#please forgive any typos too i should really be running off to shower and go beddy 🤣💀
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pikapeppa · 10 months ago
Just finished re-reading Desert Blooms and Western Wind, and gearing up for Becoming Whole and wanted to remind you how awesome you are!
But my actual point, I stumbled across you during my AloyxDrakka phase and then you managed to suck me right in to Kotaloy…
And then I got in to BG3, which you were right behind with Kiss me on the Mouth & Someone Great. And I have to confess I wasn’t all too keen on exploring a Halsin ship, let alone a HalsinxAstarionxTav ship but you’ve sucked me right in to that too…
And while my brain festered away on Rolan, I stumbled across Catskarky’s Mass Effect comics which preemptively started my GarrusxShepard phase (and forced me out to buy the trilogy which I’m now just concluding). And so anyway, that got me thinking and I vaguely recalled that I’d seen you had previously dabbled in the ME fanfic space and I was right, and I’ve come to this conclusion:
You are the ultimate source of good games and great ships (ignoring your unfortunate Shakarian oversight lol). So please, please share your wisdom! Recommend anything and everything. I literally value no one’s opinion more in this!
HAHAHA OKAY BUT this made me laugh, both with delight that you've enjoyed so many of my beloved ships -- but also because Shakarian is my OG ship. Garrus Vakarian is my first-ever OG videogame boyfriend LMAOOO. The reason I haven't written any significant fic for him is that my Shepard picks the control ending, meaning that she sacrifices herself to save the geth and EDI and thus she essentially "dies" and leaves beloved Garrus alone... and I could never write that. I can write angsty-ending ships, but I just don't have the heart to write a ship where one member of the pairing literally dies. (And no, I've never considered doing a non-canon workaround because I really like the control ending as it is, which may be an unpopular opinion, but I'm sticking to it!)
I have written one (1) Shakarian oneshot, though!! It was shortly after MELE came out and one of my BFFs got into Shakarian, so I wanted to see if I could bring myself to write them, but this oneshot is as far as I got, sadly 😭❤
(more below the cut!)
As for other game recommendations: off the top of my head, Dragon Age and the Witcher come to mind -- specifically Dragon Age: Inquisition and The Witcher 3, which are both the third installments of their respective series. DA:I has historically been the greatest source of fic inspiration for me, and my Geralt/Reader series might actually be my favourite body of work. You can play both of these games without having played the previous two games -- this is what I did, and both games are among my top 5 favourites!
To prepare for playing these games, beloved friends had recommended some primer articles for me, which basically just introduce you to the lore and the worldstate so you can jump in. Those articles are here, if you decide to check out these games:
The Witcher worldstate for dummies
The Dragon age worldstate for dummies
As for the rest of the Witcher and Dragon Age games: I can't speak for The Witcher 1 and 2, since I haven't played them, sadly! I played the first Dragon Age game (Origins) once, and I... struggled a lot because the gameplay shows its age now. I'M SORRY TO EVERYONE WHO SWEARS BY IT, but I just didn't enjoy playing all of it. The storytelling is good and the companions are a treat, but I wouldn't be able to play it a second time.
I loved Dragon Age 2, and I adore the companion dynamics in DA2 even moreso than in Inquisition, but I actually have only played DA2 one and a half times, mainly because the gameplay is also dated now. It's definitely playable though, certainly moreso than DA:O in my humble opinion, so I would recommend it! And I will say this for DA2: Fenris is the canon romance that I fell the hardest for and have written the most for, of all my videogame LIs. Take that to mean what you will. 🤣
If you like anime, my top two favourite animes are ones that I've also written for: Samurai Champloo (which would be considered retro now 😭💀) and Cyberpunk: Edgerunners. Both of these anime made me cry for very different reasons, and I highly recommend them! You also don't need to have played Cyberpunk 2077 in order to follow and enjoy Edgerunners (I haven't played it), so don't worry about that!
In terms of other recommendations, you can check out my writing masterpost, which lists all the fandoms I've written for and the ships within them. This could help you decide on what you want to play (or watch) next! ❤
If you want any more recommendations (movies, shows, books etc), feel free to hit me up with another ask or a DM! NOT THAT I CONSIDER MYSELF ANY KIND OF AUTHORITY ON ANYTHING LMAOOOO, I'M JUST A POTATO SMUT WRITER, I swear I'd only offer this if someone asked first 🤣🤣🤣
Enjoy!!! And THANK YOU GENUINELY for the praise!! You don't know how much it thrill me when people tell me that they got started with one of my ships and trusted me enough to try ones that they'd not considered before. It means the world! 😭❤❤❤
-- much love from your friendly neighbourhood Pika! xoxo
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zhongliologist · 4 years ago
Shibari + Zhongli canon compliant nsfw
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Pairing: Zhongli x Gender Neutral!reader
Words: 3.9k
AN: Hi anon!! Sorry this took a while! THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING THIS ONE!! I’m glad I had experience writing something like this before skajdha I decided I can’t fit this into a small drabble, so here’s like a really long version lmao my two itty bitty braincells are now in no-brain mode, so this might be full of typos or errors. 
When Zhongli first heard the word while on a stroll late one night, he had realized that there was indeed an artform he had yet to encounter or at least heard of. His curiosity peaked, it was only a matter of time before he finally had to give in and ask you what it was.
“YN, if I may,” he began, settling the cup of tea to the table. “There is something I wish to know.”
Attention caught, you raised your brows at him—surprised that there was actually something Zhongli has yet to know—as you took a mouthful of wonton noodles.
“Sure, ask away,” you replied, chewing.
“Well, this was several nights ago,” Zhongli recounted, his deep voice serious. “I was passing by a group of shipbuilders and I couldn’t help but over hear their conversation.”
You hummed, prompting him to continue while stuffing another serving of blackened bass in your mouth.
“Their discussion involved an artform popular in Inazuma, and apparently has spread all over Teyvat as well,” he continued. “Unfortunately, I have yet to hear about this certain artform. Could you care enlighten me please?”
Leaning your head to the side, you wondered what it was. There wasn’t any popular art trend nowadays which Zhongli doesn’t know, so you became to grow curious as well.
“Did you catch the name of it?”
Zhongli nodded. “Yes. It’s called shibari.”
You almost choked on the food you were eating.
“Are you sure that’s what you heard?”
“I believe it is what I have heard,” he replied. “Is there something wrong?”
Sighing, you were going to have a lot of trouble explaining it to him. It was painfully obvious how Zhongli is so out of touch from the pleasures of mankind.
Pinching the bridge of your nose, you decided it was best for him to know, before he does something unexpected.
“It’s kind of a sexual play,” you told him, but despite your words, Zhongli only glanced at you, eyes blinking.
Watching him, you noticed he had placed his hand over his chin—a habit he had whenever he was thinking. Whatever comes out of his thoughts, you were beginning to become nervous.
“I see. So, performing art during intercourse…interesting,” he mumbled to himself. “It is not too far off considering the fact that intercourse could also be deemed as a form of art, wherein it takes specialized honed skill to elicit a pleasurable result. To take two art forms and combine them in one act…I am astonished at the inventiveness of man.”
You took a bite from a dumpling, eyes jaded. “It’s not that grand, you know.”
“Now that I am aware of its existence,” Zhongli continued, paying no heed to your comment. “I wish to experience it myself. YN, I must request for your assistance.”
The dumpling you were eating fell back to your plate. “…what?”
“This…this shibari. I wish to partake in this now popular art form,” he repeated, but you only became more flabbergasted.
“Didn’t you hear me say that it’s a sexual play?!”
“I did. That is why it must be you,” Zhongli replied, taking your hand and placing it over his smirking lips. “You are my lover after all.”
Flustered, you had no choice but to agree. You knew of Zhongli’s immense curiosity and nothing is going to stop him from finding out what he wants to find out. Moreover, you wouldn’t really want him to experience it with someone else.
“F-fine,” you conceded, still nervous. “But give me a month to prepare. You should also ready yourself.”
Wondering why he had to wait and ‘ready’ himself, Zhongli leaned his head to the side. “Very well, but why a month?”
You scratched your nape as you averted your gaze somewhere. “I don’t have the right stuff, and I don’t have enough knowledge to do it properly. So give me some time.”
It had been a month since that conversation had occurred, and Zhongli began to feel a little bit antsy as the day drew near. It wasn’t common for him to feel this nervous energy, always maintaining his calm and composure. But it was different this time.
Since that discussion with you, you had banned any sort of sexual act from sex to masturbation, all except from small kisses; and as someone who had gotten used to your presence in his arms at night, Zhongli instantly felt withdrawal symptoms cloud his dignified countenance.
Zhongli inhaled sharply as soon as you entered his room, anticipation deeply running in his veins. You took a shower right after him, making him wait and allowing his imagination to run rampant inside his head.
“Sorry, did I make you wait?” you asked, making your way to the bed in nothing but a bathrobe.
“No, it’s alright,” Zhongli replied, his long hair now freely flowing after he had taken off his ponytail when he was taking a shower.
Running your hands through his dark hair, you admired the way they slipped against your skin as if they were made of silk. Absentmindedly, you began to braid his hair in a lose coif, making him relax underneath your touch.
“Um…er…YN, are we going to—”
You hummed, interrupting his words as you smiled. “Eager, aren’t we?”
“I fear that I may longer be able to contain my anticipation,” he confessed, feeling your hands on his back through the thin robe he was wearing.
Grinning, you knelt down and embraced him from the back; giving his temple a small kiss. “It seems like I don’t have to ask you if you’re sure about this.”
Loving how you felt so warm around him, Zhongli smiled as well as he intertwined his fingers between yours. “I do feel nervous, but it was I who wished to know; thus I must see it to the end.”
“Well, that settle’s it then,” you replied as you removed yourself from his shoulders. “Before we start, I need to remind you that we can always stop if you can no longer handle it, ok?”
Zhongli sighed. “I am confident that I can handle something like this.”
“Please stop being so stubborn,” you retorted back, annoyed that he really has to insist he wouldn’t need it. “Since it will take you forever to decide, I’ve picked one for you. It’s Rex Lapis. Say it when it gets too much.”
He scoffed. “You retaliate in the most absurd of ways, yet very well, I’ll keep it mind. Nonetheless, that does not mean I will use it.”
You grinned. “You’ll take that back soon enough.”
As you said those words, you shifted from your seat and faced him; hands cupping his chin. There was a look of surprise in Zhongli’s expression as soon as you tilted his head up to meet your eyes—too slow to react at the situation.
“Now, from here on out, I’m the one in charge. Any misdemeanor will warrant due punishment,” you began, voice firm and authoritative. “Are we clear, Zhongli?”
It took him some time to adjust at the sudden shift in the air; stunned at the tone you were giving him. This was probably the first time he had seen you take the lead, and it might’ve given him some sort of whiplash.
“Answer me,” you demanded, which made him jerk his attention back to you.
“Very good.”
Smiling at his response, you removed yourself before him and sat just beside him with an easy expression. “Well then, why don’t you take off that robe? Just the robe though, leave your underwear on.”
Brought on by the awkward situation and the fact that you just ordered him to strip, Zhongli’s face immediately heated up to a few degrees. It was strange that he was feeling it for some reason—was this the actual appeal of the performative art form? Or was this simply one of your whims?
As he removed the silk tie tying his robe shut and slid it on the floor, you instructed him to quietly kneel down on the bed before you; hands neatly placed on top of his lap.
“Y-YN…? What is this…?” he asked, confusion marring his youthful face. It was embarrassing to sit on the bed that way, wearing nothing but his underwear, his dick beginning to form a tent.
Yet you only smiled at him.
“Don’t worry. We’re getting to the actual act,” you replied, crawling towards him before placing your hands on his bare chest. “If you can hold on till then, I might actually award you, you know?”
Leaning down, you immediately captured his lips in a deep kiss, moving softly yet sensually against his. Cupping his cheeks, you pushed your tongue inside and easily played with his. For some reason, this felt way hotter than the kisses you previously shared, with Zhongli unable to keep his hands to himself and began to wrap his arms around your waist.
You broke off the kiss with a click of your tongue; your thumb still on his swollen lips.
“What did I say about touching?” you asked, eyes holding nothing but pure mischief.
As soon as he heard you, Zhongli knew he had made a mistake and instantly rescinded his embrace; eliciting a chuckle from you.
“I—uh, forgive me…” he hurriedly told you, his voice beginning to lose their strength as he stuttered and tumbled at the words he used to be so eloquent with. As someone who has prided of his calm demeanor, Zhongli felt a surge of embarrassment at how he easily succumbed to your touch.
It was so adorable to see him like this; all flustered and nervous, making you want to see more of those reactions you have yet to see.
“Stay there. I’ll be right back,” you told him and stood up; an idea forming in your thoughts.
The moment you left; thoughts of things he might’ve done wrong kept repeating inside his head. He was scared that he might’ve crossed something which he shouldn’t have—the sounds of you rummaging through your belongings only exacerbated the nervousness that was already in his system.
However, you were not gone for long. He could sense you behind him, daring not to move or look back, and as soon as you draped a cold silk cloth over his eyes, he instantly realized what he had eagerly signed up for.
For one, as the Geo Archon, it was unimaginable for him to be in such a position, but for some reason, Zhongli found it incredibly arousing to have him at your mercy—to be restricted and ordered around; to be at the other end of the spectrum from what he was used to?
This is strange indeed…
“Don’t you agree that everything feels more vivid when you’re blindfolded?” you asked, now back on his lap; and despite being robbed of sight, he could tell you were smirking. “Does it feel good, Zhongli?”
“I…I cannot be certain…” he replied, the feeling of your intense stare sending shivers down his spine. “I haven’t experienced something like this before…”
At his hesitation, you could only giggle and gave him a small kiss. “Well, there’s a first for everything, but this one here…”
Your voice trailed off, your hand effortlessly finding his half hard dick and pressed on it harshly; eliciting a strangled moan from him. “It’s been feeling good for a while now, don’t you think so Zhongli?”
“I…I—!” He was at a lost for words; the pleasure he felt intoxicating his mind. You were right, the blindfold seemed to heightened his senses to such degrees of vividness.
“I can’t blame you really,” you told him, still toying with his member with your finger but not fully committing on pumping it up and down. “I did tell you to hold off for a month, of course, you’d be unusually sensitive and horny.”
If Zhongli thought his face was hot enough before, he hadn’t anticipated for it to feel full out burning as if his blood was set on fire. He tried holding off the sounds he was making whenever you pepper kisses on his shoulders, but to no avail. He was gradually becoming heady at the immense pleasure your hand was giving. By the time you continued talking, he was already panting heavily, skin flushed and hands balled so tightly into a fist, his knuckles turning white.
“Y-YN…” He wanted to say ‘too much’, but he didn’t want to stop you either.
“I’m impressed you can keep your hands to yourself,” you remarked playfully, rewarding him with a love bite just underneath his jaw. “Why don’t we move on to the actual thing itself?”
Even with the blindfold, Zhongli could feel you standing up; anticipation once again beating wildly against his chest. What were you going to do to him this time?—that was a thrill he had never expected to feel pleasure from.
You returned once more to his side, now with the appropriate items you needed, and brilliant grin on your lips to top it off. It was weirdly exciting for you as well, finally doing something as erotic as this to a dignified gentleman such as Zhongli. Which is why, you couldn’t help but talk him through it.
“I did tell you that shibari some sort of sexual play, right?” you began, as you seized both of his hand and pinned them on his back. “It involves tying someone up with rope, in patterns that are not only visually pleasing but are also designed to make you feel good.”
Zhongli could feel the roughness of the rope cling to his skin as soon as you tied his wrists together before doing various knots up his torso and down to his legs. It was incredibly strange—you were only tying him up but for some reason, he felt so exposed and so turned on.
“The reason why it’s so popular is because it gives a sense of security if you will,” you continued, remembering the patterns you had religiously practiced over and over again for the past month. “As if you were surrendering everything to that one person, trusting that they can give you security, give you pleasure. That is what this art form is.”
Every time he felt your soft hands brush against his damp skin as you tightened the rope around his body, he would control a shudder that kept on surging through him like a multitude of waves. This was beyond the ordinary, a situation Zhongli had not anticipated—you were right when you told him to prepare himself. He definitely did not heed your advice, and it came to him with a price, especially when you finally wrapped some rope around his dick as it stood straight and hard between his legs.
“If only you could see yourself right now, Zhongli,” you told him, pressing firmly on the ropes around his member before nibbling on his earlobe. “Aah, I just want to eat you up.”
With your sultry voice directly sending shockwaves down his lower parts, he could only dig his fingernails on the palm of his hands as the hemp ropes dug deeper in his skin. Even though they were not too tight, the restrictive sensation enveloping his body, plus the way you were touching him now was making him lose his mind.
“YN…YN…p-please, I—!”
He spoke between gasps as he felt your lips suckle on a sensitive point on his neck, his dick twitching as he tried to jerk up.
You hummed amusingly. “What is it, love? Where do you want me to touch you?”
Raking up your fingernails up his toned chest, you smirked as he groaned, unable to find any sort of friction he had been seeking for some time now. The way his long dark locks stuck to his skin because of how much he was sweating, or the way he trembled and shivered at every touch of his skin—you loved them all. As much as how Zhongli was intoxicated by pleasure, you were also heady with the power you had over him.
Not waiting for his answer, you crept your hands up and suddenly pinched his nipples—making him jolt straight up at the abrupt stimulation with a loud moan.
“Do you like it here?” you asked, now lavishing your tongue over a hardened nub; relentless and teasing.
“Ahh…! YN…! Wait, please!”
All of his thoughts had already vanished, replaced only by the sensations of your tongue on his now sensitive nipples, of the ropes wound tightly around him, of how painfully hard his dick was. It felt good, he had to admit it. It felt incredibly good.
“Do you want me to stop? I can always stop,” you asked, smiling. “If not, tell me where else I should touch you.”
Breathless as his chest heaved, Zhongli tried to find the words he wanted to say even as his lips trembled.
“Um…please touch….m-my…”
He was blushing furiously, the word seemingly unable to pass through his lips.
“Your what, Zhongli?” you asked him again, almost cooing but inwardly laughing at how he just can’t say the word ‘dick’.
Biting his lip to stop it from quivering too much, it seemed like he really has to throw every sense of dignity he had in him just to relieve his arousal.
You pinched one of his nipples, pouting. “Don’t you dare call it penis, or else I won’t let you cum. Now, as you were saying?”
If only his head wasn’t too hazy from all the sensations stimulating him simultaneously, he would’ve made a mental note to make you suffer at a later date, but right now, his brain was being ran by his dick.
“P-Please…YN…! My—my…d-dick…I can’t…” he forced between pants as his sweat made the ropes feel even tighter and his underwear feel even more sticky.
Smirking at your victory, you pressed a kiss on his lips, your hands finally removing his dick from the constraints of his underwear. You could feel him groan on your lips as you began to move your hand up and down, and making sure to reach his most sensitive spots.
“Look at you, getting this hard after being tied up,” you whispered to his lips, a grin plastered on your face. “I didn’t know you were this dirty, Zhongli.”
He tried to deny it but you kept his mouth shut by squeezing his cock tightly.
“Really now?” you asked, voice low as you kept on pumping him, his voice becoming nothing but dirty noise. “Are you about to cum?”
“YN…!” he growled, the ropes keeping his legs folded biting on his skin. “T-too much….! I’m…!”
Mercilessly, you continued to jerk him off as he crept closer and closer to climax. However, there he realized that the ropes around his member had gotten tighter, and the painful throbbing he felt was because he couldn’t cum.
“Oh? Did you find it out?” you asked, chuckling at the look of desperation so evident in his face. “If you can endure this in a few more minutes, I’ll reward you. How about that?”
“N-no, no….! YN…p-please, I c-can…no longer….” Most of his words were incomprehensible, affected by the pleasure and the pain on his cock.
You hummed playfully once more. “Do you want me to stop then? You can always say the safe word, you know?”
“No! W-wait…please! I n-need…I can’t…!”
“Then endure,” you replied, an idea blooming in your head. Your free hand then reached for the blindfold covering his eyes and unraveled it, allowing him to finally see.
However, he did not have time to recover when you immediately caught his attention.
“Look how hard you are, Zhongli,” you told him, his amber eyes blow wide by his current state. Yet strangely, the thought of him so aroused and at your mercy, only made him harder.
Laying down on the bed with your chest on the mattress, you looked up to him, his dick on your hands; your eyes reflecting mischief. “If you can hold on for a few minutes, I’ll let you cum, alright?”
Zhongli only gazed down on you, face as hot as the sun and as red as beet. He watched as you took his dick in your mouth and began sucking him off. At the sensation, he instantly threw his head back. This was totally different from your hands. This was just incredible.
With lustful eyes, you watched him convulse before as you assaulted him with your tongue—sucking and licking at every sensitive point you knew. The underside and the tip were particularly sensitive and that was where you concentrated.
“A-ahh…! Oh…shit…YN!” he groaned, his deep voice and the way he was now cursing sent you reeling as well. “T-too good…I’m…f-fuck…!”
You chuckled, the vibrations on your throat making his dick twitch as you kept on bobbing your head. Gazing up, you both exchanged glances as you kept on sucking the tip; his eyes tightly closing at the intensity.
“Are you going to cum?” you asked before diving in once again, your hands secretly making their way underneath his underwear and finding his hole. “I’ll help you.”
“W-wait…! T-that’s!” he jolted up yet unable to do anything but feel your fingers brushing around the rim.
Prodding at his hole, you enjoyed watching the pained yet lustful expression he was making on his otherwise stoic face. His eyebrows furrowed, his cheeks flushed pink, his mouth ajar as drool poured down his chin. It was fascinating, addicting. You can’t help but tease him endlessly, relentlessly as he kept on moaning your name again and again as if under a spell.
“P-Please….let me…I can’t…I’m going to….Y-YN…!”
Deciding that this was finally the limit of his first time, you cleverly untied the knot on his back which kept the rope around his pelvis secure, allowing it to loosen.
Still sucking him off and poking on his hole, you could feel him twitch inside your mouth, an indication that he was close.
“YN…! I’m….ughh…c-coming!”
In a few pumps, Zhongli climaxed in your mouth; his warm cum on your throat. It was a bit too much, and a little thick so you were unable to swallow everything, allowing it to drip down your chin.
Released from his high, Zhongli couldn’t believe he just had his biggest nut of his life after being tied up. It was in every ounce, shameful and embarrassing but it just felt too good for him to resist at all. Maybe it wasn’t too much of a bad thought to do this once in a while.
Eventually, you loosened the ropes that were still on him and took note of the rope markings on his skin, reminding yourself to give him that special balm you got for this exact purpose. As soon as you released him, you pulled him to a deep kiss which he gladly reciprocated.
Unlike your previous ones, this kiss was one of concern and care—asking and answering questions that were difficult to convey. As your lips moved against each other, your chest began to warm and float, glad that you were able to deliver his request. When you both pulled away, the normal Zhongli was back; his eyes warm and lively.
“I’m glad it felt good,” you told him, cupping his cheek. “I was afraid I might hurt you or something.”
He only chuckled and gave you a pat. “I did tell you I can handle it.”
You sighed in relief, loving the way he was touching you. “So, how about we sleep—"
Zhongli however interrupted you, pushing you down the bed, pinning your wrists. He was smiling but you definitely knew you were screwed.
“I reckon it is time for me take my revenge,” he gazed at you, eyes turning feral. “No one will be sleeping tonight.”
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hailbop1701 · 4 years ago
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Only The Beginning
Chapter One: Old Friends
Here it is guys! Chapters will be up every Saturday. No beta so typos and errors will occur. I'm so excited to go on this little journey with you all so without further ado,"Only The Beginning" sequel to "To Hell And Back" (If you had not read that please do so. Masterlist will be up soon.)
The air was freezing and you had been running for a solid hour. Groaning you looked down at your stomach, moving your hand you hissed when it came away soaked in blood. “Damnit,” you growled frustratedly. 
“Can’t run away you fucking bitch!” a voice cried out angrily from behind you. Rolling your eyes you placed your hand back on the gunshot wound in hopes to keep as much blood in your body as possible. The sound of footsteps was getting louder behind you making you sigh heavily, 
“I’m bleeding too much,” you muttered in annoyance. Glancing over your shoulder you quickly duck behind a dumpster. The footsteps slow and come to a jog as they pass your hiding spot. Gritting your teeth you pull the knife from your boot and crept up behind the merc. Steadying your frantic breathing you lunged, plunging the knife into the man’s neck. The merc didn’t make a sound as he crumpled to the ground. Yanking the knife out of the merc’s neck you wiped it clean on the guy’s jacket, 
“Don’t fucking move!” a voice screamed from behind you, huffing a breath you gripped the knife tighter. “Get up and slowly turn around!” the voice screamed again. 
“Okay do you not want me to move or do you want me to get up and turn around?” you asked sassily. The man (You decided) growled, “Get the fuck up. Slowly with your hands where I can see em’ “ 
Rolling your eyes you eased the knife back into your boot and lifted your bloody hands into the air. Groaning you slowly rose to your feet and turned to face the paid mercenary aiming a gun at you. “What the hell are you?” he whispered hands shaking, a flash of pity coursed through you. Taking a deep breath you looked the man dead in the eyes, “Leave the city and never come back. Final warning,” you offered voice deadly calm. 
The man shifted nervously, “They’ll kill me,” he hissed eyes darting around as if the UAC was going to jump out and say “Boo!” 
You grimaced, “I’ll kill you if you give a reason too, run and get a new line of work,” you ground out starting to feel dizzy from blood loss. The mercenary slowly began to lower his gun, “What are you?” he asked again. 
As he lowered his gun you placed your hand on the bullet wound again, “Honey you don’t wanna know,” you grumbled keeping your hands where the twitchy man could see them, you didn’t need any more holes. 
The merc holstered his weapon, “ They want you, really bad. That guy...Kennex too.” he said eyeing you as you opened up a manhole. Wrinkling your nose at the intense smell of piss, shit, and death. Grunting in pain you lifted the dead man, dragging him toward the manhole. “Yeah they’re persistent this time around,” you muttered finally after dumping the body. The distant splash and grinding of the manhole cover was the only sound between you and the merc. Nudging the cover back into place with the toe of your boot you saw that the merc drifted to your side curiously, 
“What are you going to do?” he asked brows furrowed. “Well, for starters get this mess fixed and maybe take a nap,” you joked lightly moving in the direction of the wall. “I mean with the UAC!” 
Glancing over your shoulder you grin, “I’m going to be a pain in their ass until they leave me and Kennex the hell alone!” 
John unlocked his front door with a quiet sigh, they were no closer to catching the bastard who had been kidnapping and killing young women. He had stopped two weeks ago and the trail is starting to go cold. John kicked his door shut balancing beer and take out in his hands; he breathed the air and froze. 
Dropping the bags onto a side table John pulled his gun and entered his living room. A shadow sat against the large windows, curled into themselves. “Not exactly how I wanted to see you again but I didn’t have many options,” 
John choked, “(Y/N)?” 
You grunted in pain as you pushed yourself off of the ground, “You’ve been shot. Why aren’t you healing?” John asked holstering his weapon. You rolled your eyes fondly, 
“The bullet is still lodged in there, I can get it out by myself,” you mumbled and hissed in pain. John gave you a look, “You know you don’t have to be shot to see me,” 
You snorted and sat down heavily on a chair, “It’s been five years John, I figured that you would want me to keep my distance,” 
John pressed his lips into a thin line, “I was mad, I only heard from you by the occasional postcards you’ve sent,” he grumbled from across the room. Digging through a series of drawers John looked up at your silence. 
“It’s a really long story,” you sighed shifting in your chair; John grunted pulling a black zip-up bag and a flashlight from the depths of the drawer he was searching through. He crossed the room in quick strides, “You’ll have plenty of time to tell me,” he whispered crouching in front of you. 
You huffed a laugh, “Yeah I’m going to be out for a day or two,” John smirked putting the lit flashlight between his teeth, he grabbed a pair of surgical scissors from the black bag. Cutting your shirt open John wiped away the blood with a clean towel, “Why are you in the city (Y/N)?” he asked, his real question is ‘Why were you shot in my city and where is the body?’ 
Clenching your jaw you breathed deeply as John dug around for the bullet stuck in your abdomen. “I’m helping an old friend,” you said cryptically hands clutching onto the chair’s arms. The metal creaked and groaned under your grip, John raised an eyebrow. 
“(Y/N) what’s going on?”
You took a shaky breath, “The UAC found you and put a rather large bounty on your head,” 
John froze for a millisecond before cursing under his breath, you yelped when he pulled the slug from your abdomen. Dropping it into a glass he quickly placed gauze on the bleeding, healing wound. Panting you dropped your head back, “How many?” his voice was quiet and his eyes practically glowed in the dark. 
You looked away from them, “Four, I convinced the fifth one to find a new line of work,” 
John watched you carefully for a moment; his hand found yours and pried them from the warped remains of the chair. “There are more coming, huh?” he asked quietly. You glanced down at him again, 
“It’s my fault,” sitting up you shook off John’s hands, he sat back on his heels giving you room to breathe. Jumping out of the chair you began to pace back and forth like a caged animal. 
“I found all of them, John. The ARK’s, and I blew them to hell. They-they killed my team and left Hunter in a wheelchair!” You screamed grabbing the chair and throwing it across the room with a loud crash. John didn’t move or flinch, he simply got to his feet and watched you sadness in his eyes. “It’s my fault, I should have just left them alone,” 
“They were going to find me again eventually (Y/N). It’s not your fault and you know it, and it wasn’t your fault when your team died. Hunter didn’t blame you for the chair either!” John said keeping his voice calm. He slowly stepped toward you as if moving any more quickly he would scare you off. Tears cascaded down your face, the long sleepless nights, the fighting and, the weight of the world finally catching up to you. 
Quickly turning away you grabbed your discarded coat from the floor and moved away to the open window you came through. “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have-” you mumbled moving to your escape inhumanly fast. John was behind you in a second. 
Wrapping his arms around you, he easily held you in place. “Stop. Take a breath,” he ordered softly. The anxiety within you calmed some at his proximity; taking a deep breath you let it out. John loosened his grip some, trusting you not to bolt for the open window. He moved so he could look you in the eyes, 
“You’re running on fumes (Y/N) I can tell. When was the last time you slept or ate?” you avoided his gaze not answering. John hummed not surprised, “You’re going to sleep and in the morning we’re going to figure out how to get the UAC to fuck off,” 
You huffed out a humorless laugh, “John I’ve been dealing with the UAC for almost six years. They won’t stop until they get what they want,” 
“What do they want. Like you said the ARK’s are gone…” he trailed off when your expression became stormy. 
“They want C24. And the only two people left with it are you and me, they’ll kill one of us and capture the other,” you whispered and John was quiet thinking over his words carefully. 
“We made a promise remember?” He asked with a small smile raising his pinky finger. You couldn’t help but snort, raising your finger you curled it around his. 
“We made a lot of promises John and I broke a lot of them,” you sighed looking at your best friend.
“We did and you had no choice,” he fired back tone forgiving. You scowled annoyed at being forgiven so easily. “Stop being so nice, you’re freaking me out.” 
John nudged you almost playfully, “We promised to look out for one another and you need to ease yourself back into society,” 
You groaned stomping your feet like a child. Fingers still hooked together John pulled you into a hug, “Stop being an infant and listen,” 
“Stop being an infant and listen,” you mocked and stuck out your tongue. John rolled his eyes and smiled at how easy it was to fall back on routine. 
“We’ll stop every merc that will come for us and show the UAC that we don’t fuck around,” 
You pulled back a little, eyebrows disappearing into your hairline, “That is the dumbest plan-” 
“It’s brilliant,” he shushed you as he led you into his bedroom. “It’s really bad like we could die or become human pin cushions bad,”  you muttered with a shake of your head. 
“I’m not sleeping with you either,” you joked yelping when John threw a spare t-shirt and sweatpants at your head. “Go take a shower, ass,” 
Walking toward what you assumed was the restroom you shot John a cheeky grin. After you closed the bathroom door John let out a sigh, looking out the window at the falling rain John couldn’t help have a knot in his stomach. Something bad is going to happen and he couldn’t shake the feeling that it was going to happen to you. John grabbed a spare blanket and pillow from the bed jaw set. 
Depositing the pillow and blanket onto his new bed John stripped out of his clothes before dropping onto the couch. Getting into a comfortable position he secured his gun under his pillow; sleep being the furthest to his mind he let his thoughts wander. 
He thought about your postcards and your mission. You had been keeping the UAC busy, so busy that until only recently that they had left him alone. He hadn’t exactly been hiding, he’s been making a lot of noise. Causing a stir, maybe in hopes that you would contact him, even if it were to tell him to shut the fuck up. The ARK’s are gone, and the UAC is crumbling into nothing, but that doesn’t mean that they’ll stop or not sell their secrets to someone else so they can swoop in for the kill. 
“It’s only the beginning,” he whispered the truth of the words made him want to shudder. John took a deep breath and listened, the sound of the shower running and you humming softly filled him with warmth. Enough for him to relax and drift off to sleep with the hopes you still being there in the morning. 
Only The Beginning:
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7wanderingpaws · 5 years ago
Simply, yours (8) (M)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre:  family AU, hapkido teacher AU, PhD AU
Word count: 3.8K
Warnings: cursing, mature content, angst
A/N: This one was so easy and fun to write frankly! Thank you so much for letting me know your opinions for the last chap, it motivates me like 1000x more! If you could tell me what you thought about this one as well, it would be nice! Thank you 🎉 And sorry I edited this one, but Im sure there will be typos and sentences that made sense in my head while I edited but they actually dont, apologies! 
Tags:  @milky-baek @itsbaekhyunsbutt  @luvhtears @ shesdreaminginoverdose (if you want to be tagged/untagged let me know! Im always open^^)
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8
Once again, you entered your apartment in silence, except the few times Baekhyun let out a tired, exasperated sigh. Your phone was blowing up with messages from your boss; honestly, you didn't understand why was he even trying to contact you after everything that happened. By now you knew you wouldn't be able to save your work spot. Not after what Baekhyun did. And here you were, worrying about not telling your darn boss about your pregnancy.
In the safety of your apartment full of love, you were able to feel. The hotness of emotions was coming back to your bloodstream, the numbness from throwing up and the adrenaline of the fight -it was all palpable in fading touches.
This time, it was you who let out a tired sigh, but you felt the burn behind your eyes yet again as you made your way to the bedroom to collect some clean clothes before making a beeline for the bathroom, ignoring Baekhyun's angry expression as you passed by him.
Before you could close the door, he murmured your name in a warning.
“You know we need to talk, right?” he snapped, turning to you. He spotted your bloodshot eyes, full of unshed tears and he assumed you weren't seeing him properly. He was right.
You saw him blurry like a modern art painting. Pretty, yet so… unreadable, almost worrying at how you couldn't see to the depths of it. “I know.”
At your terse answer, he clenched his jaw and you blinked, letting the tears roll down your cheeks just to see the tick in his jaw, the set of his chin almost scary. ��Go,” he sighed, pushing his hands into the pockets of his dress trousers. “We will talk once you're out of there.”
Without waiting for your response, he turned abruptly but to your surprise, he reached for the front door, swinging it open. You closed your eyes just in time for it to slam shut. And he was gone.
Quietly, you took a long shower, thinking he wouldn't be back until… well, until he deemed good to be back. Which could be whenever.
Honestly speaking, you never had such a big, troubling fight before. Never. Yes, you did fight, but he never left you. Not at that hour, anyway. And you were also never pregnant. So this was one of a kind problem you found yourself in, and as you tried not to sob through your entire shower, your mind instead stormed through options you had with what happened.
Except, you had none.
You were out of job.
Your boyfriend, a hapkido master, used violence on your boss.
Your boyfriend could be reported.
You lied to your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend… was mad at you. Livid.
Was this the end of your relationship?
He wouldn't let go of you that easily, and the realisation of that made you sob right then and there. The relationship you two shared was stronger than any of your doubts that were scaring you; it was stronger than any bad word, any bad action, because you two were more than that and your connection was stronger than that. As much as it hurt you that he left without telling you, you knew him well enough to know he would be coming back to you. You knew he would forgive you and he wouldn't break up with you. Not when you were carrying his children. Baekhyun was much, much more than an angry emotion and a protective action.
And you were pregnant with him.
Three kids. Three.
“Fuck,” you sighed as you closed your eyes under the hot water, wanting it to drown out all of  your intruding thoughts. 
If there was an issue you two genuinely had to worry about, it was how you would feed them and yourselves. Would you even survive bearing three children till the end? Would you survive giving birth? You were way past the first trimester which meant you were over the dangerous period, but you knew better than that. Bearing one child was a constant risk. Three? Definitely playing with fire.
Not wanting to create a huge water bill, you reluctantly turned off the shower even though your body screamed for more. Tired and aching, you dried yourself up, not bothering to put on a lotion; smells had been playing with your stomach too much and you literally despised and hated the constant throwing up game.
It was just ten minutes after your shower; you were lying in the bed, tucked in and ready to call it a day, when Baekhyun came back. His timing was perfect and it meant he didn't wander off in the dark streets to let his frustrations out. He probably went for a short walk.
Some shuffling later, he appeared in the doorway, the small lamp next to the mattress you were lying on gently illuminating your tired self. You didn't dare to look at your boyfriend, but you knew you had to do it. He was expecting you to. He was not in the place to beg for forgiveness now. If it was anyone, it was you.
Sighing, you pressed your lips together as you sat up slowly, looking him dead in the eyes; those dark eyes that had still some leftover heavy showers in them.
“Baekhyun,” you started and he kept your gaze daringly, leaning against the doorframe. When he didn't speak, you pursed your lips. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have told you.”
“I will need more than that.” Was his cold answer.
“Don't you want to sit down?”
He was quiet for a moment, but then he crossed his arms. You knew better than to test him. When it came to irrational stuff you did, he was using the “I'm older” type of power against you, and you couldn't argue with that. “What did he make you sign?”
Once again, it was quiet. He was burning you with his scorching gaze, and you felt your cheeks heat up in complete embarrassment and self-loathing. But you needed to be honest. “I-I'm not sure if it was in the contract,” you started, trying not to stutter, “but he made me… Ehm, I was not supposed to fall pregnant. In exchange of him promoting me at work.”
As expected, Baekhyun let nothing to be read from his face. “Did you sign the contract and not read what it said?”
Please, make this stop. “Yes. But I really didn't think that-t-that-”
He spoke your name, cold and harsh, obviously upset. “You didn't think what?! Just how irresponsible it is not to read the conditions of a piece of fucking paper that can be used against you, huh?!”
Slowly, you tried to breathe. This was necessary. He had to let it out.
“You could have signed him owning you for all I know! Fucking hell,” he sighed, now running his hand through his hair wildly, turning away from you for a moment before sharply turning back, startling you. “And you just wanted to do it because what- you wanted more money? Is it all about money for you?! Since when did you become so fucking materialistic that you would stand in your own damn dreams!!!”
Tears, tears, tears, and he was completely right. Opening your mouth, he snapped.
“No, don't speak! I don't want to hear it right now! Fuck,” he murmured, and paced in front of you, his jaw set strong. “You weren't even pregnant when it all happened, why would you want to get to more money so badly?!”
“I wanted to provide for us as well!” you shouted back now, but your voice was so shaky you felt like you sounded pathetic. He had to know, though. “We are coming from a low-class background, Baekhyun! Why is it so bad for me to want to do more when I am perfectly able to do so?”
“Because you would have ruined your own dreams while chasing something so artificial!” he shouted back, stepping closer to where you were sitting, but you didn't budge from the sudden movement. “Money was, and money will be! But us creating a family together won't be a forever opportunity! And you were willing to just hang it up for, what, 300.000 won more? Don't be ridiculous! Plus! He is a fucking arsehole! If he isn't touching you up, he is treating you like complete shit; you deserve better than any of this! And if I could have, I would have beaten him up long ago.”
You averted his gaze. His words were driven by his love for you, you knew that much. So as much as you wanted to be offended and hurt, he was hundred percent right. Everything he just threw into your face was correct and you couldn't defend yourself, because he would come at you right away.
“Is this really everything our relationship means to you?” he asked, a bit more quietly, but his tired tone was scarring your heart. You dared to look back at him, to see him staring on the ground, one hand on his hip.
“No,” you said and you cried again, “it isn't and you know it, too.”
“Do you think I am incapable of taking care of us? Of the kids?” he looked at you, huge puppy eyes on full display as he slowly let his guard down. “Because all of this just proves you don't trust me as the breadwinner of this household.”
You bit your lip, trying to suppress your arguments, but ended up going against it. “Baekhyun, we aren't in a situation where I need to stay home, clean and do nothing while you get to earn money as if it was some easy thing to do. I am, and I will continue to work,” you replied resolutely despised tears rolling down your cheeks, “and it isn't you as a breadwinner, but us.”
The society surely was patriarchal, so if you dared to talk to your father in this manner, he would have slapped you. There was no such thing as a woman who got to go against her husband or brother.
Baekhyun, however, wasn't your father or your brother. He wasn't even your husband, and when you saw his troubled look, he finally let himself sink down on the mattress. He was your kind, loving boyfriend. “I already said this,” he started, “but I am not, and I won't keep you inside the house, locked up, while waiting for me to return to you after work. I won't tell you what to do, you know I never did,” he said in a more friendly manner, but it still beared authority. “I respect you as a woman,” he said, speaking your name softly, “and you are my everything.” His hand reached out to caress your cheek that was still wet from your tears. “I need to see you only smiling, happily, but I cannot accept you lying to me like this again. I thought we had been together long enough for us to earn each other's trust, and you going like that behind my back and signing bullshit was nothing but stupid and irresponsible. Especially because your pregnancy was jeopardized like that. You can't be under stress like that, sweetie.”
Hearing him calling you a pet name, you knew the war was over and he finally was on the positive side. His authoritative voice still kept you on edge, so you didn't throw yourself at him just yet.
“If he kicked you out, which I'm pretty much convinced he did, I wouldn't be against you not working until you give birth.”
“Shh, let me speak, honey,” he said quietly and shuffled himself closer, sitting right opposite you cross-legged  as he took your hands in his. “Listen. I know you know it, but having three babies under your heart is a dangerous situation,” he whispered loudly, bringing your intertwined hands to his lips. “It's dangerous especially for you. You are very tired after work, and you come home late and don't get enough rest. Sukyeong even told me you don't always keep up with your meals, and I don't like it one bit.” The way his lips moved against the skin of your hand was soothing you. “Accept that he threw you out, before I file a lawsuit against him for harassing you and making you sign nonsense contracts, and stay home. Find a part-time job instead, but you need to rest, darling.”
“Baekhyun,” you finally spoke and he hummed, as he let your hands fall to his lap. His eyes were now so gentle and full of worry. “I am so sorry. For everything. I shouldn't have done any of that, but please know I did it with good intentions.”
Baekhyun went silent for a bit, analysing your face, your tired features and pale skin, which only reminded him you had been throwing up today and dealing with the situation in the restaurant. Suddenly, he felt so guilty for making you go through all of it in just one evening, (although you were responsible for it, too). Let alone he just shouted at you for good ten minutes. He couldn't even imagine what other things you must have been feeling the past weeks, given how your body was changing day by day. “It's alright, babe, it's alright. I understand. C'mere,” he whispered, opening his arms and you threw yourself at him, making him almost fall back on his back. You snuggled your face into his neck, and he let out a satisfied breath, caressing your back gently. “I'm sorry for shouting at you. But I'm not sorry for punching that idiot. He deserved it.”
You were looking at the skin on his neck and how it disappeared under his shirt that had the first two buttons undone. “Thank you for standing up for me, honey.”
“My baby,” he murmured lovingly into your hair before he gave it a kiss. “My only baby.”
You woke up to slow, gentle caresses on your small belly as your shirt was ridden up just a tiny bit, Baekhyun not wanting to wake you just yet. He was behind you, wanting to spoon you as soon as he washed up and fell in bed next to you last night. It didn't take long for both of you to fall asleep, as surprising as that was. The events tired you out, and he wanted you to sleep as much as you could.
He kissed your clothed shoulder before he nosed your neck and buried his face in your hair, while his caresses didn't stop. Letting his eyes close for a moment, he brought his front just a little closer to you, his leg wrapping around yours that were politely connected. His hand absentmindedly wandered further up before going dangerously low, sending shots of pleasure down your core without even paying attention. You knew he would soon realize his effect on you, because you definitely felt like squirming in his hold.
His hand lazily dragged upwards almost touching the underside of your breast when you couldn't keep it in anymore, breathing in sharply just for his hand to stop right under the-
“Oh, I finally have you awake,” he murmured, his husky voice sending another set of chills down your spine.
You couldn't help but smile, happy you woke up to this. The fluid down there was saying something else, though.
“Slept well?” he murmured into your ear, as he continued dragging his hand up. You groaned softly when he groped your breast as he pushed himself even more into you, and you felt it. He was so ready for you.
“Mhm,” you hummed in agreement, enjoying the massage as he proceeded to nibble on your ear from behind, your eyes closed in pleasure. “You?”
“I realised we didn't keep our promise, babygirl.”
Your breath hitched in your throat when your realised what he was implying.
“So, is my beautiful lady still horny enough to go the remaining two rounds?” His voice was so deep, you felt yourself scrunching your eyes shut, the adrenaline quickly making its way into your bloodstream. “We will take it,” he murmured and this time his hand was going down, down, down, the panties the only barrier from his wandering hand as he lifted the hem of them teasingly, testing just how ready you were for him, “very slowly, my dear.”
His fingers played with you just for few seconds before he pushed his middle finger inside, your mouth opening in a silent moan as you leaned back into him.
“It's so early, but you are already like this,” he continued while your head was swimming, his ministrations nothing short of slow, yet so pleasurable, “all for me.”
Your insides were squeezing painfully, and he wasn't moving faster, nor did he have the intentions. “Baekhyun,” you said, trying not to pant too loudly, “I just want you.”
“Hmm? Speak louder, I'm still sleepy.”
“You're such a tease,” you whispered in disbelief before surprising him by reaching behind you to touch him exactly where he needed you. He hissed, his eyes looking at your profile to see the smirk you had on your face.
“I wanted it to be slow, romantic and all of that,” he mumbled before pushing your hand away while he sat up, causing you to fall on your back. As soon as his hand was out of your panties, you felt a pang of frustration before he covered your body with his, his face close to yours as you tried to calm down from him fingering you so sensually.
“I want none of that,” you replied as you grabbed his face for a heated kiss, “I want you inside me, just about now.”
“Needy, naughty…” he muttered with a flirty smirk as he teased you at your opening, causing both of you to groan. “Are you ready, sweetie?” And he still made sure you were okay with him.
“I'm always ready for you,” you whispered, spreading your legs even more for him, as he pushed himself in, your eyes instantly closing in wonderful pleasure only he was able to give you.
He stayed inside, buried and panting into your hot mouth as he rested his forehead on yours. “Sweetheart, open your eyes for me, hm? I love you, you know that?”
“I know that. And I love you, do you know that?” you reciprocated, smiling up at him only to be rewarded with his smiley eyes as he pushed back before diving right in few more times, where he hit your sweet spot. Moaning loudly, he dragged his face to suck on your neck before he took one of your hands, intertwining them with his as he pushed it up above your head.
“I know that. You are my angel,” he said, finishing it with a guttural groan as he felt you pulsing around him, knowing you were about to cross the edge and he was not far behind you.  “Come for me. We have another round,” he breathed before kissing you passionately, messily, moanily.
You mentioned you wanted none of slow. And in the second round, he gave you just that. Baekhyun became ruthless, just before whispering: “Are you riding?” And he was fast to change positions. He helped you straddle him although you definitely had the energy to move and climb by yourself, given your crazy hormonal drive.
“That was just a warm-up session.” He warned, not waiting for you. Your screams, his groans, the heat, it was all so fucking amazing you were left in a complete bliss. You were fast to catch up to him, moving your hips while he was watching from beneath you, eyes dark, glazed over and completely smitten by you.
“You're the best,” you breathed out as you dragged your hands to you breasts, but Baekhyun wanted none of that. He swiftly sat up, his chest almost pressed to yours while you continuously rode him, up and down,  your hands being pushed aside just to be switched with his as he added his sinful lips to the swell of your breasts.
“You're a goddess, mummy,” he muttered, leaving a wet trail on your chest while his hands squeezed and massaged your mounds.
“Baekhyun!” you scolded, and despite the sweat and the delightful pull in your belly approaching yet again, you blushed; the blush definitely caused by his choice of words.
He looked into your eyes, his ones proud and lustful. “It's true,” he muttered, groaning as you sank down exceptionally hard, almost falling onto his sturdy chest. His hands were now squeezing your sides, helping you out, unable to keep the needy touches to himself when you looked so gorgeous like that. He squeezed your arching body to his sweaty chest.
A quick glance at your swollen belly that he made sure you noticed, his hand came to touch against it and you were gone. He caressed you there gently while swallowing your moans as you grabbed his face, kissing him, your hair falling, creating an intimate curtain just around where your mouths were connected. You still had an unearthly energy to help your boyfriend out to his orgasm, not wanting to be in the ecstasy alone, and as much as Baekhyun needed the release, his hands slid across your sides, holding your hips to stop their movement.
“Enough, baby girl,” he whispered into your mouth, leaning back ever so slightly to see your flushed cheeks, sweaty forehead. “I don't want you to hurt yourself.” He was still panting and you swore to god he looked so handsome with his hair glued to his forehead, puffy cheeks. You might have gotten horny again.
“Come with me,” you insisted, attempting to to move again but he bit his lip, a cheeky glint in his eyes, and he held your back tenderly, moving you to lie on your back, while slipping out of you. Hissing, he stood up quickly.
“I'll be right back.”
Trying to calm your breath, you closed your eyes, enjoying the feeling in your aching body. A knowing smile played on your lips; Baekhyun would rather get a cold shower then another orgasm from you, just because he was worried about you. If that wasn't some darn good self-control, you didn't know what it could be.
Just as he promised, he was back soon, a towel in his hands to help you clean up. Once done, he lied back down next to you and you immediately curled up by his chest. “That was amazing.”
“Hmm, you are amazing,” he said. After a little pause, he asked: “You feeling alright?”
“Perfect. But I could go again, you know? You don't have to be so careful with me.”
He snorted as he played with the ends of your hair. “Jeez, you already have my baby! Actually three of them! Slow down, woman.”
You both laughed heartily, and he loved the sound.
“But I want to have youuu, my love,” you whined.
“You have me. You always have me. I'm yours. I'm just simply yours.”
A/N: just to clarify, this isnt the end, we still have quite some things to get through actually - more drama ㅠㅠ! Just didnt want to leave you on a cliffhanger. Hope you liked this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it! Any feedback is very much appreciated  🥺 🥺
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