#please don’t take what I say so deeply that you have to lecture me sjsjsjsjak
evansbby · 2 years
Ok, first of all, I love your hot takes. Always good to hear both sides to get things into perspective. So don't apologise, be confident with your interpretations, and just maybe try to (it's your blog, do whatever you want) tone down the undercurrents of rudeness (sometimes they are there, other times they aren't, and please don't take this personally). Also, the movie seems like a good one-time watch. A popcorn flick of you may, now I know that might not be everyone's taste and that's ok. Some people like watching critically acclaimed movies, while some just want popcorn flicks to get entertained, and that's it. And honestly, that might be just my hot take, so I don't mind if you disagree, but maybe he is just not that into doing serious films, as he was pre marvel, or maybe he just wanted to be in a popcorn flick. Also, as far as that female James Bond comment is concerned, could you like tell me the exact interview. Coz I watched this one where Ana and he were with the Radio jockey in London I guess, where they were asked about Rege Jean Page being a potential next Bond, and he swerved it to say that Ana could play, coz she was great in her cameo in a previous Bond film. Was that what you were talking about, or was it another interview? Also as far as male celebrities are concerned, especially, be it any country, east, or west doesn't matter much. Simp over their looks sure, but never have high expectations as far as feminism or issues in that bracket are considered. Two reasons, for me personally, it's always better to be pleasantly surprised, and 2nd which I deem more important, if you have fewer expectations, its easier to have a discourse if necessary, coz then you aren't setting yourself up for disappointment and can minimize the hurt to rationalize the discussion. Always good to share views here though :)
I stopped reading after “try to tone down the undercurrents of rudeness” I’m ngl
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