#please do us a favor ryuk
honeybewrites · 4 months
Character Voice Tag 6
Thank you @katenewmanwrites for the tag!! Part 1 is here, 2 here, 3 here, 4 here, and 5 here!
Rules: Rewrite the line of dialogue from the person who tagged you into the voice of your OC! Pass on the tag with a new line of dialogue.
My line: "Pass me the wrench, will you?"
Echoes of War Chronicles OCs!
Asset 703: "Give me that." *gestures very vaguely in the direction of what she needs, but does not specify what she is asking for.*
Fres: "Hey, can you hand me that wrench? You're a little closer than I am and I really don't want to let go of this in case it breaks on me."
Rage: "Can you do me a favor and grab that wrench for me please? Thank you."
Legend of the Ancients OCs!
Ryuk: "I need that wrench."
Emaeh: "Hey Vern! Grab me that wrench will you? No, no, it's the other one. To the left. Yeah that one."
Vern: *could not tell you what a wrench is used for or how to use one himself*
Tagging @anaisbebe and anyone else who wants to hop on!!
Your line: "You're still alive?"
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kikyan · 4 years
Yandere Light Yagami x Reader 
TW: Yandere, Mentions, and depictions of Sexual Assault towards the Reader, 
I do not condone these actions in real life and this is purely fictional and should be taken as fiction. 
Check at the end for the yandere discord link if you’re interested in joining! 
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A loud gasp left [Reader], eyes wide and sweat covering their body in fright. Same shit, different day. Another nightmare and one that no matter how hard they tried, they couldn’t run away. Sitting up in their bed, they held their head with their hands. Rubbing their eyes slightly to get accustomed to their surroundings. Turning their head slightly, they were met with their alarm clock that read ‘4:39’. 
It was too early to wake up but they couldn’t go back to sleep no matter how hard they tried. They looked over to their desk to see their homework from last night. It was an essay about the justice system and morals/ethics that was based on a book they were reading in class. It wasn’t completed just yet because [Reader] lost the motivation to write it, but since they were awake they might put their extra time to some use. Walking over to their desk, they reached for the chair before stopping. 
‘ I should get a drink of water…’ 
[Reader] quietly left their room, making sure not to disturb their mother who was surely sleeping in. As they went to the kitchen, they reached for a cup of water and gulped it down in one go. Rubbing their throat to soothe an ache, they went for another cup but took it upstairs. Sitting at their desk and looking over to obtain a pencil, scanning the contents of the assignment, requirements, and what was already written. It wasn’t a lot, just their name and date. Starting with a small thesis that highlighted their main points, they scoffed before looking out their window. It was pitch dark but what they were trying to see wasn’t anything in particular, except for the home that was next to them. It was abandoned and no one was inhabiting it at the moment, but there were so many memories that rest in the very pavement that makes up the home. 
Glaring at the house and with a scoff, determination raged inside them as they looked over to their paper. They knew what to write, they knew the feelings they wanted to convey, they knew what justice they wanted at that moment, ethical or not. By the time they finished, it was almost time to get ready so [Reader] ensured that their paper was safely stored away before going about their morning routine to prepare for school. As they finished and were about to head off, they stopped right in front of the house next to them. It was pretty, but beauty isn’t judged from the outside but the inside, the only sad thing is that inside it was like the core of a rotten apple. Inside was horrid and distasteful, but that was downplaying what really transpired in that house. Whereas the outside of the apple was certainly more appealing and so was the house as if it weren’t untouched by time itself. [Reader] bit their lip before turning away from the house, it was best forgotten right now. Making their way to class, they sat down in their assigned seat waiting for the teacher. Looking to the side staring into space, they didn’t notice that someone took his seat next to them, none other than Light Yagami. It wasn’t until they turned to look at their peers did they notice him next to them reading a book. Light looked up and turned to face them, a small smile before saying ‘Good morning’. [Reader] nodded and returned the greeting, before facing the other way, until his voice woke them from his trance. 
“ Are you alright [Reader]? You seem awfully quiet.” 
“ Just tired, what about you?” 
“ Same old. Did you have any trouble with the assignment?” 
[Reader] was quiet for a second, Light reading into it but [Reader] noticed and quickly replied with a ‘No, not really.’ 
“ I see, did you write about anything particular?” 
“ W-!” 
“ Good morning class, I’ll be taking attendance now so please settle down in your assigned seat.” 
[Reader] mentally thanked the teacher for making it in the nick of time. Light Yagami, was an exceptional student no doubt, taking both regular and additional classes yet still managing to get his assignments all turned in on time. He was often paired with [Reader] for group or partnered assignments so they developed a bit of an acquaintance. Friends maybe but anything else would be over-stretching it. They were left pondering his question, yeah they were a bit close but not that much, was there a specific reason for him asking them questions? 
‘ No I’m just reading into it too much, it must be with the cases that are arising with these so-called criminals dropping dead. Maybe he wanted to know if what I was writing was directed towards that? Even then, what interest does he have with that-?’ 
A soft nudge on their arm woke them up, turning to look at Light in confusion. 
“[Reader’s Full Name]”. 
“ Here.” 
The teacher went off to call more names, [Reader] turned to look at Light who just smiled in return. 
“ Sorry, the teacher was nearing your name and you seemed out of it, thought I would get you back.” 
“ O-oh, thank you I guess…” 
That was the end of the conversation, Light facing the class and paying attention with [Reader] trying to do the same but their mind was clouded with both this morning and Light. 
‘ What was that about….?’ 
It wasn’t until the end of class where the teacher offered to collect the papers but was called to attend an emergency. 
“ Class representative, do me a favor and collect the papers and drop them off at my office. Excuse me.” 
With that, the teacher was gone and the representative gathered the class’s attention. They began to pass up their paper and the bell for dismissal rang. Everyone proceeded to head out, groups forming and discussing after-school activities such as the arcade or a sweets shop. [Reader] packed their bags and proceeded to walk towards the entrance until Light stopped them. 
“ [Reader]! Would you like to walk home together, I don’t have cram school to-!?” 
“ Yagami! I was wondering if you wanted to help me deliver these papers to the teacher’s office?” 
[Reader] saw this as a chance to deny his offer, “ Sorry Light, but maybe some other time?” 
“ Sure.” 
Light walked with the class representative and headed to the teacher’s office. The representative attempted to make an idle chat with Light, but he wasn’t interested. He replied softly and short, the walk there was awkward but it was even more when the teacher wasn’t present in their office. 
“ I-ll goes and try to find them, are you okay with staying here until then?” 
“ Of course.” 
When the representative left, Light averted his gaze to the papers and lightly skimmed the names until he got to the one he wanted to read upon. 
‘ [Reader’s Full Name]’ 
He grabbed their paper and skimmed the content of the assignment, intrigued with their interpretation of the justice system. While his ideas clashed a bit with theirs, he was understanding of their origin. No matter, he would just have to fix that, change it, he just had to show them how the world truly is and how better it would be without those fears. Upon further reading, he began to see how they agreed with Kira in terms of punishment for the criminals. There was more but this was certainly interesting to find more of their thinking pattern, was it possible that Light had found someone worthy of sharing his ideals? 
He contemplated keeping their paper but he realized that if he took it [Reader] would probably get missing in their assignment. The teacher came into the room and thanked the representative and Light for helping them. They both excused themselves and Light proceeded to walk away, his thoughts on [Reader]. 
‘ You seem awfully interested in that other human. By any chance could it be that you’re willing to let them know about the death note?’ 
Light closed his eyes and avoided speaking, he still was in the city and not closer to the streets by the houses that were a bit more secluded. 
‘ Hey, Light!’ 
“ How many times have I told you Ryuk, talking to me when we are in public is risky and as a matter of fact I may.” 
‘ You think us talking is risky, isn’t letting that other human know riskier?’
“ Yes, sharing information about the Death Note is more than risky, but it may be better to have more than two people knowing about it. If our views match up they can be both a great partner and a good alibi when people start suspecting me. If our views don’t match up, then I’ll simply have their memories erased.” 
‘You’re going to let them touch the Death Note too?’
“ In life, you have several people, those who have to see to believe or those who will place their faith blindly in some people. [Reader] doesn’t strike me as the latter so I’ll go with the first one. Besides, if I told them and they did turn, erasing their memories would be a bit more work and risky.” 
‘Okay but why them?’
“ Because…[Reader] is someone who you can either bring up or break down. [Reader] is someone who won’t throw a hysteria when faced with the unknown and based on this essay I suspect that there is more to them than what they lead on. That is an advantage over them, but if they step wrong it could also be their downfall. Besides, I’ve always enjoyed my conversations with [Reader], they say so little but so loudly at the same time. Quite interesting.” 
‘Light has a crush on someone!’
“ I won’t waste my time on such things, right now I can’t afford to fall for that. My priority is reshaping and rebuilding this world as their new God.” 
The conversation was cut short as Light went inside his home and up to his room. He examined the essay through many viewpoints and established that there must have been someone that they hated or wanted to receive punishment, but who? 
[Reader] walked to their room and with a heavy sigh collapsed on their bed. Their mother was nowhere to be seen but they were probably out shopping as groceries were lying about in their kitchen. They rested for a while before heading downstairs to put the groceries away, the T.V playing in the background. It wasn’t anything serious until the news segment was announced. 
‘ Breaking news! It is rumored to believe that [Inmate Name] may be released this upcoming week for good behavior. It seems that there have been sever-’ 
Silence. The T.V was turned off as [Reader] began panicking and hyperventilating. Memories of that morning began rushing to their head and their body began to enter into an automatic response, their knees weak but adrenaline was pumping. There was no one around them to assist them so they began to assess the situation themselves. Their heart was racing but it wasn’t anything too serious, just a panic attack and not a heart attack. They tried to steady their breathing by counting and focusing their attention on an object of some sort. They turned to a small painting of a floral garden that their mother had on the wall, they began to engrave all their focus on it trying to steady their breathing. Slowly but surely they began to calm down, but the uneasiness was still there. After a while, they grabbed a glass of water and calmly began to drink the water. The groceries were almost all put away but [Reader] left the non-perishables out as they went up to their room and began to lie on the bed. Sleep slowly overcame them, their dreams turned into nightmares. 
It was a hot summer, but the kids were out and still playing out by the park. [Reader] and some neighboring kids were out and about playing tag. 
“ I want to be it!” 
“ No! You were it last time!” 
“ How about we play rock-paper-scissors to determine who is it?” 
“ Fine!” 
“ Aw darn it I lost!”
“ And I didn’t win this time either!” 
“ Well, the rest of you hide and I’ll go count.” 
The kids scattered and began hiding in some spots, [Reader] struggled to find a spot that wasn’t already claimed by the other kids. Those were all her spots that guaranteed her success, but the other kids took them. [Reader] asked if they could hide with the other kids but they all shushed them away. 
[Reader] was running out of time until they heard a voice. 
“ Hey [Reader] are you playing hide-n-go-seek?” 
“ Y-yeah. . .” 
“ Here, why don’t you hide behind me?” 
A man with a warm smile offered, the man wasn’t a stranger at all to [Reader] or their family since he was their father’s co-worker and best friend. 
“ Okay!” 
They were hiding and they were doing a pretty good job, they weren’t at all found until they all decided to call off the game. 
“ We can’t find [Reader]! Where are they?” 
“ [Reader]! You win so just come out!” 
[Reader] popped out from where the stranger was and laughed, “ So I win again!” 
“ Where were you? We were so worried!” 
“ I was hiding behind him!” 
[Reader] pointed at the man on the bench, he waved softly. The kids felt a bit uneasy but their mothers came to collect the kids. [Reader]’s mom showed up to collect her but stopped when she saw the man. She smiled and waved at him. 
“ What are you doing out here?”
“ Oh, miss [Last Name]. I was going grocery shopping when I spotted [Reader] playing. Hope I didn’t interrupt or do something wrong.” 
“ No that’s quite alright, I was just surprised. Though it’s a bit late for groceries.” 
“ Yes work caught up with me but I’d figured I go get something to make my dinner tonight-!?” 
“ Why don’t you come to eat with us? My husband isn’t staying overnight at work so he should be home soon. In the meantime, you can help me with dinner or hang around the house? It should be fine.” 
“ I don’t mean to impose on you-” 
“ Please I insist, it must be so hard for a single man to balance everything. You have friends so I suggest that you start learning how to say yes and let yourself be taken care of one in a while!” 
“ T-thank you [Mom’s first name].” 
With that, small chatter filled their home as they prepared dinner. [Reader] was playing with their toys and even invited their family friend to join them. When their father arrived home, they sat around and ate dinner. They all had a pleasant time, laughing and smiling. Telling jokes and even discussing life and the future. It wasn’t until it was a bit too late and past [Reader’s] bedtime did he leave and give his thanks for having him over. [Reader] lay in their bed, their mother tucking them in and bidding them a good night’s rest. 
“ Mom, does [Family Friend] have kids or a wife?” 
“ Why the sudden question?” 
“ He looks lonely and I don’t see him with kids.” 
“ [Reader], he had a wife and two kids. It’s just, they are no longer here. They left.” 
“ Where did they go?” 
“ They went somewhere better. Now sleep [Reader].” 
“Okay mommy.” 
The days continued like nothing else, there would be times where the [Reader] would be taken care of by [Family Friend] because their mother had a doctor’s appointment and their father was at work. [Reader] stayed at his house, eating small snacks that he prepared for her as he sat on the couch just staring at her. 
“ Hey [Family Friend], do you have a wife or kids?” 
Silence loomed the room before he turned to face her and shook his head. 
“ Not anymore [Reader], they all left me.” 
“ Why? You’re not a bad person.” 
“ Thank you, but they didn’t leave like that. Something happened to them and they are no longer here with us, but enough of that, what do you want to do?” 
“ Hm, let’s play a game.” 
“ Okay, a game it is!” 
It was days like these that the faith one had in another human was shown. Back then people slept with their windows open and some even with the doors unlocked, but that faith was stolen from [Reader]. It was a day where both her parents were busy so their neighbor was in charge of taking care of her for a couple of hours. Nobody knows how or why it happened, but nightmares plague that home as a grim reminder that the ones we trust are just another wolf in sheep's clothing. 
“ Hey, [Reader]?” 
“ Yes?” 
“ I want to play a game. . . but it has to be a secret.” 
“ A secret?” 
“ Mhm, not many people know about this game so this can be our little secret, like a secret code.” 
“ Okay, but what’s the game?” 
“Well. . .” 
His hand lay on her shoulder, rubbing it softly before his other hand rested on his thigh, he rubbed it lightly causing her to flinch before he let go. 
“ [Reader], you know I would never hurt you. . .right?” 
“ Yeah. . .” 
“ This isn’t hurting you, I only want to play a game. It’ll be fun for the both of us I promise, I don’t want to hurt you. . . I love you. . .” 
His hand placement resumed as he went higher and lower. That was when the nightmare began, and it didn’t end for seven years. 
[Reader] awoke with a loud gasp, their hands instantly reaching to their body. No one was here in their room, they had to reassure themselves over and over again before reaching over to where their clock lay. It was almost 8 pm but they decided upon bathing before doing anything else. They went to the bathroom and proceeded to bathe, using the products they deemed necessary. Once they were done, they wore comforting clothes and went to bed. Though it was hard to fall asleep in fear of that dream. 
The next day they awoke earlier than usual, going on about their day and proceeding to do their morning routine. They began walking to school promptly and proceeded to go to their seat. Light walked in moments later and took his seat next to them, smiling and greeting them. The teacher soon walked in and class started all over again, nothing new was changing so why should they worry-
“ [Reader’s Last Name], see me after class.” 
[Reader] looked up and panicked slightly, was it about what they wrote? 
‘ It can’t be, I mean this class is crawling with Kira supporters and those who don’t, mine must have been the least controversial-’ 
“ [Reader], is everything okay?” 
“ Y-yeah. . .” 
At the end of class, [Reader] walked to their teacher’s office and waited patiently for them. Thoughts running through their head, am I going to get called out? What’s going to happen, will everyone know wh-!
“  [Reader’s Last Name], I want to discuss with you something regarding your essay submission.” 
‘Shit so it was about that! Fuck what do I say-’ 
“ You didn’t turn it in.” 
“ W-what do you mean?” 
“ It was not in the pile with the others, since this isn’t a rare occasion but I remember slightly. You pulled it from your bag so I’m assuming that either the class representative lost it or it was misplaced. Would you mind rewriting it? I’ll give you an extension on it of course, but I would like it submitted by the end of next week.” 
“ S-sure.” 
“ That is all, have a great rest of your day [Reader’s Last Name].” 
They nodded and proceeded to walk away, but anger laced their face the moment they were out of view. 
‘ You’ve got to be kidding me, lost? That’s not my fault, if anything I shouldn’t have to rewrite. If they saw me, they should give me full credit!’ 
“ [Reader], would you like to walk home?” 
They looked up to see that it was Light Yagami. They were a bit hesitant and were about to say no until they realized that it might be nice to distract their mind. 
“ Sure.” 
They began to walk home, but awkward silence loomed over them. 
“ If you don’t mind me asking, what did the teacher want to talk to you about?” 
“ Just that. . . my assignment was missing and I have to redo it.  I turned it in but it’s lost apparently, did you notice the paper was missing or if the rep lost it?” 
“ No sorry, but I can help you work on it if you’d like.” 
“ Thank you, I might take you up on that.” 
“ Well we’ve arrived at my home, why don’t you come in?” 
“ I shouldn’t impose-” 
“ Nonsense, any friend of Light is welcomed here!” 
They both turned around to face an older woman, one that held some resemblance to Light and was assumed as his mother. 
“ O-oh I should-” 
“ Please I insist!” 
With that, it was decided that [Reader] would stay over and have dinner with them. In the meantime, they were up in Light’s room preparing to do the assignment. Once they got settled down and his mother brought up snacks, did the real purpose of his invite begin. Halfway through discussing the thesis and beginning, did Light begin to ask strange questions? 
“ [Reader], how do you feel about Kira?”
“ Why?” 
“ No reason, I guess it’s all the publicity Kira has been getting that I assume you may have your own opinion.” 
“ Well. . .Kira punishes criminals so without a doubt yes, I guess you can say that I'm somewhat thankful that Kira is there. However, there are some flaws with that, let’s say petty crime and theft aren’t punishable by death, Kira would only be acting like an executioner, not a judge. Yet, I think that Kira is going about it the right way. The difference is that some people attempt to stop crime, you can’t stop what is happening because someone will always stand up or do something, but you can control crime.” 
Light remained quiet before speaking silently, “ What would you do if Kira were sitting in front of you?” 
“ What?” 
“ What would you do if Kira were sitting in front of you? What would you do if Kira was me, [Reader].” 
Silence overcame [Reader], thinking about their answer they spoke.
“ If you were Kira, I would question your methods and motives.” 
“ Hm, interesting. Would you really like to see how Kira kills?” 
“ What?” 
“ Normally talking about this out in the open to a stranger would be a bit risky, I wouldn’t by any means do this, that is if I were Kira. Yet, it seems that if I were Kira I could trust you based on what you wrote in your essay.” 
Light unfolded the essay that was in his pocket, showing it to [Reader]. They were a bit confused and in shock, why did Light have their essay, and what was he going on about? 
“ Why do you have my essay? I didn’t think that this would be interesting for someone like you Light.” 
“ Well, let’s say I’ve had an interest in you for a long time, ever since we met you could say. Unlike most of our peers not only were you more open-minded but you thought for yourself, not letting others blindly tell you what to think. Based on this essay, I can trust you. . .[Reader], I’m Kira.” 
Confusion stuck them, did they really want to humor him, but even then Light might have been Kira. He not only had the brains to be in hiding for so long, but his ideas were lined up a bit with most people. 
“ I’ll bite, are you really Kira?” 
“ I am, now would you like to know who I do it?” 
“ . .  .Sure.” 
[Reader] walked closer, watching as Light revealed a black notebook with the words ‘Death Note’ written on it. They were confused, to say the least, but they also knew better than to laugh it off and to let him explain. 
“ This is a death note, a notebook that allows me to write the name of an individual and they die. I can choose the method of death and time, the only other requirement aside from their full name is an image of their face.” 
Light stood there, with both a serious face yet a smirk lightly playing at his lips. Was this true? They were about to ask more questions until Light interrupted them, “ Upon reading your essay, I think that there is someone who you want gone. Here try it for yourself, touch the notebook.” 
[Reader] stiffened a bit before nodding, they hesitantly went to touch the notebook. If Light was Kira and was telling the truth, [Reader] instantly became an accessory to the crime, to make matters worse now that Light told them, based on their reaction they could either die or live. Upon touching the notebook, they were met with a horrid creature looking at them with bloodshot red eyes and a smirk on their lips. They looked anything but human and as [Reader] was about to react, they stopped. Light smiled at the sight, they were smart no doubt about it. 
‘ Screaming would alert the mom and who knows what that would cause. On one hand, I could tell his mom that I want to leave but I'll surely die by knowing his identity. If I tell his mom about her son being Kira I would be mocked at and made fun of, all I can do is play along for right now.’ 
“ Open the notebook, look at all the names. With this, we can rid the world of criminals and clean up the streets, isn’t it great?” 
“ Isn’t your father a policeman? Why would you-“ 
“ Because what they are doing isn’t enough, crimes inspire other crimes and it will never stop. By controlling crime with fear we can make the world a better place for kindhearted people like us. You can’t stop crime because it will always happen, but you can control it, that's what my father and the others do. They try to control it through the system, but the system is flawed. With this, we can control it better than they can. Here [Reader], write someone’s name, I know you want to.” 
[Reader] was given a name and the notebook was flipped to a blank piece of paper. Light was awaiting their actions as [Reader] looked uncomfortable at the concept. Who was to say that they could play judge and executioner? They were contemplating until the T.V was playing the news channel about [Inmate Name]. Their heart stopped and Light made note of that, he walked over to the T.V and turned up the volume. The sickening sound of his name being played over and over again was like knives or nails on the chalkboard. A horrid sound, the sound of the end, it was a grim reminder that their life was in someone’s hand. 
‘ [Inmate Name] will be released today at 4 PM, here we have the news studio wanting to interview him. This was the man that escaped the death penalty due to lack of evidence-‘ 
‘ lack of evidence?’ 
The room went cold, their heart sank. He was leaving jail, because of the lack of evidence? Their breath started to increase as tears ran down their cheeks, they rapidly shook their head in attempts to calm themselves and began counting. 
‘ aren’t I evidence enough? He abused me. . . I am the evidence. I am the walking and living proof of his crimes. .  ‘ 
‘ I love you [Reader]. .  .’ 
[Reader’s] heart stopped, his voice echoing in their head as the memories were replaying again tormenting them. 
‘ You know I’ll never hurt you right?’ 
‘ I love you [Reader]. . . ‘ 
‘ Let’s play a game. . .’ 
‘ This can be our secret, like a secret code only we know!’ 
‘This can be our secret. .  ‘ 
‘ This can be our secret’ 
‘ Our secret’ 
‘ I love you. .  .[Reader]’ 
With a heavy sob that slightly confused and alerted Light, [Reader] wrote his name with such haste, with handwriting that was barely legible handwriting and his face clouded their mind like a rainy day. Tears slipped from them as they wrote his method of death, one that they deemed he needed. His execution was set and upon million watching the T.V, [Inmates Name] died a horrible and gruesome death on national T.V. [Reader] stayed crying as they watched the T.V through teary eyes, Light holding them close rubbing their back. He smiled, this wasn’t such a bad plan after all. Through the sobs, he was surprised his mother didn’t come up, but unknown to him she was outside talking to some neighbors and his sister wasn’t home just yet. As they started to calm down slightly, Light provided soothing words of comfort before whispering, 
“ We can clean up these streets [Reader], don’t worry. .  .this can be our little secret.”
I apologize to the anon that requested this because as you can see there is no NSFW and very little of what they wanted. I am prepared to write more to the story if needed just let me know as I would like to rewatch the series before continuing. I have also opened up a yandere discord server to interact and will be running it with other close friends and @seiyasabi. Please check their content because they are really good! 
DISCORD LINK: https://discord.gg/ZMCfGCeN 
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cat-soda · 3 years
in indigo
every time near brings someone back to life, his own lifespan is cut in half.
Pairings: one-sided meronia, implied mellodramattic
Word count: 1187
Warnings for: angst, hurt/comfort (mostly hurt lbr), major character death
Part 1 [2] [3] [4]
[AO3 Link]
Near hadn‘t let himself think about it, at first. There was still Kira to be dealt with, then reports to put on file, and housekeeping duties that needed to be done before they left Japan. But then, the day before their flight back to England arrived, and Near—
their bodies. He still had to do something about their bodies.
And he considered it. Delaying the move, pushing off the visit until he stopped getting dizzy at the thought of seeing either of them... like that.
Corpses rot.
So he went. Identified them, quietly had Rester make arrangements for them to be sent home, and wondered how cruel it was to bury Mello at the place he’d hated so much. (Then again, maybe it hadn’t been the House he’d hated. Perhaps it’d just been Near.)
He almost doesn’t check the small apartment they’d been renting until Lidner asks him to accompany her. “There’re some things that Mello left behind for you, Near,” she says, soft-voiced. “You should probably take a look.”
Which was how he found himself blinking in the middle of their flat, staring at all the wires snaking all over the floor, the mattress shoved against the far-end wall, the Christmas decorations that they hadn’t even started to put away. Matt’s old GameBoy was charging next to a section of wall where it seemed he and Mello had started a playful argument in sticky notes. He steps forward and sends an old bottle of drugstore nail polish skidding across the room. Remnants of life covered in a fine layer of dust.
“Lidner.” His throat feels tight, and he clears it before trying again. “Lidner, please try not to disturb any of these objects. I’d like to preserve things as they were, as closely as possible.”
She hands him a folder, then a laptop. “This is it.” A note on the folder’s front says, For that shithead, Near, and Near studies Mello’s looping handwriting closely before hugging the two items close to his chest.
“Let’s go.”
Mihael Keehl.
Near repeats the name to himself over and over again, rolls it over his tongue, tries to imagine how it’d sound leaving Mello’s lips. My name is Mihael.
A pit’s growing in his stomach. He feels as though he’s already having trouble remembering what Mello sounds like. Of course, this isn’t really the case. Near’s memory is impeccable, and he’s especially always had a particular gift when it comes to remembering the specific undertones to one’s speech patterns and mimicking what it is he hears. He wouldn't forget a voice so easily.
Especially not Mello’s.
And yet,
My name is Mihael.
How would he have said it?
(Church bells are ringing in his ears.)
It had rained on the day A died.
Or maybe it was during her funeral.
Near couldn’t quite recall which it was. The days from that time had all seemed to melt together into a gray conglomerate of tears and heartache, and for Near, who had been very small, the church bells rang with enough ferocity to shake him to his very core.
Mello wasn’t very nice back then —had never been ‘very nice,’ really— but he’d stood in front of the doorway and blocked out the light as Matt sat besides Near’s curled up form and spoke in soft and gentle tones, helped him unfurl his fists from his hair, slowly, joint by little joint, then held his trembling hands. None of them had been old enough to attend her funeral, but they all knew grief, in their own ways. They’d all heard Beyond’s howling when he found her.
Probably, it’s when she died that the rain started, incessant and cold. It’s logical. What Near remembers in startling clarity, however, is that when B went away, he took the rain with him.
And the church bells came to a stop.
Near blinks.
In the dark of L’s —now his— bedroom, Near was building himself a barrier out of Legos blocks. Its purpose wasn’t so much to keep anyone out, as it was to keep his predecessor’s things out of sight. Old folders and clothing on hangers alongside some knick-knacks the other children had sent L over the years. Near was surprised he kept them— he could even see some of Linda’s most ambitious paintings from when she was young hanging up on the wall. Above a chocolate fountain.
It wasn’t being used at the moment.
After reading the documents that Mello had left him, Near curled up on the floor beside L’s bed, staring at the empty space beneath. ‘The best dresser that died like a dog’... you were always so dramatic, Mello. He had been wondering, though. About what happened to B. About Naomi Misora. About L.
About Mello.
This was his voice, wasn’t it?
Then, Near’s stomach started churning, so he opened a large tub and started snapping Lego blocks together, and this was how Ryuk found him, several hours later.
“Yo,” he says again, like he was worried that Near hadn’t heard him the first time. “Damn, kid, you look like shit.”
“Thank you, Mr Shinigami,” Near replies, “for your astute observation.” Ryuk cackles as he continues putting blocks together. “Was there something you needed? I’m afraid that I’ve already burned the notebooks in Mr Mikami and Mr Aizawa’s possessions, so I can’t return them to you.”
“Nah, that’s not it.” Ryuk does a handstand and wiggles his feet in the air. “I still have mine, so that’s not a problem. And anyways, even if the King does have anything to say about the incident, Armonia Justin owes me a favor.” Without looking over, Near lifts his eyebrows, which Ryuk seems to take as curiosity, as he immediately follows with, “You know what sex is, don’t ya?”
He suddenly wishes that he does not. “Why are you here?”
“Just wondering.” Ryuk cackles again. He goes silent, watching with glowing red eyes as Near, wearing a puppet on each finger, arranges and rearranges painted Lego figures atop the highest points of his barrier. A blonde one stands directly in front of him, looking outwards and standing guard. That one, he doesn’t touch. “Say, kid,” says the shinigami. “Do you miss them?”
Near’s hands pause. He doesn’t answer.
“I was thinking: you don’t really look like you're cut out for this. I mean, look at you. You’re shaking.” The shinigami creeps closer. “But I can help you bring them back. You could bring them all back. If you want it bad enough, that is.” Near’s gaze shifts up from the floor and over to meet his. “What do ya think?”
A finger comes up to curl around white hair. “‘Once dead, humans can never come back to life.’ Is that not what the rules of the Death Note said?”
“Rules, Nate River,” snickers Ryuk, pulling out a white notebook from underneath his belt, “are meant to be broken.” He holds it out to Near, just under his nose. And there, right on the cover, read the words Life Note. “I think it’s about time you learned to be a rule-breaker.”
a/n: *wheeze* i almost posted this onto ao3 without any tags.
i just wanna say whoever came up with the idea of a life note first... i'm going to fight you with my bare hands.
hope you guys enjoyed this fic! title is from deep indigo (although hitchcock is definitely more of a near song)
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my-one-true-l · 4 years
hey, i was just thinking... do you think there couldve been any scenario where L could’ve survived? and if so, what went different?🤔
Hello Dear Alex! I hope you’re doing well!
I do think there are several ways he could have survived, but the one I see as a possibility is if the 23 day rule is fake & was written in the Death Note by Ryuk just so he could be sure whoever picked it up would continuously provide him with entertainment.
Perhaps it could have gone something like this…
“Thank you for meeting me up here, Rem.” L stared past the satellite and into the greying sky that was quickly filling with clouds.
“What do you want?” The Death Goddess’s voice was even in tone, but she glared from beneath her shrouds. “I’ve already been answering your questions.”
It would be so easy to end him right here, a few strokes of her pen and the detective known as Ryuzaki, L Lawliet, would be gone forever, never to threaten Misa’s life again. Rem knew that this was just buying a little time. Eventually Light would find a way to pin everything on Misa and she would lose her life.
A little time was better than none.
L turned to look her at her, a formidable specter that surely could end him at any moment, but there was no room for him to fear that. He was desperate and this was his last chance to survive.
His voice was steady as he spoke, but the words were heavy with urgency.
“This question is of a different magnitude, perhaps the most important question I can ask you and it needs to be asked away from the others.”
“What is it?”
“Do you want Misa Amane to live?”
“What? Why would I care about-“
L held up a hand, halting her mid-protest. “Please, we do not have time for evasiveness. I’m well aware that she is the second and soon-to-be acting Kira, if she isn’t already. We both know she is doing this to stay in Light’s favor and it’s only a matter of time before she takes the fall for him, so let me cut to the chase. I need more time to prove he’s Kira and I cannot do that if I’m dead, either by your hand or his.”
“What do you want me to do? I told you that the rules are-“
He interrupted her again. “I’m quite convinced that the 13 day rule, as well as several others, are fake. I’m interested in the way the rules work, with the mechanisms around them.” He shoved his hands into his pockets and pivoted to look up at her, small beneath her looming figure. “The parameters around a death caused by the murder notebook can be manipulated as long as no one else is harmed, is that correct? Please be forthcoming. Miss Amane’s life is in your hands.”
“Shinigami do not use it that way, but yes they can be controlled to some extent.”
“As I thought.” L paced back and forth along the rooftop. “I would like to make a deal with you, Rem. Actually, more of a trade. Is Misa’s life worth two to you?”
“You already know the answer to that.” She looked at him with shock. He was far more perceptive than she had given him credit for.
“Then I have no other choice than to ask for your assistance.” He humbled himself to her. “I need you to make me immune to the Death Note.”
“How do you expect me to do that?”
“We will use the rules to our advantage. The odds are against me. There is a high probability that Light has arranged for it to look like Misa is Kira, knowing that I will continue to consider her a suspect. He can count on the fact that the task force does not believe in my theories. He knows some action against me will be required to eradicate me from the investigation.
“I’m certain Light is going to arrange it so you have no choice but to kill me by writing my name in your Death Note in order to spare Misa. When that time comes, I need you to write ‘L Lawliet’s and Quillish Wammy’s hearts appear to stop, making those around them believe they are dead. Once pronounced deceased, they revert to their normal biological state and slip unnoticed from prying eyes to continue their lives until 1 day prior to their original death dates’. You do that, and I promise you Misa will go free, but I can only guarantee that if I live to make it possible.”
Without hesitation, Rem jumped at his offer. “I accept the terms of your deal, but aren’t you concerned that the 23 day rule will prohibit what I write from coming true?”
“If the rule is authentic, then I will be dead regardless. I really see no other option”
Rem leaned inches from his pale face. “What’s the plan?”
“When we return to headquarters, I’m predicting that Light will manipulate the situation so you will fear for Misa’s life, thus forcing you to take action to save her. He will appear innocent, confirming what the Task Force already believes is true and he will be rid of his largest obstacles. Once I’m gone, he will most likely take over the Kira investigation and will have complete control over the outcome. It really is a brilliant plan…It’s something I would do.” L begrudgingly mumbled his admiration. “I will be “dead” and I can continue my investigation into Light without any impediments.”
“I’m trusting you, L Lawliet. I’m trusting you to save Misa’s life.”
“And I’m trusting you to save mine.”
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izzyhunterscar · 4 years
Kirishima X Reader X Midoriya (DEATHNOTE AU)
Yandere!Izuku X Shy!F!Reader X Yandere!Kirishima (How tf do you spell his name? Eijiro or Eijirou… Wiki says Eijiro but like tons of other things says Eijirou. Help mehhh I'm just going to go with Wiki....)
Quirkless AU, Deathnote AU
Requested by BooksForLifeBowTies
You watched the television eating your favorite snack (f/s). "Blah blah blah, just tell me the dude's name already." Tapping you finger on your death note impatiently. "Dewa Fujio how should you die...you seem kind of old, but they're catching onto my heart attacks...not that they could catch me." You scrawl down his name.
'Dewa Fujio. Trips and cracks his head open.'
"Sweet and simple!" You smile and put your deathnote in your desk under the false bottom of your drawer. "I should probably sleep....or I could grind on some videos games!" You get on your computer and log into your account. 
[Welcome to Hero Academy! Please login!
User: (Gamer/name)
Pass: ***************]
[Welcome (G/n)!
Press Tab for stats, I for inventory, and P for teleportation]
You notice that your friends Izuku, Katsuki, Ochaco, and Eijiro were on. You teleport to them and they invite you to their party.
"Hey guys!" You speak into your mic.
"(Y/n)! I thought you had to study?" Izuku greets. "N-not that I don't want you here! I-I wan-"
Katsuki cut him off. "What Deku is asking is if you finished your studying."
You laughed. "Yup! Got my hour of studying in and took a quick nap! Now it's time to GRINDDDDD!"
Eijiro chuckled. "I never understand how you are such a high level with your busy schedule."
"Study, sleep, eat, and video games!!" You openened your stats.
[Lvl. 325
Health: 5200/4500 (+700 equipment boost)
Stamina: 3500/3000 (+500 equipment boost)
Strength: 7900 (+900 weapon boost)
Quirk1: Sniper Healing  Quirk2: Death Wings] 
You groaned. "I just want to be level 500!!! Is that so much to ask!!!" 
You heard collective laughs and grumbles. 
"Oh shut up, nerd!" Katsuki grumbled out at you. "Quit complaining, we're all at level 150 so stop your whining."
"How did you level up so quickly? Didn't you start a while after us...." Izuku wondered.
"Simple!" You exclaimed happily. "First a leveled up group adopted me at the beginning and helped me grind out to level 45! Then once I could solo the villains, I calculated-"
"I'm muting you..." Katsuki growled out.
"You're just salty!" Kirishima laughed ta his friend. "But (Y/n)! Teach me your ways!!"
"Me too!" Izuku chimed in.
"I'm going to go guys! You have fun!" Ochaco left the game. 
You continued explaining your grinding techniques and Katuski got tired of it and left as well. 
"So basically, it's all about timing. Once you have the timing and maxed out your stats at your level you're pretty much unstoppable! You can even take on people with a higher level if you got the strategy down!" 
"You're so amazing, (y/n)!" Izuku gushed over the chat. Eijiro joined in on the compliments. 
You blushed, not that they could see. "I'm just average, guys. S-stop with the flattery, I'm blushing!"
After a while of you carrying your trip through dungeons, Izuku brought up an interesting subject.
"But isn't Kira kind of a hero? I mean she-they are getting rid of the trash in the world. I wish I had the courage to do that!" Izuku praised the serial killer that was recently on the news.
You froze up at the mention of your recent activities. You noticed Izuku always brought Kira up whenever you were together. "O-Oh well I mean they aren't wrong for getting rid of the criminals, but is it really for them to decided?" You countered. 'Yes it is definitely for me to decide, who else would do it, they might be back on the streets days later.'
Kirishima butted in. "I feel like you don't like Kira that much (Y/n). You never seem to approve of them."
"Well, you guys always bring Kira up and killing is just wrong in general. And how do we know they aren't going to start killing whoever. Your name could be on tv and Kira could just decide they need some entertainment."
"But you wouldn't kill us right? If you were Kira and got tired of us, you wouldn't kill us right?" Izuku presssured.
You chuckled nervously, "IF I was Kira and I got tired of you guys, I would kill you off. If I were to think in a Kira mindset, I'd want you to stop snooping around and bringing Kira up. Unless, of course, you made yourself useful. I mean, Kira doesn't know everything. It takes time." While you tried to make it sound hypothetical, your threat was clear. You didn't want to talk about Kira anymore.
Izuku laughed nervously while punching some demon away from your character. "S-so do you want to come with Eijiro and me to karaoke after school tomorrow?"
You sighed, you were different in real life, they knew that. You hated being put on spot and stuttered when the attention was on you. You were shy but not as shy as Izuku, that didn't mean you were a pushover. 
Tons of things were going down tomorrow. The FBI was looking more into the cases and you knew it was a matter of time before the famed detective, known as L, would takeover the Kira cases. You would have your work cut out for you and no time to play after the fact. Your lovely companion, Ryuk, had told you of the Shinigami eyes you could obtain. The price? Half your life. No thank you. You wanted to live a long successful life. 
"I would love too, but I have even more studying as the exams come up." You politely declined. "I-I also won't be online as much, just to let you all know. I'm a little worried about the exams so I'll be taking some online courses."
Kirishima blew a raspberry into his mic. "C'mon, (Y/n)! You are literally top three in smarts in the whole school! You don't need to study THAT much! Just tomorrow! Please! It's not manly to not hang out with your friends!" The spiky redhead huffed.
You rolled your eyes, typing '-_-' into the chat. "Kiri, I'm not trying to be manly, I'm trying to pass school. And on the topic of school, you aren't doing so hot are you?"
Over the mic you could hear him accidently knocking some things over. "N-no! I'm doing-"
Izuku cut in. "Eijiro, you are failing history. And math. And the remedial classes they put you in."
You giggled. "Nice try, Kiri. You can't keep this from me. Here's a compromise, how about you come over to my house and we can study instead of going out to karaoke. That way we can hang out and get some work done."
"Sounds good!"
Izuku sputtered out, "H-Hey! What about me?"
"Uh," You thought about it for a second. Both boys coming to your house, alone with each other. You blushed furiously. "Y-you can come if you want! I-I didn't mean to leave you out like that! I just know that you are so smart already and you don't really need help. But I'm not that great of a tutor so you can help  me help Kiri! You can totally come to my house too! A-And why not make it a sleepover! T-This Friday let's meet up and we can sleep over the weekend! My parents are on another business trip so we'd have it all to ourselves! N-Not that it was my intention or anything!" You rambled on in embarrassment and guilt.
Both boys perked up to the sleepover part and almost died of redness. "That sounds amazing, (Y/n)!"  They both replied to you.
You let out a long breath of tiredness. Damn your shyness and kindness. Not that you didn't love the two boys, but you might have to put your vigilante duties on hold next weekend. Those boys were already curious enough about Kira, aka you, not that they knew.
"I-I'm going to go to sleep now...see you tomorrow! Night!" You quickly logged out and shut down your computer.
They both let out lovesick sighs and shut down their own computers, each saying good night to you in their own special way. 
Izuku opened his closet and pressed a code into the back wall. The wall opened up to a shrine of things you've touched, pictures of you as well as any notes or gifts you have given him. He glazed over the items and bowed on both knees. "Night, love! I'll figure out a way to be helpful to you! Just you wait!"
Kirishima opened a folder full of intimate pictures of you, changing, bathing, sweating and many other activities. "Good night, my princess. If you even found about this you would never think of me manly again. I'll have to steal you away and prove my manliness to you. That actually doesn't sound so bad...I'll prove how much a man I can be to you!"
You checked the news on your phone one last time before turning it off and heading to bed. Your head was full of worries and strategies on the new obstacles you brought upon yourself.
The week went by a blur. You saw your friends occasionally, mostly at lunch and some at your free period, but that was the most social interaction you had with them for the week. You would give a shy smile and wave before going straight home after school to do extra and thorough research. You doubled up on the criminal research since your weekend would be occupied. 
Watching the news in anticipation, you saw that a rapist had escaped and was on the run. "Useless police." You murmured as you brought out your prized deathnote. "Ryuk, would you do me a favor and just tell me the name of that man." You pointed your pen at the picture on screen. The name unreleased due to "privacy", but everyone knew the real reason. 
"You know what to do, mortal. Just half your life and you won't need me to do anything for you." 
"B-But....fine. I guess I have to do everything myself." You scoffed. "You are as useless as those cops."
The Shinigami ate his apple in silence as he shrugged with no care as you set yourself down at the computer.
You cracked your knuckles and stretched. "Alright! Stalker mode on!" You did an image search and found him in a social media post, however the account was not his and he wasn't tagged. "Well I guess I'll pay this person a small visit. Simple. Just go and ask the woman the guys name." You found the woman's address and dressed in warm clothes. You paced the sidewalk, you just had to turn the corner and ask the woman. "J-Just go up and ask. S-Simple. (Y/n)! Pull yourself together!" You turned the corner before abruptly turning around and heading home. "Dammit. Stop your snickering you Laughing Jack rip off."
He stopped snickering and snarled. "Just because we're both larger then your puny self does not make us the same."
"Wow, something actually bothers the death god. Shocker." You threw an apple his way, sighing in defeat. "I can literally figure out anything on the internet but when it comes to real life I can't do anything! I-It's not my fault people are hard to talk to!" You threw yourself on your bed and fell asleep as soon as your head hit your pillow.
The next day came as fast as you went to sleep it was one of those nights where you blinked and it was morning. 
Running on caffeine and a blink of sleep, you got through your school day. The end of the day came quickly and you found Izuku and Kirishima waiting for you at the front gate already packed and conversing in hushed whispers.
You called to them and both of them immediately stopped talking but smiled and walked over to you. Even though you were slightly curious as to what's got them huddles together with not-so innocent smiles on their faces, you were never one to push or pry.
When you reached your house you gave them a basic house tour and brought them to your room. You had already set the futons out in your room and let them bicker over who got which one. Your room was spacious enough to put a barrier between the beds and give you privacy. You told them to get comfortable and you were going to take a shower first, since you interrupted their conversation earlier, you hoped they resumed it here. 
When you didn't hear anything of interest, you hopped into the shower, humming a sweet tune. What you didn't expect, was for them to be so snoopy.
You exited the bathroom wearing a comfy silky robe and caught the two with your death note in their hands and Ryuk conversing with two other shinagamis.
You let out a shocked squeal and retreated to the bathroom. Your thoughts were haywire. What were they doing looking for your death note? Why were there two other shinagamis out there and why should you not barge out, grab your note, and kill them? You calmed yourself down and thought about everything rationally. 
You took a deep breath, opened the door and walked out. All eyes were one you. You snatched your death note from the two boys, who looked liked kicked puppies, and sat down in a sofa chair. 
Your body shook a little due to the fact you had to confront them about the recent events. 
"So..explain." You opened your death note and tapped the pen in your hand as a warning.
They both immediately fell to your feet and uttered ashamed apologies.      
"I didn't ask for an apology, I asked for you to explain."
Izuku started. "Remember how you said IF you were Kira you would kill us if we weren't useful? We love you so much and would happily die for you, but we want to be as useful as we can to you!"
Kirishima finally looked up and added onto what Izuku had said. "And then we both were granted death notes! And we remembered that you can't do everything and we certainly didn't want your life taken, so we both traded for Shinigami eyes!! Now we can help you!"
You bit your lip nervously. "This is certainly a surprise. I had no idea you l-loved me! The thought just sounds crazy. Moving on...how did you know I was Kira. I was sure I was careful."
That's when Izuku made his move. He latched onto your crossed legs and rubbed his cheeks on your bare skin. "Oh my love! You were very careful! You are so smart and wonderful and a great actor, but we've studied you! We notice things no one else would about you! My darling, we would know if you were keeping things from us! That's why we got rid of all your obstacles! Well as many as we could."
You shuddered at the weird behavior both men were exhibiting. This was nothing like what you thought they were like. "Wait! How long have you known? And how long have you had your death notes?"
Kirishima eyed Izuku with jealousy as the broccoli haired man stroked your legs lovingly. "We've know for a little over three weeks, about the same time we were granted our death notes."
Your eyes buldged. You were that obvious to them?! You turned and glared at Ryuk. "Tell me you didn't let it slip to your buddies."
He shrugged. "My 'buddies' already knew. They saw and they made their decision on what to do with that information."
A hand on your chin moved your gaze to red pointed eyes. "Don't look at those monsters, princess. They're too hideous for your precious eyes."
You shook both boys off. "Y-You want to help me?" You asked uncertain.
"Yes, darling."
"It is my wish to stay by your side, princess."
"Oh, well I can't deny the usefulness you both can be with those eyes. I suppose I'll allow it."
Eijiro and Izuku managed to wrap themselves around you and nudged you towards your bed. You all fell onto it and was squished between the two.
"Now that we've gotten the business part over with. What do you say about our manly confession? Only a true man would kill for the one he loves."
You looked at him dreamily. "If you killed someone for me, I'd marry you."
They both looked at each other and then at you. "We already did."
This got your attention. "Y-You have? For little ol' me? I-I who?"
You felt both their arms wrap around you as they told you of their killings. As weird as the situation was, you fell asleep to the whispers of their stories.
"You promised yourself to us, darling. We expect all your affection!"
"Don't be shy with us, we were made to please you."
"Never look at another male with those beautiful eyes."
"We're your kings and you are our princess. We'll have to lock you away in a tower if you don't love us."
I know this isn't exactly what you wanted, but I tried ;-; hopefully it's alright. It went a interesting direction buut it's finished! I had a lot of fun writing it even though I stretched the prompt a bit. Sorry for any mistakes!
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strawbinx · 5 years
ryuk users
◝ por favor, não salve o user se não for usar; se você pegar algum me avise.
◝ please, do not save the user if you don’t will use; if you take one let me know.
ryukilI (capital i)
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thatonekawaiigirl13 · 7 years
Who Said Death Was Easy? [Death Note] Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen: Hideout
Light’s POV:
“Did the Second Kira want the journal to be shown on T.V.?” Light wondered out loud, his question was aimed at no one in particular. It was honestly more for show than anything else, as he wanted to appear normal to the other members of the Task Force.
He and Keiko were sitting together, side by side on the couch, having just recently arrived from their interrupted date at the nature park. It was just the two of them, his father, L, and Matsuda investigating at headquarters currently.
Light’s father nodded. “Yes, it would appear so,” he handed the journal over to Light, allowing him to carefully look it over.
As Light inspected it, so did his girlfriend, who had scooched closer to Light in order to get a better look. Light positioned the paper so that the two of them could easily look it over together and tried to ignore the warmth emitting from Keiko’s body as her legs lightly brushed up against his.
Keep focused, Light...just focus all of your attention on the journal. Start by looking at the date at the very top… which is 2006...so last year’s diary. How is this even relevant? Wait…wait a second...this has to be some sort of message or something...right? That’s the only thing that makes sense.
“Please take a look at the entry he made on the thirtieth,” L commented, “I think you’ll find what it says to be rather interesting.”
“Huh? Confirm our shinigami at the Tokyo Dome,” Keiko murmured, reading the entry outloud, “what the? Is he crazy? He’s making it obvious that he wants to meet Kira on the thirtieth...or so it would seem...it’s way too...straightforward.”
Hmm...interesting. So this probably means that the Second Kira wants to do this on May 30th. If this were aired on T.V., his intentions would be obvious to anyone watching the broadcast...however, he can’t see my shinigami unless he touches my Death Note. How exactly does he plan on doing that? This Kira doesn’t seem to be that bright.
Ryuk suddenly started chuckling behind him, causing Light to lose his focus for a moment. When he refocused, another entry on the page caught his attention, and Light had to be careful not to give a small gasp.
Huh? May 22nd...my friend and I showed off our notebooks in Aoyama...if by notebooks he is referring to our death notes, then that’s something that can only be understood by Kira. By me. And as for the police, they would be too distracted by the May 30th entry talking about shinigami...I’m pretty sure the only message that I need to focus on is the one written on the 22nd, the other one has to be a decoy of sorts..and if that’s the case then-
His thoughts were interrupted by L, who was peering intently over his shoulder, “so, Light-kun, what do you think?”
Even though L was standing behind him, Light could sense his secretive, sly smirk. He clearly wanted to corner Light, and make him say something that would reveal himself as being the original Kira.
I have to be careful not to say too much...this feels like he’s testing me again, and if I say what is really on my mind, I could end up being even more suspicious to L...so it would be better to wait to hear his opinion first. That’s the safest option in this position, I can’t have L back me into a corner again.
“Well, at this point in time...I can only say that this Second Kira must be a real idiot,” Light responded emotionlessly, “he’s being way too obvious about his intentions, it is clear that he’s way too careless.”
“Yeah, I agree,” Matsuda chimed in, “it’s quite obvious that he wants to meet Kira at the home game in the Tokyo Dome.”
“Doesn’t he understand that, if this message is aired on Sakura T.V., the panic that it would cause? In fact, it could even lead to the home game being cancelled,” Light’s father added, “and in general, even worse...it would absolutely lead to chaos. I don’t even want to think about what might happen in that case.”
“To be honest,” L started, in between bites of a cake that Watari had just handed over to him, “I was thinking the same thing. It’s so stupid, I don’t even know how to deal with it. If we make the diary public then we will probably more than most likely be indirectly cancelling the game on the thirtieth...but if we don’t broadcast it, the Second Kira won’t make a move.”
“Wouldn’t the game being cancelled anger him?” Matsuda questioned, running a hand through his already mused hair. “He wants to meet Kira there, and if he loses his chance...there’s no telling what he’d do.”
“Honestly? That’s not a huge concern of mine,” L stated simply, “from what we’ve witnessed, it seems that that Second Kira admires the real one. He promised the fake Kira we created that he would stop killing innocent people. I say we make first make the diary public and we then make an announcement and cancel the game afterwards. At the same time, we will announce that on May 30th, we are going to set up check points on all roads leading to and from the Tokyo Dome. Furthermore, we will respond with our own Kira that he understands and that he will agree to meeting him there. That would probably be our best bet regarding that entry...”
“It would appear that you really thought this plan through, Ryuzaki-san...but you don’t think that the real Kira will actually show up, do you?” Matsuda questioned and Light watched as he curiously glanced over at the detective, who was now working on a second piece of his strawberry cake.
“I don’t think that the real Kira would even consider it,” was L’s response as he chewed, “but it’s possible the other one, the Second Kira, might. You see, it really all depends on how stupid he actually is. However, assuming he isn’t the idiot we think he is, there could be another message hidden in this diary...one that’s not so obvious. If there’s a message here written in some code that only people with this so called shinigami power can understand, there’d be no way for us to decipher it...”
“Then the only way for us to proceed, logically, is to thoroughly check out all of the places mentioned on the page,” Keiko concluded with a rather soft sigh, “...it appears it’s the only thing we can do at this point.”
“Yes, you read my mind, Kagami-san,” L gave her a smirk, “I was thinking the same thing, putting up more surveillance cameras in the places mentioned, and perhaps even stationing undercover officers to keep an eye out..however, we have to be prepared in the case all of our efforts are futile.”
It’s as I thought...if this phony Kira slips up and gets apprehended, at the very least, I have to obtain his notebook somehow…
“In that case, I think I should go to Aoyama and Shibuya to check things out,” Matsuda gave a slight grin, “I’m sure that I’d fit right in there.”
“We’ll go as well,” Light quickly added, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend, who nodded in agreement, “I think that we’d be the most natural with Matsuda-san there, it’ll just look like a fun outing with some friends. We won’t look suspicious. And the more people there, the greater the possibility we might find something having to do with the Second Kira...or maybe even find the Second Kira himself…”
Keiko’s POV:
After such a puzzling meeting that had her ruined date with her boyfriend, Keiko was more than happy to finally be home again. With the Kira investigation and her school work, along with her social life, getting to sleep at a reasonable hour was a luxury that she often did not have. Her comfortable bed was calling her. She quickly headed up the stairs, taking them two at a time, towards her bedroom.
However, as soon as Keiko made it all the way up the stairs, her phone started incessantly buzzing in her pocket. She reluctantly fished it out with her remaining energy, and checked the caller ID on the screen. She gave a weary sigh.
It’s L. He better not be calling and asking me to go back to headquarters for something, although I wouldn’t put it past him to do something like that...however, I am exhausted and I literally just got to my bedroom door...
“Yes? What is it, Ryuzaki-san?” Keiko attempted to keep her tone of voice professional, but she was feeling pretty tired, and ended up sounding a little grouchy. All she wanted to do was collapse onto her soft bed and sleep.
“I have a request for you, Kagami-san...a few days from now, while you are in Aoyama and Shibuya, I would like it if you kept an eye on your boyfriend once more. This must be kept a secret, of course. I should also tell you that I have instructed Matsuda-san to do the same. If Light is acting suspicious in any way, one of you will certainly catch on...well, I’m assuming out of the two of you that it would probably be you, but I digress. Anyway, do you think you can do this favor for me?”
And here I thought that my days spying on Light were over...it looks like L will never stop suspecting my boyfriend. I don’t like the idea of having to keep an eye on Light again...it feels wrong to me to do so, and I’m no longer that suspicious of him...it’s been two months with no real, hard evidence, so to me it’s not as likely, but what can I do? There’s no way I can say no to his request.
“Fine,” she grumbled into the phone, “I suppose I can do that.”
“Wonderful,” L replied, and although Keiko couldn’t see him, she imagined that he had a knowing smirk on his face, “...also, I’d like to thank you for all of your hard work on this investigation so far. I know you don’t like the idea of spying on people, especially not on your boyfriend, but it is still very necessary in this investigation. Please remember, although you are a lot less suspicious of him, there’s still a 5 or 6% chance in my mind that Light Yagami is Kira. And, if Light Yagami actually is Kira, like I suspect him to be then…”
L trailed off. Keiko sighed into the phone, now a little frustrated. First he had asked her to spy on her boyfriend yet again, and then he trailed off in mid sentence, “...then what, Ryuzaki-san? What is it?”
He was silent for a moment, and all Keiko could hear on the other end was his slow, steady breathing.
He isn’t going to hang up on me, now is he? Honestly, he’s so frustrating sometimes...actually, more like most of the time, especially lately.
Then, much to Keiko’s relief, he finally continued on, “...then please don’t let him fool you any longer, Keiko-chan. After all, you deserve so much better than to be with a mass murderer.”
Her heart gave a little lurch at his words, and needless to say, she was thoroughly confused. Before Keiko even had a chance to respond to him, L hung up, leaving her puzzled as she stood in front of the doorway to her bedroom. The detective’s words were now swimming around in her mind.
What the...what’s up with him? I know he suspects Light of being Kira but why…? Wait..is this his way of actually attempting to be...nice...to me? He sure has a funny way of showing it, saying something like that...it almost sounds like...he almost...is being considerate...almost sort of like he might care...yeah, no, that’s not possible. He is a robot, after all. I’m just jumping to conclusions because I’m so sleep deprived. I just need to clear my mind and sleep for a while.
Misa’s POV:
Misa was sitting comfortably in a chair at the cafe in Aoyama. She had to admit, she had done well and found the perfect spot to observe the outside world without looking suspicious. Giggling to herself a little, she took a sip of her iced cappuccino. She was monitoring people as walked by on the sidewalks. Much to her delight, they were all completely unaware that they were being watched, which meant that she was doing a good job at keeping a low profile. She had also worn her short black haired wig, colored contacts, and glasses. Misa figured that it would be too risky to go out without a disguise on.
Misa also knew that it was crazy to assume that she would just happen to see Kira walk on by, but she had a feeling he or she would appear eventually during the day. Her gut feeling was telling her so, and so far, her gut feelings had never been wrong.
Rem was floating behind her, also keeping an eye out. Misa had no doubt that if she missed Kira somehow, by having to go to the bathroom or get a refill, Rem would fill her in.
At the moment she neither needed a refill nor a bathroom break, so she just kept her eyes peeled, looking for a floating name with no lifespan below it as hordes of people passed on by past the window of the cafe.
Misa watched as a rather large group of people walked by, and her eyes snapped towards them. However, it wasn’t the large group in particular that had caught her eye, but rather, it was the small group of three people following close behind them.
Wow, would you look at that? No lifespan! One of them has to be Kira! I knew it, I made the right decision in coming out here, despite knowing that there would be extra surveillance…how wonderful...
The one one the far right, who she identified as being Touta Matsuda, had dark hair with dark eyes. He was telling the other two a joke, causing them to laugh. Misa’s gaze flicked towards the girl in the middle, who was holding the other guy’s hand. The guy holding her hand flashed the girl, whom Misa had identified as Kagami Keiko, a warm smile before facing forward again. Upon further inspection, Misa quickly realized that this sandy haired guy was Kira. She leaned closer towards the window in front of her, a smile forming on her lips.
Found you! Hmmm...is it Yagami Moon? You’re the only one whose life span I cannot see. You have to be Kira! My, my, I have to say, you’re a lot more attractive than I was hoping for! It’s a shame that it appears you have a girlfriend, though...heh, I’m sure I can fix that later on, maybe even kill her if I have to, I’m sure you wouldn’t mind. After all, I’m sure I’m so much more useful to you than she is.
“All right, Rem,” Misa said suddenly standing up. She threw her half empty drink in the trashcan, “it’s time to go home.”
“H-huh? You finally found him and now you just want to leave?” Rem questioned, giving Misa a strange look.
“Well, I can’t go up to him, can I? I can’t just walk up to him, his friend, and his girlfriend and announce ‘Mr. Kira, I’m so pleased to meet you, I’m the one who send you all of those messages before’, that wouldn’t be good...however, I know his name now, so I can easily look him up later…”
And his girlfriend, for that matter...I want to know who exactly I’m up against.
“I see, when you say it that way, it makes sense,” Rem responded as the two of them exited the cafe, and headed towards the bus station that would take Misa back to her apartment.
“Ah, I see,” Misa murmured out loud, kicking her legs out behind her as she scrolled down the web page, “it’s written as ‘moon’ but pronounced as ‘light’...heh, Yagami Light, Light-kun...what a unique name Kira has...and he sure is amazing, Rem! Look at all this stuff!”
Misa pointed at the computer screen, and glanced over at Rem to make sure that she was paying attention before continuing on with the rest of her findings.
“He won a regional tennis championship back when he was in his second and third years of junior high, and he was at the top of his class all throughout his schooling career. Even in university, wow! Look, it says here that he gave the freshman address at To-Oh University...h-huh? What’s this?”
Misa’s eyebrows furrowed as she scanned over the picture underneath the To-Oh article, and she noticed that to the right of Light in the photo was the same girl she saw holding hands with him earlier.
She had gotten so wrapped up in looking at Light’s personal achievements that she had almost forgotten about his girlfriend. She sighed, and opened another tab, searching up his girlfriend’s name next, determined to find out anything and everything about her.
Kagami Keiko...Keiko-chan...I see, you must be pretty smart if you, too, got a perfect score on your entrance exam. But I just don’t like you hanging around my Light, you will have to leave the picture somehow, whether Light breaks up with you or I kill you.
Misa clicked on her personal record first, carefully scrolling through the page. The more she read, the more annoyed she got. It appeared that Keiko was just as intelligent as Light was, and held just as many personal achievements as he did. In other words, she was looking damn near perfect. It was obvious to Misa why Light would be attracted to her, it appeared that they were pretty compatible.
Ugh, dammit! The more I learn about her, the more she gets on my nerves! Screw waiting, I don’t want to wait anymore...the more I wait, the more Light will probably fall in love with her! Therefore, I should just write her name down right here and right now!
Misa growled, a devilish glint in her eyes as she reached under her bed for her death note.
When Rem finally realized what Misa about about to do, she spoke up, “that’s not a good idea, you know. Think about it carefully, if you end up killing Light Yagami’s girlfriend, and get close to Light soon after, that makes you look suspicious.”
Misa placed the death note on her bed. She opened it by her laptop, and twirled her hair around. “Who cares, it’s not like that piece of evidence alone can convict me. If I let her live, she will just get in my way. So she has to die,” she said simply.
Rem sighed, “Misa...as I said, it’s not a good idea. Besides, you want this Light Yagami to trust you, right? If you kill his girlfriend that will probably anger him, and if you approached him right after he would easily figure out that it was you and that you’re the Second Kira…there’s a chance that he would kill you without even finding out what you have to offer first. Also, his girlfriend is innocent. You know Kira’s stance about killing the innocent.”
“I-I guess you’re right,” Misa pouted, reluctantly closing up her notebook. She then stood up and twirled around her room a little, “but, after I meet him, I can make him fall in love with me! I’m sure that, because I have the eyes, if he doesn’t right away, he will eventually. I can be of help to him, so I will let him use me...and while Keiko may be smart, she isn’t a model like I am!”
Rem watched as Misa floated about her room in a dream-like state. After a short while, she circled back to her bed, “heheh, just you wait, Kira...or should I say, Light Yagami, soon your Goddess will be coming for you.”
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Seventeen
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thatonekawaiigirl13 · 7 years
Who Said Death Was Easy? [Death Note] Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen: Lunch
Light’s POV:
Light had Misa come back over the following day. He made sure that no one else would be home while she was there, that way the two of them wouldn’t have to deal with his little sister trying to interfere with things again. Light couldn’t have Sayu telling Keiko that he had another girl over two days in a row. He didn’t need Keiko thinking that he was going to cheat on her, that would only cause trouble with both the Kira investigation and his personal life.
However, he needed Misa to come over again today so that they could discuss how the two of them were going to “accidentally” meet each other in front of his girlfriend. That way, Keiko and the rest of the Task Force couldn’t be too suspicious of them.
It would be even better if Keiko and Misa could somehow become friends, but with Misa’s personality, it looked like that would take a miracle. However, Light was hoping he could figure things out. After all, while Misa was dumb, she also appeared to eagerly want to do Kira’s bidding, and Keiko was the kind of person who trusted people as long as they appeared to have good intentions. He figured that even if Misa messed things up the first time around, Keiko would give her a second chance.
“Ooh, Light-kun, having me over here again so soon...it appears that you just can’t get enough of me, can you?” Misa giggled as she stepped into his room. She sprawled out on his bed, staring at him intently as he took a seat in the chair beside his desk. He saw Rem hoovering close behind her.
Geez…look at her, she’s certainly making herself at home…I can just tell right now that she’s going to be a nuisance…and she’s nothing like my girlfriend, Keiko wouldn’t have hogged the bed like that...
“Please, don’t get any ideas about the two of us, Amane-san-” he started to say, pushing his thought about Keiko aside, but Misa interrupted Light before he could finish his sentence.
“Please, call me Misa-chan, heheh,” she gave him a flirtatious smile, “it’s much cuter than Amane-san, don’t you think? Amane-san sounds so serious, so boring. Misa-chan, however, is cute and it’s flirty...”
Ugh, is there any possible way she could stop being so annoying?  
Light fought the urge to roll his eyes. Calling her Misa-chan was honestly the last thing he wanted to do, but he needed her on his side, he needed her to cooperate with him and his demands. The way he looked at it, he had no other choice but to reluctantly comply with her request.
“Fine...Misa-chan...but keep in mind that we’re here to discuss business, so please don’t go getting any particularly weird ideas,” Light responded, giving her a look, “now...we need to come up with a way for you to run into my girlfriend and I while we are out in public together...it also needs to look natural, it can’t be too staged, otherwise it would look suspicious…”
“Alright, alright, I guess I can try to be serious for you…” Misa sighed, and she rested her head on her hand, “...although I don’t like talking about your girlfriend...so we’d better make this discussion quick...Light-kun, do you have any ideas in mind yet?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact I do,” he started, “hmm...wait, actually, before we start talking about that, there’s something else we should cover first. Now, I was thinking-”
He was cut off by Misa suddenly changing positions to sit upright on his bed. She waved her hands in the air above her head.
Dammit! If she keeps interrupting me we’ll never get anything done!
“W-wait a second, Light-kun! Before you start, I just thought of something else...since we established that we are going to be working together...well...can I please see your shinigami?” Misa asked, her eyes were round and full of curiosity, “you see, I really want to take a look at him. I’m really curious.”
Light sighed and tried to hide how irritated he was at the fact that Misa had just interrupted him yet again. He reminded himself that had to maintain his usual cool and composed personality, no matter what.
Unfortunately, even though she’s super annoying, the fact is...I still need her to trust me, so I guess I have no choice but to let her meet Ryuk.
“S-sure, I suppose so,” was Light’s response, “but first, could you please turn around?”
“Alright!” Misa flashed Light a grin before happily turning around on his bed to face his wall. She started to hum as she was waiting for Light.
Light stood up and took out his wallet. He opened it and reached within the inner foldings of the fabric, taking out a small slip of paper. Light then reached forward and gently touched the paper to Misa’s right hand.
“Okay...you can turn back around now,” Light announced.
“A-alright,” Misa replied. With that, she manuerved back around on his bed and slowly met Ryuk’s dark eyes.
The shinigami then chuckled and offered Misa a friendly smile, “hyuk, hyuk...hey there! So you can finally see me, hmm? Well, how’s it going? Are you enjoying the view?”
“Ooh!” Misa squealed, excitedly waving her hands at Ryuk, “wow, look at that! You’re a completely different type of shinigami than Rem, aren’t you? I already know your name! It’s Ryuk, am I right? It’s very nice to finally meet you!”
Ryuk awkwardly attempted to mimic what Misa was doing with her hands, “uh, yeah, I suppose I am! Anyway, same here. It’s nice to have someone else that can see me, hyuk.”
Light grimaced in annoyance at the interaction. Now that the introduction had been made, he didn’t want to waste any more precious time. He wasn’t sure how long he’d have the house entirely to himself.
“Alright,” he said, once again gaining Misa’s attention. “Misa-chan...are you finally happy now? Can we move on to the important matters at hand?”
“Oh, sorry! Of course we can move on now, Light-kun!” Misa giggled, “thanks for showing me your shinigami. I suppose this means that you fully trust me now, so yay! Anyway...what was your plan again?”
“Well I will explain that in a moment, but honestly that’s not all we need to cover this afternoon. You see, after we figure out how Keiko and I are going to meet you, I will need you to make another video to send to the Task Force...it’ll have to say something like ‘I have decided to stop searching for Kira..and I’d like to thank the police department for all of their helpful advice. However, I still plan to help Kira execute his mission and someday I hope that he will see me as a worthy ally. I will begin by punishing criminals that Kira has yet to judge…’ something to that extent,” Light told her.
He paused a moment, making sure that Misa was following along before continuing on, “also I was thinking about adding ‘I plan to share my powers with those that I feel are worthy, and I will encourage them to do the same...together we will make this world a better place’. That way we will throw off the police a little with their investigation. They suspect that two people have this killing power, so it wouldn’t be a stretch for them to think that there could be others. And if they believe they can easily multiple, it’ll create a panic....so can do you this?”
“There’s no need to ask,” Misa replied, a sly smile on her face, “whatever you tell me to do, I’ll do it. I’ll do anything that you ask of me, Light-kun.”
“Great. Now, there’s one more thing that I have to ask of you. It’s the most important thing I will ever ask of you, actually...if you get arrested by the police, or if you’re ever brought in as a suspect, you can never mention anything about us or the death note. As long as they don’t get a hold of that notebook, there’s no proof that you did anything. Can you promise to keep your mouth shut?”
Misa nodded vehemently, “I can. I promise you, I won’t say a word.”
“Good. I will hold you to that, you know,” he commented, a hard look on his face.
If it came down to it, he wouldn’t hesitate to kill her. However, he hoped that it wouldn’t have to come to that, seeing as while she was annoying, she wasn’t a criminal.
Light looked over at Misa once more, “now, onto my ideas about how Keiko-chan and I should meet you…”
While Light still thought that Misa was going to be somewhat of a nuisance, he was a little pleased that it now looked like he would be able to get somewhere with her. That is, assuming she wouldn’t get distracted again. He figured this would be a long afternoon.
L’s POV:
“So...were you actually planning on checking all of the footage we got in Aoyama on the 22nd by yourself, Ryuzaki-san?” Aizawa asked the detective, an incredulous but also somewhat impressed look on his face.
“Yes, that’s right,” L responded. He was intently fast forwarding through some of the daytime footage that they Task Force had collected, “I think that it’s very likely that Kira and the second Kira made contact with each other there on that day...so I want to thoroughly check all of these tapes myself.”
“Geez...how is that even possible? How is someone like him even human?” he heard Matsuda mumble in awe behind him.
Although he knew none of the Task Force could currently see his face, as he was facing away from them, L still gave a small, sly smirk, “what a very good question, Matsuda-san...hmmm, perhaps if you put all of that curious energy you have into staying focused and working on the investigation, we could get actually somewhere.”
“Ryuzaki-san,” the detective heard Light’s father grumble, “you really shouldn’t be so hard on Matsuda-san all the time. He is, after all, a dedicated member. He’s risking his life, just like everyone else standing here in this room.”
“Heh, well when you put it that way, I suppose you’re right...anyway, Yagami-san, that reminds me. There’s an important favor I want to ask of you…” L replied, turning around to face him, his dark eyes were wide.
The chief looked over at the detective, “uh, okay, Ryuzaki-san. What is it?”
L gave him a small smile, “please ask Mogi-san to start following Light around, and keep tabs on all of his activities...what I’m saying is...I want to monitor your son again.”
Mr. Yagami looked aghast at L’s request, “w-what are you even saying, Ryuzaki-san?! You want Light followed? Again?”
“Yes,” L responded simply, “I do.”
The chief let out a deep sigh, “I suppose no matter what you won’t stop suspecting my son. I can pretty much assure you that he’s innocent, but I’ll do as you ask...however, wasn’t that what my son’s girlfriend was doing anyway? Keeping tabs on Light?”
L looked deep in thought, “yes, yes, she was...and if I asked her again, instead of Mogi-san, I know that she would say yes to my request...but the truth of the matter is...at this point, it would appear that your son has her almost completely wrapped around his finger. No matter how you look at it, it’s clear that she’s fallen for him. She also doesn’t suspect Light as much, for obvious reasons. So that’d be a problem.”
I suspect she doesn’t even realize how much she’s actually fallen for him...but I can see it whenever she sneaks glances at him. It’s glaringly obvious, and to be quite honest, for whatever reason, it’s also a little irritating. Perhaps it’s because if Light really is Kira, then he’s using her...and if he is using her, then she’s too blind to see that. She’s naive, especially when it comes to guys she likes, from what I’ve observed...it’s a flaw that could be fatal for her, if she isn’t more careful in the future...
“But isn’t that what happens when two people are together like that?!” Matsuda interrupted. There was a passionate glint in his eyes, “it’s normal behavior! It’s not a problem! And it’s not just one-sided, from what I can see...so it’s not just Keiko-chan falling for Light, Light’s falling for her as well...personally, I think it’s rather sweet.”
“Sweet or not, normal or not, whatever…can’t you see that’s not even the point here? The point here, Matsuda-san, is that I feel like Mogi-san would be the most suited for this task at the moment. While I could ask Kagami-san again...I’m not so sure how good of an idea that’d be right now...because she’s fallen for him, she will see him in a biased way,” L explained, “and no matter how cautious or careful she might think she’s being, her personal feelings would be in conflict at this point. When I first asked her to spy on Light for me, the two of them were just beginning, just starting out. So it was perfectly fine...but now she’s wrapped around his finger. In conclusion, I don’t think she would currently be much help to us in that regard anymore, not unless she were to break up with him.”
“I see,” Light’s father replied thoughtfully, “I can understand your thinking.”
I highly doubt she would break up with him anyway, despite all the warnings I’ve been giving her...she hasn’t exactly been listening to me. Whenever she’s with him, she’s practically got stars in her eyes. It’s very distracting…however, I suppose I got through to her a little bit the other day, when I got a glimpse of who she was before she was so lovestruck. Heh, on that note, it’s certainly easy to rile her up. Her reaction to me before she left the hotel room was rather...interesting, to say the least…
Matsuda sighed, “b-break up?! Ryuzaki-san, please, don’t talk like that...and what about when the three of us were in-”
“Before you ask, Matsuda-san, yes. I also had her also keep an eye on Light while in Aoyama and Shibuya, but that was fine, seeing as you were also there, and there were so many surveillance cameras around anyway. Even if she had missed something, we would have picked it up...which is also why I want to review the tapes personally,” L replied, his thumb resting by his lip.
Matsuda looked defeated. He was also a little ashamed that he had reacted to abruptly before, “geez, how’d you know what I was about to ask? But, at any rate, I’m sorry, Ryuzaki-san, you’re right, as always...what you said makes perfect sense...because Keiko-chan likes Light so much, there’s no way she would think he’s Kira. In fact, I don’t really want to think that he’s Kira myself.”
The detective gave a slight nod in his general direction and then addressed Light’s father once more, “yes. Therefore, I have to ask you to instruct Mogi-san tail your son. I would like this to be done as soon as possible because...well, it’s only a slim chance, but if Light is Kira, then there’s still a possibility that the Second Kira might have tried to contact him...or will contact him in the near future in some way. So, we need to be on the lookout for anything suspicious.”
Keiko’s POV:
“It’s a rather nice day, don’t you think?” Light asked Keiko as the two walked side by side, towards the university’s exit. They were headed towards the city. One of their professors had told them a couple days in advance that he wasn’t going to hold class that day, that he had a prior engagement he couldn’t get out of.
Due to the fact that their last class of the day had been cancelled, the two of them had decided to eat lunch off campus at a cafe in the city nearby.
“Mmm,” Keiko agreed, “it’s the perfect kind of weather...it’s not too hot, but it’s also not too cold.”
“I agree,” Light replied, flashing his girlfriend a smile.
The couple walked past the exit of To-Oh University, and headed on the sidewalk towards the city. As the two of them strolled along, Light started a rather passionate discussion on a book he had recently finished. He was giving her a play by play of all the parts of the book he disagreed with.
“Wow, even with how busy you’ve been, with your school work and the investigation, you still have time to read for fun...and then time to tear the book apart,” Keiko commented, a giggle escaping her lips, “I have to admit, I’m quite impressed.”
“Of course...I’m not called ‘golden boy’ for nothing,” Light joked. He gave Keiko a light smile, keeping his eyes on her as the two of them walked, neglecting to keep an eye on the sidewalk before him.
“W-what? Why’re you staring at me?” Keiko questioned, glancing over in her boyfriend’s general direction.
“You’re beautiful,” was his simple reply.
“Heh, thank you, Light-kun. But still, if we’re walking, you should look where you’re going not at m-w-wait...L-Light, watch out!” Keiko stuttered out.
However, it was too late. Keiko watched in horror as the scene played out before her eyes.
Light had ran into the poor, unsuspecting blonde girl who had been walking towards him. It appeared she also hadn’t been paying attention to where she was walking, and the two of them collided, sending the lunch box she had been holding all over the pavement below. There were bits and pieces of the girl’s lunch strewn everywhere within a one meter radius.
“Augh!” the girl cried, looking up at Keiko’s boyfriend, there was a rather irritated look on her face. Her light brown eyes flashed, and Keiko noticed that the girl’s hair was styled into two pigtails that were on either side of her head. Her outfit looked like something you’d see in a gothic fashion magazine. She didn’t look like she was any older than the two of them.
“This is why you watch where you’re going, and you don’t stare at your girlfriend at inappropriate times,” Keiko lightly grumbled under her breath.
“I-I’m so sorry,” Light responded, and he crouched down, picking up the girl’s lunch box, closing the containers that had opened during the crash. He then handed them to the girl, an apologetic look on his face.
“It’s fine, I guess,” the girl replied, looking Light over carefully. She didn’t look as annoyed as she had been a moment ago, “just watch where you’re going next time, okay?”
“Y-yeah, sure...well since the ground is now eating your lunch, would you perhaps like to join my girlfriend and I? I mean, I did accidentally spill your lunch everywhere...you must be hungry,” Light offered, “and we were just about to grab lunch ourselves…”
“Light-kun…” Keiko mumbled, “I’m sure that she probably has better things to do and we literally just met he-”
“Yeah, sure. That sounds good, I was pretty hungry,” the girl responded before Keiko could finish. “The name’s Misa Amane, but you can call me Misa-chan...it’s much cuter, don’t you think?” she giggled.
Keiko watched in disbelief as the girl accepted her boyfriend’s offer. In all honesty, she really didn’t want Misa to tag along with her and her boyfriend.
I had wanted to spend time with Light alone and eat a nice lunch together, especially since we haven’t really had a lot of time to do that lately with the investigation and classes in the way, but...seeing as Light now owes her, I suppose this is the least he could do. It looks like I’ll just have to deal with it.
“I’m Light Yagami, and my girlfriend’s name is Keiko Kagami,” Light explained to Misa. who gave a slight nod.
Keiko cracked a smile and gave a polite wave to her, and Misa gave her a half wave in return. She almost felt like Misa’s action was strangely a little cold, but she brushed it off. After all, they were strangers who had just met each other.
With that, the three of them headed off towards the little cafe, which was located just a block away from where they had been standing.
“Ahh, that was good!” Keiko heard Misa say, and she looked up to see the petite blonde girl patting her stomach, “thanks for inviting me along, Light-kun.”
“No problem, I hope this makes up for what happened earlier,” Light replied, offering her a slight grin in return.
Keiko forced a pleasant smile herself, but she didn’t like how this girl was already using Light’s name informally. In fact, she didn’t really like the girl at all. Keiko knew that first impressions weren’t everything, but so far, she wasn’t that impressed by her. It appeared that there wasn’t much in common between the two of them.
Quite frankly, she found Misa’s antics to be rather annoying. She also suspected that Misa was crushing a little on Light, which wouldn’t be that surprising to Keiko, as she had grown rather used to girls fawning over her boyfriend. However, she wasn’t worried about Light being unfaithful, from what she could tell, he only had eyes for her. The only thing that was bothering her in that regard was Misa’s overly dramatic behavior.
“So, I hope you don’t mind me asking this, Light-kun,” Misa started, “but I was wondering...how exactly did you and your girlfriend get together?”
Keiko’s eyes snapped up, away from her empty plate, and onto the girl sitting in front of her.
While there was an innocent look on her face, Keiko could sense the possible deeper meaning behind her question.
Yeah, I don’t think there’s any denying it at this point...Misa might have a thing for my boyfriend. If that is so, then it’s clear she’s just trying to figure out who she’s up against...however there’s no way Light would fall for her; she’s nowhere near his type. She’s way too flashy, too loud, and from what I’ve gathered, she isn’t that bright. It’s clear that she relies a lot on her good looks, rather than on her abilities, to get through life...ugh, of all the people Light could’ve ran into, why did it have to be her? It’s making me rather uncomfortable…
Keiko let out a soft sigh.
If she was nice to me, then perhaps I would be more able to tolerate her. Being kind can go a long way. However, she’s being so rude. She’s making no attempt to get to know me, which has me thinking she’s after Light...that or another free lunch from him.
Light opened his mouth to respond when all of the sudden, his cell phone went off. He fished it out of his pockets and flashed an apologetic look at Misa, “uh, I’m sorry. I have to take this, it’s probably really important. Excuse me for a moment.”
That means it’s probably either his father or L on the phone...I wonder what’s going on, are there new developments with the investigation?
“No, no, that’s fine,” Misa gave Light a soft smile, brushing a stray strand of hair out of her eyes, “take all the time you need.”
Light gave a curt nod at her, and then stood up, walking towards the entrance of the cafe. Much to Keiko’s dismay, she was now totally alone with Misa.
Wonderful…just what I wanted, to be left alone with the girl that wants to possibly hijack my boyfriend. Speaking of Light, he’d better get back here soon.
Keiko gave another soft sigh, studying the glamorous girl sitting across from her. Since Light was now outside, the girl had taken out her own cell phone to text. Although it was rude to text at the table, Keiko was oddly glad, because that meant she wouldn’t have to make awkward conversation with her.
Instead, Keiko spend her time scrutinizing the girl in front of her. While Keiko was studying her, she noticed that her fingernails were perfectly manicured. She also noticed that she had a black choker around her neck and cross earrings.
Amazing...like I said earlier, it’s like she stepped out of a gothic fashion magazine...
“If you take a picture, it’ll last longer,” Misa commented in a tone of voice that was much too fake for Keiko’s taste, “heh, on that note, I could even pose for you. I’m used to doing that...I’m actually a model. You see, I was coming back from a shoot when Light-kun ran into me...”
Well that definitely explains the outfit...and her entitled attitude, for that matter. Maybe she isn’t after Light, maybe that’s just her personality...
Fortunately, Keiko didn’t have to respond to her, because the little bell chime on the door went off, signaling that Light had stepped back into the cafe. He headed back towards their table but he didn’t sit back down.
“Well, it’s been fun, but I’m afraid that I have to go. Actually, my girlfriend and I both have to go now, Misa-chan,” Light announced, glancing first at Keiko then at Misa.
“Aww, alright,” Misa pouted a little, “but we should totally hang out again soon! Today was a lot of fun.”
Keiko almost swore for a moment she had seen a flash of annoyance on her boyfriend’s face, however it was quickly replaced with a friendly smile. Light then paid for their meals, and the two of them said their goodbyes to Misa, which Keiko was quite happy about.
Finally...I thought that lunch would never end. Geez, she’s hard to deal with. Model or not, what’s her drama?
“So...who was on the phone?” Keiko questioned, switching gears as she and Light were back on the sidewalk. Now that the two were alone, she figured it would be okay to ask.
“It was Ryuzaki-san...apparently, while we were eating lunch, there was another message sent to them from the Second Kira...he wants us to meet him at headquarters immediately.”
“H-huh? Is that so...another message? Well, that didn’t take long,” Keiko commented.
Light nodded in agreement, grabbing her hand, “yeah. So the sooner we get to headquarters to investigate, the better.”
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
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