#please feed into my delulu theories
I think I'm starting to believe Cressida knows Colin and Pen will get together by some point in S3
In Season 1 Episode 1, Colin blatantly lies to Cressida and dances with Penelope instead of her.
In Season 2 Episode 8, Colin dances and flirts with Cressida. Then he very publically grabs Pen's hand, takes her out of the ballroom, and then they return to dance. You can see Cressida glaring in the background around the 46-minute mark.
Now Season 3, Cressida knows Pen and Colin have private lessons and calls it "scandalous". But she is not very surprised, in fact, she finds the idea quite entertaining. Then we get to episode 4 and Colin shows up to steal Penelope away and Cressida immediately swoops in. Cressida compares them to Eros and Psches, two lovers.
As much as I do think Cressida is trying to dissuade Debling from Penelope, I genuinely think she is seeing what everyone else is ignoring. Which is that Pen and Colin have always been by each other's side and that there is more than friendship underlying their relationship.
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not-goldy · 5 months
it’s no wonder Baekhyun's kfans are this deranged. he feeds into their delusions and he’s not even subtle about it. you get the fans you deserve. Him and Jungkook are the same. They sell parasocial relationships hard and it's gonna bite them in their ass one day. Weird cause these two have the talent in both singing and dancing, can't y'all just sell music instead.
I saw this comment under a pannchao post and most kpop fans and army agree to it. This is why I don't feel anything when JK is dragged through mud for some dating rumors. He's the one who fuels gf×bf dynamics with his fans, he's the one who deny having partner and only having army as his gf, he's the one who goes overboard with fanservice while other idols nor bts members does the same even if they do the same job as him, so obviously he's gonna get the fruit of it 🤷‍♀️ Do he think he can fool the f out of his fans and then have a peaceful dating life ? Either you draw clear borders with fans or you don't date.. as simple as that. It's even funnier when whole world can see what's happening while there's shippers who thinks he's dating his bandmate😭 even delulu than y/ns. I don't think anyone with self respect can be in a commited relationship with JK when all he does is sex chatting with his fans in lives and satisfy their Para social bf needs. And i think Jimin has more than enough self respect to be with a person like him.
I nearly agreed with you until you name dropped Jungkook.
I agree in part because I hate the fact these straight idols hide their Relationships when they have the privilege of dating openly without being persecuted unlike queer couples.
But leave Jungkook out of this please.
cos this same Jungkook is the one who nearly threw a fist when Armies would call him baby. Same person who squares up with his fans when they tell him they don't like content he puts out on live. He just shrugs and says well I like it.
Same Jungkook who got a tattoo and keeps adding to it knowing his fans hate it, not only that he also got pierced against their will and when he was told they hated long hair he went ahead and grew it out.
While you're out here claiming he panders to his fans there are several ex Jungkook stans who hate him because they claim he is a shitty idol who only does what he likes and doesn't care what his fans like.
Same person who was told by his members he had to post for each members birthdays because the fans were not happy he wasn't yet he didn't post any way.
Same person who's life motto is that he'd rather be dead than cool.
How do you reconcile these two things???
Same person who went to Itaewon during lockdown and wouldn't apologize because "IT WAS HIS PERSONAL LIFE" had it not been the fact others had died from covid and the sensitive nature of the issue he wouldn't have apologized at all.
He can't be tagged a carefree rebellious nonconformist idol while also seen as a fan-ass-kisser at the same time. Yall would have to choose a narrative and stick with it.
Personally I believe him when he says anything.
If he doesn't have a girlfriend it's because HE DON'T HAVE A GIRLFRIEND. yall jx not willing to stomach the fact. You are just like Tuktukkers istg.
Out of all BTS the one person who wouldn't give a flying fuck fans reaction when he's in a relationship IS JUNGKOOK. YALL WILL NOT MAKE HIM APOLOGIZE FOR LIKING WHAT OR WHO HE LIKES.
Even in our ship narratives we have this running theory that dudes always on the edge of the glass ceiling ready to shatter it to pieces but for consideration of Jimin. Even with that, every now and then he outs the dude.
He could have covered his bite marks or lied about it being an insect bite or pimle but dude just said naa that was Jimin. He be in my neck most times.
So we jokers see Jungkook waaaay differently from how yall see him. He is a complex living being not a one dimensional creature like you paint him out to be.
Fan service is part of Kpop. ALL IDOLS ENGAGE IN FAN SERVICE TO VARYING DEGREES. he's not the devil for doing fan service and while you think he doesn't have a sense of boundaries with it HE DOES. ITS JUST NOT THE BOUNDARIES YOU WISH HE HAD. SAY THAT AND GO.
But that doesn't mean whenever they say they are single its a lie💀💀💀💀💀💀
They are not always in a relationship.
That doesn't also mean they are all afraid to admit the truth about their relationship status. It depends on their age, how long they've been an idol and the level of success they've attained. A new idol on the scene obviously would be committing career suicide while a veteran couldn't give a fuck.
So when you talk of young Kook starting out his career I'd understand. He was subject to the control of his company and had to deny his relationships because at that stage he'd be risking much. But this Jungkook don't care I promise you. HE DON'T CARE BOUT YALLS FEELINGS ESPECIALLY AS HIS FANS ARE GROWING WITH HIM AND ARE AT THE SAME AGE AS HIM.
Also, some idols JUST don't CARE and would readily admit it if the person they are with is the one AND THEY LOVE THEM. you seem to forget that part.
It makes no sense to claim a partner and risk your whole career for a fling or someone you don't like like that can you be for real for once in your life?
Wait- ever think about that?
Normal people do this too. What's the expression, don't let your boyfriend stop you from finding your husband or wife 🤭
We deny relationships all the time if we aren't serious about the people we are with. Or if we aren't sure where we stand with the person.
It doesn't make us evil and idols are just like us. Not every single person they messing around with is WORTH CLAIMING at all.
Which is what I've been saying for years, that if an idol is denying a relationship its usually because that relationship, fling or whatever isn't worth them claiming or risking their careers for.
If they are with someone they truly loved and revered denying them would be the last and the hardest thing they'll do and eventually theyll stop apologing for it, they grow out of their concerns for their careers, become mature and own up to it.
I keep telling my ladies, if a man keeps hiding you, if a man refuses to post you on his socials HE DOESN'T LIKE YOU LIKE THAT AND YOU'RE PROBABLY A SIDE PIECE TO HIS SIDE PIECE. DROP THE DUSTIE, LOVE YOURSELVES AND BREAK UP WITH HIM PRONTO.
Yall are mad these idols aren't claiming the imaginary girlfriends you want them to have.
Yall mad they aren't claiming the insignificant placeholders in their beds 🤣
Like leave them alone.
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primaviva · 1 year
Your post felt like those really popular 2020 K-pop videos on YouTube that were like “my unpopular K-pop opinions part 1” 💀 anyways SAY IT ALREADY
BAHAHA THATS ACTUALLY SO TRUE STOP I REMEMBER THOSE anyway unpopular opinion time!!! 😁😁
okay but like y’all can’t hate me….i don’t want miles and gwen to end up together but i do at the same time and you gonna know what i mean
JUST STICK WITH ME PLEASE im not tryna sound like those delulu fans ada and leon type shi… where people don’t want someone to be together for themselves like NO not like that
it’s just like for a while i feel like every time a piece of media comes out even if it’s not popular there’s always a love interest and i feel like not every story has to be a love story or involve one. and what REALLY got me thinking this was how originally in itsv, gwen and miles were supposed to kiss before they went into the portal and i was like why? like i can see their chemistry in the first film but the story can go the same way even with them as friends and when i see that in movies I’m like “did they really have to be love interests?”
MORE SO it’s just like every time a girl and a guy are friends in a movie or show it just feels like they always put a romance between them and it’s like yes, it makes good writing. are gwen and miles cute together? yes the dynamic between them is so good. but did it NEED to happen? like i just wanna see a film where a male and a female can be strong companions without a hinted at romance.
and just ignoring how impractical them being in a relationship across dimensions would be and how my the mcu logic if they were to be in a dimension for too long it would be like nwh all over again…. it just would’ve been nice if they were friends that built off one another but because they been edging this romance for 4 years or sum now i would be HEATEDDDDD if miles and gwen didn’t get together. and i have a strong feeling that they are gonna kiss in btsv or at least gonna kiss each other goodbye if miles finally leaves the spiderverse alone but it’s like UGH
i feel like nobody is gonna agree but im just so tired of people behind these big movies always making the male friend and the female friend have romantic feelings like i feel like it feeds the stigma that boys can’t be friends with girls or it’s always gonna lead to something more. tbh it just feels so hard to find a genuine friendship in shows or any type of of media that don’t show any hints of romance like yes it’s very realistic for miles to have a crush on gwen and her back BUT SHOULD THEY BE ENDGAME?? LIKE IM NOT SO SURE
i saw this btsv theory i loved about how like they think beyond the spiderverse is linked to the reveal that there are other verses beyond the spiderverse (obvi miguel and them ain’t know that) that aren’t link to every spiderman variant and all that and how they think the movie is gonna end with all of them accepting that they can’t keep messing with the multiverse and miles is gonna learn to let go and just say goodbye to all of them and how that’s gonna be his sacrifice having to choose his universe over all the others he been yearning to see esp gwen and peter idk i ain’t gonna explain it all so iykyk imma have to find the video
i fekt crazy writing this idk if anyone feels the same but i feel like the romance was unnecessary AND HOW COME EVERY TIME A BLACK PERSON IS A LEAD IN SOMETHING MAINSTREAM THE LOVE INTEREST IS MOST OF THE TIMES A WHITE WOMAN that’s a rant for another time bro
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mayasdeluca · 6 months
I love how we’re all thinking it’ll be Carina in the hospital for the big crossover ep, but lol I think we’re all a little delulu. Sadly, like Grey’s, S19 has never made an effort with Carina outside of being Maya’s love interest. On Grey’s she was just comedic relief, a plot device for Arizona and Andrew.
I’m all for our theory to be right, that’s she’s giving birth, but I seriously doubt it. It’ll be Andy because the theme seems to be ‘look at how great of a Captain Andy is’ this season. I don’t mind her much, she can be funny, but she’s going to be insufferable this season. I can feel it. Or it’ll be Travis. I doubt it’s Theo. Literally no one cares about him.
The pessimistic in me thinks that the whole IVF stuff is going to get dropped. They’ll maybe mention it a few more times but it’ll be left open ended. The focus is going to be on working through the adoption and adjusting to having a sudden baby and they’ll have carina either no longer want it or choose to delay it. I’m hoping ima thousand percent wrong. That’ll be Marina angst this season. Which kinda boring, but as long as they don’t fight for multiple episodes again. Maybe we’ll get cute arguments like them arguing over what’s an acceptable amount of money to spend on baby clothes. Carina would hands down buy Liam designer onesies. However, I’m not opposed to them switching the script and seeing a pregnant Maya. Only because I think Danielle in a baby bump suit would be freaking adorable. I mean stef too but Dani will break my brain.
showrunners tend to stick to what they know: Liam’s bio family is going to rock the boat. Maybe one of the bio grandma shows up wanting custody. I forgot what was said about the bio dad if at all. Predictable and boring, but it plays into the drama they’re going for. I’m curious about what the Maya centric ep will be about. Her dad and upbringing again or something else? What other drama could she possible have? Could she be hiding something? Hate to think after last season she’d go back to keeping things from carina.
But who the hell knows. With what Danielle said in her live, anything can happen. if we’re gonna see badass Carina I think it’ll be dealing with the baby’s bio fam and legal proceedings. Unless she’s saving people’s lives outside the hospital again.
I hope we get a rated m scene from them. That shower scene has kept us feed but we’d like some more please. don’t let it be wasted on Travis being a ho again or Sullivan/Ross, respectfully.
Side note: They’re gonna be moms and I love that for them but I hope all new fics aren’t baby centric fics. Kids are awful and I say that lovingly. 😂
Yeah we're always hopeful that Carina is involved in some big way (like the clinic doxxing storyline but that ended up just focusing on Bailey and even Addison) and it usually doesn't happen. It probably does have to do with Andy since Jaina mentioned it but we now know Carina is going to appear on Grey's this season, so who knows.
It would be a shame if they just leave the IVF/pregnancy stuff open ended when they could at least have it lead to something in the season finale, but we'll see how they do it. I think it would be incredibly lazy and disappointing if they go the whole 'bio family comes to cause trouble' route considering they just did that not too long ago with Pru and Bailey/Ben. And with a shortened season as is, that feels even less necessary. I think it's probably now going to lean more towards them not necessarily agreeing on how to parent in certain situations so I guess they're going to bump heads a little in that sense but hopefully it's nothing too crazy since this is supposed to be a happy time for them.
I'm very curious what the heavy Maya episode could be about too. I would lean towards it being Mason related since that's something that hasn't been addressed in some time and they could do a lot with still or maybe it's Maya's mom coming back. It feels like it has to be family related because I can't see it being any kind of drama with work or Carina or anything like that.
Hopefully they do get their 10 pm sex scene like every other couple I assume will. You know Sullivan and Ross will get at least one so it's only right Marina do too. And I'm sure there will still be some kidless fics out there but you may have to look a little harder once this storyline plays out. 😂
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kanmom51 · 3 years
I don't know if you have master list or something, do route me please. If you have covered this question even then please.
I have this ask about one vlive where JM asks popo from JK for his birthday. And then there's a small cut, maybe?
Delulu Jikookers have a theory that they got lucky or something? And JK might have given the popo? They say that the vlive team had cut it and reupload or something on those lines. And that there's a possibility of the real footage recorded by some unknown fan out there. This was/is quite Delulu, even though I am a hard core jikooker.
I personally thought nothing really happened and that was just a tech glitch for few seconds?
But now that I think about it, is it possible that the vlive was pre recorded? BH had started putting non live content on vlive right?
So that JK birthday live could be pre recorded and maybe just maybe something did happen? If that's true, then BH team is smooth like butter since 2015/16 😅
Hey anon. I will first of all refer you to my currant masterlist.
As for the 1 September 2015 JK birthday Vlive, I do remember talking about this once before, but can't seem to find it, so I guess I will talk about it again then, lol.
The JK 2015 birthday Vlive (1 Sep 2015) was all and all 2:08 min. That's it.
How many people got to see it live while it was streaming I have no idea. I have put the question out there in the past, asking if there was anyone that saw it live, while it was rolling, because that would give us a much clearer picture as to what may have happened.
Thing with Vlive is that it takes a while to link in to the feed, so by the time you were linked in, for a 2 min. feed, it's almost over. And the famous cut you talk about happens at the 1 min. mark, pretty much exactly. So, the likelihood of someone actually managed to record this is pretty low.
We also know that after the live it's uploaded to the app with translations. It's most likely that what we see on the app today is an edited edition, because even if it was a glitch in broadcast, in the original recording you wouldn't have the direct jump, but you would be able to tell where the broadcast disconnected. Screen black out or freeze. We don't get that here.
Now, what happened there?
JK was asked to talk about how he feels on his birthday. JM says "I know what JK wants to do", followed by "I'm going to sit on Jungkook's lap".
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JM tells JK to come closer, which he does.
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And then, naughty boy that he is, JM tells JK to give him a kiss.
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Just as a reminder: this is JM telling us what he thinks JK wants.
JK starting to smirk. Kind of like here (same day JM Tweet):
And then there's a jump to this:
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The clip is continuous, but there is a clear cut. So, what exactly happened there we don't know.
It's possible there was a glitch that was later edited out. For it to be the exact singular moment when JM is asking JK for a kiss and to get back to broadcast the exact moment it's all over (JM all laughing and JK flustered), would be quite a coincidence. Thing is that with Jikook I thought we kind of reached the conclusion that "all this is no coincidence", lol.
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t does look like we did miss something. Whatever did happen we definitely missed out on it. JK was smirking a second before and now is all flustered. JM super giggly happy. Did the hands of fait prevent us from seeing if JK actually gave JM a kiss? I'd say chances are more that it was the BH editors that did that.
Like I said, it would be quite a coincidence for the glitch to happen on that exact moment, not before, not after. Doesn't mean it isn't though. I guess that without someone coming forward with the original Vlive footage (recorded live by a fan on the day) we will never really know.
Precious JK's facial expression when JM says he will give him a kiss for his gift.
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