#please enjoy my madwoman collection of people i would like to kiss on the cheek perhaps
zer0wlet · 8 months
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I'm so normal about my interests. No for real, I'm serious. Not crazed at all. Stop looking at me like that, hey, listen to me-
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artificialqueens · 7 years
wrong address 2/2 (Jinkx/Dela) - holland
AN: Thank you so much to the people who liked and gave me nice comments on this! I was nervous about posting it cause I just decided to write something silly on a whim and wasn’t sure how it’d be received. And it helped me feel motivated to finish it so again, thank you all! ♥
I feel like this kinda took a u-turn of some sort, cause I never really know what I’m going to write until I’m writing it, and sometimes it turns into something I hadn’t initially planned. It’s slightly less fluffy than before, but with a nice ending so hopefully you’ll still enjoy lol.
Dela went about retrieving the tea cups and other necessities required for proper tea, insisting upon doing it all herself even after Jinkx asked to help twice. She wasn’t comfortable in having guests attend to things she considered a hosts job. Well, that and she simply liked to impress. Especially when it came to pretty redheaded women with nice voices who happened to enter her life thanks to her own silly mistakes.
As she was heading towards Jinkx to place down her cup and saucer, she felt the toe of her shoe catch on the tiled floor and she stumbled. Panic rose in her chest as she tried not to lose her grip on the china lest it crash to the hard ground. Gratefully Jinkx reacted quickly and reached out to place her hands over the teetering china. Dela heaved a sigh of relief, instantly feeling the anxious energy leave her as she felt the other woman’s soft hands around her own. She looked up to thank her but was instead struck by the hazel eyes that bore into hers with concern.
Dela became flustered and attempted to quickly locate her words before things became awkward. “Oh my, thank you for catching me there,” she squeaked out and gave a small nervous laugh.
Jinkx smiled warmly as she set them down, “Nice china such as this, would be a shame if even a single one broke!”
Dela beamed. She was proud of her china. It was her grandmother’s, whom she was named after, and it held a lot of history for her. Every time she’d visit, her grandmother would make proper tea for little Dela and her dollies.
She held a deep appreciation anybody who saw value in her most cherished possessions, and this…- It suddenly dawned on her that she’d neglected to ask the beautiful red haired woman’s name.
“I’m so sorry, but I completely forgot to ask your name!”
The other woman guffawed. “It’s Jinkx.”
Dela furrowed her brow. “Is that a nickname for something?”
“Afraid not.”
Dela chuckled and paused for a moment to ponder. “Cute name.”
Jinkx pursed her lips in response, but humor danced in her eyes and along with something else that Dela couldn’t quite place nor look away from, though it left her with a feeling of anticipation.
Dela jumped as the kettle whistled and quickly turned to remove it from the stove. She swore she could feel Jinkx’s eyes on her from her position at the table as she went about readying her teapot. She’d be a liar if she said she didn’t enjoy that all too familiar feeling in the pit of her stomach at the thought of the other woman’s undivided attention on her, and to think she thought she was the one with all the control in this situation. Now she practically felt as if she was being pulled under whatever spell Jinkx had cast, and frankly, Dela wouldn’t dream of being freed from it.
Teapot in hand, Dela took a steadying breath as she turned back towards Jinkx who connected with her eyes immediately, harboring a coy expression on her face and sitting primly.
Did she know how she was making Dela feel? Impossible, she thought. But it certainly didn’t make her any less nervous as she willed herself to step closer while Jinkx’s eyes followed her every move.
She swallowed back her nerves before she leaned down just a few feet from the other woman. “I suppose you already know my name from all the mail that’s been collecting at your place, huh?” Dela heard a low hum from Jinkx as her answer and it sent shivers across her skin.  She dared to look up and catch a brief glimpse of her sultry smile as she poured, and regretted it almost immediately when tea started to cascade into the saucer below.
“Oh, damn!” She cursed and darted for a dish towel..
“That’s quite alright,” Jinkx insisted as she watched her attempt to soak up the excess tea with a look of irritation on her face.
“It’s really not.”
“Why do you say that? It was an honest mistake,” Jinkx tried, keeping her voice soft and sympathetic sounding as she sensed something more than just spilt tea was the issue.
“But that’s just it, isn’t it? Everything I do is an ‘honest mistake’.”
Dela was frustrated with herself, and even more so over the fact that she’d let her guest see it. She willed for the tears she could feel gather at the corners of her eyes not to fall in front of this woman who she barely knew, but so much wished to know, and hoped that she hadn’t ruined everything now that she saw just how silly she was.
As she willed herself to stop fussing she let out a quiet, “I’m sorry.”
She wasn’t sure where things should go from there, she felt frozen and couldn’t bare to look at Jinkx as she heard her stand.
Fear rose up as Dela felt her come close. Her scent was faintly floral and sweet, but it did nothing to qualm the inevitable dread that she felt with every passing second while nothing was said.
The slightly shorter woman let out a small gasp when Jinkx’s hand slowly tucked a piece of Dela’s perfect dark hair behind her ear, then gently cupped the side of her face.
“You did nothing wrong,” Jinkx spoke softly, “You’ve been nothing but lovely to me, and…” she paused, wanting to choose her words carefully, “…even though I don’t know you, I can tell that you’ve got a really beautiful heart that just wants to make people happy and that’s a wonderful, rare thing and so so special,” she emphasized.
“So please, don’t be sorry.” Jinkx stroked her thumb across Dela’s cheek briefly, “Cause you could poison me with one of those cupcakes and I’d probably still think you were cute.”
That got a giggle out of Dela, who turned her face slightly and peered up at Jinkx, who had incredulously managed to make her feel better rather than worse.
“You think I’m cute?” Dela batted her lashes.
“Only since you opened the door. I’m sure I didn’t look cute, though…” Jinkx winced when she remembered how ticked off she’d been, not to mention the four flights of stairs she’d climbed.
“You did look a little, um, irritated.” Dela tried not to laugh, she honestly thought she had looked like a madwoman. “But once you stopped looking like a vein might burst in your forehead I thought you were pretty stunning.” She blushed at her confession for she normally wasn’t this forward.
“Stunning, huh?” Jinkx exclaimed warmly and lowered her hand to rest against the side of her neck.
Dela moved so she was fully facing the redhead, and lifted her face up hopefully, catching the other woman’s eyes.
“Very much so,” she whispered. She saw Jinkx glance at her lips, but she hesitated. For a moment Dela feared she’d said something wrong, until she heard her speak again.
“Would it be alright if I kissed you?”
Dela didn’t answer, but instead threw her arms around the taller woman and captured her lips with her own. She could tell she’d surprised her, but Jinkx quickly recovered and returned the kiss enthusiastically as she wrapped her arms around Dela’s middle and held her close. She was soft against her and they kissed slowly and languidly, not wanting to rush anything, wanting to enjoy the feel of each other’s mouths caressing.
When the kiss started to die down, Jinkx chuckled faintly against Dela’s lips and pulled away.
“What’s so funny?” Dela cocked an eyebrow.
“Nothing, just wondering if you lure all women into your life like this… with the promise of cupcakes and tea.” Jinkx said with a cat-like grin.
Dela returned her smile and shook her head.
“Only the pretty ones.”
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