Warrior cats but they are less stupid
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Concept I had a year ago. Basically Warrior Cats become very advanced and stuff
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warriors-advanced-society · 3 years ago
Oakclan- Founding
Oakclan, the self-proclaimed pioneers of usage and reproduction of twoleg technology, was the second clan to be founded, and was the first clan to be founded after the twoleg war and extinction.
In Year 2, a cat named Thistlekit was born in Fieldclan, the only kit to Cloverspur. When Thistlekit was 4 moons old, Cloverspur left Fieldclan and took him with her, saying that there was more opportunity in the east, as a rogue.
Thistlekit was trained by his mother and was never officially apprenticed. When he was 9 moons old he was renamed (now known as 'christened') as Thistlerat due to his long tail and determination. Nothing happened until Thistlerat was 17 moons old, when Cloverspur was mauled to death by a dog. Thistlerat, suddenly a rogue, panicked about until he found another young cat like him named Jules. Thistlerat and Jules hit it off instantly.
Jules and Thistlerat grew close over the course of 2 years, living in the same den eventually. One day, Thistlerat proposed an idea: they start a clan. Thistlerat says that when he lived in Fieldclan, life was wonderful and beautiful, and no cats suffered from starvation or severe illness. Jules agreed, and from that day forward they started Fieldclan from their small tree den.
Fieldclan's growth was slow, mostly from rogues and cats from smaller clans. By the end of Year 5, they had only 4 new members. In the following newleaf,Jules went missing. Thistlerat was very distraught by the loss of his co-leader. From that day forward he dedicated their tree den to Jules.
The group grew excessively after, amassing 15 new members, including 2 pregnant queens. Thistlerat became mates with a cat named Banewillow. They eventually had a litter of their own.
In Year 8, Thistlerat declared their large clan a monarchy. Only him and his kin could become leaders. There are no records or rumors of any uprising, so under noble historian assumption, there was no backlash to his rule. This rule was reverted by Mousetwitch in Year 27.
It is assumed Thistlerat was killed by dogs in Year 12 that were being led by a Pineclan cat. It is unknown what happened in Years between 9 and 12.
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warriors-advanced-society · 3 years ago
Fieldclan: Founding
Fieldclan was the first founded clan, but surprisingly they do not possess the thirst for power like Oakclan does, nor do they follow modern clan standards. For the most part, they stick to their traditions.
Fieldclan was founded in the 1960's by a cat named Madame Cindy and her mate Anthony.
Previously, in the 1940's, most Fieldclan cat ancestors were a part of a group called Sovereign Barn Cats, a monarchy that resided in a barn. In 1956, the new queen, Kimberley, imposed strict laws on the Sovereignians. Kimberley made it law that her kin may not be touched, beaten, battered, do not have to hunt, and are entitled to first pick of the limited rations. While cats were annoyed and angered by this, they did not do anything until winter (now known as leafbare) came. A nursing molly and her kits starved to death. Her mate, Wheat, started verbally assaulting Kimberley. Kimberley's kin promptly beat him to death.
This caused a riot. Out of the 27 cats that were still alive, 8 were killed immediately and 3 were publicly executed (Hops, Rusty Jones, and a third unknown cat). A cat named Cindy, her mate Anthony, and a third cat named Charlie left after the riot was over to avoid prosecution.
The trio went over across the pasture and near the woods. They could hunt mice, but that was about it. Mice hunting is not very efficient in the wintertime outside the barn.
One cold winter's day, they were reportedly on the brink of starvation when forest cats came. Charlie tried to fight them off, but the forest cats laughed. They introduced themselves as Hogweedthorn and Icebrink and asked them why they were here, and Cindy said, "Dictator."
The forest cats were confused by Cindy's response, before realizing what she meant. Icebrink said, "Oh, we didn't know cats from the country had clans, too."
It was Cindy's turn to be confused, and after some back-and-forth, it was revealed that cats from the city lived in groups called clans. Cindy was severely interested, and after Hogweedthorn brought back some food for the cats, they started discussing late into the night. They talked about ranks, structure, herbs, religion, all things that made a clan.
By dawn, they had made a decision: they were going to make a clan of their own. The forest cats brought them to an abandoned farm a little while away. Beautiful, snow covered fields for miles, no crops or anything. They became Fieldclan.
To the former barn cat's surprise, the forest cats were also pretty advanced compared to them. They knew how to make weapons, use twoleg tools (knives, rope, mouse traps, etc.), and make poultices. The former barn cats only knew how to use cobwebs.
Over the next few years, the clan had grown, mostly with forest cats. The clan had grown to a whopping 30 members. With the usage of tools, starvation was hardly a cause of death in the winter. Cindy had become the madame (now known as the Allmother or Queen in modern terms). She was rather unique, though, and set up a parliament of 12 cats known as Juggernauts, which prevented violence from being enacted on citizens and to keep things fair.
One day, a surprising sight showed up: Queen Kimberley. She said that the barn had burnt up and she was the only surviving cat. Cindy asked if Kimberley had tried to save any of the others, and when she stuttered, Cindy killed her.
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warriors-advanced-society · 4 years ago
Hello Tumbly! I made this blog because about one year ago I was writing a Warrior Cats story and I was like, "Hmm what can I do to make my story unique? Magic? Different setting? Oh, I know! Make it take place in a post-war humanless future and cats developed their own countries!" This idea started off as a Warriors project but it's kind of evolved? If you are looking for traditional Warriors content, i'm sorry, this isn't the right place.
If you give be credit/link back i'm fine with you using some of my ideas!
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