#please don't add drama to this post begging y'all
goldenworldsabound · 2 years
Random advice hours with Wendy
For those who never know what to say in conversation: if you're not sure, a good thing is always to ask more about the other person. For example, following up on what they mentioned ("you said you were working on a drawing, what is it of?" As an example) or asking how their day is. The other person will feel listened to and most likely will be happy to answer!
It's important though that you don't internalize this to mean you can't ever talk about yourself. In fact, if the other person isn't reciprocating and asking you questions back, that may be a social engagement that isn't worth the energy you're putting into it.
Treat others the way you want to be treated - in this particular case, asking them about their interests (whether that's faves or hobbies or what have you) and actually engaging with that answer to show you care about what they have to say.
(And please don't misunderstand - I know it can be hard to come up with these questions! I struggle too! But thinking of it from this perspective helps me direct my energy.)
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plantpest · 1 year
Reading comprehension? What about basic writing abilities for yourself first before you write your (inadequate) musings on some tumblr drama you think you feel radical enough to join on like pack wolf or even just some sprinkling of basic human decency. Are you too scared to post your anons because you are getting called out for your previous negligent rallying comments on how to harass someone online properly or what?
What about basic writing abilities for yourself
1. english is not my first language 2. if something is unclear there's several niftly ways to ask for clarity (i'm thinking the ask box, private messaging, the comment field and the reblog+add comment function). i understand this can be too hard for some people to comprehend, but i'm sure you'll learn one day
What about basic writing abilities for yourself first before you write your (inadequate) musings on some tumblr drama you think you feel radical enough to join on like pack wolf or even just some sprinkling of basic human decencyasic human decency.
ever heard of basic writing abilities? sentence structuring, maybe a comma here and there..?
to your point (i think): yah i feel radical enough to name and shame people who don't feel that, as an example, trans women has the right to be treated like women or have the right to get their basic humans needs filled, such as housing, not being harassed, not getting their murderers getting away with "trans panic" defences...
i have and will continue to namedrop people whose opinions are, in my opinion, dangerous. it's my blog lmao, i do whatever the fuck i want. before now, only one person decided to be fussy about it but it never derailed. in the case with kate i tried to be very clear about what i felt was adequate evidence for my stance, while being understanding to her situation beside this. i also tried to reach out to her privately but she decided to be a fucking ass about it, which made me lose p much all patience with her
Are you too scared to post your anons because you are getting called out for your previous negligent rallying comments on how to harass someone online properly or what?
i mean, most anons are "bleh bluh u a meanie" so i don't really feel like posting them. i guess i could, but why on earth would i. i try to address those who actually seem to have some kind of substance to them beside being insults. this blog is a plant specific side blog on which i blog about my plants as well as reblogging things related to plants, be it pretty pictures, art or plant care. do you really think my followers want to see a bunch of anons slinging insults at me? do you really think that i want to fill my blog with that shit? so far NO anon has actually have any real substance to them! not you, no anyone else. i'm kind of fucking begging y'all to give me proof i'm baselessly harassing people, but i'm getting nothing because no one has anything. WHERE have i rallied anyone to harass anyone else? because i can only find things where i try to do the opposite
can people stop sending shit now please? i really don't want to turn anon off for several reasons, but if you only come here to insult me i will. we can have an adult conversation about whatever issues you might have, or we'll have none at all
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Hey! Guess what I finally finished! The last analysis post from a few days ago! (If y'all want to request more characters feel free! I enjoy writing these!) Tossing these two together because I find their friendship in canon very interesting and I want to discuss it as well
Techno as a character can't quite be analyzed in the same way as most other characters, because cc!Techno isn't playing him as a character in a political drama, he's playing him as a character in a dark comedy he has motivations and feelings that impact the story and the other characters in a significant way, but as far as his narrative goes, none of it holds the same weight for c!Techno. This manifests in universe as nearly nonexistent empathy, which doesn't make Techno a bad/inherently evil character.
My main concern with Techno as far as justifying his character's actions goes, is that he is never narratively punished for them. There was the butcher army, sure, but he didn't actually lose a life or anything else worthwhile from the conflict, in the end. Techno's character is very static - he doesn't learn or grow or change, is never proven wrong, which can be a little frustrating (and this is by design! cc!Techno knows his character's callous and a bit of a dick, he's not meant to be entirely blameless. That wouldn't be any fun). c!Techno blowing up L'Manburg isn't meant to be entirely justified, but it does line up with his established character and it is possible to understand how he came to the conclusions he came to. Man's just really out of the loop.
The same could be said for c!Philza - his most recent lore stream shed a lot of light on his motivations and why he feels the way he does. To the best of his knowledge, L'Manburg just randomly turned on his son and drove him to destroy his own nation, drove him to suicide. To the best of his understanding, Tubbo was some power-hungry tyrant long before Phil himself showed up. When they used him to get to the people he cared about, trapped him in his home, tried to kill his closest friend on the server...it's very easy to understand why Phil did what he did. Finishing the job his son started, finally destroying the nation that killed his son, that must have seemed like the only option based on what he knew.
Both Phil and Techno are very out of the loop. The only really trust each other, they detach themselves from everyone else, yet still think they know what's best for everyone when they do get involved. They're very flawed, very powerful players, but man do they need to branch out a bit more.
I'm excited to see where the crumbs of Redza lore we've gotten will take us. I wouldn't want to see a rift in Phil and Techno's relationship due to some disagreement, I just don't think it would add anything to the story, but if they're forced to oppose each other outside of their own control, well...Techno wouldn't be able to bring himself to hurt Phil indeed. Also Phil please don't use systemphobic tropes with the colorzas I am begging
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