#please enjoy… bone apple teeth
bucketkicked · 5 months
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look at my grim reaper dawg, I’m gonna die
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trulyumai · 3 months
Landing a Blow
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Pairing: Messmer the Impaler x Reader
Synopsis; The tarnished invaded his keep, Messmer on the brink of defeat, thinks of his wife.
But wait, isn't that her pushing towards him and the Elden Lord ?
Warnings: Blood, Fighting, Violence, Anger.
A/N: Wooo boy! enjoy :)
Read with my Messmer playlist ! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4Lv2RUNKH2voR45QP07ryd?si=WjtWV47iSiywnT7JhADyUg&pi=u-iz0Wfu53T36-
“Gah- Ah,” 
The tarnished, as if to mock the legend of flames, stood proudly above him; with his weapon pointed downward towards Messmer, ready for the final strike, once and for all sealing their prophecy of lordship. 
He followed the roads, the soldiers all the way to the darkened castle. And now, with the last standing relative of the grace; he could begin his reign. For only him could be Elden Lord.
“To fall- to such a- an indictment upon light; a curse to smother beneath mine own heel,” Messmer gritted out, blood falling off in rhythm off his temple and with teeth bared spat red at the man. His vision blurred, trying not to groan; he focused- the figure in front of him was too shaky for his liking, black dots entered his view.  
His opponent said nothing, with a calm but eerie facade, the tarnished raised his sword above Messmer. It shined against the rising fire cascading the surrounding walls. 
He couldn't believe it- to die by such indecent hands? 
Despicable, what would his family think, 
His followers,
His mother?
“O mother,” head tilted down, he could no longer hold the strong appearance, the pain numbed his senses.
His eyes burned, cuts lay waste to his body and his hands- were covered in blood and ash. 
The maroon stains were dry, flaking off with each nervous twitch of the man's limb and his nails scratched at his knuckles in shame. 
The silence of the room, it pissed him off to no end. For the tarnish to have such a stance- such ground before him, it boiled his blood, flamed his knuckles once more and made him bite down with such a pressure that made the bones in his teeth click and grind.
“Do it,” Messmer urged, red brows furrowed. 
“Or is thou such a coward, thy won’t serve me deliverance?” 
The blade began its descent, and Messmer couldn't physically shut his eyes. Memories upon memories graced his presence. 
And it all involved his wife; his beloved. 
Her laugh, the way she kissed him, smiled at him. 
She was so, so proud of him, even through all the bodies that lay wasted upon the fields; she stayed upon his altar. 
“I'm sorry, my love.” With those final words, his form could now relax and with a wobbling lip, smiled. The smell of Erdflowers and apples comforted his last moments as the blade grew closer. 
“Stop! Please!” 
A voice so delicate, so desperate drew the man from his displayed remorse. 
“Wife?” He all but whispered. It wasn’t possible. It couldn't be real. 
And yet there she stood, just beside the pushed open stone hinges- panting and wobbling toward the pair. 
“Stop, please, I beg of you!” Tripping over a fallen piece of debris she cried out. Messmer couldn't help but jolt towards her in response; only to be stopped by a blade to the neck. 
The girl's eyes widened, still laying on her chest adrenaline began to rush through her bones, shaky arms lifted her upper form yet her bottom half lay sprawled out. Too afraid of the sword running across her husband's skin, distance was kept between them. 
However, the flames held no patience; they burnt the wooden beams around the ceiling, every second that passed meant that more instability entered the chambers. Suddenly, a large pillar fell atop the girl, she screamed out from underneath it and Messmer shuddered. Racked with fear he pushed against the blade, looking- wanting to see if her form laid whole. 
It had. 
She stared back at his yellow iris with blood dripping down the middle of her forehead. 
The walls began to  crack under such heat, paintings lay melted upon the ground and more objects fell upon the vicinity with a startling bang. 
Her eyes, how they shined with such a deep remorse- a sadness that Messmer wished he could pluck out. His hands shook, just how was he supposed to protect his wife in such a state of disarray? 
The tarnished so called, “Lord,” did nothing but glance at the woman and her pitiful state.
He felt the need to cut- maim such a pathetic sort in his presence. So with a kick to Messmer’s chest, he acted upon such intrusive thoughts. 
The air plummeted out of the knight's throat, landing on his back he did nothing but cough out the ash that had landed in his windpipe. From the corner of his eye, he saw the movement and how the tarnished gripped onto his sword. 
“No,” with every fiber of his being he lifted his figure, it was hunched and bloodied, but it stood afoot. His eyes, crazed and desperate, looked towards his cowering wife. 
“Halt!” Ignoring the knight's pleas, the intruder quickened his pace. The girl tried to wiggle out from the object atop of her. It burned the back of her skin and she yelled out in fear. 
He had to act. 
“Mmph!” Finally free, his wife leaned back and tried crawling anywhere away from the approaching mongrel feasting upon her delicacy. 
But, it was too late. 
For the lord had gripped her hair and pulled back with all the might he could. Her feet scraped against the ground until she hung up like a rag doll, clinging desperately onto the man's dirtied glove. 
She cried out, tears littered pinkened cheeks as wails left her throat unconsciously.
With his back to Messmer he had to be quick. 
It would be clean; one slice. 
The blade struck against her throat, creating a line of blood that reached down to her ruined dress. 
For it would have been deeper, if nobody had slammed against his backside.
“How dare you,” 
Long fingers found their way against the tarnished neck. 
“Touch my wife, with your graceless, vile hands.”
Desperate for air the man kicked- wriggled under the tall flame. 
It wasn’t enough- for the knight was fueled with fire and anger; only to be snuffed out by the revenge he sought. 
His wife did nothing but push her back against the farthest corner, sobs racked her body and the tears flowed freely. 
She didn't hear the plethora of curses,
The kicking of the crazed lord,
Or the stillness that came after. 
Everything went quiet. Only smoke clouded her vision and it began assaulting her throat most viciously. Coughing she looked, she needed proof of her husband, she wouldn't leave without it. Blinking she tried to push past the itching of her face- ash fell atop it gracefully as her nails itched without care upon her features. 
“Mess-” a dry cough
“Mess-mer!” With such a scratchy tone, there was no way to hear her over the roaring of the flames. 
For once, she crumpled. Did nothing but lay wilted against the floorboards as grief seeped into her bones like a plague. 
Eyelids heavy, they sagged against the itchy smoke filled air. She couldn’t find the energy to leave the chambers. 
Finally allowing her lids to fall; she waited. For death to come and pluck her away, away from the smoke and bodies. 
Warm fingers touched her cheeks, the tips reached to her ears and her eyes jostled open. 
It was him, her darling husband covered in fresh blood, with blackened ash clinging onto his frame. His snakes not upon his form, only ripped pieces of armor littered with maroon stains.
Grunting the man pushed forward, with everything he had left he began to lift the withered girl. 
She tried to cry out in joy, cheer on her husband for such a monstrosity of a fight- but the tears ran thick. They wouldn't stop leaking out and falling atop her husband's hair and face. 
Bursting through the doors, Messmer leaned against the wall as he descended down the walkway. 
His wife whimpered out incessant worries, nabbing at his face as the man tried his best to find the way out of such a destroyed place. 
“Wife- Ah, please,” 
Her lips wobbled as the man continued his trek, never once did her eyes strain from his bloodied form. 
Her hands gripped onto his shoulders, his face, neck- anything she could touch- she did. 
Finally bursting through the last set of doors, Messmer collapsed, his knees skidded against the floor as he held his wife up against him. 
She crumpled with the knight, leaned right into his form with a tight embrace. 
“You- Are you hurt?” 
He felt her head shift back and forth. 
“Thou is- ah, sure?”
Another shift. 
His palms rested on her back, soothingly trying to comfort the sniveling woman. 
She jolted back, and Messmer would have been relieved to see her if not for the harsh slap that accompanied her features. 
“You fool!” She bellowed. 
“You- you ingrate, you nobody! You swore to be the strongest- to protect the order- 
“I swore to protect you, darling- stop this,” 
A single hand rose to capture her violent fists. 
“Thou is fine, the order is fine. That pretender? He lays in the flames of the past, my love- 
“Don’t  ‘my love me!’ You could have died Messmer, and what then? Am I just supposed to forget you-us?!” 
“Don't be foolish.” 
No longer interested in such a conversation the man leaned back, he groaned out in pain as his bones once more lit aflame with agony. 
His eyes were on hers, and with the other hand, captured her jaw. 
“Thou remains safe, that's all that matters.” 
She was too tired to argue- after such an event she was grateful to have her husband alive and well, but the fear had been replaced with anger. 
Remorse hit her like a bolt of lightning. 
“I'm sorry.” She whispered. 
“I thought you died.” 
He smiled lightly upon the girl- ever infatuated with the love she held for the man. 
“Mmm,” He hummed. “That’s alright, dear wife.” 
Without hesitation she leaned in, her bloodied forehead molded against his. 
He could do nothing but stare with half lidded eyes- fighting the sleep off with only her image. 
Noticing the blank expression upon him she laughed, it was rough and exhausted. 
“Sleep, my husband. I will watch over thee, hm?” 
Nothing more needed to be said, securing his head against the stone support behind him, sleep took over the lanky man. 
His wife sighed and with an adoring smile, kissed upon his stained lips.
It was her time to watch over and protect. 
Nothing would get between her and the knight snoring tiredly against her body.
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86-babyy · 2 years
Part Two for Undeniable.
Thank you for the overwhelming love and support on my previous fiction. You all had me absolutely gushing and I hope the follow on pleases just as much as the first. Enjoy babes! 😘
Warnings- Fingering. Teasing (oh, so much teasing.) Slight primal Eddie. Hair pulling. PIV unprotected. Hint of masturbation (Eddie.) Breast play, nipple sucking. It’s just full of smutty goodness. Let me know if I missed anything.
The mist coats your skin like dew when you step into the shower, streams of hot water seem to calm your exposed nerves and it’s absolute bliss. The gentle hum rebounds from the walls around you, builds a safe space of heat and water, settles deep in your bones.
Warm hands encase your waist, pull you in, pull you closer.
Eddie’s weight bares around you like a thick blanket, suds of wood and vanilla fill your senses, bubbles gather in the creases of your skin, lather like foamy white of the ocean waves. The cloth glides across your stomach, Eddie’s latter hand follows, leaves tracks in the soap as he washes you.
“This is new.”
The flick to the jewellery on your stomach catches your attention, the small pendant glistens under the cascade and you feel Eddie smile into the nook of your shoulder from behind.
“I thought it was cute.”
“Oh, it is very cute.”
Eddie smooths the cloth over your chest, let’s the soapy suds lather the mounds of your breasts, admires the resistance against your hardening nipples before slipping the cloth between your thighs. The water feels like silk as it falls over your body, the touch washing the most intimate parts when he creates a tender sensation, drawing the cloth over your pussy, gentle and soft.
He drops the cloth, it lands with a sloppy thud against the tiles at your feet, the material quickly replaced with fingers. It’s smooth and delicate, the water creating the perfect slip of assistance as Eddie dips two finger’s between your lips, spreads them softly. Eddie’s arm pulls you closer, resting the palm on the soft of your stomach.
Pads of his fingertips graze your clit, the motion is so feather light that it tingles, sends a new wave of warmth to radiate through, mix with the steam and settle in the core of your stomach. You relax against Eddie, it feels likes you mesh when he gains pressure, his frame moulds around yours, fills the contours and keeps you steady. Your head buries in the dip of his neck, the musty oak aroma seeps into your senses, washes away with the cascade of water and Eddie’s fingers slipping inside you. It’s calculated movements and precise precision, it’s unbearably slow and drawn out, it teases every nerve inside— leaves you whimpering in the humid air and mixed heavy breaths.
Eddie’s tongue dances across the sparse of your neck, twirling and sucking the skin between teeth. Your whole body ignites, washing away with the stream of water when you bare down on Eddie’s fingers, your orgasm rippling in waves.
The following morning is complete chaos. You had managed to overfill your coffee, twice. The static radiates in the air, buzzing in a unbearable high pitch, your own body unforgiving in releasing last nights antics.
“Are you sure you’re okay? You seem a little unstable this morning.”
Your Dad perks up over his mug, back resting opposite the counter from you.
“Yeah, just you know, one of those mornings. How did work go?”
“Actually, I think it worked out. The team is back to basics, I don’t think there should be any more interference.”
You watch his shoulders slump, like the words themselves ease the weight. Last nights efforts wear on his face, his eyes dark in tint, body drawn and tired. The pinch of guilt bubbles in your stomach, makes it coil in a silent reminder and the bitter taste doesn’t wash away with your sip of coffee, like you had hoped.
“That’s amazing, Dad. So less late nights then?”
“Not quite.” He mumbles around the rim of his mug, let’s the steam warm the apples of his cheeks momentarily. “At least until the end of this week. Then it should go back to normal.”
You went to reply, broad your smile and actively show your excitement but when Eddie had rounded the corner, your whole mind blacked out.
It was like someone had come up and kicked your feet from under you, your chest filled with violent butterflies, hoards of them banging against the cage of your ribs— Making your heart stutter.
Eddie in all his fucking glory rounded the corner. His body’s dripping in jewellery from the chains around his neck to the one clung to his hip. The ripped Judas Priest shirt did everything for his arms. Toned muscle peeked through the torn fabric, trails of tattoos out and on full display, pictures and words seemingly springing to life across his skin. Thighs, wrung in the tightest jeans you had ever fucking saw. The material divots in the definition, follows the contours and hugs all the best features. Rips and slashes torn across his thighs and knees and at this point, you’re even questioning if he is dressed at all. It’s a glorious fucking sight when the gleam of morning hues catches the rings adorned his hand, chunky silver braided across his knuckles, the slight protrusion of veins snake up his hand and dear fucking god.
“Jesus, are you okay?”
Your Dad lunges forwards, his own mug discarded when he reaches for your own, that had seemingly slipped from your grasp.
Hands engulf the porcelain, catches it before it collided with the floor, shattered into pieces.
To bad you couldn’t say the same about your sanity.
“Yeah, uh, sorry.”
Your eyes advert anywhere but at him. Your mind reels in double time trying to look distracted, look busy. But it’s inevitable hopeless, you find yourself looking more on edge than intended so you settle with playing with the strings of your pyjama pants instead.
Your Dad gazes you with a look of concern, it’s evidently genuine but offers a look of question and you simply shake your head and smile, watch as he turns and starts to wash the mug and remains of breakfast behind you.
“I don’t start work until 8, I was thinking about heading down town, what do you say?”
Your dad doesn’t look up but you do.
Eddie’s hair is dripping. Locked curls sopping in the watery residue, skin dewy and soft. The reels flip images of oak and vanilla, of bubbles and soap, wet fingers and gentle touch— Has your tongue slick with saliva from the memory.
“Yeah man, count me in.”
Eddie replies, opens his mouth and speaks but his eyes are solid, locked intently on yours.
“There’s a record store just opened up. I haven’t ventured far in yet but the outside looks promising.”
The voice echos behind you, incoherent noise like static. Eddie reaches the counter, bends at the waist and uses his elbows as support when he leans on the top. His chain dips in the collar of his shirt, you see the vine of inky black crawl from his chest up and over his shoulder, watch when he dips his head, winks.
“Now, you have my attention.”
It’s absolutely filthy. The drop in syllable, drawn out and slow when he talks. It’s clear as fucking day exactly who Eddie’s response was directed at, apparently not as obvious to anyone who wasn’t you because your dad picks up the conversation, carry’s on like normal.
The air is thick. It’s strung out and heavy. Full of tension that bares a straight line between you and Eddie, a invisible string that pulls, pulls so hard that you have to physically ground your feet, stop from mounting the counter top and devouring Eddie whole. His expression is quirked, his gaze steady. It’s almost possessive the way he holds the conversation, laughs when it’s needed, asks questions but his attention, his vision is evidently locked on you. He bares his teeth when he smiles, quipped and smug, his eyes follow when you shift your footing, watching, always watching. His tongue darts out, runs in slow motion when he drags it across his bottom lip. Plush and pink, coated in a sheen of saliva before he sucks it between his teeth and it’s driving you insane.
“I’m going to hop in the shower, then what do you say we head off?”
Your dad turns from his position, faces Eddie in question.
“Sounds good, big boy.”
Your dad chuckles at Eddie’s response, like it was some long running joke you didn’t quite understand and heads upstairs.
It’s humid and way to fucking hot in the kitchen, your skin prickles in attention when Eddie comes and pins you against the counter, both arms caged beside your waist. It’s so fucking hot and the air is becoming harder to swallow. It’s borrowed time at this point, it’s minutes lasting seconds when your hands gather in the front of his shirt, white bleeding into your knuckles as you pull for desperation. It’s messy. All teeth and no reason, it’s absolute wreckage the way Eddie sucks your bottom lip, tugging at the corners in a pinch as he nudges your jaw sideways, takes revenge on the pale of your throat.
“E—Eddie, you can’t.” It’s all breath no real noise. “My dad will see.”
There’s a growl against your throat, vibrates the skin underneath before a heavy hand comes and clasps over your mouth. The sting of metal burns your puffed lips, sends pain to pleasure, sends you further into exhilaration. Eddie bites, bleeds a array of colours into your skin follows with groans of satisfaction when you whimper into the palm of his hand.
Eddie frees his latter hand, trails up the curve of your waist, dips his fingers in the soft parts before slipping up and under your shirt.
“Mm, this for me?”
He cups your exposed breast, calloused fingers gaze the bare of your nipple. It’s tiny sparks that prick your nipples to erect, hardened under the excitement of touch when Eddie palms your breast, feels the weight and teases. You instinctively arch to his hand, press your chest further into his grab, desperate for the sensation, desperate for more.
Without breaking contact, Eddie dips from your neck, his hand still firmly held across your mouth as he pulls your shirt up, bunches it right up to your neck and latches onto your breast.
Your chest heaves with the lack of air mixed with the sudden motion, wet and slick, Eddie takes your nipple into his mouth. Rolls the bud across his tongue, sucks and licks like it’s a damn ice cream. He’s non bias when he moves to the other, giving just as much enthusiasm as the latter. It’s a pitiful noise that gets pulled from your throat, the overwhelming feeling of wet and heat across your chest, saliva coats your skin and your body is on fire. He’s rough and needy but takes his time, savours the feeling, the noises, the taste. And when he releases, straightens your shirt and brings his hand to the front of your pyjama pants, smiles right into your fucking soul when he tugs the strings.
Your stomach coils. Tension builds in the core and bubbles on impact, your pussy flutters at the thought and all you can do is whimper, tug his shirt, attempt to pull him closer when Eddie’s fingertips dip below the waist band.
And then it stops. Everything around you comes to a screaming holt, it’s like running into the woods along a path that ducks and weaves through overgrown trees and moss to only be stopped by a unsuspecting brick wall.
“Ain’t that a shame, sweetheart.”
Eddie’s come to rest his forehead against yours, slowly removes his hand from over your mouth. Your lips leaving a wet mark behind.
“I’m not nearly done with you yet.”
Eddie steps away, takes his position back behind the counter and you are all out confused. What the fuck?
It’s just in time. Just when you were quick to open your mouth you’re just as quick to shut it up when your dad walks back in, keys in hand. You hadn’t even heard the shower stop running, hadn’t heard anything but the mixed up puddle that Eddie had left you in, completely zoned out in touch and taste to even realise.
It’s a long afternoon. Your body still tingles from this morning, electric waves burn through your bloodstream and nothing seems to dull as the hours pass. It’s absolute torture, makes you want to stand under a cold shower until your insides stop trembling.
Instead you opt to sleep it off.
It’s black. Everything is draped in darkness when your eyes suddenly jolt open. It’s baring in around you, feels like it’s seeping into your airways and you start to panic, the weight bares heavy on your chest, it’s restricting and absolutely terrifying.
“Shh, baby. It’s just me.”
Eddie’s got one knee propped on the side of your bed, he’s cautiously leaning over you. It’s hard to see, the atmosphere around still so dark, but you feel the brush of his hair against your chest, feel a sturdy hand trace the soft of your stomach.
“Jesus, Eddie. What are you doing? What time is it?”
“It’s past 6, your dad hasn’t left yet. So you got to be quiet for me, okay baby?”
You feel the contact of his mouth just above your belly button, the cool dip of wet ignites your skin as he licks trails in small circles before tugging the jewellery of your stomach piercing into his mouth.
The weight shifts, you feel the bed dip as Eddie manoeuvres himself above you, hands splay beside your head and instinctively you spread your legs, make way for eddie to slip between them. The contact is clearly evident, the strain of Eddie’s cock mounds into your pussy, the thin fabric creating the barest of barriers when Eddie ruts forward.
Eddie’s moaning right beside your ear, it mixes with the soft whimpers that spill from your mouth. Your hips meet his in the middle, your own body sourcing out the feeling as Eddie humps harder against you. The black fills with breath and pants, it’s a desperate play seeking pleasure, you both fucking up against each other, the friction all to much and not enough at the same time.
“I want you, Eddie. Please.”
It’s more begging at this point, your pussy so far teased to almost over simulation that the soaking wet mess seeping through your pyjama pants cooled the inside of your thighs.
“Yeah? How do you want me, baby. Tell me.”
Eddie’s slipped a hand under your ass, lifts your hips higher and further, pulling you closer, pressing the curve of his cock deeper against the material— feels like there’s barely anything there at all anymore.
“Ah, fuck. I—Inside me. I want you to fuck me.”
“Good fucking girl.”
Eddie brings his hand from under your ass, slips it into the side of your pants and pulls. He’s lent back on his heels, needy wasn’t the right fucking word, the way Eddie tears your clothing from your body. It was possessive, primal.
Eddie’s shifted from his own pants, bunched up fabric collects at his ankles before he settles back on the balls of his heels. It’s dark, still so fucking dark. But you follow the silhouette, trace the lines of broad shoulders and spread thighs, see the outline of his cock in his hand as he fucks up into his own palm. Sweat glistens under the little light sparing through the window, watch as his thighs twitch under the pressure, twisting and tugging at his cock, strands of hair fan in the shadow.
“Come here.”
Eddie reaches out into the mass, your hand follows, seeks and finds it immediately. Eddie tugs you into his lap, his cock slips through the lips of your pussy, nudges your clit as you feel him out.
It stings. The fresh stretch when you sink your hips onto his cock, slowly but still so fucking big. It fills you whole, has you feeling like Eddie’s cock is sitting right in your stomach. It’s shaky, the first couple of try’s. You work your hips in a pace that’s comfortable, settles the throb of pain when Eddie spreads his thighs further apart, pushes the head of his cock to meet the soft spot of your pussy. Eddie’s shoulders take your weight, you use them a leverage, when Eddie’s hands come to grip your hips, your thighs protest as you bounce on Eddie’s cock. Sickly sweet sounds of skin on skin pulse through the room, Eddie’s hips come up and meet yours when you slide back down his cock. Eddie drifts his hands, comes to rest them under your ass, encourages you further, deeper.
“Oh my god. Fuck, Eddie!”
“Shh, baby.” Eddie mounts your breast, sucks a hardened nipple into the warmth of his mouth, licks and plays with the sensation. “Your dad’s downstairs.”
You knew you should be quiet but every nerve in your body is screaming in exhilaration, the stretch and drag of Eddie’s cock with every bounce has your nails leaving permanent marks in the crescents of Eddie’s shoulders.
“Wouldn’t want your dad to hear those pretty little noises, hm?”
Eddie brings a hand to knot in the back of your hair, his knuckles twist in strains as he pulls your head forward, rests his forehead with yours.
“Don’t want him to see you riding my cock like a filthy little slut.”
It’s all whispers, dirty tainted words mixed with heavy breaths and groans. Eddie bares the words through gritted teeth, growling like instinct, at the image— has him thrusting up and fucking your harder.
“B—But you feel so good, Eddie.”
It’s absolutely pitiful, whiney, high pitched whisper that strangles it’s way from your throat, leaves you feeling desperate and fucked out.
The heat burns a trail from your toes, your stomach boils in anticipation and you know you’re so very close. Your actions become needy, bouncing and fucking Eddie’s cock for your own selfish pleasure, between slick and skin paving the perfect combination.
“You’re close baby, huh. I can feel it. Fuck me until you’re screaming baby. Come on.”
Eddie’s got a solid fucking grip on your ass, the latter twisted into the crown of your hair and he’s mercilessly fucking up into you. Eddie’s words play on repeat, rebound and come back to the start, it sends you further, has your orgasm baring down on his cock in rapid waves. You would have sworn you bit your lip so hard that you felt the trickle of blood seep from the broken skin. Your pussy contacts in spasms, you feel Eddie’s own release mix with your own as he burrows his face into the curve of your throat, sinks his cock as far as it will go into the hollow of your pussy.
It’s a sticky, wet, hot fucking mess when you peel yourself from Eddie, your legs sit like jelly, your thighs burn and your pussy throbs. Eddie cradles you in his arms, presses kisses to your temple. It’s overwhelming, the embrace, it’s soft and gentle, you wanted to stay forever but the distant voice of dinner calling from downstairs has you both scrambling for clothes.
Dinner is nice. Your dad has always been a fantastic cook and conversation is flowing all to normal. Your dad apologises once again for leaving tonight, hopes dinner will smooth the process and you have to fight to urge to tell him that the late nights aren’t as bad now.
There’s jokes and banter, causal conversation and when your dad informs you that there’s apple pie to come, Eddie pops a carrot in his mouth, smirks.
He looks directly at you.
“Can’t wait for dessert.”
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kiraswritten · 1 year
Pyro x Reader (Smut)
pairing: pyro x reader warning: smut (not full blown but it gets pretty steamy), excessive swearing bc i love to swear, and excessive use of parentheses word count: 2k+
authors note: ya if you've read Just Maybe, this is legit word for word but it was originally written for Pyro. wrote this ages ago on another blog and i’m just trying to consolidate everything on here! :)
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You’re not the type of person that wants to be in a relationship; not you cause you’re still young and why would you want to be with one person for the rest of your life so early on?
You were the type of person that liked to have a certain sense of freedom and no way was a committed relationship a thing you desired, which is why your relationship with Pyro is perfect.
He felt the same way; he too didn’t want the commitment and the hassle of feelings; those things were messy and a lot of things in Pyro’s life was already fucked up.
There you were, on his bed, straddling him only in your bra and panties (He took those off long ago), as he nipped and sucked on your neck, wonderful sounds of pleasure leaving your lips. It was a typical Thursday for the both of you; after training the two of you would take a quick shower (sometimes together) and end up in Pyro’s bed, usually naked.
“You smell like Apples,” he mumbled against your skin, dragging his teeth along the crook of your neck.
“New body wash, you like?” You teased, grinding your wet heat against his crotch.
“Tease, you know I do.” He said, biting and sucking on your neck until he left a bruise.
“You ass I can’t cover that!” You hissed, glaring at him.
Pyro rolled his eyes, “Everyone already knows we fuck; you’re acting like such a priss.” His hands trail down to your waist, slowly pushing off your lace panties.
“As much as I love these on you, they need to come off.” He grinned.
You lift your ass up (earning a groan from Pyro, he loved watching you getting naked), letting him pull off the thin article of clothing from your body, then chucking it off somewhere in the far corner of his room.
You sit back down on him, a sly grin on your face as he looks up and down your body.
You bring your lips to his ear, “Consider yourself lucky cos a pretty girl is sitting on your lap like this,” you bite at the shell of his ear, “I wonder who you saved in your past life to be this lucky.”
Pyro closed his eyes, gripping your waist tightly, he grinds his crotch on you, a moan leaving your lips. “Yeah Baby, I’m lucky as hell. You dripping wet and ready for me, I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
You loved how the two of you can’t seem to get your hands off of each other; no matter how many times the two of you go at it, the intensity and hunger for each other grows each time.
Pyro latches his mouth onto your nipple, earning another moan from you, he flicks and gropes the other one with his hand as you hold onto him. He leaves love bites all over your chest, proud of his work.
“Pyro I can’t wear my tank tops ‘cause of you,” you whine but enjoy the pleasure he’s giving you.
“Just wear them, it’ll be hot.” He says into your skin. “Like me.”
He flips you over, your back on his bed, he trails kisses down to your hip bone, grazing his teeth, then trailing kisses down to your thighs. You close your eyes, gripping at the sheets, “Oh fuck you’re so wet babe,” he says, he licks a trail at your entrance, making you squirm under his touch. “Fuck John, if you don’t fuck me this instant I swear I’m gonna kick your ass!” You yell out, impatient at how he’s playing you.
His eyebrow twitches; he hated it when people called him John but with you it turns him on knowing that you only did that when you were sexually frustrated by him.
“All you had to do was ask,” he sneered, sticking a finger into your wet cunt.
“Fuck,” you gasp out, your back arching off of the bed.
“I need you, please,” you gasp out, “I can’t with foreplay right now, I want you inside me,” Pyro quickly discards his boxers, kicking them off to the floor. He makes his way to you, hovering over your naked body, his eyes glazed over with lust.
He parts your legs with his knees, you bite down on your bottom lip in anticipation, he always liked making you squirm under him. His eyes look down on you, his arm near your head, propping him up while his other hand is wrapped around his cock, giving it a few pumps before lining it against your entrance.
“You want me Babe?” He has his shit-eating grin plastered on his face; you knew how you looked under him; you knew how red your cheeks were, lips swollen, eyelids half-lidded, chest heaving; he had you right when he wanted you. “Please-” “Please what?” He rubs his tip against your wet folds, teasing you.
You knew he wanted you to beg for his cock, he wanted to hear you moan and whimper just for him. “I’m not begging, just be a good boy for me and give me what I want.” You whine, lifting your hips for any type of friction.
He lets go of his cock, his hand grabbing your hip, pushing your down. “Boy? What did you just call me?” His eyes grew dark, the pressure of his hold on your hip grew tighter, “Oh honey, I am not a boy,” He growls, slipping himself inside you with one forceful thrust. “Oh fuck,” you cry out, arching your back off of the bed.
“Yesyesyesyes!” you sigh out, Pyro grins at your reaction, quickening his thrusts. He shifts his weight and uses his elbow to hold himself up, both of your pelvises pressed against each other. Your arms wrap around his neck, pulling him into a kiss; all tongue and teeth clashing, you needed to taste him.
It ends with him rolling off of you, lying down next to you as the two of you catch your breaths, his fingers slowly interlocks with yours. You think nothing of it but you can’t deny it quickens your heartbeat when he does.
He’s only done this recently. You don’t ask him why he does it and he doesn’t tell you why either. The two of you lie in silence (sans the heavy breathing) till you’re reasonably calm.
You begin to get up from the bed, wanting to go to the restroom because you needed to go (no uti’s for you). His grip on your hand pulls you back slightly, causing you to look at him. “Come back after?” he asks, his usual icy grey eyes soften at you.
You nod your head as you let go of his hand, quickly grabbing his shirt and boxers from the floor; ignoring the burning sensation in your thighs. You quickly dress in his clothing, scurrying to the bathroom. You finish your business and walk back into his room; he’s half dressed, barely, only in boxers as he fixes the pillows back to their original positions.
He’s changed the bed sheets; the old one stuffed into his hamper. You close the door and jump into his bed, loving the softness of his new blanket.
He lies next to you, his arm wrapping around your waist. You turn your body towards him, resting your head on his chest; this is normal, nothing’s changed. Can my heart stop beating so fucking fast?!
You’ve been lying to yourself for a while now; you’re terrified of commitment yet this is the longest relationship you’ve had with someone. You didn’t want feelings to mess up the thing you had with Pyro, it was good, you were happy.
The plan was foolproof; the two of you would stay best of friends, no feelings attached when the two of you fucked; just sexual frustrations poured over one (sometimes yours, so two) bed(s), no strings attached. Your relationship in bed is strictly in bed and your relationship as friends were out of the room.
But your heart decided to join the party and made you confused.
You caught yourself more times than you’d like to admit, daydreaming of going on dates with Pyro, hell, even holding his hand in public and it scared you. This was supposed to be fun and mess free and you suddenly find yourself tangled in your own emotions.
It didn’t help that when the two of you were in public, he’d hold you by your waist as if it were natural, or you’d be sitting on his lap during break, it’s like he needed to be touching you when the two of you weren’t grabbing each other in bed. It only occurred to you how much you needed to feel his presence recently and that scared you.
You didn’t want this; you didn’t want feelings, but here you are, in bed with the guy that you might have (maybe) feelings for. “Py,” you say, breaking the silence, he loved it when you called him the shitty nickname you gave him but he’d never admit that to your face.
“Yeah?” He asked, his eyes still glued to the ceiling.
“I think we should stop this whole thing,” You feel your cheeks heat up, cause i’m pretty sure i’m in fucking love with you and i don’t want to be. “Huh?” He says, surprised, he sits himself up on the headboard, his arm still wrapped around your waist.
You look up at him, meeting his gaze, his eyes a darker shade of grey.
“The whole ‘this’ I-I think we should stop.” You watch his reaction to your words, he furrows his brows in confusion, “Is there something wrong? Did I do something wrong?” He asks and you immediately feel shitty,
“No, no! It’s not that, nothing like that. You-uh, you’re great-amazing even!” Oh fucking god I shouldn’t have said shit. “I just, I think we should just stop with that now, I mean- don’t you wanna do it with someone else?” You cringe at your words, you wanted to kick yourself in the ass for saying those words cause you don’t mean them at all.
“Do you?” He asks, his throat feeling tight, “Did you find someone else you wanted to fuck?” The last word cut into you, making you bite down on your lip.
“No, that’s not the point-Jesus- Pyro no, fuck, just forget it, forget it.” You turn your body away from his, closing your eyes. He slinks back down on the bed, this time pulling you closer, your back against his chest.
“Talk to me,” he says quietly, his voice void of any emotion.
Something inside you snaps and all you want to do is tell him everything; tell him that you’ve (probably) fallen for him and it eats at you. You broke the rule and all you wanted to do was run away.
You don’t reply and he doesn’t push any further; he was lost in his own thoughts, wondering if he did anything wrong.
Did she find out? He curses himself silently, am i that fucking obvious? He wonders if you noticed how needy he’s grown to have you near him, he wonders if you’ve noticed how he looks at you when you’re doing homework or cleaning, or doing absolutely fucking nothing, he wonders if you know that he’s head-over-heels for you and he wants to kick himself in the ass cause he broke the rule.
He was lying to himself the day the two of you decided this whole ordeal. He was being selfish and he wanted you for himself.
You didn’t want to feel this way; you didn’t want to ruin whatever it was that you had.
“Feelings ruin shit.” you mumble, loud enough for Pyro to hear.
“I think I fucking love you okay and- okay I lied, I don’t think I do, I probably do-like there’s a good chance I do and I’m sorry I broke the rule, god why am I still talking-” You were cut off by Pyro pulling you into his chest, hugging you tight.
“I love you too, fuck you scared me. I thought you didn’t want me around anymore.” He says, unable to control the smile that spread across his face.
You look at him, blinking the tears from your eyes (you didn’t even realise you were crying), he lets out a chuckle, wiping the tears from your face, “You baby,” He teases, and you swat his arm, and he laughs this time, hugging you tighter.
You melt into his touch, he presses a soft kiss on your forehead and your heart bursts cause this was one of the scenarios you’ve thought of and it’s so much better than you imagined, “I swear to god if you tell anyone this I’m gonna set you on fire,” and the magic is ruined. “That’s the Pyro I know, ruining moments like this.”
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poetryandfluffycats · 3 months
helloooo may i ask for afab!reader degrading and pegging keito if it’s possible? maybe him whimpering too… have a great day!
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A/N: i bark like a feral dog every time I get a keito request AF AF AF AF WOOF WOOF. anyway, enjoy
Pairing: Keito Hasumi x fem!reader
Content: You've been wanting to try some new things out in the bedroom, but Keito isn't one to stray away from what he believes is 'normal'. So, you come up with a brilliant plan to convince him.
Warnings: NSFW, pegging, degrading from both sides, spanking/ass slapping, handjobs, one use of the petname daddy, use of slut & whore, teasing
Words: 1.5k
NSFW oneshot under cut!
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You want it?~
"You must be joking"
The green haired man who once laid relaxed on the bed now sat upright, face as red as a strawberry and hands clenching the bedsheets as if they might fly away from underneath him. A simple ask, and he had become a horrible blushing mess. God knows how he'd be during the actual act of what you were suggesting, it made your core tingle with delight.
"You think I'd lie?" You feigned sadness by sticking out your bottom lip as much as humanly possible, batting your freshly applied eyelashes at him. The perfect image of innocence. "You're very mean, Keito"
A groan left his lips, eyes darting backwards and forth from his feet to wall, like he was trying to look anywhere but your body, the racy set of lingerie you wore, and the leather strap-on and dildo held in your hand. "And I apologise for that, however, this.. thing... you have asked of me, its simply inappropriate! You cannot expect me to indulge in these silly ideas of yours"
You would have rolled your eyes if you weren't trying to keep up the image of someone innocence and sweet. Keito was clearly trying to convince himself he didn't want it just as much as he was trying to convince you he didn't, his face said it all. Flushed cheeks, fidgety hands, the faint budge growing visible through the confinements of his pants-something that he shamefully tried to hide by crossing his legs.
It was a challenge, one you were more than willing to accept.
"So you're telling me, I could strip myself naked right now, climb into your lap and ride your cock and drain your balls so much it looks like you've pissed yourself, and you wouldn't have an issue with that" You lifted the strap into the air, waving it around a few times. "But this is too scary for you?"
"Get out of that stupid outfit and put your clothes back on, (name). Now" Keito scolded, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose as he finally made eye contact with you. "If you don't listen to me I swear I'll-"
You cut him off by jumping onto the bed, straddling his lap and wrapping your arms around his neck, biting open mouthed kisses into his collar bone. "Don't go all Daddy on me now, I'm meant to be the dominant one here"
Keito gulped, his adams apple bobbing up and down as his eyes glossed over with a sweet mix of fear and anticipation. A layer of sweat had begun to form on the skin of his forehead, the redness of his cheeks moving to cover nearly his entire face. It was adorable how pathetic he looked, his hips grinding upwards into your barely covered heat.
The hard-on he had been so desperately trying to hide was now poking into your thigh, the tip leaking droplets of pre-cum and staining the front of his jeans. His teeth bit down hard against his bottom lip, drawing a tiny bit of blood as he fought back the urge to scream, to whimper, to beg for you to fuck him senseless. He was failing miserably, though, you could see right through those yearning green eyes of his.
"I know you want it~" You cooed, brushing the tip of the dildo against his cheek, coaxing a small grunt out of the man beneath you. "It's okay, you can let go. Better than cumming in your pants like some sort of horny teenager, no?"
Keitos eyes fluttered shut at the sensation of the cold silicone on his skin, his whole body tensing and untensing with each breath he took. "Just do it, please"
"What a naughty little slut you are"
You giggled, bringing your hand not holding the dildo down to palm the outline of his cock through his pants. He was practically bursting through the fabric, throbbing with each tiny movement you made. You couldn't help but crack a smile at how adorable he looked. Finally at your mercy after months of teasing and denial on his part.
It wasn't long before your clothes had come off and you had Keito bent over on the bed, ass high up in the air and face pressed down into the pillows to muffle his moans and sounds of bliss. Slender fingers traced over the boney structure of his back and back down to his ass again, squeezing it and leaving bright red handprints all over.
The strap was tightly attached on your hips, the tip of the lube-covered dildo prodding against his puckered up hole. Keito let out a whimper at the feeling, arching his back even further so that just the smallest bit of the silicone spilled inside-almost like a desperate puppy begging for its masters praise.
"Don't fucking tease me-" SMACK!
You brought your hand down hard on his ass. The slapping noise echoed throughout the room followed by Keitos groans of pleasure. "Don't be a brat, or else I'll leave you here whining for me" There was a hint of sadism in your tone as you cooed out the cruel words, massaging over the area you had spanked. "Patience"
The man beneath you grumbled something unintelligent in response, probably something along the lines of 'I am patience' and 'just fuck me already'. But you decided to pay no mind to his mouthing off this time. Punishment for that could come later, right now all you wanted was to fuck your boyfriend stupid.
With that thought in mind, you at last started pushing the length of the dildo inside of Keito, slowly, inch by inch so you could indulge yourself in the sweet, beautiful moans he let out each time the toy sunk in deeper. His hole was so tight, sucking it in like a vacuum, like he was made to be used like this.
"Feels good? I bet it does, your such a whore for me, aren't you?" You bottomed out, his whines as you hit the deepest part inside him like music to your ears. "You like this?"
Keito nodded his head, whole body shaking as he reached one of his hands behind his back to wrap around his cock, which had been rock hard and leaking all kinds of juices onto the sheets this whole time.
But, you weren't going to let him get that release he craved, not by his own hands at least. So, you grabbed his wrist and pulled it back, earning another whimper and another mutter of curse words. "No touching, alright? You'll only cum when I say you can"
He didn't respond, too far deep into the pleasure he was feeling just from being full to do so. His face and the way his knuckles gripped the sheets until they turned white was enough of a yes for you, so you pulled the dildo all the way out, only leaving just a smudge of the tip inside, before slamming right back in without warning.
You set a fast paced and rough rhythm within the first couple of thrusts, your hips bouncing and slapping off of his with each one. The room immediately filled with lewd sounds; Keitos moans of pure ecstasy, your grunts of effort and sadism, the bed creaking from all the movement on top. Like an orchestrate of sex.
"Shit!~ Fuck, (name), you~!" The man was a mess, drool dripping down his chin, eyes blown wide with lust, the works. He could barely speak, only really able to let out babbles of your name and attempted insults.
You thought of how he usually acted, so prim and proper, controlling, and bossy as ever. Seeing him reduced to nothing but a dumb slut whose only thought was your fake dick inside him? It had your core clenching around nothing at all, and a ring of wetness pooling around your hole.
With one hand rested on his hips to keep you steady, you used the other to reach down and gently stroke his cock, meeting the thrusts of your hands with the thrusts of your hips. "Wanna cum, baby?" You leaned forward to lick a stripe from his ear to his neck, "Wanna cum like a little bitch? Then do it, show me how messy you can get all for me"
Keito didn't need to be told twice. Maybe half a secound after those words left your lips, hot ropes of cum were shooting out of his aching cock, covering your hand in the white sticky substance. His back arched until it looked as if it might snap in half, and his moans were so loud the whole world might have heard. It was a sight that left you in pure awe, truly, Keito had never looked more gorgeous in your eyes.
You continued to thrust into him through his orgasm, only stopping once he had gone limp and slumped down onto the bed into what could only be described as a puddle of sweat, cum, drool, and a withering mess of a man.
And damn, was it beautiful.
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t-tomuras · 2 months
post canon Mithrun x elf reader
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Mithrun deciding to discover and create new desires for himself after his retirement from the Canaries becomes adventurous for you in turn. Previously assigned as his caretaker you chose to continue the roll even though you had no obligation to do so. Stealing away the coveted spot from another Canary that didn’t want to go back to prison but you wanted to be selfish too. 
Wanted to continue to be in his presence because of the affection you held for him, worsened by every moment you’d spent alone with him inside and outside of dungeons. 
Learning him better than anyone else ever had, even better than Mithrun had himself. Educating yourself on what he enjoys or detests, what soothes him or distresses him, what calms and what angers him. 
Anything and everything, long since well versed in the inner mechanisms of your Captains mind after his tragedy; it’s only natural you traverse this new unknown with him the same as before. Only now you aren’t forced together, willingly eager for the new adventure by his side and you’d be remiss to think the fact didn’t cause the slightest ghost of a smile to his lips. 
But how could you not choose to follow him into the sunlight after delving into the darkest pits of hell for over a century? 
Elect to have the possibility and privilege to nurture a tenderness with himself that he’d overtly neglected for too long. The very idea of it made your chest feel warm, your heart fluttering tirelessly within its bone cage in the early weeks of your new lives.
You’d be elated to find that first desire, to discover what ignited his heart again and caused a pang of emptiness in his belly that food could never hope to quell. 
But you learn, before long, that what brings him pleasure is you and how the discovery brings out a hunger in him only you’d be able to satisfy. 
Nights of common intimacy such as shared meals and baths in the privacy of his home you share with him weighed on your captain, unwittingly to yourself. Ignorant of every liberal touch of unadulterated tenderness and unmitigated care for Mithrun building a pressure between you both until he touches you back. 
Grabbing your wrist one fateful night as you both get ready for bed. Carefully and thoughtfully Mithrun’s hair while you stood between his knees clad only in your own fluffy towel. 
Humming a tranquil sound he’d voiced that he liked, appreciating every effort you made for him. Efforts that so obviously transcended duty, Mithrun was no fool. 
Everything happened in a blur, from the gasp he swallowed the moment his lips sealed over yours to the pleased mewl he muffled after leaving you bare before pulling you to him. 
Lustful pawing to experimental teasing that you don’t need much of before you’re ready to take him. A carnal desire in you, silently stoked for years now ready for his own consumption. 
His first taste of you already developing a craving that you’re sure will make a glutton out of Mithrun for as long as he has you from the first moment he sinks into you. 
“Captain—“ breathless as Mithrun’s healing lips brush along the apple of your cheeks before his teeth nip at the pointed tips of elongated cartilage. 
“Mithrun,” he corrects but you only whine in confusion, fingers gripping at his waist as your thighs tighten around his hips. His pace still unrelenting as he ruts into you, the lewd squelching of your cunt he causes by the pleasure he provides warms your skin. Nails digging crescent moons into scarred alabaster as he grits his teeth and fists the pillow the opposite side of your head, “call me by my name.” 
It could almost be taken as a plea, the clipped husk of his tone insistent in the notion as you clutch tightly to him. Pressing your chest into his as he curls around you, heeding yet another command from your captain as euphoria washes over you, “Oh Mithrun.” 
Crying his name, carrying it on your tongue like a sweet melody that coaxes him to follow shortly after you. Spilling into your inviting warmth as he grips at your hips to angle your pelvis better to take him. Stroking downward in a way that leaves you gasping, pearly tears clinging to long lashes as your lips part for another moan only for no sound to escape. 
Given no time to shy as you notice him staring at you intently, the deep obsidian of his remaining eye flickering into the vibrant steely silver he once possessed so many decades ago. 
Cupping your cheek as his thumb presses onto your plump lower lip, pulling it down tenderly before he swipes the pad along the curve. Rhythm slowing to gently rocking until he stills in your cunt completely as he leans down for another kiss. Slow, relaxed as he exhales slowly, gaze falling lidded as you sigh into the contact. 
Melting in his hold, relishing in how his desire for you is the first he’s had in so long.
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thedeathofduty · 2 years
Little Doe
Summary: Prince Aemond shows you a special place in the Red Keep's gardens. When the two of you return that night, you are able to enjoy his company, but feel burdened by the possibility of a betrothal you thought you wanted. Now, though, you are not so sure.
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Baratheon!F!Reader
Warning(s): Explicit scenes, some light choking, brief mention of Aemond's awful, terrible, no-good thirteenth name day. Minors dni, thank you uwu
A/N: Let's all imagine Borros Baratheon had a younger brother named Davos. There's absolutely no mention of the Dance or any of the crazy family tension in this fic. Also messed with the universe's timeline a bit. 8,243 words!!! Bone apple teeth, y'all. Also, please do not be fooled by the title. Aemond does not dom in this fic.
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You stood before your father, fighting to school your features so you would not burst into raucous laughter as he yelled at your handmaiden until there were tears streaming down the young girl’s face. Usually, you were not so cruel, but you could not help but feel she deserved it for nearly soiling your image, and to your beloved father, no less. Everybody at court knew you were the sparkle in Lord Davos Baratheon’s eye, his youngest child and only girl. They knew better than to speak ill of you.
The girl must be new to the Keep. As your father put her in her place, your chest grew with pride.
“My daughter has no need for a chaperone,” he growled, his blue eyes blazing like icy coals. “She is merely going to go for a walk in the gardens with the young Prince. Or do you presume to question my daughter’s virtue?”
“No, My Lord, I-I would never,” the girl whimpered, shaking like a little leaf in the wind next to you. You had to cover your mouth to hide your smirk.
“Do you think he would fuck her in the gardens, for all to see? Do you hear how stupid you sound, you cunt?”
“Father,” you chastised him. He pointed a stern finger at you and you bit your lip to try to hide your irrepressible smile.
“If he touches you in a way that displeases you, you are to show him no mercy and leave the rest to me. I promised your mother you would return to Storm’s End a maiden and I intend to make good on that, even if I have to cut out Prince Aemond’s other eye.” At this, you let out a girlish laugh as your handmaiden gasped loudly.
“Yes, father.”
“Very good.” He snapped his fingers and pointed at the girl next to you. “Have the Prince ask the Queen to fetch us another one, little doe. This one is a bit too fucking stupid." You nodded.
These handmaidens never lasted long under your father. Even though he was soft for you and your mother, he was a harsh man. You loved him dearly, and he, in turn, lavished every affection on you and let you run as wild as you wished. Whatever your transgressions, he either did not see them or merely pretended you were innocent.
You led the girl out of the room with a sly grin, offering quiet apologies. She said nothing offensive, but you could see the fear and anger in her wet eyes and it gave you great pleasure to know that she had no choice but to keep it all to herself. Perhaps after today she would learn you were nigh untouchable. You were a Lady of a Great House and clearly favored by the oh so terrifying Aemond One Eye. Was it your fault that two bold, fearsome men cared for you?
You strolled through the halls of the Red Keep, making your way to the gardens to meet Prince Aemond with your chin held high and a smile so wide, two deep dimples adorned your cheeks. Your mind felt cloudy with excitement, your thoughts racing with what you and your Prince may get up to today. Usually, he took you for a ride on his dragon and, while you had resisted at first, it had quickly become one of your favorite things to do with him.
Sometimes he would take you to one of the small spits of land in the Blackwater and other times, your journey would end deep in the Kingswood. No matter where the Prince took you, the story ended in the same way: with you naked in his lap, his soft hair between your fingers, and his mouth on your neck. The fact that he let you have him was a privilege and a pleasure you had no intention of giving up. Sacrificing the happiness of a lowly handmaiden was nothing to you and you would ask Aemond to allow you to feed her to Vhagar yourself if it meant you got to feel his tongue thrusting into your cunt again.
It was odd that he wanted to trade those private trysts for a public stroll through the gardens. Your father held no ill-will towards the Prince despite his earlier threat, but nor did he have much love for the Targaryens as a house. You imagined it would take a lot of convincing to get him to agree to a betrothal, if that was what Prince Aemond was attempting by walking with you somewhere public.
You hoped that was not what he wanted.
Though you held the Prince in high regard somewhere perhaps very near your heart, your heart itself was as of yet a land unclaimed by any man, and you preferred it that way. You were no longer a maiden and had not been one for years, not since your fifteenth name day here in King’s Landing, but your heart retained its maidenhood and had never been bloodied by love. Perhaps someday all this practice with him would prove useful when you married whatever Lord your father ultimately deemed worthy of his little doe.
The moment you saw Prince Aemond, you bit your lip and let out a laugh without thinking. As always, he was in his black leathers you found so dashing on him, but in his hand he held a single flower, your very favorite: a yellow plumeria. They grew in some of the hidden alcoves of Storm’s End. Back home, you always had the servants replace the vase of them you kept in your chambers.
He looked every bit the roguish gentleman, out of place in the brightly colored gardens clad only in black, with his dark eye patch and scar marring half his pristine face. His bright blue eye seemed to glow in the sunlight, nearly the same shade as yours. You did not think you could remember a time when the Prince had worn a different color. It was as if he was ever a widow in her mourning period.
“My Prince,” you said with a small bow and an outstretched hand. Gently, he grasped it and brushed it against his lips.
“My Lady. Your flower.” He handed the plumeria to you and you gave yourself a moment to breathe in its soft scent before sighing fondly and pressing it against your chest. “Does it remind you of home?” he asked, offering you his arm, which you took without hesitation as the two of you started walking.
“It does.” A pause. “Though I do not miss it. Storm’s End was wet and terribly boring. King’s Landing is much more exciting.” You gave him a meaningful look, and he chuckled under his breath.
The day was warm and a little damp. There had been a big storm the night before and a heavy fog had settled over the Keep. Everyone around you was wading in it, even your companion. As the two of you passed the various members of court who had ventured into the gardens on such a humid morning, you said your quiet greetings and remained a touch too close to one another. You wondered how the two of you must look from a distance, your thick black hair next to his silver, your bright yellow dress next to his black leathers. Did the two of you walking arm in arm look natural to the people you were greeting?
“Did Lord Davos like Aethia?” he asked, breaking the companionable silence.
“Who? Oh, the servant girl.” You snorted, brushing your flower under your nose. “No, father called her stupid. As he should! That bitch was trying to come and chaperone me today. Can you believe the nerve of it?”
Prince Aemond grinned, happy to indulge your ego just as your father usually was. “Those are the rules, Lady Y/N.”
“Not for me, My Prince.” You slipped a finger under the cuff of his sleeve, feeling his steady pulse on the inside of his wrist. When you spoke, you leaned close to him and let your words out in near whispers. “My father said there was no chance you would fuck me here in the gardens where anybody could see you.” His pulse quickened under your fingers and you could feel yours do the same.
“Oh, and you believe him, do you?” He raised an eyebrow at you, mirth shining in his eye.
“My Prince,” you gasped, clutching your flower near your heart, “I would never think you capable of such depravity.” You often laughed together, as you were both doing now, and you often felt that it was your favorite part of spending time with Aemond. “And with a pure maiden such as I.”
He hummed, his gaze dropping to your lips. In the distance, the waves of the Blackwater crashed against the lower walls of the Red Keep and your face flushed with desire. “You’ve not been a maiden for some time now, My Lady.”
Your fifteenth name day had been a boring affair. Your father had gifted you a chest full of new dresses and a small orange kitten you named Perzys after the Valyrian word for fire. You had spent some time having wine and delicate pastries with some of the other young Ladies at court, including the Princess Helaena who unfortunately did not quite seem to fit in with the rest of you. She was a sweet girl and, though you had no issue with her, you never quite knew what to say to her.
That evening, you had wandered with a goblet of wine in your hand and a scowl on your face. You had felt like a big fish in a small pond, like the Red Keep was too small a pen for so large a stag. You had found Prince Aemond in the Godswood by himself, reading as he often was when he was without a sword in his hand. The two of you had taken notice of each other before and you knew he had found flimsy excuses to barge into his sister’s chambers on the few occasions you decided to spend some time with her. His one gleaming eye seemed to be stuck on you like a searing hand and you could deny it no longer: you wanted to have him.
‘It is my name day,’ you’d all but whispered to him, nearly in his lap already with your eyes raking all over him at all the places you wanted to touch but would not dare to just yet. ‘Even your brother sent me a bottle of wine with the Princess Helaena. What have you gotten me, My Prince? What will you give me?’
‘What is it you want, Lady Y/N?’ His tongue darted out to wet his lips, and you stared at it, completely rapt. ‘I will see it done.’
‘I want you, Prince Aemond.’ Your hand brushed against his cheek and he clutched it, his eye narrowing as it bored into yours. Slowly, you allowed yourself to lean into him. ‘I am not so lost in my cups that I do not know what that means. Will you make a woman of me? It would be the best gift anyone has given me today.’
When he finally kissed you, a loud moan bubbled past your lips and into his. He led you hand in hand through the halls to his chambers, taking great care to make sure the two of you were not seen. The moment he shut his door, you connected, pulling each other apart until you both tumbled into his bed. It was funny. Your mother had warned you it would hurt, that you would cry and bleed and curse the gods. But it had not been like that at all.
Your body felt like the night sky, like a void filled with a swirl of dizzying stars. Even your fingertips were humming with pleasure by the time Aemond was guiding you into his lap with a firm grip on your waist. When he finally entered you, you cried out in relief and ecstasy, not pain. It was as if there was a terrible itch inside of you that was finally being scratched.
He gasped and groaned as you moved your hips, slowly at first, then as quickly as you could manage. You tangled your hands in his hair, pulling him close so he could kiss and bite your neck as he had been doing before. Gods, you had loved that. When your fingers snagged on the strap of his eye patch, you growled and yanked it off without thinking, tossing it off to the side. For a moment, you almost missed the way his entire body went rigid until you opened your eyes.
You had never seen something so wondrous and beautiful, not even the giant she-dragon he called his. His one good eye was wide and fearful and in place of the other was a dazzling, glittering sapphire. The sight of it made heat coil low in your belly like a plumeria blooming after rain.
‘You,’ you panted, ‘you have been hiding this from me this entire time?’ He opened his mouth to speak and you ducked down to lick the pale column of his throat.
‘I-I do not wish to scare the ladies at court,’ he stammered and you huffed a gentle laugh into his wet skin.
‘I am not afraid, Aemond,’ you murmured, letting him feel your teeth against his neck. ‘I am wet. Do you feel my desire?’ You moved your hips again, and you both moaned. ‘Do you think it has it waned?’ He shook his head and pulled your mouth up to connect with his. The kiss was slow and languid, your tongues dancing as you quickened your pace in his lap. The desire that had bloomed inside you only grew, threatening to engulf you in a wild passion hotter than dragonfire.
‘Oh gods, you feel incredible,’ Aemond groaned against your lips, a wail torn from his mouth as you gripped his hair in your fists and rode him viciously. He had given himself as a present for you, so he was yours, all yours. The thought swirled dangerously in your head as you chased your release with gritted teeth.
‘Aemond!’ you cried. Your hair was sticking to the side of your face and the back of your neck. The reward you had been working for was so close you could taste it on your tongue and yet it eluded you. Your eyebrows pinched together in frustration, then smoothed as he ran his hands up your back until they came to rest on your shoulders. You opened your eyes and peered down at him, your chest heaving.
His sapphire was catching bits of moonbeams from the open windows. His cheeks were flushed, his lips swollen and nearly red from your kisses. He was... You loosened the grip you had in his hair, trying to catch your breath as he leaned in to kiss the corner of your mouth. You wanted to tell him he was beautiful and fine, like a Dornish knife made of ivory or a piece of the moon come down to lie with you, but you found you could say nothing as you stared at him. His hands gently cradled your face, thumbs brushing away the frustrated tears you had scarcely even noticed. You furrowed your brows under his studious and gentle gaze, your heartbeat growing louder in your ears as he pressed another kiss just shy of your lips.
‘May I?’ You were not sure what he was asking for, but you said yes all the same.
He taught you much that night, about your body and about pleasure. Sometimes it was better to go slowly and let it build until it immolated you from the inside. You knew that now. When your release found you again that night, it was with a shudder and a silent scream. Aemond finished on his stomach with a low groan and just the sight of him in the throes of pleasure had you wanting him all over again.
Afterwards, you lied in his bed with your legs tangled together and spoke softly to one another. They were not words of love, no promises of betrothals or heart wrenching confessions of secret fondness plagued the two of you that night. It was easy speaking to him now that the deed was done where before it had been so difficult. Of course, how many secrets could there be after someone has seen such a hidden part of you? He had forced you, whining and bleary-eyed, out of his bed and helped you dress before accompanying you back to your chambers. Again, your hand was in his and he kissed it gently as he wished you pleasant dreams.
It was a good night, a fine way to lose your maidenhead. One month later, your family returned to Storm’s End, and you assumed that would be that. Years later, however, here you found yourself again, playing this little game you loved so much with the Prince. This game had never included a scenic walk through the gardens, but you enjoyed his company enough to allow him access to you with your clothes on.
“You dare question my virtue, Prince Aemond? My father will have your other eye for that,” you joked, your cheeks hurting from smiling so much.
“Your father is overly indulgent.”
“As are you,” you purred, batting your lashes at him and giggling when he looked away.
“Hm, you are right. Perhaps today is the day I deny you that which you seek and you learn some discipline.”
“Oh, I very much doubt that, My Prince,” you declared with a cocky toss of your dark hair over your shoulder. “When you deny me, you deny yourself the pleasure of giving me what I want.”
“You are a bold one, Lady Y/N. Were it not for your hair, I would take you for a dragon.”
You smiled coquettishly at him, leaning your head against your shoulder and peering up at him through thick lashes. “The only dragon here is you. I’ve merely the privilege of being your rider.”
Fondness softened his smile into something you could not stare at and you sighed, looking ahead at the flowered path before you. The air was thick with the smell of pink roses and salt water. The ocean breeze stirred the trees and bushes, the sound melding with the waves. You could still feel him staring. He led you through the gardens and you allowed him to guide you to places you had only ever seen from afar in the windows high above. As you walked together, you saw fewer and fewer people until it was just the two of you surrounded by high walls and luscious blooms still dripping with morning mist. When you spared a glance back, the walled path simply narrowed and turned and you could no longer make out any clear voices at all.
“Remember this path,” the Prince said and you gazed up at him with a question on your lips. “We will walk it again tonight.”
“Why not only walk it tonight?”
There was a thin rectangle of golden light on the ground ahead and the roaring of the sea grew louder as you walked on. Your dark hair was sticking to the back of your neck and you moved it to the side so a cool breeze could soothe you. “I thought you might like to see it like this as well.” You squinted up at him with a quirk in your lips and stepped into the warm light as a brisk gust of salt air pushed all your hair across your face.
Your body instantly cooled, and you struggled to keep your dainty flower in your hand as a single petal was plucked off and spiraled away. Prince Aemond released you and you took a careful step through the archway into the rotunda with wide eyes. Your gaze darted around, trying to settle somewhere to take in every little detail, but it simply could not. The space in front of you was round, the floor laid with tiles depicting red dragons mating with fair-skinned maidens. Vines and thin branches wrapped around the slender columns, small dark blue fruits growing in bunches near the tops. Dark, curved shingles layered the dome above you, making you feel like you were inside a dragon’s egg. Just beyond the structure was the Narrow Sea, the high morning sunlight dancing on its shifting surface and feeling like a pressing weight on your eyes. If you wanted to, you could sit at the very edge of the tiled floor, your legs dangling far, far above the crushing waves below.
You had all but forgotten the Prince was even there and when his hand came to rest on the small of your back, you jumped with an undignified yelp. Mercifully, he did not comment on it or even laugh. Perhaps he was as entranced with the view as you were.
“Do you like it?” His voice was soft like a flower petal against you, his lips coming down to caress the tender skin just below your ear. You turned and drew him in closer with a searing kiss, humming as his hands crushed your body against his. When he pulled away, you were dizzy with longing.
“Must you make me wait until tonight?” He pressed long open-mouthed kisses against your neck and your eyes closed, seemingly all on their own.
“You will be happy I did.” With a huff, you let yourself accept it, trusting that you would be just as pleased at night as you were now.
When the two of you separated for the day, it felt as though you had been floating for hours, only to be forced to contend with the weight of stable ground once more. You often felt similarly after riding Vhagar, like your stomach was still rising and falling freely through the air even as you walked along the ground with the other mere mortals. This was different, though you could not name how.
The day was long, and each hour seemed to stretch on forever. The Ladies you often spent your time with were delightful enough, but your gaze continuously drifted towards the gardens, your mind conjuring images of what you knew was to happen there tonight. It seemed Your Prince held an unjust amount of power over you if he could still excite you like this.
That night with him those few years ago was a secret you guarded fiercely, but there was one you kept even closer to your heart. After you and your family had returned home, you had felt changed by the experience, more like a woman. Several nights you found yourself unable to rest, plagued by a need that had settled in between your thighs. Though you had felt it before, it had never been so loud and insistent, dominating your sleepless nights with visions of the Prince moving against you, that gorgeous sapphire glowing with the flashes of lightning that fell outside your chamber windows. Young Lady of a High House you may be, precious daughter to the harsh Davos Baratheon, burdened with three older brothers who would geld any man who presumed to touch, but you were still not without open admirers back home. You were not without opportunity to dampen the flame of your desires. But for one reason or another, you never sought out a bedmate to entertain you.
The nights leading up to your journey back to King’s Landing had been long and agonizing, your heart thundering in your chest and sleep unwilling or unable to find you until you had taken matters into your own hands and given yourself that which Aemond had gifted you years before. As you pressed your palm against your wet cunt, you imagined him in bed curled next to you with his voice in your ear urging you on, whispering about how good you tasted, how soft and sweet you were, how he needed you to finish just one more time before he could fuck you again. It was not until you had felt your release at least twice that you would drift off in pleasant dreams, the tips of three of your fingers wrinkled and sticky.
It was nearly evening now, the sun setting slower than it ever had before just to taunt you, and you were stomping through the halls of the Red Keep, hoping to see the Prince just once before your meeting with him. Wherever he was, he was very well-hidden. You passed a pleasant, albeit very dull supper with your father, your mind elsewhere, until...
“What do you think of the Lannisters, Y/N?” You blinked in confusion and savored the cherry wine on your tongue.
“As a house? They are wealthy and powerful. I find them all to be a bit self-serious, though. The Targaryens have their signature arrogance and the Lannisters have their pride. Ultimately, there is little difference between one and the other.”
Your father nodded across the table, taking a bite of his rabbit with a pensive look on his face. “One of their boys has taken a keen interest in you.” You choked, the bit of drink still in your mouth burning your throat on its way down. “I know you are a fan of fineries, so I thought their vast coffers may be of interest to you. You would be well taken care of as the Lady of Casterly Rock. What say you to that, little doe?”
“I... I must admit, father, I’ve not given marriage much thought, and no Lannister has approached me.” Your hands found your skirts in your lap, thumbing at the embroidery there.
“Of course not, the boy understands that he must speak to your Lord Father first.” He smiled. “If it does not interest you, consider him gone, but it would please me if you took the night to think about it. I believe the Lannister boy to be a fine match for you. It would elevate our house, and you, considerably.”
Think about it you did as you sat rigidly in your bed and stared at the flimsy little yellow plumeria on the table beside you. A Lannister would be a big step for you and certainly it was the sort of opportunity you had been waiting for. Casterly Rock was a fine seat for you and you would have everything your heart could think to desire there. You’d wear the finest dresses, drink the sweetest wines, and your hands would glitter with gold and rare jewels. With all the experience you had gathered with the Prince, you doubted you would be unable to make your Lord Husband a lucky man. You knew even Perzys would grow to be fat and happy there.
When a knock came at your door, it dragged you from the depths of your pondering with a start. A flower of relief bloomed in your heart as you opened your door to find the Prince before you.
“My Lady.” He bowed his head.
“My Prince,” you giggled, your earlier woes instantly forgotten. “Have you finally come to spirit me away? I was just about to send for a servant to help me dress for bed.”
“My apologies, Lady Y/N, but I had to ready everything myself.”
“Ready everything?” He offered his hand with a small smile on his lips and you clung to it as the two of you crept through the halls. The Prince seemed built for stealth and you were careful not to make the slightest sound, walking on your toes and holding your breath as much as possible.
Your nerves nearly forced a giggle past your lips and perhaps he could feel it coming because he shushed you and you covered your mouth with your free hand. It wasn’t until you were safe in the gardens that you released it, letting it flow from you and into the Prince’s mouth as he kissed you. Your heart fluttered in your chest, beating its wings like a nervous little bird, as you tugged him deeper into the labyrinth of flowers, hoping your memory served you well enough to get you where you needed to go.
As the two of you stumbled through, you kept grabbing at each other with a feverish insistence. He littered your face with quick kisses, his one sparkling eye closing as you ripped through the metal fastenings on his clothes and touched his bare chest underneath. His whispered voice was like silk and honey in your ear. “Have you been thinking of me all day, little doe?” If it weren’t for the mystery of what awaited you in the rotunda, you would have had him fuck you right there. It was unfair. He knew how it unraveled you when he called you that.
“Yes,” you gasped, flashing him a breathless smile with all your teeth. Gods, you wanted to pick him apart until he was a mess of bones and blood, devour him whole, and lick your fingers clean. “You left me wanting you, my dragon. Will you give me what I need?”
Hunger burned in his eye and, with a firm tug, he yanked through most of the laces on the back of your dress. “Of course. Now follow me and you shall receive your gift.” When he moved to walk around you, you grasped at his arm and guided his hand under your skirts with your eyes trained on his.
“I want you to feel me,” you murmured, your throat tight. Your hand stayed on his wrist as his fingers slid past your knees.
“Fuck,” he groaned as he touched the slick coating the inside of your thighs on either side of your flushed cunt. You were already so open and ready for him, you could feel your heartbeat pounding between your legs. You never felt quite so powerful as when you reduced Prince Aemond to cursing and calling to the gods. His nostrils flared, and he snatched his hand away, dragging you along the rest of the way.
The sight earlier had been beautiful and left your mouth slightly agape at the brilliance of it, but that paled in comparison to the sight before you now. Lit candles sat in silver dishes along the tiled floor, some black, some red, some gold. Your mouth curled into a fond smile. Though a thick black sheet and plush red cushions covered the design on the floor, you remembered it well enough and knew you were soon to recreate it. A cool wind brushed through the open archways, a brilliant full moon casting its pure light over all that delighted you. The Prince seemed to glow with it, his alabaster skin kissed by moonlight and his blue eye appearing even truer to its color.
“The night sky suits you,” you said. Your nerves returned, and they forced a wide smile onto your warm face. His deft fingers brushed through your thick black hair, rubbing the ends of the wavy locks between his fingers.
“As it does you.” You needed only to spare a quick glance to the dark eye patch still covering his gemstone eye before he was taking it off and tossing it down onto the sheet. The sapphire glowed with the rest of him, the candlelight reflected inside twinkling as golden stars and piercing you like a hail of arrows. The first thing you’d done when you first found yourself alone with him on your return to King’s Landing was slide that offensive garment off his face. Any Lady who would be frightened of a simple sapphire was unfit to lie with a dragon and you were no craven.
As if a tight cord had been cut, the two of you collided. You loved the violence of it, how you both sank your teeth into each other and tore and ripped until nothing false remained. You’ve heard it said that the purest view you can have of a man’s soul was mere moments before the Stranger pulled his soul from his body, but you were certain that was not true. As the two of you moved as one, falling into the cushions on the ground with ease, unwelcome thoughts prodded at you.
Would the Lannister boy make you feel as good? Would he take the same pleasure in granting your every wish and desire as Aemond did? You shook your head to try to regain your focus as your dress slowly slid off your body. The Lannister boy was nowhere to be found. You were in the gardens with the Prince and he was pushing your bare thighs apart with a glint of fire and hunger in his eye. Your cunt clenched around nothing at the sight, aching to have him so deep inside you that you could never pull him out. Your eyes closed and head dropped back as soon as his mouth touched your heat.
He was always so good at this, at pleasing you. It was like- “You were made for this,” you moaned, digging your nails into the meat of his shoulders as he dipped his tongue inside you with a pleased hum. You ground your hips up against Aemond’s mouth, climbing higher and higher up your burning rope until your legs trembled on either side of his face. “Look at me,” you gasped, “please.” The sight of his blue eye gleaming next to his sapphire from below your short crop of dark hair sent you keening and coming completely undone for him. You hoped Aemond felt no shame about his eye anymore. You hoped he wore his leather eye patch out of a sense of belonging to you instead of any silly concern about the delicate fears of the weaker Ladies at court.
His mouth climbed up your body, planting kisses like bright hot flowers on your skin until he could suck the pants right from your lips. The bittersweet flavor of your pleasure was on his tongue, sharp and tart like a pomegranate. Your fingers wound their way into his hair, pulling him closer and groaning into his mouth as he pressed his hips into yours. His cock was straining against the fabric of his pants and you brought an angry hand down to tug at his waistband.
“Take this off,” you growled. “I want you.”
“You love to demand things from me, like a petulant child.” He clicked his tongue at you in admonishment, but obeyed you all the same. As he set the last of his clothes aside, you sat up and stroked along the scarred half of his face, one of your fingers grazing the edge of the sapphire that had haunted your dreams for years now. But for the scar you were touching, the rest of him was smooth and unmarred, the small flames surrounding you dancing on the pale expanse of his chest. He was pure gold and silver, and with his jewel, how different was he really from a beautiful necklace or even a crown? Aemond was a precious bit of finery and right now, he belonged to nobody but you. Your touch grew possessive, your sharp nails leaving pink trails in their wake as you raked them down his torso to wrap a hand around his cock. His breath stuttered.
“You complain and yet you obey, my dragon,” you purred as you pushed him onto his back. Pride, or maybe arrogance, swelled in your chest as you smirked at him. “I really am your rider.” His chest rose and fell sharply, his long legs braced against the floor and hips moving of their own accord. As you moved your hand, you leaned over him and caged him beneath you. The emotion swelling your chest was probably avarice, the little green cloud with sharp teeth that filled your mind with longing and a very distinct sort of anger. His wet lips were bright pink and parted, little gasps and moans falling past them every time you swiped your thumb across the thick vein just below the tip of his cock. “Do you like this?” He nodded eagerly, tugging on your hair until you leaned down to claim his mouth as yours.
There it was again, that feeling in your chest, blackening your thoughts and resting heavy in your gut. It was that feeling that made you want to possess him entirely and haunt him like a specter. You imagined yourself somewhere different, somewhere perhaps across Westeros on the coast of the Sunset Sea, and you could not help your frown. When you stopped touching him and pulled away, Aemond kept a firm hand behind your head, scanning your face with furrowed brows.
“Is something the matter?”
The corners of your eyes wrinkled as you beamed at him and shook your head. Hopefully, it would be enough to convince him. "No, My Prince. I am just eager to have you." His eye narrowed, but he ultimately released you and followed you up. Without ceremony, you settled into your preferred seat in his lap. All these dumb Lords fighting over the Iron Throne and here you were with the true best seat in all the Seven Kingdoms. And you were to leave it all behind? Surely, it would have to happen eventually, but why now? Another question circled you like a kettle of vultures. Why did you have to leave at all?
You sank down onto him, taking him in with a soft gasp. His fingers dug into your hips and he hummed, kissing up your neck. If all men were weapons, Aemond was closer to a Valyrian steel dagger than a boring longsword. You would always keep him on your thigh with leather straps. Though his eye was closed, his sapphire twinkled in front of you and you pressed a gentle kiss on it before licking up his scar.
"Fuck," he cried, clinging to you like he was dangling over a cliff by the mere tips of his fingers, "again, do that again." You leaned in, savoring the salty tang of his skin on your tongue.
You clenched a fist in his hair, pulling his neck tight. If you were lucky, he was having a hard time breathing, just as you were. "Tell me you are mine," you hissed, grinding your hips down until you felt him touch where you were most sensitive.
"I am all yours, little doe." His voice was brittle, brilliant tears just starting to shine in his eye from your brutal hold. Your cunt clenched around him, squeezing a moan from his lips. With rapt attention, you marveled at how his tears grew when you tightened the fist in his hair.
"And you will take care of me, protect me?" There was a question in his eye. When he closed it, a single tear fell and you followed its short descent into his hair. "And always obey?"
When he said your name, it was with blissful reverence. You wanted nothing more than to topple the Seven in his mind and take their place. "You are my rider."
Yes. Your mouth stretched into a sharp, lecherous grin as the hand in his hair moved to wrap around his neck. Sometimes you wanted to laugh at the Ladies who mentioned their apprehension regarding Aemond. The man beneath you was too docile to inspire fear in the heart of any woman. Aemond felt no fear in the presence of Vhagar, so why should you feel any when you were around him?
"I..." You paused, kissing the corner of his mouth as you moved your hips in a steady rhythm. Warmth curled around your pounding heart. "You darling thing," you murmured, squeezing the sides of his throat. His answering moan vibrated under your palm as his eye flew open. It was barely blue now. His pupil has nearly finished consuming it entirely. His hips met you beat for beat, his hard cock pressing against that spot he always abused when he curled his fingers inside you. "Yes, yes, yes, my- Right there!" You howled, leaning back so you could take even more of him. Aemond's steady hands kept you in that perfect place.
The slick sound between your legs flooded your sense. You imagined what Aemond must be able to see: your pink cunt swallowing him whole, your quivering thighs, his cock shining every time you rocked back. Maybe one day you could have him in your chambers in front of your tall mirror and watch how the two of you fit together. If it looked the same way it felt, you were certain he would have you sobbing with it.
Your fantasies ran rampant behind your closed eyes. You imagined Aemond on his knees in front of you with his hands tied behind his back, feasting his eye on the sight of your fingers in your cunt as you forced him to watch you find your release. You imagined him begging, you imagined him crawling, you imagined him crying. Heat licked up your legs and spine. He had never said no to you before, never deprived you for long. Your hand tightened possessively around his throat. He was yours, yours, yours.
With a shuddering scream, you hit your peak.
The moments right after always felt hazy to you. You were outside yourself, floating in the warm air above your bodies and letting Aemond move you as he wished. When you found yourself again, you were splayed out on the soft sheet and Aemond was tensed above you, pinning you in place with one eye glowing with hunger and desire. You moaned helplessly as your gaze settled on his hand furiously stroking his cock.
"Can I?" he begged, his face screwing in pleasure, "on you?" You nodded and he finally slackened, the whine that left him pulsing through you. He finished on your abdomen, some of the white liquid landing in your patch of dark hair, and it chilled almost instantly in the night air.
With a groan, he collapsed next to you, his face landing directly in one of the cushions. The two of you lied together in companionable silence, both trying to catch your breath as you listened to the wind and the waves.
"Come, little doe," Aemond cooed and you curled into him, caring little about the come rubbing on him. A giddy smile played on your lips, only widening when he planted a wet kiss on your forehead.
"Are you really mine, my dragon?"
His nose brushed against yours and you let him draw you in to a soft kiss. "If you want all of me, I will give it to you," he whispered, his lips so close that they brushed against yours as he spoke.
"I am gluttonous," you warned him.
"I know." He kissed you again and you could not help but smile into it. Fondness plucked at the strings of your heart and you melted deeper into the floor below you as he placed a gentle hand against your cheek.
As your bodies found their equilibrium once more, the two of you stretched out side by side. It was so easy to talk to him. A dark cloud drifted over your thoughts once more. Whether you were to agree to meet the Lannister boy or not, this... whatever it was that you had with Aemond, would end. It was inevitable. While he had set a golden standard for you, it was not as if you could fuck that other boy to see if he knew how to please you. You knew most women went through married life completely unsatisfied while their Lord Husbands carried on with mistresses and whores, siring bastards left and right. Would that be your fate?
You sighed, running a tender hand through Aemond's tangled hair and smiling softly as he hummed contentedly. There was a spot that made him wince, though, and you scooted closer to him. "Was I too rough with you?"
"I enjoyed it." You smirked and continued to card your fingers through his hair.
"Aemond, do you know of any of the Lannisters at court?" Though you knew he was not exactly the most popular man, he was observant enough that you trusted he was likely in possession of the information you needed.
"I assume you mean other than Ser Tyland on the small council?" You nodded. "Well, there are his young nieces, who I do believe I have seen you with, and his nephew Loreon."
"And... what do you know of him?"
There was an unnatural stillness to Aemond's body before he spoke, each word coming out carefully. "I am afraid I do not know much. He spends much of his time in the city with Aegon." You frowned, staring up at the dome above you. "Why?"
"My father said a Lannister boy was interested in me," you sighed, "but I doubt he knows how the boy spends him time, or else he would never have mentioned it."
"Did your Lord Father bring you to King's Landing to find a match for you?"
"N-no," you stammered, your face growing hot. In truth, the only reason you were in King's Landing was because you had begged to accompany your father when you had learned he was to return. "I asked to keep him company and he said yes." Aemond hummed next to you and you continued speaking, almost to yourself. "If I am wed to him, I will be the Lady of Casterly Rock. The Lannisters are a wealthy house, so I doubt I would be living like a pauper. My father has given me the night to decide if I wish to be introduced to him."
"What stays your hand, My Lady?" You furrowed your brows, tucking your chin into your shoulder as you gazed into Aemond's blank face.
"I do not rightly know." A secret danced at the edges of your mind and you sat up, running your hands through your hair and letting out a heavy sigh. "I suppose I am afraid. And I am not usually afraid."
The candles around you were starting to die and it made your chest hurt. Behind you, Aemond sat up and pressed a small kiss to the back of your shoulder. It was so easy and natural to turn towards him and soften under his touch, to tilt your head towards him in anticipation of a kiss that never came. "Aemond?" You tilted your head back and opened your eyes.
He was so close to you, you could clearly make out the ring of darker blue around his iris. His lips were pursed together. "Do you want to know how many women I have been with?"
The thought of him with anyone but you had your nose curling in disgust. "No."
"Three." You scoffed, starting to turn away from him before he put a hand on your face and kept you where you were. "Two whores when Aegon took me to the streets of silk for my thirteenth name day, and you."
You froze, your mouth falling open before you snapped it shut. A cold wave rushed through your body, quickly followed by heat and sweat. "But... you knew so much! I thought you were at least as experienced as your brother."
He nodded, his expression unreadable. "Yes, well. Unlike my brother, I can read. My family has enough unhappy women, and I'll not suffer one more. I told myself that even if my future Lady Wife were ashamed of me for my deformity, I could at least find some other way to make her happy."
A huff of laughter punched its way out of you. Little pricks of fire sparked behind your eyes. "My sweet, darling dragon," you whispered, wrapping your arms around him and tugging him close even as he tensed. "You've been with only three women, two of whom were paid to be with you when you were still just a babe. What could you know of the hearts and desires of women?"
"I know your heart and desires," he said, "do I not?"
A smile melted onto your face and you shook him in your arms, your heart thundering in your chest. "You do."
"That Lannister boy... He would not please you as I do, not for the pleasure of it. I give you everything you desire because to give to you is my desire." You remembered words he had whispered in your ear years ago.
'There is pleasure in the giving.' He had been between your legs then, the entire bottom half of his face wet from your cunt. You had thought he'd grow bored down there as you had with him, but he never did. In the end, you were the one who'd had to move the two of you along to the act itself.
"So you would take me as your wife?"
"I would give myself to you, as your husband." He pulled away and placed your hand on his bare chest. His heartbeat was hard and fast. "You will want for nothing, little doe."
You met his eye with a sly grin, leaning up to press a gentle kiss just below his sapphire. "Then you will speak to my father tomorrow, and ask him for my hand."
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milkgemini · 2 years
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Pairing: Jake Kiszka X Reader Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: SMUT! 18+ minors DNI. Oral sex, fingering (f receiving), language, eyeliner Jake. A/N: A little Jake eyeliner blurb for you all. Enjoy.
You could hear the roar of the crowd from his dressing room. 
Sitting patiently, you waited for Jake to bust through the threshold. 
They performed beautifully tonight. 
You smiled to yourself as you picked at the hem of your skirt. 
The thought of whiplash crossed your mind as your head snapped to face the direction of the door. 
The handle twisted.  His presence cascading warmth across the room. 
He embraced you with his arms held out straight. You brought yourself to him. Your nose tucked into the crook of his neck, indulging in his natural scent. 
With your arms still wrapped around his torso, you lifted your cheek from his chest to look up at him. 
“Amazing.” you chirped to him, just above a whisper. 
He gave a tight, humble smile back to you in response. 
“You did amazing tonight, Jake.” The skin of your fingertips found his cheek bone, brushing lightly against him. 
You scanned his face, your eyes flitting across it in every direction. 
Your gaze stuck to his eyes. 
His eyeliner was smudged. You ran your fingertips lightly over the skin where the makeup had smeared.
 You gently place your hands on his shoulders, leading him to sit in the chair in front of the mirror. 
“Let me see..” You reach behind him, then begin to untwist the cap of your liquid lipstick. 
A bright red shade. You sloppily trace his lips with the applicator covered in red wet color.
 You stand in front of him at eye length, rubbing your lips together. He mimics your actions, spreading the makeup across his lips. 
You inch closer to him, standing between his legs. your neck cranes down to look at him below you. 
With the pad of your thumb tracing his lower lip, you whisper:
“There.” as if to apply the finishing touch. 
“Do I look pretty?” His round eyes twinkle as his voice croaks up to you, hoarse after the show. 
Your fingertips leave his plump lips to trace the sharpness of his jawline. 
“Beautiful, baby.” You answer his question. 
The pad of your thumb smears the red lipstick down his chin. 
Your fingertips lead a trail to the hair at the crown of his head. You bunch his brown locks between each finger, and tug. 
He lets you without hesitation. 
With his neck exposed to you, his Adam's apple bobs up and down with each swallow. 
You lift your leg to plant your foot on the arm of the couch next to Jake, your other leg directly between his. 
You lower your face to his. 
“Let me make a mess of you.” You whisper down to him. 
“Ruin your pretty makeup. You just look so good.” You speak to him through gritted teeth, using the grip you have on his hair to guide his face closer to your  center. 
You’re on your tippy toes, arching yourself to grind yourself against the tip of his nose. 
He can feel your wetness through the thin mesh fabric. 
Jake flattens his tongue and presses it against your clothed core, positioning himself still so you can continue to roll your hips against him. 
“That's it, baby” you encourage him. “You want a taste?” 
A groan rolls off his tongue and the vibrations flutter against your lower lips. 
You tug him by the root once more, forcing him to look back up at you again. 
“Words, Jakey. use your words.” you remind him in a smug tone. 
You can see the whimper spread across his face the tighter you pull his hair. 
“Please, baby. Let me taste you.” he sounds out of breath. 
“Where do you want to taste me, Jake? Tell me.” you tease him. 
“Please. Let me run my tongue between your lips. You always taste so sweet.” He points his tongue to you, begging to feel your wetness on his lips. 
You scooch the leg planted between him closer to his crotch, while adjusting the other foot on the arm of the couch. 
He sinks himself down the chair to get a better angle, his head tilted underneath your core. 
You guide his head back, fingers threaded through the tresses damp with sweat. 
He reaches with two fingers to pull your panties to the side. He can’t wait for you to pull them off of you, he needs you now. 
His shallow breaths breeze past the wet skin of your lower lips. You feel yourself clench around nothing. 
He watches from below as the rim of your entrance flutters before him. 
Jake flattens his tongue as wide as he can. pressing the flattened muscle to your core, his eye contact remains on you. He runs his tongue through your folds, not wanting to miss a single drop of your taste. 
He stiffens his tongue, allowing you to grind down against it. Drawn out moans fall past your lips. Neither of you care enough to quiet yourselves. 
You continue to drag yourself against his tongue, holding his head in place with your grip at the crown of his head. 
His eyes are round and doe-like as you watch him from above. His gaze already locked on you. 
Jake’s hands leave the grip they had on his knees and begin to lightly trace the tender skin inside your thighs. 
His touch leaves goosebumps in his path. 
His middle finger runs delicate trails, up and down your sensitive lips. 
As he reaches the rim to your entrance, his finger swirls in your wetness before entering. 
He pushes the finger deeper inside of you, past your wet walls. 
You tighten around the slight stretch he’s induced. 
He can feel how good he’s making you feel. 
He points the tip of his tongue, focusing directly on the bud of your clit. 
He plays with the ball of nerves, flicking against it. 
He wraps his lips around it, and sucks at the sensitive, wet skin. 
Jake forces a second finger up inside of you, while simultaneously leaving open mouth kisses against your clit. 
The volume of your moans increases. He whimpers at the pleasure mixed with pain each time you tug at the root of his hair. 
With his tongue swishing the ball of your clit back and forth, his fingers begin to curl inside of you, the two of them swiping against the spongy wall tucked deep within you. 
He feels your soft walls constrict around his two digits, the wet skin tugging on his fingers each time he pulls them out from you. 
Your whimpers turn into high pitched squeals, signaling to Jake how close you are. 
All morals go out the door as Jake feverishly pumps his fingers into you. His mouth leaves its place on your clit to coax you to climax. 
“Give it to me please, baby. I want to taste your cum so bad.” he begs for you. 
He pushes so deep inside of you until there’s nothing left to give. He spreads the digits apart, followed by the coaxing flick of his fingers. 
He keeps a steady pace of both actions, one after the other. rhythmically. 
“Jake, i- …. fuuuck..” you try to get the words out before your orgasm washes over you. 
Jake carries out his pace as a stream trickles from inside of you, gliding down the curved muscle of his arm. 
He curls his fingers faster, and watches as the stream increases. Your cum splashing to the tile floor between his feet. 
“Yesss, thaankk you, baby.” he draws out his words, still focusing on the cum dripping down your leg. 
The motion of his fingers slows inside of you. 
He rides you through it until he feels the constriction of your walls cease. 
Lifting your foot from the arm of the couch, you lower it back between his thighs. 
Jake removes the two fingers from inside of you, and carefully inspects them. Your wetness glistening against them in the light. 
You watch as he brings his fingers to his mouth. He spreads your wet arousal against his lips, smearing the red lipstick even more. 
You’re in a trance as you gape at the sight of him licking the taste of you from his lips. 
Lifting himself from the chair, Jake pushes you back slightly. 
With your thumb pressed into one cheek, and your pointer and middle finger pressed into the other, you turn his face, side to side, as you analyze the smudge red lipstick all over his face. 
“You did so good for me” you breathe onto his puckered lips before placing a soft kiss on them. 
“Can I taste it now?” you whine to him. 
Putting on your best innocent face, your eyes remain wide as you look up to him. You stick your tongue out and flatten it against your chin
You watch as a dribble of spit rolls off the tip of his tongue, landing in the center of yours. 
You swallow in an obvious manner to him, showing him your bare tongue after, with pride. 
His eyes darken at your actions. A wide toothy grin stretched across your face. 
You hear the sharp inhale he takes through his nose before his lips crash into yours. 
Sloppy. Messy. Fast. 
You don’t even care. 
He slides the tip of his tongue across your lower lip. You grant him access into your mouth, and he kicks into you. 
The feeling of his wet tongue gliding against yours echoes a moan from you down his throat. 
Suddenly, there are three loud bangs vibrating from the door of his dressing room. 
“Jake! Leaving in 20!” someone shouts from the hallway bustling with crew members. 
You both jump at the same time, pulling away from each other with frightened eyes. 
You squeeze his cheeks together once more, his eyes never leaving yours. 
“Not finished with you yet.” 
Lust dripping from your lips with every syllable.
To Be Continued… 
Taglist: @gretasimp @writingcold @wowkakashi  @spark-my-nature @gretavanbear
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eclipsejynx · 7 months
A Freak For A Friend - Error and Nightmare
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TW: Manipulation, feeling uncomfortable and hearing things, not respecting boundaries (haphephobia), breaking of limbs (not gory, just Nightmare after the corruption lacking any stable bones), swearing
If you feel uncomfortable with any of these topics or subjects, leave. I’d rather live knowing I’m not responsible for someone's discomfort. If you are reading, please enjoy!
Summary - Nightmare recently became corrupted, trapping himself in the Anti-Void while escaping his AU. He meets a new glitchy friend and wants to be freaks together.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The Anti-Void. A place of nothingness. A place where time ceases to exist. Well, that’s close enough, isn’t it? It’s not like anything’s valuable there, so why was someone randomly walking there?
That was the situation Nightmare found himself in. He recently became corrupted from the apple, so he could barely feel his body. He felt cold and scared. Mainly cold. He couldn’t tell if they were his feelings or someone else's. Frankly, he didn’t care, either. He just wanted to find a way out of… wherever he was. The Anti-Void was all the code said. The rest was just blank, similar to his surroundings. It was strange. He felt so many emotions around him, yet he couldn’t. He felt like his senses were absent, yet they felt so sensitive. He couldn’t wrap his head around it.
Eventually, the voices around him started to scream, his feelings and thoughts fusing and blurring together. He couldn’t tell what he was doing if he was in control. He just felt trapped. He felt apart from his body. He was confused if the thoughts were his or someone else's. Still, he kept moving forward.
No matter how much his body ached.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The longer he walked, the more clouded his vision grew. He felt so tired, weak, and pathetic. It was like the village, with reality nagging at his mind. The whole reason he ate the apple was to be just like Dream. Now look at him. He’s a freak. He wanted to shut them out. He could barely see. If he could, it was just an empty blank space. He grew tired of it. He wanted to see color. See something alive.
Eventually, he forced himself to open his eyes and observe his surroundings. He looked on the floor, around him, and soon looked up.
Oh, how grateful he was to look up.
There was color! Amazing! He saw strange, blue strings hanging from the ceiling. Well, there is no ceiling. Just an endless void up, but still! They held souls from above, each placed in a specific area. He found it amusing as the souls lay motionless, entangled. He wanted to touch them, but he was still cautious. He may be going insane from the Anti-Void, but he’s not that delusional.
He sat down on the cold white floor, staring up. He grew bored and decided to count all the strings he could see. Then he tried counting the souls. The ceiling was vast, making his eyes hurt.
Getting back up, Nightmare walked randomly, following the waves of strings. They appeared to originate from a singular point. “Like a spiderweb,” he thought. The souls were like bugs, trapped in the harsh grip of strings and silk. After walking for… he doesn’t remember. After walking for a while, he found something in the distance. It was a body. He walked faster and faster, and he sprinted towards it. After reaching his destination, he towered over it. He wanted to know if he found a corpse or a living thing. It appeared to be a skeleton, just like him. It was black colored, just like Nightmare’s goop. It had blue “tears” on his face. They looked similar to the strings. Its eyes were closed, probably sleeping. It wore a baggy black jacket that faded into blue near the sleeves. Its teeth were yellow as it snored. “Still alive,” he gratefully thanked Destiny for a while, glad to know there was probably a way out. If this thing collected souls, they got it somewhere else.
Meaning they can get out of the Anti-Void.
His gaze trailed over its body, seeing how its skeletal hands and legs were bright red, unlike his face. Its shorts were black and blue, just like his sleeves. He noticed they seemed stitched. Maybe the skeleton knitted its clothing? Its neon blue scarf wrapped around his neck, the excess lying on the ground next to it.
Nightmare was curious, that’s for sure. The more Nightmare looked, the more detail he noticed. Its snores sounded glitchy, and there were a few glitchy error signs around his body. He couldn’t help but get closer. Using his hand, Nightmare gently touched its face. Its bones were ice-cold. “Probably from staying here too long,” he realized. He gently tapped its cheek. “Wake up,” Nightmare pleaded. The figure’s eyes slowly opened and eventually landed on Nightmare. Suddenly, it jumped up and backed away quickly, seemingly shocked. The error signs around its body started to cover most of its features. Its eyes were widened with shock, eventually covered by the error signs. Nightmare simply sat where it once lay, staring with dull eyes. The thing froze in shock, and a loud static rang throughout the Anti-Void. Nightmare flinched, covering where his ears would be. Maybe this is going to be interesting.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After a while, the glitching skeleton calmed down. “Finally,” Nightmare groaned. The other stared at Nightmare like he was crazy or delusional. Maybe it thought Nightmare was both.
Maybe he is.
“W̵̢̠͂H̴̘̄̂O̷̙̐͒͝ ̴͓̹͔͂͛T̶̫̟́̐Ȟ̵̗͎͇͠Ë̸͔́́͜ ̷̲͖̘̓̀͐F̸͇̲̒Ű̶͎̱͕̂̇C̴̡̞̀K̵͒͊̀͜ ̸̹͗̈́A̷̦̥̭͐R̴̦̆̏͊Ẻ̷̪̚ ̷̼͋Y̵̢͐͗Ȍ̷͓̉̽U̸̖̯͂ͅ?̸͖̣̽̈!̵͖͙̲̿͘͝” Nightmare could barely understand what it was saying to him, but he gave a sinister grin. After all, if Nightmare knew one thing.
It was fear.
Nightmare gave a deep, demonic chuckle. It felt so refreshing to see someone so scared. Usually, Nightmare was the one scared of others. He was always begging for people to stop, to end their torment. He was glad the roles reversed for once. Was it sadistic? Sure. But in Hell, Nightmare would care.
“Relax, darling—”
“A̶̞N̸͙̈S̷̥̏W̴͉̔̍͛Ȇ̶͍̳̎R̴̦̠̠̓̈́ ̵̦̙̃ͅT̷̡̋̈H̴͓͖̗̔Ě̶̝̉ ̵͙̖͕͠F̴̩U̸̪͌Ĉ̵̮̱K̴̦I̸̺̼͑N̶̟͋G̷̨͛ ̴̠͑Q̴̰̞̤͆Ǜ̶͇̹E̴̢͔̜̿̂͑Š̷̤̗T̵̺̀̄͑Ȉ̸̱̦̱̆O̷͕͖̘͗N̶̳,̴̞̭̩̉̄ ̸̔T̷̢͚E̷͈͉͊N̶͎̏̂T̶̲̳̊͛A̶̲C̷̗͚̭̅L̷͈̈̃E̵̙̚ ̶̯̳F̴͙̺̭͂͑R̴̨̛̖̄Ẻ̸̝Ä̵̛̖́Ķ̸̲̳́!̵̞̏” Nightmare gave a playful pout. “How rude of you. I haven't done anything to you yet!” Nightmare’s tentacles slithered out of his back, slowly approaching the figure. Suddenly, blue strings wrapped tightly around his tentacles, causing Nightmare to scream in agony. "N̷̛͙̅͋-̴̝̣͕Ñ̸̥̥̤̃-̶̩̱͓̈́̐N̴̜̭̑͜ŏ̵̙t̸͎́̂ ̷̖̤̈́̅s̴̬͐̂ö̶̫͕̌ ̴͕̩̞̾͗͐c̵̦͇͐͘o̷̠c̴͍̈͛k̶̜̊̑̂y̶̮͛̓-̸͚̹̽̓̑k̴̞̫̈́̈́̐y̸͓̦̞̆͋ ̴͈̍n̶̳̹̒̓n̶͖͉̿͗n̶͙̠̎͛͘ň̶̡͚̮̋o̵̺̎̈́̎w̸̭̙̣,̸͓̘̾͘” “̵̛͎̤̋̅h̵̛̘̘̻͂̽-̸̙̈́̒h̸̆͘ͅ-̷͚͈̯̃͋̕ḩ̴̺̠̍̈́-̵̣̝̹͗h̶̫̊̉͘-̵͚͊͂h̶̢̢̽̏ṵ̵̲̤h̷̦̱͚̔͆-̷̹͎͗̊̕u̴̧̦͑ĥ̵̖͆̈́-̵̫͜͜͠u̸̖̮̇̽h̴̲̄̑?̶̬̬̀́̓” Nightmare could barely hear what he was saying. It was too corrupt. His tentacles eventually morphed and oozed out of the strings. Nightmare glared at the figure. “Why don’t you calm the fuck down, huh?” The glitchy figure let out a deranged cackle. It was so glitched and deformed, switching pitches every second. "̸̛̘̍̇͜Y̵̨̳̖͑-̷̞͇̐Ý̴̭̥͂̂-̸̲̦́̎Y̴̩̖̣͐̈́̆o̴̳̯͆̃u̸̡̬̎̂͘ ̴̪̝̃͂́w̴̤̐̎ă̶̦̹̼̊n̶̫̘͠n̶̗̊ǹ̴̋͒ͅn̴̖̳͘t̶̹̜̃ ̸͚́̍̎ṭ̷̨̳̿o̷̫̙ ̸̰̰͛̈t̷̲̤̻a̶͙̙͇͒͂-̵͔̫̀̚ã̷̮͚͐-̴̡̛a̷͍̹͒̐̅l̴̛͐ͅk̸̖͇̎?̷̩̋ ̷͍̘̎̄Ỳ̷̯͖̜͋o̶̹u̸̺̰ ̷͔̝m̷̮̉́-̷̪̼͉m̶̛̫͖̋̎ȗ̴̻s̵̬͠ṭ̸͐̌̍ ̷̼͍͛b̸̛ͅë̷͍̰́͜ ̴̙͐ń̴̻̼̻͌-̵̟̟͈́͝n̵̢̳͐-̶̲̏n̵̦͕e̵̳͖̰w̶̢̛̰ ̶̨͇̼̽h̴͇̊e̸̤̼̯͑̎é̷͎̼͇̉ê̴e̷̢͎͍̋͊̈e̶̢̼͑̔r̶̫̔ȩ̴̀̕͠.̶̰̰̈́́"̷̢̦̀ Nightmare couldn’t understand a single thing it said. So he gave an emotionless stare. “Uhhhhhh… right. The glitchiness…” He paused. “I didn’t understand a single fucking thing you just said, strange glitchy man.” Nightmare rolled his eyes, not even trying to hide his confusion. The figure sighed. His voice reminded Nightmare of the device the villagers called. It was something like a radio. Nightmare continued anyway. “The name Nightmare, strange glitchy man that steals souls and hangs them on the ceiling. I apologize we got off on the wrong foot. Also, Glitchy Man is a pretty weird name-”
"T̸̺H̵̦̰A̵̬̩̲T̵͓̫͒ ̴͚̌Ì̵͉̳S̸̢̥͖̓̄N̵̤̘'̸͔̯̈́T̴̬̭̕ ̷̙̹M̵̛Ẏ̵̖͖͓͛ ̸͍̤̻̌N̵̞̞̞̽A̵̱͑̅͠M̸̮̻̊E̷͑ͅ!” Now, at least Nightmare could understand a bit more. “You’re… quite rude, y’know? I didn’t even finish speaking, and you’re already interrupting with your harsh replies.” The figure was seething with anger and annoyance. Nightmare gave a smug grin, glad to know he was irritated with him. The negativity felt so amazing. It gave him pleasure. “Y’know, I was going to ask what your real name is, but with your interrupting… Might as well make it official.” Nightmare shrugged. The glitch wrapped strings around Nightmare’s body and brought him forward. The strings were trying to wrap around his body, but Nightmare easily slipped out of its grasp. The glitch went from angry to confused. Then bewilderment.
“H̵͓̗͋O̴̡̠̤W̷̟̙̄ ̴̖͋͆I̵̡͓̞̅N̴͙͙̤ ̷̻̹T̶͈Ḩ̷Ę̶̻̭̾̋ ̶͚͎͙̾̓F̵͓̟̼U̸̲̼͖C̸̙̝̲͌K̸̼͈̊͛Ȉ̴N̶̬͇G̵̻͕̝̅ ̷̟S̷̳̦̊̄͗ͅḦ̸̱ͅÌ̷͓͕T̶̮̮̀̀̕ ̴̢̲̃D̶̡͖̎̃I̵͙͒͝D̶͙͒ ̷̜̙Y̶̟̠̦̌Ö̸̜̺́U̷̳̯͘ ̷͕̦̈́J̸̹̐̑Ư̸̧̝S̸̲͕͇̅̃T̴̢-̴̹̮͘ ̴̝̻̞̀H̷̱̗̖Ọ̵͙͐͜W̴̪̓?̷̲̟̮͘!̸̦̻̘͒̀͗” Nightmare gave a polite smile. “Well, you can’t break broken bones, y’know?” He held out his arm and bent it the other way, making the glitchy figure screech in confusion and shock. It glitched out even more. It did the same as before, the error signs covering its eyes and body. That horrible screeching radio noise started, much to Nightmare’s displeasure. After waiting a few minutes, the glitchy figure came to its senses. Instead of speaking like usual, he stared at Nightmare as if he came from hell by Satan himself.
Again, Nightmare didn’t blame him. He wasn’t exactly ‘normal.’ He was a freaking four-foot skeleton covered in black goop, wearing attire that seemed to be for a prince, with four tendrils from his back.
Now Glitchy Man discovered Nightmare’s bones don’t exist.
They’re broken and shattered.
What the actual fuck.
They awkwardly stared at each other, wondering what to do next. It was an uncomfortable silence, that’s for sure. Nightmare let out a deep sigh while the glitch fiddled with its strings.
“So, what’s with the souls?”
"E̸̛̗͆n̵̛͈̏t̶̩̤ẹ̵̹̠͂r̶̋͆t̷̺̏â̴̡͈i̷͙̬ń̷ṁ̴͕̒e̵͎͒̏n̸̮ẗ̶̼̬́̽,̴̀ ̴̡̳̈́̿b̶̨̢a̸̱̅r̶̅g̷̱̰̼̿ḁ̵̍i̴̗̊n̸͐ỉ̶ͅn̴̺̊̕g̶̥̩̏̿,̷͔̠̀́ ̶̡͔̟͂̇d̶e̶̲̠͠p̵̩̐e̵̎͜n̷͐̈́d̸̟͎̉s̶͆͆ ̶͕̱̎ȓ̷̄ě̸̩̚͜a̶͋l̷͊̿l̵͎̖̋̇͠ỳ̷̯̲̭.̵” Honestly, all Nightmare understood was the entertainment part. But that was good enough for him.
“Ŵ̷͇͙ho̸͕͍̓̈́ ̴̨̧̛̈a̵rẹ̷͊ ̴̓͜y̷̢̻̙ou̷͍̫̎,̴̭̬̬ ̷̟̈́̀̈r̸eä̸l̷̈́̄l̸̢͋̆y̵̟?̷̯̖͕ I̵̢͊̅ ̶̡̅͌ǩ̷̩̃͝on̵̫͌w̷ ̷̛̻̩̪fò̷r̸̢̙̔͗̈ ̸̰̩͛sḫ̵̜̮i̷̒t̴͗ ̸̺̎̕y̶̻͊̑ǒ̸̥̯ŭ̸̧̪̑̚'̴͉̮̫r̶͈̄̀e̵̢͗ ̷̧̊n̶̼͑͂o̶̢̘̻t̵̯̾̒ ̵͔́j̸̩u̷̱͍̼̓s̸͎t̵̹͛ ̶̼́͒s̴͔͛͘o̵̬͑͌m̴͉͎͊̚͜e̸̹͂ ̷̹̣͆͜sk̵̡̦̊̇͆e̷͓͕͔̓l̸̰̄e̵̞̬̐̎tȍ̸̺ń̴ ̴͕͂̇f̸͈̗̤r̸̢̯̈͝͝o̵͑m̵̢̻͊͗ ̴̺͊ä̶̮̪́́ ̵̢͌̌̈r̷̫͚̀̐̓an̷͂̋̏d̷̢̆ö̴̹̰͍m̷̖̣̅̒ ̷͈̏Á̶̜͠Ũ̵͓̭͂̋.̸” Nightmare rolled his eyes, annoyed at the glitching voice. At least he understood what he needed to understand. “Well, I already told you I’m Nightmare. And I’m the guard…” He froze slightly, catching his mistake. “Well, ex-guardian of the Tree of Feelings.” Nightmare corrected himself. After all, he destroyed the tree, turned his “brother” into stone, committed a massacre of his village, and several other war crimes. Yeah, maybe he’s a bit less than “ex-guardian.”
“W̸͖̃e̸̻͇̅͜ir̷̞̹̋d̷̩͖̓.̷̡̗͚́͗̈́ ̵̢̨́̓Ṅ̶̻̑̇e̵̢͆v̵̒̋͝ė̶͝r̵͗̈́ ̸͂he̷͕͂́a̴r̵͇͐̀͑d ̴̠̱͓̈́̃o̸̗͇͝f̵̧̺̈͐̋ ̶̡͒y̴̘̙̋ọ̵̣̀u̵̻̟̓͋͒r̷̈̑ ̵͎̘͉́̒̕A̴̺͝Ṳ̸̩̅̚ ̷̛͓̺̽͋b̷͚͉̏́͑e̷͐f̴̛̖̦̆o̴̲̎́ͅr̵̤͆̾͠e̵̾͝.̴̗̻͑̈́͐ ̵̡̀̌̎G̴̳̬̜̍u̴͓͝a̶͉̔͘ŕ̷̭̍d̵̾i̶͙͙̍̈́̾ṉ̵͂ǧ̷̢̜͙͝ ̸̪̬̂a̴ ̶̄t̶̒̓̑r̵̓e̶ë̶͈̔ͅ'̶̀͝ś̶̎ ̶̣̍̋c̸̟͌͊͝è̶́r̵̝̾͗ţ̸͋͋́a̶i̷̜͝ṇ̵̏l̸̠͋͋͂ÿ̸̧̨́ ̶̻̫̈́̌n̶̖͋͂ͅe̵̛̯͖̜͋ẉ̶̙͔̿̌̊.̴̝͆͗” Nightmare didn’t stop him and its annoying voice. He heard about AUs, and this guy was giving him more information. At least it was useful. “What about you, strange glitchy figure that hangs souls from the ceiling of the vast void? What are you?” The figure seemed offended by that statement. “Ī̴̩̊t̴̂'̴̰͝s̵̛̾ ̴̮͕̀̒W̶̕H̵̔͒O̷̭̘͂͝ ̴̚͝ͅȁ̵̪m I̵̓! ̷́Į̸̯͛̍m̸̓ n̶͌o̶͋̇t̷ ̸̾a̴ ̴̩͒̋t̶̅h̷͊̽í̴��n̷̄ǧ̶̹̑!” “Yeah, yeah. I get it. Just answer me, dipshit!” Nightmare was growing impatient, but he tried his best to stay cool. He saw what the skeleton was capable of and didn’t want to take any chances.
“H̶̅m̶̂p̸̺h̷̗!̸̨ ̶̱I̸̱t̵͇'̷͇s̷̱ ̶͙E̴̡r̴͚ŕ̶o̸̖ŕ̶ ̵͎S̸̤ǎ̷ń̶s̷̮ ̸̢ť̴o̷̩̐ ̵̟͑y̷̛̥ö̸̟́u̵̡̅,̴͍̂ ̴̰̄Ṋ̸Í̸G̷͙H̸͙T̶̛M̶̩Ă̵R̴̠E̴̯!̶̘ ̶̣Ị̷'̴̼m̵̹ ̶͇t̸̻h̵̩e̵̋ ̸̻D̵̗e̴̠s̶͈t̸̹r̷͖ǒ̷͎y̴̬͒ė̸r̵̹̈ ̷̧ö̶f̶̫ ̷̻Ä̷Ü̸Ś!̴ ̵̠T̷h̴̰e̸̹ ̴͉K̴̺ḯ̵l̸̠l̴̻͑ḛ̷r̵̠ ̴̗ȏ̵f̶̱ ̴͉a̷̪ ̵͙̚M̷͕ï̶l̷̺l̶͉i̴̩o̸̧n̶̨!̵̺ ̷͍I̸̪ ̸̺W̴̲R̸̘Ḛ̷Ḁ̵̓K̴̜̏ ̵̩͆Ḫ̴͑A̸͉̅V̵͈̿O̴̢͋C̶͓͛ ̸̟A̵̪C̴̻Ṟ̸O̷S̴S̴ ̸T̴H̵È̸ ̶̥Ù̵N̴̜I̶͚V̷̲E̴̮R̸̬S̴̼E̸̼!̴̧” His voice was becoming more and more complex and glitchy, changing pitches and stuttering all over again. However, Nightmare’s eyes widened at the phrase, “Destroyer of AUS.” He’s standing in front of the Destroyer of AUS.
Holy shit.
“... No offense, but if you never told me you were the Destroyer of AUS, I’d take it you were a man-baby who got stuck here and was too lazy to get out.” The skeleton, Nightmare now knew was Error, crossed his arms and frowned. Maybe he was a man-baby. "D̸̙ȍ̷ë̷̦ṡ̵n̵̰'̴̠t̶̰̎ ̶ m̴͖̓ȁt̴̰ț̴̒e̵r̸͇̂ ̶̦͗w̵̳̐h̴͔̀a̷ṯ̵̀c̴h̵̻͋a̵̤̒ ̷̲̆h̵̹̏e̷͙͝ar̷̗̓d̷̜͂.̴ ̸I̵ ̸c̷̣̔a̶̰̋n̷ ̵ďe̸s̷ṫro̶̘y̷͙ ̶͐ỵ̴o̷̲u̴̫ ̶̤ȋ̷n̴̩ ̸̦a̵̱ ̸͙s̵͚ȇ̴c̴͕ò̷ṉ̵d̴͉!̸̲”
“Oh, but you won’t.” Error glared at pulled-out strings from his eyes, threatening Nightmare. However, all Nightmare did was stand up straighter and huff. “I mean, it’s not like you have a reason, do you? All I’ve done was annoy you and disrupt your sad, pathetic life. Have I not?” Error froze and lowered his hands slightly, hesitating. Nightmare took the opportunity to get closer, circling him. “I mean, I could be beneficial to you. After all, you’re just like me! Lost…”
He stopped behind Error.
Error slowly turned around to look at Nightmare, fear evident in his red, yellow, and white eyes.
Nightmare’s hand gently caressed Error’s cheek, causing Error to crash again. Nightmare gave a devilish grin, pulling Error closer.
“A freak. It would be a shame to waste your talent simply annihilating AUS, isn’t it? You could do so much more. All you need…” His hand trailed from his cheek to his neck, subtly pressing his nail into it.
“Is me.”
Error’s breathing turned more rapid and heavy. The simple crash turned into agony. Error felt pathetic, weak, useless. The voices that Nightmare heard earlier encouraged him to do this, saying it was the right thing to do. The dark aura of fear surrounded them, and Nightmare loved it.
“Trust me, Error. I can help you. You want to destroy AUS, I want my bloody revenge.”
Error covered his ears, trying to block out the voices, but Nightmare took them off gently. His soft touch felt like pin needles to Error.
“Just let me be a friend.”
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weemsfreak · 1 year
Botany...Of Course, Pt 6 (NSFW)
The last part of Larissa x Peyton!! I'm so sad their vacation is over :( So much fluff, sad but happy ending, smut ;) ~2700 words
Warnings: Smut, cunnilingus, thigh riding, etc.
Pt 5
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This Fleetwood Mac song is vital to the fic, listen to it if you don't know it!
Previous part*
As the concert went on, Larissa was swaying to the music, eyes fixated on the stage. She never let go of your hand. The lights reflected on her face, giving you the best view of her bright blue eyes illuminated with joy, and her white teeth showing off to the world. You shook your head. How had you fallen so hard for a woman after spending a few days with her? Yes, you had admired her, looked up to her, and revelled in her wit and beauty for the longest time, but now you truly were in deep. She was one of a kind. She was so many beautiful, wonderful things that you could never have the time to list. She was the mother of the outcasts, the voice that you'd listen to and tell it to never shut up, the sun when you thought that you wouldn't make it in your darkest days, and the moon when you needed to rest your blinding thoughts. She may have been a sight to others, one that they would revel in for a minute and then forget about. She may have been a random tall woman, a harsh principal, flesh and bones to others, nothing even. But to you and your poor neglected, touch deprived, useless gay heart, she was everything.
You both made your way back to the resort, deciding to go for a walk in the gardens. Larissa asked you questions about the plants, and you answered them all with as much passion as you truly had for them. Intoxicated you wouldn't shut up, actually. Much like in your head, you wouldn't shut up about her.
Back at your hotel room, Larissa sat you down on the bed and told you she had another surprise for you. "Close your eyes" she whispered. Skeptically you closed your eyes, and she placed something in your hands. "Okay, open" she chirped excitedly. You looked down at your hands and found a small box. You opened it slowly to find a pair of amber earrings. They were stunning. They had a dark antique boarder design and the amber sparkled in the light as you moved them around. You recognized the store name on the box and couldn't help but think about how expensive they must have been. You looked up at her with your mouth open in awe. "Oh Rissa they’re gorgeous, but I can't accept these from you" you mumbled, frowning at your own words. She sat beside you and cupped your face in her hand, turning you to meet her gaze. "Peyton, I want you to take them and let them remind you of our time here. This was the best trip that I've taken in the longest time, and it's all thanks to you. As soon as I saw these, they reminded me of your eyes, so full of life and love. Take them darling, please." You felt yourself holding back tears as you thought about the gesture. Nobody had bought you anything so meaningful before, nobody had thought of you like this before. You wrapped the tall woman in your arms and gave her kiss on the cheek, mumbling a thank you as that's all you could say, regardless of what you really wanted to say.
You were both enjoying drinks on the balcony overlooking the garden. In your head you thought back to the few times Larissa had questioned you about the plants, something that was rather funny to you. "Riss, why do you ask me so many questions about the plants?" She paused, and taking a dink of her wine she looked at you, her brows knit in confusion. "What do you mean? I like learning about them, and you are the botany teacher" she said, picking on you. You giggled, "I know, but didn’t you win a botany award in 91? You probably know more about them than I do." She dropped her gaze to the floor and chuckled, "Oh, you saw that on the wall did you?" You nodded your head. "Well sweetheart, honestly, I just think that you're adorable. When you talk about them you look so happy and passionate, and I love seeing you light up." You blushed, this woman always found a way to make you shy.
 You were staring out at the tall trees in the garden reminiscing over your first Fleetwood Mac concert when you had a fabulous idea. You ran inside and turned on some music. Walking back to the woman on the balcony, you held out your hand. "Larissa, since we couldn't dance at the concert, I was wondering if you would want to dance here, with me." She took your hand and stood up, wrapping one arm around your waist and one around your neck. She looked down at you with a loving smile on her face, "I would love to, darling." You both swayed to "Songbird" by Fleetwood Mac with your head against her chest. You listened to her heart beat. Usually, you would be bothered by the people in the garden staring at you, but here with Larissa, you didn’t give a shit. As you listened to the song, you couldn't help but think about Larissa's nightmare. What if the nightshade had killed her? What if she was no longer here, heart no longer beating? What would Nevermore do without her? What would you do without her? Would you be back in Europe, wallowing in your self pity and despair? Would you be ashamed of yourself, never admitting the fact that you liked women? What a turn of events that was, for she made you want to write it in the stars for everyone to see, scream it into the abyss for everyone to hear, talk to the moon and thank her for letting you see and appreciate the beauty of women. As you heard a line from the song "And I love you, I love you, I love you, like never before," you couldn't hold back your tears any longer. You didn’t want Larissa to think that you were fragile or needy, but the whole situation tugged at your heart strings, it really did.
As Larissa felt you whimper into her chest she hugged you tighter, swaying with you until the song faded out. She led you back in from the balcony still hugging you to her. She cupped your chin and brought your gaze up to meet hers. Her eyes were glazed over and it made you feel better, yet more sad at the same time. "What are you thinking about love?" she whispered, her soft and caring voice making you sob loud. "Larissa I'm so, so glad you're still alive. I'm so grateful that you're here with me. I don't know where I'd be if you never gave me a job, if you never showed me love. I don't want you to be scared anymore, I want you to be free and happy and live." You paused for a moment, thinking about your next words. But alas, there was no question anymore, you made your decision. You looked deep into her eyes, "I want you to live Larissa. Please, let me take your memory for you." She sat down on the bed and pulled you into her lap as tears started steaming down her face. You frowned, you didn’t want to make her feel worse. Her voice was hoarse as she tried to form words. "Peyton, darling, what do you mean take my memory for me?" You stopped crying, confused, before you realized that you said 'take'. You had told Larissa that you could erase memories, you didn't tell her that you took them as your own. You didn't want her to know that, you had messed up. "Um, I didn't want to tell you, but when I erase memories, they're not actually erased. I get them as my own. They have to go somewhere, right?" you gave her a shrug and a sad chuckle. You watched her eyes widen as she took her hand from you and placed it over her mouth. She genuinely looked like she was in fear as she stared at you. Larissa no longer wanted you to take her memory. After seeing how it hurt you a couple nights ago, she decided that she would rather it hurt her than you. If you really cared about her, her memory would hurt you, but you would offer to take it regardless. If she really cared about you, she would not let you take it. You cupped her face in your hands, "Riss, it's not a big deal, I want to take it from you, I don't want you to be in pain." The woman buried her face into your shoulder as you heard her trying to muffle her cries. Tears streamed down your face as you realized the irony of the situation. Here you two were, distraught over trying to decide who should hold the memory, who should take the pain of her attempted murder when it never should have happened in the first place. Neither of you deserved it, but in the end she was alive. Larissa Weems was alive.
You cried into Larissa's hair, stroking it lightly to sooth her until you heard her start to mumble something. "I don't- want you to- be in pain either Pey" she breathed out. "You're not- taking my memory, and that's final." You wanted to laugh at the way she tried to sound authoritative and demanding in this situation, but you refrained. She finally looked at you again, her eyes red and makeup running down her cheeks. She took a deep breath and you waited for her to speak. "After I almost died, I realized that I was alone, utterly alone. I thought that I had people who cared about me, but when I survived, I realized that I no longer did. I realized that I still wanted to do so much more, and I wanted to love someone who loved me back. I never got to know what that felt like, and I almost died like that. People have broken my heart before, women have, Marilyn did. But what did the most was that when I thought I was dying, I realized nobody truly cared about me, nobody ever loved me like I loved them." You took a breath in as you felt your own heart break for her. You felt a deep pain in your chest, one you've never felt before. You stared into her eyes as you tried your hardest to find words, any words at all. Were you going to say anything to her or were you just going to stare at her? You decided to do the only thing that you could. You grabbed her makeup stained face and wiped the tears from her cheeks. You smiled at her and quickly brought your lips to meet hers. You kissed her with all the passion that you had for her, hoping to convey the message that someone cared about her, someone loved her, and that someone was you.
Tears were still streaming down your face as you kissed her. Apparently you both were full of different emotions tonight because after a few minutes, Larissa grabbed your waist and pulled you up to straddle her. As she did this you let out a whimper. This spurred the older woman on and she moved her lips down your jaw to your neck. As you felt her warm lips on you moving from the crook of your neck to suck at your pulse point, you couldn't help but grind your hips down into hers. Her lips trailed to your chest before she looked up at you and tugged at the hem of your shirt, silently asking if she could remove it. You nodded your head and it was gone in an instant. Larissa laid kisses all over your chest and stomach until she reached behind you to undo your bra. She kissed your breasts hard, leaving a couple marks behind before she took one in her mouth. God this woman turned you on so much, you couldn't help but grind into her harder. "Stand up" Larissa purred and you did as you were told. She brought her hands to your pants and undid them, slowly sliding them down your legs while taking you in. Larissa laid down and pulled you back on top of her, holding you close as your lips crashed into hers once again. She moaned into your mouth as you stuck your tongue into hers, you needed to feel her. You palmed her breasts as you tried to grind down into her. Feeling like the less dominant one here she demanded, "Stay still, don't move your hips." You froze at her tone, but you did as she commanded. She slowly sat up and started to lift her dress up around her hips. You almost started drooling at the sight of her when you saw her white thick thighs and hips, black lace panties covering her. She positioned you so that you were straddling one thigh, but she gave you a look that said 'don't move'. She cooed at you, "Do you want this Peyton? Do you want me?" and all you could mumble out was "Oh god Riss, please." Her hands landed on your hips as she began to move you against her. You couldn't contain your moans as you covered her thigh in your slick, thinking about how hot Larissa would look if she was in your position right now. As you grinded into her, you felt your release coming fast. You focused in on Larissa's beauty and listened to her whimpers as she breathed heavily, this sending you over the edge with a cry of her name.
"Oh baby, you're so messy" she moaned as you removed yourself from her thigh. You blushed and looked down, embarrassed. "Unzip my dress, darling" she breathed and you did so right away. She stood up to remove her dress and before you could get a good look at her she was on top of you, pushing you into the bed, one hand around your neck. She squeezed at your throat as she demanded "Open your mouth, pet." You did as you were told as she looked down at you with her piercing lust filled eyes. The next thing you knew, she spit in your mouth and your eyes went wide, you weren't expecting her to be like this. You swallowed and let out a small giggle as Larissa noticed your reaction and reeled it back for a second, realizing that you weren't aware of how dominant she could be. "Oh Peyton I'm sorry, I should've asked what you were alright with sweetheart." Hearing her words so caring and sweet during something like this made you need her more, but they also confirmed that you could trust her, and you did. You grabbed her face and pulled her closer to you again. "Larissa Weems I absolutely adore you, please, do whatever you want, I need you." The way the words came out of your mouth was so needy and Larissa let out a low growl before making her way down to your core. She kissed up your thighs so slowly that you just reveled in her touch, and she caught you off guard with how quickly she brought herself to your center and ran her tongue up your slit. You let out a loud moan as she did this which made her moan against you. She looked up at you and slowly inserted two fingers. As she began her pace, you were a mewling mess underneath her, you couldn't contain yourself. When her fingers got faster you screamed "Oh god mommy" before realizing what you just called her. She chuckled, "You like it that much, hm?" You nodded your head in confirmation. "You can call me mommy, love" she panted at you. She knew you were close when you started saying "Mommy, please" and your thighs started shaking. You came again with a scream and Larissa let you settle before she slipped from you and gathered you in her arms. "Mommy can I do you now?" Larissa looked at you with a smile on her face but refused, saying that you were probably tired. "Please, I want to. I want to taste you" you whimpered, longing to touch the older woman. You kissed her again, running your fingers through her white hair. "I never thought I'd hear you say that, fuck that's hot" she moaned as she sprang up and removed her panties, positioning herself over your face. You finally got a view of Larissa, and it was way better than you ever imagined it would be. You nipped at her thighs before you licked your lips and dove right in. You moaned against her clit, she tasted better than you thought she would too. As you licked and sucked at her, moans started spewing from her mouth. These were the prettiest sounds you've ever heard. She lowered herself more and grinded her hips on your face, this eliciting profanity from the woman. "Darling, keep going, that feels so good" she panted. You picked up the pace, doing the most you could without much experience. You flatted your tongue, letting her grind against you. Pretty soon her hand came down on the bed to steady herself and her hips got more erratic. "Fuck baby" she moaned loud and you felt more heat travel to your core. As you let out a whimper she came on your tongue, moaning your name. You licked up all of her before you kissed her thighs and let her climb off of you. 
She gathered you in her arms again as she slowed her breathing, your head coming to rest in her neck. After a minute she kissed you again, tasting herself on your lips. She stroked your hair and cupped your cheek as she stared into your loving amber eyes. Maybe after all these years she could have a friend, a real friend. Maybe she could trust somebody and love somebody, maybe somebody could love her back. You smiled taking in her gorgeous features, hoping that she felt at least a bit better now. You gave her a kiss on the nose. She thought that maybe she would give it a chance, for nobody had loved her before, nobody had cherished her before, nobody had looked at her before, nobody like you. She smiled, "Peyton, I want to thank you for showing me respect and kindness, and for treating me like I deserve to be loved. Thank you for giving me the ability to trust again. And most of all, thank you for teaching me, about botany…of course."
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arsonstick · 3 months
uhhhh writing blast GO
this is basically the up and adam dream from ep 16 but with @ctrl-alt-deleting-yr-face's oc hikari and their blorbo bedman (or romeo I Guess /silly)
cringe but free 💪💪💪
tw: auto-cannibalism, eating bugs, a mild panic attack
The man in the red paisley sits, grinning, his teeth glinting crimson.
"Ah, welcome, my dears."
There is an apple on the table, it's skin shiny and smooth. He holds another apple in his hand. Before either of them could say anything, he sinks his teeth into it.
"So glad you could make it."
The man is relishing every bite of the apple, it's sickly sweet perfume filling the air. 
"Would you care for some?" he asks, gesturing at the apple on the table.
"Please, do try it! It'd be quite rude to refuse."
He quickly grows bored of the taste, and chews his way into his fingers, the bone splintering.
Now this, this he seems to find heavenly.
He keeps biting down, the sickening wet crunch of the apple and his flesh mixing together. The air doesn't smell sweet anymore, rather metallic and utterly organic.
The blood drips down his face, mixing with the juice of the apple, but he does not stop. He keeps chewing and chewing, until the apple is gone and he is chewing down his own arm, the tendons and muscles severing with one strong bite.
The two teenagers- it’s hard to tell how old they truly are- have very differing reactions. Romeo’s eyes widen in some form of perturbation, while Hikari simply grins and turns to her purple haired friend.
“Romeo, can I? Can I have one?” She asks, smiling without a care in the world, as though she doesn’t even care about the scent of blood and flesh filling the space.
“…Sure. I’m honestly surprised you could even stomach it.” He responds curtly, finding an unorthodox spot to make himself comfortable while Hikari floats beside him.
She bites down on the apple, but the taste sours in her mouth.
A large cicada, half-dead from her bite, buzzes in her mouth. Seemingly unable to stop, she bites through it again and again, swallowing each twitching chunk.
Her heart starts racing. The cicada seems all too horribly familiar. Like something locked away, deep in her mind. She's breathing faster and faster, unable to stop chewing on the cicada, until a familiar voice breaks through.
"Hikari. That’s enough. You're fine." Romeo spits. She’d assume he’s glaring at her like usual, but she can’t look at him. She can’t think. His voice isn’t enough. It's not enough, not when it's still buzzing in her mouth and the man in front of her is still biting into himself, the blood starting to stain his clothes and face, and he still has the most delighted expression on his face, savoring the taste of himself.
Her train of thought is interrupted when Romeo sighs and appears in her vision.
"Look at me. Hikari, you're fine." The last of the cicada gives a weak buzz in her mouth. Her heart twists for the thing, she didn't know it would die.
"Breathe, slowly. In, and out." Romeo says. It's working.
After some time, she's calm again.
The man in front of them has eaten himself up to his upper arm, the torn fabric of his suit mingling with the red of his blood and interspersed with white flecks of bone. He has not stopped, however, and is enjoying his own heart, having pulled it out of his chest and thoroughly savoring it. He licks the blood out of the ventricles, finding the taste of himself utterly delicious.
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nebulous-library · 1 year
wine & dine
Series: Bungo Stray Dogs Pairing: Chuuya Nakahara x Reader Word count: 3.2k Genre/ContentTags: Not Safe For Worms - chuuya is too sloshed to get it up, he has a broken lizard (a reptile dysfunction), this is mostly ur standard stuff, making out, hand stuff, mouth stuff, cunnilingus, lots of cunnilingus, if that was not explicitly clear, chuuya is kinda crabby but what else is new, alcohol consumption, no y/n usage
[Part 2 - the bonus chapter] [Read on AO3]
**MINORS DNI || 18+ ONLY**
Summary: When your plans for Chuuya’s birthday go awry, he keeps himself busy with a nice bottle of wine. However, when you arrive later that evening, you find that the wine has caused certain complications for Chuuya. No matter — he’s going to have a birthday feast one way or another.
A/N: Taking a leap and posting this without having it beta read (my beta reader has sm on her plate rn and I want her to prioritize herself first and foremost, everyone plz send her lots and lots of love), so please excuse any mistakes you may find. Also really trying to exercise just like, writing for my own body type first and foremost. So this one goes out specifically to the girlies who are taller and thiccer than Chuuya Nakahara.
Anyway, bone apple teeth, and happy birthday to my sweet widdle chuu chuu train.
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7:12 p.m. Boss has me running a couple errands. 
7:13 p.m. I’ll be a little later than we planned. 9 at the latest. We still good for tonight?
Chuuya exhaled, pinching the bridge of his nose. How convenient that the Boss had you working late on the same day he’d told Chuuya to call it an early day – his birthday. 
“‘Oh, you work so hard, Chuuya.’ he says, ‘You should enjoy your birthday, Chuuya,’ he says,” Chuuya grumbles to himself from the confines of his quarters, downing his second glass of wine this evening. “‘Take this bottle from my cellar, Chuuya, you deserve it,’ he says.” Chuuya knocks back the last sip, somewhat aggressively setting it down on the table. 
7:15 p.m. Yep. See you then
He sends you a quick reply and sets his phone on the table as well. 
You both thought you’d been so careful about keeping your relationship a secret. Not that it needed to be one, but still, it was nice to have something be just yours for a little while. Chuuya had been suspicious that some of the others in the Port Mafia knew, or at the very least that Mori knew. And if he didn’t know it for sure before, then he damn sure knew it now. 
The Boss had done this deliberately to fuck with him. 
“And on my fucking birthday,” he grouched, folding his arms across his chest. 
His phone buzzed, rattling the table. 
7:18 p.m. Sorry about this. Love youuuu
7:19 p.m. <333
Chuuya sighed, his demeanor softening. He knew it wasn’t your fault, after all. He was just really looking forward to spending some quality time together. And you would, it’d just be later than he’d expected. So much for dinner, he thought.
At least if Mori was gonna mess with the two of you, he was getting free booze from the Boss’s collection out of it. And admittedly, it was indeed good booze.
Pouring himself a third glass, Chuuya braced himself for all the nothing that the next two hours had in store for him. 
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By the time you got back, it was pitch black outside. You were exhausted, but the tasks assigned to you were complete and your evening was finally, finally coming to a close.
It was almost 10 o’clock now, and Chuuya had been texting you for the last hour asking if you were almost back yet. You could tell from his tone that he’d gone ahead and started drinking without you. You weighed the options of whether or not to go back to your room and have a quick shower, or just head straight for Chuuya. If I shower now, I still have to get ready, and that’ll take at least – 
Your thoughts were cut off by the ping of your cell phone. 
Another text from Chuuya.
9:57 p.m. get bavk faster, I miss yuo
You snorted, pocketing your device and deciding on a course of action. He was cute when he was this hammered. You shouldn’t keep him waiting long.
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Upon arrival at his door, you paused to smooth out the dress you’d taken the extra five minutes to stop and put on for him, took a deep breath, and knocked on his door in your secret code. He opened it within seconds. 
You thought his eyes were going to pop out of his head, the way he was ogling you. You walked in slowly, letting him get a nice eyeful of the way your gown hugged every curve. He lingered on your lower half, your leg exposed by a dangerously high slit. God, he wanted you. He’d been sitting around all night wanting you so badly. 
“My eyes are up here, Chuuya,” you teased, and he followed the sound of your voice the rest of the way up. He’d never admit it sober, but damn, he loved you towering over him in heels.
“A-about time you got here,” he muttered, looking away as all the thoughts of you he’d been sitting with flooded back into his brain at once. Was his face flushed or was that just the alcohol talking?
You chuckled, handing him the bottle of his favorite wine that you’d been saving for tonight. From the looks of it, though, he didn’t need to be drinking anymore. He set it on the table by the empty bottle from Mori. 
“Happy birthday, handsome,” you said playfully, cupping his jaw as you leaned down to kiss him. “Sorry it took so long to get here.” 
Chuuya’s hands roam up your sides, creasing the satiny material draped over your hips and waist as you kiss him. He dives in for a second. And a third. And a fourth. His kisses are quick, but passionate and oh, so needy.
“Gonna make it up to me?” 
He walks backward toward the velvet armchair he’d been waiting in all evening, pulling you with him. You hum in response, straddling him as he sits down. Chuuya pulls the fabric of your dress to the side and snakes his hands to your thighs. You’re always so apprehensive to put your weight on him, and it drives him crazy. He wouldn’t tell you to sit down if he didn’t mean it. He scrunches his eyebrows as he sinks his fingers into their perfect plushness, forcefully pulling you down onto his lap. 
Much better, he thinks, diving back in to catch your lips on another heated kiss while he fondles you. He slipped a finger under the lacey garter that hid beneath your gown and gave it a snap, causing you to yelp into his mouth, leaning further into him. He sank his teeth into your bottom lip, tugging down as he pulled away. You looked down at him through half-lidded eyes and he smirked.
Chuuya’s hands found their way to your hips. He shifted under you, pressing one leg against your cunt as he pulled you down, looking you square in the eye while guiding your motions.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, knocking his hat off in the process and carding your fingers through his soft hair. His face was trapped, smothered in your bosom, but he couldn’t have been happier. You’d opted to forego your bra, he noticed, as your nipples pebbled through the silky material. Helping himself, Chuuya began mouthing over the fabric, soaking it through with his saliva as his tongue toyed with your nipple. 
You squealed when his hands found purchase on that sensitive spot on the back of your leg, stroking gently as he bit down on your sensitive bud and applied additional pressure between your legs. It was all too much. You were certain you were soaked through your panties, as well as the front of his pants. 
You wanted him. You wanted to feel him inside you so badly it hurt. 
“Chuuya…,” you breathed, begging him to give you more. But that was when you noticed something was amiss.
Usually by this point, you’d feel his cock twitching in his pants, aching to get free. 
You sat forward and rolled your hips against him, just to be sure. 
Chuuya groaned, but it was not arousal that was carried in his voice — it was frustration.
Pulling back, you looked at him once again. He looked thoroughly disheveled.
“Chuuya?” Your tone shifted, and you looked at him with concern in your eyes. Hesitantly, he met your gaze, and knew that you could tell. His eyes darted away, embarrassed, and fixated on the empty wine bottle.
You followed his gaze, confirming your suspicion. Maybe he shouldn’t have been left to his own devices for so long that evening. 
You raked your fingers through his tresses comfortingly, and cupped his jaw in both hands. 
“Is everything alright, honey?” you asked, planting a kiss in the center of his forehead. 
“‘m fine,” he muttered. He stared down, looking at where you sat atop his lap, at the damp patch you’d left on his thigh. Fuck, that was hot, he thought. Normally by this point he’d be insisting there was no time to bother discarding clothes, and would be coating his cock in your slick, ready to plunge in and watch you come undone more and more with every vicious thrust.
“We don’t have to do this if you don’t want—”
“I want to.” His eyes were immediately back looking into yours. He really, really wanted to. And the intensity of his stare told you exactly that. “Just need to keep trying.” 
Chuuya undid his pants, pulling the waistband down to expose his half-erect cock. He gave himself a few weak test strokes, but to no avail. It would work. It had to. While he kept pumping, he wove his other hand through the hair at the nape of your neck, pulling you in for another kiss, in hopes that gumption and tenacity alone would get the blood flowing to his dick the way he wanted. 
Uncertain as you were, you kissed him just as fervidly as you had been, and continued grinding down on his thigh, trying to put on a good show for him. You could tell he kept peeking out the corner of his eye to see if there was any progress. Knowing full well that a watched pot would never boil, you attempted to provide him with a distraction in the form of your hands wandering along his torso.
You unbuttoned his shirt halfway, rubbing his chest and moaning into his mouth the way you knew he liked. And oh, it would have been bliss if he were able to properly enjoy it. 
You could tell his faith was waning, and he was getting increasingly frustrated by the moment. In a last-ditch effort, you joined your fingers with his, wrapping around his cock to see if it would be more responsive to your touch.
No dice.
He let out a frustrated wail, screwing his eyes shut and throwing his head back against the red velvet. 
“I don’t wanna hear it!” he bit back, muttering curses at the empty bottle of wine staring back at him on the table. 
You smiled softly at him, leaning in to pepper his face with kisses as you tucked his dick back into his trousers. You shifted your weight forward, leaning into him and resting your head on his shoulder. You raked your fingers through his auburn locks, twirling the ends around your fingers. He pouted, refusing to look you in the eye.
“It happens to everyone,” you reassured, trying to sound as non-patronizing as you could. Still, he scowled.
He knew you were right, and he knew it was his own damn fault for going overboard with the alcohol before you’d even gotten there, but it didn’t make it any less frustrating. He didn’t understand how he could be this horny and still not be hard enough. All he wanted for his birthday was to feel your walls spasming around him, to make you writhe and squirm at his touch, to watch you struggle to keep your volume down and inevitably fail.
“I’m happy just spending time with you, Chuu–“
“Shut up,” he growled. He gripped your hips firmly, pulling you flush against himself.
“What are you – !” You let out a muffled sound of surprise as he cut you off with a heated and sloppy kiss. And before you could fully comprehend what he was doing, he had switched your positions and you now sat in the antique armchair, and Chuuya’s petite frame was leaning over you, brushing your hair forward over your shoulder, never breaking your kiss. 
His gloved fingers trailed up to your jaw, gently at first until he pinched your chin between his thumb and index finger, holding you firmly as his lips worked against yours. You could taste the wine on his lips, sure, but he was intoxicating enough on his own. 
He swallowed down every sweet whine and whimper you offered, letting you attempt to roll your hips against him, despite his iron grip on your hip. He smirked. If nothing else, seeing you come undone was all the birthday present he needed. He pushed your thigh up over the chair’s arm, bringing you forward in the seat just enough. 
When he pulled away from your kiss, you looked back at him through hazy, lust-filled eyes. You looked perfect like this, with your cheeks flushed and your mouth agape. He was hypnotized watching the rise and fall of your chest as you tried to catch your breath.
He leaned in, kissing your forehead before crouching down between your legs. 
“Chuuya, what are you doing?” you asked as he bit the hem of his glove, peeling it off with his teeth.
“Havin’ dessert.”
“It’s my birthday and I’m gonna make you cum, dammit!” he snarled, hitching your other leg over his shoulder, his nose barely brushing against your clothed slit. You shuddered at the feeling of his hot breath on you. 
Chuuya discarded his other glove and pulled your underwear to the side. “Can’t fill you up like I wanna, but I can still show you who this pussy belongs to,” he huffed as he thumbed over your slickened folds. “You good with that?” he looked up at you, his thumb positioned just near your clit enough to make you crazy with anticipation, asking permission before he continued.
You nodded.
The pad of his thumb swiped over your your clit, rolling it in slow, smooth circles, his eyes trained on your face with every motion. This was what he wanted more than anything — watching you fall apart, melting into his touch like you had been before. 
He dragged his thumb down through your folds and spread you open, admiring the way your needy hole pleaded for him. He inched closer and closer, teasing your entrance until he could tell from your flushed face that you needed him now. 
And, well, who was he to keep you waiting?
His index and middle fingers slid into you with ease, and the lewd sounds coming from you were divine. Fuck, you were so wet for him. Each scissoring motion, each pull and push of his fingers into your cunt had you sighing as he finally gave you a taste of the relief you craved.
He massaged your walls with expert strokes — he truly knew your body inside and out. But he wanted to build this up as much as he could. Chuuya slowly curled his fingers forward, rubbing that soft bundle of nerves inside you that made you cant your hips for him. Something about the look in his eyes told you he was nowhere near picking up the pace. This was just the beginning.
As he worked your tender walls, Chuuya plastered a countless number of kisses along your thigh that was hiked over his shoulder. Some were soft and lingered, others were quick as if eager to cover each inch of you with his love. Then, there were the bites. You couldn’t help squirming when he sank his teeth into you, suckling bruises onto your skin. But no matter how much you mewled or bucked your hips, he held you steady. 
He withdrew his fingers and marveled at the gossamer threads connecting them before plunging them into his mouth up to his knuckle, moaning at your sweet taste. He dipped his fingers into you once again, this time working quicker whilst continuing to nibble on your thigh, until he reached your garter, which he took between his teeth and tugged, letting it snap against your skin as he removed his fingers. You cried out, arching your back, and whining at the sudden emptiness.
More, he needed more. And clearly, so did you.
Chuuya gave no warning before diving in, lapping at your pussy as if you were his oasis in the desert. Each slurp made you squeal, and your legs twitched, threatening to snap shut on him like a bear trap. He splayed his palm across your thigh, hiking it higher up the armrest toward your chest and giving himself better access to plunge his tongue deeper into you.
You rolled your hips against him the best that you could, trying desperately to ride his face. And he did allow it for a few minutes, his nose nudging against your clit just right. He loved letting you use him like this, loved seeing you fall to pieces because of him, loved the feeling of your pussy clenching for him, and him alone. 
As you approached your climax, Chuuya pushed both your legs up over the arms of the chair, robbing you of your leverage, leaving you completely at his mercy as he wrapped his lips around your clit. He truly pulled out all the stops, alternating between tactful flicks of his tongue, prolonged licks, and slurps while vigorously fingering you until you couldn’t stand it anymore. 
You covered your mouth with your forearm, biting down as your body quaked with pleasure and Chuuya worked straight through it. He didn’t let up for even a second until your walls stopped spasming around his fingers. 
He released your clit with an obscene pop, and glowered at you.
“What’d ya hold back for?” Chuuya fussed.
You could only answer in heavy breaths and word fragments.
He exhaled. “No matter. ‘m far from done anyway. You’re not allowed to cover your mouth though!” he said pointedly. 
You nodded in response, and he resumed his feast. 
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Everything was a blur after that. Chuuya continued helping himself to your cunt for hours, rarely coming up for air and pushing you to the brink of what you could withstand. You were sore and so sensitive, losing track of how many orgasms your body had been put through somewhere after the fourth or fifth time. When he finally pulled away, the clock read 12:37. 
You looked down at Chuuya, on his knees, panting. His hair stuck to his forehead and face was drenched in the results of his hard work, and as exhausted as he was, he licked his lips happily. As your body relaxed, you lowered your legs, groaning at the stiffness in your hips from sitting in that position so long. With your foot on the ground, Chuuya wrapped an arm around your calf and rested his cheek on your thigh as he surveyed the aftermath. You both looked a mess, but Chuuya would argue that you were a masterpiece of a feast well-enjoyed. 
You stayed like that for what felt like an eternity, until the post-orgasm fog cleared out of your brains. Chuuya was first to stand, nearly toppling over from the way his knees were asleep. It was ironic, seeing someone with control over gravity itself stumbling about. You cracked a smile as he found his bearings and helped pull you up as well. 
He held you close with his hand splayed between your shoulder blades, his fingers toying with your zipper. 
“...probably safer if you stay over?” he suggested, flicking the tab between his fingers.
You nodded, and he began slowly tugging it downwards. 
“Chuuya,” you halted him, putting your hand on his shoulder. 
He froze immediately, looking at you with concern that he’d made a wrong move. 
You glanced down, and his eyes followed, not sure what you were pointing out until you pressed against him and he groaned. 
Two hours later, he was finally hard. 
“...think you got one more round in ya?”
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hiscleric · 1 year
hey y’all! i’ve been going back and forth on whether or not to rework my old byler fantasy au. so, i thought i could share with you a snippet from the unpublished/unfinished second chapter and get your opinions on it! i’d love to know if you think the premise is worth saving. feel free to leave me your thoughts!
enjoy reading! <3
“Sleep,” urged the Cursecaster suddenly, Thistle halting with a single tug. “You will need all of your energy once we arrive.”
Mike glanced toward the Cursecaster. With narrowed eyes, he tried to peer past the lenses covering the sorcerer's own; a futile attempt, as he could only make out the slight curve of his eyes. The knight nodded, the gentle command ringing in his ears before he slumped against Thistle’s warm neck and succumbed to sleep.
In the lands of his short slumber, Mike sat at a feast. He dreamt of roasted plums drenched in spiced wine and warm crusted rolls donned with sweet, hot butter, a speciality in the Dewmire kitchens since he was a boy; plate after plate of tender lamb loin coated in garlic and rosemary passed from hand to hand. Beside him, on his left, Dustin sipped at crisp apple ale and laughed between bites of stewed carrot and beetroot; on his right, Lucas picked at half a roasted pheasant, charred with sage-soaked butter, an occasional response passing through his wine stained lips.
Across from Mike sat the Commander, who held a gilded goblet against the seam of her mouth. She looked different in the light of the candles above; her flaming hair glowed in such a way that it was as if real fire sprouted from her head. In front of her sat a gold plate, piled high with shucks of aurochs shank drowned in steaming brown gravy–a serving of braised leeks covered in bubbling cheese paired with the course. The Commander sat with a fork to her side, yet her food remained untouched; instead, she seemed to feast on Mike’s pointed stare. Even in his dreams, he could not help but shrink under her one eye, piercing blue as if she knew each word before it passed his lips. Glancing toward the patch that covered the other provided no relief, either, for an eerily painted eye of its own laid in stark white against the leathers black; he could not escape her stare.
“Mike,” came her voice, hollow as the bones resting on Lucas’ plate, “time runs short. The days bleed. He is pleading with each breath; his moans haunt our very halls.” The Commander set down her goblet, and as Mike opened his lips to speak, she stabbed into the shanks with the tip of her knife. “You must make haste. Time runs short. The days bleed.” From the puncture left in the aurochs shank spewed thick, clotted blood, dribbling down the stack till it met the gilded plate in a crimson kiss; Mike’s stomach churned, seizing within till the little food he had allowed threatened to rise from his throat.
“What shall you have me do, Commander?” He pleaded, watching as the wine and ale drained from goblets and morphed into blood, filling Dustin’s glass till it spilled over upon Mike’s arm. The knight watched in horror as the stream of red trickled thick down his limb. “Tell me, please, I will do whatever–”
“Your answer lies with the stag. She shall lead you to the tide.” And her grimace turned to a knowing smile, her hand lifting her goblet back to her lips; she took three long swigs, her next words leaking through ruby red teeth, “You must trust him, Mike. Trust him.”
“Trust who?” He asked before he felt the rush up his throat, a loud cough splattering red across the feast in front of him; the blood dribbled in thick strands down his chin, flying off to stain the white of his tunic. His heart thudded loud in his ears, the traceable sounds of Dustin’s laugh and Lucas’ voice tinging each beat–the feast shifted in front of him, each lamb loin and aurochs shank changing into mangled corpses of winged reptiles with slit throats, their gurgled cries mingling with the metal stench of blood in the air. Flies danced atop the curves of their wings, buzzing by his ears and through his hair and past his eyes. “Trust who?” Mike asked again, speech warped by the hot blood pooling with the saliva in his mouth.
The Commander simply smiled, bringing a piece of meat to her bloodstained mouth.
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amalia-uwu · 1 year
A New Friend
An Undertale/ Horrortale fanfic
Undertale belongs to Toby Fox
Horrortale by Sour Apple Studios @horrortalecomic
Fanfictions by me
I don't own undertale or horrortale. The rights go to the respective owners! This stroy is for entertainment. If there is an issue please let me know in the asks or a messages or comments. Enjoy!
Warning ⚠️ : angst, horror, injuries, blood, death, angst, pain, major character death, description of violence, amputation. (tell me if you need me to add anything else)
She was just having fun with him. When all of the sudden the smile was wiped out of her face just like the ground disappeared beneath her feet. She stretched her hand.
Her lover caught her but he didn't manage to lift her up to safety. Her hand slipped from his. She fell down. Her screaming piercing the sky.
He could only see her falling down to her demise. All that was left from her was her bracelet, in his hand. He looked at it too shocked to speak. When he did spoke, he called her name but noone answered back..
She rolled down the cavern. The sharp rocks scratching her skin.
She landed on buttercup flowers breaking her leg. She fractured it really bad. Her bone piercing her skin.
She screamed in agony her screaming echoing in the cave. Some light from above illuminated the dark cavern.
She just laid there on the flowers.
She breathed fast trying to calm herself down. Melina groaned and rubbed her head. Her glasses had landed a few inches from her. She started patting the ground in an attempt to find them.
She winced in pain she could feel that her leg was badly broken. "Fuck" she swore under her breath.
She heard movement. She froze. Who on actual Earth could be down here?
Flowey had seen her. He went to inform Aliza before Toriel could land her eyes in her.
Flowey climbed Aliza's shoulder amd said "Another human has fallen down"
Aliza took some medicine and said "lead the way"
Melina heard movement. She couldn't move.
Aliza walked and picked up the girl's brown glasses. Aliza then walked towards her. Melina was tensed "who is there?" her voice trembling.
"Im not going to hurt you I promise! I just want to give you your glasses is all!" a soft female voice was heard. The voice was of a young girl. Around the age of 12.
Melina was helped up her feet or foot by this new feminine figure.
"Thank you!" Melina spoke. Aliza offered her hand "My name is Aliza" the girl with the purple dress said. "My name is Melina" The woman with the blue dress said. (Its a dark blue dress with tiny soft blue flowers, a black silk belt) They shook hands.
Aliza explained "I'll help you, but you must stay out of trouble. Down here is eat or be eaten. Things haven't been the same since the human before me came.. I will introduce you to the skeleton brothers and we will help you! Just stay out of trouble!" her voice firm, strick yet soft.
Melina gulped but nodded. What kind of shit did she put herself into?
Melina attempted to walk but fell flat on her face. "Argh!" she whined.
Aliza turned back and looked down at her with sympathy.
She knelt and tenderly poured some of the liquid on her leg "This will help, i can't give you much but it will do for now it's magic medicine".
Melina thanked her. Even tho the fracture was healed. Her leg was wounded and in pain but she could walk. Limping buy she managed with their help.
Aliza went home and she talked the brothers.
Melina saw the brothers. She saw the taller skeleton Papyrus with his bloody sharp teeth and his shrunken eyes. She saw sans with this terrible head wound and that frightening bloody red eye..
Sans and Papyrus indeed listened to Aliza. The brothers took care of the new fallen human.
Her legs were sore, full of bruises and scratches. Her blue floral  dress slightly torn in the ends. She had lost her shoes during the fall which made walking even more difficult.
Sans and Papyrus found a place to hide her. Melina was afraid of them. Something about them just scared her to the bone. Sending shivers down her spine.
Aliza promised that she will be with her at all times. Aliza could understand her pain, fear, agony... She knew about pain, loneliness, sorrow sadness etc.
Aliza was quite content that she will have a new friend. It was quite weird that she was the only human in this hellish place.
Melina gave them something to eat and drink. [She had some snacks so she thought that by giving them to the brothers she will be safe. She gave and some to the other monsters]
Sans and Papyrus seeing the snacks seemed to have calmed down a little. Aliza reassured Melina that everything was under control. Well almost everything.
For a few days she stayed hidden mostly from Undyne and her guards. If she wanted to go out she was disguising herself, or she will give some sort of food and walk away..
For days the brothers tried to keep Melina's and Aliza's true nature hidden.
Days passed and her wounded leg had started rotting. There was this nasty bruise. Gangrene.
Sans and Papyrus tried to control themselves. Melina smelled delicious and judging the fact she was chubby.. she must be juicy too. These thoughts drove them even more insane.
Aliza wasn't home. Melina's leg was getting worse and she couldn't walk properly.
Aliza offered her some spaghetti but Melina refused to eat it. She refused to eat her own kind. So Aliza left to find something edible for Melina, (plants, fruits, anything at this point would be nice).
Hunger became too much for the two brothers.
Melina had left some snacks for the bros. She then managed to crawl to a room and close the door. She leaned her back on the door. Taking deep breaths. She uncovered the bandage from her leg.
The snacks she left outside will distract them a little.
She looked at her leg a morbid thought on her mind.
Using the knife her lover gave her as a decorations gift she proceeded to....
cut her leg....
She had wrapped a piece of cloth around the case of the knife and bit it.
Then using the knife she cut her flesh little by little. She screamed tears of pain ran down her eyes.
Chocked sobs of pain caught up in her throat. She tore her flesh and muscle.
Then, when she reached the bone. She took a stone and she broke it. She screamed bloody murder.
She took deep breaths, to calm down her dizziness. She used a little bit of medicine to stop the bleeding.
Her severed leg laid there in front of her. Blood and flesh scattered around the place.
At this moment the door opened Sans and Papyrus entered in. The snacks weren't enough. Not to. Mention probably they smelled the blood and flesh.
She threw some other snacks she had saved. The brothers were a little unimpressed. Seems these stuff weren't enough.
The skelebros tried hard to control themselves. They failed.
"Wait... He-here are s-some more snacks. Eat th-them-m I saved them for you! Just f-for y-you"  Tears rolling down her eyes, she still didn't know how she had tears after the previous incident.
Melina trembled. 
"*i haven't eaten in years.. don't i deserve a bite?" He grabbed her her shoulder and bit into her thigh "HUMAN WE ARE HUNGRY. DON'T WE DESERVE A TREAT!" Papyrus asked behind her and bit her other shoulder  hard.
Being eaten alive was never in her to-do list. She screamed at the top of her lungs.
This heartbreaking shriek kinda brought them out of their madness. She crawled herself towards the door while crying. Her shoulder and thigh bleeding.
She crawled herself in a corner clenching her body and sobbing.
Aliza came home holding some stuff she found from Grillby's pantry. They weren't much. He heard her screaming. Melina managed to escape. She saw Aliza and dragged herself closer to her. She sobbed. Aliza stood between her and Sans.
Melina had managed to crawl closer to Aliza and started sobbing in Aliza's purple dress. She looked down at her with sympathy. She saw herself in her.
The agony.
The fear.
The pain.
This emotions were known to her... She could understand her all too well..
The brothers looked at her guiltily. They apologized but Melina wasn't going near them. Not yet. She was shaking like a leaf in the wind.
She looked at them sternly "Promise.! Promise me! That you will not hurt her or me ever again!" her voice firm, judging by the tone of her voice she didn't pick up objections. She could still feel Melina's tears staining her dress.
Sans and Papyrus tried to heal her injuries slightly. She moved away but Aliza reassured her that everything will be okay,by putting her hand on her uninjured head.
Melina looked at her and Aliza smiled.
Melina smiled back and relaxed. She allowed the brothers to touch her. Their magic stopped the bleeding, however she will have scars.
Heh I guess the scars are a small price to pay for staying alive.. "Th-thank you!" her voice and entire being still shaken from the events that happened before.
The brothers nodded "WE ARE SORRY.." Papyrus said softly.
Sans just looked at them and spoke in a soft whisper "im sorry.." then they left for a while.
They promised to Aliza that they will try will try to control themselves.
Aliza looked at them sternly, piercing their souls. The brothers said "We promise. We will not hurt her or you.. We will try! You have the right to attack us if we attack, if we lose control."
Aliza took some snacks, the ones Melina had given her and gave them to the brothers. That did the trick, soothing their hunger. Aliza took some food and gave it to Melina; which she shared with Aliza "Thank you Aliza".
Aliza then noticed in the dim light Melina's leg "Wh-?.. Did.. "
Melina followed her gaze.
She replied calmly "Oh It began rotting anyway. I cut it. It's behind the door over there. You may cook it and give it to them. It's not like I need it anymore hehe.."
Bitterness in her voice. Aliza said nothing. She took care of the wounds and fixed a wooden leg to move around. Melina was once again grateful and thankful!
Aliza knew that Melina wanted to leave. Aliza got used to it. It's been... months? Year? down here.
While Melina was just some weeks?. So she didn't blame her.
She said that she will try to help her leave. "I know you want to leave, i will help you! Melina.."
Melina wanted to leave indeed but something inside her felt pity. She said "I want to leave.. But I also want to help. There are two of us and with the brothers we might be able to help the monsters. I can't leave you down here alone... They probably think I'm dead up there anyway.. And besides.. you are my only friend down here. The only one who understands me.. Aliza.. I can't just leave you down here all alone.. So I will stay here and I will help you! " Melina empathized and Aliza smiled. They weren't alone.
(Days passed)
Someone betrayed them. Yes.. Someone couldn't keep their fucking mouth shut.. So he betrayed then..
One of the monsters named Treacher the Coyote, had sneaked on them and followed Aliza. She was just taking some food to the poor human (Melina). It was that moment they weren't wearing a disguise or anything.. Yeah... Luck wasn't with them that day..
This treacherous monster  informed Undyne.
"two humans you say eh? Hm it's time to pay a visit in this forsaken town.." she gathered her guards and prepared her way to Snowdin.
Undyne paid a visit to the city, "I was informed that there are 2 humans among us. You don't happen to know where they are? Hm.." she asked showing her sharp spear.
The monsters looked down. The skeleton brothers had hidden them and tried to play cool.
Treacher the Coyote pointed to the entrance that lead to the core, saying "You're majesty they are this way!"
Undyne looked at him and threw some coins and a pear at his feet. He looked at it. He picked it up. She left to meet the intruders "A deal is a deal!"
"that's not what we agreed!" Treacher protested.
Undyne gave him the look and pierced his arm and leg with her spears.
"Know your place little monster.. You don't wanna know what happens to those who dare to defy me, my orders and talk back to me!" She took her spear very close to his neck just under his chin.
Treacher gulped "y-yes y-your ma-majesty!" he stuttered. She slapped him and walked towards the entrance that lead to the core.
Sans and Papyrus teleported away. "shoot.. come on paps we gotta go, we can't let her find the girls".
He grabbed Papyrus hand and teleported.
As of Treacher Coyote.. The monsters didn't take this betrayal kindly... "What did the poor humans do to you? Asshole!" one of them said.
The bunny monster spoke next "They were trying to help us! Even that one new human offered some of her food to us trying to help us and you just give her.. Them.. away?!"
"They would have helped us...! You Gave them away!" Dogaressa clenched her teeth.
She grabbed him by the throat and they all followed her behind. "THIS IS THE  5th TIME YOU CAUSE PROBLEMS AND I AM DONE WITH YOU! I'VE HAD ENOUGH!" she pushed him. He fell down "You messed up really bad this time now buddy..."
He was laying face up. He looked at the monsters. Their shadows all over him. An expression of fear in his eyes. He screamed.
Back to Undyne.
Undyne walked into the core. Her thunderous steps echoing on the metal floor. "Humans? I know you are here! Now come to Undyne so she can take care of you! Come on little piggies!"
Aliza and Melina looked at each other and hugged. Undyne's voice was heard yet again "So.. You wanna play hide and seek? That's okay! I can smell you! Humans... Come out! Come out! Wherever you are!" her steps echoing in the entire place. Her eyes looking left and right.
They held their breaths. Their hearts at their throats. Undyne's steps seemed to be very distant. They let out a sight of relief only for two blue spears to appear out of nowhere right in front of them!
They were found. They jolted and let out a shriek of surprises and fear.
She found them behind a rock. "So... Here is where you little freaks are hiding..? Huh..? Fuhuhuhu... Papyrus and his pathetic excuse of a brother thought they could hide you from me? FuHuhuhu.. You.. really thought you could hide from me? You really thought you could escape from me? How foolish of them.. How pathetic! How utterly ridiculous of them! Now... It will be quick.  I'll start with you (points to Aliza) !!" Melina pushed Aliza out of the way.
Undyne grabbed Melina's soul. She shrieked.
Aliza could only watch as her body was paralyzed by fear and shock. She covered her lips with her hand, eyes widen heart beating like crazy.
What was she supposed to do? "MELINA!? NO!!" her hand stretched in an attempt to take her away from Undyne...
Undyne took the spear close to her neck. Melina moved her head and the spear scratched her colar bone.
Aliza and Melina saw an army of flying spears around them. All, spears at their direction.
Undyne threw her spears towards them. They closed their eyes waiting for the inevitable.
The attacks never reached them.
Sans and Papyrus came to save the day. Sans used his blasters and Papyrus his bones. Papyrus blocked the spears and protected the girls.
Then Sans using his bones he hit Undyne. Undyne groaned in pain and surprise. She let Melina's soul go.
Melina fell down. Undyne started yelling at Sans "HOW. DARE. YOU.?! YOU USELESS BRAT!". Sans stopped for a moment red eye shining brighter than before. He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.
Papyrus checked the girls for any injuries. Nothing serious just scratches and bruises. He stood protectively in front of them. Melina and Aliza hugged each other.
Sans attempted to hit Undyne using his thigh bone. Undyne dodged every attack that was sent to her.
Even luck has its limits.
Sans's attacks scratched her arms and chest.
Sans managed to hit her face /eyes with his blaster. She was pushed back by the force she held her face "You fucked up my face! My eyes! Asshole!"  she spat angrily.
"Oh sorry, I though your face was already fucked up! Heh an eye for an eye.. Undick.. Now we are tie" he teased but she could discern the bitterness in his voice. He had never forgotten her and Alphys's betrayal.
She yelled angrily "NNNAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
Her senses were strong enough to keep up the fight.
She started attacking Sans. He tried to dodge as many attacks as possible. He run out of luck too cause now she was the one who eventually had him cornered.
Using her magic she was squeezing his ribs making it hard for him to breathe. He attempted to hit her with his thigh bone. She grabbed his hand and broke his wrist. Throwing his thigh bone away.
Papyrus ran to assist his brother "BROTHER?!" He ran towards Undyne.
She grabbed him by the soul using magic and pushed him back slamming him in the wall.
His armor cracked. He stayed there not moving. The girls were horrified.
Sans thigh bone landed in front of the girls. Undyne turned her attention to Sans.
"YOU INSIGNIFICANT IMPECILE!  YOU STUPID USELESS GOOD FOR NOTHING SKELETON! I WILL DUST YOU!! I SHOULD HAVE KILLED YOUR PATHETIC ASS WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE!" he felt his ribs cracking and blood running down his lips and nose. Melina looked at Sans's weapon.
She then looked at Undyne who had her back turned.
She looked at Aliza who looked back at her knowing exactly what she was thinking.
They nodded to each other. Melina kicked the piece of thigh bone towards him "SANS CATCH!".
Sans took it and slammed it on Undynes head. She gasped. He twisted it.
Melina looked at Aliza who had managed to crawl closer to Undyne.
Melina took the knife, the one her lover gave her as a gift. She threw it at Aliza "ALIZA CATCH!" Aliza caught it mid air and thrusted it into Undyne's neck.
Papyrus had come around and using his bones attack he pierced her chest and abdomen.
Undyne gasped and gargled, blood running down her lips. She looked at them. An angry expression on her eyes. She clenched her teeth.. Yet she sighed accepting defeat "Well played.. Humans.. freaks.."
Undyne slumped and turned into dust. The crown she had on her head fell on the ground with a *clack* sound. The crown rolled and stopped at their feet.
They sighed in relief. Aliza and  Melina hugged each other.
"It's over.. " Melina's voice echoed.
She took the crown and gave it to the skeleton brothers. "I believe this belongs to the two of you" she said and handed the crown to the bros.
Sans looked at it. And played with it. Was it really over?
Undyne had caused wounds they didn't know how to mend. They can try. They are not alone anymore.
They have each other.
They took each other's hands and walked out of the cavern. Sighing in relief. The cold wind caressed their bodies.
Papyrus told the people of Hotland and Snowdin that Undyne was no longer alive.
He moreover informed them that they will rebuild the core.
The people were hesitant. But agreed to try after all they had nothing to lose.
They helped Sans rebuild the core. He did it right. He prayed that it will work.
Melina went to the surface to assure that she was alive and she was sending food from above till the core was ready.
Once it was finished. Sans took back most of his magic back and  let a little bit of it in there.
Just a little spark.
The trees, power and sources returned to normal. It took some time. But this hellish nightmare slowly turned into a better place.
Happiness was slowly returning.
Sans was crowned the new King. Although he never felt like a King. He was more of a Judge. That's why he passed the crown to Papyrus. Although they agreed to share the ruling.
Their appearance started changing as well... They looked friendlier.
Melina kept visiting them. After all she couldn't leave her new friends.
Things became like before. Well almost. Things turned for the best.
It was a new chapter.
A new beginning.
The end! 😘
Thank you for reading!💜💙
Please let me know what you think!
Have a great day!
I rewrote this fic.
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rupertsfangirl · 8 months
Deathly Longing, Lively Love
Summary: Star crossed lovers one from the Kostra kingdom and the other from the Honlai (hun-lie) kingdom. When their paths cross their lives are forever changed. How will they overcome the walls keeping them from each other and the impending war between their two kingdoms.
Tags & Warnings: Enemies to lovers, Slow romance, Fantasy, Royalty, Think I missed a tag or warning? Please let me know!
Word count: 650
A/N: I met two funny little people (bones) and they sparked this silly little idea so please enjoy this first chapter. Also sorry it is so short next chapter should be longer. Also i may post this one slower as I am a bit more invested in other projects at the moment.
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Chapter 01: Within Death There is Life
Kostra Kingdom
Although there was only death it had never been livelier. Through her window Miles could see her people preparing for the celebration tonight, all filled with joy and excitement. In grave contrast with her own thoughts of dread and anxiety; was she ready for this next step in her life—or shall she say death? Her jaw rested on her arm as she watched a bird, it wasn't your typical bird as it had none of the usual features; all that was there perched on the branch were animated bones. It was only bone just like every other creature in Kostra, the kingdom of the dead. Miles stood up from the chair she had placed in front of the window and walked over to her closet. She knew that she only had 5 hours before the ceremony and figured she could sneak away to Truti like she usually did, knowing this may be the last time she sees her. She pulled out her brown torn up cloak, an off-white dirty blouse, and some trousers; she used this every time she wanted to sneak out and blend in with the crowds. She made sure to grab her satchel from under her bed then continued to her usual route to escape the castle: through the secret passage in her closet, through the kitchen, and out past the garden–which really wasn’t a garden as nothing but weeds grew there. After weaving through a few alleyways and being asked by a suspicious man whether she wanted jewelry, she had made it to the outskirts of the forest. She checked her surroundings as she always did and then ducked into the trees as silently as her bones allowed. 
After traveling about a mile or so in she reached a clearing and was warmed by the sun although she could not feel it. She pulled off her left arm using her right and played a rhythm on her femur. She placed her arm back into the socket and waited. She listened to the wind until she heard it: galloping. She waited with anticipation for Truti’s arrival; she watched through the biggest gap in the trees where Truti usually came from. And almost immediately she saw her, Truti trotted up to Miles and bowed her head allowing Miles to pet her muzzle. Truti’s coat was a beautiful mix of black, white, and brown with her mane and tail being black. She was a muscular horse and had her tail previously braided by Miles, however it was very poorly done as Miles had only ever seen pictures in books of braids. Miles turned to reach into her satchel and pulled out an apple she had snatched when she snuck through the kitchen. Truti quickly grabbed the apple between her teeth and began munching on the apple. 
“Oh, girl you’re so unique and beautiful,” Miles spoke while admiring Truti’s fleshy nature. I wish I was of flesh and blood she thought to herself. After a while of playing with and riding on Truti, Miles realized she had to get back to the castle and said one last goodbye to her beautiful horse. She hugged Truti’s neck and would have shed a tear if she could. 
“Goodbye Truti, I don’t know if you fully understand this but I won’t be seeing you anymore,” Miles stepped back and placed her hand on Truti’s nose “Farewell and thrive in these woods.” Truti’s eyes stared deep into Miles as if she did understand. As Truti ran back into the deep wood she let out a sad sounding whinny. 
Miles had made it back into her room
unspotted and had only an hour before the ceremony. She took off her cloak and put it back in her closet, walking to her bed she fell into it and stared at the ceiling awaiting the impending life changing moment she would soon experience. 
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cavalierious-whim · 9 months
On Edge (Neuvithesley)
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Part of 'Tea and Paperwork'.
Wriothesely seems a little on edge, and it's because he's got a plug stowed away.
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There is something off about Wriothesley.
Neuvillette cannot place a finger on it. They share a quiet moment in his home after a long day of work as they often do. Wriothesley drinks tea as he usually does, only his face is flushed pink and his hands shake slightly, the porcelain of his cup clinking against the saucer. Neuvillette doesn’t mention it in favor of further observation.
Puzzling. But that’s the gist of it, isn’t it? Wriothesley is nothing but a puzzle at times, and Neuvillette has found that he enjoys trying to piece him together. 
So. Flushed cheeks. The way that he wriggles slightly in the seat, crossing and uncrossing his legs over and over. …Nervous? No, no, not nervous; never around Neuvillette and never over something like this. 
“As I was saying,” says Wriothesley as he sets his teacup on the desk. “Sigewinne—” He pauses and shifts slightly in the chair with a soft hiss. 
And then Neuvillette smells it. Bergamot and cream underlined with the spice of Wriothesley's arousal. Oh. Neuvillette tilts his head, his expression morphing into something draconian as he watches him through narrowly slit eyes. “Wriothesley.” His fingers curl around Wriothesley's wrist gently, his thumb rubbing across the bone there. “Are you alright?”
Wriothesley's throat bobs. “Totally fine.”
“Are you?”
“You smell…” Neuvillette tugs at him, pulling Wriothesley from his chair. Wriothesley goes easily, settling over his lap without complaint. Neuvillette wastes no time shoving his face against Wriothesley’s nape, inhaling that mouth-watering scent that he’s come to love. 
“So, funny thing—”
“If you needed me, you could have asked.”
Wriothesley laughs. “Where’s the fun in that?”
Neuvillette kisses the apple of his throat. “Are you having fun? You seem… distressed.” A little. On edge. And that’s something that Wriothesley likes on occasion, being edged until he can no longer think. But Neuvillette would prefer to do something about it.
“I’m definitely not distressed.”
“So, needy, then?” Neuvillette’s hand presses against Wriothesley's waist, squeezing the meat of it. He pulls his hips down, groaning as the bulge of Wriothesley's erection grinds against his own.
Wriothesley hums, cupping Neuvillette’s cheeks, and pulls his face back to look at him. “When around you? Always.”
The skin around Neuvillette’s eyes crinkles as he smiles, soft and genuine, a look reserved for him alone. “Beloved,” he says, his hand sliding around to palm at Wriothesley's ass. “When you say things like that—”
“It’s with very specific intent.” Wriothesley chuckles, combing his fingers through Neuvillette’s hair.
Oh, he knows. Wriothesley is not an easy man to read, prone to donning a careful facade. It’s crumbled over time in Neuvillette’s presence, leaving behind a raw-cut gem that only he gets to see. Neuvillette tilts his face up and Wriothesley kisses him, effortlessly in tune with each other. 
They move lazily, nothing but lingering tongues and wandering hands. Wriothesley is draped across his lap unceremoniously. Neuvillette laughs into his mouth, tongue tracing his teeth before dipping deeper. He pulls Wriothesley's shirt from the waistband of his trousers, hand slipping underneath to tease the skin there. Then down, dipping into the fabric, claws sinking into the soft flesh of Wriothesley's ass. 
“Who’s the needy one now?” Wriothesley tugs at a lock of Neuvillette’s hair. 
Neuvillette nips at his mouth. “What was it you said earlier? Always.” His fingers dip into the cleft of Wriothesley's ass, only to pause. Wriothesley stills as well. Neuvillette nuzzles the edge of his jaw and asks, “Have you been wearing this all day?”
His fingers trace the solid edge of the plug that’s shoved into Wriothesley's ass. It is a favorite toy of theirs; nothing imposing, just a bulb large enough to fill and rest against Wriothesley's prostate. This must be the source of his assumed distress. 
Wriothesley's mouth falls near Neuvillette’s ear. He kisses the pointed tip and says, “Remember the last time we played with this? You said—”
“A pitiful attempt at dirty talk, I promise you,” cuts in Neuvillette dryly. As far as he’s concerned, what is said in the bed should stay in bed—but Wriothesley had other ideas. 
“It was fun wearing it. All I’ve thought about the entire day has been your cock.”
Neuvillette tugs at the plug. “Oh? Tell me more?” Wriothesley's rim clenches around the stem of the toy as Neuvillette’s fingers smooth over his loose and puffy hole. 
“I…fuck. Okay, yeah, just.” Wriothesley's fingers curl into Neuvillette’s braid, mussing it. His cock is hard against Neuvillette’s thigh, trapped by his trousers. It must ache. Wriothesley ruts against him, dragging his erection across Neuvillette’s leg. “I’ve been half-hard all day,” Wriothesley finally says, his breath hot against the shell of Neuvillette’s ear. “I had to hide behind my desk, grinding the heel of my palm against it, but I was still good. I didn’t—” He groans, as Neuvillette toys with the plug. 
“Sweet boy,” says Neuvillette, tilting his face to kiss Wriothesley's temple. “You didn't come?”
“Didn’t want to,” mutters Wriothesley, cupping his face again. “Not without you there.”
What a darling thing. Neuvillette can’t help the heat that spreads through his chest. He ignores his own aching cock in favor of letting Wriothesley chase his own pleasure, drunk at the sight of him finally taking what he needs. Wriothesley smells and feels divine. “Go on then,” says Neuvillette, pressing against the plug, grinding it deeper.
Wriothesley moans, rolling his hips, frotting against his leg. His arms lock tightly around Neuvillette’s neck as he fucks back against the toy. So desperate. Neuvillette kisses him again, this time hungrily as Wriothesley rides his thigh. 
It doesn’t take long; Wriothesley comes a moment later, gasping Neuvillette’s name. Makes a mess of his trousers. Neuvillette feels the way his hole tightens around the plug, milking it. “Perfect,” he says, kissing Wriothesley's brow, his nose, and then his mouth, swallowing those moans as Wriothesley sinks into the high of his orgasm. 
Wriothesley paws at Neuvillettes trousers, fingers tangling in the fastenings. “Off,” he mutters. “Off.”
Half of their clothing is shucked away haphazardly, tossed to the floor and hanging off limbs. Neuvillette tugs the plug and throws it to the side, replacing it with Hydro-slicked fingers. Wriothesley groans as they sink in and test how ready he is. Hot and tight. Perfect for his cock. Neuvillette mouths at Wriothesley's neck, marking up the skin there. Pinpricks of teeth and claws dragging over his skin—Neuvillette nearly crumbles when Wriothesley finally gets a hand on his cock for a quick stroke.
“Hardly the place for this,” muses Neuvillette, guiding his hips until the tip of his cock kisses Wriothesley's hole. 
“Don’t care,” says Wriothesley, dropping against him, sinking onto Neuvillette’s cock in one easy glide.
All thoughts are lost as Neuvillette sinks his teeth into the skin that peeks out from Wriothesley's shirt collar. He doesn’t care either, he thinks, as he’s lost to the heat of his lover against him.  
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