#please for the love of all things holy ignore how badly i draw feet/shoes
effervescentmelody · 5 months
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Prompt #1 of the Chaos Theory Countdown- Favorite Character
My current comfort character. Watching the first couple episodes, I was pretty sure he was my favorite amongst the group. Then the kayak river scene happened and I was absolutely certain. I love a good comic relief character, especially one that can throw out really deep advice when you are least expecting it.
I don't know how they did it, but the writers somehow made the "my daddy's a billionaire" kid the most relatable one (at least to me). I love that his character development didn't take a single episode or even a single season. I love that when he tried to do things out of his usual; he wasn't very good at it.
I am so excited for all the possible directions his character can take in Chaos Theory! I cannot wait!
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