was going to come to see her himself if she didn’t cut him off soon. “I’ll send Jackson over to take you to the doctor. I’ll set up an appointment…”
“That’s really not necessary. I just need to rest. I’ll be fine in a day or two.” she promised, knowing full well she was perfectly fine now. 
“Are you sure?” 
“I’m sure. I’m sorry for missing your concert.” 
“Just get better.” he sighed heavily. “You can come to the next one.” 
“Thank you.” 
“If you need anything, call.” 
“I’ll be fine.” 
She hung up shortly after not knowing the mayhem she had caused for Yoongi’s staff. The mixture of her cancellation and worry for her health had put the rapper into a horrible mood. A worried Yoongi wasn’t a pleasant Yoongi.
part 13
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silently-weebs-in-corner · 3 years ago
Warning! ⚠️We have DID & a tic disorder⚠️
Ayo wassup shawty~
Welcome to hell on crack <3
Lemme start off by introducing ourselves:
Feel free to call us:
AJ, Lynx, Neptune, Phoenix, Ash, Max, Jaden/Jaydn, Asra, Poison, Rei (霊), Ares, Eris, Ceres, Hypnos, Wren, Chase, Hunter, Stryker/Striker, Shadow, Ghost, Nyx, Erebus, Kage (影), Tsuya (艶), Orochi (大蛇), Yumei, Tsuki (月), Ya (夜), Asora (青空), Ryū/Tatsu (竜/龍 ), Jun (純), Akumu (悪夢), Kazumi (和美), Ryo (涼), Turtle, Kame (亀), Jae, Jaz, Jasper, Hades, Axe, Axl, Bullet, Death, Wrath, Plant, Ace, Sun or Lemon!!! [Hand-picked kanji lmao]
-Lynx (he/they) [gatekeeper] {🏐}
-Rain (she/it) {💧}
-Max (he/xem) {🍬}
-Ash (he/him) {🔥}
-Mushroom "shroom" (it/its/itself) [it is 6!] {🍄}
-Aiden (ze/zir/hir) {🐈}
-Alora (she/her) [Don't interact with her!] {👑}
-Knife (he/him, doesn't care) {🔪}
-Plant (🍃/🍃s/🍃self) [🍃 is 9!] {🌱}
-Ghost (spook/spooks/spookself) {👻}
-Krypton (he/they) {👓/🌙}
-Cypher (they/them) {🍓/☄}
-Eden (it/its/itself) {💫}
-Cherry (he/him) {🍒/🌸}
-Sugawara (he/him, usually, but ask!) {🍭}
-Kageyama (he/him) {🥛}
-Iwaizumi (he/him) {💪}
-Hinata (he/she/they) {🍊}
-Bokuto (he/they!!) {🦉}
-Oikawa (he/him) {💎}
-Lucifer (he/him) {😈}
-Beelzebub (he/it) {🍽}
-Azrael (she/he/they/it) {🌹}
-Eleanor (she/they) {😄}
-Sundrop (he/it) {☀}
Knife and Alora fight a lot.
Shroom gets frequent panic attacks
Dont be afraid to ask who's fronting!
Transmasc :p
Gay and Dreadsexual!!
-🍃/🍃s/🍃self (its leaf 😑)
Personality type:
Hosts birthday:
26th of April
Anime, reading, writing, dsmp, astrology, psychology, theatre, music, sports (Soccer, Basketball, Volleyball), skating (we're not good tho 😖), singing, k-drama & k-pop, J-Pop, Harry Potter, MCR, FOB, P!ATD, Green Day, BURNOUT SYNDROMES, TK from Ling tosite sigure, BTS, BLACKPINK, LoveJoy, Pierce The Veil, jxdn, Paramore, blink-182, Black Veil Brides, Twenty One Pilots, AJR, Mitski, The Living Tombstones, SPYAIR, Official HIGE DANdism, Boyfriends, Friends, Squid Game, The Uncanny Counter, A:TLA, TLOK!!
⚠️Our triggers⚠️:
Clocks ticking, flashing lights, loud noises, yelling.
Btw we swear a lot!
DSMP antis, people who align with the usual DNI criteria, Homophobes, Transphobes, Exclusionists, Pedos (or if you support them), Pro Shippers, Pro-Ana/Mia, Racists, etc!
I have to do it...
Thank you for coming to my (our) TED Talk.
Heres a heart : 🖤
Have a nice day.
Dont forget...
"BE GAY ✨.
AJ signing off...
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drivingsideways · 3 years ago
Hey talk to me about your top three favourite kdrama women. What makes them special? What's a fic you would like to write about any one of them?
Mystery anon! :D What a lovely ask. 
I’m going to cheat a bit and divide my answer into characters I loved a lot, but do not want to write fic about, because I think the canon gives me what I need; and characters that I loved a lot but NEED TO BE RESCUED ZOMG.  (My fic writing impulses are 50% spite and 50% fix-it )
Caveat being that I’ve still watched only maybe a dozen kdramas, so I’m pretty limited in my knowledge!
Characters that I love a lot, but have very zero fic impulses toward:
Han Yeo-jin from Stranger/Secret Forest: What a delight! What an iconique character! Is there anyone like her? NO. LSY-nim gives us a delightfully complex character, and Bae Doona knocks it out of the park in every single scene, so I’m just happy to be along for the ride. I think what makes Yeo-jin special for me is the intrinsic place of empathy that she operates from.  I think “righteous” is a word that often comes with negative connotations (self-righteous, for eg), but I do think she’s one of the most righteous-in-the-good-way characters I’ve watched in kdrama or any drama. I’m tired of stories that portray goodness as “boring” , as unworthy of narrative breadth or depth, and I love that Han Yeo-jin comes to us like a breath of fresh air in our particular dystopian narratives hellscape. She’s good, but never naive. She’s righteous but never cruel in her moral certainties.  I think that LSY nim, in the second season especially, gave Yeo-jin the kind of arc that character deserved when she’s forced to really dig deep into herself to figure out how she’s going to live in the world in the face of a deeply cutting, deeply personal disillusionment, and I’m really hoping for an S3 to see how that plays out further. 
Goo Hae-ryung from Rookie Historian: Ok, I will admit this may be rose tinted glasses view due to this show being my gateway drug into kdrama, but c’mon! She’s a reader! and a Thinker! And loves her wine! She’s plucky! She’s cute! She’s got a wry sense of humour! She’s got principles! She’s got a solid common sense to her that somehow doesn’t get in the way of her dreaming BIG! Oh dear, doesn’t she sound like the Mary-est of Mary Sues? Good for her.gif,  I say! Anyways, Shin Se-kyung is unutterably charming in this (AS IN EVERY SHOW OMG GIRL) and I just have a huge fondness for free-spirited heroines who get to tramp through the narrative changing the world as they do! 
Lee Ji-an from My Ahjussi: I’ve never had my heart broken more OR restored by any single character. IU is *phenomenal * in this, I think she really stepped up to what the script demanded from her. Ji-an’s weariness, her fear and vulnerability, her prickliness, her anger and her bitterness, and how, despite everything, she fights : GOD. Just. Again, what I love about the writing in this show is that it’s deeply empathetic without being cloyingly sentimental. I think a less, hmm, imaginative writer/PD might have focused on the Lee Ji-an the victim, and while the show definitely tells you in no uncertain terms that she is one,  of both circumstances and a cruel society, I think it refuses to take away her agency over her own life.(Lee Ji-an when we meet her is too busy hanging onto life by tooth and claw to indulge in self-pity, but we also see the toll it takes on her not to be able to say “this is too heavy a burden for me to carry myself and it isn’t my fault”; the show I think approaches Dong-hoon from the opposite side- his emotional isolation is partly a result of his own choices, but he doesn’t see it yet, and so his journey is also about letting people in and sharing the burden, but also recovering his own agency over his life. It’s an interestingly gender-bent arc, which is one of the things I love about this show. )
Ok, can I please add one more?
Hwang Han-joo from Melo is my Nature: She just felt SO real to me. She’s someone who doesn’t have the spectacular brilliance of either Jin-joo or Eun-jung, and struggles with accepting her limitations but not allowing herself to be defeated by them? I love her struggles as a mother, as a working woman in a sexist industry, a woman who’s perhaps having to rethink and reimagine what she wants from romance. I love that she’s a little silly, a lot kind, and an optimist, and just. I just think she’s the bravest of the three, tbh, and I LOVE HER AND I WOULD WATCH A SPIN OFF ABOUT JUST HER (i shouldn’t have faves among the three i know, BUT I DO, IT’S HER, IT’S HER.)
Ok! On to the next section! And I’m going to cheat again because I can’t stop at three. SORRY. NOT SORRY. 
Characters I love and SHOULD write fic for if I weren’t such a tired and lazy bunny:  
Song Sa-hui from Rookie Historian: Oh, girl, girl, GIRL. I love how she fights to snatch her freedom from the jaws of the patriarchy. I love that she unapologetically centers herself while doing that, because she knows that nobody else will.  I love that she’s prickly and calculating. I love that she’s smart and knowledgeable. I am SO HAPPY that she got to carve out a little bit of freedom for herself, even if it also is exile to some degree. She *should * be Emperor Jin’s Prime Minister and steering the ship of state, while also carrying on a tumultous affair with Queen Min Woo-hee, while ALSO commiserating with Emperor Jin about his boyfriend Historian Min Woo-won’s regrettable tendency towards Principles (TM) and masochism-but-not-in-the-fun-way. (This takes up much of his time which is why Song Sa-hui is running the country, of course. It works out well for all concerned, well, except her dad, of course.)
Song Ga-gyeong from Search:WWW: What’s NOT to love about our brilliant, beautiful, emotionally tortured gay icon? Nothing, absolutely nothing. I loved how the show allowed her to be flawed and make bad decisions, and then allowed her to make better decisions and regain control of her life. What I do need to do, of course, is see the CANON LOVE STORY between her and Cha Hyeon through to the end. It must, of course, include at least one baseball game, a lot of tequila and messy beach kisses. 
Oh Ji-hwa from Beyond Evil: Oh boy, this year’s runaway hit cleared the extremely low bar for standard crime/ thriller shows by leaving more than one of its female characters breathing and with all limbs intact, and got called feminist for it BUT it didn’t do justice to any of them in any meaningful way and that never hurt more than in the way they sidelined Kim Shin-rok’s talent by not giving Oh Ji-hwa anything much to do. She’s a tough as nails cop, a loving sister, a devoted but unsentimental friend-and by rights SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE HEROINE OF THIS SHOW. My secret fic fantasy is to rewrite the show entirely by making her , and the two other female characters in non-antagonist roles- Yoo Jae-yi and Im Sun-nyeo- as the central characters, as they investigate a serial killer who targets women.  It’s the only acceptable version of this done-to-death (ha!) genre, I have no idea what the Baeksang jury and tumblr fandom is smoking when they hype the show so much, I want none of it. 
Jung Sun-ah from The Devil Judge: I love her rage, her spite, her passionate defense of women, her style, her sexiness, her rage, her rage, her brilliance, her tenaciousness, her smartness, her clothes, her refusal to hate herself for everything she is and chooses to be, her ambition, her comfort wielding power, her EVERYTHING. Dead, her? NOT IF I HAVE ANYTHING TO SAY ABOUT IT. Here’s what *really * happened at the end of canon- she gets out of the building by planting that lady-like but still deadly gun against Kang Yo-han’s temple and making him lead her through his own “secret escape route” or whatever the fuck it was the show wanted us to believe. From there on out, it’s all sunshine and beaches, and scheming and waiting for the right moment to strike again-though of course, this time around, she also has to reckon with vigilant, tenacious cop Soo-hyun -another character who REALLY didn’t die for manpain reasons and had the good sense to leave her gay best friend to follow his psychopath boyfriend to Switzerland or wherever it is that star crossed lovers in kdrama land meet up on the regs these days- anyways, Soo-hyun and her are in this catch-me-if-you-can epic transnational honest and cute cop-and-beautiful sexy villain chase and yes, they WILL kiss (and more) AND IT WILL BE GLORIOUS. 
*whew *
Thanks for coming to my TEDTalk.
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recurring-polynya · 4 years ago
I have started watching My Roommate is a Gumiho and @gizkasparadise​ wanted reaction posts, so you’re all getting reaction posts whether you want them or not.
If you want the run-down on the show, I recommend you read gizka’s shitty powerpoint, but the TL;DR is that history major Lee Dam accidentally swallows gumiho Shin Woo Yeo’s fox bead, now they’re roommates.
This is the first “on-air” drama I have watched on Viki. It looks like there are currently 3 free episodes. I am assuming that more will get unlocked over time (maybe 1/week? here’s hoping)
Shin Woo Yeo is so tired and I am here for it. He can’t even be assed to keep up with own cover story. He’s at work and he’s like “yeah, back in the Joseon dynasty, when I was the governor of such and such” and he doesn’t even backtrack, his co-workers are like “Writer Shin, you’re such a card! Can I have a ride in your Porsche?” and he’s like “No.”
Do Jae Jin you are a tender drunk baby and I love you. Please give your friends your cell phone before you do something you regret
Do Jae Jin PUKED on the Porsche I am DYING
It has taken a while, but I am officially all-in on the kdrama affect of using dumb sound effects for shitpost-style humor
The Swallowing the Fox Bead sequence is so long and so extra and they are going to replay it three times every episode, aren’t they?
I love reincarnation plots, like, an ungodly amount, but I am so refreshed that Shin Woo Yeo is not pining for some human that died tragically 700 years ago, and I am ready to see him fall in love right here in real time. I just finished Hotel Del Luna, which was great, but 70% of it was characters gazing longingly off into the middle distance while a sad song played and I’m have had Enough.
YANG HYE SUN I love you, your boots are amazing, please drag this man’s ass to hell every episode for not being slutty enough, please and thank you.
I <3 Lee Dam’s jock-ass brother
Mr. Polynya: “The conceit where she can’t touch anyone who was born in the Year of the Tiger sure is... something.”
Kdramas love to be giving teleportation powers to characters that absolutely should not have teleportation powers
When I started watching kdramas, I would not have expected there to be so much house porn, but!!! Shin Woo Yeo’s house!!! 💯💯💯
Shin Woo Yeo has the energy of both Mr. Darcy from Pride and Prejudice (in the sense that he’s a social disaster but an actual Good Dude) and Mr. Rochester from Jane Eyre (in the sense that he gardens at night with a sickle and chuckles over the bags of coagulated blood he keeps in his fridge). I am actually really, really charmed by how thoughtful and considerate he is to Lee Dam (he bought her all that ice cream??), which is sort of a departure from most kdrama immortals who are kinda assholes until they fall in love with someone (except for Kim Shin from Goblin who remained an asshole even after he fell in love).
That scene where Shin Woo Yeo shapeshifts into an old dude and is like “are you impressed by my shapeshifting skills?” and Lee Dam is like “... please go back to being hot”
Grim reaper watch: So far, no grim reapers
Overall, the first episode was not super-strong, but it was enjoyable enough. There was a lot of set-up and a lot of Lee Dam shrieking. It has good potential, though. I like a lot of the characters and I’m looking forward to watching more!
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deonideatta · 4 years ago
hi hi i heard you like chief kim and i'm here to get all the intel on why it's a good drama 😊 and what you love about park jae bum's other dramas 😊 pls let me know if there's romance bc that's the oxygen i breathe when i watch a show 💕
Hello!!! Thank you for asking me about Chief Kim!!!! I can go on about it for ages lol. This got a bit long so i’m putting it under a cut
Chief Kim (aka Good Manager) is a comedy office drama with 20 eps, and it aired in 2017. There isn’t a main romance plotline, but don’t let that put you off! It’s an incredible drama in so many ways. (tho there is a subtle romance side plot, but it doesn’t involve the main character and it’s never the main focus, though it is cute). It does feature a bromance that was so great that the two actors literally won an award for it tho lol, so there’s also that!
In a way, the general premise is somewhat similar to Vincenzo in that it’s the main character and an unlikely team of others fighting a big corporation. The comedic tone is also more or less the same. The drama follows Kim Seong Ryong (the titular Chief Kim, played by Namgoong Min), a man with a talent for handling numbers who goes from running a seedy accounting firm to quite accidentally becoming a champion of employees rights in one of the biggest corporations in the country. He originally joins the company with the goal of embezzling a lot money and moving abroad, but he gets swept up in office politics surrounding high executives and the sinister goings on surrounding the position he was recruited for, as well as the shady things the higher-ups want him to do and the suspicion of the other members of his department. Eventually he starts to work alongside them to fight the corruption of the higher ups, and quickly becomes the bane of top management’s existence by being so incredibly annoying that they begin to regret hiring him.
It’s the kind of drama that really gets you to laugh, while still being incredibly heartwarming. The main character is so unashamedly funny, and the character dynamics are all so warm, and none of it ever seems forced. The first tag for the drama on MyDramaList is “character development”, and that says a lot! There’s so much growth that goes on for all the characters, even some of the villains! It’s especially funny because to begin with all the good things Kim Seong Ryeong does are completely by accident, and he’s annoyed but also pleased with all the attention it gets him. Over time he begins to own it, and begins to actively try to stand up to the corrupt people at the top of the company. The other highlight for me besides the humor is definitely the characters. From the eccentric main character, to the no-nonsense second in command in his department Yoon Ha Kyung, to the aggressive finance director Seo Yul who is always eating (one of my all time favourite characters, played by 2PM’s Junho), to the janitor lady who always roasts everyone, there isn’t a single dull character, whether good or bad. And Seo Yul gets one of the best character arcs I’ve ever seen in a kdrama. You get to watch the characters struggle and triumph, and you feel for them because their struggles feel so real, and the drama really gets you invested in them. You see the ways in which they fight to survive as normal working class citizens and you want them to win.
It differs from Vincenzo in that the main character isn’t considered evil and loses his less savoury traits over the course of the drama (his character arc is one of becoming a more upstanding citizen), and the message is one of fighting against corporate greed using the corporate system against itself in order to make things better for the average working citizen. But there’s the same plotting, and the same feeling of rooting for the protagonist team to win as you watch them plot and plan. I never rewatch things, but i’ve rewatched Chief Kim twice already and i’m looking forward to rewatching it again soon (just writing about it is making me want to rewatch it right now lol). It especially hits well for me because i love office dramas, and the humor and the bromance are just right. (Also, not entirely related, but it’s the first drama Kim Seonho was in!)
Another Park Jaebum drama i can definitely recommend is The Fiery Priest! It’s also a comedy action drama with 20 eps (released in 2019), and it follows Kim Hae Il (Kim Nam Gil), a catholic priest with a real temper, as he works to solve the mystery surrounding the death of a senior priest. No romance there either, but it’s got the same humor as Chief Kim and Vincenzo, and the same overarching found family trope (that really shines for this one). It’s darker than Chief Kim, but not as dark as Vincenzo. The plot is very intriguing, and it’s the kind of drama you feel compelled to keep watching to see what happens next. And the host of characters in that drama is still one of my favourites to this day. Every character was incredibly written, and they all played vital roles in the overall story. Again, lots of character development all round, and great character arcs not just for the main character (even for a few of the villains!). Plus it was lovely to watch the various characters interact, get closer, and build relationships. Such an iconic squad. Not to mention how funny it is?? And the fight scenes??? In fact, I enjoyed it so much that when I checked Park Jaebum’s page on MyDramaList after watching it around June last year and saw Vincenzo as an upcoming project, I added it to my plan to watch list immediately even though there was only a single line of synopsis lol. It’s also got an absolute banger of a soundtrack!
When you think about it, all three (Chief Kim, TFP and Vincenzo) can be simplified to “guy with dubious past sets out to fight corruption and creates a great support circle in the process”. All three are dramas of finding people who care about you and are willing to fight alongside you, and fighting for your convictions/what you think is right. Each main character starts out as a somewhat solitary figure, and you get to watch as they each find people who are willing to fight alongside them and support them. What exactly those specific convictions are varies in each drama, but Park Jaebum writes the character development arcs incredibly each time, and the relationships between the characters are so real and so satisfying to watch. And yet the integrity of the main character in each drama is never compromised either, it’s shown that they can grow and become better without losing themselves. The growth is also in the way that they learn to work with and rely on others, because teamwork makes the dream work. And then to cap it all off he lets them have victories, and he makes it SO satisfying??? There are highs and there are lows, and you feel all of those right there with the characters, which makes the victories feel so so good. In each we see the ensemble cast get involved with the fight and the plotting, and we get to see all their epic plans and their execution, and the victories they win that build up over time. And it’s so satisfying to me! I love it a lot, just thinking about it is making me smile lol. It also shows how well humor and darker/more serious plotlines/events are balanced in the dramas, neither is compromised in favour of the other, but it always works so well that the humor never feels forced or out of place. As someone who doesn’t like overbearingly dark shows, I really appreciate that. They all give you lots to laugh at, while not losing any of the plot to the funny.
Of course there are differences, notably the romance, and the fact that Vincenzo is bad vs bad rather than good vs bad like the other two. They deal more with redemption (especially The Fiery Priest), but that works for the stories that are being told, and it’s very well executed.
It’s worth noting that Park Jaebum also wrote Good Doctor and 4 seasons of God’s Quiz. I haven’t checked those out yet, but I’ve heard good things about all of them. He also wrote Blood, I haven’t seen that one either but opinions seem to be split on how good it was. All of those are medical dramas (which is the reason I haven’t watched them lol, i can’t stand medical dramas) from before 2017, when he wrote Chief Kim. It seems he’s been on a roll since then, good for him and good for us lol. You can see everything he’s written on his MyDramaList page.
Overall I enjoyed the Park Jaebum dramas I have seen for first and foremost the comedy, but also for the warmth of the character relationships and for how well developed/written each character is. And I love how he balances the humor with more poignant/darker moments, I laughed a lot watching all three dramas, but I’ve cried over each of them as well. It’s a good balance to have, it gives you a good plot to be interested in, but doesn’t keep you stressed and sombre the whole way through. I’ve seen people say that Vincenzo wouldn’t be as good if it wasn’t so wacky, and I fully agree. It’s the same for both TFP and Chief Kim, and that balance is definitely what I appreciate most in Park Jaebum’s dramas. I know I will laugh, but I also know I will get an incredible plot and incredible characters, and that’s really important for me. Plus I know I can trust that there will be a good ending because the writer cares about his characters.
I definitely recommend checking out both TFP and Chief Kim after Vincenzo is done, especially since they’re so similar in terms of comedic tone and basic plot direction. If you ever get to watching either of them feel free to hmu to chat about it!! There’s lots of plot stuff that can be can discussed.
lol this got v long (i have lots to say about how much i love these dramas haha), but I hope it’s helpful!!!
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jxxvvxxkcrack · 4 years ago
Lee Jae Wook Vlive 21 June 2021
Total vlive viewers: 35675 Total likes: 2072339 Length: 1 hr 01 minute T-shirt: Unlock your life by Pars Co. https://www.parspars.com/product/unlock-your-life-rainbow-white-short-t-shirt/
He's on a diet now.
He threatened to turn off the Vlive a few times because of all the people who said they were not studying for their exams to watch it :P
He's growing out his hair now for the next project.
He had to ban requests for him to say fans' names in the middle since too many requests were pouring in for him to say their name. Don’t blame them lol.
Talking with fans
What is your next project? You should see articles about it soon Will you do more vlogs? It's difficult to do vlogs in the pandemic period since you need to wear a mask everywhere. What do you do in your free time? I eat a lot, sleep a lot, and exercise a lot. Can you donate your Jordan shoes to me? No I can't, and then launched into some anecdote about something about high school, which is unsubbed. When will you hold a fan meeting? Probably after the pandemic. "You're watching me at hagwon (cram school)? I will scold you!" And he did lol it was so cute. What do you do when you first wake up? A hot water shower, and then..? [unsubbed] Do you like overseas fans? Of course I do, I love my overseas fans. I'll come for you after the pandemic is over. Current favourite song: Recently, ‘Lost’ by Maroon 5 was released. It's the best. Will you do an online fan-sign event? That would be interesting! What's your MBTI? I haven't done it yet! Please do the MBTI! OK I will definitely do it! Can you do a bear heart? What's a bear heart? There's so much I don't know. Teleport vs being able to tell the future? This is an interesting question. I would choose to teleport. I live in the Gangnam area, and the traffic there is so bad! So I would choose 'Teleport'. (I didn't know he lived in Gangnam). Do you have a driver's license? Of course I do. Shoe size: 285mm Can you speak English? No, I can barely speak Korean well :P
-but in the middle he did say "Say hi to global fan" LOL-
Your favourite late night snack? Fried chicken, jokbal, and bossam. I spend a lot of money on food :P Would you date someone 7 years younger? 7 years younger? It's not a bad idea. I’m thankful (that someone 7 years younger likes me.) Would you date someone 7 years older? (laughs) It's a funny question. Why haven't you been seen anywhere in public? I don't go to many places, only to the gym and back to my home. Favourite snack: Goguma (sweet potato). It's sad, right? (Implying he's on a diet.) And then he randomly said he's tall but doesn't have good proportions (possibly someone asking why he exercises so much :P)
Do you like cats and dogs? I love them. I have a friend who has a shiba-inu called Chadol. It was so cute I went to his house every day to see his dog. You should eat more: You may not like me then! D: I'm studying Korean, study with me? I'm also trying to get better at Korean. Shall we do it together? (so flirty) Did you remove the mole on your neck? No, I didn't remove it. I won't remove it. What's your handphone wallpaper? It's a white wall with an orange stripe, somewhat Rothko-esque. He said he took it at his house's parking lot, and "It's pretty, isn't it?" Which celebrity friends do you have? (Playfully) 비밀 Do you like mint chocolate? I love mint chocolate. My friend told me not to declare this, and said that saying that I like it is a matter of life or death :P People say it tastes like toothpaste but it tastes nice to me! What colors do you like? Blue. Blue and dark colors. Isn't long hair uncomfortable? It is, but I will cut it one day. Your long hair looks cool: (Teasingly) I'm going to cut it soon~ Do you get along well with your elder sister?  Yes, I really like my relationship with her. Which of your characters is most like you? Lee Jang Woo from When The Weather Is Fine. (Is he that good in his studies? Lol. And then he said something about a unicorn, which I do recall seeing in the drama, I think he used "___ unicorn" to brag about himself to his younger sister :P) Jjajangmyeon vs bibimbap? This is really hard. Do I get to have soup with bibimbap? Favourite perfume: Can I say the brand? I guess it doesn't matter. Slow Dance by Byredo. It's my favourite perfume. Today's TMI: I woke up early and went to the gym. Do you ride your bike often? About 3 times a week? Oppa because of you I'm going to Chung Ang University: So you'll be my junior huh. (laughs) Oppa, can you close your left eye and point to your right cheek? (he obediently follows the prompt.. he’s really an actor lol) "You!! I almost fell for it! Gosh, my mum will pass out if she sees this." He revealed a two string bracelet on his left hand while adjusting the camera. Favourite dessert: Croffle? Croffle. I really like croffle. Current body wash: I'm using a body wash by Lush (only he says it as Lush-ee, which is just adorable.) Can you speak Japanese? I love animes but Japanese is so hard. I will study hard! When will you do a rap? I may try it one day. (I wonder if he knows about that old rap video floating around lol.) Dimples vs. Eyes: Eyes? I think he might be talking about his forehead wrinkles instead of eyes actually, so the translation is wrong. What animes do you like? He didn't answer, but said there are many animes on Netflix that he watches. Eating chimaek while watching the world cup? Eating chicken and beer sounds good but, my agency probably wouldn't like it. Can you say a line of Baek Kyung since it's been a long time? (playfully) I won't do it~ Iced americano vs. hot coffee: Iced americano. He said 'eoljuga', which roughly means 'I’ll drink iced Americano even if I freeze to death'. :P What app do you use most often? Naver? I have many things I need to look up :P Which of your parents do you resemble? Sometimes my mum, but sometimes my dad. Do you like kalguksu (knife cut noodle soup)? Yes, I love kalguksu and sujebi. Favourite ice cream flavour: Mint chocolate. (Bursts into laughter) Who do you like better - your mum or your dad: Omma. You thought I wouldn't answer, didn't you. (He has thanked only his sister and his mum in an award ceremony before lol. Poor Jaewookie appa) Oppa I'll date you: I'll reject your offer. (bursts into laughter again). Are you at the agency now? Nope. Please name the fanclub: This is hard. It (the fanclub) should go on forever, shouldn't it? Send an email to the agency. 5 year old Jaewookie vs 5 copies of Jaewook?: Of course 5 copies of Jaewook. One to exercise, one to work, one to stay at home and eat.. Do you dip or pour sauce for tangsuyuk? But, why would you pour water on fried food? I'll say dip. Jjajang vs. jjampong: That's hard! When working, jjajang. When resting, jjambong. *Nods sagely to himself* (Although he instinctively said 'jjampong' first). When moving house, jjajang. What message from fans cheered you up the most? It was this letter I got. It said "you make us happy when you're working hard, but don't work too hard." It cheered me up a lot. Soju vs. beer: Soju Cider (Sprite/lemonade) vs cola: Cola Do you eat pineapple on pizza? I think it tastes nice! Hawaiian pizzas. I also really like pineapple. Fall or spring? Fall. I really like spring too, but there are too many bugs. Small but definite happiness? (He understood the abbreviation immediately, which is sooo different from when the Running Man cast are introduced to any new lingo lol) When I bike, I don't drink any water. I have a routine; after biking, I run for about 6km, then I drink water. That water at the midpoint mark is so delicious. Oppa I like you, please scold me: Why would I scold you. I would compliment you :P Good job. Favourite boy group: BTS. They're so cool (safe answer!) Ramen vs. kimbap? Don't you eat them together? How tall are you? 187cm tall. Which variety show would you like to appear on he most? "I have never been on a variety show yet. Have you seen Kokkomu? When I watched Kokkomu I cried a lot. My tears came out like diamonds." lol. In reference to an earlier question. No idea what Kokkomu is. https://newsbeezer.com/koreaeng/kokkomu-which-was-just-popular-is-controversial-due-to-the-copying-of-the-youtube-channel/ Possibly this? Beef or pork? Pork How long have you been tall? I've always been tall. Then he gives a cheeky wink! Oppa can you go on on Knowing Bros? I'll have a hard time talking in banmal in front of all the sunbaenim. I'll do more Vlive in the future. *compromise* lol. Oppa kajimayo: If I don't leave, the staff can't leave work either :P Can you fill an hour (of Vlive?): Shall we fill an hour? Do you want to be in a play or musical? Of course I do. Plays require the best form of acting. What's the first thing you want to do when the pandemic is over? I want to go to a pork belly bbq place and eat comfortably without a mask. What's the worst part about acting? Every moment is hard. It's not an easy job. Why do you always wear 2 T-shirts? I like T-shirts but, but my sweat changes their color. I don't like that, so. Favourite overseas country? Filming Alhambra was my first time overseas. I didn't even take many photos. I want to send you T-shirts: Don't, don't! while vigorously shaking his head. (worried that his fans will spend money) What is your life movie? I really love Robin Williams. It's not my life movie, but I love the Dead Poets' Society. Did you really go to Alhambra? Back then, my role was really small, so I didn't really know what was going on, but (I did go to the palace? is what it sounds like.) Would you rather be 3m tall or have a 400mm shoe size? Wouldn't it be better to be tall? (what’s the point of having big feet?) Oppa don't go to the army: I have to go someday.. I still have a lot of time, and will work hard When will be our wedding? Am I getting married? (laughs) Pepsi or Coca cola: I like any cola. I'll go to the army for you: Andwae it will be hard! Although apparently it's not as hard as it used to be. Are your family members all as tall as you? Yes my family members are all tall too. What do you do on your free days? I'm a freelancer so I don't have free days.  How do you keep your skin looking so young? Lancome (he's now promoting Lancome). I came here right after a Lancome event. I really like Lancome. Tell me about your bracelet: I'll ask my stylist later :P When you come to Pohang I'll guide you!: I love gwamegi! (half-dried Pacific saury) Do you like to cook? I really like to cook. I love it so much even when people tell me not to cook, I will still cook. Oppa come to my school!: Which school is that? Tell me. Although I probably won't be able to read it. (cheeky smile). I'm really mean now, aren’t I. Favourite side dish? I like them all. Mokpo: Dodosolsollalasol was filmed in Mokpo. I ate aehobak jjigae (zucchini stew) there and it was amazing. Do Vlive at home? I'll figure out how to do it! I'll learn everything today. You use black and white hearts a lot on IG, what does it mean? It's the color of my tee. Just kidding, I just choose a color of heart that goes best with the photo. How much can you drink? Should I bluff? If I'm bluffing, when I drink alone at home, about 3 bottles? Just kidding, I get drunk after about 1.5 bottles (of soju). Favourite sports: Skiing, swimming, bowling. Was it hard to use a dialect in the Battle of Jangsari? Using a dialect was really hard. Can you do an IG live? I'm scared to do live - you can't make a mistake when all of you are watching. I have to be careful. Why aren't you seen in public? I answered that earlier, you are late. LOL. Your best dish? Western food? Something like risotto? Plans to film a movie? I want to but I should get offered first. Joking. Lol. I was told off for being late (the commenter above): Haha sorry.
Best fan questions/comments:
Live as a hamster or a ham forever?
Your pimples are so cute (mistranslation, she meant 'dimples'): "I have 4 dimples."
Don't smile, you'll give me a heart attack: I'm also having a heart attack seeing so many fans. I like it (that there are many fans on the vlive) but it's also scary. So cute.
Are you a microwave? You melted my heart: You're all so witty, jjinjjaru..
I'll make money. You just cook: You're so funny..
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