#please forgive my abuse of english grammar and tenses
anki-of-beleriand · 8 months
Bad Liar ch. 17
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers - Mentions of Natasha/Maria being married
Warnings: Slow burn - Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - violence - mentios of abused and sexual assault - idiots in love - violence - suggestive themes - drama - angst - fluff - top!reader - dom!reader - bottom!Wanda - switch!Wanda
Author's note: Life is settling down after what happened, America is growing up and ready to face the consequences of what happened. Wanda is letting go of the past while Reader is just being her showing Wanda happiness and love it is possible.
So sorry for the late posting, guys. Life was a little harder this week that what I was used to, and something happened that really got me anxious and a little bit...I mean, I was not in a good place, but hopefully everything is better now and here is the new chapter! Just one chapter to go and this story would be over. I hope you like it because I made it with my heart!
Please rmemeber English is not my mother tongue so forgive my grammar, spelling and funny mistakes, hope you like this one.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 17
The promise of the future
You never thought that going back home would be so difficult for you or even America. The place had been tied up and changed after the incident, with different furniture and painting you had allowed America free reign on her imagination to make the necessary changes into the living room.
The world had not stopped turning around, the news was still rolling on the TV and people were enjoying the weekend of the new year. You stood by your sister's side with a hand on her shoulder, America tensed lowering her gaze furrowing her brows before turning to you.
“What do you want to do?” Her question came with a trembling voice, she sighed, shaking her head while looking away from you.
You turned to look at Wanda's place then back at yours.
“I was thinking about vacations.” You hugged America, winking at her, “we could ask Tony about the cottage he had in Italy.”
America offered a shaky smile, “Italy?”
“Yeah, we could get away from this place for a while and then…get a new house.”
America chuckled, stepping away from you. You waited, ever since the both of you left the hospital America had tried to evade the topic of what had happened while she was under the claws of Agatha and Vision. The young woman scratched the back of her neck, with her eyes sweeping around the front yard. Her teeth playing with her lower lip, her feet taking slow steps towards the front door only to stop midway before turning to you.
“You don’t have to.” She finally said frowning, “it was difficult but not the end of the world, I…Hope offered her help, and I acceded to see a friend of hers that could be of help.”
You nodded curtly taking a few steps closer to her, “you know that even though we grew here we are allowed to leave, right?”
America snorted hugging you tightly, she knew it. She knew you would do everything in your power to make sure she was comfortable and that whatever traumatic event she had gone through could be healed and forgotten. Selling the house and even offering a vacation was your way to make things easier for her, but America had already talked this through with Christine and Hope. She had been scared, but more than that, she had felt powerless to help Kate, to help the twins and even to help Wanda.
“I know that, and perhaps in the future when I go to college you can think about it.” She replied shrugging, “I know you’re dying to get that Villa near Tony’s place, because you had always wanted a huge house with a pool and a bigger playroom.”
Your eyes glistened over with your lips curling into a content smile at the mental image these words evoke in you. America rolled her eyes, but she too could imagine the same; it was something she wouldn’t say no to when the both of you were ready, not because a bad experience marked their lives and they were doing it because of that. She had felt powerless to help the people she loved, but America would be damned if she allowed that man and that freaking woman to govern her decisions from now on.
“I want you to be comfortable, and happy.”
“I know, Y/N, and I am.” America nodded towards the house before pointing a finger at you, “come we need to get everything ready before we pick Wanda and the twins up.”
You watched as your sister went inside the house with the same determination she did everything else. Hope had already told you of the conversation the both of them held while you were unconscious, America had been angered by the whole situation and it took her a while to understand that there was no one else to blame but Vision and Agatha.
Kate had been the one to convince America to go to therapy for a while, just to perhaps let go of the growing fear and darkness the situation itself had created in both of them. You were thankful that America had always surrounded of good friends, and that you had always had someone by your side as well. Everyone seemed understanding, and while the situation was still fresh in your minds, you knew you would be okay.
“Come on, slowpoke!!” America screamed from inside the house, you rolled your eyes and followed her thinking about what would happen once Wanda was out of the hospital.
Wanda glanced at her reflection with a critical eye.
She scowled openly to the bruises around her neck and face, the paleness of her skin and the tiredness behind her eyes. She had spent the first weekend of the year in the hospital, waiting for the doctors to clear her up and sent her home while you and America took care of the twins while coming every day to visit her.
It had been hard.
While you had offered her the best end of the year and had been keeping your word of being by her side. Wanda couldn’t help the nightmares at night, when she was alone with her thoughts and the shadows of the past trying to crawl back inside her heart and mind. She placed a hand on her chest, holding tightly the sudden oppression threatening to cut of the air from her lungs. She clenched her jaw refusing the tears in her eyes, or the thoughts of fear that had creeped out once more. She had tried to hold onto what Hope had been teaching her in the therapy sessions, while also holding onto the bright side of her life.
Billy. Tommy. You. America and her students.
Wanda let out a shaky sigh before turning around and leaving the bathroom, you straightened up offering a half smile while holding up the bag with Wanda’s clothes.
“I put everything away, ready to do laundry duty as soon as we get home.” You walked towards her giving her a once over wiggling your brows, “you look nice.”
Wanda rolled her eyes, her lips curling slightly.
“You’re such a sweet talker,” she leaned in kissing your cheek, “it will get you everywhere.”
You blushed with your mouth hanging opened at the cheeky wink Wanda sent your way stepping out of the room, you snorted running to catch up to her.
The ride home was filled with music; Wanda kept her eyes out of the window watching the world pass rapidly through the window while you drove down the highway before taking the long way home. You caught the small smile adorning Wanda’s lips when you made the right turn, she sighed leaning back against the seat letting her eyes drink into the trees and the forest surrounding the road while watching the blue sky right above her head.
Wanda knew she needed to get home, Billy and Tommy were waiting for her. And life had to keep going, but something inside her stirred with fear and memory. She tried to keep away the words Vision had said to her, the feeling of his breath and hand on her, everything that the man had imprinted on her. Wanda clenched her eyes closed trying to erase those memories while replacing them with the beautiful sight in front of her, and the songs playing on the radio.
You creased your brows noticing the sudden change in Wanda, your eyes glanced at the road lighting up when you caught side of the road sign you usually dismissed when driving down that highway. You looked through the mirror before turning left, Wanda frowned turning to you slightly confused.
“Where are we going?” She asked softly, you smiled at her driving just a little faster until there was only one single road taking you deeper into a forestry area.
“You will see.”
Wanda opened her mouth to reply, her heart almost leaving her chest when she realised you made a turn she was not familiar with. For a brief moment she thought how foolish she had been. As long as she was with you everything would be fine, but the memories were not so easy to dismiss and she decided that at the moment she needed the comfort your warm stare usually brought to her.
The driving didn’t take far too long, soon you were turning left then right and then another right until you drove into an open space leading to a great cliff. Wanda opened her eyes glancing at the open sky with growing clouds approaching the city, she leaned forward until she saw the sight of the big city down into the valley. You stopped the car turning off the engine while resting comfortably on the seat, your lips drawing a small smile.
“Is this the place you used to bring your girlfriends?” Wanda asked at your side, you couldn’t help but laugh shaking your head.
“No, I never brought anyone here.” You confessed shrugging, “this was my little secret, I used to come here to think from time to time. Just me, it was comforting. I thought you may appreciate it.”
There was something stirring with deep affection in Wanda’s heart, the young woman snuggled on the car seat this time around turning completely so she could face you while still have her eyes take into the amazing view spreading before them.
“I don't know how to continue,” she all but whispered to you, her eyes glistening with the deepest of her emotions flickering in her green eyes, “I keep on thinking of my mistakes, the secrets I kept…I should have told you the dangers he posed to me and you.”
Silence filled the car, your eyes never leaving the sky above your heads. You pressed your lips together, your hands resting on the wheel, playing a soft tapping with your mind working on what to say. Wanda closed her eyes, looking away from you the afternoon falling slowly with the tension building up around the both of you.
“One day at a time, Wands, there is nothing much we can do.” You shrugged, lowering your head, still looking everywhere but at Wanda, “I didn't expect you to tell me everything right away, but I suspected as much. This was not your fault, Wanda. And this doesn't mean I love you any less.”
The word love rolled out of your tongue with such an easiness, Wanda couldn’t help but gasp with her eyes opening wide and her lower lip trembling slightly. You snorted shaking your head while leaning in your face just a few centimetres away from hers.
“You’re not used to hearing such words, are you?”
Wanda leaned closer, her eyes fluttering close for a moment before she allowed your eyes to lock with hers. You lifted a tentative hand to cup her face, tenderness was quite evident in your features and Wanda allowed the warmth of your body to bring a soothing calmness she was not familiar with.
“I love you, Wanda.” You whispered only for her to engrave those words in her heart, “perhaps it is too soon, but for some reason, I just love you. I feel in love with you, and I don’t think there is nothing I can do against my feelings for you but make sure you feel loved, the way you deserved to be loved.”
Wanda swallowed down her words and tears, she offered a tentative smile before closing the gap between the both of you her lips dancing shyly with yours. Her heart beating fast, almost escaping her ribcage while she melted under your hands; you didn’t need to say anything else for her to know you certainly did love her. And she knew soon she would be ready to say those same words to you.
“It will take time, but you will heal.” You winked at her, your fingertips brushing against her cheek and jawline until your brows creased finding the marks on her neck.
“Some marks take time to…fade away.” Wanda mumbled slightly mortified by her wounds, she tried to lean back and hide away from you until her breath caught on her throat with her eyes growing big and her body tensing completely.
She felt the contact of your forehead against hers, the gesture was comforting and it made her experience an emotion she was not completely familiar with. Wanda’s heart fluttered affectionately surrendering to your gaze. She opened her lips ready to speak, but her words got tangled in her throat leaving her unable to express what she really wanted. What she really felt.
It didn't matter, though.
You were still there offering the same reassuring smile, and the same comforting touch. Wanda had to wonder how you did it, how was it possible for you to offer so much without asking for anything in exchange.
“We never got to have the date I planned.” Wanda said all of a sudden, you leaned back with amusement gleaming in your eyes.
“That's right,” you cocked your head wiggling your eyebrows, “and I got curious about it, what did you have planned?”
Wanda dipped her head with her lips curling into a tender smile, she straightened up on the seat glancing outside the window. 
“It's a secret, I guess I just have to plan it all over again so we can go.” Wanda sighed, still looking away from you. “Of course, if you want to…I mean, if you still want to go out. With me.”
The last part was said in a broken whisper, Wanda shifted on the seat creasing her brows while making sure her eyes were glancing at the city. The light of the day was soon fading away, and the city was starting to light up the artificial lights. 
“I would love nothing more than to go out with you, Wanda.” You replied with a tender smile on your lips, Wanda shivered trying to smile at you but failing.
The old insecurities were still there and you knew the work Wanda had done in the last couple of months had been shaken but the recent events. You could see her self-doubt, her uncertainty and the lost stare she gained after leaving the hospital. The bruises were pretty much visible at the moment, the pain was still pulsating through her body and Wanda was just trying to hold onto her sanity and her own determination to not fall into desperation. 
You lifted a hand slowly, your eyes seeking out those green eyes of Wanda. After a moment of hesitation, Wanda finally lifted her face looking at you expectantly. Her eyes flickered to your hand, then to your face.
“I was thinking…” Wanda winced, her throat sore and dried bringing discomfort to her voice.
You let your arm lifted for a moment before dropping it to the side to grab the bottle of water you brought early in the day.
“Thank you.” She mumbled almost dropping the bottle of water when you tenderly brush the spot on her neck. 
Her breath caught on her throat, trembling lightly with a mixture of emotions tingling through her body. Her face heated up, following with your eyes the movements of your arms and your own expression while mapping out the dark bruises on her neck. 
“Y/N…” your name left her lips tenderly, with some uncertainty that called your attention.
You frowned, stopping any movement from your hand, your eyes flickering from the bruises to her face.
“I'm sorry, did it bother you? I just…”
“No, no it's just…”
You broke into an easy smile that Wanda returned without losing her blush. She bit her lower lip, without any doubt behind her gestures she grabbed your hand placing it on the left side of her neck. 
“You surprised me, that's all.” Wanda sighed looking away for a moment before continuing. “I'm not used to such tenderness.”
You tensed lightly, your eyes flashing with anger before they softened lightly. Wanda offered a crooked smile, this time around she let go of your hand embracing herself.
“With you, everything is…different and sometimes I just can't believe this is happening.”
“May I try something out?” You asked suddenly, Wanda narrowed her eyes at the sudden flush showing on our face. Your fingertips trembled, with your lips pressed together while your eyes travelled from her face to her neck then back again.
“What are you going to do?” Wanda couldn't help the tone of wariness and curiosity; she tilted her head and your eyes gleamed strangely falling on her neck.
“Just something to show you how you should be treated, how you should be cherished.”
It was the husky tone behind your words what made Wanda tremble, she swallowed down her trepidation with a tingling void taking home in her abdomen. 
You waited patiently, your fingertips never leaving the soft skin of Wanda's neck. For a moment, Wanda just thought of her possibilities, of what exactly you were planning. Then her eyes went to your own bruises, to the wound on your hand and arm and she softened lightly. If there was anyone she trusted more than herself, that was you.
“Okay, you…you can try it, would I…I mean, is it dangerous?” 
You snickered, shaking your head, this time around there was a glint of mischief in your eyes. Wanda felt her stomach do a flip, and soon she let out a gasp while her hands clenched into a fist with her eyes fluttering close to the sensations you were creating with your mouth.
She never imagined you would lean in to place your lips on her pulse point, nor that you would start leaving open-mouthed kisses that went to draw the marks left on her neck. Wanda was not sure what to do with her hands, her body went rigid but her lower stomach and her heart were tingling over with an emotion she was not familiar with. 
You let your lips mapped out her skin, brushing lightly while letting your free hand cup her face tenderly. You wished to let Wanda know she was loved that not all touches directed at her were meant to harm or to mark, that she deserved the tenderness you were trying to show. 
You didn’t know what got into you, the only thing you knew for certain was that Wanda needed love, she needed to understand how wonderful she was. How she deserved happiness, and that no number of wounds or injuries from her past should get in the way of her new life. And thus, without any thoughts in your mind you leaned in to kiss away her neck your lips dancing tentatively on the bruised skin.
Wanda trembled under your touch, she let her hands wrapped around your arms her lips parting slightly while her body ignited with a fire she was no familiar with. Just as you started you finished it, leaning back with your heart hammering against your chest, your cheeks flustered and a timid smile adorning your lips.
Wanda was not in a better state, she was trembling with her face completely red and her breathing erratic. She could not hide her lust, nor the complete affection those green eyes shot at you as soon as she opened them.
You opened your mouth to speak, but whatever you were going to say was cut short by Wanda kissing you harshly. You welcomed her in your arms, allowing the passion she was trying to contain while kissing her back with the same need she was showing.
The afternoon finally gave way to the night, and while you allowed Wanda the control of the kiss you could feel her tears wetting your face. Until she could not continue and allowed herself the relief of your arms, unable to say what she had been trying to tell you for a very long time.
I love you.
Wanda held onto the blanket, her eyes dancing around her room while the silver light of the moon sneaked into the room. 
The nightmare was still fresh in her mind, the shadows of the past haunting her in her sleep. Wanda let out a sigh putting the blankets away before sitting up, she was no longer tired and sleep was not an option, her eyes fell on her mobile showing the hour.
4 a.m.
The silence of the early hours of the day was deafening to her ears, Wanda turned around and decided a trip to the kitchen was a good idea. She put on some sweatpants, a hoodie and left her room with the memory of her nightmare dancing around in her mind.
The morning came with light snowing, the new year had come and gone bringing with it a world of possibilities Wanda never thought possible before. She grabbed the mug tightly around her hands, her eyes watching the snowflakes fall on her backyard. 
Wanda blew some steam out of her mug, her mind soon bringing over the memories of the day before. Your words, your smile, your touches; last day she had experienced a deep affection and protectiveness she had never felt before. The passion you had ignited in her with your kisses and your tenderness had made her soul tremble with want, but she had not dared to move forward and confessed what you had done so freely.
I love you. I'm in love with you.
Wanda couldn't help the smile breaking at the memory, without a single doubt she felt the veracity of those words whenever she was close to you. Whenever you went with her, or helped her children, or you simply were yourself. 
The young woman wished she could say it back to you, that she wasn't so afraid to be open and confessed the love she was feeling for you. Wanda wished things were easier, but she was still afraid. She had failed not only once, but twice and now that she was freed of her past, she was afraid of messing up a third time.
“You couldn't sleep either?” America crossed her arms putting the heavy coat closer to her body, she glanced at Wanda from her yard not really sure if her presence would be welcomed by the older woman.
Wanda glanced at America with eyes wide open, she tilted her head shrugging lightly.
“Not really.” Wanda all but replied with an effort, she hesitated for a moment before adding, “I have a nightmare.”
America made a face nodding, “yeah, me too.”
Wanda could see the indecision in America's face, she lifted her mug before patting the spot beside her. America tilted her head and for that moment Wanda could see the same gesture you did when you were weighing your options. The young woman turned to her house before stepping closer and moving past the side door to Wanda's yard. 
The snow kept on falling, America sat down furrowing her brows while watching at the sky. She could feel the eyes of Wanda on her, and the memory of her harsh words resounded in her mind. Before going to you, America had made sure to share her thoughts with the redhead, she made sure to let Wanda know America was not happy with what had happened. 
“I'm sorry.” America finally said huffing while turning to the shocked woman. 
America shifted on the spot furrowing her brows.
“Back in the hospital I just…I was stressed out, and finding out about this man and my sister, I was…”
“I know, I understand.” Wanda replied, placing a tentative hand on top of America's one. “You don't have to apologise.”
America shook her head frowning deeply, “but I do! Look I was unfair, when I was trapped in my house and then when I got to the hospital, I was partially blaming you for everything.”
Wanda winced ready to speak but America was firm on her explanation. She put her hand on top of Wanda's making sure to be as open as she could with her expressions.
“Y/N is the only family I have left, and I love her dearly. She has sacrificed so much for me, I just couldn't bear the thought of her suffering or losing her in any way.” America huffed, shaking her head with her eyes taking in the visible wounds on the woman before her.
“I never thought how much you and Billy and Tommy suffered all this time.” America confessed; Wanda tensed not wanting to interrupt America in the middle of her rant. “And after I got to see him, and everything I heard afterwards. I was not fair to you, I'm sorry I screamed at you and…that I was mad for something you couldn't control.”
Wanda shook her head offering a tiny smile to the young woman sitting beside her.
“There is nothing to be sorry for, America, I understand why you did it and I never hold it against you.” Wanda huffed, turning to see the snow fall, “I'm also sorry you and Kate had to live that, I wish things had been different. That he…”
America nodded curtly, and Wanda just shrugged.
“I guess right now he is where he must be, and he won't be hurting me or my children or even you and your sister anytime soon.” Wanda took a long sip from her tea, she glanced at the clear beverage before offering some to America.
The young woman grabbed the mug in her hands, she placed her elbows on her knees shivering lightly while glancing at the frozen ground.
“You really make my sister happy; you know?” She whispered pursing her lips a little.
“She makes me happy, and sometimes I just think I don’t deserve it.” Wanda cleared her throat wincing lightly when the old pain came bothering her again, “I never got to take her out, you know?”
“I know, I bet she would have loved the date you planned out for her.”
“You think so?” Wanda inquired with a hint of doubt in her voice, America nodded enthusiastically her lips curling lightly.
“You guys should really try it this time around, I mean now that everything is back to…” America was about to say normal, but the truth was nothing was normal anymore. Things were different, but they didn’t feel normal.
Wanda leaned back with hint of determination gleaming in her green eyes, she smiled lightly nodding to herself.
“Then, you should help me out.” Wanda turned to America who had her brows raised and eyes slightly opened. “I mean, I will have to plan it all over again, but this time around I want it to be perfect for her, I want to…”
Wanda didn’t finish her thought, but for America there was no need to. America could see the affection there as well as the will to offer you a perfect date. Silence fell between the both of them, no more words were needed it and America could see how little by little her family had grown in such a small amount of time.
She wished upon the falling snow for everything to finally fall into place and happiness to be possible again.
This time around, she also wished for Wanda, Tommy and Billy to be part of that happiness and to allow you and her to be part of that family.
Time passed slowly with the recovery of the wounds and the unstoppable meetings with Hope.
Wanda realized the nightmares were back, and she had to face the ghost of her past and her present while finally speaking about what had happened during those hours in which Vision had come back to her life. Hope was always patient, telling the young woman that the progressed she had made was still there but that the current fear and uncertainty she was feeling was just natural and in a matter of time she would let go and move on.
Wanda wished it was easier, and faster.
As of late being closer to you had been easier yet allowing you a single touch was difficult to experience. A part of her, the one that sound eery familiar, told her she didn’t deserve your affection much less the tenderness behind your touch. Wanda was afraid that her insecurities would finally push you away and she would be like at the beginning, alone.
“You have to be patience as well, Wanda,” Hope tilted her head smiling softly at her, “Y/N would never get tired of showing you her affection, and she knows and understands what you and your children are going through. You have told me of the conversations you both held regarding this situation.”
“Yes, but I just…” Wanda passed a hand through her hair, she turned to the window watching as the cold sun of winter sneaked through the clouds, “I’m just afraid she will get tired eventually, that I won’t be able to change this.”
Here she pointed to her chest, clenching her fist while growling lowly. Hope observed the young woman for a very long time, this was not a new discussion and in the last two weeks had been the main topic around their sessions.
“How is going with the planning of the date? Have you gotten what you need?” Hope asked trying to divert the topic to something that would ignite the flames of hopefulness in Wanda.
Wanda stopped her frustration giving way to a tender smile, her eyes softened nodding lightly.
“Yes, actually this time around I got America and her friends helping me out with the planning,” Wanda chuckled taking a seat, “they really are good teens, and I just need to pay the last part and I will be able to finally get her to the date I promise.”
“She will love it, you know that, right?”
“You think so?” Wanda pursed her lips resting her chin on her hand, “America told me she really loved this, and I just…God, she had been so good to me and my children, and I just…”
Hope waited for Wanda to continue but the other woman merely trailed off shrugging. Wanda wanted to be perfect for you, she wanted to make sure that what she was doing for you was enough to let you see how much she loved you. Wanda wanted to make sure that she was the right person for you, that in this new adventure she was enough.
“You are enough.” Hope commented offhandedly, ignoring the stare coming from Wanda, “but you need to start believing it yourself and giving yourself the chance to experience this.”
“I know.” She mumbled letting her hand rubbed her neck, “I’m really trying, you know? I don’t want this to consume the time I could spend with my children, with Y/N and with my new friends.”
Hope shrugged offering a comforting smile, “we have seen your efforts, Wanda. Don’t sell yourself short because this is not moving at the speed you want it, be patient and persistent. That’s the secret.”
Wanda sighed breaking into an easy smile when her eyes fell on her mobile and a new message appeared on the screen. Hope chuckled recognizing the name, and her eyes went to the clock on the wall. Right on time.
“I guess this is it for today, isn’t it?” Hope said chuckling when Wanda nodded putting the mobile away.
“I don’t know how to thank you for your help.” Wanda stood up waiting until Hope got to her to wrap her into a comforting hug.
“Nonsense. At the end of the day, Wanda, you are my friend as well and the important thing is for you to be and to feel safe.” Hope winked at her nodding to the door. “Now go, I bet they are waiting for you.”
Wanda nodded turning around and leaving the practice. Hope shook her head making her way towards the window where she could see you were standing right on the sidewalk with Tommy and Billy by your side grinning widely holding some posters on their hands. Wanda put a hand on her mouth, laughing before hugging her children while leaning into your embrace as well. Hope smiled tenderly watching the scene with fondness, you really were pretty much in love with the woman and your every action was to ensure her happiness.
Time was all you and her needed. Of that, Hope was completely sure.
The cold of winter came crashing against Wanda, but whatever coldness she was experimenting was soon forgotten when the warm of your hug and the arms of her children engulfed her completely.  She couldn’t help but smile when you planted a single kiss on her lips, and her children snickered calling out to her with posters in their hands.
“What are you guys doing here?” Wanda took the first poster that Billy had made, it was a drawing of their home decorated with many toys and colours representing her, Tommy, America and even Y/N.
“Y/N thought you missed us, and we decided to come and invite you to some snacks.” Tommy said also presenting Wanda with his own drawing. “And, she said you need support.”
“And thus, they did this for you.” You continued grinning, “this is mine, but of course not as good as theirs.”
In your you had written a single declaration of beauty and love in Sokovian, Wanda softened at the words and the drawings not being able to take her smile off of her face. She breathed softly when your lips found hers, her laughter breaking the moment when she heard Tommy and Billy making gagging sounds.
“Ugh, no, mommy!” Billy grabbed Wanda by her hand shaking his head, “come on!! I’m hungry!”
“Me too!”
You chuckled wiggling your brows while winking at Wanda, “come, America is waiting for us and then, once we have them distracted I will kiss you again.”
Wanda flushed but she decided she wouldn’t wait, instead of letting you go she grabbed you by your hand and placed a singe kiss on your lips. You blinked away your shock, while the twins merely snickered covering their mouths.
“Now, where are you taking me guys?”
“We’re going to the park!” The twins screamed running towards the car, you smiled at Wanda who merely blinked confused at you.
“The amusement park.” You clarified scratching the back of your head, “they have this new carnival and I thought you guys would like it.”
Wanda let her eyes wandered to her children then back at you, her heart shrank under your stare and the innocent happiness behind her children. She nodded stretching her hand to grab your right hand in hers.
“We’ve never been to one, so I’m pretty sure we would love it.”
“Good, then let’s go!”
The park was located it in the southern part of the city.
Winter was the perfect time to bring forth the ice-skating rinks, the place was filled with families and friends enjoying the falling afternoon light and the bright lights from the different attractions. Wanda felt her heart jumped anxiously when she lost sight of Tommy and Billy only to see them talking animatedly with Kate and America.
It didn’t take too long for her to see the familiar faces of her students, and some of your friends walking around the place while sharing a good time. You intertwined your fingers with hers, smiling softly at her while leading her to the closest food stand. You glanced around seeing as America shook her head while negotiating with the twins, Wanda leaned closer to you offering the same tender smile she reserved for you.
“This is amazing.”
“You liked it?” You asked softly, Wanda nodded squeezing your hand reassuringly.
“I do.”
“Good, I was thinking of doing something different with you and the twins, I know as of late you have been stressing out and they haven’t slept well.” You lowered your gaze to the menu, sensing as Wanda tensed by your side.
“You knew?” She turned to America then back at you, your lips broke into a crooked smile shrugging.
“I suspect as much.” You sighed pointing at the combo for a hot dog and soda, “this one look fine, what do you say?”
“It has been difficult but, nothing we can’t deal with.” Her tone of voice had improved since new year, but sometimes you could catch the scratching of her throat and the fading wound Vision had left on her.
“You know I’m here for you and the twins, don’t you?” You faced the young woman, this time around forgetting all about the food and focusing your attention on Wanda.
Wanda shifted letting go of your hand, she felt the cold breeze of the afternoon sneaked inside her clothing. She shivered missing the warmness your hand was providing, though if she were to be honest with herself, it wasn’t your hand. It was you. All of you.
“I know.” Wanda lowered her gaze, her arms wrapping around herself. “Sometimes it’s just difficult for me to know…to actually realise I’m not alone. And that…”
She trailed off when a young man came from behind the counter asking for your order. Wanda observed with care just as you asked for her favourites, while also making sure to ask for Billy and Tommy’s favourites. You knew them so well, Wanda wondered why she had never noticed how attentive you were, how much you knew about them without any difficulties.
You need to let go, and give yourself a chance.
Wanda had already had this conversation before, and she had already fought over with herself against the uncertainty that these new emotions and this new relationship might bring to her life. With a softening heart she sneaked her arm around yours leaning closer to you, you lifted your brows surprised by the gesture but smiling smugly at her closeness.
“Which one is your favourite?” Wanda asked all of a sudden, you furrowed your brows pursing your lips before speaking.
“I like it spicy; you know? No pineapple because, yuck,” Wanda chuckled taking into your every word, “and I like all the sauces I can get my hands on.”
“So basically, a hot dog that may kill you in the near future or get you an upset tummy?” Wanda commented shaking her head, you rolled your eyes shrugging.
“Come on, is not that bad!!”
Wanda snorted but she could not say anything else for Billy and Tommy came right there, both of them were quite excited talking at the same time pointing to a different set of attractions they wanted to try over. You smiled fondly just as Wanda tried to negotiate with her children, America chuckled lifting her arms when both of them pointed to her while pouting. Soon the food was brought over, and you decided it was time for you to intervene.
“Okay, okay, I have a proposal!” Everyone turned to you, your good arm lifting above your head before pointing with your head the table filled with food. “We are going to eat first, then we will go to the Carousel, then we will move onto the bumper cars.”
Billy and Tommy cheered high fiving while hugging you with smiles on their faces, Wanda chewed on her lower lip glancing at those rides before turning to you. You winked at her leaning forward while lifting a single finger.
“Then, we will go to the Ferris Wheel to see the lights show from the park, okay?”
“Yes!” The twins then proceed to drag you to the table eager to start eating and go to the different attractions.
Wanda and America stayed behind grabbing napkins and helping with the beverages.
“They really are happy.” Wanda stated glancing at her children then back at America.
“They really are, are you?”
“I am.” Wanda shrugged smiling softly, Kate came right at that moment helping around while turning to Wanda.
“My mom just called me, she told me everything is ready and that if you confirmed her right now she would get everything ready for Friday.” Kate grinned when Wanda opened her eyes excitedly.
“You mean it?”
“Yep, I know Y/N would love her so…”
“You just have to say the word.” America pressed over smiling as well. Wanda turned to you where you were sitting with the twins helping them around while also allowing them to help you with the food.
Wanda felt her heart beat a tad bit faster, shrinking with pure emotion at the familiar scene she had gotten to witness in the last couple of weeks. She turned to the two teens nodding excitedly.
“Yes, tell her I take it.”
America squealed excitedly hugging Wanda before turning to an equally excited Kate.
“She is going to love it, you will see.”
Wanda surely hoped so, for the only thing in her mind was to make sure you also experience the love, affection and happiness she had felt with you from the moment the both of you met. From the moment, the both of you gave the friendship a chance to grow into something else.
Wanda Maximoff had never had such a wonderful time before.
She was dragged by you or America or even her children around the park to try the different attractions. She got to experience the adrenaline of the roller coaster, while also gave in the excitement of the bumper cars while laughing alongside you.
You were by her side at all times, without being overwhelming it was as if you knew what it was she needed and you were right there to make sure she got it. Wanda admired the easiness in which you and the twins soon found a common ground and they sought you out for comfort or confirmation of what to do next.
Whatever doubts that came after the incident, or whatever reluctance Wanda felt when around you were soon forgotten and she just gave in standing by your side with a beating heart and a tingling body whenever you brushed your hand against hers or your lips found hers when alone.
In the end, and after going through all the different stands holding games with prizes everyone ended up on the Ferry Wheel.
“Come on guys, you can go first.” You nodded to your sister and Kate, winking lightly while America just rolled her eyes.
“Let us take Billy and Tommy…” Kate started but you shook your head placing your right hand on her shoulder.
“No, this is for you guys, go and snog my sister when you get to the highest point,” you chuckled when Kate blushed looking away while America looked mortified, “you guys have been taken them with you most of the day, so it’s only fair. Go.”
Wanda was standing back with Billy and Tommy furrowing her brows when, after a moment of discussion America and Kate finally went inside one of the passenger cars. You stepped back joining Wanda who was trying to hold back the twins that were waving happily at America and Kate.
“I think we shouldn’t eat those candy apples,” Wanda snickered when the twins talked amongst themselves excitedly.
“Oh, come on, those are quite delicious, and I don’t mind them being this hyperactive.”
“You don’t?” Wanda blinked a couple of times stepping forward, waiting until the car stopped and the door was opened for you and the others to go in.
“No, I actually think it’s kinda cute.” You blinked at her before calling for Billy.
“Come here, little guy, you’re sitting with me, and Tommy is sitting with Wanda.” You pinned them with your eyes, your face transforming into a mask of pure seriousness. “I need you to be well-behaved because while this is fun, we need to make sure it is also safe, okay?”
“Yes, Y/N.” Both of them said at the same time, Wanda cocked her head lifting a single eyebrow impressed.
Soon the ride started with classical music playing through the speakers, you looked outside with Billy pointing out the different spots. You leaned forward answering his questions, while also telling him and Tommy about a past you had experienced with America and your parents. Wanda leaned back hearing the sound of your voice and the question of her children while taking in the scene.
“Woah, look mommy!! This is so pretty!” Tommy said pointing right outside the car where the lights show was being played near the skate rink.
“It is, it looks really pretty.” Wanda mumbled glancing at you and noticing you had your eyes on her.
“It is just beautiful.” You replied as well, smiling tenderly at her before turning your attention back to the outside world.
“This is the best day ever, Y/N, thank you.” Billy said softly turning to you and giving you a tight hug.
You returned the hug softening your features while feeling your heart skipped a beat under the display of affection from the little boy.
“I’m glad you like it, Billy.” Your voice was loud enough for him, Tommy and Wanda to hear you out, “I just want to make you enjoy the beautiful things in life, if you guys allow me to do so, I will be more than happy to show you the world.”
Wanda wrapped her arms around Tommy, shaking her head while her eyes filled with tears.
“How about you let us show you also the beautiful and fun things in life, and we share those experiences with one another?” Wanda replied glancing at you, the silent invitation there.
You chuckled nodding, “I would love that.”
Wanda nodded turning again to the world outside the passenger car, her heart leaping with happiness at the moment she was living with you and the twins. Suddenly, in the midst of such peaceful moment Wanda came to the realisation that everything she needed, whatever she had been looking for was just there, sitting right across her loving her children and her without asking nothing in return.
And for that, she loved you without any reservations.
For that, she promised herself to make sure you were happy, the way you were making her and her children happy.
Final chapter: The date Wanda planned finally comes to be, there will be smut, and happily ever after.
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pastel-nature · 2 years
My Pretty Little Bastard (Part 2)
Yandere!Aemond Targaryen x Reader
A/N: All characters in this fic have been properly aged up to 18+. Please forgive spelling or grammar mistakes, English is not my first language.
You can read Part 1 here:
TW: abusive behavior, stalking, breach of privacy, targcest between uncle and niece, implied noncon.
Aemond was happy, at least you think so. His touches gentle as he laid his cloak on your shoulder, the slight squeeze on your shoulder reassuring as you rise and face the crowd as husband and wife. He smiled at you, genuine you would like to think, for you never see such expression on his face. 
Low whispers that used to taunt you, gave you comfort that day, in the morning he promises to keep you safe, in the afternoon to keep the family united, and in the night to be gentle. 
The first bedding night still hurts, but the kisses on your temple, apologies, and the gleaming sapphire in the place of his missing eye gave you something else to focus on.
And so, you too strive to be happy. 
You speak naught of the letters to your family. Now that Aemond has changed for the better, you can start anew.
You shielded Aemond with appreciations when your Daemon jabbed on your ‘miserable appearance’.
Even your mother, the woman who was supposed to know you in and out, hugged you in glee. A marriage full of love and passion is a blessing my love. 
Grandsire, in his Kingly outfit, joins the family dinner that day. None of your pleas stuck in his mind it seems. He toast for his handsome son and lovely granddaughter, a new branch to strengthen the dynasty.
Aemond by nature is not a warm person but his efforts shone when he makes time to accompany your daily stroll in the garden of the Red Keep. At times with a book to read, another times with flowers in hand, and that one particular time a sapphire ring to adorn your finger with, a piece of him.
Your life is a dream, mother was right, this marriage is a blessing and you will try your hardest to keep it so. A good dutiful wife is what you strive to be, long forgotten are the dreams to one day came back to Dragonstone, claim a dragon, and soar high in the sky. No, your place is here, right by Aemond’s side.
Nightly activities are stilted still, but both of you made an effort. Some days your husband even went out of his way to pleasure you. The more pleasure involved, the higher chance it is for you to get pregnant my love.
You blushed and nodded.
He’s slowly morphing into a different creature by night. Naked in all senses, unguarded and honest.
When you confronted him about the letters he broke down in tears. Admission of his own insecurities and fears slipped out of his mouth.
I was afraid of losing you to someone else, or that you may have felt that I am not good enough to have you. 
I am not well, not inside, my fears caused me to act irrationally and impulsively.
In this violent and tumultuous world I have to be feared, to pursue power and control at any cost. For you…
For our family, he landed a hopeful kiss on top of your stomach.
When your moon blood ceased to flow and your belly began to swell, Aemond took the last part of his vow with fervor and determination.
Oldtown? You asked him. 
He carefully explains that the difficult pregnancy and the duties of a princess weigh heavily on you. It is best you reside in my new estate, free of burden, to focus on our child.
Built just outside the Oldtown we will have the best maesters and medicines - as well as daily blessings from the sept, to aid your pregnancy.
Lets not worry about your parents, and siblings, they have dragons don’t they? They can visit whenever they want.
And I promise this time, your letters are yours.
The journey to Aemond’s estate was a strangely tense one, with guards, lots of them, and you can even hear the sound of a marching army behind your entourage. Not that you are allowed to look. I do not want you out there, these men deserve not a speck of your attention my love. We are fast approaching anyway.
Loneliness is one thing. It is what you are good at. Years alone at the Red Keep with no one to call allies had prepared you for that.
But total isolation is another matter. 
Upon your arrival it's apparent that you had made a wrong move, this place is a prison. Its bars gilded with gold, its high walls decorated with flowers, its guards and warden wear silks, but prison all the same.
Forget the promised letters and visits, you could not even see out of the windows, not since you entered the carriage that brought you out of the Red Keep.
Is this place even anywhere near Oldtown? You find yourself wondering with no one to ask, not even Aemond.
Ever since you arrived here, Aemond swiftly took off with Vhagar, said his duties awaits him.
By spring, your belly began to prominently swell, it has been the 5th moon since the maesters declared you pregnant, and 4th moon since you arrived in this castle.
Aemond returned intermittently, to give you gifts, hug and kiss you, even bed you. 
Yet he never stayed for the night.
Nor did he indulge in your questions.
Streaks of 10 year old Aemond came up now and then, the boy with disgust in his eye and poison in his words.
And you, once again, learn to avoid him.
Alone as usual, you sang and told tales to your only companion, your belly and the child inside it. But that night something arose, a sinister thing that chokes your nerves and filled your mind with dread as you hear people screaming in pain.
The barn caught fire your grace, please be at ease it will be over soon, your maid said before she fell to the floor, blood on her back.
Princess? A voice called for you.
A/N: Thank you for the encouragement and kind words, I hope you don’t mind the cliffhanger. Reader-chan is still suffering with no happy ending in sight. Well, that’s what you get for gullibly trusting man like Aemond.
Part 3 is out
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king-smaurent · 6 years
Hi I’ve been thinking about this ask Maya @laurent-ofvere recieved for DAYS and anyway here’s this thing I wrong on my phone in like an hour at 11 at night.
“You know I thought you looked exceptionally well atop your horse today, your highness.”
Laurent ignores Lazar’s words in favor of closing his eyes and focusing on the slow sinking of his body on to Lazar’s cock, and the pleasurable stretch as he is fully seated. Laurent takes a moment of respite to enjoy the slight burn and the tingling in his legs. It’s been a long day, and even longer still since he’d managed to steal lazar away and apply his body to one of its few useful functions: allowing Laurent to relieve this inconvenient frustration brought upon him by the presence of the akielon slave.
This...habit of theirs started a month or so before, near the beginning of the campaign to the border. Govart had just been cast out, and the akielon slave’s honorable air that much more insufferable and attractive and unbearable.
Laurent had had many admirers throughout his years;He was a prime option for any high reaching noble man, for any ambitious Pet, but he’d never held any interest in them. Sexually, most were unappealing and further he learned from an early age there was no one to trust in his uncles court. It had never crossed his mind to seek out a sexual partner and he’d never felt a desire that he couldn’t solve on his own. That is, until the campaign set out and, without the immediate distraction of playing against his uncle, Laurent’s mind could focus more exclusively on the burden at hand: his immense, inconvenient desire for the akielon slave.
Willing it away was unsuccessful, ignoring it was impossible, and his own touch had proved unsatisfactory.
It wasn’t until one evening when he’d heard a rather typical obscenity from Lazar’s mouth that curiously instantly struck. Lazar was recently deemed trustworthy enough; from what Laurent could gatherhe had no particular loyalty to his uncle (only to money) and he was one of the few mercenaries putting his weight in(Infuriatingly, a fact pointed out by the slave).
So, naturally, Laurent cornered him and through a short back and forth (“You’re interested in fucking me?” “Every man is interested in fucking you, but I’d be the best at it.” “Excellent.”) And a threat to maintain secrecy, it became a relatively frequent occurrence for Laurent to be bending in Lazar’s presence.
It did wonders, surprisingly, to relieve Laurent of the pent up feelings about the Akielon. Even now as his pace picked up, his rise and fall on Lazar’s cock becoming quicker and more steady he could picture the ire of his frustration: The slave, picking up a broad sword and throwing it like it were a dart, the feeling of his back as Laurent was pressed flush against it when they rode pillion. The way his muscles shifted— It was good, Laurent was feeling the slow build of release except—
“It was quite a site to see you and Damen pressed so close on one horse.”
Laurent’s braced a firm hand on Lazar’s chest, both as a warning and as support to fuck himself harder. If he could just keep moving, keep the physical feeling up he could—
“It made me wonder what it would be like to be in that space between you,”
Laurent felt he irritation rising in tandem with his arousal waning. No,he just needed—
“Are you sure you aren’t interested in bringing him in to this? Oh, wait, it was the interest that brought this all about—you know I’m sure he’d be amiable I could—“
“Would you Shut. Up.” Laurent snapped, his movement coming to an abrupt stop, and his eyes opening to fix their best glare down at Lazar’s smug, grinning face.
“Tsk. I’m just making conversation, your highness. I can’t help like feeling sometimes like I’m just some cock to you—like you’d prefer me as one of those vaskian cock toys you can fix to a—“
Laurent moved quickly, grabbing a nearby pillow and pressing it firmly and without mercy over Lazar’s face to cut him off. Laurent’s body was on fire and he didn’t have time for this, lest he go completely unsatisfied for the night. “I just need…” his sentence trailed and his licked his lips, his body starting a slow rock to rekindle the sensation. Lazar’s hands came up to grip Laurent’s hips, almost painfully, and Laurent, oversensitive, let out an involuntary quiet groan. Frustratingly, he knew lazar still had that smug look under the pillow.
He couldn’t very well suffocate Lazar—it would be too hard to explain—so, once the grip on his hips became bruising, Laurent removed the pillow and tossed it to the side. He stared down at lazar, hard breathing and still grinning.
Laurent closed his eyes again and returned to the task at hand. The pull and drag of Lazar’s cock with each rise and fall. It was so good, and Laurent’s lips parted in pleasure. He was close. Except, still-
Before he could even comprehend it, lazar flipped them with an experts strength. Laurent was too bewildered, his eyes shot open, to focus on what a turn on that may be. “Wha—“ he was on his back, legs partially in the air with lazar between them and still inside.
“You seem to be struggling, your Highness,” mocking, as it always was the honorific behind closed doors and tent flaps. Lazar pressed his body forward against the back of Laurent’s thighs, bringing his legs closer to his body, compact. Lazar’s cock pressed in further. Laurent groaned low again.
Lazar’s hips began then to move, without the same slow ease Laurent had applied when he had been on top and were very quickly at a hard, steady pace. “I can imagine,” lazar continues speaking, breathlessly “that Damen would want the power over you anyway, except maybe on your knees instead.” Cheeky. But the image was enough for Laurent. He pictured it: the slave maneuvering Laurent how he wanted with his insufferable strength. Laurent on his hands and knees with large, strong hands gripping his hips and the akielon’s cock fucking long and hard in to him.
“Ah—” Laurent grips the bedding above his head, overwhelmed. Lazar hooks his arms under Laurent’s knees and pushes forward, causing Laurent’s hips to raise up and his knees to be by his head, his whole body folded in a way that allows Lazar,now on his knees, to fuck him harder, deeper.
It’s a relatively short amount time then before Laurent is coming on to his own chest, untouched. Lazar follows soon after and gently rests Laurent’s hips and back- side back down on to the bed before disconnecting their bodies. Laurent winces only briefly from the sting of separation; he is still breathing hard and coming back to from his orgasm.
After, he looks over at Lazar who is grinning obnoxiously at him. He opens his mouth to speak, but Laurent cuts him off,
“No. That’s enough. Without your cock in me I have even less patience for your words. You’re dismissed.”
“Of course, Your Highness.”
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ao3feed--kylux · 5 years
Stress Relief
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2VItenO
by DeviantDarkBelle
Takes place on a level of Hux's flag ship where there is a John Wick, Red Circle, style Bath house.
It had been a long time since Hux had visited, so much had happened.
He also needs to forget about Ren, and the potential that was once there.
A few things inspired this fic: 1. John Wick, Red Circle Bath house 2. Head canon that Ren has Royal Guards, similar to the Emperor's, who are incredibly built
Bath house. Hot and stacked Royal Guards. What could possibly happen?
Please forgive and excuse my usual grammar and punctuation issues, and my tense drifts.
Update to come...soon... (some tags are for future updates, more to come with the chapters)
Words: 1154, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Armitage Hux, Kylo Ren, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s), Original First Order Character(s) (Star Wars), Ren's Royal Guards
Relationships: Armitage Hux/Kylo Ren, Armitage Hux/Royal Guards
Additional Tags: Kylux - Freeform, Bath Houses, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Gay Sex, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Blow Jobs
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2VItenO
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foruneyti · 6 years
Pt. I Greetings. This is all Foruneyti-centric but I hope it is helpful in general. —EA
Hithere! Thank you so much for sending me such a detailed report haha,it really helps me out! Because it was such a lot I will respond persection. I hope you don’t mind!
Pt.2 Somethings that I like in your writing: >Your dialogue. It iswonderful and truly witty at times, and it flows so naturally. It isa joy to read. I wish I could converse in real life the way Healerdoes in the story. So many writers resort to blatant awkwardness inconversation to move a relationship or friendship along; instead, youmake your characters clever and intelligent enough to get out ofunusual places in conversation. I appreciate that so, so much.I’m really glad that this is the case! I love writingdialogue and I’ve come a long way since I started writing (whenever Iread my older stories the dialogue is something that stands out to menegatively) so hearing from other people that it is witty and flowsnaturally is absolutely wonderful; thank you. Pt.3 >Your descriptions: in general, your descriptions are a goodbalance between “telling” and “showing”, which like yourdialogue make the story flow quite well. >Your originalcharacters. They are actually characters, unpredictable in some ways,not merely mouthpieces for ideas or story exposition (Kari of Yllgardis a great example here). Meeting them and getting to know thembetter feels worthwhile, rather than distracting.It’sa relief that those things are also going well! I really aim to givemy characters more layers so that they won’t be one-dimensional andboring, but with so many characters in the casts it’s hard to keep itbalanced and sometimes I even forget one or two exist hihi. Pt.4 >Perhaps first and foremost, I love that Healer is her ownperson, with useful skills and the ability to be simultaneouslycompassionate and an independent thinker. She does not brook abuse(of anoyone else or of herself) mildly; she is morally centred andstands up for her moral beliefs (I would like to add here that(Pt. 5) I think it would be appropriate for the deaths Loki hascaused to trouble her more than it does; I understand her reasons forforgiving Loki himself, but to some extent I would expect Healer’snatural compassion to extend to the many, many families Loki hasdestroyed). Though she is lonely at times, she is not just a hollowshell waiting for some other person to fill her with emotions andexperiences.This is also a big part of what I wanted! ThatHealer would be a character of her own, with feelings and thoughtsand memories of her own, and that without Loki she would still grow –though their growth is definitely amplified by one another. I wantedher to be independent so that their love and relationship could growand blossom healthily. As for the deaths Loki caused, it’s truethat I am kind of letting it fade to the background. I wanted tofocus more on the person Loki was becoming than the person he hadbeen, and since I believe he was not fully in control or didn’t havemuch of a choice during most of what happened back then I didn’t wantto make too big of a deal of it. Now that Healer has to grieve forher own she wouldn’t have the energy to grieve for the many livesthat were lost years and years ago.
Pt6 or 7? Somethings that I do not like in your writing (save the firstcomment, I am trying to be usefully critical here):>The sex. I amnot here for that; honestly I just think it is gross. It is nothingagainst your writing particularly; I just do not enjoy that sort ofthing in stories, ever. When I found Foruneyti, I was looking for aninteresting story that explored a Loki redemption arc in a believableway; many kudos to you for drawing me in despite the sex.Itotally understand! I personally enjoy sex as well as writing aboutit and so for me it is part of a healthy relationship, which is why Iadded it to the fic. You can expect more to come. I’m glad that youstill enjoyed the rest of the chapters though! Sometimesyou do strange things with grammar tenses. For instance, the lastsentence of the fifth chapter of the most recent instalment of “InHer Loving Memory” goes, “The man rose his sword, and sheclosed her eyes.”I am fairly confident that “rose” is anintransitive verb, and “raised” is what you should use whensomething is actually being done with a specific object. Pleaseunderstand that this little nitpicky sort of thing is an indirectcompliment; the rest of your writing (dialogue, descriptions, etc.)is so well-balanced that it is little things like this that throw meoff. Ah!I’m incredibly sorry for that. I can’t really use the excuse of notbeing a native English speaker anymore, but sometimes things likethat still slip. Things like raise and rise, lay and lie; but alsothings that even I think are super silly. I often type reigns insteadof reins, or mix up expressions. I check chapters three to sixtimes before uploading them and I still stuff like that when Ire-read it later. Feel free to point it all out on a chapter when yousee it, so I can immediately change it. Pt7 or 8? >Very occasionally you claim that something clever happensand then you drop the ball. The scene in chapter 14 is a goodexample. The passage goes:“…Should you try to introduce him tothe conversation? Ask him if he had ever experienced such battles?You listened intently to what they had to say, but every question youasked steered the conversation(Pt8 or 9?) in the direction you wanted to go. It was masterfullyexecuted manipulation, and neither of them noticed, until theopportunity came for which you had been waiting and you turned yourheard to the side, glancing at the prince from the corner of youreye. “How about you, then? Surely you must have great tales totell.” …That is abrupt and jarring, not masterfully manipulative.I think this is a more serious mistake where you should have changedthe scene so that it was appropriate(Pt9 or 10?) for the Healer to be so abrupt, or else thought through thescene more thoroughly to give Healer something truly clever to say.Another example would be when Healer tricks Yllva into confessing tothe murder. That seemed unrealistically stupid, even for a spoiledprincess of evil.Ihope you don’t mind that I will defend myself on this one. The lines’Youlistened intently to what they had to say, but every question youasked steered the conversation in the direction you wanted to go. Itwas masterfully executed manipulation, and neither of them noticed,untilthe opportunity came for which you had been waiting (…).” Aremeant to convey that time passed, that she has been conversing forquite some time, asking more and more questions that subtly got herto the point she wanted: a break or pause in the conversation thatallowed her to drag Loki into it. In that break or pause it wasappropriate to ask Loki about his tales without making it seem likeshe didn’t care about the other soldier’s stories. If I had to writeout all the stories the soldiers told, and all the questions Healerasked, it would have made the chapter far too long and far too slow.As for the part where she tricks Ylva, keep in mind that thegirl is not the smartest. She tried to murder Healer with poison sostrong it would no doubt cost quite a lot of money. That way it wouldbe traced back to her sooner or later, and with a devastated andenraged Loki (as well as Thor and all the other soldiers in thegroup) in that scenario she wouldn’t have benefited from it at all –and the consequences would have been dire. When she noticesHealer doesn’t die she gets more reckless and directly poisons herfood. She could have done it herself, in which case people (mainlyservants) would have seen her going to the kitchens where shedefinitely never comes, or, more likely: she had a servant do it forher. That means at least one servant knows its her, and so when thestaff would get questioned by the at that point merciless Loki itwould come out sooner or later as well. Either way: dumb. So,now that we’ve established that Ylva is not very bright, she is inthat moment set on defending herself however possible. When she heardHealer semi-accuse her of something she hadn’t done she had to denyit to try and save her hide – and she hadn’t really thought aboutthe words with which she chose to do so. In her panic she blurted outthe first that came to mind and so fell right into the trap. Ofcourse, it’s fanfiction, and so I’ve taken a few liberties on howrealistic things are, but in my opinion it makes for a far moreinteresting story than when the investigation starts and it takesthem two more chapters to just confirm what we already know: the girlhad truly tried to murder Healer. Ona final note, not concerning anything critical: I would just like toadd that as an addition to the Foruneyti universe “In Her LovingMemory” works incredibly well. What an emotionally powerfultale. (Lastpart) I read the scenes at the tree (Healer’s and Loki’s) and wasstruck by the aching sadness in both. I look forward to seeing whereyou go with that tale. May your writing (for Foruneyti and elsewhere)proceed excellently. Sincerely, EA
Thankyou so much! I really hoped it would, and emotionally powerful was(and is still) the goal. For it to affect your feelings is all Icould have wished for.  
Again,thank you for leaving such extensive feedback. If you want to discuss anything I’ve said in this post just send in another ask, I really love talking about my work. For anyone elsereading this post: do you agree, disagree, or do you have somethingto add? Feel free to respond to this post or to send me an ask ofyour own! (anonymous if you want). The more opinions I get the easierit will be for me to see what things I will need to focus on more! ❤
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anki-of-beleriand · 10 months
Bad Liar ch.7
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Summary: Life is about lessons, and Wanda has been learning some harsh facts that had define her life and taken her to a place in which she was given a second chance. Then, all of a sudden, she meets you, and she realizes why it's easier to lie to yourself than to accpet what's right in front of her.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff/ Female!reader - America/Kate - Mentions of past Vision/Wanda - past Natasha/Reader - Some Female!Reader/Carol Danvers
Warnings: Slow burn - slightly Enemies to friends to lovers - Mentions of abusive relationships - Toxic relationships - angst - drama - mentions of abuse - idiots in love - homophobia - more tags as the story progress.
Author's note: Here is a new chapter and right now there is no place to run, many secrets are out and it is time for everyone to start playing a part in the game.
As always, English is no my mother tongue, so please forgive the grammar, spelling and funny mistakes!
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17 - Chapter 18
Chapter 7
Whispered secrets
The Innovation Classroom had been a donation by the Bishop Family a couple of years ago. The main goal was to provide the school with the latest technological gadgets and programs so their students could always be up to date offering their students the right tools to keep up with their education. Everyone had access to the computers and the red of the school, but in reality only a few select students excel in the art of encrypted information.
America hated pne of those peoople, mainly because ever since she arrived at school her main goal had been to hit on a very clueless, and very exasperating Kate Bishop. But, after the long conversation she held with the team, America knew this would be their only chance to get some answers.
Everyone had their attention on Riri Williams.
The young woman chewed on the gun in her mouth, her brows knitted together while her brown eyes pierce every member of the advance class with a glint of curiosity in her eyes. Riri stopped for a moment on America, before her eyes set on Kate who was bouncing restlessly right behind her best friend.
Kate tensed lightly, her heart beating fast just as Riri smirked winking at her. Kate felt her cheeks warm, and America cleared her throat while positioning herself in the line of vision of Riri. The black-skinned woman chuckled tilting her head while resting her elbows on the table arching her back pinning America with her eyes.
"So, you guys want me to hack into personal files, get information from a private company and… What do I have in exchange?" 
Riri could tell her question caught everyone in the group off guard, they were not expecting such an answer and this was the perfect opportunity for her to make the right move.
"Money wouldn't be an issue." America intervened stepping forward.
"Money can't buy everything in life, Chavez." Riri rolled her eyes leaning forward while scratching the back of her neck.
America opened her mouth but Riri tilted her head, soon her eyes found those of Kate who looked around before settling her eyes on her. 
"How about a date?" 
The silence that followed could be broken by a needle falling to the floor. America was left frozen in place, her shoulders put back and her brows knitting together while she clenched her fists closed. Kate from her part was slightly confused, her heart beating fast just as she turned to America then back to Riri. 
Kamala had her eyes on Kate, whereas Yelena and Loki were looking intently at America. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife, and America had to hold herself for doing or saying something that she could regret. Riri for her part chuckled, playing the part she was asked to play.
“Come on, it shouldn’t be that hard! You guys came to me, after all.” Kate turned to America, and America hesitated for a moment. It was Loki the one who decided to break the silence.
“I believe we are very curious in knowing who you have in mind, Riri. We cannot force anyone to date you, as you so eloquently put it, money can’t buy everything and this would need to be a decision made by said person.”
“Always big with the words, and the fanfare, Odinson.” Riri rolled her eyes before she nodded towards Kate. “I was thinking, Bishop over there. What do you say? The Winter break is almost here, and I heard the Ball this year would be fantastic…so…Bishop comes with me, and I will give you what you want.”
That comment did it.
America straightened up, jerking her head to the side so her eyes locked onto those of Kate. The other teen was just as shocked as America, though America could swear she saw curiosity in them too. The young woman clenched her fist closed, while Kate started babbling away while trying to explain, and ask, and said a hundredth things at the same time.
"Well, what is it gonna be? Unless this information isn't as important as you made it look."
In all honestly, everyone was wondering the same.
While it was truth that during her babysitting duty, America had become overly found of the twins, their snooping around in the life of their newest teacher had become somehow America’s recent obsession. The young woman had not dared to revel that much, but Kate knew America had been worrying about her sister and the recent attraction she had developed for Wanda. When the black-haired woman turned to America she could see the conflict in her stance, and the way her eyes went from Riri to her.
Kamala stepped forward, chewing on her lower lip while crossing stares with Yelena. America for her part stood on her spot, her mind going over the different options they had. Why was it so important to find out about this woman? Why was she so curious about Wanda Maximoff? It seemed that everyone was wondering the same, and all eyes were now in America. 
Kate chewed on her lower lip, the decision should be easier than what it looked at the moment. Kate understood America’s worries, but they had other ways to find out about Wanda. They could use other means, and Kate had a hope that perhaps…that maybe America and her could go…
For a brief moment, America turned to Kate who was glancing at Riri, and Riri was looking back at her. A waved of jealousy grew inside America and she just clenched her jaw closed. This was such a mess, and it should be an easy decision on her part, still…
“America?" Kate asked, and all of a sudden her expression changed. Her face hardened and America could recognize the spark of annoyance in her eyes. "The decision should be easy, you know?" 
And of course, America knew it should be easier. But as of late she had seen the change in you, she had read the messages you and Wanda had exchanged and America couldn't help but think of the twins with their scars and the fear in their eyes. 
Loki locked eyes with Yelena, and both of them were as expectant as everyone in the room. Then Kate shook her head, she huffed, pushing America out of the way and walking straight towards Riri. 
"You have a deal, Riri." Then she softened her features, her tone of voice changing into one of pure sweetness flirtation. "And now that I think about it, I would be more than happy to go with you to the Ball…I promise you, it will be unforgettable." 
Kate leaned in, placing a single kiss on the woman's cheek before turning around, she walked past America towards Kamala, grabbing the hand of the other girl she left the room without saying another word. 
America felt a knot on her throat, the display of cowardice she just showed to Kate and her friends heavy on her shoulders. 
"Well, then who are we looking for?" Riri smirked, stretching her arms and getting ready to work. 
Loki hesitated for a moment before stepping forward to provide the names and what they were looking for. Yelena made her way towards America who seemed to be unable to move. 
"You are an idiot." Yelena hissed, shaking her head. "All you have to do is admit to her that you are in love with her and then she would have still done it but without the theatrics."
"I could not… She is… Kate is free to do what she wants." America replied quite stubbornly. 
"She is doing this for you, America." Yelena shot her a disappointed stare. "You better fix this or you will really lose her forever."
"Okay, found it!" Riri exclaimed and America dropped her eyes before going to the older woman. 
Yelena was tempted to hit America, but she decided against it. Loki shrugged and the both of them knew this would be the last chance Kate and America would have to finally be honest with one another and give into what they really want. 
“Fuck, you guys better take a look at this.” Loki said leaning forward, he and Riri wore the same angered expression.
America frowned moving closer while standing behind them. Her breath caught in her throat at the file, and Yelena cursed in Russian, the pictures, and the police records as well as the medical files were all there. Whatever or whomever Wanda was before getting to the school was not something nice, or even a happy life; the found the restriction order against her husband, the petition for divorce and the fight for custody. Riri whistled, she felt sorry for even asking for payment for something like this.
“Wanda Maximoff, isn’t she the new literature Professor? The one in charge of your class, Chavez?”
“Yeah, she is.” America replied softly.
“Damn, she really…this is…” Riri turned to the other girl shaking her head. “This is some heavy stuff, you know?”
“I know.”
“Please, Riri, no one can know about this.” Yelena intervened, Riri snorted pointing to the file on the computer.
“Of course not! She is hiding from her maniac husband, here let me show you the new underground railroad…It seems that she has been receiving help from some powerful people.” Riri stated tapping on some keys before showing the group a classified document.
The halls inside the adjacent building to her school were empty and cold. America could hear the echoes of her footsteps and that of her friends following her to the main playroom. Loki and Yelena had been discussing the findings in whispered tones, none of them had been completely happy with the discovery but now many pieces in the puzzle that was their new Professor finally fell into place. 
America stopped right outside the playroom, her eyes falling on Kate who was laughing with Kamala while Balder and the twins played around the slides.
“You better fix your screw up, America, and soon, Riri is quite the catch and Kate doesn't seem that indifferent to her.”
With those words, Loki went in stretching his hand out to stop Balder from hugging him. The both of them engaged in their ritualistic banter of bickering, while the twins waved at America who shifted her weight from one foot to the other before going in. 
Tommy and Billy had changed in the last couple of months. America remembered the first time she met them, they were quiet and quite shy. At first America thought it was because they didn't know her and were still testing the waters around her. But then, she saw the fear in their eyes, how they would look at the clock and then at the door, how jumpy they were with loud noises, or how they would wake up sweaty and crying. Now for America it was obvious the shy, almost submissive nature of Wanda, how protective she was of her intimacy, or the fact the boys and her never used short sleeve clothing or why the twins had learnt to bathe alone without any help. 
Not that it helped a lot. 
America and Y/N had seen the scars, and while no words had been exchanged between them, they knew what was behind the Maximoff family. And America now had enough proof to prove her sister with the full background of Wanda. 
The question was, when should she tell her about it? 
“You are thinking too loud.” Kate approached her with her eyes never leaving America's ones. 
“I have a lot to think about.” She mumbled shrugging, the twins went back to their stuff putting everything away while Balder whined. 
“Yelena told us what Riri found.” Kate softened her stare putting her right hand around her left elbow. “It must be awful…”
“You know you don't have to go with Williams to the Ball, right?”
Kate cocked her head, glancing at America out of the corner of her eyes. America waited patiently, her eyes glancing everywhere but at her best friend and Kate sighed shaking her head, she turned around closing the distance between herself and America, the dark haired teen tensed with her heart leaping inside her chest. 
“I know, but you know what?” Kate said breaking her lips into a smirk America had never seen in her. “I realised that if the woman I want doesn't want me back, then I can't wait any longer… I’m going to explore my options. Thank you, America. I think I wouldn't have done this without your help.”
America stood there, dumbstruck while Kate winked at her, turning around to join the others. She could tell America was still watching her, and Kate smiled in satisfaction knowing her words had the desired effect on America. She just hoped America would do something, or else she would never forgive her for letting this chance go away. 
Wanda glanced at the watch on her wrist, she winced noticing the time while her face turned to the rain right outside her windows. She had taken far too long grading some papers, the twins must be waiting for her getting restless back in the playroom in the small building in the compound. 
The young woman yawned, picking up her papers and her stuff before her hand went to grab her mobile. She hesitated for a moment until her eyes fell on the last message she received. Your name on her contact list was familiar, as well as the obvious signs that she was ignoring you completely. For more than a week, all Wanda had done was put your messages to the side, and those encounters she had come to look at with an eager heart were now almost non-existent as she made sure to always be out of her home before you. 
A part of Wanda, the rational one, knew she was being childish and that what she was doing was prolonging the inevitable. Another part, the emotional one, the damaged one… Was afraid. She was afraid of what everything meant for her, of the sudden surge of emotions she was experimenting for you. 
Wanda knew she was damaged goods, and that she had her children to look after. You on the other hand were free, intelligent, beautiful, and you already had someone in your life that apparently made you happy. Why would anyone want Wanda at some point? 
Not that Wanda was thinking about being with you. That would mean she liked you, and not in a platonic way. That perhaps her dreams, and the speeding of her heart at the thought of you, meant she was attracted to you, which was impossible because she was not like that. She liked men. Penis. Yeah, she liked that. 
So, you do like her in a sexual way, eh? 
A voice in her head asked, and Wanda hated to find the teasing tone of Pietro behind such a statement. She could imagine him, with his smirk and teasing glint, dancing around her while saying innapropiate things that would make her blush a hundred different shades of red. She missed her twin, and in moments like this, she wished he was still with her. 
“I don't like her like that, I can't.” Wanda replied softly to no one in particular. 
Wanda never thought her life would have changed the way it did. 
The weeks had turned into months, and she found herself experimenting changes that were affecting her in positive ways. No longer was she afraid of getting home knowing dinner was not done yet, or to get something wrong and get mistreated for it. She could finally have a voice and an opinion and people around her respect her, and actually took her word with admiration. Sometimes the dark clouds of her past came forward, and in those moments she went to her children to find the energy to continue. 
Wanda felt her life was finally getting into the right path. Her students had been amazing with her, and as of late it seemed as if their motivation had shifted and the young woman had never felt more supported than ever. 
She didn't need complications, and you had become one. A complication she never thought possible, a complication she couldn't afford to have. 
Whatever sadness she reflected in her face was soon wiped out when she caught the sound of laughter. She let out a sigh of relief knowing her children had not been alone for so long, and the fact the voice of her students reached her ears told her they had been in good hands. Her phone vibrated once more, but she ignored it completely, she never thought or even contemplated the fact that you might be there. 
She entered the room with a confidence she soon lost as soon as her eyes found yours. And whatever she was trying to not feel came back tenfold. Her sweaty hands, the tingling on her lower abdomen and the summersault from her heart. Everything came accompanied by a flush of her cheeks and the widening of her stare. 
You stood there rather conflicted, at this sudden appearance. The sound of laughter and conversation became too deafening, but you put your mobile away and took a few steps towards Wanda.
“So, you are alive.” You promised yourself you wouldn't let the bitterness you felt at Wanda's lack of response get to you. 
But that was easier said than done, the young woman was standing before you quite healthy and rather unfazed by the fact you had written to her a couple of times until you gave up on any answer. You felt humiliated, and also a little hurt, you thought the both of you were friends. And you felt ridiculous for hoping that maybe… 
“I… I was… Yes, I mean…” Wanda made a gesture with her hands, her eyes looking everywhere but at you. “I've been busy, uh with school and…”
“Hey,Maximoff, I'm not asking for explanations.” You replied nonchalantly, your stare hardening. “I was just curious because Tasha told me you and I were supposed to organise the Winter Festival.”
"The winter festival, yes! Yes, she did.We are!” Wanda interrupted her voice, raising slightly with a high pitch at the end. 
You arched a single eyebrow, your lips quirking upwards in silent amusement. Wanda almost slapped her face at such an answer, she tried to recover her momentum by clearing her throat and grabbing her purse with both hands. 
"I didn't understand much, but we'll, I guess we are in a committee…"
"We are the committee." You interrupted tilting your head, this time around you were frowning. "Nat didn't explain everything, did she?" 
Wanda pursed her lips and after a moment she gave in, shaking her head. You could only roll your eyes glancing at the ceiling, of course Natasha had not said anything to the other woman and it would be up to you to explain to her everything that needed to be done. You had a feeling this was the older woman's doing, a well-exécuté plan to torture you and make you spent time with the very woman that had been shaking your world as of late. 
"What else did she have to explain?" Wanda finally asked, she dreaded your answer for she had been trying to avoid you for more than a week and this sudden event would only make her spend time with you. 
She knew Natasha had placed the responsibility on her shoulders a week ago but Wanda had been down a road she was not familiar with. She hated the beating of her heart, the sweaty palms of her hands, the nervous tingling in her stomach and the flush on her cheeks whenever she was in front of you. Or whenever she received one of your messages that she had been ignoring for quite some time. 
She hated the fact she was standing in front of you and you seemed at ease, knowing Wanda was the only one suffering such conflicting emotions and not being able to do nothing to appease such emotions. 
"Well, this event is quite important, you know?" You lifted your hand to scratch he nape of your neck, a nervous trait you had picked up when faced with your reality. 
Wanda was about to speak when the twins and the rest of the teens came towards you. Her students were mostly smiling, while America seemed rather gloomy at the moment. 
"Mom!" The twins came running towards Wanda hugging her around her waist, Wanda smiled softly placing a tender hand on their heads. 
"Hey, boys, how was your day?" 
"It was awesome!" Billy exlciamed and Tommy nodded in agreement, you softened your stare watching the scene with a heavy heart. 
Soon Tommy and Billy were telling their mom all about their adventures, and you had to look away with a frown in your face. America and Loki glanced at one another, a plan already forming inside her head as to what she should do. 
“So, Y/N, we were thinking… It is late, and everyone in the room is hungry, right guys.?”  America turned to her friends, you narrowed your eyes when it took them half a second to react with nodding heads and hands on their stomachs. 
“Right, so hungry much, eh?”
“Oh, come on, Y/N, it has been a while since you last take us to Olympia and we could take the twins there too and Professor Maximoff of course.”
Kate grabbed your arm, she put on her best puppy stare while Kamala grabbed your other arms and America tilted her head amused. You snorted shaking your head, lifting your eyes you could see Wanda glancing at you and the twins frowning in confusion. 
“What is Olympia? “ Tommy asked tasting the word on his lips, Balder opened his eyes wide, grabbing the young twin by his shoulders. 
“You don't know??” Tommy scowled, lowering his eyes and shaking his head.
“It's the best place on earth!!” Balder turned to you and Loki. “Pleaseee, can we go?”
You raised your brows at Wanda, your eyes finding hers. The young woman was just as confused as her children, your heart shrank st the sheer familiarity you saw on those three faces. America pressed her lips together, she could see the conflicting emotions running through your eyes, the change in your posture, the softening in your expression. 
The young woman clenched her jaw tightly, fighting over the myriad of thoughts passing through her mind. America was ready to burst out until a familiar hand grabbed her softly, she turned to see Kate offering a single shake of her head while pulling her aside. 
“so, what do you say? We could have something to eat and discuss the preparations for the Ball.” You proposed shrugging, you could see the conflicting emotions running through those green eyes, but you could also see the lost battle as soon as the twins turned to her with begging eyes. 
“I guess we could…” Wanda winced when the twins squealed and soon everyone was just walking outside the building. 
Yelena caught up to America and Kate, her hand closing on America's wrist. 
“What are you doing? Aren't you going to tell your sister about Maximoff?”
America hesitated for a moment, she turned to see you talking lightly with the other woman. Your face had changed completely, no longer wearing the wrinkles of concern or boredom you usually wear after a long day in the office. There weren't any signs of tiredness or anxiousness you got whenever you were with Carol. There wasn't even the dark cloud above your head, the one you had been wearing all week long, whatever was happening through your head, America could see the positive effect Wanda had on you. And without a doubt, the young woman knew you had a positive effect on Wanda. 
“I think she should know.” Kate commented to America's side. 
“It is only right.” Loki chimed in, America hesitated and it was Kamala the only one to actually voice what America had been thinking all along. 
“But it is Professor Manximoff's secret, we can't go around telling everyone much less Y/N about this.” Kamala crossed her arms standing her ground. 
“Why not?”
“Have you seen Y/N? Or, Professor Maximoff for that matter?” The group all turned to Y/N and Wanda. “Whatever we say or do right now could be bad for…”
“For them.” America shook her head turning to her friends with a determined stare in her eyes. “Let's give them time, I agreed that this can't be kept a secret, but for now we should be able to protect Wanda's privacy.”
The group hesitated for a moment before all of them nodded. They could keep the secret, for now. But for America the situation was turning into something really problematic, and her first instinct was to make sure you were okay, that you were happy. Thus, with a pursed of her lips she decided it was time for her to give you a push in the right direction. 
Olympia ended up being a restaurant right outside the city. 
It was a five storey building, it was surrounded by a beautiful garden with fountains made of Led lights. The twins were dumbstruck, walking down the road leading from the parking lot to the main entrance. To their side Balder had taken the task to explain what they would find inside, and you had taken your spot right beside Wanda to do just the same. 
“I can't believe you never heard of this place.” Wanda tilted her head, her eyes watching with some amusement your childish excitement and the small smile playing upon your lips. 
She thought your giddiness was quite adorable, and she had to stop herself from just leaning in and grab your hand in hers. Her heart hammering against her chest at the mere thought. 
The restaurant was owned by the most peculiar family; they had built the place as a theme restaurant in which families and friends could come over to enjoy games, shows and nice warm meals. Wanda and the twins were awestruck at the sight of mythological creatures and decorations welcoming newest arrivals. 
The smile on your lips softened at the sight of Wanda walking around the place with the twins shying away with big eyes glancing around the place. You could tell this was her first time in such a place, and a part of you had to wonder if Wanda had never been in a place like this one. 
“Mommy, can we go?” Tommy asked shyly pointing at the playground to the right, Wanda hesitated with her breath caught in her throat when your hand rested on hers. 
“It is completely secure, and they would have America and the others watching over them while we look for a table.” You said to Wanda, your thumb making soothing circles on the back of her hand. “What do you say, Princess? I know it must be quite the tortuous experience to be with me but we can…”
“It's not a tortuous experience.”Wanda replied, cutting herself off before she could reveal something else. 
You nodded curtly letting go of her hand before nodding towards the lifts. 
“I know just the place for you and the twins to enjoy this first time.” 
You waited patiently for an answer, you were trying to quiet down the thoughts running inside your head. The best policy you could apply to just ignore the growing need to connect with the redhead standing in front of you. You had missed your conversations with her, the banter you had formed with the woman after a fateful day in which you had come to appreciate the twins. For more than a week you had tried to reason with yourself and the piercing need to talk to Wanda. 
When she didn't answer, and it was quite evident she was avoiding you, something in you broke a little. You were not one to beg, so you stopped writing after two days, but seeing her again you knew you couldn't let go without, at least, trying to forge a friendship with Wanda. 
Because that was all you wanted, right? 
And that was all Wanda was ready to give you, right? 
“Don't worry, Professor, they are in the best…Yelena, No!”
Kamala screamed running after Yelena who was already trying to steal a Nerf gun from a kid, Balder and the twins were already getting armed with Loki giving clear instructions. America winced chuckling while Kate rolled her eyes crossing her arms. 
“Guys…” You said and America waved at you. 
“I know, I know.”
Kate turned to Wanda, wincing a little, “Don't worry, I made sure they are okay.”
Wanda chewed on her lower lip, her eyes had not stopped checking the crowded restaurant while her own panic rose inside her throat at the sight of the twins mixing up with the rest of the children. You could tell she was tensed, her eyes worrying but what you saw there was actually terror. 
In just a second, Wanda was breathing hard, her eyes going wide open and body covered with a thin layer of cold sweat. She started trembling, and you could tell she was about to have a breakdown. Without thinking too much you stood in her line of vision, your hand grabbing hers in yours. 
“Hey, Wands, it's okay, they are going to be fine.” You spoke softly, soothing words and brushed caresses on her hands while you dragged her away from the crowded hall. “It's okay, come…you're going to be fine.”
Wanda clenched her eyes closed, and she let you take her away until the sound of a bell echoed in a closed room and soon. The sound of people disappeared. Wanda opened her eyes only to see you looking back at her, you offered a reassuring smile with the lift sliding all the way to the last floor. 
“Are you okay?” You finally asked, Wanda flushed looking away. 
“Yes.” Her tone was cold, and you could tell she was embarrassed by the scene. 
“You know, there is nothing to be emb…”
“I know.” She cut in exiting the lift as soon as the doors opened. 
You scowled, glancing at your reflection before following the young woman out. The fifth floor was something out of a Jurassic Park movie, wherever she turned there was a jungle like atmosphere with replicas of dinosaurs around. You couldn't help the half smile stepping inside the floor while locating a good table. This was, by far, your favourite place to be; you walked past Wanda, your eyes sweeping the place really quick until you found the person you had been looking for. 
The woman straightened up, turning sharply towards you, her eyes going big while a grin broke on her face. She gave some final instructions before approaching you with arms outstretched to engulf you in a tight embrace. 
“Y/N! And here I thought you had forgotten all about me, mija.” Ajak stepped back giving you a once over, her eyes sharp and witty taking into the form of Wanda who was standing at a safe distance before they settled on you. 
“Never, Ajak, but work and life has consumed most of my time.” You winced apologetically. “But I am here and I have new guests that have never tasted your amazing cuisine.”
Wanda found herself under black, piercing eyes that were a mixture of warmth and curiosity. The woman stretched out her hand, Wanda took it in hers almost wincing at the tight grasp. 
“Now, a guest of Y/N will always be welcome, I'm Ajak.”
Wanda offered a tentative smile, her eyes going to you then back at Ajak. 
“I'm Wanda.”
“Well, we cannot have this! A table for two? For you and your date.”
“No!” The quick, rather panicky scream coming from Wanda and yourself made Ajak turn suspicious eyes to you then to Wanda. 
You knew you were blushing, but you didn't dare to look over at Wanda before clearing your throat to clarify the situation. 
“We're not… She is not.. I mean… She is my sister's teacher so we just…”
“Yeah, no date or, her sister is my babysitter and…” 
Whatever else the both of you were going to add soon died off while you just stood there rather awkwardly. Ajak snorted, shaking her head while pointing to the tables. 
“So not table for two…”
“We came here with everyone, America and her friends and Wanda's children.”
Ajak nodded in understanding, finally pointing to the furthest corner in the room pointing to a balcony and a couple of torches. 
“Well, you can have the spot by the balcony, I will send someone soon…” Ajak then winked at you, and there was a hint of mischief in her eyes as she continued. “It's always good to have you back, and this time around with such a beautiful woman by your side.”
You put a hand on your face hiding away your embarrassment, Wanda merely clapped her lips closed blushing lightly at the implications of those words. Without nothing much to say, you and her were led directly to the last spot. 
“This is beautiful.” Wanda sighed dreamily, lifting her eyes to the sky above their heads lowering her gaze to see the outline of  the city on the horizon. 
Your heart twisted painfully in your chest, you furrowed your brows turning away to glance outside the balcony. 
“I still can't believe you didn't know about this place.” You commented lightly. “This is the best restaurant in the whole East Coast, and it can be quite fun to spend some time with friends and family.”
Wanda sighed knowing she had missed the chance to get to know the world right outside her universe. She did not know much about the world, or places outside Westview or the events Vision used to take her to. The only holidays they had shared had been to Sokovia for the funeral of her father, a holiday she would always remember. Wanda jerked awake when a warm hand placed softly in her hand, she turned sharply to you and her breath caught on her throat. 
“Are you okay?” You asked tentatively, Wanda stepped back from your grasp offering a shaky smile. 
But before she could answer or you could say anything else the sound of laughter and loud conversation distracted the both of you and the group of teens with the three boys came around to occupy a chair in the big table. The twins ran directly to Wanda, and their excited chatter was enough to distract Wanda of her thoughts and the emotional situation she found herself in. 
Dinner was a strange event for Wanda and yourself. You both found yourselves sitting side by side with everyone sharing stories about school and Summer holidays, the twins were quiet watching and hearing everything while enjoying the dinner. Your eyes never drifted away from Wanda for too long, the young woman was quiet at first, her fingers tapping on the table while holding a strained smile hovering protectively around the twins. 
Wanda had always been a mystery for you, from the moment you met her she had been a contradiction of shyness and resolution. There were moments in which you could see a fire inside her eyes, the sharpness of her tongue and her intelligence always challenging you in ways you found fresh and exciting. There were other times in which she made herself small, the dark clouds of fear and uncertainty shadowing those flames while offering a vulnerable side you wished you could protect. 
You snorted, shaking your head while everyone at the table laughed, your eyes drifted slightly only to see Wanda glancing at you with amusement. 
“And then, of course, Y/N had to come out of there all dressed up in clothes that were not even hers and mom and dad decided to have the talk with both of us.”
All the twins winced while Wanda chuckled, raising a single eyebrow. You rolled your eyes hiding your blush, the twins scrunched up their noses looking around until Billy decided to speak. 
“What talk?” He asked innocently, and the question soon quieted down the laughter making everyone squirmed on their spots. 
This time around you raised a brow at Wanda, daring her to answer that question to them. 
“Want to explain that, Mommy Wanda?”
The deep shade of red that decorated the woman's cheeks caught you off guard. The woman looked away hiding her flustered expression, you didn't expect that reaction to your comment. Something inside you ignited with curiosity to explore that sudden discovery, but soon Balder decided to break the uncomfortable tension in the room with his own innocent comment. 
“The talk about sex, dummy!”
“Balder!”Loki exclaimed, slapping his hand while his little brother turned big curious eyes his way. 
“How does he know about that?” Kamala asked, but Loki made a face. 
“He overheard Thor, and he is a little brat that can't keep his mouth shut.”
“You’re the brat!”
Loki opened his mouth to retort but you lifted your hand shaking your head. The uncomfortable moment had passed, but you were still thinking about Wanda's reaction. 
“Okay, you two stop it, let's choose the desert.”
“Dessert?” Tommy turned to Wanda. “Can we have dessert, mommy?”
You smirked watching as Wanda squirmed under your stare, she was trying really hard to ignore you but you made sure this time around it was impossible for her to do so. 
“Oh, what do you say mommy, can we?” You spoke before you could censor yourself, Wanda glared at you clenching her fists closed. 
“Y/N, really?” America asked in disbelief, she glared at you and you opened your mouth. 
“Just stop, it is not as funny as you think it is.” Wanda turned around, softening her facial expression while placing a hand on Tommy's head. “I think we should go. Perhaps another time.”
You yelped, feeling the kick in your chin, turning around you saw America flaring at you still but this time around she was pointing to the other woman, her eyes big and eyebrows raised trying to speak to you without words. 
The twins moaned in protest, but Wanda was already standing up until she felt your hand on hers. She didn't turn around, but you didn't need to, you stood up and circled the young woman standing in front of her, your free hand on Tommy's shoulder. 
“Please, desserts here are delicious and… It's on me.” 
“I don't think…” Wanda started but her resolution crumbled as soon as you stepped forward. Your eyes softened greatly, and your next words piercing Wanda's resolution. 
“Please, sorry I was an ass, I just don't know how to act when I'm around someone like you.” You didn't mean to be this honest, you knew everyone was watching the interaction and probably this conversation would be something America wouldn't let go anytime soon. 
“Like me?” Wanda asked confusedly. 
You broke into a bitter smile shrugging, “like you.”
The silence would have grown even more uncomfortable if it hadn't been by Kamala and Kate that soon were making quite the ruckus to select the best dessert of the night.  
“Why do you like to make my life more difficult than it already is?” The question left her lips before she could stop it, and while she didn't quite mean to ask that, once she had said it a burning desire to know grew in her. 
You blinked a couple of times, looking away while shrugging. 
“I don't know.” You sighed lifting your gaze to the woman in front of you. “You just…Make it too easy and I just can't help it.”
Wanda let go of Tommy who had joined the others around America and Kate that were now explaining what each dessert had. Wanda had enjoyed her afternoon with her children and her students, that you were there with her had been just a plus she was still trying to pretend she didn't enjoy. 
Truth was, if she were to accept why she was so conflicted with your presence, why she had been avoiding you for the last couple of days, why she got so nervous around you. She would be admitting to something up until a couple of months ago she thought was a sin with someone that was already engaged in a relationship. 
Wanda had a lot to lose and nothing to gain. So it was better to pretend nothing was happening, it was easier to break something that was just starting to grow. 
“My grandparents and Tony's parents started the tradition of the Winter Festival.” Your voice broke into Wanda's thoughts, she turned to you quite surprised and you offered a single smile nodding towards the balcony. 
The morning breeze brushed against your cheeks, you leaned forward with the palm of your hand stretched out to receive the first snowflakes of the season. 
“My grandmother was a writer, and she was quite the romantic fella.” You chuckled remembering your childhood, the stories your grandmother used to tell right before going to bed. “She thought that a Ball and a festival around the Holidays would bring everyone together and would make a good way to find love.”
“A dreamer, then.” Wanda offered a half smile, she wrapped her arms around herself standing a few feet away from you.
The night had been strange, but not unpleasant. She couldn’t remember the last time she went out to a nice restaurant to eat, or to have some amount of fun and see her children free the way they had been that night. She looked at you out of the corner of her eyes, her heart fluttering lightly when you continued talking about your family and the traditions of the school, your tone of voice softening with the weight of memories and wishfulness. The confusion Wanda had been experimenting as of late was diminishing as you continue speaking, and the young woman knew sooner or later she would need to face whatever was growing inside her heart.
But for now, she could pretend.
“Then, whatever we do, whatever we plan, must be incredible.” Wanda stated after you had finished talking, you snorted shrugging.
“It’s a matter of honour.” You replied conspiratorially, your eyes twinkling at her reaction. “Believe me, we have been at this since we were at school so…”
Wanda chuckled shaking her head, for what little she knew about you and the others, everyone had gone to the same school and your friendship was based on banter and familiarity. She had seen firsthand how competitive all of them were, the great friendship amongst the families that controlled a whole school and many important businesses in the world. Wanda’s face fell for a moment, she had entered a world that could turn against her at any moment, one wrong step, or one wrong word could kick her out and leave her exposed to the man she had been running from. Natasha had been right when she said this would be important for her, and while Wanda didn’t think for one moment the older woman had tricked her in any way, she knew right now great things were expected from her, a payment for the favours she had received so far.
Movement to her side called her attention, and Wanda soon found herself far too close to you. From this distance she could see the light in your eyes, the small happy wrinkles around your eyes and the curve of your lips. She could also feel the warm emanating from your body, and a part of her, a crazy almost childish part of her, wondered what would happen if she were to close the distance…
Have you ever been attracted to someone other than Vision? Have you wondered what would have happened if people didn’t try to tell you who you should love or be with?
The words of her last therapy session with Hope resounded inside Wanda’s head, but before anything happened you chuckled nodding your head towards the restaurant.
“You’re gonna have two kids running on sugar rush in a moment, you know that, right?” You couldn’t help but laugh at the glance of pure horror she put on as soon as she realized the twins were eating a huge plate of dessert while bouncing restlessly on the chairs.
“They have never had so much sweet before…” Wanda started worriedly, your grabbed her hand winking playfully at her.
“Then, let me help you with tiring them up so you won’t suffer later on.”
“What do you mean..?”
“Well, this restaurant has many playgrounds, and I’m friends with the owner so…let’s go, time for you and me to play some!”
Wanda was not sure what was happening, or what exactly were you talking about. But whatever it was, she didn’t care at the moment, the only think she could think was your hand wrapped tenderly around hers, and the childish grin playing on your lips. Everything else was forgotten.
It was way past midnight by the time you parked Wanda’s car in the garage.
“You didn’t have to come with me.” Wanda shifted her position on the front seat, she turned slightly to see Tommy and Billy fast asleep.
You turned off the care tilting your head to see the twins then at Wanda who was looking completely tired. While it was true that you didn’t need to drive Wanda and the twins back home, but you couldn’t help yourself; you offered while lending your car to America so she could take the other’s home.
A part of you didn’t want the night to be over yet.
“I know but I just figured you may need some help with those two.” You pointed to the twins, Wanda smiled softly.
“Thank you.” She mumbled lowering her gaze, her hand closer to yours. “I don’t remember the last time I have so much fun.”
You smiled satisfied, “I’m glad to hear that.”
There was a moment of silence filled only with the knowledge that you were lost. As soon as you lifted your gaze you could see those green eyes glancing back at you, Wanda was looking confused and tired. But there was evidently some sort of happiness in her face, she was relaxed and for a moment your thought perhaps the weight she had been carrying was lifted. Not for the first time you wondered what had happened to her, what had really brought her to your doorstep with two kids and not husband.
It's not my secret to share.
“I think you should have more moments like this one, you and the kids.” You said after a moment, breaking the growing silence in the car.
“I think we are still getting use to this.” Wanda replied softly, and while she didn’t elaborate you could tell that this was part of the past you were dying to get to know.
“Well, if there is any way for me to help you loosen up more, Princess, don’t hesitate to tell me.” You winked at her enjoying the soft colouring on her cheeks, Wanda straightened up trying to gather her thoughts.
“Right, I think we need to first work on the preparations for the festival and…” She trailed off when you placed a hand on hers.
“Yes, yes…don’t worry about that, Princess.” You then opened the door and grabbed the car keys. “Come, I will help you take these two to bed.”
It didn’t take too long to take the twins into their room, both of them protested and turned around as soon as their bodies touched their beds. The only thing Wanda could take off of them were his shoes and jackets, she was about to insist on them getting in their pyjamas but your hand on her shoulder stopped her.
“Let them be, we really tired them up in the laser tag.” You whispered by the door, Wanda hesitated for a moment making sure that the boys were only on their shirts and with a blanket on top of them.
“I guess it wouldn’t make any difference.”
Wanda whispered back making her way towards you, finally the tiredness of the day was catching up to her and you could see the bags under her eyes and the cold of night sneaking inside her clothes. You pulled her out of the room gently, closing the door behind you leading the young woman to the hall and the stairs, Wanda stood by the stairs glancing at you then at the door down the hall. You shifted on your feet before glancing down the stairs.
“Look, today was nice.” You stated scratching the nape of your neck. “I haven’t had so much fun in a long time.”
“Me neither.” Wanda answered truthfully, her lisp curling slightly at the memory. “And the twins, they were happy too.”
You nodded smiling, “yeah, I could tell.”
Wanda put her right arm on her forearm, she glanced down then back at you.
“I’m sorry I was avoiding you this last week.” Wanda finally said without looking you in the eye, this was easier said than done, and while the reasons of her avoiding you were not clear for you, Wanda was not about to admit them yet.
“I’ve been having a long week, and I just…”
“Hey, that’s okay, I guess. I understand.” You replied leaning in, making it impossible for Wanda to look away. “I just hope you’re not doing it anymore because we need to start making preparations, and I was hoping you would come to my place and have some lunch.”
Wanda opened her eyes; she nodded slowly still a little confused until you rolled your eyes at her.
“You know? So we can start planning the Winter Festival.”
“Oh, right, yes, sure.” Wanda bounced slightly, flustered she tried to hide her yawn but it was almost impossible to do so.
“Go to sleep, Wands. See you tomorrow.”
Before either of you could do something, anything at all, you decided to lean in and kiss Wanda on her cheek. It was a short brush of lips, but it was enough to make her catch her breath and warm all over.
And just like that, you turned around and left before anything could be done or said.
Next Chapter: Reader and Wanda start getting closer, the twins like this new addition to their family. America and Kate find themselves at a crossroads after Riri decides to play a flirty game, and Carol is at her wit's end with Reader. Someone from Wanda's past come into the scene, and Reader is dangerously clueless about the whole situation.
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